HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1902-12-12, Page 4`t k, , .,,,M,, . W A.Mz'. ; . 1 I 1. t ,;!11", F.:",:. I to - 77 •"t 1 , 1,uoug, ed ,y, __ . . . . . . LL ­­_ 44I 11114 a &hist stubborn cough Sor many years, It deprived me A'ppt Ieep and I mew very thin, i then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was quickly cured.' P. N. Mann, Pall Mills, Tenn, Sixty years of cures and such testimony as the above have taught us what Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will do. We know it's the great- est cough remedy ever made. And you will say so, too, after you try it. There's cure in everydrop. Three all", tic.. sa6 h for an ordinary 66141 4ss„ Jul right for 1rroActdtls, hearse - new hard 601". 6te,1 01, mppwt Asicfo,.n"alcal for o`Stoal J.cr."TER 00. 1,owilllI Yu6. —ju,i Atria _ .._ , vw....... 251.80 2.2, w R R mtl4 ^ > tltto (X1 and -9 ws tlrry (aro S: W the crick i ho doe" trot atep the leak? Biro 117. u, jt elcu . , 1 fW To attempt to aouzi"lt the ltody whrat y D L D T 1'iredetxtrttueut....::..: ir` , a xls[s ---. -•°*•.,,.b; ' ... rr :W.. To at e m iR...dt3o _.,.-•.__ I M gr. CHRISTMAS,)]- l( ,tote (varka 19p.tiu I,R:S- eased is like try .' (lrar r Y... 9„ 61 a7 4.110.95 ing to fill tFie Debtntures ,rincipal : Il.&i 50221#117,00B.00 wick With the lnteroyt j, LW 6,(tq•W hole in it. When C•O.71ES OA'C d10A'E-- 1'o all we k:sre c;uj'?44 ,:;t aa.<d 1lappirless. 17117& PaY- 4lwrial ., lo,fxaLoo 7&,&1100 the stomach Rud « BIN:rinl 11"L'j.00 other di costive find in our humble wav >j inu.re.,t Itteucnll InM) I.O 1.7 (lesire to assist the .i n{welal g %%'aver wvrhd ea - I,fit apd nutril.iAre Or \ e general festivity by providin-, the (,ift Goods, .. p .. . . 21&07 900L87 g a n a a re dis ulnt ... 980.W (1,05&.5& F,luc•trlo htlht aanap ...... A76 7Wgl ease d there is a ..,,. The most Up -to -Date and -171x1111,.., I21.v 41,4196.31 ,,. v.6...,.. constant loss of In Sterling Silver and Ubony But" of Ifexlth ...' ... 4:7411.11 6,&12,02 nutrition. In new and beautiful fortns I Inkinggfund 6,071... 6,77&18 Mtie+ &I`Uoas. .. 6.710.16 F,nong b'is eaten e (silver handles) in neat t"wore - .76` but the body y Pretty lines at 15c to 25C In packagrs. .. -•o`.- 1417.42 !47,13 1. K H. noun Co., tau; Iowa flesh, -plain I'iee Gift Pipes Sn eases fxx(Iwd 2,1&8.88 Bal on lutnd :....:. ......ora roof that the 1e ., I at $l.00 to $4.uo, _. 2,29:t48 oaken largely wasted I Shaving Sets, etc., etc. Other Lines. 2100.16 ,uui.el J// became it is not COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS. digested and as - A mquent from the Public Library y Mould Pot' the fourth $IOU of tutu earlerce, Y y Dr. Pi grant therefor was granWd, e!l Golden Discovery cures I A letter from M. A. Ilauna dr Co., diseases of, the regarding the coal ordered by the stomach and town. wax reforred to Water and Light Committee with power to act. other orgaus of digestion a n d Anapplication for 75lights for tate new G R nutrition. It r .h I PERFUMERY - - MANICURE The most Up -to -Date and and other Toilet Cases High -Class lines we could In Sterling Silver and Ubony select -A11 the leading wakens. The very latest out. In new and beautiful fortns SoniethinX new --SCISSOR SLrrs In oak and leather cases of (silver handles) in neat , peruianet use. • cases. u Pretty lines at 15c to 25C In packagrs. GIFTS for SMOKERS Better at 35C to Von. I'iee Gift Pipes Sn eases Good enough for your princess soon, dandies Prices right. Cigar and Cigarette Cassa at $l.00 to $4.uo, Parses — &feet -acceptable of au Gifts. 0 Shaving Sets, etc., etc. Other Lines. station, whit Is expected •COP• • ••k• Choose Early and get the Best Selection. W be ready by Dec. 15, was similarly by which nntrl- ? R 4 " • referred. A tegqneat from the Poultry and Pet SWek Aasociat{un on is loot, and enable■ the bu[Idfng np of the body byy the nutrl• We will be pleased to have you call and inspect, whether ready to buy or not. for u giant of $171 towtttcia don derived from food. Th! gain in {' ., TIME TABLE ' their winter allow, was RrnnWd. They were also ranted the g use of the town hall for holding the weight protea Wecure. &Three>t(n ago I was 1x71& &let with what the doctorcalled neryoulmeAmand indigestion., ' CHEMIST `/`/ "GOOD W. STATIONS. Exp. Eip. Mtxd . -- 4 ` - -- — — --- I A. M. P. M. "how. An enquiry from Maher -Clark Shoe a writes Mn, Warren E. Parker, of Oranrr Street, Nantucket, Maas. "He gave me medicine for ptlw'rouble, but I mull not ev a little toast e Bedford BiOC h ;e ' ` g`* - -- Leave Oadench ....... : Mi. „ 7 16 2 9b 9 13 Holmesvtllo.::.,. ,..:, - _. _ ., a " " CA:;'n1`ieoerree?ei? N: Y., (caked g s re or oattateal without auKering severely. to a few ^ :. . ,. • '!n' , ' ,• +,, y 7 Wl 2 417 3IM 1. V" Clinton Jot...,., 7 9& 2 53 9 -4 cita bonus of $10,000 for which they Id months I be n to have distressing pain6 ri ht g In the pit of my stomach I called the doctor - woo give a mortgltgu, $1000 a year -- f • ain and he Amid 1 bad catarrh of stomacir; _-_ s h41ss1onarY (3lvinge. - ----- - Cllnwn .... W Ile written [lff each year the IttcW .e me medicine but it did not do an ' Stafort h. 785 9 Il 410 Y factory as y gam• _ .. _ _ . - - . _-_--'-- __.. .. Rt, (lolumbaa .... , 7 69 $' 17 4 49 is run, They would erect and run a 11°'1, dl pounde in three months. I then nom• Tile hollowing tiro the amounts cult- - TT.T. f - t. 9` '<s. ^,. , a1 .9.'^,h. .s`55., *dti ' Dublh, .. &anted siting 1,N. Pierce'& medidnu and anon tributed Wwarda Missions h L d NLOP S Mlwhdl. 8 l4 9 Sd 6 2 U e,teWry for making Goodyear 171,17 began to tell tetter. 1 have taken six bottles of Y the 1'': " Sebringvtlle. .......:.I 8 86 $ 19 6 4& Shoes, and employ m7n 35 to 40 hands ' Oolden Medial Discovery,• two of • Favorite various Methodist chtirelles Ila this G ' '• titroUurd.... ... a 95 t 00 8 10 with a )tty mU of $20,000 a yeuar. kt& IPUoa' and she pounds. of . l;Pierce'scat e Pei• county, during the 11(.11 church year : XnAS ® ®' i" Rufel t'° WHpoclul eOtuntitWe. mag ; >uvo gained len pounds Caq eat every-Godorich, North street ... ... iW1.uU 1. Arrive n1, Toronty -1 1'l 10 7 e-0 11 40 , .. Z oturia .9trect •I IPL.00 CLOTHING - Accx)vNT". Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets cure torr /,ton, (Goderioh T'1 I .. 5.110 -- D S 1• - N. M. LAwRILNCIG• A bill for the Fire Co.'s sal , rtipation, Ciliate WoHloy .... ,253.00 +•5 J. D. MAeDONALD. Down Town Agent. ar'y, -- .. Onturlo Hn-e....... ..... •117.(18 D. P. A.,'roronto _- ---Y-- nruountbig W $40b, was referred W -- -__ _ .-- ._------ _ _ .- Saaforth ar f' Fire cotwnittee, there tieing sonic dis- FOR THE COUNTY COUNCIL Holinusvillu •' 121,148 is the Standard, for Qualit Y, Just Returucd from Toronto with a Fine Selec- a lYt°mellteta W whether 1,ht increase Flmrvor 12.1,1 Workmanship and Price. I tion of Xmas Staple and Fancy D R Y Ir port at to 4Ad ertisers (I p :: Shama, ".27 $G car man made n1, haat nlet,ting slYth 117-;,t 1 give per onal and special ( ,,` (, takes effect this year, and anumbei•of A Partial List of the POSSIble and JaekBD,rB } • 40.99 attention to . GOODS, which will be placed before Our {{ Iutrlgosofadvortlsunwntaforthe,urn+n1, otheertwcottnte were sent W Finance rhmlrunnnri „17447 T iY,` c' issue ofTrsSTARDiust be 1n the hand,+of the Probable Candldatps for ('rewu B:Let7 1 CUSTOM WORK. Customers at SPNCIAL I)RICES. eonuni taco, 18U -1904. N [lo o printer not law, these Moxosy NOON each 1.Wq woek, Advertisers will EbeSbenezer } ".' _' "' Try a SUIT or a sln Tle Handkerchiefs front •1 cent.+ W 73 cents, real snaps. I.autles' ].felt« Ladies' Please Bovufl, them. REPORTS (1F CUMMITTEEB. '• Ebenezer Ties, [.ndles' Uoll+uw, I,ndles Uloeus, tending N'+usts and Skirts In b"Ll, blxuk 't. solve& accotlilrtgly.,- -. 11 It>t" All announo IN-?-- T _ - (O(+ rucOm- norunillur V. !.Ion .. ... The Orlalns►tor of .Garment. and whlW, Imdlus'1(umospuu U1,,- s skirts m bha+k and dark groi'-1x1,17 value. ,p•..'{.• rate qn Div. No. 1, comprising Ashfield and "•. •.•. ••• l.' ' k' "Business NettOae;,:` hTo _ - - ,.