HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1903-04-03, Page 7OUR FURNITURE Is nuid0 to wear. It is made to sell on stnall margins, which means Sow prices to purchasers. gE3 9L" DI CP linT We have a splendid stock of PARLOR, DINING ROOM, KIT- CHEN and BEDROOM FURNITURE, all Canadian made, and guaranteed exactly as represented. It will pay you to examine what we carry. Picture Framing is a Specialty with Us I rT : VRI,, t1;qO3 allatrtbattoit Af Beedl 1eiGln; TIArQ14,0911t QD1 a1Q. 1. Theanetnlx + of the Chittrlo AO-' Ali ^►+' �. '+*"ih r.a .; ,,.. , Cultural apd 3Axj0rltitexttai Uxtion. t# �ti jM''� a r�'11 r1 c� 1lalsad t4 4tatq that, for 1903 they are 4 5�. 4 t 4�n �r � la prepared kms' `stiattibato into every towt?sitip 4f DeWitt ntateriat toe ox TiME1- ' suggesttun� for,. Housekeepers vino- are giving thought t0, perttnento with, fodder crops. roOtq, Jt ouseGl'eun.Ing..�.. These suggestions ore full 4£ scone; gtains,grasR l �'4 rice of term I111G q oSt .. sled. ferthii4ers. UIP Spring H li Y rpward3 of 1,4QO va►ie !! buying and s. ou1d tavt 1l ent ble, to every ilgiisehnideX, the Expari- Carpets add' Rug* �. to Grope flit ft hoe t +ted in ..w • mental Dr partritetlt.. of the' Qn r1.0 ippla., is , tg4nt1 t tio Zuni "Ad ids, x splendid, range of Agricultural t3allpgo, Bueiph, fah at JtpnOhial Tltttol. Cnres cdu n eats, In at►caasailpb Tr. . 171 COMIalet q nesrlr, dl t e English Brussels Carpdta 27 inches wpf,�?, �gglf� $(1A.. colorings Green t,rimsoaa, $ir0 lt3a it h. GapA41 ac>rt,�aad leve llutldred new • Stacie, ties. 0011.10 tit Which have done exceed- ingly Well in the carefully 4ondnAte& experiments, at the. College, and are now being dlett�ibutetl free of Charge. for co-operative experimentui hrou a rn �. wns 8t Xe, hi 0. lass designs to artistic c $ 1004 01 gnipke�c than. to r row • .k�Q, ewn. If puha,* that int. Whit Oough that keeps sinks at nlght, a dome of the Syrup will stop it at ono*. , gane, made and laid 4t per yard 85C, 95G, $1.i0, x.24 Reversible Rugs • 3 x 3 yds., 3 x 4��yUI , 372 x a4 yds.. at•per aq yd sec; `6,5e, 75e Warranted all pure •wool sad venae One Valois or with Cotton warp, CURTAINS d Oil and $S.OQ $2.90, $3.50, 4.09 our owes it rte tions of high -Owl Swish Curtains iz�i ekquisite new designs, 314 yardrr"loag an width, at per pair cess These are same of the Dress Materials that help to make our stock as Opopidar this season : English Satin Cloths, 42 and 44 tack/es wide, in all colors, at per yard (OC and 75c Cream Wool Wash Goods, i cluciine' Sergea, Canvas, Voiles, 30C t0 i.25 -'Etatoes Aibatrosa •*nd--� enriettas,, eta..,. , , :.r,. Fancy Snow 'Take .Tweedse novelties in two typed dark and u�ediuM $/.25 colonnga. 54 inches' wide, it per yard 'AUTTICIU K pATTEItNB ALL IN t'OIt APRIL. APRIL. FASHION SHEET$ •FREE. New .D aoaids W. ACH SON .& SON out Ontario. The st 4 -Testing Runner iSpeltrd twO Varier. 3 -Testing two verietiee et Buckweeet . II 3 -Testi Cow Peas and two TP.riattea or - 11 -Testing two Varietlee ef Sugar Read bat reeding Inumosei 2 who have purchased the Livery, Hack and Buss Business of A. M. POLLEY, wish to announce that the,business will be con- ducted in the best mariner they know how, and all customers will receive courteous attention. THE Bugs Lunt will be in charge of a good careful man, and all local calls will receive prompt service. 1 ii-Teetleg Parsnips und two varlet*, of 15 -Testing three, verieties of-iodder or 17-1•Testing three va atlas of Sorghura.. -5 113-TestingsGrassPeas and two varieties of Vetches , 3 19-Testingtwo varieties of- Rape 2 •a -Testing three varieties of Clover 3 21 -Testing Sainfoln, Lucerne, and Burnet 3 N -Testing five varieties et Grates* 5 23-Teeting three 'aerialist ot Field Beans 3 24-Teeting 'three varieties of Sweet Corn 3 25 -Testing fertillsere with corn a 26 -Testing fertilizers , with Swedish Turnips e 27 -Growing Potatocs on the level and in hills 2 29 -Planting Cut Potatoes which have and which have not boon coated over with land ple.ster 2 so -Planting Corn In rows and in senores (an excellent variety of Early Corn will he used) 2 The alro (Armtek plot in each of the first twenty-six experiments is to be vsza rest