The Goderich Star, 1903-03-06, Page 2311� 1111V "I
V%V . . it8,1001 not f we 4wr hws"'Jis Oriv* oxeil mlxl� W4 , , uw to cuilizildol, thAto or , Mtn Wbo C 4 bell ow tb*t wborlwor t4m Is, gap om114 Of thli"44. 400 In A- 40 bad 4144 01 in iii b -Gm Itic seld. AV,E,,, ?AJ N `E ANA WAtch ft" h the worl� Uwe got vow. ,.Von know
fails -to meet 0o" t the qaaL
obndIn tno Agow. t1la 040 ropllias Ut. ob) . lop, Of *w sod 4e410W U* Thiq door of' 0 ta, �,fall lop good or 0 i it's bound OdAe 4146 :01toctori Novel' In this aJU04 u 0 st its 04M honq; 090 IMM At %W ""kirittle 11OAQ, 'of rld
olot VIP94 *%k thO '�4XI'thlq hank 41
� a cold ta'd , loss of: two
At4yolo RAIN 40 the 44144"A' 0"It, 4.113, r 4 ', to y thousund lion ogetilit olfl# oJii"WtaX, o, g9oll ro* G,r6y� Aill 414004`00 And lift '10 Of 0,400, 110ur of W* visit soille to'184vai blopost, I him
ta110. of our 000,1400rop dw 110 vix of 0I*4*rqQt, iima,wt a, 40r4mw 4, p9jov, oppostw- &4% hlot. know it. poutId, At Allto4l, 1041, �4ugar, X *0 $Av,;$a CasillarIA , rq9x that,, it It could stand buch A 10010i*
" -IM V , A0*4 , eAareat rljIlt, arld,.�*rq eonoleT e would C ki,*ilt O'no tili,blbsp ota$ th aV would destroy t the Vo make gr O' y pust ltles,01$ b�(l A palloo the UPW44"0.4 otgalin puratioa him, or 490t, . . . tiger V be(* an
$41 with A Atto g6ld cook 10.11 114portAgoiil'. 4 4ww Ia Rut thft a u ore 0
l,rd Jor 14 0 tonwswg i t.t4r lioli!t� Urrow _phqa h e the r
heJrQW as hQW the of '100 PQXO .4 �4,'OW tolea,RX VQIqQ, tj have called in it letigitli On. 0; outstanding bills, and the bon 4, of tha w: in ilidiri)k� vlit, 0, trflois, Ito got V.k S0,9f win VAVY With Ilk. a,koom to t4*1440t), on;x coor 'lives rid of, eaten g 01, UllibilrAlddit V00414. a Tuesday a Vast. J � lukVw riCeipip to y
IvIdag dIng Vol' 144 ("PV4. o4g be taken onto tiff,thp, not oh cao,jt bUt it is 11,40 030o for At At on, that S0,04 ,ub, mtoagiie r0parixodly Vilioull; b JVIth those rocellilts you cag r deuy that in q 04y" 04pW4410 room; "I'll 0944V so,' It yqu, 111101 Quo. ull "ov 'for 016 all 4 it�L'�ut ' Ila-' SAO he the Wednesday pa)
heberooR 4-k, malt traluotl to, "w like- oereeObIlit ST. o%,ot < CAJp-' of, 41 407�. t4
!Ji, i "PAR, be of On �thcs 4a4h, In We'" Jan;: so . .. ... ou ids, to b&0t. With prIilrPtlght lrbtW tho " 014111lat 'th through Lind Save of, 90 09a era. the; #10400 4t '01140r9440y 'Alwqo� :bill4w t And'io illite ofieCto. 0,116, cup Of bilOAA mi,that ypU can pull ;ue.,cascs, iinmtd 4 pleco Ill only lltrlp� This, I,4hor;4%VJPV 0.0- proof ; lts!% - 't' ' ' , ''Lone th6,bAr*, I Wil willing to MOA! JAUgsk hp butter the size �of An vgg� 1,00 table ngilah. t astomilc 0 -, stQ . r� spoorifula ol�.outm;A Joil,v An I onA V404 (0'AOthiV.q 400 044 4 � 4010 A olitairr 4mmp A av Pacific An, r Q;, ppore, 0 ca terms, gentleman. �vill seat send the UU01ment little, fkblo: olil,litpd,op, 4llorq, A)44 tra0o'hatl - babri, Ito I, AgW_,la 'trQ banl i6iA CUP ot,water� Ball U001 interest cuplook on'thal orniething in tile U tile, Iwo, ud tbig, is the It 114141 will concede van half tie p bollerra el#L .of "to Iti, TA "est- o�Qno-,Jidlf Cup Of Wator,� IM4100190 idtt M, CAP o we the "(!at
tQQI;l you conqed
Tho 49040 ock 111nprove- Altt')4 �X t4ill;'A t,ho 44060- with we absolutely a
ytoge, 'low Capablo r104' AWMLY� 0130, f0lm&tt� U t or t presto ops alla a t lip occou ponful QVVI"441, ,ill 1A till V� foolits or,Ak 4ra. 'The of 4y, Itillb thelt"4fp 'ft6m, on 8 A I , A . - Wore AOCept the,50 terms, n the kind that Us% de - , I eN004 IN in rQld'wAter. then: 4WNSTI breeds the energY wbich SC401130 little, houl* has ft 00040e - aril Sk he the V. ordo I # 'r '4090 0 14 040 e#QV AplAga Via the bank. av bo44*47 , " . Job, 1*01). over 0 Will llltfc)� r piq
Already lgo� J ,.�Wqrth 40179�1 good 04-, is lost."
