HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1902-12-26, Page 6.111, " 'F�
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... I 4*4 Seboo k *Vour*w-
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# 14" ( ..* ..... . Im ant yon. b*y,e .
r r j4#U 4g pl"JAK" a4U], 094#A. Of tbAW 0% "On .t., A.n."r.,a, I .
f , 4# *�W- - pqywx
I . * . it rw %lo, 400" UV* "OP. * . .,.#m I I
Tow, n J�;,i(Werlch,.f Jrf'J$t00e'S %)Q* 9 , ., , K01 � .
, oil . 41JAW Ajistj rf,,K "d T*A"Mor�WUlpg'e�,O"Nlaieplf Wei W ....... � ____4*
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� " , " #,�*, * _y 0 40 bavo.at Jclllqw,� It. *" be I I Z Thwomvipoo*-004 'Mybw pjamp ....... �.%",,. aww, �,
�� -i I bov*� � kM�JA1nga.1*.1
I � I . . , " , I 1 .li;ow , Wort 0004 OwAt4try in towt")..*� - "��$'AtW NIA 141wo, or I 11 1W It I 4 , r 40 v0s"J"O' 410 04 AA W*Igrwor" '. t, f. V001 I . . -i
I I . � "I# #fto W from'" 1`100114 , IdAqw� . I . � . �, I " 0,001AW, .,*,�t#-*-.-1--1 1� �
I r . . I , . A W"01i r ,� I this . I W MO , v r . . . I . , " WAP, I 1-1 4 k �, I
� .- voru , , r .., # M w UWA W W900p, 91110,W r. - . ,
I , 00 .of ,P1 0041 : rX1QVn11.V0AA0VWMY091ypoftt4b`A y olly. � for A, % was Implo." ...... �'. ."t.... ,e -
I ,. r" WOMPt , W MOM * #Ik# I .. 13 ' ' . , ,!' r I , .1 � .
" AM I Auditort ,ft 'Awomsts, eovr�o OA�*arw,otw , 4, 44 TOOT house �
,,, , R I I M� 4%th, so in] " i � I - I - .,�---- 044 or V1eCoIAbyAA%:r If* to ' ,^ni% I " .� � �
I . , ot workiklim4wootriou ototift"00 Two W0,4000X00400 A"109 _,- W,- -'A; . -
� - '. 'I" I , , Mar# Agpo # bo i-projorty"IsIxItti. ,,,, 'with 0 a .
, 0 , Of 9" I 2001atil 4 r 4 $10M W VW 044 -p I � ---
I 1''. goth4violoylvolf I tit tigs, , . , tjobt r " 4. . r YO&O SIM, I op .. tW W W. WWOJ;� r r ' 'PUMV � air puro - - ,
. � . I , , .# r alav , 4nk, eiu$JJftQa' ORQQ, only"t . U*r ., z T
I , I 1 00tv, �, pu*# 41WJ, 0 , ' '0401 , - .
T W11114M.$000 . .1 .. tiogof pulhHolfitirit'lloyourgo0d � I .404. Nia "$(I% "
I . Von 4 tup sotol fope . laily� fa allob, J)�J*.rtmlMt,%raa On . 4. bilito 'I- 44 K t, . OoQr
I * "a . r Z40411101). q,U 01) OP thei, , & , , �
I I I .. . � ''I � "I , WMIl-01 0 . - rwwwiniwotboi - V . A. clout to ptoduop A MI. 1A. , , #M , r toi4wl .AIX% - P01001 , . �
. , . . �". P1 14, Pr 11 mi I '00K.." . I 1. the 31 toeut� q4t. 1) "I 1ACNI, 34 IIA0140.0,0440". � � I . "I
%FW of cf)ptl4)u�ty rA)f J# � � , , " 0004 010KAN10 - Stan a .
"' 'r '' I r %0' bollm, IM QJ 4 I ,,,,,,,--r,,..,, "I",
I �, I I : ; r: , *44'0 "an M In, , 00"iii, ft AeltilIg r _ �' *A 'Oi , I , 040 bouer-low"T, 11 i
. . . tjoin, Itoy 0 , low * 1AKWUl MOP 4 4 0 at . this �
, , r4qulotloos Uvo - i A A ths, 041W I � ,
I T r W� VAM OR %berobowlts Me", OPP . I I .� 1:44 a w44 owtinK . , 1W 0. , 00(p � it 19 "" 0 , � 41000 . , ,, ,r
04 por . ,,, r I . I - 4rutin , froowo w9w JAP AtIon-4."t,
. JtJ4QpiJy'*mA1A # �� Invouti vA 04104* W11100 M' a - �Tblq C�%p litalip#10r, 1 Q .
. � , R"04n000dettions for vot"M x1coogtMont to, xPrIvo wt,40 C ,41 e ne". y ple, t voft ,, 0144. Conn 1,
I suwlry, ,� . , - ,92, 0 II . 19. 11 , r . fre-noce, 4 1?r a �. PrIelt and I
I . _ ..,ep*rv,, i, 104liolso oum- 14 4 fly tbie,v Mocouodl ly '4090a at 04 P=* , , low . ."k� �-, �
r . 4101, TO Mo ii 11 in' y avallxblo.�: Setti<�Msv� to, ,,I or ", ap,tblslionnilgi�r* r �babafitt Iloilo OM09 . � I I � �� 1!
Pelloftllaylobo, . I , � HV fitaita Qlp X40 b � ' - %- ' I
. , , f0t and 100 , tile �W* foiustAlttlag;. & . ,- . , " , " POMP4 "r,00% tloziw�-.,O:��.
I , � . . ".1bo, 'O"t alld V,%ftio of the W,Atorf L 16milwal � Mopomptnor. iltatIolt JuA40 U in Or 1 , - I 1170 to- JUOR -4 Vill. ailAbIg t OAM"WOWA ".""Va t - W OI Ilot Two-oteam, W ' I R., #'� "er '01w. � I
. . . ON 'W-�`icbApj(kd' 10001, " �i�yw. . I I
,, I ,sn j*px.o A 000-11A CUP WrO , al,NvAtor- 444 �* .
,,, - to w4tar , , ItIo _ 'thAt. t4" 1,110V % ACTO 0 10A, W . I ,
_� _ - .
I , ,e , pVqA40,Tf)r'tA$s�, 0"ttan, -0*#-,,,4'V^
. I , S�Stews.tVAIUAtion of othot 'Town "Pea �, . ,y V I '. f -T4 ]JPIQI�Vra �Clebt P` "I, . I KI bo$1 V$ki� I", 1*10 - ' 'i .,
01t, S, 0�,(XIW , 041 Oro *r0.AJrtJl0Ik,J04uJ:ad �4. volV .,
" IN . by tlloll` "*Illft. U4 wwl am" . 6 . oo
1 t. t
r � : oil.. - ;�
I Sowor _ $Wt roorit I U 'r "
I . � I � .
I � .. I � �. I : As' imild'U0111005 StOadii ust'.1.0, jg"dlim C; 9, V dr "tot*'Koxl,Lo-vatrjolw!["to,rt4o-wo.uut r � W , st ospAopq XQ, '01 '"xifflut ,09 W. 14*11- I W"- u Tonius pa Me Intake "`�: III, - "'. �:..�.,.,* 400M, ,
� , prop -t . the sets . � �Jwx . , . I W, IN , i
�osulii beo 91 ..... I'll, �;
I 'Oftclail3rt Nw,OAe Qr tJ* . q` I � I " I'll,
blenr�, $octople, C V"Quably ciblot ltni' a -
.0014 _ J � dff Who , I , I r r PAT' *bptlier Wo 51 I .
A . r EBO " . - * el W�'. I �, .
. . I �, .2: " , V � 00, �" `;Riogolllan i I . I . . !!! ... 15441� 4, 104-bawlefit;teii N,04-04,111 , . , t"
11 I r Ortws� � low P 4 ..... Eir "C )IIIA44 0.,A�, %Mm� �
lat" of 9'W � . #0
", QV blare Ul" -71*� dfwbo 9 I I I 1 U"t4:i#mAgp � 4 " 0 4 � r ll*,I.M' . I
I I optAry R,cport . # eAtl , a = ilvoi of who it
.,... , . , JTIP - I . ago oy -Iof 10* . I , . r $ 1 '', ,r1#rqv,, i L- � r� Ur, w`V7AAW,t.,. . A �'. � ... JLOW,QQ. r , '
;r -supplow , tho atta% V.Qotl,ofr the W , $TV_ , �.� : T
, ,#J*r WaJiZn � 0 1 . r
. . . - - 1. r but" 1) 11 I I --," _ eme'At, r0A tile voungil � WhOlt to* oftel, 11 f �bogellli,bllftlo% 1wVX* AA I 11 11". . I - " � I , r I .. I ,
I � I I � - JIa.0 W� � ,
I ore or I . �, W-b6i# O, 1 � J56 UY VAUM
. � . "I A Rey"tu.401yupe. AfrioAmproy . � L, "� 11 " - � ., � � ,J":WS, 1, 1W ""'075'M - �. . �. Jr ':
. ,
I WQ I .I r � . � I Jim JiIconlv, , should co 01 thore IWOOK - 'O .r, o *. :
Uffs, @j4M � Vjg
I 'S'o, flillty ., _ Jilsid"' find , 'B I 1, comptow . 15 I'm-,; ,"
I # "now ,book, � . W- wo It WVN, o91 I I I
� I ,,, AqV01 W $00tiorl It of b to M U.," i ' I �� I r' 'Wator - -11-1-1,4��.,� ,� ,, r 1,_ ' , ,,,,
_ .
