HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1903-03-27, Page 9VIV � 11111.11171W W. W 01 I v7 lIot tuo rlake be wok"llip., 110, 14" .4104"It frooll, bill i,Vidwo, UIRATI TOR Q11111. witAii 1w A"' A"lis, isillw0y. to W4 hot, 044 tk,* ...... l'Alk 04 ol, 000ro. � abo altuo subwt, Ono VoIlt AM 0404% som Thimis4livoli itAirk Wik, )*V- is QW40"a ab* hovo oluu", W. swimm PAup AnopM. *O* Psm, vath Or., T44 Whor , TR J)orolk 11%0 1011sht0t, trolls W 61;440 lip with al,,ohqut glid - `No�# I "Walls X"04 th$ 40)l`11011i #04y OV# of tbe Viglit rellea of irlilvoutif PrOA0. o4T $4. *Ak*4 OAS, ZOO AOX,* Xg 4P4 orfti -t,hroogh thail%milis go, 04,44, op to * YA"NI tA 901pt A All 90 4411 1104amd foot to thoother suit 9"4A, 4 Of Aba! ;I *0rIs**,VA;% VitaAl, cous- A 440, hovirovor, Ilk bollig ;ob� bultdfqg� 47bAitro WhAt* (tboit now, .4400 b:Ir,; togow to -MR Vail "00wit It Is thok proper thlile alclay Oud O, Was bo vau* A* Y W tl% oto wo "ki, vAing for, ht�-.Xp 41- 1hat comitr to woo 44, Att�rlooa of 4 X94t thA last doo Olt- 0,60ir 9 T, Th*q Agalo, to eerin 740144rii Xfou live ,listQ4.4 1411 clill Ili the sarolug .Vqbo tile 4144 V4131%, VOlx*tw*— , W
Art ill"Oos, jgtj 'Wit to, 4-4 is of Quo (it the rupist univX410 1114 the aticilorIll' tits, -to '04 #01lkw by, W-hA(* of 'the qhriotlov, cliwoll. tells of Quo oteasloA ho
10 1,010 , Pore ow0fop. 4 #Xli, A", told Wvao - 4QInf , l4okl1w, 4, lie f'qP, tbO Wrld over saw Was uJlliam raeMe woo rolon the Of itloVq Guardo, owlop 94 oorlt Are *kuil, 1.�Irq loyea to 4NV�l to ba, Q ointolod it. clay. Tho Alralol Ould 1.0
Qr.01 t0gotherl ot n"gotteg or is Xa`IQ$t� Ono- more tolroo 441K' V L C htt
on whoul lie Nviiilq i, elAtletraiki legratil at tho, ap sit 7. 1.10 to, ighi ratie bo,: 4coustroctipit of 46WA-tow Cordager to'l O"Illig periforriptilatioly Am ca0. carva riwo hitullitor Of PI)gluxtid 'I"Ot Big X004 t,60', They, b*cR t,g. , J)ugWrrghaAul rOlOce, uq� 0* I ORU06ro miltia of fill"l sald eshould prt When lie ik'" 24, I Feat Iii, th
11y: to 1. O�Nliilvq st. 4 sented, and 01th 4�iotr ;t , of, that 91W Olt he bad signed away A death. 113 former times. 1% mats'a Air ovifly, Ono, r w4u� .409"U64 fovils Od Poll has (0110, at litill tit seven lu;,thsi moraluar. Was it sickly boy. bo�t lie v4 ptoso 14 to 11914:4 Tbo Rh filgly Woo itiscrely laid UpAtIll the bous .0 ilia 1401211. Atusham , WON, titili. .4trotimus -the' APR turoo a*,. Aro� as it, rule, very ;%IL the out-of�door Aegrcto from ort ronto out haw vitterly careless tile Ji'mob Wonarch'a Allgilting remlAirk Is wlt� partli, and. tovolvd, over With atonva. t"to framot could sin h6rd4ci 74 itlo, AdVillt y0,&*t TA NO. Coftin Was Use O A ill (010, Ot sta who WO' POIllidilit 10 0, OW the Xtu� Arrivatt . I . , (1, but his Idpo itild Wag ap, ownb Jilossitid by the east W, - to stud V .1 m tg'�ca Ith Its broad tables $for chair$, but only curiltionn eager Y its m6st boys riki,4 to the Irou door" now V0,116yo ausXvIdif stretches. both alft lv�apous wore laid twaido Wilt. placod, on the. carp I oted floor all play. ou 41 at lot his weak Allitieflit, omillio, "At UM � arld ulging with tIft, 441hpo to- or011 'Wit)%' all 44o)qrm stud. this corpse t- I At 00, AT4114, ilt*h- CAX90 Whoro They convicted 3&0,0. As grat placed lie w I wit car*- 1�qva And Xurdoors, pro,ductive, 4q(l by tile goft befork) boing heapeIl o spr round tho room. 1�sslbly your host body atop ilia worix and he Was Ioille, thtpific rooms sro' y 0 rulliag down hie! Invoiny to I the west with Ito golden harvester Ito with stories. out of, consideration for a Vluro- reading ur�cictkt history tit all, ago ;II04 4#11 tbroul;!� the dpor,pt chQ010, whm he heard tho voilgo be, The 4:411141tirl of lit but* Wept bople 4.1 41irilsQ, , Mt till ;ift VQ7 few MX)4* Win 0.4 orldog QUO A�VOUUIIT 04, bIs uWal hour, at on friability to Neke hilutioll when most ilhildrou are readiarg stor- Ntoldb the palgto� ail tbo'w. cattle and 'to "i"At" TbQ Women are tract4til :Peau's
"r,440 Upil. Pill ;. C oreilk—Aan her, joy gornou, rwo football t, 1) on the floor, has pro- Ica wVittmi In words of one sWItablo. h4a tillurier. unt, feeling rather tirVo .4nis were comforta, to
04 to#r, Ue olub ttage, albe opt . labod 1 ft, W,tlPul4r)3r the -bilckk e4t, tii;fslrl of that 4 was near, and Ovii U0. 1W. ShOl RAW bit$ old vIllers lifok6k7la SQ01C.0 0olefaViro througvd tylth Ulm 10y' down on the 4014 and dVQPP,W fairer, richer arid prqiieuttxig organized aniong them by Mrs. IN11- vi,dod Ono solitttry high x1 cair Ilia father Was the g, who b4 go to Apep, Swadoulf greatov OQQPO for tile Quepaies of for you to sit at), lTlo ChAthatu lind the boy w brought
facod It aR *OA10 14404 "a and.. -but q cotne MP to town oilpoovil,, be awoke its inhabitants than that possessood sarr's douffixters. At first the we- O awithil, start and said 0 ilia wife, b. libor people 14 tile world. to It. 41111 boWilig, to into contact wlU� fill tboakat men lo ;.L.S grAp , 1 , h titimos iptor ht Aird 0'.44gu4, tile' loveo. Awbap v WeA played with their Children in be seatod Ili taost courteous Phrase- of the time Ili Il ugland. I bon be
A44 lowh �4a odd dimm. I w
dQr#, $M �' . on.. r It vfoirf '' . , Ath a and two moo came over� �Var few. 4tf'a0h -41 back tit e ba still--tho. sim,lla,4 its spots, and
VPgp� forot AsAillotoris, their hoods, �The bobbing up and ology kind Aill'oh, grAceful, wAving of Was IS yows old he wrote it Itrilgedy
