HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1903-05-01, Page 5�g I
tower• rAtaftFi+fi♦twefsw
have jack opened a very complete range in handsome Art Rugs
very heavy, reversible, in sizes aix314 3x3. and 3x4 yards. The.
l esigps are in oriental and conventional in colors of crimson, greens,
broNns and blue. Prices range from $18 to $30. They are among the
highest class of foot coverings shown in Canada. See them in our
cI rpet roQr, •
50' pieces neW Japani'e heavy cotton warp reversible Mattings In colors
.to shit any room,'at per yard 12 i -2c, 15c, 20c,, 25c and 35c.
Special, 20 pairs'only heavy. Nottingham Lace Curtains,:whlfe only, 31
yards long and.. 5o inches wide, in floral designs. Regular price per
pair $z Spec0.1,hsale at $1.351
80 •yards heavy well seasoned floor oil cloths, ' heavy quality in floral,
block or tile patterns in'colers red, browns, greens, fawns, etc., in
width r, I}, xi, and 2 yards. Regular price 25c. This week at
per yard 19c
fKf1t}t ,CEtY9
The Lkirls farm, recently bought by
M} Thomas No14001114 of B,rueaela,
I gte,ftsnitAx.
niut, of tteown
Fire destraye('i the barna and live
stock belonging to rh ,mos Pt� yce, of
McKillop, 'sear Winthrop, on Tuesday
morning of last week. Seven fat.
cattle were among the perished stook.
Blyth Standard t -- (,rand Trunk
seetfonea, are happyand tanning
these day'. On Iliopay they were
00101al1y uottth d that sax increase of
wages had been given .thein, doting
front —Millet, The new scale gives
foremen $00 a month god laborers
$1.90 a they.
riroubled 'with Kidney Trouble
for Bit Months, f
Willy Mea and Woe= Ars Troubled
With Kidney Traable, Sant/ FOX Lesa
Time, Some Pox LeegstF!^-Ne Nentet To
Be Troubled For Any LsDtth Ot Tktte,
If They only Rniw ,Ot The Cures
lstins WO.By
11/Che be Is The riot Slgtilt or Sidney
Trouble—'Then Come ComPltefttioas
Ot A Moro Sexioas iitttltre.
Ebe Goberfch %tar, The tt rfects or Cigarette Swotting
TEl.ernoxi7 CALL n. Contributed ttothe derich Press-
- Dep r ment el the.
From The Hamilton Herald.
Dr, Benjamin King, of Philadelphia,
who was a military medical examiner
in four states during the war of the
rebellion, has given his testimony;
"I have been inspecting the papers
in a number of cases under the
present Recruiting Act (Spanish -
the Ontario Government, contains the American War), and 1 observe that
fallowing reference to Godorich, most of the men who failed to pass
FRIDAY. MAY 1, 1013.
'1 he Auditor's Report.
The report of the Provincial Mun-
icipal Auditor for 1902, just issued to
This municipality having, through
Mayor Cameron and the Council, re-
quested me to consult with them as to
their financial matters, I went up
• there on January 22nd last, and after
an exhaustive discussion with the
urtyor and Council, I mute a cursory
examination of the books of the
mnnietpality. The treasurer appears
to bo a diligent and competent °Meer.
The weak point in the town's financial
position appeared to he the low assess-
ment. In order to remedy this I
advised the municipal autho)Jtit s to
employ Mr. T. G. Williau,eou, chart-
ered R
ered..n ecolthtiLut of Toronto, to go
over the assessment rolls, ani where
the assessment was too low to raise it.
Me. Williamson has been engaged
since last March throughout th•• year,
at intermittent periods. I am glad to
learn that his appointment has done
the municipality good, as will he seen
from the following figures :
1031 Total Assessment... $1,10'1,100
1902 Total Assessment... 1,333,070
Or an increase of $181,1174. Of this
increase, $12J,000 was liable to be
assessed for scht)o1 tax only, while the
balance, $01,070, was liable for full
taxes. Besides the correction of the
assessment rolls, Mr. Williamson has
made a thorough examination into
the water Works and electric light
systems of the town. In fact, it would
appear from his report that no depart-
ment in the civic government of
Goderich has escaped his attention.