I ,i VOL"OVID POU 'THQ INFOR94TION OP TUM 0XT1Z no Om �Pltvo" A Y. �CQ V to QAtft*4 . , "" � ." ,.jKr# pW.. 00ar �L ,blalo-�,�; ,1- , r ' , � �
I . ,,r1J . 0 ,,,, ,"Ir, Cer,t+%1W,V. rMuct Qptr Of a 01011.11 %4it Ajqjpic -No p ,ad � CIA 011 ore '"# L rTh: 7 11 ,W, . u -�41� ,�'k ,
,XX JOW" J,9W .,4&. Wo :q,�wu . 14 wOi _0,, _ . �* , 001 " 11. ,; ,
I I . 'W', IM _"t Tillp'to r 41 , i. _ sox � w" us 7 wheAlAvvQW0 � � ,,f f �,
XX I , , . . 1 �
� 'W', I'M , �With ... full, tjowij. �'T govpring4o,.,, "W . I
r L . � %I*i f �0 � p # ,,
. ,,.r,, E " - WT. it p AN I r " . .
q401DA OP TWUROWN' 00"CIL . 3rl"M roporb-00 the MgW4 M.-Olivipal ught 10 . _ . I "4k �
. . . . I I �V,0,,k, of _ Ma oil of St. � Thot �40-4044%,- I "Conow f*1A0 "too � 11, � �,
"� , r . Coal 0 1 L . r,� . - itai"'by Po*tea,thema qed k tot%44,at '00 , is t'lot ,. Ir r . I , 't"Nr"41,01111 I *"-,I . I
� . . � .JJUA( . r ,,,,,,.r �,$,rt �Jbk, eof . 1, '! CO70 . 31411,40.1, -,4.1 Ikr ''.., , the iv &� W, , � 0, ., r 4 2, AM 00, .
, .1y for the ver:r purpose Aw C . �,..�
U � 4 'ate ApJbUiPg,t"ugU&
, 11 . 11
11 S. ,,r,� � � I 11. I
144!, - 040, 1aw- - - . -, - $to - , 44 -mo, 414 � � ., : I . I . I I �� - Id not - 10,44, -,",,��,W.J# I �i.�i;�, X99 ,W, '. - 1"-, � rr
, ,
I . - � I be little L... r . ,AN*" i . , . , . . . , "
, � . . - ap Is suol � , �amea ilih� OW , I'll,
� December, IWL which would V011"VO you tO A Van M. . . , . '.) I ' � ' � �' ", 11
, , .,'� r , - � � ., 61 , hw;Jo%W 0%.4100 - 'UnfolptuNia ,
. TOROINT01 At -it t In- , 14 View. _ 111 0 I - folk, L .ftltton,wwp�; tog . I Tcolai'atQ r � � 0a . 1.
L r , 11 of I=, uov: cold.4, 1, *0 an record 0jHr 4oA*r,�pi1Waf,1Ajv,e# . I �� ;.: i I ; .
'Q .
I � I Ing platea on a . � �it�,� W0to;;,4-Q ., ,�, ,� ,
I .the vi,attor of bitoreat "'i'll * *: *.' W . Reativel. 117404*11.4 A," . � foun,J, %, sotl$f , 0, I
,,, I I I , * able extelt VA iAi ..*:,:.,.*',:�, . 048- 11' VS Of Tilero, egn -,we ''acto ;�, , - , , IV. .
I ,� -, -----------1-, - , * , "' 11 . , ?t o.) I* re 'law ,
. To 0 0 VAyor and caunc . I . = 4 largecons".00 On , W , 'Woo -Also .of the I IvIttiv �w 0, � , . �.
� � 4 rhars". '. I tz 0140wat"'T by � I - �t ,4j�.t % " - �, , ., "
I I . . 1. I - 11 . : , . I woor #IV rapidly 44 POSAlble', ", t,1401'. Inayal', WK A c , r tr4n. ,,W Itioni And ,* bc "I ' Plall(�"' "" 0�'+ M �
I I . I . I , , �b _0 � d U140 - VA ' to',';4al 440'. 'Wo , � I 1, I
, Them rommillautlatloos, oommurd a eQt#4d , - I I �
of the Tow%l 9,J!, 00404914 Out 11MU(I .s, conewerAbla kle, of W, tbasirl 0% Thd booke 64OW t , .,j��
i � I I -0 "V,� men, "Pao ally , L ' Ila; , , .
- I , e , -T. , T lead .4t,
petT it P, 90. � �#,y rW
I Stock,8list Dot ............ ;, iMjA are found t % got 0i'A"Jawillptkuto Poo - , Ono to�ln "Vol
I . I d "I , 6%inotim 'AnctrJA a r - , 10 ... �, 4ept qIooe�W''WvJktk4 vg., Some, �d V0, �,, �,, �.. , ". *.t �.. I �, �,,,,J.
� I I I . � It your =t and CAW to you game time agoi hove ., . � " , Ing in the amount of water payers at, too _ . t'ft_ Ili, a or Af . tpr� C#`u 4, On al - " �N �. � � re o - . , 001." - I � �
. Gentleman ,-A ted oil ta, a 000011 I I -;,+, 4q � Aso , fi)r 0_ Oka ., tied' %tratiou, bad 150. . � �
at . Irt r , I, of , ,. pjyo8,1bo)wVAJy0o,�, it1�1�i4."' --
� . . _ S - , 1;1 - " � I
1 . bet ,wh , 11 .� .
11 I � a ftom the vincial -1 g4 q.pXkb4* #aNne manner its. t . led W1 * I ,', " ,
be lioad o - a, orce is, QA4 JAW9( I 104 ,n ,
r . L j - a ., OW * �
- .11 upiler instruction =02 hat "ibe date for p*ymput of cowmimed, I I I ............. $M* The, department ChA , pittiM ,%%is -WAS V100i 4 ial,w' � , r , I'll.
Muni Aualtor� T rroceeded to I � Z! . QQfrth .4,,b,,.h,,V. .. -r' -I
I I I I -.of say * ski, -Ap . "Is .to fit, th0JAtttr`ell4;of the K ' not be e"g I 22 04oph v V",&.- ' " -," t�Tt � I
". rent for meter "could ma , qpo, vegiit, . , - . ,, . -
I I . iguitsitould b4 thode con- I , a upwavtl�, c1l'. � , _ quMI j,� r It . , re-oeot ,,,, I I ,^0 . '' � � I I I I I
. . XubJQ "', = .- I
I 1) �.A L In . , 4, AVpSj0,t+,�,k�'.,i 4 . � . .
I . I . . j� r. , , I ;Ia _ _� -1 r a ' , Q,W . r'' ' � �
� , a Woo the Ath a March last split illistato -Importal - #01 341oueo' B661�; 1�116ra it %, q . 40t%Soctt0rj r . 1, 14140r0itAlkii ItWat . ` ? ,. , . ,�, ,
I . � , tit . OP than was the CA" tot Jan, low .... .... I *# Z7,40 according to 4ize, , I � Wo )iid400n.e4t# 6�00104 _ Pan 4�t' 1. "
00 .. I 'bwlSOJIdAtJQW � 0 ` - by'la - - bo," I 'r �
. 11 i1mukirig all auditof 41derably earlier Awe .. of �, r. j�, , i%.