if swonto ever 010. W,f ''m is, I , I 0 tellialits, Al down of the little heade affQrdoo it tho hands, Votiquette. itowovr, for- willch lie Called "Laurecitlue. Kilig tteation to' 410. a' ore #0ter or, felt a; ablo, tlrfyu�osifl Anit$ 4f counties. four Thely,p vast though tile reoureca comical sight. but the practice had beforo he of 0 i - ,aid no a oil, Is not altogether an bids -you to elat yourself clarintuall." piltuirko �Iow Of.orldo ovok a4bleve- qp thquktId, 04mcb. ot England 040 the CIAUTV4 tit Be to Work to open the ' sal% ot bar 5 to be stopped tot, fear of injury to I0!� _44 with choked Vqh; :;t perfect fertility. does. arid It also forbids the beat to At t -his eAgo, too, Ile Wag able to VaIX4. hl's, nalo# far Go, for his oncap. of Xtomo. barilp 4Aec4 IWIlAY ,�WOIAW to have difficulty lit 4� Far away the'Obildren, sit down ber.ora his grost is seated. read Greek and Latin. almooli as ments, , that UU'VO Wr�, throughout thie coiltimlit ATTIA tbot eb virlped , la, 9WA Ing It and one of qlem said they towards tho north lie barren waato� Christmas was colebraW-d at Port oyi;Is tOv.111, in, fact, members of every pro, -veritable resions, of desolation- Chirac Wit,, sit well as lie could English. Ife also 100ololi fi* rj!kiea"O,� ant). all, , most inave It before they could 40 lusich Anuthu",aslu. All Uotict, vach politely declines to this AM
144,94 ct,islqult wheroA save for the few mouths of tile surrounding ItihiLbitunts took try good- I went up to try to iTt--`tbp"tdimt-s:vem-tc, ctio down bottwo the other. and it curt- Was wall informed oil tAkc politico Of IL tile clay 'Ind On (I variety of sublJoate
closist rotittivoi ift friend -b vas got and docorat- test of courtesy enrAvAPS, which ends turned iii and 0 lually v about whiah only men 91 leftilaing ab6yt:�hlm, wouldbAR,aVqr',P0trV, , I I et C0441g0mi, Others arillva in hanoomis see me. Just then I oke up preme, tit last in both host and guest sent -
y girl rt 'Of the warehouse, oil with -"trafl -Wxta- I Instead of laughing -at him, his - Ungava. is 'one of these. Reaching _V__ I -i -thd AWP obtAL a kssiln ADy a ig of obara4tk. -that. b I or thq' humble forir,lwheolor, and of trifles. Tito candies wore given At 14 he was able to tilcI6 _tfiti_ great Are 61: 1411L i$weirlo i g the ustili,l XE' 11 t t1iink. tti% tiW
WAS forealan of the Frod Quittl Un, 60449 0k the short distance hich wife said seriously that it julight be SoUthWArids to Quebec, It extends. a to the girls present; but these, tit- tile guest on his )lost's right hand. orks He[ fQiiiiii; a and -he Nina a filltIM000 between their clubs and A warning, Te husbadd took a cab� Monotonous expanse t"A Of outing the But how about the one solitary " of Thartaydides, written in
sAigned 6 , sweet$, Pitt them (;mak. and road page after page, Ing Way the. docks of the palace. n he could UPWARDS TO HUDSON'S STRAIT, Q Aiy against the following Chrl4t- chair ? Your Instinct suggests that. I I �:
measurig overy -of bplithdeil by Mailgan turning It Into excellent Rneugh am There goes a the bank. Ile found the door W as our host hits trj�oll the trouble river. -tog, the, to provide it for you, the uxost flaxt this off -hand traiiiasla. his rc4d, omit IPO;� f9rPt- attfeets and the veteran general, his mao, think V were candies. 1110 read, . thn'q 99th breast glowing Wit forcedl MrArliedly calling a couple having on the west Hudson's Bay; The natives became wurinly
ting pthino, ,damd"119 U 140' 44 IAW Iiiwod this entiro district by a h, orders omit m,d- I a44 on the, east tile territory 0 at- cot4rteaus tl isu tako it. But it tion of his Is said to have boon als, Isfaidrig on the arxn of a young 11011ce, the three entered alld
only that they Would follow where disljlay of pluck aut 04-4" 1 .4 generalsbip that fac La6rador. r ilson, Their rogrot we a he-ftest--tIrleasureo-mento the _hIiL
Own SUZ�th. �40 =1 1191deresti- the great fire that metilbet's of the -ba-0vtdoutly- -ani3r- as in the- t -he oboro to bid her farewell lieutenant n a smart cavalry uni- two men ex tly resembling a toko for you to ALMOST WITHOUT A FLAW. timat, ilff'"'t In its lower portion the suit couies 'van profound when she left. They (to so. Etiquette forbids you to sit His father spoke of him as eagar adream, JThAsY had pulled. the sisto of-deotru commission Dir. -a %_vAl hiffiver "I tin that of your Mr. WilliAun, Life counselor. the Phil-
Dfirtblofft have to-lda�. :919, ivork and is to Dominion ""it, u4 the shili-whiell wa& bdii,111tiT -host, T -ba presontiAl by, his father to his Out of its comer and were drilling southern parts of the hot- away ill, he most �Iv it- -thing io0otfiltoi�.� At the age ot it he im� tion and death that lay in the during that forty-s"ght h6urs ban 1Qng. There two barristers hurry p Va. though so meagre usually a tile hent th�t'he fought wnth for Over been said by till the trA it In order to luseirt all ex lost I opped down the rINl you to do, in to thualt torod the great university of Cent- flauxv . ivied men who aerosp the road, t,heir wigs aild In 1894 a wealthy publisher of In summer that the prevailing anow over the idening Water came the -10 r.� �
