The Goderich Star, 1902-12-12, Page 7I
tfta gr0tttcwA# naadal that the claim o! "laGtariilsi 'X'aeGiuton�t* k'
Robert Liyach fo Injury to d horse, When met;; like V. NV',, H er
and ' the n4tter of pupils tettmdltlg thu DomiWAniou lAve Swk, oomwisidotter;
sit, 31.4%0 Q0110RIAW inatltuto, its lett H. (#, de, Uegwh*r of lave S.
over to '"'Umt'y nnvetlpgr Prof. Shs;W 1100 or the 'Ontario: dgkl�
Tlitl Qoltnty i operCy. rel,(irto they cultural I7alhege and other t►a09ritltw
foixnd, thevollrt lirtuso alaan,, except on �tgrionitartl iia sttstingly r (rYit en+T
that tx*asurer's ofllm had not i?aen the Family Hern anti TV wkly Star
papet�+d as at iore(l At as former tpse t of Montreal to Ctin ,diau fay titel e,,
ittgl that the ,jlallor'b report was cot thetb la no wander at that b
rest; that they visited. the "Istry doing an enortuous business. paver
OMCO and found everything in ltaffy.• agricultural colnums of the le`utaily
condition; and reconttncitd0cl ,that a Herald and Weekly Star are, worth, a
long distance telephone ilio placed in great deal to Canadian farmers.
U. AlaUan:tild'a ofiico for general use, - "
Vflardeu French, of the douse pf Jtrgntaictaa.
Rebutgq reported that the following
supplies had been grown during 1902 Unployer (to cletli) --This Is disgraw
J h If t th. office ttrstt -
'l*w Mil!is PCAvgw,!
Ons Hundred and FiityThousand Canadian Vi►OMS-2
have decided for
JL n
Common Rtt asst$ Naze not Vod esttal h -wby should tbo'be for yon?
zz.. ., ,
,HOSE who neglect a duty they owe to themselves cannot blame
PRIDHAM, Tun TAILOR, for such neglect. This Is the season {; p
of the year when people must have Clothing. And they might
just as well have the best wearable material, cut -and made to wear as
well, when it costs no more. Our warranty goes, with every piece of
goods, every garment, every suit we turn out. The Winter aiad Christ- t
mas Season is here. Nothing nicer or more lasting than a Suit, l .
on the 1lausa fiarnt; 974 bushels of ones, are ata ► n Overcoat, or Pantings from this store, in prices and qualities that
tfAttill +�if1C3i- lid AP traliia pasiq#"G is prepared ttgif�trt sial outs, of h,arkey, 1`2 of iwAns, IG0 of Clerk (deferentially) -lets, air, I haus Don't be imposed An by defy competition.
`OyC;pi ftiltfirieaigoslit arc pati uI. hoirrilisfrom onions, IW of marigolds, W5 of tux, ilwapa been taught to give preaadence "Just as good" talk.:• The
these oxca mild the ittlpply is to eoRaidcraMt as to enable tilt Ilipa, 6 of toivatuas, lei of garden oats la my superiorst--'Pick Me Up. construction of The •"HtApx►Y
t>444act#rams to usc'iht best mattris]s at a faotninal tgrst. ;(t
rots. 20 of Kallen beets, H of paIanlps, Thoughtrr it patented. its Our Enormous Stock of TrollSe'1"ing"s
27H of potatoes, $5 of�0[f
bic turnips. 2 A Medicine Cheat in Itself, -Only design registered, it is totally
Is prepared brit• tpecialprocesa, which ensutt'S'the retention of autos of &agar beets, cahbages, 160 the well -tui -do can afford to possess a enables us to place on our tables every week tines which in manycasca
both xtxe stun lath1g, sand uporishing prmMtica of the 'beef, vauni8owera, $1Q heaf celtir" 1H0(1 utediclue chest, but lir, Thoruas' Relec- different in eVt ry respect to any n mean a saving to you of one-half, every web being from thoroughly Till
theicil d' quarts of raspberries, 10 biarrels of tris Oil, which !� la metlicineS chest in other. There Ice none like it. a
Iffes~ingE fru m'QrtliAary meatemiractaofbeeitea,whieh reliable looms. An ounce: of Shoddy cannot be found in our whole
a lea, &4 tons of hay, And I aero oP ; t
=lterelj►;tltnttlatt IR tFlout nourishln p itself, being a rtiuzedy for rlieutniatIant, Thele can bedtone so Coad. 111 1 stock, and you cannot make as mistake In selecting here.
g� f�der corn, lumbago, sore throat, colds, coughs, you only knew the time, the y Y
• '—' -! catarrh, ast•bina, and a potent healer just call and see what we can do for you in quality slid price.
Cl�i'1�1GQl trouble, the labor it would saves
' and 16 MOiTHS FOR 1$9 for wounds, cuts, bruises, sprains, oto., ° - _ �-------__--
is within the easels of the poorest, you, how little full -it used, you �
�Jtx'+�t#ticlt�elx'l1a Makes Our Readers a eosin its cheapness. It should ►ice 39aa ,�,ha SVMnot be one single
rBUCM STOVE CO.* slturlra>�, Tailor
The Fditor of the Toronto World in eve house. xd.sltail
Spea?ta! Offer. Signals of Danger. Have you lost s
1 your appetite? ? Have you a coated-
p l
[� C H r SO N ter SONO
• tongue ? Have you Does
unpleasant a�
r r .Cl 1 / lXJ V 111 W'. F. Maclesn. M. P., is desirous of taste in the menti► P Dewe your head- 1 l t
increasing the circulation of the To- ache and have you dizziness? If so, �-� /�
Y Ntl C w _a rc 1f ■ JIJ GQd4riCh 4 t
mato World to 80,000 before the end your stomach is out of order and you ya ✓ 1.--. Ea ! � {' -
of We year. The World is considered need medicine. But you do not like I
JAC KITS and F U RSO the brightest newspaper in Canada. medicine. He that prefers sickness to �, San i
It -la -published evarry _Nreok Arty-morp--medicine must- suffer, but under the . - -
w !hg at 4 o'clock, The market re orfs circumstances the wise man would � t
( >UR stock of Ladies' Jackets and Fur Coats and Smaller Furs is are the most accurate, particularly procure a box of Parmelee's Vegetable n 0, ,
�„ J g those in which like farmer a and march- Pills and speedily get himself In STAUNTON Claus. i
probably the largest Selection we have .eves Shown in a singe ants are Interested. health, and strive to kee so, H. B. BECKETT M f'heme 89, / 1 , C
season, Styles are the ve-y Newest and Trimmings and Linings are all Any reader of this Paper who men- For a_.r. =— XMAS. GIFTS
No. 1. We place in special December sale a number of positive bargains. tions this offer, anEi who sande $s'+'
before the end of the year, will receive f■Y�1
LADIES' ASTRACHAN LAMB COATS in long, fine, glossy a receipt tip to April 1, 19(14. The CHRISTMAS
i R I S T 111 A S GIFT
skins high collar and farmers' satin wilted tined regular price of the World is $3 for V 1N FANCY FURNITURE. ,, !s with us again !