� fN
, foor the urpa. Pala 1�1-6K:",.. , - ilwx atford 460y, h , eogofully tb4o 010AVVI! Ii, �4. the �le , 1024uph'*Jgvoo� , *.,.'-i -i*. ,
. r Soo ., I . -- .or tbf�, jX It
I .11: I XMIA41, 444 an exam. this Year. � , a the. City of Oro -#94 00MIX timili �f polJotia �
f'reaUMJn$jtb#;r rrr or-gouucl;� ^urwJXq,*P"f,tbatJJe A , ,'W'f yes'..'s-k.4*1�0f4 , 1. I k :�, �," ''I
I the ban wand av . �. IJ - Win of reVarda, In of Council. L Maps - . I : :10 144cil, y %0'. r il, � "I �
� I I
I � nerally, of I cannot leove, with- , an excellent 0 , , Wt -44 'J"InC Z S'�,,""�'" ';,,r,W 70, ", , !;'
� I Affairs , ,this depapitment, I - � ng Cod I MrItIlt after whilb.141 'it V. Vp ,
00,31 ,Ik, r out proved PIS Ap I I � �Qokt' the 1PIWA �bolluo on, � I I N, -:,,� �'!�, I
!nation into tile - - 01110e outoaytitt is word In praise or me very connection witMAJA they llavo f 46 , � I cash I C-1 I'Alated. -... . �*.*� :1 I I , , 'I, L
ulunicipal corpo MI 4 - I Ago -Qu e � way it t I 111409 04001d. VQ ,
. r4 Jon Stock ab� Pao. - - - - - 001upletO AtAtOlnent Of 84 110YAq . I debotiWires fulluttoluAve, Peon pal I (HTI04, Oposli , - If, 1 J I :: - . I , � ,� r I I
r Nit 0110D I, the . I - AV of t4e chara.4 f 11 , tar tho,C�04 to the account,, ;or *1311011 i 'fog t1lo Y6010low. Closing, ICAU'v 10-8.1rieltoo. .a'0."...-0-,tk �' 1111,101, �,, .." . I I ` ,
, r , " = . lor b9r9ASeew1�#4-;kq*r'.* ,.L, ' ' ' ' 1�,
! I , 1 satilifeet'ory manbutern In wul"'I Is � r . � the ,do 'I ) . hp 00, result In flooes.. ....... q 4 �. " ,K�o " ..
thriv, I have a ' .,ter 4 )I sure 0 It I., % Dur W
1, " , . !r. OrTo in no niade. During C ' ,4,,, I I.... I ........ 11"al, plumbing pn4eWound p1pee, w the A van 0 0 , th ra bont(1004 vomsold-. I �Xt4,Mt AY-14*8- JAVO been lla"-eo� 10 0.1pe ,
I I . �an Puow kr. r location 0 , . � . ", 1. I to I � 'A _ . ,. 1
.... ". $tempt agement 0 .a , � . I 1� Kli oil win it 1101to"11w, � tol 20 4�liieh er , "W - ,
I �, � ssible by tile Or subatojitI4 boriest lbo, mun . 4 1. . , �
I'll I � 1901..... ......... 102190;0() being made po S�JXJC � 8 i to "2 10,1740), taes; , r , '. . lo 41�* ,, .'r. 4 1 ''.
i 1901 ............... 41ft% licensing plumbers, And roquir ng,00# I procured -from 00100V oratt �. I- - � - .- - I . .� - �, 4 1 1 ", � ,
. , - . . ....... 11.?� - 66 , ,� , ,
" �- : , 's I on Of -IN41UND - unfit 11 6 -lath Was, " " , I r
I I I I-, .:1 I I . � . J Z10 , �
, I ., MS._ I 10.0 -
in re 10=4 9 w, H'A alas 4,MAt 11
, r . I im I �4 0, -- . them imV64in detailed informotign." �: the t9wu of Gait 4 60% of t air tyla I 111410,1�1 ,,,, . I 4, I
"I I , . r - . lodsoloogro 0 atloxti 0041*4wo. tary reCrt, relating 4-Inob, t . L rt . '� .. I .. -
I 11 . u It I ' This idea to a good 0 0- It you it. appointing Wotorwor soon the Amount at,oredit Tros Anstiffictelitt , loan I . . . 11, , , 1� ` - i � � ... I - I ��.. . . . I I
I A'04 - - 11 and MIS copr. witbtl , Ary, - �W,thfo,04rllek rl 1, tootAcer eye M. will tot
I $OV '. ho rkeposs ,at I L -----7 1 , - . � , r
�, " ec- stock Blot Doe ......... � ... 2447.89 reenso the plumbers vo c 1%;VV40 It The Stoking funds tOX1040 . , � I days. -- - - - ---- 04nob. elbow ...... 1-11* .11 5,51l . -
� 6, and It , , I . � I r - luider the necessary control, , " ter4tions. I �Avo already, sent. to the j(pb , .1 ) I
0gtA1rW4v�bieU-wcpo,m,a4e-p#.A I " r , .�", , ", �
11 Ile N - - � 8 4.1nob,olhowo ..""._4�#.# r _I'- 15Q' "' ' "
. �.
� r n, L1,-*--'* a , _.-, I -
. -or, - - Consulnod".,...,.. ...... ..., welcow � at .the end at T'heirXespoctlyo, , 9 . I am, Gautleme . r., 4 - - �
I � I ..*Iafa�. re 00 a 4,04", smialas pittrobers ought to V01UP10 - . . 'so . I e-Jr0relboW., - � ,;. '. 'W I ,� -
I t vo been sattaffle- to � . . ,tile Corporation baiIker )I" a%- were coloulatod at *the 9�W10 v . �
�, r ' - :, . , tnr.yman ,a otaffile It 11! 9. ,Asidero"OrAct 00 . th..., -%ar1t-,%1r0'91d7W0esAAr . L t&- I,iteri* W-141011, were �pj , .� tile Ilistraq . . yourataithfulli. 110-Incubh4ckv Vo..'.."... �, �
". . tar&. to, the ciourte(L ' A comparison for his satisfactor � 14,cp " - %-
1 35 ii�lrioh teeg forC h , I'� , "'.., .. W, -
I -Year is ]late given- share of the lusin Hoctlow arks an vent unlicensed parties frolu 0 pressed his. willingness -to receive FA OOD � '
busirion- a" cc 'coses I : .
-bukl .,iu4uy wal; ke ON, - ; . j. . '!
i , ,I , wt last - - an attlehient6f%=x athpirpalwayor - a. WILLIAM, '. , � I
- as are somewil,4t, 'a ona.half each. log. . . : meat of all �,orapdligbttpticsa .rt . qpoctively. I iIj,ita,ub T. 20 0.1n,ph tee$ for . . 4 �;, , , , .
� � ... - --� --- T,, itht, . ke lqy. bxnk, ,,,, ., aw�steiq Ili, . 1. I I I I ,�
I -m,4- . 1WI 0 ,a the Columba- able in the iny"tnie Chartered Accountant, am ft. 104n., pi . I � �
� --T1Wr--IkQ- '0M. N'R T. N ectric LI#b4 natterwbich wbuld naturally this, pats -%vas SY , V14 .
� F6 A It TL 1pileated, and It not seldom occuts _ r ., According to the water Wor I � I I .
0, I � . 29W - I IND . � nt, i5f,A It fikling �416 ft. 8.1n. i1i 0 771 tons r � 11 . ,
. 190�-1=90 67,100 4#JW 31110 1111AA070 ..=t tile vollactoriinwittingly offers an law now in force, compreS61011 taps I be 6f much Int rest t . I ,.
- - ,4" va- 1100itis " 1$2291.15.' SIM -32, Cited. fund funds i4gg, ., )
�, � . q4 be- . ,
," �"
� L . -- - 1.196,40 1 , , '.not been ionora when they iera,oppol . Therefore the . -In %t$W. I I
;laws W,w %W Illeorrecti-sewismanti Witte the ti . I ate called for, but this has --------- 40- 12,10 ft. 0 - pit I � I I . ,
�', 1911-il-m-f - The tilfbeff W'st'lia 1000 Is attributd 0 bind, and MY 08101114�110, halibiii 4n , 8 fft. 4 -In. pi -1 , .
, - ul
� �.. , , enter unwittingly accepts varlAtomitilthepriceofecal, The uo�rw. carried out. The meet satistantOVY t FME PROTECTION. kl* . 19.01, B7,948 . "I I I
Inc. taps of this description 41-0. I belleve, the position At $let Decen .''
M20 0,27� A100 910 lo"Wo r The 0 1 , GODRRIOK ELRO- 1017 ft. 21irli -1 pal I It . � ,- ..
�' I :1 iuraw Ino. ]Doe. 111Creit" "III Suggestion for Improve' ',tJ of water pumped in 1901 was 96,- y TI N Tan 'It Si W I
.r � ment W 0 _ to those which rf� linve pressure down- 4 Irop ,ting r ' ,02 VAL' A 0 OV 1032 feet It-lue I .
� ': necessary _qrty ,of this department showed that (it,fter train
10-1 . Its paid into Nirniture 00, . hy ,Loan TRIO LIGHT pLAsT AO AT APRIL
, 016 fal 211 on. being reletwed haT.r1een ,n,.p,r I , A at I-IwwCh,0X-.::::::'': 20,00 . :1 11 I �
, , of thisitteream. ,,, ft�ko is that'Ve 4"C t words and wbi ubjeeted to re,valuati . ON I �Mm�'�,. ,
i, I , so *12Q,ew was liable to ti h Ch It alleoWes Rolt 'Ma, may (for purposes Ot � . Sh*Iag Prind in Jamims, )'Me do- lst� IW2. 2500 fe � I .