-•,riIZ.It[ 4CCOunt fmnl Jfutlml 4(150 1'htrolB ustnowloftuulvhlauuts (u+us Ilnngnnd!slu,rtones,whlchwillbu § - tfatn,a)IaehCiC,C £ Colborne townships and GoderlCh •• Mall's _ n - s •'old t whuWvo, hey wIli brine;, for thr)•mint do ru some ttcA flrliitrtti,v, for lt,qul services, 4.7o h,DVAN S Ready -Made Clothing KIDNEY PILLS n t Price. Our these town, now represented by Philip Hult 71.78 tiWek novo, cans in such guoJ •Lupo roc 5uws uudr. all cur (,ril-c. O those .uch notleea, n. reading or sows mutWr. Ilk•. n Auburn ., lines wt,v bought b'duru the lata cis,• i» prir ,s. +v.br. umuus 110&1 our figures 1-,4,' lino oath insertion. $ +and (i• N. Davis $L1$ sod and Hugh Olrambors-Mr. Holt re- "Donnybrook 1 .. ... 117, a For Boys and MPs, at prices for them urs actually less than 'ruse", ++holaaalu prices. i reporWd that as number of other " Westtlold 1 17& 6 1 "'•+-•- Caroni lisp/aY ndvortlsing, 134 W 2617. per thea, but Mr. Chambers may run Walton " '" The Original kidney specific for the i N'o novo, hod such success h, hone Ureas 37ateriels In Ifomos s, tuamntl were laid over, not being " 71.46 Cure ofl3ackaehe,j)Iabetes,Bright's ..e mote oath tnsnrtlorl and of quality that meet the Y ugaiu. Morgan Dalton, reeve of Ash- ' Bethel (... 11120 Frtozos, Venottans, Musket Clalu,, and othor honey weight goals, us can hu o certified W. Adopted. N keetlest COm pC 1,l tlgn, h+td thla xuasun and there urs a fu+r linos stillun our tables cat St lull+ W 58 (n t i' ` COiVTRACT kDVERTISINd Hold, John McKenzie, of the sant I,oudesboro ................... 1m. 15 Disease and all Urinary Troubles. r a " Klnburn I -y3 wtdu goods in the best colon: from :AI tents to $L tit, ,vhlrh yAmu can yet at r The Special cottiudttee recommended township, and Alex Yours , of Carlow, Tuckorsnllth,Turner'n ,)2,46 Don't accept something' just a9 W inter need. have no terrors price. fur chole. goads- all now. We make a specialty cat Nun's io 's W.I.,V Young, mon'. and (11,1.' ` nrlorrluthln fm• this sea.,on, and unr sales have boon vu -'-, Tho flgurcH foS "11 contract advIortlsfng in.' that Richard Phalen and Thoa, bfc• etre till in rho Held, ubd Rich/tnl Jewell, Ahnn f .:.:::.:::. :0.40 good. She you get the gentllne for you when wearing g ry `, ?' agree twelve changes a yaar, unless uthcrwixu Lrttn be t1,) ointed lit and ni ht Buy&old 27.2'2 r, P to !n thuxu Items. Uur swck is still wall ,cup +tsw,ruuf, having burn nrldetl p Y 1,r of Colb,:rne, and Robert MCLeawi, (,°,°•H :. DUNLOP'S S CLO 1,r LhIH week In ninny ]Ines. lion's Shirts and Iia "`s, all wool, Nova S,vtiu . ,g a4'n+td upon. Evoty addltlonal chMity will 1,,o police n1, >IN encu er eat•, with 17.N THING. makes, ,rola Set titans tu;l.:;,i, wurntnted nut W shrink, wool &once -lined, 50 P Y tdodorlch, are mentioned els possible. • Bttlit] 111 .............. 1IL7U T , : charged for extra, rho actual cost of corn lwsf- uv(•r uaL uml &lilt yeaCly, W he con- Vacua S.i.W lvv taxa W 7h cfi:. L+ulles 1 udcr+eunr from IS civ, to $L•Li. (.iris' frotu 1'l cG. w tion, from thea W 784 sUtntly on duty ctutnging ntwut ovary Div. NO. 1, Hallett trod Goderirl) " Ooshen 0911 i 51k:. Boys' from as w.5(k,. t ,nu,t's call wool white vests, n chuict tut up W '15c. All cul vortlsing accounts aro rondorod and two weeks, and Lhelr duals& W lx townships and Clinton town, now 1,•e- "Brute 1,t old : 10.48 'rhe CIIPe when all )1,h@Ig .,y( ( Iiolsery unJ (Ilo,'us In groat. vnrluty, unJ acs car pri,•us they -peak for hors, Eaowr, Muiu street . • • y fall. I i9} selves. wu have the G.im•ich Husi°r • In suule of their best makes and also oolloatotl monthly. Job work, cad, ensued b bylaw; 2 that u bylaw be Proaunted by James (Jonn°II and """"""' .J7 10 HUM DUNLOP '° p Y Y (') Y D Y • alfa stn v1, ......... ..... .:gL10 Not a Cure All, but thuIr MItG+. wnali wrotWs In both ( anndhut ,Anti Amorivan makes, fast •,i, prel»tred an pax"ed for the removal avid Oant lon, both of whom are Centralia ......................... 101.W Du»l •ICidnor PlI,, colors lU tants and 1'll cent,,. Flannelettes h•+nu :),cots to 1. of snow fmm the sidewalks within the in the race again. fumes quell and Melon J ••••••••••••••.••..,...,. CLW 7k. or boa, or Y for X3.25. All dealers or The oldest established % Ne>R door to Bank or and ,lark colors, plain and strl'ud. 1\o aunt a ic+v enris cal nA11i vigil t non rr 81.58 Taa 1)0 i! KIDNEY PILL Co. Toroaw, one ,+, the County. r Montreal, Goderich 1 walntlnil g°odH that you can btiy very' cheap. WI Lbe Goberteb Mare Hte limits, and upon Etta, West. A. Leitch, of Hallett, ubd Thos. s11"thesda t 90.69 I .jNorth and Routh streets, Adopted Churchill, of Goterich township, are I{I p6n J """"""""" p all spoken of as willing W serve, N ki - ('osrnopotitan /atteonr for sale, /hshion .tiheels to gine arpay. "I ITtttra•uoxs (ALL n. Ch1"alhrmt Goderlch Townshl UNFINISHED BUSINESS, Halls Green 6.19 p.n• wsas6.,, ,,, Coon. McKim asked that the clerk Div. No. 3, Hay, Stanley, Bayfield Winghnrn•••••.•. •• ......... . 356.41 ScaooE.-Mise Lottie hicM+nth, S. $, ' FRIDAY. DEC. 12 ]1)01 and Honeull, now re roaenWt h WuI. Bruwul............................. w1.01 Rodu6tioR 5dic Phone 86.1,w instructed W proparo n list of call Y Ethel 7'.. No, 8, will hold the Christina" exams. --- uutsUtnding accounts and have it Letttt°n1, and John Torrance, Lamont 'toe's::::..:::::.:.:::. 9&37 on the 19th; No doubt there will be is .reale fol• the 15th, so that the Council i" again a candidate, and John Me- UniO11 j 39.4&a nod attendance of s(•hulatre abd COLBORNE The Town Council would know what W count on in their Naughton, of Stanley, with At good Cranbrook / .................. 1&46 R R Fordwich gl,p4 spectators. f M l L —_ sGtttnnent; also a aGtWmont of filo toeorcl in the Wwnshl Uouneil, do- • Nuwbr(dtre 24.46 PERSONAL. - Mr. and airs. Hn11 01 1 (1 I I + c c c _ granolithlc walk account, showing eirea t) succeed Mr. Torrance, Wm. 0 la ayn° 91.80 y r'r ' ` - C ' c n n C we p fler HOLDB THREE MIf ETIN(38 r ...'""'."" `" ' ^- - loa'n's pr•oportlon and that of •pro• Conant, of Hay, is also mentioned. •• oras oho] t •""' ."""""' I'Li.Bt Rutledge attended rhe chin+, wedding DURING THE PAST g f ••••••........... 57.14 anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. wroaoWr party holders, but the Mayor said aa25 -- --- - WEE$ the a could bu conaido Y Div. No. 4, Stephen, IJalxorne and •• Salom } :'::::: y&1Y Tichbotirie, in Colborne, on Friday, cud by Counefi Exeter; representatives, Hugh vale ru ..,,,,...':;,,,,::., vs.&7 and report a splendid time and a most The Lightness of c'it . -- when going over the statement with Spackman and Richard Hicks. Both Aluovnle . 57.80 happy gathering, Out December Reduction i' A Froposed Shoe Facto the treasurer. Johnswn's 45,86 G' No> C' rya -Some will probably run again, and A. Q, Ebonozer ................ ,1.54 GOOD YIELD, -Thos. Harrison nett Sale is now commenced. Interesting Items POC the Uoun. Thompson expressed the wish nobler, who was n close third two wshnold, If]nko'B .. 56.00 ed enou h on his a le cro W bring O 1,t Doroth Dodd" I that they would also havo the Pmvin- Years ago, will t Zion biro a ollar n da d $ y I PaaDayer. a try again. linukotW ascot day year roan T Cin! dallying Ur's report, which pati been Div, fo G, McKillop, Tselltatuith Hope 1.24.64 Hu Lata probably the best and most READY- I O - AR b *•a NNNM dallying Gx) long; this should appear and Sualorth ; reaentro tesentativea, IIo1m"v0 Conn. Murney was the only absentee ,17th the attteutent pP1t p p Sunshine 'Ai prolific orchard In the township, anti last Friday, at there 0117, m(c•tlt Thos, E. Hays and J. B. McLean, Brick Church 46,86 always keeps it in good trim. In all wearing apparel the Hneat and Choi The mayor said lie had several letWrs The former retires W a well earned t Y• R R• T}tis makes 1,t WUil of $-5:r)0.31) raised --+---- `_ H A -- ,•r cert ninterials are those that combine at F 4 OFFrI(•1{fn,' ILEPODTS, 411.0111 tan+ audlWr and the report was tryst from public ttffnlre, but Mr. 141x- 1, c gre in lite county, by one denomination, T V strength with extrerue lightness of Wei ht. The clerk's certiflc•ttU:v uP the voting Protni"ed for Monday; hu presumed it I eutn will stand00again, havingg an eye fur A7issiontu car ,uses. In addition 1 he qre+nt lung healer is found in g 1 ';, on bylaws Nrw. }317 and 31), fur fit.. WtIuld have W be given W the Govern- °n the watdenship, and Juhn O. to thin the Epworth 1s. •rev un ion that excellent medicine sold as Birkh•'s Greatly Redl]i ed in Price, Few ,evsuns v utenl first and by thein sent W the Grieve, of McKillop, and Ii. H. Gunn, l