HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1903-03-20, Page 3WA*t Vie " vwk 00WOW4
m04; 'shut Is It
fit Aneevla'
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At*, %*0 11"le, ilstw#4.4 A,
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orough 111% 11011,111 WK Ailt -91 W 'Vbk al� ot %*A $'it 'J00"W,'
%Wo U#A#,oZ* As h* Vr*# bill, ow to vok"t".to" 4 M., #to 301% .
r, Vick I44?ar JA groat h9po tho oiniol oitio, 41
40y, 4011;1411011Y � spew *k4w. Uto tey" hatives., POW iki*
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hsavhl* 0,44 well fQuadatiallut than the ottar,
4 YaoAlto wetully bkvkoo,� 0044.
1104, is", VOW 'chi OW, bg b st, voitrW which 13ki .1 Ttioxf i44� wall for 1% abort 'time. tIllul a onfirel � (108110 4 provided
Ujor tho AUW apq t9ifel 10,000 I�0�lr Ito iii�ppqarsl
oujut 'to loot wros" Oefit 'A 4pimlactiWic two np, All
19.0au 0 LOACA01A
_Iorni an. 'laid Ila I at 'o; WW4 110 roIjbiced alik
eodone V* Aud 6 9' WA* a kind onIII r0bruarz UK 1444' 00
quixtizz-, .1 1 r - , , and w
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var, dver, �0,40 *t big Intorylawler. moliv me Pogo 01fog like that for pfaqllpox, 44�4 it ),$I$ CqnW AAA.a it
honor of reading
so*Itrolo haoO th4t *a, lllti� rj� ho he Oh lio"Ia 11, All, rotura rAlway tlowo, six 'Print- hUtI, AkNA I*'IAtirA It U0,110" gotItO40g, "I pe Itnif
Allei 'Arc tok
It 4 Joao fiv it, 101clice backed it, Vv pvt, the- 4#.W
afaq� fit -he t dal
.tQ " I r it�� forW�IlV
Upon hok, h eA4110 Alberti And t1lo, Only Alf(or,04C.0 Went well at firt'ttei It, ;, : oAlyse. Q�.�
, ter 'to "t1te .4 00efil, Which *09 then proposed '91V 010
gut 4011, lapereIt
II, Q� alikok or theo. The BQIr
ouot' 190 it
W0 r, heKpouliq',
10h 1QQ0 XnAli All),
AAA Ako, �4 1 0.000 PePpkQ Me onitilAl. and as it, As an, '414 trio cCili O�d fl, �Qai'
tT.4 L 1' 04 y tutu o4toria In the ;wo0dit tt �rf
ho, E t dq ;Vou halt and 0%0, douth An, 10 aA us' stra, liv '*To#
lackjrj$h, vons, r ll)ae�kpoo -ov.
"Not 4 All you gme, . , i t I" "urtt, 040,14 atfiiitlitte 41t, jhli talk out t6 Ixer trolA -*� that in t lie tnti, -this. diveaiio; 110 texorlaut. achiplao li-OAR the country jar" be :j4plency, �Of, thif Font, ua�V$,: and wholt
Wo*rtL hsfit
Ved W, t , and thid', Connell 644 lit hand Is bY bttsew an 1r, ;I Esau, Aft, oilly root Fe0g Anti two y the scourge is as Aid its At t
7A one for c4all a,000, b rUildil Allayl Ila, Of interest.
send when At hat has been Undotv,
within Otaler 116a the whito-firced. At. thol post, office Or thoi ilargq it to trilif that wava in ituo intbos
011`11 A' ilay, miscuthe aid,
IA . . . I With' 17 4 %4,0 Irl4h eavanto is in ao*o wow
t ou grnt, mll" rate Uarivi bq.
be heart's beat 01AMPAII700," to I All Ara nowspaper was
elopgai frequently olttwaq gIVIIAt, discovery, alid,boa0is 01044Y '04 Up liaker and their 1190 Of handled per associated- w th the ArIc of jhq
caro(41 Will y®t; Nkq, X40" �0'4 I" r frl�
I be 000 A look at the 1)ago of shower Pon tJ)O filVont4rf 40, TompIdi which An, believed to
nice My X tbgt.� the creature is at hair 'bromo fthly like 4% rickod have, lepon hidden before tb(i Sab7-
0( At, Into thIrty-fiviel years,q> At Wit almost q%
It will u"olume,
to, mt viotir Ill but t 02(1 at 4, 1,olidion, oofo 40,000 P01,46'a", and will can
lonish ahasnthA4 tai)e( frove, f baby. He Will, In fact. not att'Lln tion t.nc, othor OV, t*iw (ill the 0q4tillt.es and appurticall
F she sdbitl(e: A�dfr 0g, !big full growth for anothe)fl, ten. iletile U-cattliont was proved ea failure, no
ou lili(VAII to 13 tb� him, Aeforrgod, bar e�es il$4.tl r0inrsco has dredger. litilok of an
1) holxrd of. but,the& aeorAs
te-and flniallig,'ber fae 1411 of a ro. YV orled on the irough Councils haviii
Ins MkLaterp go do ars, at least. buqkot of * wbigh can plalt up twentyll !be liationts who r UrInly Napdaticia for the story, AnAl
Nor dltl� V Tilq RQ
Capr ght_,,, raeAst gay once that hieva
4124 tile ConP, oad, � 'to health I In any C640 to sugogest It way
Irea 114. o Induco.- 0ii4t, turouvi A It was In the forest of fve at no% Undort0oa ough extelitivo houlr,, aI� coopted:: that, As an 'It waq -,at
Is so Weak -suroly'now S, a Gold Coast that Captaja do Leacigr The grp at the boon taken to TraleAd b
the world to me I" CuthQdral of Genott boasts tire 0
hero in? YOU Arc. r , 0 ioll 0A, its ll Ou-
t ' thut,.Wc:L ofoeshe Caine across his pet. StrUggling one posNesalu. of, ia %,age - cut riona it tile bitterest -disappointments the centrod rick is no srj?1"j
line .49r- tilt- V .1 1. OIL
.blu� r in :atttftem. ha:%L6 ta;k
in life. No I'll )g a enatero. olies At the Oity Coclilerall THE STONE OF DESTUM
Saul for I d, hi'it is Ill- -in butt. y1Q
ro with our 4toities. Q. d ,'a ql;,%t curnewiltt tared a a I'll rms Orply Comp he height. strong illy of comfort - 11r, Koch, t
OUP419 Y An Ill ova nottwork rader tile Unfortunately for Tarn. It is altuli
n for lit . passloiiatol flinging out lit ionlon being a unitive, � A
.,.Rr SlAddooly caniq � across, A full-grown There are now no fewer than 25 _ hadr,dideovered tire microbe of C tax). w, to
r. him One femesice, chimpanzee engagod. Ail a 000,000 scholars and teachers in t6, attruirtion, which find hitherto
the trust To �X Pei Al her.