The cost of the different inquiries
amounted to $821.180.
the medit:al examination have weak
hearts or lack the vitality necessary
to make a good soldier. I had expect-
ed that the percentage of rejections
would be greater now than in 18(11,
but I did not dream for a moment
that it would be about three times as
great. Tho examining physicians with
whom I have talked have gen-
erally told me that the excess of re-
jections is duo to the large number
of young men applying for enlistment
who have become victims of the cigar-
igarette habit."
An editor of a country paper recent,
ly stated that he had been kissed lay
ane of the most beautiful married wo-
men in t iwn. 'He promised to tell her
name in the ,est Josue of lila paper
next month. 1u two weeka the eireu-
lation of his newspaper doubled. But
when he
had to leave town.
gave the name of his wife he
Samuel Trott, of Seaford', received
word a few days ago of the death of
hie brother, Mr. Daniel Trott, which
took place in Abeline, Kansas, on the
kith of April. The deceased was horn
in 1842. Previous to moving to
Kansas he was a Well known resident
of Seaforth, where he had resided for
a good many years. Some •of • -the
older residents will still remember
him as a Music teacher. He removed
from there to Kansas about 25 years
ago and has resided there ever since.
His death was duo to a break down of
the nyetem and he had been suffering
from ill health for some time. He
leaves a widow and a family of five
children. - - -
IIDSK.RE. )Lrs. W11lIsm H. Banks,
xocbeeek]Lines, MS., talks the pub'
lie about the gree: qualities of Doan's
Kidney .Pillo In the following words:
was troubled With kidney trouble fordx
months, and bad such terrible pans
across s!ly kidneys all • the time that I
could hardly get around. After taking
OR* box of De 's Kidney Pills I began
to foal better, end by the time I bad
taken three boxes I was oompletely
Price 60o. per box, or $ boxes for $1.25;
all dealers or The Doan Kidney Pill Co.,
Toronto. Ont.
The large bank barn on the darm of
Thoma: Price, on the Oth concession
of McKillop, east of Winthrop, to-
gether with its entire contents, were
completely destroyed by fire on Mon-
day night. Mr. Price had all his
stock stabled in it and all were burned.
Ile had in the stable 33 head of cattle,
15 of which were fat steers, ready
for shipping; five cows and three
heifers and other young stock. There
were also eight horses, one of these
Mr. Price had purchased at Mr.
Archibald's last sale, for $175, and
the mate he purchased at Mr. Smith's
sale for $150. There were also 211 pigs
and a lot of poultry, besides all his
harness and stable utensils. In the
barn there were about ten tons of hay
and a lot of other feed, and all the
farm implements except a few he had
been using in the fields, and included
a binder, mower, crusher, buggy,
This is startling testimony, and
worth heeding. The reason why cig-
arette smoking is more dangerous
than other forms of tobacco habit is
not probahably, that the material used
in the manufacture of cigarettes ie
more deleterious than that used in
cigars and pipe tobacco. Ono reason
is that the cigarette smoker usually
smokes more than do the cigar smoker
and the pipe smoker. It is se conven-
ient—so easy—to light one of the little
tubes and consume it. It can be en-
joyed in places where and at times
when the cigar and pipe would be
tabooed. Thus the craving for the
cigarette becomes not intermittent,
but perpetual, and the moderate cig-
arette smoker easily drifts into excess,
Another reason is the habit of cigar-
ette smokers to inhale the smoke—to
fill their lungs with it. The effect of
this practice on the lung tissues and
upon the blood that comes there to he
purified, cannot be other than deadly.
Township Councils.
Council met according to adjournment April
16th, members all present, Reeve McQuillan In
. the chair. Minutes of last meeting approved.
