HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1903-05-15, Page 3�W' ­ , . 1, f��" �--W­Fqw -, - V I I rf.FlFll.1�11111!111- " " - l'-. ' � ' � V714" - . � .Mwww ww""'W I-Vir!"'., - I " ­ .. '" w7ww""' lig, . �Ir . , __ — , I �T ,7­rwwl'�, . 11 I � I � . � I 7v-lr , — r"V'W"W�,7111 '' . I I k �,*: '. � . 11 "7 � ' I 'er , 11 X`II1V_T1TWM_1W. P. I , , , -1 7-7 . , I., 0 1 . 0 . � —C."_0 I", I , , �. I ,� 1 , �. " I . . i . I I I 11 11 . . I I . � . 11 . � 1. I . � . 1. 1, � . I .:, I � I I 11, .1 .1 I 1, � 11. 1. 1� � I " 'A . I I .... I . � 11 I � ­ . � 1. 11 I . �, I I I 1, . � I . � I I �, I �.l , , - . � �, I I . I . .. I I 1 I I qJ? , 0 ,� � I I � . I I 11 11 I , * I I . . 1, � I ... ­ I '. . . � ,. 1, I I I I ", " : . . . I , . It, 'i I . I I 1, _� I I . 1� I � . . .1, � . ­-, _'� I I I I .1 �.. 'i I I I I I I I 11, . I I . . � . . � I ,, 11 �1, I . I . I I I . . 1, . I I I I . � 1� . I . � � . � . ­ - , ­__ " - 1, -___.­­V��­` - I . , . . .1 I . I I . I 11 I � � ,*­­ _-.1-r-OP101104.1� -1- �. ­�. , 111111-111-1 ­­­ ­_­ . Ji , I I I I 1:1 �, I 1, ,. � I . . �, !!, I I _--111-,_1_--. ..., - "'.111., .. ',�j�, _�.�­­­�__,_.--___,��_. _�__ . _ . � I � .. 11 I 1. -11 I. � 11 M" I - � I.." I., I � 1. 11 I 11.1 1.11-1. ­­� , " , " . . I " I �, � I i 11 � ;7" , . . . i i ---.q-,:-A �­ .. ,. �­,, ��­­ V , ­ I ­ I - I � Ill"" � I . _� �_ , . 11 - .1 . " ! I = . �r'Lp"",!!Mh, I I ��,,�,-�"I'T.r�.,��.,7"-";,�,,!�7 ;�; ,7,;Z-- i I i, .. � I ,417!*171,7- �7� �;� .,;_.�,I­L­.�,,.� _-��E­'*,, ­ I I . I . , lalrol; ONTANO ISU DQ ' 1Q P . ..... ,. IWAR ox R I ... A :1 .... i I ... ,,,, jjjjjjj I , I 11 q � , I I ;__ '� - , 1 ". 44*000111l, 00(14 1110,441VA01 Aftho, 1" I , ., .."Vg lilis I nll�- al,�Iulit � uliv,ilils ).*, xt"Irk,* OR "flot, milvorso,115NIA0.04.11 . ot �� . I I � I . 'TuRgill I , vrr"04 1 1 . I 1. � I ^_V�'"v _*j!:�JZStoo PARD IlifivAtrol 6141% 1 'F�l � 1011-00, I . . 'Nolatwl oplaied, idippkog 4140 141041,9 U - �� 01�,4' I)et"" "L"gcr4 for pilIrlitoll 1 1 , ' . %A -%A,�,A. 4%4� � I -- , , I" *P5 l I 'T= TAAVS SAIS, FLOMOMP , , . I � - . . � .11 . #-( - I I I, . I I 01*- �, .. . r I . 004A INTRODUOU 1), . �, I I vilkilunigulilt(ly AW1, wilklopr. **A�00 S"t, r � I 1K, k"4V9ng0ko,, 11A, I I �jmoo U* VeOpIs'li A_'*]P'rg0""tAV" ist L The tolJOW40f; i T�m UAVRA, 00-014',�*X- - The Boup � � 1. . i An' V10141. VOJX010r, tito itlilk, 41�Quld, - ( . � 111i � , Rail *91.11101 0 bill* ere 1hiltroduc. , IN . L ,g V90% %, T�� " $,took, , � . �, 11 I , _"'; %%X 14-A" . , .4 . . r � . N'. r9lio, Oil, Q. 9i hOOP , , tuo w4i1#44 Q41404. � 11 11 " f, I 0 f1le, pqqI#d by ixttbag 00 VAIIIA 41' � " - o Do . a' . I , � , �, , b*,d �qk an NIX Or 00410k bade, , , ed still read, Is rot time � _." , 11 I 0.,,�� !", , I _ _­ .1, I . 00 . . � . . ,4 , , _ �,P,�aay , , ,,, -wVW# Or, I I _ ____ X. PLIM"', . " " - I ­_ - 'J ­ -h-- ­-)�''­ ' ­10lift'41 ­­ '' ' . Mile Vol . ".. . - -11-1. lltW 114--s Tho. x1ritivulwill,v'Ut afitoplatAbot ; ­ 11 ,�, 1k, W1 41, Wilt I l,�., ..... , , I , . %-. vitry-iii .111vor ,­�7­.­­­- 1 . ­_­," ,,, z, , ,, � 4,411s, to go , � 11 L ;-44 � lioug. on . inotill � "ll", � W-1,10140004,, I . 0 #0 going. . , .,, TMSKAIONQ RAILWAY, - . � , � , " . I. � �. i ,� [L' fhalk:-�_ , , � li cR . 444 13 , hiadam A %yore v, RoAlwo 00,-3 � 0-"O� 1V I l � � , �Iw ' , , 1�. . I 4.4 . ,rAtQ 4 RX1464 40Q, *X44 -r* 0 W's 464 Omitted to its $tl, Chver. Traffic ip the central . , . � :V, . I ,-q � r4N I I I � 0 1 i, p ilt VOO, Ill Of _01 I . al Sl%t��.-jd kdO T4Vt!!l 4 . _�prpqr,mlltol the Cardiff R%Ilwv,-Y 111MAXOTUFF.S, jl L. �% r 'xy� night's *4 Sot .0 It . .,� . So.udaa. L � � , . los* � for vhOoIl -4 . rtirtleg" To' "litir" VII101404, 14r. Xmithose,74 *mW -"Jo What To 44 , " " " 9 � . shou 27th CO.; reep 111,10.0 1.1 0 mI14 . Id %lu tzoolodAtk wouludordin �Ifhto or othO,rWt$4� In a4iquilit has b"g 1poLd 14P to _eptlirig the U , , odivirip Hut . . . ak;w%490.1 I � , Cli'mov. , .- ._ I L Ivithin th at tq�` - � . . . I . to past, three Ifloutua Uri- Toronto. M,Ay, I . 91. . ,, ' to comoo. 91 heir lirci.fonstomill 10- April, 19.03, O unt Ot ourveY j14 Nq�t wAlway pg.- I . � . � . . til 4%0. �Z% M 40;4, g Ill 0, cool cQuer "A' 1� 1"', a I tit , h", Alborta it tiall, troops voller S �, t2. - :06 and " I � , . I L 1�11;E�l �1 � Aft 0`0 AN84.1W. " , t, �ove )Lt 4, Ow Watt, t �40' orls, mu"roororis. ore, tb . -71ji; for no. 3 red . : 1. Q. � vd, wit .An robo� or I i4he, liqviiii, Ito . , _o serv1q,", of a grallutittod our- itko construction of the, Tilivalakam- Mr. L9pp,, M have put an end to the suprolli- I ' Ltill Mplit'IL'ay" futto Iii. , , NO Wea gison,plryatcl . , L white east or middle fiviAto, 09000 I � , art, wgro qxt4adod This tog ,Rslow", ,Q,, Whiar, gimount Of Respecting the lillain end HQLYQ* -111, � ,4._lIl, L 't l., r . " 1. , . 0, g I 1. 110 AINIQ 4"Or air w kill, . , , "" � � . an d , lat AlCnq . I , .Argliarp, "traot bus , . _ ,� Ocla. utarillilo, - . " - bond*, guqran U%"ay Co. -Mr. Fowler, of the Niger River, in the Central Spring wheat Is ,ateady, at '704 (Or , - I di , � � M of tit*. Ut'lli of Sokoto. east is steady flit, ()OQ for No, a east, I dIscovqrWir qx1d turilis out to be. at lattei , Atletuall. Was a,moorabor of toed by i � w,A4l,;,h, f, . .. , I j,kQt,�n,tlA$lyJtAiL. , , L tio� stirikI, I Tqllk cans and palls khQuld be WQm4,I' nmQJ the Barones o ... L el's ou hold Iliad was qaltgh� luilvo Imp PRU by thq commission- =XOTIONS ACT. , . Ill A ll"*1% alld 11111(fill 4 '( V land tho Soudan. They have also Occupied No, I and 69c for Ile. 2 140st. M0,111011 IpAkrol Aliib 'ill&, ipra inixt,uttl4'' _ OLIP'L % rlcr�_ o no. M-, I'kitzpatrickta-bill to au L t"lle! NV,AVh4zZd Nvi � L YQVXG ,Did.: 41, vgritablo. A pircilaitiOlug XiloWbor erg of 0414 Tait wo ?*, I � r 0, r�ty WrANt kilreli will. dick, to ilont L Of D I Controverted Elections the famous town of K&n0 and Oub' toba wheat is firmer. 'No. I hilit4,14 � . , V,acni, lVatpr in wIllqh IN little. litedill L Morgan AIR respect to kilite-PAQ413. !of e edic I prolegiAlon.' he had The re%y oL the Commissioner omitticin. . I I:t.'Aj,v,���itu�tl"i)qttol.,tt,o,��1)1$4za " ljlts­disr�olvoll, then, agalit Awl 'plikim, darIIIg_br,Q%4,q"v OA Y19 im, hle lIgggipri ter 1pp� Iliblic V,4 jected its sultan. Tbo, British tiag quated at lake ports at We t4 8.210 . I - _-'(1- Ist, f X41 _ad Ina - . o . P It 'weA that tho. returns Act was read a third time and to now suprelius in the great #-u to 1:04114t'i � r9t. , 0 . 11 �� LeMd SQ",r& but pgbved. to L 8),JQ. . , uuut,U-ml .19), I ugolla-ut of persotifi't end, 4APP. l - ,4 years " trry and No. I northern alt Ole , 1011',tholl, sides In the sun. Can" and 11YAW and we ter AprAl witrol..not read et. of the Hausa tribes between the , , ,. Qr IXA;41 ' lost Ill P.6 secret Wactice , Flour -Is steady. OjWa of 90 POV I" P Qt4r k4 on old� ridsor 71 at , o' �,41;11�1 14111 toov .. 