hill a century. 130 W0 a WIRBIR61 W*Aigiiod it to Wive becig the most gowns floating in the breeze. evi- Boston suddenly fonnd himself to be only disappears for two months I lattiont, "Oh I We aro norry that Win for h4s kindiverss. but to say bt*idgo Ili It gladd and at once. in ton lfi.hik battles. 'noi that under lie circumstances could -kPito of his youth, took it high place a S%POIeOu- exhibition of cool nerve dently dimusaing some legal kuotty the victim of a series of forgeries so the year. Augu4t and Septernike'l) you leave us : for no one else has ou M operqtq(l his depatinant with and jktdirmont ever sliWn at a fire. Point. There a military attache in large in amount that they threaten- giving place to a stunted growth oi ever been so kind." % think of Hitting on it cle- amon the stullonts at that cele,. -learninig, getting from it It, was ib6 service that. two years some foreign legation, resplendent Volt at Inst succeed in sitting When we went to Cambridge the the one obf6ef of ed is credit. He set detectives to scrub and grass. But Ili the north %lated abov his own. bratod placts a( every ounce of efficiency It contained later gave him his deserved promo- in white artid gold, stridos alang, his Work tit once, but all fit vain. Blut there Is no sun from the end of down oh the cushions by his tilde, boy was in su.ch feeble health that #Ind spArDd neither Ilia subordinates tion as assistant chief of the do- helmet with its golden eagle, wings one fourning his little daughter, October until January. Yet, with TRAINS JAPANESE BOYS. find t he %erviants, at it sign front lit) had to Ile accompanied by a himself in this effort, A mail Itin nor t!,0,t.b( outst�etdhed, Ethel, aged 7, cume trotting into the departure of the Run, this dls.� your trust. remove tile chair. If nUrso. and all through his course who, shirked- hi's work was sood un- ir g fire In* the Donahue & her father's stuldy, syinl "O, Pa- trict of Ungava Is not, like the Youth of Mikado's Empire Taught you wery to lift on there he was in so poor a condition, 'eye and fie W40 merCt- Henn � GLITTERING IN TIM sUN. It, they would der Swenle'q' sherry Vitilding in 1902 the pa, I had such a funny dreamt I regions nearer the Pole, wholly doubted if Shipbuilding. comment most harshly on your A I-- PhYsloallY, that it was le tniont of the offender as in his treA Illef �vas at the blaze before a They make their way through eager drlaint that I saw Mr.— - men- given over to d,rkness A dull ,Ind lie ever would be able to finish the until reform had'set in. At a fire, single engine reached it. The me- and expei3taut crowds, who wait pa- tioning a young man of 27, a great gray light pervades the airviospher, That Japan is riot running be you arid you onthough he had, to sup of length sieuted you bow to one all- But hard stuidy seemed to atie, ervise the work- ment his men got to the place he tiontlY to catch a glimpse of the 'friend of her father's - sitting in giving to tire canopy above and the other nations Ili educational woriki r host are at of fighting the flumes be seemed to iave his orders aqd rusbW into the Well-knQwn face of a-.0abinet Min- a room at No.- MaIno st)-eet. and wastes beneath, it ghastly den as- a technical kiliLl is shown in reporta other and uncle more ask after one With him, and when he wait frraduat- know by intuition how every one of thickest of the smoke and Slimes later, or military man, to give bim trying to write your narrie." The pect which app&ls 0 0 wit 'cathe. fool- Lher a health. although it ItAw od. tit the age of 17, he was mistill a h f the work begun by l3aron Twa- I the Irundro4q of men. about -the to see Jf he could not find a , spot a cheor as he Passes, The entrance child's dream was communicated to Ing that he to ga.zing on iiversul "ki. head of tire great Mitsu Illshl uno nstrunigror tAian when he entered the
burning building was working, and from Which to direct a strea '61 16� the Pitifted'Is throvirked by men in t the Police, whe were at first iticlinod, company, of Toklo and NagasakJ. in tilinutes ago tile same tender fi rat university. In r lie watched every detail. 11 his men Water. Immediately after he disap- every variety aligorgeous costume to ridic"lo it,buti; a watch was pot qui ies were made whEm you From this description It will be cdftfttilLg� Japia[1080 ILIAS tit I. III e At tin age when most boys are pro- were Injured or III he threw off fill Oared there was a terrific roar from and tivniform. i on the proceedings of tire Young man Nagasaki shipbuilding yLirdg' of t to "",tored the room. ratich of But a t understood that Unguvix contains no Iif r host line doubtless invited is paring to enter rollege, or. if they his reserve And j011owQ4, how inside and Swenie ws tossed edi concern. twenty I holugh the sceneoutside is In question. Fvidence accuniulat busy towns, no villages astir with 'ot are very Clever, bola just bocome
interestl large number of porsons to gonvillino tenderness there reaNy was feet into Ilk to watch, it Is nothing against him, and it was found that life, no goodly tariff houses lit) lie has recently started Ili you. You are riot introduced to f"Nlu"Ou, oting Pitt won the do- in his nature. A lapse caused by THE MIDDLE OF THE BLAZE. cotapared to the effect of the funt- he hAid hired a room in another name trees rear their heads to sem tion with the pl.ant. a technical those Prownt unless _UWY tin$ per- -4 from one of groo of master of art.