...- . 'at -0 .�. , .
,;�I.. Only. while uld conta in all the particulars pre- 4 41;= thousand gallons. ni; be* and'stop the 09'W- These enclosed list, which if; believed to rep- . - 01MM00 -=feet �-iuqh p pa--... .. .
I I be asseased for school tax t. � . , * , , . I"t I
- . I the balance, $01,070, Was noble far full scribed by law (R.B.O. Chap, 2?A. see on this a the cost of pumping In SPA , oth4'compres- licit was W2391.71. 4109111Ixt, was Bundings-�4. . -, t - i ...... .. I .
. r . 2901. , . � ., � are suporlor to some resent more accurately'its present .,::::... MM.00 1827 feet Olich pipe ... - � 0 1
- 1� ston tA' In so far they cAunot tic 'Alue* The ota4bl"flt6 crigibe I VIr I dull provIdqd'f" %%' 6 �`hcin' -
. , Or, Excavating above last 4 Items .00 J6
4t;a and ,.t a, .1 r �Jb one Steam hall( I
� a ' ,,,, I. ,,
; t"Im V,w to in). - - � i6rPtlurma IN lbol. . -wimb -crifil- - k, 1, is stri Ing -tile r , K At .'9 Chimney ... ; - - - -r and cannot. n I Ing and maw �. ,� �.
I In the natur 'IIl r"
, , , cost - � , least not withbut, I I only item callin mar . ofactory �"p'ndf romplete ...... 1600-00 ExcAvAtI 1,)IwiohpIpe,-� 194" lt� -
I a of things, some ap fixed Ar g for te
, , I ;WATERWORKS, - =a q1obupa8m,eats..$M%32 culty. proper supervision phouM Ile not In ,working oAer, ,cannot be used tion. in order to prevent them 'froula One Mao In. NY healookenglue ISM.00 rlais 2;fKL%ro , I .
1, I , g the., . tolls) - � - - that closets and taps funds are again 10 Batt tiono built In 1, -.,-
. peals were tobfi -cised to See _ . lig And, m4o�-.. .
- ,
V 11-- . I . itg,bid �. 1"10,80
- I been made - th . u h Into Insurance, $120. bolter lif exet Ili it;q present condition. The inactlion ,ad �
I -
�:� 11 �, . somistAen I n importantgitara of Waterworks a, V133 .............. in hotels and Asewbere It Without i a,%aln laging boijifid III the Per' . .Foundation forlflx�D in. engine 150-00 Excavating, la� 4 I
t � out in a lustanil Ilbar �008bl,ad, .,it maw F� " I .
I , w begun 4n, I and has been In 40polbe - rumillar, The officer who Way be ap- repaigr agpeard almost diolngen =,',',tb.v, Still to run,it - �%
I'M 4 153.33 " net )'Opt of the Caundl ffln. leaving it I � a rials 3470 it. . !hIch pipe, .
,at spirlit, wh - w tell � t ese, particular debentures One 22XW Inch engIue,.aII.P1P- 8M.00 ExcavatiptilsyltIF it
; , . vVill be aecc�esgal ...... .. ..., f An
. could Ila fall to be 14 -ecord tfie towa aT frig and valves ...... ......... -uchp -.',,#A -40. .
,' I � that reductions made on appeals were Active work since Ito 003ppletioll, $7002.65 pointei to go round and I t a fire insurance COME , . 300.00 rials 12,11 . it, 0 . 1pe �
1. hating been cowisl&�Iy extended in te to increase the allotments. I'llave 8 - Fouii'lation ..... - .
r; ratiortant. Dedwict amount paid for coal.. 4M.04 electric light meters nionthly could who are in re E, tl laylia
� sted,and 218 00 xcava 4 % and mate., ""
�, 1 '' not I . �612;0 813p- bub) who are pro- ready prepared calculations for this, Cap stones forloundation. ..... MI 13
�, 18DB and 18M. attend to -this work, and exqi under the resolon that the
" oil, . eughle is in efficien, condition. If IV . .
!� : ortain Shares in w Y !:? but am desirous toSatistY U!TsOlf fuv- On, 18-lalh belt for 13x80 inch rials 37, ft.4�ucl%Tpe..,�OMA . -
- The dividends on ,a These have, Without doubt proved $2874.61 ervision over lawn hydrants as engine and one 13 -inch belt , Exeltvatin , uling Ali Wote.w , , 1.
11.1 o0apantas were assessed for the first � . res, the water- that of their absolute correctness, and '190.OD rial."Jolift. inch I wip...-1-11.1'94100. ,� �, -
,,, of great Value to the town, but ,they were available for fi .,07 for No. I generator .... ". - �. -1- - - --- ..
... '. 'time. In till$ MAI _ uire Itle,falling. Ei -
. . fter the Assessor Add half shisre coal consumed IM.82 I do not include thera now, as tb I
,:�,. - . 'hap. have been also the cause of considerable I ELECTRIC LIGHT. I " Tartment would not re -will not be required -till "the rstO Is One 28,1n. Veit. for 22x30 I a near- t aud-; ,
, 'StAtutes, 4 ,utl . � � I works di `0 I . origin 28CSS Uri 9 . '. �, , 8400
r relied on the Ontario I M%r, the OgTIW OW o I 1 $4812.93 This do as � altlons * * , , ,af
, '' � Be- I pupept was first Instaneft to keep u so gre t A pressui -0 t 'a struck in 1903, this will tAuoe no 10- I 13 -in. belt for N6. 2generator. ',
. 'A�: tIONIS ofJ8W and upon the , .W.W�e end nsid4prably all- InItins. -would. a a- ' fortame. I - 14 half,fictor plates In front 1.
ll � , %*: 8.0. �Jlwlp. a; soctioii 37, of 1907. of I I amoup Ing to , . . a fit b couventence. Section 8 of see. 384 of One 6 -inch belt for. No. I arc I
, . whichdivided4y KWZ gives In 1989-1 and was cG d A the town,s boilers ....................... �.00100
r D1 spot It Isnot on record that Any es,1010111- - A cents par; JOW gallons. larged In I 07, It has prove Insurance rates Were raised theMunicipal.Aot hears on this partic- generator ... - - - - . - - - --
i � it R*11, for thi TT, ThecApi- ive ular point. one ()�.juch belt for No. 2�� seavating, etc., for Intake �. 04,;�.. I ...... I I .... �
� - I The A&S-1111101 - he residents. foi, this or any cause. The excesgi E ,
l : I I 'one, tiona hove been made AS to the occur great boon - or -------1l1&
, . ' ene -
�%:11, I abla AWCOst-Of supplying water for house- Adit'dopreclation on M500 vtl gestiou the Co an rotor, ....�l--,,..!.t..-,.-�....,-,.-- - - p
time since the Initiation atexerrip, . . t .............. $M.00 tot expend ture, to the end at, 101 tws& of lawn hydrants during the slim At' my sug 1ipe.t0&)&!1ens -I...'. ... W6.00
r1l 1. ShowedthetrtievOluf of the tax actarlev, am rotectlon. street at 6 par wo . - Amounted I it) $2D,M.79. It has hither, war season must. affect the water pred- � oil" 16 - 100 steel, on barld......., .
..., , 0 holds, equal to at cents per 1000 ft t t disadvantage, % it; Iq ..Q-hpp-elA..tbat...tuck-,advuntogo..Ot--tho-pd*ei-a 10 faI- de. I , a and clu eo . . --A.tl�l
, rty In the municipality, & chan fl I tryd etc., and to labored tinder sure p LA'. .00
--- da toil for 0 ting . .. .:.� MOO
, : to show pow bedone. - , Alons - ...... out( I li'VI ... 11 ...... h1bit the use Of these totically all the un U- Twcw-arc light generators ...
-�11 � hl % ti yt to desirable . toj� I I
,e ��, li� w . ---- with- -48 ... e .1 red by section 420.6f the Mul r1a, o Foun $7Cf95,19, .
wit ,�
wh ch cannot but tend to Increase t 10 0 and- -steLw-sh I.- --takervi
dignity and credit of the town. I% .. ossible"to Impro IIYy,,== the day and prescribe Act to use PTI
- 14 Ini gd Striking Fund -- � ......
I �.,. I evident th!��.% r a .. .. - ".. .. . little delay asP to t�6 give It a �hance that vested sinking, funds in tZe u ation forgenerators .... 2000 reciation. In
,41 The wat§r.p 86 in 1887 and I tiny contraventiori of the reguW oilers and puwrv000-00.
I ... ... .