Ay A Up too 7 with tile air of
pcprj.l in 4 dish, our 9 W116 he'r ,stand you decline, t oflig Alleases oftbeatonindt a together It the Syr 91 tilge Alt, rorongtb. hurricatila ,a 0. �c A.14 sOugh t0100, spoke now other atC
W f alt t of not thin It with hot water, bo0or, ,4tal oiia,o new, y? Angariferring a favor. eI&ATO $ctist me(Ro lig, you Brambles.—Ono on, ope, cl4ekor TIRL'ATINO TUB moup, 644as pulled, oat from under fIh "But, romemb Us rolled, Ono lontria,7ttly 001
P gili-fourths, cup Child out 61 ten it. tile lo,lid W thilk %, er he eQntin
it mar;or. StdWalrd A. Roblustitis rea b$, wadn' feat -to 40ta. A' his marmer more �osjti,e s he kept rftta. ad FAIAJPS. Who. d1o.-ot ,40,Up; Might be S&AVed by and romoveo,'_aj t -f- �.j� "' , b All of Sugar, Pro, 4up,of, Chopp 40 -1bg Cott. Ireland : Old lie dia t.101111 the dU14 wral 4 RP, Ap- I AM-41tr �A:-znftt, non—but remember, let 0 at 10 wthick all Bake in turnover rou 0 ?pcd froIiI to -ace, attach to A* - t V1101 of Suspicion, of disgi t 44464W�l 4ANV 0 a-&felffet W410rS4r4`Fl0t`A MyTt Qd; 44pkin, ilado; p Arti, t, x Eli' VQUOr' me or to my name, outbide of thin,' cooked veal. on&fQUrt4 of a ound Oil, or Oven lard,,poura;4 tpfftt� x9onL=hbre__%im -are mow. a 4 of salt pork (loss it yott one butt6r), ll4pr kliggot late tlude� 'boil 6WA� St9flm, T�joafng so it J Y91A. 041 .rid I I on request. can, rAw the offer. I shall retu *� QAi Aa,warm. no cau be M chopp9d, title with two raw �t�a bar 4ubes— orkedl,.�.And, 40,4 bar wnersl -no$ .. 611 n4y Accustomed place and att for a cupr inA of the client And to the Far- tQ, WIMA0 are eie. lropor kind- your deciatoiA." t CA,
Of rtr. to at tile hadlAn three teaspoonfuls of salt, -two tcli- feet And bAndo. or the onions indy be as la wQrlrQdPj held Ilia bVQAth�* for a Va VaAlk e1726 A04 440h. id the �O.UI Is A" 4drultibat. i HD had played for a big Ste 'a,
Spoonfuls of popper, a large opoii.aful III Soft Wat0%1. Until alL Single gasp of the'llory, Air In , his o4k�o, j a ell almost Of 4V ky AY of alle cut pa.rsloy, or sfXt_od',oajKe ;'mogt (try urro�4",. 'r, L'�* aAWf With* 'Had he won or lost? At th when thp�r Are, cooked in lungs- wOu14 IlAya killed ace lbus put his toot kt� long hour and a quarter t thaSix bottles for $5.00 press hard In ' a pan and bak4 and grease Until brosfted. he Stop- board -room door opened. Jay STOIC) QIRS. Wh Brown Sugar Cooklea=One cup of and one-half hours. PULLED OUq1 pert 04 �h Nr 4 moment-- "I It was the chairman again 'AL PIG 11 - back BANKRUPT QITYIS PLIGHT. STE ITING COCXS. Five, minutlIs 14�r'�JIQ wo-010,100 eve man In the' spoke. b XUTINY.. Again Went � . ;,�, I , rown sugar,, one-hAlf cup of butter, A,, XOXORY OF T= Cape U tell you, ',how-, The embarrassed finances of Sam- The Venezuelans of Puerto Cabello, one-third 61 a cup of milk, scaut into tile baj4r� T418 after Novir 1mitIlgTatiou Law In "We have considered this mat vprk, be suc- ever. winq VIL with )ran, *case, Spain. have brought the city are lamenting the loss of Some twen- hall teaspoonful of soda, one tea- Romance, of Two Ungliah� Women neaIrly two rni.Aute�,, 19 0 Wit- We have nothing to say to YOU fur`�' ceeded in cu a it ILJQ: "I'll see 010 tilr than that, aga tting AwAy two 'tubes. OiAlliA4 inst our better,, Who nscapecl.� Cai)e Qqloy has recently Put Q agar An ards, watchmen. ty fighting cocks, which ore appro- spoonful of caraway needs, noughl I manager. Ault,, I X can't do Anything convictiops, we accept the terms you road-wender,4, and other public -am- printed by the men of the IlrJtIah of flour to roll as soft as possible. On the third entI7,he removed three, I force, a lliew immigration Act, based CIO 'Upon fifty.yehra hAve passed and after that he spent anotber.five with brilrig the matter up have suggested. ployes have been dismhargo(L as there cruiser Charybdis, The birds are do, Bake in a qutck oven. mon the tfaited St.atea law� Though Wil- Pines world kndliY, and give Yd a "Tamorrow morning," said was fit4rtled and op- minutes retung.' it is' not so, 0 IAX4 OP 'the Chance to e presto son, "I will lay upon this table one- -Add to ono-,balf cup- palled by the great catastrophe Then came the task of reaming n t and make your
are no funds to pay their wages. The clared to be of tire best Venczulcarx Tart Shells triet, it fire briglilde, for the same r7eason, has blood, and wore used for tile regular ful of lard warmed two tablespoon- rn known in blotorV'45 the 1.11diall. MV- now tubes, And- , to do thin he Was prizats, tho'liurdon. of own Appel half of the amount I took." been disbanded, and the gas company Suirday coc-fights at uerto Ca- fuls of lukewarm 1vater. the Whites tiny. The torri -, alsolonp. provok- compelled to enter the ballet- 00 56riding buk''to, too part o" X6ndij� came round, And the Board )).!a p has''givell notice that unless the or-. bella. Now, however, they gr - oil of an egg bolItlm to a Stiff froth and ure e0ph ltmilpsirablO' its are refused Met. LUr" GreV , stated to Wilson. -11 the hour. The been thires. In itell, -case, he atilLyed. Inside c ad by that tiered, conflict hove Joqk struck
