The Goderich Star, 1903-01-02, Page 3I'WWI' III411111,*Alow"", 04"ift is. U FAN111-V J49" a,' am- it toT Jintlon t f4 �rrofiffob*At Attorlit VWAt Xv. YWOMW Tsm XmiIiii, To viaim Voa"M W"1414 lill Ill 110U,Afo, . I I410 It lnu� b$"" lIOr Il Ur=M AX= "4 urdoot Ill of, WWI 41l Ilou'14*1110" lam IAxobst"t a AuvA44"t, 0404X4, "Y47. l:w plinpo4oist wtill, JA Ntnji Ulift st'%toobvil Was OVA Awoll fit" in Utittl of, gill to litillm of A IIwill bol, M6 *or% Ot,whits 010—uAl xf*oie�ftom AvAgs, blit,190*10tillIlY 1@6111,11tolpAlIk Tt IT 71 I., gill OA 040 01 .- = ?* ifforrimposid"t of =t scournol 10alftlll Itirtillifir od Liffixti for the 1 #All. uti of' thei " Alfbor lislitAtilon Vitshmqrs, -Will. pownt Kotion, om 14 T 'oat, of : #* QTa,WO to, 00 lot vol thA Aolll all ths sQf1rW 99, On 110 � pirlos-C. ronlond V,ro, OX up, il 1I 'this, wholiti a 44tal 14 W% fir, stato 0WIJAIS11" this I *Ito's 10 , o, 01fifir ibulibill VdA vatrow throw tu", out Of, *VIA* owboro, bill tifaill lot," proalitu�ofk �b.)rit*qr Arift at 4-0, 'fil will 4- tokon "Ovipol litt 041 J040*�Vftcd I f C O .10, ItItliffiflue, Collection oi, y "the I)Uko. Ol :at hrli )I)l ft0iq*Mt1yk 40MAX11111trill b;iCI 0iff vlodow SoLtWo to, tbo etviltatit, ir,ol but izitovor, luoro atirlifilingW Ostia WA 0"t Ifill , 19te. stlaulps of Joliimu. and V, AMO A"Ll JA UP*#, 04 Ittour tho, tbol Anoto-soor gol tile; present Duhil her bond, of j:Iriiiil Ibroil t fill Us 13 ItaAllif pro- A44140i , 09 #A that titra. Arma. Moria, elkel. Thiiii, WOA we unil WI,Afdol of the p9q$e#4I9q# of jl J4 Villoolle :writtoo sPort cort0n, li 44, VF014 rjro,�Oly prIVIAM, Ill 9 '04 the ol :,.Ot Ono #Ad* fil 'il it rxit to cover the off, ill% liticowir elfloor 0, tfilu A potal in tile world 14 Yo tOtes., pold, titio, of Ill fln, site clalm� SeCOXIO'Ll � *� 0d *t aOf Ifillbil'shO An AA or ha*4444110 '44- 944*01l,at NVlloill hot 0 us MWI#91 hogiari, wnrlill pro- Oft, 46 popitlon, to Jul 4WJP*VtI#,14 of o o Ing thiolit efint husbad. T. 0. Windsor Ile,rifitf,oft, A , it Z thii In qu."tlil bid 4QMo ". I #90bid4l somabw rod f�ba pArfittl9i1j, tho 4111"l both to, I -'aro'l In IYONIA1100011T, 11ol. I.#. 11Y, Mcfect, WOA tile real flifth dulil She then, trned lbeir, otall � ords aille of 'Itv�opjl prile gr#.'vor 600 each othifir"it till0laoti, *0044.14l thirteen years, 010, 0,04 ayaa� ORO thil her hill and's deall ii Arow t4l#A 100404 bg* Alil to tho, owni of the "ItAl proptiotvi #AA 'Ohttr ' $0 tiAtudill -9t Object, Vil -and UV. At W04 (Ild Act unow A fairid WOO undo )its name were il attor 01 tols. y4wrio, thot 4slowrig, 10,44or ittiA ruin wili tho, WON ft #9 So -rapid lis,* be, - 'q10O11A -that lie was unlawfully 1O.Ord ' or tb�t W .00, WhO, 10tight Vol 0$ I ex; Ills in 0 Ad lit thei Ifl. "LjXI � ](01144 �W 44161041 t is , 'QAQWTS: Or tuz Imigo UASI, I, affocted Writ o tioulplat0y dirt. fajad d4oke4bill ifigi Oaly, Inig Volitr W At, hot, V,4 tlil '44, fil p lunged atil a. tu,Zu Ill this language thAti-110 il IlOW 111001 "I' asylituff"I 4101 ,write and oplea 'or fitfe, , ellShor. lost s:then waa he 1*r;4ttjIk Wratifirill io cuff. ts Toll ou t -Ago. or who, to her Intense sorr011 FOOZ90 a.0irty ; "'ror, 0) sk W44 araii qW.., On he h adrt OU 911lione of butterflies tire oaten t.14#4 that, so tar tixint being 4blin to 09y, �hsl 4#44 ricithilig., Orvolim-d' to olibtr#tely dtli Miss Elspol ompboll,l Addition, flix4fifts, I'll tilt 01:11 A coulmitt—o' of tbil Amorleful fort and truppelli, bul allIff w4ka h- Your by it,he A% trallau abor- p, 11%up, bolplol 4009, 44 to being tin expert Is OV16 of 04 �, o n Tito insects ii4ongredatie Ili a anaged t4, got tilloWill A I t- g r y e 6 Ifi; but spociotion, Apo a ded b IIJIA ral r il an expense. �Isflf All 4 P 010, tima 04 the best lady lthoo a rocks of the of the Door detoolt, ad +4, inquIlre, All 11VAterfirig hiln tialits liffirt. XoLved by 'vast quantities un th Scotland. Heir tatherlie 'Lord Reigning Mountains, cited tile naltiveb t place wtthlffut� 81 habit$ has a40 thorip'n 44 .004 recon, that lie ell call of ot(once. will is tAill Boer, 19iois in front ay rof�rtied t*At, thO bitterest. rearot ould ro- bald Campbll, who Is fit st, oil- Beellro them by kindling fires oI t Cdluort; Iirilgriii ber'90� the, .used ld�jlfand for imlellm in bho gall her if% Such % light, arld willing ,41# anio if f XAA�n t04)i.'1hq P llpl thuslastic about Highland manner claulp, Ii0p wood and thes, suffocating by ol subalternlili voitg ;�q"W r, Wglco Om goneill, Jol at live yo= has been over 00 to do almost anything to prove her :a, tl upon Drx to 'tie the witfl, ,roicie".. Al per cout., wit, and customs, still keeps tilt a pipe them. Then they tire gathered In eflurta afr, of coof"l �4'roajf tho,oull. of Wor0110, love end devotion,, and to extricate b itit ax4 ppium, during tills timil band at luvorary. PiLoMinOut Scots baskets, Ili% ed, Hifted to remove the 1110,11, :Irat QS (hp �Ifi Mr. V.JIJ094 h:o, have Ill him from hip,positibul decided atqrA fit rreffolutil Creased 5l per Cellt., who still Love privitIto pipers arte into power. Here IS, I" volutz Very iXtelart OpIrdon'L writil Dr.� upon an act which. reprehensible untl finally pressed ri 0 � on, his III 1 . 