HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1903-05-01, Page 1-
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. .� ..; . . QQD4RICH, AY, MAY 1. t903- ": , �0`il . , P, I �; I '. L
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L . 11 . r 90!d� ------ 7,-, r � . . �' ' r , . r � , - � I � . ,, 4WJW.4WAW LL 4w, Among Ttle Churches , "4�r r I .L I 11 r: '. I I
. :0 I I � 7,� - ;, I . . , , .1 Tm TowNla AseusialitNT.-The, (cl- 0 r �
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I I r I I 1. .. -1 � g ,.,. 1, - ' .. I.. : - I � , Those Intrusted with thtusuboc%,,�cn �T ,8 �J,KGVLA ION
- L - - - - - - - -- - - ,. _____, At %L0 _ X*V14V . , - OF COMMISSION, th T 11
or th P
� .L r 1,03V , lowfugfigures furnished by Assessor DU IT I " �T4�!,�$ f I I
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, Sultabil. to*
r ��. list for the emotion of the now I
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I , , ,, L L I A 0-1_� __1111:11, L Win, Campbell are of sWI*I lutereot, I � L�
I IC r a* lit II i, ,, s, 'Y%�-, �.
, -1 , I. , Am. r. nox V I I _ ' Toronto World, April A III Street Methodist church Are making . , , , ; .
� . I Ay,oZ. ll ,, L G"Mr, LLLL . L I camp fair pivvress. T110 00DICPApO. qTA*. Use a
L I VITOQ`�'Vvi far 4 raadyo�li at - 'lank- of A,�V;ORINO RFI0OD;;,Wb1Ie s to .&risen with the previous year boa-
r V -, 5. r I !!!::I—t five I gve e tn't 0 om ex
� � 'aWnior � r. I . I I (),se, . I t ma 0 1 tnirahownt His Lordship BlollitIP'BA14win will larger 6
t . . V, ho, either day, Uook? 114ye W44 IN3 104 Q retilitIoll th 11, I
11_____1_____11l__ , L six ;mY otheir
I I - . or I I this 0 , ctJorrQf tilt :11
L :; �i,,,, ()R�18 .�91-9 It : UrAvo ty - it t)likt,he Oak off Children betweett IS Aml 31 Im newspaper ,a
OST Olt, J,IiSLAJ%,_X �notxi top 01,67,
Lby'.Uh h ullngOattliopem', , hold 4 confirmadon aervice, In St.
Ivan not, o.J.g, Am ftmt:474 4 Ist !'a at � Pont . k - � , an � ,
I j , I"A 9 , !,�q . IsArT"Im I I I __ .gk Ilkis war), l(khter, - .A a and 16 ea 710 Oeorp's next Wednesday eve iljo�'.,
L OLIONSII; -,"L .STUDIO., _fw_11616.
i , , *,d"eLJuLauLb% from, _` - , ... olf his ovowpot t* m4k _ - rd'&' ut. _, �Adyertjser . 11
I I 6I ter I .. 41418%ba I W c'M v Of IX r , ', r , . , * r 11
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� powa`�o 41 holrotig.," Value Peal Property 41."'W he and stfter the laying an of baudi
,: , rood. not to 020MAY Acing It on thv,dook- , from :: foMnool,_ .... �k,NO Al'WOW ,p o
isald note as it is bon oalo� - A Mo 3 deliver a sermon an tile solorarnotiL L itive Itild 111?q(ty 0 votirifying,t)
; , '14,noto& L t I L
L or of Am Pta forte, V yth, who b*4 the"d, nature, ... I_ L
I I , . . %2 0, '" L . bon fishing. ga .1
1 04 Pipe Organ I 03� ftAXg0jtL:f* theonatla,with higown 406411.14 �,'andlncoumt ............. I 161 of 0huroh Ili now completed, and the r
I L ALLIW. lit - :` . w. 01xilm 0i 1.
I UILIOLP4,1111 � ,,I L statement by c0ling at Tog $TAR
. 4 W&I 1000 --it - sald Total value Rest, Parsons The work of re -decorating Knox
11 =� , �: '' �! Cot Ter _ " 150 . office any press 4117 , '�
,.;,..,, 4 111aft3w 41.�Agm
. _ pj, � , ", ', , 'WAULS - " - .: F_ ��' 1 RIA n Volik. �
-, . . t r ,I., M It or 0 X, ,001111111, LdroveLaw& � At Blyth It was left oat, I ........ -1 ... �A - . k I I
I � I r
L I _ . ans". as Wear , p 4r07 tit -caw. It Is lear J#M111 the OV e in oath, -
I , LW -Inei tiona to forward It' P on .............. :.,:., tot& . will worahjp In the audi � I . I
; catol Olt __ It I------------ L �mi
r , , Istten ongIVqatot A - Wo.. go G ey in Tftd- Sunday. r, 1101ilt! - I
r _~A, , A^A___0t__1 - . � , Iwo to GoderICII, but It was not sent tot,., 0 001, attain The work line ___V-� 3_11-1- -1-1 1
. " 11M.% ri , en ul
� �4 ... L - :��_ �. stildeptili, ISM 0 Over, 11=4 , an hotel w th . ,"', xe. . I I
I i ' It, . L I dowlitin Z� I Han ............... that a large atiru of money was do It Vy It. fi "G tooriluln.-t I I
I I WAN 9004'01% to YOU Phn"or euttt - .-"-"'-' 19 odrV Bank and tile Untarto Lianit. th care and celatly en. . ! , I
, I L � I ;; LAWSON. , arms A an 19-69 8"01010 ,ey;i 0.1 %t:::: .1 .............. ... 27 stance that certAinlY provokes "01- hencen the beauty of a already "'
' . TED 4 Be tbe In at omoun; t we taluet"n been
% . \ motaber.: Steady em lqmeut to. qul* $ ....
" L , L lei - . , I =.1,10011 I. 4 ward, at once, sind a telegram. a I r I
is le. I
I . i ablo riaroon, 'BUCHANAN I oil. ,, * ., � Ing upansvere4o, A constable Jour one hundred dollar bills, it circum I .
.. r I �`r . ;.�, __ _101:11 N I III I I I I I 11 I tar Blyth and brolitkht the coatt, and A GaVAT DIOAWVJi, - Yesterday platen. That suspicion Is strenkthened by the fact that a day or tro beautiful ed flee. MUNI04AL MATTSUS. .
'r ' ' . I I
I L 4STUR '311L� - �
- 1,
I r � 11 do Mclisalla- wiliVZo Imprnd�tlmeint or swelt, 1 *ILI Who Owk tv tin, town, but It before the money Is alleged to have pas" between Ron. J. It. Btrat The Rev. Robert Johnstot), D. D.. of A number of surplus toes are being I �,
I , r � Ant W N at e . Seos" L� bat Iva Rhynas telegraphed her mothqr
I . I 06LL I fir rpipplans tq, 1Nzt,t`PW1,IA8 11 r -i- In clearly t there was no M ton sind R. R. Gamey there was an unusual output at bills of large do- London, Ont.. has been nothinated b I
I , , . to* -4t NEY4 sTAT,=0019. --Y-"---- . Frank, N. W T., - 41,13 removed from tile Square 'this week .
. fit oX-,I.,,,. I L -- , keep, the coat. p I ... .