drunkenness he would forgive, but a tiod inside the palce. Hundreds of at the address the child had iven, )andmarks senrcely even a training school ,for buys, tile Idea suns Of ILILIJUrtUlIC0, but YOU ruiurit. tile greatest In tile world shirking of duty, an act of disobe- His riten, risking their own lives men in brilliant uniforms, some well The ro(tt was raided and copie,; of being to turn out it litAillber of vil and began the stw, of low. dience or diaIGyalty to the depart- a dozen-tinives over, finally got to on in year;, others mere boys, chat Ore forged sigirixture a Is Is visible nothing but a oil eirding your inquiries as I. Your nd avili, chodks w trained young workmen every you,,, o. nil aste on every side. host's health, flow to every om ,,At 21 lie was Aildinittod t(, the ba;r, rRent or its officers the place. where he lay and carried to oath other in subdued tones i's found there. The school already hit e CI I td tile sartle year- was islocted a Yet desolate though. the conditions "' round thu room In turn, beginning lot, HE NEVER FORGAVE. him out into the street. Two phy- they move along Ili one gigantic At least art extraorldinary is the in Ungava, mail has his home there hundred pupils, who havembee'riv ,,- oil your right, otbar of purliament. to becomit sicias were on hand,, but Swente, procession, swords clanking, eFurs case of a woman named Drew who are small' vided into four clumses. They spend Privue Ministor threo years later. He was 15 when �9. eal,Orcd the badly burned as Fq was, scrambled jingling, Ilere,a colonel of a crack dreamed that hot, husband, a retired Him numberR, however, 4ottle of their tiiiie in classroom When the ''afternoon call" has Chicago voluAteer 6 department. While lit, was yet a law studmift, re to tile feet and ebuld riot be induced cavalry regiment Is mustering his sailor, had been murdered by a ped- Only a few drawn to an end and the v Isitor arid only Ill years old, lit, attructt%d
i That was In 3849, A month after BANDS OF CRLE INDIANS, work find several hours it day ist-s to dtpffl*t. 11.0 prolsubly finds to go home. With ' his head and officers; they are all to pass before tiler In a saloon at Gravesend. ln de% a ted to work of the apprentice- that his legN refuse to perform Moir title attention of pronitivant allin by , lons of 01 body swathed in oil bandages, he the King together, and they trigloe a the morning cuine the news that her and RAquitnaux being met with along milip sort, To help them ill their uty for- a few lulneem. as he has government, which then were' tier -
he joined he was made boseboy
Engine company 8, at the corner of Ilia clear views on the quiliA
took charge of the flro find saved brave show in their gold arid scttr- husband's dead body had been till*, the coast. RLudles tire puplis havo not only been sitting cross-legged, tti-
Wells and Kinzie treets, land from many thousands of dollars' worth [at uniforms. Further on are two covered In the identical place where Concerning these some interesting Life advantage of a well equippoil ploxiniAr the milers of England. The
officers Rho had in her dream seen the muT_ tuult u by
in a West bidian regiment facts have been made known by Mrs. library, but also that of anti of the n means 1. boy was Invited overywborks, aM
that tizife on, during fifty1two years, or property. tilde doar to tire Oriental, b
lie was coqpected with the city's fire l epartment With quintly braided jackets. Her, der committed. Wben the poor wite J. Al. Wilson, wife of the Hudson biNt plants in the cast to 'work in. o onifortablo for a Moro- hinloing the Inost I . wportalit aln- departmAJ'At., of. � n� peall, Tire IIU8t cavorts the visitor his avico arid imsted
responded to ver 7,000 alarms, and, is an.ofter in-tho Bengal cavalry had calmed down it little &he wroto Bay Company's agent tit Fort Chi- The Alitsa Bishi conflict r has three to the door, arid he rides a'.v
chief In 1879, in the month of August of that year. uniform, bronzed by the sun, and out an exact description or the ped- o, a smull trading post lit N;rth etablishments. the largent of which al ( try his opinlonq.
Swenia's personal bravery at -' 1,226 alarrhs were struck. it was wearing a gorgeous puggaree ro,und tiler whom she had seen in her Ungava, on the Koheke. Itiver. a covers eighty acres, The first con- twir,unts. I'. e o It number of Him frivaids wanted him to go Into
ve been dalled,tholuOlit early In that mouth that a great his helmet. A little further on a dream, and, spLying nothing about few miles from the mouth of that tains At repairing slip, tii of parlitsinont When fie was 20 and at!
Bre might ba I
abandoned recklessness had he not fire started In the lumber district, Churchman, In scarlet robes, and her vislon to the �offlcers of the law, Btreato. With her two daughters, graving dock and engincoreinse"wotclka
predlotott for him
been such a superb general abd and before it was conquered, destroy- next to him a mari In the Orthodox merely told then that this was the this lady is the only white woman arid the third and largest a big BIULLIANT CARMnR.
fighter. Great as were the risks he ed Over $1t000,000 worth of pro- vourt suit of black velvet, steel but- person she suspected. Two (lays
se who has ever set foot Ili that north- graving dock mA four building It wa anrious to see this delicate
took lie never took one unnecessar- party. The chief reached his h at lit later a man anwering the Ale rip- ern region and she spent altogeLlier berths. (tire of the two docks is 513 strpling, it boy lit looks and years.
on tons, knee breeches, and black KING EDWARD'S RIVAL.
le' stOcMngs-
eve his men to go e haunted, at 3 o'clock in the morn- There a group of officers tion was arrested at an Inn six into a place of danger into which ix in a Highland regiment in becoming miles from Gravesend, and, on be- about ten years arincing Its rtrilts Ili- feet long, and another which will ex- Not Oval 'Ruler, but Doctor and meeting the Krvat and wise uteri of
rig and threw himself on his bed y a
he was not glad Amd-Willing to lead Without removing his clothes. Halt kilts and ostrich feather bonnets. Ing ta.cd with the habitants, title country its till equal anti con-
tend out 600 feet, is fit course of Schoolmaster.