49 KoOrllld with salt o ys a , . ago e4talb.1,141if . o,ture, to *rch 91 UILITIA FrPNSION ACT. � I 111 tilt, �Yhjlfi the nlJ4tL 41,abultis M. � palls ullould 175.OQO trancq in govo,rtimptit bonds simong criminals, whom lie tended In he Militia Pon- Niger and ttake Tchad. cent. patents are qu6tectat 0.2.67*. . ; ocegoollolly woks Location, $40.805-95. ; c011atruc- The bill to amend t one 91 tile most significant "- . I 14 roulplon"On 01V I I by sit avionylixotmis midnight visitor. , to $2.70 In buyers' bags iodlol 41n. It 14 lit b * 0 t hoi%ild CANRR at 1,110'ess and Injury, whoo tion. 41449 279t.43, Total. 448O.- I oi,n Act, was also put through the -a relating , . , , ' 9 ,belioge .lip I A rusty can 0 final stages. It provides that a civil nouncelnents in a long tim. the Choice brarlds are, AIM cij� Jul, Alak the factorY� I As he bad thq uumbere, the paporp n arrested going freights. Irfa�tr ulat 1. d kt�,ep the noy__ Ito end inillc to L _ they might have bee tJ5.38, to Africa is the atutotnent in to 20c higher. Mati I . , 11 qy 4 Ji'lu InAwt. � I Sticcogsful Ilairving cart be sum- Were quickly located In a banker's to an ordinary physician. Madame ROAD STANDARD. servant who afterwards becomes an Ler,don srilues that tire British now , Itoba. flour 10 . I I R o li�ords--Dt) Clev - , offigo. Tho. loon 09 WAQ,Ltupy' laughed hired the doctor by the year. for- steady at 64.10 to 84.20 for cars of e IXI.9011",, .in face. ,bade him to piq�ctice outside. and Mr. Sutherland wauted to know officer In the permanent force or propose to make an and, once for Hungartall patenui, . and $8.80 to . J)u no� tioltic the tjroo,. Cover the j!n tile police lillutchant's had to headquarters staff. shall have credit- all, to slave raiding and the alavo , At. trull, or twilia �,vith Itilst, I I — 'Stolen? Imposolblet, I boughit Lp tically got ft limit to his Use. what the standard of Lit road $13.90 for strong ba�ers'. bags in- ' TO DEV =,.O.P DAIRY MARKET. r to before the municipalities could ed to his militia pension the oAuount trmfflc throughout the Hausa coun- tobvWri, bild. do 'lot w44h' theill Wltl� I . tligge Iiiiiiii,4v frOM one Of our mos itainess, allowing him to purchase be kerlitit and obtain their proportion of the Good he blis paid into the Civil Service t, eluded, on tire track Toronto. . . v. millf,pord--le steady at $17 for cars 4 U'l,01dQN0, Two flghk 110 thor- i ­vlhAlt CaI4 be done,to 40yellOP tile estoejtj�d and highly co�mocted cus- the latest surgical instruir SuperimunIation Fund. I The overshadowing evil of the con- o I L ilgh 0'roybigs are Mora Pollitficiul, dairy market ?" All AW answer to tomers, practice the most expensive cures. Heads Fund- f aborts and $15 for bran In bulk 'An OnUL �V"I�hlilk' und' require very, thi * %Ile (ollowing is olTerod by the "Her name? Why, of course, Mgd� The police suspect that the doctor All the information asked for, Mr. LORD DUNDONALD.., tral Soudan Is slave raiding and the enat or middle freights. Manitoba t.tlol more Ilijuld anti, only, little, , I polio also tilay have rendered advice in Latchford answered, Ayes contained on motion to go into supply, Mr. tratlic in slaves. up to this ytter, L . . Illinois experitillent, station. arng the Baronepit do Gordoue. mill(eed is steady at 15II) for care of . . . 1i jrgt, and fortrillost Produce Q high, Bt. -0161 palaco. Rue Riii poisoning cases and means for comr- An the report of the Commissioner of Bourassa brought up the question of the evil has been entirely unchocked 111ro 11,11,11, troes free frolp, dead 111114 CluFS, 'artICAQ I I Clol pulses used to be the home Of mitting murder by poison, which, as Mghw%Yp for 1901. public statements made by Lord by any CAuclRatan in(luence; and nhortH arid $17 lovabran. Sucks In- 111 -11t.9 11 I such a r Dundonsild and relations between the of eluded. Toronto freights. ..,,w,,,4-,-- ­W1,011--u.-IIII),04ing, I 11ut_,Vp�jdulry'_prQA rv� ,QAo_A4,A1Ar1Q_ AnIqAxiett.e'a favorites, M_p , ,L _ 49 would have no trou- TAXATION BILL. re is probubly no other part 11 Duckwheat-Is nominal at 42c for .9ef" - - tilt , ticift-1 - L- , ­­­&. -,- hyfil. " � . . _. L . of equt*t size, whom.the aLay - . ­_ -- p, As to 164ve tile Rurfaco flush with I innnner that the cotisuir.or ji ril -get and the r�pllt iurniolinta .'to m(WO ,t an his in propliring. _Premler�'110'98' Municipal ta7xutivn -ific ' '(,%nvIjR-nder­ or- tho - military -Afriea� . "go. 2 east. .. Ilo baKk rro�'.,,%:0,49 4tIA45 AQv99 the originnl� Ijlwkug11�.L � , I .10 000 fruu4 per eirintivil, StIllt t4e . __4__ bill was read a second time, and forces and the Minister of Militia. trade in recent years had flouTished Barley -Is steady at 43c to 44c for ' y, I 4 sell bX r lle�tuatitit b4d Ilia doubt.. and do- was referred to a select committee, The trouble came not from tile choice all in the Hausa countr. No. 3 mid oul ovej:, but beccilul Courccs Of ,4tandardAze and I. . g� ado and ADRIFT IN AN ANGRY'SEA. the slaves are obtained. 3 extra and 4Uc for No, - rpuble, Inter. Faint till cut 4111"faCOR brand., PI L Lactico honesty atill have ,ided to pursue the bird, no matter . — consisthig of Messrs. Barber, Gibson. of officer.4 commanding the forces. Most of f Ifausalarlid, but the frelighta. . � rt sQ 11tow'firpetocis the cage unit how beau- Rescue of Crew of Latchford. McKay, Pattullo, Pause, lint irom detective ayatola. !-Is ro- n0t front Outside 9 11ye--le steady at 52c for No. 3 ,3, Soon 41-11 lilade -, thil�, ri"Al 110!illgrades exactV AS Tre Ilted- nelglibors L Thrilling Pottypiece, Preston, Stock, Tudhopo. from Hausa villages and towils Tho - potter. Alto. ticsilet devay 10UP11 longer. ! Cuarautee I stAl"vallUds and Invite irt-'tiliul the. plilimage. The S�e French Fishing Brig. forred to tile speech inade by Lord f diseases Or Insects ' al'O sut"10" spection. � IL I harl:14, knoW her ladyship, as Lee DusV, Beek, Caracallen, Foy, Dundonald at the St. 0corgo's Day capture belong to tile same t"ibe, cast. �� not -Vult but Spray irramptl t 4 ' Publish the exact meaning of dig -,Nva A.despatch from Now York says : Runnel banquet at Hu'llilt011, in which he arid race art the persons they oil- Coni -le steady at 10c for Cona, y o ,is iseld, pi seen on root, and had so I'loyle. Powell, Macdiarmid. ult is that the coun- dian mixed or yellow west. Anti aullito.14, cout.A.V1 , L I forent grades ni--d nnike people Intel- far'reft.?1ned front cal)hig - probab- -Twenty-three survivors of the and Whitney. -or was exceeding slave, The ro* . InseCta iLro inj * ,, L ' I L'' . I ture free- ly because she thought herself above crew of the French fishing brig Ile do tile contended the oft. try has prtLotictOly been Ili I, con- can corn Is steady ; No. 3 mixed Is . .1 midus (JL11or On ac- utting out litera . � I n ond rea,ding, his authority. He wits not the pro- quoted at 50ic asked and No. 2 yel- ' l I � f Terre Nouve. of St. Servean, France. Premier Spoke on tile salient features per person to make public announce- on 0 �ounf .of tile actual destruction of. iy to educ to them. Rue Rouilly the of tile measure. Part of the report PERPETUAL CIVIL WAR. a Toronto ,. llp.ilt jt�;,r the Ihsects (borora. 