I 11 � .. .. ... ��__ _ I I a '* L' . he case to Goderich from I norninationg in the possession of the Ontario BAnk. the Presbytery of Lanark
.. ", df,t XNARA , ERVAN'I, WA -_ I raV�'ri on paying t e 1�":,
r . Ngo- The THE J'Aclr h coat" partioulaw of, a volcanic eruption f And placed In the now � "Victoria �.,
Wa,reio to the L r ffbot nuO, iANGTO�;SX)ANWELT R Some person took out an unusual number of fifty and one him- Renfrew " principal anti roressor o I
� I L ". bighes il W, I loturre 11 'IN the Ole , _ Bank lat syetematio theology Ili rho Preslv- r�rk," better known as the old Agri- I'll
:. I _...___.___ kjy In; " -$f-J4,yVg9LJ,q_6%l ftm�, - :I:W 1��l ' , -..,.,,,,.,.-KT'Ln'..be'n-6-,tbem,.egLrly-vjx.Wednead.ayL'rooriiing. dred dollar bills train the OntArI7 .sidejously. near the day that . ' I
-11- I ufft*n�, terlan, College, Montreal, In succession cultural grounds. A ffuggeotion emo - . " � L _'�
I , �
I I . --"--' i�iiiil� R.R. Gam" deposited $2400 Ili b lis of large denominations I
At c,BK0s;, , L--- _L_ -644"M ------------ I � I , n two city
Ill. . D�41(17AIPTIOIII .ANR DIDICIRIPIL -,XA 10% ijfiiii'� The earth opened up for three- JJ to the late Rev. Dr. MacVloar. , . r
�� , . --r � . PartaArlto -1111- Cattail nNackri S. B . I
_,�Whoteo, a M ' *be Ire -The Board of quarters of a wile !n, length. and then N, banks. I I, so officials 11
� )J�ANISXM Amer can HeoltneyS.Ai was Coal 114184ifl= OARMANI MANITOBA. ative of the onAtIng from Court Han
11 CCAL , M W a to consoolueov ix - ye A -
SbPU thirteen or loort is 16
1*1 � " ,r B" . I . r are old ;L ' he lid off the � The significance of those transactions cannot be denied. With re- A meeting of the exec, this week, Is leading the Park cow .
I ... 81 a , oll lit Oolor� With Ott Trade at this enterprising Manitoba millions of tons or )Look a �,,;
tioodmIget" ApplytoQUARL L 1pe oil County Sabbath school anti I L
�1' L . orlo UtIfulAa 0 Rhe reit. top of Turtle Mountain. which over.- newed force coined back the enquiry, where did that money come Huron ,� I
;,�, as ran L GoderI9 (*-I
. ii�iiaiui risurance agent, 0, I and bV? front fetat and near bind stock. town have Issiaed a neat and trite mitte to cotisider the question. Park . � 6�1
kl high knociaotor RIA L hangs the little town. The coul pit e Christian Endeavor Association was ,
�, i, white. He to a very � I to hold at Clinton. They decided to hold vs. Re' ,.�,�"LL:�
- �Ciad-'rollablo, girlip go creatlah Ground? The con- r, ,,
. ,
I . ,
.. AN%,ED � action cannot be excollod.� He entities krum Jug pamphlet setting forth the oppor- mouth ana B�yoral buildings near I I..
I W!E�.lfft,)�Ijr7A ja n,to do general W I d the annual convention At Blyth OIA 11 � I-..
11 Litovsk ,X .). chaimplort stiilok in England and the U.S., th toDitlev and Advantagesofthe muni- thereto were buried. Itis reported � , tention to that as a pleasure park the ,
C ,, r , Mlohip t a right Clio $12 I I
It � - - -in -4"mail-fandly -MRS � PI! �� 11 tested = in I : 0
.,. in oth will be 6 "�gp rHQMA8 . MA1�nJ-%tL(1-daK-4mv4lg 01 k�ll. - - - .� elpality. -of ntlfterlu� 11thto -don of that - . - da'- I June 18 and 10, the first day to be do- .,
-I- 't Lit --L'rr ' voted t _,�4��
� - -gat _tIIoAIQ__, og_llfe to about seventy a phteowill be practically uselm, but ':'
' RoWL =x st" ma.Hab' ofic. . , I a Sabbath school work, lid - '
' ' BY, No. ia con - residents of k e town. and in solditiou. - .
L.� , DATtegelt was brod, by Mr. Fred 0. Manitoba," inwhich Oarman the second to Christian Endeavor that as a "village greart" ou- recreation - ---!:1. � ��,
, J� ;,-,-,,-,-,,-,-,,--.--.-,oT,irl—f.r lgoitip %vork. S&v"e18r19Wut'!131ApIevr0od Hackney Stud, Attics, rally located.., A number of these about fifty miners, who are entombed In
,� � I ANTED, RDA oti-tit N. Y,, coo at a in tuccessful and hot been sent ou,k by the In the mine. Visa Rhynas was not t e 0 9 0 Ler 11 tin . Ill- work. I ground it will meet a felt want for the ,
. W Apply 0mrs. F% . th oat ii - amphleta have. , I
!! % - - known braWorff In tho !i:ltod States and Can sod inj ured. v or incriminating transactions. The annual District meeting of the voting people of tho town, as a Place
,,� canada, by hie pro- Madinat Bank of Commerce, I I
. � ENEUAF, HNUXANK WANTED. -At a". He was; Imported .. Lent to make an exhaustive scaro 11
Nit% j. B. WRITELY sent owner',111171N. C. Attrill, and to pronounced co, Lordmhips will inalot upon the appointment Methodist church, Whighain District, .4
b Pies Inar -A few days tot- athletic gained and children's I
, r , J'� Ganoo. Apply to re t 8 be,had at its branch office Wels to lie hoped that their
,� �W by all who ova seen lifin as one of the best B . r.egrattable for the older THE CANOE FOUND. -ough ox I hooks front which will be hold lit Lucknow oil May 20 I
!L - / higInAve. Welmen: of the Hackney t now to C;Lnwl4. 0 of experts to inake it that . analtiation of ill inents. The eloquence and vig- ...�.r L, ;
a wail _M
11 , aisellons of ffliario that Be many of since a man, while gathering drift oil- and 21. An hour tvil be devoted to anallso . '11
! �, f ouLDERS WANTED-Acous=05 to trod by Langton a Performer, q810, evidence is likely to be obtained. much experts to be attended by co C. H. a. have pres- L ,
:. . general work� r L 2i2 American, by COO' its.eltizens, especially youn% men, are ,wood a mile this side of Kineardine, discussing tile John Wesley bi-Cent- or with which tile L i
- ,nil Who vw nonii'lit - fue) Her ta - -L .-- sol, one representing each side. I
. .14 ,aut to. learn Eno. ,Garton Do
� I ,� 8.1, . His dam Udy Northwest, onary celebration, which comes oil sod this point aro said to have "con- �
ave A%ZgRh:� 1,� rUOIN111DIIII!,1litrICII(e,� Dilitept. 72M American; moving to the ut where found the canine, Aht� upsetting, of he Itioney.,4with tile I
I" platoe- ,1(1 Ititiatirelypossil)lot(iti-4'cothc alleged bril I L
I,, C110CH too., *he by ,,,,(r,,) (,�7n)r,,V,f,ock,�Day P
I . B. L our fellow citizens are bound to g , a June 28, Rev. David Rogers, of Ford- ;
Ltd.,'Tcrontlo ., 014Z jar which resulted in the death of the evidoneo already before them tile Commission has It good bound for - verted" the mayor, And chairman ,� i�.
