HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1903-05-08, Page 4­ __ � 1 Ill � -1 . __ � 1"M�rl!l, -� qf7ir 1 `7 "_ 11 : . 11 r, . 77MMMIRM W. ` Il . I . "" . 1.� �. . I I V, F" ­n.,al I � . 7 ..... ; I-; � I . � �.r I I I I # . .1 `� -1 � 77�7771119,w'l_ I` � , 11 I 11 1. .� 11 . N., , ,� �. �,�. ", , I ,, I - 1� I � � 1: I I .1 ..�... I . . � .1, ,. � I I I . . I I I i . . � ;r" -, I - � ­ Iq - .,:, . '.­ . � I - �. I .11. . I " I ,;­ - ,1 �­ I I I . I �. ­.. � I '. �, - . It . .. I .. _ 7 . � .1 , . 1. "'' . . . � I I ,�� , . ., �, 1 . I . I ....,,,..,.,�..."Wl anal �� , . I � 1. I - I . . I I -111-1 , � ", , - " I I . . . � .1, I ,� . I 1. I I 1. A' 'I, . I � I I , I .""W---"**Pq"P � 11 . � k . , . - I . I 19. '� . all, , ll -I , ''. -1 11 11 1. I =1:0111:11;!, 1, - , !!i! gillinalawasinsilawl .11. .7- I I ,i I . I I � I I 111111 I 0! i 11 � I -_ ,�a::'1�,!"I.,:1 I ;:1111:61111 � I 7. i ! ! , IR '' : . ! !�!�:!!It ...... r-., .1.11, ­ I . � I � . I �'! . s I . � I I . - . I I � I . I I all � I 1. . . - ,,,,, I I . Ill ­� � ' "' ' ' 4' LITVAR � 1. I- . . �, I I ,a=, , 1. I I—- I-— 11.1 11 .1 ­ , I xwl:t 1 1::" �l I I ­ :!Z.1,111�111�;11�11;1 � !P i: !� !'I �!-,�.,;;;wm�,�i. " . tZ,11�11`�i:i:::�Zrl,i � 114.1��111111:11�11!1�11� 1:1111:# I I 1. T11 I 04 llf� VUMV�fl JI I . � � .. . .1 I I . I I I I I I � - 1, , -----" , .1 I . I . I . � i I I 1i I : : 11 ,I, I: : , : : !, I; , � I � I : :: I . I . .11 I I � . 9 , , . " 9 , ., -, , 9 . . . . . . 1 �� i 1' L L 9 1� , 19M . , , , I L 11 J�� � . . � I - 9' , . � 11 .- . . I .1 .. I I 1 19 1-1 � .- ­. .. . lI!, .. I L I I L ,1 'MAY. :$,, M . - , ­l1:l.:l1'.! t '10, ala"0011 I ; ! , 11-111--- I - ­­­. �111111 ­ i 9 � ­� . L . L � ­ . . . I I I'll, I -9 ... . 1 9-11 == I Ill . , � ::I: �� �_ ­ 9 . 117.__�� � - , - , , � : � I . . . I .. . -.I;f I I ­ I L L .. 9 " +1 A", ­ -9,- ____ �: __ , " ­ � , " ( or, Ti Ovenpl t I . _-V--.1---- - ­. 9 ( 1i I 1. A . , 1� � 1­11'.."99,9LO' Pil-il �, %�; . . . � I !_. 11 I 11 . I F.0%DGS , SO' ... I-. ­ il� 9 �. . 11 . . . I � " , . � �' ' . ,:: I . . �­ L ' ­ --L'- I I .. signed them. Some 01 the vic4uls . 'alled) U� A, rAl A.C. P., oto, I . I IN A HURR) I I I ' ��; , Z�:,. "" 9 .. .1 9 - - I 'a-- "' ' _�_l , I I , I " : I if poss! kL 9 1 , . - � 111100" I contracts a ,f il tb tho,old,royablo ll I L 9 � 0. N tin 81 , I , . .. , . . � � - b 11, , I ;� I . . � I .1 aker is br, 4all furoltary look like . � 9 . I I ) Is 44: to . � 1� . " R"athe offset is btlAV11111. , n'a'Atitual b" - 9 . L" L . gh . -V '! I 11 � , ts The object of the Present I , ;!itiong tile 25e� . 0 1 0 . .. . -, t;, : , "I 11.�­ � 1, INW. Ir r 4 ill I Tul T441 M. , , te',.'., '. � 4 I' 64 Men & 38 BOYS _J'_r_1.­­­--­­­ -I'l-'a"M 4100 fora*n' � � L bave determined to got rid of thoil' fff% I I si­t4lowthe,statia ta -0- specialist on eyp. Il ,nal,"AAA . - . - - ullgLt to test their 'atur"Iry throat, Will, W � I tmitr Oil" worot oil 'I, I I L - I I ,a ".. pplic tion Is to Ill the - rg that we , 13,44 il - I � . rr I.' ire -() trial take" mor sw.00*0� 41L ot any, O4 L 9 ,� I � : I , , . I d, "al ible and this Action . L "t $ - 4 4 vs W_ n � � ORFA20 � I � * . 11 � , I . , I . . . . '' L ­ . place tit Torbilto, Instead of 00derleb. P by ovati'� 1:111W., Of A "Otllft , Away I ­ Don't neglect this o or-- . aoawp­wll"�_����, . . . 4. , � �, L uaclicea up I � � I I ' ' 1 $ , , i , � I d I I I . '' , . Id - I of romarkoll i,ntl sull(Or=Vurcs) avocoM 1, IT �Jp Wa tv, I YINQ I ot I *4 tl poorly, *rid could such as bet other � , � , , hardly got about ft lien 4 Anlopjg ,Ibe Churches I remedy for the 411110 -es kief I "v6nt tot coathir with 1�� S eel ,� J h.lil`c-, � . 9 1 '�� � .�,� , -U-1,r,Ju'XA'ba pYon il ', � , 8 ' L � I 11 �11 - , ' , I- 19 lialknew 4 cullex to women, ever ' " _t,,L ,VQVJMXf1I1 VAIUNIAL 'I .t your c �1. U .� le , '. 9 Mo . PC HAT F 0 R? FOR I � rl ly ' ' 'd, the �'iqj . "k scuttles, Iron fencos, etc., with the . W I. . . . 'D 11 Made a"tt.,w.c dr.torts and makeris of ��I�Qag rak.lv� tired oil t 01 - ' The Rev. Nv. H, ]Roberts, 0 * BARGAIN . L, .� ­ , f I Prell , wo "IN ust 111tv,vill ­� ,,,, . , �,�, ,. , I I � L ­�' '. . . Ill If -Ars 'I � phia, atatisLla4l clerk of tile y- Dr. Pitl Vill to pfe"ttioa now feet Glal 9 ii"poe'L 1 A BIG �. S A, 11 , and itl Y . #,fttgdon L - -1 9 9-19 � 101AA � rnako '. - � ., in WI o mbly, announces, fully I ArIq L .1 I Ott 6 t . ,riall General Asse J Offerial Ii � , I ,e I , to , _ warranted ii . .. -­-­ - AW 'L NUMBER OF SUITS AT Simply C . 9 � . . 9 S.Swin. tA, c Valtel $0t&fe,�'Kf$o1rWiLn1y1 I THE WE _()tlf I . i . I I e d well., - that two-thirds of tllg. Presbyterles legal money of th�, Seeds,' I)yes, Di$enfectants, etc. ny lines of Clothing, but I . ,, I - . . , - I -qVisiug the ease of LencorrIles, verwite eakull Garden I All operatioxiourkdortakpil, - 4 . � I I noy, ncetono IVICI -_ had voted ill favor of I rrola�l 7 Failing of Womb which they ,_ . I THE REASON -We have decided not to carry so ma _ I . . . ­� I __P Ooufcssion of Faith, and of the dec- �All they Ask is A fair 'And 119 3EJ:0X3CS9`l ourselves to strictly -high-grade ready tailored Clothing therefore we have placed on 011t � I � o" A �_� Tired when you go to iaratory statement clucidating chap- trial of their filearis of cure. t a price that mean, Dollars $Aved 11 I 'L (i, - I . L ,Iho t rc,nable Q -)E9 -, . I I " BEDVORD ]�LOCK. tables 6 =tine c to t" V . � . ters 3 and 10 of the Confession. I They have the most remar*able record W. C. "100) . 