HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1903-01-23, Page 8•
^oll 1'7'p
. , fi.. .. µ 4
LIE Of)i)14
eft 'se'rik
caring *ale
n, ';ti4...P110;411: litres:
Odd sots .of Note Paper
and Envelopes.
72 boxes Note Paper acid Envelopes, con-
taining 5o Sheets ,and iso Envelopes,
regular since 2oc, Vale prate roc box.
94 boxes containing 1 quire Paper em-
llpsseci "Goderich" with Envelopes to
match (finest quality) n g. pnce 250
and 3oc, sale price rsc and 2oc box,
84 boxes Note Paper and Envelopes to
match, re , price roc and 15c, clearing
at Half Price,
Odd lots good Envelopes clearing Half
Odd lots Black Bordered Note Paper and
Envelopes at Half Price.
15 copies Boys' Own Annual (this year's)
publishers' price $2, clearing sale $1.25.
Boys of the Umpire and Chums (this
year's) publishers' price $1.75, clear-
ing sale price $t.00.
Young Canada, publishers' price $I.25,
sale price 75c.
Geo, Porter,
Bookseller and Stationer.
Telephone loo B.
r*Verent to parents, W per ;pent,
ttnabla to real or write; themgreate't -
ttaed 1* /salvation; the work for them
runs. be dons patiently, perceyeriugly,
faithfully,.. prayerfully. A larger
audience w,oufid have been well repaid
for waling t) hear of time work, liy an
earnest labourer. A Vote of thanks to
all who helped in any way to make
Nal* a eyt,sful,Meeting, followed by
s hymn dirt the Benediction, closed a
very 1nterestln Meeting,
/Us, tt, TIMM, °LINTON.
Pres. Secy.
Officers for 1003: -#ion. president,
Mrs. C. Fletcher, Thames Bead; Presi-
dent, lldrti. Nell Shaw Egmondville ;
1st vice, Mrs. J. Hamilton. Goderich ;
2nd vice, Mrs. Sowers, Bruceflold; Jird
vice, Mrs. J. Larkin, Seaforth; easy.,
Mrs. 11, Irwin, Clinton ; treaa., Mrs.
Ellen Scott, Seatorth ; secy. of sup-
plies, Miss Kate McTaggart Clinton
literature secy., Mrs. Jr. S. Henderson,
izbe Goderich %tar.
Taternoxx CAaa, 71.
FRIDAY. JAN. 23, 1003.
Annual Meeting of the Huron
it eminunlcetcd.i
A very successful and interesting
meeting of the Huron Presbyterial
of the W. F. M. S. was held in Knox
church, Goderich, Jan. 20th, 1903.
The weather was all tbat could be
desired, but the lateness of the trains
made a very meagre attendance at the
business' meeting.
The morning session was opened
with devotional exercises, conducted
by the president, Mrs. Nell Shaw, of
Egrnondville, rhlssessionwascontined
to bearing reports from secretaries,
treasurer, and from various auxiliaries
and Mission Bands. These reports
were most satisfactory, all speaking
of progress in some direction, and 'the
treasurer reporting increase of funds.
After the closing prayer by Mrs. Saw-
ers, of Bruoefleld, the ladies were
invited to the lecture room, where the
ladies of Knox church had provided a
bountiful dinner, of which the guests
showed duo appreciation. After a
few minutes for sociability wo hast-
ened to the audience room again to
After singing a hymn, the election
of officers was proceodod with. Mr.
Fletcher, of Thames Read, gave a
subject beim "The
Bible reading, the g,
i Tho
the Bible."
pinto of Missions in
ssibject lues ably dealt with and
showed that there is a foroshadowin
of missions in the Old Testamon
Daniel anticipated mission work; .Jof666t
ah was an unwillingg missionarryy Of
course the New Testament trills of
Christ's advent, and his commission to
his disciples to preach the goapel to
every creature. After prayer by Miss
Wilson, of Clinton, we listened to a
vary interesting address from the pro-
sident, the relation between prayer
and missions,/ The problem of to -day
is to bring ,he church to her knees.
