The Goderich Star, 1903-01-02, Page 2be, %NK In 9 NM 14'90: PM st gal 1%, wow MM CON=Xvis., or aptqworo PAO MW 14 "44. or Is onxtu'40 44pt . . . . . . . W�a AV04 I U , i*44 uYlk by wilipb, Thoft VKQ "Yils.4, WA4. 40 '"t 0o **A* oot ow* to. bot Irog 404, ''as two tbo Wo luth ook of 04yn i 0A 04mo stream Tho HOW. 4o WO.041, taAtorl'".4 0013%1*414 out. Atritl*'Oulo lit *A,* '001lsA 1440400,0 ofalor, *bile �bo. ttwot or W� to W;4"%!,Y;Sr4A� N111 IWO, ow. heat rosouc whoto log# bbolog. grordw on 'the One hand l, and Iis tho Into., V $at in a bat �44.1414 rb, 04' I b to .0 i to 04"Oro org, thi 'u, ia'4011CIOU4 lop row 440 Ar coulloid, ii W10% TotiAll is being J04044 -gste ' ' ill, .. 4 im. ;t6t, , V ato 00r., 04 Ahe, o0vo 010 largo C oxor* TOM 10 APO 04"
JJQiA a t #4 4 bile V 4h AQ' Nile V4 is Uvo V9,0110ty IAr r . 0.04" I-Att" for, awith Us esprit do Corps $% 't tY V Allco, �100� Pf , ciplf tIn- ailcro#p, - oppt v bax m4oft cloar that 409r, rocif 0004 .4 fri,� ot A, ill And, the to be, muob, A 'at 0,9 '14Jxvi.dod by r4w A0 ;*#son@ why,010 C"Perative w0tboaton ogcv. to And AtWr #rppp a04Ipargturo ; e, ifitit hat f* -:Jxy racked, ro This to auto there l-fror "Yo., thilk avv It #* 41. Are ouco"ding fCAllod, t##t An tot $At Nct9rY. f9V What,
lip A ,*ltlioh OWOIO Enolftad , ;t t0ptAi 0#00.,, .4,44 erakjfi� Wm Y "-80 iy Yq , q , 1 .
amo they
Iealrly ro'. o t CA 4. 00n in va breg climb Tbo �vory pronounce lot vAAtqlg0 befti, A ocoro n PU ;1140., go sorvo, XX t1wArot place the Me#%, tio`w= porioVill 4' itpW As AQOA Ole' 1 t t 8
jhO#o 0 , P 004, t of n)IX With Qt All 4 #16 , .
boating ot distr9q, wilt i1n
rsou_q pitioUld VO establiah0t). bkry of the ..t4.0 T4 �.4, Is. �bp pot t , k outi$fadtion, � Xt.., eb4fth V %, good flecirlpa, to V401 Inpro 0#06- the 904AU011 to W40 MON than once train the nort C"MUR, R It 0% ro !their modo central part of aatAM4411 onto, 01 Vegotabol 4ro iklsq� *_ proved Ist hos dellAed.-theso, r On oxcUrAp 'na have )Aao. wliere. to, oispeating churches :10oft the, a 014 of J,*880,� It'. i4eqn, With Can qP r. 4 flavor if a little augur 40 to engym M I nil the IA-0mom -air, 'you place., at the. 1411 qlap .00" A p ad for rogat , 9 uc while boiling. appvclull�, gr000 �pecla, teXtUro tilkle usso d aturbod, or tho regulAr $F time u severe traInIng the casoln. Imuli 1r_ ltr, .,%air rupk *hf, t -k4,* All_Qo which In they It To 40 u tof ttgains. T oolup.unds are ilbbutt Praham, Ginger, Cookipg-.0ne cup � 119119h. 00,11a" for sq W � " W o .laws obotruc�00. the joptind 'lie Otig,,bjo�,Aglghbor
each molasses, brown iu4gr nd hero In a recipe, for I Is4pit, c' '0049ulati-oh- At �tbo I I tot holqQ gland UPS, continued, the kocilc upon which cooperve a it whortening, J CUP W, %Ypocio Pigs" that $4, indoir6d iiy 06 �,jd 0,�peraturps Babcock 9 r Aq 'Aiadt iall' mm ater.1. , ment - A Ior Wit 4 fre4uefttly splita'jitua boon left oA, �a of 0 departMi 14�pqp4h A At 1pg�- , Pot ;1
I Pj Z ' wo . - A 1, ""; military forc* In ho 4o ont Jit treat it as it tablespoon one' *Do wh vW-111 311141, co- ,40h. tpo terined,gAl Y, ,vou,4trz And to 1�61% of salt. -Add.equal Portions at, Former i Chop, A of. qard,,� W, Stwi:4, Admitting carefully to AQ aide. Most Ktultam and white dQuit, to wake p. green tomatovs, 444 Avis kpA 'of 011� 'Another peculiar , , �Tbny, . 09 operatAvo socloticalft England P � 11 kiwx AP who �1 of ng has b. ildilgit to rail nicely. alf it nutmeg, a. teAsopogl!P %In voglyad, Q,;, Y'ati�qpn clo. '14 W star, 9 title to Egypt .is 4aciel4tiong not of producers but of T labor
1LOISocolitte oake.-ButIvr the $!izo of cinnamon (clovca Aniouls proillitc- bolled'b4M,utlia 90. Wen.ty-five (Moto -4 , '% �'qisen wow undo. to of those rg4 to, kv 6 's, "Pfiligo, �t 0
rand 6011�,O,diitput.o oil t*oUWcaI gro 'boll for t 8 ipg Cknowl- conallmois, The Christian see N I cup sugar. beaten to a desired), atud tho so much droad64,601 It PP. 0 A I cup sweet milk, If tea,. Than add onebalf out) of vloei;Ft 4114 While� they'd . 0 not sooncl to, 4110, thev a IiA bral w left loot *6 , to do remain -4 irspoons baking powder, yolk of I 4k pound of raisins. - do, we must, ut tile some Lima, A w dga,�that� like other titlqs, it May had A different Ideal, Th y Anted, Cool, be Mended by.pres6riptl6h, and tha shop In which the employes- rAil(tting " 4 upo from -it ls'lti a fair way�n6tonly to simall cvpf )up. lz�dsting a,bout two quarts; Can for t,y I ", , b OT , managers. Each griciLtix-as.- 009 lit free growt1l of the deolrobI UEAP�01; ,1POLLT Met 2-8 cup sug winter, Proof is at hand 'tb Undepir, a loot, bo4in confirmed by pr4longod 'occupation, ontrol its own enterprise, 1�f at, I square Cho 0611il3lou betiveQii bltjM490, cut
j6. Whitq of I eg. Beat -all to, 'Ple flavor proditi0ingL Okkiiiiialits - are' .1 4150, MQUY but; also to be coupecrated bi er hocrvic4p. olactliig its own foremen, and go , put Into a dish of hot w4im POULTRY A" GA44. Only latent, from the fact Tho-oxProgs, el' Open U, 19ovar4f' wCirp doz- er. and cook till like creM, t introduct 0. itA own pLices. .414