� I . -1 ... --111 ...... ..... 'bar I g ia. I . or tit 4a %al And Interest on than be punished, In the hot of the local !In u eacent generator 1225.00 1pin ..,A1VcS,9 ,, I70Q.QQ '
1, � It is iLbundawlitly' at n osition, so i ve its , rchase, Found "I
-11 ... 1. � .. .. if I - . - -, , b * t te, Ich a I its p showinj of results. gone rovement Mitentures One ate Hit generator ......... 4W.00 .92 -
$. --- - "M Council IS. as prov atu a to make a fair jity. , These doben- one Inca w i P - . � -
� �
'', , Cve %an, VIIIIngu,treat th, ""' no, inducqment to, cousum SW and IUMM02.. - .. 241.78 b -0 to of the municipa of Foundation ,... I ...... I.:.", 2500 1 - -W
factor- . . Its difficulties are distinct y t, ab and dry Season any failure to 814T _:��, - W.00
,I tee economy, and the w Of r rply tures were issued on the,system, i . . .
r'�,. I �:.,.C- . te which cousilmers Ample pressurei for Eirb-tection row I it . . 26WOO 1 -�Z� 1 -
. �. leg on liberal tortne, ag,d the i . very large. Total cast....$12%&IS to the flat ral upp a in a most serious con- ' paymeutof pr ne, "' antl 0"" il"can - dedeent, . generator... 20.00 $72,405,12 �
,, � turera am sware of thlis. has been, In consequence axe chat ad I H ht 11 d- The fire miqEt result Foundation .: ... ....... I ... I .
r tar -
" �`: I In the calculations which follow the ' gqual ta4f cents Per 1000 Pl- oth% 'o; charging. A fla tion. usit what pioportJon of rilateraNn,nauiaLlystem which (agd.) ' R. Xj. r
� . � � I , The recent alliUitroxli destruction by ot last year (1001) have h�en , do well, to ,61,2- C.,p3ir.'ri,r's, pipes .... 100.00 '
I - more thIs In de- tion, Would j Covering for steAra , JXO.
, fire of the Orgop Foctory, and the operations Iona. flat rate is consider6d, the nio" the expenses of waterworks 5.00
1. . � ! 1000 0411ons. rmr . . to funds constitute 11LU element"of troublij Otle hand -sleigh ............... - --- . , , ,
1� almost pno clearly it is seen to be an a or the airtments can be fairly charged lity. 29 transformers ............... 2MM - , .. ..
'Fiblaus Vbt,o in favor of taken as a boot&. Rid, per - - - - � .
I . 'ly protection has long been a dis- SERviggs To 7p
. :. that 3% per 1000 gallons. . and danger In any municipa , wX 0iEDtTzDL,.T0--- - .-. I
t �
.1 I gr4ntifig a a= to enable the company The engineer reports tbat� in veatesit kind. At Is not particnJO rid, successful manage- 14 pair lightning arresters .... IW55 .
,� , I . intriety-five c income that It wb*s ru,t,t#tgaInt. Onone6ldeltian ued Their proper al� . -Is, Ott, I 100.00 - *1 � � .
7 er factory and in favor year, there Were Pum, 6 per 1000gallona. in the matter of to 52r -1 Too ---e ....... ......... WATER WOUR" DEPT. I
�. to build A lArg , ,rd . hL g. Nimch carp A0, attert .
R �allona total cost. so unsatisfactorily; the incorrie. bO Fire Department she &be ment req!�Ireq se .
)�, , of grantAn I tax exemption$, and one hall millions 0 gallons. His - ulleys. ropes. . I
�, I :, . t the mme, also opinion is.that, It proper date 6 avoid 18i cents -per IODO � -the water which it tion, anifis Withal So difficultof A-0pil- 40 &to laimPs, P 1. .
�. .1 show clear ir that the rate payers . been gradually increasing 'for * to a arms, ate ............... ".. . 400.00 chu to Public VVorks- ; .
�, hat 81.00 .�W& rjus stmt# and VfIrke, 6.400�000 ,
, I I I - Bitit this is & very i9`1 V tWITIN'tiol, A -void them.. altogether. -one at( 'MrIn
i I 1 41* wining to give the most �avored waste had been Ilied from 50 to 70 to inc=e: I charged only t municipalities wituld . ,
I ,1� b ... 6w;W., sufficisirlt tO These calculations are esr-ed In and is likely 0- 9011001le-1 ue Pg aotually'nses. -the position. The ) switch -board ..... ... - at SW .......... *i�.;.# JW,0Q
, I - It to in the i. gob .
I treatment to manufacturers who give minions would dot�Lll, go ,that glere rnay nd dlffi rilattei at cost of pro4 I ' 'Complete view of as glad -to be 11,750 lbf. No. 4 wirfi .......... 2115.00 Wator for flualling MW,Opitt J^QW' - .
` I I tenoskta the mulaolpality. supply the -towntswant", .. culty Ili toottai. their Accuracy. At- Salty for water sqp�lled by I Tan th L .
the -light that t ble �18 connection, I w plants as 50 Ir .".di ....... 11 --;v Moll . I
I I . distinct he flat rAte lays itself first nem � protection of its and 0 makd1bettdrarrange 73%L lbaj 10. 0 wire ........... Isis. smat Man otthitalziftlwwj*10��10,70--- .
� The ekatullistion, into these matters The waste Is attributed principally ttwngh the changes now recommended- �amration. From oub 'power ts'fbt�,M( I M06, Kee ydra -
r,,91r 1� I
, pen to cond - . oalti ,2M the. No, 10 wire ........... � - ,w1a St 0, fou'PtAW . .
� . . . aftect a coustflerable saving In 80 a that hundreds of property. Where wells are numerous. refiar0o the fanda which are on dog, ,rm.,* -wllod: for Uiro L � -
'. disclosed the fact that various proper- tot J"V.1 end to ano -Erecting Hues, ate - - - -, z ...... . t Mo— ....... ;.-,.i-- ,�-Xlx .
� I use of lawd hydrants. toW expen9ea. � iod holds, etc.,by wa paiy. untit the 466ve debeqttwp6s, are Mpole4 ....................... 1500.00 woktat UNWAAO� .' -
I- #,. 'L the cost of pumping a, burn till 7 A. m. which ought to as in Goderich, the supplying of'houge- w h the Huron and Bruce Loan ora,- Zro,own KA11', . -
, � , . I
ties had not been P'OPOr Y 4�99� (1) EX608SIVO . ned off oil to 0 P, IA. in stores ter work's system, -81- . -,44. -7 ;;�;;: -�-
1i "', . re- is will not be changed in T911"ht"U"r, - $70.09 1 do" - ".. .. - -- --
� 0 a", As p a Cannot- Nae issued. . � � .-- 4TpoIes-:: ............. -- A-43do .tow-, i ', ,, ,
. , mod taxed for school P (2) Detective taps On t nee, cannot ,. - I � -loo.-Off Water 11.4a a M I
a agree. . boL #U ) :1 6 =� ..... . �"'�O"L' I
. I . O.WE is �20D - Uol 'For Inat"ce, It 70,- at 10 to 12 P. u. in residences. Such though 4 great Carrie .I.L. - -armai. * tc taynl
� ,,:,,. scribedbylaW, Sec& dwardVII, tion the bylaw to a dead JeWot). wrall .4 ed, lights act as a cOutInt'01's load Ontbe considemd asanabo0jutenecessity, I wo-cross ; ............ 25 Itin
� L� chop, go, see. 77,,and chap. A see. 87 All lVere - P and a Dai a K. CbAr -
- -
,,aaV . . I . Quo , ging9l6hole :: ............
. I a a6w Of one-ithu J, it is startod t-�ery -great part Of -M0-h#AVY OW,,f MORTGAGES -AND BONDS 1119LI) -0 to -am protod on-
. , Habitual carellesoliW on the - lin or tilt' coal machinery from the time-- _ L ON. I plus_...... . ............. 15.42 53 liy&*ntd At 10 01,011 1169 91111111in,. ,1� Oio, 06, .
, � I .- -W W-1 . - I
.1 '"t
I 1 (6), TbasttentiOnOfthO council was 0 same colipmers., -to 'Wila's p in t- Is by reasonofthein- lay, CORPORATI Charg6 to misoolliln us
I st,thb;.time AMWIl -to thia matter. -It 13111, � I Ofis. in z the -evettltig tron - - votems 1 1273 insulators ................. 6105 Froa adnidof wa 00 � faotbrf#4 11
� I . 481 f I .r.. - - 1, � � 0,40. tho.tntol I I . no tar
I - .� � -- 'oo, willpf dl- the morning, This avoidable 'load er and heavier tarand sink 0.#....*.#.*44 1
,�'.,'. � ghould.be holyno-lin mind that tha� -0) The. -u4tof-wiiiterby r"Id . n. ., .1 it Of adds cousiderall Sta Allan of larger pow , � Examination -of thebe, showed the 102 braces ..... ............... 28.80 0 . .