11 laces where I inen s -Are steady tit 80c for No. 2 . ,ups by lairy products Vl$V11ORk3 CALL AT NIGHT. reached here on Wednesday on It as to the military policy of t IlLny tittle in Out* I -1 - !aterpillors.,ote-Y, with ,'the oolisq- 'are produced'or manufactured should - --Does She receive niany visitors?" German-Amorlean petroloull, . Com- of the Commission, is Included Ili the the country. That wis the business A petty Billion ft w hito high freights, and 80ftr middle Inellt loss of plant substances ; Or have stand do of cleanliness and be Never ittildaytime, as far us had been puny's steamer Phoebus, from Haiti- bill, tho Premier explained. of the Minister of Militia, the likely to recolve a Inesuage front his freights ; No. I white era quoted at LL 11 the observed, but at night the grout burg. The Ile do Torre Neuve was one feature to which specitlil tit- political head of the dopurtment. superior lord ordering trial to Bond I )u account of the drain' upon open to inspection. , a 32di and No. 2 white at Sle east. vitality of the plant through the — dining-roctia, where the ill-fated swept by a hurricane April 26. and tontion was aallod was the definition Sir Frederick Doi -den, Minister of at, once a certain number of &I yes (liatineild-18 fittraidy at $8.50 for I queen used to� feast. and the grand seven ,,tell were washed overboard. of tile terms "lanB," "real property" Militia; did not agrec, with Bour- oil pain of having his own towns oss of sap (San Jose scale. etc.) * T LAND VALUABLE. " of bags and $8.65 for barrels )r by tile Inte"(01'011cc Oth root .� ;FORES salons that attIrActed the cilto Of Of these four were rescued. Three- and "real , estate. a nong other asga lit his 6-1ticisin of Lord Dull- raideld. He accordingly selects some vars [eat activity by colonies of illsects , evolution were days later, the wreck was sighted by things included being "al' village within )its territory or out- oil tile track here, and 25c more for � Were all the materials yielded by gamblers before the r I machinery- donald. There was nothing to coill- ulotly broken lots. � �root and Wat lice.) Each group of the wood lot counted at their full brilliantly lit up, and carriages ar- the Phoebus, and the survivors were fixtures, buildings. structures and plain of in Lord Duadonald's utter- side of it, against which lie q vel._ Poets -Are firmor at 68c for No. 2 1�� insects. is controlled by special valde, I believe the wood lot would rived as late as 8 or 4 o'clock In -d or Dun- sonde a force largo anough to o , t,llo most importantleaturo taken oil board the Steamer. The other things existing. erectc slices, and tie iliought Lord collie all ,-osistatice, attac lo freights, 62c high Ivelittits i ruethods be rated the morning. brig was set on fire. placed upon, Ili, over, nuclei,. or and at 64c east. . '; donuld had no intention uf uSurfling ,� Caterpillars and, all Leaf Eating of the farm, says Prof. John Gif- An hour after midnight the Ban- Captain Schierhorst, of the Phoo- aflixed to, land or any highway, authority. town (Llid carries off the inhabi- . , ,� Insecto,-Spray with Paris green or ford. F,jr a large portion of the tenant let himself and twelve Police- bus, says he sighted the helpless road, street, lane or public place. FIRST READINGS. tants. oil the COUNTRY i, men Into the palace by means of in Those who resist are killed PRODUCE. � Bordeaux Paris green. Repent, at year at least, wood Is the common ariners at th ree o'clock In the or water, but not the rolling stock 11rispecting the Interprovincial and Spot und the remainder tilre nioxched Butter -The offerings In ull grades � : (seven to tell farm fuel. The fence problem is also hkeleton keys. The vestibule was orning. A lifeboat was launched of any railway or street railway." I frequent intervals . of voices and tit on James Bay Railway Company. -Mr. ,way in letters, Many of them days) it necessary to control. For an impgrtant one, and the farmer pitch dark, but sound with great ditIlLulty, owing to the There is a provision for a tax continue to increase. and the de - asparagus bootie, add reblit solution who produces his own fence material clatter of glasses ond porcelain in- heavy sea. Finally the rescuers special franchises. I Ila I erm, ineuMing Talbot. have liven included In tile annual ..ad all round is fairly active, and . to Paris green and Spray as below. saves an important outlay. The dicated that there was high revelry reached the brig and found 28 men l,t,v,,ry right, authority o permis- RcsPilcting the Quebec Bridge Com- tribute pto.Nable to the SuIttun of SO- ,, on the floor above. Following the pany.-Mr. Talbot. koto, while others are sent to sonic especially so Ili the best grades, The Curculio.-Spray with arsonaltu of fences on a farm often represent huddled aft. The brig wits dismast- sion to construct. maintain or d or quality of the offerings, howevor. �. a sounds, the cops reached a d blo Respecting the n - central Slave market to be sol -..'i- - 4 land in spring. If EvSrious later, 'larger cash outlay Oidn the land it- and without ado enteredoure- ed and, as she lay Ili the trough of 1 -re"" ithin Ontario, Ili, under, - t the towli of their e ap- does not seem to keel) up to the I � The I o or through tiny highway, geon, and Pontypool Railway Coin liken back to catch adults by jarring insects from relf. I door. the sea, she rolled frightfully. above, oi,7 mark. This to owing to the present . a __+_ volvers in hand. They saw an opu- boat was brought under Uler-stern road, street, lane. public place or parry. -Mr. Hughes. t o rs. tvolpd in time being between seasons In fee& I 4eptroy. This should be done in AR. lently sot table, lit up by ancient of the wreck und a line was passed public water, any such structures, or Respecting the Nopigon and Grand When C. H. Robinson trc lr� me id in&, Quot.stleas show air easier In- 0 , IT WILL MEAN W silver candelabra, empty champagne of Island Railway Conipany.-Mr. Dy- 14,ausaland S, few yeare ago I ( Parly morning. Repeat sit frequent — bottles In plenty, and around the to her. other things for the purposes mon I. , `0 tilat about one thoulattid 81LIVOs wore' ciii&tion in creacnarisra. ,I, intervals (daily, if necessary) to con- Ituasia's Attempt to Establish Na- festive board nine ge,atlenion in even- The crew were huddled together. bridges, railways, trailiwaym, or for Respecting the Torunto a,nd I-Idmil- brought into Kuno on a mingle cc- Creamery, pirints... . .. .22c to 000 i. Some jumped overboard and were the purpose of conducting steam, ilave-rudding do solids.., ... , - . .... _19c to 20c � trol the pest. val Base in Persia. Ing cirbse, who were at once reCog- ton Railway Coulpany.-Mr. Caulp- casion as a result of it � i --The peach borer may bol ized as persons who, occasionally hauled into the boat. Four trips 4eat, water, gas, oil, electricity, or bell. - expoldition. Between Kuno and Dairy largo rails, choice 16jo to 17ja � 4 Borers. A despatch from London says :- n wore made by the lifeboat crew, and any property, Substance or product un, of do pound rolln. choice 17ic to l8c il located by the holes close to or just Lansdowne has had their pictures taken by the po- of the capable of transportation, transinis- Respecting certain trust funds Ili Dida he passed it large n bet, �4 below the surface of the boll. They Foreign Secretary lice. The other Inalo, guest wore a soori (lawn the captain the Diocese of %luoscruicre.