sIORT TEAM I have used DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP for every old X have had for Hie pad eight yeara, with wonder- ful auccess,, I never see a friend with a cough or cold but that I recommend ite* II. M. Ellsvrorth, Jacksonville, NAL PEKE 25 CENTS. la it" zolvir UR S.do ett Ftirnitare for t>rA_ Spxiag ..trade. is large card well assorted, coualsting of PARLOR SUITES in Silk,' Rog And Velour. DINING .ROOM TAKES in Etiil, Asii and Oak, with CHAIRS In great variety. SIDEBOARDS in all the leading designs. BED ROOM SLUES in Oak, A$ and Mahogany. COUCHES Odd ROCKERS, PARLOtt TABLES,, SPRINGS and MAT fRtiSSES, WINDOW SHADES, SHAM E AST E R. Ty !via COPTRAI:st 1-IQLDERS and HAT RACKS. Practical Undertakers and Embalmers. Night autt day cells promptly attended. Night Bell at Store, weld side of tbelKuttre Tetephone No. 99. 111111111111111111.1111111111.1711111111111111111111111111 MISS DONOGH x NNOUNCES her Millinery Opening to " take place April 4th, 1903, and having recently visited the Leading Easter!' Cities, is prepared to show many Novelties, also a, complete and Up -To - Date Stock. ST.HATFO—RD. ONT. An excellent time tocommence a course of study so as to be ready to take a good wsition in the tail. Am. Banana ARE NOT ALIKE! Got Our Catalogue before DECIDING TO DO ELSEWITETtle. Mall courses in Shorthand, Book-keeping, Pen- manship, stc. principal STOVES AND RANGES Xact Fit Xquisite Designs Xpert Workmanship in which must be bold before stock- taking. Now is your chanecto get a Stove or Range at your own price, as I do not want to carry them over into next season. AISO stock of ''WORTHINGTON'S STOCK FOOD" on hand. 66 Shirts The Cheap Stove and Furnace Mao, MaoSWEEN1 the Tailor and what more do you want in a shirt ? look ter Odassraeladds Use Collar. LADIES CORDIALLY INVITED e TO ATTEND OPENING. John Nethery, Oth line, Morris, has sold hie farm to Wm. Kelly, 7th line, price .$3,700. Mr. Nethery will try to get a 200 acre farm ss his help is etrong. He talks of buying around Thos. Case, of the London Road, north, has purchased from D. Mill the old McColl' farm, situated on the 2nd conceeision of Hay. being lot 11. The price paid was in the neighborhood of $5,000. two rods long by one rod wide ; in and in No. 30, four rods equare (one- tenth of an acre.) Each person in Ontario Who wishes to join in the work may choose any one of the experiments for 1903, and apply for the same. The material will be furnished in the order in which the applicationa are received until the sup- ply is exhausted. It might be well for each applicant to make a second choice, for fear the first could not be granted. .A.11 material will be furnish- ed entirely free of charge to each ap- plicant, and the produce of the plots will, of course, become the property of the person who conducts the experi- C. A. Zavirz, Director. Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, March 23rd, 1903. There in Only One Ecleetric Oil. - When an article, be it medicine or anything else, becomes popular, imita- done invariably spring up to derive advantages from the original, which they themaelves could never win on their own merits. Imitations of Dr. numerous but never successful. Those who know the genuine are not put off with a substitute, but demand the real "Dorothu Dodd" LUXURY IN WALKING N. EVER. mind what-eldzteltbkReid people tell you -Style and Com- fort eAn live together in a pair of Shoes. The "DoRolliv DODD" proves it. They are the utmost height of style They are shoes of genuine distinction The hig,hest praise you can give a oboe is to say Yet the "Dotothy Di.dd" is the most comfortable shoe ever made. vou long to walk for the pleasure of walking. It holds the foot firmly around the instep and supports the unsupported arch. You escape the "slouchy" gait which comes with some shoes. It gives a new poise to your body in walking. Your carriage is more light and graceful. Just try cam pair. Boots $3.75. Oxfords $3.00. Wni. SHARMAN, 11 PRI DUAM .CLPT ARE 'TUE BEST FOR YOU t ON It a appeals to men et tallte, but notia'OE Olaf eltati0;,24,141,14r effect -the vegetable aim of so Many tallOta,. Our clothes more than any others are WOFIS