The Indians, she tells, follow tire construction now. versing tin tiNisik terints with the must
them. that he was the murderer,
an hour later he was awakened by The huge procession moves on
ushered - mel inarmer of living as their The plunt also possesses a large Another sovereign besides King Itiurried scholars of the day
While he was still a boy volunteer an explosion that sfiook the house, slowly from room to room, Here is another Instance, A car
tain farmer conceivbd a desperate kinsmen in the west. They live in equipment of all sorts of inachinery, Edward rulem within the British X*utuig Pitt used to like to liaten
t act of congple and jumping to his feet he saw that on Its way by officials who look cri- it
his firs uous gallantry
orcled In the ar ticull ses in ttachnient for a young girl who wig-wams and pass from place to find is Installing electricity as a nio- Isleb. Ilia kingiflum tit Bardsoy Is- it) tho debates lit tile British par -
::a ree chives of the a big building immediately In th Ly�*_ f land, situated thrt.43 miles south of lianient, Auld Fux. the great
partnizut. A two--& his uniform or dress is not I torey frame rear of his own borne was in flainese casp hved lit a town eight miles rom place after the game and fish on tive power.
g, a paint store below arid his house. ]lot the girl mistrusted which they subsist, The first employs 5,000 nwn�� In tile Clarnarvotwhire peninsula in inevi,iiijif luin once titter a
buildin lie leaped out and was soon at the quite 'de rigueur.' and to see if he him Prom the first, and, after a The Rsquimaux shelter themselves isil.ing ail opportuirifty for gettiiisr'sin Nyuleli, where Ile Miles With U(Lto- d0blItil, WaH LiAt.011tr"hed at the frawn- living rooms above, caught fire late head of a body of men attacking the holds his etLrd of entrace or L lire- night. The inmates, pante- fire, when a bUttalion chief rushed "entaticn- At the door of each -xchanged In stun- has exacted Ito pledge that they will tier incluxiing the onflnent men who had spoken and
short courtahip, wrote a nott.. to In winter In low -set structures of education to )ads Itaron TwitNaki rratJc sw7ty linhabitunts ntini- nor ill 10rich the boy criticized the en, Bed down the narrow pas- iAp to him with word that the blaze room is a silken cond Tvresided over were the words; "I snow, which are c
him on which
shall never see you again." The mor for wretched huts made of enter his employ or even become )(Ing find It he former pointed out where ths,3 cotild have sageways and jumped from win. Jif the lumber district ikad broken by two gentlenien-Itt-ams, who only u 8 -onfimr
A the whole mve it to allow the throng of man
dows, but a servant and a two-year- loose again and threatene, farmor, roused to fury, waylaid arid drift -wood. shtpb iler . 'lie ties limn quoted its the direct descendant of a long made their argument stj old baby were, ab to pass through when the room be, 11 ' Eaquirnaux con- maying that he expects many of ttwtli
virlilered her in a lonely part of the The dress of Um line of monarchs who ha%e rvigneAi One (If the hardest works to oil- andonsId to the southwest section. heath one night and took away her sists of a huge, loose blouse find a to become skilled tirtisatis turd he is W tile Islaritt from time IttloW1114)[1al dor"tand thitt ever was written is I%
games and given up for lost. Their Swenle never hesitated for a me- Y3!nd is empty. , ThUB each room Is passed In turn, and be, body in his cart. pair of trousers, all of fur-, thu pelt confident that his firm will get i.o- '['he laogung,, spokvit is till itrchaw writton absence was discovered Just as ment. though his own home was in ottiful rooms A rew days later he visited her being worn next to the akin, The ough out of thvin to pay fur tire %vn- form or W�-INh, and IN lotuliv 1)� u nanteit l,yck)pbronil4 I t 114
swente's company, with their old momentary peril of destruction. all of them. so to see her find feigned great women are garbed liku the men, but tul-a. telligible to oft the writt�n An Ureek. A loartiod ntan
hand engine, reached the place, and Boys," he said to his men "all I THE '17HRONE ROOM 1.=prise when informed that she had the blouse is cut low at the neck, sisym a Loridun papr'I'l Litifi. An Ov ill,, hands of
lave in the world is In that old I" duties vulting Pitt whorl the boy was Its
the boy, without waiting for orddrs Is only two rooms beyond the one disappeared, While tbere be in"- leaving their breasts partially ex- tile interva)m or heeding the attempts Of fellow house. Save It if you can, but it Ming with THE THREAT OF GRIP.
;aged to secure an opportunity to posed. To protect the part uneuver- ticts its doctor. tiolti, arid lie ri-ad It tit firlitt
firemen to pull him back, got into ellow amask. The 4 -,nRliah I
vou can't, got the ife out arid lip the note in a vase on the man- ed, they wear, when they go ubruad, reKlmtsur of Iwirtlis. filar IIIA 11101 - as the burning store and, scrambling talking becomes more sulifted. nd lianohiting Into I
arce telplece. it long, fur dickiv," which harigs Carelessness he fetid anti explaining it In a man -
keep the blaze from croa.sing PL in the distance can bt heard distinact- Leads to Increased a-141 does riot vulli"
glong's passageway i leading up- street. Il off." As flast as h is ly the voice of the Lord Chamber- But the next night the mother from tire neck to the waist. At the Mortality. iilig nt�r 111ade tire learned malt de -
in. where the
stairs; reach -ed, the roo buggy could get him there he was lain reading out the names of each dreamt that her daughter lay mur- back, their blouse ends Ili it broad. wilen I'll"' that links ht, riot oven It he girl and child were TY134 11=arr�_-at the'lumber 3faked fire, and in two man as he enters the presen" let Hlis Aciered beneath the farmer's boxvi, and flat tail a An ,ir to a seal's, while It lit- weli no, I I The Increased mortality of tile him WOUld flit%,- it to be,boyand
hours had it under control. Then in Majesty the King. It Is a trying On ilia strength of this the police it rises into it large, wide hood, three weeks from lung affi-etions fol- tth4- power of Imainan intellect,"
The stairs were half gone -and the fear and trembling he tire" home- moment for the youngatt"; fu;tIve searched the building to find that hag -shaped at one side, to provide a lowing attacks or grip oiaphasi7tw taxes lwop.lo lit,. "ji A, Whkn pitt was Ill his father de -
whole building was a whirling mass wilri], believing that he would find glances are cast at mirrors to see it the woman's dream had been true. pocket for the baby. which spendil Luore than ever the nocesNity for grA)wri barley Aa ved t hat lie %%uuld Irt, a great of fire, but Swenfe never lost his his house a heap of ashes when he all In correct. The young th:i first three Years of its nursing air initiatory void IINew trolk, the iockm affoid lk hope of the
)lie In an lift
head. 141) picked the two up In his York Herald has rept-atArdly called �-okint.r mlier violin bocalmo
arrived. officer, on whose arm his fatI on its mother's back. A string attention exillioNfibl'. Itir"t N of thinking Livid
arms and groped his way back to ce�va! to tire dangers of unique thelBut the firemen had worked like loans, is obviously nervict..; the LO'S DEER HUNTING. bound tightly 'around the nt dwil's iithe amirs.be had ascended� only to slaves to save their chlef'n pro- Plume in his busby is trembling via- waist keeps the baby front slipping L, during inclement wlimllier. tail to the wandering stranger for fthill) into means of escape cut Off. porty and had succeeded. They had anti flow reiterates the 111)uIrctluff it find all Ightin! - Ibly, perhaps owing to the winvi How the Indians of the North- down. the fiLnull ,olin If Ali).. -I'tiv g thAough the fire In the chqcked the f1re at its source. Twice from the open Window as he passes t Secure Venison. Like their misters all the world with still more oarnestat-As tit 'rhev know nothing the no soon
coin, he hchea an outside Win- it had touched the house and set on. Lot perhaps it is nervoti7e;..'; we" of conditions Niomt of 'J" arie.