94, Men's ,and 38 Boy's Suits, which will be sold a . :­ I )rid-fawcd remedy I I I i I bed) tired when you get subjectwill be finally disposed of by of cores made by this w( , NoTu.-Don't neglect yonrsprling medicine. TakeSasS4fr4SB,1tW,rs. to the purchaser. .. .1 . I the General Assembly. which meets it) ever placed to the credit of any PlePant- I . I OUR PRICSG: 9 1 + I � tin tired all the time- h. It to tion especially designed for the cute Of _ LISTEN I HERE ARE SOME - OF I I . � 1 19 . �, 9 ': , :, .�, I ;. I Los Anyles, Cal., next mont ) . I . 11 , 1 91 1 1 IL thy? Your blood is im- expecte e tures ff,( in tile wow" 6 Peculiar 111ments' President of - BOYS' SUITS. ''. I . d by the A besatlial GoOlVis W,t Vice - 9 ure tbatis the reason. Presbyteriea will be euActe . then" End PsImetto Clu of Savannah, and MUN'S SUITS. ,�, - �, . ... $1 65, ,_ I � � ` � � �, �. - I �1, ) g on the General Assembly. I prominent sl there, relates the following "THE MACY' BOOK CASE � 25 Suits for .............. * *.. "$I ", I .- ,, ' � � "' , I ! L Vou are livin I in the Old T4tsruent there are 39 ixpo,icuce - "you certainly have produced the . 1 $5 oo Suits for .................... $3 75 $� 1 1 ,, for slificring women that is to . . . 4 50 $2 50 Suits for ............ *­ * Z . , P d 6 $2 75, �- ,,�. L Z I . I to I I border li0i tT, ,100 letters. Tile Iwas seventeen yetan We also ..... 00 $4 . - � a of nerve ex- 214 verses, 5Dl fice"t med"Itle I want to reoomm You can ... I be had In the cOu"tn,,. finest thing of its, $ oo Suits for .................... � $3 ' , I 11 books, = chbtrlm (. The r Ill on the market today. ., 00 Suits for .............. , , - 9 chilly to mothel . . . . . . . . . . 00 Suits for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .1 .1.9 1 L 1, � , I . 439 words, all n .,( it cope was born. V01tv get it In sections to suit the Ill of your lilitl $7 00 Suits for ..... . . .�9 .1, I Id when my dKI'll boy I � i � d17t $ 5 $5 1 1 ",L:: I haustion. Take Ayer 6 -I. The middle - . * Dk is Proverb niture oultable for every 5 50 .. . I . I 1��, middle W exhausted and wen (or a long time. an Uve a full line of ou kinds of Vur $8 00 Suits for .................... .. � I I I I I Sarsaparilla and be ,bxxlx,. Thenildilleverse a irttatil4rongth back. My I 1 $6 00 Suits for ................ '$4 VIV . . .1 I , , 51.00tial stenal I could not 1we . tit of Dr. Pier" 0 room to tile bell,%*, $10 00 Suits for ............. - ....$7 00 11 I - 17 If there sister.hp-hur bought . I I . Ali #ry =r Is Jo 7 ' ) e i n g u S ' a0 ' sI i g ' 0 I M I ' h e e n( - ' ' - e ' - v i ex-*' I A er , 6 I�] be 0 ,.,I.. , u _ �; quickly cured. rtuts. be 11. Chronicles xx on (after I had tried severd, We are de" � .. . � were a verse more, and verse IS if their vil e I w1lic am so nouch &d- above is sold. i 9 t L - - ot tke enter rem in Spritigs and Mattresses, . 6 1 1. I r I f, I I - ___ . or AT".. e a verse less. The word "and" vertlal and ftud no r%litf), I had little filith Special values This Sale will last until every Suit of the rely. Come early and get . : I I I �i I er's . ,Ivor A goods enti I 1. I Ask your 4actor what ho thinks of AT . sk I "ti. ".. th asel , P , � 4 ,c. .", 'occurs 0 ged, but within a We have the celebrated "HERCULES" Spring, guaranteed not to s 9. termined to go out of this line ( , :t,fl,pl lie know. .11 0-utilti-itrAl a times. The shortest verse in e at at the, and was so we a 1� , . , , fel es first. 1 9 I L , L, : � 4 f"inklynial Follow Idl; a4vice soll 25, The 21st verse and sick that X t I I taking youil oven tile Hercules way, is as strong as your choice. The best, always go 11 .�. I I is 11. Chronicles I k after had co I . I , 1. . . .. I � 11 � � we will bg axtilized. al Co.. TAwall, Mil ;in, Ali the letters of wil I New One pound of wire, w . I ­ . I � J. 0. AT of Ezr& vil. conti sed all Ii e al cut woman. , - I . , I r �`,� ter of the ty to e with each am five woven the old wa) . Come in and examine them. I .L . . I I I . , �- L , Il", ­ the alphallet, Tile 19th chn life and I in . ic eeks, I was in fine JJg a -1 I I - .. . . . ' L- - ____ , . , ! L Second Book of, Kings AMS the 9 - -wonal 343rboY - Pict6re Frami nd Repairing-promptly,,attended.,to. - -1- 7�", I... Mth Ill not I - . ­ � i,; '. �� ,­ �,_ _9 - - 9 . ­ I h . aim I a . on 9 I � ''. , I obapterol4salsh are praetiqailvtho h a and,t anksto your liplen. ,9 , , I � I . I am ying perfect health. It � P R I D H A M . � ,tbe New Testament there , aid seedidne I - .. - I same. In, " tire Dr ill need Of R tonic, a I W 0 C 0 ' . 1, . ter. �' L . 1, 4 9 NO. '51 - I . - I � . � are 27 books, 2W chapters, 7,050 verses. at sul(tim; 't, en,s Clothier, Furnisher and Hat ;� ,9 . The few Ones J your "TavorkIladr.r"co"V on' yet M . � lsl,258 words and 838,390 letters. =;w2vace. U - Perfect Vittiug Clothing House, 1 I— L' 1-1 . It The 0 Is garatrall Ga. . . ,. ' ... . - � �­.,­­ ... ­­'. . . . Tzi.amowil - ,middle book isAI.The*P;lIOn1& 9. Ill.,' L I Mrs. Sells, NnLLI"S, , RIE' (`W'KETT___,_&.STAUNT0N9. ­ - ­ � ­ . ­­ -.1-1 -9.. L - �_ I . middle chapter would be Romans x To Dr, IL V. Pierce, All IN, Y"' - __ _ . I 11 �_ FRIDAY, MAY 8. Ill if there were & chaptpg rilitore, and Ateept no substitute 'for "GOIdes-Ved' . TzActigal ,U.Ildgrtalil and, ,4m�allrnera. e of the square I I . . CASH OR' �_ I ­� - __ - if a, chapter less. The . � . I Romans xiv. L ical Dla= There is nothing `!