HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1903-03-27, Page 1�7 sr
Feel, V4! A. r -shines or�
the, efor lroulatloo., yet imams& The
-W-111114 w- w. Nr lIr 11ir 1111. 11, IThe, Offiola NewsPOO, Of ft 00:411; f Huron, IQODERICH, ONT. FRIDAY, MARCH 271 `190). TO VAP14XV& ion XgEP Ta Brief Town TOPICS. -A it; DATE,- ost as ar S$au Op 0 NY, -All IA4b THE_ V 1114011 00moslIr 04"* pt. toment, -Nightingale Mats- every advertisement In TUB, April 14, Plorence
A 'WU ote, thq atrilotioll kt, VIC- 'ttIrl ATTAOX ON A An Ab'O and Unpre3adtopil
WN, 0 Daughteve of the Empire will STI"V put week tuall trains 'BUMAL
ve an entertailutikout In !the Opera During the X*,?FN=VM WW -*x* P. A. 91, I bave been unusually late. MAURIND WOMAN dolaernorlit Ot our X1,001111 wee SqXNA"nir OP t Which thivioglar hw ' norlat uaetween obut OR, at Ok'L'- I - 1: .1 Tq YSo rio nig OrQ,N 1. . amerout will , AcQuple of our Citizens will start Allindef, w eattb.i IVQ 000W;Xer, grid, RIIL ntiAbor during the Six sugc.ellgi lop to Rout I by camping out early next month. nights, Wo
ng,*�M* 64 13T#IX 0*0, 011414welfill, A plear Certificate Of olever,I be the leading attractions *$state( L CO. abippell Within a Short Distance of Two Tbo Stro%tfa
Dluner We" V*m, tcb ingsilbstir. Mr. RoivlAn4 a of our )last lo(;Al talent. This no L Realdenaed, OU tne Huron
3011115 8.0.1 The town of Goderich In ondilavots- Dr- lety is Worthy iserouR support, machinery to Uldlau this week, lug to Secure liBrlx)r 4600 tor qg tin to opristautio ailing Pilroe Boo Boad.
d 4t btnuf) in All le
ie......... and Mr. Tottag 04 well holdii, A ld�h out a most offloyab program may The large stones on utree" still as the only harbor on the, Call*- ............. 0 af% ................ 6 Ribho of pilipultir should be picked up and carted &wadys On Wednesday about 0 p. In., as than shore of L-#ko Huron where
is 0hij I.......... shdo�ppaqy PA'mueh aove the IX 0, PORTANT STOCK The minutes of tile JallualrY Inedstl
X low- 59 0"* 64 Irl renewed ...... a o* A Story . .............. 0QMuInstIOA_MlUt nto&kt_t Food averAge, and are worthy the support In solro= Urfa. James Atkins. who had been Steamers of law draft can putpli, its,
O' Master M. a roal logues; are published for the auction of the, County Council are visiting Kra. Wilson, was returning to olaluto are such am can liardly W Mae-
...... Of'r 00*0 .0., Tirodutiois-pabso's - Colo A$WUBT Cons. tploee 40t of TIOUDO woo of the Attill held of Shorthorn tion. out award6d the
........ I ..... I -I.., -0" . The kthouse street her home In the township, Just over garded. The principle of Canada for -;mttl"hicb--take"lae"n-Tuesday,� --r -IL - _ .. � . - 11
'i"ll 11settet nd of Ot Wa, alsi Will. Nivents April 14 on Ridgewood Park Stock flat Pi Ing of harbor conditions there is not
Refund 9; (It , "' * ........ A, poon in* IF. An.Ww rLe,ollte oQn- We CM-ekt-arl �-Wes -bruvAny- the Calladians-appliew, for the
so M oriesncgriot". IL Pollsomis... ANT90-A _ , NEW r I secured the dol A -0 am 20 Iliad Asters and others. owsaulted by an unknown man, She of mere M V. hd MasterReggle Love Farm dodortch. Thet locivi Importance. An a town,
8 the base U41 and bat, The company of it Muunln ne purebred cattle, cotmVISIno argewas proceeding on tho north side Goderich. will doubtless be glad of the TbaoWa.4Cl;..*Tbq. PrIMAwlspIt..... 9 an playing In Witigbans, this we�kl butte and females. all 'of Witte wl tu b I e -for 'M s OVNlustotni D, % e but p it Ill a u e w Mr. oxtra tradei BNORAL W5VANT WVNTXIJ-�4 ly Qotlg ray 0 on North street. of the road, unit as she neared at -ill that Is but a narrow
qc a inyone dwelling Uzi es the situat- jCj raidde 9LSH1A list to -4 9. aingey xPANY.-The Pe sold with 'full pedigrees, I view of thO u0cc Itl Of
OX W T. 00 $40 ot'visaid vgaport:i� Tan III T19 09, lillinery Open- Duffle residence she heard steps behind DwellI Culbans, Read Miss Donagh's n d -so Soft were they that She son. A trade which should belong to
Igaga Chadife 4 Weston Company
....... 1. wg:�,! SIR )p or We interested in cattle breeding should Ime 4 to goo In M. ... ... make it a point to attend, as the Ing adverthientent on the supplement. hell, all Uatutda Is at present going by Aniert- "JITANTED-.4141I.Aph nd,nasswood dy 19 =3 00 w)IIbe at Victoria. Opera House Mon- an -is. With 0 Our 'HE IKENSF1015 0 Ris t Sump lieig Wassited I on The date is Saturday, April 4th. thought they might bol those of It Can Vt4A�114 to e )t of"' v' _poi T
Y, 'fhe- woman ieAm glie-si- the news.- eardol-a the stable on n lamor af Via,, HINTON. faroh-301; "r-a"nsagement- THE ZJTAIt As a ve n cdAT
28M 0 of three ullsts, lawng at Popular I Ain runt the west would pilms from Godorlb Gftno 0 7 Fencing-McKentIO Howell ........... ts a ar in adv Vix to, or 00o to tile Mitchell property, which wits open r I to t I RAP IRON WANTED.-Fverf day WAtor R, prices, 15, anx cents, and pre ttrai'5 - 0 A u off
port h C bers. thore by rail to Buffalos �tnd, what am W Protporty for Sta"ohn T. Dickson rtl Set the ne. Id of 1A t new all art atriwt, as there were no doors
WralIpore-W.. A. McKim.... 8 Iato it- ...... Bicyclist jold Mud cessba, entirely new to
10tho week I �idl senting A line o, g P,
vn St,, =14 oVth,v4lsa - e ten ro Its.r. to the saij. the Is morot Important, to Crilladiall Ports,
apet, 0 f late Now York suc '�,Iwlltldi Ist At Macderuiott'u steps One in agXs street, Ood MP. fttz`ol�ffh- Goderich the- site was turning to look at 1101' Toronto and Montreal. I .06, OX tiateel. o -G. w. Thompson a
for all kinds . cap, SPRING GROWTH. -'A walk round the tree front the big i8land that for Out i -all, wls'-f4t truck to me. TOW ............ I ......... to"'A" 37 a �,n q evo follower when a pair of hands WOr0 The Stratford City Council at Its ... ater Ters. Mond y I Isit "The Caviagow-Lev .............. 8 f ted the town on Tuesday allowed that over half a century was a well'kno,
T gXPENDITURES. Lights f Gotham" will be presen month. but talent session antborized the signing Thaii� f _Victrim Op�*.� landinark. placed Suddenly over her WORK WANT- Graista ................ ....... 4 Am .!� 0 aqtbam ........... I on Tuesday night a strikingly orifival many of our citizens had put their id Olork of a petition