fy q , one year. It is the only one -cent
regular value $25.00 to $28ioo, clearing at each.... $20 morning paper published in Cantina
A eam le cop of the World may be Elegant Wicker, Oak and Mahogany Rockers 1;
LADIES' JACKETS of all wool Beaver Cloths in black and p copy What is nicer than a lovely r v.
aces lined with fine mercerised Italian, regular �6.5o seen at this office. Orders with the $s PACKAGE OY' PERFUME or +a Polished Oak and Mahogany Centre Tables p a.. -
Y, should be sent b rsgIeter•ed mail or by Bissell's
$ � P ratty PERFUME ATOMIZER? We Easy Couches in Velours `� t
and �q.t)o, now selling special ...................... oaten note to 'M `Vorld Newspaper
ave lots of them at prices to suit Ladies' Desks in Oak and Mahoran y •� .fi;r err
Minx and Sable Scarfs or Eiaa$. Co., Toronto - - Y Music Cabinets
ever body. at the '
. Pictures, Wall Po
Many styles in Boas jubt received for' Xmas month, GUARANTEED CURE: CENTRAL DRUG STOREckets`"aCttl°a �:'4� a 'VERY ^
Beautiful goods -.,Ind at moderate prices. Sable Boas at Te "Etre BEST and make very USEFUL XMAS GIFTS. 1
For All Form,+ of Kidney Disease. Among other lines suitable for Call and See Ours. t r
16,,00, $7.00,. $$.50, $9.50, $moo and $15.00 Christrua's we mention EBONY Successors to ,
BRUSHES and MIRRORS, SHAV- Beckett & Staunton, RAynas & Calr•utll.
CARPET SPECIALS.-------+�-- 9
I the undersigned druggistprtt fully INS OUT'F'ITS, MANICURE SETTS, THE BEST OF SILVERWARE.
preQared to give the following gunran- FANCY HAIR BRUSHES, HAND Practical Undertakers and >~nibnlnuer$.
6j0 yards extra heavy UNION CARPETS, yard wide and tea with every 60 cent bottle of Dr, MiRRORS, PURSES and POCKET Night and day calls promptly Nttended. Night Dell at store, west side of the sgWM In Silverware we have procured nothing but the BEST Lines
in all new designs and In colors of blues, brown, green, Pettingill's Kidney -Wort Tablets, the BOOKS, FANCY COMBS, WHISKS, i n the Market, and we are confident we have just what you want
red and terra, perfectly reversible and patterns copied 4D only remedy in the world that poli- SOAP BOXES, etc., etc. in BERRY SPOONS CAKE DISHES
from best wools, regular 45c and 5tx quality, at per yard tively cures all troubles arising from BUTTER DISHES TABLE DELLS
weak or diseased kidneys : CRACKER JARS BON BON DISHES
SCOTCH LINOLEUMS in 2, 3 and 4 yards wide, in a large range Money chebrfully returned if the Watch our window, and come BUTTER KDLIVFS COPPER SPUUNS
40`, inside and look around. l
of new patterns, at per yard special...... , .. • ......... V after u e not relieved and improved is
after use oP ons bottle. Three to six KNIFE and FORK SHITS. "
bottles affect astonishing and per ! y ( 1 H I C ,
W. ACHR ON & SON manent cures. If not relieved dna ►tiJ guj 11 Telt` LEADING IN TABLE CUTLERY
cured, you waste no money." JAS. O • We have a large and well assorted stock of the Best Makes, "; E
.�-�-�� -�-�-• W,LsoN, Druggist, Gloderich, Ont, CENTRAL DRUG STORE, and we invite you to inspect our lines of l
Abe Gober jcb 6otar.
TxixPnONE CAUL 71.
FRIDAY, DEC. 12, 1902 -
The County Coli�leil.
An Adjournment to AIIOW the
Members to Vote
The regular December session of the
County Council opened at 3 p. in. on
Tuesday, the members all being pre-
sent. In opening the warden said
that the superstructureson bridges
contracted for had been built, of
which Mr. Ansley would later give
particulars; that the question of a
grant to the 33rd Regt., and the
county system of gAod roads, would
come before them, and that Mr. A.
W Campbell Commissioner of High-
ways, would be in town an Wellies- - " - or more tempting We have everything you want at Economy Prices, and
day, when he would be glad to meet repaired at once; that during the hay- /k LOOK! we will be pleased to take your order rut nny hour. Every branch of our
the counelL 'ing season a mowing machine had �j"�, business is a specialty with ue.
been ppurchased; that the keeper had fust Jry Our .Slow auJ ste doro.u•et! wt tau da jot you.