�,Uat Night and day calls promptly attended. Night Bell at Store, west sid �' middle verse is Acts xvh- IT The ood I for asl of the stomach, b nod Telephone No. N. . PRODUCE 111L Lit , WHAT WAS THE PRICE? shortest verse Is John xi. 35. The .. - .. PHONE 86 in, H. C - I I "'Ib'e"r.'namon So e Medical Adviser, -0l I , �f Montreal Star, April 30. middle chapter of the entire Bible to ill . - I , I"! -the 117th Psalm. Iol lame psgea inn;$aper covers, 15 sent been Brussels, Post: As far as we can . .. 9 � I It 1 ,: it would be about as difficult for the also the shortest e offer It not as Ye , \ I � The middle verse is the eighth of tile free on receipt Of 31 one -cent stamps to full, but th learn at the present time the three ,� defence in the Gamey case to Prove �jy poring of customs and waiting OnlY. ace p , . The Connell did not sell DING LINES I d;:.m r - - municipalities constituting Co. Council .., ...... !) now that ,*their isn't no such man as 118th Psalm. ____ . F_ V. Pierce, Buffislo, N. V. dis s . interfere in the negotla, 11 ,ey and I A FEW LEA :== _­� Dr. pierce's Pleasant Pellet* are a ladies' tions and the mayor wUl continue Division No. 0, made tip of Gi Gal its to ailecessfully contradict -dicine equals thess, ucdessful an issue its Morris townships and the village of I - �� I them to as a are favorably ill d is to Dress Materials J I Town Council. "Lan""' No other " Brussels, ress Muslins. . . 1: -4- - e, that Gamey had dealings The for gentleness said thoroughness. possible. - I+ .20.11-0 of o a A D I I Nuit's Cloth '..; .10 ILI is , tile U011111, accep ng a CREAMS -in Lu , r; �, % s res, ) 1; � �11 the �, Fl.. ri�l with Atrattou looking tA) his desertion - =�._ t_��� million dorlars towards the limprove- A large assortment in many of Serges and Clishmeres. our ulack Satin w . J I Inte11- 1 � . ACTED LAST his Ilient of the public highways. The new creations for the comin �,' � r, 'present knowledge vote . voils, Crepe Ili . � � of tile Opposition and coining tO,the BUSINESS TRANS I -- g', = Royals, Poplins, Granites, 'F� , _111 support of the Government. FRIDAY EVNNIWG. ktly on So large an exponditure, unit aiiiiiiiiiiiiiii aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii; County Councillors of the =ctIve I I � � I season White Baize and Crcam lie Cliens and Zybelines are attracting ,, I C111ught the people'should be allowed I . advised to the I nd floral eff" 'French and I V, _�;`.,. divisions al ; with ;�Ine a ers daily-valu- right- , 11 N I I � I This phase of the accusation no long- a chance to express themselves on so i "I arious Municipal Councils in their : American makes, all new and at popular custom !�. ,4� 1 er depends upon tile word of Gain re. Would like S districts befote the June mesat011, to I - . I prices. .11 L4'. _ . ey A Discussion With the S011001 large an expenditu 1�`, I - I . 1RONIMOX V � I ,�� I t" and his friends. If we are to suppose rd Over the Building that the School board and the Council' discuss the question of Good Roads White Wear. '�. I ,� � i that they constired together to Pro- Boa get together and discuss the whole -9-00l with them, and therob� to present to aistS. ' !.�; 1 !,.� Que;LIOXI. Ladies' White W These goods areas good "', !'' � ., duce, a pineal to lie -that Gamey's matter. I report 1...tl -. - as the best, �ll, I 'It is with real pleasure that the Co. Council a more accurate an 9 w . i�., t, '� brother and the three young 'non of opun. Murney favored this, as lie of the feeling of the different sections The well known ,,Stm 31ake­ dill it cheap. in Gowns, Skirt , ail and ., _-, 1�I I 11� �� I I the piano factory were included in the All the members were pregentwhon toobad Ile knowledge of the matter I cel to the efficacy of unty in this very important � from the factory at 75C to $2 75. These Drawers. , �1 - � , I - %. � conspiracy; still there will be tile evi I subject. LOADED UP WM I are better nlaae, -0= meativ trimmed. ---� '' 11�1 � esw the mayor called order at 8 o'clock last and would like to understand it. � I a , ,.,- "--- , A - a [ _ dence of Mr. A. B. Ayl orth, K. C.. Iron-OxTablets. for the 'Price than . ,�� " , � " rusted with the Friday night, and the following were It was finally agreed that the Spe- I The e t demand for It pleasant, JMPURITIES. rid finer mallerial I Dress Skirts. I , �; - it lawyer usually ent other lines. �, 1 L �d ction. trials, and of present as the deputation from the clat committee would meet with We VAvIn%bftu in the Retiali a oe I , �� . i Liberal side of etc I safe an5ri-eliable antidote for all tiff - � , ;11 � I � I L . Mr. Hammond of the Globe, to show Public School board: Trustee Ball and School board on Monday evening and usiness thirty4!ll I We have Iliad a big sale in these goods � . �,'e "; that Gainey and Stratton did have discuss the question in all its belLrilIKS, Drug tions of the throat aild lungs is fully IN TH E SPRING THE . are about ]a left ill I ., .., � � , I Inspector Torn, with Trustees McKim present with the years, I have neves al any luet with in Bickle's Anti-ConsuTr- Kid Gloves_ and still there .6 ) to $3.60. a ' * ',, proprill '%7e , - oxfordsand blacks $2 P . . � , w to bringing thearchitect to be I try medicine that has tiVe Ayl.up. It IS a purely t, PRRILI�.s, M_4X,E-­ The name Per- th , I . dealing's with a vie proposed plans and estimutes. given the same satisfaction to Conipi-aind, and acts PILOMpt Y e SYST . . perfection in Kid tiliscouet t� clear them out Is I , � 1 41 2 Gamey into the Liberal camp. and Acheson and Principal Tigert as I f" a -`l EN IS LOADED UP - . ��.. �­( It %vill hardly be possible now for Interested spectators. The treasurer's monthly statement, my customers, or has bew rin is a guar=t­ 0! =. U : ", � , ere referred I Ili subduing all coughs, Gloves -75r_ $'.I � I and $1 25, in �. "I efence, to , bronchitis, itiflainination of the ,��11", ��, �.: the d deny that Stratton told OFFICERS, REPORTS. and the auditor's report w . such an 'easy sellil The It WITH IMPURITIES4, c� a � - . .1�, i ay was going to The mayor read a letter from Sher. to Finance committee. The followilig ,kage recommends and I) Iseldly White, Col Black- �.