�;' Tide poill an be traced back IndefinitaW 'pamphlet would seem N, says the plan being carried out Z�L
, ,.,r - ROVERS.- biltbreederaliv a arc intorosted In this claim 0 to,warraint the advice that they can- latt -auk Turnbull. On receiv. -citing and Complete enquiry. Tile point is wich, is chairman of Winghnni Did �
� -,u ,,, perusal of tb i Dr. Pi instituting a line of seat Elliott
,,,,, C d Ion do not end where the N trict, and Rev. A. 0. Harris, of Luck� ,;�
1", Young Zit who h6vo bad oxiloplonce stock will readily see that Larn's Danagalt Jug notice of the find, James Masson that tile otiem of the, Royal Commiss ' -y. by tile committee will not prevent, . �'l
,I I want to attain gr 0 no not do better -than go to Dufferin, -tious fail, provided those exertions tit) fail. An Ili- N now, Financial Socretai L.1
I -P" N -the 4 -_ � _ ample I-00111 tot-, children's
I an cater oxy.orlence over a stands in the front rank of Hao neY leaders. ' MKr. prcoceo�dod to Kincardine and made protiecution,t; exet I "
� L. " 51 a of svork P "love Plates. ROUTE: MONDAY, May 4th. will leave big garden,., of Manitoba.' but leave I
I,' I 0 AVFOUNDfi'r1D"!. aig .. , Hotel Car ple. to
G,%,W, C Williams, of the Bank of Commerce, arrangements -to', its passage to this vestigation that does ,lot locato the source of tile money obtained -
I own stable, and proceed to co ,'I
1, Toronto. "
� L, ��,; , low, for noon,'� thence to W.Ugh's ilotel, will be pleased to, give copies of this town by the steamer expected in tills from some one by R. R. Gainey cannot pretend to satisfy tile It Marine Matters. recreation and gained. There will L I
. %W A N T H p -FAITHFUL PERSON TO Dunxannon, for night. interesting pamphlet to r .11 enquirers. evening. The instruments and cloth- Their Lordships, The World hopes, will, if necessary. initiate as well The Ing Dyment wait launched on ILI, Inner and #Lit enter row of trees I
_111 for well established house (it 14 few TuxoDAY. tQ,Wm. Han, Ing that were sti oe at as Bit in judgment. A good beginning would be a Judicial order requir-
I travel I retail morchalito and )Zlo. M con., Aahtleld, -a fternoon, and tvitou title around the park and it group of trees
I ,� count4es, callinir on for noon; thence to He arry's Hotel, Luck- WuErr STaRET As IT is. -A STAIR the time of the upset had been w&sb- Ing an exhaustive examination of any bookli that piromime it clue'to the Tuesday a L L,
agents. Local torrita "'as" "WILY r cow, far .I,I.L, took the water sho wits nearly reluIv plant,ed lit the contre, till tile rest of .1
, 1 andexpeu0s; payable. 11179toweekillell ,:it supreme question: . . .,
. � r 1. . oncint. WEriNkarlity, to E. A. Durnin's. Oth con.. reporter not4ces with pleasure that ed.away, but with the exception of the foil leg,viing port. I
I., expenses favanced. , Position elglaW'L r Salr* West Wavranosh. for noon* thence to-StrAt- Hugh Dunlop's improvements to the Paint being considerably worn, the "Where did the money come froin?" . the ground being left free for games. V
�, � . Costal aila Tushinis. TI Mill will be running night Two of the officials have, it Is said, I J�.
-� . Business guox va Jured, al-
:, r addressed cc lope. STANDARD HOUSE1 315 tonlg Rota]. BeIgn,ve, for rijILL on in 'oV ohn, oem
. . '1901-11% , E"t West street business portion of the cottons was &pp&lvntly to the a 1WArrAW-47 ew�wruWw N*IAM40 and d .tAy, if capable employ I"
. . ,_ Caxton Bids.. Chicago. TnUmIDAY. to John Ellis'. 5th 001., though It had been blown ,111V�MrAXKAW� 0�VIOW-AM--'M dW`&WAM_A0' can be a offered to donate a act of bolits and A.. y
� __-_ Hotel, town is another evidence of progress. btalned, as orders art, away 11
. I I / ETgwlr AND10Tftg1t_WORK WANT. WawAuoab, fdr noon; thence to Mason's northern peals through the Ice when ____ rid an ��
. . JDATES, Walk street I ahead of the output. Wis for the children's upe, a
�h God� Blyth, for nighL great"monstary In- It wasbreakiug up. . ,��
4-�� '.' , I A � ED. .. -as the FRIDAY; to HUI'# Hotel, LOndesboro, for -Here we have that I Brief Town Topics. Marlton launched the Low Wright other advocate of the -village green" I 1.
, L ric , to -ftwipt*cov. go( a* to J. J. Fisher asitate, Beamiller, at of Montreal, with THE LINK13 AGAIN. -At a meeting Brief Town Toplest. � 1.11�
1, r 1, .1 a lots. dxtnf mowing Wan; then I
. I them, r 9 millions of money; the post office on Tuesday in good style, but there Idea will probably see that it catcher's :
,.f r L g, etc., tint nil the summer night .. Itt offlete; the staff Oj !9f those favorable to starting a Golf MAY DAV. A subscriber wishes to know If some were reut many tankers on, all no 'IF
"' � moutbe. liable. For farther' SATURDAY.'tO Farr Bros'. Hotel Goderich customs and e3icise green thing cannot be done to prevept the tit ��
� ;Itution, thoi'llaink it or a Lentils set is presented.
i� . , P r& Pot card, or call at rest* for noon; thence to big own stable, hidgeWO&I afternoon, it was. For thee, sweet month, the groves range $king notice was given of the baptism. �,
rtic life so well kneaded and panned and Club on Tuesday throwing of banana and a -_ -
r . ence. 0__,Ln .. 19L*-tf Park Stock Farm, where he will remain till the - and Dr. I liv'ries weer. a* trewing Th. we tuld fishing off this port 'ked to call at- 111:1
I 1* following Woolley morning. baked by baker Curry; clothes at Dun resolved to organize for 1903, f not the first, the fairest of the �!Drly,,,. oil the pavements. and the It ,� , Thu Star bad been
� �. CRAP MN WANTED paid let lop's--and should they fade (which is Taylor beint[ voted to the chair, the of waste p 0 1 tile street%. The . tie fair v well do far, but the Ad � �
, : TxRua:-T6 Inoure a foal. 810, to be R d- aper I '. y tention to the dilapidated and damger-
� I § will pay 60 cents ; _hund;� for all kinds of of January,19H. not likely), you can step "to" to Our following officere were elected: prest- There will be a ession of the Divi latter it; cort.i. yla public danger and n account of Contra, L ".
'r Fateh all J. P. 11 EDWARD C. ATTRILT. own John Curry, the, dye man; music win -W, IT,.'
Iron.Stool and Malleable. dent, W. L. Eliot i vice president, E. Ion Court to-daY (Friday). nuisance. . had rely paid expenses, coo condition of the sidewalk down r"
_. rot rl;n%mr. Im"t 2-w-ner. And ice crasin and confectionery. at ,L. Dickinson -, secy,-treas.. Mr. The Goderich Knitting company A laxly, just recently a resident of Them are but two boatis on the Harbor hill. It certainly Is in a bad . -1, "
� �
4 r
- a ub and other truck Along With Yglot � . I
. .-r, . 0. . yh hesto"hitrice forall. E VURX BRED ENGLISH SHIRE the Victorbit; and two good dentists Austin; executive committee, Messrs. still report bright times allead. this town, co hat while tak. island now, the new tugs boinK built a
I .. I
A I MAX SHER, THSTALLION to cure your toothax. McDonald, Brough and Galt. The The G. T. R. has to have 30,00U bush- Ing a walk In -P'= k Mon- for the Dominion Fish Go., and they Late, and liable to cause a law suit .11,
he We; a ininerail, the r on
6. Victoria street'.9pp. Methodist Church. & wine and fees were placed as follows: Married elso of the receutll arrived wheat In dal.-Ith one of her ch ed early next through a broken limb or other in- ,
.. . I DESPORD MARQUIS, 10039, water factory, and also II=, she was will likely be christ,en
. I
I I - .