w, attracted the attention of the if, over the ERquitriarx women httNe is If.. 111 that WiIA eWiltn'ttKI
fire to it, but both tlnws it had and yet he was captain of his e evein A New Yorker tells of the method [sessional(. lo%t, for ken ts AN a fatal if 1,11ou [tit) [fill t 11114 lkl -emen, below and watted hile they I - if ill,- iloe to ille lll,.k of Imn niol ruled England (IUMA9
'I�ien he been beaten back. f9wente never for- at q�hool, and he would go out to- pursued L)y the Indians OF British hi,norous Instance of this, soft,,. of �L)Iuo "atfUt-lit (11 WhOt Itilp.-III-4 file i4land i,, Ali ... :1 :1741 III ,%entrul vears
a ladder up to Muni, got the devotion to him that his morrow and fight for his country to Columbia In taking deer. They have thein, having obtained if few f tiniely tr, nd on fit.. lthe,,- t� I.it ill,, ,
ed 'the burden down in safety� men displayed that mitirning. tire death to be it atta(k if lt:i,hor which Will ndmit % es Iand solver 9i've a second e%rOlvPd a system, this huntsman spoons front till- fort, tit( -
hair nind eyebrows were burnt thought. Then there are the older says, that shows practical skill arid b(,,I,, from tire handles and used tire catarrh The taking of tire stlich in selA of kbouf forlv ove (-in- Ill I it., nd his hole back and hands men, habitues, who go through thirk;syrnpathy and knowledge of natrural former as trinning for the ''ill k Lt. , " twit, in Lit ill,, of all t-lalot tuariv badly scorched, but in a week Oreal without giving It a thought, conditions. Ile says :- hile they stylishly attach cl, th tionm t prA-%ention III'If "Ill CRI11119 Ill" I LIZARDS IN SAMOA.
Red As the throne room is approached "The Indiana, to begin with, w as running again With the do latter to the tail fianiging frotn('i the "'rioum ones lying In wait for He if- iif tit, willing abd eager for an- tile officer of the household. the not hunt deer for tile pimsury 'if blouse tion tl,.- Al,l,..v if 'I klatv .1- of lru - Snap Off Their Tails When They
chance to rialt his life Things About Food A Class Of court offli in gorgeous uniforms, hunting. They go for deer as if E,1cept for the shelter of tile It IN will ill take Into nrcoont it, t ,risk interest it) flit- Are Cornered,
it TIFE LIVES Ot' OTHIPAIS. Schoolgirls Didn't Know. can be seen talking in low toners to housekeeper goes to market for mothe 'a hood, the children are s"ch rovinection thAst February awl A resident if Hatona write -i In an
t wan not a bad start for a- The new teacher of donioatic Bc,_ any of their frtenkin whom they may beef. And, what's more. In British ,tark naked . but notwithstanding Murch ail- generall considered t he wav (lit, Itramis--lit-
rt potnted to still braver deeds ence in a girls' -school lately quS-11m,-ppen to see. At t1le door of the Coluffilliki, at any rate, they do riot the extreme ")fit fatal n1onth4 for ilf,.Ilow. th"tt two ificlits lung.
ture �Kcars, nuft It Is hardly en, tioned her class on the first prin- throne room itself AIL queue in form- go often Salmon are plentiful in SEVERITY of., Hi.: ci.iNIATI, especially When Is CURIOUS SCENES IN GENOA. ...... I litlight alml a
to , Amy that Swenle fulfilled clides of food stuffs. the better to I ed, and now His Majosty can be seen the rivers and easily caught. So ' ' Ing it) mild forin Th,i,l Isil, If run
rotalso of his youth. get her bearings. The !plainly on a raised dia. dressed In why chase arklinals when they can they are ail healthy, arid it deforanNI fer we hioe if I Streets Where thp Sky 13 Hvidau taskly rw
-1 one object in life when stand- pupil in the class to 12, and the i a fleld-marshal'R uniform. He bows Fecure fish ? It is souit-thing am It child Is ne%er sAlev, x1rulf-fit forill 14 th'. billet fnalliql% 13-A, -,Irving Ca thoi� AIImmi
r nt of a tire and Inaking his olest 20. A number of adult puVilB to each man In turn, find for those is in Newfoundland, where I went Indeelf, the 1-.mquinistux, its it race. blit k of fime Astud the hitirds Ain, oil
1( whoin he knows fie has,a kindly a couple of measons ago There thit are physically mirong Illness it, )Ill ... flonity (,it file f or ... -1 11, "%� Ail Wait to confine it to the from outside thke the special course. Fun Ilk,. t Ili. it if light, ud will take
Art 0 fie; blit the custom of haking prevailing fish. as you might say, Is rare anion thein, denih osually u( it with III,- it I I ila,u%
it started and never by Fifteen girls did not know What hands with acquaintances has been cod. Ali(], though thete IN no Ai rrd curring fruin tild fo1artiong ioortnlit� I hae seen
it to came from. Three let spread an ad- crenture Veal bandoned. 'to the N arimy of fitill that Arid they are riot 7(-m.q remarkable if No orilin laod lit tit,- end of a
3ultding. Sometimes he was pronounced It to be a deqcripition of Behimi till, Mujeqty stand tire oth-,ran III, taken, the nati�eg for their inentrAl that) fill- it, y I -,Ill is It okattrr of is ditv or '.t,.IV )IIIIII. yet w lien cur -
"l AJef ate , for there are coin-Isintforks sheet) meat. 1pr nieniars of the Rryal Family, I think of eatin4 anything elkle Coll their bodily I-',- two oiIlihellitation Ili