Thp oal Ion of, W_tq, W !�O -Cbooso�Zak MCI -Chick-on- owhgg�-,�Ac era" and cook It"very tq a Caqk tile to 716- �i�fogrpe After long I ��01�1100081X t CkiniVil CT �i;w was communistic produc 10 4, 4 I tablespoo4 sweet crown, fafit TDQ to 0 qcniil -in train It' sp*bd a little, then spread on top' of the gravy or liq kd�n Ail holding Inza cold rocint'results Ili The Very iNst JtOWROM Ali andeaybring -to: % othe task of providIUR tile in-. Frederick Denison Maurice, following wild, r4a -416 6ii bagga 0 ear It down to a jelly, Take out'all the rapid change , in 00*or, 'A. PS . P, lt'J�bTii, hdvq,th� �rack �jw. lop tlici o2kftyso the alt'.4114 had ff Ll- on he debts due to foreign Ili tile steps of the Frenchman, Tin- Pear ' I-Ioney-Cut ripe. sweet bones and Cho the mol& Seilsoq Clean flavor can easilylbo Chun g6d to --ulso the money Ind s- rhoz, gave this. , conception at cc- Pools in quarters- and remove the �lth salt and 'peoJibr, cuiil a ' IRtW un- engines" ca; course, Won creditors anti I A sharp and, ultimately g very a out, .Th6. ighsOf
or, Agorkeral opinion I , be '01 ca,
po4vable for'-thO. IQCfL1 g4MIPiotration operation the impetus and glamour cores, but do not pare them. Grind sage If desirable. Put It'into a Pleasat Do*., and of', 11'g t ight r the pours as it for cider. Strain the to T lit v6r'tbfted in ,O Vi A, ''.741 I
icable, notwithstand, 6f his great literary skill. Tile me- and slice it, prevailed that -each 14qton� would f,Q th ,Vi li -Its 164'0, 0 happ,�, ni"ree bu- wait#* linpract I
a in shal- "lo icken or a r0quire a curing rq. A man n, 4&lph' tilckett the feathr ditqh. Tile" bi 4 the Ox- A� cpild. darlt Mass of U100 and'put over th fire i ur','.o . am equipped with Ing the toative)y pxorbitant taxs jority of Engliskeo-operators, how- 10W granite a a ,a 6� constplption at, through. -ergs a Jaielcogn, could., bear Is. Boil rapidly un- chicken in as,11ttle Water I 6110 -f jaui� part k ever, have recoiled from Mr. tit the juice is halt gone, then. add until the meat fallq from.-Olo bones Artificial reirigeration, to hold cheese The '0$ %witak 40PA1141'reotil", whue tho' drIq$. He hittla It was wrinig, from the fe.114110011. or peasant a boot sugar groans -kill wit ' for LUsc long Just, at this indiistry 4:t Whltb� iwpbOiblo- or cultivators, of tile' soil. At that AIZLurice's position and have proceed- tfie ground pears, cover tightly and Chop rather 11 �puVwhgqr& , �wem pilWd -upon AhIlig, so no, and season bettoon Sam, o0or, ill (L � �wrgq ' , n boll slowly two hours, addiiii; a popper and salt. Put In A In t a time, howevei can A [zed cold star- A 82,4506�WO joint stqcdc ccimpanSr vath th�j Ila, �Qul� not it avo,. And tic time �iobod orectmod that not only ed toward a goal of a diffarent kind 'and "paraffine, have taken the Ill h�lild * little water if required. If the juice to at of chopped meat and tl� r , neArl yljqG.� fonno it W t a to Nihich were y age W a cement lye kW, 0 Co. cauill. these two objects be attained, TI,y ove (,Ono so in accorclanc place. Cheese may be kept at tile Belleville. � 11 -uto left 44, OR is rich, no sugar Will be required. 114;or of hard-boiled eggs out i)D in a roolut having a, rango fudge E1110ti, of There 9 lo� w out that A,surpllus would also bol 'offoo, Pudding�-Ono quart broad f4etpry the , 1 with the privilege which Englishmen L d it te w , C P ,led as hold fast and slices, then layers of med;t An eig comotive 'roarid, p. And. lall into the forth4oming1cir the development at have far centuries enjoyed of making, crmbif and suffjoleat coffee to, mois., alternately Until tile molfl I arly from (SO to 70 degrees for. a.week or suffer(KI a P%altla strol�q. tLos r;l "I did not S. -no ton days, and then at once coated Bumed wor4Z 41toll thQ go reatl -.of the ,mx tile couq* by -means at public systems a, IJI)II080pily tit the possl_ ton, oggs_ I cup sugar, I cup full. Boll down the ]?,,Ouor Jett in press telesc;)po4' t�e .�omolter; And the 0 W a 0 I was going to boxed, and pl a t
raisins, I teaspoon soda, I teaspoo n add with' parafflne aced in ' Mr. O. B, Ud*ardq, has been t at 11 said Mr. kAll this has been accosot-t, tillitles of life even it during this n the pot one�hnlf. to w4rt old strage. UP to the present appointed 'City Cleric of London, 0�ixlolks, and orlog �f �the!WouncI04 ApO J4qksqp. 4111 ' remained - there,tor and; meanwhile, 0o process tile systems of -philosophy each cinnamon, cloes and nutmeg. I tablespoon of ge tine, an4 'whan It ng has been dolle,ont. dying filied thq, Air. Steam one hour: Cake, cooky And this is dissolved pour lntq;�the-raold time paraMno Coati The loss of llfo� is believed tht qui#ors of at) hour." pliolhod hovgoVot, , :, . Winnipe divine -hauler predicts to 4�p" Wtir., JaCkpo .' had been home burdens of the taxpayers have bcel% Are stretched till they crack. ciblighnut crumbs may be used Ili-; over th place at the cold star4goo which necesst- A stead ot.,bread crumbs, leaving kboVbo,will, start on considerpbly more. These lot- r not aggravatQd, but Sensibly cilm 0 meat, 99� ia a Cool t4teq 9 proah to fullr'80. The injured Will Out over night to jelly. takin out of the boxes anti -0 number dh istmes, at Woodstock, and Was =2 ad e*�ectlfto to Change cars at Wyom- rib d Willa na vot, no notable ad- The Co-ops' the sugar. Drying the state pieces Fried Rabbit -After skinning and Again re -boxing. There seeing to be pil9i'linago -next spring., ter