The Goderich Star, 1903-01-09, Page 6%k V its W Ih1, 010. "Why Mo 014 twilitt, YOU. )AN" .0hould, h4A 14%$Wke?" rim, i 040ft Mot 4 ",I shrialc lrQrA PPgn That 0 0", uion SU, f MOW Mal$ OA QoVo illy, he $4 0, 9 I 1, be or, 0 tivo T$= 0 know, 0oluj"X. 0 We 14 of canalys" of 0"Po"'IfI4 Voillom t"t 0 Ifeved 114 0 MON. 0 the OWN ersua 11 61111111191111; 809 0011111"U04 tki*t, blll we ill otbo� plAt I Tho' P �-Of, T- Sion I it gd Milo 40's at tA tkip Dqm we WQulfk tq�00$.- )rp p9mAtAp of oil$ OT 1AM4, U* o<it have ox."Ia at 14, I tritilly of expr9aviou 01' deepest vI)AWtalit tQ W ZqO JA, "-Ve: acox Ob- came over Sir RoCOU.1's tal*� What eery W0004.40.00 I!h . 41 " b � - %%air Ing 4 Ondada. Tho' same to ILA "Liston RaotIl—do not J114go MO I$ PAt In coxision, f4plik Aon do'09 in the 4ce, dQ Or Lady Caromet6lAbor of, 1harphly. YOU ilp.,A.Pt now pays for 4441, of bedfArg A vVIII All. IRt Quest]) Vurtfier 4ctalls of the Mutiny Of h I But- require- the x4roo, b Wise Capacity, mo.toll you illy -story." r Cas- I b trk '.t(ci - 0tippizat 04., hethe LQiCeSW Love. the mu so a=Ctla 4.41190 wo tho $time `00 of I And withal day. a yov ws &.4 0 ovod by the bhooting a yell �w P" ot Prot jaitAl �that *as i9cpIr r, v related In Sir IhLOUI list :iIQ N gry. �.toq Socrind mitte, rovoul ear! rotated the NW Milo 11 =4 109w, M !,gnfZ4tIOXi. of 09 V01409. .494pops 441), L 6luid In at once. -Awk us [La. ALCUICUL . . . . . . . . . . IV' he,A=Ied,,at last. mr, 1 1 1 lip H=.. hc4rt Y' Live T40 following St OIN 'A tiliocli., Oar r7 ta think I0, rttd at Ott* _4 pAo ip given by Captain 1`90-- Cli-AFTER A lguiih� game 11�6= be sta Ustowli thrown awaYW irou no gift it roqu ljj� arrived at QUINT I'OL lips. But, Haack #t of great 'I I he joined, cargo of Wheat Greatly disturbed in Ills mind I h#ve Watched and -wait- Nith thO vessell and a ,.Dt ul the trbw, to foretell the gt til I WAIlt, to Coll lexces- tentiq found her 11111JAW'�qhil gh a vwhea oho was the" DO` #0 guilty,, *hat qdu4ationai.,sh9wsA a r, vt,0 $tin Francisco: about his wila, and worried to ell m4n fiively b3f troublopowe Inquiries as, gtRrOAd each and everyt'pirovillOV [a provilAgo, to tho 111' t of September 2, in the IiIi 4909 Who' M think?" Aap) 0 ll, or d- ;did I get once chance. hor," said Sir Itapul, "you inight three years. The CO"outi0h at gltl�p Which have hinderod A�Vlllit Xassm, _t by bu plover unti "Careless - have been of Illinclon prOb LIM. I 'M quite #WQ 04 dO flue WkIlt. though dark, W)th It the 40idelit 'which had happened o t I the other night was as you within the 1104t two )#Ap Th tzarm**, Omkirrh 4P Wind — We were Lady. gamiltizin, Lord Caravoll, could ha,vo nv U under (tit torniftied to sc� reffugo with his Was qlApe4t Sbal -.0100 h%J`e largely' alpffiftish CIIELrgQ man, t It ; a -hall knots shot her dead a hi4pdrod tlmqs,l but was it M40 r I ha-Ve known her better. it I heard Guelph Al 9M U thq prosppt iI* it had Sir -Raoul Laureston. life l.should. javen blagQ of the lea4gro, Ok 464 ON t �i4lkilcj Ilia ;04�gt by i'ds g. Ili It haggard faft. noveollarme(i me I her be- 1 % IYin% read t131r, Raoul lociliod at the ca I t, 14 ocirvito tit I, el tel;'TT -Tho -lecopud officvr I woulil not lost in takingibor al cited. , Ono_of these, was the Ito tit 7 Se hw say auch a thl actions per 11 Alt Surgeon of ho dock and I took also the life of one, \VII9 had u words, belleVe it, thought, gathered from xuarlwt, for Ahec,offal. -There L ibi - Wapite of her OW the Atlantic, to itild Pacific. Lind ottlit r-9 on �rsvato practicii p ,4, fletore j;lng to sleep - ell her innocence, Shame on you, 10ar- from Will soon,be a matket'herb tb-t all fatuous (Intel, pociallell ealloo Upriest Sears,, able sea- "Poor boy," he said; "it is rather ca n ine. She arcto me to :her;' from the United States and Great the.different, parts of the�anfmar-dtlri Am loan, shipped Lit for you certainly. I promise hven, that 1, stranger Ill or she left Ing branded �Ipcoo 1hard from MY Place- should have to take up her defoacqt I)ritain as well. be utilized.. This being the case: Id 0 leame, to my r Lind 1you that I will mention neither -men, isho t:rl ipe for the es- r pbY0 Isto, earn as It tblef among my follow man had Lady Hamilton nor the poachers." it me without character, without Shame an you that you did not utt,; oUlt EXPORT TRADE. feel �the titna IS now r '9 MQ tO Come out' or tri ivitzou dertitand he fallen from lite fore.-yvir -epoated r bottLrl She had learn Somu good ad�ice jrom a dintlatOV- tablishment of a 'dead the d a ad bl'04 Ponchersl" I the earl lie tud .1 illshe was my bane and my light Mr. wjth� thd 61d country vaid' thdl, IQ his leg. I "Suroly You— curse, fie I hot her. But. I am not ad to love you, poor childl I tho I iinmodintcl� -- leantelliptuously. gated atandl)Wnt Was given by ure. He labored it, oil id on going into the Cati- I lie paused: lie had been on tile brlrfl� as sorry when I saw she would. You drove her mad with 4rch.