HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1903-01-30, Page 21000-400 44001"O. vo JIM*" 9 to wrw goto 4#*W; OV 0M 1*4 "W10; PW I Aorlkg try 004 fuloll"Owuow 09#14 00 t 40 tka 01 . , I " 11, , I .40 ilk toe 4� Would VmFlftt� not A04, ftowmift TAW W flc
put,to 4 4 000" 4000 Ihin70,44s, for %on" to X40, 00100*1 of UPI, 09A4400i -W d ar. 40141 in 0 b 0 _g .94 solip 010i cof "� 90 at Pon ot,puzillght VQA d10 got loop, k 0 Ir, O OAO loow'ng *tl t him r Ill 4110gt�oeO 4 story o 'to) . . . . . . . . . . . . too pu" 041blo u.to 14 Of A l4l0chaitt 4 fAnd .04 itt to L, With big discussion to notice mn*- he railil vith tho''Oon '01. h'4. osptguot tr ceq)aueis 'Auxt, 4WAS rounilinga. 0A tot 1090 Jima, 19AA U0010 to, It VvA Acit,ilatil. tba, noxfmorsAfig 'til'it, Act'— itayo,vhoh he'lound without gelaxilto worked I -Al A- L, AX lWit Alloo 011411mor appagwo 04 -time for a in teuter yVY0101 tilit id our(tgIrt; he i4 the assWri,citi- dogic" end one 08 TO .ifIC6.01 tbq,VID�i�r SteAutphiP COM- led tile VAquAfritsuce, W�I%JW tile DIrmtors 4ollberated hat wag; dl.,sttneil to leAd W- OU94 men to work. E vo;7, oAo, Xpiolwl .1, At V,W410 Ili ;�, W Re !rful thlxiga� I can sop his 104, What Ilia' obloot ospec, 009. wiltq *r oilly hir Do esse, th the, seclusloa (if the, r,osrm ,am plenty s to tit01 c4nio torwaxilith both *"W 411 rood, PJ certain , whomel. utstrotolioc). A daitt falty cow "tile DOW, as man could be. T40 q0toulai Mroctoro arp tend at lotting their 91 a girl, with a Weer, Mot cow- Wbpp that *a4 I'll x4tian, 09.zi, aQmo the 440, �0� lit ff ;f, W "Can. re I M 'for you oul
,p14ZJol) 404 rgal;vIolot eyes that grow ovqn more An lt$', low-toAk-ho run, go rhoy are Date, v I? 4tAx Aaquaki, x4ttk 91, 0ral d tie frc for- him., TOO t1*0 WO for a4ptibor.tart minutes before they no OU, fo(T, M% i0JI)tout being Her Diva simple blue, merge estate, .111011 01' WOUIbAs 9i" 4 40I in mefsentence, I Way as ting drato ha,cl bviiin dried 04 was mot nxious to -PlOASO *,bo, y, Attlik, th -1 itoguxl..An overbaill- A, seris of t IM04to y0wip A steAt 404ii of Inter04 has Ing Illy log of wr at )log thrown me hfw Just Woo ecluipleted at Starta rala latQl "Slip 11 be r On in na-ends, lify name is Cyril neve have recogniced Ill tile smart liapp3r gt'jr u too rot $ boa figure the poor. pixie, hall- Sir Re I a hink"If 0A to swine. rarlinqtily a prqjv- ,%. rostor,,'iat tbilt Uwe thirty yeara with -,,a stodkings. drowned creatune whom I had hold flovor for 'he 411ce OXJSto4 Ag*jnat them On ACCOVAt )late was ffritcluftij) oin" ! Ir . .19 Ate of those 9gorts 0,14, A Not tell in My olict� i . . . f, ait' lid hold-, to my arms the dor billarit. 0 3 Of 'On' lclelk,Uxt A ho awhat u, , ,r) As she t�e their .0. WAS sound tn.wlzicl and limb, m zaaaked me In a tow words for W1, . fal-'a two Iselise �Ylth A P4, of �A trQublCtio 4t MY ,earlg life: eon loss are '01' anllpn� b.y; vor yet. In, 11- IN Dug 1. A"o_:Mld#_ of the b _9,p aPIW Ito I in Via cImpolta, 'C =-A acommand of a vessel, and Under flro4 likely to there! am the whvio of the story corPo9poild continually wlthL oil PO -much - 'a, L Jabots and taJIS, Vid laq.t firrot, to. PrOtty. girl betoro' -and ?t- pocgx bia wifo, s Im Ing an �all clit clrqt tealuxiships, Shown, hoWaver; thil%rocitS stances never hinggs on it thard is no noed lor'IT wrote tb hot- overy We be� The Plower Une of s no,�Vr Mcutbag. So relation, �61 clentlav secrecy - I fall'bead ovur beets In tellit her what lie Wah�%Ia$p, but can be led in mad0rata qu"UL493, publiollealth". as every one litlown, plies between, contr9yersivaWt ave, ` f lb love with bar there and then. lowell pg continually oil i-QlAblucA with Other iced 'Witilq4t lost,510fof the piila�gttoal 9 London and Calcutta, touching at -roux The beginning nor friendship ais love for her, '6a big igto;*0 too 4oftmL t ."Oft Qi f i r c)h. tiny injurious effects on the qlAtIlt utility of exper gore thoro� ctOA, the clitef Mediterranean Potts; and grow rapit3y, via It only call on aldP-'alro to see her again. Of the Produced. Am heoy y shthe little Incident that gave tlose fore, we -have aoffleuiog tan6blo Iroot crops can be easily find ecolion re ( -room board, and by the time the DithlW9 "These are our laye4attors,. Ott ftich to dot� grim old hurthaes in the Board bows wt.,ro tnrned castward through cited," he wrote once. the Chance to get their knives into Tbip is our 40alIV, grown In nearly all fliQeQ par- oil 0 4rKo, 'for taking. out P In 1806, the Counocticut,-Arlcul� the Straits It had ripened Into that courtship. t 11! tell, and except for The clay Ott which ve Units of Ganada, where swine raising tural College dWned a hord'of about t Ma occurr4don 'the llu4t voyage out. taa ollor, t 'W" toy Wit later phase of friendship in