include- MAO who why cliq from thoroughly and running . them beef, from thist Fgypt's cultiva;1ble tu*oa presents the co-operative societies of easily and cheaply done. at icandemned In �South Africa wit I V rative, union. which re- I a OL no valid reason why this may not The tl4nod country ItleI washing it well, put In a pai their lnjtik`104,�, - They eiistaiadd '41, t4proUgh a meat chopper is the bre-leold water and lot it lie two or be more I had baknniacle, ilia public rovenucl Great Uritain, has committed itself ort -4 the subject of on offi. manner of*,hurts, and when they SHOT FOR A BU-40LAR. trred wa� 6i preparing the crumbs. three hours. Cut off the legs. and the factory.' An equipment can lip probably f reached the ilospligl At I�oodan were Use of $10 cial Inquiry at QttawA. u 5 to the princip) --On- _. cup_ _§iStg%r and 1-flou irilb-Ahreo.or ..(our procured at the small expe they #!�rinl Of native P'� 4t_,pr . s coverod 'blood Ithat n the\ P Cut the body so 1 4. - i
ahvid ftilc i�othar intered ttio Ho
avpLilablo for export lied been �vhfch steaa P$P69 are lXtt1tChed.f.�a7A. �Macdomelcl— eomtpanr,-__Of -40auld. not. use
-odg,l to -be-rado d Thei -'a-lbe shared among employes. This" is butter. 'Rub butter and sugar to a pieces, dry th6m on A cloth, di. r-Lap��- We have done the work At a descrintion. cream and beat in an egg until light our ac.- Winnipegl liave purdliased a,block for po4rance, ,a created IcAm0PsCIY,by th` �Zeasalcsa what Mr. Maurice stood for, But them with flour na fry in hot but- . loggar otion of probtt anti and Cireamy. Lastly add I cup pre- as no objection to ito,6�10,000 and will dPqct a big hotel. Many 6f: thg'. 'dead. had sufterod A Prantford despatcrt sqn: 'A y ter., Take them from the pan and tortes and o,"Ile what regard has the'nritish co- served or fresh fruit -strawberries universal adoption. A potlition is being eirculked death �of pour one cup sweet crep-a into the ask- frightful hurtav hands were cut off, ttitged�,"resulting in the
1100401ty, *:With tile result Ulat 'not 0 perator for the sentiments which di -a clollclous� in season. pan. Lot it heat through, then pour WHY USE, PARAFFINE ? Ing tile postal authorities to have leg were wreahed from the bodWip, y,,J�)ey,,. Watson, aged 25 . years, at
_.go�,v .w"r tile claimh of foreign lti*inh. ood , flowed like., water and 014 the h 'o I Ill older--brothbi. James, 'in a seutimptal mood 'he may have Genuine Scotch Bun -For the crust over the rabbit. The domestic demand has always.tho pos"Ifico Clsed on Sun- let ditom met. its you will require a teacups flour, J, day, C age-, t 760 wl On betrayed I t ? When paid more money for small sizes bwame d 'g th butter, * teaspoon baking, powder Weighing from 25 to 45 pounds. The . The: -totil lat;d'woa of Canada, ac- like ti interest and. oinking fund, an tile 110 to the cOn- and onough-cold water to mix. Rub WINDSOR XAN SLAIN. cording , to . the now census, volume, than s. More stretch at snow-coveroa inA To' n;hip Onondaga,. .00 Tugs- cost of an improved local administriL. C very great objection has been the 114 -1
lusion t a,� gtiments are blitter Into flour, add powder andi is 2,816 684.071 ticres. and 80,488,- highway in the Midst of a sleeping dA f loot ,V96'k. The
t sufficiput funds Killed blIndions, in ShantV on greatly Increased percentage of loss 222 acres of *ater.' farmlan. torn n tion. detrAyed., bu not,hing Int so fabile of a mLIc to a firm dough, then roll out Makers and us in a lonely part of
-dispasul, of tile Uri- ko Winnipeg. through shrinkage. ! A snowslide at the Molly Gibson PRESS '�X 110VA LATE, the tZwo 1p 89 distanco from were loft at the vnAnd 'visions that to a thin shoot. Grease the inside of dealers have not therefore taken . EX . I . r ad, A, d A despatch from Winwpcg AYR: mine, near Nelson, 13. C'., carribd I 4 uav left Lon- the. 4s rented by tistr supervisors. -to ImPhrt A POWOr- - a Aeo cake tin, line it with some ol 6 kindly to them, And the large 60 to The express,shul 7 he spocializeb on As tangible re, News has just come In by r aner away part of a house Tit which 12 [don at 7,57, -but she was over ?an Z�3 mtl�l d J Ames atson, while .41 suit tho pASte, reserving part for the top fill Wmalus% �o agricultur u into suits. Accordingly#". the vas me- at the bun. Now mix together 4 from the north, to Selkirk that the 80 -pound cheese have peen madeLand miners were sleeping. Only IWO es-'hipur late.. An operator 9 error ' is Tir brother Wesley was.employed .'A�Alxufactuilng -sliclustries, alld t sold for export at a much loiver I I body of Capt. J. Potherill, of Wind- has C ped. in Detralt. The brothers were
I my qualified for JOrity of co-opayltivii societies in cups flour, 1 cup sugar, 2 lbs largo sor, Ont., employed by the Domin- )price per pound. Home trade a BW!d to have.caused.1be aceldant� . alon%. as their mother, who keep 1.10 ar aand Ide the recovery '01 Grent Britain ,�Ilto-,day Are Aseacla- Valoricla raisins (stoned) 2 lbs cur- ion Fish Company, was. discovered been grpatly. Influenced thereby, Par- 11.04pt. Tatlow, M.P.P., I)f- V, -There was, � to be seen 'or them,. was. away on a vie- -r vat, can, --do- -4n -at anyvher6_t.*4MU_gh-_,t11lp WM, and_lt, hrji,?� A �ecll ytbirig, T -VtO ticularly In the winter. Smalt e� can 'day, -ttiat v I