E. Johnston was given contract of supplying
two teams for the road grader at 26.73 per day.
The following obequee wero Issued : Municipal
World, supplies for Board of Health, I1.0e; A.
Sproule caretaker of Court room, s�22;� it. Low-
rie work en Dungannon draain,,1e50o: putting
work on eon. 10 $1; D.
tile in culvert, =1 " Wm. Millar, repairing
bridge, con. 12, 60e; A. Johnston, rep. culvert,
con. 0 $1. At the Board of Health meeting,
Wm. Bailey was appointed Sanitbry Inspector
for Polling subdivision No. 1, D. E. Munro
for Na 2, Alex, Stuart for No. 3, W. S. Mo-
Croatia for No. 4 W. McQulllin for No. 6.
Connell adjourned to meet on May 20th at 10 ES
a Court of Revision and for general bMoli lens s.
Connell met In the townehip hall April 16th
1903, all the members present„ Tho minutes of
the previous meetirgQ were read and adopted.
Mr. C. Sauer, of Oodorich,r presented a peti-
tion nlgnedby some 70 voters asking that a by-
law be
known as polling¢ bdi that
No. 2t anColborne n
a email part of No. 3 to grant a bonus of ,,1,.•77.000
In aid of the Huron, Bruce and (troy E. B. R.
The reeve was appointed to sea the township
solicitor in regard to tho matter. The reeve
Good Roads meellor ting hold on reported
tCln tons to the
ttb. When the following resolution Was
moved by Robertson, socended by Jewell,
that this Council recommend the County
Council of Huron to accept the appropriation
made by the Provincial Government for road
improvements, and that the said council make
application for the amount coming to the
county and that the County Council spend the
same in accordance with the act making said
appropriation. Carried. A deputation of Mr.
Levi Snider and others from the Maitland con.
of Colborne made application to the Council
for a grant of
mT o
ney tort Hn lcuttingg rbo dhill
An Energy of the Sptlereeo.
By a Banker.
Of all the varied .forces of nature
which we press into our service and
harness for our use, perhaps the most
valuable and indiepensiblo is that
strange and potent principal, or force,
which apparently permeates all nature
—electricity.. In the earth it exists in
unbounded dbundance. though mostly.
in a more or less quiescent state; in
the air; in the clouds; in the sun,
where it appears to exert the most
tremendous energy, so prodigious that
the waves of a magnetic storm in our
luminary react upon our planet in an
inconceivably short space of time,
disorganizing for a period all the
more delicate of our electricalsppli-
ances, and even rendering it difficult
to manipulate the electric telegraph.
It maytetherefore fairly
s wonderful rgbee assumed
that y exists in
all the iwide universes; in all the suns
in all the planets, in every one of the
myriad orbs scattered in such lavish
protusion throughout all the illimit-
able expanse of impenetrable, bound-
less space.
Mill moven, dee by Jewell, that this
Council grant $200 for said purpoeo on condi.
tions that the County grant 2500aodorlch Tp.
and Clinton Town 5100. Moved in
amendment by Mosler, seconded by Robertson,
that no action be taken till next meeting. The
reeve voted with the amendment, which was
parried. Tho following amounts were paid,
vii.: Thomas Hornby, breaking stone 9 days
7.60; Andrew Green repairing culvert, 1.60 ;
J. 11. Williams grant. to 117 rode wire fence,
17.66; Percy Stewart, grant to 102 rods wire
Renee, 216.30 ; Andrew Bogle, inspecting, 11.50'
John Barker. gravelling, $6.50. The Council
Adjourned to meet on May77th as a Court of
1levlalon of assessment . aMe�Nioe,rClark.