� MAeNvilago,, of 0111560w, In a Must �bd brought labout ill' the, wfil- 11 11, ­ ­ A� ,, . I t subect. - .11 bad. .lid I 11, wounded love and: her - talta' cr'th6 live stock of'tbls� coup- t I could of betrnying tile Secret ilia I. he Ila her fall (lead. I C41110 1proule had torclietin, Ua�arrll the lainii so tile honte, but bar slighted, talk on—Uanadian Live ,$tack Pro itess We take stePA We , are A Dr. 1� site followed mo- she has stood aucts exported to -Britain �and how tq. U1 ll�, liffintlUAL rt U ear jealousy, and she followed'yoll; that Ity. nqlwiwty� have. tile. tabilc to Illy tile- AnJUrC oat kno Di -it %vent to tile caV�d. 1111.12ve.11, t10 I'o —a wOmck dead"Was what slic'meant when she 6wil -le -salu - short sighted and we are plosl , ng our rh w iughod n with I to improve that trade�" I man on. I t1w to lite ever since a ad that she Was guilty. She m0apt Britain must Consume dyes to a danger with which We lire *09 an, q U11,101 c[Lilty, if) a tho part siclel� 6c�l:d seems to lie said. Dyes — ftwf-14 '. I that Great Ir No climate or IQ door on avi,jul to took upon guilty of loving you when you flave ftSkOd Illm you arc just Lis kind US uny Ono cl*co- irplus products- OV-0thet' 0OUa­ face-tO fadd- catarrh it; to. be more and beef an ­y6low, smallpox. replied,, Yg,,u ganuot kc _,Lovor Zf�. the wounded F V was sLanding, and see. f the st tuall Was. lie 0 #Mly from Said the Carl. qui9tly,. sludiopsly neglected her . trie,s. Canadian cattle itculcl. XO144(1-­hiIU­ , '-. -, __ - L . - _Was _je4oU,py_whAn there was Inyr, &. ill;, I 7 -7 -We YOU UUOAr-that A� map derstand her words, even if you do werit g6od- buU_W6V__aI3 _ffMfd____ -Llvv- stack --cf6ww" sto 7,v %D; -.1 U alit q o16 a I I4ell tllcT,-s� 'Wo will' discuss the Wptkther,, tile, wife?" 'from the United 8xt, s. 4, Ia 9 sect more All expression of cunning came o rThe demand in Great Britain was JUS NAME. Ohin, oil tb last IiOw back, tile ver not." best beef 0. 9 II" I am v *baby beLIf" whd. . than 200 or cent. I last live years. - cbbs, -able ,LtnyVhtnZr,­ proposod 'tile varl. And, tile dying face. ory sorry," said the altogether for ' DR. PROULE 13 A .IlAvaP Suddenl, . A. ll� shipped then he Lidded, "t . lint rem,iUds nit mbly; I'douly sorry, bOCULUSO, YOU at the Tllll�l 1, p, certain small bay I.. I , con train, 'i *1 eaall At t gag , seaman, Also Wn American. I knew her by th - o scarf—Iter all- hu was really beginning Smithfield allow they had no classes x0jpicos, In he name of Waite Pear- English 90CCIIII 6nd go back 0 at r th�j Starting Uio'tiomq x�ejrsiorc of this story Is B rej ver scarf—she wore I over her A,rUB 'know, Raou for*old animals. Many Wei He commenced to attend Chronic uleases. stepilock into I t a patting point. tile starboard 'door, ' got , as(... W get fra-, to love and care for her." If 'calitil by the first time I saw her. .' school b- short time. ago, and the Dr. Sproule, makes the duty oor, Lind. 110119 Will MILhO It !ionsa tonal afTalr of ,you tried to take a terrible re- "Beginningl" cried Sir Raoul. steel's on , tbo market at 22 n!conths theL treatment of Catarrh a, specialty- kAe cures uattler between me and illy rnoin If beef Was lacking in teacher had quite an exp4riencie in Dr Like, the frat jo makq CaVrrh a 8PechLItL. has ilerfected out. 'bloW thell. s3tp I. al n,' it I U sald Lord Caravon. hope that I &hall keep my patigIlco. old. Baby in scielitl"ftreo coustitutionet and PER AN4NT cure. ocal'Washeff, sprays, balma, -haps, but tile public want- I ding out his name. fqr a tk f, do harra I driving the a 0�rxo.. DISEASE, A bul-�l ere to tivui( _ Beginning to love hei you will Ilavo ', Pei "I thought W It has been worbo for me." r r ,.,,only relieve I 0 fired Ili tile tvitiv R revolver- "What is your name?" she asked, d Into thd*T;y=ic: left breast iturne- topir," said Sit- Raoul, Julully thousalid hato to answer hereafter tot- all t1lese od t. and it was more profitatill) to per liable to result Ce took T( .1 _LPERS are through the his dat.' PAINVV )MSt,(" �p let lilt me oil �­turflod the dying mall five months of iteglect and unkindiless. producb. In cheese, Carlada easily as Waite 1SPI , :r have touched u Imembrane and 1i 6trcc�le, Ohl I attempted "Now you n Itimes worsK for mo, I went Pro- said the bo� protal Cattle h- SLL�ka� dis'ase f the,mucous 'that. will cure diately Over tile heart. 3 To me your sin appears a terrIble led. great L�redit being due to PUY* grt,lfor each calse. Medicine to close with him, and nturiaged tit again. times after live different situations, The teacher to isa tile tlood,I and by wed prepo, ulo,s mothod -drives every germ Out Of one lit oten narm an* tier. Dr. Spitting, woateni the brout . hit him)olul.,but, lie euch Occasion it was,' transportation facili-, ed, but sai nothing for, a f m'o?- the bgdy. it clears the head, atops firod again, lift- "And to make matters worse,"tand lung one.' You had one of the no bleat fessor Robertson for his efforts -to oked rathdr surpt V. the hoWking and Illuscle of tile arm, remarked tile cari. with it get,,vire of' had wokil�n in the worid tot- your kife, secure hotter stran6thellS the eyes, reaLorps the bectring.. It.purilies and earichqs the ting me on the scornfully Ill lily face that I %tify vour foolish whims tjes. Canadian butter had not as ments, thinking perhaps 'he was System it gives how, I to.'evergy club bt- Won"y de8pair, cou,eb the doc- .... dismissed from Ravenamere and to gr I It becolincis I& drift then using same h0RvY negiecied her. Shamc- Oil good a reputation : the Danish and Irightened; then iilkid hgatn.- blood. it!