HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1903-02-06, Page 4-----, ---q I
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I 1 I , r vokp � " . , V � . I I �r �, I I W X find that our I , I. I I I � I . .1
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I � . I ' Stock -is t00 : -
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. I : 44 UL'�Pgl"ta'f* I I , , .11 , 1, . A BOX Of,) I &�Q . ��, � ,�r . I A' ' ' ' jn'otder to � I I .
t'. 1, A* i*vpq � I "I ill* '1%0 Council rbo$p , �AX , VININE . . k I : I I �
L ,
. , in the , . I . , I , , 0 11, , , r
,&S mso ,.&T =0 I � ' 1 VO I . .: � 8, , O'D ", � t ots'. larpi And. �
1 29, rr .. I ,- I A$ � _,,j),r I, " 1, . I
isly 9n, IS Wu*T, V -V . , ,
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. L.9,,,,,rr I .TA;qV1Aa1r MSION" 1 I ; , I I ,
r I "U '4 . 440 -sodid, , , . - � � that 01ttiox � 'II� I �, , I As$19TAD BY oillt I I I 11, 0, M'' r t 0 . ) - I r it (in I I
! 74, A 4,501%,;"At f 014 um*rr "i n 01) TUI of .1, BLACK CHERR)( I", CURIE r I I r ,, d - ni ake . I , , I
� '44. ;,0#*VmPW.i A tA44.4 t*4 .r . r . I id rea e �11
I . . L 44 it an the Iiiembegs , - I , "Of,( I I . I I I � I UIQ I I 1� I � r
� A , $, , Coe#y Lot W04 it 4,0710eZ , . I:, . . . . - .. 10"I forSp � - -
.Yoe , ?#C$"
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0 . , .4,QiiMd marroiMptly," , . Conn. Bowman, who . 11, Then. if any weakneo ret"'alus,49Ttify tu0tto ivil(�. our , I I � I " � , , room ringGoods, I . � , * ,,, ,, r 'I,
� . , . , "� . i P . I . . I r . I I., ., , �L. '
I I we are going to sell .1 � %�
, . . I ,�tbere � . It . . I . I ,� I �,,�, �
- . ,
A. % Rsn01**,, Nolivalls,. 10, I 4110 I Q1D UVER,OIL . , , I *$I* r � 'noe I � 11 I
� I ' I % - . 1=1 toze"ZIt home by an injured � EMULSION OF Q I . I . I .
X . . . 11 fqot� I * Woo 4 110 , NLB,w 40- S . du ng the. monthof I I , .. , ��t, -
, . . . . . . ... "I . .lit' I . I I � . .�
1-.111 , . -0 bui 0 - t ... W the rr . streew �ale will; 11VI)OP111051,11 � � in le; -- , . - ' . - I 11 - -- . I ri I I . : I Fr .1,
YOU Irdtgot tI sel IttP, 1,Q 1414,114: M;% 1, C .
- a -� - 1"'t". Of 113"ns 8, ,wt1. mi'mi- .tbe 5 Ot . ,Make consumption impossib �
I , 14 Mouitly- OUOSQ13 W41den, and ta big P 11"ObV4 0oft Abor . 3�CI JQrsx oo. In . February Oe balance -. .� 1� kl� i, �,,I.�,,
. j. . . . �kl� i, - I,
0 0, , , Ile of Ayer's Cheirry'Poo. 0 before Hi#UoAor J . Ir, door$ *t.id obitbioil . , *r . . 1. . . I I,.: -r .
, � "' .. I �, I ". � . "Co sinix ----- of our Winter Goods .� , .1 � .. .
I I lie - 10144 the council for X: , , Tea aw �, . � ,
toraiwheiri your cold Hirst I I I strugg F = _1a = .V el MV r .d . I I . ,� 1 $ � 1, .
0 , and R f 110 , bmloiw" . P * . V I
I btW r I r, litfo, . �1� , �
� I � � . ono to 'l,ow,ke 4. some, 194, "P41 �. -. ,W. C. 000))E,�' . C; � en's, AT COST- I : , I 'r , ..
. 1 . � 0 t. Ion r whrlCormt1d re, . BEDFORD D140%. - en 5, Wom .
� , L � � caraq on, so you let It run er t . uri�ll. Me I ' . i . ., �
ul t. e at I .0 t . 11 ell 0 Gmu. I .
