HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1902-12-05, Page 3- - I - . , .0 - t— � . 11 ":.1. 1p9r,",Tlri47;fwmpNl-ll�1,77wpwpwl�W -7 -IM 710"R."M 11 �1.11 I 0 "I ­Wq"r "WIM. "I'll I,, I -?T-.-,T 1711'"T" I IT 7-r"PrF, .71FRIF , , I 'T 77,7*11PRF . , . , "I . ­ . . V � 10 ". .�% ­­'­ - .1�­*-­4110701F'70t,�� , , . -11 I I I � I I . , , - _. ­­ -, - 1%. I � .. ..... 11-, .11 - � . . I J " I � I ,� � 1� . � I � I � . , I �,�'. . � . . . . - � I � I . I . � 11 I I �, . I I . 11 I . I I � � . I . I I % 11 . � �: � .- � 1, - � -1- . 0 I . 0 . . . I . . � .. If- I 1� I - � I I I . I � . t, � 11 1 4 �, I ­­ -1-1 -1 11 _..___o1o.,I0@o�o1oo? .... op" �1 I i h 0. 0io 11 01010 R!" 11 I—— o�� I . - . " 01. IL . � . , , _- � .0 . I -1 I ­­_ . ­­­­ 11 ­ � 11.11 11 .. I ­1­111111-�, r, I I I � . . I 11 I . wd)VA I I . . . I I . � I .. I I I *01"t IXI UM 0OWWO. 1 T= I , nm,f�nox �, ot, iftia JA a W41107 liftMo, I - 1[� Ui4 It A* 04*04, 04 00 41111w, i I I I I - I 11% , 1011; I I'MI, I I . � I I I I I I I - #AbW,Witb4kftt omplaynilliall, or sk,rulf- . ... . I .1 .. . .11 , WOVII4 fttvw frollik, V* P* . 1401#4 1ARKM i I . 1W.9114 rv�, brokox"irts who, xn�# , Iq r 1 � , , � I . . r I .1 11 r AgatZ"t"okkeo of, ,11=004swo *"ii . , ,t , , 9044 04ts Uft ". As" 0. r **** � . 11 : , . . � I , � I I 11 1.—.U.- I -1 _""00` I I � '044 OiW7.4, , .. .1 I � I � P; ,1$;PLA;V"q A 994K F, 44 a"Wo ; I'll I . I., Nwli,w. W islev V,NV"g9%y 4 .1- I . 11 . . ', 711-7-' ­­'­ .. . .1 1 4 , I .. � 171 I 1. L . I 0, - L -ther % vlay , * I . . I . Aw, wbw tO�K havio $0444 woric ' ' - I 8 * tt* " ,* ft;4 TorOLINto, ", Thik .� , , 11 h I - I 1. . , ,,, . - - . . - A 11 4 � . I . ­ 11 �� % ._r I I "U*r7.AS1%J&_A0Jlk_1 LL '� rr ; A;wt- ontqj# �'t mina I .. At �, I%4%d VAsn",. TO- �4VA" 04 - b*IK �% I � Tholt MA 0AMUM, M-01i,1110r, at � , '' ,,* A fftit'U" , M11 , _ _ 14 140# 0 0 , . I I - _1 V04141 from s"* WtI10111I it * I 111141111114, 49%volto . PoRtrot 09 1,4, ftA oew .1 I 1, I . `­! U) �'IIA ! "" " ' ' 'A.' 19,dVift � � 4K I* - I . 4% . . f .., L , . . I I 11 � U , 0, I .1I 0, �U �� tHU - !nN, " , � __R- ­ j;�'"�,'1�14 _460101wo, I , _;W - 1W - , , tov"�Wlrw elAw WAAIA* it Iliko ft"t '41*U0011k AOK 04110 4".041 A - * , . __ ___ "N*V, _%Vj,,,c,,Jq-"-7j�4V 9 I , . .1 . — I-,--- _ , ;�Vt . — ­ -1 --%.1. ­ ­ ­ 1- T".9tAl * 0*01004 , lipatA, trilloxi""011A, 1A Will 04 0 00,4 -ft . I i . . I - .A , it"'iPoifw-and vitoll JQrc".tQ . filoay I .. 14%.N� . Mt 404 Wlt;4 #A� 4011WOolk I I . I V40Jof0C1OV';K4#0 1% a roporta 0 kl.gulv�q Vollowo. 01401 h 0 ..... 0 1 ".1,1,111,01 - - I - I � - . I I.. . 1. X I � ,� ". - �,l� .1 , I i � . . . 1.014mm, '' � ' wo. QUOph. 0 .... lot . .. ",ow I , I I ,. , - t � $0 , I = � , , litat Put ding 0, an, O� wt 'Wooday. I " -, , I � 5 J � I nothlog, of L his 4044m ,w4to,h io* � 1 ,dot q , Whit* tAlA,`w49,1* 004's' JA VW Ow tbq rArliam �� 14 . , - � , I . I - L ek; 94 W9440. on *a . I bowt 1*1444 1, 4.4 M . I ",W."