Tho following communications were been Instructed to purchase a washing -
then read : machine; that coal be not purchased
The secretary of the Molesworth just yet, as therm is a quantity on t i Hotel Bedford %�
Public Littrary, asking for the usual I and ; that from the reports presented y/ At our Stock of CHRISTMAS GIFTS B I o c k• ... T. G : T I P L I NGG O D C R i C N
, The Square,
grant. they found the expense per day per ! /
A, Ni. Todd, president of the Huron inmate to be 11.06 cents per day, and �u� CONSISTING o I+
Ponl�try and Pet stock Association, that the account's present,xi were -' �° WATCHES CLOCKS
for a grant to the Society. found correct. RE PA R 1 N(� FOR C N Rt STMAS
Robe• Leach, of Auburn. stating A. W. Campbell, Commissioner of SILVERWARE CHINA
,i that his horse had been hurt by a Highways; was present, and addressed RINGS BROOCHES ���
defect in Manchester bridge, and the council on tho question of county i `
claim' damages, also from Allan f system of 'good roads, and the Act When a farmer puts his seed under door to the Hospital. The Ontario CHAINS LOCKETS ��
Mc�eEid, of Lucknow, claiming dam- setting aside ($1,000,000 by the Legfa- mother earth he expects It to bear cbild is on a level with the Toronto ((;QQ You will find Our Store well Supplied to ith everything
P bushels of grain In a few months. child. Neither has an advantage. NEC:KI-i- TS, Pl IVVO. New and Frvsh for Christmas %cants. We can help
egosforinjuryto a archorse. llatnrefortoadim roar ten, SI'li(,I'ACI.ES and EYEGLASSES
�}gr�ol. Varcoe, caking »grant . A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. go !t is eith the merchant He in- [t takes a dollar n Patient per day w yuu .a tth (lint C.hnsttna; (:eke, a; well a; supply you
to Huron Regiment. The Colonel . Campbell for his able address, and on v00, money in merchandise, counting maintain the Hospital. The Ontario
g on a profitable turn over. Government contributes $7,000 a year. AiiJ t'.ozens of other articles too numerous to with every line of GRc)CEkIES AND PkC)VI51ONS lot
also addressed the council on the motion of Messrs. Ferguson and Lock -
question. Bart, the council adjourned till Thurs- A father pays for his eon's education or almost seventeen cents per patient mention, s ecia;l adapted for Xmas. gifts. Every -day use. Call and see us.
A!1 the above letters were retemd day evening at B.90, to allow those anticipating that It will provide the per day, for there are always at least P y P
wishing p to vote in the referendum to Young man with the Dowers of mind to . r 'PHONE
to Epeeist committee.
I return home and do so. put the body and bead at work in gain- We think it will be to your interest to examine our Stock before 61 S T U I l D Y & 00.1
Appetition 9Stted by 47 residents of in a livelihood.
Fordwich, ask !n that the village be Tsunene r+ 8.90 P. Y. B
gg was read Council met pursuant to adjourn- Yet the seed nny not bring forth purchasing elsewhere. THE Q(1UARl, OoptOplOH,
erected lhto a polies village, P i grain, the merchandise may not be Watch and Jewelry Repairing carefully attended to. -- - - -- -- '- - - - and sent to Executive committee- menu. sold at a pront, and the young man '
A letter was read from the Hunter may not reach the ideals of his father. I�A2� FAIL. ANO WINTER 1903•
eICWND DAY-•'R'EDt:I38DAY. I 7 - C. + T T �%� ��T 11 VV
Bridge Ca:, of Kincardine, with refer- rose of m these 'Instances sp the expendt• erroa2 Arrra i • H tJ lt•1 IBJ �� tXJ O
A tetter from clerk of Bayfield, re I once to work frn• the county, and lure � money ►s r sflecniation. It one hundred and twent7 children under 1111
Mrs, Brown, an inmate of the House i referred to Road and Bride commit Ida lases and It may not. treatment. This amount from the /T� 7* 1�
of .dUge,wassenttothatcommittee. tee. Tb day the Hospital for Sick Child- Government dr all expended on mato' C30DH)TZ101M. A • 1�_L U N 1 1 O
The jailer's report was read. and ( The second report of Holts of Re- ren, Toronto, is performing a Heaven, tanance. Then the corporation of the
sent to Property committee; the fag a committee was taken up in coot- born miamon on earth. it is renewing city of Toronto gives $7,500, or seven' ----- -- _._.._ ._ .-- ----_-_-- - ----------�_-� IN now showing fill] linea of Seasonable GoudN in all departluenta.
Ceporte of ph sician, inspector and mittee with Mr. McLean In the chair, health. removing pain and straighten- teen cents per patient per day, and
keeper of the House of Refuge to that 11 and passed. Ing disported limbs of hundreds of remembes, not for Toronto patients, To ('urea Cold to One Day, I �TRACfi AN'S 11() �lI`"�PI'1v �i SOC t0 11.50 C I. n I; S slid F I N F,
oommttkee, and Commissioner Aina- t Council then adjourned till 10 a. m. but for every child no 'attar from Take Laxative Brenna Quinine ']'at)- a,7
19y's report to Road and Bridge tom- on Friday what point he may come. And in ad- lets. All druggist, refund the nntney �+,� per yard. HOSI ERV.
dition to this Toronto citizen donate if it falls t, cum.. F.. W. urov,•'s
1t'QURTHDAY-FRIDAY. $6,000 for the maintenance of all signature is on eurh lxtx. 2:m. �.{ F xtra V�allle in 1) R I; S Black and leading shades in
The report of House of Refuge com- Councilmetat 10 a. m„ the warden patients. MACH!l I N E SHOP sl-, R C, HS - I VE 1. %' 1:T F 1~ N S •
mit"tee was read and passed in commit- in the chair. Again remember all these gifts from "Is your husband a bibldonianiaet"
tteof the whale and council- Report o4 Road and Bridge commit Toronto are devoted w the in yMM obe As usual, n large nsportmert of Importer and Domestic ,'ARKS.
The committee reported that the y tee was resented, Mr. Hays in the tenance of patients from all over on- wrmittedst �iviewtltheatre suresainbethi This old and rellanle Machine and -
p yy - awaits Assns tarlo as well as the clty itself, and Blacksmith Aho has been re lied b P!. -,ASE ti'O7E that nhnrt gnnAr «•ill be sn/Gon the Aru«nd Jlnnr lett/ of Prin.
lead melt once sinc9 Tun and found chair, and adopted in conunittee, and young Canadians bOYS and gists who ,Ibra of the new neighbors. "Mercy ( P Y
everything aatisfaetory; that the council. the children that seek relief from ty P �.►�.s
Han ova» full ; that the rules regard- Drill yet make their mark in this grow tares outride are very numerous, end takes, no" replied Mrs. ackenham, "he Jas. A. Strachan, `�
Dr. Matheson and R, S. Boz, repro- ing Lwminloa, but who, were it not for P lever blb�lea a bit, Oh, of course, Idon't -AL. II�.J Draper.
