HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1903-04-17, Page 5. . I I . . I I . . , , _ . �� I I . I ,.�_�,n .. 11 . i 111­;­­��;_!=. i i i 1. i I ;: '. c .1.1 I I �. � I 11 I I � � -----------,---;, , . 7. ­ , I 1. . . . I .. . . ! A'Te , I 18 . � _. , e."w I ­ ltu00 , I I I e , Uon, 9, ''I " 11 � I � .;!59n .- I �%;pltb � I , d I � &_ �� , � , I wq , � P P$0 " "I I , , , r ! jw, 4t� I I I 1. . ;�, ,, - i , , . . 11 " � . 4'.�, '',.I.— � ''. 1 . _ ,. 1; I . " � ­ . ,,, , .. , I , , , " I I �11' I I ,�_�, I W6 . ,� � ;, , I I , ., j , , .0 . � 0 .� � � , X , . � I � _ . , ", ' " I i . . I , " ,;K, ;� ,� "V41,441 1 - I - I , . . � .I. I � , N 8 F THIS Wk; ,ri � Irtrit ,, �#OUSE 11 . a 04. " � ,.:"_� �010'00'1. ,�, �, I -1 �, - � ,, , 4 !�be`4`rr I , ,.. , 4todc , CAR- I Ze oll c or alli , � - . � � 0�&*N 4, seOhe� AreAtest P � . I �� - � come up to, 00V li.g� " ", I 4rg�iii lk � '. . , MaMNS;W4,14,10 gathered, Soverari 1,� � PST's abd Cu , - . , in , , . % Look, liver tho List. '. � 0 Ire 11 - , ; I . I � "" IA__. , I I 1- . I I "in 1 ft�llng f0r this weeu , tile lbosvUsefull lirie.��T I I . ­ i I 01,11, . I . � �, I I �. In .� . , - i , , '� - 6 111. , . apestry C4rpP_v,f0t-,$ , 5,z" , r200 Cuttain P61gs. . 1, - , , , , 1 ,5.4 T I I . 10,ug, Asserted. W00401 , , If 'i )gt,;7 iuc4v , $ize 3.;j X �, feet , . . j,'�;,,,�js jtiue,T,qe$,tF�, 1;0r� tosel"t qaU er clirm., couiplett! With rings, .ti*e,o . _ y I *Ice -a IargC1r4Il9q9(,t0U9J1P4 ' al sale. I . I bra4p�siuq Vitus igo L , t11%,11 . oiv, K:IF PAPAPi� grC94411 ,I . I � k , I " 'eacli—­ ...... t. . ­ .......... 111910 U00 i frow, in Cold, t�guj;#`Vqllxe� . - I � , ,. browpp, fawl) � I , -A�Iil - 55C. - � ,,, 0 d�� � 6$c. special. - - - �. � .,�­'. . , ' 0001 � � � . Upholstery Materials. I d�g � . � , ,. - e Wool learpetfort c", '56 t�,' '�JjAcljqt wide, heavy UlftlsterY 0,q � I � _,� ­-8Qr-­PRr­ I".. . I � , I . _01it ,T ,9 ­Ply X-1- - ­Arafe�jajg', -tittiq Euid gold, browns, -, , . 4' 50 5ards Dt:§t w � VAgood . , 1 5 ­ I , rev-xa- , , ivenr� itk,4orAk,fe6t# and solid color$ .,13 1 arpv.t 36 inc e0 . 1 ornmfl�p�bfb . .. '�special Val- . � I Cb � , 0, . _ 0 cirousilq -pr $9, - Patterns 10 TI �C I L i 1. I * f, . It " 0 cuko I le , I 1ru4A - . ,lll� at ,ft,r y4to - � A . .� . '... , ....... 5 C OW" , . f al V -,�', � I � 6clection 0 1 . , , I .a 9 , , . . I I � , � " I . � . " . . . . 9 ,':- . ­ "lau . I . I .. ..; L!49f inch 010V , o0 , � . , ,Ards 19. to - o 00 V �i �' 800. Y 1rd§ New Flo I � , I . I . muo! ., � , � . Heavy j ap. an Wa5b silks., thin � I Oil clojtbs� , - %.� , " ,. � $11rox I In block, tile .-or, goral patte . 0.1,1"A"K nj jjxjp%o� And, BftirdsorA6 I)rejaela effect % ,- . 1, .. , 'It I- 0, g3l ' ds wid , � 11 _ ., I 2%, 2 arid 2J4 Yards wid � �r � 0 44orlig,ago jple�pty desirab, . � .rr all It, ..." ­­. , C, �q an skq square yard ...... ...... . �.Ui, I ,.`Otor! Pli"s .'w4te 45, ' 1 1 35C 1 jjqs . 60C, 811 41t one pirfee, Imi: �Ard Nottingham !C �, .. . ' '� 10 I $I-40 , '40"S' diot, for P-00. .:., - 2 5 DOZ.ell �P � � - . � - 'Ace* of American Vinest . Coixtel, . straight ing 50 pair� Good anlity Nottingham L llor, Cul­t�s, 3�1 yards long, 50 inches front Corsets.' steel 6�(led ai4il'- newest ron, L ' artistiZ patterns. . a regular model, in sizes IS to 28, speciall fivd I wtu,, in . 59C .� $I..O Curtain, special Pei- pair I at . ............................ � tell I I : . ._1 ".... ..., . ........... $1.00 - . . '. . we __,_� ' B14 1; . res! . . � 'SO-. , lug I.. _1 A, N * SON. for . . V. ACHE — I . — — —, Ible PeualtY Of a fa'sr' Llre W Gobert& %ta*C- 1 Is 'id for b Irritable tiondition u � 1. TICLZPHONIC CALL 71. , I of. Voadly and Y anind, by eXIIAUSted bergy, poor digestion, unstrung % --------- — ken sleep. If YOU must � I '-"er , , better �RIDAY. APRIL 17. lW3- I .n-,,,,-,l,-n4�Vb:--the killing pace, � I----------======= �, I keep, in mind the sustaining �,owers of � ! IV, ,ozone it wonderful tO4 c unit re, I C,o(jericii ToWnS111D, I er, pel.l.ozone is, a blood r I consti.M;r. XtIWnoj-, it, heart I 1� "llist - er a nerve stroul k I 4.1LUSID PARMHR--Wo mah iuvigorator� It croaVei .,julate .Master Wilbert ProusP .aad '11)'rIn 'es perfect digestlOil and I 1.jg one of the successful com appetite, ibsut restores tile vitality � .1$ in the main competition Of undisturbod sleep, 0 living ... '. class of t Maedoclald seed audstren h lost by excoqslve / ,.,Impotition Tor the Province of very quicelY. Ferrazono will do you I recelvin on April 11411 a 1-he,ithormi)IO good, try it. Price 50c. per - R E , the 5th prize. box or six boxes for $2.50, at Druggists Iii,or $15, eing 1. competition or poison CO., Kingston, Ont. Dr. . r &a a thripe ea 1M, HamilLon,s pills Cure Hea4ache. I ;;gun in 190Apil ejided In 1. I - ' . __� , 111won in all during the conAPeti Xjy-five, dollars. This is Pretty I Will Scott, a Wingtis,na bQY, Who I , I - - )a,dly scalded last I tir a Goderich township boY had his arm vet, Ang as Walter on one " ----------7 summer while act is now . Colborne. A the 0. P. R. lake steamers, k 14 4 n Owen Sound hospital. it appears ;ox REPORT. -The following is I' I 1,,ult of the promotion ex- that the arm has never healed proper- . t. Ff in 8 S No. 3, Col- ly, and he is now under hospital treat- ,�ns . - 0 k §r. IV. -Gordon , Rutl[C-Age ment. __� , 1. I - I- . -V,I-d Robertson 547, Effier (lien To cure a Cold IQ C119 Day, - j&rI Cunninghaln 440, Willa I ',ban 410, Laura McPhee 414 ' Take Laxative Bromo, Quinine Tab- " McPhee 304 Ezra, YOu'rAl"lot All druggists refund the mone7 'it let's- _ " 4 ,ryLmwlorj�2, Sr.111--Rich W. Grove a . I 'bee 465, 311lia if it fails to cure. E. I �8 Minnie Mel signa.ture is on each box. 25c. , ,*ill Bessie McPhee 4:6, Flossie . I I 1 317 Cora Washinqton 200, Hail of near Chisel- . 