* O'k,purpo" Wall#. $*�# 40" � ,.,M.M0o`tPrX_* � 1114W, Vtollklilolftt JwAss -M**A 4* 444,001, Atuting at 1-30 p. 1pt� vouwqg, , ". , . B I , I I , c ,r -X,W, " 4�' ,* �w '' frowo4too, volk" 00. *44"xic . RQ'MPAA A. 0,�.�, 14L tixt 40,T4 oa,, "Ilk- . I I ,,It , , . I i .... Von TH I , I I tuR � 00. WhO a � �41.a . ;Q ,Lk, . - 0U.4 � I 11 " , I X, wou ... Pm . X " . I 14 Pa*,* at L b�, , 094 12�_ � pit. pirialliolikkO. Aloports wilt be pire, I "' Alts'datoo": It *04JA hot W thakfaft-00 , . , L ,- � Rot Poelaw . , The others pre�. 9� MO# � . elf .,At 'JIM lb.r Rfie$. 11, L. auttI O.A,L se4t,fl4. 44, .4 I . ", ! ,Am' tup'. Winter , "ap)IM, approo Pt, .the aqw# %)out I, . 940A 4P, Way. -4 " - t potl.40' RatiflV4,1-9,0it, P", ft who )at# helploolliv- P1100LAIAR to 3`09A oke kin: 11 1Aq d go 0,0110rIlitAVole 116. library. , t, , , , . I L �1, 'a, I 4 oi� 0*4 rate- ., 'I, 11 , pottittools''vory .scift, JV44 On eltyw" ,,to And'houieftlir to 404" 'th,fl'r#z*9.pn ' Aug" - 'I Jifricolture, UOrttqu4* oodi�jromf tbird I , or t,ho t4roor o0hQuIld we,kis wo es f 9,0, tlik�auodli 04, V,4.k"r at 44 vkhIto "q 4 k, , fir nodillctod .t 0.44 to opq ter sod' *A4 000 wore, - .. I I . ow".4 1 ,r - 4, soott- "Who.4 Pa" , , 44�_ , t,00t , r ; to, Woolv4rotoo, $get#- , XpetJ1JI:keRt# throughout Roeolaixgt Wilt. ` . X . jR . '' * bt4 , . I I ," . 1140h, t4.94-whilo WAro'.:44od �odd -�,% 4, 4 PpIrmuk.404 -VOrA reach, 0 ,.O�`to ot .. 4 .and 1*4 9� r4likd:4 Ap* tW ..gr . '10" Quelpb '104*4 I I . , _ L � a*4 I to W . I "A , . 40. 1,044 41;� (Jqd�fk Is RatRitlaot 4 , - 04041by; W. ill. Orr, WAno;)& ORtArlo 4' 4i . I I I � . , .4 *�, I -Cup podjoutteri, A44 _A .0 A � 40*, #0 It, vIll"bo, tbo V20A �Ao' . pIK pit '. dirt., - Th , _04 49� No". gt�WY . . � , a" . . =IO1* L 1), - - m , u4t to, OW it 0.0,= 0 . . O�'ft "Isas **, L � � . OL A, Xt. �44A, 9rimsboy, al.to W, tuillo, � L 40 4 lAotalw. Poultry Thirty at "(O 4 - . ,.. � - I , , - nalkillp 440, Forostrr. As there Alkwaillolog, 010041so ,�Akt; Ott4vic-140y 1, , t, it 1. 00. � - ,owAn too to, 004 , � -0, ,, I I . r , L 4 P4.1211 Au �11* I I 109fter #47 4t, holno'i. , U 'to , %We, may tm ikiA* ot,4� rom estat. $wtog Ist "O'*403 "O ,07 , tX I I . , , . "i. I I , I I I . filiro,bla, - 4011,50hopic. Ot, qatholrlum . There *to,, e� blfttar� , '114011 � tw � , Into quIto I . *9, -9op'AwAh, . 't I 11-1 VItito" z6Ni b.4 . , Is Y004, ,, y *0001 �, , - ilor� to" It 1* of � 40'ro 44'van #4*11. No. I Q".. to, uabltoll* WIt"t la Prot-, nqv fourteen. stations. covVin ­� a "I I O.ix, AroolloM, , v,,* W flury � , � � . i"Ja716 . ow at aflj� t9k $0, 1 h '84io '04M. �, klor , it 410out 4.000 oxiteirlmoute " (or 'rottsrood 44th Afirtimsto .. I* at( , .4-444 irl tbw ,woo' Ilk I% "L I . 1, voliko of 1,4,qr- 1 cttdooX. A94 it, L , * 040, WK4 - OR". inip, at. 1, '00. 