reaps are paid they will cut art the board ship, where, It is understood. a pinch of Salt ; Sift One-half . tea- Ad' ma a ffd" t 'the hiwif just died out when forbids 4be iturnigre, assuaged in the lapse of years by�thel nearly two minutes arl4 as he - Board gas Supply and leave the city Ili sufficient scope will, be found for spoonful cream of tartar and one- hand of time. The hour was ripe crawled out the last time he barely The new JaNi the son entered. when tion liAto t1w,Cape Qoloh�y by land lattqr's,requeit. and that, darkness, their talents they got their quarter of a teaspoonful of soda in for the oftlicial history of the mutiny hadUroath and strength enough left r I sea, Q the ma0ater had been kind enough "You see," he said to the dire sea logs. Other vessels have offered one cup of flour stir Into the mAxr to grant the oportunity to be and there havo been rccoutly� pub- to say to -his cltibf before he fainted torn, "I have kept my CONR44 Vi h 'ALS. to buy some of these choic fighters turn and add Any person who Shall be Unalo, aC MOSLEMS AT Alk. hour enough to roll lisbod two voluAles.09 evidence with dead away t u. Mr. Grey," he all' av ng hro0q# deftlOnt educationt o write WIIsoZk Started front the Charybdis. out. Bake quickly. ' T, iiat'gent tr4gtqal episodes of "Xt'S done, siF." oldly tfi to ;Aake 1, All true Moslems when eating must regard to the out durt i;lga n. , tho,vha�actdrs of' idea gl',. lot where the table in frofit 0� t�i begin, with salt and finish with vine- tile Lucknow and Cahporc, hidden un- ' As a result of his experience in. any U uropeArt, . latipage an ajpllllca� lips o to 4 them Jill An a thick paci It "Tt Prime Cake.-WaLsh and remove i notes, W
LIGHTHOUSE IN THE DESERT pitsi from two.cuipa of prunds, chap dr you do me the Inv count the
and ow and why he needed more gar. If they begin with salt they There is at least one lighthouse in and -boil Slowly in one cup of loolas- the.und,ttractive title "Bette- that hell of heat,,thle man was laid tforn �O! the the Min, money,'and Just how It really seem-
;cventy tions from the State Paperd pre- up In the ship1p.hoatiltal for over a later, notes?" will escape the Cntagion of f the world that Is not placed on any San for hall- an hour. Add a cup of p is ad to that he equild Act got mse�f to the task. diseases. 11 they finish with vinegar served iti, the Military Department, wcek. And to this day Ufa oleo Who, Is not In 'possession of visible alone mariner's chart. It is away out on augur and one of bukk9r. two eggs, 1857_8., (Vale. 2-8), published Lby constantly disturbed by dreams in W11 111ti their worldly prosperity will Con- m6autJ of.supprixt) or Is likely to be- d for the Board The eyea of the Boarl were upon tinuo to Increase. The host is in the Arizona desert and marks 'tire the Indirin Goveirnmont. which he is rkite4 In red-hot The manager reptie halt a cup of sweet milk, a teaspoon. him, 7'
etiquette bound to be the first to spot where a well supplies pure, ful each 01 cloves and cinnamon. One of the most curious facts re� nacea, fur- come a p.lablic charge; lia it ull appreciation Of "Why, Wilson man," he exclaim- Sift two cups of flour with'two tea- Who has been convicted of murder., start eating and the last to leave fresh water to travellers. It is the vealed ist.that there were two Eng- This Soma engineer! wits in the I Mr, service%, that he was ed, "All tile ruoney is here --all theft, fraud, Perjur, pir forgeryj off. Tile priests recite certain pas- only place where water may be had Spoonfuls of baking powder And lish women who survived the horrible bdiler room one,day hensuddenly al Lunatics; In all respects highly satisfactory to here! sages of the Koran before and after for forty-fl;e miles to the eastward bake forty minutes. Mix rather stiff. massacre at Cawnporg. Previous valve, in. among a great coil ofl Or who, from information officially the babkl but that lie himself did not- cri7ed the Dowd. "What's rid for at least thirty miles Ili Apple Ginger -Pare, core and cut writers haVo hinted at It ; Mr. For- pipes above the boilers, began eak- received, is deemed to be an undeiti- azd could.'riot sea how the bank that?" lunch and dinner, Lind also before a any coarsely two and a half poupds drinkifig water at any hour of the other directlon. The "house" con- up could afford to p money just Count for yourselves," aid Grey.' State of a tall cottonwood pole, tit this rest confirms the tale and renrierp it. Ing badly And filling the room with able,
day. to of sour apples. Put Into a saucepailit certain. He refera, indeed', to an ac- scalding steam. Instantly. and re-, it is made unlawful to assist pr rh. Board would ,, tell you it's.all there." a top' of which a lantern is hoist- a- dis�cu. Y_ I With Ono and a hall pounds of brown ca t be go the matter full it the, pro- th be sugar, the And and juice of t6 and on written by one of the two gardless of life own safety, he scram- hibited Immigrants to land. and' ti sont meeting, and would acquaint A murmur of astonishment and AT THE FRONT, A9D BACK. ad every night. The light can a half lemons, half an ounce 'of Women who escaped the mussacrG at bled upon h n reathlessly ,Government is under power to . re- him f the fleault, relief went around the circle, 0 . Aptaln - 11111oll, what 410 you seen for miles across the plain In gin' 'he bank of the river. Her name, began making repairs. imove. thent from the Colony, The Restitution, eh?" said one mem- r root and a U I cold water. Wilson r4t 4 1 Iiva ovary direction.. ge afor the sake of her family, cannot be Ilo had almost finished when, as: master of a ship who lands or al- re orthwith. want?" Tramp-"Cap�ain. be c bar.