I I ins I 0004 -or Z#,- ft �!�— ,, � - ' I t . I I �
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ilong. 'Even now, with me., , .V4� I I ' : I
I . I... . On , -- We niutcrest�04! ,, ... r
kmon, young, & �0- �111%1 . GOR06 P0, ,Isses and
Or . -= --- U, U S t i a'
. 0 iw . Wrgu, Nick Mont Was for. �_-,� .. We have odd pairs II.� , Rl. � . "'L
.1 � q r. I
'�P ,:. , 411 your'bard, coughing, it 004, 140ion atid,Ouim. were i�ippolutad gotten whititithe 11140. ous, there beful Orrefor giro�rirsSwiti:i coundence WeDlredt,you .1 , I
, -
11 to strIke theilanding oommitte" for Sy -gazed brestbloo at tbIA strall0o oporpime4taa twolovor7o.rr"i. , THAr"LVUX NICKLU Goods - Idiren's of many lines that , � . �li, " i� i
1j, L' �r . will not disappoint you. the year. and report ague. . _ . .,O,. TO 1165 NIAVArIftiling ng must be got rid of at r '. � � :1 I
� . . tiago-4yoftheaIr. 1beatheYW"Itboac the groverle.4 the tood.err , 1. V, of the Rochester $taigvi , I I ,I ,
I r Io ". I I .1 11
r . � . Xty ' Applicaffous for the popition of to the " room to tell of the tqtrible Irwin W" accepted, for meat 04,pof er. . v' ry, Js"t in . ', LL �� �.. ,.� I
I � � I TheWi§ a record.of 61 _ I Heaith-buaa.' Goods Co. is the e ItGood,s and . � I� ;� ,
� I County Auditor wore read from N. striiffle for life tho.y. bad 4 � 4*04 A. Mqcb.'at 6c ' f r"VARIA . . . some price. � 11
I �. 1. 11 back on. Robson, Goo, Woods, T. E. Hayp, W. AUd ,A0.t,VC= 10 Orin , , op 1* to PQ%I�Mlt I � . Plated L,; I. � . , � , ', �; "
I C 4, . TIT " , ,,.,,,-�F,�rp,,-Tht-ylogk,!krA,,I.es . . -,"..--
I . . yi!�!�'to fa I � � -1 �1� I . r, 1. .. I . 1. 1. . -1 � - -- .V I . I
�-- - . 1. ,�.! - -- �: - . r.. , � t, - , I -bgV.;4. Q , , , , r, Lined. - - ---
, W - ... - � 01 ... I
11, � . SO-tt--W'L, U r r' -- .25 per J or.;,4J0nW I I .11 I 1� �: V� I I '�,
cer 2 It),- to". ',rho al of silver. They will not tarnish . I I . ��,-
e J ,
s f. 11 . . . "'b" , ,71!37 C* a Moviterrib � ro hundred poptl4s, Pai I d cleaner ind hrighterlban the best I rtt . ,
� � I sit * J. H. tzwri�, I wronce, 1 4il Y.
, . g* Morri. otru 0 was g1rolog on
I I . : "ovomk4l w on be nothing )11ore - pitIM read was that of Mr. APOVI '?4�"q r . ES at Lowest Prices. �� I.
4V f9MA0!"nP1A" V 1 Rr. Ball; TICI nor turn color. I d OvaR-SHO
44 4=0 I . b. ... n s Celery f
' r twm J1 s :4 Munro, and 11. $Qmpouh : ' r
. I to' Valtion of county exam- than the stru%le tl*, couott*ove per hundred pounds, "R0,01S. werf'Or'o, - BURS an I � rr ,
. . Duos go rri4ay, ,r' � I I
ellf"16 Iner from . W. Apak-sOn, 3, a, piskeo sW matest Inmates In the H . 12,
T�-1011%1.1w,.CITI".U.A.Vldal&".-,O�'.- , . _ " QMI Elevates the Constit Call is andsee them. r ,�, , :,
1; ,� ,I
�1.1 , -------- .1p in I to = "
1p in 'a
1. I - Geiger, J. M. Fluid. struM edg I I . . - -NOT PUNCHED RUBBXRS. ,� , I
11 � � � 11 -11 Cameron. W _ the It I' .1 I t1onal Condition of , all � I . r 1. I Goods I . �'
', , , � � . . --- - The Council adjourned to meet again we a Dr. Pi 'a Golden- Medlirvil I � I :,�
I . t .11 L I , Pollits of Excellence Plat RUn(1oWH and Sick ; . � �.. 1:1 I
I at 10 a. in. on Wednesday. covery. it c" obstinate coughs, weak ,, �
!�'! t'*i�h - 111,01AU1111311MMM= SECOND DAY-WEDNMDAY and "bleeding I a, , telation, and * Malta 1�' People. - Largo - - . . I � 4
un I
I I * other alltatuts 31ch ff n .. . . I .
I'' , I �'. . A'035M Ile Striking commltbWo report of wrakulfulty trated find a f WeUs; Riobardsou & ,0'eo Z. �111
f�lanwdi . I I
1� . to :! committees was oidopted 0 *100 in comsimption, I � 0-16. � ��
I . &In it Gloarloo 10 a n AN9 J . i 1.
, i,80 of yds;" Iwalk V�031 . Im i ved Bu#er- Coloi� In the winter season when many SHARM I �
. or
.:.� !; .V
� t STAT(ONS, Xxv. Exp. Mlxd _ fever, .2 pro . �r: people, especially women and children, 0 L, r I
.�,� I --- -- EXECUTIVEANDSPECLtL-Connolly, =Nsa otber symptom of d($09*fd I t . During the month of I i, I.,
'L ?4. P. M %R. Bowman, Miller, Spackman. Hicks. .. writes Per. h IL Pesperman, of = The Most Perfect, Color. - are cvuflued In close and stuffy apart- 'February you can save from 2 i. ��.
,� to .
. �,, � lAmve (iodencli ... 714 230 13 FINANCHAND EDUCAInONAX,- D.. x C -- ly gave I — , � . I ments -which tilatlug cent. by,purchasing any qf - - Hs -- ... I
I .. . . . - - -- .1 I.."- -, -
,�� ,, Ito.lme8v1"*:::::::,.,: Lock- WMIE 9,4 Gii1den U111XV;8M6`ei* Wells. Richardson & CWoJ�il'r Ved facilities, the lbaill-kolp-blp",.r.vees"%vatery, t'hiDel.r1lowitig articles at I . i - -- �,- - �- .- . -01 .;.� I
1;-,1-.-- .1 7 '0 2 il "I hart, Durnin, MeNaughton. McLean, iin and alit mbw C010 a -1 - ------- - � ..
1 s dA i� .-Ox., h -3F ale. sluggish and ina ro;thenervous . � ;, -. -
I =Ibl?
. �� ,, .. Clinton .... : . ....... 7 88 gas is Gunn. . Tnk, being Butter Color never turns a red,A) or . .