0qsC)*4Iti;'*.sUi throoth. t4w,44yWor the'a, tq tot, $a, I. northerN: orlitottION Alt. 0040W fruit W, 01))" at Oi a ovol, -*V400,44 Ontario in XV02. whose ad4r000 , L . - .1 I " �, To, kolt tailljo *Olt OpmL I q, 1009. - I . , " ""go-Uroisocoolom, � � I , . vbsto Aqguv�, - th. � .. I UMP1,09 AVOL tq b 4A 44or" mA, tfirqw th t, tq, to, #0AIAp1VA*, *A trarwk. . , I'lot, 'I', � AUCOUnding as 1ar north aj a � the" roporIA should be ver7 Igstruc. .. ,xI,*4no Its I . . . . . . . . . 11 , irt .ol'star LL I ,to, t* IPAJ, With- 1404 And, $4*04001 � At - to woo, VA04 Wkth the 19,11it I , I- b 'I t added Zo . O "104r 0`11's., .1 . , 0* - ollostak sh 001A of ]its I , 'L ''I I . " lj�bk be *oil Arfwt4�'" t . tallill, V464, tAo fkR k -Is `stM,4;- 190411il 0.00"PJ`4 4e*t OIA Interesting Account of his fAX- �U'o top oti,y r, 1 .. L. I k, t., than are Wilding �q^ for cars, o(0.0 per others, business at Hialifox W, 411404t. � I , I � . W� , , 06roo, V,WqWA colat.'Pitients. [a their, .. , ",$half$ when he will oup IV 04WO, of,the, , 11 ­ ­ , " I will � * , 0 , t4oin frotix,9411*Qp. and them Is4p tillhio, *#OM*044. on I . . � Igo,, 9"t or NVAII, bw two . , '4.4"I�pn.Afot, - io, � tho whit"' 07, eatiag 016WO );io- . 1#9ra iltoc 0 And- J.PL0,40,V4 poruti,owtio at Powassan. Parry actuJI4 Ir : sugar, 4,04 yo*. I NOW � ti 111. "411 tlio , . Ions. , I L 4 . ,W -s ko� 4 low iro�h ,#A,4 440 A t, It.".'r. r I W. 4 . � %td "I 4t am , = - , " %19;4�h'o Wetud. ,11r. A,, X .11 VtA1;,, t4o "Whi"o, qx _4 of;', rpot�__ ,&` tj�' If 4 tbte, 11 ,. .quilth, e. * %IZVO _,� 1A '' � I I " � isidep r 11 "I'll L. � 1P � - I I �, On mixturoL , ,Qvw th. V " a hil,W-4 I V � ""', materials. 4=1-114. ct`� bou 4 A _ L , . . .� . r, .r I 01 I I -O, . , 11 I � , , tiw. a,44 miir ursokii, A#4 0% J*o the, jkq , L , , - ,, , ,,, L tt , - : will In . frolsbw plic,44 . , 014ttlAt where, Among otIllor t1dallwo, . ch will be Specialty U I ,�L . �.** bo otj,ffor� In twitilp, and Van be WeWlald. and 040 'gredil., I T, rg . , I .. . I ruAg'J'*, an.4r'J,,,.,hOAiiIUV J I , . th, . I L It .0 '11010 4014 a to vioa lllgblqr� "IV 140 had secured good reatina witili th.A- A t ki to the ladles. Mies Bes- *IVY IUtJQSA .* .. 1 I L 09, 4 l0ge, a , 4 ;1.0 , *#.r'Stel" b,V tM I I , . r will a , I vii A less . , t%00 BOrbitink And other plume. This sta- . � _ � I � L . * � U,0pqQA ttbit g poe .. 4 VI qtorc, Normal School, Ot- U COUAOAI� WAQVIX104 %40 t I L � L -44 iklm4oly roo-ou in dfflS00"ikJf4LgoMQ,41c�Aad. . 0 at tion Will probably to, taken over by A; A Laura Hose, Ouciph, and Mayor and F4naRge: q0,9*40tow to up- "I _ ,, rutw_A,, l,I(.'I*" I) PC 'eroqox. A WOO pou Iffolpfif to To nA.do,rt*k6,1p0kV_ft*n thla - flour Is iltep, at 11*4 1 tr � Roamilto , , , �Lpp I f, r J� tolialolpttan Vartillsi,., " oLtfr $V,a, , I L I-0.440 At tulrAt i%alt, 4014100 10 t. �0114-11111 t 9 oil V �,141)11.4�0001ktlk rotli 9 ter t ... . I 0-ot L milk # I " modgir tcikly 11 - . 