E Anti-('un11 t (U `I Vine H , It auotbe•n 1 top W consider how much ' Organ a+onipnny loon and "Intik taking Wwn, but its it would cover W or 40 (If Seaforth, are mentioned Its in the several circuits raised the following needlenx weight they carry about to their R I ami diminishes the sensibility of the ( in t.lR• electric ,x711& n were rriul and soma for the aul:port of Missionaries Y wearing apparel. And the greatest item > pages it cutllt not b° publiahud. He•Id fur Mr. Haays' choir, in British Colunlbitt: -Win tenni, £vi nil r°1'1, unr of the throat and air InLss- ,."111(•17 Ami aha• matter of the r ea shoe R II es, a+xl is a suverei n rerned fur all vy a Ir'f ': HMvI. (awn. Thompson Nalt itoughtWbt Div. No. U, (ire},9torrian dBrussels: Brussels, $25: Ethel, $4; Fnrdwich, R K y $TY E area drag upuu )•our strength with r ), The pmpn„al fat• houm of the new )uhlishr d, as the people wonted tp Pr(+s(+cat rupresenUttices, l', li. Kerr e(nlgha, P(alda, huttrseneaa, ),lin or L , QUALITY, PRICE net• 1 vuu t eke, '1'1 e K every $L7; Clotrie, 5513; Wroxeter. $13; Ash- 1 y are a cuneinunl Gtr and ,.,' police and watchmen wort+ ixtad and tow what it said. The mayor said and James Bowman. Editor Iier•r is Held, y'lo; Bel rave, soreness in the ,hest, bronc";tia, etc. quickly exh+ulst you, g $'27: Gcxierich, It haIN cured utany when supposed W A combination theft Cannot refects rl W 4pe+tial cutmnittel,, there would pmtlebly boa n+common- aPWr the wttriemsbip +ofd will NU1nd North Street, $(S1; Gcxlerich, Victoria The li ,+ The t+)can solicitor n•;xirWd regard- dation that tiro roport be printed and again, int will ,Also, :41r•. Howntan, Street, $.`32; Clintln, Wesley, $iw; bo fill. advanced in consumption. n• I be sur passed. ghteat of »II shoes for women is the ing the laud ttetepptAtl Prom Mr, A. P. distributed. Div. Na 7, E. and '%V. Wawanosh, Clinton,Ontario street, $73; Senforth, "Dorothy lludd." The scales are the only f` Me[.e•Itn its an addition W the come- a -- - test and they show a big difference over any ti.,, •: Byylaws 33 and 110, voted on last Bl th and Wirt ham, %-ssrs Al. $11; Holmosville, $14; Blyth, $:3i; The hylaw vote(] on at Bruase lit tc, other shoe, tory, nvontntending that a survey Ix, week, were given their third reading Lockhart and U. gat,( 1x°17, the pre• Thin annon, LF; Nile. $31; y r I__ , made of Glil" and the pare°! ae(juin+d R Y R $' I3enmi!ler, galena the loan of $5,(HN) U) L twkrldge Come to the .Cale -,corse .1(u,lrr_. from the estate of the late bberiff tend fornuilly passed, and the nut sent rupresentttives, will likely ulfer $113; Auhuru, $117; Wa1Wn, $14; Lon- Bros„ fur the woollen Inill, wax 4'hink what it means to you to save the announced that etas tial uweting again, and Alex. Stuart and J. '1• deahom, $lU; Tuckerremfth, $19; Bray- defeated, the von+ being 150 for, and ,`a.ers Jur ) u),. lifting of nay needles& wei ,ht uinn o McDonald, which Inner u° deed of tilt, Council W be hold on Monday Cnirrie, old time its irnnt, will likely field, $IU; Exeti> blain attest, ti y hun- hold over txien given; rind that correct Y p $10; 21 against. Had there been onl) drecl times ,An hmn 0 evening. g. for general MuelnoasI he ,nuke a contest Exeter, James street, $.'30; Centralia, three more vows polled in its favor, ,,i„; dnvxla b• made out for each parcel and would recommend a bylaw apppointing $14; Henanll, 1'L. Total $731, or a the b)'Mvty would have bee❑ carried. Yet no element of wear is lost in this a . tegistored, so as W make the trap Ifers two cobuniasionern to run tic water Div. No. 3 Howick, 7ilrnhutry and grand a sl of $UlIF32. o The council have decided W re -submit M lightness. i and title cotnplet•. Filed. Wroxeter. S. Fs neon, ono of the• MISS V CA M E R / N t and light systems, W lie voted on at rrgg the h law, voting The Treasurer's statement )ens road the municipal elections. present reptost,btativea, will retire, -- - - Y g to take place at, the , . as follows: but R. Miller, the other, is again be• saline time ns the municipal elections. f i 1l` 11EA•*FfI ,fL Council then adjourned. Pore the public, having it desire fur the ism mss, More (•ore will then bu taken W get HAMILTON STREET. They cost $3.75- . For T°cal for dice page I for r+port of special wardenshlg and Andrew Doig,of the necessary vote out. 11 Noy, a IoQ.uVIs meetings on Monday ane! Tuesday Howtek, has announced himself in - - - - ----- C, /(//WCV/V ash on - ham,....... * 1,MikiW-120 Y 1,h° field to Nucetvd Al r. Ferguson. M A N Y A Nerve Wracked and Insomnloua Twacs-ro".7 i ,,, I,ttx4.72 [11,11& evenings. P.S.-Of course we will {ve ou +q rate•ro.idont...... • 78 6,11A ► Other Candida WB mny spring up ho- Everythin nes wrong, head feels Y par- ''f ti awr ,amt ... Do not dela ( getting fore nomination day, I)ec. •22nd, but PROVERB Winter' Term Opens Jan. 5th, titulars of the $-f,(HH) Prize ( r,nteat, ''1,w ' &b -It, noes SII.41 4,8)6.93 y n satin relief for heavy and 1.111, mind is Hllurl with L eernoB .. .... 4191.68 the little folks. Mother Graves' these aro the namcm free! mentioned ' Schlulgrinta 15&01 111).40 Y strange forelmdinga, etatnnch is out of n Dobentum. will ... IagJ;t70 aitin(k7o Worts Exterminator to a pleasant and clow• I kilter, I'm need a gc)Od Wnic like U / ”' Lonnti roneavnlB s,atlo0 ura,565ss aura cure. If you love your child - I long accepted and often quoted, b 11 H ' J t''i (outentoa 57.4X) tn6o why do you let it suffer when a falls to stand Investigation. How Ferrolone W bring tack your lost M A I 34iisoallaInd. 5, 1185 r'Omedy IN so near at hand P frequently is it said "Yon cannot n petite and digestion, and cleanse IIAH `XCLUSIVF, SALE. ,j.,1,;.: _....- , Sink Ind fund .............. 5,1811&8 IMMENSE the blood of all im unties. Fermzonu ' a have too mach of a thin la a wonderful Snvi orant and strength STBATFORD, ONT. I „ p ;,r 1i_ d1, IL Loan ea.. .ith But what about medicod t Yrn1 gq h i : drowalB CL19&16 DllD1UD. APPORTUN ITY '`nOq the meaiclne is ener that will banish gloomy tepre.N- ', Totals i5li il8 2A.M_I QI good, but A large, proIvo school and one of [ , you seldom wish the dose were tar- Rion and sickly restore you to a the best en thb, i o iinont. Thi. isa strong SCHOOL ENTEree and ent -Tito an- y, i stawtnent but Is a true one noverthoie.s. • -- 170&1 ChriatltteN tree and entertainment ger; yon generally wish it were health v genius condition of fnihe The reason our school has a lar a atwn- FOr Qottin smaller, and txxiy. Nothing is so good for theg Sick and our school &ill Ix+ held , hee ad. Q a Beautiful WStch . sick, weary and dooilitnWd as Ferro- (lance tn is orkin , St i. " +vino -awake, ay (icswill he Dec. b 1,h, when tad• g, working, avelLprodted F school. h•oeaea will 1,w given by the trustees and Chain Free. -NO Money zone. Price 50(•, per box, n1, drtlgg]ste BecoDtKrrt dunws have nc,x+pted Itfons or Polsob c@, Cu„ Kingston. at.ulnrles ronaing from 145 n mon , w othera, also readings, recitations Required. -Every Man, Wo RON O ' HamilWn's Mttndrako Pills cute Per annum. 1CCrite for our new catatogue. I 11 and son gN by the children. As Miss man. Boy or G lrl has the constipation. 8 C °°per he" Reno f r It, It In sou- --v-__ W. J. ELLIOTT, lo o d isle In p o ring for it it fe hoped same OppOrtuDlty under Anyone contompinting 1,h° Cultivn- Principal. them will he a good Lurn out of rho our System. TA B'L E T S I tion of sugar ntern lataIslat)(• a ,cal sWd parents and others intet•oeWd In school ti the following statement fmm Mr, work. Mins Oooporaovera her connec- In order W have Dr, Arnold's Eng. John Woon, Gcderich townNbi Feed pale girls On SCOtt's tion with the school at the clot(° of hall Toxin Pills placed In the hands of 116 exceedingly small, but the are' p : _. _ ---' ------ y thla Wrm, and is Nuccood(d by Mr. Iv all persons suffering from had health also exceedingly effective. The From 1i acr(•s lie raised a little over 10 Do93 Your Baby Cry at !