which. meet will be our real wodding carried ql� c.,;ton&jvrly, tbo %0 fifty head of cows arid young cattle. E without atthat was itlie rq ktrter-master, who was Steer- vardness, there can. be and she smiled to herself, no she read. roots 'Can be profl(ably fed to tbla date tha herd consist- � ily. long silences. Sir Simon's dowean- lie was w ) one but W11,11,041t injury, to the bacon, and ad of gra,do animals, mostly of Jer� "Then -1* guess �1'11 edit io��Ofor� W i long upon the bridge, on uk last, and Pc rp n cam. abeing fit. breakfast In the or toward me -continued curt and her -Rett know how happy shq Willi to With positive. Itlencilt as far its Uto say and Guernse blood. but In theLt 4ud bavoit taka �ouf b itylikht, Liao To send for our distinct --that of his sister, TvLrF- win him. general thrift of tile animal is coll- Year" 15 registered Jerseys, Gvdirt announced the Sheet Alusto OK16on, The Weather was thick Jbhnny-"Yc clarw—we 1; Want- Ith a wisty chapping sea, and Vi; Beauchamp, equally so - but he So the year past away. It was earned becomes of considerable im- soya, and Ayrahires were L le 14U -It Lie$ c L purchased. a,%p f��401 Rates. ould not very well lorl)id his ward thovl�bt advisablo for Mrs, Glanvil portAnco to oiAr farraors. Wof I I to third officar, who shared my charge Since that -time the aocillisitions t, aid silo could, not see his nank44...,L, ot, the deck. was forward an the fo'- to "Peak to the man who had saved to return befol-O winter VALUE OF _,ROOT. I To cgu Ft the hard have been from. the natural i-n-4be list." Johnny-r,"No, but the. spounds of mrgols or car- Increase of these ailimalp, and the $Vith That Ilea e u, castle seeing that te out -106k man h- life, and though It waq PIMA began, and the beginning of Eight MAIL go to sheep, Suddenly my that lie vVewc-d our frequent intimacy tomber Weil fixed upon ao.tbo, TImoL rots find about tile soma weight at, a occasionqI purchom at. grade cowg. me"s papa. They 111ayo ipentioll, crunching with Cynical dislike, he probably for, har and the countess' return. The Aittlo less of sugar beets are equal Up to October. 1897, the'entire hard %VZ3= 3�ASILT DISVOSZD !DF BT b tlx4t, wily," , 1,.1; 1 kars -were - startled by a. MAIO, ROT01
Led on 'ho"coining sdParation at earl priv6d Ilia Wtfe tit OL116W. hlm-u� to-,PAO pound of grahx..TIil5 Im , crash tram, an far as I could Judgo. coon b,1t In Nqvilmbar, the Naples. to put an n4d to It, go to Nice to escort them home, its; far the conselislis of opinion of Lbout two hundred yards oil oil � tile 1898, it cow which htW (Iro"ped a 406, Maio la& port boam. followed by screams; and if so, lie was out of his reckoning was at first tirranged. She Answer- Copenhagen, Otta,wa and several VRAM TNE LAUV6 LIT y cis about thirty hours. We wore that ed "No " that her father Would do AMOriCan EXporitiment %StAtioas. At strong, vigorous call In the I revious WNNIMG, MAN. Togo.,, I, shouts. - which told me as Plain Auwiiift, jjl%d�Lfrojn New Year's day to The chilsiran like to,&t all attiac- 4 speo, tbat two vessels time distant front our part of rAll. that. ',4he did not wish to mcit him Copenhagen 'the mangals were fed W. G. 0rat,p9t 9!. Drbsctim. 4#4,741 tive book to react, after qupper-so. 7 words coul the 0 t of NoNvm"r In the tatter WRY WOOK am comAll"Ictit were in collision close at hand. At- and I remember as 1( it ivere yestor- again until she met him at home. flike)y cxxt an ' d raw, and even hn year had yielded .292 paunds of but- fiaminiatory Rheumix.tiam, and do the old folks conititimes. Iva 110,00 We win, to Rt.,Ttyolou ulmoo. '[in Her father would bring bar to, Court orionfourth of the daily feed was ter, fell sticl(dahly Ill, and as, there WAS Cured Slick and Clean. pleasuro, In informing ur- or.yo.-nelf N -n an, Took* at 1110 - game MGEXVt- Vt Ai�hairolrndw ; a be" day what I, beautiful Mediterratie farming AGE
we the evening it' was, i,en Aline and I 11twea station; its a kyp� in the. fo*n of roots, no mosj,00, br.oke a little, and showed QUILL' 'Mad' llqr In- Were no hopes 'of recovery. she WAS readers th;it'by sending their ' name, lthe black hull of li, Steam collier slluk� shook off the chrysalis shelf, Of there and take her home. flurl6na alloot-s- -w9"r-o-, r-loitlem in the Rlaughtored In No Broaden, Ont., -Jan. and adAreri on"a post card to,Xas- Va%'X1non bxviulaiis- vomber, IB98, a Ing away to the westward, and a friendship for the roldon butterfly at "Silo is right," said Sir Raoul; quality of the pork. Tile grain per post-mortem examination' showing W -'Toild's Kidney Pills -cured we Co., � Ltd,, they 44161TAII A 60,, 30 bitircia ST. Tocusla. gener Cragg. ex� amet, yawl -rigged yacht cut down love. "thirt'seams to be more fitting. She head In ten days on a ration bull atized. and advariced case - of slick nd clean of the will _he. . sent A 3fAs;scy-T1li;rIs Illus- to the water's edge, and wit), scarce- This is no love story - there is is right, as she always is." gra.to and half whey or M4 was t4herculasla. The hard was then says, V G. _reavo,of , this qat6d, free of charge, for;,gyio ytiar, am lyin Minute t6*11olit, sterner work abond - and I haVit So the day came - o, bright Sep- 7.0 pounds, whereas when -the -grain tested with tuberculin when twelve town.: "It wpul the .