111tingarlan. p4toRts .044 44,9 I ... "I . . � . ` � p4ps' I)Vqn - 4. , Vri*, pro %a logo, * And I'A. I.W6 "Me, 104tiork"bt tuo t A 0 a an OtA, a alIq strong tia.k9re". bags 14r the Waril, The be" made general . . . Ler"Iman, Sup-ei-intendent ply (or logAillakAg#i, it tM , w �., I . , Ad '46*01'14' 1 , ­ � , i� q I on OXPOPItneato in the Use of a varloiV ' , I . . . iok �,; 441C.114 their I btk�ktlff I , jb4od � I'll :L " 4 , , OYW , I .. . 1, t 154t - Ux *,b1t4*,WV tionlipais to'bi kopt%groat, ,Oatif I I , Z fit, �, � �,­ , VA IQ abor ,,Of he 11. makes it'j%lo I r A I.' I , _ . . � �f FORtora' Institutes, Toronto, are to establish et *i0flielf ) ,. I '. 11 l I .1. 1AU I Such 10 11% the track Tgroot&, I , okO., 4*1 yard. . I , � � , - - .1 I � 900 or boilgil to "Ordoeil" � I wilt . t .1 0 oncirteling trea protectors. And gniong t�a speakers for the ladios' Dairy SupsoriAtilkAdoo I .,( , ,..,01�q $Uppor'. Rab�­9440'44,Ovg StArch, It i0potli; 4 4104, ,,u I A,, fulr.�.4#r rpust, have to . 'L ,�� ., I it I , 'A I ; I :: Millfead-le steady # X Tille:r �.L " At #17 for cars though it operated � t Vrab 4 - , , aR A464 g4rd, u 4 at** against Canker jOakofjqna� -, and tUrvey 911otholl., of ft Johri. , , u4lif1pilr., , I., . ,, , herd, �� to% of ehorts and *14,50 far bran llx, worms, their report Was the, . � : - � , Of'UMUff P41villor WaCidt. Atip,rAthpll, irm s' � an Salt' ,, .Wforo'lWialf theint. at cco'W84, (or Arfgtianc% At ,them _Aro 11 . . I � , , , ip ' ik' �. I ­ t on thO Dositips tile reports at the co-oper- N. B.. hAv9 caterela Into & fivoki Y", : � �� I . , I �, k, :� stil �Nf0.',Qp0AtA , 4_'q� fAA, Inch., t 14 ;NA-t,t, �Aocat,toroi;t . on, carpets -When Aq���mra4:,og4,t4lE:.�otot4ore,�):F be- bulk east or middle jrolghttao. Mail'- wtiole it woo unsatisfactory, and In ati . vu okporiments, addresses will bq contract to god t9,Sg;#b, 4 .. 1 17� :�', 1 _r I OR iII,, #Il4BOoiTL,Pari,."P ",�V#�#1 1:0 swe , , . I . �IACO , -V, for (tome instances inju I . I . 4 .eplal; kQcPAl,#gwA the #Ust %no hind thot] 0144ro, Ilk, -timoduo4ow , aud IN PAC'unp WAT no, toba millfeed Is steady at $:10 .'ItIte, &Rd . .. ��', . , , rious. " I .1 ,�, 1�11 ­� "rig . � , delivered At the regular sessions by Instruct farmers 10 daliyIng me fids I I , I Aoll,lo'OVer thotto I — . curio of shorts' and $16 for bran.:1 prof, Ilutt, the visitor to the QX, prco,, , I .t Of . ,, 1prp ,, klin prov vgue. * These )f1stl 41* not -Profitable . tk - 1.11 r .� I ", , .., �,� I -�,: ii IbicklY, wo plowtTAR I a and, j I sit 9 - QoIla m4ths. A Small quAtitity , RUSNA44 Pit 0�2 4fasl, IV. Robertson, Agricul- Work an the no* 004ogli.11broary IIIIIIII '1"_� , L' 4VO4.� gar%'. of malt tbrown, Olt a Coal fire when 4411DA41, ,to _1� CoriaroonliIIIIII An vacks, Included pertinent stationd, reported in dow too �,,. �A quiot, , " 440A And, should ho dlo- , Toronto ,frefirlits. ,rat Cdjumiastoner. Ottawa; Dr, B. at Vancouver to pro,X"V . .. , " I "" , .,33440, AA I 4 4n4; 'W,UQA ' theVOW tamo� � - Barloy-Is unc Ide for tail. " l)PS favor- � "' - ­ I I . - _ , � at"'40liall Prip000; . I - I . I ., I ,-�, ''.,.