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The Goderich Star, 1903-01-30, Page 5
tl. I .. .� 1. ',1 _'4;-;;;.;;;; ............r-.n-+� . ;. -- .. '{,,tint' s.' t a HLga!X�• QQ``!y{M. ai�y.gy'rr} ■■!! 11 y6..i/ �Yyy,r tar.., .syr yfa��Y�,�I... {trr'� g����AA}}y}yj�.,�[� /�R� t.g¢ f{'M�'�[y� PR71art '�:aN1a.Ia,.R TL 1t. [a, V alfa cin •.. .. IHia .•_ R �t!!r�aj -y 1-06#1holkPa 'Add Fi 7•AN4g. •F+_MJ, ”, qq 119"'- f to G11T fiat 4CM 01 �4fa%i�u ;If,ab1Ea lil"Ry OR Ulm 03 �trory young man In Wren Way Ott", / >I � ` ' + F �., - ` lux to tva� a� . iiuy read over and act upOA every *'tom .. , 1%f�, \ 'inti omit t . , lily ear Bon t ' XoAt are 21 ycaxs old "., a BLACK Ito da ,. Zoo have . had more ex- '^pori pee than most yeupg men on ° .. t ..-' ,•I sttahting their wajorit , yeti the world. is still Were you, wi h ltd ton"?ptarr- biona, exeitementa and per lexitlea, E1'"" ��� And this is the time oft the year to'lave thelpn 1t11ac e. "eaillug for iutRlligenGeall& onaracter, Fall and Christmas rush is Aver and we will be ale 40 • iYCself-a_ntrol and aelfrelianoe in those who have to face It. i know you will more kiwis And attention to that class of work, �vieu,iug cu- be brave ; and I hope you will be wlse Require$ uourishment'int a eolamntrated, palatable and essill and (rood and kind in the conduct of digestible form. cutis should therefore form ono of the terta iumeuts are now on, and it is almost necessary o lase k.ouiiIfe. There is amoral order in CIt#Cf items on / .e diet list of every invalid, Its it is the a Dress Suit, And what is slicer to have on, 901119' tQ .church the world which requires from tis Ionfermity and adaptation. As I embodiment of all these gtttlities. than a Frock or aThree-button Morning Suit, Wath tt 1llC ll, think of your future, it ism wish Bovril is not merely a stimulant toprop apthaflagging air of striped Trousers. Then you Are always ready' for > ' that you should have thoughtful hab- spirits to t�' passing hour. It is a highly nourbIling food, p ]l ` Ila, noble ambitious, anda, cense _f funeral or a Wedding. We have the goods, we ave tlxe worts • . duty in your relations to your family, •ontaining all the strength -giving' proppeerties of the best lean to turn them out properly, and the price tWi11 be right, year bttsinesa and to society getlerally, beef in the most palatable and easily digtstiblc forfl4. people ,, , Culember that life is very, very short, Bovril is Liquid Life- consistent With first-class Work. , and that man's chief consolation at Jti� a _. _ _ rn_a.- _ - ^..A-" IVa v . 'a',7 ,,V ae'rit y:ut on --- eci wbtn )16 tl 8bPmtl vecympcA.. .._...._..:... __.. ._.,_._.. _._... .. . .. .... . Mt is consciousness LII&G tie - a�F a. atla ■aR,ov ,r .e... v -- - - - -. - - _ .«., _--j Cutest&&tadRhd4stydek'aY�ta;y'napelyxttapetn l p porlioq gftter Tatter reads ax foIIowatt-- striven to 1io right. Idwve ideate+'f y tbrawoffal4 faAo andplatarwiriadt0 maks as gAart „iv father land often, promised mother yrs „ tawvaotmbgaiafrgmtla4ruigIuwcgmtag,atoll �q p of what ought to be, sincerely t y w "Ihadforytxrspatiegtlybemathedbgntca, haratdr lssnt for our T,atetats gga�atarfa>�ta drill Inag$ agd would da po [orf limo but then fulfli them; be just and tree and'kind. t Bufferin mise and privations due to my scriptlon,and put it To bis 0400 as dlseoled next returpGtl re it stronger than - d IQs no It is a wonderful world we live in. 0 i husband's drinking habits, Hearing of your f t marvellous remedy for Bsecttreotdrgnkennps, 1r which I husband I dL ,•Ys A •, I +� - ... sale of UP$ 1 l ongluingitregularly as I'had discrvored soma thing that ,at every nerve in m body tinglingwith pope apd bapriness, anal courses abrixbt iatric ,lastelcssSn,»aria Prescription, which we had in read about in the paper. We gave him the drama 4 Tweed effects. and plate, full %i: ( a reaw•dy was odorless and tasteless, he did not q know what it was that so quickly ,relieved his IAlr s rend out before me -a acelui, bap p I home, a share in the grad thlatteof itt�•+In attanti9e, loving alga dear'!" a ,1`4 play our parts. The groat human experiences of the well pleased with the statements of ,.. cravfng for liquor. He soon be an to pick up I ! t flesh, his appetite for solid food returned, he husband; comforts and-everytbing woman's heart • for my bu%blu tl bad trld me this whiskey was vile,stuff and he was takinx a dlolike directions, and never Onep ckige removed all his desire for liquoq earth paa ha it is now distasteful to trim. Hh ature, .,, regular puce 1. rrrFL! :I' stuck to his work regularly, and we now havea happy home, After he was completely cured l '- to iL It waaonly too true, for be[gqra I bad given him the full c„nrse be bad Stapp 13 drinking alto• and says hcntth and appetite are. also wonderfully im habits one would.-kknommim lambs_ off g groat writers, that 'rjptt' by the heat -_a_nd It lannelettes in pinks lues and grey ripes and checksrf it ar value --�'Wj`t tMnVhat'TttatTgohc, vSil`eft 1fs7WPkaawl= edged Cha it had txen bis saving, as ha had not the resolution to break off o[ his own actor . I beanilyadvfse all womcp aHUctedas $ .gethorcbut-1 al -1!R ►ilm+ba-medleitta2ULtt 'vna Bono, al -M eeht (or another lot, tohavoon band it he ghoul& relapse, as he hada done from p.omtsea hetero He never hoe and I am wridse you this tetter to tett ynu bnw thankful I am f provgd,sindao Bailie man. it is naw fifteen -months since. purest; g ave it to him and we feel sure that the ch aa a maBGar is for cod Please send me one of our llttln g i (r' dy. words -older your llfa well i4nd lie of otr a etitea, -lions, y Pp p and deeds; work and study in . L5adies, Jackets Blankets, and and blues, regular $3.SSo and $2 75 taken Messrs. a. Chesney were elected directors for Thomas Fraser R COATS AND CLOTH COATS. $4.00 value, at per pa1r..... Tucker•smith. Mr. >t a fine selection of very high-class Coats in nearly all sizes, Cotton Blankets was re-elected for Stanley by acclama- tion. At a subsequent meeting of - Double bed size, with pink and blue .._ ..w...+ ..._. _.-_�...............�.....- tl. I .. .� 1. ',1 _'4;-;;;.;;;; ............r-.n-+� . ;. -- .. '{,,tint' s.' t a HLga!X�• QQ``!y{M. ai�y.gy'rr} ■■!! 11 y6..i/ �Yyy,r tar.., .syr yfa��Y�,�I... {trr'� g����AA}}y}yj�.,�[� /�R� t.g¢ f{'M�'�[y� PR71art '�:aN1a.Ia,.R TL 1t. [a, V alfa cin •.. .. IHia .•_ R �t!!r�aj -y 1-06#1holkPa 'Add Fi 7•AN4g. •F+_MJ, ”, qq 119"'- f to G11T fiat 4CM 01 �4fa%i�u ;If,ab1Ea lil"Ry OR Ulm 03 �trory young man In Wren Way Ott", / >I � ` ' + F �., - ` lux to tva� a� . iiuy read over and act upOA every *'tom .. , 1%f�, \ 'inti omit t . , lily ear Bon t ' XoAt are 21 ycaxs old "., a BLACK Ito da ,. Zoo have . had more ex- '^pori pee than most yeupg men on ° .. t ..