' ull- 1. - I f' -"-b - PI-Yides* IiV who are mot �rhtod-.-4- . '. , I I want give a Cos ly t9 the coustillIPMOD ma be than would otherwise be nee- Insumnee policies were incomplete, 10 ineendeseent street lamps. - - 27.00 CbAM -21001 Durpoo-so'- I - ,
� �
- -"�` - - - WfM4`6r*rt"ra a go 00 or coal and to the wear and tear of essary, so as to furnish the Supply and "but after .con-asporidenco with the Installing lights in town build- tatio idnito Iawas� .
�10 . il. I , 6ng , which has consequi . . . . I con IODD.ga a . Cientral- I = 11,11404. , . � .
. 111arely righting a wr. ,(5) Taps left runal thine and In the Interests Of tile pressure required by the Fire Depart- mortgagors and their local A,ytn 99.00 St. David's- 6 2 1101,1. -
� I - "a
I I � UnWittAngly, Instated upon all to wI,tCp time, wherwite temperature It doeK not -appear probable that ma I y it ought to be Stopped. went whenever a'fire is in be "get ...... ........... ..... St. Aildrewa- 3 .' - 1000 ,, _ ,�, I .
I.. I I . 11 . been -a. A certain twunt of is below freezing point. The engh�oer 1,1Z I progress' these matters were rectified or - 25 4,amp. are lamps ............ 12Z,00 SU Patrick's -1 - I . 1. 1. "k- . � .
, other ratepoyei _ tmuch less water will be pumped, this cammun' the original cost In- ,securities are, now in satisfacr4ky, 12 $6PAritte- I I , . I
11�. 1'�� money has to be provided each Y#ar estimates the loss from those viaiouq -year, so the year is already well ad- It wotild, be no exaggeration tOg11Y Not Only I- epping up at an t . . � _ g.amp. an lamps (spere) ..... 12o,oD
. I .
, .
: � I than 20 A very' 254 side blocks .......... .. ::. - C
- for School purpooft, and Me amounts Causes at not 10M zi, ,vaticed, and any changes decided upon that these lights act as a contlaqoua Crossed. The -k imes shape. 4,W ObAr
gce to CounyTtessumt- 1,.
I I I which were not. collected from the serious In aud one * Ch every iwill take wi�e time to initiate. ad till anbthQr. day and night, winter And Summer, Oi SETS AND LIABILITIES. 44M feet guy wire (double). . 4100 Co OsutO 1041 1110 ....... I . ...... 0".. ,
. . . I ,ul � load from Oho Yeaes C, %i
,:1 I . I I ties were perforco AsSes" 'On effort about 6 l5dade to- reduce, - there ban ))a Httlf) ditubt that the hith presgure, increases consider- AS 19 irowl'.craso-armis .............. 19.00 Mglwioj%� sttftt wat iij is bilsod ,m 46 . .
� :, � :,'.. ", - - proper . It Is to be baped'however, that. even for i never turned off. day Ably t Neost of maintenance. If the , The Hat of assets was found to re- 70 itan brackets ................. 10-60 lotida ots*Pla. 6"It (or WdAra to blifilw . I �
I . the4stap"iyeti 940,411y. There are various than as which con it,no Isea N V,Vmpted, mom will bapaid manT lights are 1arged Ila 'a .......... 84,65 � . . .
, � . . I .2 I Pallid car- I ht, Sunday or -week day.frorp Fire Ile irtment were c � quirerevision. The revised list lR now 231 service insulatot L ll.M ,MI- I 11 .
., I I I .. I a .4 be easily, made and whic Is And of , r;L lay an Installed until they rropf�r I L
. . a I I t tonly'liroduva-Intra*04 ft*611110 OsWintion and mainten - ELECTRIC UOUT.Inal�ri I L - --
V , H I I cp 4j Ith equal I "`A� . , lat rate is entir- I - �
4Tho -t,6W J K's SHAVIOMS TO via C0111DITIM
I -upon which 1114111- ar- n,f ) are of the expenses, Mike of
waterworki am run, is that they the t 'Ile it &nee, the bal enclosed, as being a rellablb statement 215 knobs.... - � - - ... 1. I .......
0,� - I I I Z of the present values of the various Architect on buildings ........ MOD
I I , certainty would decifeasib- , but should make are bufned ouL The 11 800.0D I * - . I
I 'Sho -ir -pi6u-. 1W.;iWdiiPt .
. � . .. 4 � 4 -S '. Zvhe exIieviditure. L I t. y expenses, Lit 017 tunate assets of the municipalitty. Engineer over installing - - ... - . - - L ' VW -P f'o
. - -
. 1. I I bit nsible for this unfortunate nee would represent what ewittsubl --
It - IR - L I - %-' 4,-
'. I . N , I (1) By$wwpPIyJngpCateV$tQ.aIII&pg0 :no pr( 0 agsirs, It has enabled eon- mefs should pa,y; for their supply. The p -Water- L --- -- - 300rollatt 'Uatttota " . , � --
3 C The town must bearitafe "Tr -- 9 32 6. p. Ila to in suftu ,
1, ., W state I Iterna-am the $ii,181.20 .4h,
. L . I r. .� laha�pa of the expenses for all their lights all the ' The community must pav the entire rIncipal - . mtems. ' �
. L 0 supoorg to burn 3ver shMW1jfaA*ed _ - ------ , Electric Light 0� 4160-p.u#�taiLtpo4ofdc*.Onstr"Al, , L
I �, - Ii -V .1 I consume". teetion. 2creAsed direct cost to Whatt De redition 14 - 10 1. 11 Toym Hall .�
I I - I 5 pro time without il expense.-
. , �4 1 - .1 q t gilers W 11 Towtook'sotoo,
� �x i ,I I g- I t � (1) , ity4rabta for flre
. . - wp eso systems -has been .
I 1. g Ily cowrilling all residences Water used for Sprinkling , al=b'Ouh to the Fire Department must be Col- The cost of M' � , an ines 3 .. .. .
tj (2) � the iecords to their .
I I . InIFeacho thotaoins. 6 use the themwWeo4ndIvIdUM - lected In ,the f - traced back In as - $ODD; beltin W.4m.00 4 .. 11 11 counal Roold
� Atroatealidporkscaod flushingmWetit; has to bear'bis hhare,'t rough t e Ran ;eneral rate, and what allation, Tile pital ex 2 1. .. bwkuvftadlitfi%o� , ,
I .1 . is Col. spot inst - . 1�
I L I . 2,0 , I I 11 -.50 tpWn Water. � . ,es, at thelUmased'OSPI)DOPS ever to char ed. to consumers has Wen Added Geveratoraw, wire$ Olisr" to Fire tv,t6&A& � . - � .
. I g , d:. .� I Water supplied to various arsl tar , E:nditure of each year , 700.00 L60 t ,
�'. 'O 61 (9) By Ilmitibg the watering of (8) - Free of tile devartment. I looted In thalar� 'lwater, ral. poles, etc., $",.... 3 A e, P. Ilf't"
. '" --1 I t� I the similar expenditures Of prev. 2 �. . It 'ri"In6h t Mom. ,
. � I _- - r. awns to certain Specified ho A(C4t4)DpI0o* - hat, the valu4tions which , Watisformers, SM - - 2000 Oba.r to Wator Wotkrp'd I -
. X I I I I I I I I ra gay .1 Water oupplied to schools and Stores and peoldences, via With each It can hardly be denied t tolls years, and 1700.00 C !!r. -.r 11
. . from 111.11D p. mi to &80 P- in- ally- other In brilliancy of illuAlluAtiOut- 1. Fire protection should be paid have hitherto airtred in tbo arintial .0 I Q P. INts At W. W, J`- �
4 go to bool g:,tCr;,-,,, , ;
� I - V -the total - 0.
. I. L - 2 4i 1 V Any thang" In doted for the 90661�041 1161141011W buildings i IS enartnottill, If tb8 lights for by all ratepayers according to present li�431.20
� -
. 0 'to be 1074117 supporw . Atrilln t.o1beTreasureearegigtor The waste statem�ntsi actua, Yke I the trice I LINItailt � I
. I benefit otli'llt . 4 - Apitat expenditure lance Me lAbr= .
. k 3 atatVi% L then am 447 Consumers were 461ing s c oet,Vb * r ,,, on. U
- - g 4 by every one, even I tUft WISY be ,*T favor might bbe reV (S I I
I 0 . .At , Bylitem N Chow1pullshtwat I
4 9 a I J I e, �nypublldorptiftt .&A, their respective intemsts 1q, lgd.) Jonli 13i KELLY. In . . L
, . if - - -5 I ticomeritance in inflividuit emoo, 11, 10 - is revenue of ,about some At ument In their 2. Water supply should be paid for lon of I , . . . . . I
� I I 01 da . a were be- possible. But this is not go. Even by all consumers According to the lawance, had ever been =cl fo�'40 L �L 11 -I,--- , !�
� . U t real", to Iktte� Conan I Mean, . I 11 .