"', . . . it" I . 11 I
� - A..f-1. - I blic�y-
� , -L--------- 4-11 -AO"Aft -- - -- - - - tingo.;- butter --c
" -- -7--it - t 440.- -RoAv-Ax,o-BRH3ax-,&xDCO. PROF- San - � - f6taftis 0- lov-0, Y-0-6 -' I . "' -- - . I . - . -- . - -
(;I10(0 -ii "k."- ....... 7 So 253 ih �! Tul
, I. In oloved lk naoinnia-beg-in6rite-Urzibl"o%-)r,-"d - ` I �- - � r.
I r- ,,I. . �Yqeai is impaired, t a brain Is tired,
s oolumbuti I' . --Aum- F, I ., .
.. Dowitr .... *.. . W Discovezy." Them Is notbkOg 'Just tint. � . I a. tren . �
- �
.. ......
� �'':.`, .. MItchell ........ * . :: , .:: 803 323 fi( a ft hat is chemically ensues. � I . - * '- ' I ' . '--'
I ,., * 311 148 BUTY-Patterson, Cantelod, Lamont, M' T, TTe n ; "u � eral collapse of the whole System fliql; I 10 � -- Z�-
12 3 n 6 200 Youn r
., r,, 1* 'Sebrinjilo ........ : ... 8128 3;9 640 F g LIZATIoN-Wholo Council. as of the, stomach It IS the only colorrA Table and Pocket'Cu , I
8 IS ,,Ul Ferguson.
.; , .. titratta .... ....... 35 dou a WAR andlun . . Our object at this time is to sug est tlery ,rore Bargains 0 1 1 1
,,, :1'r, - DEN'A CommirrEE-Cantelon, pure iend hariuless. 9 �
I I - ig-lo -� -#0 71 Z Patters6nJAxtuout, Miller. - , it Feuds swat an Leading exNerts vouch for its wbold- the true meaus of succor and help fvr � I
I .
� . . I . AM.ve at Toronto .... ...... I �- - - action of the "Discovery.' .1 pale 1�,Tdod Irritable and Razors and Scissors - � WMEMaNNIUMM I I
� � , � , , ,, F. F. LA%VRXN0K HOUSE OF REIFUGIC-Bowman - . --T=�- somoness an freedom from taste or ",Oa�. w L,,n"ry 't: 1,
, J. D.-Wiel) rtAm. Down Town Agent. hart, Hicks. , Lock. smell. . . .n(d �Ildren. Thous- Stoves'and RanZes a.,
I . a , . -Toct; it apda of such nerveless and frail vi.c- --big selling both days -and .. .
I I., I r.. - - 1). P�A.. To. to. The following mattere were referred Moved by Mr. Gunn. seconded by Its keeping qualities are pet tints will soon be out down if help IS Itwo Bargain Days were a great success 1,
I I . ..;, .;".., . es as stated: Mr. McLean, that the warden, clerk never becomes rancid or sour.' New Raymond Sewing 0 11 we hav
.. I to comblitte deplay I I I .� sotne great Bargains in the , following lines: :"
.�Ie4 and Messrs. Miller. Cantelon and Con! It Is the strongest color made, there- ai,ed and time lost.
� Q MI a, froul Good Roads associa- , to all fore the most economical. - el Machines Dress Goods.
t,: L
. � ,.74ffl"ad nolly,be a committee to attend a Celery Compound Is the "life
Impolitant,to AdvertiseFs on, and Bridge committee; mitteri In connect Wells, ichardson,& Co.'s Improved line" -the sure and tried rescuer th!�V -Bitteher-Knives and Car- . *ies' Furs. . . . . - -.!-..
"A '' I Ion- with the good
I � : I ,� W All announoome, a list of 49 accounts and the report of r6ads pr.jact. Carrie& . Butter Colloi is reliable at all seasons, saves and blesses when all other mealis S. - .
ate under th beading the act d is doing vers .qnCes and 4 Ruffs in black A few ends of Homespun$,
s " Ing Registrar to Finance; the fail. Paine's Celery Compoun c 11, dark ,
I., "Buaffiess Notlow," because it never varies io..purity or 3 14 o ars in black black, brown, light and ,�
� ��, , be. line m4h InwrtAon, ivport of County Coin. Ansley, to The committe afterwards 'organized quality. . the same Heaven -blessed work to -day All kindsof Silverware 2 G Lamb Caps gre) s and browns, that must. 90
0 I Such notlocs, as reading or news matter, too. a 06un,l Property, and tenders for ereo. clectin price, no matter how
"I I, ,&&. Miller as chairmari for sufferers that it has so well done in 2 G Litrub R"ffs at some
.1 . '. line each insertion. . tion o the Beautifier bridge to Stanley. the past. It quickly furnishes the new, * small.
, �
.. 11 , I I and Bridge committee. R . Spring and Hockey I
) Id Mr.
Sit as secretary, and ar- .
Cairual display advertising, l6a. to 25o, per . "34 ranged fors meeting at Clinton on . and fresh blood which Is the I t of Furs will be offered . 40
� -�� inch each lwWrtion. On motion of Messrs. Lo . Veby. 10th. (30HOOL REPonT.-The following is FZ.ZdVion of true health; it promote Skates regalss of cost. — . .
� - halt Afid .$ - - .
- the Jan mouth!yreport of S. S. cell -growth, builds urb flesh, bone and Wrapperettes
, , �. " . ok No. 14: 'y es are -in order of marit; tissue, and elevates e c stitutional , ,
. I , I CONTRACT APVERTISING Hicks. Mr. Spackman and Co. Clerk The Council then adjourned to meet " n -la . I Skate Straps �
I 1: �. ti The fig�rqi tar all boritract advediiiing in, Lane were appointed auditors of Orlm- again on the 4ratTuesday in June. Fifth, 1). 0. Orasslok, H. F. Johnston, condition of on - adies' Coats - -
. .�, every sick person, and 4 -4 15 s, .,. .A
. "I � cludi twelve changes a�`tear, union otherwise Inal Justice accounts. I Rapon't - M. R. A141r; Fourth, A, W. 19huston, Hockey Sticks and Pucks All good fast colors and good 1.