-' ,•I sttahting their wajorit , yeti the world. is still Were you, wi h ltd ton"?ptarr- biona, exeitementa and per lexitlea, E1'"" ��� And this is the time oft the year to'lave thelpn 1t11ac e. "eaillug for iutRlligenGeall& onaracter, Fall and Christmas rush is Aver and we will be ale 40 • iYCself-a_ntrol and aelfrelianoe in those who have to face It. i know you will more kiwis And attention to that class of work, �vieu,iug cu- be brave ; and I hope you will be wlse Require$ uourishment'int a eolamntrated, palatable and essill and (rood and kind in the conduct of digestible form. cutis should therefore form ono of the terta iumeuts are now on, and it is almost necessary o lase k.ouiiIfe. There is amoral order in CIt#Cf items on / .e diet list of every invalid, Its it is the a Dress Suit, And what is slicer to have on, 901119' tQ .church the world which requires from tis Ionfermity and adaptation. As I embodiment of all these gtttlities. than a Frock or aThree-button Morning Suit, Wath tt 1llC ll, think of your future, it ism wish Bovril is not merely a stimulant toprop apthaflagging air of striped Trousers. Then you Are always ready' for > ' that you should have thoughtful hab- spirits to t�' passing hour. It is a highly nourbIling food, p ]l ` Ila, noble ambitious, anda, cense _f funeral or a Wedding. We have the goods, we ave tlxe worts • . duty in your relations to your family, •ontaining all the strength -giving' proppeerties of the best lean to turn them out properly, and the price tWi11 be right, year bttsinesa and to society getlerally, beef in the most palatable and easily digtstiblc forfl4. people ,, , Culember that life is very, very short, Bovril is Liquid Life- consistent With first-class Work. , and that man's chief consolation at Jti� a _. _ _ rn_a.- _ - ^..A-" IVa v . 'a',7 ,,V ae'rit y:ut on --- eci wbtn )16 tl 8bPmtl vecympcA.. .._...._..:... __.. ._.,_._.. _._... .. . .. .... . Mt is consciousness LII&G tie - a�F a. atla ■aR,ov ,r .e... v -- - - - -. - - _ .«., _--j Cutest&&tadRhd4stydek'aY�ta;y'napelyxttapetn l p porlioq gftter Tatter reads ax foIIowatt-- striven to 1io right. Idwve ideate+'f y tbrawoffal4 faAo andplatarwiriadt0 maks as gAart „iv father land often, promised mother yrs „ tawvaotmbgaiafrgmtla4ruigIuwcgmtag,atoll �q p of what ought to be, sincerely t y w "Ihadforytxrspatiegtlybemathedbgntca, haratdr lssnt for our T,atetats gga�atarfa>�ta drill Inag$ agd would da po [orf limo but then fulfli them; be just and tree and'kind. t Bufferin mise and privations due to my scriptlon,and put it To bis 0400 as dlseoled next returpGtl re it stronger than - d IQs no It is a wonderful world we live in. 0 i husband's drinking habits, Hearing of your f t marvellous remedy for Bsecttreotdrgnkennps, 1r which I husband I dL ,•Ys morning and.'01040d.anll>�rav, for eh• result. At goon i gave him more an a u an r. lie naversuapeeted'atbbtg,andl,thonbold.pk pt after a ternbla spn.e, o ea o las r uses.I caret slap drinking." Our heatts seemed The to tura to stone, and we &setae& to try the human earth Is a speck in the infinite ; histo but a fraction of time sale of UP$ 1 could give m aecretl gi Y A t 'r; clded to try it. I procured a package and mixed It in his food and coffee, and, as the ongluingitregularly as I'had discrvored soma thing that ,at every nerve in m body tinglingwith pope apd bapriness, anal courses abrixbt iatric ,lastelcssSn,»aria Prescription, which we had in read about in the paper. We gave him the drama the eternal , but here occurs the of human life, and here we Tweed effects. and plate, full %i: ( a reaw•dy was odorless and tasteless, he did not q know what it was that so quickly ,relieved his IAlr s rend out before me -a acelui, bap p I home, a share in the grad thlatteof itt�•+In attanti9e, loving alga dear'!" a remedy, entirely without his knowledge, in his must rep„ cof{ee, or toed re lar),y, according to gu he knew he was taking ik. play our parts. The groat human experiences of the well pleased with the statements of ,.. cravfng for liquor. He soon be an to pick up I ! t flesh, his appetite for solid food returned, he husband; comforts and-everytbing woman's heart • for my bu%blu tl bad trld me this whiskey was vile,stuff and he was takinx a dlolike directions, and never Onep ckige removed all his desire for liquoq earth paa ha it is now distasteful to trim. Hh ature, ora to be found in hietorm daily art and science. Form daily regular puce 1. rrrFL! :I' stuck to his work regularly, and we now havea happy home, After he was completely cured l '- to iL It waaonly too true, for be[gqra I bad given him the full c„nrse be bad Stapp 13 drinking alto• and says hcntth and appetite are. also wonderfully im habits one would.-kknommim lambs_ off g groat writers, that 'rjptt' by the heat -_a_nd It lannelettes in pinks lues and grey ripes and checksrf it ar value --�'Wj`t tMnVhat'TttatTgohc, vSil`eft 1fs7WPkaawl= edged Cha it had txen bis saving, as ha had not the resolution to break off o[ his own actor . I beanilyadvfse all womcp aHUctedas $ .gethorcbut-1 al -1!R ►ilm+ba-medleitta2ULtt 'vna Bono, al -M eeht (or another lot, tohavoon band it he ghoul& relapse, as he hada done from p.omtsea hetero He never hoe and I am wridse you this tetter to tett ynu bnw thankful I am f provgd,sindao Bailie man. it is naw fifteen -months since. purest; g ave it to him and we feel sure that the ch aa a maBGar is for cod Please send me one of our llttln g i (r' dy. words -older your llfa well i4nd lie of otr a etitea, -lions, y Pp p and deeds; work and study in . ,,� H tAM The Tditul a, To D TSP P1�1 There na1. w a many If ' 1902. RAL.L AND WiNTER 0Q '. 'I BAKING POWDERS, but only one " TIP TOP " Bold �. U N R C�► -----. . , in Goderich. e q .. "There ie aoihing in its class can beat" T 1 i. -A- - .. � " it I" so iia the people who have tried it is now shewing.full lines of Seasonable (3oodfs in. all departments: � `'' y -- yY We sell it in r -ib. tins at roc. Just try it. i. I was to give your remedy a trial." honestly behave It will tins ate worst t coca" books. as 1 want to give t to a tea . definite channels, atmin nt what you HUMT' SP NS SOC t0 $I . O G Ir O V E S and F I N F: „ and pamphlet giving full particulars, testimonials and price sent in plain think the best. Act so bat you will per yard. HOSIERY. � FREE SAMPLE respect yourself, and yell will thus sealed envelope.