tionEr-of-cono4ors-will,ii, hire 'men Peel a Christmao'lilothlrig by ibma,filf- is gia Carlo, 0itinced finely). lb blanched and 0 s- tailers could not'safely buy a 70- next session Of'the &9191ative a- prwod, when
breeds at a place culled Snake I 'a distance too tl�Olr yo' returned returned'. un -
land, on Lake Winnipeg. The island need and -=ads an entrance to
to run theArobusiness for them just d mean Rembly, every ma4 who ent I am there- was none within
W,ftii, y means of this well -or- a n1facecit Almonds, I oz each grount pound cheese. Slow sale want British 'Colunahfa. to South Africa far to carry the m%fined, Most for- afillou
a the pril.Lto employer hires men gifter, . and einamon, I teaspoon disciplined for is, of course, approachable ovar the a loss to h1m through drying and will receive a grant of land In that the - two 'Pullman cars 'on the houte. The two man thought
reat-. for tile sAkic purpose, The employes bakinl� soda, same of cream tartar. ice in winter. A French fiWorman waste. Hence he confined his cheese tunately' any
diopelloo the th pr6vince. the train didi,neit sustain dara, t4eir home. was being 'burgiarized, of a rillsh co-oper4tive store do Add 4nough milk to moisten all was found insensible arid half frozen sales to the summer months. Could Lm- aj�d, gatering a few velothes, made
hung over . , FOAZIGN. age, , !rbey W*, - warm an,4
bud, Out had Without making It too wet. Put on e y, dbVered he obtain a 25 -pound cheese at not an escape through the bedroom win-
otri-Arn the store., The Christian mixture into the paste lined tin, 3 the General Sir John French to an tho, Cb quest of' the Son-, ffer- fortable, and wliA were, a, few MO- V, In blood. The details to hand are to exceed it -pound margin abov4 to before, palutigi sleeping com, dow.
Indeed, st&"tcd . some sirto-aft It an the top, wet. the edge and Ing from Influmza:_ men -his very meagre, but It is supposed that, large size, -he would quickly buy, tinafg--To-r -0-0m of -wear-V trav, -After -- remainlipt with- a nciigbbGr par
TCe American demand for English
stores. In which the governing was round and put reserved paste all Rik Alt over the top and thoroughly 'at des6late been very skeptleal'for a long time coal Is being renewed at.XeDa0t,Ie, and, 6'the -house in the. morning, -mad
vile the two were celebrating the feftival cut cheese every day, The trade has - thO �est of the night they returned ear stars, became, a temporary hospital They weM plated in the bertha, kd %�O r I done In that way. Such stores were In mixture, Pr 00sO as best they could in t4 paraillne- Several Anarchists who were tax- to Assuage the with a shotgn. They saw the house
a Ick it all over with A spot, and that some Indians or oth- about the curing effects ol w
almost invariably failures. An hot was poigolble -n 2 h been structive In- fork, brush with a beaten white tot er persons, with whom toe captain due no doubt to the coating in the palled from the United States have bleeding wounds which were sustain -T404 been entered, and proceeded up- at
ber.-also. thati account of them may be egg and bake In a steady oven or had dealings, nnet early days of its'use cheese that,arrived at Genoa. stairs, Investigating. Through a
founc& in Deptrice, Pottgirls 'MistorY about two and one�half hourp ad by nearly everyone w0e. done, wrough4 at � the ex- of ro Co-operative Movement." ievancu against the captain, beaks 'were fresh from the Hoop, and others The offer of a minabor of Boery� to This was, however, very little; half door they 'saw a man rZ the shanty and murdered be ottetched out on the bed. At their have fa him that contained excess assimilatiolt Of light with the British forces Against there woks scarcely any water to puyars. they CARING FOR TIM TEETH early on Christmas morning. The nalsture. The effect In both cases the Mad Mullah -has been accepted. had Snow was brought In in the 4ppraih the sleeper ralsed himself
'Jahod, under a fiscal Co-operation as at present organ. While a great deal of advice is Attorney-Goueral's Department Is being a mushy cheese lap -king in The prevalence of Appendicitis In endeavor to ' clu'anch the terrible ad his elbow, and Immediately r
b" Made the tillers of ized therefore, neither divides pro. given . about the care of the cOM_ awaiting full particulars by the Gain- body and texture.- London has Induced Lloyd's to isbuO thirst of the suffering. A few of the James rais�d his gun and il ad. The
It mail. -day, -,,-'Insurance against it. whiskey charge, which was of small shot, 164�rti Prosperous that? they fits 'among Its employes nor imptats. plpxion, there is very little said But to. with.a firm, Well paspqrtgerik, chanced to have I :-boon in the six millenniums its bushosts ofliclancy Concerning. the proper care of thp stroll t d choose coated in a Week I Over 500 milea of raRwa_ mostly in their posSeSS16n, and thlb proved blew tho jAdo Off the Man a head and tian, history, It by allowing, 0 E� e4 single line, a" owned and worked by The liquor is killed bfifi instantly. In a moment
-a shall find toM, Which is important for ma "Soo" TRAFFIC. or an days in the sum- a fortunate thing.'
