The Goderich Star, 1903-01-23, Page 5„•.
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than ever I did, but still have a few left,
.I i �, , ,I , , '�li>!thlntftztical
' 4, .tk h, , t0l'if � �#� so:.
which I will sell very cheap before Stock- 0
.. __ - I _ Taking. These Stoves were all bought before - _ .
rI:ddhi ! It ;,� 6tl
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_ _ _ _ re std is a monaen>ti.
Add: irr Utile 1>�o ii Sstelt
A .slyd'�it is rend ior' utseiw''
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t3'' o,f 14" to %la4S'
• within ];Am.. Ae�vyalke4 through' the 2
. . . Sterile glob, hard -follies, ori .-fed l
' f
_,.. _. __._._ ___.,,_. -._._ -_ - . .. _.. !. _... arra scantily, clothed 1 wcvhill blasts -�
lowering about hien and
around him, but all ablaze within, c
,y',: The light would burst through, and it
__.. _ ___— -- _ _ I len and- lkl i
4 - illumIntsc} -° the -co d -g $ t
Cha rocks and set the very olou s
IMPLY .a plain statement of facts --no exaggeration, aglow. The emS that Burns had 1
Y already published carried him to Ediu- c
+ S Bi mono savings are shown on every side through- burgh. �Tbat journey .sealed his I
.,'� ' g Y g g j
„ ' out this Store.- These January Bargains illustrate . doom, Scotland, in those times, hlld t
this fact very Clearl fallen on evil days. Her strong lif
y : was like ,strong land that had been c
45o yards Drees Goods, winter weight, turned bgek into the wilderness. You t
- Furs have to guess its quality by the t
file dark Tweed effectn and lain full
r c p, s lender of the weeds, and ° when I
qo inches wide,„ regular price -i Ladies' Astrachan
full urns left the plow and went to Edin
f- d$6, at per yard ............... 5C lined and 3 g burggh he went where its weeds grew' i
r &weep, high storm collar, $12�Q� thickest. There fs a bloom on his life
Flannelette regular pace Ei6.00, for... before, something of wonder and 1
' 6 oyards, 36 inches wide, extra heavysimplicity, (licity, like the round -eyed wonder I
1orlopmelettea in inks, blues and greBlankets of a child, but after that •I see the ,
stripes and checks, regular value the,���� of Itnowin
at is c, at r std..... IlUC 4o Fpaaire extra heq large double bed bloom no more; knowing -
I good S4 l'c Y else, warranted a 1 pare wool, white nese is there in its Placa, the worst
{ Ladies' Jackets Blankets, and ft Borden iYs pinks poison, to my mind, to the pharmacy
and blues, regular $3. o and of the piL B fore he went he was
FUR COATS A" CLOTH COATS. $q:oo value, at per pair..... $2-75 capable of re ntance, but after that I
-think a fire &election of very high-class think he area ly capable of remorse.
1. and stylish Coats in nearly all sizes, Blankets Be was coat and pressed by per-
.. and
ib' price from to $2o each. sone°ip Steil tar above him, one of
is Doubt& bed fixe; with pink and blue whom -p used an office fob him in
Sell g at •nA•C'lii.!"IaSrr.-. _-.-- -dem pair, special the excise, to which he looked in case
t� IO to 25 per cent. Dis. .................. • •. • • • • • • • 5C the farm failed, the salary of which
a was L70 a year, or $950.
i Bniterick Patterns for January all in Stock and Fashion Sheets Fret. The position brought him into eon-
! , tact with profitless gcompany and in.