+fight P Emulsion, Knox. of the Goderich Model school, we make the following most liberal are a gentle laxative. They ares tons, the price therefor being $3.Go . offer :- aerie tonic, They cure indlgt tion, per ton on the cars, which makes a If so, it is well W know the great We do not need to glVe all CHINA WEDDING. - Last Frida;t I grows income of $GII. That too k+ like value Of Poison's Nerviline, a house- livening about Go guests assembled at It you will Mend us your name and Fifty Tiny I a large ntnrnmt, but 1,h( plowing, hold remedy for stomach paha, the reasons \Vily SCOtt,S the homy of Mr. and h[ra. T. D. Tich- aadlmtN and &glee 1,D Nell for uN twolre harrowing, EE)Innting weedingg pulling, cramps, Wothache, sick headache, and l)onrne, to colebrat+ the 20th annivori borne of Dr, Arnold's En liah Toxin Tablatttr so Lraay to T4aka clennin 1717(7 shipping Wok Hve week& the manifold ills puculinr W children. Emulsion restores the strength sac of their wedding. The ,•.ut.9, Pills at 23o per box, we will gglv yon Twority-Nva Cants of g i A few drops of Netviline in sweetened y {{ Q abso@rltly lire a b a,rliful 1Yalch mrd Rax1 Lars la car. Say that only k and flesh and Color of goo(] which consisted most! of chinaware, one man was employed, at $1.50a day, water makes a pleasant drink and ' mostly Chain in either Ladien' or Gouts' Nize, Lism- 00 1wore ninny and beautiful. Tho Duan-itt which IN a small CstimaW Lir. Wocln never fails 1,t/ quickly relieve. Nervi- er our choice of twonty other rl - ------ line is as Rood as the doctor in emer- ealth 1,0 those who suffer Ing a''1," "Pont in games of all kinds, y pp "'- -'- -- says, without including rnnt of land 11 inters tse(i with music and son miums such as One sate of Jewelry, Of Interest to Farmers. or use of Wallis and hr has about $10 encies and casts only tic. n Mottle. from sick bion p" Rings, Violins, Mandolins, Toa Sets, W his credit, mr, Woon as s this is let Norvaline from your druggist d. Near midnight a most appetising Ski 1. The fact that It is the best 61pper waa served to all. About throeat— r'ts. Camerae, etc, Remain- °followingg from rho legal notes in not the worst feature of 1,t. he Meets to -da O'clock the grlestA departed, after her. we dof41'1 "fel aey ►Norley until the 11in11 and Em ire Is of general in- wore pulled atxiut thrne weekN n o, Ur. HamilWn'N Mandrake 'Pills for preparation of Cod Liver Oil, extepding the tlaarttest of congratula afGor you aoll rho Pilin and you don't Wrest : p g and were ready for shipment, but the headache. tlonit to the host and hostem. Among have to soil any ,nom than is boxes W co ippany, we are informed, were over. riCh in nutrition, full of healthy the 91108tis from other place& were got the premiums. This is a bona fide J. A. T., London.-Quea,-if I find stacked, and ood not oto them then, SIM IL J. WhiWly anti Mrs. Little, of offer from a reliable concern that hits cattle trespnWri an n1, enelac°cl g His Epitaph. 1 13stimulation is a suggestion as Lucknow; Mr. aril DitrL J. O. Martin, R y ea that Mr. Wr>nu Lite W keep them, _ given thousands of dollars ,worth of lands am 1 justified in turning them and ho estimates there was a shrink agqe Mr, and Alm, Wm. McCaughan, Mr, premiums to agents all over the on to the public highway P of itlxlut a tun, aha loss of which he 1fexicans are fond of epitaphs, they re - to why it does what it does, and Mrs. Oliver Whitely and Mr. and countryy Remember also that Dr. (+2) It Nuch cattle am last or injur(+d, had t° Ma t Evidently, lt-9 Mr, Woon joice in eulogies, they like to honor their Scott's Emulsion presents Mrs, A. McDonald of Qoderich, and Arnot 'a English Toxin Pills aro a ens I responsible for Stich loss Or in- has not found rho growing Of su ar dead. Their attachment for relatives is Mr. and Mra. Hall to tled well known rnmed.1 for all diseases of ur P R great, and monuments and flower -strewn Cod Liver Oil at its best, Tp. ° Rt1 of Go(141 the kidney and bladder. Bright's diff. i Y beets d to slip aq come people had grates Show that the de acted are not rich y Ans.-A person who finds cattle mon led W suppose, t p . fullest in strength, least in trot diabetes rale co piaoull. nervousand Brea vain o his lands has a legal orgotten. The dCceeaed may have left Veterinary, troubles and Itomalo coni lain R R Livery, y41 Sale g Tho Iiioet Popular pill. -Tho 111 p 1,s, and nigh to impound them. $o ha.9 no • axil record, and his friends may be and F p are for axle by all first class healer's in anzious that has conduct Should be for - taste, Stables, Is the most popular of till forms of all its of thin world. Yet, have and right W in jam them in anyway. or W nxio tha this docs not lobar him medicine, and of the the moot u- pa Y do any act which ma c4ttlso loss or OH, M • G M V g ' 4 Young women in their lar aro Parmelca'e V .stable t41 show them to sell them. You aro a roma neatly ,worded enlogq, COR. HAMILTON AND ViLt egetable tt ed, not offering something that the people inj 1Y to the o,vncr of such cattle. HOW It ACHEiI Just outside of the cemetery at Vera NEWGA7H r teens "are permanently cured they cyan do,he end aur n°t put t r rd don't know. Our watches are file (2) He may turn them on tale Cruz tbere stands a fine monument which STREETS, GODERICH regular standard else for Ladies or street, but it the cattle aro thereby marks the resting of a notorious sae 4 shoat roads, Of the peculiar disease of t}tp on 8°y flctittoue claims to excellence Gentlemen, in Nickel or Gun Metal injured or loat:, and It can b clearly outlaw, whose cruelty and viotetSiee mall. They are COInpaCt and portable, they dialsCa"b handsome illuminate(1 shown that the injury or lora is direct• his name s constant txensoe to .ell yes e XL J. tiAMtL?oN, v 8., and s; gALiluex blood which shoa>s itself in ate. eastlq take&, they do ttot natteeatr dial& and reliable timed keepers ly attributed to their- having been and order. Hix wife, in spite ,lyf.ha iSh h"ro °Penned the above ,find t, and ar» prs; nor gripe, and they give repot in the taatchra such as no lad or turned on the etr'eet, he will be liable . tr(atttuw was his tiiithfttl Pared to famish the entral ptlblfn with np to paleness,weaknsessand nervous. moot stubborn casae Y gentleman t. Morvan, to date. res"LlehorSesandrf s1, need be ashamed to carry, and they t0 1,h(+ owner for the daulage to, or t Elie last alta after Lib loath thert fit IIort4es 611 (hoderateratds- ness, by regular treatment , - will be sent absolutely Free to all who v-lue of, the CAttle. that she should dhow her respect for his f"3rdesunRa iwat; sold&fta"end exeharis4td, ase ,. r Clinton Now Hire g -.Che apple sea- sell only twelve tmzes of those won. "'"" "'"- es•inoty. ad light lgtt(is, Vetertnnry otttce 1,D crinnectton with the W1t11 Scott's Emulsion. son Is at an end, at least for tthhe pre- derful Tbxin Pills. Wrt W at once and A Surprising DIScovery. She could not speak of his. nobility stabled, and atsealI&A of a11 animal( Brtentlacat• tient. The Crop, though abundan as be the fint in your loclillt to itarn sail worth, and so, after much eoiesidera- lr t.:'e"ted, on reasohahle terms, trorhis ells 1, !C1, 1,S true blood food and will be aeon froth the chi y You will be _prtsed in tryingg CA. tion, she caysed tha followin itts&rip - ed on shart Dduft atom pltnbs ags„ Mte Far buy D. one of thaear tldiutiful watches and tarrhozono 1,0 find how u1ek1 b >:l tilrallly adapted t4 the cure Cantelott ai(rltr, with other tear era in chain&. As aDonae wo reciniveyonrtot q y it Uilln to be dogrneed upon t e tom : 3 coma cold iv aha hea(1. 'I'llinagrecable, duan Fernandes has patiiied to his re HamnW & {{anidall, thn field, y"°1, the best quality 4k• xYx ter 1?Clet CatYl we ,1711 send you poet penetrating vapor travrleea eve aur ' Of tllc blood siekoess from a we" very Cntntan id t;*elve boxelt, together with our g p° card; he way an unerring f>hot and knew ood for 4 '" PnoplttlEi 4117111 F nepp libarhrgod i"tlrnidl lgtCip t> Int pn cell and e • of the nt)" th amt , MVII CII r i IlltlstrAted t7atalo tle and Meautiftllly and tun In ntg(s bttaettir it ritrrtea 771611 VOV= eo fear; owing to eircumetanees over - . ,3t oung wog' ell Qor erich 4PS, 8ru,f.*&1r1P71b, f ondeg, c(iiored card with your name and } L RED- tl:k which he had no cbntrol his talents were that rams on MflOilrltt, ANr>tib._ A r Lf', imt oddly Wl to r Kit eeIt 71st, add1'eaa on rut our authorifted Wilt. instant death to the ngiil ,c n1, gerrxts the from their ro r course, but y t nstwarthr kande" !'r a 11 $lif ors DruaaelelI" iC Iltouey pttid,ditfttbr Hear its Mind that you will not Ix) infesting the lrapiratory argat),r rind 1t11O1C HEADACRES. 