ETERY AND UTUNH It ................ 5768 . ...... ........ even then Mrs. Atkins never thought by thf.- MRY0" n' is Street Gode- Slukt% Fund, dopos _M1 ad .............. I western drawa#111n the Rockies,' will The price of wood oil the market to accept we a .......... 192,2900 Specific Cure 3 W H RATES, wal!rk, suZ as the Bills oyable ...... ;16 1uOLe gardens in order, though seeds Sown has dropped it notch or two, first clams W111011 11AS boost gi-eplamd bi, Ooderich
.......... AM 5s Tho Popular rssnco.�_c. Lee...,. supplement be produced, and on Wednesday the of danger. but started to laugh. think not w ilch Ili he ng hu-VAY
them, Istowing Bowers it not sprouted. But many plan care Of _gry Iota. fixig "The Stran- hardwood maple (short) selling at $5 hor poople, At grass watering, eto., durng the summer Sinking Fund actiounE ................ 2]M 08 romantic comedy dramas Ing the blind$ wore Chose of Igned by this repromentatives of N em- , 1 11 s company is ow in its had made extra growth i lilac hall this double cord. husband playing a joke. But turn months. chargees reasopuble. For further Fire Department ..... ................. 0509 Thi in .. 71110 as Provinces, budded wonderfully. and in it few drop a post, card, or call fit rest- siting and a4vort1dur ........ I... t r., .10?1-,:t I a file ths u r. to st so nth week. in the A false fire alartu was rung oil Wed- he was soon undocelved, and star eg guaranteed. 11001tt 758 N Ile Works. It El tri oJqat, and inany other shrubs had shown hat, tbe lirbor be deopened tie 23 Xiown, Sopics the buds had nearly burst into nesday evening, file cause boIW R to scremin, whan the ruffian Said III it to Ill. to tile illistor (if Pull-
Ited five consecutive weeks cases nbrief: (I.)
15311 62, avT-g _y -1111 Murder you It you don't
lit met ........... the demy of Music, Halifax, at- chimney blaze at the residence of in. low Voice,
For sale or To Ler� C`t"rv. alloal4bne6noo .......... 7W 12 TERMLIi, Biloonn.-From Dec. so three weeks at St. John and a long greatgrowth. Fruit -buds hill swelled Platt, Lighthouse Street. But the victim kept sericain- foot. oil the mouth, and oil the north a. capital ................. loto 08 warmf,h Wasr WoN, 6M 2. 20, IW.,, -,vbut with file of last '1'n'0g!-..d to got his hands away bit Ono i_--sto old Dwelling House now I ; ..... 'to March 21, 1903, there were season at Quebec, Montreal, and Ottt.- some on Saturday at- The ladies will be sure to remember 14 to 15 feet. (2.) That a breakwater ,led fs�ae, I
REN7 P F. Hounfia, 0;. Aweek, but the change or more of his H ra on severoly that
I final .........
Desirable tarost� otsupotm ... -15 railway accidents on awa- Many new and Interesting
gee on. no less than most stopped their growth, much to Miss Dontigh's millinery openit on 80() feet tong he built it thousand yarols post Moo in 00 I wound she inado -est elf the harbor eu-
rins easy. the. Grand Trunk, In which 38 I re W rom nZo to the Ilortlivi
Stang. To sraltilties are,introduced thirlul the test the blood Is
to MR& THOS th satisfaction of those who want A Saturday, A ril 4th. All the nt� ............... 3019, 75 p By. Seats afiI new on sale at iddes 0 firbe oil exhibition. flew over her face. When first 'it- trance. bi Council has done well to HAWKINS. Port Alba were killed and 99 Injured, more or Ilic., fruit crop this season. Bulba of many creations w Summer Hotel ......................... OW OD 6y employees book Late-. Prices -children, tacked Mrs, Atkins seized one of the tender what w4shitance it ulav in thO T,,TLA.RG IT111 HOUSE- witfi Be 4 of Health ................ 5000 lessfibesides 11 rallwo kinds sent up flowers, ahol all the early Levi Card has-sold.him-house-and. lot pickets of the fence, atid wast still hold P :**..*::: 19908 knds adulte, 25o., reserved seats, W. so. Green, an &ore of fund and esut� F u!�Bodls .... I ....... Su I we can Mr. Carol is going to move Iluck" will A YOUNG FOLMit"'CONCERT--Lilst BOWLING CLup.-Tho annual meet- hordownand triedto draghertothe ,brick addition. sit'littOld on and 6 Injured. ones are shoWing ivatarkable growth. opposite J. H. Militants. to 0 dove putent of trade via 6oderich. If
. , I1. i Sit . . 300D 96 Ing on when the scoundrel knorked 10
sale. For lowest terms law costs..:::::::: M5 is hope that this kind of7' for $1000. The increased volume of$hippingfrout
5M 00 opusis for a while. place in Michl- that place will ,,,call were trains run
be 111101L oil the firt(ted. Debentuqs ......... ................ 1703 Friday evening the home of Mr. and to the other Sides some -atford and the orn- 17th, Public orks ................... a hig of the Goderiols, Bowling Club stable, and acetningly might have axle- ning through Sta
rich, 1637 12 WANT, To AxTENi) TERM. -The Mrs. 0. A. Nairn was the scene of a gan. cooded had not her cries bison heard by I lynictit of nioro train hands. More 11147 70 bhe was held on Wednesday evening. The A fariner wants to know hy the Patrick Farr, who was walking Into fl, �
WA,GON FOR SALE. - Van= UO&V MUDICIPMI World is in favor of the bright ad happy gathering In I that, there are Stratford men double warOnfOrIale- I IIIbq wild a 4% 37 a foy L municipal shape of a oung copie's concert. the Sec.-!1!reaaurees report showed a sue- Laurier Government chtium to have town and hastened to hei- assistance . ..... reasonliblif price. gI tp R McCARVHY BALL ....... . extension of the terr -ading and made geoed times for the Dominion, The ;1. I and Mitcholl man too, who Own stock 84 DavlWa street,e G ......... "' Icr which was under th6 cessful year, and after its re oundrel hearing Farris approac 1 in the elevators which will be directly ON W. R. ROBEjtTSONJ Audit- .Ils. Perth county council at it$ Program -uok Mrs. Atkins two rather severe mail eut of Misses Winnie Reid adoption the election of officers took when has to sell his wheat at 650 att
FgA I, gg term, property known Goderich, Feb. Wth, 19U last session adopted a resolution to co in ater Willie place as follows %-Chaplain, Rev. Dr. and his oats at 20c V blos and- ranaway, and the victink b"nefitted. Dig'o If .J.1d. N.h., M- -ow municipal view 0 rats 'y cipbrato with the county council of and it r. Justice The probabilities are that the G. T. was in such a nervous State that mile Even from a start
t STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILI- Phelan performing the duties of Meldrum , Bon. Pres., M For t6hDDW Grey in asking for legislation extend- -Presid Dr. R. station will not he open till near begged Parr to remain by her instead point. the project is worthy of hearty
AM% meadow and ont,
Mn I L. Itiol lodoel VIUR IM2. and chairman. Those who took part were Garrow;.Hon. Vice TMS FOR THE Ingtheterm of town, township oil, Dora Phelan, Blanche Taylor I President, Win. Lane; Vice- the end of Apt -it, as tho front will all of following lier assailant. ondOrSolion, but Its purpose is not
SSETS. viliage councilis for tw rs, the Misses MeQ President, Judge Holt -. See.-Treas.. be platforined, before the doors are Mrs. Atkins Vas - taken home In a confined to any municipality or inuni- 0 7" ame Young, Etb, It aillis directly at Cana- -Thatt4asimblo at the oil Delphine and Adelaide
--UOR SALE OR TO KlUs ACTIVZ. elections Ito take place ildred McColl, Jean Nairn, JRB. D. O'Connell ; Committee of Man- opened for business. 'ilialities. or Is exciternont and when X1 , operty earlier of Waterloo "t. an gin. Nollu" a at iVe - A-Ck ttS. -ellan control - of. Vlmadlww Lt of -Athants county councils. ........ Mil' Ut .. ... .... ton Ave cOutiduling two-thirds Of an Kate !land,' Cash lip Marjory Moore, Celid, binson, ary onto UV a STAR reporter calle that please, of tho question the GeV- and rompBsed of north part lot slillirown Taxes AMD 18 Tim Sicx.-Wds learn from a Mont- Cantelon, Ella Robinson, Bella How- Munter, Fred. Davis, W. L. Eliot. dealers and undertakers, are announe- residence yesterday morulnitsho was of 0 ricts, Good III *Wry (Mine house, Nort-Res. Lands .......... 733'85 ornintint call hardly afford to di%re- I After some discussion the Idep for 1003 lay of Spring furni- still 8uffertu front he frIght rd Whili, fruiElectric L Rates..... N5 ra At attinudjug the recopt orchard of No. I i. 5'M- real-lett,fir that Station Agent Strait- id Masters Willie Postlethwatte ing a splendid diop moverelyk Mrs. Atkins r _RA 134 and4ft6y slitirmn. The -pr - am was was placed at Va.ors pleasant liscitGn in -h d that before Of it, In all lines. rheir change of ad Caused by he attac VOZI of Trade gathorjn�at Montread, ,I ndl apli Wilei $4, and 1,66 meeting
power House 891) 65 on Is still insuroving. an was notoorioulily burtbodily, though delogatet; from utility le'uster" On-
convaiftont to churches, 0 floo and SO oola, o= 81 a long one, but so varied an cleverly adjourned. will appear next week.
. of eosses- many days are Oust he will be able to all. present. Including tn's para- she has two or three bruises, and be- tarto points Incidentally voiced their
At protiontoccupled by . E. Suall. BINXOMI FUNDS. , rendered,, that W. C. T. U. NoTEs.-The regular Goderich, "the wheelma
Rion , Agrll IOU Apply to Omnollthlo Debentures.. 22188 15 return to Goderich.-Mr. Alex. Munro the -914,-L- fl&,. -gresitly enjoyed It Christian dieno," has probably t4o beat bicycle Sides little IL fOW 10080 to0th, fill' When approval of the request which Is being .fiven after 20th a O;;�fs. Out. 01 -ft Mort - To-6till. vertously ft and, during -the- u It gatherings tire worthy of en. meeting of the Woman's ion. T. DICKSON, SO ae................ 6517 29
am 00 ce Union was held In the Streets In Canada, and they are to -,day biting the rufflan's finger she so loade (if the Ministers, who will lie do-
AbUAIAX I rAoPlI;ii1`)[. FOR on Deposit ............... Is cents Temperan In Splendid condition. -Many towns tightly that it' gsi-ttlkq,�, it ,)away the tug It real set,
3WI 53 past week made no proRTfse towart . gement, as they tire an educator I vice in granting the %or". being com- recoveil, though hopes are yet enter- the juniors and it ulleastant and Temperance Hall on Monday after- tooth wore lobsenod. 0 to oil the f.the pedtiouldrs, This coun- SAI a"neossion, and i
posed of lot 12 in title th On at his illness may Pass Away- beneficial social enjoyment. Mr. and noon, March 23, with a good attend- finger should tend to) the scoundrol's ny"r RIiZ0d at Ilklit thilt It 11a b0el
V h I BONUS LOANS. t re yet wallowing in inud. acres. rt of lot 12 in the Atli concession Guile- Hotel Goderich . . . ...... IM 00 tained t ames Wilson's fine new residence tPr has wnAbip, bednj, theL proper Furniture Cc ............ 10000 00 -1. IEL -sell is now able to be -esident in the 3 -stin,day Uon- Sy Ok Mm, Woi Mrs. Nairn were given a, sincere vote ance of members, the in dotoction. All day yt rich rol a L and is - 200130 OD ays. and with the placing chair. DevotioDal exercises were con- on s again in the hands nt III not prPserving to
Robt.whitoly This sastIM"1888 am OTEUM ASSZ`M around on fair d, of thnk, for their kindness in North street I in stable Phalon was making onquirles the ise of the tremendous water pow- Title advent of fine spring weather will be their beautiful home at the disposal of ducted Is Mrs. Davidson. After the of the builders. A cupola has hot 3 that
situated aboni'4 miles from Gaderie& -Jno. S. Platt has the young folks. lamons are only wait. about the outrage, and all hom
%Met,, For particulairs apply at STAR OFFL= Water Works lystent ... 73M 50 regular tusiness, several important added, and the it I Ill er of Niagal-A. If at deaf oar is turned
r, h ElectrioLight yetem.... WA7 60 his old self again. it was re. Ing for this bricks to finish their part his endeavors to catch tile Vill fill w (I to tile devolopolent (of Canadian
March iff, tin sewer System ........ :::: I%114 00 been suffering from blood poisoulu tterh were taken up. frightens and assaults women oil our forts, Llivilt, let apt fit tims it repetition of 1010110 00 f� THE JUDGE AND THU CHAIR. -The ins' 1. of the work. treets may be Successful. intory. ldesired will have OR SALE Relactence lately oceirtr Road Estate ............... 6= 00 but is doing so well that his return solvpd to hold a meetinj� of the Exect week 0 trj Fire Do ment. ....