' •-.-__-._._.,_. duced habits of intemperance. It
.--..._........ ..... . _ __ .- . _ ��
b W a ACH E: S O N & !�' V N • hampered his noble independence-
spirit. ,His views, right or wrong,
{ ) . were opposed to the Government, and
all he expressed them freely, he was
- fie �oaerfeh t' imes, at times, their uotioneof liberty threatened with dismissal. He de-
• may have o'er -leaped the bonds of fended himself with his accustomed
Tataraoxz Cetr 7L i heaven -appointed justice, and their eloquent spiri j„ and though he did not
supposed .love of God may have in- 10�e his pplace, his promotion was re -
FRIDAY, JAN. 23, 1909. fileted "an inhumanity on man that luded. He felt like a caged eagle, and
I made countless" thousands • mourn," he beat in vain,ggatnst his bare. His
1.but for "a' that" the one was elneete condition preye' on his mind, and he
Lke- �xeflIlls QQ and the other wasIbacred. They led a drank more deeply than before. A
-., -_. tT 1 _ _ _ alife..nfhard fact_ and stern reality. man dependent for his daily bread
Robert �flP17s. Their character was moulded among upon popuiar flavor 3g enthralled by
the mountains where nature makes the necessity of pleasing his masters,
the granite. Their spirits lifted up whether his conscience approves it or
where the eagle wheels above the crag, not. Fearless truth has to crouch un -
An Eloquent Eulogy of the Peas- or with undazzled eye wings its flight der the the more imperious need for
ant Poet. toward the sun, and their faith in- bread. The body is maintained by
sppired by the pure waters of Loch the slavery of the spirit. Poor Burne
— HUGH FRASER, of SAN KaLrine, the Tweed and the Yarrow, felt the change, and the iron entered his
rRAtvotsco, DAL. and confirmed by the eloquent still- soul, but death shortly delivered h'
Sunday next will be the 144th ann4- nese of the moors, and the whisper- Scotland's pride is smitten w
ings of the solemn bills. So far back Scotland's vice. Not with words
versary of the birth of Robert Burns. towards the time when the morninq blame, but in the accents of sorr
�`' the greatest of Scotia's poets, and out stars flrstsan 'to ether -that the record
g g and -regret, we ,recall the spectacle
of the sweetest singers the world has ie almost lost In the vanishing centur- that spirit of beauty', degraded
...ever known. TaE STAR has much les, Scotland had leergentIeshepherds, dragged ca Live by a�pettte; of t
v}- her, bonnie lassies, her stern heroes glorious effluent of divinity obscu
pleasure in reproducing an address and unyielding Christians. She has and polluted by the craving Bend
delivered before the Scottish Societies had her martyra for the stake, heroes strong drink. Gloom and pove
of San Francisco, by Mr. Hugh Fraser, for the battlefield, kings for a British sadly curtained iiia dying coli
a one-time resident of Ottawa, our throne, wisdom for philosophy, logic Scotland's earth received her wayw
own capital, from 1838 to 1851, but for jurisprudence, material for poetry. eon at the early age of 37. But h
since the early days of the gold fever a Douglas whom -the proudest peer in let us refrain from the ,mention
a resident and prominent citizen of Christendom could hot 'beard in his errors over which delicacy and hu
r ` the city by the Golden Gate. We are hall," and for a long time in the coon- icy draws a veil. In the midst of
'f, sure thio eloquent t}ibnte to the gen- sell of Europe "where a MacGregor his wanderings, Burne met nothin
P, ; his and life work of the peasant poet eat was the head of the table." The his domestic Circle but gentleness
will be read with great pleasure, .ndt poetry of the people, it is true, was as forgiveness, except in the ggnawingg
alone by eons of the heather, but by pare as the breath of the morning, his own remorse. He acknowled
all our readers. Mr. Fraser's tKibute but was as cold as a moonbeam on the his transgression to the wife of
.'I j is one of the best ever paid to the iceflelds of the polar zone. It had & bosom, promised amendment, a
memory of Scotland's gifted and loved soul, it 49 true, but it was not a living and again received pardon for
eon;: soul, touched by a coal of fire from offences, and as the strength of
�` There is a beautiful Island In the At- the altar of "Eternal Melodiesh But body decayed his resolution be
'.�•_ lantie Sea. IIpon its great rivers fleets God works by providences. The time feebler, but the independence of
j' -I� df [fie ocean tide, and on the banks of was not ripe for the great change. It spirit and the exemplary prudenc
''• every stream the hawthorn blossoms came at last, Among the brass and his wife had preserved him from d
i and wild -Sowers grow. On the south near the banks o' Bonnie Doon 150 A Dorn of some faults, but morn
A the valleys are green with grass and years ago a child was born who was iously full of virtues. Rest t
luxuriant vegetation climbs the high- destined t, Ieave the world of poetry noble, leaf heart, faithful and im
eat hill s. On the north, where the and song "all alight, all on fire T the sive spirit, rest.