_Invigoratea and lonea up -the 01101") 't'no hardships esier to bear. War as if made over. I and ambition. of life seem pleasure 'lite wall gp -1-0 batter In Ily head. �rhis tot,, �41V!cop I found that I wits ruined, I you have to New Zealand butter surpaestid it ; "What's, your name?" 0 r in thousands of Cape- brought me to vice deck, where the Dr. Randall entered t& ,00rn on- � sWore that I would kill bill. ladyship, you Caraven — vou are no men it, and' "Waite," said tha,pabsta'ssop, of the Dr. Sproule's nan IN revered a* that of a benefactO he doctor carnestt1K In- tile, 'announced, find in groat"hasto Tbe tre�t such a wife in such It'fftshicip I " the Trish was about equal to `U have tiny symprms of Vatarrh t dihn - If I bout Ing. villaIn fired two 11101-0 Shots Lit und T have done it." Ipproach- name I homes YO him find tall in all it will cost you no -ropit and in- earl sprang from Ills sattt:, tit the lint' you have Whut call I do?" asked the the :$Iberian was rap illy It v tes you to write to A�IEA OF I%VtO\4 evAL TOWS. Which, ludged Ill my ELI I rhank Heaven t eak point in Canadian - After another few mlnu�asl silence, azing wound tip tile sound or Ills agitated volve, Ilia f�wo nott" said the earl, hastily "I am humbly Ing it. A w AXiItI9k1OrT11#EI1iKJlgAl.D r11110A -.104"' flicked a bad k you sent her?" was t of the teacher blacoming 4mpatfeut,. ex-' lont total of catarrh When'catarrh, of the libild,and throat ,ead 'grawing pale and Anxious our murderous "WhIther have but er was that Malay 6"Ples The moit Prov is left micileClod it extends down, the -earm. till t1len recomalt thankful to say that Y 6 colds. tot coill 110 sdid. "Lady Hamil- Tile the stern inquir Iteeontained too much InOJsture. The elalmed: long ell results from neglected the bronchial tubes,and strikinp at my heai with his shot never reached my wife. Y. Iaited plenty wind-ilikpie Into lunge Lind devel- t it worse?" anger "To tier father's house," replied mitimer of � packing. wafV7Also;11dV1ec- i ' "Wall, I've W 1. Do;,ijdu spit up slielo-V in time'attacks the. .1 ust then Nixon, tile secon I �� a Ito. I lUdv ,on have injured is a sty s -ds the paroh- ough now. Pleaso �pll md your 2. Are our eyes watery? Ito catarrhal consUalPtiOu- Mr. noise, No,sllu�aecpla better. It IS not pecially as regal I Qplk 11 easily? t(i yo� — Lady Hamiltow, she 114,d tW elLrl OVA, e a. Dods your zuose feet'dull? 1. Do you take cold mate, hearing t-hq ill t6il you what to do. ' found inferi4r, ritime?" quick? door - 61 tha fore cabin, wheninhoot Lay Hamilton that I want��thrown Lady CaravoWs scarf LiVer '�Thpn I W I ment paper which was ii. Does your nose discharge? 2 is -your breathinl too port for- 'Go as fast Lis Steam can carry the packaebs , That made the boys laugh, and.fin- 6. Do You sneeze a doOd deal? a Do you raise firg, by material? all ia-, you. Lord Caravan. . I WON sent 0 the (for MO) You, ' Oubby Lind soft., who' -the nose'l plobliq fired tit him. and lie I her stioulders—hence allv the teacher unders,topd. 6. Do crusts form Ili 4 is your vojce.1i arsQ,tqd huskK? hal.ing orldently,th moment I left here In behalf of tunate and ask tier pardon. She is a no- Vvere opened the keeping qualitit!] 7. DO YOU TILT pain across the eyes? 'iev. you a dry, had Ing coug? the bullet might' also be,'- to,- I tile IIVW WjAQ used to act as your tile dying mmn's I itcO bid wornan sho nIaV fOrgivej, but," of the - butter 'a S. Dome Youir roat D 11,110 look (lit 'soldier, 6ankly, with a ! t emell offensive? ti 'Tel worn out on rising? rced Ills heurt. here -,v4its rhA -0 is more V:tav -in this septLou 9. in hearing egharling to fall? 7 U quOpit up Inoldel A to sea--tho fiendish dis added the proved. As to horaqs t I I 1 your .41 4twas. territil 4effn-g in lavi;�*6f, C".l,� 61' the. eauntry t an Ither dikeriptlo eLI7 I 0 You 'rIV Ditintyre." )o oil "kISSAILANTS V A N I R 1-1 11'�D toward — John k your'sonse Of Small'? A r. �YOXI Ite-dually losiny, strength? -1 declard 10. ArQ.YUIQ4iUg yre," gttlitT 0 ,It the bitter hatrad. fitiall on his honest face, %knivers together. and thictil - he, last few 'O phlegm In the Ilove you 41 disgust for atty IQQ(12 "John Ulant � io I it. Do you b4w u man ,g,,,I,, "Is lim WV Thq a not killed tier af tor that illan horsQp, dra�t, vall, ,qr ox I years was suliposed to. be incurs. morning? 11 Have you otdolard Lind arot�or Ub)ec,t.-,appoinl met . were in tier place I na*er pr6s put his,,, For a scratchy feeling Ili I have are doctors pronounced lWo scene. but'by Chi'$ Interest'llitri Ven's, mucil —1 want d. (I arriage horsc�- qlilc a. grant ,L)WI yQ 12. Are there 'buzzing noises,in your i,xv e" did not t be 4 an c t atV ci advice Offered .&SO and k4mcribodl local Have you a sense of weight on e earl took ors, hl iTrae�aw AsolWatits hao,vaniall6di- ;,Indecil he thougiii: It tw'i�iftkl have WoUnded an WILL)- Th town. �rou A, Was the, rehicedfon, - and by constant Y tAkIllig'. to Cars? pains across the had fl -.v the excitement of bill own affairs -RW you nd went Straight rj to e W�11 S. Do YOU have I wd!5 In a baa state. as I to You — that him. Conadian Arabs wer ouria, with local treatment. pronouhced front of your forebead 12. 