Ing admission should be made more gi it ought to be as great n privilege and
dpecl d; that Inspector and Mr. sentingu the SL ited on the inrefcli- ate °able InetttuUon, might have al. Ddaaaure for the generous citizens of wy that he wouldn't take a little at has
French be authori7.ed to have the roof t is Ailed nn early grave- ple province to cogener tO to the maio' nems if the rest were loin' it, but that's and will l c conducted on the noel
encs to attendance of pupils from the B modern ami srientiftc pnnciples. All `
p That's where your dollar can find a nonce of this Hospital as It Is for ,� Jnr lie he eves ods in theta kind of
County of Huron at $t. Mary's Colleg- way to bring you pleasure and profit eta -
people of Toronto. things." kinds of General Machine Work, ata- tIMiMN/NaeMra�MilMi/Nt11�N�tiI�MMM
Irate Institute. The matter was re. without any doubts or fears as to the Ten years ago the fluspital wag r n' - + - tiouary and tnarine engine repairs, farni ,
nVCONSO M r i1 ON `ferrel to Ezecutive committee to Inrestmeat Money is always at wont cufnbsred with a mortgage. Year by Tltera are n number of varieties e.f
report. it is ceaseless to its labour, but in no year the mortgage has been reduced. teens. Idoifoway's (torn Cure will rr- and tnitl mnclrinery, threshers etc., re- •I
Moved by Mr. Millet, sexindercl by spot in this lair Canada is it put to and it is now paid. ntova any of them. Call on your paired in n wtinfnctory manner. LMChristrrias Hardware
Prevented �� Cured. Mr. Ferguson, that our commissioner beth service than at the Ho:rpital for The Hospital must proceed In per druggist and get a bottle at once.
r LL G be inetntebed to examine the atone Bickiidren forming Its great mlaslon. Money Is Von can be satisfied beta better ......•..,+...w..e�
10if01 al
wall of the wing of the north side of You see your money is at work from needed to maintain it, and this appeal then elsewhere.•asesaNesasalNNnNee+NaetaMaNNreaae►BaHis,eaalra
poligr tnarvoto" itt'O" r Mair the Wroxetnr bridge, which is now in the very day It to placed at the Hos- DR. WOOD'S
jaift�fa�iYAadtaI�::� `l? have u1.,Jr L,r)e I,unhases of the k,Uowurg Hiles of
$ T;ifiemcalo$t~,Codlaadrp- an unsatisfactory condition, and re- vital's disposal. Your investment Jas. A. Strachan,
` 1{nrd.v,,rt•, ahi, h runke the choicest of Xmas (lifts
tl". Wa,IG j,wy4>iffy Catarrrh. port at the January meeting. Carrs ,Igu�lckly brings you bank joy, for your
A24 aA rtMldAilasi tl jtstAtu. Report of Finance coutmittee waa dbntributfon 1128 entered into tbp teak 4 -
red taken up in committee and of life saving, lady building and jl VICTORIA ST., GODERIrn. Quality Very HIGH 1 Prices Very LOW I
Q health giving. -------------__ ---
Report Report of Executive committee and Look tit a few examples of the work „
done, in the Orthopedic Department. Skates, Ho'.'key Sliik�, Huckea' Pucks,
that ofProperty committeewere also The feet shown are those of children srro»s torr» 1 Wood Bicycles, Fishing r.ickle, Rlshing Rods,
lD0roseCotto ^--Y� in committee of the whole who 10 outside at Toronto. You see is made for that purpose. Hospital 1 1 Y Y OO� �l.
'Ipoyour lungapafnyou? council. work cannot be conducted without (funs, Rifle;, evolver -4 and Ammumlion,
Is rater throat sorb and?laffamed9Bylaw No, H, to erect the village of e col you se" entering the
' � IIaspitai--and you see the condition manoY• To keep the machinery mos• J3''C�R B.®.Liil.
Doyoneplta at Fordwteftinto a police village, was PIKE
�i{ Sh(ars, SCi;sory and Embroidery 5ti;sors,
Dots?o resll three times and "after" hospital treatment, The Pm' Ing the donate and cents of the people V�jrjllr SYRUP
llsytwr�ppet.tiebrad? per• eats of the" ehlidren could not afford of Ontario are needed. Nurses, do- NORWAY ff {{{1�'ii�gssL6. Fine Table Cutlery and Carvers,
ISyoutlrlunbs deticrtta7 sYxorsis or trtrroRTs. to pay for treatmatit. Iso you know mestics and officials have to live. u T n tt a1 -e r. cat ice,.. AToVR w ti n Ir
•Arst Artaro,tlosln4idelicA of rAy c1111d so eituateitI Then have Their wages must be paid. r.Rpiwrus pan oto ta• n<i,.<,<n to.nv Silver Plates, Sp',nnc and Forks,
!!rayouloingfi, thfn? The jailer's report allowed there him setrt it the Hospital. True, it In. that some have to Day- Stops the Writatingcough, lto9- p+,t <,r th< r. ,, th, ..",< d., .. orn<r<a Pntlo-t i-0 .Jack•Knlve;,
Ate y u lack aced Pt ? were eight persons detained in the yes, all who can afford it tae expected ens the phlegm, soothes the In- U it 1, A R S
tfitns ars that yea county j»il, of whom three were to pay -but thane who cannot Dap and }lamed tissues of the lungs and Razors, R.iror Sural s and EJru.hes, d
e a yYMPtont tins aePOa the coca committt•das Winne. four "vagrants, c� produce the certificate of a clergy- bronchial tubes, and pioduces s I Carpet sweept•rs, Sa ! Irtrn�, Wrinkrers, Meat Cht+ prr<
have i man Or known ratepaYsr of fhe pea nick and permanenteul�e in all reeeaveA ny r t.NraaN. W1 .t c'oa,r,.a.