1�jen �j5 -, Sr. 11 --Gladvs Levy . �11 . �ra Cunnlnghat� 355, Ploreirce As Mrs. Will. in the woods on j'332, Nervia, McPhee 296, Harold burst was boill'y' slips , their farm on edne day afternoon, IfIghaine,234. I,. M. PATTER§ON, she was accompanied by her little son . . .. ter. _� Obtrance, a child of about 4 years of age. While edgaged with her work I ier No more. -There, are t,bOus- the little fellow (juictly 'slipped away ., who live miserable lives because and when his mother missed him, he . _ �Psla, dulls the facilities and shad was nowhere to, be found. An alarm existence With the cloud of depress- Was at once given andthe neighbors , Cine. waY�tb dispel the, vapors that f, carch, but it Wxg-four . ,�.e d o ,"I ht s I . or, it the victims of t I I= , ,his disorder is to It I b he 'child Was found. . He .er them a course of Parmelee's I ha wairdered onto 9, neighboring faj�11 which are among the In and was, half a, mile from, where Igetable Pills, , being ealy � . ist vegetable pills known he started. -1 a, . ') take and are most efficacious _�_ I .heir action. A trial Of them m I I THE STAR is a great leader. prove this. I - mEMPTIOW . CONSU . . 00 .. CANA CUREP thersr, SIDITOR!S NOTE.—Thd Slocul he Lzxpectorant by othersro in I othe's�,tl � of the 0 ,jell by others still, and all system of Treatment for the cure, any three, or two, or any Consumption, Pulmonary Troubinifour....r - at ,,,, y be used singly or in com Catarrh, General Debitity, ceds of �early all the ills (if life, is niedicine biri.tion, according to the n reduced to an exact science b� the the case. I worla's foremost specialist. Full instructions with each set Oi . By its timely use thousands of four free remedies illustrated here. app�reutly hopeless caseahave been our readers are urged to take pe�mpp;ntfyIcure%j C r. Slocum's generous he ton LIVej 01, advantage of D _ M s 40 . offer. is needed by some, the Tonic by I I AM=0dP"16ioiil,, mvmd�� � ­­ I I — I "qVK,.?-,5W,7.l?941r,57 -,"rr?RWjR"-M_'T ,W .. " _�­X%W" .71.74mm _T"qwq"W� . . '17wrp F, 'J�;7"r I , I MrT-W"F_,. -1 , - , I "_ V 1, ­, , I . I wpm " 1171'r pre)RII!!Fr� -7-4MP7� , I r : I . I I I I I 61 1. I ,ij . 0 I . .1 ., , , "I , .1 I 11 � r . �. , 4 ''I I— I 1� . . M MI � . I ...---L ....... _ _ I I I — 1 11 I ,-A", I I I.- . . I I � ­'- .. I , I 1. � I , ,.._---.e, 4-1-1 " . I I ; i.". A i � . ___r,� . , ­­ .. ..... - I I .1 I 1, " 11 . -- I !1., f,p4c, I . . ,, � , f, I .) . I I . . 1, 1. I . . 41, , I , I . . I . � I I 1, I . I �, � 11 I 4 � I . r I � �� I "I , . � _�, I 7— ­', 11 I- 11 , , I I , � ; ,,:' ,. I I 11 � I I " � I , � "I I . �: ­ .11'r - - _� ��-."..-­4�t- I I I . , "A I I . i � . Y , R, , ,�: - . � . � ,_ , _. . . I . .. '� f�­ .­ , , ,-! '. � , I � . . 11 . I I . I I ,; � �,, I . , , I ,- . I , - "� " ' � I I . �11 I I; � ; , 7 , I . . , . . �. I I . 0 � , �'t �,,,� ,' I � 4, , ("�; 4 � � . � . ; � � . , 1 - �� , I . I I I ­� �� , � , 1. ­_ — I , ,I ,,,� ,- I , ,,, �4� - ,,, ,,, . � . � � . � , . � '. , — . � i-, ! r. I � I � � _� ", �,i , ,. � � , �i� i I'$ . . 4 � ,, � I— ''I , . I � . � � � I I - I i , I , � I I . , 1! , - - � _W= TO , I , ; , I � � I . . . U . I � I I . I I ' . I �� � I I �i "'' V , , , I I , . , , � , I . I I � �tl. .1 � , I , I .4 : `!� �­ ' "� - 'r I 1 "I I I I I I" I 1. I I � I I . I .11" I , �': ,"a, , , iQl ,�, 'd �', �,�,- � 11. , , r. � . I I . � ,� �� . � I I I � 1� . I � � I � I I I r .; .1, I ) . I ­ * , , 4 1 1 1 � ., "I I . I , I � �. . I I :11" _ I , I . I I I f , I . . , � . I I I � I* I o � " , ,. I I ;�­_ t . I I I .11 I !� I , I , I - I'M I -1 - . .. , I � I . . � � , *,;�, A , � I � � � . I " . C. I I , � I .1 I 1� . I ­ ­ I .1 L , � ­ I 1. � r ­ 1.� . � - "��A _ , �._ _ ­­ I ,�� , , I I ._.. " ... �, I 1, , � � " �.:%�.,,�., I I . I. � �4 , I r I I I. &*A. " . , , I'. I . I I I I I I I ­, r . . I . " , : � � ,�, .. . , , . I , . 1. � I . . I I � �� ,� , ,,, � I I . I I � ., I I I I I !� . . .1 , , I I 1: k �� �, � . . , �. � . . . ��` .1 :, . i� 4�', A '' 1: . I ', : . I , . . ". . " - . 71 . . � " .. I I I . I . I 11, - .! .. . 11 o � . . I , I � �. I I . � . . � �, I � I . - . . I I . I I I 1 1 11 I i �. . " I . I ., ­ ­ I I I I , 0 ; , I'll, � ­ . . I I 0 1 . i , � - �; I � , - � , :, " . , " '' � , I . " ,, I : '-, . � I' ;� "i �,,,,, � � 1. � . I I : I , I I ... I "I I � � . , .. V r 6 , V I 11 I . � . . � , I � �. �, �, � , "',_ 11 I � . . I " . I � I � . � I I I , I I � p�_6 I" 1 . ,. I I .. ­ �. " 11 I . �� , , 1. � I I , . I . . ; I I I :.''