--Mr. Osior towns and villages that had rocent- Cheeso--Theru Is wore stock com- proclaimed a British blonroe Doc- the wreck and went sion or cutivvyanco. for the supply of ustroyed. arrai whose it,- ing forward and prices are slightly � may be killed in April or Septem- trine in the PCtSIdn Gulf, and has workman's blouse and shabby hat, brig set fire to tit water, light, heat, poWor, trans'pov- Respecting certain patents granted ly been of . lower at 18c for large and 13ic for 1i ber by cutting out-witill a knife or notified the competing while on the back of his chair hung aboard the steamer. Ili his accou P. Demers and others. -Mr. Oal- habitants had been no,ld as slaves �, In practically - tation. telegruphic, telephonic or to �� by running wire Int'o the holes. a discarded false beard. There of the wreck, he said a large steam lery. This was done not by foreign in- twins. �� the case of the appio twig borer, the powers that any attempt on their were also two ladies, dressed in a or passed in the night of April 28 other service." n the liamilton, Der- vadel-13, but by the St;ltan In whose Eggs -Continue fairly firm, with I bored twigs should be cut out and part. to establish a naval bus�e r style 6t for a hundred -francs box at and replied to a distress signal, but WHAT ARE EXEMPT. the townn were included. 18c por dozen quoted. I ; hn and Collingwoud Railway Coin- territory � destroyed during -lime. Other bor- fortified post in those waters ;VZ the grand opera, 'only more decol- on account of the heavy gafe was One of the first clauses or the bill pany.-Mr. Cowan. 11. fo,n,d that blu%es are to a Potatoes --The mar'llet to steady. �, . era are controlled by similar, me- war with Great Britain. I late. While each of the police agents obliged to proceed. When the wreck deals with exemptions, and to this To incorporate the Columbia Rival, large extent the clirroney of the arid prices have a firmer feeling. I th6cls. -I say without hesitation " said red his man, the officer stepped was abandone,ol she had six feet Of subject attention wits directed by dnyL-Mr. Ualli- country A native wilt) it' ul)Qut to Cars on tho track here are quoted - the Foreign Secretary, deali�g with cove Improvement OoLLLP Flea Bettles.WFor ties bettlea use up to the woman at the head of the water Ili the hold. Tile brig won Air. Ross. lit addition to the ex- her. travel us,ually takes with him Slaves at $1. to $1,05, and potatoes out Paris green mixed with air oinked the subject In the mouse of Lorde table and, with a polite bow, asked: about thirty years old, and carried emptiolls oil Crown property and To incorporate the St. Joseph proporttOleatO In number to the of store sell tit $1.20 to St -25. on Wednesday evening, "that we "The Baroness de Gordoue, I be- a �nioall cargo of salt. churches, tbere is a sub-gectioli deal- . LENGTH OF los JOURNEY. Baled flay -There is plenty of stuff lime, flour or planter (one part of should regard the establightnent of lieve?" Ill Ing with educational institutionH. Transportation Company -Mr. Lei- offering. "d the market is qu*ted the poison to twenty or thirty of � a naval base or a fortified port In "Correct" - this in a loud voice, ' The buildings and grounds of col- gan. Alter traveling perhaps 100 11141cs, ce, at flour or plaster), dusted on NNIPEG ON MAIN LINE. To incorporntp the Southern Cell- Ile will sell a slave and then travel unchanged at Si) per tell for r I a the lime, in the morning� Repeat the Persian Gulf by any other power, and in an undertone: "Send away W1 legeo. schtols nivot universities are to will sell on the track here, the foliage Its a ve British your men and everything will be — ti,al Pacific Itallway Couipany,-Mr. another 100 iniles, when lie Baled Straw -Is stearly and on - at short intervals if necessary- or- The Grand Trunk Pacific Hag Out- be exetupted its lung its they Rare Logan, a second, anti thus by the Little 1143 Plant Lice -For plant lice, interests, and we should certainly Satisfactorily explained and - actually ubed and occupied by uch CITINES14, POLLL TAX. rcturrim hunto he will have sold all changed Lit $5 per tou for car lots use resist it with all the means at our ranged." lined Route. InNtitutions. but not otherwise. and U 11 I*espoctiog his slaves and devoted the money W on the track here. kerosene emulsion (15 PerL cent) Eta disposal." ARREST OF THE BARONESS, A despatch frtoa�m Montreal says :- provision I, made for "every other To committee on I ay pitying the expenses of his Journey ' repeating as In ' ed this ex- Instead of answer the lieutenant According to a plan Issued by the School Or Seminary of leartung." xtlluulll price for a 14-yoar- BUFFALO GRAIN MARKETS. soon as noticed, ' ' Rose Lord Lansdowne preced o Chinese ILIlLnigration, Sit- Wilfrid The ma be necessary oto control. e a - P"c't ellu noclation of British 1) licy put his hand om, inadam's naked Railway Company, the which is conducted in conformity Luturier explatned that the only al- In Ku.no is ubout $85 to -Flour firva. leaf" tobacco xtract inay b b by a review of the Situation there, Grand Trunk teratiun front the Old bill was a Old girl , titan o f IS bringn Buffalo, May 12 mitted, If desired, especially in as it &fleets British interests. shoulder and pronounced her under Grand Trunk Pacific line will pass with the regulationa laid down by, provision to raiso the Chinese poll $5(). A young (one part to sixty or con- arrest, but at that moment a man, straight through the City of Winni- the Province. The buildings and ,,,,, aino,ut Sao, a man of :10 about AI2U- Wheat, Spring quiet : No. I north. greenhouses tend, hg that so far as the naviga- carrying a revolver, broke from a peg, and from the latter point tile grounds exempt under the bill shall. tax front Sloo to 35oo The the price decreasing an the age ad- ern, c I f , 131c; No, I hard, 85c , seventy of water). tion of the Persian dulf is concerned closet: -Your life if you hurt mad- line will run in a nurtliwevterly dl- however, be liable to be aases�ed for was read a third time and pasioed, vances. w Intel' steady, No. 2 white, Ole; No. Scale Inspects -Scale Insects are Great Britain holds a position dif- nine." The slugger was quickly rection through the Saskatoon dig- local impruvenients ill the same titan- BILLS INTRODUCED. This is one of the more thickly 2 red, 79ic Corn quiet; No. 2 yel- controlled by caustic s0lutiOns, Be 4erent to that of the other powers, overpowered and soon the whole trict ,to Battleford. From the let- tier slid to the Sallie extent as other The following bills were introduc- peopled parts of Africa. and It will low, 51c, No, 2 corn, 48c. Outs that it is often necessary to treat both because it was owing to British gang writhed on the floor, bound ter point a branch will be construct- land. ed -To Incorporate the Alont-real be a greitt blessing to hurridruds of steady No 8 white, 880; No 2 trees in a dormant condition for fear enterprise and expenditure of life find hand and focr;t and properly gagged * 'D and Longueull Brid ' ge Co.