God is ahlt to answer all prayer, thorn
many mat strikingg instances, of answer
.toprayer. Miss Gemmell, of Egmond-
vilie, sang very effectively an ap-
propriate song._.. - A representative
ftain the North St. Methodist church
..'brought greetings from their society,
and 11id us God "speed. Mrs. John-
ston, of Paisley, then favored us with
a vary instructive and interesting
talk,ithe subject being som0 of the
Have Restored Thousands of
Ca no.dlo.n Women to
Health and Strength.
There Is no tiled for se many women to
suffer pain andeaknessrvu
sleeplessness, amends, faint
spells and the numerous troubles which
render thio iff. of woman a round of sick -
Mel and suffering.
Yount girle budding into womanhood.
who suffer witispains and headechei, and
whose face is pale and the blood watery,
will find Milburn's lead and Nerve
tin .Lelpthamgreatly during this period.
Woman at the change of life. who are
nervous, subject to bot flushes fooling of
pins and noodles, palpitation of the heart;
eta, are tided over the trying time of
their life by the mss of this wonderful
It has a wondorful affect on a woman's
system, makes --pains and -aches _sanish,-
brings Dolor to the pale cheek and sparkle
to the eye.
They build up the systedl, renew lost
vitality, improve the appetite, make rich,
red blood and dispel that weak, tired,
liatleae, no -ambition feeling.
1e.. pen ACs, 0a O ION 1, 28
ALL Orala/1a.
The T. Manta Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
duties, privileges and op ortunties of
women 10 Christian lands. What la
the greatest noed of the world, and
our responsibility to supply that need;
to whom do wo boloug 1 We are re-
sponsible for conveying Ooii's message;
tilde would fail to toll of the excellent
words, and many duties pointed out;
may wo have grace to hoed His
message. Series of prayers for
missions, by Mire. Taylor, of Blyth,
and Mrs. Carleton and Mrs. Duff, of
Goderich, followed by a hymn and
collection. The offering was dedicat-
ed in prayer by Mrs. Carlisle, of
Honsall, Miss Allan, of Blake, gave
a most entertaining and full amount
of the annual meeting. A few closing
words by Mrs. Gibson, or Goderich,
the oldest member of Knox ox church
Auxiliary, showed hep interest waa.
not abating, even tl1t ugh her hair
was silvered, andtingto shame
mawith her vigor, a younger women.
Another hymn and a closing prayer,
by Mrs. Henderson, of Honsall,
closed this session. The evening
session, after being opened with de-
votional exercises by Revs. Mr. Ander-
son and Larkin, listened to the re-
ppres¢ntative from Presbytery, (Rev.
Mr McLennan, of Kippen.) In a few
w 1 chosen words ho brought the
ting congratulations and con tulations from
Preab were favored
Presbytery. rY We
during the evening with solos from
Mrs. Anderson and Mr. Thomson,
both of Knox church choir, and an
anthem from same choir. 'Tho in-
terest of the evening centred in Rev.
Murdock .MeKenzie's address ; he
thrilled the audience with a graphic
account of his work in Inland China,
having passed through the Boxer
troubles, and receiving several
wounds, ho knows something of suffer-
ing for the Master's sake; the work of
saving China and .its 350 millions of
le is appalling. He has labored in
a 12 years; he took us In !ma lna-
t China, and painted vivid pica
tit the servitude of the women,
the ed condition, the idolatry
of tl . the strong, sturdy mon,
with staying power, cling-
ing w tenacity to old cus-
toms, 1 rt8•erful perseverance, un-
tiring i tistry, very economical,
HAVE ' "0V HE ,$ QF 'THEM ?
Speedy Cure for Crawp3 and
The most reliable cure for cramps,
colic, dysentery, and summer corn-
ooplaint Is ten dropi of Pelson's Nervi -
line in a little sweetened water. Ner-•
villne removes the pain and distress at
once, insures prompt relief and a.
afeedy cure in every case. Nervlline`
is an excellent remedy for all pain,
whether internal or external, and
should be in every household. All
druggists sell and recommend Nervi -
line. Price 26c.
The Walker�i; Herald, speaking of
the case to enquire into which Judge
Doyle was called there last week; eatdt"
It arises out of an incident in the
Referendum vote on December fourth
last, at the village of Cargill. Mr.