,duan *emus rhxlady' that baa' sleet' 'davas• and one for drunk and diearcler y tinea to the effect that that cera too ease! of Coughs, Colds, Bron-
ran- Klr«t wni r,<ri,•< , rr mpt .0<„n..o Horne Rrpn it Outfit; an -1 Horse 131anket�. ...�
fatal the earth -Coni t+lltloti: The Lxectttive cuiminittee's report J can have in and .�..�..�.�.
lied arefnvbttdtoteuta kat"aye6***dem approved of Clerk I.eine'e acceptance poor to pay, chttts, Asthma, Roarseness, Sore
yyo,ifyouSeeAkk,byrwticl+t Odes tit a tender for 7,u cords of wood at treatment free of charge. Throat and the first a es of t e
It will Irot von to re.nUnr aur Stock j
tR1�11{r`piflt k I PETER 'McE?WAN. I taut taut Hume uitlr ur lot one of elft h'Indsnne t
tir:'il�l�i 1if t(u rocomnl(nded the lfurehttsa aY 2xro»e Artxa This year an effort is being made to
ri+8t6eSt', ,RIAJ:ritft(+wwltflaiiae*a afr+u dins of coal far itia'ttiediate ate that The fioapital for Slek Mildreh de- Clear ttway n bank ovstdrnft created Consumption.
d,mt»mttoaayd the r((ttCst aP the Molrsrittirth Lii>rxry cost of roalntenanro. Fiery dollar Mea• Norma Ewnneton, (`arffill, Ont . (iod. rich No,. „=t, rico. t?hon• Ost t niendnra for ,qo1 i
o,�.Lv cM,trtAlHa, .. �. rids sale1Y upon the generosity of hY writes t ' 1 take great leasure In reeorn- fA•eel3see•elrleRNreaANa•eQ®tellEMNaaasoe•laei•r•sA11et1
a?beSfoedrnSseA Ilkd twelrte,fcxi`.easitaiP- board 1(til aver tiff dart' 3aYitia pp
Zlar. thae.mrnia rrleiaidtrN�$i slid foe rn lttti+ that ovO ixs frfitd J Litt n i the Deoplt Cif Ontario, It re(lbites tent us haZjis to lighten the lard that mending Dr. Wood's Norwn Pino Syrup
xrui 13i.erdets.(+En , tett *W 4W °"siaYli a a =gC,,�4d a year tOt HA tnaintenanea, la being clitried. y t
Trorbfes ArA t06 a _, A is alai j Cjg(itI iter Injury to ra llOrar ra 1 had a vary bad Cold, conid not sleep ab
i `�' AfsTKit. A (rn.,worthy kene'onaan lir
tbu blit rtiei(i; that I ardaviclt lin made a (% It stands W dAy at a monument'. Let everyon9 who cern spars a dollar night for the eonghing and bad pains in t t IN 1) In ts.•hcounty w Engin, a uu.,ne..t D.
r V
T futilet}a 1i+r'1+. = ih lrc >iti+tt tli9 4 e big hearts of OntArio b D� is titlmKitt at s quickLrd it as th m, �tathi7outtg IaElt 5 CheaE and funtts. I only useEl hall a tar sn old e.oabB.ned hon.. ,>r .on nra,rotsl *i
"wool? L= ryy t � l[ctr O11 e, At,* i 1 dtltcd titoU%h tt is lit Toronto, 1 dealt, geCretarp of the Iioaoltel .ra.,din A rlralaht, bora ode weattty ea■tw tui
d'w+IVarvY, ati ,` t �aeoft ilr'Diti Aeyotlatlon , that the a altY Ittt;tut tttott; it le Dtoil'nciat. Ddii bottle of Dr. �Vaa3's Norway,I'!ae Syrup .»,err n,1 $IS(D t.eld by ehe,•1l,ach %VdAnp qoy
"it parl{ti,eafaew+eCw.i , s for tf!!tk Children, or to J. ROM 11ahert• aced was perfectly well again ' al b rff n>ttrn p. Airrel iron) fieadq„ariere. � C�
111110" it,te+4alt a ht efiiItA' n the famthermodt !'ngton Onav . taenceM ae axt> lir +. Mena r, itis i
�. ” g,Cawt of i�d11l,1rteWe t(i'thtt llll• ,1 -
L.4(ef' isr tiaik�Mr,1► srilttt, ices Iaof; t►&i i, -cif tlffl+NretYt titttt►tib Alit this** lig ti! and tion. Chalt'atan of lite 'prude, Wtle}t8
>t rd �'ttot WiAtbtf. iiliomn �MMNIi than, ilei *44 0400 �• Ihi AsliAtr aat•a ll, t .ce4emlKa t um
teMM ti d
i.Y-iL•.ft '.1 IsILti. •t_`. .._ ..
• _.h.Mrwali. •, ..a 1,.,, w�,. ,.ry r.i� . ,..1r(S.1
You can't get better value than Trillr�
$TAR to the end of 1903 for $1.
"Always the Beat at Hick's."
- -
y� �tt�Y"
6� '
opportunity•for Every Citizen to Join in the Noble Work of Bring-
The Lastest and 31ost 1 P -To -Duet Stock of
We handle the Daet and HOCKEY SKATES.
� in litany styles and we
can suit you all. Boys' flockeys, Boys' Hockey
ing Health and Happiness, to Young Llvea.
F«rnitu,e in Huron county. .... • ......
a sure to see our tlx: Boys,
Y Sticks, Boys' Pucks, bicn'n
ELEGANT PiECES, Suitable for any Room.
We handle only well-ni:ule and Hnely-pollshed Furniture, in the most fashion-
able tvurais at present in use.
and Girls' Knives. Hockey Sticks, Skates, Pucks.
Gun$, Rifles, Revolvers, A full line of Ladies' Hockey and
of Guns and Auuuuuihon. Spring Skatea just arrived,
Picture - Framing and • A CALL SOLICITED.
Upholstering done to order
Undertaking and Embalming
The Ing Hardware and Stove Men GU if
t `
Our Ion;; experienre (.nnhk•s us tt) give the most prompt and eA9cient
INS NNON011011
---- ---
bj'.. l
service, aVe carry in suick n till line of the Incest productions known to the
,� a3�• �r .: �-
L netere,tket- arc. Otte CItarKeh etre Very mt,derate.