On _part -sa is expecteA daily. -Miss Le following Item from Hamilton will be Live at the home of Mrs. Hick, on Tim' S,rAlt Supplement this jZV. 1Aold, Bank of look 10DO 00 busine firlill? tistabli.shed in other
localty and Town u ......... becolm
Ev" ry mod;rn conveni nce, a ::: 10000 een suffering fronlI a' appreciated by many here: There Friday afternoon, 27th, at 3 o'clock, to contains about seven'long columns of
of payment. .d=.1iy to 9. L. Policesuan's Clock. ::: ... Touzel has b, xack of Is grippe, interesting reading, equal to nearly it MUNICIP&L MATTURS. ('11o.91114 -11d, and "another opportunity
Market Scales ...... 16000 exceedingl� severe at p ans of the work. Mrs.
C11INT SO N. B. A., 0 o 4 c r I a h. tp I IBM Bathing House ........... 100 OD were several interesting cases on at 'S n in Public Schools ............ 109M 00 and is sti seriously 11 - M whole page Coual Humber inoved, seconded by Close Will bovc it) I'(' "PC rded' 1 t
11 -Peter Me. 3f, nzie,l Superintendent of work of this inatunioth Journal.
it SALE. -Lot 13 and Lot Am fairly but his the Hamilton Assizes yldsterd�
y after- lild,- (14,111it that fill' Gov:
TWO FARMS F01 Collegiate Institute ...... IM 00 Ewan, Is d( IS court among lumbermen, would be pleased "Be sure unit road every line In the Thompson. that the question of rocking t ive this inattor their
of Col- Inuo 00 friends would ike well' -23, Maitland concession, townshi to see him around noon, but what the thronK Inent Will Lg
10 Ft 6va house enjoyed most was a little scene to receive donations of tiny articles supplement. public park of the old agrioultural groundA be b0s C4 is dOrm, j, 111.
born of an and 113 acres w th about r da suitable to put in the comfort flags. comprised The land Is Toted ................ .. spw u the old block again before man3
15 acres G1 bardwoold bulds. chief actor was Air. Justice This daY two weeks will he Good referred to the Board of Works to rewirt, at am
One am of bearing Or- LIAINILMES. Ferguson himself. Ha�in � delivered STILL THAT EGG SUIT. -The Toronto Friday, and by that day you should cmerly a datic an possible, no Lbsit in came Like good clay loam well watered. and in a gv0d pass aw state of i:ultivatlon- $18U72 72 isUrdship a, Wilson & be ready for leaster. Reeil thin issue siolusma be adopted the advantagot of tile plant- rBF 13BIBXRY DEBATE. chard. OnIqt13 there am good fraino build. Debentures ................... ......... AT OTTAwA.-The Globe's Ottawa his address to the jury, -_ papers report that 1). D.
-Infis bank barn, ", and on lot % small BANK ADVANCU, rose from his chair and remarked vig- and order our F ister cotittilikem from lug of troem be taken sell in early spring, Car. Discussion oil tile Goverulikent'R hoQ and bam .1= will buy both- ENRY ootal Goodurich ............ 95M 00 correspondence of Wednesday last Company, of Scaforth, have obtained our advertlet'I'd. as they will give you rlod._Xxtmet tro "111111ton of Council mosist, 180"t orously. "Take this chair outand burn '? -(ter
goiniliv P. 0. pr4quimal lot rk the Gurney chargen TOMN01. . Accounts ........ . MW OD im 00 contained the following item: It." The chair found fault with is a a inonth's extension of thne, in which style and value. lair hotel Friday, h artsh (I
T0 RENT -Store in Bedford black. lately Accounts Unpaid ............ ADepurAtIons from Goderich and la throne, nearly seven feethigh, to cOmploto a sale of their egg pick- There not boin u )Ium (if the That the chairman and Cousin. lirms'n and tO It commission of two Judges, has plalby Rhynas & comell. Rooms g
oocu nd interviewed the Minister 1.112T is highly venerated in Hamilton. lIng plant, on which George Mm)ro, Of building eoininittesua ol 'the Library Elliett, be a connialttoo cluts"wenvil W hellos clIIItiIltI,-(I all tied, week paid. and oil
ever the stoiscToom. Apply E. N. LEWIS- OMM 12 Ferry 8ou
Surplus ........ ........ 2W 22 of Public Works "ay. That from -A room in a hotel would be more Waterloo, hu a mor gp which he is leotard oil Thursday, there will he a Victoria Park put [it proper sehains, tit as carly Wednemday r, rely inavedatianiend- Goderich was introduced by Mr. Rob. suitable to hold court in," went on seekin to enforce. If", diore'e; moi meeting if the committee on S&tllr- a data as rewilreld. Carried. Extract frill
the winter. Sltu Total ................... $232385 34 P., and accompanied Judge Ferguson, with a visheinenee claim 1. $12,000 nd It, has beell
FuRN18HED HOUBE"Y"th all modem con* I; Inent callitig fell- at to a cout-
vordences, to rent for ert Holmes, X alle day. March 28th, at N o'clock 1). in., in report of I�ubilv Worked vitturnitt,ot, al, toiltl�qi 4)f tile Ilonsti. in the courso of
&led convenicint, to the Square. RAY to H. W. BALL that Startled the court. A wooden ing proceedings to re,ddize it by selling the town clerk*s office. electing hold Friday. March W.
tft re
PROUDFOOT & HAYS.. bi6rrI`ft-- W. R. ROBE TSONJ Audit, It Mr. Wainwright of the Grand rcw front the Ouvern-
tioulam Goderich, Feb. 27th. IM &nk Railway. it comprised Mayor chair was now hurriedly brouqht, in, the property under thp power of Nale The Brunswick rigar Store and bill- it Is in nci captious spirit that fill. 1:iMINpeiell 114. (I
CHOICE BUILDING L6TS for Sale in St. E. N. Lew -is, Win. Proudfoot, K. C., but this Wouldn't do either. in not intheirsortgage. iardroonle, have beenretuovedtolho attention of the Council in called too 114. It lilt, jullolmmion that under their and Captain Win. Baxter, represent- allege that tbey have an offer of $25,- ore Mr. p1j)tomeal tile. commission Could not
yga's Wared. Apply to going to sit in a filing like tbat," said old stand oil West Street, wh the Irregularity of the clatime, fro the witnemsem to answor questions Ey. TO THIC MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS OF TnZ
E. DANCI - MUNICIPALrry or Tim TowN or GODBRION. Ing the, Town Council and cItlzeDs; the Judge scornfully, and the fright- 000, for the egg plant, whiuli they will Tilt, the proprietor, is wide open for com In GENTLICURN.-we, your auditors, have ag- Alex. Saunders. anager of the God- onded attendants. running hither and be, able to iveeive in it month it tile buoiness. He will havo a comfortable mittitic's report, iluoted4l above. which might Inorinfloate tholl'solves,
Frult trees, grispery and vines, sminesi the t of the Town Treasurer for ' and yesterday Lite Attorney-Oeneml ,7 erich Organ Company andPreaide thither, finally discovered a Icker
oli SALM-House and two lots On Huron %n,8 in nt W reseedings tire Stayed. Chancellor Wthat In there fit the ivilort. or In 'Lily the year Sol . bar Iflet, M. comparbe private residence over the store. introduced a bill proposing to) remedy
ouses 7 roontod kitchOlu Pantry- wash room them with the vouchers produced, and AN of the Board of Trade, R. S. Williams, work affair that His Lordship remark oyd nted the stay this morning in it to
it A. comfort. in Bank sltg&U- In of- Man The mortgage ac- Robt. McLean, who ties returned partof the Couneil's proceeding - thin It, the I-wilt'll Of fit'% COm- and wood shed, all Inj i'or'% ,,reassinabla them no of the Bank of Commerce, ed would do all right, 'kT.'a in Manitoba, reports things rushing allow that the grounds lit question
be X78CL Cash r Wee y Court.