�Correspondence sacredly confidential. Enclose stamp gain the respect and confidence of Another Snap 1xtra Value in D R S S Black and leading shades in { f Ione 1 Address The Samaria Il(Ilsledy Co., 2; Jordan Street, Toronto, Canada, others. Live simply andeconomically' SURGES. VELVETEENS. "� i'' p y Be frank and friendly with your fel- 4, .� - lows, who are travelling on the same As usual a large assortmeet o[ Imported and Domestic YARNS: I journey of life. 500 pounds of FIGS to sell at SC. alb• or Six t . �� N n Sickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrtl Ta an interest in public affairs, �� l�XT1 N stands e' the head of the list for a 1 lbs for 25c- while they last. PLEASE NOTE that abork goods will besokion ibegrounrlJdoarIstel of prier. `' W W. A C H ■ . O + ` • diseases of the throat and lunge: It remembering that nations are made /.� t I. I, ` acts like magic in breaking u a cold. from the experience of the human g g race, and that If nations, like persona, Figs are healthy. Use them freely. Buy them cheaply. ,&..Ma"UM •��a Draper. A cough is soon subdued, tightness of must compete, there is the duty of the chest is relieved, even the worst International coo stollen in the good 1 0 case of consumption is relieved, while p' P work of world wide civilization. Januar Ba a 11. fn recent eases it maybe said never m Let year soul's consciousness t e i n S fail. It is a medicine prepared from Supreme Being behind and in nature n / the active principles or virtues of and life, have influence upon you. Be Go Me SON � *a OLLIOTT several medicinal herbs, and can besympathize6 BROPHY,& �, C0111- simple in your pleasures; J • � 11 IMPLY a plain statement of facts—no exaggeration. depended upon for allpulmonary with others, be tolerant of differences ad C plaints. ' - but earnest and positive in what you •THE LEADING fill W__ I., J Big money Savings are. Shown on every side through- Ti McKmLoP INSURANCE COM- ___ �Z#• I out this Store. These January Bargains illustrate PANT. -The annual meeting of the 1 this fact very Clearly ' sale of UP$ 1 members of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company was held In the 1 d y aids Drees Goods, winter weight, ark F u C S town hall, Seaforth, Friday two weeks. There was a fair attendance Tweed effects. and plate, full Ladies' Astra pG3• nitnches of the members and all seemed to be -111141.4a Inc wide; ""regnler'pnce , c 5 8 to o long, full well pleased with the statements of isc, at per yard ............... 1 swee , high storm collar, p $12" $t6.00, for... the directors and the manner in which the affairs of the company had been Flannelette regular puce conducted for the past year. The yards, 36 inches wide, extra heavy Blankets retiring directors this year were It lannelettes in pinks lues and grey ripes and checksrf it ar value 4o pair, extra heavy large double bod Messrs. Thomas Fraser, Stanley, and J B. McLear and Wm. Broadfoot, ibod at 12,gc, at'ser yard-..... .)Qc lice, warranted all pure wool, white fast borders in pinks ;jucketsmith. On a ballot being B. McLean and Wm. L5adies, Jackets Blankets, and and blues, regular $3.SSo and $2 75 taken Messrs. a. Chesney were elected directors for Thomas Fraser R COATS AND CLOTH COATS. $4.00 value, at per pa1r..... Tucker•smith. Mr. >t a fine selection of very high-class Coats in nearly all sizes, Cotton Blankets was re-elected for Stanley by acclama- tion. At a subsequent meeting of d stylish in price from $5 to $so each. from Double bed size, with pink and blue directors Mr. J. B. McLean was re- apppointed president; Mr. Thomas lsng at now J ng Dis. borders, at per pair, special 65C Fraser, vice stir. T. E. t IO to 25 pdr cent. .............................. ry and Bays, secretary and treasurer ; and IL Iand Bulterick Patterns for January all in Stock and Fashion Sheets Fret. John C. Morrison,auditor•s. ie The directors' statement shows that during the year 651 policies had been issued, and at the *'j W. ACHESON & SON close of the year there were 2,244 for policies in force. The assessments the 11 the year amounted to $6,800 and iA A Goberkb Zta`• t. Patrick's ward, and addin 2 moms to each of those in St. David's and S the losses paid to $6,48;3. The year was commenced with a balance of $8,301 with a 4 is " - CALL 71. Andrew's wards. He declared Central'disgraceful, and said in the treasury and closed balance of $7,489. On the whole the ti' TstsFnONE present could be sold for $3000, showing is a most satisfactory one' 11 1903 the ground U lid the other schools. and the company is in a splendid con- l0" FRIDAY, JAN• 1J0, enough to Is e �' 11 . The clerk read a letter from the G. dition flnan"tally. IL is well managed, a `— —`— tl�' T. R., stating that the Co. had used it is doink a safe business, and is sav- r, bh'I�he Town Council. some coal all ped to the Water ye money for its menbera every speech and rto he unner as Cultivate ell its honesty rin of o` to Dorothy Dodd " . Works, and offering to pay at coat year. ap 6`l Th --'- of thought and chitrncter. [title petty rate or ship in iia place. a chair- E d trivial chloro. Be easy C' si * NMN" .-� ' I ral Very Interesting Matters man of Water arta Light committee A (3UAItAN7 H ED CURE and equiett in thought, apc•ech and o tu 'rI D18Cus9ed. said the matter had already been For All Forms? of Kidney Dlsdase• action, without fuss or flurry? worry in all wt+ming apparel the ['neat and Choij w:' before the committee and thele would or hurry. Take life in la spirit of joy coat materials are those that combine grout U "' ti be a report at next meeting. and hope and faith, as a oonacfous part strength with extreme lightness of weight. pl regular meeting of the Town The following accounts were sent to We the undersigned druggists, are of a wonderful world of nature and • til was held on Friday evening, Finance committee to report: Af- fully prepared to give the following humanity. Never overdo anything Few persons atop to airyconsb how much guar with every 50 cent bottle of excess is always bad, in work or study needless weight they entry about in Choir tPb o here all present Minutes of last fleck Coal Co-, $().89; �}eo$ Eoter� sLa g wearin� apparel. And the greatest Item Oil Co., oil, play. ; g comes In the matte+r of shoes. Heav ehoea tq rand statutory meeting aero tionery, $10,40; Allan& McIver, sup• Dr. Pettiragill's Kidney -Wort Tablets, hula ttiuu jtltlneyourl dailylffeithnt y and lett till neat meeting for I plies, $5.20: The Packard Co., trans- the only remedy in the world that poli- you may be healthy and cane. are n draK upon your strength with every rmation. F.111:, $02.60; Wilmer Smith, 50c; Jas• tively cures all troubles arising from you are fully emancipated, yet