. ., : , I ­, ,, . . �� .. ,.. 111. I 1 'i . ­ ,� I .. 11 . - .1 � - � . .. . I I � I '.- . , I I I �. . � , . t� � , . " , 1 "N . I I 1. I I , I I I ��, - , . , I � - , , �'I - 'I. , I , � .��. I I . � . . I I I , . - � , ... ­ ­­. . I ,., I ­ i',� � ; '' , ',:.� I I . I I . 4 11 , � , I . I , � I , I I �, I � !� �, � I , I � . I I I , , I I . .1 ". . I , ". I " ;. 11 I '. .. ,�� � I . I I . , � r'� j, . ,� ,,�_r ': ., %,0% 6VAOX4 "spAwar.paA or "no 'Comy or )qvaw - , , I � . I . . � . I I I , . : � I I . . 1, r ­ 4 , I , .., ., ­_ I" IL-1 :!1:111!1 1111 . 11 4*1-1, ,_ i , I 1. .1.1 . I I I ' � , .1 .... ; I 11 01:11' 11 . I I - .1 �. .11 � . � � ;., )Otijojj�'_ , ,� � . : , , �7"I'�"'::��"'11:''!:!::r'�':'�:"M4,': 7;==�":"I� i-_�-�t_ftl­ -7 _., � I I .1 . � r' I - .. � = !" ! !1--'1- _7 ;�i . � ,. .. 1� f!l . I . -W .1 ! ­­. ;'vl -, - ,�, �" � i -1 I I i-1111 - . I �. ', . . . 11 ,­, . . . r , 1, I , r ­ MITCHELL & TODD, OWI!Iei�,' I I I I � I - I . . : ,, - I , , � I , 0,(j�O_RICH, ONT., APRI4,17, 190�, . , � � I -I t � � � . . , � I I , YOL, ! 4, I *,, �, ;, , I . . . . . I , , I '0 ,9t* . .v 11''. '', I I . . - � 1: I ,� .1 , " � ; I I I . � � . _`�, i 14.1 1-1-11 - . moill:lqllllllllp 'I =111101, 11 I I: 11 11 � I i 11­1�1 I r I . I -_ - — - I! .!, ". 11. 1,�, I ...�,� 1111:: 1:1; � -11 . I 1. 11, � . I I '_ � . � ') 1� ­�r I I � . � ­ - ­­ "".... - � � "'I', , , '!! 1-1 I.- �- 1.11 . I . � 11 i .... ,�; �­­�I­­ '- I 11, il. . -,- I I I "I'll, "I'll ��� , , , I .. , I .I '__.. � - ,.I , .1 '' , , � . I "I :1. I � , � " , A qQ 0A . . "I "I 1:1. �. 7 11 I - thq, *U ,4 � �'P I.Jlil TVI 0 ­ � 11 � . , . 0401up"r," I . $VAV*.�-�_ F4 , .A,VV".�s :i I 0 . .� � I I ­,&j�M0,Aft*r*sho,rtIIIb -M ii�%o ov; rod,,ky, 30rou '00dot" Me A1101000 OT .St. � I I . � �', t I , 4,4014 X4,001 W4 14 1 - r 1 ,41 � )�W I our,, "d I " . #ad�,*Ii� . .railid4up'of". liighgm, loth, ;ik ther'socia iola age of 10 Years, A aocirgela F-1, Feek 9 I I I 11 "I I , �� , I �. , � t I AWAT *0011 '. 1A the riquot, months ano`49. doet 404001 0 ArIg of, , I I , I V lk a I __ . . I I , I ,? i i , , . . �A , �tZ � , Men . A Ase% rQ14nd, Mou , pw_od P4.4co,N) - " St, 'qIPq6eW sqb9ol V69VA W Allka I 1. � .. �,, 11 , .1 01 "V10, i 0. wr , � , eiIvV,IliigkI4 t;vved vX4.0p in I fe. two On . quilIvy J-0,110, . I .11 as � . I it iii. t 0, 0 e . V, , w0u, % IAVRQ audleno � , ... I 1, - 11 L h ,� I ... I .1. I I 1.� q . 1� - --"-.,,,p��omo�i4.oiid,,t'ho"tllfI I.- . 1_... IdelAt ' 00111141I.Atli - th1r`QC4AVg4ters'­to, V46'Arn" everaln Is$,% to hear t P I, Wire 911 . I .,�, .. �, , , .. _ - n,44. Ul- ­IiWi­ � I " - f4, aktid, # * r* -_ . . , ralt I t I 1!�eeds - � w_..-""WW1il-- � 04 -�*A s�h� . % .1 � ­­­­­ . " . . . I. � jw�udld.o _k,-_)1e,h o I t ­U0-,'W41i' 1*11 ` 14 1, -IT ei.­ owe, 4WIr MI19 "k . I I I .- I I . . '. �_';r? - iV` -, fiolw '00 " _ 11 . -,:,. - -11 ... "M"kam"O., , � � h; ot"J, , , p Q conyeralou to 141,10tiunity, I Ar Wintl 4 oll *40., Y ... ifiton"001 , of Im , .;T;ty 1 !4 . . . � I � _,Ih wwea P, � qI,WjF*" .01' "Arp"011w" . Isar.; 4U 1.4`49, OiI'janly lst� I ,- , � the , e %1421 Ea. Ho ov, M. r4. Goldberg, g- otQr of �` - earoln the'les, - Ung4unon, I . lj�', I I '-1 . !V,Q*Qd Wor oe'veal Ft., VAUrS oullro t The Old and Reliable Seed Store on Bast ,� . � XXIAIWITH:� I ". ii, ��$�I`tq 1'10�1�40ill��O, ore, m1peo or 011 'Ho lot �, , f 4 R ki""e. : : I I 0�I . POWM. I �_,L'A9�'ert'jR.AWPn`ojMe' hOVIn . pand 0 ot.. pot often that a Uril. Oi; culo Street is ready for Spring with a full and Select I �, I ,C"�A&40h of-Xv _ , #j� qf the f4m, dolivered; tbi� wanum and iriatter tire , I _ 6,4.�joti 'lot,: ��Uew, teralv-ootlnolvvt�. I os; a . . . � joa '40YLU , , inacceMetotite teneral public, as � ' . , '40010L, al., . . setaiiiLlaiidlugle-r-04 0 ,4 0 0 Stock of Field and Garden Seeds. Patrons can , 'Ofugmo I . I I .1 � The ' I . , or6 )14 I I Li '' - ,4 � 11 well 4s, . the ord ji%Vy clergy. � A . 4,habo., I viiiiagg,vu yeaxs,au4,IocAte!=eax 11 't In , -a tbome to kaou, arid , I '. � U11 1. m w , � Interest in such , - . 1. , � 1 ox, - 10 n, 444 W t rit. Ue 00 Mo- If# Of tone When delivered by one I 11 I 1 A , �4 . r0WMtd bo - 4 s, -'of Huron 0 W depend on being served to the best possible ad . I . % 'W'4 'OU for'"Wer County ,� �, �� Intli ried'6646 10th of Silly, 18W, -to miss Q nolve vantage. I I . N) O4L R 0 Irot'w be,reof lie speaks, beirr :, . ore, 4 ' ' ' IX,' - u(J' he . t1jue b5091" 'I, 04.,'Imm.4 I omc�A Harriet Moore, at Godeticb,, Ontario. �1 . , .- " 11 _� , W ,WOVSO� Uritjj�'tho, 0#4 himselfa 0, nVert from J.11dal"11%. .1 I ... � I U_ I , � and lived on 144 far*- iA W914orsirdtli, lari t, or O , out. of place to give . . , , . I 1". , `�, *(4114 of ,auml?- We sell on close margin, and extensive ex- - ' . I .� "'! I a 0. � Hinion'Coun , Tot 90 Years, Tu the in t. al pubt prescs a resume of such a �Ic . 