J. C. Eckford J. P., on that day, had
occasion to get some liquor, on a
doctor's order, for his son, who was
ill, and being naturally in a hurry in
such a matter, went to the nearest
dealer and got a bottle of liquor from
Mr. Power, hotel -keeper, at Cargill
village. This is the charge at any
rate. The facts of course will . be
establlahed at the trial. Hotel -keep-
ers have to close up on election days
and presumably are under the same
regulation on such a vote as the
Referendum. The law enables the
complainant to apply to the High
Court at Toronto for the appointment
of a County Judge in a neighboring
county to try such a case, instead of
having it tried by the judge or judges
of the county in which the case arises.
It Is ender this law that Judge Doyle
of Huron is sent here, instead of
having it tried by Judge Barrett or
Judge Klein. Judge Doyle decided
that, while there was a technical vio-
lation of the law, the offence was com-
mitted ..in. _a..case ..of sickness, and In_
stead of imposing the full penalty of
$100 he fined the defendant only $5.
Currant Bread!
f -6-CT JANUARY � 24, 26 27.
�NT' Z7 g3 8 D .A Ya
eHE above will be' our Mid -winter ° Bargain Days for 1903. They
will be a fitting climax to our Great January Sale, which has left
last year's record far behind.
Twice a year, near the close of .each season, we hold, three Bargain
Day Sales. At this store stocks are not allowed to accumulate, they
must be kept on the move. We will not carry them from one season to
another. This is the reason for -thesethree days' sof Special --Bargain
Giving. We want to rid the stock of the last remains of winter goods
and from every department have gathered together the last ends, the
broken lots of winter stocks, and marked them at prices that
should clear them all out before we close the doors on Thursday night.
,_ Here is our Bargain List.-- Not an article on it - hutis-priced -away-
A loaf of our Currant
Bread is even better
than Cake. Delivered
fresh every day by
our Agent
A little Better than other Currant Bread.
Hamilton Street, - GODERICH
under real value.
Make a note of the days and arrange to come to this store Saturday,
Monday or Tuesday. We will make it pay you well to do so.
T. was c elllonstrated at the great Goderich Town-
; altip Sawing Match of last:' season, that the
I"+R., -sER .& LoG,al1 SW was the swiftest cutting Saw
14owxa, and made fast.£>7iends with the large crowd
of witnesses.
McK1 p4 mE ec HOWELL
clave these Saws in stock, besides the LEADER,
BUV ALo BD.1;, 'RACn1t and CHALI,L'NGE•
We have had such a not on X -Cut Saws this seasbu so far that we
• have h'ad to get a second shipment.
In AXES we carry the best. makes -giving a wide
range for choice.
You can depend on getting a good tool from
The place -too buy all Hardware Cheap, - GODERICH.
Mantles at Half Price,
On Bargain Day we would like to see the last
Mantle leave the store, and in order to do this, if pos-
sible, have decided to put every garment now remaining
in stock on sale at exactly half the first of the season
price. These garments were bought for this season's
trade and are the few that we have remaining after the
most successful Mantle season we have any record of.
You can easily figure up how cheap you can buy a
Mantle. You can buy
A $5.00 Mantle for $2.50
A $7.50 Mantle for $3.75
A $1o.00 Mantle for $5.00
A $12.00 Mantle .for $6.00.
All Ladies' and Children's Mantles on sale Bar-
gain Days at half of the first of the season's price.
See our "Dominion" Pianos
and Organs.
See our "Wormwhh" Pianos.
See our Goderich Organa.
All the Standard and 'Popular
heitestnnoliocck'or obtained on
To the recipient, will be your Christmas remembrance
0 you get one of G. W. THOMSON & SON'S
Violins, Accord i ons,
Guitars, Harmonicas,
Mandolins Gramophones.
We sell the "WHITE,"
" STANDARD " and
AU supplied with latesl attach-
mentaand guaranteed for to years.
