HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1903-05-08, Page 3VK -4ay law ii �F Itowl, vatil wo , n4vil,ii ti00 ot 4W. 46 0, bovs, to. I , I '44 tit AV* Yealid, WOM that 4 vAtIit Act 4 41110 Tat etWild fixil; the t4act a, , t1ho Aceded to VAtican Deek, "td for Prints us mum ImWrIUMM "M ocamplottou at five y4ors train x4itarowim to 1101 9,40—W0616 dticeir of goveraliMs, 110.0, of ItsRAW4 0 the, Mil. Monist r uerrilp 41 omd tilt"n j To tucorporatit the nxOrok Radial alros In VIsIt to ylp",ul .� I tho 'ttel. 41; "a. ',4 400rowt +.lie villitiliker x9plioall thwt proposing an ex. #$ " *r, "TOW4.0 . vlw4ity oo,mpamyl thqm were grouped in IMPO AC 4. arantorlolva, oatem, of iesftoto I . r Of Pope. I00,41*11tiistiq dy At 1X4i t 7-1*0f�kp No., the Writ that North ray a number of 01141 . . �; at4 r4w- Wit P"T WITO deUel * j" sIft. tour white ;Ihtlil. thq y QtR01*411v 14 W44, 23rd Respecting the London, )Pa who formed lotog from t . b, 1008. ThO Govorolgliolat Ila$ hq highi, 114,1101 works *4toducisd this pstw, at 04Q for ol, 1k 0yht. and Ilend l0lactria 401W%Y- A Items despatch ays --Kinfl! Ed- magi011oont 0i0selablY, "1411 th lVoilaJOY at 704 pr9po hig 4n. clectrio line for diroptqd the cletkIIIIIAMIJIM group R, I %ad Ward VII. of England. wearing the attired in brill1allit, ligitakraul nql5a. .** 4 1014 A fro) 1, rQtf. VOpnjp�* by" cj� 3, AVAI 06 for No. 2 east. Mani- diroqUil thn Clark not to Were t 40. rpst, At, IZTYI Ce quilrorm of 1% field marshal. paid his he Xniwlxte at the 040 00y,040. of 01l1d -a to con, ending the present fitivestiga- point on Lake Huron at the bound- If visit to the POWAL1 'go at.0".00 Aept., irbomp On. arik tobvi whearilt is. Sates, No. I hard writ 13 ary between Loallublion. and HurOUL to much -talked -o VoMcaft chamberlains. .Q.tith, 1,91 ftunelt JYvo aiddrawRit low laottal Xing Wward I for upon the' 9 .. fly. 0.4 'I J* quo ll oppodo bo* ted tit lake p rts wt, 82c wid tioni the City of London. passing through 0 0,%- tap Said ort -qoa , rteln, pweVp Northern at S:tc. G6VIDRNA%NT HOUSE, Its. the afternoon King lAdwarid left words of kin "04044 Woo. ,a eat$ ce ar. Parkhill. dly, tha"a In VO Wli "41of .11140 a'Tortlp MCIVAt I 4kad, 000. X Depow) by J.�qgaa. Irani. Mr. Latchford was asked to- the British lillubasay, for tile Vatican the hearty grelltinUs uttered 0104 .1 ILV ii Flour — Is -stma4y. 0@64 of 90 I 4 reportgol tq �pl'eitj4qr %it Ou09 T4 wl� Tho 14111-a were Re* Vor cent.. pg%outs oxg, quoted at U.- gArl4in a report that a new I- in a closed carriage. He Was ac- Royal party then procesdod 00t*leep'- a$] Guaftrads. At. their fluAl 44go4z I mid- dorict or the Lieut.-AGoveraor w III A :but 1 01de it was uleaw thr6uih Tt *t, 00 to $2,67* In buyers' hogs, cclapan ad by Colonel Lamb. tile ran" of %he Swiss ooplQscad fo rile th�'l 0 in,; the qjujpb0j3 & Wqqtqrak Iwas Civaueatine Hall the party Was met tion, %tter, tW no ll - Is frelghts. Choice brands are Siijetrtl be provided. and stated *'.bt,t VERY F R AMR British ititary cattache, and Jes wide. HOULIA I Wologravu, wini (aim olawn. ox.4 the pAny Mr. lialielitt'"' t Dail not been consl0roil trix.06 �O% river for one Rguwp pop old. 1150 to . 200 higher, gent, tbo Slit cc tallowed by. another carriage cou- by the papal Master of the Ch0mr only de, 40J.: had lire grft thils% Ajnt, going hrough %109, Ae4peetin this UA%t4ra, TQwn.shIPA tobal flour Is Steady 4t %.:Lo to by tholqvictraniupiat. He said it was SOME NEW IDEAS you SAVING taluing members of his suite. The bar. Mgr, B16,10ti, Who VA& Ott*Od*d r uwa&Irstosb. To incoar- marshal's out- by personages of the Secret Aat,*- patept, to anyone �tj�­the Bank,01I wlianiplog a wits Anailkim PA0.40, UPOWN t.to fast aq 00I.Plas down, IV. 44i2% fall trian patents however. that tile King wore a, field Roloint.W be fur- r no TEE LAND. AbNoQk to the 4,Not probable there will Po Al 8.00 'to $4 4or a rosig be6kers'. presolut Govertiment Hour foriu. lie had no escort. except Chamber. Scott. Reperlettyg the (411101411,13 bAge Included. on the track Toroari longer a suitable residence. In the policemen lit plain clothes, and Upon arrivin before the Privoto lolailt ljoras "to ;rOpott theiLvilde of any, crinsequence, gld — V Varm 7wroposqd—Co .,that . Aliventy-0.0 peoplo are arid 'tWQ Officers dqr at the WAQdmp� �At thoM ara� place it was not convenient to Huge BE ps lined the stivots, in Con- apartment of"thull Pope the Noble a oqtr1ghkt iOei t 11tood — Is steady at $3,6.50 to that, Legislative buildings; in the verting, Sewerage Into 'Farm �,t,,,,.'.ttr00Vith what waa dono at the Guard rendered militiary honors to "4.tbo there are hare; plqnty tQ ;naiUtq1A pjqpce and Mr. Iver t o Q61 I the lot Moiatxqal Mr, Ulc4ordike. To also and smoke make the Xanure. %lip of Enipecror Williami'a visit to tbav rltish Sovereign. or agd .1o;ir purj?oses. T - t illpilmles $�7 lax cars at aborts end *16 for jJJQZ;t,, I he a 0 .11� rat'". , AWAosf a* ionablo; further. It The declining HOLINESS. or vol, ano. 3.dictild the power Of loan middle loCA aliqrthquake I I , an in bulk, cast or ation object . woot'' voltirtiq of debris Was- thfOWn . ThompandA,. - To Incorporate fl�` 01ghts. Munitobs, nlillfee block of state at British agri- the Pope. ileopie looked oil With GREICTED BY HIS Ing In. U1160 except two escapt- -Xr d to ccupled S, very valuable from At the conclusion of this cQrO- work as Fire Insurance , culture Is a. fruitful topic with those curiosity, but they abst4laild "the A ad.", for cars of shorts and land, and' the house itself was alony the door of the'Pope's tLP*rt- a, tilreallit0ing the Lum'b,QrMalz steady at 620 an- distual people who believe that farxu- any deniiiin&A-a