'I I, L I I 4 . _ , glip, ft Ili, Orowtheirs. The, normal ttlaugK it was, commands at once the 1)ukie of VAfol the Dfilko of aA vor citing Ost - ihot Poor$ ilially Vlotpry, aft fifuliqpistition the otAho use of those drugs fo a.".40tojil by Slifitherlatid, tile DuXe of the am the � el o0% , - way' home ojol of h1s, 111ruiredib r legitim- sympailly and admiration, In tile iDuke of Atholl-L.Ord Macdonfill at tomptAl'on, o. do. W. ot'll exp6ditleA atq , . purposes during. this. p0rifid early days of her union the husband Hcourt 44 fx, the Intel end. Lord J�Ovl 1,1144V act At call o,woo 944ht, Well wIwhen itWo bur,khol Wore otruqk -b�., would. ',. be less than 20 por cont.,o had insured I -wit life and his SOME CHILDREN HEROES jjiot fortitude,. Ond to.thla. eflormisin ,a infli- its to INter people know, that there Is tried by i4u(i Ti* sV0 .011A 0 C01triplatIO11*4 Able to rise 'Jill t,WAK� Jttifilibert saw), Itud, finger )ion a lifflelignt, for considerable surall of such an office 40 that Of Inspector Of arfd-I;W�n the choice, oulliammary of G Mn Ad Walk. fill anti, though loil bad been il up W [il it, IIIII immoldlittoly ore Cates a now all unknown use In Colors for the Army. Sir Albert REMARKABLE STOKES OIP punishment, or of 746l tsP0Xtod 10 'I It e erieti. a retreat,. qWrieo ire ani obtaill upon the lJolicies, the wife V 'O 0 iMi plWeiclans in all W. Woods, Garter RIng-of-Arms, is PLUCKY I"ARTS. Ills 0. 0. The lattor course would atqd Irk the street&; and, La, th, Ari.-Viljoell's opinion, tions, of the country show that both estimated, that tier death would put have fallen 0 or those drugs are used with 14' her husband lit possession of sufft-, the. holdOr of this office, and his il have lucent ignomiploulif - diffnillssoll 0 thill uqfrl� lt;i4aaRoy. and, q ad eari�or. Lie alu hnowL Mug tr _queuc I in SOMIl ell- Ill bus,- ed -of.twMidm1waves of frourf.tho service and'.. ruin Po 0 h- d, b d Is be was. 'taken It hi� had bad seps - _ cy -0 -luruIs--ta­re-estabtlsh-- A: soy a sobven or Miglit _Y*sX5 He chose the former The o-theral # &W tells at 1 poo.100 to thIfif purpose. 0—, 1-WO�—wiien General Ise Is quite pidlialtizaa, ITO#- v valuable service whon tile authorities floss, To dio waa nut eye thilla Rescued Three Friends From gavef him @I Sound thrashing and field icT�s to use a i of 1j,orlifill Wat to a to -It -Ivan at this, moment that the White had lost more than one thou- pitals and sanitariums are called On fix her case it was necessary to dic requirt, Information , on technical Drowning. Utiop, Ii ugelogil �Xqouth news of Ili,, Cooper's death was re- sand six hundred Men,' killiffil, Wounil to. treat these cams, and in many it "natural death" quietly, gravely points ri.%arding the colors of any no flitere about it. iregiment flooding or re- Three little boys aged. respectively, ometimes It Is a Civilian Who �Cetivl Tl;e $.ultai vil still ed and capturgd, Not only was no instances they f;omprise a cops, all undratriatically, or the sol cc -on sufferis at the hands of Br#tsh 0116- ed till IL*, "pot same t rall aW of tile attack, Made, but the railway to ble percentage of all cases treatti:ldo nuwal. Although colors art, not six, five, find (out-. Wore playing t I seated in tho, reat coiality would be wasted. Shp filed a "na. they some forry steps by tile Over at clall When he does lie usually do- private practice dia- the eye of a carried Into action nowadays, �l -Maritz4urg *0 - fill blown tip for c tural death" undei serves it. A question was rec ..A. lie., A a ,M3 ordor�d the �p4l!lllc exhibition over these wrot drug hol algiolls physician of the honesty of whose are regarded as vitally important underland. Englund, a low weeks comp , tons. understand of the murderer to be stopped and, several days, I!giv4ng the enemy the their patients, and specific drugs for cer mlyinbolm of everything that is best ago. Tho otoini were SILI)POI-Y. and naked in the House about an extra- itv,b0t t6lill `StiifkC 130110 Said to fter-cobotiltation With his viziers, lie chance. at bringing into Ladysmith tificate there could be no ques- these states are more numerous and tit a r-giment'a life And history. the aulailest bo, Little Andrew cirdinary occurrence at Capetown, on A he. distribution of provIsl conimanded the man's Imuloodinte cx� the nill guns, which I'ster caused tion ; and her husband benefited by tile Chrioltams Eve last. It appears that, , * , , - Hastings and its so much trouble and loss. widely advertised fit the journals find h a degree that his As it crack whip, huntsman. Mickle. tripped, and fell Into ionfil cutibn, requesting Mr, some officers 'decided to give ft dance Weq, I U that myself to be present, tog"her with Great difiloulty was e'erlenced by magazines, of the tiny. One of tile not only tided over hill difficulties. alititsman. boxer. and raving mail, deep water below, Isou Hotel. and ask, prei;4 odeektood P 110 at the Mount No the y. do &elf -evident muses Is the nerve strain there tire few better-known sporting "Robblo I" lie shrieked as WO'nedeseaf and It aiii the viziers. the author -in getting his comman, but tile old- ad for the services of. it It tion following the peculiar than. tile Earl of Lonsibil went under. Robert Shield. Alu Im 0. "In ft, quarter of an hour all was together after the defeat at, Elands- lund ex aus Keener NXTENDED HIS BUSINNSS. 0. boullot over. The murderer was shot tit. the, laagte, civilization of our times who recently entertained the Gorman eat of tile three, t1ung Ott him coat CERTAIN INFANTRY BAND. d more highly sensitive nervous or- It was not for months after that orta or vmBffv all n ball arsenal square, which had been "I soon saw that among the bur pear Etuperor as a guest. It is perhaps. and Jumped to tile rescue. But Ilia This was granted on the condition nizations ap fit all depart- the insurance company had an Ll . I the cc . e.!, quickly cleared of the usual crowd.of ghers"Ill was a small groupwhose t so generally liflown that lie flits fifty strongth did not avall againlit that a cortain person, who was on Monts of commerce. scientific and inkling of suspicion and wal in- -aveller Ili Arctic rf- the current. and, though, he rediched tile committee, should retire. The or, X"l replI her britsband, people. He remained extraordinarily inclination to, go on nghtin Was 1 also beela it it have to I 1 feave ft;�to Rose." .9 practical work. For the. strains, quivies quietly. It Itntnit how one, gions. About fourteen years ago his friend lie, too, vanislied. The nctio was hold, but the gentleman pill to the end." not of the strongest. I therefore drains and exh-austions which follow night tho lady'a mald had Boon tier Iq 14 il tile domeqUe, and . . asked those of the burghers who had Lord Lonsdairs went on it long and two small bodies were recovered to- i� Iliecation was present. 