Let come to a boil -4Gw I me, I'm no ordinary beggar; I was to t a' unexpectedly - sid the - valvu --had-, gcrt� a to- land�directly- or, 4adirectlyl, The board -roam d o -4941a ape Nrit" tried wilsn hotly. (with Inter- Parkot�-- "What's wrong7 You back of the Stove, w re t Both women appear toL have be- out of order, a Impe. joint, below the prohibited immigrants, is Himble to A and the 41rectore Again filed, out. Wr. He stopped to the chairman's side, at t1lio front." Captain est) - "Really?" 1rTamp - "Yes. seem worried." Streator - "I am simmer for about four h ra a irrin comb Moharrimedarls, and to have one n which he was standing, penalty of Z1Q0, and Z20 for -each Grey was the last man to leavili-, the and rang the boil himself. -Ono to my brok. occasionally. Good. Sir, but I couldn't make anybody I wrote two notes married natives. to which they a- broke, and a. stream of hissing Steam such . immigrant. over the number of room. His countenance wore a dis "Send Mr. Monroe and Mr. Fisher
er asking him it he took me for a Delicious *WhIte Cake, -Cream one- - appointed And much troubled expres- hear, so I came round to the back." their escape from a fearful death. enveloped 'his foot. WAen he critics- five. The penalty for here," he said. e to Mao Golding quartoi of a cup of butter, And to One of them seems still to be living, t�,hjbiled inmpgmuts to land is 'a fine I-TAey citina. vored to pull it away. he found It ---tit --- a 'no go, Wilson. my dear fel- asking her if she would be mine, It add, gradually one cu -General Dole- be-tigh -tb nt:., - - -r-4W dr thitdo on s.' pria "Monroe - Fisher," paid Wilson "Pe,pa, why do of sugar and If so, ,phe Is with 0 jot a on Inquiring Child tly worl;erfil "They won't do It." 0 -A:iv�ddlngg? Vapa. (Itly.- -WhIle, - -was Out- somerme tulephofied. and batit till the iiixtUre Is 'hit', fospe, the only !�U�vlvor now left of ..He had on low shoes, And before roent, and the same punishment, may a said. quietly, "where did I get thche notes _--peopie. ry t stractedly) - "Most of them have .Yea,' and I don't know which of and creamy. Add, 4teifiatbyk, beat Oat devoted little band of EfiglISV- hJa7CrIos'brbukM-iad ido-shoe -und- be -Inflicted. for false eclamtlqn�: "I thank you very much for your from this morning?" been. married themselves." - am it was." a Cup of mdlk an"ne and two -third men and women. I sock were burned off, and his foot Exception IS made in tho.caso. of 'kindai6id, - YOU'Vf 'domr-your best- for- ' Fr6m' tha safe," said Fisher. cups of flour which has been Sifted The narratives of the `VAXIOUS wit- and lower leg parboiled. He was illiterate Europeans (unable to read me, Mr. Grey, and I heartily thank with two and a half teaspoonfuls of nesses interrogated by the British upable to resume work for thrve and write and without visible means you for it; but I'm sorry for my "Who locked the safe last night?" "I di d," said Monroe, looking ap� LEGAU baking powder. Bent well, then authorities after the recapture of months, and to -day he Walks with a Of support) who era agricultural or sake that it did no good. And for he looked up- these notes there then?" ROUDFOOT & JIATB. Rarflatsrs, H en to a stiff froth, and half a tea-, cre, see the of_ tile day's workmen, or talents; and are cartiflea Added to himself. Ifold In the whites of two eggs beat- Cawnpore with regard to the massa- perceptible 11imp. Yet domestic servants, skilled artisans the sake of the directors, too,". be; prehensive. saikot ELLOA on it all as a part "Why..,of course they. were," said offices-cor b3r the Agent- patty -pans. This calro is tender, 11mving been ealkaged to Serve Immic- tort, NotairloR ublI spoonful of vanilla.' Bake In L Small . LYOnT -von Tun FntTr TIME work, orid General In England 'as A few weeks passed.
IMr. Wilson," said the manager bc��h.