0 you cough worse night and not Ill in tile common lice,31"t- ct-lit indy, I' st"-anger ve not ill� COUtinu0cl). we,, bro h full"Of itt c.urgblo. $cionce hao.pkavort catarrh back part Wrivalig Iran, the, revolver ballots., (To Do kefl, 6ALl 14. morning? , b or Do you feel dropping I in kcojt� of breath when illy Scalp wits Sever ngulai-ly handsome. fore requires put treatmencT' oly cut, I I ntion Of the answered tile is all; my clear Wife YOU I'LL a constitutional J)raso and th of throat? icnd spirit and si constitai I I aa, U go I, was, rooreover. Fo. weaA from 'or's doctor. -1i'le is dying, I fetir." manafactured,by Sym� "elk ngl no of these symptoms Utdo; L is ej9_,SStKt4 the Ott aver catarrIr 40,r the �bro mate took cinlVe belie'ving that rdraft horses wd%riIUg6J,700 Hatt's . Catarrh Cure g if you have Some 01'1�9o' above if IOU have Sol of blood that Lite Dyl all. yet not till Volt spetk lnf -Art:11 -nertilor you Ilup.... nUTULnd r. J, Cheney co% Toledo. tomp your dtseytoL nctrial tnbes. --- - ____ t end CYId- thfoWlt,' Ir tilled tila hand dead, dreading only cQuatitutioual cure'lop the to Pr. Sproule. He wkadiagnose of tile ship. 13 riddles. doctor." AFTER MR91, c lahe was lest an itDo high as $,1Q0 to �$QQQ in 01as Marill the above symptoms ohu `Y Said 1,110"fit, Ion gbould buffer for illy gow. it is taken Interailly" in' send them it r I. ure,I. I)o,not ndglqet: %Oursel 'is from d tell YOU may bo,risfAt. "it, Where th" kept tile IN)OP, IIQP-4 "it is ali a riddle to me.' ligilli L11w), tlip� YOU 4hould t1jere 10 drops toateastcoonful. Itfacts net what to do to 9f and muCous - Bur- VO yourrelt wrong treatitIont,, The results whon-t1hy- ),Iurl case an Ing to ctch the it the physician, "perhars you call 110 range price directly Ali tile blood a all do not giv grtutly to tile &ur- v It. . He 1163 conimitted H11101" had �Jltkoct my,' an unlimitVil a,,qs of the System, They oiler one bull- ULV, B.A. English Catarrh Specialist (Graduate Dub- ft 'ti! I at In. he has inado an littettlPt, r circulars &lid tbati ersity Irel4md. �n hou� at-Iftho _'*6 871)'fd dre(I dollars geon British Royal I (rom $300 3 ior any casp it light cainc� but, . 0, btit. DI*O.W ?" �first to Zt DR. SPRO Navy), 9 it bovit con onlyv thank Heaven you hav 175 lot- secorlb, Send in Tj.i,, Formerly Sur Prisq of qLlI; of us. XXVUR 13UT TO SUPPER animals, S240 �to'$' dure. stod, ter intiIIIJKht, p. rn(t, With Olive MOTT I pyk ljs life. but he has nOt quite 4lic- l4,410 rlAddress, Be 0� RaEUMATISX. 4nd $1 6010 $224$ for cobs. i,,Y & 00., Toledo, 0. Doane d. a ralbed himself; horses ilsed larlgt]:V . Y -�old by oil It, wan dbr;or%od In the darl:ness ceecle Vlq� - , , - I . . . I by the railw F. J. CLIEN The olish,lo remar�ed JQ)Jn 131alityr dy-, Druggista, 75c. lobster for SuPPe floating past tile starboard side. He wns Nory to, IT tile bad pass in the loompunies brought $325 to $375 for Haire PamflY Fills are the best, *Eating I r, old in -tct that It were Hobbs. the the car) the it I IT is citred, tons -to $275 man ? Why, I ti;l9ught it never ENGINE PACKINCS. en On "ttempted Ing face Were terr4bic to Pee for who lured ilia confttlontial steward 1141 I Am Frry & Remarkable Case Reported I first cluss, and 8�400 It nctuaf murderer, Sears, man. to, desti life seernod to k, Tell tier," lie cried, Rainy River-'Ro W a Man �seconds, Mother -"You have illsollepil me agreed with you ?" doesn't out.-Orlibly room; and Another -oy Ills WTI WlI list. that she -ftorn RANGU CATTLEZ Tommy. Didn't I say "NO he It,s my turn. to than (lid not Itill her: i Crippled With Fain' FINIS1411"90 but I don't care. Snf-7raff0scrl, also -an 4, him it Traitr of less 11101nent to tier for Who Wal of to -night, any- Turner. The 'Tutned =4 and that I lip , 'Completely 19storod to One femturq Of UILLP ow, which At- van askd =a lor take care of the, -hipped a Was Amerienn, named amos the fact that Ills Ili!e lovLd him I- - aricather-pie.co baby, r my rill so, -"Well, dealt, YOU how. .11 her that I sent he Health. itract�d a good deal t attenti v maw, have tile asrl to,.and. waited' titleaNily at theAt; to had cursed- I�gr I Wtof it bunch of 24 rangoo I know hat a, vvqM%n'§ 'No' t, I Dr YZandrill 1,,o� find that- after I cantle front, think .4 no trace of 10 until daylight. when, VON 'opt unc,onsclous face never oporled my lips again." .-(Special)- the Northwest, Lix For over stittly Tears. tile Rhil) % -1 speak on it -t- exiauvwd, and 1:10 Barwick, ont., Jan. 5 hibited by the Tar- means ? 0. raft bein seen, tshcist private MO lie fell back Mr. William John Dixon, bf tbil ritorial IlIepartment of Agriquiture. + An OLD AND WxLL-T%zD Ragoir. he 011reo. I have ,lot the all v�r?­ lie Said. h,apt ilia war(,. When that Inst &Lena rkatle These cattle were diado Shorthorne, A RRaMINENT pAjUMER. Winglow's Soothing Syru&hss an Walk or or., I N%Ata made tile years by will lofts Of 11110 IIdoubt that Oe raft. WhIch rep) earl, who ,,act place, has had A. rental, an far their Children *lit a ow was the (11,110% Y* Wits Over, I Herefords and Galloways, Lind rill tgathing; With perfect sumers. It, Miller t3ce 41dl X planks ATUA three cork perience. Many failft XW havo no Secrets train illy rel a- inainod with him to the encl. re- V, especially "those who -oil from the forward Last summer he was taken down; be stabled �JtyId,fo&-,Jt the Agflcul- ItalvT I have attended the Agricultural COI- %0 . gum#. allaywolk Cato, CUT", c thebes ralnedy for Diarrbela. Is 01 cl,a the 'turned to Raven-rin're John Wan Typlibid revor, and watt vor3, tural College,- and, at Islajor Hood's ute. oldL by divagiatic in -VC 0 world. I-thrit with leges, are familiar With the name Zun�m J,, toulable. tnight, tive t quite -unck, IT -a' tie had nridden� r.ocity-ATecetto -bottle. Its I 6 drowned. T%1Y` I carin tyi erlive tifid suicl t ill. After he.got over it and started farm at Guelph, oat_ with a view tof Mm WICIC101,11 Goo By %, and the three Ile was 'n John Phtter. I.Mto ' ' Wor "They Helit oil ITS Rhetim,atism set to nscortain Do - I ritta 'd scod by It. J. Bron-iocintinued the doctor ill, inexpreshibly In. whether a successful who had some ex- I nun, able Reftn"DI, L�rpo halt Litt I had pains in my back, und in "nivishing" Western cat- Bessy—Do the Smythe live wi n- perienee Of ambulance work Ill South T found that Binict, is own folly - ilia in- farmers in laws, S Iy-­Th ENGINE Africa.