'waremonis -- W e n t S t r e e t G 0 D j�� i1 r ( H
and everything kept in a First Class Grocery, are an every-dav necessity,
but when it catues to l'hristmna, extras stake up the special hill of fart.
Residence -- Q itPbec Ht.reet \\ `J ji 1 1 �.J
ways, would be in town an Wellies- - " - or more tempting We have everything you want at Economy Prices, and
day, when he would be glad to meet repaired at once; that during the hay- /k LOOK! we will be pleased to take your order rut nny hour. Every branch of our
the counelL 'ing season a mowing machine had �j"�, business is a specialty with ue.
been ppurchased; that the keeper had fust Jry Our .Slow auJ ste doro.u•et! wt tau da jot you.
Tho following communications were been Instructed to purchase a washing -
then read : machine; that coal be not purchased
The secretary of the Molesworth just yet, as therm is a quantity on t i Hotel Bedford %�
Public Littrary, asking for the usual I and ; that from the reports presented y/ At our Stock of CHRISTMAS GIFTS B I o c k• ... T. G : T I P L I NGG O D C R i C N
, The Square,
grant. they found the expense per day per ! /
A, Ni. Todd, president of the Huron inmate to be 11.06 cents per day, and �u� CONSISTING o I+
Ponl�try and Pet stock Association, that the account's present,xi were -' �° WATCHES CLOCKS
for a grant to the Society. found correct. RE PA R 1 N(� FOR C N Rt STMAS
Robe• Leach, of Auburn. stating A. W. Campbell, Commissioner of SILVERWARE CHINA
,i that his horse had been hurt by a Highways; was present, and addressed RINGS BROOCHES ���
defect in Manchester bridge, and the council on tho question of county i `
claim' damages, also from Allan f system of 'good roads, and the Act When a farmer puts his seed under door to the Hospital. The Ontario CHAINS LOCKETS ��
Mc�eEid, of Lucknow, claiming dam- setting aside ($1,000,000 by the Legfa- mother earth he expects It to bear cbild is on a level with the Toronto ((;QQ You will find Our Store well Supplied to ith everything
P bushels of grain In a few months. child. Neither has an advantage. NEC:KI-i- TS, Pl IVVO. New and Frvsh for Christmas %cants. We can help
egosforinjuryto a archorse. llatnrefortoadim roar ten, SI'li(,I'ACI.ES and EYEGLASSES
�}gr�ol. Varcoe, caking »grant . A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. go !t is eith the merchant He in- [t takes a dollar n Patient per day w yuu .a tth (lint C.hnsttna; (:eke, a; well a; supply you
to Huron Regiment. The Colonel . Campbell for his able address, and on v00, money in merchandise, counting maintain the Hospital. The Ontario
g on a profitable turn over. Government contributes $7,000 a year. AiiJ t'.ozens of other articles too numerous to with every line of GRc)CEkIES AND PkC)VI51ONS lot
also addressed the council on the motion of Messrs. Ferguson and Lock -
question. Bart, the council adjourned till Thurs- A father pays for his eon's education or almost seventeen cents per patient mention, s ecia;l adapted for Xmas. gifts. Every -day use. Call and see us.
A!1 the above letters were retemd day evening at B.90, to allow those anticipating that It will provide the per day, for there are always at least P y P
wishing p to vote in the referendum to Young man with the Dowers of mind to . r 'PHONE
to Epeeist committee.
I return home and do so. put the body and bead at work in gain- We think it will be to your interest to examine our Stock before 61 S T U I l D Y & 00.1
Appetition 9Stted by 47 residents of in a livelihood.
Fordwich, ask !n that the village be Tsunene r+ 8.90 P. Y. B
gg was read Council met pursuant to adjourn- Yet the seed nny not bring forth purchasing elsewhere. THE Q(1UARl, OoptOplOH,
erected lhto a polies village, P i grain, the merchandise may not be Watch and Jewelry Repairing carefully attended to. -- - - -- -- '- - - - and sent to Executive committee- menu. sold at a pront, and the young man '
A letter was read from the Hunter may not reach the ideals of his father. I�A2� FAIL. ANO WINTER 1903•
eICWND DAY-•'R'EDt:I38DAY. I 7 - C. + T T �%� ��T 11 VV
Bridge Ca:, of Kincardine, with refer- rose of m these 'Instances sp the expendt• erroa2 Arrra i • H tJ lt•1 IBJ �� tXJ O
A tetter from clerk of Bayfield, re I once to work frn• the county, and lure � money ►s r sflecniation. It one hundred and twent7 children under 1111
Mrs, Brown, an inmate of the House i referred to Road and Bride commit Ida lases and It may not. treatment. This amount from the /T� 7* 1�
of .dUge,wassenttothatcommittee. tee. Tb day the Hospital for Sick Child- Government dr all expended on mato' C30DH)TZ101M. A • 1�_L U N 1 1 O
The jailer's report was read. and ( The second report of Holts of Re- ren, Toronto, is performing a Heaven, tanance. Then the corporation of the
sent to Property committee; the fag a committee was taken up in coot- born miamon on earth. it is renewing city of Toronto gives $7,500, or seven' ----- -- _._.._ ._ .-- ----_-_-- - ----------�_-� IN now showing fill] linea of Seasonable GoudN in all departluenta.
Ceporte of ph sician, inspector and mittee with Mr. McLean In the chair, health. removing pain and straighten- teen cents per patient per day, and
keeper of the House of Refuge to that 11 and passed. Ing disported limbs of hundreds of remembes, not for Toronto patients, To ('urea Cold to One Day, I �TRACfi AN'S 11() �lI`"�PI'1v �i SOC t0 11.50 C I. n I; S slid F I N F,
oommttkee, and Commissioner Aina- t Council then adjourned till 10 a. m. but for every child no 'attar from Take Laxative Brenna Quinine ']'at)- a,7
19y's report to Road and Bridge tom- on Friday what point he may come. And in ad- lets. All druggist, refund the nntney �+,� per yard. HOSI ERV.
dition to this Toronto citizen donate if it falls t, cum.. F.. W. urov,•'s
1t'QURTHDAY-FRIDAY. $6,000 for the maintenance of all signature is on eurh lxtx. 2:m. �.{ F xtra V�allle in 1) R I; S Black and leading shades in
The report of House of Refuge com- Councilmetat 10 a. m„ the warden patients. MACH!l I N E SHOP sl-, R C, HS - I VE 1. %' 1:T F 1~ N S •
mit"tee was read and passed in commit- in the chair. Again remember all these gifts from "Is your husband a bibldonianiaet"
tteof the whale and council- Report o4 Road and Bridge commit Toronto are devoted w the in yMM obe As usual, n large nsportmert of Importer and Domestic ,'ARKS.