c011e$e num, business and professional tnea,'C'aiel the- Jtit4Igellt OW. In town and country. . Our idea is that clothes should seen' a part of tue waters they should. compliment their wearer, rather than raise the question of what shop they came froth', or the prim paid for them. Ask us to show you the NEW FANCY cHeviars, IRISH HONIESPUNS. and WEST OF ENGLAND WORSTEDS. In dark, solid colors, there are BLUE and BLACK SBRGII, BLACK and OXFORD CHEVIOTS, and SOFT FINISHED WORSTEDS. We have them at all prices. if you wish to keep pace with the lateat and highest achievement iti men's attire, get acquainted with Pridbam's store. The authoritative fashious for spring and summer are shown here. If you cute for your personal uppearence, there cannot be any mistake in coming to thi)1 store of fasbion. EAU EST, Samples, with elt-Metuatring Card, will be sent to any address. PR1DHAM, The Tailor. If you need Clothes of any kitua, it will pay you to call on us. A full line of samples of all the latest goods to select from, and the prices are at the lowest notch. We also do on shortest notice, all kinds of Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing-priCes moderate. Cor, Montreal SI. and Square-Upstadrs Hee the safe, pleasant. and effectual worm killer, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator ,• nothing equals it. Procure a. bottle and take it home. The new bridge to be erected over the Maitland river at Benmiller the coming summer will be 878 feet long and will haee four oa five spans. This is an improvement which should have been done years ago. THRILLING EXPERIENCE Of Motorman WaIdean,-In the employ et TORONTO STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. DID NOT WANT TO GIVE UP WORK SUT WAS FORVID TO DO SO -TILLS NOW FOR 111014TEEN MONTHS HS HOVERED sETWEEN LOS AND DEATH, TREATID SY That MST PHYSICIANS IN TOSONTO AND NIS OMIN. PRONOUNCED SO SSEIOUS THAT NS WAS ADVISIID, AS A LAST RESORT, TO USE TN* DR. SLOCUM TREATMENT -IS NOW IN GOOD WEALTH AND BLESSES THilt DAY HI HEARD OF TNIS MARVELLOUS RILMIDY. MacSWEEN THE TAILOR. Livery, Veterinary, Sale and Feed Stables, COR. HAMILTON AND NEWGATE STREETS, GODERICH. kave opened the above stables, and are pre- pared to furnish t hr general public with up -to• date, reliable homes said rigs at moderate ialeu. ROMOB bought, sold and exchanged. and fair dealing alwava assured. Veterinary Mlle° in connection with the stables, sod diseases of all animals soientlfical- iv treated. on reasonable terms. Horses clipp- ed on short moths°. Your patronage solicited. J. BROPHEY & SON PRACTICAL UNDERTAKERS, EMBALMERS, ETC. SPRING HAS COME THIS week we have opened up over ei oo.00 worth of Spring aud Summer Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dry Colors, White Lead, etc., etc., and we ure now in a position to look after the wants of our customers properly. These Goods were all bought right and well be sold right. THE QUALITY IS THE BERT AND THE PRICES THE LOWEST. Painting Materials. We sell you uothing but the 13 E S T QUALITY' in all Painting Matei ia ls. We Don't -*clock Trash. It would'ut pay ue, but we are in a position to give you Honest Goods at Honest Prices. A• FEW SPRING NEEDS Carpet Tacks. Tack Hammers. Caipet Whips. Tack Lifters. Hedge Shears. GIVE US A CALL. WE CAN PLEASE YOU. Pruning Shears. Pruning Saws. Pruning Knives. Floor Paints. Paint Brushes. Save Your Rebate Gheeiss They are GEO. L. ALLAN THE LEADING HARDWARE AND S TO V IC M A N. STBRDY & CO., The Grocen, HAVE as Fine a Stock of SELECT GROCERIES and HOUSE- HOLD NECESSITIES- as can be found in any Store en the West. The finest of everything is kept in stock, and perfect satisfaction is guaranteed to every customer. A trial order notkes permanent customer, and we ask for the trial. STURDY & CO.. The Square GODER1CH 'PHONE 9 George Longe, of Southampton, was out on a tramp one day last week and found a remainder of the daye that are gone in the third creek beyond the long dock. It was tbe horn of a mon- ster elk. Such an animal,has notbeen seen in that neiglabOrhood for many a long year. To cure a, 001d in One Day, Take LILT.Atithe promo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the