X '171 light and delicious. in these volumes. Here is a p 'no Friday afternoon, "next Wednes- Q= to IN. assago UTTERED NO COMPLAINT. diately on arrival Ju the Colony an 0 And h6w long have they bol�' tb OT. R. a ItAT The Old Reliable from the evidence of a half-caste Ten years ago, just around Christ- employer of repute, at cin adequate day, as you know, we want to make there, to your certain Jcnowled e ALL XiNDS OF ILLS OF THE F E ET woman. detailing the slaughter at man time, the Umbkia broke her remuneration and for &.reasonable that two hundred and fifty thousand "Since Saturday." ilso ICKIN8011 GARROW; the rivelsidai hen all the Whiteman trust shaft and foundered helplessly, period of time. poun *hipment Edat�ycu have the "Gentlemm" said LD "= -ca. to the two tellers b Gil etleb, Ont. Probably no part of the human of -the garrison of Cawnpore were in mid -ocean. The part that broke The steamship companies carrying 'exact fi re. Our receipts a L DtCoxion. body receives so little care as the killed was tworit-siz feet long and weighed passengers to South Africa have tic- meet this will be heavy to -day and the first time' he- CHAnu GAvultow. L L 13 feet; and yet how necessary Is their "As General Wheeler got out of tons. cordingly drawn up schedules. and to -morrow and early in the week, able agitation. "I C OA.L I t that took the money, a OAMPION. It %, Bmileter, Solicitor well being. Shoes, - that are either the palkeei head foremost, a sower Under the direction of Chief En- immigrants will be required to fill and I wish you would -Ste to I what is more, I nE Wo -Notar - A". mco'ciri'li.In HAND too largo or too small produce (sepoy) gave him a cut with his gineer Lawrence Tomlinson, tholup these satfafaqtortly, to show they me keep nufaciant, cash not only to
_010,q BL. ALWAYS ON. take it. It was in aborl Block, ground floor. meet that payment, but enough be- fit 0A Boil coi-fis. - Wingh- thrigo Arat appear, rub award on he, neck,�� and he fell into. pleces, were -secured and suspended can read and write. and to prove the
X61140t.01... " the by chains from th Ido- of iUoney, batinrer they con �yond that for turretat 11usItiess, dur- serious lesson to b them with pumice stone. Treat - this bankl:u to cut
in the water. They 'then set all 0 top of thL6 shaft p6ss6asi ilk - in -pairti DAvoilly, b4t,tinter, "Icitm. The Best Scranton 1111,rd the same way the callous spots tbftt boats on fire extept two . . . My tuariel, and then. although the be shipped. ing the week. or banks in general, Procter In 9111111114111:16 court, ,11:114 form on the bottom and sides of son was killed close to General shaft threatened to fall on him at The following wool, we shall have of underpftying men Wage loaz at lowett litteA. 04t;66-Ift COAL the feet. Should the corn be with tiny moment. he cra*lod Into the more cash In, but this payment to ,
00k. Haialiters atrest� "OrICAL very Wheeler, Some were stabbed XONKEYS I9 INDIA. sponsible positions. sore, soak Ole foot in Warm water bayonets, others cut down with tunnel, found that the shaft was 11 going to. make our balaAce low next
In the Market ror CASIM . to retain ray positio a CAUXRON 44911111WY Of OAMWMI. and then apply camphorated vaseline. swords. little infants were tom it broken ff square', -So that it Could Stzkoris First Dinner Party Week, so We rdust be cateful. Sup- that to s *A161; &=I gir bairiatet, sad "Hot. ZiLdy up a I anticipated G0-JIlJQn:WJ0"Xti, as"ad "W at Simla. -_ p t In paring a corn a very ahar� knife pieces. . . . We saw ft, and tell you not be riveted together, and spent one you make 3poclal report I have obtained an a crew &bootwA* a All coal weighed on the market should be used, and the operation only what we saw. Other children h6urs. In taking measurements for an Monday, such as you did last Shires to Monkeys are frequent visitors to month, and hand it in at the Board take the pl scales where you get 2,0oo lbs for a most cautiously conducted. A poul- were Stabbed and thrown into the A. collar to, be fastened over, thel the houses In Simla: TlIeY Comb in meeting, o that we can keep w�ffl ceased cashier, &r. F '11 AS. -S GRIL riarrigter. SDIICi No tice of bread crumbs soaked halt an river. The school girls, were burnt break. And Conveyancer. Ortica-Vullill. ton. hour in vinegar will.often rornovo a to derith ; I Naw thair- * hair and. Jla'apenV other hours- lif .kJ,,* troops, scamper -about. over,the tall postc�d-trr the mattert" . e bon langtTetit,God I 011110*11.60alborhe Iffate]. trees, swinging themselves from 11 will do so, air," said the chief rivallefund"At I a All4liorcent.Lat4ftiltoa WX LEE corn In a night. clothes catch firb." and putting on the collar, all the ad. and the directors I liottkioashed. Bunions should bo. rubbed with The 'Engilsh women - who survived tizil his branch to branch, And leaping About ar0q aftm the in, cashier. last Ono was Mr. Gray Orders left at Lee & Shapp a either lying on the flat of I anner of their kind. The The Board met on the foll9wing Mr. Wilson,' X. W rrIstor.Coirr,eyan r,rroc. lanoline and then protected by a this awful scene $veto taken back and back or working, iiii a squatting po- Monday at the usual hour. The h ve carnmin, ' he's Store Will receive prompt attention piece of oil silk. rngrowing toenails placed In 'A single small house till sition, so Amall was the space. All a stoned I I in Art tree tops About many of the ungs, urtwtc, gone7 to Iowa are on a IeVel with the bal- cashier sent in the statements, with. l 0 rated. OrkivZo I - may be checked and cured by forcing the hour for their murder should or- told he labored unceasingly. for two They- thus afford excellent the special 'I'he the Shires cannot b 3,011, dw AIR I treat. back the flesh from the nail and In- rive. It I& Well observed by Mr. full days. conies. report mentioned. that you must stay th us, even �covcr for the morikeys. should It board -room door soon opened. and a though you force yourself to Accept
tiny wad of lint under Voirres that over the closing., scene 1 After that he slept for two hours, 'plesso them to enter and belt) them- messenger stopped out and requested a Salary at a higher figure than that the odge of the nail. Whon the next of thin great tragedy darkness 84101119 'and the twenty-two, hours following schros to food or anything else. An Wilson -a presence in the Uoderich Planing -Nillso' s"Ortlpllyros'sca the flesh down on the to broad. so that even the native he worked without pause uh , tit at.a=uslng story !a told of Lady Park in ftred by'the other bank." Then Mr. roo G ray went out. nall, bind the two tobs, together witnesses mention what they saw last he had bolted the Jacket in er's first dinner party at Simla. "Mr. Wilson," said the chairman. Wilson sat like one In a dream, with adhesive plaster, era as to pre� with bat6d breath, mind with many I 0eirldrius of hatrig & pratty, ttible, theta seems to be same . mist ke vr, F. GAXUW- Perhaps, indeed, pac & In Suddenly he roused himself and call- DVt vent the pressure in the wrong plAcb. contritidictions. job was finished late Monday` Lodyt Barker had horsellf expanded this report. This Shows a balance PaYSICIAR AND SURGIMON. For perspiring feet, bathe the feet the actual truth will never be, Tht essenger. night, and the ship was got under inueli'care in deedraiing It. Sba hid, or only k31,800 odd. How Is thatl Tom," he said, "Mr. Grey in water containing A little borax known. This IS the acccavit 11. the way, Earry Tuesday morning tho,just, received from Europa certain now much balati 1,1801. cc did 'we have on n1ring . him back. He's just no, head -of a bolt broke Off. the jacket dainty china Agures,aild ornamental Saturday' -when we closed?"