� , , , JOW�, ,,%"Ill r revAvo, it., o4prinkAo $Alt all. posed: Of oven it, . ­ � I � . . N - lie recommended that the 1`01 ,V. Fornow, Director - of the Now ably and Mr. G. W. Orsint 0 larch- ­ , � I I � L� ' 11 ' 0,110*'Out In f . , . . � d 'Alturoa axko.�so"O.Wlth 0 before broiling. Dip a plew The traveller An tb O* 8 =%, aq4 40c for No. � 3 Suits of the I ! : I I I �, � I . I , "q , , '', I � . � tho� Ilk. lacio $11104 with t'llial" t 4 4 tests and alipertrogrWto York State Colle of Forestry, Ith- Itect. Alt of tit 10013119111, .It�t . ­ �'_,_ , � 11..�., , I .0� . I ., -14,ifttor AUc4* maple gyrpp, , ��! raq � 11 1- . �.. Abill, - , I I 111 I �% bfk#qr satiol!Iactleim wittless tow Sight$ Which will interest now shown at tile Industrial Xxhi- gLe , Boa. - building Will . .-w -,- 6, � o., , "'POTArkto uAti 'Dx.%I,Q.4,!49u.bi-096,)P",tiao , � � I Q1 , dam ,I, _q Ugly Land,will fat trilghm _, 9111ohn Dryden, Pro ". - � . �, � , P. flannel In salt to cloAn ,%. N, � y.,, 1� P10491''k k, n..Up W00% ,,1;,,1,rX,,P tbero',.Ja 41*%�a a, liability. r him mptZo than that Ot t�b,t.%jR � y the I i.. 1, . ,.,�, jAA Duckwheat­lp qqJQt A,t 52C. for No. bitlou should also be Oxhibited . Oplaw I L.,- I � I I If - - Oyfl� SWUOIX 3 4i vi,actirl Blintateor of Agriculture. To- latter t, f .1 Rogryt. , " L , 1, .;, 10114, W''lit, �,t . L, . - . � - , - *.- 4" ,,", , " �h�4,o b6on,p lure of �a '�.* -11irl -, at" fho�,lioaual Epiphany e ronto, Dr. Joe. Mills. President of Mr. - , : � - 4n * _�ql # " a , eog,,Upp_,,,,,Aotl,,gj.,M,,S-:$p,tytteTI byrh4tol ,o . i�jli*lo, from- Rufra-,�p me got oi,nilddle, freights. county and township fairs, and sut- � , � I . I I _ , - : � , ��"" I I sit, � W% `,�;" 41,04, ,-,%ter t or& freshly spilled catobea, Von Ut the bost heNS0 ceremonies on the banks at the Itye-49 steady o.t 494c to 50c for gostod that the revision of tile prize the Onte. ­_ (e�`tAff` I'll Reele a I R rlik!�4rfdent of the , t,� 1 �� 1 I S _­"*ft0di­fp­ - *IV4 ­ "XN ,V1141011.1 � Y' I +b. �. 1+ I . I I . ,;,� . A . qu%jitAty, of � t In4to '. $nit Pa .�Io Agriculottiral College. Government cab a ,and telegraph aft- ,�A, t , I , ,,*.,'i _tid ,art equal lea the spot trokil A carpet. These will nel to'b.o roplotod. The. River Jordan. A week before the No. 2 cast or middle freights. , 1, ,­ �` ,:�, -,� I � Ipk, retool lists at thap faith, In accordance GoolpIA; W'. J. Brown, Principal of vice, tootlittes that, with the comple- . I I . 11� � I'll , �, . � bqoi� Prints gro%koff lit salt and water be- boost at cowall too, grow Old Od Out-; festival itself Crowds at these Slav OX- tile Canadian Correspondence Col- I tion of the cable between ths Me i . I I 1�_ , MratiOd, X' usudlW qk, , ,and. i Corn -Is stcad�r. Canada. now is with tile results at the itentrest , I -1 X� quoted at 54c and old yellow at poviruent 'Irda- , " � 1, I : " ­ I I ; , ,,, "N" ,to . I Ion Islands and Anticosti, t4iff gulf ; I, tutoug.1i th9ripugliky, f$qasQA,to,,4as1 jore.