money if it faile to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. Jas. Warrell, a prosperous and well- to-do farmer of Howick townehip, committed suicide last week by shoot- ing himself in the head with A revol- ver. No cause is known for his rash PROPRIETORS M.ACHINE SHOP This old and reliable Machine and Blacksmith Shop has been reopened by • Jacob Miller, of Lucknow, hare pur- chased from John Gillies his 100 acre timber farm, in Kinloss, three miles from the village of Lucknow, for which he paid a good price. Mr. Mil- ler has also sold one of hie lots, being part of 1ot 58 in the first concession of Kinloss, to John G. McLeod, of Luck - now. Jas. A. Strachan, and will be conducted on the most modem aud scientific principles. MI kinds of General Machine Work, sta- tionary and marine engine repairs, farm and mill machinery, threshers etc., re- paired in a satisfactory manner. You can be satisfied here better than elsewhere. 1 Mr. Alfred Walden. 7 Cornwall St., Toronto, who s Wain the employ of the Street Railway Com- ny tot si tnieiber of years as motorman, informs us , that he had tut attack of la grippe. followr by ' typhoid fear. and after roomy weeks of suffe ng ft reselted in &Complication of throat and lung trouNa. During thig illness he- was under the care of one of , the best nliyaicians in tids city. who pronounced it a very st&tri case seed sdrieed, hire to stop Vrk. winch hit wee conipelled to do. Mr. Walden heard about the Dr. Slocum Bemedies Via commenced their usei and after using them but for ticed at improvement. on SW. After using this valuable treatment for SOCHI little time, the cough iltopped, pain in left lung ceased. appetite improved and night reeat• were checked: and In about three months he was able to go back to work. feeling as well as may, When interviewed, Mr. wildat eeential tO be in the best of spirits and expressed binwelf in the most grateful terms. as he considers himself completely cured and in the ettioirnent of good health. What the Dr. Slocum Remedies have Sena for Mr. Walden has also been stocomptished itt thousand. of other hopeless cud, which testimonials we have A New Discovery that Cures Consumption. Mourn System Prosoota a Positive Curs for Humanity's Creator% Fee. Feel' SterVOIOtte nee Reterelre Por ell euffeeere reading tide ametir. New Sure Is our appetite bad? Drvyltur lungs pain you? Are your lungs delicate? Yoa Ought? la your throat sore and inflamed? Are you losing flesh? Goderlch townahlp, were united in no yoa spit, op phlegm? Are you Pale and thin? marriage e. week ego hurt Tueralay Doe* yovellead A'etwi? • Do you lack stamina? evening, at the Methodist parsonage, I ur body the seas of the most Bayfleld.-11tM Parsons hes returned datlerees trialedy that his ever devastated the earth -consumption. visit to relatives in Itidgetown Sensible people of all classes "eat to live." It should be borne in mind that the ordinary prepared breakfast f oods contain too much insoluble starch and blood irritating ingredients. Oatmeal and other cereal foods produce skin troubles and dangerous stomach diffi- Melt Breakfast Food keepe tbe blood pure end clean ii,n4 alwaye at proper temperature ; It btlilds up solid, clean the brain. Those who "eat to live" should always use health -giving Malt Breakfa.st Food at the morning meal. It gives to young and old a sustaining energy and vim that no other food can bestow. Ask your grocer for it. Bile NcrMs.-The choir of the Hayfield Methodiet church spent a very enjoy- ' able evening we gueste of Miss D. Par- sons recently. -Donald Campbell, of h and Mins Eva Picot, of Jas. A. Strachan, 'VICTORIA ST.. GODERICII. ANTED.