in quIcte ly exhatako.ust They are n continual tax and ` w 'R have Nought t}se 4rocery tit0rk and busineAs, ao lonK and sue- �, yu qtly exhaust you. W e mayor elated that Jas. Wilson, I A. Strachan, repair, l$an25Eecard Coe weak or diseased kidneys the future, if any trouble, pet�IexitY successfully conducted ht• Mr. T. c:. Tipling in the Bedford tat was appointed tea the Board of Co., belting, $20.95; The lightest of all Rhoes far wont+n iH the t r K tate to frank' consult your fathitt Dorothy Dodd." The Hc'aieH am the only Block, and will carry on the I1clHlueeN to the very hest of our �t the statutorym a �ba Mars. $ .95.1 M The zPackHartl oCoha rooters. sutiererp a not telielved and improved °r sorrow coneys upon you,' dont est- abilit our nim will be to buy and sell the very beet in every line con- aIreA:.r "bn the board and mother. They have n ways tried tt•st and they show a big difference over any )'• name was intended. The 1$.1078.02; Goderich Engine Co„ sup- after use of one troll's. Three Ccs six to do the best they could for you and other Hhoe. Jo;dan netted with the business, At ns low prices as honest dealing will permit. matter as left till next meeting to plies, $1.90: National Carbon Co., cupp; petites effect astonishing and per they will follow you in life with loving }A -_atter His Worshipalso stated that ilea, $12; Thos, Swartz, livery, $I1, Think what it loenns tet you to Hnve the We are experienced in every detail of the Grocery ;and provision p bel with C un. Elliott, the claim of Mrs. McKenzteMvllQv°al W World, poll book, m,tdntyourwaete otmoneyea JAB. anxppiety, and be glad Us advise an Think of oily oeedleHH weight many bun- business, And feel that ne can conrrdeutiv ask for and receive n season- ;.{. HCDo ld a Binet the town had been bull, $5 1 �. C Wfth kind wlehea, your mother g gg Abel, btieks, $ . W[LBON, Druggist, Gtxlarich, Ont. j°ins me in wishing you many happy died timeH nn hour. able share of pntmm�a e. livery drpnrluicut will he n specialty whit settled or $7b, the settlement stating etc., $10.80; G. �Si al, printing, that kiss town admitted no liability, Lee, rnmtlriea, $14,85,' gn Peter 11c- 1800.7t _ _ returns of your birthday t Yet no elcmvill of wear Is lost in thiH us. It don't suattcr wlcat .•.0 want if In the tartlet, cvtnc here, i Packard Co., 82c; Your loving father. ligiltneH•+ J and tbA,t Mr•� Badeliffe's case was n Ewa , wood, $8.60; W. Kirkbride, Arrangements are already being -- �( - )I. colliesJof aet'lement. made for boldin the 12th of July cele - re hire, $?: Buchanan & Lawson, g wee dm. just now Nva have .1) rent Specialty til WOOD'S His Worshi also stated that he had umber, $51 447 Buchanan & Lawson, bration in Blyth this year. Ample LADIES, .ad.ddK.. r��!� H i FREE!y $3��s•4 �- been sbrved with notice of action by atand at show grounds, $18.67; Buch- funds have been subscribed by the --'"a,W.0 r -11U ins he costSwartz, for injury to horse anon & Lawsnn, lumber and repnfrs, citizens and everything augurs well CUMP°UNU BOSTON C(>1 ! lif,5. 1 l aYC Full tried a sample ? "<�111 `, fallinglinto the drain on Waterloo $12.05; Dickinson & Oarrow, $1179.89. for a successful celebration, even at PENNYROYAL TEA. etxt�t on Jan'o 2nd. Conn. Thomp,J gong' ho said he did not believe the The following letter was attached to this early day. s,••r,raatn.r.adl.dr•s•a1du-1L ti..a.ace..,mn,hr,aan. p,g,__.Of teniae wr rizv If'" o you par- 4. town cable, moved, seconded by Conn. the last mentioned account : — -- a.a..r tale,.. n,. re. " 1. M alt Drv[[aa11 r dt^ett, that the matter be referred TAR TOwN CLatio 7 he Critical Time Cf L1fe THE T. A ,a,V,jM CHEMICAL Co, TOA0�T0. CAN. ticularR of the I)r1,lNN1 pal%e ('crgteHt• 1 _,°Hurn }', is between the ature of fifty-seven WK S H A I ■ , I ■., I tic Werke committee with t�oountagaaetheoto,vn downhto Dom 31st. and six two. Nature's power slows Rubber Goods 1 9y- to act. Carried. 1011`2, amounting. ae you wiyl obexivo, to gl l7B.a7. ty pj mmunication was read from the in addition W iq thereIs the bill in the first down, vitality becomes less, and the adtttot Holmes va fdodorich which wan ion- pmgresa of decay sofa in. A means of-���-�-��� HAM EXCLUHI V1: HALh. O. T, R., stating that the ofMOials, on .red game. time ago. fit d92 making a to extevdin old age and renewing de We have just received a new lot a,CCOUnt of heavy business, could not tai of $1247.3o From this le to bo deducted the i3 __ _... _ - - --- - - -- L-1. accou a public opening of the new proceeds of the Gundry had Colborne rent« creasing vigor s to take Ferrozoue of reliable RUBBER GOODS. - pntdtoua amounting to 1167-50. leaving a bal. after meals. Ferrozonekee)% i the A Pleasant Medicine.- 'There era DUNLOP'S station. an000t{117A80. Tho bill in the Eleva r Bait appetite, and In the formation of red, FOUNTAIN SYRINGES, sone pills which have nu other ptn•- Acommunicationfrom �1ex. Saun- has not a, yet been rendered. l� vPtalizin blood, imparts clearness to HOT WATER BOTTLES, pose evidently than U, beget painful dere asking an advance oY $5000 for thoe�hma�rpas1a�nitah� ° enient, Rawouli here the tiring R brain, force, onergy and ENEMA SYRINGES, internal diaturhancea in the patient., worik on the Organ factory Mr. up spirits net when they are needed were heavy disbtirsomentain connection with moat. _take Ferroz_ne regularly THROAT AND NASAL ATOMIZERS, adding to his trouhicR and perplexities lk CLO THING Saunders, addressing the Oovncil, said th H Ir4Qeecpsao, Wide Of oohree, hent to be anther than dlniniHhing them, Ont there was pork flnia ed and mate�IIa a trues dcbt4arrsow rat or by th• old arm of means adding from ten to twenty RUBBER TUBING AND NIPPLES, mi ht as well Rwallow smile rorrosive on the ground worth over $10,000, DI-HINB_N k oAanow• yyears to lite. Large hofs 60c., or 8 EXTRA BULBS AND FITTINGS ' mator(nl. Yarmelee'R VegetnMe Yllls he asked that the matter be left with Councillor Brown mentioned the t,oxes for $2.50, at druggists, or Polson Syringes, Atomizers, Etc., Etc. haul not thin diHngrPPnhle and in- is the Standard, for Quality the proper committee with power to necessity of a window at the weigh & Co., Kingston, Ont. I)r. Hamilton a juriouR properly, They are easy to Workmanship and Price act. scales to enable the clerk to see the pills are certain. Buy a flet V6'ater Bottle end take comfor take, are not nap's local tet the tante, P The mayor said the Council could load he was weighing, and the matter - and their action is Inild and soothing. I give perkonal and specs. not act until the bylaw was registered, was referred to Market committee Howick township is one that deals this cold weather. A trial of them will prove this. They attention to . . . and a moatgage made out by the with power to act, and a question as more generously with its municipal r offer peace to the dyspeptic. (; U S T O M W o R K. company in favor of the town, but he to the extension of the cattle grounds officers than the average rural munici_ HICK C I� assured Mr. Saunders there would be at the depot was referred to the same polity The salaries are: Clerk, $200, try a SMT or a gillgl no delay on the part of the Council- committee to report. and 25 allowed for postage and Rta- 9 Garment. 