kilted higghlanders dwell,. the lovely potent contact of his own spirit.' In But let me turn now from the a
heather in purple blooms, and thea low, thatched, humble cottage, oto of his Life to that of his ge
higher mountain parka are ggilded racked by the angry winds of a winter and poehis. It is now one hun
by the parting rays of the midnight storm, a poet was born.known to fame and four ears since Robert Burne
sun, Once that wondrous land was and immortality by the name of RoberC fine fired child of nature, the poe
I cold Caledonia, now it is bonny Scot Barna. The raging storm, out of which humanity, the sweetest lyric write
land. It is peopled and ever has been his spirit of poetry, was born, like all time, closed his eyes to this
by a hardy race of warriors, and of Venue out of the bosom of the sea, was that he had enriched and made
1 men, by warriors who love liberty, prophetic of,the tumultuous life he was beautiful for his having lived i
and by men who' love Clod. In anofent to lead, and of the benefic4ent eternal and bade farewell to friends and
leaving his peace with these, his
with those, and was laid to rest u
E the heather blossoms of the de
N C EXPER, IENC Scotland of his heart.
I HRII:I.IFrom that day his hold g the
Lr man heart has been growing afro
~ Of Morayso( ej ward fie U14i1S OMPMY Of an(1 has now become the pe
.� , possession of mankind. A
fifty years saidto thattch it took
o ksthe
o far
DID NOT WANT TO OIVK UM wdRK BUT WAS FOROED TO DO 40—TELLS Now ion he in advance of the thoughts o
saitioUS T14AT Hit 'Wast ADVISED, AS A LAST RESORT, TO USE THE the power he exhibited. We ar
DR. SLOCUM TMtATMIINT—IS NOW in 0000 HEALTH AND 19LpSES to bmisled when we seek to fln
THE DAY HE HEARD OM THIS MARVELLOUS REMEDY- cause of his greatness In the sc.
"' I ,
man -
g in
a of
Ig his
e of
r of
n it,
dear old
ge of
f his
ed at
e apt
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A+W,,:`�41 -•4e.
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ui ttwitiaariaattl
uo gra�lldein'A or; [taly witix to tr ti* Tt>fra Kite Apiary a
let aur t.,aln, t ta,dxaaltz•y$piozido", : ,
I* Oriap) have .glvort hitat,'w wor DAKIN �?1J DEP'51
riot t a tjp �,'ha» t>Tod he uawan, but only atrS T111 1' .cold >t;,r !' Apt ,
h OUIL 0 ,'KAV 1.6, � ,:,. .'' .' . .rl. I r., , I
awn rve'tlux own lnativo in iaodgriclr,
4 r e, d- ale','tuada laza ;Col' ,
atev,141. 19he is the, Q a ontry.:trt►'' , i "tT Them, Is nothing ill Ito class Can Beat11 1S A N1GB .
Ie. a ea?G"Eh,�tiutt co'n 4.1 two' t( f ' - °lilt' sea se. ilia' 1e who ltnve" tried it. -.
tna wits:'' .lad kirex(t yew lr lment ; Ylre Deli It in t -lb, people
at ioC, lust try it. a
Scotlatadt Chore )aevkr Wowd have .
it''ir. A Burns 044 Miltil t'ht� is �t�
cher' Catlap�i' we sllxall itevar loon ,: ( . - "- .
3(04 h� liko l'Mn,. thank ire �+ p,
avetr HI 4tVtlior; that hexaevlsr{e�ut Sf►4' `
h s 1 he time of the ear to have Itis= Mader The
rayed rivet 4t{$ thrwa a da► ;,It ,>lgtattiUd xht.. .,� y
�y from.. t�t0 P#* ha Ott :�rhell of ' 1 d Christmas rush is over and we wile be Olt to .give
Yrahilrra, Had league ao, and ware•, pounds of EIG to sell at gt;. a lb. or Six l a ,
Ored*wayfroiana<tmm, t,mightbAve lk�� fqr 2 c. while the last. ' Igoo`tame and attentioon to that class of work, l veaxll tt�
San, into *A unreal wgr�d, and then. � y,
VchImce. we novar' should. have; tertainmeuts are now on, and it is almost uecessar t4 hatre ,
M4 bro. A llnouid'ot the old ta- eel r. $u diem cher 1 , a Dress Suit and what is nicer to have on going .to cl1ureh i -.