- cardi Of Thanks. English Shire Stud Book. spirit merchant; the American res moo, wife and one son or on, dough- Portland by May th. rou ly accosted by three girls upils week. jury to some pedestrian,
� 1. Foaled June 21,18K 321 Canadian Number. tanrant;i where hot and cold meals are Liar being privileged to play, or) -, ljmost Perch fishing ban given temporary I
� ,� rHANKS.-To John W. Cridool, I - Brichanaris and Lawson have this At one of out, schools, find call —
I .kRD OF served day and night; dress and man single men, $3,; mingle ladied, $2; mem- employment
I i G) ,,g., Agent Canada Life Assuranca t�o- Thin oplandid, Stalflon was foaled ir ION and tie makers for the fair And dainty; oc- week received two car leads of British offensive names. One would not like to a large number the I
1: � � . odejp Dear Sir, -Wo beg leave to exPrOlul Val. Bawden & bers under 18, $2. -Members' children Columbia shingles. to say the home trainin% of these past two weeks, &lid aniong those Ad will be seen by the report of the
1, - I sour. havold by, big Lint ,tier$,, Me ;
the, _q cupied residential buildings, and two under I hteeD will be allowed the use ung people Is defective, ut it is to wielding the rod were it large number public School board meeting, that body
pAnaila Lite V'=-'R,ft-tb.' -kehdrq�frga Co., Who star" to, let-- Marti
dur slueeradlenke to , attractive green lawns, a of the e 0 Cosens, of the St.Catherin" -
i� I . 6nce Compoiny. or witloh you are the ft= used him ter two B b W. & J. III= on afternoonti till 3 P. in., a h ed the offence will not be ra- of the $critter Bay- many of whoin itre ba.m deeided to postpone t lit- vrvotion - - -.7
, � . t1ative,, for the very prompt and oatis and confectionery be $3 Journal, has been holidayinK. with big polial.0y becoming exports tit landing tilt) 111111Y
� r,' am n a 44=k I)= Lemistor- second ice cream but not later.' Visitors' fee will of 4L now Ward NOW"% but Will ILM!� 1110
'rs� I C) - I mationer In which they settled the claim of the a Ire, ad. He is a beautiful bay, with store, and J. J. Wright's commodious for the season or $1 per week. The relatives, the Tilts, of the British. ____._ ones.
� late Alexander Munroe, havinUaccIved check aza on col -and four white I weighs I 0011
, I IV for fail amount at insurance w It protitis with. every otUar Park House; we have coal dealers, And club has rented the grounds known as The water wits turned on In Harbor Id arrived Ili TOwn uumwil I,- - 0) Lot carry out
Pero w9re fil . poundsandfain a is action a QBI I�UARY. . The iron steauter Leafle
11 11 in we days after claim Pa G Int as fine & pea ' an as has yet reached insurance for fire and life; and now terriplated
11 I Yours re�pectf Do _KAv, T 0 1 the distillery flats from Peter Ate- Park fountain on Tuesday. This Is t all Saturday evellinj
C. Me r his country, .� with 73,0(X) Lite repairs and chauged con
I . Bruner ,ru UW TEEZRALD; Execute Ewan, and already has an exc6i[10ifif' s6rely it sign of coining fine weather. 4larru. - There died at Nile, on r
1 03. JkA I to to the Fair, with eleven branch stores, to
r � estate al Alex. Munroe. 01 --it Re was striad by Sopwoll Duke (IL" brad by extending down West street; and course arranged. These grounds tire Some unknown person or pemona Tuesday of this week, Albert Smith, r.sheloof wheat front liort Williaill, in the Central School building. lit
�i I- - Lord Veruilsom. of so sell, and his dam being
I I . Bedford Di vildire them's a laundry. too, as well as a . for the Godarich Elevator and Transit v iew of tile rodueed attendance tit the
, ichose of Br part 47947). brod by coo easily reachable, in full view from the broke one of tile lights in the door of aged 70 years and iree inotithm. De- Co.; she commenced unloading ,it �
Public Notice - - Earl of Ellesmere. per shop to make the tubs; you can bank, and will allow those sitting Abraham Smith's store during Friday ceased had been till ng for Homo time, midnight Sunday, and left aglLill on public Reboots,es pointed out in the �
I w I Duke won the followin%ldr— have your carnivals in winter. and along the park front to see a game night. but was up and a rid as usual. and convenience of the �
ILL J. MORROW will continue Is At F= lallodd. IM; Flrot� Hatfield, ; Third tile Monday night for Fort Willitoln. discussion, and the
, Removal sale of Groceries it from start to finish, a feature that will
(11 shooting a' 'the stance, while in
C imt, Glassware, Dinner and TotleL Sets u17 summer breezes you can enjo to your D. D. G. M., R. W. Bro. R. M. Cam- &tie a hearty dinne the day he d'O' The harbor meellied almost deserted prement arrangement Ili Temperance
fe ,I Royal Counties Show at Canterbury. 1893; ..
t . IS". Highly commended v undoubtedly strengthen the game in me
, � Wedcooglxy�Mayfl,aa The prices will make title ' Show I Fillies alrod by Sop -all heart?a content both tennis and howl- Is, of Stratford. will offichl,11Y visit Mrs. ,Smith hand ( elision to go olit, testerday, the only vessels in port Hall for it junior class, it certainly
�i,"�� you smile, Duke 0 iness at Lord Varutant'a Bala; Ing on the green; billiard a Goderich. Morning Star lodge next Wednesday and before leaving (lid not natico tiny- eside the dredge outfit being tile fish.
ulacas ' return short-
. - vp of peace at the Bruns c al the A FiNic ENTERTAINMENT. - evening.
360 ineasat r.PbiioMIII*'s&Ie-,290fy '4 jb . does seem a wide step to postpone tile
r 6rnell,g ,At k There thing unusual. n hot- tugs Laura Orace. Wright and
, USINESS CHANGE. a r. Pot sale. A filly also stred y Sop - y afterwinA site discovered )ter ling- of some $3000 for & new %vard
Duke, as Dastard MAW lvision Court OffiCe,L where there in no The new residence being built bT D, Ille
B was rather a light attendance at Vic- I 0 -cas, &lid the steamer Long, tile outlay
L'�� � - The partnerahli of HAMILTON & HALLIDAY , n show record In 189& ' peace --an w e F son, on Elgin Avenue, wit be hand, its she thought, sleeping (lit the first throe nnly needing tile rumple- schesol, even if tile means for raising
,� � - _ I nee to Latin. Opera House last Wednesday it, abOut two lounge. But it was ills last sleep, for I
- . having been dim ved, I W184 to annou n 0 For extended pedigree we cards. the rent beyond, tinder ker rophey . reealfv for occupation L Lion of their nitchinery fly tile tile money were not the difficult pro-
�." - tile public that I am still cauvying a when L. B. Spalford, car- he had peacefully and calmly passed Engine Co. to solld thern a;vay. blein that it In.'
! 1. Livery Business ah the old stand, corne of At the annual oillow hold by the Vsk Shire can found. and a first,class rint evening, weeks. 0 .
. ,; 1� I Nqwgate and Ham ton streets. and will ce Horse Co.. Limited, on October 29th4 1900, the a do toonist and humori8t, assisted by Miss moved !`,Y� ... � violently frOm heart trouble. - Algontiuin. with Kl,w�) -be outlay or, tilt, changes proposed I
, I r - racblvd ham of iWzo colt was sired boeaforl Marquis, hop across the way knows how The RougvIe family have The utearnet ,
. .Z� ptoozied. to as heretofore a 9 I , taking lint prize In c - yoiir printing. from West street into their own I'he eased was it native of Tivy, busholm of wheat frot
, public p � Iso'charn Laum Acheson, violinist, furnished Wentworth county, and had resided I Fort Willin I... Lljo Control. School, according to the
, .1 and
, atronage, times " every atten. pion tapV was sold for a large a - -rived oil Sen. in .