qo it is 04110ap011ift
th1s.rub I tot- InW.s
ginialfleant hot ill ated only a few hours from London.
no local govern.
at but your ntoth;;"P,� 53TIF c schools of the
yol pytilton, it eAt with it, huge world.
she wa, Ano Out. hom sov6ral" bloelks of dwellings in
the fiart or Pb011ping Atted. a country,� when you did it, The groat snuka had one coil around The jawbone of tile overage whale edge there will game day co Lnd, and about 24 miles from the
t* tblo nt;IV4 oil you love "cullattlun, Shoreditch Boa -
Old frian. Coss,
r'elg' -a vae" Oft 16r. a, The tongue of "Pat of the Viceregal Court. Con
the' 'Pall UAII with T40 Opel. you are another woman the monkey's body, but as the white Is 25 eet In length. too, has buildings in sequently it is overlooked by ex -
)low 1. man approached he saw the Walpole- such a monster will yield a ton of A qr t hope of u year or Marc or liting
ggdi- that. isideArl"... he, entire folroo
W Cie olielfrod till nations, Ulu
t4 agalniit That Jrqc4ppis roll at f4l�sl wh1ch he Captain. - -Lanoy�s explanations 2�Oo ralqo, the club --which these oil. and archaeologists. this ugg,, - t uer out of which, England guived the to)- Aloarlpa c6ul con-
pleklon under the men anxious to provfdo the funds
ivint.Ws And I Give Ing SiAr $0$mpur' he'14 -04t 116 boll lalik Illioly ja drieW I word, 4ceoptod by his chief : but aninials always carry, and strike the The police of Derltq carry trol of tile Camberwell, Woolwich,
Kmedrl's report I wq6t to look 4utokly as sho. , lirotended to �neithelr he nor his., repentetnt flanceo Python a blow art the neck which for era which flre Seven shots in five Elec- ly crumb of conifort, was for the exploration at Mesopotamia
Y Wes Minstr, Pancras. and Ste, estlgeato tile remains of
nafell. it. over knew how great a service ha. an Instant paralyzed It. Hurrying ends and kill at a distance of GGO THE ABOLITION a. tile Or to illy
agu OF WA riqy authorit ea. Thu projects of Babylon have no Interest irk the
"My dour girl," he Paid, "think been unwittingly rendered this call in a Ilerniondsoy. Battersea, CholRea St.
took the docull'ApAt, of guarry to the rescue. Captain do Laucler yards.
n- a - rid %,but ti'lg to be a Britisher I What off with his Only 24 per cent. of doctors attain as pleaded for by tho Czar, ancient crowning the Kings :Ing through It, What try b her tornporary acquiescence in blew the python's hood great-spoCh hei-the absolute man- MurYlObOnc, and.- Hackney Councils
dccs nly country pay me ? o( Ireland, tile historic spot asso-
turnt over, sheet A cat -ulfAtil the plLxns'of that Country's enemies. gull. Then for the first time be grew the pgd of seventy Years. About 42
(ter ph foreign 0overnmlit Pay Ind _London Tit -Bits. that clinging round the nook of the per cent. of clergymen - It of the greatest military power arc� at pyofi011t 0111Y In their early
he Came to,u long, 04,raq�apbl Which', Would CA' reach that "Ile ciated with the iniost distant Past of
sted mother chlippanzee was a baby but age. in the world. with an army of 4,- stage
Was markel' by 0' orpendicular line, for tblei roll ? 'Yet I am tru , ti. tile Green Isle, and which he" been
lt Is said that there its a woman In 600,000 men - proposed that all U6.13T DIVVICULT PROBLIGM. known to song and story for up -
fa the marij1p, , This, Paragraph he wAt4 this which I could sell for A IrEw wFExs OLD. mairchester, England, Who has eyes the nations should meet, and otaq 14 face
read ohkatul thbugands Simply because oml- 1.111i OF CUTICLE. of tills activity the pro- wards at fivelland-twouty centuries.
times an international court of Justice to
-P. would, I bin�,, thank Hehvu� I -au 9Agli"hma", Badly Injured Eta was the mother- which magnifY objects fifty blew of tile -poor lit London, is as Tara, Tarall, Heanithair, Tou-mur
The, grdAC Ri which all illoputes were to be sub-
t0q, somewfiat surprisgit It they knew doell am piabil a few pounds io hold'it monkey, the explorers no sooner ap- their natural size. great and via pressing as ever. Over- (or houlso of Toe), Tarligh, and
PEOPLE WHO DISPOSE or. 'thel mittild, just, as uric citizen brilego o reowding during the past tow y ars Toeanalurnh are Elaine of tile
welficia served, by the,gentle- Safe -must get rid of thin first . preached her than she flew at Denniark's educational system many
0 vith you. Would THEM SKIN 3?OR MONEY. black mail, and to save his life, itiso perfect and popalar that through- action against another, This wits.
of the Secret Service," he autc), then I wilt earn mea-,Qut the entire couintry there is not In be followed by disarniannorit,. I:% litis riot lessened ; roilts aro Its natnes of this alliall hill, a green
,rth ident--satisfadtlion 1*116t;'YOU -come - down- with )he*? was necossai,y to- take. strong I Irit In tho'Vast-ond"If not higher- (lowing wound UboUt thiML-q1trarters
report mentio' A Delighted. onle y sures. The baby chimpanzee was one illiterate �farnily. Which the countless millions-- 4pelit tll� 11 Ovr they of it wild loiig from north to South.