� � � , ", I �, Avlesworth that lungs. Il it is so p latable that a I � � � -� I t the Govern'tian"ont; that Ayles- riff Mowal of Toronto, acknowledging to the auditor's report; I 9:9 itself; the Tablets 'd, child will not refuse it,aarld is put at a Corsets. -il I �� ;.. .�, , 1 sup probosed that he RX01C]l the resL1 Every box 4014 1 lee that will not exclude the poor After the hill work of the winter, , ""' ___. - ___ - W.Iq the resolution of BVIII &thy sent by I I ' our I 2o p ir lot now down to 12. , - -1. ,_ 1�, - sign a letter to that effect before with- Council on the death 6 ,fhis father, the Balancelfrorn Marell-­ ----- $ "M 87 . -1 I mail= -frienda.for-the.-StOIC111- .. Voill Ito bellefits. - the eating .of rich vzA hel foodal pleci - arc All �I , i 1,1,� ,, ", �- � Market, rent . .... . ... ...... 1000 and sells atiol bo=12- I becomes clogged up with was . to I have Cotten Hase at from 3 for Come and get a pair before they I . . I �1� L �, � drawing the petition against him'; late Liout.-Gov. Mowat. Filed. Bills discounted or renewed .. 0JO 00 JAMES E. SOMRS, Phat=L- __ I system up -some Snaps, I gone. � L�� : . ' -epamil a letter for 93 60 1 00 . ' L that Stratton pt ted that be Maitland Cemetery ........... poisonous matter, and the bl d 25C . , Hia Worshi also reTrt, at ...... - 10 75 clsta Terre Hall Initial it is said that Adain Halliday has land I . ------- � � , �� _, L him to sign and gavelt to Aylesworth; "Tthe two Ot. the end Non-Ros, Lands - . - . - . - . - . - .. - ... ..... 2N 70 disposed of his 100 acre farm, 5th line, becomes thick land sluggial �, , went down to Ayles- had .roll., tand Water ral .. 616 48 I I This causes Loss of Appetite, Bilious - i A , , , r), that Gainey David's Street, next the a Electric I t rates ............ . Ironsl Tabliift Morris, to Win. Armstrong, of the , , e, of Se . . � � " I I � � worth's office and signed it; that Strat- they were now 1r.W ................... __ $ 7706 30 Mr. weary, " , : � , � � �� r I I ton told Mr. Hammond of the Globe pipe, for $170, and of ZXPEW131'ril I same line, for the Sum of $5,550. ese, Lack of F,nergy and that tired. i � e fam- available to allow the openi I the beet cum f I . tn 1:=,V4- Halliday, who has been a resident of 0 a& UP � , that Gamey would give, him th the street through to the s n. (2) sALARzxs�pald offloers ....... 182 48 tion. an un . Morris for the past 10 or 17 years, will listless feeling so prevalent in the spnng. J 9 H o, COLBORNE I 1 I . 11 I � ous intbrViOW'the day before Gainey That the Organ Co. debentures had FIRE DUPAiVrMll - nel torl I likely retire from farminil as he is The cleansing, blood.purifying action I ,3-+-- then showed . outta Perchil Co., hom ...... Z5 00 . " ", . I - Win. Lee, coal . ............. 8 OD 1- -_ � --- short of help owing -to the tl I I I did so; tuft interview which was not been sold kthough so regrL n 33 50 - cal'Ing ol 1! . . e I , , � �. . V HaranitlInd tile one of the local papers) the o er of Oft PUBLIC WORKS - ? his sons elsewhere. , ", � I . I - subsequently given him and which 10 er's Pay Roll - - - - - - 1-� I ., t being accepted by the brok 140 51 � : '. , �1::::,.:: * '' 905 179 66 h1#14 25 BURDOCK BLOOD.BITIT000. ­ �� I es no other offer had yet W. Lee, coal - - - 50 Ta I 1, wits then in Stratton's P086 sion; that, I - 3 CAMIf4 ! 11 1�1 Gamey and Stratton conferred over. client, and that the bonds were PRI14TING AND ADVICUTISINO- . IJ I . on received. al .:::::::::::: 38,00 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii =1 Slovenly Conversation. eliminates all the'pol�t-up poison from the 1 (31 "to Postuiall I � . I�L 1 the interview; that Gamey Bnally gave be purcha"r. 58 - . , I I I , � I I it to the Globe reporter who showed it still awaitin fi a t f Signal ....... ::::: ............ $950 Have you ever considered how. a system, starta the sluggish tiver working, . . . I tton again; and that costs of Dud ey 11olmes in that par o STAIR, ....... 265 More than flve hundred pet -sons com- sets on the Kidneys and Bowels, and .... _1 at once to Stra the coal case, Holmes vs. Goderich, Malland Em Ire .... ..... of your conver- .. .1 . F., prizes lately offered by E6 shorthand report stral u.sked the Globe reporter to 3 Miss Vence. Ype writing . , 2 50 ted f.or the would look if printed In renders it, without exception, I . . -1 decided against the towm, $ 0 writing.. 260 _70.20, he miss o] a ig cal L TcAL . )-'I; correctiomt. it b1p I gf,ng bi r the beStL nation .q �, leave out one of Game .� ....... 25 ougtts trust company to . a e would blush m�* i had offered Mr. Holmes $300,in full, I - 80 88 rh On, the subject of saving. The Best Spring Medicine. ... 11 � . I Suppose the case goes no fartherl but It was not as yet accil and If WATEH WOR10 CAPITAL, . received the first prize milly land be much ashamed of it, and .. I �� .� I - chus. 1,00, supplies. etc .... 2M 23 The inan will would cag the paper an impuaent sheet . suppose that not another of Mr. Gam the bill had 6 be taxed, he thought if . �:.. , L I it firilto charges to substantintedl the town got off with paying $315 or 13ANK INTfutill r - Ing produces a peace of without respect for the decencies of I 1, .... "I Paid Bank of Montroal..... 