sable home, and wil an it 27 - Lettel $1647.70. he cash 61ance and ate A. McGaw, Manalrer of the fro Inission.
ApplytoJOHN EMMERTON.m.0112- POS - ORGAN FACTO t is to be taken in the meantime
Goderich. =1 y. A TEiR ny.-W.ork on coun in that province, and the next day of. have been Fiat apart am It park, or that
tteorumpto or to A. J. COOPER, At N f &udlt' Pols' 7- 1903, ws"'1214i In Lake Huron Milling Compan Previder Ros objected to his-. Foy's
Back, rMMIQ; In Tramiabrar's 0 by the local Master at Stratford. th re to bit known herouftcr RA 0 It its
Herawl Is, we. subuilt a e,12mta,% Of Ra"n"Irt. number of harbor improvements were this building is going ahead with a ter his arrival home he loft for the alnendment, am not In onler, hocause,
FORSALE and Exp9tediturce.adetailed Its mentof - Including the construction The bottom I A FoRmER GODEWCH Boy DICD.- north to salect. another Shipment Of "V?Ct.6. Park We at,*- not argu
rush that is Inspiring. Ing agidul"t much fill appropriation of of its forin. and that question wall ex- otmitiltusseth and a statement of Atsects and Lf, asked for, a lines for the prairie Province. The Dwelling House and property at Pr- qid hve sent a oo y of each to the of it breakw ter outside the present the old and a new one, tire in position, News has been received (If the death eq% the ground. FL,tll()Ilgll p4.4-tod tA) in, voted on last evening.
ant occupied by 080. M. ifisawasm, an Will- Secretary of the Burealt of Insustriods. Toronto. pier and the deepening of the harbor a -scrap ub- Cash. We abst oubmit, in duplicate, a Statement of !reight vessels of the find being built In ready for the at- at Yorkton, Assa., of Mr. George A. S. Halstead has bought all th Might be said In that line- WP are A noticeable expression of
,join street, on remuldensibla terms for the Revenue and Expenditurobf the Public no as to admit I tachment of the mahinery. In the Watson, a former resident and it Iron owned by the RansfOrd's at simply asking the( Cotinell it) act oil Opinion on the- point at issue fit the GEO. M. MAeSWEICN. School Bostd. largest draught. The estimated cost south wing men tire enVaged in fixing native of this town. Mr. Watson was Goderich. Clinton and Brussels, and is what may some day bo it vedry hit- in this Toronto dailies The accounts Of the Treasurer of the = of these improvententa is about $= - nd arranging positions for this at one time well known here and Bill Ding the stock to the Hainilto tant inattior in It husint-malike wily. if fit the shape (if a long I to Imll"tute, w=dited and found u a 000. Mr. Sutherland promised consia' d1ifercInt machines, some of which are Fling Mill-- Ile-entlylve hall -hi. Vh. collullittoo Islay bovp well and able- letter front Mr. Neville, h on hand at a of 19A highly est4tvarned. lie was the young. Ro 1) and everything M Q_ We IT&re"uror of bration. four (-are of scrap to the same Also taller shop tools We audited the &(Militia of ready at hand for placing, and both gest got, of tile late James Watson, I nough when they wcro cmimiticring it well kimwo Toronta barrister, ask -
quilted in a nrgtclaw tagor shop, Including the Public IA!=, which we found correct. BALL FOR, 19M. -A meeting floors have been properly whitewashed, merchant, of Goderich. He was born Co. their action. but nelthor fill, wording ing tho Judges nott,locaceept. the ap- Mischinsla. Tablas, Desk, Stoves, items, showing botanist 0 cash, $176.74, 0 a , a , try to BASH hey tire lilKht and neat -look, in April of the Year 186) and was Ladies will he interested in the fill- f their report not- this action of the on th ounninsion for
19A 'town " Treals, was held at the Hotel Bedford on so that t
Squarest scissors, ate-, atc. We examined the bonds of the InF. The foundation of the north edumted at lielhouth College, liond. notinroment of Smith Bros. on page H. Council [it passing It withol't disc"I'l- ronsoll" lip notes forth. Ito mums up Is and cou- Tuesday, for the purpose of organizing r -ooible
!r to m urer, O.00D, g parsonalsocurttles, ng was finished on Monday, and on, and in actimed low In Clint-, Iming Their spring milliner pening Im an Sion, are calculated toy prevent ti hisicar I Menton with an appeals In
must be sold at 01200 &a swut No securi Y satisfactory- at. W C, FIC Will) Want arising ber(laft(lo aft to thp line of I he "it teider tt-o
moving from town. The Police Ms9t8tmtO for M2 rOPOrtfi no a baseball club. Thbre was a good the same day bricktayen started at oil,- tinio in partnership with tile Important ev nt for
01.1 3EO. M. KAOSWEEN- Ma. books kept. and no account was obtained. tendance. and Joseph Kidd was ap- work, and if hands can he engaged late Ali.. acolmmon. For the Ift9t tx) know what fashlon ham diTereed an grounds and the voist of k,-eping thell, opialon of the Govern.