Only does this n that wouldn't keep you 10,19 arinles and navies were to be soo. were ; the County
I'l C 'Uld got What I want Oil, the, Romateratqd Thomas E. According to the manks of the Oil C
Flipne is seek -Ing plans of Ports- 0 then toelten down to the coast and Solt is riot ablo to house ad rather less than half it Ialic in
Itush. ' cold- hospice of St. Bernard, their famous oil for the bettorring of each country, it
hrouth's defences -a rather signifi- way," She said. It bus since bdcome the most tile ",%,cry p9orest"-to use a phrase It is with
dogs save oil are avrage twenty ould bloodshed was to ii.f�dutnukwuy -thwor a -e-
4jmt fact, I talce it, eh, Manning ? "Business first and pleasure after" Such vales are taking place every bratod monkey in the world. with altogether. Tile that has bcon uttered many times commonly knQwwi if% If
Czijr seft
-faced chimpanzee is the lives every year on he mountain and Its raths, tile vetrialus of the
Not only that, but it even Ito replied. day in England as well as America, The whito Ito Hungary the parents of ruill circular round to all the Powers, a rdens. T
f the Council's Palaces, fortresses alift balls of
suggests a spy. who will prolig-JAY be She acquiesced and they Set Qff,'where advertisements are constantly bighcGt of the manlike apes. It is ployes are entitled to travel asking them top fiteet at The Hagu lailants 0 dwallinge--
j�taju -.he that they would plecaring In the papers"offering sub- the only ape which, when on the way I'm 0, even County Court Tara. 0lnPlo.vqdl,%aM1QXtg, - others to at half price, and superannuated in Holland, atkd make the arran progeasivo
But this ac- Allen 9- In the contra of tile principal of
-more stantial suMs of money to healthy ground, walks orect. e with
the plaiis; and romqka'ble welk.' hell, sudden-Isubjects' willing to give in return coMplishruent, in a State of nature, m1ployes travel free over all the ts. !Aoy all attended. in the V I thorougily Ili sympathy the dovaut-
Ptill-blatV that it�. is suspected by she exclall 9 and _ t the I, aging policy-complaill that these which has liscaped
I lines. person.. of expert delegate atillif plow is a monumental pillar.
ly stopping When they were a short so Many sciluare inches of their it does not learn till about nine, y. eirk. rpnorrilous into;esf wors tile reneir tire more titan call comfort -
Oe French 0overnineut that the Tho pearl -shelling ladliatry is a to
",If 11cluist "louter'covering." is years old. to, leins could be obtained from Milt; I110ta6po �roni the house. The operation It always uses a stick cry valuable product'1`iuI,4ru.,ens- on everywhere lit tile sqUerne, ably be paid. and that the regula, abotit five and at hall feet high, and
f4lin Lancey. Who is Lan- have telt Illy purse In your mother,fl; to help its steps, as well as for use v burled wUllut three feet in tile
Yilptain land, where $25,000,000 has 'bl�,i,, erbiall would save Britain filorea tions are harsh. and sometimes pro -
=and tedious one, and often grotand. This is the celebrated Lia
Coy, Manning r? in. Ron back, there's it dea without chloroform, for as a weapon. It grows to a height ecured dirring the last twenty-five 61100,000,000 per armutin, to say hibitiv�.
go on slowly." aliaesthetics are fo4nd to retard the of about live feet, and its strength tone of Dost!Ry
44"Lancey ?:1 repeated the secretaryj years for. -pear -1 shell. JistiLbbAg Ail. lives and tima-anlL . .. ... n1o.-Callaw Council..- N not, us L111 -- ..... - -- ---- " . -I. which
-When full grown ko to Mr. ',54tead, the famous jour- wIll be admitted by its most Opti- disputog �wlth that ill Wstminstr
;Udrawing it small calf -bound book to- She took the roll from under his action Of the skin and thereby hillif-� ini3ir E6 ice. ned In every 1,000 marriages In Great iOtY-
'111`114 litIll "I -a, If-At-n-l4anQOYf Yes. arm, efdd be turned and strode 'mize the chances of successful graft- that of four men. It has one pair of Britain twenty-one are solemnized notiEt, made n record by interview- �aistic members, housing tile "very Abbey the claim to be tile true Pil-
6� thc StIT ; appointed three years away : glancing over Ills shoulder he Ing. ribs in addition to tile twelve Pos- between first cousins. , AmO1nK the Ing ail tile crowned hiLads of pqosyst." Anniong those In occupa- tar of Jacob.