7125 W�oto- "S"ll to him who in time of Assessor Hamilton of Blyth, gives in e 8 le will ti lind unkno, I I 'khat, position ,is leave Mr. $325, it would do well. 300000 n don the boun- Re. � I � misfortune must d ell his report the following evidences of , , ;. . . stratt,on inY The clerk read a letter from the GRANTH AND CUAIlrry- ... loono ty of his friends. Watermine to save, Conversation formerly was something progressiveness in that village: -Real , �::: � .�., It, it to he supposed that Gamey Public School board asking for $11(W Publio Librarf .............. W 00 the prime essential. 4 a fine art -like ittter-writing--and property, $210,575, increase over last I . I 11 . cut to all this 1,rouble, and voluntar, for the proposed alteration -3 and tin- Musical Soolo y .......... for will -power Is �ople of any pretensions edited their year, $0615; personal property, .1 ". w . - Deposit regularly. I,ar aside some Ik b - I � . self all theodium n nta in the Central School. 0. Ill Whiteir.dUpplION I 00 _ th's efore it passed their II Now - - �;­ 1- ily took upou him . 200 L $24,100, increase over last year, $2700; . traitor, and ca'rr. s at Dr. Turnbul , attandanoo... portion o ' f each week i4 or men adays we all converse as Zligh we. I , � which must fall on a Pf��IV.tl �11 I first addressed the Coun, will. 1,00, 00al ... ......... 4 W income. Depoq1t, extra and unex- taxable income $1700, increase over � , led comfort tA) the Liberal Government ell explainint the defects in the Cent- . F. B. Holmes, coal ......... a SO school, and the sall O at ,�. , 1 410 Ifig 7) pected receipts." It Is it short but had never been at last year, $400; total real and gg n .. I -for nothing? Was there no consid- ral school ullding, especially the sturdy & co" 'rupp'led .... sound and comprehensive sermon on topics are discussed in the b=oom, tile property and taxable income, 875; 1 .. . eration offered tile member for Mani- closets and that, at the' Instigation of WATVR WORKS MAINTENANCZ-- 4). ropulation, 865, an increase of 17 over I I � 11 , Engineers'psty roll ......... 125 i thrift, and enlists in it good cause two stable, and the polite drawing -room. t . I'll .1 ", �.­. I ... I - I toulin by the Minister? Even if we do ex -In or Wilson, tile Board of Health .1as, Strachan. repairs - - 2 25 forces that sometimes tight on il ."urrent slang is preferred to pure Eng- " year; number of persons assessed, � I P- not got an ounce moro proof, is it wereaffable to prosecute the School a. Morrow, unloading'&W. 5 30 habit. % dah, even by young women, and the clant I i".. 17�00.sorl to imagine that all the giv' changing the System. 0. C. whited , ALLPRIles. ... 6 75 site sides, will -power and Df the turf and the ring is familiar to 335. __. _ . I I . ing was donv hy tile plitlanthropi board for not he board N D RouIl ...... 1813 the loveliest of our . is,* 11. c He claimed that for yearij t Ji�sZ Morrison to., " ... 8 00 il il 1* It --has be- We All Have Missions in the World. g. "Jew Ontario? A - call for as Ny Weller. repairs.. .:,::, 4 56 T 4 A - be carefers's of tee Eng- . 1, [:� member rem hadeconotnize so fw I so M I'll 0 VY 13 Dome a a -There is a work to do for every as possible from the Goderich Engine - U - o. - . - repa - in 92 57 urmy - __ _T ­____ : Is -up to Mr. Stratton" - - .... .. ood by lish, and Lindley, M or Goold ­ - --------- I It certainly little money G. 1'. IL, frourlit their man on earth, there is it function to -_ ____ _­ -_ --- , I " !.� to t,ell,� Ig hypnotiged G town, and had Intended making these F B Holmes, coat ....... � My OD 2= 36 ro Repiace UnhsalthY BI Brown would swoon. away if, from for everything on earth, - I � 1; . I MW Ast year, but at the )� Vill duty ............. 172 67 a Fresher and More E119111Y couches in the elysian fields, they could Perform . Everything - e huv r -y; but that W Ii improvements I . 11'' , W am y'8 stot request of the Finance committee bad Et,ftorwc LtalIT NLUNT&NANCE- Vitwizil Flufd. overhear the conversation * OIL in animate and inanimate ;. -1 was no reason Enflnoorm'pay roll .......... 10096 I has a mission and tho mission of S P R I RNM MILLINERY. V1 a i a e. I . I . . for puttiog tile country to the expense postponed them because of the town' F. . "wronce, exprell 130 the homes of educal peo , much Thomas' Electric Oil is to heal I �.ra 1� . of a trial. What then %veto t he In- finances.' Now, however, Choy felt N. D. Rougvlo, suPPIIc94.v, .4 60 But it is not the am& I so � ,. lit 3o., supplied. . 1215 and wounds of every description and . Gainey they could not wait AnY longer, b Nat Carbon L us the literary q ity of our convert& - I � ducements which brought k; ,� Plarrow, duty ......... ... 4 20 cure coughs, colds, croup and till EXT WEEK we will be ready to shovi the very latest , !� � � over? what was the price? had decided to proceed with the war . Platt, cartage ...... � ...... 630 0 Paine'sGeleryGowufld tion wilich has deteriorated. We talk ections of the respiratory organs. N o L � . __� the plans adopted would make the can. Elm Co., supplies ..... 