-Nlr. 0col- th,otlsarudm %%tit.,, flit. terrible evil of inixed,34ic. Uarloy, track receivots, of. injury to growing parts. Lime, money that no gulf is now open to Next the men of the law inspected ed to Calgary, while the Tuall, lint' BUSLNESS TAX PROPOSE frion. To incorim ra te the Brandon, to -oughly Suppress- 47c to 55c Canal freights atiliAlIll. - will continue to Noinionton. Frol" A business tax is provided, to got Saskatchewan & liddson Bay liull- Ia%e raiding to thol sulphur aild salt wash is recommend the commerce of the world, and be- the palace. A sumptuous house, this point there will be two lines to roround sonic of the anomalies of the L ed, i,ife in no u ed for dormant trees Infested with cause the protection of the sea route priceless gobeling, pictures and sta- the Coust, one passing through Yet- personal and income tax. Any per- way Co -Mr. Davis ,ro incorpor- land, Few permonti kilow whether FORFMN MAPJS-WS. San Jose scale, Whale oil soap to India necessitates British pre- tuary of great living and classic low Head Pass to Butte Inlet. gaged in carrying on airy a to the St Chrys,ostoin Railway Cu thev will contliulo to have a holuxi, (two pounds to the gallon of wa- dominancL in the gulf artists on the walls. There were Mr Brown. ,ro incorporate, the family and liberty front one .' London, 1119I,v 12,-Wharat, an pragim- ter) or 20 per cent, kerosene may Lord Langdowne'B attitude in this three salons, a card room with a the .second through tire I"vace River trade, manufacture, financial or (:ftoo.dlian Yukon Western Railway ` to another. age. firin but not active; parcels No. ply to ( o a so t * tL -ek's end Pass to Port Sinipson. Ali exten- rornmenial business shall be asricss- . o Incorporate the S -w- w, Rise be used. The last to aP matter generally meets with ap- complete outfit of gamblers' para- tire lotter line will be ed for the amount of the annual The certainty e itlmh I hard Munitoba, May end June. 308 other scales as winter treatments. proval, although the answers there- phernalia, and it dozen or more bed- Rion front art Rival- Development Co -Mr. T U. and tht, intention to Pahl. Corn, oil passes", uiet and run north to Dawson. %alue of the land octupiod The Davis. Respecting the Iflarnilton & have the IK)wpr Summer treatment for all scales, 20 to of the other powers interested In rooms. The door, walls, and ceiling The eastern will Premier Said 7 per cent Of the Lake Erie Power Co . and to ,-hange supproms tbIs t,l-riblo ovil betokens pallid. Corn, on pasemi quiet &so per cent. kerosene emulsion, applied the gulf are awaited with some of one of the latter were mirror- end of the line 'better days and "tore prosperous RtasAy. Weather I n lhitgllirad And. , I lined and a royal crown with the extend from North Buy to Quebec. actual value was the burns of the its name to the J(wdan Light, Hvat end penceful tintes rot- this regian, FrWlish country wheat Markets of on bright, sunny days. anxiety. Ill be carried north Of business tax and Power Co --Mr Gorman I (e- Ito of thrit, harbarlain yesterday firru. -To control rod spider, The newspapers here comment on legend: "Here slept my queen" sur- This portion w Red Spider r the St. Lawrence with a mileage of Incomes under $1.000 are exempt apecting the United Empire Life In- which ill 141) avoid too great dryness; when pre- the analogy of the present proceed- mounted its bed of gilded ced a about 555 miles of new road The from taxatfori. Under the present surance Co -Lieut -Col Thompson from which it hurt miffero�l. in In Antwerp, May 12.-Vlbosa, spot We . sent sprd�r the plants with water Ing to the United States policy Of wood. above Quebec will be [Let it tax In levied on incomes of To incorporate the ilacitic liloxnk� of ruan�, respects niort- liiwbl% tie% Plul-lod 2 red, unquotied. Cum, Alilolidelp '-Nicoteen" Monroslism. The Westminster Gaz- hird floor the new bridge just than Insist parts of txoiji( ul Aft". inliced, 21f "Iric. Irlour, sport blismem. with considerable force. all motive, police came across a complete hog- used for crossing the St. Lawrence more than $7U0, All machinery shall Canada -Mr. Oalliher� To Incorpor- - i — apolim. 26f. evaporated by 'hot irons helps to ette hdlds that the Britt tell operating table, iron bed- to Levis, the present east,ern ter- be registered an personal property. ate the Algonquin Lumber & 0owor ts, pest. When present on namely, the protection of the sea pi OUR, is"Itt. may la.-Whirsit,, limis check this n da, stretchers, batil, etc.. and a minug of the Grand ,rrunk System. There is a provision respecting the Co -,Mrr Gould, 'ru incorporate the DOUKS ON A T da exactly stea Rallway L'o -Mr — May, 28f 2%, Slitpliassim limmid open air plants. treat as for plant route to India, eorrespo of medicines, disinfectants, and from Levih the line will be built assessment of income The tax is 5 Goalie & Weritern I with America's motive in excluding stock M , lice. surgical instruments, and bandages, to the Canadian winter port. mills on the dollar, which rate may (lauvreau Respecting the Montroul An Exciting Encounter With the criumber. 22f 00c. Mour. tons . Parts green may be used alone at European powers from A in olrican wa- and plasters for dressing The distance from Quebec to Port be increas�d to a rate not excea,ding Bridge Co and to change its Mounted Police. e the rate of one-qUarter pound to the ters, because their territory is linens I I " the Montreal Bridge coMbor 81f 46c. wounds. There were two patleyits, Simpson by the Grand Trunk Pacific 7 in Ile by by-law of the inunicipal- name A despatch frorn Saskatoull, N W barrel of wator for all leaf -eating in- thereby threatened. oung woman with a stiletto will be 3.205 11iiies, or about It (tY Ity Under the present law. tri(ouies & Terminal Co - Mr Bicker- The new Doukhobor pli- LIVE STOCK mirkiUMms. sects. Keep well stirred whilesproy- a y ciliniles .h.rt,Vr.than the distance from arS'asaessable at the maine rate us dike To incorpurato the Chicou- T , saym 4 wound in her breast and a note Quebec to . -stern Railway I, , - glinjage. 4ittly in routrill-et, who Oil Tvronitu, hility 12. - 19tarpro vas do Ing. Better results are often secured M O. crook Buffering from a shot in the couver over the Can- land or other property Unit & N4tjrtbwt Sunday night had proullsed O*lnerul active buslareas in Imusolvirrs, eattle by combining the Paris green with — leg. The rest of the floor and the adian Pacific Port Simpson is near- TAX ON HOUSE.'; Mr. Beland Cul,,nizatian Agent Spirers that they troinilacted at the witistomin Cattle Bordeaux, an the poison remains British Board f Trade Returns attic above ;more used for stQrage er the Yukon by about 500 miles RAILWAY BILLS adheres Section more evenly distributed and o . 