a ittiaa w. %"IgS arc healthy Tse titcrtt fr
Mier eaarth fila' tele Yersoa- Aq pallet y p y t'harl a Frock or a Three -button Morning auii, with a lake . { '
ould,not kava tit Its'nest and, 4% r
a sora txerd, the pane would'uat �ie pair of striped Trousers, Then you are always rtMady far � -4;r
of WI, IWoruing dew, funeral or a wedding. We have the goods, we have the wovk- 1
Barn,, was born p t a tltt%p when: bila 1.
mat : heed greatest aaeed„at!• tilm,. She * MI. people to turn them out properly, and the pr11;t will be right, •
�y G,ELLt '
as full 99, poetry'$ alto consistent with first-class work. - �'
at iter soul into rh an., . re V1.
d1 of, imisic, and laid no winatwl eta Xt
mo.'her mouldering harp, full of par , . Let us Take your Order Now.
,ietle are. yet no war son to wakett i
t iveto ail the echoes at er anCie r, ,H, B, B,&CaicRrr -. ... _ Ahoxe fig, . _ _ .I STAUN7Ok
sliveiattcb; full of bigotry and auger• _
__,�,_. ..-.r _ j� 1
ltionr-. e no -brave haled nle tear PRIDHAM,
��� ����O■way lite mask. sad tt bean lest to SOME REASONS W t1Y YOU SHOULD
;stem logy i to say in what period of TRADE AT OUR STORE . . ■
Br history he would have Come t0 � �-ter mr�r�■rr�rm�r�-lrrrrnM � . ,.
cotland, could he have chosen a more
�ppropASte'timeR•' -He came, and the E - handle only reliahle well -made. Fusmrsuar-all doors and ee�� ` t,
tiny lifted up its, wee, modest head to W drawer& work easy and well, t802. �■ A`.�,. AND W { R �SQI►7r 1 _
'elcome him, and the ranting, cant.- All Prices marked in plain figures, You can walk through our Store f �' 'j''f' jam'{' {�
!�}'y�aOc thcµl�tuld liQht.�oelzeLhig _ .. _ -cud -seed th>r prtcc6 #e17I $eCi O 1T N'I'. - - A. • 1�! L v1 'I VI .L L O _ �i _ _ _ --- -
ta, hung their betide down to avoid 1g `
4m. • He, came down upon them like r Rf `
thunderbolt,, and cleared the air We give a special Cash Discount for Sales of Eio,00 and upwards. is now showing fall lines of Seasonable Goods in all departments.
'ith .tris-lightula , and to this dayy, Goods delivered free within a Repairing, Upholstering and Picture '
,henever cant and hyproorisy are In circuit of tep sidles. Framing promptly attended to, HOMESPUNS SOC to $1.50 G L O V E S and FIN 1 I t
ter midst, with, what weepons- can we
Coal them a deadlier blow thhan the sa- per yard. HOSIEitX, 4
re h Bfield The pour dumb beasts BECK ETT �e STA U NTON (
r the field had their truest. friend Extra Value in D R E S S Black and leading shades in t4
,hen Burns came among them. His SP,RGES. VELVETEENS..
foide of love and kindness to "a Practical Undertakers qnd Embalmers.1.
iouse," a wounded hare, and to his Night and day calls promptly attended. Night Bell it stote,'weat side crithe square . Aa canal, a large se.&oitmeCt of Imported and Domestic YARNS, ,
et sheep, poor Maillie, who receives
fico Wi' B kindly bleat, have done - PLEASfi NOTE that above goods will be sold on the ground jfoor level of pri^f. , s p)
.ore for their kind treatment than .�...�..�— I •461'�-01.'%r,
------- -- -- A . MXTJ �1"1R0, D raper. - ;.-I
ing,sale of MOO�
,�_�I �:q' I
Sold more RANGES and HEATERS
than ever I did, but still have a few left,
which I will sell very cheap before Stock- 0
.. __ - I _ Taking. These Stoves were all bought before - _ .