110 NTQR whq" doIll fla'Mur -4;__ tho rivalry and competition comes mistress drossed, in tier flight attire, It, 4it as, her not the courage to reiturs.to the the demand for relief which calls for and with bare 1i pal up end uous journey through tile wild gother tightly ciamped in each other's warned that something would hill raast�cerjl loved -him. a Per -4, PALACES OF EDWARD Till territory of Northwest Canada. Ilia artus, pen to him unless he left the hotel greed, I a fIghtlug line to t I iVi6k. narcotics, either spirits or drugs. down a long stone passill just travels occulsl close oil twelve Nor is this the only case in but he refused to prOat by "good CIA lie that Facts About His Former and Pre- STAND ON ONE SIDE. Tile exhausted mal or woman who after having had a hot bath. Think months, and during that little lie se- which Li nacre bnby has risked his life vice. Two hours latter midnight t, May be said iright here sent Homes in London. I cannot steel) fluds solace in opium Ing tier mistress wiv-4 walking fit tier cure - room, and Ad.bltilfv W44 a dog, and al extreme- Some thirty fell out'of the ranks. d many splendid trophies. which in the Witter rot- the sake of ail- was taken into anothei and Its alkaloids, dud ever after sleep. the servant was too frighten- . 111 the val ruclium it, other. rwo little boys, named court-martialled by of, rituribor of oM- but oil low Ill his moustache Wal, Ou'll 4� one At that., A curi- To the many changes lately made 'gave each of thein a pass good for Seeks this source for relief. ed to betray tier presence I I Castle. ames and Policy Madden. sons of cars. Half 900 mixture of pug and hound, with- at, Ducktrigham . palace one other the journey by I -ail to Johannesburg, . Spirits may supply this demand the folLowing night kept Itiatch. 1-ut, -ully who lives tit il Ott. and he was hauled out and President Itoolitivalt, was inak- art At pensionat , Ong eftrs, a stubby tail and slender might well, one thinks, be added, which pass read as follows for a time, but they dit4turb tile it second and a third time the steel)- po I. A t rw Cl he, ceirtainly'wotil have been says Ing it visit tilt, other day a Shrewsbury. were coming hometrom thrown Into a Ill f 0 4UV19 tie the London Standard. And "Pass — to Johannesburg. on brain and nervous systen? and expose walking occurred, although on di" " a very draggled 310 losm to thoo world from -an aeothb- that is a change of name. True the account of cowardice, free at the ex- the little Lgirl managed to cludoll the school, and titopriad to 'play by the was phatgraphod In users to risk of reputation, tfiird day tile lady %vivo showirtg, police ulot. oil to tile Pro- banks If tile Severn. Ile yotitiger of condition. It was six in the morn- Site was cuell occupied by ,the, house pense of the government,," -while" -opium *land Morphine give signs of a severe cold, ng 0 Q 0 40 was lot q It- ostli-elt Won*t tho two children who was fil years I b I The re - M. and Unto. Reboutiet went but a Duke of Buckingham built there- Two of our "hervill got but slight steadiness land serenity till c6ver up Alarmed for her mistress, tile mald Hident. said : `Nfr_ o .. - . I -11 'Ito tils next morning at ten on in 1703. But that occupation does credit at the hands of this Boer g It ilchill rose lit your ol*(I;* rtilt Ini Ill though the river sult Was I% the real condit4on. Nervous exhaus- betrayed herself­cm--thty-tivird- 4 9, .. Imped Against eight officers, jwhich wan o'clack, loaftioling Adolphe to the ten- not seem to Imposo the name or . a critic. They rare General Baden- tion from bad living, overwo And found to her ast6nishment. that button-holt, ? 0 Ili-esi(iiiii stop- was in Itill 1166-d. tile other ji. rk, ex- pod and smilingly maid : "Certainly. in and tried to save hlm4 but the compromised for $7,500 and $6,000 der mercies of Rose. They were dls- subject upon - residence bought by Powell and Mr. Winston Churchill. citement, bad nutrition, ant If the lady was not asleep, but per- In defence of the officaro In .. ...................... consalatcl, ...... but__ spurred my dealt- : I will exchange ith you." I)owerful strecom swept them away, costs. -on by the George, Ill., rebuilt by George IV. Of the fOrIlLer be says : "General training, occupation, bad parentage, fectly rational, excusing her conduct question, it may be mentioned that cold, they.were soon walking at a n yman was the real saviour faulty And taking from the lapel of his and both wall drowned. theugh.41sliked ', Slif -a for coat the carnation that he always Nforp happy wan the out . by William IV, growts in early life And go by saying that she wished to St. me .1 a, the reciplerint of these ottentions was bIl pacer lip and down the avenue: at �ncc adopted by Queen Victoria of Mafeking, which had a garrison ot On, are the main causes for drug herself that the basement of tile It Society report4r. who, AdrA6 0111,13 .Both were silent. After a time, as her London residence, and now, a thousand men, whOIA he, with 2, 111ifig �,nd narcodsm In early and Wore, 110 gave it to the little maid bravill act oii the part of little Leon- previously, had boon forcibly