, '- I
I I . I I I Q L�J:j AS to meters for Implart"t coilliumi; = 180D, 14viag 428 Consumers when the whole town Is Presuming that it reclation. Underthesottroumsta I �
I at*. the advAtitac which would, PtOVIU - VIX quoutity used. pub;
' - . t cannot be doubted tbat, the � LIST AND "VALUATION op pltoprams 118M VV "r, , , , �
A Ir nstiL)Ihtloo MnOt I .
41 2, X r I 6 V showing an average .slumber these lights flare o1ra XY to Install two eye ft ,
f I W XV11 seloaa;est �f all fiad been neciessa I a liave Wen too lilgh.
= ftm the I bo e protection, and M6 lobed valuation ,*,"a � I
. � . 14145 A . fail to the absolute u I I .
. . . of I , " -
. 9 a TeCOPIXO& 4T to L, bout A term, one fbr FIT [pply, an absolutely N TOWN OP GODURICH. ,� .
.4 , It Js,pjof*ble� that this 4vers is thli waste, L,for Water Su The simplest aild Most satisfactory L � . - I
Itfs - � ottiel AtthQLrlffbtfl res .
�- I' I a I I As to compulsion On All reeldents: I Tool Is to 100tAt view of the position 044 ViI ,,M1 of arrivirig L L
libeit in Junk tM!, W tilgil Lf
*0 A be "Iely used in eat mot- Thd evident re 1C Joultural Park ..... . ......... parblot rp, c6beeolon AA 4., * * to 06 jo � .
;* Use the Watfir; the to . Car I
� I Or all ligh ad. tters 4wakeil 'to be a hove elfiliple ,Itt- I � I I
1 -0 meters and to chatgell-0 t Ali obtain Taking 41, of the Mo .. , a ::::: u., 15M 00
. . - I Wered by the Municipal Act, WC,k tilereiiII1441- - tk,oden , eblk,rga of $0, ventorlas and valuations pared, aitl&nd Cemetery..... -:::....S. 0. vaft lot 4" Afaltlaud ep
" I '. filed, Them Ate A11111110 . into consideration, the .
'L '14 41 I (0�. .If to the duty, and It Ought �
! , ., ,The ftlabor can"Ins W4 ustrice, all � Ron. The liva. �h hydrant cantic , " L
0 - 1 , ! I I . ind this Was dOnO b'y Mr., J.7. K0113r, Town Hen ..................... Oft. � ... #*L� .4A#. 4MM.- 'e". .
L . I . - - or Such sel - . t it be considered a 0"'Of AWtWdeT1"t- Harbor Park ................... .. part into X And A , #J I I
. . . opepoting electric ight excessive. I - y . ft- At southerly portion.. . block G I * . I
� to 6 he pleasure of oval t 0 1 , for es.4 . the Chief NO n ..k#*. 0; -, - *0,001 -
, %aen to =qr"ter givid.m. F%tu this It 1'r
I - , ivt UtI87 k"Idents hfid ~1 try , e 1xionte, These ft, to IlAve booll ��T& I .
I I 1.0 . I - .2 contmilluto Ili* fialk Shape the, CO" Of woo 4#pba -V I I zlz-k t OL". JOW I*'
. - , t roughout 0 country , : : " ,
I - , : I i I a J- all the a4vtUt"Os Which h0*11JOYN In _ , I AL P9OP9RTT- ttambled by Mi, Us� Add, Me town X r;C1ili;�;.i6;f1 . .......... ........ lot,118 ...... I ............ ,.A I
.. , I
. -- 94 Arty R9
t larViciftwho'"'s"tilgitnig Me W&tet' business to ake money, avidne T , 1W
.he mutilelpanty. SuMdent Consider- IqOW tUt the *&tar bytijw has boot lawn supply motCTS'L apil eboge- . I . ..".....*A. 4.0.14 0 . - I
. I t r Stich is not JiVen to the fact tbat #11 06osed, 'MJW�_W , _ statlea of the Assessor , ' ba fair and .::..iots at% 818, M ................ J 00' , I
1! I , � in, of, toutoot be, reeki� All -Of tl �nthlr rent jar use bf With Mil AS01 just. bey have also Old 4ow unds*..,.:::: **::*
16 Liot 8a .......
.S sap, who. considers MO Valuation$ -
. , Writiee has bee,o . L 06 .
I � Is may be ft reaaOnablo MO h,0,Met4sp, a revised list of prq 1 . I .. . ^ ... lot M ..... I ..-�#.*,,04�4k.*. - , I
, 4 expeolem tabs be peovidad for. " if bed. ftwo at these 187 Men get?), and are Ikentra ny A raved MochotZmastitute lot. .. * ,
I I L � L
any one shitko his roopprialbilluell bit i 'I"Ido-tits pbout them. The Installation Oft . pre d, which Is here I 0, tile . W*....*.. 11.04i"k , L�
It with sulitaitted ::* * ..... lot M...., , it W
I III �, bu we may ritgore I I Stadd pipe lot .. ........... ... , W
I - y $U=* th( Iona,
. 0.4 cu W 40 laoat� an, being need not be a difficul financially, As wit the asseemorlo Valuation Alpt . tow on ^ ...., 00 .
I I I I I 1� .1 a neigh" have to asolit in Making up 6 t1t � ;wvw ZZ4W - - - - - Towa gtovel'Alts ............... ..*.*.%14.
cialoulo -a% nee oUg t to be ft*004
. I L, A4 ott theptbittot ad. It would appear that the amount boon W,atep, works lot (valued separaali):* lot IM.- am to
. as 0, ,les,pats, , Investment, for Which . I _ ...1.#......"o W."'.
. *1 I I his ihorto4e., 'V; replak y"140tot, r, a% Aided o tural Park ton. The sewerage 11YAOM hae - atiftarth end of Vloteiia, ist.....'part, block V.... ...,..,*�� ! 0000. .
, L I �, . TAXES! if tile ,w4ter. works Wore U*46 " be . 6 V, 61 we(. �,Certklik paptii ,Parl� , . �. I -
I � 060140 t1101116, the engineer rackons debentures, tOuld Imbed- The 41=0111 =bd th bt6l AL fair placed At saw _.n 11 � -*,.&�-
. 401its t1alrod.
+1 MAI% Who aebC The rt On lot the .
. the couned W061d be that Mora Are about 125 red monthly petit Wouid, ylelda6a 4 a dver-ado ftbw due of the 4istent, Oro flat Intilet, satlK � � I _ , L ,iW. - L
The rumacipalitY hall hIMbrW beau aPst&lnitk da"',-_ __"_ _,___. -AP..99.1 .1. I
. ellablA to reduft the S*W= witbla"ath Of the * to�y retbib On the InVOStI - toty, 01:der. It win, be oullid - now I __ � .
, under this necessity to borrow ftotn RA �!f -ke 0 =00t"ratiallbAria bo,h condtiteii -1 - -----.--AMA M- ........ -1 . -, , ., "',
� 6F taxation. haill,no services, . leter rate for ligh , 't - :� v.�. - � I � .1
year considerable sums to I �AVnfa It MO. fixing of thd a I ( to ;�Uoth6r,V)Ate�th4b,ttibftlt#%tUA.,�t,,�:.:.-�,�.�.z�:.- ,-; '; I . . I �
. 6i�k sioch, pt laftiliftiltbri, to be added WAIWI water W00%UueM led will be. An r nt -...-. -1 �114TUMVWPSItTV, -6x-*-Wu-lw�e-*14TCli-sil4ul&qp�-Ar " . . I" �
, '
I Wiest Vok"nt ,expenditure. It taxes As to tho WAtedtig ( reasan4W power) map h W-4 Lin. ' I ...... *.**4*,qVfi0*0 00, .
. . 1waldbe0ollecWtitrilerin the ftra ence ban shown that the hollft AbOWA Agd, it thime"be takoili �ait 41.6 - towdt �,Vvlll DO- � hvdIt of Ibig kt�Oillftk , � 0611W.4ate Institute ... ....... 4 ...... Jot# 4W, 4W 40*0 1 1
4", � - i Central School .......... �% .... ..."...lots 16006117561, ft., M V-4,40, 'OD00 W
, L -
- kjg�� 'Onitntutd: to 0TY0 W- leach i . Ue � Y � Jlr� ppo- allperslitle difniult-y-.- it it to b0cosory to Call attoution to tit � �
,60 .0 W 01W-6118 hear afflcj�twt width of the public AdVAVOW fOV k+Ajitinthle sidewalks St, patriek`6 Ward � - - - - � ........... 410A 0% W4,,, k.i.:a*4..# MW
, 4 Inteft JMV&AboVaAVa-IA61"W*Y- hV , ' ,
,.. . . , ' C.0
-.1-MI& )6 ac �
i#i;6W1* suitable, ae la *0106i"a lint"siss of h is Already formid saii twi; Id"s the Ins L ' ". i. . I - I I
- � 2-1 C,00014 . 0MM ilovinO ,,% . BOOM Iwo treated " 0tive abliett Until ftl 14#9.:t'.11�*.,
,,, paV6hiia,, Aily jurthor oapvfe6s pand- 0 tone on Weab Street, ra"Ing JOL Of LOCAJImp SLIIU*Idlirwme-�i................,.IotiM; M7., . UWW .