- WZbeig leave to 091LIn direct the attention of pointed clsairman, and D. Stratton th: wing will be ready for roofing at twenty years lie has been in the correct hondwear. Romd the advt. am a public park. oloors otejPt-t,,, din yoo not airrods will% rno the t
the ounell to the Mann Mont of the Malt- ng lub th end of next week. The basements Northwest, where he very successfully anti tip thp datem on your calen
public Notice land Cemetery. in i962 in ments; were made secretary. Goderich Base Ball C toner Podiatry ran ,do hail before a committee
in lots not Pali] tot; olso informants were made was decided as the Dame, oftbe buildings are almost equal to followed him profession, and at the dar. Iflayor Lewis and Coun. Itionlier .f I lid, 1,t.,rl,lat ord, than before a commission I
I the rell,,ster. We lrlcs�t officers for the year were elected as the floors for light and room . and will time of his death lie was in possession The Ilartnony ('fill, on West sitreet ilgrPed III ttie feur viopregaptl flint the- If onlit It not hil III the pnbliv Interest that
which etto not entered Ise in(
NNUALMEET at the 01000 Of SAC month a I
IOTO- Who Annual A C follows :-Honorary Presidents, W. T. afford storage room for an immense of It goodpractico In Yorkton, Asetini- hols (listianded, therantot being that
of -,The Gode ch Curlinfi and Skating quest that Id haNii greal difliculty in is, tiny position that
will be held in Dr, Jimes' office, of intormentis. and of Iota salected, be made for
Association- the month and mullinitted. to the an Itrts, Weigh, Win. Prolsolfolit, K. C., Dr. ?Oua.ntity of goods, and furnish room bo, Deceased leave" a wife and scverni if fill, leading inemberlitare town Wtm loan afrost-
it ttall submit Preside ,r, nnil thou prevent the acceptance
court House an Monday evening. April 13th, Hunter , - r -nr, ' . -
at 8 o'clock, i6r clocti,�Iri4f Directors and other IL a Still Fred. Davis ; Vice large amount of machinery. 1 t chila. and three alsterm survive hini: leaving fill. fit,. canaellan Northwont financing thrimigh this Yl front hotels paii%Ijbig Son I business. CAMPBELL, Seo'y. BAL . An term be III ROBIMTSON, President, H. 0. Attrill; Sec.-Treas., it the whole building will Shannon, Mon. T. Y. Fl- itOroen, file an do-cret that it() I fit' hy yen Ufa atilt 0 of
rich, March 95th. IM& 01-2t hot with ....... 1, will, is 1. all effort, on the
W. .41
r Is RAI Mrs. 0. C.
;odarteb. Feb. 27th. Un W.A.McDouald, Mannier, H. L. Wat- full running order in June, wood and Mrs. Chas. E. Shaw, all of hand ft(1401"ell professes, abilit y Le. stolve the- I-) at tile manic tinue E. -The annual True. sell ; Man I Committee. P. Wal- fair weather and a faIT supply of labor Goderich. and fill-IIIIIII;1V anil roinoved theln On it isreu,n if loinu ju-tice while caro- ton, 0. A. c aw, - financial problem. hin difficii1ty Is ntfl12 T III D Munro, H. T. It should be in operation on Victoria HELPING THE SICK ONFs.-In the Tuesday. ALUABLE Edwards. A. Higinoon, F. McLauch- Day. dtowct,hor apart from the $50,(1011 I .... Iof the factar,
to will be lin. The mem rship ticket was acknowledgments In the Toronto Our well known One thned Godidrich I -
(Subject to a same to admit the HAnnon, LAKE AND RivErt.-There Telograrn of last Saturday, of eontri- Imly, had it pmeo- which the Mayor maid, an wIll be not I--- orfcb�, Ont., placed at $1, th tors along If flit, Council, we IBIS MAY BE LAW - I IT inembertomatches.to practice with were quite a number of vloi buttons to the Sick Children's HOR 1. sly on "Mr. Dooley * It, %aturday'm Mail ed In Gur report I Nnrtitelt& the club, -.nd to be non-transfemble. the dock on Sunday. but the refuse fall a war the following from t1ils and Empire, tho AubJt-rt being a catch- waro I ow free frorn. I it view (if tills JUSI ICE ? Ing one, the ILUAI I t U I ribs- Mr. very morioun oiltuation, Is the- Council I iollitypt.- The Conservative candidate in Cent -
with The secretary won Inatructed LO write from the cars waa still 11"PleallAnt countT, I'
a r The vassell n obApo and may 10108. the Town Council asking permission prominent along part of the 0. T. Y 9.9. No. it, Rtanley TV. per W. 11, John. Oanloy, of ManitAsiim', L, 'emert his % Ing qlfhtly In Its apparen wait promptly unseated
0 MP10 IL c BaA'3ter be In- ty. The parody fit clever and ( to) 11ruro NA $1 T8 par
try, spoofed at any time a It the company can't aflord to tell, iCiypon ..... ... . ... ..... ... t $wjxx) It Nis it hotel keeper. a Liberal, 6;
oi& on*kl�gston St.: t =90satton to the to use the diamond In the Agricultural track. �ation regarding tha
ock, ground floor. undersigned. She will f p in decent con- colborno j). Council. per F. W. AtcDon. apropon. I
Borls, opera House B1 %SSIO,== fn Park, and it was also decided to )oIn 1 keep the dock track a OD line will dispute that tho by-law was Money to loan. sJu t and an order est. the -seely to write Clinton, dition, the town will, out of nelf-re- ash, c ..... On Monday. as it fariner wait driving ithout the knowledgo of the Conser-
Is shepr tonP.o.,porJ.FI.8iwpmon,P.16 -
the VxClomoquer Court of Can 4. tit the Suit Of It& I t & I Ark. Carlow I. I 00 vitted oil with th" po"Itive understand
ROF. a. L. TAUBE. J. U. Karr. In g, in, Orth find Bqpsels on t be forced to have a Saturds Assists th Mrs. H.. Auburn : ... .. .. I 00 past the big, log on the mid of the i-loctorR that If vativp rundidate. treated an elector
Terms of fthl-Cub- pubocl- anks were Mted Jon. =oon clean up alon at mu% StAnley Vp, Council, per J. E. Ilarsiderall. Huron Road (I potilte Rannford's Ing on thp part
P OMCIAN A" IC fill rtioubsin addreas th 0 at Is u I th to 00 the Colborne b(-Inw did not carry the wild, was in his bar -room. III other SMANUVACII-ORTNO E XId or . efficient conduct In the sed vi re see ers.-Perch clerk, Varna . - ve his animar and one It(- was &:EltALIST. For further pit L. F. DANC ralls. of pleamn Hill Council No. SM. 0. F. tA)%VTI Was to It, consider,A rith-amed Mr. Clark'm election we%
A& las it ft made WILLIAM BABB 6 V�ondor's Sallhor. chatris and ed Davis for use of a cauie In In big Schools do Porter's Hill .... from Its Obligation. As has already nlimolutely clean.