Since. saw her tck it under her own arra Last May, Miss Theresa Dela- sessed by man, and its backbone ex- nobility the rate, Is much higher. In oil the subject, atxd tion of tire dwellings Set the time tile This principal cattle Is known as
Ilath of the
"Son,d for you ?" I
and Move slowly forward. hanty, of Syracuse. was badly hibits curves similar to those. of 'Mounting to fttrty-fii�te In 1.000, millions believed that war was last reliable couxpe�itatlon was ineado. the Rath Ila Rlogh. or
King, and the Lialiall stands on the
"Pid,,you. say the report mentions She heard him turn the Street burned by an explosion of gasoline. man. Its brain is fully half as largo A new ut3o for paper has been re- dead, and tilt, five actors, pQventeen bakers,
th lieivie of one of nil quickened her pace alThe doctor" did evierytKing in their as the human brain, and exhibits cently discovered In France, It is DO%E OF ETERNAL PEACE five clorgynion, elglity-one clerks, grave where 60 Irish patricits. whose
the probable corner, it
-came to a poistva I power to ItTeal thcI wounds, but the gyri or ridges once supposed to fauutd that the substance Marcos ex- inad taken its placol But when tile throe customs officers, stx eloctri_ enrs had been slit for a pre% ions
untili she wore
ggents �P' "ke*d' Mr. Altervaing, 'on f"N yard. 'a
rerturning to the room, -offlice. which she entered, going UP without success. For over seven belong only to the human race. Icenent sails fail yacilts, fishing bouts report of tile great weeting app- r- etans, tifty-four engineers. one jour- reb011on, f light, died and
in itgraph table. Imenths Miss Delahanty was an in- Even in its natural state the white - and the smaller craft generally. ed, tile Mighty disarmament He Thoso 11'"'I&IIINtri tt last Stand
"Yea, and I suspect there's some- to the to bolue nallst, and two publican
'educe Ifore otrVio tot) of the ancient fitinto
she mate of the Homeopathic Hospital faced chimpanzee possesses several i Many churches in the central dLs- lead fallen through, (of, the 11
-thing In it, for she's a lady with "Now, woman, be strong . I SVI occupants do not, as a rule, I of tralftni'llq Xings they sleet) undr
ime ; Mastora-Miss muttered, as she rapidly undid the at Syracuse, getting rathier worse accomplishmnts equal to those Of tricts of London, each Occupying could not agree. The luternalolworlat those Who follow tilettl to the lowe"t
glish . Au I tb4n- better,,. vintil at last it was tie- low, savage tribes. For instance, it last sleop'lumith the Stone of (ate
--masterl-Her incither was caircring at the roll. ground w9rtb $1,250,000, kavQ,cQ0- court, of wit given and depthe of poverty. It is not the
-to' save builds regular thatched houses. in gregations on Sunday inorningg
prenchi Sounds 1-�iher interesting." pi bosom rose rnd fell rapidly as'cided tha the only fiing Of war wits admitted at prew-vit to be poorest Who are the Council's tell- no their moillig3ont.
s, copies.'hor life was extensive grafting. tile tree -tops. Sornc Lire. used 1113 not more than a dozen persons. indispensable. But Lord Paunce- ants, But what does occur in that The other pri4ipal remains it re
iHe rose and went to his desk, and Elie glanced ever the Plan tile British delegate, in a butd- these people remove' front other
tunted through a number of drawers and tracings, and she dug her White Thirty square inches of human dwe pis, others for the purpose of By a new process hulling front Hol- 'rote, Icing coruLath,H rtith. the crowning
into her red lip until it was skin at least were required, and, as Storing food against tile rainy sea- land It is claimed that a aloist hide ness-liko very, scored the only point houstim, which are thoreby available ... o""d from which 'tho Liafall Was
tVntil he found a roll of parchment. teeth and
I was a large order, Dr. Francis son. These houses bear a strong re- caq be turned into leather ready for by arranging a perularaint arbitra- for the really lowest classes Which removed to its present position,
Wits he undi ; and he was still ex- as white as they. Quickly select Arg this
airdi�lr�k it ',i,vhen Captain Lancey one of the tracings she Ryan advertised for a person will- semblance to those built by Co Igo the sholdler's and shoemaker's use in tion court to which nutions could the Council Is unable to touch. In it long. narrow excavation, locally
was announced. others up, re-covered them. and tied Ing to sacrifice this amount of cuti- natives, and seem to have been from one to three days. take their disputes if they wanted this way the pressure Is, and will be "Tura's H"now do you do, Captain Lancey? them just as they had been before. cle. The advertisement was answer- copied train thorn. More than 40 per cent. of the peo- to, and the other nations agreed. relieved accommodation becoine s,rojtY OF A IIRINCrSS
Sit ddwn, Will yo ? Cold, isn't Then � going to one of the clerks ed by a man from Troy, who agreed Chimpanzees very seldom live long I Ple of Great Britain could not write There was tio compulsion to be used, avallahle the volume of demand is Disrogarding the absolutely legend-
it� I said the Secretary, poking the She asked to be given an embossed to allow the recLuired quantity of in captivity. Esau already holas their names when Queen Yietoria as but International umpires were to (Increased and rents ary history of urn, the first RU -
fire aguin, *1 sent for you -1 i 've stamped envelope at Once. Into this skin to be taken from his arms in the record In this respect. After his :conded the throne. Now only 7 per be provided for tiny nation that allow it tendency towardanroduction thcritic story is associated with a
-got, some work I must have done. she hastily folded the stolen tracing, return for the not extravagant sum _capture he was taken straight to cent. are in that condition. wanted them. And that court is a also. That, at least, is the theory. li who came over the Mugh
Grey hairs at an early age ure
1tif"dit I which had not yet been justified
1 �U4�4�, of itiPprigie, to have &Ived It abd 't edtdd tbWWcket to the Of $22.0. The agreement was Liverpool. Esau 4coampalited Ills flxture. or itcin (plain of tile sea) it, 1580 B,C
you 'through your department in French Enibassy. When this as drawn up and signed. and the opera- owner to'America, and th reditary In certain families. It is A hope that for six or seven wooh, otfrc�rwlo, beenuse municipal housing I who amrried the HerejAva of
I thoolught to be the result of men w th, as unadulterated Jay to all the Ilan not been guiliclently exterulive,,ly
the Usual way, but I wa4tod to see done she drow.a deep brogth and tion line bee so successful that 'GAN IRS EDUCA dark 'hair Inarrylulk' women wl 'lit)
BE 7;10 N. Motor. 1, Was accompirtnird by a
you persionally ab;out it. Let roe went out, running into Captain Miss Delahanty is I tit teorning millions of London and a undertalcon to supply tiny rliable Prophet, or Reventler. known as
"a. Do you happen to know it lady Lancey as he was hurrying part. NOW PERIPECTLY WELL. From the first the little animal dark hair through several genera- (town other groat towns wait the ditto. 011an Fodhle. and Ills scribe or
itimed Musters -Miss Edna Mas- "I cannot find he A somewhat similar case was that showed wonderful powers of inalta- tians. tjlo smoko-conSuming bIchorno of Profes- POOREST STILL UNHOUSEA). leupit, inion Burglh. They also
tion, and within live months Captain Fatima Sing HIpti, Said it) be Nor Bernard Brocaes, which would
ters said. of Miss Bertha Deenan, who has � fernin Ilest person in the world, I'll have lifted the curse of fog rind dirt Why. then, cannot tile County brought with them tile Lial'all and
Captain Lancey blushed to the 'No ; I'm so Sorry, dear, she lately been an 'inmate of the M c- tie Lancier was able to exhibit it died suddenly at Beaumont, Tex front the land if tt lin been allowed Council house the plilartimt 7 bere, came via Spain.