Mg.show, and of
� First -claw rigs tit all ffum ad buyer. ODD FnLLows' ANNivEmAILY,-The the program under the auspices dwelling, on Essex and Lighthouse Carlow and Nile for about 20 years. too for tile olevul-I, lit
',� z � don and courtesy to mt . Inverness Car S. 0. S. Mr. S par - streets. I V.n - day afternoon. Ian), people i,N tit cited 1,endors received. will be some $10,000,
IW&1m - met all q1I caved behind a widow. six dit h
%� S40V HALLIDAY. Ott enconlunto of his it tic up outside the
5 . Godericb. April Wth, 19a ROUTE: I MONDAY May dth, after dinner members of Huron Lodge, No 62. 1. 0. ford The coopers are still working at tors all([ two none- Louls and . her corne --- andt lie board meent to think that this will
" - - - will leave big own stable. and proceed to W: 0. F., celebrated the 81th anniversary press notices, and proved himself a chrystal's old shop, but will move to (jec, Warren at Bit City; Mrs. Writ. Leafleld, its her captain handled tile lie it wiso expondit tire. No one (to-
, I knian's Nile. where he win remain till after of tile institution of the order on the clever artist, his life -like and amusing May, Alm. firickneTl, and wheel and brought him vessel to tile
rr. ror Sale or To LOU dinner on Nooday. the dock as soon an the ot,one building Alto. Cie- ,10_11LAN easily and mutely As if Hilo nics that certain Improvements are it
'. . _~_ - - TuitimAy,night at Thou. Lawices, Man- American continent by attending sketches being accompanied with is ready for occupation. juent, at the Canadian Soo; Judson, at I
�4, PR UD_ chantar. ,, at Victoria street short mtories, recitations and flashem of Parker, of London, and E. Me- (lalt; Mrs. Beamer tit Toronto; and had ,en a row boat. The Algorutuill pressing nocessitv. but, as has already
I Re Bee rich. A , Divine service it(,, StIperior early oil Wool- boon shown lit the local press, there is
. into lyerich. Hear Daer's, Bounder humor and satire which were diatinct- J. All , - M rs The Into left tilt IA
,�' & T B .- WEDNZHDAT, to tK ,y Methodist church on Sunday morning* ly clean and brilliant. Miss Acheson, Ln Illin have houKht Swanson's ton , Thon. Elliott *of Nile. . "I
". �, nor BUILDING LOTS (or Mao in SL U�,6_ an' to Will' Hill ' The brethren, to the number of sixty, Goderich 8olruia� business, in tile Bedford block, Mr. Stuith wits a Reformer in politico, noRday morning. diffortince of opinion am to whether "I
fg� I Dr noon; t
, ; .11ght. Iways a favorite with 11selliall the a
" C George's Ward. ,Apply to IL DANCEy TnuadDA,Y�to Edward Grelorg's, Maitland marched to the church and were. a osses8ion on Monday. although -he never took an active part. The stearn harge No I
, IMZ.tf. * cancellation 11�lborno for noon ; thence to accommodated In the front audiences, delighted all with her and Lack p lie the new- He was A member of the Methodist boat. recently 1)urchASIA bV ,he We remodelling of tile Central, or the
.t L. — - P'w'- brilliant lilaying. Her first number, a The ditch digger built wb nil up-to-date
I - Ire* MilleQ Wh coacoagdon, rich arch, where merece will be hold thl D merits arrivet In port, yemterday building of a now a
.1 Got I (30de There was A large confrefation and very difficult obe, De Beriot's "Scene era were boinUut in, has been moved ch B .' building, would be the wiser
. .. OR WALE. -A Phaeton C township, for n ht. I I 1. I noon, when the funeral will take Xrnoon with 6N),10) foot Of lut"bol-, school
.1 . loath Upholstered GlVr.&`=o'1n&1w 06 the set -vice was --- ng Y RPPrOP- de Ballet� was most skillfully exe- off the lots joining the Furniture after t
. or p THOS. VV - on rs Tb plan. It im urged that, with the pres-
did. A FRIDAY, and after unloading I(X),000 feet )of
w ti tlr.'*Org* "V,K�. %,. r land mark gone.
. ap y at residence. , nee to John wet . jX'..: ri.te, the praye , hymns, set. and (!,,led, place tO Dungannon cemetery. -
: N. 19 . street. . 1905-tf for noon. I and to this she responded with factory. Anothe
I oesillon, for bight. anthem being specially selected, and ,ife (if for Windsor with Ille hialance. c , t high coat of building, and the
�, URNISHED HOUM With Ali modern ODD SATuRnAir, to FIL" Bron. I ode . r the sermon from the 8th verse 5th the sweet strains of "Annie Laurie," Last week THE STAR received the JonNoToN.-Elizaboth Scott, m next trip of ilia Norwernan will I)(' to
: I - whilchersecond number. a charming resur- oil mtringency in town affairs.
I situ ats, , first issue of the Seaforth See, Mr. John 11. Johnston, passed away this port with it full cargo of builber. fillanel
- - - vanionces, to rent for the winter noon; thence to big own 0 Rt W chapter of Ist Timothy, -"But If any serenadis by Gounod, would have been rected from the recent ollonstrans flro ar after a lon illness, aged Tile Lug RvoIYII wam ')'It Ye.4t,ordaY, the wisest cotime would be to expend
- CtFnvanient to the Squam AVop!y to Park Stock Farm, where he will re n till the r revide not for his own, and epee' 11 . Tuesoli ,
1, a, UDFOOT& RAYS, harridan, Par- following Monday Dean. even more accept -able had It been Mr W,,Lcott's friends will wish him on placed the buoYm off tile may $500 on tile construction of new
" r . 'a"K tss yearm. nie deceased ady had been And her crew
,.�', � r _ 14 71-tt Tznma:-To insure a foal. $1A to be paid Ist for those of hie' own house, he hat twice as long. -Miss Eva Acheson, ,,�cess. ontr[LuCP, that inarkm Lho
: � 1, I .ION. denied the faith, and in worse than An ill two years, but seriounly mo for four harbor sanitary drainage at the
I , on SALE OR TO RE - The nine ofilinuary t who had &180 been cn%a to aing Mrs. Win. McDonald, St. Patrick or five months, the cause of death be- cluturial for deep bioded vessels to tile clo"tm atilt ,
ANT. I ,ged �
% !�) Froomed Frame House &lid J &ere lot on OTTZEL B. WnAON, EDWARD C. ArnmiLL. infidel"-beig exeltionally pertinen two num__ --- I le to Central, and walt till tile raising of
I , corner Victoria and Anglefta gtrlsct4 on which 054t Manager. Owner. to the gathe ng. he preacher said � attzill.a.r street, had the misfortune white Ing a gradual loss of strength. The elevator.
. I � � Matifealarge warehouse, in fint-olitso oondi- — through vocal indi sition. housecleaning recently to fall from it IXLc Mrs. Johnston cattle toi this con- TheschooneirJolinT. Mott arrived money for more extonsivo changes
_`� flent be was pleased to welcome the all through the enterg,M)nment wits of 'at the tinent with her family lit 18W, and af- rt oil Friday with a vargo Of would be an easier task for tfie town.
tion. Also for We a aqua" piano In exec I ciety that spent ant] break tier right arm I
li I condition will be sold at a bargain. Appli on brethren, for a so, 3i a high character, deverving of a better 'hair )
�.� ence In . f`1" "'110 The(itie8tiontilayl)tidiscuHs(-d t the
1:� the ;;;�� COAL millions In one year in benevol elbow. Let a short moJourn with Uncle Sam, pexr, sts and "hinKloR a
, �11 house. the family moved to Kincardine, Tree �.,.Ib,r for the Harbor Lumber
� ustdogood, and dividing his text On Monday Dr. Clark had a small meeting this eveniuv, or In 1
. I .I HAT ARGE 0 HOUSE, With Buy your next winter's Coal this month in it was the duty p where she lived till l8rk, when she ,,ill,%. Hilo %�ag t,owed In lo�, the tug Council
It . oltned if you wish to get it at the lowest price. into throe parts, said Board of Trade Council. aIf, in Ills animal hospital. to" Uxamin- find wits lit, oadett toy couituittee, and the whole situation �
"To ad b tt Rented on married tier now bereaved partner. C. 11. Mcintooh,
St. wltb halt re 8 of the head of the family to look after - Saturday. Mott wits oil tit(, hot- ,ully gone Into with advantage to all
and out� t on, as It apparentiv suffered from
I bu Nereo is r I . For lowest term d 8 Irituld The regular monthly meeting of the some bronchial trouble, meemingly Mr. and Mrs. Johnston settled in God Tile
a ply to MIL J. . On the COAL ARRIVING DAIL Y. the temporal, intellectual an P fill( A
I _� Marc 1 . I - Fruloon- . wants of those of the household. Council of the Board of Trade wall bronchitis. erich township where 21) years of tier Lool all winter I tilt. Witter "It(' voriverned.