.4, " #Gt;k4*O0QygIftUJat4M III the town (4). TbOy4ft,tO !�#Alefttfcithitaft- I upon this &Int, paid. bl the tion #*o 4'..� f ,4"4. ow W, � I I I.,
L I . , I ood ail for'both, 010"tal And Iowlits .1 Tb I at has, hitherta atowd 10 the bbWeeft lots all Allitseveo. Merit b#ntoreso ,#heil ae, 4kid St, Abdpi*els W . ................... lot$$*, 40�:`" I I
I L lJoLlublft than at any- other sumer, who t*11 = � "Ull't " � =Jd U� an 04ditionaliblIt"bit. - . 'of I I . � . . F . . . . . � � � . I
nable to pro "JIJ& I . � �� I L ow. 0 I .
- ' All .. a I . of, I I J: L �
. tAttle,ilod, It 11"Mo pe,soo big evening. "past " 0AiW" + L *=944nd "Xat ItA txtual w6t. It mwueoti tile plau aoipww
during the , . - . tr**tf#tt6d to t .
A I . it to not rp4a�le tb*A, MO lilotoll&- Without . MI %dio*atift ,being )AhAo III this dairy 011106 Was 001614M wt" bei bt ]it 111 . I I
I I In -the lattot TWA of the twilight, Me tion of,iiiiateto Itt_ L - vostinim ItO I1tC%tMAD 10 VAWA"W, � % ,,,
� tiArdarl . 1101f L tbarzt,av,%tor 0dopkay 141004WIIA Alki 1. . . � 11 I - � . . I ''
. I , aisitiallettavemers would OLThey M* �60riveoloht to , turl width of W loot 7i Iboh09,*b#r"s jc,tIV#Apsbj4I%ppan0bw#aWbxvIh9Wo4 .
041404 % 008 tir 16t joi dept,ecla&n At 014t the by -the "6000f, The plati tolls fori aosatk, Tho In
MOO* 0-6 fft4t, at' .
I , , * $oUna itl4betterfinalAolil illfipt tban a deport*ftt small toilikultra *,&49 Inic-'reoiso tho 4 axi Inv=, Albekk 4 11
M fi* * fobtMo toflnepe pref4irl PAPt"'',t'kiotl�.&6uc6W6n,O.,Io�rt,(*A**Y,ObntltI flilllbf '' "".
I th 14000W. The MWILog A= t6. tie V I lich h"L bftoft te�#1 . Iled by the, Jobs only. measures . UW,�t,bfitpbel,49i�OitU4 111'tdbaldtr.� ..", Pat, it 6� 0 * 10 it . 44 . . , , I
, - T later Ils the y"e. I 0-p %ft, aild, thoft u Ott Ill. thatoobotits. AtiXWI49 to th� 1- 401 4i if 0 �. . $40h A. I .111
. - , �6;� Ation, of, the Cog*pqratfon gi*i"Witig # I I it . At . � 011� :, , ,
I . pear to be a let mu;h aftwo, lighousbador- that Wolier V%t4ft $* I" 4160ft' #0 tiko: AbdosisSr- and WhIollz WilitiWAub. Dt100fe0t#66h;W All like I., .10 6. ,s � 10� . , , ,�
. L L That reoent would *P, *1111011h - Is � ' . . ri patty s P I , �1
. - U Loupit. - lbtA'6 '404 1 041" Me -earn , achontoRi to ii� L 'Z � - .
� - - , 1119h Inpovift.tootbaccotilitin* -iisA totbi lobt 2- *01'61i" 1 4, ,
. - 40 tut I mit" Till* plates the OtOlkIlit'Valu. " thi .0t - 10rowor
.9 Ing r � , Aer lhovluros aboub do, fic . , 00 0111600. ,
. Vat L 4W 0011"', such. #0 I V*ry "Moo; MA t4h#* otiore of tilt. W. t tom I This trAlls"tion liVA'W0111 Tll�'"epicb to, � , I . .
1 12Y f4vorAbletirah, for ItI11:1014 wnorvo . 1,11AItUt wbal, 00,4
A,� hillotllaymebts I"Witoitlit, pawilwarbeevoothoollov Mop4odwiko is'eb, Jaka o#4 the VA b 17 feet 6 10th09, . . I
, . , I
I . , #0 t�f 19K *h ch AlpoUtod to"., 4� As I, L 'Some at I Av r 10 T11, f t000 61011% Opktldikrkl#� UY-'O 'Wtigll t#4WA 0141)0�MIXW,'Uo�.
- . IM I . I * tit �iax� ilootli L 'a A wtittoll in 16 vlottillill Into . ",*
. otabIes'L , At tho ut yowitbx% p6inpliw dmrt Ile ouivoot ys".
_ I I
I 1. ; , Z It. I"! , r result of MoNevator 06thpan -00 -Xojwojo . , .
. 6* sw aiifalll . 16* toodoted t61140 II46t -Ito , � , y'li`4 �
11 I By w xo� 'a L�& I � L W � %hek 'L 1110�0 ;
. a" have up4q, boot, ft Ute 10 10 tlxw Of vsslok* Ait" wrtowaltafft"W� I., L . I
1. Q*ttholb %yotsisbould 1 ,w.- Tiloy art I . t t W� I 011it with which 'tht depskUntat leow 4" " 4r,661 opetationt ft Mt y� �
. . 11I)iirto Pay their tKWI, and koowll, two , Im - %, , vuli; I , ,
1011)%tu lot ft Is Will I . M oy C I Awitit. town. 1 ..� � or thi latiore", ove, s6oil U61.1 ,
0 I - I lat be oiedlw, ON TbWiq pit6# prosil"IA 1 I %MVIflUti, TAST OP ASS9TR A"tWttl"AA M ON PM L 14-
' '
. I , sbA;,down, - .0 0 ris t,* bo , 0 that it, wilt bo,#,#_tftt*bd . I ' . . 1. I . I I .
. L. *hIjb I tta,* ,jvidbil diftownt 101, itiod be6oft" Z, teaki i r Wise . I . 06** . I I �
1� 'PsAted by, torc Villa, #Md$n,46 ; - W& yeoo, 1w, A- - , , 0 1 . . . . . . I uAtroft* , � I ��
';' e' %4' L , ' . 4WO-7 day of *a 1W. pa, . L '' 6.r MI -beh6fittdM0f4W4, Itseebld � I
y %hw, W" V0 1010"' bo; The dMaronftboty L
., .t1w �W`Ileathl L Ila, b)t4 at VIA9 WMAM0 g I .
1AA1. 0 , , 19011%)44-theitoll"b"for: .,, PARTIM "thl -iorA64 ,L�
11 J,OfJ0K*JJd�UobJhWbyJaW' i #X0 I I 4Ave 1, - . ,
' I V -I* 11 _ $ 1 #A #* � 1�0 0 I ba" J04 Uses t' -W olift th4ti, *10t, the Ar
. . . I th patioloticWhI6 yot imoont (40"t $1004, , lm�'---Ibl* to 4
I )f"overbothpasow,241 P10,041 It M ftt*0ft 4 '*..;�#...* ft,%. 1*1)ftt,Atftv�;..�...........*Ilom,o 1, j
I �
. hAt tIIa'*ftA, L dlkWJJtW" . ' -9 04tiO64454*13WAtet I - M I 60106 *a the!, tow . for handling 01JftW..r...:: $119 OD . Inooliti#-'.. , - , 11. �. � I I I I
iffs�iliwt _ . - -a 000I 16ted I -th6i'twuAtt
- - ttit by-)&* *U141,Y&A b4*0 "00 T , Is Ic � oariditlobsinsorted! III Ate in 0"rnbtbifl�
*#A* Of - 16"Ilug t, "eta* A* tho tile "321 tKPI41 ticteaAlygewboM Oro" lit "
Tillsi *in tati#14otably. *tit L 4*1M ub
I L r = 6t YbIat U464 'Wettitnoroi the , I politic% voy 'Itr 'T
$r#1V Ita the sblanei� pmotd, J L ,- rciftpnw NJAINI, I . 44 44 1
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