� : ftgrimA i9pon. Every additional change will lip defends them from prin and -bacterial HALF PRICE. — pa,tterns, . ..
L . Mpved by Mr. Spackman, seconded Commissioner Ansley, in his, or� Ida Dinsdale and Mary Johristou e(l, dangers. Try Paine's Celery Coin- Mouse and Ruf Traps
. �. ". I IT which are at real snap I
. - stated that he had advertise an ual, Frank Cleg,r Third, 8. Gemmel f pound, dear reader, and your efforts A fetuall lots of Winter Goods .
'71" charged for "tra. the Actual emt of compoid- by Mr. Miller, "that we= the ab IF !
I 11 � , prices.
� j t4qu. frofii I5c. to M4 . sence of Mr. Bowman, unable received tenders for the erection of 'a W. W. Gemmel , Eleanor Hood; See- will be fully and happily rewarded. , Cobbler Sets. in jer lines regardless of cost. . � .. I
� A.11 p4vtrtialng acoo�nta am rendered and to attend throu IlInciia, and hope he bridge at Bonmiller and that the plans ond, Herbert Jones, Murray Fisher ,, I I � .
I'' cone'eted monthly. Job work. ".d. will soon be reseled to his Usual good and specifications accompanied his &and A i 0 mutell equal, Ida Jo These Good' Embroideries. I
. I -- . ccong$e e, a, and many othet s, !
, t� ,, - - bea, th, and we would recommend that report. Referring to Maitland bridge, .rt,olfaonah Dinsdale, V3111 Fnom FAR SAsKAToaxwAN.-ih. .were purchased in too large it Vhite Goods. Our sale left us little to offer � ..
. � . � . . � I
� . his name be retained an thq psyroll the commissioner says he had noticed McBeath , Ito Kehl; first -part, following chatty letter. from a former rantity by the latt fiim of Allan I d new .
. 11 I for this session, and that the clerk for. that the base of the abutments at the Arthur Jones, Scott Kyle, Lola Rath� McIver,'and now I am forced to IiSkirts, Gowns, Drawers iv -these lines, but bran
: ,. I the Goberfcb %tar. he mop y well known and popular Goderich and et Waists, all new, just goods, direct ituporti,, and prices
0, ,� '' ward a copy of this resolutton."Car- bridge stones were being broken and wall. The best spellers In t Sell 77min at a Sacrifice. away down. .
I I I I pieces falli out, and that he was of spelling matches were: Fifth; 0 as.. stock -prices right.
. �, ,� TELxP11O?CX,CA1,L 71. ried. U 'IT resident, addressed to THE STAR, will --- . put � .
11.��;-, ...... . � ..... - ........ Z.- ... ...... .............. . ............ .. .-Move4 by Mr. Connolly, secontled, mpinlon. 10 the bases should be en- Grassick -, fourth, Jennie MeBea*-, ba�rcad Willi infwfeisthf k -of, otir I .
. Mr� WNmghton. , - we. thit ra I
- wI---- - B -Al, 10M , , ,that -4@d In- -a, wall -qf concrete to. keep third, Eleaaw Hood; second,.'Altirray readers: I . - I . . I
i � ". � . 'R . 1-. - I
� .,4):, � unty Cbuncll of Huron, now in ses-; them Bacure, and that the work should Fisher; second oa.rt, John Kehl, I COSMOPOLITAN P,4TTERNS FOR SALE. .
. Sion, desire to convey our most sin. '00 0 - SPOOR
g be done In the coming summer. PltmoE ALBunT, BASK. 6 - L. R dfl , --
� � - - . ,.
�, - , Axy limsoil wife has had occasion to core sympathy In your bereavement. TAZAaUR1M'8 REPORT; bZARSIRS,—Haclosed piesse findone The Imading, Hardware and Stove Man. .
, � I
, t refer to the staltifeg. either Dominioi) Mr. Lewis, the tate Crown Attorney, Re I to Although the medicine business dopar for THE STAR for IM. � I hope Honest Goods at Honest, ,%m&
, 1-1- has been a familiar figure. for along F"ModwUr.es- should, above all, be carried 'A With the next year to be able to hand it to you . 1. 1. I I .. .
Will appreciate � , o . I 9 ..
�-,-..--:.,! . . or Provincial. I the =1- Utmost cousclititionsitess and stLie of Personally, as I expect to spend a per. 11
: , " "' periticli and we learned to esteem him Bal. ISK44. YA I
.,� �.- � v4ineotthe following ouggestJon by 'Ver hlyindeed. coming In contact . - , responsibility, the unforWnpte fact is tion of the winter down east, anil so . I I H � . COLBORNE .