A fire and wind itiat would defy flat( tile class wan in doubt as to v'Kl)r A Itatid of in,nxl on )its right the officern of the is plentiful and they rural the habit. (Immitux were nm-ght ((I read, foll,n4 flit of ti- I .... Nt If Lheir tails
any fire s,.;rAg, no matter what stock for soup wus made fromi homAoliold, In front of him, verstir- I suppose This is qo Ingrained that and, Ili the %hurt time thev (ould be llif I tilofile -11"'t wit" a muti'lening puzzle to
bow Pulwrts or well trainid his and did not know what sort of men , nted by a few Traces to allow Of the they call codfish 'flsh' 4ifitply TI.e together through their oAileflight of
equipment,' But swente did not the term chop referred to. crynstant stream or aten to pass, wi.4 on immediate
have te, surrmder very often Tot) girls hold tripe to be a pro- gesti.9 Is divided into cod and tire hahitR, thev inritrucled other roni- Voilivral f, -v, -I, stank! the inetriblers of the different r, -,t of fish paniem they' Inet %%.ill thr ... it. %vtth lit. welfflit of to flit- kittell .4he would
His r600rd Is filled from one end duct of the hog, and only two of onibasrles anti other col officinig when Life liriti%h Columbla read nn,l wilte Ihv,r ovIn tude IIIw 'if kind Atiol ifi�uirt .it tire hunt, for
to the iother with brilliant exploits, the Mass had ever considered what Here Is& it Chinaman dresscill in won- Indian makes oil big inind for vent- Iongue A manuscyipt, wiMen 1.� , I' 1) till IN Io he lost find I tit. ot.hudow (List I,N tit .... fieki,, III.. port a fruttlewq chase, for
with stories of fires beaten back to it might be. Iderful flkon robes embroidered lit t Ili, litif.- skulk off fast
their sturting point after it secincd A good portion of the littlilla were I lip gives at It R�Ntelyvsvtically 111111, und whAch is 11) the Ili, wotl, lit ofgold arid silver, 'and there- are diplo- Without neutitnei,t A group of of %)IN stilson, dfmpin�s Kront IIit - 1111111 tW,- (014 (okild PtLrRUP Yet
that they had overwhelmed the 'lien surprised to hear that cheese. a ml IF" I r whe-'matn in foreign onib"sier. gorgeoiiq� half a dozen of, 11-n Inen q;Alit art(] ness an ktil In Its It Ato,,, ,, � I ll... I..., k it, ki;ten did Fosect"A in land
figli'ttlig,t1hem, of victory torn out tit ther domestic or foreign made, wifts,to hohol(l The scene in ore of ke either ond f a %.Alley Then Is it d"qvriptIkAa Of 41-4 till I ... �vl( t Idefeat I)$ splendid goneraNhip, ta it ,, I Ill IMIT ol a dairy lirorluAit. and that the yellow great brillionce, it mclivnie or color they pru(eed ulong the mountain lantern slides shuilin I)v its te 11, wNV will i -t I.I , ,, , ,rlf; was made iforesAftil and difficult it) grnp,, I as Its tail,whIA41
unpivii.116" pridurance and pluck bntter from the groct provillitilig prreat disasters, of mpn from ch,urned orearn just Ain tile one slope from the two prids to the lit art 1he Itill. hallf r in rrkirKlirig in nir prt lot tire
Icentin. They choope the sheltered were being exhibited air Emlimonox and woman Afaved from what looked fr,-h r6iintry butter which they had PABSFS THItolf(Ill. ifide of Life valley, which the deer woinnn. who t ..... I &_ Ili th. .,t the �ft 't,he lird ran off Ir like certain death,-theqo are some of sorpetirrive tes,terl. fberl' tit "'It of 11 IIawalted develop
the thl#gv that comA to the Mind Very ((-w of the twent.Y-filve In ill(- On entering the throne room thp siok to escape the wind Paoli toarty a(ted as hosh- I, , f w4n tWo think of a lea -der like clai-s rnuld tell what a swethroad Is handed to an offit-fal, it, ho tovilts thp inountain side, sonic sear the nuthor of the I r,i%,I- ,, 4-11 �v ... ... I... . e I kv.-w wheth.t t-
Swarde -an(I devoted subordintit" Aviv p Ore girl gave It am her noinion hands It on to two or three trioro the foot rino qotne at the tot) ano frout meintAry tit of hat itlirtov (If Ulw,la M 11.1, tof Ille tail It I,-
1�1e bin men. that a sw(vtbroad won the prr-luct bvfOre it finally reffire-i the h a rr(1,4 others between tire llne, kil,epog he had seen kind LtI... ..... lIlia nKrroWegt escape ,firom driath of, if,, -inglo animal, but %vaq
T%,ttle of the Lord Chatubortain. lie readn abrenst lby an motatud owl hoot. fit IIkillort we.& 4t.'Ahe old Empire warehouse froin the hearts, brains old tidbfi�"`ot va(h name In a clear, diRtinvt The deor on 'wind4irg' sonrquit have Ifor,ldeA Ilk Ili,. art If t)", ....... it.. I0- r flw I ,
qiN In jackstlrl i9treet, near the of varloon rorts jualliled together. ,voire, and Reldow If over fnaries a a trick of leaping away from the in I% or.1 In that noil'.11,11 thev rig, iOil till, 1, if,- tsmod hall, t., I river, 1%0 blifte wag.a bad one, and pew harl any idea what kidney miktalcv. Thin IN In Iti,olf a rear. onliko the Koutit. which tro ill) Phase niodelm of lifs, Iit,.,I. the oto'o 4y %,bell it Ili comrittleroel how rnanV and thuq, hotw -on the two at or with tit,, llfail,.% foiit I caUght everythi- st,mv war rnade of, anti most 0I the
b , U1141119 When th� chic f girls had never Imained that oxtall I% 1, I