er'I inley Hospital, Trenton, New publicly. A little Congo boy who roots of his hair ; the question was Said,, and even at that moment b j I She was twenty-two Year, old, arc many reasons, Soule of wilich ']'he Annals of the Your Masters.
d it I MY I Jersey. This girl had the misto had accompanied Esau from Africa S25,000,000 it yover
so utterly unexpected. tone rang true. "I fouri n rtunc weighed 15 pounds, fired stood 2S London ary obvious he price of land IN which tire the oldest written history
"Yes, was the,object of the croature's ut- alone lose through her Loge,
I-er-we-that iE;--" he pocket directly you had turned the to burn her upper lip so severely Ailvotion. Unluckily, the -boy 14 great Ireland state thqt this
stammered, and paused. "Miss Mus- �korner. And this letter I ought t''that for over a year it had bee most in hes high. witholu t counting the destruction high , the cost of building Indy. 'Pon Tophl, was a daughter of
n died, and for weeks his owner was As a curiosity of the recent Ger- ecaused by the dirt find stnuts of 110111 Ild" to lit, absolutt-ly %yelled
tors is -my fiancee." have ted.1' She slipped it in the'an open wound. After every known man census It Is recorded that the led the Hersision
"Ah, that accounts for my - letter-pboosX as he drew the roll from I remedy had been tried and had prov- afraid that Esau would follow him. coal smoke, and tile death rate out Ily 1he (,()tlllty Council withill a lihariloh. who marr
Con However, he pulled round, and ia.returrui showed the village of Reu- juntpq U,J) by Nix or rliven in the ter"' of (141 YORI'S, 1,and that its of Ulstr. tile rulor of the Tuathade
necting your name, of course under her arm. ed useless, Drs. McCullagh and tonbourg contained 444 Inhabitants. Ili n n a tern tribe Who hold
Brown decided on qrafting. An ad- now wonderfully well and strong. I thousand in a bad ''London Ili a assect, in ID about 1842
2imst have heard of your engagement. "I think we'd better cab it." he
wait for me Esau at present is 3 feet 8 inches in 222 being of the mate and 222 of tar.'' All this was to have bovit out Lreabing !n valtal every your, line to vuliquered lere lan(i
rAt me congratulate you, Captain said. "You cannot Ivrtisement was placed In a local C 11 'pou It te female sex. nn end to by Profensor Ilrocrim' in- be fluid for fit less than thp average, to 10210 JI.C. Daughter of Phar
Lancey. I understand she is it very otherwise --not that I shall be paper, and within thirty minutes of h Ig t, and weighs 561 reds. The penalty among the Hottentots vention, which wan it plan to oinkif lifetitile Mr John Burns ham stuted only linplivir royal descent
4jautiful woman ?" She had no mind to wait, but she its appearance a young fellow rush- may be mentioned that his mother for widows who ma"y again In a tie(, smoke of it fire pates throtigii the that tilt, dwf-Illiagn will lant Egyptian origin
i,"Your Information Is as accurate assented, er to i ed up to the hospital and pantingly stood 5 feet I# inches. Inorriewhat severe one. It is the rule tire again, and fur 200 yearg if Ili Proper roc- chose tin her dowry (a It
do It Should be, Sir," replied the Pall Mail. He left her in the cab. leaked to sae t1w house -surgeon. Ile Esau does inany things that the I among these people that. be fare so ad tllq,y )olbo it) Lip ,aid for Jewish cuntom) thin hill to 019!
y9ung officer, recovering a little of She sank back with a Short, sharp expressed great relief on learniml average human child of the Same,inarying, it widow linuest cut off the go CON4UME ITSIt.'LF, let 60 The 4-ffi-Cl IN slinlell- (11141 Ull- floto of her palace and for a burying
his composure. "But I am our- struggle for her breath as he disape- that he was In plenty of time and ago cannot do. At the Pavilion, in joint of a finger and present it to for smoke will hurn as well as coke avoidable. The, Council loav not Ware The old Prophet Who &CCSlkl-
pkised the fact has got about so peared from her view, and the color cheerfully agreed to the loss cif as London, he rides a bicycle and a her new husband on the wedding if ptiased throuKh Incandescent coal. So upon ill(- rat- for dmicivine'ipoli In linnifed her gavo to Ireland her first
soon ; Miss Masters has only been faded from her checks. much Skin as was needed at the pony. ITO uses knife, fork, e: nil day. I-4ich chimney was it) have n elort its housing No It has to written code of laws. The Liafall.