719 1417 about commonplace and Tulgar things, aff - k styles in TRIMMED and UNTRIMMED HATS - school one of the beat in the province, pusLIc scuoola- 4W gi Is T130 Only Medicine That Can and, what (a worse, we talk about them . . O&NADIAN FARMERS' AD- and If not carried Out the responsibil- Pattlachool, P:tv.rolls ....... . Furify1b Mr. Hillott, town treasuret of Sea- the most modern creatians of Fashion. READY-TO-WEAR , I � I blame would n the Council MiaccuAmmous - ,9*"WtreaM In a commonplace and VUIW way� We or ; . � VERTISER. ity aw 2 20 have none of the salons of a egritury or f th, sent to Mr. Dick the $10,000 . J� and not on the -u & He claimed XMD.Rlr.k 08 25 and RepaAr lzhat- tv conversation was cal- ini in HATS a Specialty. A large stock on hand, of all the jt�'Xn , * ... ­* * ro ago In which . which the town agreed to loan h . � � That Are of Interest; to that b returning the old trustees 34 00 tered Strot)9r-b. tivitted and reverenced. Our women connection with the woollen factory latest Novelties. Call in and Inspe t. .- to had Ill V $in. .-. - 60 Instead I __ - it __ �'. I ­­ ,, ,cal the poop lancis.. . : - , - A discuss philoso by and high poll. at Egniondville. tof sellinK � I . J. MitsbOl 1i_1--�-_-,t-, . . again Tast election ..Pon.. 0 filly tic - I I ELurcin Farmers. approved and endorarld theft Chang- Montreal ................... 22 04 Nd e . I I . The sleeplessness, nervous proatra- ties as the women � It in Paris whet th debentures, as is usual, he council I . An echo of the crash with which Inspector Torn said he agreed with Resistril �,iiii;�i-,��i;� 3806 eakness, func- Napoleon lost his temper at Madame do have purchased them with money � L _ in OD 1656, tion, eneral debility, w I vortiser" what Mr. Ball had said. He claimed oometil all which was to the credit of the sinking I . the ,,Canadian Farmers' Ad actions INstinaNcill tionaf, rrerlarittes alild despondency Stael. Polite conversation is preserved fund In the bank and re lace the MUSS CAMERON ""TON ct 11 . � colls, sed some years ago, was heard that two men had tbiel Paid Hartford - .1 ............. U 00 0800 from wh ch thousands of women, to -day by small oqterles, scattered here I I I . . I I in 13ambers at Toronto last week, against the board because of the exist- BrittsbAmorican ............ U 00 and there and unknown to wh other. OnZ so taken by the deUntures. � young and old, suffer. ran be quickly in I I . I .. when Mr. I E Jones for defend- Ing condition of the school; that the CAsn-onhand ... ..... :::.,:: * 61 so 96i so removed by pro orly feeding the Perhaps brilliant conversation, the In th way the town wit � ." fielso vs. Hot- chan goposed would make the In bank ............... . 9W 00 by be about $100 a vear interest. I ' ant, in the suit of norvil and replacrIng the unbeAlt sort that rt=igrama and makes I � [r - ---------- a- al 3Es 3B30MW 13:0:03DIS ) t . man. moved to transfel the trial schoo but ding one of the boat in the Total . ................. '7" 30 bloo4 by a fteaher and 'more highly memoirs worth ng, never did tour I , , of that action to Berlin. Heise the county; that when the High School A list f*r'om the fire warden of rubber vitalized finid. The happy change* fall except in small coteries. M one The Minister of Finance, at Ottawa, . _ aintiff. advanced men to J- J- trustees had asked for SM for their 'IT con- . . . , it Wits goodarequirod for the equipment of from ill health find misery to true suspect that much of the political. will probably Introduce, this session a are ago _ _ can only versation of the salons was mere non- measure to provide for the estal ' We have a lari,e and well assorted stock of the best Flower and . Valy. the publisher of The exdvertiser- building some rigill was sent to Fire cortimit- Znfgm and bitpptnm i�b- Garde -i Seeds. tese Seeds ore fresh and from the L I rity of an advertising con- anted without yhoultation, and he tbo bt . se o1i - rl reliable , .. on the socui eferl find Clieved tb.tif it wits they who were tee with power to act� = by the usl Paine' PelerY norm? After Adl, brilliant conversation ment of penny banks. Messra.Hamil Seedinen in America. We quote the price of a few Garden Seeds . tract lie had with the d presuppol brains, and brains were ton Cassels, Angus McMurchie and C. . ;. � . � on which the laintiff now sues- The making the application now it would COMMUNICATIONS AND PwrII47 ONS. Compound. demand for never very common either in Paris or as follows: ,, . i defendant de= to havo the trial at be resAlly grantil that theill Chang" A letter from the Packard Electric The present spring E. Clarke, of Toronto, were consulting * 1. , Berlin, where, lie said, he had twenty were approved b every person he had Co. demanded payment of their Pilil Celery Compound. woman's elsewhere. with the degibrtment in regard to the I I ,halt Daly Tarr ratepal who account for motors, $1444.08, asking to friend and life giver, is enormous in The quality of conversation depends measure le isbeingframed. They SEED POTATOES (American Wonder) per bush .... 90�1 � .. , � ) (armors prepared to sw talked with, a r l Interest at 0 r ?vinco of the Dominion. more on ,what In said than on the sub- represent the St. Andrews' Church SEED POTATOES (Empire State) per bush ........ al -1 " V, obtained the contract in question by bad children atten ng the school had, be allowed to chy every pr4 1i L Y fraud. The muster resei,ved Judg. assured him that he would favor the cent. and pass a draft for three itiont ff. This fac,t alone, fimply proves that the ject, Otis can fall some billin-Arthulr Mission and the Victor Mission, which �1. ound Possesses virtues and )Jil for Instance, or Charles Dick- between them have aggregate de osita SEED ONIONS (Multipliers) 2 lbs. for .............. 