t toil. ao4'Atr$t IiVel And siX,feat lc0pi ' 'in- Charlton. , Toron- tiquated and unsuitable. The Min a d Tf= OATASII1RO?H1I. Comillem - W, 418 for bran, *ticks included 11; Ing fit this Countr Ili clootated. says it also was remarked that. con- ment was imal" tel opened, an .01itaing the railroad traoic� It also WAS visited Wed- istev was asked if the Goveroluel it cannot certain- trary to the usual otiquott. King the aged Pontiff was revealed stand- 0" d tb I r nolar thii,inotith 91 Franic, IN% "Ar. T., .9 freights. xl liberally London Answers. ritish Ing at the threshold. His hand was neelasy, morning by the worst disae- I$ir William Xqjack. replying to Buckwheat -* Is nominal at 420 would be prepareld to ties 3.ving ly be questioned that agriculture is 10dward did not lunch at the B th eri-soort. to'is. Ith a view to lu T,47was-th ad that (q.r No, 2 east. With the city W 04,i 4iotw-trko mouth. OiI the pit, and or that has ever been-sWituessed in Mr. ff. it, IOpxualorson, stat pur- not the paying Industry that It was Embassy, but had loachoon at the extended awaiting his gueqt. His &my corearmillity in. was�ern Cansl4oll, the Work,01. 001- Is steadv at 43c to 44o tile property sot aside for park . but that Quirinal. and, after a brief stop at Holiness was dressed in robes of fi o ; but �Arjk literoillibly short t-immi- tar No. 3 extra and 40c,to 41c for He said lie could not say Lipe a red velvet he ',ohtlre am Mom care was dir oy can still be made by (&ruling the Miniblasay, drove to t,he, Vatican. white, and also W4 11W DiliuIrtion, leaving It V did King Edward give way Cape bordered en I I d-1 4" hC v6skiblY t acted to Securing 8 middle freights, =Ing about that, but he express- "loll wit,li arinine. His vIcTf'10tPye � .19 twenty Mail avr iimprll W210 Was JilitAlAl lftlldio or gr4tp for ihp:' t'q Select L t q p .0 - Is steady -at 52c to 52ic ad the -view that Toaronto sivas sadly is A fact h re is plenty of .y. but he as tq the Settlers' It art of R3 1 Thus ar cat- face was the color of Iva, jrock,,�Ot. sue, 01guAtic to tile Vatican desires. The SQA�4 In the mine. there Is *b� dou!)V oncolviible to' the the iuntr of breathing places kind evidence to prove, and with to 40 4ttemy 'no, y Where they desired to for No. 2 oinst. Oc for C aa3 Ili neIld er Soma five or six-amwills ago a gletto rialifu in which tile King drove adid inoved without assistance th4t they have either been 4uffoCAW no mind of any w. $a oyp has not be- loesitg, Corn - Is steady at 4 playgrounds. especially the latt us; liv Jig in the North of khlg- not hall to the Quiril'Al. 1) tip with Ing. L mailgratign literature tie adiall, mixed or mekri� R, t It -Ill I parent difficulty. The King t bring the held. it, at- a -a iPde induced by a scies- scrib ­tfie Dairrilulou Inatilentally yellow locest. A ]MNqUJRIES 07 MINISTE tobe Church clasped kIllede w mic u S. de-119forro.4 to the VarlOus PravincOlf- r; No. 8 mixed is Mr. Matheson has given notice of land. whc� farmed settle hundreds of carriage of the King of Italy could ad the head of words lit .philia.voll, killed acres hiniself, thought out an ideak, not go within 'the precincts tit the hands and exchangvd a few P4 p9rSPRI can corn is firtule tP. ring i3lat calendar year 1902 8,101 quoted at 50c asked, and No. 8 yel- tile following enquiries: uIng which. Apostolic palace. French. King Edward passed within Is it the, Intention of tile G a tclm American Coal and d6f;6� 0117, InunfIgiant-s"' ' 'arriiiing - eat -,0a1RLi11&A- -low -at 50ic on track, opv rn- for a now method of farr and that the air is thick with their Intention of Oatn - Are steady at 30c for NO- ment to introduce legislation to ex- all psPor, proved to. be an excellel)t� IN STATE. tile Papal apartmenti-the door was coal dust. did a vast om,ount of ada,inage to the parts declared ople A's King 1-1dwilol"i tit 20 closed, and the -Patio and the King- Y44 mines and dorjkpleto�y devastated settling In the Maritime Provinces. 2 white high freights, and 30i a tend the time for tyling clatrus for arid original scheme. Most PO tile Court I wert, loft alone. . ter he folloWlitig.,desportch-, was so so far t 0 middle freights-, No. 1 White tire volunteer laud grants under the jict are uwuro that Dullish, Irrench. arid minuteH past four, entered with the rMICL,- show_ gliont, -ton square-milval%9f the finest and IA19,bave dote h - Of §,Lu Munsisco. Ilia Majesty wait I King 1,4ward ruitlained _a idjrj�cf;T 1r6fo tit ALkitt-filiall eggs Care areyImport 'saluted by a beitallion o lie 13a a Pontitt (or 20 I.P. a? Ing that In some measure telegra.- and most pictuivsque section of the first qujjr er of 19i 9. quo6d at 32c and No. 2 white 1. rdw. VIT., at )u minutes. A looll wais Grow's Neat Pass. G.T.R. BILL, ADOPTRID. 81c east. I lit of the policies ed into this country, and plawbal on f t I I lible communication had been re- EEP. toady at $8.50 for Whitt is the am r , Ouards ilk full itnif9rin. Tattoo I Own rung, unit 1�1ug'-Jodward's suite stored-.. WHEN TIM TOWN WAS ASI- The Railway Committee of the Oatmeal - Is s of A. McDougall, on which $1.150- the illarkct lower figure tino end $8,65 for barrels so wits fluid in 1902? Has than tile British farular can afford'was gis. till oil the druntheads , there i wits admitted and presented to, the "Earthquake lj.�pp.,A.d about 4.90 a Tile happening Of the catastrophe Commons adopted the Grand 'I'l cars of bags more for any VOLIAltion been made of the Pre- to., %luoto rot, his owti holu&-luid eW9 usle, as there fire till i Pope, This littio coroniolly seemed 5c at fifteen Ininutes past 4 on the truck here, and 2 ,, I ­ I. It ly At a. ric The whole ", Sy below the ame bill with 9L clause added that the broken lots. sent value tit said policies it surren- Now, this gentleman's idea was Papal bands. to ienso, the Iltintitl lullitionno -Ida . was shak- o'clock, when residents of the town company report to the Governor -in- lutat at 62c for No. 2 wheat is tile aniount practically turn the countr.