'the world should be atettttll far is life fd! IactYnleeetocanntytemanAp, a° ' -+*" 1Ir Ssld eve an std oatablS,4hctl hanse ni e:andeft"ji it » breal.s u a c(tld far terry lI)triuti+al, It M'liittbATCAL ( r'ifwha41v►. t trial will ' onvince' ou that: (,atarrh(N ttPASH01 do his exam ma'ndInrt, A atral ht, terr`A` 1,t o yr sial 1If 11,11!be swto saw packt 1 ale iiltivit and 1,h 90bIfof i>(1X(xfr Itktti tve at'm4'ttr( t7ftt da rxore12 T, to the r einettiMfla ab.A:tripicl tvsrfl• aria[, An le 11 , R1,t rekiq rs1,h 1 YOIIC {,y aha Ilg()rt Nni4ttt; .aatiafatCEory g rstibh. $Itad•ty4rttl1tt►7ttXf. Cl#L tNl vtttt s31 exPcnroa dig e(1klrCh 1VcNlniitarT I ' 4i aftlf hisii. re feed ne43ttly, taiaQt10 '1'hlaM A&,4ru of Unntil att*f You hltvo cote! thea a I :leadaehe Id net t Masa a tet trans, hrad a of a anti plcfu(ant clitt'o for oalds, t ntArth, of ascii a disease+ bait i! Y dran(kvl,fif( notoesec4: M n scan galea ►Bab et}ttpptci,ttr t?re tWltkwii b ►r tali the eX rials am' sire' (acne llyrause(tbtae<tgsetderatwestem• 1 : >v ,.' .::r ,_ tJa*ton f3t(l,r., c. ans)(erv, deaflift3, ht(olicl111:1d, axthl'46 and tun ach. !Votes, bo*e M _ „. * .,, litrilait 94 'I att>rw'ttHte111 1,+l, l4tcea.t f# ObIY ,sacks t' b+tal affer air Ott # .r -' . t_ 11, '. r ,lit+."r+ta 4KA t 1r41 0* 64 p I#agOVt $I `l X,Ld t , ttiojible. Ceilaplt!t46 Acdtf% W., eldA lir(► yea fin beertrd $Ath"t hftows ' ilt„'}FCri .t Mti MI& , .i;aa latt. 114A , tttltibblii tWhOd bf iAtt ..ieirl ## Dr. Arnold a . giir#s '«.. 11ywI ..ia -,tit' 7, z 1 tA+t t+4t>ar. , : ; • - , Ia al+wlrwy, gAHb( "otrtltttat Il,rlt Ta1tI>t 1 tllt, i1A)n C dhlay i • . ro *t n ' lr. ds t(),« hitt ,ton! Unt. rf 1. 1 1,e . arltia+rttt u t i f'.bArtwAl4te Her w tat tiewe n(I. r~at'yt e► h tiutir(It imtita>y Mr t t11fN1 lkt 1It + bi : B'Urdit M , .. tit nit Y4iiIMA1 a1w t rs ' tf all! it maadl r?W rtttt+intti y'tMtittrlt(>x f"Wri#Itla►a, 1 Ila Bi> "'fi ', .,.. iountrabi9.• _... t'.ir$tr1111te herr S'v wroti,tr(wl°, Alelrpxtrttrltctirl tk>„ a ft ftrritif(uisidlaidis ' , Iwtyyt, t►kra. tiitdttaIiM irttttx slate taitl tttht 1:117 X Ilrh(t'+ixkld(i . qtr, ', . Vit' tb1E f`IT7 1`r 1iw i( salt dei rl rtS XItM liiwtl'k(M r , lx► ' 11,” t<a the tail •tri' ,1a 4r . t s t" lrlrai ►+ aMt 1, .. a.. .. t. - ... Il?C+>oa tt1lM4 rt al ' i -_ __ fish' tt"amlt .. .. L. _ dN _ .. . y I ! 1. L - _ • r • t 1 .r . W - MAL - - A"AAAM& — " lr ,. Ir ,1 , - • .. .j"11 L._;,_1:LiiA'L I _. AL L% , ' AL 1 11`l * _ I "I . I -% I I L 11 - e, .-,.,* - .. ­ 1. I _.i_.APA: le 0 ( i. woo give a mortgltgu, $1000 a year -- f • ain and he Amid 1 bad catarrh of stomacir; _-_ s h41ss1onarY (3lvinge. - ----- - Cllnwn .... W Ile written [lff each year the IttcW .e me medicine but it did not do an ' Stafort h. 785 9 Il 410 Y factory as y gam• _ .. _ _ . - - . _-_--'-- __.. .. Rt, (lolumbaa .... , 7 69 $' 17 4 49 is run, They would erect and run a 11°'1, dl pounde in three months. I then nom• Tile hollowing tiro the amounts cult- - TT.T. f - t. 9` '<s. ^,. , a1 .9.'^,h. .s`55., *dti ' Dublh, .. &anted siting 1,N. Pierce'& medidnu and anon tributed Wwarda Missions h L d NLOP S Mlwhdl. 8 l4 9 Sd 6 2 U e,teWry for making Goodyear 171,17 began to tell tetter. 1 have taken six bottles of Y the 1'': " Sebringvtlle. .......:.I 8 86 $ 19 6 4& Shoes, and employ m7n 35 to 40 hands ' Oolden Medial Discovery,• two of • Favorite various Methodist chtirelles Ila this G ' '• titroUurd.... ... a 95 t 00 8 10 with a )tty mU of $20,000 a yeuar. kt& IPUoa' and she pounds. of . l;Pierce'scat e Pei• county, during the 11(.11 church year : XnAS ® ®' i" Rufel t'° WHpoclul eOtuntitWe. mag ; >uvo gained len pounds Caq eat every-Godorich, North street ... ... iW1.uU 1. Arrive n1, Toronty -1 1'l 10 7 e-0 11 40 , .. Z oturia .9trect •I IPL.00 CLOTHING - Accx)vNT". Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets cure torr /,ton, (Goderioh T'1 I .. 5.110 -- D S 1• - N. M. LAwRILNCIG• A bill for the Fire Co.'s sal , rtipation, Ciliate WoHloy .... ,253.00 +•5 J. D. MAeDONALD. Down Town Agent. ar'y, -- .. Onturlo Hn-e....... ..... •117.(18 D. P. A.,'roronto _- ---Y-- nruountbig W $40b, was referred W -- -__ _ .-- ._------ _ _ .- Saaforth ar f' Fire cotwnittee, there tieing sonic dis- FOR THE COUNTY COUNCIL Holinusvillu •' 121,148 is the Standard, for Qualit Y, Just Returucd from Toronto with a Fine Selec- a lYt°mellteta W whether 1,ht increase Flmrvor 12.1,1 Workmanship and Price. I tion of Xmas Staple and Fancy D R Y Ir port at to 4Ad ertisers (I p :: Shama, ".27 $G car man made n1, haat nlet,ting slYth 117-;,t 1 give per onal and special ( ,,` (, takes effect this year, and anumbei•of A Partial List of the POSSIble and JaekBD,rB } • 40.99 attention to . GOODS, which will be placed before Our {{ Iutrlgosofadvortlsunwntaforthe,urn+n1, otheertwcottnte were sent W Finance rhmlrunnnri „17447 T iY,` c' issue ofTrsSTARDiust be 1n the hand,+of the Probable Candldatps for ('rewu B:Let7 1 CUSTOM WORK. Customers at SPNCIAL I)RICES. eonuni taco, 18U -1904. N [lo o printer not law, these Moxosy NOON each 1.Wq woek, Advertisers will EbeSbenezer } ".' _' "' Try a SUIT or a sln Tle Handkerchiefs front •1 cent.+ W 73 cents, real snaps. I.autles' ].felt« Ladies' Please Bovufl, them. REPORTS (1F CUMMITTEEB. '• Ebenezer Ties, [.ndles' Uoll+uw, I,ndles Uloeus, tending N'+usts and Skirts In b"Ll, blxuk 't. solve& accotlilrtgly.,- -. 11 It>t" All announo IN-?-- T _ - (O(+ rucOm- norunillur V. !.Ion .. ... The Orlalns►tor of .Garment. and whlW, Imdlus'1(umospuu U1,,- s skirts m bha+k and dark groi'-1x1,17 value. ,p•..'{.• rate qn Div. No. 1, comprising Ashfield and "•. •.•. ••• l.' ' k' "Business NettOae;,:` hTo _ - - ,.-•,riIZ.It[ 4CCOunt fmnl Jfutlml 4(150 1'htrolB ustnowloftuulvhlauuts (u+us Ilnngnnd!slu,rtones,whlchwillbu § - tfatn,a)IaehCiC,C £ Colborne townships and GoderlCh •• Mall's _ n - s •'old t whuWvo, hey wIli brine;, for thr)•mint do ru some ttcA flrliitrtti,v, for lt,qul services, 4.7o h,DVAN S Ready -Made Clothing KIDNEY PILLS n t Price. Our these town, now represented by Philip Hult 71.78 tiWek novo, cans in such guoJ •Lupo roc 5uws uudr. all cur (,ril-c. O those .uch notleea, n. reading or sows mutWr. Ilk•. n Auburn ., lines wt,v bought b'duru the lata cis,• i» prir ,s. +v.br. umuus 110&1 our figures 1-,4,' lino oath insertion. $ +and (i• N. Davis $L1$ sod and Hugh Olrambors-Mr. Holt re- "Donnybrook 1 .. ... 117, a For Boys and MPs, at prices for them urs actually less than 'ruse", ++holaaalu prices. i reporWd that as number of other " Westtlold 1 17& 6 1 "'•+-•- Caroni lisp/aY ndvortlsing, 134 W 2617. per thea, but Mr. Chambers may run Walton " '" The Original kidney specific for the i N'o novo, hod such success h, hone Ureas 37ateriels In Ifomos s, tuamntl were laid over, not being " 71.46 Cure ofl3ackaehe,j)Iabetes,Bright's ..e mote oath tnsnrtlorl and of quality that meet the Y ugaiu. Morgan Dalton, reeve of Ash- ' Bethel (... 11120 Frtozos, Venottans, Musket Clalu,, and othor honey weight goals, us can hu o certified W. Adopted. N keetlest COm pC 1,l tlgn, h+td thla xuasun and there urs a fu+r linos stillun our tables cat St lull+ W 58 (n t i' ` COiVTRACT kDVERTISINd Hold, John McKenzie, of the sant I,oudesboro ................... 1m. 15 Disease and all Urinary Troubles. r a " Klnburn I -y3 wtdu goods in the best colon: from :AI tents to $L tit, ,vhlrh yAmu can yet at r The Special cottiudttee recommended township, and Alex Yours , of Carlow, Tuckorsnllth,Turner'n ,)2,46 Don't accept something' just a9 W inter need. have no terrors price. fur chole. goads- all now. We make a specialty cat Nun's io 's W.I.,V Young, mon'. and (11,1.' ` nrlorrluthln fm• this sea.,on, and unr sales have boon vu -'-, Tho flgurcH foS "11 contract advIortlsfng in.' that Richard Phalen and Thoa, bfc• etre till in rho Held, ubd Rich/tnl Jewell, Ahnn f .:.:::.:::. :0.40 good. She you get the gentllne for you when wearing g ry `, ?' agree twelve changes a yaar, unless uthcrwixu Lrttn be t1,) ointed lit and ni ht Buy&old 27.2'2 r, P to !n thuxu Items. Uur swck is still wall ,cup +tsw,ruuf, having burn nrldetl p Y 1,r of Colb,:rne, and Robert MCLeawi, (,°,°•H :. DUNLOP'S S CLO 1,r LhIH week In ninny ]Ines. lion's Shirts and Iia "`s, all wool, Nova S,vtiu . ,g a4'n+td upon. Evoty addltlonal chMity will 1,,o police n1, >IN encu er eat•, with 17.N THING. makes, ,rola Set titans tu;l.:;,i, wurntnted nut W shrink, wool &once -lined, 50 P Y tdodorlch, are mentioned els possible. • Bttlit] 111 .............. 