-Inflammixtipry It Is a bright little magazine... -Icon- obinfiflin altered the Dahlia's course so as not space, ci,iien If I had the will, to tembor day - when all'the world,,"$ replaced by. roots after the Vro-� animals responded, milking 4hot4aatjsm I liad', 111114,1 think taliting Many now pictures and game 34'antclifit te. 1,1vow-4.1. llootod., to U,
to bring her round to the sinking write down here the words in which seemed chaigod to the Earl of Car- portion of I 0 10 the increase was Dodd%. lKillney Pills are as Aue, 06 gdod rNtilitij. Don't (oppt tc� Mon- ])cot. vik(lutt
craft, singing out tit the same time MY sweet girl and I plighted our Oven, The train was duct at to bii-L.-ff.'a 4Od--8,G-pounds,_ A, TOTAL OF Au H� or Y, a lromal!740r, that as I IvAnt. 1 am as tion this paper., or you way not re, t4a7mip4sthttain
for at %I t a Q.,
to the third oilicer to clear away a troth. As the Little we should have Court Raven Station at thTee in the When'liall the grain was replaced by out at a herd of forty, -eight antmala OQ rid 15611, as thou- celve the jpurnal.,, �Id I 11 t � 1. a short, we do- afternoon, and the earl web tie meet roots in propOrt4on of I to 8 lthe that had contracted the clisease'. In Matlam is concerlidd." boat. As we neared the vacht I together was to be r �or. add 04
could see that all was confusion on cided to keep our secret till my re- t. growth of the different lots was one year, . dentorwtratink,bOw — This: is Zfr. CrIL992�g experience, Cheoretn,.�".O I COMe 'I Stop L bar- aor, or her Otte built turn from tile Eastern voyage. when I others. it I V. 006
-her, find no wonder. Lord Caravan kept blaword. The, Pretty nearly tho same, viz., 8.5 markably ifectious it is, and 4t'is the -all= s in rowing trouble.'!- X was stave in. and the rascally cot- I should try to secure Sir Simon's day was celebrated as a wedding pounds, for the. grain fed pigs, and The following are 8aftie of, tho People - gl3nerally hero are leat'llng. -Ing ? Gee -whiz,! man, trouble -isn'- Iter, lahtead of standing b3 gagement. t r to help, consent to it formal en day. Great tontA were reated Ili the 8.6 pounds for those f6d roots, thus muin practical conclut;ions arrved that Rhemnatism is 41niply a -result like mone. When I bo?tow �Moxloy
14o we parted, full of hope and mu- plirk, and till the children aind the showing it liniall cilitcrolice In favor at from thvae eciciteirimputs of Kidney, Diettatte-that if. tlls�, wits already out of sight In tile make matters worse. I 'lual trust, in the bright ounshinc of I cal. forget about oo�rjz�teway�' 01 ni midst. To tenantr were feasted therein to of the Tatter. Ill this experiment It Tho elimination of tuberculosis oys do not do tUair'dilty -and take Ioijul.4Ct might 0 o"ly thu rliop- --fiatiles, Day-, a" -hem I Ivaa.. on Vk- 4hoir--hearta.. oatent, - Tho;ro was milat be noted that the pigs bad from a herd is it gradual pomss. the uric acid from , the blood, it Ing deck, and I know that unless the day after tile Joatillu'p return, wait- nothing but rejoicing and mairfmiVt *b6--ex4roff -�-c-6tg -praviousiT-Mod- IT -i&--n)t-OuVACien;t,-�erystaWzea Par titin ayfl"G.L now cases will develop from time joiats,go, Causes -11 'could 'move- neftfiefl- y&WI floated a low minutes longer, itig to be carpeted for the "grave and ll�.Ppfness. thOL sequently took them readily.. 'those tortures too euinAlistri .1 -tai-if - Qikv would bu in 4anger, since our,dereliction of duty" which bad given The earl stood by carriage In experiments, with nearly 900 to time. All the breads represented hands nor feet, a�cl fel; -Qu wly on a I Aline bagIc her life. rvan came whei the trIt1n stopped. There was -many well. eforuclaUng
Montkeul,Towhtc� Ott as but BID With 111- , A I I ship came round Trigs on various estates in Dencriarl In the herd were. aboilt actually Sus- pains in m"ikholg 60M A r
'ILI *had been troubled , . I I -ting them I -To It was found thAt carrots and inall- cept+ble. Tw ate in for ight -icoLmended the men and R clark. invited mo to stop into HAV lammed helm. to the end of my roverie o. bell rang, not teiich tiwo for grec enty per cent. of the fiamm ry RlieJiiuitfs friend r 811.4006R7 VVh t?