, artch, = - life were spent, the 18 preceding (le- 'R, No'
i Rev. Mr. RobinFlOn dwelt at some I hat
&BLE PROPERTY FOR SALE 0 ty held last Monday evening, President Bert Halo has purchol,sed the two lotained some of the Rhiliglo .
I ,� VA U' .- lon1th on the benefits of the s etc lots south of Chrystal'm boiler shop, -1-0 bring mpent lit Goderich. The thef looked like thome ()f Blitish COI - Sbewardton .
�Ibltt valuable' property on Maitland .� ,in, xta - schooner did I
. WOOD said such Institutions were it great Saunders in the chair. and has planted them our, and will decoased wood well known Ili townshig no, ,00�rodljction. I'll.
street "crich comprised of 10 acres, Part )s and during the fifties an in very goOol cOodlLi,m, bill Cuuncu. - Rev. Air. Wilson, pastor
. . blockld. westfp&;k of D. There Is on the pre- help to the church. After clearly Communications on the following fence them n, thus cI ig tit) the and tOw". of tilt, Mothodimt, church here, will �
re to
I misesairood ramehoutiewith concrete (Oun- d tile points of his text. mixtIP8, when the f,00d lit t0wumllip she wits fixed ul) 801"I'wh3t this week.
it collar under kitchen. Stable Itly,50. A large quantity of Wood or hand on Illustrating matters were discussed and disposed short cut over the lots.
dation. sr. u concluded Wolin being turned 11 to the garden I I M0 presents it better appestrauce. pi-etu-1, it mpt clal sernion foi- the child-
Vo.d never failing spring and well water. can fill orders immediately for Cordwood partic larly the third, be of as otAted : Him Honor Judgr Holt. on I I 1.011 next Su;lday evening. Service to
� . w to, plum and Pear (Lod Stovewood, at prices defying compe- tin able anniversary dig ourse b iq re 4 now Ili, Mrs. Johnooton (lid )ter part n - _____ .-
hundred boarinVpf., c y 1. From the Ottawa Board Of Trade down to the hamer, cut Of hi L' I price -n -lice at soven o'clock.
Ira". ol mulberry ,,, tition. tilt. _tnLn,forlontion, and even tit( cottunt
11 as 1000 at u , expressing his tonsure at the Attend- ro -ed it I -r of -ba Star .
� 6 liable or sale garding the duplication of names of the other (lay, dimcovel I tt( T116Y BOad I
.ad 1400" madern shade tram r w I ancooftheOdTfellows. Onthereturn could always find tilne to do a kindly J'FUV40StAL.--Capt. A. Bogichion
J - tk,ld removal. The propart) ot ill be sold on ORDERS t offices and the conme t con umber, but the 4-nd (if o - -
reasonable terms and t a low price. of the brethren to the lodge, Bro. ,,IueD - rabbits. six In It tylve 1`01- it 110iKilbor. Th(- departed, tilt, ml( -k list tit present, with plenrisv, (I
Mrt�taetcryreaqonso Rr selling. For pardon. left with MR. VATRs, Div. Court Clerk's a ra moved, seconded by fu(tailon an� delay In in matters, the intrudvrm tilts not vot been made ti,111gh cOnfitled tA) tile house for so Air (keorge M"KeP, (if ("%pit('- N""ll , Ill. vv'hitely, (if Ooderich, lmftttendfi�JZ
. Ian Arilk) � Dickinson & Garraw.or at Tint Office, West street, will receive prompt Alex S tinde asking --ooperation of BoardR of rradO known. � furnighpio ILI) ftrotwo-t- to it (Itiery which
STAR 0 cc Bros. Tlfoa. McKenzie, that the thanks , , lOng it p(iriod, retained ()lit tint(' friend- hltu ,in(] we hope to soon hear of his
attention. in making ditch represtentations to the arno oil tile howling green ,,,bi,m uotil tit., King hade her cuter appo�a.red Ili theme ('101tuolloo ILV f4',.,, ,,mo'pletv recovery -Miss Thanipson
I of Huron lodge be tendered Rev. Mr. e The first. g Io wee I I I. rot elt ...
� P. At. Oeneral its will prevent in f utur thIR HeagOn Wag One at singleS, the 11 . Hhe WJ114 tile if ther ago. 14 I M Ida W ilson, of Pine River, were
� -TTALUADLIC FARM sermon. tile . I k (I'll" I
Robinson for his able ouH1,'-.,. - ltu"
V sALS-Contalfilit - Th. 1W, yo r I ity and her bereaved now , Hill" Io I
and 4 cboirfor their excellent musical pro. Dominion." I R twing -"'f':;y . Lhe glieHts Of Mra. Nelson Untham for
' r'�go`
, It 8i acres, being cam it
acrmqart of lot 12 in the 4th concession, Godo- r it the managers for tb6 ' tit. ,rtn 'th:. -Wit. children will 114, . (
the duplication of the names of po'st Jam. 1). (Wonnoill and it unit Imaw
posed of lot 12 in the ., the former winning by 'if �':al' I it few daf#,4, thim week. -Mist; Lizzie
I h concession, 9 amme, an incept within the ,I, I tod ,,nil , clendennIng wk -re (11-OWn '41 At I'l"'01"m
t 461 F. BARLOW HOLMES? mattermetwith the approval Of the no shot. It ift expected tit green , 1:,)Ir,.edbI. their morrow, tit tier death. daill. If(bly ILOII 41100 is rv(pik-ed I 11 I had been muttering from it
rich bwnAbip. bo� pert -of Airs, The motion carrl,* Council and W 0 " ne. " tr"., ,.W
of the ke t
a use of the church. tile mecretary
;� Robt.Whitaly. Th astinnob armandis Office and Vards, head of Neliton Street. *at ill so will be ready for regular phly o"t (of i4yinpathizing friends In can get it, bet it, would take it littlo 1.":vo, ., t1ack of tile gri� for over a
IL situated About 4 notion from Goderich, Tide . Ing unanimously, the lodge y notify the Ottawa Board. week. town and t4)wnmliip. The funeral Look I I urr." I week, im able to be aroutu again. - Air.
I - For particulan apply at STAR OFFIGm, cl-ised. 2. F re idont of Dominion The Public Library Board ham re- place front the family F-PIddPnce, lit('- Mr. oen. Sharrivin. Y Orkto 11 . A4""-- Rod Mrs. Albert Maize, of Ashfield,
W."doo'ch. ]Board rom a -a
March 10. ton Bemiffler I Nwiseries. PUBLIC SCHOOL Bo&RD.-A apecial No.., tinnouncimthat the ceived a choi.que for $30) from Air. Lon liti-eet, yoNterdity afternoon, in who) wits in 14)wu it few weeks ngo A :1
. — of Tr 1,41plit Sunday p. in. with Mr. anti Mr%. 1.
. I this board was held In the meeting intended to have en called Carnegie. on account of the grant of presence of a large number of friends litLending tile funerfil Of It IVIALIVO, ixon Dougherty, of this place. ��..
Fruit meeting 0 I �
Profenlonal., We have a surplus stock of tint -claw for tilt" spring would tie deferred till $10,000, and a mee Ing Of tile building and acquaintances, Rev. Jam. A. And- gives another institnee Of how a nvws� We noticed In the Sheppardton I
" � - Trom Apples ampeciftot different varieties school library on Monday evening, all after the meeting of the Empire Con- t
, . 'I'- --- - - - - which we will mail at committee wits held YeNterday morn- argon, pastor of Knox Church, conduct- lver maketoreople su"Etinted though �
ICAMPION, ILC., Barristal', solicitor a reduced rate of 01 r news Of April 24th. an articlo with the . �.