And to what varied and ever diver-
sifled uses do we now apply this
mighty force. For centuries the only
applied application was the mariner's
compass; but with the rapid advance
in science it Is now a most important
factor in the economy of life, every
decade bringing forth new appliances,
which, once adopted, become moro
and more an
ilized existence. lHow incte redulous
should we have been a short time ago
If told that we could converse with a
friend across the broad Atlantic by
means of a simple apparatus a few in-
ches in length, or that with out any
communicating wire or other inter-
vening medium other than the air, or
the earth itself, we could signal over a
continent, and through, or over, the
highest mountains or other barriers
which may be interposed between us
and the person to whom we are sig-
uled that our message b
through thousands of miles of air, or
ether, in a direct line to the little coil
of wire at which we are aiming it, far
away nut of our sight, far away be-
neath the horizon, with even a large
od secteven as will soon probably
be feasible, at ourantipode
t pod our at the
very opposite point
By the new provincial health regu-
lations scarlet fever is placed in the
sante list as smallpox, and 1f medical
health officers permit persons having
a contagious disease to remain In their
own houses the whole household must
be quarantined. The minimum period
of isolation is six weeks.
A man's opinion of
himself may be
greatly influ—
enced by the shirt
he wears.
give a man an air
of luxury and re—
finement which
will chew itself
in the satisfied
expression on his
work to be performed as part. of the.
ordinary statute labor, or to be paid
for at a reasonable rate by the treasu-
rer -of the municipality-, as the council
of the municipality may direct." Sec-
tion 10, sub -section 4, Pays : "Every
overseer of highway: who refuses m•
neglects to discharge the duties im-
posed upon hint by this Act shall,
upon conviction, be liable to it tine of
not less than $10 or more than $20.
Noxious weeds include Canada thistles,
oxeyodaisy, -wild oats, .ragsv'eeti, and
Leek ter this lama lases aka Cellar.
For sats assn bast
All the leading advertised SPRING
Toxics and BLOOD Pvxu=utas are
to be found at the
We mention only a few here :
SARSAPARILLAS (4 or 5 kinds)
MALT EXTRACTS (5 or 6 Linde)
BITTERS" in 25c. pkgs., makes 2 piety..
CENT L1. Dana eros a, - - GODRRICH
"Always the Best at Hick's."
cotter and many other implements.
He had an insurance of $1,220000 tt
building and $1,000 on tbo contents.
His lose will exceed $2,000 over and
above his insurance. Much sympathy
is felt for Mr. Price, as this is the
second time he has had his barns
burned within about six years. His
former barn was burned on the 17th
of April and this time on the 20th,
and it is said this is the fourth barn
that has been burned on this farm.
to our Store • will aid you in
securing the correct conceptions
of the Latest Spring Styles.
Igt•Our present display has con-
vinced the public that we have the
goods that can only be found in the
leading city trades. Our Garments
are all tailored in a first-class
Manner, from first-class materials,
and we sell them with our guarantee
to fit and wear satisfactorily.
- Is perhaps not yet ordered. Why
not inspect the goods we are
offering, and get our prices:?
The Fabrics are the Rest !
The Workmanship Unexcelled !
The Prices are the Lowest !
Three points which must satisfy
you. Our stock for gentlemen's
wear is now complete.
We also carry .. .
heady -Made Clothing
Made to our own order, from our
own purchases of webs. Man or
boy, we can fit you with the best.
Does Your Baby Cry at Night ?
If so, it It well to know the great
value of Poison's Nerviline, a house-
hold remedy for stomach pains,
cramps, toothache, sick headache, and
the manifold ills peculiar to children.
A few drops of Nerviline in sweetened
water makes a pleasant drink and
never falls to quickly relieve. Nervi -
line is as good as the doctor in emer-
gencies and costs only 25c druggist
- Nerviline from your
to -day.
Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake Pills for
irtntr :marvelous tree remedies for all
sufferers reading this paper. New
cilrotorTuberculoels,��n p-
, tion, Weak Lungs,
11.114 *rundown system,
Do you cough?
Do your lungs pain you ?
Is your throat sore and inflamed?
Do you spit up phlegm?
Does your head ache?
Is your appetite bad?
Are your lungs delicate?
Are you losing flesh?
Are you pale and thin?