5c . . i - ment, but eventually refused to allow -a" of Vim on such a build- The mill and clerk am to look E. great comp - F over , _.,� thechange. A second action. also arlsi- expendit � to questions from the the matter. wers unknown to other remedies. en& -talking very well Indeed about In a penny bank to tile amount 0 1 , � Ing. In alkal 0 - -9 Thackeray wrote an tn- $20,000, A penny saved is a penny GARDEN PEAS (Little Gem) per lb ................ 10c . ,!T I Ing out of Air. Daly's conduct of The mayor he said this average attendance Town Assessor Campbell reported Y=r wife and mother, do not pro prize , fting. - eav : , heard in ,wasil5leenthan In IBM and that a the completion of his work and hand- crastinate; listen to -day to the Voice tertain ng paper, having Ill delicious lit ,, tied. We have a food supply of those Beautiful DINNER WARR, � Farmers' Advertiser, was, of reason and the pleadings and test- el flavorl, about the famous lil , j -_ , , , I I SingleCourt. Thiswas action by J. second Central school 6Ut "y on Ing of roll to. town clerk. He also mony of the thousands of your 8OX between John C. fternan, the Benicia which we are g ving away FREE to our patrons. . . K. Baker, a farmer of Hur011 county. South street, which might later on gave the figures quoted tn the local 11 Thd- following figures are gleathed I es Weldon, of Littlis Vallst follow the reconstruction of the who have been made well and st;ron Boy -4aYers.- Other peopl6 from the - inat Moo .Pre* papers last week. The report was fog: i *rid Tom F , o t assessment roll for the town Mrs. ,s. J. McKinlay Cholm bave written Ilat and'stupid thin b u ship of McKillop, for this yew: There L I ' 881d: can- , =,', York. to Set -[,I- an lag.roamil sont 'buildin ould cost S&Y from i-elielved. and on motion of 0ouns. , or and 41%000 to $1tog, I I Thompson, Mr. Campbell Ont. says.- ,, I wish to let you know the most Intellectual subjects. names entered on the roll; the 10 � for advertisiny betWeen BiLk Humber ant . d has not talk well or brilliantly unless otill are 837 P. T. DEAN, GROCER, .1 Daily, which Da y rtasigned to Wolddh- The mayor heartily approy wha; Paine's Celery Cozo t Z, population is 2,491, and there we -707 '; ad of was granted $100 on Accol the � . I . ­ ID&I bad hundreds nf such contract$ makitig sanitary changes in the Cent- matter of his Wary to be iottled by done for me. I was 0- en with can tbink well or brilliantly, Int L children between the agee of 5 and 21. COIL MONTREAL ST. . I '. I 1. witTi farmers all through Ontario, by ral school, but ol there was a differ- Special Committee at thil next In"t- nervousneill sleoplossness, debility =%l little thought Into his ootl*et- Thereare 52,100 acres in the township, GODURICH and eneral weaknesir for flve Years, LIld can avoid that sloyonliness of which 42,742 acres are cleared. The AND SQUARE. I . I which he was to advertise their farm$ a ll of opinion around town on the Inp. docl � on and Cring that time I was of a which is so common In this iot.al assessed value of real protwrt Is . �.. � I " in his pakwr and reeAve a commisin, Visablitty. of expending $M or A letter from 4 H. DSTICOY Ill - deal of money fdr day. Pool 1 $2,010.4001 personal p t aw , L � 1. rid sum for F, which nds fita, cat rover V - � I . on the sale and a good. roll A sum for the prownt bull In -15ank In I I ea w thot and taxable income, $406. There are j, I . �, ­.�' These con, $1 000 on , plained of dumping on the medler, Fir .1t any g66d Msult& . ! , . I the advertising nis well. III build ng still, rear of his residence, and asked the 14 ) , ,� 1, "o . WWId then b6 an ol A friend advieliAnits to Uad you'r Com- C011601111116 7,312 cattle, 1,502 abeep, 3.018 bogs, , , )% I tracts were no drIll as to confititu ,nee no much smaller Council to put a' stop 0 It- The pound, &rid I MhLbappy to say It has - 1,815 horses, and 17 steam engines. �� '� � . L I I With the attendr " � .. . 11 4 A lien on the land of the farmers wh coidd not at IWt One, ff not two, Or the bl had no power completely cured me. I now eat well. al go fal a drink, mattliem", STURDY & COO) The Grocerb, L teachers M diialll w0b. and was In t tnattbr, t he Canada Co. owning sleep w614 and Ill as 01 . trong M ever q N^ love sworn off this week for a bl I AVE as Fine a \ Stock of SELECT GROCIME15 and HOUSID. . . I I A I not the prailill bull4lag amply large the tn uelistion. ThIs VO tine filftintre I would have died, ffftq, what are on testill `*Al To CUrO a Cold In One D&Sr, HOLD NECESSITIES as can be found in any Store �An the . I before. I . I � . , I I t5nol for am& time W Ool It 0 to smother d Ion on the "T'll ng had not PaInW6 Celery Compound Asl�nir sAll find lean stop won'titopt H ; , L. I - I large lluildlingin,tbo i*UU*10t tc kid vies-LO.I, d ll com- I tAll't stop I wIll Take' JAvative Bromo Quinine Tab- West. The *finest of everyi hing is kept Ili stock, and perfect -L-1. L.. - suwt. Wow corn6to.myaid. IvrialkeverYWO111411 init *4 soon as I 04 . lets. AU druggists 67 1 T)bt refund the mon - satisfaction is guaranteed to every, custbitter. A trial order makes a . . I town, 667 im Nouth WI W 11 set 0 IL to know about Your w0ndeiful mea' M09 -all permanent customer. and we ask for the trial. l I SCOTT10S fifisfilble or diftirshlos why not Jil Tho ill r,nadp a report of the Wile. o. . -----�0- if it falls to cure, H, W. Grove 8 I I I moderl 61 niittil sclil for I �A 61guature Is on each till We. . . " Intarmsintal, so 0 1 btr In If you art to neoil of free, W6(11W TIM STAkIt RIV" thilt news, 1� ... . - the whole towr 14 11,14 00�ftojtlng P� lelal .l.l P I . I , :: . _1 it. Worb , Wft* mal IZ� 4141t ZW XPAI, 9 1 --------.