15 provides for u house %ould return it) their %iliages On Market to -day. miatill the prl&W of an Show Decrease. pu oses. Here wits the incet com- than Vancouver. tax. and the word , house- IN olviln-ol Threo bills of great interpst to the Monda). attetolsted to 'tons th doscripLious wore iirnLjy migisigitedmimerid. Ir better when so applied. � P12 lence" imaginable; Bilks, cur- 9 ag a Place of abode of on#- ul more Countlett of Figin anti midflle�ex par- ,North �4askutohktwan River at There was a scarcity of pidtod h@U- A d tell from London says :- articles of precious metals, "t-mtett, ()ntario gt,,, " I "': cap leg, 12 MEN BURNED TO �DEATH. I ,�. Th. ApriT statement of the Board of persons, forining a single IlouRehold. ticularly, arid ,419 Ferry, to sturt oil a vrec era euld otimors of 1.0m lia 4,L50 THE CARE OF UILIZ. - among the latter a gold altar ser- wit)i so much of the land und out- -'rally, 'were dealt ,,ith lo, Lho 1(.Ikl I tu,ur After prol�ery they hit(lied Ills. weight, and *oft gold blob, c Trade shows decreases of $11.988, vice, but recently stolen from one of — -.n *od Cotunnittee rl'h,y were A,14 u it) the wagon cOlItUloiU9 saw, of die all bri il $4.75 The greatest difficulty the heeire 00 Kernbers of a Construction Tra buildlnga as Is us in ;(,1111petion wa�r ct th nimorl%ea mignigio Ilig" 0 In imports, and of S1,780,500 the oldest churches in Paris. RS. with the house for the purpos,e of respecting the 4t ,rhotnaq '411'v,_� their ,,xl,,, dothing arid tuuk the mind avlor per awt. IteW ~ an Id on the C. P. R. the .1; d I', 'he -r�. unortiaoun doomemid Ilor s1khowt4terep, maker has to content with Is gassy in exports. KEPT RECORD OF HER CRTM outtivoo,i--rn ','in I "R Fet a, distance or or tainted milk. The patron shoo The imports from Canada for April ' residence,- arid shall also ii,(lude Ruch liallway - to supply only pure sweet The lieutenant wa indiscreet en- A Winnipeg despatch says; One of fort- tilni Co , and t),,. MiddIe4,-x an,t I three 11111t- The) tried to rutih Ill" foodorm. and the prifts of the bad aim were as follows :-Cattle. 8,610. H most hurriblo rophes I. a building intended for u.�,. its a h to search the golden basil -or the rat7t. - gin Interurban ltailwu% forr%, %%hoh was guarrIed b'v PrAlle ill those were as higir 4V $5 for flavored milk. Z160,705 sheep I 059 Z1,360; be- Oug - the history of the West occurred at said, though unoccupil-d (jr only or The first %%ill confer ,in the ('11 N 'I arid . there was a Ika1Id-t(,-han,I,n1g,h,10 I I�,. ows, ""P-10 Itabb expoilltars. The following are sonic of the con 30.7�1 c�t.,' Z74,884; hams. the secret lookers and found one con 1 o'clock on Thursday inorning oil (upled by a caretaker. arid it build- t Thorne. all the tightm arid Tt w 011 it led tu lieu u �Ic, t . noine of Me 034or"Irk that -. . Uie baroness' memorandum Ing, other then a hotel or place of (if "'I I" Id am sho,et-famUrs. IWIpters eakses of gassy and tain" milk 7 715 cwt , EN).621; butter. 452 tall"ng record of past the main line of the C P. 11, near by the powers possesst4i by tile defitilWit If - I "i'th (I to lie rillwlled by vio cows to -drink impure cl�t_ 92,230; cheese. 23,487 cwt , book with a long enterlalnuient, tined conkflan� uf I, ., I `2 , r",�, " wd (I'll Allowing the watering troughs, burglaries and murdera, also a few Dexter Station, about 52 miles east llubllc a place of residence, Street rallwaY ill 1.1 e.- i. ofii, taill. police, ar Lying ommseerdir4ay bigh pirili" water from dirty � l"R'n,e,:n so ie77,281; horses, 31, 2930. affairs of that sort planned for the of Fort WiBliam. A t io train. run- occupant Its nitinh 1pahly It pro%ldon for o itins. to the nuiolper ill Six tir %&wait, for thin deneriv,iton of caftiol in- s k -age from barn- . near future. ning at a high rate of speed, was though boarders or lodgers niuv almo 1, rivattagernent b,N a boarli ,if I alle, a Ili olong,-it ril rtiggle litiolf t ht. dei -d. tJmv ave gentirw dearer Iiiiama .1�1 yArdQ. -xamina- derailed and thrown cor"Aetely in- Ile tahen fly lon) Thi- nio(b- of ats, - I") a' " .1 .. lo.d. einpo%%,rn II1011eader- ii,to a ,,nu -ll 'I he isoni,­ -ra 'rho comotilliam They have a third degree r 'es. llo�n I 11, (olli,mi.,lono purto latter Peedfug rye, rape, turnip-, turnip 02. A. W. CHASE'S t) tion In Paris, and the lieutenant to the ditch. In the boarding c or Rl t is 114 follolve %%bere Ily to ralse inoney for tit(- -,t,ried to &­ute I).,- t -ani told th" � 11 "' leeks, or ripples. pulation is 4.000 or leris, S741, ' ,:�ll dull. with it demand for onky an om- topd, ragweed, eow's flank a. CATA succeeded In obtaining from madame attached to the rear end of the 110 n III Ili , $11)!'. 10.000 to " I 01111. P�.11ce horilvm. and Inside "" 'troulloly on-nall rimimliow. It wetuld Not wiping 6. &50a, 4,000 t ( () ) "o-o-ni"', o f ill,. exl�olng line. , udders RRH CURE . the baroness the following adrni&- train, and filled with employes, 12 Ile ,..,,,..,,,,, fliI I.,iler, south t ) th"I,,li,er fl,teriiiined tumh oil it,,- f-l) lel- Ile wive to title eittra calistiorr In and teats before milking. is seat direct men were burned to death, being un- 20 000, $140 2(1000 to ", 5,04A). Ivillairc ,,f I1,o­1 ,�41,,,.JcN (it, 1..,kp,,,V),II,� ,�I,ellollt tl,19 tilt' I'll"'I'll - bu%iog ,attle from tbAs opA. 84 re� Milking with dirty hands. 92 b the Impro"d glower. siOns crese able to oxtricato themselves from $1 75; inore thrill 75.000. 8245 'Pr provision of it," ,nI,e.1 a ... I joill(ld it, Ill., ellark T h.) v Icent ird,i.- front Chkargo repast, a I 7 en palls for milk. the ulcam clean the air Age 21, real name Marie Th been adopted kill- I t.,,ri, ,rbe irott c, t I a - I , I o ­,., I t t... r i , .. i o n (I ,,, .. ,,, , � I w n , t 1, rket I here. and etiVoort4we Using wood pu:fes stops droppitir in the (Jourdon, nobility of hor own crea- I the upturn,,,d Eigbt others Those figijr" have jbill was ,Ilqoo,­i b.N et rep,eq " WRoloo 'on Not strain immo- . thr and perman"t v cures tion; began her career as maid it) over, S. I,,r sly Injured and burned on a rnn.-Ideration of lhe r"I'llix" f 114. So,1Iime%t­p I'la to Ill ­ 'Naw.., ,00I th­ . ...... a "­ ; r-- wo,.hl not PiLrehonse the Curb, Ing the milk I Cat rdiandHayForvar. Blow" .ljabuose. ,I::,,,ip,opert� it, Ih. ill i t.elwhim, oN,rJ,t,og,I_, ,,.,,. ti,,i I.,, lei itti, pi-odtict. wilonn It werel oftred diately after milking. ' that rL number inny die. Advicils of � liop n '", I ;:.,:,i,, � "h:lf free. All dealers. or Dr. A. W, Ch.- a fallioug actress, became a woman . a II) ""I ro � v� lo v 1, � ... 1,14 to Stirring or aerating (exposing to .