The committee reported that the y tee was resented, Mr. Hays in the tenance of patients from all over on- wrmittedst �iviewtltheatre suresainbethi This old and rellanle Machine and -
p yy - awaits Assns tarlo as well as the clty itself, and Blacksmith Aho has been re lied b P!. -,ASE ti'O7E that nhnrt gnnAr «•ill be sn/Gon the Aru«nd Jlnnr lett/ of Prin.
lead melt once sinc9 Tun and found chair, and adopted in conunittee, and young Canadians bOYS and gists who ,Ibra of the new neighbors. "Mercy ( P Y
everything aatisfaetory; that the council. the children that seek relief from ty P �.►�.s
Han ova» full ; that the rules regard- Drill yet make their mark in this grow tares outride are very numerous, end takes, no" replied Mrs. ackenham, "he Jas. A. Strachan, `�
Dr. Matheson and R, S. Boz, repro- ing Lwminloa, but who, were it not for P lever blb�lea a bit, Oh, of course, Idon't -AL. II�.J Draper.
Ing admission should be made more gi it ought to be as great n privilege and
dpecl d; that Inspector and Mr. sentingu the SL ited on the inrefcli- ate °able InetttuUon, might have al. Ddaaaure for the generous citizens of wy that he wouldn't take a little at has
French be authori7.ed to have the roof t is Ailed nn early grave- ple province to cogener tO to the maio' nems if the rest were loin' it, but that's and will l c conducted on the noel
encs to attendance of pupils from the B modern ami srientiftc pnnciples. All `
p That's where your dollar can find a nonce of this Hospital as It Is for ,� Jnr lie he eves ods in theta kind of
County of Huron at $t. Mary's Colleg- way to bring you pleasure and profit eta -
people of Toronto. things." kinds of General Machine Work, ata- tIMiMN/NaeMra�MilMi/Nt11�N�tiI�MMM
Irate Institute. The matter was re. without any doubts or fears as to the Ten years ago the fluspital wag r n' - + - tiouary and tnarine engine repairs, farni ,
nVCONSO M r i1 ON `ferrel to Ezecutive committee to Inrestmeat Money is always at wont cufnbsred with a mortgage. Year by Tltera are n number of varieties e.f
report. it is ceaseless to its labour, but in no year the mortgage has been reduced. teens. Idoifoway's (torn Cure will rr- and tnitl mnclrinery, threshers etc., re- •I
Moved by Mr. Millet, sexindercl by spot in this lair Canada is it put to and it is now paid. ntova any of them. Call on your paired in n wtinfnctory manner. LMChristrrias Hardware
Prevented �� Cured. Mr. Ferguson, that our commissioner beth service than at the Ho:rpital for The Hospital must proceed In per druggist and get a bottle at once.
r LL G be inetntebed to examine the atone Bickiidren forming Its great mlaslon. Money Is Von can be satisfied beta better ......•..,+...w..e�
10if01 al
wall of the wing of the north side of You see your money is at work from needed to maintain it, and this appeal then elsewhere.•asesaNesasalNNnNee+NaetaMaNNreaae►BaHis,eaalra
poligr tnarvoto" itt'O" r Mair the Wroxetnr bridge, which is now in the very day It to placed at the Hos- DR. WOOD'S
jaift�fa�iYAadtaI�::� `l? have u1.,Jr L,r)e I,unhases of the k,Uowurg Hiles of
$ T;ifiemcalo$t~,Codlaadrp- an unsatisfactory condition, and re- vital's disposal. Your investment Jas. A. Strachan,
` 1{nrd.v,,rt•, ahi, h runke the choicest of Xmas (lifts
tl". Wa,IG j,wy4>iffy Catarrrh. port at the January meeting. Carrs ,Igu�lckly brings you bank joy, for your
A24 aA rtMldAilasi tl jtstAtu. Report of Finance coutmittee waa dbntributfon 1128 entered into tbp teak 4 -
red taken up in committee and of life saving, lady building and jl VICTORIA ST., GODERIrn. Quality Very HIGH 1 Prices Very LOW I
Q health giving. -------------__ ---
Report Report of Executive committee and Look tit a few examples of the work „
done, in the Orthopedic Department. Skates, Ho'.'key Sliik�, Huckea' Pucks,
that ofProperty committeewere also The feet shown are those of children srro»s torr» 1 Wood Bicycles, Fishing r.ickle, Rlshing Rods,
lD0roseCotto ^--Y� in committee of the whole who 10 outside at Toronto. You see is made for that purpose. Hospital 1 1 Y Y OO� �l.
'Ipoyour lungapafnyou? council. work cannot be conducted without (funs, Rifle;, evolver -4 and Ammumlion,
Is rater throat sorb and?laffamed9Bylaw No, H, to erect the village of e col you se" entering the
' � IIaspitai--and you see the condition manoY• To keep the machinery mos• J3''C�R B.®.Liil.