eject*d Mme. Reboullet' gapped "It the fixed headquarters of tile I women house was properly locked tip. -d Webber, aged five the youngest Out: King 000 men, had not the courage to at- middle C. Many men And picion grow in the servant's mind and put the rose In its place. Then at from the a"an hoteLat the hands of and she continued to watch. diplomats. governors, senators, gen- of the Royal Huainan Socis Y's car- must p over by tills timell"' and the prospective headquarters of tack, The English wrongly gave the ire born with faulty and feeble re the procession of Cabinet Ministers, person Who ever reccl a A a lady. Roboullet--dookod at his watch. it ofir kings to be. No wonder that credit for saving the town to Gen- slating pain centers. They cannot , A eturarral b4its,tion two subal'tat" WeA only ton minutes past lip The following day tile lady was ill of other dignitaries, who tificato. Ills baby brother ' 11 into our soratibern garrison BO foreign visitors are puzzled at " the Brat Baden-Powell.— endure sufferings. dimappintments And in bell, and the doctor who was orals. an the' couple rosmed their mute pro- unexplained I retention of a former He speaks of the easy escape Of and losses; hence they turn to sPir- were Wondering at the CAl Of the the Water tit Brentwood ; ot or boys a menade. In a few moments Mme. and summoned spoke gravely. Yet at towl had a ludicrous sivilludi, it long Irrelevant Appellation. Winston Churchill and Captain lftl- its all drugs for relief. 'rho res, dead of dight, tile patient sat at an interruption. was allowed to pass near at hand ran away to g t help. I began in one officer PIRVID9 the "'I'Ll Reboullot. exclaimed a -gain with. a They ask for the Palats Royal and dane from a pack of sleeping guards, lault J14 in the family, in the par- 0 on, Leonard jumped fit without asill pen window until the maid wont Ill, at unreasonable hoWD Of Start! "We for During the King's last review His tion land m to r a -got to tell Rose what arp pact with a bliank stare. a hake "about which they (the,loseaped pris- tests, in the training and surround- into the room find. knocking at the unAgQd b i th nighli Th, o9for- subdIA&IM Viler" to' do WI Y -_ ' r i-Ith - 'p -o -o- A4plphe-after - of the head� or CL statement which a wo- Majesty noticed that the 'reporters drowning child -11011110 baying where to 'bury him." onil have, entirely Fithout reason, ingd. Many a young man nd door, induced her to return to bed. upon got the fire and leaves a proportion of them "der boasted such a lot. To this day I man goes out from the home -with a A few' days later the battle of I Ile had bean placed a considerable dis- SAFE TO LA ND. oor of his on- heroic in heavy Ii-int.ailment, of disability and Ill (roin the royal dais, too far q the wats, "True; I never thought of it. But the supposition that his mullesty is anot see what there was had been fought by the physician rot* At Rothosay, last year. a bl filarters. turhed on don't worry; he shall have the sort the guest of the Duke of Bucking- this escape." inability to meet the losses and lit fact, to hear ithe extempore of people Of buried he deserves." his patient, and lost. A letter left off, upset at some dis on i of the fiddle still con ham. I plotter chuckliod with It is a curious picture that he crosses common to everyday rite. fell address which he was about to tie ccu_ u Distracted in spite 'of themselves by the lady foi� tier husband from the shorn. One of the ticaff !;1Iifb,d the by the movement in the street Scarcely less appropriate would be. gives us of life and discipline among They become spirit and drug takers, liver, lie. therefore sent an equerry illifflif ti t the other was ull and into other hands long after the points was a boy HOMP Bev r glee nR 11,14 Ia cancelling at last of the name of the Doer forces. There was too. with and without much temptation, to request that they would conic eight years old, who had had a CLVQa;e of its dMago that was CO- -began_ to think -less. exclusivelly, among the Boers for and Are early wrecked. What we writ oxhilarateid by the nipping air, they Marlborough house as applied to the much praying or's death and Aroused Bus- nearer. Two reporters were deputed lessons, and remembered Ing on. Be rain ad- '09 6w hereditary Tesience of the The maid reluctantly swimming oced for some his taste, and too little c6ritraliza- want is robus,trill and physical and , piciono., in I -its Affinjoi%ty, and, pencil and thol V %at d6vort to his Itheir dog, and when at noon they heirs apparent. Marlborough is a and mitted what she knew, and it is still to waft " that his manter had told him In case uton. in the fatally his tion. At the Tugela River, for in- moral training lot and notc-hook lit hand, Stood by the i It was 0 his floor below. found themselves in front of their great name, it is true; but it is EL uncertain whether action ay of emergency to lie fint upon room " C holl Reboullet'exelalmod: tance, "I received sometimes in -ten school; Ithen the drug takitig in at- be taken by the Insuran M pany Kinil Bill At that moment hfulor- back in tho writer, Thl; precept he As he opene t�sre was oce coul ftthname that the present owner has EL minutes four different orders from let, Ili,_, ay b,5 avertol Ceneral Trotter. who wits COIII- A TEMUB bus 'I anti to recover the amount of the in- fly carried out ; two little girls mpotted- them, and riding very natural right to put up on the four different generals." surance money paid. mnd. hold'on to his lags and a smaller All the plaster Came down Lit#, 1. too," sighed Mine. Ra- lintols' of the new house he is build- Of the use of the ejambok in the RAG PICKER AND ARTISAN. con Up asked What they were