% Medicine Co.. Toronto and Bull" J Of pleasure arld fell In with sonic of Ithe terrible affair were rushed I o I o:,','1' ' ",'n I.,': I, vq tile gall'i. I-olle. I"'I ti", to'l wan (a -I,,,.,,00, 11"'I flit-- h.ok to th'.1, on tll� 'a .... L basis air tire Ghtiliaeo the air), clone to a swill barrel, hoR swind- Fort William, and all the available I Som - ldl,an ,or, vrnh, n I eput tv,ol %%tthoul 'titwild- Nft,.l I ... I'll diiw kimut ... I and I'll,- pricam there ere now I the great rogues of the day. t,, ,,:,,n vorahl) I % i, I KiTe. irthiff hogs, barn yard. .:. r ldl`:�'. i pen, hog trough, lers, gamblers, later on with burg- medical aid, with nurses and appll- eql..rtlflg it),. I., tion lowe, than hare ,rivers wan a to,lit- AMME, � the ti,n] at lon , solm I- lWal"'. tiflit"'wollwo fulloweil , or milking yard. NAVAL PROGR I jars and murderers, Attained great ,ances, for the relief of the injured, of lanobl It In stated t1lat The 'Allot hwe"tet 11 1',n,tl,,n Co I qltlglnw I" Ill � % I gv� .ill ho I'm Iv lit'. flit ' , deonsand for Shoop and A rusty old milk con — I By over these men by reason of I was despatched to the scene, arriv- pl�operty shall he nlige,­1 at It" ,take to hn%(- Itn(epitni -tiwk fixed ot�trolled Ili, .1 .... lal poll(,- Noo, that . iainb� 'M. inourket for calves waa Milking the cow, clumpin the Int in Japan ", arill and it, g *57,000,000 to 130 Bpi her beauty arid resourceful mind, Ing about 4 o'clock. ,rhe Injured actual valtie The votloe,"'if olhe 1.11ild- $,,,,(),I.(,()() wilpp imili it the ' ill, tI,,g1.ader4 Me kno.ii fit,niorali,red hv reason elf the litaravy milk Into the milk can and leaving in Next Ten Years. whereupon a number of them pro- were tendered first aid. and then Inge Shall be the aniou ,v ,h ch Middlesex ntol 1`191t, liopiurhan 9e,k cumtod� Ill, f,,Itbnl "'Ableul(, "" arri%ak (if Inferior ''boboi." that, of - I 't William HosPitill. the value of the Infid I% therehv lit -us�ql -4 'If alli"loral"ath"' I a pprehviriled ',rtairvro. find no sale, It over night without cithei strain - ,apatch from Tokio. japen, posed. of their own accord, that she taken to For This folatme of th, 1,01. it inrr( 1-11" ( fill I I Ill It I, I r% ___ - + ­ Prices have A do herself as leader of the The scene that presented Itself to creased arid right of wll� I - - loch,el,,d St. arid even nincire, per 100 caused by leaving says :--The projected classes. the more fortunate on tht, train. was claimed. in eapa),I.- of nominter- ,,,,, looked ul­n (Ii -lot ,'-kill"'- DISASTFR AT S . -rhe.p buyers state that Ing, aerating or cooling. 3 , naval pro- Plitabli-h Ind AWFUL EA ;hR and Sour milk is xpenditure of elite Of the Paris criminal t ,,,, I th-%, will veal or keApirig It at too high it temper- gr,lintivill prop"ea the 0 who hastened to rendet what R.S­ prPtation. Aid the inernlier rot lv(�Nt M r. lit I ,I'll I" I, I (1.1vil') "Ald — 55.750.000 per year for ten years I wr-.1.1, EQUIPPED FOR CRIXES, "Lliv plurvilwo, good ature. mi .. ;:,_� I With nioncy gained In burglarizing sl4tanco tAhey could, was appalling Toronto took the orroliod thnt lt,, w,,e Ill, u_e1,1,,1�1.. 1,. I I,,,, pre.vrlt Vessels Collide in A Fog anti �'() UnI111-119 The rocelpton of milch - . � El Th I of those ctmflned In the menning was exactiv ill&- opilo,ute of forto to tl­ 00l 11-111 llr'" '. �'I't",'el,e," People Diowned __ banking house on the Champs I I , ,,,vq We T P large. aind they were c cr L I-'e., the ancient pala�cp In a scc:l;Z_ burning car were plainly heard, but what Mr Rona said It wits intel-led A I" , -,e ho A ,l­I,.,t, h froto Norfolk \ I% I . , "i -i tv -�f inf,,rlor quality. Sales, The.Broken Health , F -to ofithe fierceness elf the flaneoln made all SECORD RVADINW4 n%er fill n -ell I" "ll"' 'if if"' ob- Lorth that fill. ''I'l Iloloolloll I,, .. th.-rorotp. wpre slow, turd go buy - ed street waa leased for a ter ragicue abortive. For a Second readirigi, were alno 91%eli to jectlonvill,- wltli"114 I"'IF19 11"t"llfied I Nfee I_, I tatolljol, iiiwi th,. I ­�,-,­,, %Ler� not un.xious on got any b'"t I years find fitted up with business 'attempts at all tile occl­ ____+ . of School Life paraphernalia; telephone and tole- I tilne it sverned that , Mr Brown s bill to aim-nd I he I li'li-I so'llm"w hat.- he�n It- -1 , -, I h, be"lt o graph - an expert crackriman tend- pants of the car %Nerot doorned, when Municipal Act , hit- Prc,itoii's. to POPULATING THE WEST , oll lloa I.I.,11d Imirl limit it r ...... I ..., Ihe follI,o%In,g west tile range or �, 61088 Confinfir4enti; ov@r EXertiOn fit Stiffly and WOrrY over [XIiiminiks, ed to the wires - lao.arettrt, depot one of them was seen to fall he was provide for it inor� fro-iiiient rindit of — Ile, so n ii w ... o dro,n�d 11". ­ il, I ,,, flootortio,nR cf tirrns, poisons, explosives, trap through a wIndow. and Reached Will- o, t ui tell it, 1,2 .Io oi, 'I m-liks i,,,,i i� 1-�jkportern' cattAe- Per 100 Ill, , t1wilotoo great a atridn fer the Nerves -or. ChasWe Nern Food. doors, secret vaults, storerooms. quickly followed by six or seven the books (if all mi ' ilm 11,11111leR Mr 23,000 Immigrants ) ........ I ­ 1 I-Ixtrn. to, ,hoice . L.,184,50 $5 I I, were fearfully McCort'fl. to) enter I ih:, Inalli"arr,' ,, nir.og r,ant Month Ina 'Ibe "will,law ".." , cconamodationn for dozenn of per. others, all of whom f ': .. t � Rta 1, .% Ilhil of, ;0-, fl ,it,, \o (,dI, Ii... f lhjllq .. 8.75 4 2 r�1 girls and school using this preparation we are more 13 burned Their recovery In doubt el. Act, arid Mr Hendre I.- ,,,,, I I Ii,,t,-hcrq' - 11 ) - so plany school w roul ill lFall"Itoll A do-41,Rt.11 floor lkilnipotf pn%- - ,nrti�d j, ,i, -,v ,-f folt, t - 11., and run titan pleased with the improvement Bona' time madar�Z estab- Those ho accorrilImnied the Injured municipal yet (Is �' boys, too, are pale, languid I health. At the Same FIRE IN ADDINGTON The stot1t,t1,h %ohl'), lla�o ),.t 1'....I. t,,,,,,t, I­­.nR,-, .. 1,1.,. I ho, , illi:,,:, I Pfikod lotri , 4�rjo 4 down in health, subject to weak which has been made in her lighed connections with highly re- hero can offer no cause for the plet,d ,,( ilw artlie,lii for I te, (fl_,l,d a f�,Il ,1..,N i,,,,I I ...... t I I loadi; . .. 4,21s I -, and Sho,looks one hundred per cent bet- however. Hon E J lialls, Corniniatflorier 'o I'Lit I ,.I t .... spells and. nervous hoodaelle, spectablo banking and business wreck They all agree, nionth of Af 11 hull- far ox-,NI ­I 1,,,, p"%4(-t,,,,orm It 1, 1-11--1 I , 'diuln . I . 4.1 A , -, . leeploR. Aadlor she 1% ,on that the victims suffered very littl", (if Crown Lends. fleill,,(I Ira the flutote vven the Itig-t expe, tnio"o' It (,,g %%u, ,..polo�ihli. r- ill. 1-I.I.-lo , I- nlr . ... 1. A.7h - , victims of ,notp, phat wit no ter, her nerves are at . I I sea where she visited in her car. . longer realf: not bothered with headaches and to ,.logo daily, depositing, selling, and somp of them being dead before the vesterday that tilt- Ore will( h caused we,, ,I,(,1lqI1,, ,hat wh,,11 AI! ,_,,It. ,if I .1 I— "laoiew -111-1 0 ,%1% "lod Vowq ... ... -, 8.50 i ") o the folly of developing gradually increas'ng in Aesh and c . , 1, ,the Mind at t)fo expollso of the body. xchanging the moneys, bonds, and flames reached them. so much duntag,- ill Addington Cuml- entry were hourd fruit, that v , If, -ti \,, ,.I dow" 'llit n ,t, it I bo. I tilt t Feeders. light .. ... .. 