I was Itcaping one eye on vlaspah his wife's Viands between his els 6ontaining, otlual quantities of Jerseys, �6 per cent. of the Guam- yeari," continues the ex-reove e ..I the- result 1wifisfasna l , where one glance at or Vanished, and I was cured. -J. Lee's rricaless x4tal to to for :41 a engaged In lowering, the boat own, ositutad for a moment, and dry Matter had WWII" value I I at. of the Ayrshires, could scarcely get aroVnd to 'do my yvaiiand To Idepar c" of 6 do), 1.11a
rogm go — to
e on the yacht. when she the faces of my consors, told Ina ray Uxan kissed her. feeding; in other words the a cent. of tile T�Olsteina re- 'duties in ray store. r tried doctors Hylan 3`4 a ca mOlP7 `aff'1202perp d, Troy. Now York. plunged forward. then etaggered late at once. The Chairman, an old. Zy wife - my darling - welcome of (try matter In roots is of-imPort- aporlided to tile tagroulift test. The wbrUl It. . qq ids, is rL 'as face Onto?' h d. g any (to 244"M or, 7a h and medicines I Without gettin Ind tback and went down stern foremost. folow whiskered all round his I ft SRI -g.lien rather than the total weight or J largeft producers in the herd were benefit, till I heard of Dodd -s' Kid- Tho.viresenco" of 6 in, lv�viag her people struggling In the !like O, cat, and having it fierce -eye. Than lie helped her into th car- Qe quixatity of sugaic contained., Inot More susceptible to tuberculosis re -
sea. Our boat was still at the cla-, ros at once - rose. too, as If In i" Pills. Six boxes cured me cam- pacurtious lover was illustrated 0 riago and took his root by her side. In a number of Danish experiments I than those at the least proiltzative Je'y ' Was Ladies' ao Roo 9 F ris it, the froghly�paintocl gene working i liked the job. four of cooked potatoes gave pructi- I capacity. Tho disease wes not in- p otely. contly at a bazaar, i�here there stiIny, and I iould see that any one! "We have fully coast go saw hrr face grow Palo with mine- Cure the kidneys with Dodd's Kid- a stall for the'sala of wo,tch-charms. Everytitingin Fort lit low* -Oda s. and dared the CaSO. cally the same gain as one Pound Of 1hqrtted. None of the offspring of - AW FUIR*� a p it a
who was not a strong swimmer would: Bfr. Forrester, tion as the ringing cheers of , mank grain. -The quality of pork pro- ills and your Rhemat.ism.pil; "Oh, Gdorga-il� she salW "buy me o. (or onatioz. a lie said. "While women, and children toll upon her It-ia tuberculous animals, 17 in numi- 46Y P. harm." "Sarah," answered he, "you 'Polaqv. 8otid(orVdga11st6 be vwc#t awn;7 and drowned- baloro.quite ocog,nizing -the ,gillInatrY of as- -9w a,rri age _(I=C0 fr tile disease. XI,. cure itself. have too many gIrAdy." 0. ff. eAfiinl�400., King 9L us . t. to nts a - _qm_pottLto feeding 1.9 (tier, have developed 4 or; and -drove slicl- ..- - I
tho could be Picked up. It Was no 'Your &Let, we Cannot pass over ly, more than one rough voice cried'. _fC;SPf11CfJaLy _90OD Led InfeetiOnf; Lot tubardiTfo_ often it ex_ WAherby (SIX,vage Y)-, Tin e T 1pea
tilho to reckon rules and Congo- breach of the company's rule Vhich "Reaven bless your Jaclyalilpf Will- as has been shown by numerous result in a fallure to respond. Six- ROLL BUTTER. quencos. 'and almost before I know j forbids an ollicer to leave the bridge perimailts In Erightud, IrOland, Dell- I teen animals that bad responded told 411 ADMUMBill FOOD about time to,hae t I 0 a.
What L I Was going to do my sboes till another officar has come up to Como homial" mark and Cana,da. n this cOnnec- gnee to tubercuiin failed to respond The young housekeeper who P P S cleaned ?" Mrs. Wi Orb iware kicked off and I had taken They drove slowly, for the crowd 'Prof. Grisdicle of the the fishman that she wanted some they were cletine.41 0 1 111, take Isis place. We regTot it excoo& tion Central to the subsequent Injections In - ton 'eels, and when l .,I
groat. She had seemed especial- he asked her. how grounds, but your was header from the bridge. an many IV to belong to the people, this dark- Exper4montal - )Farm, says: 'I`Otg� out of 20 instances, or 50 p --r cent. much, replibil, "About' two yards Wlthevby�How *to An elderly gentleman fit flifirinals. by the company must toes cxrc� frequeritly available for The postmortem exaMination of cer- Witherby-I'TWo. girls ago.l. ad, boa I I woman, who had and a half," has a rival in this wo- FOR MAINTAININO 110BUOIF IfEA;78 with a iffo-belt on. Was hanging art terminate *.vith the voyage Just call- Oy lit fu feeding pigs, -especially small pota- Lain aimals, which *preioug to man to a spar. . and a man Who looked cluded.1- worAd so hard, and they were do- toes. All ziportmantal work here slaughter were apparently in good 9 greasy dis lighted to have her in their Midst wish. to got s6me 'butter, pots and y I like the sailing -master was support- On the whole I managed to keep with potatoes seems to indicate that physical condition, showed th6 disba Please " she said to, the dealer. pans, Uvera D 0 (411
taper. I bowed myself out and again. The earl had not failed to �i
leg & lady Who Wag StrOftnting at my to fact raw they ar6 of very little ipitri- physical condition., showed the ills- powdcr� Will remove the greas with;5.