Ug1trid;or J T"t a' And then powder with lysopodluni. flinal inass ' 'to its given by one of go
'I.tLt� - down the steps. Quickl" C Par tired or aching feet Use a hot the nativelar slipped, and oneo more, Tomlinson dishes, -and had arranged a tempt- "We had $281,000 odd, air," !laid
P90NA Do and Builders salt water bath And tal tile feet city "I sau four or five men With Back came Mr. Grey. had 'to crawl Into the tunnel and ing show of sweet meats, flowers and Wilson uletly� "Mr. Grey," said Wilson, extract- with a tough towel. Swollen feet dr&wn awards. who appeared to be miik6., r6pairs.1 frulL "Well, then. 619 report Is orron- Ing a bulky package of notes front Nami(kollureirs of and dealers and ankles tire benefited by a bath sweepers, Approach the bungalow, AgAin 661hip got under, way and When dressing time Caine Lady eoull, tba chairman roplied. .You aro
in All kinds at Building his. ApPr- the former's coat pocket, In Water in which Wool) ashos have and I heard the PCOP10 SAY that again aft3r,4tn, gout of running, Snap Barker charged her servants to be ently mudil relieved. the , -ily man who ever got9" terial. such as Lumber, Doors, been boned. Old wator being Strained theite Inch had come to put on end wont two bolts. And once --Wore on the watch and take card of every- Is this bank with two hnndreO,and I; "No," said Wilson, "the report A M. Deathi $argon Sash, LAW, Shingles, &C.&c, thotbre It to used, to all those who might have escaped Totalln8an risked life atid litilb In thing-, but something of Interest ac- coirect. It Straws the exact cash thouDand that didn't bell hAr Gold F or women with aen9l'tkVo feqt that the triusketry. I saw these watt fin- the shaft tilinnol. curred aritside, and every, grVistit, balance In the babra hands at the to
at. polieftla &'Ad told Crown, h
4"W. bridge Plans and estimates furnished on.-ApPli blister easily, it' Simple remedy In to tor And drag out the ladies. about To xilakb a long_.story short, Toin- left, quite forgetting to proment time.', -at least, in my time f? What f tile Stockings with fifteen In nmbet, some of whom Inson yon to Say for yourrel =A 00daitt. 11lityAVO I cation. rub tile sole a I Was crawling Into the ttiffinel close an open window. Baf0rc this -Well, their, where is the differ,- " Bless my son 1 1 " so d 0 rey. -Lon. (UtabllshA4 1ULl CAStII0 80ap. hild to efton the Soap Were WoUbded (thoy had hidden Continually until the voyago ended. window Was a big tree on which hat enco?" don Answers. Buchanan*& Lawson, in water and Tub It oVor the bottom 'thdintlelvos Among the deadl, and but while. the passengers did not several mankeye# which bad ttkhed Wilson qrslightened 'up and Stone- aila sidea of the foot, multsterd, them with their sword* ;. know of h1s.horoisin until they land, the preparations for dinindir *Jth ad at the* directors, and then, set- ------ ChIlIbI4103 ehn be cu'rod by persist- aftot VhichL dragging theft, corpses. od cod road It In the nowspaperA. much Intorest. ling hi gazo upon the chairman, W6 LOP ont bathing night and oxotningmith. they thtew them dO*A A well In the Tomlinson had the satlitaotion, at A hall hour later tha ho$tegs 0' t 31ILRTIAL ENDURANCE. ibrillatist and Mutocil Me K I �L said quietly: r Wt of North Strolill Witch Ilazal. A poultito, of *aited CoWpoUnd. I saw o, little child about least. at kilpwItig that, his,work had peared. read$, to receive tier guests. r -I took it,, A notable feat of endurance dur� churcit, % ' OVerything was Ing the late War by the lat Bat- Of PIMA% Pipe turnip Is recommended, for abstin&to fiVe years old licar one of the ladl4W, prevented the Shaft from knocking a Just to W 811194 that, , The methilorA of "the-IlloiLrd started Ott" 444 ltheorjr. Vilpto, =sd for au mutual Fin houllaw 00, c4sor. Three parts Vinegat, and one who. seeing hor killed. tried to V* leaVing 'right, she gave a glance. Into the shot. leirtto ftheAship's aide and tallcyll ErA6X Regiment, has just ""htorl, of tarM and Isolated To*A Papany part caniplititated brandy Is a pro- tape by running slway� but was cut, the L in a, dIning room. qbete she belit1d. & Yll-took It?" they, galpied