-o,sido into When tho Royal party reached the, its conclusion King liolkilward took his town for over a mile what were awakened by a deafening to- Council the expenditure made upon Peas - Are c dored, arid if so, it, t1apal leave, the Pope crossing t lit. room an up, arid immodibtely aftdr middle freights; 61c high freights of tit* said valuation? a huge egg-farni. lie proposed that, grand staircase Ictiding to it to be violannic eruption inult and shaking of buildings, improvements out of the proceeds of go' at his midt, and stlying his last splienrod would rattle them issue of its new four per cent. and at 03c east. What amount has been paid tip to every fartater should devote Lt. lur aput-twent, King I'dward was g who Words tit tile door. took place on the top of Turtle which it seemed April 27, 1903, on account of the part of his land to eggi-forming. ana.0 ad by tile Marquis Sacclietti, Mountain, which overlooks the town, ;into complete demolition. Of all bonds. sur,,ey and Construction of the Tani- by thim racivaris o would not only ri- throwing millions of tons of rock �tho town Inhabitants, numbering After a protracted discussion the way? What a.naluunt tain the whole of the vgg trade of out and 'coirtering the mine entrance. I nearly 1,000, nct one professes to committee threw out the Edmonton Butter - Offerings of all grades Islial"1119 liall It , but tbo cattle were living sold &ad buildings and burying the, near have boon issued by the coititills- olso be able PAY098 CANADIAN 91' acculaula- of bonds guaranteed by the province the country lit our own It rods the outside of his do7, electric railway bill, which sought to continue to Increase, and to compete with the guill, Ilk, colitinued to ha%ie reached tile going so dreds-of, feet deep. All, t! to a Ila time to see any part of._ Increase from ten to fifty miles the tion may ba looked for in tile of said railwa? foreign egg inerchants abroad. A honot employed about the mind were in- what took place, but when day distence to which branches alight future, Prices all round continue Monsrai How tnany pounds of binder twine labyrinth of figures lccouipanied the CHARLIE ROSS IN TROUBLE IN. fit" its to "haro Ili 1.1to 110 was staiiftly MAW, and over twenty min- 'dawned it was seea that the 101c be built from the town. about steady. oc were rnade Ili the Control Prisoll scherne, which went to prove that SOUTH ArRICA. to leskgrl 111.4 com- ers Are imprisoned In the mine withIside of Turtle MoUnteiin had fal.en TO MARK HODDY. Creamery prints ... ... ... 23c to 0 )c during 10029 ITas tile twine bee" there ould be a not profit of $to lirobabiN appear in ntry extend -t do solids ... ... ... ... 20c to 0( little hope of rescue. Seven cot-!aWay, Mr. Scott's bill to regulate the manufactured in the prison since Ist per sure for the farinr who con -,He Is Wanted ;y -the British War MAth thko Othl'r' ,tages are buried under the wreck. !ing from the eastern edge of the: sale told provide for the inspection Dairy pound rolls, to ISic January, 1903? ductLd his operations or, this 11 ubove tire lout at iew examples two miles down the pass, first choice ... ... ... ... ..... 18c cc of a bill P" Office on a Serious of tilt- crintitial limtoued by The loss of life is estimated at over i town for f textile fabrics was read a Mr. Harr has given noti ciple : so that a ninn with. na ostly women and child- and entirely across the Pass, a dis-," a. n- do large rolls, choicel7c to 18c Charge. Custodian brfictits which hu"t) a hundred, in latain ih still throw- , tance - of two miles at. more from thn He explained that it was I Cheese - The market shows no to amend the Schools Act. 500 acres could make a clear $3.0 th I us bringing the tinnu, to( Can- %ren all It me, ntain, lily buried beneath tended to prevent the sale of shoddy change and quotations are st NX'W BILLS EXPLAINED., per a, nUm by working 300 acres Major ('11tit-hoo lJoss. tile fultious fat juto iliwie,fit lit South lifrical he as pure woollen goods by compelling Mr. Murphy's amendment to tile tile vgg system. 'A' log ait 13jo: per Ili. fo Coluadjun scuut, who t�orvt)d With Se%ot-,Al othe;t4 RI -0 In WHOUll troll - r h .17 w al Of Frank Is to the Leth- rock and debris of various kinds for both articles to be properly marked twins. Municipal Act provides that the pro- There were, of coulse, a vdr"Y , distincti6it throughout tl'o South We, notably It lioutollont t Idge section of the Callaillep Pa- I EL depth va,ryin I g from 25 to . 100 under penalty ton neglect. Join Scokltii� its. cific Rnilway, fifteen miles from - feet. his b Eggs - The picklers are beginning party qualifications for voters Ill errors talk([ 111tws ill is Ili diasgra(o says tbo . dtalne introduced Ill o -a cities shall be reduced front $400 to figuret, sold f ets. aiitd Mr. Preto It .) Daily* Now , it is situated well 1 DEMOLISHED EVERYTHING. . feel the higher prices which at it As tit, Instance Of Nolson. (11. ,to sCrow's Nest. to amend the Pilotage Act, which o 1 tilt), lath within view of the Rocky M unt its sweep the great slide. it was read a first time. &ring here, arid are more inglined 4f'-100. Brown is to how a crank of thli; sort nottlectm the 1 uccligpil of elling out,ornitietit pro- 111111ost N%nolesdie a- to let the stocks conle to this niar- Tile bill of Mr Pro- considration cat latest inipurtant Land u ovalrailt fill' 1114 urte4t -a ains.