`wuvhba�,rostens the colors; thorg, . sA ,Aid ' imal 59c west. Animteniii. now is quoted sired result of bringing out'the, vat- .", 1 ., : I live .0vic torui I 110='peosaouta,00 *mrL trudging along the' station. Would haw the de� lege, Toronto. arid others. , �, , %X -DU44, 'Ailyottoi 1644 . ' 'O' a "lid" ' S 1 Jericho road with every imagitic , I I � . �, ',; ".., I) , 4 , "ad of For neuralgla. , Q, be �y fble As tile 'provincial Whiter Show Is 11 . � i .1 I ,� . I., IN I 6919110 will"onicy, thli" dJib-. . I ticlUet-a small bag at kt�ut 'OU got an kind of 4versaek and carr"ll on at 5 system to slow complikotoo. and that this - - --- li � , "� ,� i, " - " 11 � � I I . Xoqk Fried ov.sierg-+ I muslin or flatmel, fill With Salt, heat. Corning along I I.F.1c, th I Oo arkid old No. 3 yellow at Uric iottes beat Salted to thtA localLty. to be kield'in Guelph immediately of- 92 miles at cable botwm4, J)ycoa_,U- - - ;'' ", ! ,�. �:,!­: � -11 - Vush and P,Ifticea� , . their backs. Some of th for cars on the truck here. Mt-, Sherrington, the experimenter at � -iueetin-, - . I 11 . I 1, sAnd apply to the affected part. Ml�ny , 4 pilgrims �_ - 1-4modmMA&I-twou -hand and -J"a "re laid in 27 ,J�� ­ L. , .1 1,�, �. 11 I ko Others I Oatst--Ara steady. No. I white tire lUkertan.- -As--repoiLted-to--have-l"a' iho excursion rates, wilt Cov- hours. I I . � 11, � oiA sdrow,ioalallyp and. cook In boiling ocases�­of so called' d1pbtlioria. could be . - , . � .. � , , , TtAter until'tenifeki dro I I -N--. _T'ivfi1___�t_ � � I 1"� I , I I ;"� , , _', I , Wit, add - a. I.quirod, by It gaeffle a( , gitiolt and, willitor -tow­-quotedr--at--S2M ... Mil o to I, little farm,well tilled," tor from five or the whole week, an excellent op- 1� ,� � , ,;. I;- , , , . FOWGN. � ,:", � 1�.''. ,, �� ,,,, lump of butter, A cuP hot Awo 'kan-ati­tb"tmrt,--gm%41W9 ­av&-y 9UQ. aro� 32c ea,st. No. 3 white are quoted acres lie sold $500 worth of apples. toortunity,will be ixfforded all per- . � � ��, 1­�,- r ,. - , , I I I "4a Another 9100.01130 to to " spent I , '' I �', I 01 , I.. rtr_ hour, or.half-hour If pecoligary. One ,do. But k - ,�.� t"�4P�,—.4--gritaill,peppe I as. 0, ITAI__ at 81fo to 32o middle freights. and frout his text acres of land be Satis who %visit to visit 0antooda's on Improving the Liverpool doe a. I 41- ;1,;, .t�­ i'n I b ;. Mash thoroughly, �011'teasl)oou Of salt in a glass of water un andi Oatimeal-19 eiteady at $4 for cars netted $800. In the plum. belt Of chief coiliper of agricultural e4ocation, Boycotting arlogivatied in Inland �!' , �1, r ""I. , , , I_ I I L I I . . . ,� ­, L', '' "L , In spoonfuls in grated cracker is a cure for many stomach U of bags and $4.10 for barrels on the Ontario, tit Clarksburg, ,�. . .. , ". �. � I ,oubles. &like of MV- JOhn Prognimines, giving full iniorma- juet twerity-two years ago. L��, ,� L� , A Crumbs, and try In hot butter � t e r ver It geock A, a for the core- track Toronto and 25c more for Mitchell hha 170 varieties Of that tiou re�ctxllng the meeting, -excursion The Britioli Obancellor at the Mw - 1, '. 