I 1'91-03. mfor tneeting. Before the ineet- On Saturday there were many big .9 s N. 8 Morriss Tp.. per Millis A. I-
klndk�bf 8 n Friday, and !,.r ool, d be ha,l . narrow
.� in g
on given film" the 01.% rom an upset. Thop(t travel -
to order, Spec tt.MtI In fittal .it A out In theme coluinnit, ars; - heard at the absence Herrin si�flllc Illuevale I 2.1 ld be twill, Pointe Section JIM, subseqtIon 2. of the-
romptly attended to. 110, ing regrets were catches by hook and line. 9 Winer, Mr;Z W. F., Cromilton I 00 road ony the log mhou that understanding In dimpubdul by tite
Order* by luall my name. salamidoy of the old time efficient, manager, Jno. are still far from plentiful, but later S. S. No. 2, HullqttATp. par T. Murch. reTHOVI'd. the railway Ontario election act (R. S, O., chat,. 1), warill of - as u Goderich Marketa- promoters of sly I no a ng: n tover. NVU been ,Ud 1rasm ow 'Nairn, And the long time able se 51y Illie at the old feed - X Clinton . ....... . ........ 2 oil Andrewn xhipped a doultin roadn an follows:- rAtabliabod I -An ntsity'li, 'tq Oy" on they will Ilkf 3 J. F.
PTO com%enta on the min mairke the p trais., William Pasmore. After the Ing ground. the harbor, and give no% Ch- 8- B-Irr& Straiten, Goderich. on uch to this Surprised we met
-ant taw cl Aunderid. tresm, decker of hogg and t Is it " (,f I Ill. Con IT.' "A Is "it shall not upon the trial of an elpi-til)n
W.. TORO Exeter V. coo cU. per S. P some moullits ne it urld r 1164 D EET t T 06ts have a - Is d 000 li ItcherR' cattle WO *air" 11 91.11 I imeet wheat An . gal � ting adjourned the executive met a;nglers a chance to tempt them-- Exeter ....... .. Ik ...... sti.. Ito Toronto on it. pi,tition. i.i a oniffellint answer to tht, t
t es contan oats this is a question which the- oulle t read Ila d,10,.tnr4. that the person Outrad,,l lim, I I ork on new boats and those not Calvin Ch. R. FL. per A. rePon d. the former bdlng 06 Ittr is it made arrangements for an active a 7 iii day. The hogn numbered 11i, ttin in the habit of tereating." r
lowest price thl attar have annot ignore an it( fit) helpor
csnvasqfth townfor funds, and to now was rushed this week', In fact St. Hoilans, MIRdii 8*2.(XX) the. and the The by-law wass promulgated fly ------ stpringZaninf, for is se coulke 0 faction a Wroxater Vill weighed nearly pill) -
I t Russian and rrepare the diamond for early pract, -,"all- was the order of the day, as lAwrio. trea. . wroxete 500 largest contributor Iletion. after being voted upon, as In tile East Middlesex Idlection trial
amgn tat OW was Mr. Allo -
CONSERVATORY &MI Argentln put In eleven weight thi- Liberal candidate was pr,)% --dl bN
0 OF music a oats a it ng the Pfttl 0
marketis readir for leavinj w it " n See. 1170, Choill. fr most best owners want their vessels orth, who r,.,,,vl. e
TM STAR -The 0ana- port on Wednesday, The Meeting Calendar. 2200 this. - the two cars of Cattle Count (I ti .. P has (.1apsed in which him own evidence to have speitt wit 'a" IQA.P**M Vb.r of Pianoforte, Beef cattle, the h Showing 00 It"- a" to CaMCISED. th fiedge Waldi In be-
OMn and Thbotif. PUS prepared felt lottd Am, .)..dg the same may be said of Apr lat.--The 4 43 animals. tin ap at alid hot snade against It, $4 to $5 a day treating, bot it%#- juciv
one of Toronto conservatory 0 than Printer and Publishers it trade , Immed ate work, the nisiVis,r rnacting of Invernesiss Catrip, NO. 64, W�Jp t (r,
�Jxkmtufttl OnL Haela, Ing fitted uVor creatures. while but it Atheclaoso In the bY-IRW rtifused fit consider this ed it % i,.Int lon side, or Omar gui4ol examanatil van, But , aud,e% .Alm at test week's rate ll sit Toronto. has a Sailed S. 0. this Friday tiveninst A coup](- of mears V1 tb.t I. eing lila journal publishe Dept. of Pu lie Works havin, I of the election law, giving a,d their
attoutoogly6ts Is onemaRtesellm All ( Pth of gular nicatintr of Court Olidoriell No. Va. ntanding In doorways on Monday which read - gr nontbly criticism fln line Pre.0 and Instructions for dredging to a 1.%(. F., next luestday evening. important cold, aV s -or Thowhilifta Music thong to the nort night, cut the ropes attached to the "it [it under-tand anti IVon bvtw-eq reason I�_ 1,1 11 I 01 ug those isluoiltion at for ban truM -sdav) its Prodi. euced at Oncet so business. the parties harlitA, that cliod hmile AtfillIAU01111 hold Ili ads- 4cotrtataint up to *son of Thiss, ict,.11 This department Is do- 20 feet, to be comm �Zhc mat dent IS in try prZn
flon of which they world trespass nX., the Ily.law w It,. I Its ,olimmitte,il to, file Town he rOrl. FLIst,alito a horme itFall Wh6lit, lItAndat'd ............ $ 0 'S to 00 66 voted entirely, to a oritician of news- that we shall soon have the old mot Refular To u1min tht, maill CoolpanY unlimism n xectin not be tilndinf and therefore --til n
L Ali at I of L. 1, 192, on aday awning of the Stores at the entrance g Wh:t�L steadard..... 0 as- to 0 65 of thisjournal Printer and again. -The mana ment of the God- even ng, arch to- I WE LETImitiDGE �rkt and our. per ys - erIch Harbor Lum r Mill are prepar- ,rintv Fil's, 'rhou,datol [)of th"Allf an it ta nor front for meeting of ooderich Camp No S& Cords world cut at Kield'a mtore, RstuF- ship of Colborne. authorizina the Kalil Town
atout ......... .. 2 25 to 2 36 Wu Its- er sit (rW I R I I achowmaAfAre Ktiox uhurc =1 ............ 215 to Its Friday evening, Agril Red, for Six months n thimp in is411111or Of atualm it wood net Floor, por owt, Ing for an early "rt, and are making VIP's and Prldharn's. Burchamp T,d,
-b- 16 00 to to W Tnx W.;ZRTCIT firAlt Ood6rich OnL I must general buslonnew avid claction of osi lessm IN $. - habit Ibtvo pupliti-tis following Is pfZQ with Go appearance room for the seasan's cut by making tArarl, the Contra[ would not be too gre worth cif slot it In -0 ( Unit, %vhllo an the road he wall in tilt, to re ki .. -:::: ............... Is 00 to Is 00 confeas I am nine meeting of the Colleirlato 1A at flivalina. tie poemotis h.- Otkon. Vol J%iture and t punishment for Such despicable work. ,ibit. anti
I............. 14 00 to 14 fill of Tim STAIJL evenings. TI)at 1. - law was not druwn Ivy the I tAir whether he night eantinod, 6 I
heft we three cup all before many all mento to the east. -The A= ion thbi. Friday. we. wlvWad by blue flint th, Icily
T V1 rAfty Est- Screenings, per titin V6 da, I of which Show it V6
01110 lt,)r. new was
't, ti - 0 28 to 015 MO. Of conownti, it a"bInJIL0d fit
AWIMU&A& ME. 61 , atimintitit. The .......... W ersrancy mectfiew of mnitland InilFre, No. HAdailt ............ * :: *:: ...... 0610 tC 1011606 :,.IT-I1TAftI-IsepLUMV.. standard. Rita riverizat Irunning strong, but RIO E There Is a rumor that a well known town got?" Wily ? Bit
............................ r stropsyr,havirilf ght ColuinnaShIld dro Ingslidly, and a few days will mi. AT F. and A. St.. noxt Tunwiny oveninor. citizen Iq Filing Into the lion humine" film for hist approval. hl. o�dual habw,r
ate avgrl lIen its' One morl to Its- 0 50 to 60 t he inside 19 its usual Rprin lovet. The me on a sea largti enough to make It now that a (litfolfloll has us
bt a' , one by 0 a 4' IA>C%l work has n ( been aft 7 fit Sthea cf o. N. vv. Exhitiltinst heard In as
..042to is is to order. causel the surker gan.O.Jury mom Maturday, at 2 - ita meaning Rod validity. -1-411Y it IN it -t, ...... 6 00 to 'F.nt-A It early break up 1. I Pmflt4blp, and that bid will pay partle .amt Middlesox lo, M"010 WOMOD'S 60 ypographidally the topeatelftols of 'idedingly early Ing depart- policy sell drto neglect, havinx the Id! 'I
0 16 to 17 tha resithif, columns Is; pleasing. Several (it wboolo to make an ex( holit sif tho Oun Clubtfild; aft�rn r attention to tile fatten that the ronize, tlit- bier (fit it I010to 10 the advert soments in the Impov assirving ourney tip the river, butthough Id
te to A t pet, I are early �Ient of that line, with a vi --w of m]P- whole toattt-r innob, clear, Fit, _r 4 to 00 at high gaiso, Pad are u to Is tt oityli� to 1410 Buts wt OthOM there to an un ortunatel lack 4 Ct.