the top of hor vO1cO soma W01*d 'stopped down into the street, a cast, tell them all, both rich and poori "Itail butter. M.'ani ?" he asked, 0 A "'hon was"'n Live value, but when cooked t11eY ease extensie, virulent, and evident- poll tely. 01lb etillk7f $1 a cse. which I could not maho out. Tile oft servant. My firdt Impulso was what they owed to her, and rich and are worth about one quarter as ly In the infectious state, The post- —,All Mon. and evidently tbe.to charter a, hansom, and drive to _por.w a there to walcome her. The n4lich 40, mixed grain." wartem examination of certain ani- "No we wish to eat It on er _11fl6vo- Artichokes ha:66- it teoding'vicluct mals p1dughtered in some cases �16 grow — *are Swimming strongly to' i thii, address in Grosvenor Square at rowd Increased itus May toast. Me Aeldom hatO rolls. ay, -Tones, you
46_�_.Vrards the Dahlia. 'which Aline said I should find her, through the park, and When the car -i "Aro you _4aving a pleasant know 311ba'Armour ; Why did Y0.0"
I was beginning to think that I but than there rushed over me the rla90 stopped at the groat on- shmilar to that of potatoes. Turnips monihs tiller 711rat response. showed 11bilsewits �(to now domosti6)i asked lady 101'a little raise- your hat, to- her, -VT I . had been ri&-ell too officious. whon,sudden, remembrance that the Altun, trance It was Wonderful to we' the ha.vo not been found as satisfactory more. trafts of the diEfoase, which had ',There Is one thing I wish to'say to miss at a fashionable childrell's didn't: It's my brother's but 'draggloil whii4 of blue merge, - tion had lterod. Vor Ilia present I throngs of people. The prt stood as mangels. or sugar boat& for wivine thou made little or no progresh, and YOU. The -last girl had a habit of party. "Dolightf4li. ltheinka�ol "And knows itris hor.'t feeding, either in AMOunt Of.94111i tile encysted condgion of the nod Ing in the water between me and tho w produced or in the readiness with ulas might ip4icato possible recov- into the parlor and playing
11 1% hraken man: and, though I tip to Panic them for their kind and Coming will your papa and mix][1111106 Wine Ife.atleman on the spar caused Inc t0 did not despair of getting another spontaneous greeting. Then lie took which they fire eathn by pigs. In- ery. . The slpw proare4s of the d4s- no accasignally. You or later ?" "Oh, dear, no ; Papa and. Mard's Uniment Cores C Id I
ills vife'S hand in his, and a boauti- it it 410�g tp.,tho
change my mind and feel glad' tlidt I berth, it feeling of Pride Urged luct to deed, no other roots Osem more vat',eamii fit cgrtin. animals, and Um P14Y 190 Milan, i 40 $Oil 71, WOWM- MAMIM ap had come. It was the insenalble take some steps to that end before ful smile ll*�Ltenod her face as she mostAc-"Y(a 'Mum, 1. play"; 'but a 4itig kJactory fonsi0ering the yield per rapid prvgrero In others. took plice I -_ � V J t.. P ng form of a woman, flon-ting limply to Myself to Sir Shilon. I looked round upon t -hem - tbtqWVAS acre, palatability a feeding value, at tile saine time unit t h v to a a er h If d Whinou owe a
I Ad Or he swa a hn.rg 3r al a 011ax 'the taildr, " 'Says OL -in at
the aurtace for the first time eter knew not then tat my girl was a hardly quo In the vast gathering Wit& tium the large red magel, sanitary conditions. Individuals, week sixtry if'l'ln to furaish music ter -ores -sixty Worn,
immersion, und on the point of mink- grent heiress, and that cl. first male'a bad not received ome, kindness, liome The experiments conducted by tjwrefore, possess difTerent powers of or the famlly,*' I tailoring trade, Quite it
Air OLD is no d4ubt 'that the lor Wd
Ing again when I managed to grab a,wz,
Wisslors'WRial Ids JIM myself, ag Weil as this experierico of resisAance to the progress a . f this so arstly toolloal, of slat proposal for her hand would be noar- favor or benefit from her braids. pro(. Dg_and Prof. Grisdro and I
.1 lill n"Naid"IdIbild, h
tier by the arm. I noticed no More ly an preauraptuouO as thut of a P011- MY friends." he soldi every man, Tourist (in retired village)- Coulter v1th tlel;r I the 011, very much, pleased to ,colleqt..�
dispasalwhOn once it I odstlio