dolV436POW" 0123 Vessel helplol nd In pert! in come to light. The battallon had trots all thc8o rettallift satibinetrurition at ventivo of thillblalos, It lhstd during down stornly,ses, until 1.8 toW Should 0 tmphy of monkey#.. hard at one volce. beon this a6w lititito imsp 'rhompsoo., J411i'lo store b&qco b1tifir left behind at the Zand RJVet work, grin ing' aftd'J&bberIn#., theft Wn14960 toe vat, the foll trionts and, btforo -cold :-X took it," Afti Vescilloo Noy lif hrike lie of Prop"ty Intuted up to' wtatilor vointai cheeksitnd ims ordtfirri6d. with Mr. Wilson, what. It% to -assist in getting the whole of thol
Ingliteek T =6 I I
large baggage train across, and �fte 346"IfYi 1904 $I3i048w4)*<k)- A ZOVIUM SURPRISE. It, *0 one of t Tbddltt- whits �jbo tsiler name, doLyorJ inoiLtil" r ItIN" T4)'ILJ0JJ - ' ; sorli's-401loW. Sboteltnien who piled Sp riftSentell't stend '01 ftlghi'�l ty"alit- '.I took It -for v#001t, appeopriat- worklfig for tWOnty-four hours, thZi MARIM01 U01191SIM X19nPERS m-dat stop." said Treaty open a safety valva and proventell it tatpn-brokoh Arlaall and thin&,' fait, d rookmai-clited it distance of forty.tWd WICU&n. PrcS.; 21. F rdftr. Vice Pri" - Inflamed, WOO 14k Orliintborp.Aik�ha put one foot out of Various kj)loslb'h on a. Iftior that 14 it to my. cifth uscstplo' it' it You Inliefli In just hall as Many boars, I liflah soiled, 6,�Llrythlog tossed 4bout Will. Thwil ah"rhave to Uf J.Caunolly, G6 plos and e4tarlir lusy 'All bo 1tigmtotl W od if%" reaching around in salling the ttag' i&do, For - 6omo .6rder to catch up its division. a n' or uAlUIUA014 J -Watt., J.Evens, J.0,41rievo, by (Ito We dt 6b tatidly, tovrell. th6, Aork t6r III* trOUsdre. "Abaft or donkey crijine. a� feat of an in hopeless Confusion. 11,VUAon.?' rang out an, agonized
16 ftl� Vtont this *tfdk 6hii h4d, to %th- a 'At duranco as thl
Broad(ciot, Tile 1fidJVIdu*1 tdWol Is ti,hyglonje wits Whig eried, u;ed for hoisting titkgo'and, luggage. the tna f: the table, � 416i �do^ in been equalled. Is has Vier ts with i'dit etitilt Iniiiiectot, at J&%�%,, "Ill" don t -be $001111h. LIMOWIL had 1*61n Sta "ido. 40d waltrit" t, sea, and & firb, 806; serliforth. soo.-TiV0. It is, oftid that a thin Cost Of ta%;o, aikidbe tLan. put In. -charge of it. ;An hour, of It was. Mr. GroA ilso:V* friend. '114TS WellvIlitl nish ori'lloor juktitIfiggo applied *htn -No." hb snarled. 111' , oing to I . dinneir had to 'ba, defeltred until VarL the' first t1fif6 W00on's 'cdlhl� A013 - J.W. ytd, Ilg or to, 106k* the speoptl tiftsine"o SIGNS Or THE a". Cumming, 110* fitlat Put dr)Wst ria - "n6w6cir *nnj%l;_ $1ve tbAt$o"'g'mJin down there a wlibi Watch it *a% dittingiAsMil an air Could be restated. Theto *etti b'46. UOMA , 96tINDIIJ.� M1114ii. Setr(orth; RASniltb. Varoek. WOO hbilit L last 'longer and dtubblfig tfijVJJ W&Ja 111M Want to. 'Unnlial, tIblW am6h# the intittl orations ort,the table that .W. - Grey", Ate , AAK The, Japanese tradesmen of T6k1d
TI - wis Asit trat -'hat when drb becoming valry _# aiiiiii kooll. ita, 10 AWAy aA posillble troth til fi�� f only n N1 Yo
4" ivi f sdundg,ot the big 1) ;a t� I have Is olk lit fond of hangIng 14 IUy*�bkkaad Utiamwl Aticutiatim. t W4 6"llikOM10*0 AW at this hbu* It%, tho lututb. Vore It' Is kfth Is camoi� oft'. thirt dIAII& IpAtty W" Otddofit. I 906 14tol6w f0m, your out Vitiglish signs. In one otfaIst 11"Ot" str(*4 godotteb. pitthor 6006 -of Ilearitisr. 114 f the 6st-tiated that appears the noti 2- After` tioolyo Welook "d—', rb4a tWb huOidlr6d, And AftY tft6U- 'eel locato, it .4ka coulloo front the don- It tend pouklr% X bit shop, nurolIetth rishinii ead All effilirta mWU bad eIrL *t "'a Nghw Ahithal*� .. A& a$ ng lie, 14*IV*)`0A setWactillich hyglilld suomtwo, uUt Otow �boult go down there. III,& got 'lleat, la realltad Ttha h *Y t the h OV,&- his & 'orW safst,*, valve hAll lltuilk�&Ud; Atitillho 0 M L., willikW' Wells thot stood NhoUld to, 116* Ifirld trievv