11 � Ii. Wising 'o , '.. ,0: - h4hc,4ii4 .. Jon of IW21KO aj'ain, mqved further � . ': ,,0: ti9A0` 11 discou e 1. tilt, bristlan public, I . �� 1� I . . " ZA , 0 Oland,wftf.u*e � I& perieuce gives us the advantage of selecting -the . , � � oun P ne I ` 4vo ,he, had 418cou 0 .1 . !! ....�;, :.,!. � .- J�,, I West, lopathilf In , . , , , . r 0 4, ere , I The lecturer began by saying that A— 6(400 lived W th the exceptiion Of two very best Seeds in the market. . 41. ; .1 au too. , . 6p one occasion Frederick. the Second, . ,� X Mo . It, Is .. =.be, spent In the tOWU Of Tve, or the Great, of Prusia, once asked W b- - . I ,; . .1 ''I 1� � I I . 1, I 110:�%�_,Aftejr an Illaoss O'nOwly , nitz, the Philosopher arid matheinati- I .1 I � :,�, " � .V I _____-4-_ If you want anything in the line of FLoUR, � :� I 11 I � 01, - two� year$ h4liii- cr.@eP1Pgj,�4j0,jySIs, tbe A. Recognized . Reg, clan, ,what satisfactory evidence he 1. . ., .. ,Ata,tor.-To. WD i I bo . 11 could give on tile spot it, the 111-10fest - FEED or SU FDS, do not purchase until you see how . I .2 . __'�,­'�'� 1�� I Ojet life of *rat � H. Huut� PtRiNt", was the dioeative organs into sYmmetrica . Ible manner, as to tire truth of �, � _ � E j,,,,,,k�!�aq6seoATi;ie$d9�y'm rn�ng working Is the aim of Physicians when well we can serve you. - - I ''.1; " jTjjsj!j19tjanity. He roplied\1-the Jews, .. � ----t - ,_, I .f-- �­ _,,­� " 0. they find. A, patient, suffering- from 11 I .1 I . . � I .a .1. " yi q - ot lapt, weeu. � 16 Is, on y -tlidtio, who H b i ra I - lualeity. e ineaut, there Y; I . ". '. " .. I Your th Our profits are small, and the benefit is yours. . . I tonjacUic Irregularitibs, and KOV this t6.t o Jews are riot only the bes . �D, have, experienced such, liiiress As this, P 06 they can proscribe nothing of the truth of tile Christian I .,��. ': . , � a . that -'know, the witureir SIA(I the ­dreOAT� tuetr93r1han Parmelee's Vegetable Pills evidence that they are the highest, ' I �� '��r' . ful feelings wbi . . But Which will be found a pleasant med- religion but ! ' i dh accompany it. best, Zii strongest bulwark against � "r � ' h uj� Virtue in bringing all the combined attacks inade, agaiust I .. �, � I throll 641 the tryllig hours Of'40110- lclue,of surprial irgans into subjection .. .,� t = We tion a ip bore It cheerfully, for Hlin the refractory c , religion lly modern Atheists. Infidels, I r " � F w1ho would sooner or later take her to and restdring them to normal action raoterialNts arid rittionalists. The VIDEAN & CO, ��. , . Himself. She was born in Scotland in which condition only Can they per- Jew, though desylsed, stands out to- . I 11, t ,� I.. 11 is , form their duties property. day as the only eferider of the truth - . - I I , ", nearly 09 YeArs ago, and, came to this on Christi- East Street, GODERICH. I , I� � � 4, �4 ­ '34k I .de is , , 19 -Zi - "' , M017"M 11 I I V M , I t"' , 111, Owl 114 ft,11.rl, -11 I I � . 6 - , 9 , 14 ,, . I 1. I =1 r W J%Xarm� I I , - , � - � me 4- 4 * �* I -lot r I 441 At or Itea 0 AT404 hol . 27 1 : ton I , I ­ ! ghirik courItr I Cnrlin$ Club has appointed of Christianity. I . ,K with her parents. Mr, and Speaking i jMrs. C ciper'BUrIls, When but & child, Clintbr alliV,,btlre lecturer, laid great emphasis I : i, I a committee to d0ise ways and meat's on � , i:d 'O thirty years Ago Elbe was m8a, for the buildlu Is Christianity as fi�luud in both — �_— I 1, 10 igal ty MT, Hubf. who, with two sons. g of a now rink. $3,000 the Old and New Testaments; both go �i� , r, f arry and Oswald. mourp the loss Of )I to mentioned as the probable cost. hand in hand togethei; the old is tile , , �-`ving wife and mother. She has a O� foundation, the New Tostant li, 1, ' ent I,, ,he %�, rother and sister in California, who Alexander Scott, Jr., of $e,i,rtbl superstrur.ture; neither is of ,I.. "'ith- 8 . i mme to Clinton to -attend the funeral, accirldntally fell t 1100- � . brough a trap door -Col] The Grocers, , �, I h Monday and received severe ,injur- out tile other. Hart, the Rev. go hich took place on Thursday- t* the 0 man stated that Christianity is essont- lil . We offer our sym- ies which axe likely to lay him up for ' ��I� " .+� lull Jewish and riot Gentile in its � — A "^"Q I gi wn cen, �'. � AVE as Fine a StOcK al 0111,11.x_ L UKUCUR es. 'MT. -and some time. �_ origin. The Saviour was a Jew, HOLD NECESSITIES as can be found in any Store in the ts. Hunt will be tremetntered by the were the Apostles of our Lord, :0, H % der "erich residents, he havib They Take Weeits. were the first Christians. Up to the ' west. The fittest of everything fit kept in, stock, and perfect een at one time connected witf Ordinary remedies sometimes take middle of the second century the satisfaction is guarrinteud to every customer, A trial order makes a ll pipeee mill. weeks to even relieve cases that Christian Church consisted of J ow 8, permanent customer, and we ask for the trial. Dn,&Ns_TheWingh&nr Times of last Cattarrhozone cures at once. Inhale and were ruled by a bishop of theil, I Cattarrhozone five minutes now and I after their second Ill week reported the death of an old again and it cures a cold. Inhale oe.wtoutt'T b!", L'tV.