1 Lo treasurer, $85, I`,.r`/fIB' His WorehiD then informed the Councillor Mnrneq mould, seconded ti_nery; assessor. $1' "; caNTAAL DAO_ STORE, consRrcn Oonnetl that tphere seemed to be an by Councillor Thompson, that the kPa°oftd for townflhi ncial halle hentz andl- "Always the Best at Hick's."MAO 1'eady-Made Clothing agitation for a coal and cordwood f,iarket committee be instructed to P __ _ bylaw, and he thought a-itizen, n take into consideration and report at tors, $1b each; collector for western _ For Boys and Met), at pricf pay g the fee, should have poweran early date the advisability of hav- div., $00; for eastern div., $50. Recent Farm Sales. and of quality that meet tl haVhis coal weigghed when he (the ing a regular market day in this town. Joseph H. Bowman hart disposed of keenest competition. citizen) wished. Mort discussion OarriecL gR��j cH hie 100 acre farm.lots, con.6, Grey, e follawed, after which Councillor Mur- Councillor Marney asked if the Sum- IS to Rich. Cardiff, who recently gold hie Winter need have no terro ney gave notice, that he want& at mer Hotel bualneas had been tom- farm In Morris, and will glut up pea- for you when wearing future meeting move that the by-law pplettxi, His Worship said he had seen session In March. Mr. Bowman ro- p 6 DUNLOP'S CLOTHING. , , t bs amanded. M- Atte Q vtoyeulr�, y�Vbo e _ nW th c -`vet_" -WAN,. The mayor thin named several agreement to IIs Glossa tbatday. The flno 125acre farm of Jno. Smith, 4, pltttlts [n town whet_ the light was The mayor ala{d the statute direct lot 8, con. 0, Grey, has been purchased HUGH DUNLOP defective, particularly on the Huron ing the mayor to _airy out the lave bq Thomas I Taclutn, Jr., of the 3rd road, and mentioned the necessity of regarding the duties of officials was con., who will get possession next allowing the stt'eet lights to burn after imperative, and he asked the Council grin Tho price wag $0, M. Mr. The n the C -u -t t.tablislrea Next dear m nertlt midnight, when the (i. T. R. train was whether they bhould piweeod aL _neo p g. to the Cnuntp. � Montreal. Goderlcf so that citizens and visitors w refer the matter to the Special tem- Smith, who is an old anti highly esteem- 'IF later ed retsident, will retire from farming might have light to reach home or mitt,_, and it was agreed to so refer. and will probably take up residence inUUS Il LIEN) tfiV Taf ll hotel. The matter waa dismissed and by Brussels, where he owns property. __ sent to Water and Light committee to ondeedv by Councillor lBrowo hat Will• r ` i• • Mrs, Tracey, relict of the late Lail- • 1 ( report. Liam Campbell be appointed tempos- (;l ti rence Tracey, baa disposed of her 150 Are a True Heart Tonic, His Worship also mentioned that nilly perform tits duties oP atrtet Ft/b�r„ ncreR on the 7th of Turnborry for Nave rated Tby build 1f you neer! Clothes of any kind. a local papttr had recently that school of in ctor and asmasor. Councillor $6,00(1. Mr. John Fyfp, junior, in the m and ,•stew• tilt the were out and wasted Ilay public notice the tach that a ''thee' Th m on objteWd to the motion and purchaser. Another farm that has %gives•f thabedy,andresterevoldoptoethsalth it will s you to call on its. was to he built and 'that largo sums ps O�� and rigor a ",31 lra•aerssa. ndtxi, IfO saido[d �tyles said the,nattor should also be referred TROD changed hands fa one on the Bluevale Ntwerstru•.staepteesn• ck t Vital ty. Af a A full line. of tiamplra of all t Nerves must btl b to the Special eowtmittee, but the i rend, owned by Harry McKenzie. T. Bissell Draft) ai�ppsTAeemlR we Mani I latest goods to select from, and t wart out of date. and bu "Cgold the motion was carried, Mr. Thompson j,INIMEN' ' M. Henderson iR the purehaQer at tht Dlaarr�spoils Leas of hamo,y.polpttauee of rlceg are at the lowest notch, selling of the O,fttrAl School and diaaenting. fifty arras far it3,t1(Ml. tb• H•art, Vit" of Enarty ahartassa of I P buildingA t0urrtfomed aehool lit gt. The magqor drew attention to the _. __ __-- - Is.th.•te..camallbecaradbye■les We also do on shortest notice, The ttriorka on -e carried eft hyo i6st Cheapest of all bieelirines. -Con- Hilhurn's ile&d and Nerve pills. i kinds of Repairing, Cleaning 3 t�,,,k) yt y"t,4iNnrtatftl�ind$laek,andsaidundereertain p � giderin,gthe curative qualities of Dr. pd eeW.aboxor9fnrl)2s. Alldealarsor I Pregglng—prices moderate. x�k yr „a, eonditipnffi 'he thought 'lir.. C}lrystal, st:alms ijNttr Thomas 1:clectric oil It la the cheap tT.Hnutrrur Co,l.tarraD.Toronto,Unw I lam, I w MMp ��` would again tilt'the edfablialtmont If �.g� &csiw. Sim joints,133tes and est medirint now nffertrl to the public. (or. Mnn/real .Cl. orid .Cgnare I jhch F�� rr 3nducernentB tvet,%,6ffered. A discus , �Sktt��$�r Cold$#contraded The doge retyuirorl in any ailment ig ottle eontainn man AN`UD h it wt i•-r.hv Bon tlumnn nt i >�t*ll,pp, vi f=t1�s% �• �.ti, 1ii�i)�_itps Mon favorable to the l)tU coition took >:a &onch34h, Rmnll nil& n It y Indy fn rnnh e.,•, ,,, ,., rf ."I n bu.inoaR %� ��� ��-+� J — et cdtrhrwtirtultslW1.1. l late fitter wtticlt C;ourie 'tor ilutnher t;ordy ltheutnatlam, Yloual (msec, If it were lathed a the 1Htno- for an 1. A tial tit h„r:, Odn Meekly 2nh I L 7 1 a c S • Tq E for nn oh oatst th,•h„•1 1, ,,, •• et anted ftnnnolnl "di anises s,tri'Mt ritoved, seconded by* C,ouncillot jNt;lplt (",gip, $set "iia -itis Qt: +eri �hocping flu it ennferR it ronlrl not he ppnrchaacd ID1"e it6at attat.vrery Yldyi tittsmattee b wt'err•ed to Specs L (;0 4 rad a#(lsalaful swtiiings. for many tinea the price ng[ted hsr it, withva� Or n n nl air'. i t",m eheadauarter� eww Wt 'e`btfitnittde tiol`L'j'tot't, Clarried. i but incre.'tned ngumption Baa nirnpli- onoy.ftA�V�an -tor o:,renga:a, Malinger. 