1IL7U T , : charged for extra, rho actual cost of corn lwsf- uv(•r uaL uml &lilt yeaCly, W he con- Vacua S.i.W lvv taxa W 7h cfi:. L+ulles 1 udcr+eunr from IS civ, to $L•Li. (.iris' frotu 1'l cG. w tion, from thea W 784 sUtntly on duty ctutnging ntwut ovary Div. NO. 1, Hallett trod Goderirl) " Ooshen 0911 i 51k:. Boys' from as w.5(k,. t ,nu,t's call wool white vests, n chuict tut up W '15c. All cul vortlsing accounts aro rondorod and two weeks, and Lhelr duals& W lx townships and Clinton town, now 1,•e- "Brute 1,t old : 10.48 'rhe CIIPe when all )1,h@Ig .,y( ( Iiolsery unJ (Ilo,'us In groat. vnrluty, unJ acs car pri,•us they -peak for hors, Eaowr, Muiu street . • • y fall. I i9} selves. wu have the G.im•ich Husi°r • In suule of their best makes and also oolloatotl monthly. Job work, cad, ensued b bylaw; 2 that u bylaw be Proaunted by James (Jonn°II and """"""' .J7 10 HUM DUNLOP '° p Y Y (') Y D Y • alfa stn v1, ......... ..... .:gL10 Not a Cure All, but thuIr MItG+. wnali wrotWs In both ( anndhut ,Anti Amorivan makes, fast •,i, prel»tred an pax"ed for the removal avid Oant lon, both of whom are Centralia ......................... 101.W Du»l •ICidnor PlI,, colors lU tants and 1'll cent,,. Flannelettes h•+nu :),cots to 1. of snow fmm the sidewalks within the in the race again. fumes quell and Melon J ••••••••••••••.••..,...,. CLW 7k. or boa, or Y for X3.25. All dealers or The oldest established % Ne>R door to Bank or and ,lark colors, plain and strl'ud. 1\o aunt a ic+v enris cal nA11i vigil t non rr 81.58 Taa 1)0 i! KIDNEY PILL Co. Toroaw, one ,+, the County. r Montreal, Goderich 1 walntlnil g°odH that you can btiy very' cheap. WI Lbe Goberteb Mare Hte limits, and upon Etta, West. A. Leitch, of Hallett, ubd Thos. s11"thesda t 90.69 I .jNorth and Routh streets, Adopted Churchill, of Goterich township, are I{I p6n J """"""""" p all spoken of as willing W serve, N ki - ('osrnopotitan /atteonr for sale, /hshion .tiheels to gine arpay. "I ITtttra•uoxs (ALL n. Ch1"alhrmt Goderlch Townshl UNFINISHED BUSINESS, Halls Green 6.19 p.n• wsas6.,, ,,, Coon. McKim asked that the clerk Div. No. 3, Hay, Stanley, Bayfield Winghnrn•••••.•. •• ......... . 356.41 ScaooE.-Mise Lottie hicM+nth, S. $, ' FRIDAY. DEC. 12 ]1)01 and Honeull, now re roaenWt h WuI. Bruwul............................. w1.01 Rodu6tioR 5dic Phone 86.1,w instructed W proparo n list of call Y Ethel 7'.. No, 8, will hold the Christina" exams. --- uutsUtnding accounts and have it Letttt°n1, and John Torrance, Lamont 'toe's::::..:::::.:.:::. 9&37 on the 19th; No doubt there will be is .reale fol• the 15th, so that the Council i" again a candidate, and John Me- UniO11 j 39.4&a nod attendance of s(•hulatre abd COLBORNE The Town Council would know what W count on in their Naughton, of Stanley, with At good Cranbrook / .................. 1&46 R R Fordwich gl,p4 spectators. f M l L —_ sGtttnnent; also a aGtWmont of filo toeorcl in the Wwnshl Uouneil, do- • Nuwbr(dtre 24.46 PERSONAL. - Mr. and airs. Hn11 01 1 (1 I I + c c c _ granolithlc walk account, showing eirea t) succeed Mr. Torrance, Wm. 0 la ayn° 91.80 y r'r ' ` - C ' c n n C we p fler HOLDB THREE MIf ETIN(38 r ...'""'."" `" ' ^- - loa'n's pr•oportlon and that of •pro• Conant, of Hay, is also mentioned. •• oras oho] t •""' ."""""' I'Li.Bt Rutledge attended rhe chin+, wedding DURING THE PAST g f ••••••........... 57.14 anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. wroaoWr party holders, but the Mayor said aa25 -- --- - WEE$ the a could bu conaido Y Div. No. 4, Stephen, IJalxorne and •• Salom } :'::::: y&1Y Tichbotirie, in Colborne, on Friday, cud by Counefi Exeter; representatives, Hugh vale ru ..,,,,...':;,,,,::., vs.&7 and report a splendid time and a most The Lightness of c'it . -- when going over the statement with Spackman and Richard Hicks. Both Aluovnle . 57.80 happy gathering, Out December Reduction i' A Froposed Shoe Facto the treasurer. Johnswn's 45,86 G' No> C' rya -Some will probably run again, and A. Q, Ebonozer ................ ,1.54 GOOD YIELD, -Thos. Harrison nett Sale is now commenced. Interesting Items POC the Uoun. Thompson expressed the wish nobler, who was n close third two wshnold, If]nko'B .. 56.00 ed enou h on his a le cro W bring O 1,t Doroth Dodd" I that they would also havo the Pmvin- Years ago, will t Zion biro a ollar n da d $ y I PaaDayer. a try again. linukotW ascot day year roan T Cin! dallying Ur's report, which pati been Div, fo G, McKillop, Tselltatuith Hope 1.24.64 Hu Lata probably the best and most READY- I O - AR b *•a NNNM dallying Gx) long; this should appear and Sualorth ; reaentro tesentativea, IIo1m"v0 Conn. Murney was the only absentee ,17th the attteutent pP1t p p Sunshine 'Ai prolific orchard In the township, anti last Friday, at there 0117, m(c•tlt Thos, E. Hays and J. B. McLean, Brick Church 46,86 always keeps it in good trim. In all wearing apparel the Hneat and Choi The mayor said lie had several letWrs The former retires W a well earned t Y• R R• T}tis makes 1,t WUil of $-5:r)0.31) raised --+---- `_ H A -- ,•r cert ninterials are those that combine at F 4 OFFrI(•1{fn,' ILEPODTS, 411.0111 tan+ audlWr and the report was tryst from public ttffnlre, but Mr. 141x- 1, c gre in lite county, by one denomination, T V strength with extrerue lightness of Wei ht. The clerk's certiflc•ttU:v uP the voting Protni"ed for Monday; hu presumed it I eutn will stand00again, havingg an eye fur A7issiontu car ,uses. In addition 1 he qre+nt lung healer is found in g 1 ';, on bylaws Nrw. }317 and 31), fur fit.. WtIuld have W be given W the Govern- °n the watdenship, and Juhn O. to thin the Epworth 1s. •rev un ion that excellent medicine sold as Birkh•'s Greatly Redl]i ed in Price, Few ,evsuns v utenl first and by thein sent W the Grieve, of McKillop, and Ii. H. Gunn, l E Anti-('un11 t (U `I Vine H , It auotbe•n 1 top W consider how much ' Organ a+onipnny loon and "Intik taking Wwn, but its it would cover W or 40 (If Seaforth, are mentioned Its in the several circuits raised the following needlenx weight they carry about to their R I ami diminishes the sensibility of the ( in t.lR• electric ,x711& n were rriul and soma for the aul:port of Missionaries Y wearing apparel. And the greatest item > pages it cutllt not b° publiahud. He•Id fur Mr. Haays' choir, in British Colunlbitt: -Win tenni, £vi nil r°1'1, unr of the throat and air InLss- ,."111(•17 Ami aha• matter of the r ea shoe R II es, a+xl is a suverei n rerned fur all vy a Ir'f ': HMvI. (awn. Thompson Nalt itoughtWbt Div. No. U, (ire},9torrian dBrussels: Brussels, $25: Ethel, $4; Fnrdwich, R K y $TY E area drag upuu )•our strength with r ), The pmpn„al fat• houm of the new )uhlishr d, as the people wonted tp Pr(+s(+cat rupresenUttices, l', li. Kerr e(nlgha, P(alda, huttrseneaa, ),lin or L , QUALITY, PRICE net• 1 vuu t eke, '1'1 e K every $L7; Clotrie, 5513; Wroxeter. $13; Ash- 1 y are a cuneinunl Gtr and ,.,' police and watchmen wort+ ixtad and tow what it said. The mayor said and James Bowman. Editor Iier•r is Held, y'lo; Bel rave, soreness in the ,hest, bronc";tia, etc. quickly exh+ulst you, g $'27: Gcxierich, It haIN cured utany when supposed W A combination theft Cannot refects rl W 4pe+tial cutmnittel,, there would pmtlebly boa n+common- aPWr the wttriemsbip +ofd will NU1nd North Street, $(S1; Gcxlerich, Victoria The li ,+ The t+)can solicitor n•;xirWd regard- dation that tiro roport be printed and again, int will ,Also, :41r•. Howntan, Street, $.