Z have leased the premises next door to its, now occupied by the Brunswick
yy Cigar Store, and in the Spring will have the two stores made as one, by
removing a part of the dividing wall. The new premises will be fitted up as
a. iGNtrS' FURNISHING AND CLOTHING STORE. Our already large busi-
lips in these lines necessitated our having more room for the next season; also the
removing of our Clothing Department from upstairs to the first floor of the new
'fart) With the Gents' Furnishing Department, will make it much more convenient
or our customers and easier for us, and the room they now occupy is very much
Adedt a -by our other stocks for their proper display.
We want Italie carried over into the Spring. Our large Importations for the Spring Business will
• need all the room we have, consequently everything must go now if price will move it.
leI ReguirMade
Itrtnenta far,Ladies
r,,4 oft
gs Waist Goods,
Cloaking, $'i+reeds,
Woolentr,' Silk*,
Ilverything io be cleared up.
Bargains In Prints for
• Comforter'.
to off Price of all
Prints in Stock.
Table of Cloth �Renttiiinti
3 price.
Remnants of Sidting, ft se
Grinds, Woolens, Etc., *using
from t yar4 to ax, double fold,
tilt Clearing at i fit,Ie' 1>1t$C11t.
CottifOrtett Mold Bt*hkets.
its oft Clothing
Men's and Boy's Suite, Over-
coats, Pants, 'Pea Jsekets, Vests
and Smocks. • -
lion's Stiff end Soft Hata,
All going at )( hilt,
1, oft
Men's sed Bore Cepa-loth
And Itch.
such - a Money -Sang Opportunity.
Furs For Bargain Days.
We have not room to print a list of our Fur
Prices, for Bargain Days, so have decided to give a
straight discount of 25 per cent. off all small Furs for
those days. If you have any Fur buying to do, come
here Bargain Days and we will give you exactly ,% off
the price of any Ruff, Cape, Caperine or Muff that we
have in stock. Our Furs are all made from choice
selected skins, and getting Furs as good as these at
less than regular price, you get Fur bargains that are
worth coming after.
15 per cent. off every Ladies' Fur Jacket in the
store on Bargain Day. Not a garment in the lot but
is first-class in every way. Rather than carry one over
we will give 'a straight discount of 15 per cent. off our
very close prices for reliable Fur garments.
We have q few choice garments left in stock, and
if you come Barg Days we will give you a bargain,
and a good one.
2 Big Skirt Bargains.
Here is the best bargain in Ladies' ready-to-
Skirts we have ever offered, We bought them
way under value. They were to have been here in
time for the January Sale. but the maker did not
get them delivered until the other day. We bought
them cheap, and they must be sold before the end
of the month, so. on Bargain Days we put them on
sale at prices that are less than you could buy the
material for alone.
Ready -to -Wear Skirts $1.98.
Ladies' fine Walking Skirls good quality material, cut in the
newest style, regular price $3.00, black or dark grey, our
price for Seguin Day $1.98
Ladies' Skirts, made from good qualityCheviot, Hoespuns,
will wear well, brand new goods justm
in this week, black,
grey or navy, regular $4 oo, for Bargain Daye ... $2.88
From Alt Over The Store.
Bargains picked up here and there throughout the
store. No( one in the lot but is a ' money saves. We
are just anxious to get rid of these before we take stock,
so quote these very low prices for Bargain Days
Wrapperettes gc. Table Linen soc.
1 end only pure linen Table Dam-
ask, very fine quality, unbleacb-
•ed. This is a regular 75c. line
and too good to sell unbleached.
To clear it quickly we put it
on sale Bargain Daye at
- per yard..,, Soc.
Sateen 6c.
Black and white Wrapperettes,
suitable for waists or wrappers,
regular 125ee lines, clear-
ing Bargain Days........., 9C
soc. Wrapperettes 14c.
Fancy Wrapperettes, good
ppantterns suitable for waist, or
dressing sacques, colors of blue,
red,ink and black ground,
Regular 20e and 25c, clear-
ing Bargain Days at per yd 14C
Art Drapery 7c. '
Two ends Art Drapery, good qual-
ity, shades of pink and green,
regular 12,4e. Por Bar-
gain Days 7C.
Cashmere Gloves 15e.
35 pairs all wool Caabmern Glove*
,black only, last ,lairs of several
lines that sold at 25c and „
35c. For Bargain Days„ 15C.
Kid Gloves 23c.