those employes to moddlo with m4sons. No Woman a lly mer,4f And two . weeks In the the N&tal Government. &edited, with sa;ving the lives of a toe� saw their mistake, but it was
Overrate the magnititide of As a ilosult of the gale the carcass - he terribly injured, , W110 late, their brother was beyond EL f 11 number of t]
things which they do not yet under- beautiful who has bad teeth, and It Exceeded that of Last 3rear by coot full months, practically all a 10 large whale, has becii washod had given up hope but for -the ttj�,: -reach of dkW
tountry's obligations to Ureat stand. Profits go now not to om� many a case of ill -health may be Nearly Eight-Killion'Tons cape of moisture Is checked, loss by "here on the Forvic-Sands, Aber- latIng offects, of tho'whiskey. The affair has been reported to the
BrItain, :Oad the British troops and traced to this cause. The food can- hrinkage prevented, which oil small ployQs. nor yet to shareholders, but � A despatch from Sault Ste. Marie, a deenshire. police, #nd the brothers were or- wn after operly, and choose amounts frequently to 10 per SAVED FR03E ADDED HORROR
British offleials been withdra. to consumers, Each consumer gets's 11allow teeth, a" apt to retain a Mich., says; The greatest volume of I. Captain Leep rested alla'an Investigation hold. It
tho relinbilitatitin of tho Khedivul cent., the rind kept thin, and tITLfi at, of the Royal Irish ng out led is said there was the b&A of feeling
dividend based on the amount Lot his part of it. This decomposes, and 00rnmerce in the history of the groat- cheese much softer, a desirable Fusillors, with whom he served In ined -watch being insti- financ0p, thoro4d.lufftmout of the fls- The result is that the ;ihvn It Is swallowed, causes Indl- eat fillip canals of the world to shown South Africa, committed suicide b to a determ 'Ian-, family, aria no. reason can be purchases. quality, making for an adjustment to tuted; but, ih spite of this Vigi I'k the rough suggested far the Commission of a
eat sy6tem on 9oupd principles. tile body of consumers may be said to gosticin and other stomaLch troubles. by the completed statistic's t1i domestic demands which must rapid- shooting himself at Belfast. the wreck was dearcelly saved from A. crime' This Watsonbrothers Are re-
invigoration of native industries and own the co -o orative store and to the waterways of �&ault Sto. Mario, PIL P It children ftro taught to care for Mich., and Ontario for the present ly increase our pot Capita consump- It Is proposed to establish it Mu- fire that "914q have added untold pcirted to be Of LL very timid, ntrv- the reconquest of the Soudan, Eng- take the Ace, of the capitalist. The the tiepth early in Afe, the habit once tion. Since'tho passage of the filled seem In the house In Which Robert horror Ous diRpositton,
10 land would have turned a memora- manager of the store and all the fo�)&d Would be likely to be can- year, which amounted to 85,961,146 trade has Burns resided at Duerlen. it is One o*f Lhe'passengera, who, was, no bit plats in tile long lint of rulers, freight tons, exceeding that of last cheese law, the southern As an ordinar dwelling in LATER. other employes are hired by the can- "fludd, and many dentists' bills as year, at , in a banner Reason, by 7 - come to be ail important factor In DOW used ore of a hero. than hiQ ' fellows, Samuel Watson, the man who shot that have wielded autocratic power umora nud are under just about the Well as much Inconvenience and out. �a our northern markets, which are very house, only that he had presence of , mind in the Nile Valley. 558,081 tons. It Illustrates and killed his brother Wesley at Mid- name kind of discipittio.-Ill economic foring would be spored them. All nothing else can the great delelop- significant Indeed In its proof that The London Count Cquncil will, and knew the better how to work, illepari on TuoWay morning, MIS- theory -as they would be it they pittleles of food should be remoyed people prefer a genuine article to he send a commission to the United 'organized a, 0110W brigado. , To their
Meat that is being made of the great Is due the taking him for a burglar, will be Rro it may be questioned, however, were,working for an individual. This %vitb it tooth -pick after each meal. Northwest, whose products to a fraudulent, and that ?urthermore the States to'Inv&tIgate thebuilding or- unremitting struggles scented on a charge of manslaugh whether all of Enghind's preceding Compromise between socialism and hnd the teeth 'brushed. A delightful large extent find their wgLy to the south to fast Coming to A point fin- rangeipents of tlio larger cities. fact that the 11r The police eonsid.Qr the.cAse the most Capitalism is a feat of which oven ,and Ino Iva tooth powder is east via the great lakes roptIr of ancially whero they can buy the best 110twoon January and November and did no damage. I toundini; one. that has,,ever came services to tile F., ption people this year 41,470 persons emigrated 'Me fire broke � out in the very W their 11y nation of archcompromisers in.; wittle of = tablespoonfuls of pre- thin freight the eastbound amounted of milk, manufacture any size or. and since the two