oour beat farmers 10icate IfAS GAINED FOOTHOLD, that's thf) oldest lallicibitalit 9 ta a a a v, ii all could .0 hur 14 y . ...4
Ono at a?. 1%."L is pi"Alko that, 1P. -- quite a featherweight In My embraco, (To Be Mittinued). for Mr. Aly wife Is the good angel rannythe most economical and gallis, hundred nn four', years old ,?. No tax Is us fol"cald v 1( for my chief concern was now with of my house." ling rot,_ I 'Whilst there mAy be animals 6"4- We 'a IL15*ell SOM =ExNa wo ItEms W than that'sho was young clad 'fly f talless pavement-trattor. Ito 3oves his wife has a. pot name the arrival of the boat. Looking fn,ciary r4tIon for swine feei wonder youl" pr4itud,ot him.- Ndj t n ro WiNfidows 6101filao ql* They then passed indoors followed [n Ing' 0hV sense. tive-".1 clunno ; he abet done no-' ften t0a,lvcilr�� you hould'i
� steal symptothil, of dix
by the good wihes of all �Vio know. tains equal parts by Weight 6f gral lad 64 oill round. I was glad to see It coming The addition at aqout there may be other actimills in t'ho thin' in this yer,place Icopt. -gro towards Find TOOAU, to IsTuretud the ' 'a W I 9 mind the rottil, arid the, us fast, while the Dahlia them. rinds, per day of skim milk herd In a Condition it took him a sight a, Main paper)- wil�,t
herl;64 was standing on tit quarter diti- threq P4M old, atid the
WR Of There was a Small nd early 71he farmer who wishes to time to.,do tjtat.,, pad (reading fliv yop to y6tne doltiliAt
ure thrifty 01GOasc- IW.hat'fools some Xillwalco; of speed leat silo should run down the tier -party wt the castle; the members or Wiley will go far to Ill, the (Jis,co-W. . 0, , Won $60 t4Acitt'.Ume., and Iti, thir,
yaclit's crew, who wore already growth and fine nUtditY of Pork, cOmPlatOly ellminato themselves III Henry, foattortabla .lqautner.�,. The.' of It were the earl, tile hountess, Sir P W. HODSON, from his hard must aid the Govern, Mrs. 'Them ul idett"161atarrh ill this station dear, 'what have you done this Tilunk Wvlco excalm n b�t*
rmching her side. Seeing how I CITA,-TL-H XXIV. Itaoul, Arley Ransotne., and Live Stock COMMISSiOnIQr- ment ofticials with some indiviitill; of the couatry�thau I I otbor dfavags �9, t ificularti "and pfibse"flA gron�
was hampered. the third off1cDr steor- No man ever got to Work with Gleavil. After dinner, Lord COT*-, ortort and merillce. Better V03ttlin- 'Put tocittl1*4 add Until he last eve � 6 ., lo to bei ead his boat litraight, for %K and tit- greater 2041 than (lid the handsome ven drow -his wife's firm within his tion, exercise. sunlight. nutrittokis years was supposed naurbible. Per ter picking us up went an 1int the earl. Tie did not dela.v one hour in own. AP XOTIMR'S DELIGHT, food, s proyeative nigiasalres, tile a $9,4061 anarxY Years doiattirs pronounced Detroit and Oki 6. it 49 feral d1sesseand Oiler , Itied lago ills dixy last London; hQ went buck at once to "Thin ta'aur real wedding day. tuberculiii teit As o. Wagons reladdift, hbd IaT Ocifist4p
Wdling-master and his burch?n. t!ur failing to voittibuled ocia6has, handsorao'
of all taking in the Willi on tile npur. only eager to begin Mldred," he said, "no I am not go- ro to get Her Little, 3163 aggilthy, lent; and either immoMaLe With 'troatutelit,, ptimiturtee
It itimire,bI6. Science h(LatOrdven tatarrg Uutchor-"Como, John. be IiVelY l?&rlOr and Dining Car#' Five minutes; later wu were all safe wprk. There Wag to be no inctro Ing to apologize for taking you Rosy and ItAppy. or Isolation of 0,11 7reacilag I . -000titutforial 40
to be a c aso and thaft-
A. no %woty from our guests." plial treattisent. put Mr. trains carry FaIL-lian g1deping �oiix board the Dahlia, and tile two no Moro dissipatio' " a, inothod of disposal - I those lore r%.Alrah Collatitul, now ; break the bones in Atr, Meal$ "a Ixtifts, who were aloncl the worse for more self-ladillgenCO. Ile had made They Walked across Ltbe long draw- All h in seolibig tfiefr!aro agencies of which It.1110 etto,oh Cuipa"aistsutaCtured b 44ampson's chops and the accident, were handed iver to up lit$ ratild that All 00 Plans Ilia 11111rrooftl to the balcony, where the littl$ ones bright, rosy and haPPY, may make use. V. J, otionoy & 0111o, ?a 89titil's ribs in your'basket." "All Ali- 011OV0 'Points, YOUL t