*- � . I milliklil 0006 , st4vice, write to, V c� lill I 11 all . children pil Out this R11ron ,M)l Which WAS tiforreavio Comm t6o. , I The Square. GODERIC" I . ; ­ . $ol instance,- to Wh6m the local Npotment, The N 6118 & Re AW9011 I . #rho Olul Now 19ra thus mourns 'PHONE 91. . I , . I , WAY lArnito, VoilttfifLi, que- All Woo & NUVGV* I I tMULSION two: )etk" 8611001 Wf A Iatwr iaud rb"titions from tbb C,0 She overthesseessment returns for that _ I I I I 11,11111, 11, 11 11 I I , I I 1. I . I tIr)n61'th6Pr#s6nt4 I ti � to - . . T . t tal 18keft Od octal ell of st; UM "ry"Pon 6nll# t4 JrAt4 , for " dil is "crel 6onfidon, tbvm. ,,Aasosssor Cottle has Just . I unfil 116 MUS , c I.. I 1. Stottis Emulsion ig the Trinil Ball,s lktstemftt that the wide throll wal son to P. 0 cornin't. tial. . QuIA Nd Sfi" At WWI, fint&a his duty of asseming the rate - I L � I" I.- � , trustemelected last DeOeWWWftV tM (30"n-ThotnPal ttrol fil - - _. I L I I ,�. ­ I payers of town. In some rosFecta the 0 U R F U RN I T U RF, I ib, Teporui hil are Oncoultagin but ,. . vo*juis,'of life and of the en- 1*turno because the =Ie endorsed tog tbel*bt- A BURS CUAX Von 11ftD1%0tM'- � -that of our populiation I I I I thlis ropoi _ A Ill tril the town solicitor, 1311tolla hIllal to *h1ch Women � the vital part id, something like 26 Is made to wear. It it made to sell on small margins, which I L joymetit of life of thousands of Ill #xp6n Itttre. N6 ol . - . �� I W =-ht much abotit It until with bVlAW,, lauthol Muticil to *rIsmardsubject than Went litcOffift ' 1. I . I -hAs gone bobly also fStatos that It ineact low prices to purchasers. / I I Vol and thildren. teeont:Iy or uLkil much 1ntft*4 In thf, till $M to tho ourcla" of wators 00 *011t4fi, in tio-mis artbIftta that tbey I I :. I Souls. Mr. Cottle 4 deet6w if , . �,� . MTo the men Scotes Emul- m,att,v,i,*,Jth0Zuh0n,e tA the'loftl and Oxtifillsidti 6f 01ilthict IRMIt tattoo, ara 0001,17 "ttAtil The stomsell I I I would be more like 40 6f or 17 Is %** IV 11011 l I I I I . I 0 ktk bot"al 6f sod forth of PititIOU to 16- Ver" r6tUosa fil and tber4S III & mnstAnt " . the eensus ws,fit taken at tho pt+sont I I .� ., ..'� . � , 1 4ft the flesh and pa '1*4 '"'rl 1 not ove Jim and distrboill eftct,t to it" this . � ttinti. Thig Is lamellitAblO. *Iftd the We have a a letildid stock of PARLOR, DINING P,OOM XIT_ , .. I =ntob on tht triattak, to tomte big IlliproV410 W" )l IrIt - - - � I �, � I I I = of the maycl solleltor and I cause should bol nought Ott t and' -"nle � . 1, $0 necessary foir the appel itIpsoil all Til 1WI obairml Of WAto a ught corn. stojyigch,fr��rn Is which hw 1160bnib L I . � . . � I diedo and Inducom6ntS Offftod t6,kbpp CIMN and 0PLOOM VURNITtMn, all Canadian maae, and � I 10069 -um fion and the Coon. Th6i " Unduly wril thil PAM61WA . I ", . . The t6b guaranteed exactly as represented. It will pay you to ekstulne I cur �, ' mitt". I � V0 po.dy Alter- I., I I p#ople heve. Il anloqut of this what we carry. - I e ow6rioldtail ther 6 nditur* of 05W Or , 'Imt-wo Pills are a a .1 1.11, . I "Nsimill Is somewhat, higher, lint . I $4MO'llontheritioMm'd ,khool, 'which Acft -1; , . re Oi IMly'losses from _ � , �: ill and tn neutralizing the efftl � s - 11 , . I sid'l L to tIJ,6 flitsiiieial dftmItY., Tb,b(oUol we" retl th Fl- bf the Intruding bile relltVML (be . 91*11 L �el L' thisla thlefty due t6 petA61161 Income, Picture Framing Ig a Specialty with Us I I . a I I 14 allseas'l-% Whilt, bo agreed *141i'WhAt ,W bOdA "Uto committee I., tAllm I I � 0 060 t6se6t from which we h**6 not hill to; draw 11 4 � � 1. � ,%,If* Oil M10it freflaul on the nbttes which I I � . - *0- wh0l I I tal in the Dot. Ili th6 ttfiring I 11 eli, Scotes Emul. t'he beooal fol imp -W orde* on,401 J. . lut6sta bt hmda,chL% TO th0n). Toso"oIT"ttell"All? il thil old WIIW block We lose :1 11 h# did tict U'll bm"*, 04., J, IL. �Vorl aunil ­_­­,,� __ A^ I -L I r st"on doo Ws slid triore. It is Td6ta at t1w ()MtW, 11$4 ""VS Clatitil fito Will alad . Lto ,#A * , I I L I 41,,W,,� FPO Ital 1$16A "loast.heOn the Whbl#� hotr6yel . *pthdituft Mel 10 It $KII. )n forTocketomith 0"J."W"Myo T. BROPHEY &I SON no itilloommW V Ines'n n " .1. 1% i 1. � , ood and so " ren -1. , WA hkvilt a #10*'t matAining f woAO 1"90 ft�,01110*4.0�b�-,___Hal *tMA,ft 43V milittvilim, .'ll A111hrilyA, Oth6r thinft .' Child 0400, fli.40006*00� I .... ... ii�Vlnl Over *10W more to tat thtih - - - I I tooic, for dwsp�l trials thm .1 1, . ,� *ll lbw*,t* beir. I To 'ChJult" scott's Emill. L 4 . tion" V,Ves fo*4- sod sit tigth I I I "'for - *th a( dil uhirb&rke 9 U . abd b c #i­k1__*6, girls, . . (or thin,ar4 sw*,, blll�tes UWAU00 . 1% *.V . at filil - -- I I 00l top fFo �.:­_;011l _4P -01"l Ill �. - , 1!&* im ntaft, � , I WW *to# 02*0022= , : - � I I " " . � 1 I 11 I .1 , I � ) I � I - ilc_ ,le . , 1% ot h0i I .)� I I - " I � I I I I . � I I - % , . I � 1, I � � . � ; I � , . .. . � I � � . � ,* ,., I I I . I � � i �. , _.C�)`. .<>". , . I I, , I I . . nisil -ilibal , I .., , , . , , I&M"�im-, il� , , -&-i " � i L A 1 7T �,­_.iil - ___W_,��.�, k - . � �­.111111�li � mr&% � ,lisl ti� of V Urs. 'll _tw I 14 i a -7,-i it ti t, I - I att - I I . -1 l lihit ;W I sal itit � " ` I Z ". � � __L4. t,Jw All �s,,*tb*, *3 two � �, . a%. XIDMA 0111 *m*)*"%" I I. M; , ­ - . . � � � - ; . � . I , , � '.1 , q'l '. I . t 1�, `�' I - � / I ) I _.. - - :4 Iili­ I . . , - I r19AU1:ICl UXV4WKAX4A3. EMBALMERgi Bit, 111 lr�­ ", � I ,; lk `0 ,is I . .4 ., I , * $toi 010 I'm I I - ACM, "A I"* " *l ...... -':'111. -----. �,O ,;, , " I I ' - - � I � . 1� MW� �il , , -. . it %:,b*o^ , *ll 4*001s *a , 0"A"Vi.wokka'", I I ,� � I I I I �� I I I � , I I �i _ - I I 'an. "il "',� iiiii. ". -, -