- It is the name of a new cc I slide it was, or upheaval, if that be BILLS READ FIRST TIME. ket. The receipts tire larger, and, vide for the election of Water Com- tors. thel.e wits actually I ties Ilet'll IsSW'd by tilt) 11011,11W'Itivt, of bors"s and millo aining town which has grown up ithe jore proper characterization, -law. ' the British I'kar 011ite h%" hovk- The tiniatiso tar the olllc,�Is vention- rapidly, and therefore there is little i demolished and carried away the en- i lithe following bills were also read prlces re as yet unchang- tnitisioners by by No MENTION Ov ItEN too all Itbo\o are tit f ),)or of the coal ad at li -I- -, hus accush the Por- 111. lout are withhold for -tco.-be- found._AeJCrip1jJve. of a first time el. Pa dogen, there is kin eas MUNICIPAL COAL YARDS. tilt- eve e 1- literature To incorporate. -the Erie and Ot- is amend in his culculdtious. Apart frol tuguo a bordut, unit is fur tile preselit at tilt- loquoA f fulli- er tendency. and a drop, may be ex- The effect of amend- pro it. ill the last issue of the enti- company; the tipple boller and en- of do,t-cating so tnuieli sent start, Ill %,(,a 0 tilt, the `gloe he . use electric light; plant. rail- taws Power Co. -Mr. (lerman. pected later: anent to the Municipal Act is to au- impossibility h t folly 'tionds nel, published In Frank, the fOIIO`w I For the relief of W. F. Schooley. Potatoes ­ The offerings of car thorize tile establislunent of coati land to Lilly :ie bratith tit ag"Icul- Llritiah --------- - Ing appeared: "That Frank 'will be. way scales, shops and a row of coke From the Senate lots are not so free, and prices axe I lit-, ture, ikprofit tit !�,10 per acre I and will ovens destroyed, seven houses own yards by nalunicipalit. It's. and 1111plicuted lit I..... a busy place this Frumxacr a isall No, I 11 tile , ,, THE XING A PAID PREACHER. double horself In sip, Dusiness and old by tile coal company, burs'Inir six I To incorporate the Quebec, New accordingly firmer. f4uotations to-, purchase, lease, tit' exProPriat toll Of 'WoUld N Ill- I 'I e .11 hoot, brought mhaose 1 'way day are $1 to $1.05 for car lots on -den of rent, rates, arld ILAIM.'s is w population,4ts plain I ly evident to all 'of them, r tha�ir �ccu- Brunswick and Nova Scotia Rai lands for such Purpose, the instal-lbui fittlied Soldier (if C ths- with most a] ken Into ilocc-Unt. who have taken the Talking to find pants, and likewise buryIng ten oth- Co. -Mr. Logan. tile track here, and $1.20 to $1.25 ling of appliances. the operating of to 2,utlllg (,olludidtob ,,,oIj k1lown Pre',tendary of St. David's out the large amouint of work that habitations situated in the valley' To amend the Steamboat Inspec- per bag for potatoes out of store. vessels, and for the purchase and A more practical scheitic lot* art irelo m dral at $5 per Aunuin er n Act -Mr. McCarthy. Baled HiJay - The market is ctuot- storing of coal or other fuel und tilt- improNellit:11L of ai;,riculturo was Aug 11111v uflices Ill tile Is to be done this year." of the town, together with evry tie the tiont- of Ilia Just tulUlIttig" "'oil I I CATTLE KILLED. ed steady at $8 per ton for car lots sel1ing it to residents of the llluuici- deNised sunio years ago lay it %cry tile disbutidiiig tit tilt- vrtgula , r toll ",,st, ,Ill tilliv, tit those A�� --TIM -TW4D soul witbin thelle. SAVE. US ESCAPE. I According to a 'return presented to pality. clever fariner. who also published hill ajesty. lie BABIES' MARVELLO and Is FEMALE LADOHEIIS. ideus 11, u pall,pnIet. Brjolly. hill 'In till LUI'Ilti 11 took so h I tiVe Hold IrUch %irk of Ills M 742 Baled Straw - The dcm 'all', 010 III, of lotitfic-, I%Allg Of Orellt "J"t""n of the Finn the House there were In 1901 gaillint La. palt ill tile le ­'lit A message received at 9.30 Wed- In the home of one and the market is steudy at was to cutivert tilt- belverage minerg, a baby come some ots on the tracalk and wages of telltale laborers. by utatter )f Lhe towlis into furin I jild it, outli fricu slot) ill)- itcht all LI(Iflordl Und titollor neu4ay from Frank says: "Of the Jiree cattle, sheep and horses killed on light Tile bill respecting the eMfiJT0y`nkent notion ('alialliaTIN %Vh0 uOttlid to JIL-1114111i bf- vild Iri'llind. 'If India. a seventeen ent6rubed ridners fifteen nkonths ago. The slide destroyed Canadian railways at points of In- $5 per ton for car 1 running it oly by jig Ilivir Iv I. it) bring tit t'll-dit loll tile ,)lit are out without Injury, and two are the house and the lives of seven cc- tersection with highways, and 1,485 here. Mir. Powell, makes it unlawful for inianure, ink,tead of a .e know One of tho cupants. None were found save the points on rail- feraales in factories, stores, etc.. to drains into tilt, rersTbv In roll theil fintlNe larld iJew j1ptipip. England. dead from suffocation. I vay lines. The number of animals CATTLE MARKET. be entiployed for more than nine thus ,,title would Ile tile lirl-Im-11yoill 1 it, tint I% 1110IIIA1101 hll\s` 101-11 th1lt he is d1sal It el"'01liall land uninjured ound his house covered 1 wee babe, who was discovered In a % . ill,- farill �tt)IN - crevice one hu-ndred yards from Lillooft at the highway? crossings in Toronto, May 6! -There was a fair hours a day, except at a rate of PELY the State, Land sold liIdea with 6 .,ith , 'alai %. to" witli rock l]t.nd his wife and six child but the year mentioned was much high- trade fit most lines of cattle at thii equal to time and ,I half for over- at al inininium cost Which i­)Ille St ('athodrul ren� killed. it proved that those, in 'rwhero the