I I the Totonto World, It says: "It witK hif --- -11 I _
It in as wo'have during the varl- ii��
,� I 1 00046.21). . .29, thit In no other to there so much bum- avoid Ipmo extromely bold weat�ber L"S�'",�,;St�,�,-,%:Sq 51 �q
. I
.1. . bugaliddeception. TheanxiCtiesofthe here. it snowed on NOV. 2nd, and WO - In April of this year Jas. McGuire, . - . - � - - �
would be At 'protection to tb�e pV,blle ous sessions, and be it resolved that Debentures account :- Investments, sick tied their relatives arc� txaded upon have had splendid sleighing of Wingliam, will complete twenty-
� '� , to pro,vlao that every bill amending a, the clerk he instructed to forward $29872.30; Debentuies, $78000. in tht most shameful manner; impossf- sihee, as it trfmed cold immedi ever '
, I I . . a copy of this resolution to the family." . . I
, statute shall set forth fully the effect --Carried. The Registrar's re t ble cures are promised; niquy ptepara- afterward, and has only on one or two that town. 'Mr. McGuire has also
I I �- ... f. por for 19m, Itely two years as Division Court Clerk in
t I I � of the cliangei so that It may be un. On motion of Messrs. McLean and showed pa ents r salaries and tions are abso lately worthless, and some occasions been above freezing since. been express agent in Wingliam ever
.1. � M
I Luarantee nas of ................ $15M.03 are positively dangerous to health. It'has ranged from that down to 42 since the railway entered Wingliam.
, , derstood without referring back to the Miller, His, Honor Judge Doyle was F . I , , Js B R 0 P H Y & SO N
� - , -Pa r . ....................... 1207-85 As a consequence, all proprietary degrees belam zero, although it Was He was -first agent for Vicker's Ex- ! I .
� lio�k. .&a the laws art, now congratulated on his promotion and, ,!d treasure
,�� e I / statute on motion of Messrs. Miller and Spack- .. *** ...... * ..... * ..... 433.01 remedies am regarded with suspicion the lattqr one ni t only, but we ha,,d I THE LEADING %..
made and amentiLd-a person Net amount ree'd by treas ...... 28M.01 by 11, press Co., then the American Express I
may man Ma Honor Judge Holt was also � many yeople, and the good suffer three weeks in w ich 1twas conita4 Co., and now the Canadian Express . 0.
I . I have to refer back from year to year congratulated. - the bam . .
,�, , ; . I L - I Total receipts $0035.70 for around 25 below. The days are' 2 Co. I 11,04
,.;� . . 1hrou The following Fortliese reasons we announce that was clear and the air dry. so that the 0
bef"rgh mapy vOlmues Of the stAt"WS gentlemen Wore aP ' The Finance committee reported In . I
. . ,
. they can ascertain what the col does not penetrate as it would An ""' ]UNERAL DIRECTORS, ,
� yointed Collegiate Institute trustees,; f ,Our rietors are the principal share- I S , .
�, I
. ,. '... . offset of an anumdruent is, or what &tnoo Scott, Clinton;'Johh Acheson, avor of paying 41 accounts, and that it Ontario At the same temper.tute, . Q9 � - , . ff, I I
, -
�. . I . really is or is tint law. In many cases, Goderich;.Jamem Scott, Seafort'. the water rates for 1003 be paid in still a person would freeze, if unpro- ,b - IMBALMERS nd offesmusesses
� . OIT-:A=o tit of -this- complexi it, 4w advance tcc63d. The ou
�----- -- . I . _; that the tkegistraes rvey parties of both
. - A deputation addressed the Council- -bd ' f i6 -d -l- -- h - -. _ report PQW .
I . 1. diflIcalt. if noz Imp4ssible fort %to liky on the question of r u n t e inifintes, and con- 1AIRAN MUM & -SUS lilleg 401 railway (Canadiatt*Northurn.l. . - , , - . 0 , � '
. - LI'MITE115 ' th . . - - - fi
.1 lit frequently a wide (Ilffdronce , treasurer, to ether with his letter, western) are nbw not more than seven - -E �
L L�� Increasing the C112ed as follows: "The. statement of and 0. P. R., or Manitoba and No A -R
mind to unravel the tangle,'and thero tue *
. , of grants to Continuation classes. which Willi we are sure, be a' . .; �URXITU- R- DEALERS. ,,;-* -
, Opinion among those versed in law as Reports from County T�vasuror and have been submitted to us and have it ample miles from town, and it is expected t.,;. I
I . to'what corWn statutes mean. Inspector J. E. Tom were read and been examined. We find the' same guarantee of the truth of every repre. they will be in by the and of this week. I . . I
�. . I sdnt to committees. correct, and are very almh pleased sentation made concerning There seems to be a certain amount of The La,gesi and No,t UP,To-Date Stock of I
MR. A. V. MoLA:nuaq, ALP. for North Mr. Leitch appeared before the With the very efficient manner in rivalry betwoSen the lines, find of late . . . Furailure in HuAd cautyly . ........... . �
I I Porf,h. 14 ttrongly In favor of a move- Council in reference to his claim for which the statement to prepared, as it neither line is losin any time, and in
.1 I
, I � .
. �.,� I illent to paint the burns of the Pro- damages for Injuries to a hornei Mr. was full of Information to everyone IRONmOX all probability bothfines will have the EL ANT PfECES, Suitable for any Room. L.
.�, �. I - vIii66 of Ontario. This, he thinks, Howson, V. S., being also heard in concerning the Onaucen of the Lounty." steet laid next fall, in time to assist In We handl � ly well-maile and finely -polished Furniture, in the most fashion-
,. 1� the matter. Inspector J. E. Tom's report shows .TABLETS moving the crop, The price of land able woodp at present in use.
.1 . I . shoul4 go hand And hand with the Moved by Mr. Miller, seconded. by the expenses connected with the . has doubled since I came here last I � .
"t .�, , �, ,-k.,��ads movement and aplealtur- Air. Spackman, that the warden be schools In West Huron In 1902 to have June, and all Company land, stood and
. ��#. , . been; I The 1111ron-ox Remedy Co. LtdL bad is being sold at $8.00, and Picture Framing an
11, , I � &I education. . empowered to got the advice of the Teachers' salaries ............... $43621 03 waumrVAU. ont. choice pieces of land -with some .. . 0 A CALL SOLICITED.
county solicitor, arding the cls6lm
. "Any onewho travels through cer- PhGo Schoolsites and buildings ... 45M 31 improvements on it, Is selling at ton . Upholst ing done to ord
I .