`32; Clintln, Wesley, $iw; bo fill. advanced in consumption. n• I be sur passed. ghteat of »II shoes for women is the ing the laud ttetepptAtl Prom Mr, A. P. distributed. Div. Na 7, E. and '%V. Wawanosh, Clinton,Ontario street, $73; Senforth, "Dorothy lludd." The scales are the only f` Me[.e•Itn its an addition W the come- a -- - test and they show a big difference over any ti.,, •: Byylaws 33 and 110, voted on last Bl th and Wirt ham, %-ssrs Al. $11; Holmosville, $14; Blyth, $:3i; The hylaw vote(] on at Bruase lit tc, other shoe, tory, nvontntending that a survey Ix, week, were given their third reading Lockhart and U. gat,( 1x°17, the pre• Thin annon, LF; Nile. $31; y r I__ , made of Glil" and the pare°! ae(juin+d R Y R $' I3enmi!ler, galena the loan of $5,(HN) U) L twkrldge Come to the .Cale -,corse .1(u,lrr_. from the estate of the late bberiff tend fornuilly passed, and the nut sent rupresentttives, will likely ulfer $113; Auhuru, $117; Wa1Wn, $14; Lon- Bros„ fur the woollen Inill, wax 4'hink what it means to you to save the announced that etas tial uweting again, and Alex. Stuart and J. '1• deahom, $lU; Tuckerremfth, $19; Bray- defeated, the von+ being 150 for, and ,`a.ers Jur ) u),. lifting of nay needles& wei ,ht uinn o McDonald, which Inner u° deed of tilt, Council W be hold on Monday Cnirrie, old time its irnnt, will likely field, $IU; Exeti> blain attest, ti y hun- hold over txien given; rind that correct Y p $10; 21 against. Had there been onl) drecl times ,An hmn 0 evening. g. for general MuelnoasI he ,nuke a contest Exeter, James street, $.'30; Centralia, three more vows polled in its favor, ,,i„; dnvxla b• made out for each parcel and would recommend a bylaw apppointing $14; Henanll, 1'L. Total $731, or a the b)'Mvty would have bee❑ carried. Yet no element of wear is lost in this a . tegistored, so as W make the trap Ifers two cobuniasionern to run tic water Div. No. 3 Howick, 7ilrnhutry and grand a sl of $UlIF32. o The council have decided W re -submit M lightness. i and title cotnplet•. Filed. Wroxeter. S. Fs neon, ono of the• MISS V CA M E R / N t and light systems, W lie voted on at rrgg the h law, voting The Treasurer's statement )ens road the municipal elections. present reptost,btativea, will retire, -- - - Y g to take place at, the , . as follows: but R. Miller, the other, is again be• saline time ns the municipal elections. f i 1l` 11EA•*FfI ,fL Council then adjourned. Pore the public, having it desire fur the ism mss, More (•ore will then bu taken W get HAMILTON STREET. They cost $3.75- . For T°cal for dice page I for r+port of special wardenshlg and Andrew Doig,of the necessary vote out. 11 Noy, a IoQ.uVIs meetings on Monday ane! Tuesday Howtek, has announced himself in - - - - ----- C, /(//WCV/V ash on - ham,....... * 1,MikiW-120 Y 1,h° field to Nucetvd Al r. Ferguson. M A N Y A Nerve Wracked and Insomnloua Twacs-ro".7 i ,,, I,ttx4.72 [11,11& evenings. P.S.-Of course we will {ve ou +q rate•ro.idont...... • 78 6,11A ► Other Candida WB mny spring up ho- Everythin nes wrong, head feels Y par- ''f ti awr ,amt ... Do not dela ( getting fore nomination day, I)ec. •22nd, but PROVERB Winter' Term Opens Jan. 5th, titulars of the $-f,(HH) Prize ( r,nteat, ''1,w ' &b -It, noes SII.41 4,8)6.93 y n satin relief for heavy and 1.111, mind is Hllurl with L eernoB .. .... 4191.68 the little folks. Mother Graves' these aro the namcm free! mentioned ' Schlulgrinta 15&01 111).40 Y strange forelmdinga, etatnnch is out of n Dobentum. will ... IagJ;t70 aitin(k7o Worts Exterminator to a pleasant and clow• I kilter, I'm need a gc)Od Wnic like U / ”' Lonnti roneavnlB s,atlo0 ura,565ss aura cure. If you love your child - I long accepted and often quoted, b 11 H ' J t''i (outentoa 57.4X) tn6o why do you let it suffer when a falls to stand Investigation. How Ferrolone W bring tack your lost M A I 34iisoallaInd. 5, 1185 r'Omedy IN so near at hand P frequently is it said "Yon cannot n petite and digestion, and cleanse IIAH `XCLUSIVF, SALE. ,j.,1,;.: _....- , Sink Ind fund .............. 5,1811&8 IMMENSE the blood of all im unties. Fermzonu ' a have too mach of a thin la a wonderful Snvi orant and strength STBATFORD, ONT. I „ p ;,r 1i_ d1, IL Loan ea.. .ith But what about medicod t Yrn1 gq h i : drowalB CL19&16 DllD1UD. APPORTUN ITY '`nOq the meaiclne is ener that will banish gloomy tepre.N- ', Totals i5li il8 2A.M_I QI good, but A large, proIvo school and one of [ , you seldom wish the dose were tar- Rion and sickly restore you to a the best en thb, i o iinont. Thi. isa strong SCHOOL ENTEree and ent -Tito an- y, i stawtnent but Is a true one noverthoie.s. • -- 170&1 ChriatltteN tree and entertainment ger; yon generally wish it were health v genius condition of fnihe The reason our school has a lar a atwn- FOr Qottin smaller, and txxiy. Nothing is so good for theg Sick and our school &ill Ix+ held , hee ad. Q a Beautiful WStch . sick, weary and dooilitnWd as Ferro- (lance tn is orkin , St i. " +vino -awake, ay (icswill he Dec. b 1,h, when tad• g, working, avelLprodted F school. h•oeaea will 1,w given by the trustees and Chain Free. -NO Money zone. Price 50(•, per box, n1, drtlgg]ste BecoDtKrrt dunws have nc,x+pted Itfons or Polsob c@, Cu„ Kingston. at.ulnrles ronaing from 145 n mon , w othera, also readings, recitations Required. -Every Man, Wo RON O ' HamilWn's Mttndrako Pills cute Per annum. 1CCrite for our new catatogue. I 11 and son gN by the children. As Miss man. Boy or G lrl has the constipation. 8 C °°per he" Reno f r It, It In sou- --v-__ W. J. ELLIOTT, lo o d isle In p o ring for it it fe hoped same OppOrtuDlty under Anyone contompinting 1,h° Cultivn- Principal. them will he a good Lurn out of rho our System. TA B'L E T S I tion of sugar ntern lataIslat)(• a ,cal sWd parents and others intet•oeWd In school ti the following statement fmm Mr, work. Mins Oooporaovera her connec- In order W have Dr, Arnold's Eng. John Woon, Gcderich townNbi Feed pale girls On SCOtt's tion with the school at the clot(° of hall Toxin Pills placed In the hands of 116 exceedingly small, but the are' p : _. _ ---' ------ y thla Wrm, and is Nuccood(d by Mr. Iv all persons suffering from had health also exceedingly effective. The From 1i acr(•s lie raised a little over 10 Do93 Your Baby Cry at !+fight P Emulsion, KBox. of the Goderich Model school, we make the following most liberal are a gentle laxative. They ares tons, the price therefor being $3.Go . offer :- aerie tonic, They cure indlgt tion, per ton on the cars, which makes a If so, it is well W know the great We do not need to glVe all CHINA WEDDING. - Last Frida;t I grows income of $GII. That too k+ like value Of Poison's Nerviline, a house- livening about Go guests assembled at It you will Mend us your name and Fifty Tiny I a large ntnrnmt, but 1,h( plowing, hold remedy for stomach paha, the reasons \Vily SCOtt,S the homy of Mr. and h[ra. T. D. Tich- aadlmtN and &glee 1,D Nell for uN twolre harrowing, EE)Innting weedingg pulling, cramps, Wothache, sick headache, and l)onrne, to colebrat+ the 20th annivori borne of Dr, Arnold's En liah Toxin Tablatttr so Lraay to T4aka clennin 1717(7 shipping Wok Hve week& the manifold ills puculinr W children. Emulsion restores the strength sac of their wedding. The ,•.ut.9, Pills at 23o per box, we will gglv yon Twority-Nva Cants of g i A few drops of Netviline in sweetened y {{ Q abso@rltly lire a b a,rliful 1Yalch mrd Rax1 Lars la car. Say that only k and flesh and Color of goo(] which consisted most! of chinaware, one man was employed, at $1.50a day, water makes a pleasant drink and ' mostly Chain in either Ladien' or Gouts' Nize, Lism- 00 1wore ninny and beautiful. Tho Duan-itt which IN a small CstimaW Lir. Wocln never fails 1,t/ quickly relieve. Nervi- er our choice of twonty other rl - ------ line is as Rood as the doctor in emer- ealth 1,0 those who suffer Ing a''1," "Pont in games of all kinds, y pp "'- -'- -- says, without including rnnt of land 11 inters tse(i with music and son miums such as One sate of Jewelry, Of Interest to Farmers. or use of Wallis and hr has about $10 encies and casts only tic. n Mottle. from sick bion p" Rings, Violins, Mandolins, Toa Sets, W his credit, mr, Woon as s this is let Norvaline from your druggist d. Near midnight a most appetising Ski 1. The fact that It is the best 61pper waa served to all. About throeat— r'ts. Camerae, etc, Remain- °followingg from rho legal notes in not the worst feature of 1,t. he Meets to -da O'clock the grlestA departed, after her. we dof41'1 "fel aey ►Norley until the 11in11 and Em ire Is of general in- wore pulled atxiut thrne weekN n o, Ur. HamilWn'N Mandrake 'Pills for preparation of Cod Liver Oil, extepding the tlaarttest of congratula afGor you aoll rho Pilin and you don't Wrest : p g and were ready for shipment, but the headache. tlonit to the host and hostem. Among have to soil any ,nom than is boxes W co ippany, we are informed, were over. riCh in nutrition, full of healthy the 91108tis from other place& were got the premiums. This is a bona fide J. A. T., London.