- Emperor Hadrian, 'PI-IONE 91- The Square. GODERICH 'h Turnberry resident, which will be of C&tarrhozone five minutes four times when the J"ws were forcibly excluded d and it cures stubborn coughs. from the it e locat interest. it sa,ys:--On Thuesday a It ,e ow capital, ­Aelial Capito- _6========= Inhale Catarrhozoue five minutes lina" Wit h this Emperor bit It, that a f this week, Agnes A. Elliott, relict It will says, "Ali. Jewish missions tire not a every hour and W uarant,ee I they began to keep themselves sell -r- riot so. Pro- Veterinary, Sale . f the late,peter Deans, passed peace- cure any case of caCrh, bronchitis, ate arid distinct from the Christians. succosal" Now, that is Livery, ). dly away at, the homet-of ham -other -asthma, Lung or Throat Troilble, . I -1ta and Feed Stables, . - I . All intercourse between them ceased] portionately ffippaking, Jewild, � "'is- & . Turnberry, aged 81 yeacis and:Deafness. It is very pleaa�nt and and that which maite thern so excill- .ions artf better paying as to requ I and sivelateron was not the Bible, but thRri.ally other missionary effort. AND NEWGAT13 !�- Wire I think of tile galaxy of Hebrew Is ,'.'.'.ntb,. She was born in Scotland convenient to use, quick to re teve, COR. HAMILTON certain sis the hereafter to cure. the Talmud, which is the oral law, tw,c,,,,,,,r��",,I,o,t,,,IingiiiiiiietI ones, and STREETS, GODERICH. L I I :�and wops daughter of a Teviotdale I.arge. size, complete, price $1,00; small distinguished from tile written law; t, ill . 0 armer. In M2 61II6 was married to Druggists, or Poison Co., that great heap, that huge pyramid of 1'. .. . my rendered to the D who if� - 25c' Ill t. I am astonished at J. HAMILTON. V. 8,,and J. HALLIDAY, _ te or Kingston Ont. Dr. Hamilton's Pills human folly and human wisdom. ' ' ' I;t,etnarkii. Why, within havo "P.01n.11,11 the above stalicloo, acid are prclpar� led on the 4th f size an with I "hn"Irb Of Ur =4!n.' .,I. .nL I , 1="1. 1857 I. --mP Cure Headache. yes, they kept themselves separate 't - "d . all tho genoral publh, with up -Lo - H 'I Ift XTer bUsbandsild em! rated to merica I ,hotl� tjrely year,,, thr, Jewish ,oin dato, rollablo horti" and rla% aturodorate rates. i and distinct from all other raeos, in "or ,� con. Episeo. lslaiffht� sold find exottangod, and Wjf�. t . cand in 1W she and er husband set- Seaforth Expositor -. In the If whostehruidst they lived, moved, and Chu, ocrated to the Homes star ,�,,,,% here wits Bishop Alex- fair dimlint always o, red. - e on the farm in Turnberry which 11 st of I hit eir being, in spite of fearful a' or "' hishop of 4ernsalimi. yetorinary offloo in connection with the d have 'P 111,Ttwa herhorneup to the time of her, names of those to whom cheq es And , as balance of the I purso(.Utions; persecutions that woold � Tbe"!ate 11 rat .9 st"08, and dimwwo% of &ill animal" talientifical- 311' death. Deceased W been ailing for been sent for the -1have blotted out any other nation . er , (I Ili.b!mb, I"X.Mtmd, 0% rcuso "I'do tor"I'l Huroom ollp� 1p ey tHol .... Ith, who Wit 11te some timey laast. She was a woman $10,000 donated by Sir W. C. Mae lie I)ioceso of Huron it short otice. Your Imtronago molleited. __j who had made many friends during donald, of Montreal, for cash prizes U) I seems in their (-rise to have been a . encox boys and girls on Canadian means of preservation. Scattered to in Canada, and Bishop Shereshewsky, farm ]rage -oving seed the four winds of )leaven an American Slismionary bishop, Who fiamilton & tiall1dap, her long residence in Turriberry an it in the work of imp, , deigners Y"I she was one of the few remaining Ills islat tile present time translating the 11RO11HIETORS. , eers of the township. Mrs. Deans grain by selection, we notice the everywhere, citizens nowhere, t B ble Into the ChineFe language for __ _ ______ r2been. a life long Christian woman names of two from Huron. Mr. W. J. people stands still before tile world, the teeming millions of that country- �_ - --- --- __ and was a member of the Wingbam Arna onstance, received P75 -,the miracle of the centuries." Thero are over 20) Jewish converts it, .. .=gpfe Presbyterian church. Deceased Is ize in the fall Wheat class Now, with all their knowledve of England who are clergymen of the I survived by a family of five sons and and $50 as third prize III Oats. Mr. Holy Writ and their expectation Of Ii, I ji,lisi, church. The father Of Loi d STOVES one daughter, namely: - Peter and Wilbert Prouse, of Goderich township the Messlah at the very time when Herschel was a convert from Judakill. Thomas, of Wingbikunj Hear Ne- got $15 as fifth prize in oirts. Jesus mado his appeal -11,11-1 in P11,108- Tboro Was the late Dr, Edersheim I of � I . - - _____ Line, nevertheless, they apostalized. w ho has written the best life of Christ AND . I braska; James, of St. Pau, Minn.; , . William on the homestead; Mrs. J. A ghastly find was inade on Wed- They cried out, *,NV#- will not have that was ever writton by human pen. W. Vanatter, of Godericb, who have uremdav of last week on the side road in