would have gained so lasting a Place well be proud. frorn Ireland, Compared with 38,541 Midst of the wridkage to go 275,990 tons;. westbound, 5,- shape that people want, cure them at during the same period last year ais there was nothing with bkothers We have yet to see; Wpftatod chalk, one teaspoonful each IV. t , their starlet Poo- in history an Is likely to be OOU-. however, whether it means art in- of powdered borlLX and Orris root, low temperatures, and the American PIC and - difficulty in imagining how liencill, it but tile allow the odod to the vast -increase of their dustrial organization which can: roughly. Rinse the mouth -------- A%— people will soon learn that cheese is A gas trust Is being formed in �Ui_ It would be possible for tW6 Mont st"d up against the kind of capi- 111"all the to control t1ib companies of extent at the battle In which tfiose atWith ,,.at Witter after using. This MUST NOT BE IMOXEIL. LQM99 a e t (till.* atmOld, to biY to ffigbtaned as able Area by the huge dam built one of the cheapest, safest and best cagO W organbrAtion. which we hAJo in treatWent. will soon remove the dis. of daily foods. ne I� all the -leading cities In. Vu- t um while he was lying
at, Ashounn, which will render prog- this copritry. Colorations, prevent tartar from 05 than Iffescribed. They scrap- King Vetoes Proposal of Prince r , The capital . will be $1,000,- agined side of the asleep in bad. It Is clear that even
ticable the irrigution of more than A, TRrming, Aund Improve any sot of Francis of Tack. 000000. led the snow (ram the ,barid- If the aetonsed heA been a burglar,
"RSHIRES NOT SURPASSED Tile Lord Mayor of London on Sat- � trucks, and thdy brought it in
million 6creg hitherto cut off from To. to Vail lit" DA tioth, in fact they respond to good - a fuls, from bet k hb was entirely in their power, urday laid the founclation'stone of without ttolr, Using firearms. cultiva.tion. This in n 4ftineering care very 1readily. 11 a liquid den- A despatch from London says: A The Ayrshlros did not g6t a pro- ween adjoining trap a
N11318 eav -cc etory Is printed to tile effect that the prison to re0ace the historic old and the side of the railWELY. With lvem.nit, which far in itude, and G=U. 110111111 tifrice, is preferred to the powder, I by per chanc(Poin the modeLAalry, - test New- tho snow. they fell Upon t1fe flames, &.fill , L6hdon place of incaroaration.
IWW*d dissolve a little powdered borax So King has "toed a prapogA -It be ethwtatips 1. 100810 last Year as we never "Old Ili Uty has no parallel. unless " eig of Teel., a brother of at gate Priaot known Eta llt�rally smothering them with their ftAdltbir Of`9 11 I Ou wvter and use It freely, Rinse Prince Ftnn . knew anything about it till the week n ts, wfilch they one tUralshod by Egypt-lhsroslt; the 7 the Princess of Wale%, to become alley-. "I ilk tUninouth with the same liquid and of patimural I before the cows left for Buffalo so ia in V., stock broker. The firm Mr. George A. Lawson has receiv- had flunj from their shoulders British Cgptaift Slain by the ITa. colaAW reservoir constructed by a an a" antedl. 6 lijw� e e d Prlftc� they Were not fitted for a milk test Thil.tiny firb broke out again, and 91 t4vex,
I I = . Uk"ONJIS a Weato. purified. Gordon & Co. offered the ay, writes Mr. James ad A commission to execute a statue 'the winds. Again
PjArAolii of tile Twelfth Dynasty Ili Inter into A..part. in a n w _n. fdaaocl,by� 4,(W to c of Burns lor Melbourne, to be egott�. isgal tU4 O"(6 of Fayoum. It to te,l,r,b� Dre Chaset's OIntMent 11avo the teeth exmined-,by - ir norphip. b0ior prominent firms ilave Boden. Both our cows calved two ed early next year. It will be A, re- and again the brigade returned to A cle9p%telt from Vittoria, IS. J� 'ot , W*ln, hoWevbr, that tile cubic a year, and It since oficred mdeh bilyher figures. months before they went. If we had plica, of Mr. Lawson's statue of tile the struggle, and thoSP finally suc- sdyo:. TISO Ateamer Gonna, fro aloinqAt I * of tJie Lake Mattis.. which 3;t7JSS1IA SCORES IN CHINA. Cavities tire tound they should there being it keen c6htc9t to gecure known in time there would have been poot�61 Ayr. , � 06ded; but tllo ilre 'kept noble khan Australia, brought news of an . I d much Will - lEave Mr Own Customs OfA- be filled. When this to done properly his tortices. The King. however. a different tale to tell with the Ayr- I do not want, to see tin acre more from assisting In other work in the tack.on the recruiting sehofter 11 -Roko4otuo escribed. were very . . � .. cials at DaIny, it greatly prolongs their usefulness. would hot. hear.,01.4 brother of tile shires. We never Put our cows on A added to the British Empire, -as our relieving of the Imprisoned people, by tilis n4liVes, of 11allicoici, in t
of tHiLiFf - 1kridlike miliny--athlir-frlorrdl�- Ahoy - lor_ futiare Citueen tigimming aith a pos.. 0st but - 06 ' Vol'y hek�Y Imperial resP6nsibilttlos Are en The news of the disaster did not New T-Idbridpis," who murddermed a,
l6 created by the works at A desipatch fratil Pokin sayg: Tile r two never fully appreciated until we jjif?n, which Would be In ittly ease a They Are fed for creaM,94 wo send Moi5sly or- jdaell * London tIll rifter midnight. tAln Itenry 'Aamos Atkingon; a )at).