hitaidredn of men pass before Ili It proarlitrig pnrtle,,. they tire sivelt Piery (it -tail (orok ltiji-oVe �,-4 ill his buggy and threW Rollp Wan T"(00 out of actual ox- Majesty at a tAs the name Iq to other at the middle of the va) anti A %�,Ilv hit (N)o si�ali) Ili 23 i;:Il ...... It, flit, rehirrrelf Ailiftit his melt. tails They had thought oxtaft r(ad thp bow Is made ard rturn"J. ley. A good -917041 hPI'd Will Ile t-O)v lookfog over h, -r iplslt-t. eI"Boylittro 416 Said. "hate's rcime- if�prvly n name popoinrly npplied. arryd riverylbing to over in a brief h0led aff art() the Indians nuffiAlfM kya.k. fo*,., hear,4 ,,rill fit(- 412 iIlng , moment, ' for many weeks by two of- three relm A Nit 1%,l Ill of I ... r- :if futo ........ 11.Wl� the kitten ),&fit to got to got at from the A lnrffe contingent did not know I It is pleaRant and anniainig to tnLe tllonv tail It With three It -ads of hone veErelables maturrd nbove doys' exertion.'' son lost h; r 01vor IltitiWfitprq neerq 31,ilii(j In1rokit All. t- kinder ground. a Mat for a few firlomon'19 on on 4 - intlearid twof lcompaBlps of Mon he star groopt) stiff which the comfortable sofas in the 'if faliq
n a Ilulthout, ed in q� a great Iron door and Loadinir apfritn of the r1riss Weril Corridors a7ixf ivatch the endlens SNI'FF IIOOT) 1-11,11011,
ro ad tho, Whole flitorl6r. All, Ar &ring error, t.... .. ,ftill I o sure tilat, lecks; grew sh troatn coming out of the thronel fritemsiting notes on the smirf tak- Among Ihe Ilfuzoee. 0 140111011t, afteir thliSt ground just an turnips did. and that�room. Thriv Paris Ono by one, ro Ing habit air(, furnished by the Oor- rious r1mionis 3. _ 4 0 th, I14 I
vrearlied inside the deer Own- plimpiffnii grew andler ground "Just ttt�lr unien'rvivis can be more easily I man authorities of the district simplo arinir ti- I -ing it, fakor if tit.. I(tot them, sibutflun Off cis euromborn dad squanhP8." � I%,. tried tiglit distinguldrid and appeciated. I known tin the Bavarian Forem. he A Inan I if Item th( nototin of I,,. the a .p the, water 91APply and leaVing thent Five girls believed colevY to 'he a Hre In (in ArAffiror in the Army Scr-' men there vonnurno oil an n%orarre (if l hot, it to his 'Alof Ibe - helplogq agalh9t thp rapidly ad, foreign fruit. Oithers did not know Corps, do -orated with a V. C_ half a pound of Fanufli per dAsk). -0: " I t " - - ' I - I' � I 1 " i I " ' 1 ` " ifThev Will vancitig 11am#A. The Men ga.Ve them- that pickitlia were mae Irma core- t lie more in In fleInn and itif th. l",, I.,I, seiNva IIJI for lost, DzId outside hJus- ,man vogetal,vion. ome worp ileanfirrg on a Stick a South African tobacco leing n0fled with ground WOMAN HAS No the ritin fbo-took totti, ifast aIntiton- her* evidently. iie In Followird by'glaFr "to Ating better." The Ten- khan, fill- IlleItAny other bain aQ'ft hundfrid Promen tr.0fro Irbed to heqr that cOndenilrd 1"llkla Kroirp vit'lancers, In dark uniform file in thin dimt.rief are nuich given I`�h" may dInUke life initri itho 114- lircliftngel A million anti In &NPAIr V4r4i battering helft- was real milk. 1w4h French gray facingo arid White, to violence tin(] attailitA with the mires I A) wed her Hill' Vittv "oll evto% Ocint,er I it,,- travelling tit lssly Lit flier floor mth tL *6tvidell Sarno of the claeg held that alwavifig Plumes. men who did mro I I knife are nf drilly orenrrence. Vo r r4crenin. reRint if rhe like, whi, t a r,), n ge Im, onk M14111-1 tit;- I.. KIT IIN %I; +
ram. belikVilig that Wlie11 tileV nue- cap(rri was a forpigtj bird, othern be- in q%oft come two or three 3,eara the primon authorities exp,orl- must acconisinny 111n, wonvan to 1,rivit it,,. .1,1, F� th artillery men, re-vtorildent In ericali great difficultien with their hits boon known ill it,, Iftevild It t43 be a rrtirf nf If and horat would flAd tho of tho oni&r fwo knrlw td what bfoe4 of dark blue and gold-brlded Jacketti. chargria oil account of their uniform to title man'A komnlili livid tragged 4 -r -v urivia arid i,irril fin. II, nio tin Parin thief rUNI, big C0111t4des, wintrod creature die viqviali belongs. I'Mcfe conie two oomanry offl(ors, obstinacy and finally hit upon the oil to him home in Itrat n-r-rulling j,i lf:%,a fer,-(,,-ntly come But 014 bAlf, Wit '00 did ont Notio had oVor connWerod that there rwro gorgeou lhan tiny others, one pla of depriving them at anff They Nor in tile mnW4 fast,, u%l in- or eiit rtruqt pil"Ill, 11" ("if c In ar06018 Whin no ml a difforprico In poitat6tivi. and irl dark gmen and gold and another say that after a wbile a great npired try nontlinent All h, I .... kq fur"I"Is in ef"ll Art,, Oft i, ifil0k filla With that tho good COOR1119 tirdIfIvottlefil of fin elarlot anti gold. With a capo chorlilri, for tho bolitbor wan noticq- for Its a robust worrian art tmltin- nnulo h:i, I n , f lw� - t t f Illit, 41*111eh "I) About him Aga"d, out 010, it fl:hIfe pottrtb Coulfirl be told from rhing acrosir film diouldera. Then ethic, the men becoming trnetable trIoun worker ond fifth her veniber I5 I nl,,,,,l Iq tIi 'ettoft of ft *& `dW0 Men In 010 n(tvY 1,00141119 OX- arid "nalble at their degrading Ili- handlu f6hollgo, re� qo of All: rnvit (if h . Ito Istria itf; clear akin Ond othoodline, 'talling yt U44d 'W*do 'cormievr. ecarsively Smart in their tightly lit. likolvil Divorce Is equally simple with elentipt or Ineligible r.oxt day by a I ... lat,-tsiun hour.
1 .11-0,171,
? A- is"—