.� St: per hundreld. Come early and get your choloo, the members being pre"rit except ferenceatMontrealinAuguat. File(]. lien F, 7 as Ito Old titan howling "A LIttI6 Personal", allot
� . Notary, ete. 013166 00 KIIIERWO JOHN STEWART ESTATIL Ing to make advance payi tw to the Ing the service ,it the house and tit tile distant pn ntA. 144,
� rij,torl& opera Hangs .11110131LI gro'Md 'too?' .. — trustee McLean, out of town. Chair- a From J. D. McDonald, D. P. contractors. grave. Tbe decofthed'" surviving In bin employ who aloo retitle TheSLar, written tinder the nomide plume (if �
� ` .. unotav to loan. I - . man Nicholson, of the buildin cam 6 AgRintant Cor )ondent," in which _
,Goderich Markate. 4wentIng tho, A t of the 0. T.:R., re exten ton of on Monday J. F. Andrewa nhipped children are: Jnn. H., of Nevada- Rob- And though tie had never neen o.T.It. .L . , ZL,
13ROF. S. L. TAUDE. *n a car load of live hogs to Toronto, the ert, at horne; WilliAtil Jame", Of VAm- Agent Stratton. in Ooderich. he(] be- It"ho writer take9riolronce at Ptotnething
taittee, said that before pr W g kly summer rates to this point Milverton, - tit., pr-
., � (Coirrectal wis I* rAds of Thowoldalio) tendere,he would remind the board Fil:d . 1, and were flneant. Ilt-11, Ont.; Samuel- of conic Interestod In the cirrular town I It ill tills papet
. MANUFACTURM0 OMCIA14 AND MTN Weak for all kinds of farm that the attendance at the schools lot numbering 2(X 14LI I Z' oa c I which wag intetl(W
I Another q**t ocre ry trials.
, XtPltta produce, as there was pmeticatly no change 4. Frorn Chan. A. Beam. a Lot no. McLean, Mallough ont.� Mrs. Alex. UralKle, Of town; At- and Its Inhabitantio. On MT' Mt -- tZ ,mLjP,0.`k.*tan(
,. ( . ALIST. to was much less now than tit 1805 -some Messrs. J
dt of Spectaoloo and Ey made Mean notwithatandIAL through ) Guelph Board of Trade ro- even bort, of Seattle. and &Italian Maude and roan's return to his lionie tile first
� toiw. speotla attention givatiV1,1111"tutne the E, beat .ad rail . st"Fimloa Igo less -and consequently St, Pat� Of tilt a and Wilmon each contribuWd PI iy Ad It Joke, but what appeat, t,�
I eF In a being 2160, 11151) and I " Mt have been "no joke," but taken iu,i if it
Ing made to , re a Frances at home. question he was nooked by tile old titan "I'
allde o0unul. rick's Ward School could be dispen- Ing the consultation to him It d the weight- -_ wils, -How is Mr. Stralton? -. Shar-
I ts by mail promptly a noted ta, Be- I I 01-M.'I"'I'll— Ills.. and Messrs. Hunton And Elliott - -- were the cold and clammy ract,.,. o, t,
4% as I employ sea with for & year. As to the flnun- Toronto shortly with G. T. R. officials,
I We" at parties, usiftit MY with reference further to the improve- ton each, their weights being rempoct- A Legal Query. titan, though naturally our ised fit 'It. C. s^ym they wonder why �,uw
.1 notrILTIAtIngagentiownsto I blinhad 191 � Now Advertisement& clal question, the tenders showed such ments in train service dincusme(' with ively I9.W and 1010 Ills. . tit(, quest4m. Wits It 1.94-d to FlIr atilt, to I �� r., 1.
Be ounne,ranteed. PASO' an, increase in the cost of building - -_ . .*14 getting I.'Ilter and im return- No" doestbno�ntaktl J. 11. Well. )
� I � T Y. no. no� on y person that li,,nde
'L' STRE , 11 TORO TO Lima ago. say, "lit
% 2% .IU 0 D STRE .,._ _ Herrant Wanted .: I that It would be well to make sure of General Mgr. Haym some The Goderich R,rogine and Bicycle FAltor OoDitntrii S,r A R. Out c I
j �_ — . _ �__-_D4Wr,%C�:::::::::. : : Ing to ilia old horne, rLftA-,r it gurcum ontildering his good I(x)k,i alld ",ill )
, . 1. � . .1 � .. . - -L --- nano & Lawson...:. und,lbeforon committing them- Filed. Co. is still having A busy time, fifteen Sir --In a late Issue of your paper I I
, I -.1 Man Wanted-Buchat I their grei rpration.'* &lid he old Ilia" was ning ways, and then th,-v litIP"t ;
Bale continues W. J. Morraw ........... : solves. The tenders for rebuilding St. 5. From Mr. 0. M. I.ane. ingr. of hours a d&y br,ing tile lot of their em. " (if the Town of Goderich o 4 ;
111111 Girl wanud-mrs. Hawley ................ I I Ward School aggregated the Battle Crook Sanatarium, with I yeen Revarril dayn it week. Orders tile audito to ealird to beat, tile news. remember he Tian refused go% --rill go"ok i
a uttod-ChaL. IL Sham ............ . I Patrick's art of their report that there - - offers. and also is looking f.,r is soft,
Oftryl WW&'nte4-Mg1P. Jordan ........... .. 1 "576, and far'the improvements in reference to his tied visit here to F.Or bicycled are coming it) freely, and gave - P
foot ,
to min to Let- t Hays .:..... I tile Central building $8,OW. a total of eon@ P _ the company finds it till it ran (to to was no report from the police Magiff- - I � to fall, but not worryina knoll :
; . A. . I . a 18 lilt with thgltCard. The Recre St. AUX1,18tillO �l lice .-that, the -913.
-, I I � a Pat" Lost -Anthony Allen ........... ..... I __ ton A. 0. coqiplains
�D&Tik.or commerce ............ I $IZOOO or $113,000. He would not ad- Lary was instructed to reply. k lip will, the order fint. This trato Of the Lown, find I think in tile (,,[,,.t(,It (,FcnRmovy. The corner I
clmoieftMnk" W. Crallia ........... visegaing on with the ward echool (I. From the Bruce Mines and keeeel a car of machinery was shipped saule Img1le tile mbirn (if convirtiOnto ,tone of I lie new (114tholit' Church at hit correapoindent, doeii not L iii)"' Any- �
. 01001st thing." Well, perhapsi t Ili, I I, not hist
I � New Dress Skirtik-W. A. McKha .. .. ... I thilryelgr but that the board abould Algoma Railway Co., aaking alipport to Winnipegomim. and one car to Sol- for the quart4tr were giver, by tit(' othOr St. Anguntine Will be 1110"'Red and laid rittlit. he Inay never bwe hnd the �
, May Bale of Whit6wear-Hodgeins B".:.. 94 ask the iVv�n Council for 000 In their request for a land suboddy kirk West. magimtratoot, and these returnm
One wmLy Tickets at lovir rates at' sale Aratch Year Mon P Kavanagh ' O' �dbl toy Itt- Ilev- I"- ". %1"Et'lly, ". 1)" educational &Avant 8 f %. ( Owl
In say . a 'Ire'1,1',,,_'1l,t f��r lit.
until IVArp,f,51h, to points it MO?4TA- May is Hcra-F JaT�dj . ...... ..... :.. 6 for the Central School ch& ge. Id see from the Ontario Government and a Miss Kaflileen nail, Rec'y of Ahmpek not contain any convictlonn by tit( P Ill I, f [A)udon next Sunday, Ality I
. :Jrd, %r(j)" ,*) 1) . . in. A tounival Jim- Of course that woul. I
I Bargain Ds�"- pt. Colborne ... � ....... * . 4 first If they could got the money be- cash subsidy from the Dominion. Chaptt-r of the Daughters (if the NJ. I , at 11:. -#. he 944ts his
as- _ Ignorance. An for whowt
NA, Cotol(ADO, UTAlff. ORX4014. 8 ring Ton am- E. Hick ................. 6 ,]trip contracts. Of course Filed. E Ire ha.m received the following Now, what I w,,ol,l like to know is, grain and addremNeR have lie"'I pr
sas� Book CA@a_BgCkaLt & Stietaten..: it fore &Wan
WASRtNoTolf,' B=tgrf COLUMBIA, Wt epar- news, that Is rtithei a ,% id,' Plestilin
q Feral" W'A0=_.'0.Cit=;V. -X� . a the school board could compel the "r'r( -front Ali-.. Vvinkoughnet, no, to whom is the police Magintrate re- ed. Tile F;ernion for *ho, orviLnion will I
VJ. ra I Other matterm were Informally dim- not cc to put on paper, hot if I 0- N% ill
and. 01trowlirk, I'li, - tit, but It would be well to avold sponnible, or is tie responsible lit all, kindly call aroull'i 1 ,vo %,,,,, i(I I- only t, io,
, &Ban 5 Mr. cussed without action. anti am the tional secretary : "Kindly notify tile he doilvprp(l by Itev. 1). 11. MeMena.