the Daly ociustituttolliki, auto an the mar, right, Sir : just as soon as 1,vt,.- Torolita, for molitroal jud.,40
our Surgeon and stwardoss_. The VV hangingw but unfortunately till mother# do Adt What 16 knqwh. as the I 'Bang" or kat- 'It Is, taken Interally In "dopea Ito tiad Contemplated wid begun for last rose& of altzmar were 0 a. m. end 10 p. in. tor Iltift
pamicngers, who had COMO up from Vio bellefit of the estate hould bo &lid where . the creepers formed it use the best matho this iselgition Me0od in economical whe, filoth, 0 dtapa to 4 to& pociaro . It abLe- sawed off Miss Xurphy's, leg. ds to galn Nett Voirk4t 9 a, in,; 4.80-1tj
the saloon - to, Ivitne'Ka tho roscue. carried out botoro alto returned home bower. result. Whon bA'by IS tress and it 1"Ad btrd in offlJoted, OV Vhen a dir 4.1''OU thO�blooc( Ind laUcaUN cair.' The'l4didat rottil fretful they KIVO litin milatt herd of valuable animals 19 8013MI VIA WASHINGTON. P: in. sud to Dottoit and. chI
0dWiled round mor With +he uNual Od the system. They ciffr Qr1*JJcaJ'
go$ should be tbullt_ �14t 34 zbt cold," he Sht.d. 01111111 for a cost It fatIs T 7.95 a. in., 4.60 p. in. and 11.20 p
orb. L _iJillinff dlafitsed. Pffo offVring ftr# V I
Send Circe it A and tastlition fuss of congratulation and curiosit, I it with tholt, families residing. ou come out atuffs," believing rewd . ourls M, i Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Ils,ltl Incketio, rotervatl6its, eitc,. so that another ten minubts passod art "loll 0tould not 0017 They wOt oUb. topther and stood bitW-but the result is just the lop- dropped, and raised bit the Aactrom -
lit thera. the schools lid' when , Y & U0., Toledo, CC thdic- Washington, Old Point Com- city olli'de, if ttJI*eSt earlier Itit.4. J. U8111 . it bdoret I could plip, Intu, dry clothes �W, but open, tile alno'houses watching the pul4ot over illo. trees In posite, ,is thatict so6thijig Stull$ 06 pabtourfood Inlik. -Thb dirpogal of �gcdl`%� prilggicits, 71$0. tort, and the South via Lehigh Vill- and yosille.fitrots,
be orei and Jeffi tile captain on t.nv bridge. I the bid WO- the t -,k. -ho dISL Inials they dieu be ktall's , evilly Pills are the best. hould bo 11tilabbid,. aw poisonous and clatillf lial), I t %Aho an ley 11611rottd, and Its cormedtlo". V40thaak hano'nith Ina warmly, but 6 teupying Wit. Sho, aboold III-11rat. of all, 1111drail." said thd Olin To.btets should alwitya bo u4tll lia,"'fPO-Aell Until thoir itiet,oltso slyatI ho was looking us soleam AID it Mon 0 FOur fast express trains daffy tot ffable Atltocrat-I 'Well, the fact earl. "gum what now& I tmv $01I and they Will he found a pe6fhlit 9* zaii1ce. good tho laft of numbpra, "WItio o'd makes a woman un- Asheville. Southerft is, Illy name is not G ilson. Von age alief Abd speedy cure f6f 0,11 tho. wlilch Would be oectisinhod! by the gelfigh," I-151by a, 41to .1130cause she ca. Charterton, kli�va�14b, Jack- *'This is going to end badly, For- aaofteg- "" I'm travellihor facog. TiTgra'a : I 1*1 oicianot guem", "be replitill minor aflasoots - tgoin 01ilch Attlo, t1nal dlVooal f the disbased me=- ceasba to ldol� out for Number Otte lidutijile,.St. parm Beix�h, "You PItings-i'Glad. to bear
card," -Atf, TO f4f am afrid." he said. 4'You would never Ituagiub,10 110 on(s Sutler. All oixporlegcad iiA,ottlorg; borD. And beghfil to, 'look out f4j. NUMbor, ;paTOPA- Mis"J. 14 a )xII t, nWay 410 What any decent Chap Would !II told you In *doot my let- 11 as bedit acco,016114116d �iyl .1 t, . itsitau. Oubdi, 40 h&vo done, but you Itnow an well as Ls GrIPP6 'Or 1111110'" SLOSPOn- said- 0 theto t0tota rind (at, mothors - Thitt much 11 Twdill Jorldli, abil winter resottis�66-4 X.do tbat it wit'a dead agalnpt tile siblill for Utthdroids of Vottill4p - t0a how sorry Lady 11timiltilix ww ho use tficlu Vm1sai-1. them, Mr$, wltll�ln tho 04t ION 0aft ill tllo an- k 6416. For . I 1119= to Wive Sit itaoul." ? . i=' Ato'Xigties St. Ntoes, 'S.S., tiAvUrOU10 Ulta rules. To leave the bridge with no She looked up at him. her (ties tull, .4.9 I nhoV th%t hqnlan tqJ.#CUIosIs Is on juilrj�r crime _111504 llaby'a 0*1h ot4o.-eall oxt;or adol"s lftbbt. L& WrIppa starts With 4, Of ItWt01t0t- 'ftblets for moSt of the f116 ;d6croo�te notwitlisitaiMing the .0; LaNtIld. Ca.unditilt Passenger Agent, wisp-acrm of Leadealiall yott did," -she aAsouttd. with a h 4ava a fd I bt botb luilk ttpd VIAlch little ottes ueer at Often train 99 vallgo a avd I anx bound to log tile fAdS -It as ��zdoil to this wa. Ila lnet hemh�:,Mra- Inade, that on hill btwk: It tolr6rtg, aKILth"JoVeta . dlta elillig, hoad., 110t 0904 All 1AIWO bvor tried. X6 , Mothm Allaulti son IIT6 Vtins,t or. ove thp rule a t cannot *Peal,