this man to reign over us," and cruvi- ,,,,(I hosts of others. ,rite qjIum tion is � RAN G ES the sympatily of the community in iNicKillop, running north from St. fled their own legitittrate Prince of t Ile soinedines hroll;Xht ill) are all the their bereavement. The funeral Columban, about a mile front the Hur- HouseofDavid. They even exclaimed, Jeu-i8b rr)IjVet-t8 that are bronght to took place on Thursday afternoon on road. It seerns thrit a. �oung lad -Him blood be upon us, and nPon I Itir j()In,jst sincere, are, they genuine colt-, at 2.30 o'clock for the Winghurn ceme- who wits looking for- flsb un er it cut- children." But Lhe in rat remarkable �vortsp Well, it does not pity a Jew A few Stoves and Ranges lef tery. . vort discovered the body Of ft Man )Y- part of all Is that after nineteen build- to Play the hyl)(WI-ite, considering the which must be �old before stock- ing lm,tbe water. He gave the alarm red years of exile, having witiled at I dollo a ffieultiom and trials he taking. . Now is your chance to get WALLIS.-There passed away on and W II,ng handli were soon at work through stormy cre", and passed -tho j%. ,ill F�11111111j. Ui pass. (irstiqcrised try his a Stoveor Rangeat y6tty0wilPrice, Wednetiday. the 8th inst., at the family removing the remajns. They were flery furnace of aflf'('"011- th"Y still own kindi-ed allil musim-ted by his no es w as I do not want to carry them residence, East street, Mitty Bantling, identified as those of a man named abide in their ,:jiibeli0f- TbeY '4t'll � (j,,o(jIp at-quain 4LIWOR, tile stak tire Thomila Connors, who was well known stand by the Tal Ind; they. still, cling j Lot) Iligh. it in the Churches* duty to over into next season. the beloved wife of Mr. John Wallis. in Seatorth and vicinity, and who wits to tile law, which is read every Sith- I I 11) bring tile outcast Jew to C1 The deceased lady bad passed matt's in the babit of wandering around the bath day in their synagogue; they still I le I, i.g. �.r.'*nt Alsoustockof "WORTHINGTON'S and two country selling canes. The body had, pratitice the rite of circumcision; they our that Jew with Gentile t S allotted time by five months- _ Voluminous )ItUr- I May sing malvation to the Lamb. � TocK FOOD" on hand. . before the call came was in the evidently, lain there for some time' "till four over- their _____ weeks missed front gies n the Hebrow language, tile half � There are cases Of cOnsul"1410" 80 beat of health. but pneumonia, follow- and the man had been ing an attack of III grippe, ended her the - neighborhood for about three of whom do riot understand tilt' IlleMn- fill' advanced that Bickle'd Anti -Con - earthly imreer. Thl late Mrs. Wallis months. It is supposed he died from ing of the prayers WhiCh they utter. somptive 8yruVj will not cure, but J. H. WORSELLI born on Bally Jinn Farm, Queen's exposure during the winter, but how The modern Jewimh life is still eastern. 11000 so bail t int it Will not give The Cheap Stove and Furnace Man. was tle' Page.' It I relief. For coughs, volds arid all County, Ireland, and in 1842 emigrated the remains became lodged in such a and illustrates many a T)s the whole place will likely remain a mystery. is yet in full accord Wit the traditions 1 atypetiont, of I I,(. throat, lungs arid - — to Cirialla, with her parents, � of tile elders. How long they will chest, It Is 11, "PeCific which furs never — --- family settling in Simcoe county, near continue in this state, viz., in their Cookstown. A few years later her There never was, and never Will be, � I)een known Lo fail, It promotes It parentB were called home, when she a universal panacea, in n of Christ. and In holding on I free and cusy -i Lion, thereby PIS on Th Is " x V,','Ku,','i",' ' DUNL01 — moved to Clinton too reside with bar for all ills to which flesh is heir -the to Rabbinism, it is hard to tell. removing the ph And iives tile ___ married sister, (Rev.) Mrs. Campbell, very nature of many curatives bein much is too be said am to their obstin-, dimeased Parts a chance to hea, . -_ where she Was 11111irried a few years such that were the germs of other = acy, viz., that "Blindness in part is I -- — ., differently seated diseases rooted in It It it to l8real." How long will Abe. an ,on. of the 2nd con. ar.pCIt'? "Until the fulnesH of tile I it � a, -ee- CLOTHING later to John Wallis, of Godorich Tp eact " f k�11'1. k � and moved to the farm where she lived the system of the patient -what would th , has sold his thi for nearly half a century and one and relieve one Ill, would[Th turn aggravate Gentiles is corne in." When this year-old draught, colt W Murray Brom., a half ye"s since moved into town to another. We have. however, In Quin- glorious iroal shall be reached, then � ,ef We*,, Zorra, for ,he handsome fl,ure, - - end a well spent life. Of a family Of ine Wine, when obtainable fina sound, and than only "shall all Israel be , $3w. Mr. Hamilton delivered " In is the Standard, for Quality, many savild,"m it is written "there shall "I Oil Friday, and expert in Mitchell , Workmanship and Price. twelve