13o yon lack stamina?
Thede Symptoms thee pro of the most
have b your body
dsngerotis rooted, that has ever devas-
tated areL a to what at. wean .111 do fee
yea, if fee are Wisdt b7 writt grfeta
,and the Voetti•I
At rote, With rain!
The Sbied!n ?-"
tion, that Meet
glean Tru
motiIbks.. theerkal
0 A.
fieei itag 1ueet W.
isosioss o swre C w�Y tl�+ . lattli**, see the
' of tilt
s rlsNt+w � - fef ems*, es
And how apparently incomprehen-
sible ie the late invention (though at
present it does not appear to be in
practical use) by means of which it Is
possible not only to hear the voice of
a friend hundreds of miles away, but
also to see his face; a representation of,
his lineaments flashed through the
wire and pictured on a sort of mirror
affixed above the telephonic appara-
tus. And if this is feasible for dis-
tance of a f
ew s of miles we
may fairly expect that m
will be only
a matter of time before, for instance,
be able converse mother herCanadaland or
eson in
Aand to nee
a reflection of his vary selstralia or New f before her.
xown Topics
nun DULOr
Made by a new process in France.
" American Lady," as per cut, is
without doubt the most elegant,
most durable,' the lightest, un -
crushable Water and Dust Proof
Ccat made, and at a less price
than some inferior goods.
The oldest establlslted A Next door to Rank of
in the County. f Montreal, Goderich
HAS WON FAME.—Under the head-
ing the Brantford Expositor recently
said the following, which will be of in-
terest here because the artist referred
to le a brother of Mrs. L. M. Dunham,
formerly of Goderich but now living
in Brantford:
Brantford people will be greatly
gratified to learn of the success
of Mr. J. W. McAdam, an old
resident of this city, but who is now a
prominent American artist living in
Springfield, Mass. The Art Review,
published in St. Louis, says,—
'raoenkliafliS P111 i tterel�aeci SIFr& d role
%fid I.1.
a1. Pta!tdiais
But a time will come when, in a
thoughtmoment of of
t ielf,we with
shall pi
be able to
transport ourselves from one corner of
the great tmlveree to another. For in
the greet Hereafter, it we have regu-
lated our lives by the Divine laws, and
have pleaded before the Almighty the
atonement of the Redeemer for for-
giveneas and salvation, we shall be es
the angels of God, untrammelled by
anyrestraining fetters, unhindered by
anthwarting sbaekleft.
"The New England Smithy by J. W. Mo.
which has boon on exhibition in tho art
Springfield, fMass . ha� attracted rd much and tton
tion, and has earned no little renown for its sr.
tilt. The picture is a most interesting study of
the typical emltby in his working home. His
sinewy figure stands out In the powerfully re-
flected firelight with realistic truthfulness, and
the dingy old shop with Its wonderful collec-
tion of tools and implements aro all brought
about In the shadowy light with a wonderful
srglintto erior of ,the old (shop le thost giimpse
s upon
sunshin h the window
Mr uMcAdam, the malrtist,
has boon a resident of Springfield, Moos., for
ten years. Preview' to that time he was a
student In Now York,at the Art Student's
League,but he is chiefy aa volt taught artist.
and he ons attained Ills present degree of sue.
cots by dint of hard work. Be hes made rapid
advancement In the past few years, and this.
his latest work, upon which he has been bus•
lc mthe greatereepart 01 (bit year, has done much
A few Stoves and Ranges def
which must be hold before stock-
taking. Now is your chance to get
a Stove or Range itt your own price,
as I do not want to carry theta
over into next season.
Alsoa stock of "WORTHINGTON':
STOCK FOOD" on band.
The Cheap Stove and Furnace Man.