1. % I ! . �, I L ; � ' "I 'L. . C . . - ';'L" "� �� 4 Palo brown. mor should _b 0 ( ,�: , . , ­ � k� 'to " rellevibg olic and la,digestJon when C , UW1 t , broken lots. fruit, and lie is now getting succeaos�- rates, a c., east be obtained by RP- chequer hints that the Lacom tax 11 " (q - Serve Immedi of many, L loWt - i " � f � '', '� � ,�,�L 11 L , or ___ately. Itakere regularly , once a day. Wash POEM the u im 14 that 0 d be Peas -Are steady; choice No. 2 tire fill refilults from eight varieties of I I ,, . , . Excellent with turkey . , They spend the night, perhaps in plying to the Secretary, C. A. will be reduced. ­. "I �;, , :��11 , , .* I the bead 'occasionally with salt and kept oh the (arm, I "L I . G, , , ,, Squash Pudding -To I qt raw water to lesson'the failing out of the Russian hospice at Jericho, urb n , .1 " ' '�L" 1. I . :J tile , quoted tit 74c east or middle pouches, The fruit growers at Leam- Uvitz, Agrictiltural College. Guelph, Sub a residents of Dublin bo6vis 'L . ,_ , , ,,, I" �. , L �VEN AT TEX=W:lTLXG , C , I where they simply huddle together 9 to entered upon a crusade agalieft . � . D frei It . ington ported to be reptanting Ontario. , i � 1 11 their where the peach treos. I �, � � I I � '­�, ­ � . grated Squash add * pt maple Syrup, huir. Sort dissolved lit warm water I1.1V.Q1r � I .� I (or I Cup light brown sug-).� 2A81 restful and healing for tired and As this might result in serious do- like I% flock of sheep. Before do - 4 Christmas fincr*ckers. : L, 11 t 1; � ., !"; " W11 were destroyed by tile "freeze" of /' �1 , , '_� '-1 , I .�, I tablespoons softened butter, 4 Well Inflamed pyes. Brine Is recommended tortoration of the herd, and that the rooms are empty and the who,. C0U . BIG 71 -lainis gu I , .. I, February, 1809. At Maitland In . ITURE FOR RHODESIA. Twenty . Ineas was postel r- , - - , beaten eggs,'I.ot sweet milk and a ,for mad dog bites. Wash the wound should over bb most vigilantly crowd has gathered on the bank. Dutter-Marlict, is steady, with It the St. Lawrence section, Mr. Harold Will Rival the �: , IL_ 1 ,� , -. , contly in London for & book caft- L I .. ",, L gu CIA against. It should be "the '�_nitod States in twining Queen Victoriso.'S autogroksph. , A . . � �' ;: -L � � I little gratopt! nutmeg or orange ileol .,Vell with the mixture, then bind it Where Greek priests, who Will pre -1 firmness ditiong the higher grutics- .Jones got 700 barrels of apples .0 "Ir" 01.