III London a week or so. I met her She bad done it I The task wall price of $5 per square inch. It sub- Spoon with ease and grace. lie! ill branch gallery running remind in ox tile rt -tits sufficlently high to cover or Stone of destiny, was set ult an a
In Parts, where she III much admired completed. it was it triumph; some -'sequently transpired that this was dresses and undresses himself ach
H f the belles of I a circle- In the wall, built oil ittolle tilt, annual repayment -i 'tit capital crowning Htono, the tradition being,
thing no man could have done. the tenth occasion on which the night and morning. He washe, him THE 13IGGEST TU -sit -bargpo W hit t I,; that it groatied when the rightfull
J�Zrance thirty years ago." No : no man could have done it- I young man had sold portions of his self with soap and water. I In IN I - firitentific principles, and aided by and ill., inlor( I
"Indeed," said the Secretary, In it That was the Pity Of it. It wasn't'skin. He was healthy find stron able to make his own bod-a neeltt�The Simplon Will Be Fourteen cereruily placed draught--alIts. bappening In that the tgrinntn are hIr oat upon it. Two hundred and
91 little iron cot -and when he gets Miles Long. Thus te Smoke (if every househol- paying the vallitul ox- tifty vi-arg later Fergus, the brother
votLy which seemed io put the sub- a triumph I It was a success, a and, In consequence, the operation into It he pulls the clothes up er'S irewhether parlor or kitchen. pittdituru on the buildings Worl, of'tho flow reigning monarch of Ire-
ject out of reach. "I want tracings complete success : but could-. 140 perforratid on Miss Deenan's lip was to The Simplon tunnel, when COITI- and of the ruilanco (if evpry factory tilt, Inject made whot. it clught Inned. (roosted to Scotland and took
made of thme plans. . . Tban.k you. wits a man who loved her. who I Ov- entirely successful. his chin exactly as any huan be- pleted, will be tile largest In the used iiiatend of belching to I),,- it petrafinent asset against a felono, with him . whether the real
I?brtamouth defences. I need three ed Ills eJO-rintry, who loved his honor Pro�ably the man who got tile Ing. might do. I world. It will lie fourtoon miles forth it) poison the air, would quiet- dobt-und the repayment fit thol Li,afa,l or not no man can Sa
-and- I More than this, he is able to use -long, or twice the length of the ly kite itself up without going all.!i, huildireuk -Ictorided oaFergus wan a direct descendant of
tracings, arid an soon as possilfle. more than all. And enty square inches
But accuracy before speed, pleap.e. She called to the cwbm n to drive f skin was Thomas ' 1C. Rush, of a typewriter, at least to the extent Mount Cianis, and Ave miles longer riu�rthvr feLondon. to say years. Ihe r4.iifl%lq t ho race, and he and his
ission. n. �Vhere ? . . . Aanywhore I Staten Island. Three years agd of signing his own name. He 111801than the St Uothaxt] Counti, rroild hp tho
It is in a sense a seerctt earn- The cost Of nothing of big provincial towns Stied flocincenclantil were trowned on
10 sea pen and Ink, and with
an I need not say that I eicpe(!t Anywhere I Rush saw an adverle��mevW-- some'the turmel alone will be $13.51.10.- ill, Illack countril, would have rldilred fly Shoot ...... hu, I I ottine until Edward I re -
)f course, IlNew York journal asking if any "light assistance front his master, !0()(), an average of neaxly $1,000.000 loonat pxactl� dooi,li- tile amount tit
yo %,cry particular Care -CoLptain Lancey-Yes. c ltl.'�Q(Tl ...... et , to Weentinitienteti: The t-ra-
that your even alcene--" rim inber." Said the Secretary. Illy' healthy young troan or woman vrould writes "Fsau" in very creditable Per little Earn"Jilnell nil%% on I I I however. followed it, for ill,
and taking come fashion. Ile ban had his own bank Tile I .... i,oig w 11
"I quite understand, and you may Ing his big book down forward and sacrifice twenty - The work is progressing rapidly In (if tilt. In nilatfir, One- who find unurpod it diod lot
rely-," the roll. So you've done it ?11 He square inches of cuticle to Ing account for a long thus, back, the tunnol on both Sides of Me Alpre. quiterter morp in gpring, and lip 11"t fly huge, Iit wag jaillon X, of ,4cot1arI
"That Is well. I don't insist that smiled gently and raised Ills eye- SAVF, T14F LIFE OF A CTnI.D slid always about 4,000 worknien tire amplo,�cd Pixib more in suminer, rhe (if if I. - htirrairle litrU411111-4. bot by imo-o ho foondetl the now Rnglifth line -
the work Shell be done at the offire; brows. Did you have any diffi- SIGNS TITS OWN CHTIQUI-114. In the construction, find no fewer oot) iiouses that evpry little lit wint'-t Vfll, i0lf trallio( r,,,-Illt ici wh1rh tit moottrohm crowned oil tile- Scot
be at- ctlIjy 7 . . . No ; he trouble at all ? The advertiser added a note to the I than (1,000 on tile Italian acctlml I'll' nro pouring 6ut tit, (If t --n will Ilw wottioeg III he Inh ntimp. and Jamps Xf woil perhaps greater secrecy could effect that owing to circumstances At present Esau lit learning to the railway, it in not pract I c a v tons of smoke-Inden I or per oi, ill tho irliv`- flora Tea ophi.
tained by working elsewhere. Your Good." t,to-onc copy. there would be no rpmurivration. wulk. With the aid of a stick he I cortain that the food will be coo field t., h%,- lit atry [ill
-en about the matt( -r. ... rhat in the eigh - gdveri out half a ton t '4q)ME UOINCID1,4CI-:.S1
chief shall Ile so R In sect There was not an overwhelming gets along fcLmou9]Y. Even Witholitilpleted within the eotlinated tile - f the- 7.(100.000 Loos thief IN it',, sone(Jean I InAe the tracings"" I hild to do ,ions, its orid
to Sheet aIt numl,er of roplic ; In fact, that from it his interviewer Saw him cross the that is to sny, by 1. 19('p little ton'%; defile, portion, ,ill% i%ill If,, t., I .... Ill N-011,tently In coidd not obtain it Sing,, homes E. liush was the only one. room after Ills master, and, when 1 tin nearly two-thirds o the tunw-I 000 rim wooild retnuin-li,,ill than a li.aptv ill, all, hanlil-Il flown by an unedoonti-d "Very well : you had better make parchment -large enough d
parch- rhat will do nicely. he doubt," Tye went to the address given, which he reached him. (lung his arms 1 was flni�hpd July 1. 1902, and ill(, twelfth IIt, Ihe loatiy aro, rurely accoial, It it oll
six, and copy the plans on tile Secretary, without much pro spital. rend, around him exactly as a child does. I wcyrq o bstacle" lla%f. alroindil hepn ]tilt it waq dt-rided e%fintloilli, that of tcapital it,,. ther band, they are, t4l. It (
ment on an eight -to -ono scale." rei.li(d al ol mastered. rll(, givatest of woitirl he too grecil It 19 oNt,r fof %iroi The floor thp truth 'I'Iiprt- ig I—
"I will do so." intere,t. 'Did I Say Live w? I thought after seping the doctors, chlier(ully FF;au trics ham to t Ic In tic" 1, ru t the Vol."