. �! Sprint orffl;;�;;�; iiii;::#4, , * ... *-1 rraletion and pprhaps a law Suit. regular quarterl meeting of the membern of Oodprich Chapter that Or just it Inw Onto) hilligelf? Run, of 1,uran. Ont. Invitations have I t1win. I thilik It N 11"t
(.*all Tatke-Chise. ) , !.:: 8, With beell is, at
111 At. Glows Mimi Bam Warnock said that after talking I on Monday, May they Are invited to tie present at the sued to lic,,ininent, Dominion IX Ad to I"? m
I . Th011ildindor vktt)4L Cl Popular T I' 4�;f� Y-4 6 trispector Tom, he had conic to the Board w/11 be bet Yours, .1. P, necestotaryto prol-ig tl11,.n-ulIt.Iti,m,
�� =8 every year Hacka6y =n h tons-IfLic'. A I lith, tile secretary was Instructed to annuid meeting of the National cliap- - - and Loeal rvprementativ-, Mod they ., A ( . hury tit..
tot treAtment; of Rhoulmot sm, Difoortive conclusion that the proposed . ()I tit Every- (40 lot us Rbn�� la It :
' till _ _ ""Prove notify all membern of the Board. ter. D.O.K., which will be held on Mon- N, be, .�rege .. - 1- I it ,.IT.
Troubles and Nar+eug Digavd6m 8 Lusted _1-____ Menton to the Central should' be pro- Tho Meeting (,Aiondar. are expected hatchet find de to flgl *
, tiblar Dartroig it ottilokly told comfortably Mittribid. ___.`0`.____ (lay May 4th, 1003, tit 3 p. tit.. in the it. n. 1, No. Ini mmat, sit ciintan oil Tu lay. NAY ivelrotne. X ave The King. Yougotbackat ,u%ith`veng1�"1l"`,
I rMthad by Grind Trunk, ceeded with, and that for a year at Hall of the Comervatory of Aloair, J. A. IIAVtA)W. I"ItIoUlp-
A In Wit oiq Ar could do without the BusineSEC NOMCeg. May 5th, at it P. on. eivid lam sati4fied t,, t,tke my reedi
A 'TH least the board College street, Toronto." 0-ing at A � - - ,1141 it will probably
� I b the Y. Dr. ilson, - . Town ('ollne,11 ia�t� thin Friday cine cheerfully.
I t
, � I'm "St. catmIuAl Wd" Mr. BKII then moved, MCKnvzIX & HOWELL hsve & re.
I ILI OIL I flow , a H . ii_%1t,, ward school. Mayor I,evvix allot a large niounk In O -clock. (I rav Own busirtesm"
Tha, watoll" of di wall are a to Joan I , old tot 6 t' And ft, seconded b Mr. Warnock, that this call- iRe one Pvening last week. notoar innnth,14, tnoietina of Colleirt- Insti An 11-yonrold New York lad ill Witch me to 1-tuin
� o Gout% xemrut ceived a car of their long looked .or him lien hot froin the offeeta of eating lilt the bittif-e.
'. I 66 W "411=5 vid J [no, 0 . ch. Oat. board ask Itle council to provide $9,000 ed and harb wire. They are repared to lipte- on i ite-iny nrt�rnon:i,,XI.V,1tb. likely to tilt -
I � A Oh. am 0,1111. .1,154 Re. and Sheriff ReynoIdA, who wAm tutf � it lot Of sall) )le pills anti lablet.4 that - -
V=fti, gw by let of Augunt, f olp ling Lho evoning with him, (liq- (if tho, It -3" if T mto. � had been I Jt at I he donrit (wt houses lit
t6m, on a direct If" Of - . or repairs. addit, meet all competition on liar were lines. no i o',,lwk,
I 9 . DISid. tons and alterations to th( Tl,;, rush is on, come quick if you want Rt)(,n( jioftrt�rjy rnotiting I Trip STAR 1101"' WwA job printing.
I tv even "ON froad � Central covered the Intruder through the M�cndroy. May 11''It H -)-It 1, le. I his street. Tholo have beeD Many , _ �
N flurrn-Al, NIIN on Tuesday, 11,r,ll 28th- IDA school and the motion waA declared to 01V Till ',T%'l(1'bAnc#toflgu`""`
� " Albeft Smith. Aged 75 yt*r* and monthe. �et cheap goods. caekling of vi. r .... AtA- and knowing ftlowtinini, %initian,l I-itra, NO anch cames, atilt it would neom that tit I ,
tocililsitnevinkintotmettati 6( either of carriel Mr. Acheson moved, seconded yo�r job Ili I nt hill
�, the *,buys r*s6rtn,oft aWbAtloft td, 4611410stid'X-1 o", on Tot Dr. T. oveng, L. R. C. P., etc. 1%p" that the dawn wam still Rome hout-A m"A""I"T.1f., nort 'u --lay -0-9 R� 0. to Canada at least distributors of pleir ATAIL I.,] aa full ,)t A
r I I " I .r f 1_ , - XIIZA iloott" wife Of abin ear, noite will &way, inveitigated tile vaimp, finding noinalar meeting of lolverne� careleestiess ' Tim 0ooN
06.66 I � � lobll= - I imitisdis aw" I Ana Inspector Tam wait an 00 coun. hilliot On e�e, n . y 501, drur ,I
fit (A w on TiWay, cil to. nee r 45 , - f" ... P' " I 'R goliltY Of Ruch a
1%1 -leo Z"ZI AV by Capt, 0*10e, that triistee Ball and thromi �, ?"
%plain why the be In GOdericb, on T esd - Ma his okunksbip In it corner of the I next PrIdAy evoning. May 9th. .s,,, lia. thin cou (I Ili, reached toy tile CrItilitial law VBWO Its nt' `gg '�f Me t- I
% ad:1 If you %%,irit the heSt you will rub,
� I Flo F. LAWRPINCgo I slid one (lay tech month t ereafter for try house. The Sheriff says ILIA 'Votir. wo(minian of the world. Can',) ' The practice is ono to be diRcourag, .J� '�
A ; am Oblit". I I "a at MM alley r uIre . Carried. After it (Fridayi ovenine. �Jk'!(Vll STAIL $I. i J
ToWA Ticket Aftitit J 64 33 �� Xbd . to"thol, I u , Ion about the nulgttico cofultilbotion with physicilins slid patients. ship tin a good shot, but balf the charge KearnNTen,�No.f%)C.O.T.Nl.,me.toattho Right here In Oodorich, there Is plenty ,"eribe fe, Tole (;')Ill 00 ,
, ' sho and supplied. would have been RuffiClent, for snuill rdan,loof SrKt a(). W, Layton, fAmdon I in for complaint, a yeAr or (10 efilts tO the end of 194 4
� I ' AW lt. A , ng, �
T%rffff. -At Ali 6 M, t of dings were to the neigh- I 0168ses Prollet1v fitted tol near (j,liaton. on Thursday event 0 1100 i
. or to A Jilt. ito6o'NAU, A V. A,. Tareftlia, 464, b the iate 4 , A Office Ili GoMe's drug store I gAMOL I I
' - , _ I - .
I .__,,, �L 1. I 1,,11 I I 1. dilow,azu 0 rd Aidjearned. . . I
. � . � , 1, I �
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