"Ott for silly 4rid� V1161691%PlIel' 4 16 J��y
Uut m haix, tutiti Ilia t hfArlilld dbwh'Ue iloto*, all cbm- nd 111496011 tM 00 u
sofshould Atood .,*It the fbit OVAUtifthlits, "a otibloglirs do with 4A, You �ClPril harbtr Of the twn eel IA. Aber MY That Dr. 116*J*010 tiged' stole PAIII04wW, 116 follit'64 not 6 mand has A tot* orinu,� uof 6 Voom, Then he SuNty VaIVO *tUbL tight, Jin t the Ito, patilidd. 6W
ft' to wearIng it long Villid go-wn **Uo ihii ttoW f"gli the dark, And U, fho AltuAl.1011% was 4 life land *111' ItIV6 t6 A good 1n
1141" t '01 I VAJJ to at 6 6 00 40teroblob d ft kto; I uklbofo #Im. Iftig At"its and tut44 eUiptilL UNA his our. 10haltmalh. youl 6*66", . I - X-,,ol 141100� lblitig 1�hair* ihakfin#,rinvildello I'lion, it tAlreit Wt JAY* tAt hoL *Wit raI,*lJt# Kito ma''CrAtift tot' -nTAs M V()lt4ETtS, Is ill& J" am Ot 0"thtlafteft 00, ffortw 0 Old: 1tArt had b%' lln�- n0 Tb A, bosilblb sear a fmit1a of tho ordinary dout of *Air 'it, lid *tAbbod A, croWbAr on actording, "d A Oil-' osrif"* tho� Utttt IN the ,Dro-duet, of; etk right Ott, t In all, Itallan III to tovilito t* h art h hadv4ktitomart
61" kA I to, r4ts, I h4v& JaI4 ray. plans the'llitArt 00 isdu htid up, -oulaxig tho trant(tikll to to'iinaoy JL OArk WO41101i older Caro iti, dowt 0itt, I b0o done. -dolt.. Paper, tail to
ft, - " rNow --tho tol, � - Aom _t ha *orked, ka ottk 'not to_J113tcyt to Mo. gentfemotfY I
ItoW toil a Jaildir; 4,44 tk,# trnit Io Ill _M%%tL or
tho lot Vouloh the haft4w
ktt:4 hugkL'alfild birtliC of 'bumiled lilt ItooLd d 11-1 - I 1
holletalft $6 Jk* to. A&Ure against tfiel goox- st. *Vorrit but hd, t. 11 I
1611tilit A", 00, a.0 tot, indf,64" f thy ant'sCr Mat Be dom, Verb - And th" mdownho front Is apala little lit h" it top 1000 00ii - Proli. rduI it 901' bcofi 4dv#XJJ L sea. Jor 0 totif In the alie* W4 �; ,, I h* I$ to$% yihift * t baru uDittlititai, liftx or timo. Nod ptiootittict �Aii '*o
* Vil '06 W6* fft*dtablo Witt t6 IA
alit$ %0fis AW totil, 0,22. 'Wilt b# you roittisol lit Of gilt)w po It with teftor* Atrog 41 WWI" and Sltt�od. soloo. $0 'potilly.
omplostolit. to it, blow =t. 006
'Vittortaus, 1111 biw bittlito AN, It Is fititl1r, X_ Ato r0ady� 'to tikko Me, "When It efitho.1 to, martSigli, I x4ull"1111111" potted to PeAllitt, tbm� . 11- I totrilsequilnoo,ottlay aat,� Inild crime WOUldret ftlVe ft thought L to, Ito* u"p, will'uVoit'lit, hVhe f)1*06 of MOL" Your. ftfrnia � '01 My re(itle.4t If# IOU "No rcAMyA0Y#d tit TVit woo.* t�,t#lartiv their *000,. W, Vba ftfilij %irok"anil %fther WdUld 1,11
nlett*tJ1,, hal,.&MALAA�, Xbt JobtflAieffith- ft* ;agt t 341ft, I *1116* d,6,4,o* xh*� -'I Ifty, wrtankit, *Ili. lle tko lit**- thuch thi� JaItIt I love I ki ft, Iiiiiiiiialit* ell ta r*Ator bo t44 Ago o &t. $tiiift clt"tlii 166 elftals, tot. lipoll . �rny ookwo than. dt*!5 Irotiiarkod,' tho I 6 h#,Vll$ "t'llt tiiltl, ft Pritettat )fttltW#ftd the
Vftflbof *L- * y0ilft, At-thor twN t,d, *0 0011141 fts.i om eiip'if 6"Ult too th,oiagbt it WWTOWA v&009 t4ko." luin tba, *14tit to, linollaii kd- Th6 triailtor IlAtttruo ME hJill& OU'liVtr boil until At 14 W*" %ftillifid, L J%' 41% ftghlia ttoonit j*tit bok"J A* bW*Al dikItAX lit th"eft., thoW. harsh Volte fib uslo tO ....... . " *4'#I%t 14V4y' to *66&A troft Port tAti, kat 1111� too WA ot AV* *iliog kmft, t%ily tft" rm 'of, Wftt t) ='Ut'ililitt *Q(*V# of� iillwo* 1101 "WhAlt 40 ltft VAeatt Ili* 4 ttillit" 46, Y44 ithink ofli wilt", , aftif
t VJ***r. 4% iiiialitli pI*t§Ili ot X k"*; b%t it "IfUl "t'jilit"t ft& %fait AbW, ft%, 14"1* 0A a0allo" ilieliak W 7. T E C hoc 41A
cut srb W, 0". r
0YAft1l, tot 06 %xilt 1%4; IIILAA UZ