h1th M t66 oavid 1 don't helievo. It woulA to t6 bo, In O." without them in the datri cAttlo,.: p9glijbic atrotigly "ej the bt
bmuo0it-It. it loocb him ThIlghtott. PIALd lho'yt ~cfAry In &,lxiilbMi, ffrtMtbttio�
T10(i 44 Q&UtJnaS.., .9)lo 1144.giVen' have not h(il froved. The Operetta-, ARD'$ It IS qJ k* triada ctily di"J(rence if I 0, JINV io rsn -Thoso iwts QX& stood �Qr ;Mldroll Butte 16 ffa 1%ftmoti A M )tbor dogfIle diq:, jill fIrting, � ontl eArOU -for n6tfilh C. d I t6b"Milptlah und k ot all Age Vvil n Iny household
llolm having totn no loss *I )VO JkAA tan VcLiglVda wtur, Oat JTC401ii IUA'6 tot burns,
� q 01010 t
'All" t" c;un � hilt ti'r soldi" I_bviw. '01010WT of good voutl�cttlart. o- 1)(WRL *hd't' 1V6l1d&f1u11�*M(kd the iiAltritont io(unn calutod dbWn, evott rtift tiold la qtbD`0L bS r' b�e lute orgety to a mvp borik-babo. a ADMIiiiii, file., "a ;W* Wuld Oat
%V'til 11p, ; 111, Afn, gint). -ot It.*' #011d "4V '�Qaj- 4 - fi�j drUgglotif, or light, b$. Vullt, 4. ghtl antittfloll's food Without it, to 6I IMutifta, 106itwok tit of 04" f14-
�Aljd Wo $tooij on our caure 6cluth- tottitV141t YOUt "Silo iliple WOd 'Ilt 16, PWts OfAsility Tho twotoa M.ou. dia, s"y6tolp - & thoy a fill trail a WaW. It w" atcerurtined thOt the WillialoW , Vink cents by WMI09441106t, i", to ollo* tmooi,, (a '. or"40 fited161116, ? upubuild, Awnet. gottlo und gradaus. to The Dr. AvIll Uocrteloei 00,, o'flict It - Is- - , bkro -lit moiy IEN A. MA13106NA.LD
WjAkft V*qjit $Draft had been Churt v all trjoy citto foe hi y W#J, folr 46 cruire bv Filf '411 VV41 40tv end us 6ta, ouraty - i 1, a"i �beiwd(16 lit edokorA Ily ftla wo 04h 0 Iq (600 NVIth Sir 130,001. _Will. Acit $JM0*. 'Prolvhhoy, $be elderly frual b1foety. I)r,,, WIlliftm, Pkillit P111% Vogt tskxa;�Aud im **Ill sloll you 111Mtelf hV Clinging .11 fil 00 table W411rd be bdra,
W af �ct Oft at%, williter 0 I Val%nib)Ct ilittlij bbok' all the ekea of brai ��Ibil tlt4t �Yci a oI0Abli Itij 'Other 0vo �, - Aolloilto f11064- Thoy #To tho, 9evatest bloddbif td,,bALX ;Pat . tjrA lits, word. Ults Allot k4d, 6fve t4WA 11* IIt, hud, u = VAluo' or'butf,ot Is' a! itfithr OATy fatter bein the &I dito6yored. , JVb it YA thc Road,'
kliow this *O'ho,tho )box ftglot AV4*y Itt tub It" ht kit,* VogIAllly thoUgbi, the, *U** Uka� I"OAAM tit rJelt (Jr. tt 801MA t"IM 'but, wo (14 tiov. 41A -lift 1,16W niilyr of tho" 0.0 14ilt . IIbon tho
our OOut Your ylk ayo 01 isvto in 0610CAO.- 403131, 40 you thei toorso a (be mattiflig I bftrd iticte. 461, MIA f I as ttio for *ASAly In 'hollmor tad quickly to* Otight Alxnost-�Nw ata -Mc6i - Z,
iviltow, 16 R al liouly, , O� t u4t glow V 110 flitater ivitor0*04 I Iffla voolo, eind., dwitm i�*Sv*d 0s4or the curgeou'l troat *Ad YOU Will 40thi"bf 8011100110 to'*00i `AV dAXli1q,#A ti tit ttildd, 4MA10: by -* 0t ItSo 4, a Just, Vkb boot, aud Mitt 8111ion %ad dt- %V;.jItJ , rod V'. M. litittItIg ^T,* tile Dahli& llaMe, JJ111S, ,after maoy 044 slIC09 0L.bteIldi tfl,kkw, to Sol :Of,WAOJ t?'' � it tit tho, fatltii,tland A0410A It fl#r totftA whil"'s,ho ftotwi to It niiiinie? J00,ye*V#,a#fy foit �bfirekd With lffitt,% A *� t1dhns tie# Ito, btntft'aj Thi sta _61it. for Who* I*r4o 1% Ono . 6t, tw Aiteit taflug �61 it, is vou tbo M06. Illy, *Witlat totb*Alk. N aof,f(iffee ot *tlup A1IL'&'6(l'h*Jkjk tolt ItAllsiA Pttst,,,0j0V4A MiAtift'llallitt'. A,60R0,6W it ym is tA6�
tYOU thht think t 1 , It. )I tty, *0 w0m of the 104108 00tvIlItifal, t ble&Q* Ut It 14. posNiblo to. got. 0 NOU h Alld Vt* tvAi Ara tftk h1hUt. ilriasl A v AlAft 44fa Out big, AA640it far- C.0 U 1P 14mOUN 116t
b" boft bitiLsel" Of Wo -
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, ftefi if X AM With, fo WW itfil� 4"ftilt I Jit**i* tkfei u* 10 41" Ali
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