house stoOd, naked dr than in previous years. The Toronto Cattle Market to-daY, but time, but it is proided that Ruch distinctly ingel"OUs Scivoilogo ],Ikdt- I known : At�tern brokeshire, Ithe1nine were safer tban those out 'alive, unhurt, and crying with ex- be ernployed on Satur- t I- ront I as idvrabio tfun tity e otitly .ct.isied frum Ili sv�t,i &am it although itaile i posure. Alex. Leitch and Pis wife v Ills of the animcall; killed in the export cattle were dull, the demand females Ilia. c a 11 a n4 he d - inside workings of I f which is ollto (if 1111onlider 'kipla III, of it. The on, and ;were killed In bed, and their baby last year was $54,107, The dam- being light. The run offring was days or days Preceding holidays for o a1.1111 ilk tile IllunIll- mickA are intact. No CxPlosi re to rolling stock caused by col- not heavy, and nearly everything more than nine hours, so long as t valuable conhtituents of ill('11,11tilitili 'I'll'" ;"-(I .4 $.', it Th it., as was felt by the an- of seven months, which lay between ag a no sign 11islons with animals was light. was sold. Out of the 103 cars on tile aggregate number of hours it' soil, an is one of the itiost xPell- now oil Ow ittaly -If it',- I'lit"Hill"i tiso-twil thist lit, hit% e%er Ill-vilchrid of g was unhurt. -four I I fle toralied mine a -a contpOilk-11tt; of aitiNvial wantire rs until 2 o'clock in the its parents, ANrill-CIGARETTE BILL. the niark tit 31 were loaded with the week does not exceed fifty tit% w I's tile oaftot-noon. They worked their own THE MINE COMPANY'S LOSS. icago cattle which had been Another clause stilrulatem that it lf�it %vef,(. illadopt the! TIMM t tile IoI line sy out throu . gh thirty feet of rock, Mr. Bickerdike Introduced his Anti- Ch w t i It was at first believed that the shipped through. shall be lawful for municipalitietla to pill,, of concrittitir so-werage I'If lill,14 I timbering as they wen . Plenty of was swelled by the total cigarette Bill, based upon the recent bought there and and others in their into tuanure. tie fartner would ho lit), it I .!(I illti! ­io liable 4 ill lilt% me I toalino. death roll ano tion in that respect adopted by The total run included 1,720 'cattle, pay day laborers Day whetber they savo� I loll main. Tined it Iair Is now going into the ml number (it men at work in the inine, �mbs, 1,290 Ac for Labor Ia very ntie it 4. r Leon- the I -Louse. 125 sheet) and openh lit, Ile ighted to Is! ck 111, Aeststa-ut General Manage 17, and that ther mine had been ruiss- hogs Cmfrk on that day or not. the purchase of his rtianur ard, of the Canadian Pacific Rail-i,d by the walls squeezing under the, Mr. Taylor said lit, understood and 180 calves. -Trade was very TO LICENSE, TRAVELERS. would Ili- alole to vastly inipro%ti the il%or,l tilat Ilk% Jilt particular way. Said he bad little to add to terrific strain. but- happily, both thitt this bill would affect the revs Export Cattle llKiog's despatches which had already a Government quiet, the demand for cattle being Another ituportant measure Intro. growing ilunlitit-s of hill land flow- lor root ti -ti Nhe ' I no private member light. Quotations all round are un- duced by the ineinber for Ottawa ever. clever as the Ilion was, it %slut" Ing his ' ,proved untrue. Later In the day measure, as cultirs-life * %sirnoti to, is jill1illuuntool been received. There was no doubt, the men rescued themselves " ii,nd uch a bill. changed. Choice cattle brought gives power to municipalities to never found 'to be practicable, one linNe h,en filurriell 4.%etul Ill If%. it1--%Itl '%I'll 1141 one call however, that the trouble was caus- ibrought out a report of the condl-'should Introduce at j)1j-ctIor,4 to it being l,taill lears law,, ,%it varl. it withwit till J,er- ead bXre volcanic eruption, as "(]`� tion of the inside of the mine. flad I, Sir Wilfrid Laurier replied that about $4.70 to 85 per cwt, and compel the following persons to ill tile primary (I mine explosion could have had Ruch : ithough a private inember could medium to good sold at $4.25 to take out a license: Any person who the Wrolat danger to politic heialth In-. iemuit if 1(oss' Ihiml after the the mine been ruined it would have - %,lived by sturi�ig tile sewerage inat- ti -C, ('ittoondiiiii tile salla far-reaching offect. "My advices I a the company of not introduce a bill Increasing the $4.70. occupies a room In a hotel. or oth pittnm owhit was General Superintendent i meant a loss t Kl%e III. front ibout $8,000,000, but as it is the people's taxation, he could introduce Butchers' Cattle--Uood butchers' er premises temporarily, who oilers ter, It lilt) ililJamieson at Calgary," he said, -,nine will be ro-oponed, and it is one decreasing it. Also that as the continue In demand and trade all sample goods which are A SUSSEX srly "or sale by d a "show that the rock Is blown into -'yate on the motion *as not nea round was fairly brisk. The run of m.n.f.ct or- lallewhere than Ili the conceived the Idea Rome ven't, "go tit! tie roi,ldlo signs. ithought the actual loss to' the corn nanimo-us the Government did not offerings was very fair arid on ac- municipalities. and conuibercial tra%- land. I II,Ja I-,krk lit the river, completely blocking It up' ; flatly will not exceed $200,000, If It u the ''rest cure" till upitled to %k,,Itjt,,nl ta,, i';::;,jue or took and that the top of the mine . '" still i amounts to as much. Tbejmprison- feel called upon to Introduce the count of the continued good demand elers and other non-remidents who ,,be (juestit),, of jluw to resturo oil tile moitorN iitto, ­ II t The burralng. I am atrhid that things �ed iners escaped by digging their bill. prices were well maintained. Very deal directly -with tit(, public con- he Roll tilt- mtrength and growing reriell to Ilia- at ;-)jig iIIthe .