- The bllets %rtl In Iny body oil it) t Ile Hs lift' I 1ilLi not tell the result of It duties. lie had im- my right hip, so bad that I had to tie only 15 tier cent. of the.Ameri- Ile h"' been enjoying a diversion in their income ?" ib ey There can be III) doubt that you how - therg is ho I c -d to add attention to Ills this nian use a stick to walk with, and had n rango cattle are shipped direct his regal r duties of late. in- don't live within it, yet they -a of horrors m" plicitly And blindly 0 to work 'tignin -0 1,LS -WqV,nds Were dre rached the houab without plenty of wroe and rcf!c�c_ Outarlo mMr. Fixter Is foreman of the CYLINDER or int-, and when I r empt- (ion. He saw at once that this Wits Mr. I)ixon thus describes it business call be done by inion LItperimental Farm at Ot- -t' yet. I jouncii hit trusted frol DYNAM09 Iracy Thu I to a list its too Idle to no comfort to sleeping- to the market. The rest are shipped It rtows made by couldn't live without it." It Was It, Pare Case (It P dying. not (lead; Ito is dying now. simply because he w than dress anc! they tire in apelift the 4,000 ha MACHINE II was to kill 113o and got in- What I `I could no more cast and fed grain until dio Ore- life onlv cry wan for you, Lord,Car- overlook him and his aceoun nearly slaughter.- and that is Massoy-Harris Co., Limited, for the British Government for use in South k' and m obtain He had grown' rocic- undress myself for two condition for SOMETHING TO REMEMBER. It' oil. was tile result. wee'kf I n why American range cat- rkricn�4 akW other wontions there. O" Live,,; 0 wanted to see V I lQata with long impunity, and. when months. and for three or four I one r a Africa. tralvelyng you should bear in pedicily a Int -go colt rovolNer %Vh(r,h -11 do not in lite least desire to tolligent wife discovered r was so stiff and sore that I could tie brino better &ices than ours. Mr. Fixter says that he has Pei- When 4h WILLIAM C. WIL -I see said tibo earl, quickly. Ills quick. in, his peculationa. she not- In -0 Tal-TIght ehoei - Put Illy In shipping our range cattle to I Frig- 3 gaind the road and the trains at olT T 0- -W a9 take,, front nolwbs willin he join the amount of ohally marked each lgarrow� wlth� will ta,ke you to -your destination in cid, If they had succeoded in thisl"Frrinkly ilpeaking, doctor, repent- find dittatissod him at onc. For right leg on my left knee. land they are so unaccustomed to the Government stamp. the fastest time, and In the most oil -ryt-no ant sinners -ds tire not 0 usually reach they VV Id have murdered evi nd deathlic film I Whitt had happened there was nly ,A brother of uWno advised me to confinement that they The --whole shipment of 4,000 was comfortable manner. The Grand To send for -our COIR - who did not join them ill,* Nixon. much it) Illy line. I couid do Kidney Pills, and 'If tT the*old countr before they begin made within Anil month of the �oth par- plate Sheet Music buried Lho himself to blatin try Dodd's a boxeAl I began to Walk to cat As the have to be slaught, date Trunk service excels In t gatalores and 0&t I could live my taking thre y Spec a Rates. I lie officer killed, was no good," I'llow I Wish. the order was received, which re- ticul4ra land passengern from To- N IU. day after his deatic. We wprt, some Perhaps not - yok, he gave me noi, again," he thought; "':,around and do my work, and lace ored Within t4m days of their arrival, jects much cre.dit on Massay-l-larris nto to Montreal, Buffalo, Now miles north of &it You It a at 1. The Would do over plw - three hundred Pit- rest until I kind promised to a t difterently; but, (Is that is up my shoes. the loss in weight dod price Is very Company Lind Canadian' generally. ork, Detroit and Chicago, will find or, an hea. T the with Wide Islands when ]I happened, rest at list make the Most as well as ev di t is believed by western I de, in the day trairilk equipped cairn to viRit him—no La 'Impossible. I Now I ant he Harrows were Teachers !v.