Mrs. Wallis was thelastbut unadulterated state, a remedy for t of Zion It deliverer and Rball trounced hire the one, her brother Colonel Bantirig hav- and rievous ills; by Its gradual and come On t ' horsemen there pro - mKodliness from JaCoh." - I give per.,onal and special , .1, attention to . . . Ing died just cue year before her. udic ous use the frailest systems are turn away flnest draught colt they had seen. Her husband survives, also two sons led into convalescence and strength, by For the convl�rslon of Israel and their -, -- one son living on the influence which Quinine exerts on restoration, we must look to prophecy I he (,ause of 1)yspeptic Patna. arid one daughter, _w ore we are told distinctly andl CUSTOMWO R K. the h0mestead near Bayfield, the other Nature'sown restoratives. Itrelleves h It I 0 ch I Improperly digested food U81.111,11Y Try a SUIT or a single ne being at home. the drooping spirit of those with whom positively tha, ' th I ro" Of sra`�I 1 forms gaires that caufle a Painful (Ila - and MIN Susan JA Ij�ds without This dbe,easea lady during er long a chronic statm of morbid despondency shall abido many Yet] I I tention of_ th%oLontach anti pressure Garment. residence, in Goderfeb townXip, and and lack of interest In life is a disease, king, prince, sacrifice, and withot t - Ephod, and after that, shall the child- I against the froart. This results In - -rvlline pn made many Mends and the large and, by.trauquilizing the nerves, ills ,h In and distress, but N( 91 ady-Made Clothing ' "rtMiNt, from the old township WOB Poses Bound and refreshing sleep- ren of Israel return and Beek the Lord muc I ,e evidence that . the parting was sorrow- imparts vigor to the action of the their God and David their Kink" will rXeLve the distention. dispel the For Boys and Men, at prices fUlly felt, Among the large aUend- blood, which being stimulated, courses The Zionist movement to -day is I e gas, and cTirls the dyspeptic pains very alice of relatlVes &nil firlends al the throughout the veins, strengthening the shaking of the dry bones in Israel. quickly. Polson's Nervillne in really and of quality that meet the ' fnn,�&al of�"Ies Were dec6a"'s the healthy animal functions of the The breath,, of God is being blown an excellent reinerly for dYSPOPIda, keenest competitinn. nt . V. Bguthi* of Toledo, system, thereby making activity a pon them, find the time to favour indigestion, eramps, summer com, Winter need have no terrors jjh0*8, & U bowel ogle ut- nacespiry result. strengthening the .Zion Is at hand. plaInticand till FILOInAtch and 0Ij d aud neau and -bee' duty to accellor- troub 8, No household Is c mplete for you when wearing t, .6 COU- frame, and giving life to the digestive It Is the churc V,O t in �. hf Cook$W*b. Out-, P, A Ut lich naturally demand in- ate the con version of the Jews. Our without Norviline. Try a 25co t"" OUNLOP'S CLOTHING. M %to. Chaill, W#I imperative on this ,.M.q...,..Ws,,,�­� ill 'I� 4 101inton. organs wl __ , thux t creawa substance -result, hinined Lord was very ______ 1jurith �o"Iite U hei h,iluse And f :oil upon the apustle. The , ­ coadtieted by the appetite. Northrop& Lyman', To- theme. He In - ANTED— A trustworthy lientleman or , ,_ - _ I = ,sheep of the hubse of dyinexotterionlytarnant abuidnaw n at th � tb W a I I . S I � rt�huler, [Alt r5fito, have given to the .public their to go to e leml� The for on old established house of P01i finknel"I f " "I ... e " , whe�ire superior "nine Wine at the Usual Israel. to begin at J ruaal a gO&Igt. b)na fide weeklY . Old an r 6�1 s . 6nd, givaged by the opinions of Church to rernim. In beT11nd hand, the pitandinct. b) check each Wildne 'ash HUGH DUKLOP , � rate. I sn Is the all- salary of Itia.0a ps :d Pt d ._ , . ersion of the heathe ith all expensop dir6ok tr0ra headquallArs! , . A wive approaches nearest conv , 1340 I The,oldest established # Next door to B of , - . 0 e e, selen W svpet,aes. MarraFter th -, - __ rloi'thl any In the markeL All absorbin bare of the churches, to the Money gdvaoced f6r o U1724M County. Montreal. Gedeffeb W. R,, ]ill" . N I . pertec Ion of neglect oll Israel. Many a, Christian I Calton Bldg.. Chicaso. dt,notirlistA sell IL r__71�158 very popmart ILUU on, . o".. U. TrIends, and his early death hall east a ­ ­_......­.- .- __ ­ I)e1jitered Fresh Firri Coom over tile town. He w" a mem- r of the curling club, And played 11forning. against the Scotsmen last winter In and also In the Owen Round PARNELL-DEAN - Stratford, B lei lie bail been stationed at C*dxam Bakinz Co. . �__ . .11 I . - , i%sitham and Windsor, l (Loitt'rnn ) . . I � weeks ago relieved theCprownt man- - 'r The pot Sale by ....... 