5o pairs black and colored Kid
Glows, small slats, standard
dollar qualities, Per
pair . ..• .... . . . ... 23C.
,Corsets 39c
40 pairs good Cornets, tlewcststyle.
made from strong jean, all staea
up to 26, regular Sot.
For Bargain Days .., ..,, 39C.
Hose 35c.
Another lot of those heady worsted
and woolen HO* will go on este
Bargain Days at 55c. per pair
Better bity all you; tau for they
are worth 5oc and when this lot
is gone we will hare no more at
350. per pair'.
Tweeds sac. .
So yard all wool Tweed*. Imitable
for odd paint or top*' wear, re.
tido Far litigala
Dept clingtit per
2 ends cream and ecru Sateen,
suitable for linings, good finish,
regular 1234e. rot Ilar-
gain Days 6C.
Moreen Skirting 35c.
2 ends fancy it
ing, extragcoloredd Moreen Skirt -
lar 65c. For Bar again Rem
days 35C.
Single Blankets $i.38.
Very fine quality all wool Blankets
Bingle, 5 1b. weight, large size,
very special, for Bargain
Days .... $1.'
Shaker Shirting 25c.
Creemorgrey FlatineletteSh rting,
72 inches wide, heresy weight,
regular 35c, for BargainDa2.,5C.
Shirts and Drawers 35G.
Men's fleece lined Shirts and
Drawers, alio a few pair of ill.
wool Drawers, regular goo75c,
clearing Bargain Days at ce
Yarn roc.
100 skein* heat Ceneilisn Factory
yarn clean and free from gr aao
regularisSiC,cleatip Bar.'
gain Days, at per.keln,.. IOC.
Ghlldretl's Underwear 22e.
Carla' ribbed Woolen Vests, .* nate
enttoll woven en In.ide, regular
lot to 4ot, alai. Boy'. fleece.
ined Sbirte and Durant, medbtta$
and *man tikes, regular 30 400?
all at one price for term
gala Day:,, aelloio..... , . 22C
Dress Goods
For Bargain Days.
Here's nearly a whole
column of Dress Goods
Bargains. New spring
goods will be here early
in February and we want
these out of the way be-
fore they come. You can
make no mistake buying
any of these. People
who come early will get
best choice.
At 15c. .
200 yards Fancy Dress Goods, short
ends, and last pieces of lines
that sold at 25e, 35c and 400
per yard, medium and dark
colors, would make capital
quilt linins, double fold, clear-
ing Bargain Days, at per
yard .... ............. 15C.
Plaids 25c. •
loo yards Fancy Plaid Dress Goods,
mostly dark colors, suitable for
waists or children's dresses,'
regular 35c to 5oc. This lot
clearing Bargain Days
at .... 25C.
Fancy Waistings 5oc.
Regular 75c.
7s yards Fancy Waist Materials.
French Cashmeres, printed,
very fine quality, also good
French Flannel with silk em-
broidery, last of lines that sold
at 75c per yard, clearing Bar-
gain Days, at per yard 5oc.
French Flanneisr"35c.
About a dozen patterns in good
French Flannels, lines that
have sold down to one or two
waist lengths. We want all
short ends and remnants out of
the way before stock -taking,
and on Ba_rgain Days you can
take your choice of this lot of
5oc Flannels at per yard 35c.
Suiting Cloth 39c.
Black and grey Suiting Cloth, 52
inches wide, good weight and
quality, speciaf for Bar-
gain Days 39C.
Black Goods $11.25.
Heavy all -wool Black Cheviot
Finish Cloth, suitable for coats
or unlined skirts, regular$2.00,
for Bargain Days. ., . $1.25.
Skirting Serge 48c.
1 end only Black Worsted Serge
winter weight, will wear well
and make serviceable suits or
skirts. Regular 75c, for
Bargain Days, per yard48e.
Satins 35c.
125 yards good quality
Colored Satins, heavy,
firm cloth, suitable for
fancy work, reds, pinks,
blues, browns, regular
5oc, for Bargain
nays 35e. <
..as m a* o r e .0. .a{
Suitings 70c.