1s nothing much more unsightly nr
slovenly looking than a public high-
way grown upwith foul weeds. But
it is not ony unsightly, but it is
equally injurious to adjoining proper-
ties, The statutes make provision for
keeping the roads clean if the over-
senre of the highways would only avail
themselves of the powers ' the law
gives them. As the weed season will
soon be on, we give below the law 011
the subject, with the hope that patti-
mutertr and road overseers will profit
by the information given. Chapter
202, section 9 of the Revised Statutes
of Ontario, says : "It shall bo the duty
•When all other corn preparations of tbo overseer of highways in any
fail, try, Holloway's Corn Cure. No municipaiity to see that the provisions
pain whatever, and no Inconvenience of this Act, relating to noxious weeds,
in using it. are corbel out within their respective
41. highway divisions, by cutting down
A herr belonging to a farmer near or destroying, or cruising to be Put
Iday h slash fan: egg
per times u or to prevent hie ripeninat g of their
lacy l}o lay K ISR owin
feat Volker. An Atttion o hen has inches Doti tttl' all ornotions
road weeds
rrealrxl In producing an It1 #
i. 0 lno „ if.lgulni IA woo*. with to their reepective divistoesi ell*
High Grade Wort -4-771
OUR graduates readily secure good post -
(tone because our high-grade training
prepares them to render Ilrat-eines services.
Businessmen want first -Mass workers and
have no time to waste upon the other kind.
Commonoo a coarse now and be ready for
a position In the fall. Write for handsome
PrinelealjW. J. ELLIOTT,
are a bleeding to women in this condition. They
care Nerrotleneei, Sleeptteuinese, Palpitation of
tf�he Heart, Faint and Dicey Spells, Weaknailly
.lettee.nstseess, and ail troubles pocnlier to the
t( Mrd°James Taylor, Bellsbure h N.B., inrecoalmt
lend nrybb,e%tdl gayer AAbbo,uaetroub el dtthhreettr
with pslpltatlon of Udo heart end woulr} Ket so
ditty I would have te leave.My work ndtdMMlt
can trn I�tnillr May that they o 1 you cis
tot them, and I can reoomme� thorn to
rundown wpotrrt+tnwn.
moosMoia 1[ipwrYr novo forl ;ani
+me nutlt to frlatd ariv niwtoo t MIl,
N ILN IIlAltT ANIS NlCl�tV1C Pi Iki.ir7
etaet , Ca, Luau:4
And you will have to cast off your winter
'clothes and don a Spring Outfit, and the
proper place to procure the proper thing ix
at PRIDHAM, the Tailor's. We have the
nicest range of Foreign and Domestic Goads
procurable, to select from. Prices to ' suit
everybody's pocket. Get your order in early
to avoid the hot weather rush.
PRIDNAM, The Tailor.
THIS week .we have opened up over $t too.00 worth of Spring
and Summer Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dry Celara,
White Lead, etc., etc., and we are now in a position to look after
the wuuta of our customers properly. These Goods were all bought
right and unll be sold right.
Painting Matcriais.
We sell rou nothing but the BEST
QUALITY fn all Paintin}r, Materials.
Don't Stock '/'rash. uld'u, wd
nre in a position to giveIt wuyou not HonestpreyeGoods
ret Honest Prices.
Pruning Shears.
Pruning Saws.
Pruning Knives.
Floor Paints.
Save Your
Rebate Checks 1
They are
Paint Brushes,a Hedge Shears,
VE l'.S A CALL. U'E C /'L Hal SE
Carpet Tacks.
Tack Hammers.
Carpet Whips.
Tack Lifters.
THE Season of 1903 is
advancing day by day,
but never before to the
history of this country has
there been offered to the pub-
lic such values ss we present.
The money is in every
machine we offer. Each is
worth its price in the Bank.
When you buy from us you
are assured your money's
worth, and you do not ask
more. Bicycles will be in
greater demand this year
than ever, but people naturally
want the very best that's
and soot U or,, ask Modern, for prices, and rJiti Economical ih„ groat on
army t f
aring your Wheel for Repairs, nut 11 as Tires Pedals, aims, Coa.ler Brake,
Spokes. saddles. Ituamehng or 0,11 hing elseexpert work at moderate
charges is our standard for every defect.