Doyoneplta at Fordwteftinto a police village, was PIKE
�i{ Sh(ars, SCi;sory and Embroidery 5ti;sors,
Dots?o resll three times and "after" hospital treatment, The Pm' Ing the donate and cents of the people V�jrjllr SYRUP
llsytwr�ppet.tiebrad? per• eats of the" ehlidren could not afford of Ontario are needed. Nurses, do- NORWAY ff {{{1�'ii�gssL6. Fine Table Cutlery and Carvers,
ISyoutlrlunbs deticrtta7 sYxorsis or trtrroRTs. to pay for treatmatit. Iso you know mestics and officials have to live. u T n tt a1 -e r. cat ice,.. AToVR w ti n Ir
•Arst Artaro,tlosln4idelicA of rAy c1111d so eituateitI Then have Their wages must be paid. r.Rpiwrus pan oto ta• n<i,.<,<n to.nv Silver Plates, Sp',nnc and Forks,
!!rayouloingfi, thfn? The jailer's report allowed there him setrt it the Hospital. True, it In. that some have to Day- Stops the Writatingcough, lto9- p+,t <,r th< r. ,, th, ..",< d., .. orn<r<a Pntlo-t i-0 .Jack•Knlve;,
Ate y u lack aced Pt ? were eight persons detained in the yes, all who can afford it tae expected ens the phlegm, soothes the In- U it 1, A R S
tfitns ars that yea county j»il, of whom three were to pay -but thane who cannot Dap and }lamed tissues of the lungs and Razors, R.iror Sural s and EJru.hes, d
e a yYMPtont tins aePOa the coca committt•das Winne. four "vagrants, c� produce the certificate of a clergy- bronchial tubes, and pioduces s I Carpet sweept•rs, Sa ! Irtrn�, Wrinkrers, Meat Cht+ prr<
have i man Or known ratepaYsr of fhe pea nick and permanenteul�e in all reeeaveA ny r t.NraaN. W1 .t c'oa,r,.a.
,duan *emus rhxlady' that baa' sleet' 'davas• and one for drunk and diearcler y tinea to the effect that that cera too ease! of Coughs, Colds, Bron-
ran- Klr«t wni r,<ri,•< , rr mpt .0<„n..o Horne Rrpn it Outfit; an -1 Horse 131anket�. ...�
fatal the earth -Coni t+lltloti: The Lxectttive cuiminittee's report J can have in and .�..�..�.�.
lied arefnvbttdtoteuta kat"aye6***dem approved of Clerk I.eine'e acceptance poor to pay, chttts, Asthma, Roarseness, Sore
yyo,ifyouSeeAkk,byrwticl+t Odes tit a tender for 7,u cords of wood at treatment free of charge. Throat and the first a es of t e
It will Irot von to re.nUnr aur Stock j
tR1�11{r`piflt k I PETER 'McE?WAN. I taut taut Hume uitlr ur lot one of elft h'Indsnne t
tir:'il�l�i 1if t(u rocomnl(nded the lfurehttsa aY 2xro»e Artxa This year an effort is being made to
ri+8t6eSt', ,RIAJ:ritft(+wwltflaiiae*a afr+u dins of coal far itia'ttiediate ate that The fioapital for Slek Mildreh de- Clear ttway n bank ovstdrnft created Consumption.
d,mt»mttoaayd the r((ttCst aP the Molrsrittirth Lii>rxry cost of roalntenanro. Fiery dollar Mea• Norma Ewnneton, (`arffill, Ont . (iod. rich No,. „=t, rico. t?hon• Ost t niendnra for ,qo1 i
o,�.Lv cM,trtAlHa, .. �. rids sale1Y upon the generosity of hY writes t ' 1 take great leasure In reeorn- fA•eel3see•elrleRNreaANa•eQ®tellEMNaaasoe•laei•r•sA11et1
a?beSfoedrnSseA Ilkd twelrte,fcxi`.easitaiP- board 1(til aver tiff dart' 3aYitia pp
Zlar. thae.mrnia rrleiaidtrN�$i slid foe rn lttti+ that ovO ixs frfitd J Litt n i the Deoplt Cif Ontario, It re(lbites tent us haZjis to lighten the lard that mending Dr. Wood's Norwn Pino Syrup
xrui 13i.erdets.(+En , tett *W 4W °"siaYli a a =gC,,�4d a year tOt HA tnaintenanea, la being clitried. y t
Trorbfes ArA t06 a _, A is alai j Cjg(itI iter Injury to ra llOrar ra 1 had a vary bad Cold, conid not sleep ab
i `�' AfsTKit. A (rn.,worthy kene'onaan lir
tbu blit rtiei(i; that I ardaviclt lin made a (% It stands W dAy at a monument'. Let everyon9 who cern spars a dollar night for the eonghing and bad pains in t t IN 1) In ts.•hcounty w Engin, a uu.,ne..t D.
r V
T futilet}a 1i+r'1+. = ih lrc >iti+tt tli9 4 e big hearts of OntArio b D� is titlmKitt at s quickLrd it as th m, �tathi7outtg IaElt 5 CheaE and funtts. I only useEl hall a tar sn old e.oabB.ned hon.. ,>r .on nra,rotsl *i
"wool? L= ryy t � l[ctr O11 e, At,* i 1 dtltcd titoU%h tt is lit Toronto, 1 dealt, geCretarp of the Iioaoltel .ra.,din A rlralaht, bora ode weattty ea■tw tui
d'w+IVarvY, ati ,` t �aeoft ilr'Diti Aeyotlatlon , that the a altY Ittt;tut tttott; it le Dtoil'nciat. Ddii bottle of Dr. �Vaa3's Norway,I'!ae Syrup .»,err n,1 $IS(D t.eld by ehe,•1l,ach %VdAnp qoy
"it parl{ti,eafaew+eCw.i , s for tf!!tk Children, or to J. ROM 11ahert• aced was perfectly well again ' al b rff n>ttrn p. Airrel iron) fieadq„ariere. � C�
111110" it,te+4alt a ht efiiItA' n the famthermodt !'ngton Onav . taenceM ae axt> lir +. Mena r, itis i
�. ” g,Cawt of i�d11l,1rteWe t(i'thtt llll• ,1 -
L.4(ef' isr tiaik�Mr,1► srilttt, ices Iaof; t►&i i, -cif tlffl+NretYt titttt►tib Alit this** lig ti! and tion. Chalt'atan of lite 'prude, Wtle}t8
>t rd �'ttot WiAtbtf. iiliomn �MMNIi than, ilei *44 0400 �• Ihi AsliAtr aat•a ll, t .ce4emlKa t um
teMM ti d
i.Y-iL•.ft '.1 IsILti. •t_`. .._ ..
• _.h.Mrwali. •, ..a 1,.,, w�,. ,.ry r.i� . ,..1r(S.1