I they were unusually Strong In nutn- The mtrular tneottinit of flip'Wornen*,; Imill file hoine market with gtsod J)"I'll IoRY ktlf)%v J11st wllpr they "mke n hal,i' 4 ed, pot, 66rd ................... IVi into. has ptand" in view of the poadilbilitlen fit no,41 not fen r t I,-, 2 go Jim, this fault to due rather bers, and reports from any po %ametry. tor, isigois 4, 6 and & than between this and the en a of.the Malt, at chickenod, I'lle gentleman have had far it dpidil not initan -% his ir Them in
60 4 overcrowdtnf As struck the right trail, all(] keeping to litigation, of u,111ch we 0 .............. Wic 41 to , I a 2"(I,,eomiilorieinit at All Iful two or throed arvothitr I,w it ... ischt hurt '#or )4tifigii, Thstbilt, Coughs, �. them are one Or Ma V Invited to attend. it will soon tit- n one of the shop to any Inherept do act in a ;As. themOlves- ,still are to the effect that the an it nloRt ton much in file Inst
nogs, ....... : .......... 9 00 th 600 From the editorial "itelpolut the Council tile feelhgn of Allow en14ht $wtk(j, Chills, Pever. ................... 6 60 to I t;o fe,rtures, depservinci of istalon. The first to catch of 19M will be rd lIne*. of hominess; rin thin yearn, we failmolt that 'in U
0 4 0 exotillonoe of the Ott utnns On We I devot. t,,,rtu,, rl lit ()tight to take Itelm; (4) havik all doubt ion to exprolia fill,,,, io Print.
bib"ey, Otivel and sit kin- 0 12 0 ad to "Town Topics.' The 00112109 of local The commanders A Engineer Somerville. of the 0. T. R.. continent. lspolitic intreaten to 8 M hiliptifthig# Seems to be complete an well and Laurst 01i'me�artivied' wn "' Toronto, Is In town forming Plana for N. B.- -The Ramt It I'llfle"ex ca,,e No ......... ...................... goo els. the extension of the side track Wo iinderntand that John W. Craig. &*". N=r 6 to N oe,%Q, saa �e headings are At Vol week to Rt^tlt fitting cut their voss a to the e um suersidedded MI.. 0ordon goarded, all they w-11.1 If the oblign. ;,not the fast 0116
Id the Orst one tried
to t,"fill a blase et face type mlgkt bt ail Im- tion involvod wero their own "'it'- dectiled. Do yo, I wonder at the delay? -Not a sign of tee could be seen from diff ... nt warebouses. `2 iftt Trade. Mark oft . .............. 0 60 t6 M L "N10009 the, Churc="Oodd t on Wednesday Its son In title Innuranee business. the lat- Idually. 111tark Iter PdIr 060 Wh'V.,"kM,- or'd "New Aill ments" Lighthouse Poin A subscriber in Brandon Man., ter havinq retlelved all appointment v lel tauti it ny"'iltsd Mrs. ReLeald's chloittam pet W; : ............... 0 3$ to by the 2rtL Of J 1110 ad 9 efffe k#1 6111 (4660. "t list ...................... 0 06 t4s 00jN21' sta additional (as arod) of itattitt, On W fItA entire ill"pileat'ancO wall writing last Friday'. ARM thet gilts" w" will, the. 11. It. In Winditor. and in Turkeyst par III .................... 0 121 to a attentloq paid Married. &Ve their decision it, tit" Ilic
=14471.. 6ditOdatlist0 � March being at record. -The take then 20holow wro. At that time it wan now prepared to tin Inunranea in all ftVtt A*V VWWASMM myrt"pond6nee exteedingly roughs mind the watpr In Im branches. He reprottenta nonis but it' Dievivg, In isditrolt, (in �Iare.h Tioselt Provin, I.,%] edle, Ion N nearly 00 above In Ofesleriell. WRIX par 416 . ................. 0 Ittle" go ve to be found. makes, the harbor Chop% jill (Jay Wellnol;t- y Itov, , r. Hind. Floranow LI 00� Wednemlav l4t pordis . . ............... ow SIS aT On Wildnexilmy evening it min nam- first clam eoulpanitk4. anti can be found llgh� 11M It BAIA vertfiling on tAktotli is
rl tion an, n, Is . 7 ibit 1,114 vin In L titi nvio Dr. 'ttlimi crowd ftg Of the day but tile vessee a in part were hard-
,finto iodoll 0 ,, to der* N In ad,
f906 10 , t Ortfe doluffilill ly alaturbo. thus allowing that tile ed McCovinick wan placed In file court- itt thp same office on We t at. Goolon ative attlettlol I that vowls Could not wintor tX Jail, hawing been stent tip from dition let thin he wit likely alan con- C It "intle. t. Dr. Iftaltled90 MAY I 00 � 01 toldos 0 1 litinrellf mightv fnrinnatod. is C16911 slid 11yatn" to 680 T
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