- we o"Oequi and Vie revolver used by Hal)bs had f;trango part or the story has ean at tile t$mo-tbat remains. have noi a pain or ache left. men that It range cattic, wpre ship- Brantford Factory of Massey-l-Tarris tlb-l-d -has, h(Ln&QmO Calo Nixon - Caraven. It was not un- I used In pod east and sold at some c pompany. Some idea of the capa- 1, Jar ."Dining Care serving been atolen from Air come, Lord ITO %V" more aliddenod and rIll six boxes of Dodd's entral d WRAUT, ROWE Castle is owned by -it was to- they could blil 1. The night The Leicester a poerhor who fireff the silot happy than he ever remembered Kidno� 0111u, and I can heartily re point, such as Toronto, �ity of till& plant may be gathordil Ines, a a . carte. " WANTED a CO., U11111ta Messrs. Joyce & Co., Liverpool. and himself. We have this time done have been in big lite before He nd them as a cure for Rheu- be laid down at $85 to $40 per it is known that this big trains carry Pullman sleeping cars to carried a crew of 26 hands. Ca P- tile poachers an injuSticO." sotight Sir Riloul's room. head, leaving it good margin for the when tie -the regular all above points. You can leaV4 3a6 Main S(Taelt. f6l; Vance )rder was filled wh WINNIPEG, MAN. TGRONP,. Orm tain reattio belongo to I'Ll-1910Y doctor wan not prepared for, ,, am quite out of spirit5s, to- MT -he above statement by Mr. Dixon Ontario -farmer. work of supplying implements of Toironto for Montreal and east at Brennan hails from COAL. Mr. Nix- ff his word". The earl doqy," Ito said; let we talk to YouJcan be vouched for by many of his BEFF PACKING CENTERS. various kinds for the worid's best 9 &. in. and 10 P. in. for Buffalo And on, the necorld mate. was a native of Sprang from his chair. rushed acrosa naeut. This dreadful death of Blan- trionds and neighbors, wild are all break' of the raydIerl3 Was still in progress. Now York tit 9LIL. m.,,4.60 and 6.15 FEATHER DYEING In speaking of the out Chicago at li�dlnburgh, and was 24 years of Ago_ t far- ota%:nd outilig and XId Glovas cllated Thas Illinois. and the room, nuid seized him by the tyro has been a sItLIck to me that 1 enthusiastic in theill praiso of Dodd's foot Lind mouth disease In the TJnIted Speaking at the world's has �. In. and to Detroit and ad -1 1. 20 P. Matc, Its Hobbs belonged to arm. ov over. , 3 feel ! as it is astonishing that this .85 la. W., 4.60 P. M. al 61,11 "at by lost. to F41 OL the bait view is Swirl, to idabo, The three men Sav that. again,,, lie cried. "-John "llftll never 9 blame for it, all Kidney Pills, for their wonderful curt States, and of the necessity of pro- mors, In. Tickets, reserviLtious. etc.,,,at h ri of Mr. Dixon's celse. gatheYled to- r nil BRITISH AN The I my negligence and want of tin. tecting Canadian herds fi-orn con- grapany should have RICAN OVEING 00, took all their . efl)[Icts aWaY Blantyre fired that "hot?" through I Dodd's Kidney Pills have an ji4t Of �ity office, northwest COM0 MONTREAL raft was twelve tt-t long by four ,&;a looking after pof ever a doton Years tagioua diseases, Hall. SY`4120Y rother Auch an enViAlife 09 he save." replied the doctor. Ittrea 5 feet Wid. They also took ft wcck's h out to me in I --you have iteen to blanic." agreed broken record attention to the Lid- .,dt�rons in almost LIM quafters of and YO 0 t her an Successful remedy foi- Rb6UVaft- Fishor drew dver Have you Seen itt? What? provisions and a cluantlity Of to- �'rokon words. 'I Always hated " ISir Raoul; "I do plot dolly It. Bill 'They have bdon used In the vantages of having a dressed beef the globe. t the Masaty-Uarris Ina- Custorner-"Was our shop water. Cpptain Peattie I shot your .Indulgence ought not to have tisar I -to trade rather than an export trade In the lame, purglare V JOwelleT- UO'D priceltAs 11601t, d 3000 Rebrets for the Home bacco aM � 'hatod her; And last night : most severe tind long standinK'cliq ng Other thingis he .1patents e2ttends alliong the farm- invaded by _ p.m. ie a d� sion at human atideaver. ki thinks that If the raft did flat break her by ilia edge of the lake I shot mado Win a thicf." and failure hLUS yet to be recorded. live cattle. Amo ity of tile entire world. -No. Everything is so cheap hero I:= Cana Cent M T refit Tided if I a k is tot Upit may.have been carried towards tier through the heart, and I saw hot, Tile cart sat down; he laid till; head what form this dip said :-"The Americads have a -dead Ing commun when , thieves Want anything - oodstdic Ila lor cams, sem,-Willista the South sea Islands or ilia man all and—' " brick with a tired. wearied express- In no matter meat trade. They have all the Is- The only, concluoian, We can draw that Driggs, PU61 er. I oronto picked up by a P-- .. the earl. ease appoars it is alwaYs 9% ompton inunense abattoirs and is that th business has been built they buy it." Ififty have been it is impossiblel" cried i cilitles of have been deltrio-ni Ion. idne,, Ing Ves"I ,,Tile man*rnust "How my life has changed, of derangpd kidneys, Dodds 9 kidneyp arni from -the 1p on honest mothoft-the COMPAMY seam suddenly Pills cutO the live cattle to the dead meat trade has given. its patrons, the farracCe, Dominion Lino steamships no never saw Lady Ilamilton In Ilia lHaoull" Ile -I kidneys. W I to her?" iser. extract the Uric Acid the oney, and ae4,4 It 06h` to'lAver. BILLION AND TRILLION. life --how could lie 'hal to have grorn into a!