-rigintil otrocture is The bill was then read a first good cattle sold as high as $4.60 sumer, and retail goods by Rumple t if it ran be will turn out worse than the first v to the surface from the upper I prolio-t-ties token otit of it 'by gl'tjw- %inted lidespatches indicated, but every pro- . Iva. Injured, but ti me. per cwt., otAer good lots brought NOTICES OF MOTION, Ing crolis oil tilt, larld Its one tho"t ri- "'tit I, homi- 11111111el Itotittoot the -%ork tit workings. Some were INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE. from $4.40 up to that figure, arid Notice has been given (it the fill- Iparation is being taken, Mr. -lamie- ously. ery (ariner hall considered All %Ili hor... oit Ilitli tit e-ent form son hda sent out truins from Me- !not sort )BEVER. Mr. Cowan's bill to incorporate fair to good sold at 1118.90 to $4.20. lowing billsi - t;l)- loit fill* post"im of 4 "'tiff ukliding (Ill) I egall ilk < Lead, Cranbrook and Fernle with BODIES BURIED F( I Feeders, --Stock and Mr. Harcourt - Affecting certain 11"Ittl ninde with tit( Ihoi I .... I The fautily of the two Grahatins, the Parts Marquette International Stockers and and school properties and others tit the ,cc t in %Jew if strengthening I he r kept, )III,, 4tiff- -41 tit I% doctors. nurses and hospital stores by a Bridge Co. was also given a first feed cattli continue in demand land. bill vxrociltfl as to tII4. wjptl III lit -t% lofli'll itlikotitsto MISTAKE. to giv@ the necessary aid. 1whose hones were separated feeders are quoted slightly firmer at City of Windsor. "Our agent at Cranbrpok says the mile. an . d tile emplclyes of Pbupre reading. Mr. Ttendrik - To amend the Mu- best,,, ch9micals to PmIlI0Y in t Ile wag"o I"oti- 'till' & McVelgh, whose cabin was a little, MEMBERS AT PRAYgrts. $4.15 to $4.50 for good cattle. man acturp lit these inotritires. Ovid more lie innnag­11 to, get It 14. itill or color presented railway track Is covered for a dis- Ily a I Them are not mar.Y of these cattle nicipal Act. %% 14 it a onc twwe of two mjlgs cast of the sta- Jurther buried fu Mr. Robinson (W. Elgin) called at, Mr. Latchford - To amend the Tilts Sussex fairupr, however, pr(i to ilretiirlit. It I %t I loan hue east, were t, I it im, krew no Nngliah d none f the offering and trVe is rather quiet. posed it) tit, itwuv isilloarether wall, lath lilt -'I I"Tol"" polls., orty to filtv feet of, hundred feet deep, an tention to a recent sermon preached cows Art for the linprovOlmilint uf Pubile r- long.lige which wax tion wlth from A Milch Cows -About 20 fair inanurell, arid r' -new the strength of 11"Id" lot loll rock, and at the time this -despatch , bodies can ever be recovered, In by an Ottawa minister scoring the were on the market and they .11 Highways. ,arid lay jen%jog it rfle for Rome tiottel. siddl-"i. at"I ,I,,, lit tho Institution. hu wan ex - the rock was still fact, It is doubtful if many f tile rneinkberH of Parliament for not at, Mr. Beek - To amend the Munici- t lilt lo� I1 toy tilt- cloctoriii. gi%en a was received, sold at prices ranging from $80 to also bill to &"lend the Ho total his (Alow-farnierR %%rrol the wall over thelboaftes of the dead are ever tending prayers. He declared that al I.vt ICorning down the.m6untaidn $50 each. There is still a eMgLnd pal Act; afford to leave oleot wits diNhokillilpil lit" hair rut, arid put mouth of the mirse in vast quanti:'od. the figures quoted by this preacher Street Railway Act. that if they cutlift much of the A cit]7.enR' meeting was held and were not correct, and recommended for high class cows. Mr Whitney - An Act to atnend their farnis Idle for a vouple tit years one could ondo"Ickod at". it, 1.10o at. 11 It\ t" hed Next till ' v It ap- ties. We purchase Calves --The run was not heavy passed it, the 0`12nd ieur of -ju. tilt. inillistry nuth"riltes In keeping that Iw ens I% friend (if nto d there, find find it well 'steps were taken to search the ruins �;at ministers of the Gospel follow the the still would Joe completely r, coal produce i and rll'werA sold. Quotation are (Joliet III,-% I".1 Ihospital and N Irtoriu, Poititled ,lenetest, arid n4 to-rtilp its the soil it, tile lull"'r who,, ve and I.ut heIds of nuited for our. purposes. We use their own exataple and be truthful a n Atis hit1 5c to 51c per Ili. for good Cal a her Majesty Queen I -.I loll it, olseti h,,,v tie was get- Iaou tons per day." as well as God-fearing. (I Act to Amend th(- Statute Low Aitieriva. air lilt- -iculture would wall 9()itlg M. ailing ,I,, xy at 6- PR TO "" to M that 131111. 4c to itic for light. Mr. Ilettypiece iunit Itiltish airt alA special train left Calge Chase's Ointment to a ocartalf, + Sheep and Lainbs-There wits a Art to permit tialitiripulltif's to use�illvll I-je uble to. flourish in spite its thitt It I'll to, 0 Wednesdasr for the sceni and ii.lasicaluts sure for often RUSSIA RECEDES. ill g. -t fles nod every form of Itchl:1111, fair trade all round. Export sheep voting inachinos f(irvign curnlietition BABY thastbr. bleeding and protruftpilest, are quoted easier, as also are grain- � to wait; ono of the haOermany, T�ls action was ­- -1 Mr Ottamon - loll Ali I,, astiendl Nir Arlsind 1% k proot,ked it pursuance of Inntructions wired 6'o;;- 3snufal,ottirers, have austranteedit. atils-11-tepudirstes Demands Put Forward 'fed yearling buckii. Spring lambs the ntarlo ,jud atilt, farmi-in t ­N ciolli, four mouth& n s Spearce by Cent- rt.o.tis,ja or the dsly press mTd ask your neigh- ),,I, I IIinsioner James Smart. Thor