, , - ,- .7%,- , lain rurat Sections of New Y ork, of SL Mary's HIFhg PAY- I and twelve. an sers, almost out . I L
I ro the I f:rnty of Map ON 05 A CLRviq, Lmm 11
. m.ent for pupils Co m globes, prizes ............ Tt- 9"X* -1!09a!-
.. Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, whem a R-ThO "Maple lof the range of -speculation. ,. Th ad . I -
1 fed u6m, an . - t ' - d � mbalming" :-
, � I I d1loo the qualifications Of Vuel, rePtUrs.vt .................... 13023 67 Leaf Club" c . I . Underiak g n
. .1 . every barn tind outhouse Is pain I county auditor. — orner of the Family vent of the rall eye will work th:cul: I
. � I . realizes what an -enormous Improve- Council adjourned to 10 a. in., Wed. Total ......................... $01830 00 Herald and Weekly Star last week mination of thwe boom, and there will DOANT KIDNEY PILLS, Our lJog experience b to i ve the most prompt and efficient
be a very large amount of land all OV eua S no
I ment It would make In the Canadian ' al kIdn I service. W carry in stock a I line Ofith. latest productions known to the i
I landscatio,if-it were the genersa prac- Pt*s"Y- Teachers, male. 58; female 80- aver, contained the following clever and in, the territories thrown on the markart Tho OrIfin, I'll .
I . I . tiee,witlipurfarnicts. Inwlptortlmo TFURD DAY --THURSDAY. age salary, male. $=; feumie, i290. toreating letter from a little Miss of next surnmer,-and someon CUM of ackaolle, labetes, BEIglit's Undertake*' art. Our charges e %cry moderate.
I W, Goderich, who Is well known, arid 0 will be IllseaseandallUrinaryTrou tell. 1: . I I
. especially th esence of qmy bleak- Certifleatee-lat class 8. 2nd, 78; the loser The hotel accommodation 11!�,
_ _
1. � .1 � loqktn , "'go crowulng o Returns from the Goderich Clinton, 52; changes during the year, 04. whose success ought to stimulate be, be,, iaxed to its utmost and the Don't accept somethIng Ust as Warero West Stre I
�1)21!,4 inst'tuteS The jailer's report Showed that there others of bur age to similar efforts : one at goodi See you got the Zen e Residen u e b ec Str t G r 0 D E", , B I C H - * 11
" r V and Seatorth Collegiate - t
� A ot 161 .which I am sto I -, li�th par-
��, kooll .� pa � � , ,i, depresslua. M were presented, and sent ta Executive. Dear Maple 1,eaf CIA i . 2 . ng -* �-. - -
I cost of paint ml IV h materia y low- were 11 prisoners In jall: three charged lors have been utilizeTp.. filled with .
� I have road many InterWing, letta' from 9 I I
I . emd by the grckwtb of the cement Throe tenders for FrInting were with invant , and eight with vagran- boys and girls from roldl.tr,. cots, and the same might be said about .
� Indtopry, I The jallier requested the Council a" MIris 0'th no - the hall ways, and If we have as
and the Introduction of read and sent torExecut ve committee, mostly all of them deser bing tIlpf'r onia . DOAN S I
. "y'. , brotherand my tounger large an immigration Into the district . 14
elicap cement pallits, iihile the novel and the clerk was instructed to pur- tO xamine the jail and adopt a better "'T, And my , .
, sister, wi h myn f. read them wit ATftt
�' ghitm of squirting paint an with a chase a copy of the Ontario Statutes nd cheaper system of heating the pic"are. laninineyenroold. Itivolmoode- next spring as Is expected, the query They"cure when att fters tall. .
. , , , practIdally elluiltihted the -copy of the Municipal u rich, Ont. It isthe county. towj�� Huron I
. I of IQW and a a ff u� D y CON The Grocerb, i
� o" h" b ittling. wit be, ,,What is 66 be done with Not a C�tra A14 "t vwel- & Kidnor PHL I
. 000toflab6r. Them to no reason -why World for each member. 'L, . Special committee reported In favor o0antV. In the Past it has boon u Q for its them all ?" An enterprising Amerl. I '
I . _ alit Manufactuft and It still 'ekports great �Tmc, I
.,4;611 21, dal or
oc� I.:
I lit,* to* years' time the whole aspect A letteriftom the county solicitor. of memorialIzIng the Legislature to atifintit, of the Hnoat guality of domestic 4nd ,Cab came In about a month ago, arid _%IL 'T t.% L VZ as �Fine a 8 it of SELECT GROCERIES and HOUSE-
, . . 9. rural Ohtluio should not be relating to audibors',tioallfloations, was extend the to of 7rentatives to atry , We bave a as. 04fe hatbotir. The has been quietly buying up town lot., I HOLD N'EC IES as can be found in any Store in the i
, , tie, t y tar t lako ships enter landed - with wh t � � West. fi et of everything is kept in stock, and perfect It
ve kr
h _,
e4nod.- �, I - I I read and Wed. and the Council PVO` local munlci;Til Are; recom- wh h Is put Into& I I fro 1"k and now possesses over three hundred, . H� I
I peadod to elect auditors, D. EL Mitiaro mended that load. sar so" to is T1�11`:ra-n
. ,.. - , I.. I I'll, I - . o I t Wfor reont a, Jbinil: late real estate has advanced twen y- permanent chatotner, - we ask for the trial.
the clerk be authorized save, v,C1yeaarv& If, .in Wh h and the result has been ths satisfaction is t to every, customer. A trial order makes a
I , being chosen IV ng ar, ch tjulof -STRACIFIAN'S ' .