75 yds fall and winter suitings,
last ends of lines that sold at
$I.00 and $1.25. Of some there
are suit lengths left, of 'others
only enough for a skirt, navy,
grey, brown, black, all go on
sale Bargain Days, at
per yard 70C.
$L25 Serge 85c.
Heavy Navy Blue Serge,
quality, all pure wool,
wide, regular $r.25, for
Bargain Daye ..... , , . 85 c.
Fancy Black roc.
1 endonlyfancy black Dress Goods,
double fold, regular 35c,
for Bargain Deya 19C
Fancy Black Goods 50c
so yards, about half a dozen pat-
terns fancy black Dress Goode,
neat small designs, suitable for
skirts, last ends of 75c and 85c
lines, clearing Bargain
Days et 500.
Myrtle Serge 25o.
i end only, myrtle green Dress
Serge, all wool, good weight,
Days.- reC&sr So.:, for Bargain .,
Odd Lines $5c,
A few suit and Ilte.. ends, cloths'
and WINO, O, 40and 54 inches'
wide,regular sod
DA to 75c, clear.
per rgain ya, at 35c.
Jordan W n, MCKIM
Block. A
ADETERMINATION to clear out all ]aid-winter.goods
before stock -taking brings out some remarkable prices.
Compare our prices on first-class goods with what you
will be asked for them in other places or with our regular
prices. All we ask is the evidesice of your own eyes and
judgment to convince you that this is where the real bar-
gains are.
Dress Goods.
English Cheviot, pure wool, ab-
solutely purs the 7Scliris for
the $1. io line for 8oc. - Double fold
Melton for 15c, 54 in. Homespun
for 48c. '
No use to give you a list ; we
have a fair assortment yet at less
than half price. See the hat we
can give you at ONE DOLLAR.
Not many left, can't last long at
Men's Ulsters for $3.5o.
Men's $8 to $'1a for $5.00.
Boy's Short Coats, $ 3 for $1.90.
84.50 Reefers or Short Coats for
A few left at any old price.
All Winter Goods
Children's warm Gloves 5c,
Torsal Toques up to soc for 15c.
50c Hoods for 25C.
$2 Men's Scarf Mufflers for 75c,
big reductions in cheaper ones.
Another lot of Berlin Wool at 2 oz.
for 5c.
HAVING finished STOCK -TAKING I have decided to
offer the balance of my WINTER GOODS - -
Everything must be cleared in order -to make room four+
my Spring Stock of BOOTS and SHOES, and consequently',
"a Move Out" Price has been put on each line. Don't -
miss this opportunity. Sale commences . . . . .
RcpalrIno. Ea DOWNING.
See our tables of Remnants
at 2Se, 50c, 75c. Reittnants of
Silks, of Dress Goods, of every
thing, will be gathered together
and ntrurked et snick inarclit
les fret ourGteatt Mid•Winter
Bargain Days,
MN olmeeimaill#0•01/1.M.IimINIMMIll
The Fuel Problem Solved 1
THE Fuel Question is the Problem of ,the day. I can oniy get half
Ttort lof Coal at a time. , How am I going to manage? I know,
Happy Thought Range
from CHAS. C. LEE.
The same as my neighbors. They say that since they got the fIwppv
Tr;otror, they only burl half the cart they noed to, and they, like
hundreds tit; others, have, *slid they wieltecl'they had got it before, and
. by now, inner greaten +ne of. file, they ireu'.d .ravc :Acre than saved
the pticp of this stove.•
I have a number of parts of SKATES left, which I am selling at
Oat. also a number of LAMPS at leas thafi roatr as I ata going out id
.+t . a iii3013123,
uattg,.Plumbin ,alin Heating a Specialty.
Bargains in Glassware Sets
'You'l) find -Irony another-Otggin at this stole that we h*V slot room for het*, We ace:
bound to Clear the.last remains of winter Stocks, rail itrltl mmtke prices interesting' in hider to de, it.'
tt $x.00 Cash Ptr'hase of General
" Groterieso Groceriespure$aser is entitled to one
Fancy Set al GLAsSWAlt13 for. 25 Cents, worth
° 40,e.; or PRO With a , .iso' '+ halt purchase
• }
ILO s.A n, Ar.nBi.:iL .tlM
ass:seise s'