bors scirliat boy thil y 0. I,#, .a I 0 it. can can use It end at Pekin. are stead an4 im demand. Act. .11,14 t-vvt ilrodurs. wish at t 1111tilill will, witli,iisi, it %arlety of tunas To twenty members of 113"i'ZoUr mong - Goaks, lica. at IT I og-w-Despito the good run the Mr. Stitliviland - ro ltim-nd Ilia- 1 ill,, tioll. matking inititirlort ,it I he , back I not cured I A despatch from London says: Re- 6-arot ailIlia Initial, during the were on board all sellers or DuArlsoatcDATZ8 & Co,Taronto. Selects are Municipal Act; also to till' Itliti,,tis tit rarnih,g in ski-Neic a I'll the Northwest Mounted Poll ho ferring to a somi-official note, on the price of hogs advanced. lato, 1,01 him to totocwn. w I D "ChasdIs ointment spolicy toward quoted at $6.40 to $0.50 per cwt I Act for the Iniprovvinent. uf Publ wils ILIA I'll at ,ourls no isthaurd Ill preserve order In the to' object of Russian All oonot only whistles. Manchuria, just issued, w.hich char- and lights and fatal at $6.20 to IFIghways. In wrIting, or] tile rI, ". 11, ..I.,, -k llsvolve of wonderful LATER. actetizes the demands ascribed to $6.25. . - 1,I.X;lSLATI'RI-. NOTI,'o­;- i i'll I (I 'Solne in 11 ka,,tt.-n olooked upon as a ma. A despatch from Ottawa says: Mr. for bodies. but only seven a les Russia in the despatches from Pekin Export cattle, choice, Mr Davis' bill respecting ill(- ext titor(ii nary I wnrihs sical prodilry. had been fuund up to last even n . rig being slarply invention. and States cwt . . ...... ...... .... . ....... 6470 86,00 gmnts. sall,onds the existilig A, t lor beriefitInor tile- -a()[[ Iry ."Ith"Ijoirso 111. --- -+— Willinm Pearce, Inspector of Govern the do inediluai... ... ... ....... 4 . 25 4,71) that all thost, who Hers,ed Ili (;IVIN0 IT A Joet ...a.. ,.not A IIOSF.R. rient Survoys. who we74t to Frank Most of the bodies recovere . were that no change has occurred In yesterd,py to act for theoovrnindint nitingled go hadly that I entill ation Intentions of Russia, with reference do cows ... ... ...... . .80 4.01) South African War shall he --tititit"I on aocc my ideftl," he said, earn - and decide what relief measures was Impossible. to Manchuria, and that Russia has Infeilor cows... 2.75 8,25 to grnnts. and also thome h, � it, )%.-iworkvd pial it,,. (only girl I ever loved. 6) Itaid (ItAritig the I A EAVY LOSER 1�xoi irostr ... ... Id love. No could be armnged, wires as follows 'I'llf, C. 11. R. A 14 abloolutely no Intention of placing Ink- Butchers* picked lots ... 440 4. If served In the Frilliall to takv I tile girl I over coo Deputy Minister of the In- Tile Canadian ppxtnc lJokilway is a pediments in the way of foreign do fair to good ... ... . 3,40 4 20 year f86-5. as well its those, w ho At atilliv I'Lotly wer., 1,Kfe at is- ..ther rullilt Possibly fill the vold in to the loser by the disaster. Tivo trade. Reuter's Telegram Co. says do rough t6' common., 2,75 8 . 110 served during ISIM and IH70 The I mv heart tcrlor�­ ... -­ - heavy I to firmly th"t rilt-hilig I-' to, -Frank. X. W. or,., Ar miles at line were buried from 50 to that it Is learned that thin It; a re- Bullq, export heavy... - 8.541 4.00 Chicago volurittookiii; care militle, Inallis"I rot- itio- British fdriiwr hill it) IN 11(Iltjl 1.!41 II-AtItIII)IIN .,And If you never had mot me, pudialtion of the demands put for- do light ... ... ... ....... .. 8 26 3.60 grants under the amendroterit qIvv,,Ie all 1,14 to till, itshe asked, an3dously, ward eat Pekin. It is regarded in Feeders, short keep ... 4.15 4,50 Mr. I)ownev's 1,111 ill amend I ho- ,f have cared for well informed quarters as being an do nredium­ ... ... ­.. 'A 60 190 Municipal Act propoloo-q it change, in , 'I urtair', 11.111 never youtcome of the pressure which was (to light. ...... 8.00 8 50 the (Iliallificatiot, for aldermen liv 111rarich -If tht, elnirs, ii,d,i%tiv ilds-f ",.A " Ilia t "K". "to% gill 'It call," -o n e rg, brought to bear on Runsta through 3 f175 rafi-payer will, wn, went oln-at it, iI t a , - , ..,. .. I IN 0 Fo r �tockera, choice making any fit, I"' I... I thei, J'AllElt FLOORS. ly he publication in the newspapers do common. . . . 275 101) ,Ifficient property to elitolo him t" Ithe Enaill-11 fillill,"" siho I-d 1,11pet floors a" growing In favor of proposals recently submitted Is ' v 1111ch cows, earn ote at Inurlielp'll .-ligthl'. 'I he l,%�­ eto hV' t .1 LLntx 'Fh,- ka r ... i,,l f IThey have no joints The Dai orkth, representative of that cc Y Light sheet) 4 2.1, 4 7.11 for a Rleat at the Ill11 t..,l All, .1.1 ,, I i". littficklir just. futigi. or vermin, tit Pekin to the Chinese Uover,, Heavy Rhoep .4 fill 4 Oil twcond Part of the bill itionge 11 v 'If Ill ailAlai,- 1-mll' antl qnft kinder foot. They are ment. Export bucks, per (!wt 8 25 :1 7.5 iwctionn of the Atunii-ilial At I whirti 1111111 rallhol ls,,l 1" �,Iso I -Ileupei than hardwood floors Graln-fed ewes, wetherg 50 600 have become popularly ktm%orl an the . I'he late 'f ato'I' ll� is spread in the form of But Rich Blood Makell the Welak Strong and thJ MEDALS FOR SERVICE. Grain -fed trucks 4 50 fi,25 1,111 %..ry k, ­n ilI. ..... and, when dry. paint - Barnyard lambs 3 50 4. 110 11 B.LV 4TV It I Ll ond it lt., jolitate wood. Blood Is Made Rich by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food American Nurses Get Them From Spring 2 An 5110 At tile llrio,at,- Bills I6 'British Govemment. Ceach 2 00 1011)(I aweak find Iguid and miserable ma'ost of the time, the Legill,latilre lilt- 111PI1111111111t] on Rho I t, -,l laII.It I Bridget. Redd a "Uvlt house- Y.ou are tired, listless, I A despatch train Now York ys: do per IT) . ...... 