4.00 1 `10 It is on the mothers and fathers w A lit-* ther articles bropight. in by her as- _+ ty a few (1a.va ago ooRinated Ili the would ha%p shown uhmit 20 0041 I,- Ill ... -i ,lo- it,., I.onl-. ,-( It,,- thin, F,-c,,Ivr,i nhort-lict,elpq 4 :')it ... 101p. R, Warpham, sociates. CAMP HILL OF FARIZ, forest roqor%e in tila rif-lithborhoud haNe entered de,ilig ttto iroorth 1,11, lioti ­ I— Ile, 11, it, ,hot?. ­4 'Atockorq . . ... 8 ", o I 0 that (&Ils the respondbilltY Of look- 267 Sherbrooke c ing after the health of their children, street, Potorboro', Ont., states :- , Shp likewise kept track of events — and on enquiry it "n" f""nd for hu\c n,,w the ,otnpletf- ro,Ir,i notki- 'ill ""Ad 1'. 11"ord ,Ill. -I- ,f It,oiie ml 1; lli,�ol� - . n we suggest the wisdom ,,One of my ofilldrep hog sliffored 4 In roclety by Flecking the acquaint- Comparatively SumPt us Yore start441 lit a far,L� boom, tie Nald the nagnill,,vt I ,IiiI ill 23.2ol; 0- i"all.n" Ili it,- \, " I- .,I'll t- xw-rt l,weq. light . 4 -, 0 of their chil- great deol With peftous headaches? anco of people of culture arid occf, for volunteelfs X1,011TRATIM-14, -+-- - 'hucks . .. . A I I "' � � of having the health 8 a A \V A It 104 B V — ,limpt"tt to "­ktiv, "'.. 1.-"N I'Pl - fro kept at the high water rnoork dizzine 0 and Alooplesitne", and, 14 stonally received these friends in her iomp to I ... ­.''. q, ... I'l\ I..''l.'I Into (Irniv.,fed lamba . ,; . ,,, dren fact, was oil run down pale and h from Ottla says !- Mr Matheson he% asil-ed for a r,- 14EAD IN POOL OF BLOOD, ... .. . �v - suite of rooms ;it a fashionable ho- 4% dtispate the boa,14 ,4 I)— Iltol''I'lo, Th.. Do'. blocks 11 I by using Dr. Chafto's NerVe Food ble; alt," tel, while the hotelkeeperp were . ,,.,,k o, let% fath,"o. of lial"Iyarrd la"n * , t food truiv ill no gentle languid. These trou were giv. Tcllromy will fare much better in the turn of all fromardii I)v thi, arbornfloq "ingilil- " . ... I ill Thin IrITA, ,riflno, on to understand that she was an intiltift c4mirg atid thc I.ro- poun,l Dead %a Wilink. ii,ioer nrift I,,, oo­t,, %,vie 1,�ft 01ck- Calves. tier ewt ... ... ,o 4 ' ' arid natural fit action as to be ad- tributed to ovar-study and cc hereafter The new between t.he Dominion Old Kan to the Mq' ment at school. She began using Dr. aristocrat, living somewhere in the rewilati(,rin provide for a much more vinces since the date ,,I fit,- ),%,I re lie g Ing .... t of lt�oj wat,-. Hlogit;- mirably Suited afremetits and Vean BAY ,if wcount I ., " -, 'A I of children. T1.6 benefits to be de- Chitse'li Nerve Food, suburbs, extended bill of fore. In addition to turn. and aino ,dulem,-0 A de%put,li frilin Wl,00lwg -no. I Fl,,g Island on .I,t.l, tvri wrork Aows,i . . . 1. ... . rivpd I eV6, &to cartain and that *0 havO found this treatment The oarionesin I)oasted - and the the present daily allowance the fol- between Ontario ,ind tilt- flonlinion I , 0(p I )0 - from tit w R ItIt U I�Itllc% sjxt� one N,�ar . , ill i urred, J,, ()it I".. ''o.lo ,,f � it-- Rta.fn . . .. ... . � last init. (19 it g6es to form new red exceedingly helpful. it has relieved criminala arrest,ed in her house cor- lo fit Insole is ordered :-,rwo froin Alst M-epinber 1492. to 3IRt De%� ,, qhot I. dl�teme (0 ... % e Col Ile Solortin. 160 to 200 f 000 �corpli­lvg Ili the ,blood, And erea teadied her nerves, r,b,r,t,d the fact - that she kept ounces of bacon, two ounces of but- December 19412, aq -111,111 I)v the ill ago,, one ol the Illon't-l" Of it"' 011" and built up her systoom wonderfully- her associates well In leash, dfrect� ter, three ounces Of irtin, one ounce (lourril for tile pro%inre, all(] t Ito, city, was fowi,l Ili hk, tumt, at I o I hn, 1,1 Ibri. .. .. I .. ... -12 ,).00 - _-111._ - . "00 � " ..* nervo fOrCO. o'clock tilt 'Illuinditty Morning, his Thick fate .. 400 0.00 I : 2 Mrn .r. Dal"ll, 21 Chdillea at in her. Aff Ing their movements and exacting a of evaporated vegatablen, ' two riciminioli T(II,LS HIS TORMEWTOR. '.." reet, We clan see a iftledit chs"90 ' od. ston,- delk'i Llghtlk ,. ... . . istatoo -,,My the color to returning to her face# conaminslon of 25 per cent. front the ounces of flour. and one ounce of *_ --- head in a pool ill blo - - - . Rinast0n, 01i fifid. gho ig gleitkitiff Ill flesh " Aild' gilloss proceptis of any burglary, Isplit polam In lieu of the present al- -yes, Air, thlo in the place whorrii lber,- wo4 'oe'v ronnon"t hell't-Ne Tp,qed k)bii I . i ntorh- , 11 1 VInWr6d Viety _fnuth� w1fit I Ilp,, ve. that the old li.en. "ho wit Ino%No to Crowd of Mon an Italian "nthot" nald Id ,4,, daughter thcft, swindling operation, or nlur- lowance of harley tho battle was fought ,,, With Fatal Pesultq IV. "after thrit yo , , had nald I ao doubt froul, weirght." I or tit —+_ any rolleo of it ?" 'yes, 4ir John, lie pogsoomed ,if ,onaiderable ,non , i ,non ? he � heft(Inchpn, caused orely ,n porch .. Poed (so, cents, Ar planned. advocated, . "'tie I F -nwlt, to I -it sounds I ovpr-stunly dull I% ruit doft con- D". 011AW1111 NOVVO I d. , A Orlaport(h from .4tolliov C 11, - � 'good " - — 17 7 " = , I � - �16 � � I I � I I � I 'I r urp I I , , I mallarin Re 4 - I with All as , th m . - - been u 4 I � . I 1, , I !�Ml , , T , .. it�r." .. I ` lie fic,fvdus syttfirl. vptbNo a bole, a boxitig for $2.96, *t an coutitentmeed h,y her, for rid crook I Torniny-­Yev. cats ean see in the mould the grentioman about tnelltY was foully ro'"'I"ll" -11- 'it" I _vw � ,,, ,nv,,,,t,l,,tl,,,, rho, allah "Ill A roed W 11-11 wel-I tor- Mot omailtner I h-o -I 'i"I"c" of t h,ad0W *etii very try- dcaldfill, of ZdA114111111011, 04t" Ph CO.# claret operate on big ,darl, end go (,,.n Mthel, 'ca"-- 11hort bullortn, an' tAll ,he hlisola ... 111, , � , ,t,c,fo. of I own account. _ � .- .*-- - --- I—— I it'll en Il..I­n oh 1%',-<Irwrdfty like WaW ,,.,, _%,_ .. r,,pt,-..d tile dirl, I 11ild f fletfeod ,,thgt she T6ionto. To protect y6d g*l%Itk4$ No tribe latheingf Mr. Wright walked into the parlor, hammer out a haynnat quick I ow Wbrit vou � �� ing on her . Whell ohe won nittin' all ulone In the AccordIng if 4.4ir Janice � i It ht -11 ,iIgv,,t. %,I,..,, ih,. rrowl­l I .... n ,itrobbed derarumlv. "(Ili, Iff, ,,ad,, pullim IMIl gradually gtowitir **&k,w wit iffiltationk the til'i-044t Od 6104- RULUR 6F 200 CRIMINALS. : of Or, ' A. W. OfiII166, thill I fho The police fe-und in a secret draw. dark, I heard her Say to him i 'Why, Aurrtraha has 6.1,001.1 uoun;­ -Tolo'li 11rownp. the ,dr A London ,.­faiw, I it " o,'. 11i. o, ,I- h"..1"I 'nlilcting a hPal-A -,Vvt,.4 tll� , ­­ h � more nervous, AboUt 00.1th4flihill 01" crel-Ibieraring larl 11, th, ..gtern I.-s(j.(100 f)ropo,tional ow -4 il 'lus. lw-,,in,, �rtl000g kill ­w. 4atmediato big �0*t nut ,,� .,,� lowk Q2 h4 walk- .. Wit *A64; iflobblili 4tithat, 60 to or 'i list of over 200 professional Arthur. you didn't got shaved tc� iof c I glito I got b& *_ Lb,o* Of *-L MW portion Of LB4 cow, , -o 210.000 tv P"Af dil th 1 he ctra,iri eacaped -" 4own the Four. . �11 I igividity b" ,11III'Mill "OWIO& and ON014hal criminalls, with their day V " r " � I 4 . 11 .Verve rood. sivid 01'kift 44 b4 bOA . 1.� . . I: . I � . d I . I . , .