% a
and ....... a a a .
fm '.
the foundries advanced the price of Stoves,
so this is a snap for anyone to et a ,First -
p y g
r 1`
Range for little money.
The !•argesr and Mosr !p - °Io -Hare Slotk of
Furniture in Huron a ounry........... ,
4 i;.
PIECES, Suitable for any Room.
1 ` l
r.+.■O� WORSELL9
Je ■ j'J.
handle only well -made and flnNly-iN'>}felted L'ttrnlGtlrN, in Ehe most fttshiotr-
[LbIN w00(itl at present in LIHN.
, ,,^^!
Picture - Framing and
Upholstering done to order A CALL SOLICITED.
Undertaking and Embalming
gotWn your Bible, and have never
read Burns. Would you chant your "
•• .�OENO
prince Edward Island
darling's praises ? Aye, "Sweet Robin"
has been there before. Ye.1, his is the Farmer compelled to stop Our long experience enahlew us to give the most prompt and efficient ' ',
Lny society for the prevention of tx)nnie sung that Iuelts the 1,Lseio'tl clearing up his farm. service. We carry I) stork n full liar of the latest productions known to the �.
Cruelty to animals. To the toil -worn soul -he knows the winding path that Undertakers' art. Our churgem art- very moderato,
elan of Scotland and of all the world leads into the maidm's heart as Robin
me. •'came with words- of comfort and Hood knew the wily . through tangled -� 1
a rc nth and he told them that ' ns-- l� a - B H i l 1 H V , �lv- C %� 1
Y P y, dells of Sherwood forest, and his is tiff, ' 1 iJ j, LXJ j�J \
'vtlre smiled as sweetly on the shepherd voice, aye sweater than the cobko(i a-�- �'..----^,.
is the king," told them to hold up when twilight fails, that softens the / '
their heads, and show the crown of anguish of a broken heart for some j I Warerooms- NV e s t S t r e r - t /tet n i�� iJ ( %) u
manly sweat upon their brows, "for a lost Mary in heaven. l`. 1t Residence tl u e h o e, t r o e t l T l 1 j � H 1 C 11 +
man's. a man for &' that." He stood up Much as the rest of the world may y- -
for himself as the representative of admire and a reciaW Burns and his
the great class of workingmen, to PP -.P .
which he belonged. It made them Poe•tiy, it cannot be denied that the -
native-born Heotchnian have the ad- _e T
ate out with a stronger and surer
R vantage of all others. The native- l
in the grand upward march of born Scotchman is familiar with the "'r 1 uly,
humanity. fie endured poverty and vrener of the beautiful land that in- %'11 fj torc
misery that the world, lookingSome )fired him. Scitchuten can read hiewaab+tyt " V
deeper into this chapter of humRn spired
historyP might see that virtue and songs as he would have read them Mr. Job Costain. Mlnlatsgash, P.Kl., writes:
greatness of soul are not driven from h' LP Th know the rir of the
the chinky-wall cabin by want,
and that the heavenly anggels find
hearts that are warm by in lesides
that are/cold. He invested the very
implements of labor with honor and
beauty. His sweetest songs were sung
as he pfished the plow, as if the very soil
of old Scotland was so full of music that
his plowshare had but to upturn the
furrow to let loose a song like a bird in
the air. He came to his country as a
patriot, whose ambition it was, if he
could do no more, to sing her asongat
least. Wallace did no more with his
sword for Scotland than Burns with
his pen. His war sense had more
powder 1n them than her arsenals,
more temper than the steel of her clay-
more, and by his sweet and tender
songs he has wooed and won the heart
of the world to Scotland's side, and so
he has put Into her hands an enchant-
ed weapon more potent in war than
her embattled etana-the sympathy
and love of humanity.
With what a sktlfui hand he gathers
material from the resources of nature,
drops them into his heart and turns
them into song.