In excess of our organize -
tis, indeed. tstap,pble, ChIne* Ministers h4bit tl,#Lt they lOso them. Strong medicines, one" dellbatci Ono, "d Which Would become cream and milk to Montreal. Our tion for defence. Says Lord Charles Crews, were lit once ordered out vvith Usher, and WoUhdoif two of the Lit.
sist the dowdrids ap tincture of Iron should be taken Impossible in t watH4 AuXillarAes. front -bore. and the 'o crow. 0 schooner was em -
401 -procif 'that, at a ver3f 0 OY th6 Ttus�laus, Who Insint oil $116 anti th;, lowest 570� That ln-� Enrt Grey bits visited World's Sarnia Tunne I I. oo"erless to re, hav� through a tube, far many a good lit event of.tho Prick , highest yearly average per tow Berestord. Thtco doctors froli plo in ta liumbo of
"to at Wales becoming 86Vorel$V., tj�o breadth of the valley WA- Ing their own Custani offletain at pot of teeth has been ruined by no- !cbid.d . very city sumiger When, 'WO View, the Initial place of the late Wyoming * find I three f&m tWatford 11 tVeN ho h beien'amployed in
will all.cin- n Chinese glecting to do so. 13' nd- &v At '6111a, by rrencli planters tile N lie woe ery Much, They SAII t_IUS $tTRNZD. 1 had no rain for four months and tb&'Ur,. Cecil ItUde, fair tho.purpbso of W4Wt,W1tlL,th8 4UXiII%r16 'At 'lo, air find one of those
a. 'AW for the cast of a ath early hours of the morning
ait ws when the Pyra-. �oulialmloner outside the city to eat-' R J. pasiture was all dried uZ. -bound I equestrian, statue of Mr. thq WMk. q0tt gritcl to, allroolo died When
but tl*ro IN no 100 duties an ( hinese north Faiiit stard co.igght vi**, =a Our way of feeding is to, #ivil What '0)k4DUA1l18 or Totto$To. Hear iftiporls. but reftige to have Chinem ITINTS TO 1IOUSrXVMAS. Inhaled Platiek. silage they Will eat Up 0-loati oAd, Rhodes, 1, '. �-g- I i d, ."O, i4l Captain Atkinbou
love tbat. At ntt1V UMO 1 (,likstonts offloorg on each ald4% of tile A festo, just' hSoUtcl ift � "Dr.* Basil Harvey Of Olk,i, body ashore in.
Iroodion, to bel the!Vlbomon burder, as providad in Wheii stedilling Custards. cover A despatch from Harallton, Ohio, three pounds ground oats and two, Brlirrty Mani fttlog tb# hIstotic period MUM tile i fistorts that tbq Intr6asOd. *11090 Parents live In Watford, CO., saf of "t, k. When- Cup n At,
thoul, no there iiorl't be any Witter says. Mrogt Gale. is. 1�,S_yearold pounds bran at 5 o'clock AM., thoh t�tcr.A rallwa agreement of 1890. vp ravahtle fro*, ho ftoV ta,rld, *111 I ollei,, of, the Injured in the Q,JLr%.,;kih ft Y "I
dy- y boy attstIled to the, Salvation Army, milk and after Milking glVis tat thd it M the Whitlet which On top Sarnia, is a protnihefit bro0ght tilb ��VUIVOil ashore, he was
umfyl %*1 ngtivel; of Egypt have w -)I In Oto, bogiii or their Claim for amount to, =1,400,000 yedrly�. ' 'c`v.*radk near a 'Watili halk brulihob In cold Water was, fatally. .�burh6d on, Christmas goed clever hay they gaint eat Withi
-# Alch cutitivable r hich $48,750,00 ;Iiill be feom� 'AlIttAttl A bh6d And' his 0613. t e by t
0ve po -o *641 co in oil lndtipOhifrn� Cuntaino offiec At Balily, gt , , ( V ak n he
-of Toronto UutV r4ty. being, 'Ile was th
Ilind Witholit sbap.. 136ru.X Is bettor. night white Playing SAAtiL Claus to out leaving WW. 4h the Oftligero, At eIs. three . lluridj�ed poor ghildr,61t. The 11.80 &on. gtvo abou* . 20 pounds Cultural products, Mas oft share. 61 England. tlk� Only country that has ol�oilod Sotip, and hOit water make the -wholej thtn A, small lead of , I TUP posenkor, lhft� freight doi'4ue- .0itilkit, -'Of settle ton year6l *thAdtO 91, " killed *Ith his own rifle, two .............. I— the lju!j�gjhn, but it Is tnpooted brittl soft. accident occurred at the SalVation wiLugles , torii of 4!y llniii- iiinliblFr 6ut of Chi-, Irt WOA Ono Ol'the becuPtait"t 0 b, , �Ont into Ilia bremA. tht Jaraia. who hitherto 11163 been aIllegod that a handful at salt AVilly's ltdil, WhOo th6' 0111tal htly and� lit tile evenfrig tho, Softie prostnW, fom9 Aeniathd for day where the hand of death lsitlrl-lo I he ticitive crow tried to
jojp#j6y,, L"�glhfla,, hrn a 09PUItt. In t1to water In which black print Is OtAstiftais, ofitettailuMmit toe the ration - A* In the alorning except Ancr&tSe _,Of tWe�nty P& Ceftt, tit lutort-ting tbb' *hAL a I 0, relclit][498#� WAS Wait 00bugh Vo the V bapthin's body, but 43,00t) ethttict Ivigll Ministers in ally wA$hea Will oo� the color. 1066r,*M lit YdUl* 'Gale straw In plate Of hA$, : WO -All -the or,opdocu f account 61 h1k, OXI the nati"s JJJLCr6IJg Ot'cattn. AdgtLYA L brie wh6 iere, just.., landed