. I'll on the second ballot and to sign memorial adopted' by the ba" t tv two = I five per cent. throu his buying ord- - WA -0
I I L � Aglink '" �. Mr. lAwrence on the third. � a larid four will a
I County Council of Waterloo, asking trianufacturt twelve hundred Is of flour ers. Now; let we ta, o this opportunt- - r
I � .1 RLW- = ! AD %plfetatlon from Xpeper French, for an amendment of the statutes 1% a day. Vre have several = fadork6s, 2, � STURDY & CO.* .
I IRM V - 11
I' " . I C inallugtice, and rd ,w folimakes antown quite destrANdfor in- ty L , I I . I
- . , - of the too of Retup for an In6raalio ding crim I rcf,&;�: dustrlo,%worktn� pie to live J4. W44ave of Wishing you both a hagpy and 'PHONE 91. The Square, GObERICH
. - , reg" I ar rONperO US career throu
I -1w, - I . of ailary, and a niotl�n 11)f 'MeWA*. a con grObOli COUlf" Onth6pridd Rtt"to bf .
I : # & k Ing h rimun CA foil of J. 0. - M -P � I
I " sonit of MOKIIJO :Ili t e yeat SHO
L, 1. . MOLCAU and Gunn that County Clark p, r6commended no our tolrtn- which M., ust recently commene , and -1 will- ACHINE . � .
. I , L , I 1 I !�ne's salary be Increased to $90% action. tt%" d"Int tbdl*2doliwnAod*"orthtsheopinv*m33erkk!o�'0406 Elie that next year I willhavethe . . . . 1. I I .. I ! I I ,,,�,
0 - bAVONOW6 Verkl6ad "heals, thr66 WArds-6 pleasure of wishing you the same, I
I � : I r Stel, But Wh i
, I 11 1. I I 0 tee re both sent to Executive commit. coldinittee reported that "fitrAt whoolLAu a eoll '. %I only. . i- .
. �d . . hl: Wt = for.61amr, In ,,,,, out',' verbally. Thii old and reliable Machitte and JV. B. A*Aq,-E7-T Phone 89. A STAUNTOAr ..
b6otr examined and found townd's euverfoll piciduc on of,fino " I
� L t *JAI .bu. ant ".joted I Yours most sincerel Blacksmith Shop has been re'opened by . #- . J
. I :, .1 , A petition signed by 141 reoldents, a good ord6r- that the Ininates corre- rt 'both NmAll 4.4 ftmdMd ftriOtf.. . .
. . 1 ",1%
�4i I . , . . J. M. �M,nULL' L 41,
. . asking the Council th grant Sim to. Uded With jailer's 1%poet, and *I$ all the readers of M, 1. 0. tiould � ffv*.%�
N- ` " , sample the drit Anjod �AJOWO �1,1`6 More D-a)ons Wh- y .......
I � rL . `01�td pile erls ori-scotes Wards cutting down hill at Holmes- recommended the otthase of material everyday now, find 11'=k 1, ., I'here is danger In neflectinKs c6ld. Jag. A. 9trachain, L - - .
I ,., - . Vla .
I I I ville, bridge, was sent to Road and formiladder- and that thev Jaller's re. takeebolbo ,1, livaina frisib 1-bou .
I I I " fbL bor. .
L b V10(fttliture, and Want , andle only up-to-date Furniture, new
]RftilJIIli61) L I Bridge committee. port be pAlited; thAt the Uegistn Y fAthoP Is 06 ovir Many who have died 0. consumption Iton should deal th us. Wi h ,
I I I Mr. Bon ap office Fbeen exAmined and found -10 study to have good. fresh, tIR6 fruit of hit 4ated their' troubles from goods coming in ery week.
� Wo do *ot need to .peared before the Coun. W1 or us to 446 : .
. 'VOL In ditt ' 4jfi't** yap 'Farts. followed by a cold which sett 6d on
_ e;tUat dAr tM year
� -
I . I i 1, -give, alf, ell And complained of certain prqe& ottlein, tbAt the r6onit In the . W%W _ 1 1 _ ,, Nud U V O' and will be conAuoted cm the tncw( . - Last week w received a shipment of Parlor Suites In Sik Rug
. . Iffit, teasofir car Aums�, t*61're their lunp, and,in a ishort, timb th modern guid sdentiA� prind�166 All and Velour. R eptional good italues,
I , wity ', scotes dure In telAtion to union school tt t House ivere well kept And clean at bbatilt eighttelt of p tit '
.. . . L I , , - . � o he forty-fouir offm were beyond the skill of the =t kind. of Geritral Wchine-Wo,k, Its- .
, , No 11, Wo6wandsh and Hallett M' and recommended the pUrchase of tm-04 ,WON .04 . Cot6e lit an see them. .
, n So'Y'rH04 s%%%Z%4 say 1physiclan.- Had they used DIckle's tionary still marine engine repai f
. . I UIA144104, restores the strength Counell took no action. blinds for Windows In Upper hall. and vroas gmt, 74ar � 'M " n.. Arm
I I _ _ " & " Anti -Consumptive STrupo before It suid mill marls aery, threshers etc., rL-
storm. WIndO7 for Judge a room back A ,9600nd crop t4orjw, t ,r *114 I i niscolawrr,
11 4MA.- 4601, alid color of goW Moved by Mr. Lockhart, "toatig of tho Von onoe. enib4r. Applis,
� ( . P -M Vlr
. I I 11 A . &rpM and was too ]&to,' their I Ves would lave We give a speciq Cash Discount for Sale$ of $to.(* aiidnpw4d,.
by Mr. Young, ,#that this 0olmell c4ll' r044 come t6,grftt pi oft heft I been spared. ted in a satisfactory Inviner.' ,
. "� r � X"" avla In This medicine bhe tie pal . l000ds delivered frO within a
1104h, .f& ,thwie who suffer & ideetibi; Of 1* ntAtives Education committee recomm6nded S %, dry , . # Re "ri Upholstering and Picture .