=n, w in a very little time. But If there clood value for their In --That is tile str lit part of the sadder, thrin I had ever thought to blood. Without Uric Acl ere can it se of corit-d-glous dealt honestly and fairly with the= eatwo $yLctems. of numera- a ter and Vast atesticabilist luerlor accoactimselistlas ddliff 140 Per" It One thilIg above nil others be Ito Rhoullikatism. disease in Canada to -morrow and at all times. r all'at tile tiny, atory," maid tile C. C. RICHARDS & CO. for classe,16111.6-:r 61,& ones and Stal"ii, a194 . dn iA orbsent Lady 0011141111114, I pe at A learns, has beta Tea id6tit In gk'S the markets of the old country = 91tools iled Thl Ing that tie shot Dear Sir 966flinfonly alled tbo "English and the not understand the puzzles me - how could I have been s,-Y6ur AtINARD'S LINI the Cht"ttv011 1 Can to rods- live himatpas a blind or go, Coolish as should be shut against our' y for sore throat oilmsad aprotioll systems In the former Jess- e , m st night, MENT is our remed� of Inillioni; ; a matter." colds and all ordinary ailments. bll�lou Is a million it MrIlaoul, Calmly- whom?" asked I r 11,011 Tft-MR it the roses on your chedks were 11 do, put I 92A1 - who It never fails W relieve and cure Til 20.4 OM%.NM. and at La sty of people gorcuille.11 essl--VAnd 'you said ,tiljilbiV a Million of 6111i' ng. I dy Rao There are plen womptly. Diftntyro was diejallssed I u . I I 1. Ination is a million timen and he s*OrO th i ­1111dred. Ohl I folVot I did not have become depressed and dia- licts—Nothing6-simply WIDILLILIP I 11, In �tho )atter Ilia T;%Ia is Ilia OTPIREST" W, o tell you thatt You bellovedl of KEiu hS ItAXEN couraged 'bocaulla that dry, hacking .it revengo - fib Rhot f�dy 1 ff&nitlton. course, that Sie �arl been sent tor." W-'hW GIMLP11 SHOW. cough harigh to them t0ftt11dUl%IIY- Port Mulgrave. a thousand b replied, Sir have taken ninth Inedibifie. 018templ, . no- III 41 LTRY dellonlinlition is Varaven's desift. L, the countess " nud's Liniment CHARLES WHOOTEN.- PO Dileving tier to dicil" ding '1VftS it not With Their mostly of tile Therefore. hein ItimliZC11lebt. ers, notation, a It Is IMPlogisibliell' r6ruted Lady L,�adl� Part advertised quatik sort, lglish hing like Dr. 'Agust Roent a I edrdlol "They are ]>L#L�jhtors. Were not Tuikeyi* asete, to tile. I so dift6robt. V fl, the product of a earl. ton is fair. the countess a aslo 11amburg Breast Tea, th dIsoOV ry Ponman-"YOu say YOU IIICO WW ill Inilliou Harail dark that Is 1.116 Worst PbIrt Of �4"At.e,, iih�oj*ed to the third power, of, tile -lie could hot mistake theuk." physician 60 booka 7" 1� Ight—Well, Pill qLick 03*1 chlok on. �4 f A. then notca'Gerinan' by a Unit wi t this two of them." "WhiCh I Suddeftly , 110 rbaketribored tha Vill) recent thtdricy ii6vifitittl I"air years ago.- Wo do not say that on ght. t:hil tather o(ten daugliters listen- if yoi-want best Prices Ship 'Your "boxed ; according %t was jn tile Verad-darkno�8 of, %light XV&XM VV, B.Abi I tit Guelph demonstrated 01" Woro will kire , cane where a luligh 6tro "The two I-bou We want large qualiff. )priped, tonal, allow. r Without badly diseased, or.1t w not, and 4, ed silently to the sq,leiam words th at oultry to us. �Mig Vlrench* 116tittioll tlio number Ox- that tile ocetirrenca had hat I— Ithat tin *dutat f 14, d his eldest -to a Millionaire- a Ith 12 clPhOrs At- and Lady Hamilton LiV" wrapped In --tittriletions," ,p to this date, there Is not M COWS OnIto a knarmurvid, as the U to mept,nallittild we have for It. 4 unit u Mothers. ansp -of the so-called hing I'There t" It billign according to tile silvery veil, Could Ila hAvO mlf� A New.'GAmo for ade an unqualified success. illat will cute under these conditlojrcs: Ucce-94villy EGGS q%o doetatLabook his Baby's ot�akonillg ought to b can be in Was uch greater tyin%O l j�16tltocj is the number repro,- jakell The atteridtlinco but on the other handt it thq lungs it per cent. Off cklolat*d * oy 0, not 9 ciphers. and a pleasur ofibl dca,,,,'.'�that's to A unit with Ill And_,t Ig. as looled forward to an than ever Viiefores -And although the,i are not hard lilt, the pationt should Tt6dvr1ck-"NdJ6t ab fk �013' ibd t I ..: . I ficieLhod considerably Hamburg 16 1,6, at call TO1111011110. 40 Q We ftglinh -.1 do at understi drtzd scourge. HO shot"(' vast, building 1144 lWn take Dr, August KOL111119*8 made It hot for the erd0nas should CnigmneaAdd full of enturgod during,tho Summer. tile 0. allp full every night "t oil % ta, 4 aricked have fsid, 4 riddlb tc on brig inerry, and Breast Tea. I%" il war." aon Lord Caraven. vi-tatn1v advis I full, rofteMied by elect), ready for a accommodation was agaill, found in- n going to bed, boe It hot. drink 011 turod'4flid Put tb loads Unhint lulet colis"etel 61 - , "" t 4ecl,' bas been all OVOUt- f armors' 3,� *0 FAW-tho Mall; Z'at in tht only -av d n lowly. thon every other bight rub the task of buill,ag twaa�l-fir6d.P .1 goo time. I Adequate. ,In dreds of 116yaltles. Vd- 1.0 clear up tile mystery. Ilaky tually d, 11111 � wfV61I and LIAWghtOrtl 101`0 Pre6ont, the throat and top portion Oi the tfIt. 'Wag.," at ChOzIlIT10, � 1-11ligro 'is AQ Mystery'" 119,L), Itoil till fbtatest in the Nt-Itil, St, Jacobs Oil. cover I rivil 104, bowls, 111olt 48 tll�t lie atid toolt Ril Lefer,p Y47, ticiao . I. V*, h ir w6mntt kept 'a IV. 011111b to tile naccul -it IL an I sw the wall 0eryolle miseTable Until he, oNhillit4, o1pceul�v tho poultry, fig With Jl llk PoWdo Is better tball, entember when Yot k MITI* fW nit bar., Ctittl4as, 1460, 11-rY I d d to, liturder Lady 08mvell 4T� W11 let It Vellin"Ift all hictur, ant' AOAP r 1.100 acts groglDt's. shop." Marie--', y abbiftor 6 to M rlat kood, plain. t1lovir- Ali irlbliTTO LOY to Bleep agaill or �Vta Ills load, tfra tjIQ1r liusbantI9 and brotborti. then rtmoVle. ther soulp POWdOrSo 44 It I remember 1103V.xrulo� "A or I ; In, J1ht,lr4 at Iih lithin alldisinfectant, . III, Vayq alle can "011111" - tile cryiig, fi�p riV� �16 torrolIv of tio toeturds were agaill the kir I &A gi how r , 6 tillux U, g food, "Ittfe tit U16 open you,, owes ber for gro- fIW lie tIAMI 'a, Per�! every Ine.Xporienced 'Ve q (In Ckis Call t attrAdti. pall't of the RILOW mUch an powlible. ul all tAbalM 0 "And that you 'at- 611t �61` ldoof'9 h4-002' -Of courso�'John Is & thOl'Oughly -Al"IerV berlon." Go 001116A stl MTO= O."'