9 TRIAL ager, Mr. Chisholm, At ,rediton. THE -.FR . . funeral took Place On Monday last. 0 I tirr,gating 1,11ribment of healthin Ali the departments W. P. WESTOB� The biln'bl' Of thuS efrectlVely Ld. rests of the htifnan body. t,ons embody all the __ _ � - _... - --��� AnRWT, it, Ofogreft Of thill fatal inal" J. t e �mra i GODERIC pithr,th# *Welfol-fir sterri Of treatniont The all Pr P t I - complete trecit- R66cot firrhals HAmILTON-ST.. . e an s Flitch b" warl rityluced to ah exact 1116ces a u Lie -its cure and Pre� —AT TH9— ­ ­ I ejejjcd,(�* the garo of ConsumpL1­1 and ment or , oat of the chrotilc . jW06 of Catarth and other preValent ventl n- 9 I is r Or 11116, " astin I . tent hope - for Con- an . leir t met use. CENTRAL DRUG STORE , !ondit'son,swillch VAqd thb WAY evolved less c 6 S I'd c , ,,, (Iod_thr&t W I 'Icil�# , r . deegiifaj Meta . T ege ree 0 ;&A cc rige t a great _ our High Grade Work Only Y ore I $it scielpicu. r. -I emi .rj . ..... I I I I . - .1., b4c c the - SLItUMIAN'S MALT FXTTtACT Matto I I . Urn. wilose great ime ality, — represent EjecuLLo SILVIER POI -1911 , 3i T' A '01 , sicii " I r. I u , Lh I MOTH b,;duih �t!j pr .Ttlill eatment, aent front skill and LAVXNDAR BAGS FOR � .- the Scale of t a a !at' CENTRA 110t t h6ut Is broad juh I ohd, iltit directions MAC.Tc . . drroadCAStill I '. I ,land. batt hein will b45 f CLOTHEq CLnANSAR 1, . 11 _�­�,A ­­ 4. 41 #Alit or tho tno4 1-y1th t -, .W.A � COLONIAL Bunn TRA air note in I' Y 0 Al tilra invited W test fist ill's sy"Iters ve . FORMALT14 VOR C,RAIN ONT. do for you. 0 0-0.0f vick. b . U'rit'rig -PP-P, T N and COLONIAL PREPARATION$ PrGstm LAxATIviA TABLItTS STRAVORD, TRIXL , F It will be fbir- potir rroo Pr-,parl (,,TtRItj4 ol.ivtt OTT. SOAP readft g(-Poro lroMl Po� 'It ff"d1lat'na r ' 11 -Made ttninit 01 . t'j,"j.he'-Augeolir hia ied you at once %A C pleto dirde, ur'Ll"s Ftriatt CtTAMOIS BA65 (. in- -r, 1�� want fird Plao" wLPArr "On' in ""let"'"t ,ri(,,r� at g rot use. ^L % ?610TII ­ I tf)c liolcea) ,=t men 1 nil f me in want4, upon 6v III h4 r kin __ — ­_ � __ - - . - . EconomY In Fences. ..� = yOU cannot get a better I - I . Fence than a Wire 011e - Von cannot get a - - - ___ - I - �_ ___ - .. - � \ I 11 ( .1 cheaper one elti rr —_ F: U R N ITURE .A� )) - , - . We have a latX,e jfo,k ,,/ )UR , '� - _�_ -( -�. I , )a narb wire"C. I f2 -; [wr hun-Ire,l. I 1. to wpar. it is ninde I') Aell On Rulall margitol. %%Ilicil ;,' .��., q..,4 �� sh"m.... - � Col I Spi In g W ire. N " ') f 2 .� in IIIA(le in 'arla ,()w pric,eq to purchaserq — III I., - C Z _( I '. "'" '� 7;,� 4 �� I �1. - I., 1 7W-1 17, ������������������������������������ - I , "I I . _ , t� �; - ; I . , ,j .1 I ,'A Lr mb Field arid P, m I I 11, " I r rod tip. 177 I.=- . A � . � �- r " _I ,� � 3r _U 9B §W 1W 4[> _VV I ( r,e I""", I . ,,,,,, L"'Ij �t­ I %%­ I 11�_ � 1:110' .t ... k of ()'led N'G ROOM, K1'r W, I,n,(. ft qlArtl(lid ,It.cic �f T,\RLOR. I I I \1 I I 01 6madiall VIVIll", al" 11 I 0 I.. I We have 0- I and Agi-e 'alpi \% I�e J."."Ce Staples, jjpjlj�(I()\1 1:1 RNUIVRI... Clij,'N roO - Not, t') exanioll , it "Ill paN 11 � plierk &c., 'S". guar, nteed esvictiv n% reilre-11' ,.,I. or 011,011 101 111gh what %%k- (;Alry is Specialty with Us I - Jol,,," f,", 1 ow. >Icture Framing a 1.41ply wrho to 010 T. A. Storum — CgRA16t C-itoco". . I.,% , h, r,� ly -, Co Anyo LIMAN). Ilffi Icing streldt c.,ninton'." a (­­­ now and "' ..� it tymition in the Nil writ'O f0r linvid-otua � . -Ohloo 'giving p6At b j!A Mid -r,z Mialiclue j. jjj)()pj_j -,y ) 'ON qt, I�C'. Oil' Init 404 TP WITT. X E r & S re,s§ lAdeegg. and tb fre6 in le 0 tv 4 W. J4 L I gjacurri cote) will be pffiptly btrit. X�A RIC prinelral A IX H W Fi P- C , loviorctir . !,VT)VRTAKV1,TlJ4 1?,M'B 0,00, in CfrrjAda fileluot $w0to's 01" 6 Got norcu � er 9101111AIL natict, svilits. - . ­­ I- - -_ IRA CTI CA f I t Ift 6hietle,16 11111*4it tVill j4aj�A ikertil "AIWA tl�_�% rit 10ckle - I __ - I ' . -jCr&.:jL*Wr3E30,, GODERICIt 39. 30- X*w*C.V U'Ril"" MW CA811 11ARDWARR STORV, -- I im 111111111ir .4 1 1, : r� ObU1101119 V% — 4�1 '­ ­ -"--- gb. If . I . .110 4~ Oro~, Wd it* ��rl -or saffl4trll 116 L43ruUT1 - orii, I 1 1 11. 0 \ I 11 ( .1 I . .1 I I 1 I I - 'L . � I $ �. 11 I . . I � . . I . I I . � , I 1� , I � � I I � I I � . I 1 1 I � � # 41, 1 1 " I I � I � , ,� 4 fk' " 1. I - , , �. 1 1. 11 . I � I � : I I I . I I I tP I : ,� I . I : � ,, I �, ,� I i k . I I � I � � � I . 1� '. . 0 � , � I ( �yj. I . I I I I ,� . . . � ,� � , � ^ , ­ ,7 1 0 . � . * , 11, I I I � , " � �. 1� 6 I t � . t , �. -1 �- '. ­1�12 ;,. ," . � .11 1 4 , � , I � 11 . �;� IV ,. A� ,. ..,W�,^'-�'Ioh^%!� ".1 1 -� Ali. Ok ,k.,#L� **­ ii I I I I . *4 ! �1 - ,A&,, �, I . � I I . 11 I I I . t 11 I I ... .. . 1_11_ , A�� I I .1 . I � ,. I � , V - . % "o , 4, i* � . I - " \, . , -, f , , � , ". " "'." * ­%­ I - -,*1 ., ,� , ", � I 11 # I ­ . **,.,N_�,*.�,*r,�-. , _ � " " I I- " �� x, � 4 1 � , '. 'i � . 1, ­\­ � , . .11 1, I I I - . ;� ' , I ­ , , . 1, , - ­�­ , _-+-t --,,* ­ , �_` - " � .- ­­"`­��'I'"-'%A ""IS 11 ` I _-,�,,,,e_,_­A,k, I I ­­- 11 11 _ � 4, !" � C , ( _ ; __1 I .*,*11.�,§, , _", ,��.O�-vl,��­,\, ,,, , , .' ',��` I I - X , "t sh"m.... - � I&L � _. - �., i_- I . .,Mlli"i�� kcg��: .. �, -% L , lik-jiw�ii — 11 11111111 1� � � 111. I I .. I � I , I �� 1_-"I, U -11 _010 �. � '77'i"t — ''� '11--- I % _ *t- ,-* � . -%-" — _. "'" '� 7;,� 4 �� I �1. - I., 1 7W-1 17, ������������������������������������ - I , "I I . _ , t� �; - ; I . , ,j .1 I ,'A a L il� J11 177 I.=- . A �