doing coilooring everything with WW41 boullato Ing in Cul street. No disrespect, The Siberia that the Russian c, - boy rested bin hund on the plucky Immediately, after they gave each field we have heard be?ore now, but t he re Befort, they could explain, ll cheat. Ili this way all nd Bolusbing all the ornanNIM". I then, is Implied toward the great never so definitely as tit the follow- One of Cork, the Other of Dublin vict known is, it half the reports the King said : "Oh, it's all right youlign d. This had forgotten that his In d, dthei 4 look that -promptly brought Duke of Marlborough who built it in about it are true, a place where four floated until )fell) Arrive Trotter They arti reporters I 6 0 N then't back to la due sense of pro- the Ing passage. Each Heir to $300 000. must have been quite five minattl froctly beneath that Of first decade of the eight nth "To quench an open outbreak of I,IFE IS WORSE THAN DEATH asked them to conic. I %vent them who. WIth great canal . had priety. century, land gave "Sarah, duchess," It Is doubtful if a fortune ever for the mn who came to the rescue I the hot into final it) heat- my speech. What ed the nozzle 0 The Pair were soon seated at -the the rlght to point over the ay to mutiny I was obliged to have a bull tumbled into the lap of a person yet it is not ail uncommon thing for had t(i row nearly it mile a her stripped of his upper garments hole in the floor, and a& turned tbAll Buckingham Palace and to -w9ficak of less likely to come it to advantage the wives of Russian convicts to inakes III,- coolness of thim "mail boy On oAtering this room, so full and cause him to be given fifteen tables Ott the 10111for. Of "Neighbor George." sbands Into exile I the more remarkable Is that a grow Ili 1817 it was than the $1100.000 which the United follow their hu biliffinting memories of Adolphe, the strokes With the sjambok." THE LUDER OF THE D09KS In Russia, :1111111144trY *Moore do and bought from the Churchills for that dreadful land of hardsh man and two young woman, who on sitting down at the table around Princess Charlotte land Leopold af- The English phrase most Often States Supreme Court recently things. At Willins, Tkanutil Later heard in the war, it appears. w a aw in May last. frovolutionary PrOCIAM Which he had always wandered 'chp- tertrard King of the Belgians. arded tc. 65 -year-old I-Tallan Cal- Quite recently there set out for the were fit the boat, failed to keep their I a mines of Siberia a lonely wornan And conincluciptly Were Ing mealO, Wat6hed for bones and "Hands up !" and on thin Vijoen lagan, 9f Cork, Ireland, as her share LONDON NOT SURPRISED AT Irons taiterif thrown from this gallery Queen Adelaide was Its occupant. of the estate of bet- cousin. John with a baby In her arms. Silo will drowned, into the stalls, Goverat Wahl there - delicate morsels. Mme. Rehoullet Her name or his would be at least has the whole distance, If her ARTHUR FORTESQUE. had nefresh outburst ,of grief. So of Marlborough for AN AMUSING ANECDOTE. who died fit 'Seattle, trudge Itul lork or tilts kind III tiot. con- upon had, the whole of this Occu- when hel- h0absuld asked what they t9 Wash. strength holds il alone. begging fIrl to British holl ns wam mhown All of the gallery arrested and he house each had inhabited. But A mounted Kaffir Attendnt of one Wrinkled, haggard, with a narrow, her food where she cau. Haw mole Always Was an Odd Fellow, and .),fly by a little wiss Pit wonder that a few Aiexandra house - the name of the was h of pointed nose, thin lips, a bitter object is to join her husband. who Fell in Love With Life belonging ft, tilt- villatre of ays; later he In were to have for luncheon, she re" of the Boer commandants ar I limself was shot '$It, d between her sobs: " t don't. flrA Prjjlcesg of Wales to live under pressed by an Eng)ish-lafacer, and tongue and aggressive disposition, is It convict Ile was one of the f Rusall I.,avet St (),ervain it, tva% looking 0 Bnd barely escaped with his 111104 My dear-, I ordered nothing Its roof-iii�fgiht well give the 'house a cried to him "Ilands P I" The the woman who has just inherited Russian troops who. wine turint" ixft(-r him cliiirgen close I,, the I hn- else, you remember." I IT(. news froul ("Inull that I-Ioll Even mil extraordinary was an title which would also bo a wel- Kaffir had so often heard the words $800,000 carried her living until a back, refused to fire on a Ill that I Arthur (; had Ilol Mountain Railill y when he otramill that took place near Galsl %Bring in luncheon, Bill called conic-pcivate and public spoken of that he thought they were few days ago as it ragpicker. For was demonstrating against the itionlihe %orld I)( luxur.v. to Vol In, suddenly noticed that I& had,linumandil in Aviguart last. A car- out M. Reboullet. ation. About the only words in th English I find that part Lit tilt, Tail Colonel popescuo wallited a The Maid entered noisily, her cap years sho3 had made her home in a hand of bureaucracy. lie was riourt- I ,ill film hle. to or a kind squalid little room in a narrow martialled Anti sentenced to the C toll had fallen A strings, flying. I'llore, it is, and it's langualge. Ile took them Doukhobor Ill 1Ari ,illihankillent Itte,o kept back for his convenience. a good one, tool" DYSPEPTIC SAM'S GROWLS. of general phrase Implying greeting alley appropriately named Crone's mines for life. Be wns less lucky t"Inle . lit In Assinitioilt. hum been I lit- � ft' 11 (if tourists was Ili Right The -tatton-musitr riffused. The offl- As she spoke, she sat down a large and conciliation. lane, In Cork's worst alum. She be- than certain others, who were mell I It'll high Till it)(, mountain. whirring cer thereupon aseaul tod