.. 'd1liIds 'before Ill to -, no Ili- - 11 11 tile wisdom of 'tit I'll I is a mother who sible, that Is, V English ilaW6," 1`0 I I don't know b&rlu I'arlialuent, cril has learned how feature Wag dontojigtrtiteld boycind - I ' vindowq *IdA 01) �Ae �, � to cart -be best met, and doubt. Tho, latiotd roam %van at all wtaffior, 0. y6u'll iTo, f N01,181t, i4teum Yea.' Lord, Cara%vi% thin tkoub except In tile Vk*tv 90vere 01% I but it: I 4itth Voil, Wpitoq its as follown : "My baby timvs too. mall to lAccommodato the opongo bath Ot'OV tice, isn't sohkied tit If egiovts all bar(]. soft or 461 egged Lumps V rub, t1jo 4alithil find Blends Dspt.t TORONTO, ONT. then inmediatpi has front horsem Iced %a Raoul, It nUtIOXOd, WUc1I IrOM Illdig(Atiop, n"d orowds who wh4bod to I a, off. Itow (lid it hall-- doctor. It you Ciro ft,jAt L to ment,10 an Mitt Ilmtloag t gave him and M Will e%'Ontuall�v "a body vigorously With a coarro towd. I oftlet confidence, IU;V would be ns Wall not it not foand r*P. tol tyle Talle Dr. August Xoenig's, IlixtUbUrg baid's Ll but they did Win, rovoral lino.dicilles, sat�ra Q( SM Vy rise of Oils bttle. Iwo Ivhy that. Way rqg �qjlrrn MO." multi lli� help him. I then got 0, box of Baby" I of this rant Drops overy Other day according to tanteil tile mitt Voolidgrtal 18161"Ish ours, Ily the three "Don't you C, ... 'Ji,bill?l Oovpkt; -o done him, $1.25 of anV rellattle 10 fwppy do -11 V, ated $7� uIttod tile 011116ilt at oper. and lini for ylur thildhoo *d V011 coe- 1 State �OT04flot rtattl I,(&. l,the carriago WO so ultich good that I would not TIOW TA(1001'010 1110orl City � df druffailicL 1109111 tho treatniont At =t=tlit pdrwill biv bdo all ativdUciltiolivii me divin are tchho rolnedlill) own ribletri and they helped him! tile filghost �oivalbffit_ eat. of Cho shoW dirreti4nit, Ono can. [ by fill atuagists. hei � when yod ero i frjvrkcd� And, %Ito enrl tri ettv kno*n,'� 901a IVon (_%cptlo of life have to Ile WRtIout them. I call recomnlond -k ctowded with vititors once. and nea hOW Muth bQtt0t elt `Iaro orderd. and they drove at Once llabyli ()WIT, Tc,biolill to all mothers Guoli)h <Vt%,A lit tillit .4114 h6wall the ikoce�"q Ilat it would scom. a% If the It will lie Almont Within & Wook's; tilkno. tinkeg WWI X would onjoy. hall Inventive inan enuft, fob ;Obo ttPV Wickler ",NO;, -they. Iona Ift fin.010 do tile blctt Illedi0inIc I hAvO ever' At, t all g end Will hey %v" not lAmd. vauad. WA.1"Ched, and that Ptk the ;O ond rd4khlj� 6.69 L 040 top thildm.­ These Tabl6ts �J�;o to g . tart ad ditlohal it would lie N� mioll With lan "Ion tuato-� !fIlacalrZi., fieV_ used _Am� 0. Ab� boforo firo ellarAntood 16 cObtain 110 OPIMO t tr parts of the lid organized pk I � - tile detAll-tWill Of IIID GlIONV9 In a 110 Pro- ctock tratle. o rtavil ""I iQ1 tit lo knolif earl aton by sW do Viru 00, de ad Meat tpado no abattolftl, h0O dAng 140 1 or h�xrmttil drug and can bo given vitloe to MV Mtlnts of & TWA t0fth's t -1�0 �Ott t thao, rd hini. Afid Ilia ilk,;. our no &0111- glatil'to to .1 'e 6Y *6 ffi&ktJ9'JObWr6$6 I, kw,pldr sit thm=wg braldant) olate, safolly to tim young, Who retteh to slaughter' I* Can I% oaratil Lag they rcicognii;lil 141kca. all ouelticil, tmd to rollove tile congonted tieg for tho tl`UnNPOl`tAt(On Ot theLt L 10*446111.4 I wore-limp'tred for tho old SOMIX V" AN A41111""Ill, lr6 etjfifid�licd Y01 el fdoat If It dri�'kkt$ Ot s0lilt, W 111411, pont paid, 0 itlantic, city, mat. pW Wak 46 *0 I tt%to Of fir4afra tu file Royal City IaLt Would bil ILT116 Atovittifit? winter Pair tit W- country rkuirkot, and, lill knk, got 116 nald, "'Vou tit 2a; evoth: It box. by writ(nif %ohil4kolt, Old tybitit COW 0 $oat ticisth6 Pat It at 0006 t n,d to flij). lite ladyfilk(tl to tji,� 11r,, �jedlft N,13,, A1101 the big ciprinq 61IOW an filmOSt ifflOd bIblo sigaffigt tM r. beyt5rid Ot W it at Oxt builquat ulw&ya Itl tott. o'd tha �4ciutb Vik Uhigh V01- iletA4 V1 0 turned mo,A*35y Obt.0 of sehonklifid '41.0 dd# Ultra ntoel, tIldtia f this, Oiitlft P, S Th Illi UDW of hW 66tAll* * viiuld n6t bottM N,,y A toy XtAlitiolad ud, if$ COAfttibivii; U0, I tly III iktlk�l trost. an � I filated bor. gocild ak d1041 OhlentIouNd SuVIT, thimKmIght wdy I Vour toft abfeio*� ttAlikIlt tf&jjy� for "llam"O'"Oft "A* PDXIinAntilt $64 WtAttft C06*46, of 'Volit, head: hilt, I II&VO at 411, ttors�, nWhOW Ott 11IN brk6, 116h. Lqullar luftmv III y 11100016,06 1. iloo, To6stito aw "d Abh6*116. 84tlthorh, gAytita I -m not iditA or"(13. Vf* CAW do AN !hy ftA no With 114 It 04ukki Jok., Iffiltai Vit f.* VArtlel Will WAY St, you WWII, osuf *01 bw i . **'Ott "r tot yoo MIA Ili" I Ilai�d 01,1111114 Vlt sent 1.1 t1V! "* Ilt"11, rilw. ufohro, Att"licrAW. , -Ir 'Sit, UX01%). Mot *10"* 0"M atm; WI ft Uft tvo ftf 60IA fte0j, UN" Te 444 Wk*t*, "W 0 ft%t It #11 told bor On wht mobt never *01t IM 61AK "PY NOWY60 lk" 4oWVW, Vp iii6ft, tile$, littilititiffAl, tftVtOo InICL' NOW 41LAW I MW �61:40 eon MH let.] 07 V" too tot VU11I 0116WAVO k Nobw"Ok Wi6ffift. lit a pawk tito 101fi-I havo wo VorY #A(Vlt.