Every instrument is a Leader, and we carry the
DO.Jff \'/t).V 1'/. I,VOS and OR'GA•VS.
11•01,'.l/1177.11 and BERLIN l'1,4NOS
t;i 1T.1R.i,
/t1,1,\'I)()I.IA'S, G/r'AJ/O!f/ONES, '{r.
1o,000 Sherlc Droit:.ilusic--Para! and lnslrutnintal.
SE WIN( .71. (('111.V/i.S The Famous New Williams and White
a n,cessity for every household. Box cover and drop head, oil guaranteed
for ten years
Wuilh 1,1vin¢ lvComfort
f o tl l ndl Pleasure
We Can Help you,
,ilthe Costr
Geo. W. Thomson son..
Catalogues fur th • .inking. The Square, GODERIGN.
Big Bicycle and REPAIR SHOP
Wr handle all kinds of new High Grade Machines, among them the
Cleveland and E & D. In this big shop you will find nothing but
the best, which is uunc too good for you. Our Second -Hand Wheels
are all thoroughly overhauled in an expert manner and are sure to give
good satisfaction, even at the 1 ' prices we sell at. Come and see us if you
want satisfaction at very reason.,, 1t" prices.
Remember, we rent wheels and do all kinds of repairs, as well as sell
bicycle sundries; in fact we make old wheels as good as new, because we
know bow to do it, but only on spot cash terms.
Come and test how good the ,lig Repair Shop and Livery can do for
Bicycles, Repairs, Sundries, and Livery.
Flour, Feed,
The SWW @ of a
"Dorothu Dodd"
/. r .t'r'R }' IN u', -1I. A-iN(;
X 1: V E R mind what old-fashioned
1.4 people tell you - Style and Com-
fort CAN live together in n pair of Shoes
The "ik)ItOTtiy Donn" pro, es it.
Tliey are the utmost height of slyie
They are shoes of genuine distinction
The highest prat,: toe can give a shoe
is to say
It Nas the Stule of a "Dorothu Dodd"
Vit the "i)oiolhy i),,1,1" is the most
romfortaide shoo ever tna,le. Von long
to walk for the pleasure of walking. it holds the foot firmly around the
instep and supports the unsupported arch You escape the "slouchy" gait
which comes with some shoes. it gives a new poise to your body in
walking. Your carriage is more Tight and graceful
Just try one pair.
Boots $3.75. Oxfords $3.00.
The Old and Reliable Seed Store on East
Street is ready for Spring with a full and Select
Stock of Field and Garden Seeds. Patrons can
depend on being served to the° best possible ad-
We sell on close Margin, and extensive ex-
perience gives us the advantage of selecting the
very best Seeds in the market.
If you want anything in the line of FLou>;,
?FED or S1:,E1)s, do not purchase until you see how,
well we can serve you.
Our profits are small, and the benefit is you,
East Street,
Economy In Fences.
YOU cannot get a batter
Fnatce than a Wire one.
Von cannot get a
cheaper one either
iVe have a la,Ve ,r,i,k ,')
Barb Wire, C. . R1 , c t•: r bum!, .1.
Coil Spring Wire, No r,1.2 ; i
Lamb Melt, and i': 1 t'n1Ps
Ir,n1 ISP per re.1 ilp.
(The t"nm,, livor" snail
haul steel Wire Peettatl
We have 8150 n large atotk of ()Heel
and Aoeated \tire. Pence staples
Pliers, &c.. Ate.
(2u,ilr)v 1 i, v Nigh
+9 r, r'. • rrr Low
HP (3 )OH]RICH TA' hart a la,rgercirculation' we►"s"_ t. ' c" '` "'®"$ jy (�OUER1Cil<
r.ha,n ono ()the, ' �wl\Durittr in ln1A lection of ; IItA1tI1\VARIt ';TtiRI3.
Elle County )1 UuroU i
`tee• -`'`a,,:.