"All right. Good-bye." , he looked up keenly at consented to undergo the oppratlon. t1are Is no doubt but that he has a the lollip(liments was the over in- doubtful lf It would ho'c" ,,,I.v Ill rill t. without fire. The- I, i -h �I
Calitaill 111AVey, ,I thought I said Runh was a mechanic find then out language of his own. Ile also en- creasing licut In the tunnel, coused old the uin our smoke c(IA19 11", It" It 11aAhlint. nthat Tea Io I lar It. A few days after the oper- cleavers to pronounce hunian worlds. by the growing volume of.water inileetter I)( (art - and finaliv Pro in wh0ht,r 11- Co,in- "Can't come, Selwyn Tloft in iix tracings tie he was invited Into the sur- His master owns a parrot which, there arc---" hich. although it Startle n thil Itrovot; took hiq lip (11 1not hiolglice;! ill', %Vill Itq If tlShe,
disappointing ! I thought Are houltel - Yes. w
gery and was there introduml to when thirsty, invariably calls for Pit it of In- 1,4fvl,t with eremiah I1.1 have quell a jolly thile at the Men- *[-I%e only Count them." Men If the niountaln. lie in arritnitiog iI I flip father of the little patient. I-, "wator." One hot day Voau'n usual nl)()A'p lie ine of the rcoIWaV lift"r IIIf dowleighn'. Ali ! you're pint tensing Lanc,,v ran throtigh thp, papers
pi,,aqvint-looking man of forty-five. morning glass of welter hold been percolill ing through Ile(]- of It 14 MID I", with feverish haste. lie lifted "On',(Irnsping the mechanic's hend b,, forgotten. When lie entered the, root" sione, altrio4t boiling hit) I tthat only
ill(. thnnk(d him Warmly for the sacrifice a Short time arterviturds Captain de artil flon.i into the tullnel lit n 10 -Ir ....... I it
Vm not -fact. I corn't- tit) in a bunch and looked over
r, Anilell as I'vb looked for-Itahle. [It) conlited tfic tracings
colne, Ocill he had inville.' I ancler, to his amazement, heard peratury of from 112 degrees to 14 1 qhol f It "litill dewritivil an a wared to doing so. I've got some again. then dropped them, aryd sank, .., purpontily put 'no remunorn- Fudu distinctly articulate tile word degrp(.R Fillorenheit, rendering fleet chnrarti-r nnd cotinli-rf-,if it It S. proph4-t
ith a gtoon Into a chair, burying,
special work Ito do." illon,' " explained the delighto-d ''waler." at the some time looking only work but life irnpossitile with- worth can i1nf)oR" ill, ow wc,rld for
llfall. ill his hands.
I foorld filiq felt name. -41allill Wastors leaned' back among wils a Stifling silence for father. "Iest I should gct hold of n appealingly at his empty glass. out, artificial means of iefrigo,ration a timp, oong -dn% Ili,- tr%tnlz wht,h 1. I I If It lie I !,
the Palms and torus, and, opening There the Secretary elfish subject. I don't want any At present human spe.ch III unfor- The vrigiripar. by tuming colol air Xforiv r -in lo lircirle, it,.. I feel t l....... t. Tl Ili, In It
her tan Wowly, looked sit Captain roinal secondq Then mean man's skin on my child. Hero tunnt,ly an Impossibility for I-'.l;au. on hot. Sir and cold wator (Ili h 40 t., infike ' blitfl' do ani110y
tin%,, Ili, -t fine or othe d6rpora of her spoke,
lily any reflee- IN something to go on with," he Iho reason Is that he is tongue-tied wati-r, has reduced the tIit 11, 1 o4h [hf- (1110 Of whilh i.,
don't wish to tin add, hndlng him it ve-hundriid- to say, small ligament f Ili,, dpgr to I rol'or I#Wl I lit r I etItIN- I
yoor licenor. Capinin is it ... ii, In IlIt'i
"'Special work ? Is that a reason tion on known to isor an extuile for hot going ?" L�h 0 cry,,, he said. grbLvely, "but th dollar bill, ''find It you will call at prevents him from raising his tongue 70 degope FithrOnjif-it. Is (I tit, ill,.