-Quea,-if I find stacked, and ood not oto them then, SIM IL J. WhiWly anti Mrs. Little, of offer from a reliable concern that hits cattle trespnWri an n1, enelac°cl g His Epitaph. 1 13stimulation is a suggestion as Lucknow; Mr. aril DitrL J. O. Martin, R y ea that Mr. Wr>nu Lite W keep them, _ given thousands of dollars ,worth of lands am 1 justified in turning them and ho estimates there was a shrink agqe Mr, and Alm, Wm. McCaughan, Mr, premiums to agents all over the on to the public highway P of itlxlut a tun, aha loss of which he 1fexicans are fond of epitaphs, they re - to why it does what it does, and Mrs. Oliver Whitely and Mr. and countryy Remember also that Dr. (+2) It Nuch cattle am last or injur(+d, had t° Ma t Evidently, lt-9 Mr, Woon joice in eulogies, they like to honor their Scott's Emulsion presents Mrs, A. McDonald of Qoderich, and Arnot 'a English Toxin Pills aro a ens I responsible for Stich loss Or in- has not found rho growing Of su ar dead. Their attachment for relatives is Mr. and Mra. Hall to tled well known rnmed.1 for all diseases of ur P R great, and monuments and flower -strewn Cod Liver Oil at its best, Tp. ° Rt1 of Go(141 the kidney and bladder. Bright's diff. i Y beets d to slip aq come people had grates Show that the de acted are not rich y Ans.-A person who finds cattle mon led W suppose, t p . fullest in strength, least in trot diabetes rale co piaoull. nervousand Brea vain o his lands has a legal orgotten. The dCceeaed may have left Veterinary, troubles and Itomalo coni lain R R Livery, y41 Sale g Tho Iiioet Popular pill. -Tho 111 p 1,s, and nigh to impound them. $o ha.9 no • axil record, and his friends may be and F p are for axle by all first class healer's in anzious that has conduct Should be for - taste, Stables, Is the most popular of till forms of all its of thin world. Yet, have and right W in jam them in anyway. or W nxio tha this docs not lobar him medicine, and of the the moot u- pa Y do any act which ma c4ttlso loss or OH, M • G M V g ' 4 Young women in their lar aro Parmelca'e V .stable t41 show them to sell them. You aro a roma neatly ,worded enlogq, COR. HAMILTON AND ViLt egetable tt ed, not offering something that the people inj 1Y to the o,vncr of such cattle. HOW It ACHEiI Just outside of the cemetery at Vera NEWGA7H r teens "are permanently cured they cyan do,he end aur n°t put t r rd don't know. Our watches are file (2) He may turn them on tale Cruz tbere stands a fine monument which STREETS, GODERICH regular standard else for Ladies or street, but it the cattle aro thereby marks the resting of a notorious sae 4 shoat roads, Of the peculiar disease of t}tp on 8°y flctittoue claims to excellence Gentlemen, in Nickel or Gun Metal injured or loat:, and It can b clearly outlaw, whose cruelty and viotetSiee mall. They are COInpaCt and portable, they dialsCa"b handsome illuminate(1 shown that the injury or lora is direct• his name s constant txensoe to .ell yes e XL J. tiAMtL?oN, v 8., and s; gALiluex blood which shoa>s itself in ate. eastlq take&, they do ttot natteeatr dial& and reliable timed keepers ly attributed to their- having been and order. Hix wife, in spite ,lyf.ha iSh h"ro °Penned the above ,find t, and ar» prs; nor gripe, and they give repot in the taatchra such as no lad or turned on the etr'eet, he will be liable . tr(atttuw was his tiiithfttl Pared to famish the entral ptlblfn with np to paleness,weaknsessand nervous. moot stubborn casae Y gentleman t. Morvan, to date. res"LlehorSesandrf s1, need be ashamed to carry, and they t0 1,h(+ owner for the daulage to, or t Elie last alta after Lib loath thert fit IIort4es 611 (hoderateratds- ness, by regular treatment , - will be sent absolutely Free to all who v-lue of, the CAttle. that she should dhow her respect for his f"3rdesunRa iwat; sold&fta"end exeharis4td, ase ,. r Clinton Now Hire g -.Che apple sea- sell only twelve tmzes of those won. "'"" "'"- es•inoty. ad light lgtt(is, Vetertnnry otttce 1,D crinnectton with the W1t11 Scott's Emulsion. son Is at an end, at least for tthhe pre- derful Tbxin Pills. Wrt W at once and A Surprising DIScovery. She could not speak of his. nobility stabled, and atsealI&A of a11 animal( Brtentlacat• tient. The Crop, though abundan as be the fint in your loclillt to itarn sail worth, and so, after much eoiesidera- lr t.:'e"ted, on reasohahle terms, trorhis ells 1, !C1, 1,S true blood food and will be aeon froth the chi y You will be _prtsed in tryingg CA. tion, she caysed tha followin itts&rip - ed on shart Dduft atom pltnbs ags„ Mte Far buy D. one of thaear tldiutiful watches and tarrhozono 1,0 find how u1ek1 b >:l tilrallly adapted t4 the cure Cantelott ai(rltr, with other tear era in chain&. As aDonae wo reciniveyonrtot q y it Uilln to be dogrneed upon t e tom : 3 coma cold iv aha hea(1. 'I'llinagrecable, duan Fernandes has patiiied to his re HamnW & {{anidall, thn field, y"°1, the best quality 4k• xYx ter 1?Clet CatYl we ,1711 send you poet penetrating vapor travrleea eve aur ' Of tllc blood siekoess from a we" very Cntntan id t;*elve boxelt, together with our g p° card; he way an unerring f>hot and knew ood for 4 '" PnoplttlEi 4117111 F nepp libarhrgod i"tlrnidl lgtCip t> Int pn cell and e • of the nt)" th amt , MVII CII r i IlltlstrAted t7atalo tle and Meautiftllly and tun In ntg(s bttaettir it ritrrtea 771611 VOV= eo fear; owing to eircumetanees over - . ,3t oung wog' ell Qor erich 4PS, 8ru,f.*&1r1P71b, f ondeg, c(iiored card with your name and } L RED- tl:k which he had no cbntrol his talents were that rams on MflOilrltt, ANr>tib._ A r Lf', imt oddly Wl to r Kit eeIt 71st, add1'eaa on rut our authorifted Wilt. instant death to the ngiil ,c n1, gerrxts the from their ro r course, but y t nstwarthr kande" !'r a 11 $lif ors DruaaelelI" iC Iltouey pttid,ditfttbr Hear its Mind that you will not Ix) infesting the lrapiratory argat),r rind 1t11O1C HEADACRES. 'the world should be atettttll far is life fd! IactYnleeetocanntytemanAp, a° ' -+*" 1Ir Ssld eve an std oatablS,4hctl hanse ni e:andeft"ji it » breal.s u a c(tld far terry lI)triuti+al, It M'liittbATCAL ( r'ifwha41v►. t trial will ' onvince' ou that: (,atarrh(N ttPASH01 do his exam ma'ndInrt, A atral ht, terr`A` 1,t o yr sial 1If 11,11!be swto saw packt 1 ale iiltivit and 1,h 90bIfof i>(1X(xfr Itktti tve at'm4'ttr( t7ftt da rxore12 T, to the r einettiMfla ab.A:tripicl tvsrfl• aria[, An le 11 , R1,t rekiq rs1,h 1 YOIIC {,y aha Ilg()rt Nni4ttt; .aatiafatCEory g rstibh. $Itad•ty4rttl1tt►7ttXf. Cl#L tNl vtttt s31 exPcnroa dig e(1klrCh 1VcNlniitarT I ' 4i aftlf hisii. re feed ne43ttly, taiaQt10 '1'hlaM A&,4ru of Unntil att*f You hltvo cote! thea a I :leadaehe Id net t Masa a tet trans, hrad a of a anti plcfu(ant clitt'o for oalds, t ntArth, of ascii a disease+ bait i! Y dran(kvl,fif( notoesec4: M n scan galea ►Bab et}ttpptci,ttr t?re tWltkwii b ►r tali the eX rials am' sire' (acne llyrause(tbtae<tgsetderatwestem• 1 : >v ,.' .::r ,_ tJa*ton f3t(l,r., c. ans)(erv, deaflift3, ht(olicl111:1d, axthl'46 and tun ach. !Votes, bo*e M _ „. * .,, litrilait 94 'I att>rw'ttHte111 1,+l, l4tcea.t f# ObIY ,sacks t' b+tal affer air Ott # .r -' . t_ 11, '. r ,lit+."r+ta 4KA t 1r41 0* 64 p I#agOVt $I `l X,Ld t , ttiojible. Ceilaplt!t46 Acdtf% W., eldA lir(► yea fin beertrd $Ath"t hftows ' ilt„'}FCri .t Mti MI& , .i;aa latt. 114A , tttltibblii tWhOd bf iAtt ..ieirl ## Dr. Arnold a . giir#s '«.. 11ywI ..ia -,tit' 7, z 1 tA+t t+4t>ar. , : ; • - , Ia al+wlrwy, gAHb( "otrtltttat Il,rlt Ta1tI>t 1 tllt, i1A)n C dhlay i • . ro *t n ' lr. ds t(),« hitt ,ton! Unt. rf 1. 1 1,e . arltia+rttt u t i f'.bArtwAl4te Her w tat tiewe n(I. r~at'yt e► h tiutir(It imtita>y Mr t t11fN1 lkt 1It + bi : B'Urdit M , .. tit nit Y4iiIMA1 a1w t rs ' tf all! it maadl r?W rtttt+intti y'tMtittrlt(>x f"Wri#Itla►a, 1 Ila Bi> "'fi ', .,.. iountrabi9.• _... t'.ir$tr1111te herr S'v wroti,tr(wl°, Alelrpxtrttrltctirl tk>„ a ft ftrritif(uisidlaidis ' , Iwtyyt, t►kra. tiitdttaIiM irttttx slate taitl tttht 1:117 X Ilrh(t'+ixkld(i . qtr, ', . Vit' tb1E f`IT7 1`r 1iw i( salt dei rl rtS XItM liiwtl'k(M r , lx► ' 11,” t<a the tail •tri' ,1a 4r . t s t" lrlrai ►+ aMt 1, .. a.. .. t. - ... Il?C+>oa tt1lM4 rt al ' i -_ __ fish' tt"amlt .. .. L. _ dN _ .. . y I ! 1. L - _ • r • t 1 .r . W - MAL - - A"AAAM& — " lr ,. Ir ,1 , - • .. .j"11 L._;,_1:LiiA'L I _. AL L% , ' AL 1 11`l * _ I "I . I -% I I L 11 - e, .-,.,* - .. ­ 1. I _.i_.APA: le 0 (