� r froa,"'L j ,blood'. . . the L tist for a- tm bsi.- Imlyal for curing coughs, colds and an Clittift of ten nillea.
* � lit so, to confer with DO Ottlon. Ili- th6 matter of a Ir .
front I 2=1'a V t3g,
. VAtioils muhlelp=a atin 6! liftroi fee 6 Month i Wit W fitrOctiOns of the throst and Itings. You �atl be satisfied, hem bettef . YromIlIg PrOuiPtly atteaded to. I .
. , _ 11
1. .510 this MUT!611 on the atIviellillity of Vais a date "96=1 ire to bo W-0tetit W re.fAt- on *%kulll . I . . I
' I 119 erst* to. the ProvInLqAI - - - . I . I . - Asiw,:,�,�
,� �, . , The"14d,th tleivAtIn in theiotO , 16 - -V thin% elsewhire.
, ., jrbllo.high.w Amok Wont that In the inattkr of an In' tho :?& tti* 604 .ill, yo .
- at it is the best., VVAYIV at to r, s , 1, to 6% ,
N a Ad& ,,tit' to continuation OU66 Tb tilid. abtlooitflhh . .
. f � . .1 The wmkx on the G. T. & ,ft L �
. , . I I 6 W JhIr. Mast Wootton mm� Ptin I .j
� . . cIsss,*6rkiuPu loSchools.theelalin town basliven ouppitMiri all I I 1.
; , L �bf Cod Liver nlittoe, . cOM* Ine"ass tothe 119 ATIA to Strktf0d's will In BECK`8TT & STAU N I
� L IV V
,P.Jt0j�bn, 0110 , 11 NTO
I r 4t� .. wid a worthy one, and art Inerboa pr.ove the a astualf scrap Iron for the twat . 1�
. 4i -%, 0 , , read from HIS 11mot ovayw 6, parva'" o" , Grand , Ion , Proctidol Uadertak�ft to L � 9
. I A lott& W" mmendstblet that the Public School . Muts Ili WAAW elkwal�l , Yak tho
� 14 luouitioli, full of healthy a1umA""*Mtft*,ft6 1� "tilt, not JAS.. A. Strachan, � - I. d-12,mbalwera.
I ' Judge Doyle acknowledging the, Coun. rn.6pboto"'"porta be Publi*hed'Lln the ftbra Ithaca the relfcs of anstead reach% � Nislit'and cur eattA praftptlytthiudeo, ?dgut*d%%t 15ibre, west side ot the g4intra R. -
I I , 's COng:%tuIAtIbn1L Ift rA � ,
I "I"
. .1 "
� 1-1.7 0
, ,,,
- - � 17"
, 7
I 1�[
11 I
ust who
4- War
t� Wore $0
lId0ilik6ou 1i a'ttlggestioli as, tit 'My, tfPi* the them They are,now an plemeated L . t ,�
- "Ition of I 0 . ... I . 11 L' ., I "I 11 L .. . 1. --Ilillllllllllllliliillillilll( I L
I It , , , " , , . eltor .poutity - traml, he WT. 11 fRaN - - - I 'e'ven VI&OM Sz� GOI)AWCm., ,Ili L I . -I -- I I
. . L The OV11tilou of tho county'4611 minutu thfit for t Me V (M IX . Sthet ro- , . . . , I I
, ern "tho 61 ,I � .
ners four ae . a,
glit4tiobt In Gode"ah, Theo, g. a al Of tbeL. C . ahsah ....... ii, ,I" 'I - L �L .L ., I . ... 'i i ii !'111=1 111. ,:w V, *��.. 1. . J,� ,e +
I 0 *hYlt 4008 What it d0e8. Mto 111A Illit w I Iratid Tviink i"I'101 I
- I �, 4
I , , , .Y to'13t. R 0 00110014te �bstil bith rettivod, three at W ow W . 1-11 .. I .- 1-1 . ! �
, � ' . Iflittitate w Z16 bout two.. mile$. be tho . It Oft, at . I I ! � I �* i. - " L _ - . , , ,
18 . . A 44, the owts"q ?I 14 4 1W , in o . OTItt6n. Both tliginto I I I .
, TAUltion presents U411111I tamol, It too IN orafti. : ,Ii I
" �.- 0000i A clia"MuNii sa Wt Mows, Andam "IcAfter 11 11 We" taken Stratford. ,, . . I � `
. 11 i I I of, I oottista furit, . � L I . I �11
I � . .u- , I � I -1
� . '4' Uftr'011, At it$ best Unfit COUntY POrty #AdcPXset and Co- I 110hooeto at % . - "Y IRO
Iteport's of S %, . I
. . C6 A 9 I k"M I - I I I . J0 'IRL14 R I
. COM011tt*004*06 t44 ' 4 046 erohU WppOIllW. t a T the. 6" at thir t ... "Xii � . . I . 11 � J0
I I trength, Imst in Ouro4dingtho re rt AN Eltoft, r U01' 1Ak* star, " ' I . I redplent *1111,te ,
I (411W, fill I,$' pted. . t6urb,ju *1 Al I
I I I . '' `� , I Eiecotivii �6mgltielo "CoWmebdOd I" 1. 'a I. MY HEA01 , - - I . To it,. yaw chrisfilias.iem6n�fttite - .
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