OIla Alot Melt 'tile buttor e was, swatb6d, for.tho Mangers be ks to hititVit as b rlefiee At, Victoria Holifiltist. its flitidih Ur he ro Of 'Durint the On 'ka�jftakgW Urifig It Into f, sfrow,left as I* needed for boddIng' toots 150,0 fin � 'a ot year in being. woutid6d as All room ITS, %IMO to let it liatten teriaL Ats he, W is 100019 at000d' Title # vts tile, tows, ti ehaiit* I �,tord, and wat) tp
ocinditionIq then, Will Wist i, te,111 4*1 lJtltlQ.i OkI911i lift, thO Ill X hog 8*61h h'o k to the Sehoboar, Tha, "ttill oipot., umtow pAnt giftit for et'di, plek All the, best out,of it. 6 road to Wyoming *r1th tilt 4 nttaek4,C�JiAl tale, at Sti el proteli . It is not k1gly, betoro t, Is wanted. 0661 I outallow, fit the Dritith uldit T6r The down' �!iult oMiMrsti. #000, *h1ch to �ot -tar from U&ra, it gold that they 011a, 101W from .1. purpoke,of Vsiting his brbtlidt, Df" -fibn 4ttiiChbd to the burying 61
tha. such 11 pr'tCt"twi 116fiborkles am " t and talk Of t1k)
16 olild 41WAYS b6 Cooked IS% tofthonle&ndlo. Tho 11M lelip6d. Up, W'01blOP, Of Vents of agid, andr� id'06 fill Ad 1,tith VaT4A Albotes In th# uitkv�Sy of Out Plate. dond, body,- the natives bolle05C it too*M "a' bb
±11Y I � �', . Ilim nlltfa�t ftstujitly.. Hit tat" 0, to ot tbm 8thYttd:*tb, milk - iSt ma His story is , follows: Was t E000is-ity th 'kill the wfilteo 41 11�� - tbb flie baltzilao i;qM 'burned. n7jid `hd 16haled
I . - ---- -- ixnerougasy vm
Olt WX01 AVhhlt0s for being, Aft 6"ft �Iat of kuld 1% war ValbSit. MRrobts Into
Thfilk . , . I , :0 .1 totv, r 6110 thfoUlilt Lt * dah"t'Of 61*6
A , Thet,46 sird, I)t - Ong
*M -at WArn lv6u 01h*'Apoeb,� Malaoy, I$* readfully thilktrs
4; at motltiitus wilft Tap Zrora I thoy *at d0plitt4to the Xafser.qm�i
Pill* iIAYMA�
*hd Itik lustaft. 40040111 to itontow trovi: apt,� 'trouble to) ki*000 thelti- ThttO 13 'Jk*%t'* fXllqoq� 40. 4YO011ity 4 W -001i And. aswit" piting Ila filod AllwL sittloh 40 th6 �kldhoys. Dr. tow nt,ftti cotul* o*"we. ib. 100 of atul 114lbs. (wi*4 "Altrift tti,I�t ur-0, iM coy. f"It *t0o hnd t, llp� "a' -tot littill* it Watery dutda- ilift 4itillit Pf0th jihbtt� SUP4110rItY ft* 14, of itv�: ho t bIA hsV6 M4116 *009"At* for tl�t ft -I, �Fhey th poor ina"110, *#�t
dMA"o. 6 1(AYAV Of mt a abil tum for ArfghVal; "4; Ik0w to th# Aioilt�dat Aloo Ih orthA 100* It 'Will join 06 dentil feoib TjW t fattditil ot droply Or Om Idtho" "10116 4 way wift 4, thei,llifto. Sox" times stu* kid' A. oifid t�tflg tilkM #Xtl" l"' 4)rO*'6L C"' od *�6* "Ya -1 ftttfa, *fi
X mt, Attie tm "'Y'll roistulsloo twntA 4#*tk`0tdUt ft06TItW,%ft`10 ttoo tho -blood. ndillft Vol&. Tte titt t6 U vtat�vitlt oft thwi
takablo pov. 41**r Pill's Also otcl*& in (Mo elrov Ift
but � itiolatillit * " t1w, *kning Ifi 6"A*#WWM Colorado.
404 pagbt of tio,* ilm ftivddoaW, b0(ik** - othot 0WAitittoftw M fbitoo'k MOW K00 that th ~A ftftdlY.'tO, tb* 6, Votlitv to tbt� rattaw+ ram* nodAy 'al I 11 to tb* 0
vrpolaftt *M tho ,attloh bt, the. Ilvor '0010fith P44"46 4111 NMIIgh fill thb It to 'A t ofi4 (5no'hof Iftrh 'to "Mr = Moog -two 4( b"** *1106 1'*V6 1*�61" A 4400W tm Ha-10�mk -for tk* hot. i4l
tho -drow howu"Ar soft aW�0%6 tky prorAtly twtorm, the(r4ok, ativ, p6*401im
*JJIL " 1A, oto Ono at,::
lit A*a-V of ik 04% ond tp**" *I titit, Twi Aft , 4111itic Atop th* both for'' t*g *vA tit" *11100"d J
Alilolott, so
wAJ " &44fot *#A of ke )milato wv. it 41140 bo kollksk* "it's aftiftio, a#A el- com am o"t 10*# �tw to ?Aqaba 0*WX(W". *Itboiliit P
a, 110
46, 414tt� 00"Otly e*A*d lit U%*11000, I# 46 004 T~ IS rib I W*
**t*V - 4, urit" k" fA X" to" U ""* Alftft tim6btyliitbo . ***#A"
A tw aiiikit W tb# lif 11
..P __ __ __ - -kilhit 11he door. WF.. — V. -u 351kWZU,,W Jan , I
V11119 116"f1bg Up it out. I thero, N4ci _'Wils tocl,% $10d
luodenly the lights w0i tas, 611 Infinit4l, craghfug and I 10 I WA enative erew� I mysolf after � tblllbt trouft(16 000W h646 nobt,ot, All, Ill. X =b Ing AIXOTAX1.
only movo TAY rigilt 1W. �'ho, "4 **�w %Vlth Pittilf st Ine W*Alast-' 011t- lit Is* actom''bly 1*1 NybeA 4 k4y -right, lee I dlotUrbod, nw, dopatih troa J*s0brJdg4, AAYSI ftUth, to wq, mi, lie 4 14teil, ohdathic dodiaellt O"fro4, "tili" �61i ctouht Or a7 btokin kt,80-em ift�d&, *httL two ittli ,KbOut 4 Vtlotk tb*Y dW9 Ind 1146 of Xr. ngoti. ll�jl LL I :
IM14, I
101th a JU but I dOtd*d It toad4d _hii: wsw *646g, 14 #�Oft jiA t6l koop I" I had **t4ot, tho tho lot 1*400owy 00ofth rooto to *Wixi with " 19400A tho, Asiiew of X,1_
% rievar sh*6k- oo, sftolit Ist p bit o*n that toct tcl% v*56 4" 11I fta 00. tho:*ft W" o004% *Wd. vo J11141014, vad* L