3io THE TAILOR• W Casten ntgg•, icagn. tgn-4m I � #rd4Y A A1kMi it+ll�tyji1f11, fU,d, t line`il'thth MijoUttled. A IA*” 1�tYl"CLT"t y7a (tell end thtap ltd Its mnnuYnc Wire. of ) 4`•1 .r 1 • a ' ^'` ,, :.n I i 11 i 1,\ ,r..1 . � . -��I 0 •,;t ,t', ,aon�ax.t•-�1N`Kiilo, , '�a+a�^ knl��-1 fea�e,4ert�Ill*4#0 y1 Y, i. rL M.i �r r'' ' t _ it lit,tiph.' '+, d• ,ga #f 4f,. A. •,fy. r�.. i• �11. L � �tjj^^^^��'�,.,'' .... ,Lh....n.9tt .r'-�t'*'' . ,,.,,y�yxK,.:�aw, Ae+,'t4,ac '*•��ItnA4ltr+l o+a..i0ft `:4w*, Y�`•_I .. t4 tit... -.. L.4r�_.a.il_.L.imm" � If not, do so. 'PHONE 46. CUTT & McEWAN. Sale l • a FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Mill Wood sale of UP$ 1 a 4StOU-TaKIMEMBALMERS and F©R SA.Lh,_ M.4............ RN ' FURNITURE DEALERS. � , 1 ISTREETS, (iODERICH. I HAVE Sold more RANGhs and HFATERS ���� The Largest and A/osl [P -Io -Dale .tilock of �tw T 11 t? nhnaY Ir cut Into Rrt,t F. N' a +� t) than ever I did, but still have a few left, Furniture in Huron County.. have opened rho abotnatnMn. and aro pr„ to fural-h tar gonrral tmtillr will, up In which I will sell very cheap before Stock- ELEGANT PIECES, Suitable for any Room. i p R D E It ti Taking. These Stoves were all bought before g g We handle only woll-made and fine) olished I` milture, (n the most fashion- 5 woods i t present in use. W;t fair dealitta alwava &snared, C Veterinary oAlee In onnnention with theHtreet the foundries advanced the price of Stoves, able 'r t' so this is a snap for anyone to get a First- Class Range for little money. j Picture - Framing and + ; Upholstering done to order • A CALL SOLICITED. M0000"0 " , w,:c "! Undertaking and Embalming �",7 W O S ELL J • H ' . Our long experience ck Afs its to xice the roost prompt and n to service. We carry in stork n foil line uP the Intawt produc•thne known Ccs rho Undertakers'art. Our rh arges aro very 1h0'IVrnto. —THE CHEAP STOVH AND FPRNACI: MAN.— tJ. BRO13H�T � SO1A_N 9 �4- He„rnta-`�tiVc elaeLryN irr t� r ( (T () () 11J a 1 �J1 .i _11 Th LI htneSs of a11 l0" FRIDAY, JAN• 1J0, enough to Is e �' 11 . The clerk read a letter from the G. dition flnan"tally. IL is well managed, a `— —`— tl�' T. R., stating that the Co. had used it is doink a safe business, and is sav- r, bh'I�he Town Council. some coal all ped to the Water ye money for its menbera every speech and rto he unner as Cultivate ell its honesty rin of o` to Dorothy Dodd " . Works, and offering to pay at coat year. ap 6`l Th --'- of thought and chitrncter. [title petty rate or ship in iia place. a chair- E d trivial chloro. Be easy C' si * NMN" .-� ' I ral Very Interesting Matters man of Water arta Light committee A (3UAItAN7 H ED CURE and equiett in thought, apc•ech and o tu 'rI D18Cus9ed. said the matter had already been For All Forms? of Kidney Dlsdase• action, without fuss or flurry? worry in all wt+ming apparel the ['neat and Choij w:' before the committee and thele would or hurry. Take life in la spirit of joy coat materials are those that combine grout U "' ti be a report at next meeting. and hope and faith, as a oonacfous part strength with extreme lightness of weight. pl regular meeting of the Town The following accounts were sent to We the undersigned druggists, are of a wonderful world of nature and • til was held on Friday evening, Finance committee to report: Af- fully prepared to give the following humanity. Never overdo anything Few persons atop to airyconsb how much guar with every 50 cent bottle of excess is always bad, in work or study needless weight they entry about in Choir tPb o here all present Minutes of last fleck Coal Co-, $().89; �}eo$ Eoter� sLa g wearin� apparel. And the greatest Item Oil Co., oil, play. ; g comes In the matte+r of shoes. Heav ehoea tq rand statutory meeting aero tionery, $10,40; Allan& McIver, sup• Dr. Pettiragill's Kidney -Wort Tablets, hula ttiuu jtltlneyourl dailylffeithnt y and lett till neat meeting for I plies, $5.20: The Packard Co., trans- the only remedy in the world that poli- you may be healthy and cane. are n draK upon your strength with every rmation. F.111:, $02.60; Wilmer Smith, 50c; Jas• tively cures all troubles arising from you are fully emancipated, yet in quIcte ly exhatako.ust They are n continual tax and ` w 'R have Nought t}se 4rocery tit0rk and busineAs, ao lonK and sue- �, yu qtly exhaust you. W e mayor elated that Jas. Wilson, I A. Strachan, repair, l$an25Eecard Coe weak or diseased kidneys the future, if any trouble, pet�IexitY successfully conducted ht• Mr. T. c:. Tipling in the Bedford tat was appointed tea the Board of Co., belting, $20.95; The lightest of all Rhoes far wont+n iH the t r K tate to frank' consult your fathitt Dorothy Dodd." The Hc'aieH am the only Block, and will carry on the I1clHlueeN to the very hest of our �t the statutorym a �ba Mars. $ .95.1 M The zPackHartl oCoha rooters. sutiererp a not telielved and improved °r sorrow coneys upon you,' dont est- abilit our nim will be to buy and sell the very beet in every line con- aIreA:.r "bn the board and mother. They have n ways tried tt•st and they show a big difference over any )'• name was intended. The 1$.1078.02; Goderich Engine Co„ sup- after use of one troll's. Three Ccs six to do the best they could for you and other Hhoe. Jo;dan netted with the business, At ns low prices as honest dealing will permit. matter as left till next meeting to plies, $1.90: National Carbon Co., cupp; petites effect astonishing and per they will follow you in life with loving }A -_atter His Worshipalso stated that ilea, $12; Thos, Swartz, livery, $I1, Think what it loenns tet you to Hnve the We are experienced in every detail of the Grocery ;and provision p bel with C un. Elliott, the claim of Mrs. McKenzteMvllQv°al W World, poll book, m,tdntyourwaete otmoneyea JAB. anxppiety, and be glad Us advise an Think of oily oeedleHH weight many bun- business, And feel that ne can conrrdeutiv ask for and receive n season- ;.{. HCDo ld a Binet the town had been bull, $5 1 �. C Wfth kind wlehea, your mother g gg Abel, btieks, $ . W[LBON, Druggist, Gtxlarich, Ont. j°ins me in wishing you many happy died timeH nn hour. able share of pntmm�a e. livery drpnrluicut will he n specialty whit settled or $7b, the settlement stating etc., $10.80; G. �Si al, printing, that kiss town admitted no liability, Lee, rnmtlriea, $14,85,' gn Peter 11c- 1800.7t _ _ returns of your birthday t Yet no elcmvill of wear Is lost in thiH us. It don't suattcr wlcat .•.0 want if In the tartlet, cvtnc here, i Packard Co., 82c; Your loving father. ligiltneH•+ J and tbA,t Mr•� Badeliffe's case was n Ewa , wood, $8.60; W. Kirkbride, Arrangements are already being -- �( - )I. colliesJof aet'lement. made for boldin the 12th of July cele - re hire, $?: Buchanan & Lawson, g wee dm. just now Nva have .1) rent Specialty til WOOD'S His Worshi also stated that he had umber, $51 447 Buchanan & Lawson, bration in Blyth this year. Ample LADIES, .ad.ddK.. r��!