- A trustworthy gentleman or lady in each county to manage businese for an old established bonze or solid financial standina. A straight. Wm* flde weekly cash salary of ;le 01 paid b) check each Wednesday With :GI expenses direct from headquarters. Money advanced tor expeneea. Menager, 340 Caxton Bldg.. Chicago. le/2-4m WOULD HAVE TO STOP HER WORK AND SIT DOWN. These itymptoniti ant. proof' that you OU ara invited tcl test, what this system will do for you, if you are sick, by and vicittity,--Wm. Whiddon, jr., writieg for hoe left for CleVeland1,-John Spereer I bicycle establishment. - The Misses troshiss sod Dwrls, olmososssIt tom of Pkeg, Celeste* Werth. ANItall. Breadline Ala tttined the choir of the fittyfield The Slatelwea'stiet *e seek** tete fat Covisentaton Heat mod Ateedieses Attlee lei for butt Ana roi* it'ke 1PrePariBeiner Witi lee forwarded yott owe. W.41. to,topkto tlirattoos for sm. Sim wait *ado 1`. almata ilea* Cmerser. Utsheitge. Woad west 161"4°, el'Ans Mrs. Dr. Smith le away on II visiL- diet church ; all reperrt ft, good time. - Dealt Tinieblell. GODERICH SEED -AND FEED ' N RETURNING THANKS to our numerous customers for their liberal patronage in the past, mid soliciting a continuance of their trade, we beg to announce that we have moved 1 rom our old stand on HAMILTON STREET to OUR ELEVATOR on the corner of NELSON and VicrontA-STS., where a full stock of care- fully selected FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS will be kept. We Call special attention to our CLOVERS 411 and GR,4SSES, also our sleek of MANGLES and CORN, whicli will be found in every way well selected. We are introducing this season, for the first time, two of the best varieties of OATS grown in tile Dominion, and as we are heavy buyers of this cereal, both for local and foreign account, we are anxious these Oats should find their way into the hands of Fanners in time for this spring's seeding FLOUR and FERO ahvays on hand, also OIL OAKS, LI MUL, NERSAOSUM, and all kinds Of Cattle Food. Wm. BURROWS & SON. SPRING MILLINERY... • SEE THE KING ! at the MAPLE LEAF GROCERY. We sell the K ing Washing NEXT WEEK we will he ready to show the very latest " styles in TRIMMED and UNTRIMMED HATS - the most modern creatiDns of Fashion. READY-TO-WEAR HATS a Specialty. A large stock on hand, of all the latest Novelties. Call in and Inspect. MISS CAMERON, illE.1.1)-"r BE ON TIME 110W MANY WOMEN HAVE TO DO • THIO 1111014 DAY TO DAY 7 MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE MLA aro et besetting to woman in this condition. 'the! mire Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Palpitation ot Tema Ilene or:, .Faint and Di7.2, Spells, Weakness, Little/Isnot& and all troubles peculiar to the Mts. James Taylor, Salintinry, N.D., in realm- memding them nays: Abrint, eight montito ago I was very badly rundown, was troubled great I y With palpitation of the heart and would get. so dim I would have to leave my work and sit down. I seemed to irvgetting waren alithe can trutefully ay that they do all you claim tor them, end I ean reconamend Mean to all rulliteS0alvoe"rircii, or 3boteie tor 1$1,43 tall dent rits. or The -Haber* Co., Ltranaa Tarlisto, Oat I N ORDER! NO YOUR SPRING SUIT OR Our tahles are filled with all the novelties known to the trade, and we are prepared to take your order and it to your satisfAction FRANK H. MARTIN, flikschant Tailor. It gives the best satisfaction, It is easily operated. Von stand erect when vvorking, con- sequently it does IPA tire your back. Volt can do the washing with this washer in one-half the tinte it takes on most other G. M. ELLIOTT. YULE'S Big Bicycle and REPAIR SHOP KINGSTON STREET, GODERICH Wit handle all kinds of new I I igh Grade Machinea, among them the Cleveland and V, 84 1). In this big shop you will find nothing but the best, which is none too good for you. Our Second -Hand 'Wheels are all thoroughly ovtrhaided in an expert manner and aro sure to give good satisfaction, even at the low prices we sell at. Come and see us if you - want satisfaction nt very reasonable prices. Remember, we rent wheels and do all kinds of repairs, as well as sell bicycle sundries, in fact we make old wheels as good as new, because we k now how to do a, 01, iy on spot cash terms. Come awl test how good the Big Repair Shop and Livery can do for JOHN YULE Bicycles, Re pa ir s, Sundries, and Livery. sammilimanimilamaimmisamosamillilloolisammim The ahoy,. is a cut of OUT LAMB PI ELI) P ENC v., the most scisf tors fence made to day hiade entirely of high carbon wire. We 410,k It le as follows 9 wired, 5o itches high, C. We have a large stock fit "Galvanized and Black Wire: ••• ,, • Cr etc. GolwRicif iv. itcocricEv-xxl,