film, but got If ignorance were really bliss what When the lancer, in turn, called shot, Without delay he I I of the wei,-li tit ight d,iminward it) dlistrurtloin the worst of it Lila stg,tion-master dish, filled to the brim with yellolw- a gan life as a crocket worker, and IY c To es. 1 %tra ish gravy, in which a number of happy world this would be. Out . "Irands up I" the therefore said once earned as much Eta S5 a week. dragged to the ponai settlement, and For . Lesillus, I% tile forAt b(oftuag..,his ears me colonel order - floating about. If Portland. I Ip- of- (in ill,- line and ren d up hot troops. email objects were I Why is it that the bashful, retir- again, "Bands up, bottle !" and was Then slio got to be a so-roll-womain not for days did him wife, learn what I had the station The Baltic, thought instantly struck ing people always wear shoes that I astonished to get a lance -thrust and made less, and of late years she had become of hiln er- lltowards ill,- trolm Ile succeeded '" maslitor and other raAIW&Y 011111910ils both M. Rieboullet and -his wife. through the arm. Her saw there was has collected bones, sold fruit and Directly she knew she Bought. 1) t1w Nurpritin that It 111101 liovt' 111d Itttiacting flip drivei's attoution and seized. loaded Wirth Irons and con- "Uhat Is 'that?" they asked In con- The earth wan made for Adam, and some Mistake, and b;olted, but in the generally lived from hand to mouth. mission to join hiin. It was only the brIdegroloin ho -it nrl (If the train fly so doing he filter, in m coal hole. The Police cases his descendants have all been trying midst, of his precipitate flight kept She has been somewhat partial to by chance that sho got within heall Inr rank, for tile ["ail ololoobtedl.v maved the lives nf all ,, their rescue. Colonel JP*P to to got a slice of It ever since, "Hands up ! hands up gin. Edward Corcoran. a poor Dub- Ing distance of an official powerful I *141,holl I I In The feat was invre, barricaded the artall and dared Why, the dog - stewed in whi shouting, I)om noted for doing oliff., it en. wine. I thought first I wouid serve The worm and the banana skin will in the hope of softening t lt tisan. got the other half of the enough to grant or deny her per- AN ()Ili) ('11,11i ii.oll tit flust appeal for thorn to moliesit him or his m him roasted, but as Madame said turn ff.trodden upon. his pursuer, from whom he eventual- Sullivan estate. mission, but he did neilher . he (I wa% ILA hnno oloog t1w lilt-- four volvirkill vloc ut Lho signal and telagre,oll wires. nothing ab6ut It"— When a man gets into a tight place ly made good his escape. merely said that the road to the orteRil the ()xford find it nowill all Ilicondtittil nod to touch any and held up the WhOle tr&ft Of II'loboullet half rose from his chair, he usually feels rather small, The capture of the naval gun Chris- mines wait ail open road, anti if mIlt, at death ,fee It was not until ritlinforcements, CANNOT MAKE FIRES. univvirsily (jay,,, Ile InIng it tit .f these w,,,,Id me it exclaiming: "Have you dar A man may be pardoned for Ol tened "Lady Roberts" by Vfljoen, could walk the distance no otintac.ir, oarsman ntid runner lie ItIVITINt, 11,110NI Till arrived front Galatz that it PtOP wol "Will , Wasn't It to have him casionally forgetting himself, but led to an exchange of pleasantries The Pnpuanq of the Nialay coast would lie put in her way. So 11 0 WU14 (it turn f mind -11,41 Put to them extraosidintry Proceed- d I Iii it,'find to eat that —, It I had known, never for forgetting bin wife. between the latter and General of New Oubles. are sltill In ibil mo�t set vot It she falls fly the rorol " tilt or lie wao gr ililloll Od b""Ell k III I 11.1 I)EIT t I I It, all Peartsion's Wiselill I could have sold 'him for twenty The cream of society is Rometimes miLh-Dorrion. pri mi t i vo F;tatv They are wholly anti illes (if vichauslion or stall.... ly Inlen-ort(lid if, nod A Imy girl, ------ 4— Irarl he Was so tatil' composed of tho skim milk of hu- ." Viljoen wrote, unacquaitall with inetals, and make with her Lil to 11(ill. ILI, fIof tile "Leave the ropm," sobbed 'Mme. manity. "to remove 'Lady Roberts' from their weripons, of stone. bone,i find world will rl(,Yor know Illot the Ivi- 14 " DII,AIOCRATIC 1111111PE13011 If .1 asTherf, lit no barbaric Splendor 1. ullot. The bachelor who airs his views IIcIvc;itja, . . . I can assure you that wood. They do not know [low 'W world is richer for tier ell and tier %,ttl�enerrt of I(toil rn­ 11ow shrugged ll�r shoulders and before married women Is alvill ac. in tier fresh surroundings anti new start. it fire, though fire is one(] f bout tile entirt Of Japan. tier does i near 11 went out, slamming the door after cused of knowing more than he has company, she wan very happy and funiong them When a Itunnian oll A few luilliths back it hill( faiml "I'd f .... TO Illitliv tht- ernporor insist on fdLntuStic foram fher, saylif#, "Such 9, fuss - Jor'n; any business to know. very contented with her lot." ed them how they inade A fire, 1-hev woulan Ill taken In hurill bV 'I virtuc%4 ill itit-it 111144111111 11f, He Is just GL plain in dog I " The bad young main often lives to To which Oeneral. Srnitb-Dorien ril roagarded It its %cry wiluming anti fill- I'tood,)o polivelliall .4he had Iit, I111.0ft IN dividua: tIjF1 il.ruiests lie receives A!'