� H i FREE!y $3��s•4 �- been sbrved with notice of action by atand at show grounds, $18.67; Buch- funds have been subscribed by the --'"a,W.0 r -11U ins he costSwartz, for injury to horse anon & Lawsnn, lumber and repnfrs, citizens and everything augurs well CUMP°UNU BOSTON C(>1 ! lif,5. 1 l aYC Full tried a sample ? "<�111 `, fallinglinto the drain on Waterloo $12.05; Dickinson & Oarrow, $1179.89. for a successful celebration, even at PENNYROYAL TEA. etxt�t on Jan'o 2nd. Conn. Thomp,J gong' ho said he did not believe the The following letter was attached to this early day. s,••r,raatn.r.adl.dr•s•a1du-1L ti..a.ace..,mn,hr,aan. p,g,__.Of teniae wr rizv If'" o you par- 4. town cable, moved, seconded by Conn. the last mentioned account : — -- a.a..r tale,.. n,. re. " 1. M alt Drv[[aa11 r dt^ett, that the matter be referred TAR TOwN CLatio 7 he Critical Time Cf L1fe THE T. A ,a,V,jM CHEMICAL Co, TOA0�T0. CAN. ticularR of the I)r1,lNN1 pal%e ('crgteHt• 1 _,°Hurn }', is between the ature of fifty-seven WK S H A I ■ , I ■., I tic Werke committee with t�oountagaaetheoto,vn downhto Dom 31st. and six two. Nature's power slows Rubber Goods 1 9y- to act. Carried. 1011`2, amounting. ae you wiyl obexivo, to gl l7B.a7. ty pj mmunication was read from the in addition W iq thereIs the bill in the first down, vitality becomes less, and the adtttot Holmes va fdodorich which wan ion- pmgresa of decay sofa in. A means of-���-�-��� HAM EXCLUHI V1: HALh. O. T, R., stating that the ofMOials, on .red game. time ago. fit d92 making a to extevdin old age and renewing de We have just received a new lot a,CCOUnt of heavy business, could not tai of $1247.3o From this le to bo deducted the i3 __ _... _ - - --- - - -- L-1. accou a public opening of the new proceeds of the Gundry had Colborne rent« creasing vigor s to take Ferrozoue of reliable RUBBER GOODS. - pntdtoua amounting to 1167-50. leaving a bal. after meals. Ferrozonekee)% i the A Pleasant Medicine.- 'There era DUNLOP'S station. an000t{117A80. Tho bill in the Eleva r Bait appetite, and In the formation of red, FOUNTAIN SYRINGES, sone pills which have nu other ptn•- Acommunicationfrom �1ex. Saun- has not a, yet been rendered. l� vPtalizin blood, imparts clearness to HOT WATER BOTTLES, pose evidently than U, beget painful dere asking an advance oY $5000 for thoe�hma�rpas1a�nitah� ° enient, Rawouli here the tiring R brain, force, onergy and ENEMA SYRINGES, internal diaturhancea in the patient., worik on the Organ factory Mr. up spirits net when they are needed were heavy disbtirsomentain connection with moat. _take Ferroz_ne regularly THROAT AND NASAL ATOMIZERS, adding to his trouhicR and perplexities lk CLO THING Saunders, addressing the Oovncil, said th H Ir4Qeecpsao, Wide Of oohree, hent to be anther than dlniniHhing them, Ont there was pork flnia ed and mate�IIa a trues dcbt4arrsow rat or by th• old arm of means adding from ten to twenty RUBBER TUBING AND NIPPLES, mi ht as well Rwallow smile rorrosive on the ground worth over $10,000, DI-HINB_N k oAanow• yyears to lite. Large hofs 60c., or 8 EXTRA BULBS AND FITTINGS ' mator(nl. Yarmelee'R VegetnMe Yllls he asked that the matter be left with Councillor Brown mentioned the t,oxes for $2.50, at druggists, or Polson Syringes, Atomizers, Etc., Etc. haul not thin diHngrPPnhle and in- is the Standard, for Quality the proper committee with power to necessity of a window at the weigh & Co., Kingston, Ont. I)r. Hamilton a juriouR properly, They are easy to Workmanship and Price act. scales to enable the clerk to see the pills are certain. Buy a flet V6'ater Bottle end take comfor take, are not nap's local tet the tante, P The mayor said the Council could load he was weighing, and the matter - and their action is Inild and soothing. I give perkonal and specs. not act until the bylaw was registered, was referred to Market committee Howick township is one that deals this cold weather. A trial of them will prove this. They attention to . . . and a moatgage made out by the with power to act, and a question as more generously with its municipal r offer peace to the dyspeptic. (; U S T O M W o R K. company in favor of the town, but he to the extension of the cattle grounds officers than the average rural munici_ HICK C I� assured Mr. Saunders there would be at the depot was referred to the same polity The salaries are: Clerk, $200, try a SMT or a gillgl no delay on the part of the Council- committee to report. and 25 allowed for postage and Rta- 9 Garment. 1 Lo treasurer, $85, I`,.r`/fIB' His WorehiD then informed the Councillor Mnrneq mould, seconded ti_nery; assessor. $1' "; caNTAAL DAO_ STORE, consRrcn Oonnetl that tphere seemed to be an by Councillor Thompson, that the kPa°oftd for townflhi ncial halle hentz andl- "Always the Best at Hick's."MAO 1'eady-Made Clothing agitation for a coal and cordwood f,iarket committee be instructed to P __ _ bylaw, and he thought a-itizen, n take into consideration and report at tors, $1b each; collector for western _ For Boys and Met), at pricf pay g the fee, should have poweran early date the advisability of hav- div., $00; for eastern div., $50. Recent Farm Sales. and of quality that meet tl haVhis coal weigghed when he (the ing a regular market day in this town. Joseph H. Bowman hart disposed of keenest competition. citizen) wished. Mort discussion OarriecL gR��j cH hie 100 acre farm.lots, con.6, Grey, e follawed, after which Councillor Mur- Councillor Marney asked if the Sum- IS to Rich. Cardiff, who recently gold hie Winter need have no terro ney gave notice, that he want& at mer Hotel bualneas had been tom- farm In Morris, and will glut up pea- for you when wearing future meeting move that the by-law pplettxi, His Worship said he had seen session In March. Mr. Bowman ro- p 6 DUNLOP'S CLOTHING. , , t bs amanded. M- Atte Q vtoyeulr�, y�Vbo e _ nW th c -`vet_" -WAN,. The mayor thin named several agreement to IIs Glossa tbatday. The flno 125acre farm of Jno. Smith, 4, pltttlts [n town whet_ the light was The mayor ala{d the statute direct lot 8, con. 0, Grey, has been purchased HUGH DUNLOP defective, particularly on the Huron ing the mayor to _airy out the lave bq Thomas I Taclutn, Jr., of the 3rd road, and mentioned the necessity of regarding the duties of officials was con., who will get possession next allowing the stt'eet lights to burn after imperative, and he asked the Council grin Tho price wag $0, M. Mr. The n the C -u -t t.tablislrea Next dear m nertlt midnight, when the (i. T. R. train was whether they bhould piweeod aL _neo p g. to the Cnuntp. � Montreal. Goderlcf