As he rode one day along the lonely
Glenken moors a st(n•m came down
from the mountains, and burst in all
its fury around him, as only a Scotch
storm can do. All night he turned
that storm into song, and when the
mornin Sun came it`was not to the
Inise , ey "In the Spring of I000I started tOeloarUP a
dialect he spoke, and in w ich he plem of land, but had not worked many days
tvroW his choicest songs. before I was taken with a very lamo back, and
They can recall their music as they was compellodtostop work. Tho trouble soem-
were sung to them when children in ed to be down In the contra of my lack and I -
the days of "Auld Land Syne," when my right side and I could not -toop over, F, have bought the Grocery Stock and business, so long and suc-
their mothers voirl•s added the only I got a box of Donna Kidnoy Pills and before
angelic element that wits wanting. I had taken the whole box I was 00mpl6t49ly W •11cces9fully conducted by Mr. T. G. Tipling in the Bedford
And in conclusion, let me xay that cured and able to proeoed with my work. I Lllock, nod will carry on the business to the very best of our
Scotland has reason to be proud that - take great pleasure In recommending them to ability. Our nim will be to buy and sell the very hest in every line con-
arnong the hlemsings that have f1 dien W farmers who are troublod as I was." y•
to her—and they are many - rhe hew in 600, a box, or 3 for 81.23. All dealers or nected with the huainess, at an low prices as honest dealing will permit.
nothing been more fortunaW than In • We are experienceil in every [detail of the Grocery ,'and Provision
thk,that she wag the birth place of this 'l a Doan Yldney Pill Co.. Toronto, Out.
gentle and gifted soul. He was ver- - -- -- - _ _ — - - - -- business, anti eel that %'e can confidently ask for and receive a reason. '
Gundy the dearevt child (•ver rocked in -------'---''—� able ahare bf pntrtmage. Xtory department will be a specialty with
a S(,Itch cradle, and him the moat MoP6U.N1akInQ Education. l us-. it don't matter %lint wet want- if in the market, come here.
Wnderly loved ashes that were ever
laid in a Scot(•h grave. But, lot me
Wll you, you C,Ln no more keep the 11St now We have a irreat specialty to WOOD'S
m [cit of Robert Burns in Rrotlanot, J
Haan you ran hold tits Rearlet robe of l? F'
sunset on the ppeakR of Ben Lomond fir C
BOSTON OF ,S. 1-I"ave N-oll tried a sample?
Ben Nevis whon the min has gone STRATFORD, ONT.
down in the me&. That mpirit is abroad Vot•NG MIEN AND WOMAN, r% If not, do so.
in universal nature, a part of the WHAT Attic You WoRTtt'
beauty of the world - thiLt pUSHCH not ,
away, but is Immortal. I That depon,lm upon what you are worth 4e/':'
__`�_ , to othorm. A 8uainoam or Hhorthrind &I u-
eat Ion will always unable you G) et a g _„•, cmxl - W.
■ 1 N to� O�� r] pOmt,-AIti,but Cha eu. nit ion
moat no atrli• 011
Pains scale y� Illi a(ii, hilt. Olve umnll opporl unity W lull
CCC yon what wens doth for othorm. write , CUTT & Mc�WAN. _r 111
to -day for our C,ltaogar•. N"A' " nd PfiONE 46.
WILL BANISH YOUR mitWd at any time.
-- Principal. ±
Read ilia Strong Tostlmooy Of a Veterinar , Salol 7
__ - Livery, y *111 i/ V OCA( t
and Feed Stables,
Chapped Hands STREETS, GODERICH. '!
T tt tt shove Is cut lot" w � r � n
J r1Ahimi )N. V. H., and J nA 1.1,10A Y. I,RN(:TIR and -111 1., A,,,,,,,,'_", � r
This frosty weather, tr one of art "f the Town the ism. lav ,• • !
) bore opened the nbnro atnhlra and are pro- p '
our excel ent Skin Preparntions pared to furnl-h tar Ironeral pu Aur with up rn !!
dsto, reliable hormes and rigs at malorat. +ale-. O R D F It S T
OUR ROSE C/- YCER/NF L0770,v Herman bought, gold and ozehangod, end
is ao4thing and healing, dries Ott fair Aealing alwar■ nAiurod, received by TELernoxa or !eft a r,- , ..0 ,,a ;
quickly—perfumed-an very plena- Veterinary o01re In connereion with the Street wfll recelae vroml t nr"r • n
ant t0 use. 23C per bottle. srablea, and duenme+ of all Antmala ■riantiflrnt
Ir tret-ol. on renmoua„lo tern-. llurme- eltpp•11
Wil"h //aEe! ('ream—,St per bollle. rd on short ootleo. Your DnLronagaaolielted. PETER MCF WAN.