. diii:1 Mide. Reboullet sat for it a good old age. plied as follo,ti tile lady yout H-Vred that wheu a F'orson'm, fill fl -0111 LA -11"I to ill,, oIt,- -01, I. l'itandluill and he onterst frol Into got some (if 11 neighbiw, lo-vil, her hu,tiland ill, hi, it-li-nou, IIw000,o t,, to ofor I rho -re is time without speaking a word. In When it man Wears homoo-mad" reli to In not accustomed to Sleep Went out he I, with , all the funferoil. silence savory odors clothes he begins to lose faith in the in the open air, I would recommend and if all the fires in the viiiage front till She hurl All fr 11", 41" 11"t W*�Flelv it nubjoct that doil not In arose fil the straturning dish be. eternal fitness of things. you to try flannel next to the skin." should go out they would get It houlf. with lit few (-ol)ljf,r4 Ili 111-r Irron.1ting Lillohl Iviol" lind Irest him, or one all whicii he Is tw6en them: The miserable girl wng Some people can resist everything Most interesting of all is the au- from thin next villagill Their ratheic, rket and though faint. foolit0l Illf� Wollit-ti 114) ho 111horl "It poll I., well Informed. A delightful rbi, k flotoi: it to) I , . right. It niAlifit be ex0lient; but, all, except temptation. thor when he criticises our officers find grandfitthers had told thern thnt And hungry l could not he lier- ,oil culimittill" loost, It. to Mo Castors, u, iourrount no, noIl An optimist is a man who cnn be and men. lie gives more than ollo, they remembered a timIl had winded to halfliennY until 1,,. fTTcl Ven, hirl with cletiliter Men - fuel, I Ilutiltiliat was to be done with itl rejected b his best gifil and realize arlusing, instance of what he calls hPit'lid front their ancebtill that tfivre in,if . hlit `ni" hild tire the tiltining Lights to( t hel , dlil it -to Ittl Who Would cat it how happy he hole made her - tile ordinary bee-hiaw style of was a time whil tire was not tool filoNEY WAS FOR IIINI Iiw,,rl,i If it hil fensiong Engineers arill niusli herself, or woroo still, sell it to Few'men really believe th oy de- speaking" of our oficers. After Vil- land everything was eaten raw. n1v III for five host I Ile Ijl wIritern. nolditim rientl-tm .,III(, wils T 11 aropla kaepA serve the good opinions the( I've loon had been captull '91 oIevery cialln of portions who, li won I ubscruoulous restaurant It tor7 TIfl it out Into the atrell tb,� pol4co org 11 told her IlIallfif iatunclin is welcome fit the t"yal of-themarelves. "Thecoldnel twisted his mous- oIiWbat a huraillifiting olil Bury It? - Sympathy doesn't lilt an empty tache. which had got very much dis- HI eilill.. fIT I Ile ble for It In one I,( ill,, Ala over, -1hoafol of burying a liltel - 'stomach. arranged, leaned back.in his chair, Ill in the Himalayas and in the 'And il ... IlAtIs of Ills ;Tnajosty I Ila' IT, I The appotfi , Ing offer continued to lkicry man may carve out his own fterwards and filed thit,to, f 21 I. ..... -1 t,� tak.- t holl I purled ' the smoke from bin Cigar Andes butterflies have bol found tit "'Wolnen Ila%. itotol their linclil,it on lit- "'ll Irlibution of file (it% gill their nostrils, and finally Be- fortune. but lie nceZIs sharp too 9. into the air, and said, without look- heighte ranging up ILL feet, ll Told - ri nV%ny it) murty rueo lh,- Vol r,-99ln9 Iillhiv boullet said, "Perhaffs 'logo IN It takes an old bachelor Wit IT a Ing at me. "Well, all, you are ban- and In fit,,- All they are quite cm- loell ITT I lie I folon%. arirl right, after ill -4 -,,o,g is Onl a t their parent, ,lot iniforg ill It holit t" I'll i,f whell Ile hell"I I dog. BibsIdeS, this 19 no ordinary wonderful amount: of confldenco 0 ished, dOnIt yer know, all. are bo- man tit 6.000 feet. The very high- Nfosl of thvni Tegro-tted It rt(,olo h ill" ul If,, FLOAiNo 4; P, full -;S time. Polls ,ill not, beall * every &ttOnifit to amuse a baby. Ing sent to, ah. hum, St. Helena, omt elevation Roo far observed lit to.- tylucu ii,, to run limiw ittral are Adversity is, the sandpaper that or an they call it. flip oh, ha. Rock, (326 feet. where they were foupid by " 'In "" r1ril NINN lit 0NIF it ol mar IV k... ()it Ilia river% if are day. Do# Indilitil Why, Itivery one makes life smooth. ice ship you go fit, called the Al. Bonpland on the Rioptl of Chirl Ill flip her ... IT itIT— a,� 1111MIRATIdu Of floLil form- is glad, no"iTatItLya to clat catil rats, en it sn Wife are con- h'slWilue See, oh yes. the All *Brit- borazo Sir J. I), flooker found Joillitt ligire it, Ill Shi, mor- rhere I- i,-tv ITTIf- a.Ill I'v .1 iti.. WOVOIS hippopotabiti maii or any other Ill 'I to butterflies on tile 910flol of file Ilim- ried in ,f her fl0o In 'fit it k,- d bV long fill t1dilally patching up their diffleu es annic I Now you Inay proceed father. and at hand f i,- tiogethoir in I I I , I IIf lira their affections assume the kalefolon-' tile selinnit height. lie flagill would ho hkill desired to toe tile station, get your kit, and In the alayns at AbOut in( pionle fr,,,t M"t TfIrme It:— Adaipfic, lnx�,by ii in this stAtl cople aspect of a matrimonial crazy meantime sign this parole and il rpeAk,o of "ll nouil quantity Ill diollill 4t fIliI h, -in thO But the, Qill Jim' 41on6 - and now, quilt. port yourself t 8 p.m. a, file suporb butterflies, many Inrge tropt- In lo,p Ilisk- i,iie roill offer of h,.i With it Arnir- A clint- ,, fill IIatf, it we dil eat him. what Zveriy Marriage In a disapp J)ocks." I muttered In Dutch, *'Lord Cal l4wallol"'ll black lliAi,, 11, % ", lot eye on 'the Wings '' The couth it 1. I... ........ iflill 'me i1equireol ,I we do Witir filthl" Thent to Somebody. preaUve us. from the Evil Oril lie- band stood III her Itepol,oply trinn no-% IIlan For help then ll th' mat, Thfir clodds. hgd gattered and the it's VAtter to get up with the lark Tftt., fraliIi avrICER, American high -flying tiniftorill she ignored it. her hushnnil'o riveted haI....... 1, A b than to go to bed with a swallow. long to the family of CoUni dimern, IIli, .1 1, Ifor �x I rair�f all 'he the are ih,r, iand tile In t ik"shino, steetatifted Into the littl rging. A little twCo'loso of lint'd 11,v hill - Too many men get through life oil Ito declareff, in generally one of two the Asiatic that of the Plerin ll in ithp-cf, want. Ideril Lind ll-tolo Iand lin lorld are Iflo"Ill "float dining ri5am. A Win sectrad to par extremes-ei0or a gentleman or a dice. The explorer Sir Nfartin Con- it Through Fiji kne oil", Ithat lie Ing -flail " .. r'. untlally Viatill �,thil , il Rose, bad been the reputatiah of their anceqtors. Tho mistakes of officerh during way also found tem at high alti- h(msed Ili it ,rrilrhed that he Will b0c l lit., h, rtilooi�lrtrli­ ,, ftv VAT& In il tfioughtful fittoul to put off the ta- The homely girl always consolID Carl- coltnv nod thun icl -1 ii Ia V' rounded by mil,orind he I IT itiho, holl offirl to boot t"Veltill is the war need not necessarily be fts- tudeq in tile 1-11malaYlls. for If,. haq deol That tent. PA-ldioni lartifer, file wit ibottle of their vift best willfil herself with the b6lief that she cribed to stupidity, cowardice or Ill more than ten totolths qhe nurited her good ,arthly covering, , Vtork oilof the mat wid T and Itill jukiect Will d6he to W Half fifitallcC0141. Luck, he thinks, had a husband Ott a prit-nisto'c; hed a nd t0ndS 11 t ra do P, being About. twice.- frivt A dishonil aft'hour lettef" tils ftt Ono way to effectually Shatter an discretion. and lit-" will, ni"(4110 the colony. and will attellipt to, 'a ftoliting, thb* rang- ideal is r to great dil to Ito With success or ACCORDING TO SIZI;` earned his food if tit,- fund Cuphomirl ,n0I tneltmen tow his, Coat failure , 'and lie cites General Gall tent an ri-itnorwrittion out SOn"' I - - 10 away 030140A - Another way is to permit it to In order to obviate the freq An($ (I .... lit And Ideas 111,111 real rho rootighiborts IT n 1 (Let, ed, dZIL 1101' bide bt1l ille:U. the sigh that matte )let .ell th pric cc of ed, nad, fril pliditlil 111166r, marry y6u. an an itNtairi tit a man who had disputes as to the offill of children, loan she would still he %orking art, teguirl moortrigm, ,nd are �han his share of lit -luck. the steamboat authoritiefil In wltz� yflopril I in o" to, (it, nav good the othar'4 toil AdolPhOl .110 1OVO4 b6ficS 80 Will It Isn't the truth that hurts : It's M. had not tier frillier In Till (ten- I the people before whom you tell ft, of the nelf-sacriflee and devotion to e0and have decided thrit in every of er have live,) an earl lie hill %I(torla your oull,it, to 1_�Ion fan,ily port, at bet fonrlitii con,l IoA ell in tho.irldo feells"fine. duty of our Tomm, Viljoen Speaks cane who" doubt ali the child life, consented it) retrolill her how Income from Ilario, 'I tit, (3overtior Ili `;h Octurge highly. nut it T my ecimea across must be measured Ali children oil- .,( lilt; Rhril In sure to Iii it IIji-iyolenlinut athe late Affent- anything outsIdNoltlary routine lie der two feet all to have free pan, hand And to I I I I Could I Iunt],,. IV -41 lixth I(;(oll fit wa,i SIT- Andil l Wright, of 1.00ti Nom bY COACU TO AVION XOP. ' is a most. he]Ploss%� being. nut "in id thol between two reot tile richna incolunhire. Engla)h4t, JK*pti Mo. age, at claim. Tis is ail arl'otl not has o Incinalle Claii if,,. firrilt Nictorl baronot near Bristol I. '41. The lAdyMnIth In propol to his faithfulnefirs and patriotill )Ica oIvan S.r William Clarke. thic, rICh,l has just reirnpleted hito hundrifill woothtr #Ueh C. awl four tent art, to pay hat( fa;e it May tie Iit year front %,'I w inuch ,lualtor I% ir Itupert I'larko. the year. having been born In Oitto;kilsoil, Altr for tho secret at the attowss Of the fill Tit -flits title I a rhe If never been ffictith"a in,, knowi, Ito Alone. and no I the 1118torle oehes ground Wit #6 b job, altray-A. teut1h Whilelt I do not lilre front roll Ili%(,!; row 1111011 Tip of Aftelbourne IN ecurion 1902 tin 1,110 WA11*4 I GOT STUNG. IQ Revill ill lend to e for the witioiliffifin la eurk4tty to, � th ti, r fhl�k,riin lye And of tl* the woAt prominent, member by a tefrodical man anti hal ri oill 'It � it. 4ir that, he liriet, thiy Writer To nVold Conifteriptlon, a. young ' SAJIDII,14 AT toWeAtrainfiter a( tile MeWourne loth Exchange IQ A, bottle of medicine In Ilia 114, foilud, ittlo Irish Mir suftirs front no badly Inorbility **4 to Sptofi,Xop� Afird" 'IN NA ol the f4cotth "rite Gorman t 11faderslebo tried to Aill it in I-1111 a- flip clit *If lol 11 At,- A ('1arll the il Aul;trtilian "t f6%rt##*:M,,4ft *111il wall thil The Ilukof of five Abil Fortervitip in ilvil Wit* to thil, iflittoti1ill h#06, *fitkil 0'4t tbo 011 tItAn lbo othorif", iliflettill gout by all4ritillng noraci teed to vorfirig to Intral n I a to E.arl Fortion fill and was ll�)Ifl It' novelist in Itintioun Clarke, aud "the cill failing eye, it - ITO 10 w *O** III$ muflattriblift stigr hla� foot. PWhon lie Ott t it lian n flecentl hi- himnelf. ILg:,,M Ito elite I Ill Ifita Narilve. 11111,01, fillit, ti"And Ill T61hinly *101; Ban il ft avy (it red the milltaTV 1�01` Vin4I,Tnnru,Qt Victorian matron" hit maker and tal no fliffift if 10L t Ifitut, of ft" "l Ularke Probably iti Would be fisel 1A ta"U" ,litil -dwillil h a losoll RIO, *-,*d III, j6dd : 40t,,Axid tould Jildigo hill with hi ]ten limb At It tO with RAVeral officers, played A flares vice in 1.871`1 as; 0 liculell felt 6 lit. lot filitaid0fir botil billf'1661d ibill ti'"IlApil ffitfqttring led, all tfto Spell Parade Orouridn be- (among Coldatream (lifilrdfilil4int il llfh-ult to match this In any Angle- of 6 000 knoll vr),fioll dt ot. Ill U0 looft k*w ifitatue, 1111 was othileffied, V 20 b"W OC SWAIIIIII. Art 1**kU*- h vrw_ �61011.hllk twico. X'Mottill twtillk- an. foro, a Crod. las Ills conabliasion come D ­J0 oxn coulmunity in he world. toa, 0 ariff Asiitio.