4 54 (owuderkId of it,(. roj%n ,if Ningura oiI'.. have no Interest In your;abd wan often bind and discouraged so . who was somewhat froicall linariguid; ho seven nurses from the Milla Hogs, selects. per cwt III 40 11150 to hatio -,-I owork; lock the energy required for because of my continued ill -health. Training School for male nurses do fat. per cwt . . 6 20 6.2r) with lhe Ontario h,.w IIlit,.oi ,achm,l. "it would be ugeles" for cnipation; i When in this state I was adised ho Raw service in Chinese n� do light . per Cwt A 211 13,25 the conillow. wits 1,) .1111ply o- to di-Intlise the fact thiat ' N ... ar ,,,I,lg about your usual oc to try Dr, Chase's Nerve Food, and w it , I ... a Ignorance all grailarblair to ver -N mark- iour appetite is not good, and your South African waters on the hon- Ili,. t,,wn with 1 (10j) hof,,v I ... w. r I.41 licit nio try to correct yoli P', -r Idid so, with most iiallsfactory re- pital ship Maine have now received I-r w,,r fill Ill %eu 1, iditilhiAl have no attraction for youl Does it sound right f... have headaches, it may lie, and j guitti. - It built up my system won- their Chinese inodals from the 11ri- I onlion, Mqv 5 Wilefit, foreign retvro for whi(h the 11)w1i wliq I... .... t ill also, to calo, 'BrIdget. you've a af weaknesR. and dizziness; derfully, starengtfienard and fostered Government through ir Perry 11111c,t llff" . It Will . with a. qniallpr buRinestai. Fmg- Vrnnt --itin Ili thv drawin -room*? ofeel down4learted and discour They are J. J. Reilly, Ij,h 'vm f N lit my nerves, and took away all"feeling Sandersom Ilayl-14 ol'ort &ores you Of languor and fatigue. I cannot Rlarady Corn, Amseriern firm: tnicositlon for 14) 14101, Iltoil Inaid Bridget, frankl agef. nnd wonder what a Rally anything too good about Dr. w. n. Ruth, J. r. McClintock %'ic- Danuillain firm'. Flour, American from the towt) pr,.�nt or 'till v%ldent surpriao: 'In,. oackillis. to he so miserable. 'I; Nerve Food. and t tar Bates, L. M. Howland, C�arlea quiet 1-'.l glililill firn, r.tloisviol for and arnill'.1 ill l+ f IIt lc,n*t Round right. hut I olIt is the blood. The blood Is C base hope ths, ill.. ill ail VIRIKE ON THE CLYDE Iworalt and watery, strad locking others may profit by my experience." Austin, and Archibald (lillies. The pariii. May 5 - Wheat, tono tell t. a 17d t I Iset t I n' there the inatli,r thin. Df. Chtxse*s Nerve Food in bound amadals for the South African oer- ,later Aptll, 211f 75c, qeptenither and Ibe bill to. vit no: a,, uitin in the qUalliten wilich o to form I rove beneficial to ou, for It is Ivic they received last year 22f P3,- t (in,, hs, bill IShip Bujlr!trq Have ponteet Noti,e Ithe nergy, 0e vital f6rce which to P quiet.. 82f 80c; 94itpariber, ton Cataract I 0ot "fall I Reducing Wnge,4 .... ... in Just Ovfr. Q )f the body, 1composed of natural's greaest ro- houseniald has been a-tal runs I boo inalciblibery ( rot, 1 i,oli -( *I ... 11 Him , is I he I., - t run down, storativeg, and acts In accordance So WOMEN NEED APPLY. n 1 f 2ar. Weather In France cloudy. Colurmny. It r ­m is in I ture's laws, Gradually and rountrN markets firm t N 80 yo,i liven In Your be- ill boo vearame 1 without with Ila (:It)qc)n ig will; liks. ll11". 1% 'I., Ali. Sam, I ITT d la he Y. 00 Oil if b d g of ,n,d Y'll. :caoot get better rronch aioontr� fi witar loft over. lolf t - V . 'tit 1 trouble, oh?" "Yes. .1, ajnoi� of same restdrdtive. cortaffilY It increases flooh and a of Gray's Iun Decline I %I r In 11' I I 1"Ir qj. ". ., I rlpq It the nqsiq inflection Wei r4loatiOlft Dr. I wasiht, adds new, firm lanUstled and AppIfeation. — 4- ItAll.%%AV (,,ON I (. , -I r. , . I I ". 1-1 .. I I ­ I t q- cheer tip. man! Adv,�r,,­ p i t1ratics to the body. rounds out the tch from London The LORD CURZON TO REMAIN. itItnilwitiI I ,,, I I- 'I'l II [In l7" this Foliod, betattlie it I I'l, d shown up ofir. loolot I lot it brig form, and instlin now energy arid I A doispa bills were reportod it ,I ht -r, It ...... I oAh. hitt adVeraitV di,l, me: prol en to to thits MOIRt a8tin- fin cents a Ranchero of Gra,'A Inn haNe refused to go Ex� %,let - tilt (Iowa% for May oil, ao�d be . firing th0diftillid And 9YAWT11- ignr Into the aygWin, to St -tint tire application for dtni,� XIis Term, as Vicero I -1 I I ihich was Q 90101johilla factl),� te ded Two Vears. 'rhe bills reported u. I - 9 -- ---- een pur- nhowead up ray wornt builder that Clift1K for 82-50, 10 fill 4161111-. he bar recently niade by a , 't(ng the Ontari:'. n Sault tit 9 Bpooaifj,,� Cobearg, sarl), or nd.MS,nGO0, Datits Car,, To- %ton to t despatch front I,undon RaNig Relln"'r I11"il be wan tile .-Tan-t t1l"It ll� scossip, ?Jr, 0 It- ; Weivu.'al, all Marlor Itallwasky I ,I- I , a,71 d Miss ,at *00 trarapl#t0ly. rdnto. u A Is an iinconfirmed report that SIR lit ralls tient nw-111 If owIwPllc6' - '0019111tl), TOY dactiall rol t at a I PA. I I To protect You R44ififft thilt-Atidifig not ompoweVed to adinit women to Thor.) tit Lord Irtiriolon of Kedles- liectinicting this lluntn% Rod I %k,- I the anolown in 116diltb 140 BOHM 111110 - ascertained tile tOrm i It, 1.0ortunat. U1,141141 had to restitution Vaya"Ifill, "is in pralf-tice. It has liven aft wam.- I tile nortraft aal t1iihature of Dr. A: 11. .- of India will be ex. of Havic flai1w onllsol�N f A toft, nkrod islithough know., most ioduattrious tWaill on a Wuld not (10 6110 Sw ask ak jkXt d Ithilli minority Were atrongly, to" 08 cat y nad the time for comicanenclail, tho fri,,00stracricula IV out being itad 1UJJcikf6t14b6i1t`ktW*1VV. dhamd, ItUiF fAtradus rodellit'14 fil faVor, of admitting women. tended for two Yearg to afterwafalt, 1'"tt *"U, r 16* *Uthor, fift coat OVelly b6A. IajeNJ aslOF a , t