(Also in bulk.) fiamilton & Matild u, l
Almond ('trent ' C'urn toter jelly PROPRIFTr1RP Oal. rich, Nov, cot, ta,a Phone 08
Edelweiss ('ream, Froshlla,
Can:,Aorre, Cold (•warn, etc. -` -
1 J • ■ . HICK' We are into the Third Week of our 1 Annual Stock -Taking Sale.
The following are a few extra close
t CEtrTaAL Do on &TORR, • - OODR11101 prices. We mums clear out these linea .,
"Always the Beat at tfirk'n." t0 Duly Gatineau ,• Axrq, worth 6gc each, Salc lin.$ ',.
9 only King Axes, worth A,yc each Sale tpn,,r IUs
( Io only ('hip winger Axes, worth i4,,sc enrh. ; 'r hn,r riN I
r WANTiT A truatworthy gentleman or z4 only iligheAt (,rade Ates-, worth $t ag enrh �rlr l.r,ce I IN) 1'r Indy in oath wunty to mannngge huninnaa t .�' I
t for an Otd omtnhlWhod houao of rmlld Onnnrl+J 7 dor. Te. Me Kmt,en and F orhallo.1224, $2 go d,�r �,rir pr ;' INi
ata.ndingQ. A atrnlght boon Ode weakly anxh 1 flat, $1.2o i10(
anlary O( /tft(n paid by rhoek enrh wodnngday 2 „ ,. •' " 20 R tit ,-, I I fWI
with all oxpen"a rlrrartfrom hoadquartan. 2 „ ..226 R $1 a, 2 7.1
i(aionoy rulvannod for oxponaea. Manager, 310 .
Caxtnn 111dg„(111raoro Ie72 4m TRIi'LR 1'i, •1TFI) SPOONS +-,i, I+,Rt:<
r. % 4107. Joan Ten Spoona, worth $1 5o d- titor, I.n, e $2 7S
Y N erVou9,KleeplevH and (exhausted r dm. )oan Dessert spm,ne, wottil $5'-„6v p,%,r I (N)
n I dos Joan Table SppooeotnA, worth 6.m) ,Ior >., Ie pn,e I Iii) - .
Not sick enough to lay up, host you I (l or. Joan Tahle hocks, worth 9,i tx, rl» `Ltlr pace 4 0i/11
are out of Rm•ta, h)ood in weak, nerves I doe Jonn i)essert Forks, worth f,i oe ,t^, . `,I,• 1"I, -c 3 ICO
ungtrung kidneys (1Pranged, vitality 6 cases `teat Carers At :m lar ','nt 1h.avnnt 11
is low. You Rhmild take Ferr•ozone at 6 House nroouls, worth. Igc, Sile pn, a 12 ,
I- once; it will enrich, strengthen and 't},(, House Brooms, worth aoc, Rale p,h a t0 .
E. pacify the nerven, and increase your 40 House BroOuis, a(orth 2gc, 3:110 price 20
b energy, vitality anti lx,wer, Ferro-
zone will renew your appetite and di- R1t(1,17LAR i.iN(-'k
1, 1 gestlon make you aippp soundly In Maple Leaf, Racer, Lance and Premier C we. cot Saws. ,
)r IYart will make yon well. Try herrn- Much Sawa, Axea, Axe liandlen, etc „ ,!,
zurle. [Trice 60r. per box, or fl Fxtxps PNtcB9 Rtt.ttT we ate oprning tip n let 4 'llnware' QIYAt.tMY $t$O
t for $2, '; at druggistA, or N. C. f oNon, �N.
X) Rt l'o., iugston, Ont.
DB ROUGVIE, could`*es : . ,
. I I 1, , I
10,(lice 't[q STA n chnnry tAs figure Ott �
your jo priutin
11 1.
r ...k
�'�, , )/. .111,�
1: ,,',11/ . I .1,r ,1 •
. 1, 1��t—_, 11 .
�11, .�,.
Lay�yt .