so that citizens and visitors w refer the matter to the Special tem- Smith, who is an old anti highly esteem- 'IF later ed retsident, will retire from farming might have light to reach home or mitt,_, and it was agreed to so refer. and will probably take up residence inUUS Il LIEN) tfiV Taf ll hotel. The matter waa dismissed and by Brussels, where he owns property. __ sent to Water and Light committee to ondeedv by Councillor lBrowo hat Will• r ` i• • Mrs, Tracey, relict of the late Lail- • 1 ( report. Liam Campbell be appointed tempos- (;l ti rence Tracey, baa disposed of her 150 Are a True Heart Tonic, His Worship also mentioned that nilly perform tits duties oP atrtet Ft/b�r„ ncreR on the 7th of Turnborry for Nave rated Tby build 1f you neer! Clothes of any kind. a local papttr had recently that school of in ctor and asmasor. Councillor $6,00(1. Mr. John Fyfp, junior, in the m and ,•stew• tilt the were out and wasted Ilay public notice the tach that a ''thee' Th m on objteWd to the motion and purchaser. Another farm that has %gives•f thabedy,andresterevoldoptoethsalth it will s you to call on its. was to he built and 'that largo sums ps O�� and rigor a ",31 lra•aerssa. ndtxi, IfO saido[d �tyles said the,nattor should also be referred TROD changed hands fa one on the Bluevale Ntwerstru•.staepteesn• ck t Vital ty. Af a A full line. of tiamplra of all t Nerves must btl b to the Special eowtmittee, but the i rend, owned by Harry McKenzie. T. Bissell Draft) ai�ppsTAeemlR we Mani I latest goods to select from, and t wart out of date. and bu "Cgold the motion was carried, Mr. Thompson j,INIMEN' ' M. Henderson iR the purehaQer at tht Dlaarr�spoils Leas of hamo,y.polpttauee of rlceg are at the lowest notch, selling of the O,fttrAl School and diaaenting. fifty arras far it3,t1(Ml. tb• H•art, Vit" of Enarty ahartassa of I P buildingA t0urrtfomed aehool lit gt. The magqor drew attention to the _. __ __-- - Is.th.•te..camallbecaradbye■les We also do on shortest notice, The ttriorka on -e carried eft hyo i6st Cheapest of all bieelirines. -Con- Hilhurn's ile&d and Nerve pills. i kinds of Repairing, Cleaning 3 t�,,,k) yt y"t,4iNnrtatftl�ind$laek,andsaidundereertain p � giderin,gthe curative qualities of Dr. pd eeW.aboxor9fnrl)2s. Alldealarsor I Pregglng—prices moderate. x�k yr „a, eonditipnffi 'he thought 'lir.. C}lrystal, st:alms ijNttr Thomas 1:clectric oil It la the cheap tT.Hnutrrur Co,l.tarraD.Toronto,Unw I lam, I w MMp ��` would again tilt'the edfablialtmont If �.g� &csiw. Sim joints,133tes and est medirint now nffertrl to the public. (or. Mnn/real .Cl. orid .Cgnare I jhch F�� rr 3nducernentB tvet,%,6ffered. A discus , �Sktt��$�r Cold$#contraded The doge retyuirorl in any ailment ig ottle eontainn man AN`UD h it wt i•-r.hv Bon tlumnn nt i >�t*ll,pp, vi f=t1�s% �• �.ti, 1ii�i)�_itps Mon favorable to the l)tU coition took >:a &onch34h, Rmnll nil& n It y Indy fn rnnh e.,•, ,,, ,., rf ."I n bu.inoaR %� ��� ��-+� J — et cdtrhrwtirtultslW1.1. l late fitter wtticlt C;ourie 'tor ilutnher t;ordy ltheutnatlam, Yloual (msec, If it were lathed a the 1Htno- for an 1. A tial tit h„r:, Odn Meekly 2nh I L 7 1 a c S • Tq E for nn oh oatst th,•h„•1 1, ,,, •• et anted ftnnnolnl "di anises s,tri'Mt ritoved, seconded by* C,ouncillot jNt;lplt (",gip, $set "iia -itis Qt: +eri �hocping flu it ennferR it ronlrl not he ppnrchaacd ID1"e it6at attat.vrery Yldyi tittsmattee b wt'err•ed to Specs L (;0 4 rad a#(lsalaful swtiiings. for many tinea the price ng[ted hsr it, withva� Or n n nl air'. i t",m eheadauarter� eww Wt 'e`btfitnittde tiol`L'j'tot't, Clarried. i but incre.'tned ngumption Baa nirnpli- onoy.ftA�V�an -tor o:,renga:a, Malinger. 3io THE TAILOR• W Casten ntgg•, icagn. tgn-4m I � #rd4Y A A1kMi it+ll�tyji1f11, fU,d, t line`il'thth MijoUttled. A IA*” 1�tYl"CLT"t y7a (tell end thtap ltd Its mnnuYnc Wire. of ) 4`•1 .r 1 • a ' ^'` ,, :.n I i 11 i 1,\ ,r..1 . � . -��I 0 •,;t ,t', ,aon�ax.t•-�1N`Kiilo, , '�a+a�^ knl��-1 fea�e,4ert�Ill*4#0 y1 Y, i. rL M.i �r r'' ' t _ it lit,tiph.' '+, d• ,ga #f 4f,. A. •,fy. r�.. i• �11. L � �tjj^^^^��'�,.,'' .... ,Lh....n.9tt .r'-�t'*'' . ,,.,,y�yxK,.:�aw, Ae+,'t4,ac '*•��ItnA4ltr+l o+a..i0ft `:4w*, Y�`•_I .. t4 tit... -.. L.4r�_.a.il_.L.imm" � If not, do so. 'PHONE 46. CUTT & McEWAN. Sale l Livery, Veterinary, Mill Wood and Feed Stables, F©R SA.Lh,_ COR. HAMILTON AND NEw(;ATE ISTREETS, (iODERICH. T 11 t? nhnaY Ir cut Into Rrt,t F. N' a +� t) i J. HAMI1AON. V. ii., and.' IlA1.1.11)AY. LttN.ltiR and wul hr nil rr rd ,,, port or the 1'uwu the samr dor a. have opened rho abotnatnMn. and aro pr„ to fural-h tar gonrral tmtillr will, up In g:rod I.A. r.1 nblu hor.es and rias at moderate ,otos. p R D E It ti Horan bought. .old and r•achanned. and rerelved by TAtnertonu of left Rt •• ,'nn,, -•.a fair dealitta alwava &snared, C Veterinary oAlee In onnnention with theHtreet will receive prompt Mira', - nlablen, and dwitasog of all nnlmnl..Aontidral. Ir trr•ntad, on M1tasonahlo term.. 11 ,-r--- eltpp• I Yonr atronago.nfiuitod - edon.hortnotcc F PETER McEWAN. 7'r@ L n S I Iamil♦ton & f y� Iall1de'ill. r•,adirlch. Nov, -,at, ,4•w Phone 08 PRrWitIWTO TIS e q We are into . I -i Third Week\Veek heof our Annual Stock -Taking Sale. 1'11e followiuK nre n few extra c'htRe p"i"ca.•1V:edn,tctclear"uttit* .gli.ste`:1 w, r •',.ni> fo only Gatineau Anes, worth 6SC each, Sale price :b .-,-) . y 01111 Ktyig AxeR, worth k',, each, stale pprice It`s In only ('hip tilingc•r :1xes, worth S,yc cath, Sitle ori„• tt`t of 24 only Ilighrat (',rude AxeN, worth $1.25 ench. Sa�l,y )1 1 Ill 2 dos.Tnhle R n ive% and 1°"rkR No. 1224, $2. gat der H.TIr p: ' 141 2 ,• !• .120 R 2 n” t tui ir 2 ., 226 R 3 So _ ,., TRIP1.R N,-%TKD S1'00N1 ANY, r(ll;:.:. 1/1 doe, jmitt Ten Slutons, worth $t q1)` ,lar „I- - �- $,.,I ,:. c:,� I der )nae Itegaert spi-114, w-oith $5,.,.1,> I •• 1 int . t rinr eau 'rahle slx.,na, worth $6 „n , ,,. : e i 14) he t tloz. jJnan 1'nblc IrnrkR worth; u...I 1 nit 1 doe Jnnn leegaert F„rkg, wurlh $.7 ; ,1 l- .; #yl lie 6 rages Ment t:nnvrs at h1 l,, - t . 1 , nal ` 36 flange Aroonig, worth lye, Sale pr •„• 12 6o Honae Aroonla, worth 20c, ;%ale I-, c• Ill all do Ilouge :imoma, worth 2cc, S,Ic i,•,, c 20 nd RR(',Vl.AR i INI?S . Maple Leaf, Racer, i,nn(•e and Premier t' ... int 1�.1wa in 'tuck Sawa, Axon, Axe H,n,ile. eta . _.u_ Pnic Fq Rt .nY. we nie „Iw•ning „I, a i,t „f 'rmk, , e Oc it,rl•v R[otty . Vr N. D. ROUGVIE, DODLR110gM, : ,, r € °'i6 It,4, � �,� .a(� � rtCk* A,F':.teo•:r-nv,15 C*t J�Y-k�.s'aar.,akr21 hot. Y . . 4 . v c... u b ;.19'' 3r'•lr l' "J :5y It f4 fr' yv� syr. f, . , J. �n•.r"'-,a^M,c+k•t. r . .t„,t11 iia, � w,+n,A