my office you Shall have as good a to flip root of Ills mouth Ii.*nau ob- Theill"Ifluttle of Alleter flowing olit to .qjg 4 - I- anwl'I'll ,,Ill just what I exported " in Order f t I, stout end of the timnel i,l Sto loner said, coldly. LanCoy, starting Start lit lire as man ever bad," And 1cling1v opened his mouth 1 0 lo, I I I ie ' I -I ly a "r-drut, you Must not speak like Oh. sir said oritilonn per ryorioti-. fired lhvIr houslN tire if
he kept his promise, thi t his interviewer might nee what I ovpr lr�,m her
I - he( -rill flood th
filet. U11V thould I t�ock tin eXcuSe up In a frenzy of et"011,10-1. "YOU writs tile matter. f Imiclif,1. aioi%i, llowfir nolylvient not 'I 1 11 t tot, hot groing where I could enjoy couldn't haNe "Pected this, I left An orninent German scientist hasloall Ile flip referigerettitip, A p- Ow feint ... fc r q timl niv ll ill Ile oavle, Iht..,% for
so Mile)% of.yqur qompany ?" home not an F)()Ilr ago, and then the r0R Wr-M.AT-STEALING Cno"S, rerently examined tile month, and parutills It'll 10 COMProisoi tile- air he, pVtpnt photildf-ru il-N tin ;
Who klucift 71' 'She shrugged her whole six tracings wure In the roll. The following clever WRY Of keep- his ordict in that a light and prac- which it,(, drill -i firp cilicral,w] "tell all. upt Ili tref hitylil-c- Ill 91 law,"
white �, shmilderei Ro thfitriho light ll Only left my reputfltioo� rind largo -r snlorii than will (h, while ill I"Ier to
Of I swear it I The ro crows awa from a wheat field in tically painless operation will re- ,, I Ili-, 11 If Ill It in riper thi laInt) above her caught )ter dia- hands for a few minutes. to Pon used by the Putch farmer. Tie Inedy, tire &fect. Thin once done, + ofalld"t lill and
11,11 lead u,ok will n,,I ilwn,q ill. I,,- h.!( raff'reounil btr into the pcsqPqqion--" , lye 111*0411' makes sense small caps of stout pet- the,,, appearg to tie no rolacrun why t ilIII n -,t t,,, -f it will )I,, t fif havo
4, Spark of eolisirea fire, Ori, and a gyulgn of pain contorted per, the inner nide V,ao qhnuld not talk as well its RVNIAIMAIII.Ii: 1101 SF of, ld 1 .1 1 1 ,, lips Ow story
6u should," he Ivolled. 4ontep- hia features). He siank into the chair of the mouth of each some bird 11 me anybody else. Colley l4land. New York. In le 111AII)Q I,nil lettit v6uslyi "Von 'kno, that T lovd again wiftl cnvered Ills face with big or other uticl(y stuff. In these ho well III,, hmd. nod will I- renowned
hnputs wine graina of wheat. anti ESAU'S MANNFIL9 plarp of wondrous asirprigen wn,.t nlv%,ii%q lip a iNr I ...... If if, 1 ill If t he
are (fit, In ndvance of those of the 11011re of 'if)o Alo(h Trotillie" iX had it doubl'of that, O;,AyOfAo,t o-,%a�Tgprfttp tilt, importsince sands them about Itien filft by ncrerktoill fill 111-111t� t -hould he
I he cott- xerage child of the satne Site, lit, one of ill,- f,-sti%- rp4ort'n most t.r tie voir. lt4ght, X Abt tJoUbt. whothor Toil were the eiffair, I whigpicred proiring their points into soft earth lotions, A frw elete11 to Ifellt-F gov-
1�11011'N iwiceik, as an Ta assistant. "I ask null Whctl the crow. finds one of there pa- 9howA Ills afirtion pininly towards uniquo prodi tip hill topg
titer than that u power at- per caps lie thinks hineself very fortu- fit-; friends.
0 tai"" 'a In When his, master enters from the fee11 ,no Re"I'll it irgl- ;)led f,ilallw li aeliNo Tit lit-*(; Penn
exe thing be building. nrioNs the front Much vaIU-
ifnot in the
ro tfiteking thin coantey should aPI-allit nato, until Ile attelrepts to peck tit the room Esau laughs with joy, Boil I 1,ound t,,ittlir
vied in tile tfimpting gratti, when, to his as- whon he fA picked tip he throws lot; which nrr the them have
lbent oil ireltatiAg Mo I' yaq killinylecti Portaniouth on lines coneL rmA round Captain (to Lancier'n of Too Mach Troo4ile NA hen nor I " ha%,- flip pritiotier 4 I,a, eiilee6rddlled with tile Stolen plain, the tonifflimont. ho finds the eap attach- It in front f tilt, jury tone by the
theinteo Iry 06vood to orIgInAl at Which wag dra%vn up In oil to bin hoad-regular tool'a cap - neck In a fashion ektrificemlinarily have not into ill,, ii,a� oxn-I Iv ill, tit through tho trial I I ere, I that gold
*4 bid witt flavor adopted."' which will riot even allow him to human Ile does not even ciffler ro,i troubloi beginet Poott, A'p fill fill A Inno-Tit DO Ill),.
Silly", 11110 Illutinturod, islipping 1,881 4 oprin civil- after nil set the, tal,l(, it, n r ... I, if Id%Iqai,1p it, pich to lie found
ho hold'htt to blot AtJil lit, WAY , x4noeyN, ltadi$ had fall6n front bin 60 what course to take It he filels riclum objfttloti to nueh ail Ordeal uq nnd yet" I-, r.h# ri I lorN it- ii-rrivil inere for the jury
'tnevAr wriff to P It mado it Aeoto thit -lit* tlodh fieto PId h6looked at the See6trrY. up. However, lie vwAottls fj roach- a visit to the dentlat Tbotrah hin! other, only to (it'll Or bVitifiev, RMI tooth Pro natirrally ispiondid, he in no Ing In a Labyrinth of pasoiceiren and waa a little bn v, said ti�,, rather iml cronji,al oh. it don't
*On *'� I P 1ke I. of fliflerpnele hN ill You InVO OW"
Vift, it *0 A Und 1186k, Wg gotite coarno gmrx alloy -wan. it oAuail taket; boil 1ontore parptil 4 1 1. . I " I
eto-firiolill nficer much bewildered teratiablIng fond at Awitletfitiff? that onto, of the Appliternt
#Oat equfs;ti'l knito Wit A that ...... I I 1 0 till I well itylupathipp W�tlj
in the Ittiver jaw recently tin two hours I,,
'IT Jh&J1 4ud flopphipt.abolut kcitsit HIS 11,04d ibut (ror.t olne: %oll uo ll'we':11,invi fond hoble.,4, (trill If mar- kinninrt illy onlploy6r,
"I_Yhd JIVAL JiAVftJ%tI6n I"JA for j1* bee, Iffle g�o* how he thirW of the Undesirable capi, but evor at- becArne slightly dorayea The dentint,extricale yourself train the ma7e if ouldn't [,it
lot,) %Nhich your curiosity %%fluid lit, ir gympoethwe with
traked the )c th, v will , t"r - unit, (!oVJ#
inaer not"I"hot4dodo *�Arward &Voids the field *herti there flat only gtopped It Allifierpnfully. but PfunfIrLOVA ltot 018 0614 Uve gon4'v b9t A 0164A �bd extileb"1011 6 more of thaft. Illso get In it a handsome diamond, has lod yJu-
aAil e,,,&d