� A, � t X genera ,q � �, ,;' " ��'., - p the herd so well up tit sovit - Z SN . lu�&ilve trade, Common dairy is offering freely, but front five acres, und tit Trenton Mr, . � I ij ,iL,-_�.L ­� L . MIX wdl� together. Have a bakin� I wft,h a cl6th covered With salt. One aim to kee .. �, Its Development. The A strike �kf French min- 1, , 1111 tL., . X" -'fie principat articles it is edow of movement. Quotations W. H. Dempsey grow 2,1500 barr9le of A I I , - 1, , point of excellence. that. t� Ore. � 4o. fiveotlagt ;,W : decloored Olt on October I.Q. I., I � �, ,, I dish buttaked, and spread over the remedy 'fdr snake bites Is common . ok , ��. despatch from LOU(Ton Bay's !- I . ::�� . . ­"Li�,, - bAtt,orn game current jam, stowed 16061t mixed with the white of., an egg Individual will be Wanted, 'bind at sold are branches Of trees from, for all kinds are unchanged. has rig The Parts corfespondent of tile I which at one time involved 100,OW "I ... � , I , - � I I . apples this year, of which he 1, , ���. -. , . Four �to the conalsteric cl prices. . . c various sacred spots. stones from steur men. in at an end. 11 I : � �, 'i. I I ,. cranberrieb or seeded raisins, Y of paste, then goo Creamery, prints ... ....... 21c to 21je* less thou 800 varieties. Times says Dr. Lair of the Pa, In Eldinburgh it to propoxed to do- LL . .. ".. �'. . the Pqddinj mixture over, and bake spread on the wound. It will sometimes happen that a 'the mountain - of Temptation hard i do Solids, fresh madt.Agic to 20ic I Institute, who is now lit Rhodesia, . "L, . "I � . in ,% moderate oven for an bour Lind . fatingr may from unavoidable causes, by, plants from the wilderness Lind Dairy tubs and palls, 0 - dA,claros it a vast couatty, well vote L200 it Year to sending four 11 LL � - . I ; . " � as during the most unfavorable sea- rosaries with � Oliva stones for NOW EXCEEDS A BILLION. I grocers' aselstantill abroad to study - .. �� " � � . a quarter. When removed from the choice ...... ___ ... . . .... Itic to 17c I I adapted for a grand future. It wil foreign trade. a - . ,� ,� � � Own, sproad the'top with some of TO STOP MOUSE HOLES. ei n feeding material beads. To whatever religious value do rpedluin__ ...... .... 14c to 15c — � AxtLaltt Adt development when the ... . i . � . . . tho fruit. Good eittler hot or cold. ' One frequently sees the advice for all that lie whiolies to keep, and is claimed tot- these articles th V*Iue of Farm Property In Peter J. Wild, of Erioo Pa., has , �tl , �,� , - .0 HUP- I do common ...... ... .... 12c to 1!3*c the Cape to Cairo Railway is finished. I 1. 5 ,,, --Sweet Potato Stuffing stop mouse holes wit.h. 14 such cases It 111-1911tt-INO-bettur to slan peasants Inillillbity,giVe credence do pound rolls ... ... . 17c to 19 Provi cc Increasing. hiccoughed for 1111ft days, and doetoes . I ­ _­­ . I -With I qt given to purieliase -foddiii- rather, than dispol only 1,800 miles of the ralluray re- 4,,,,,,t Stop him; sm4 lffil�lii relief 11 -111, ,� . . . .1 � ---' _­� _nfushed Sweet potatoes- mix 1: cup -hard- soav, bttg - oT cork: -itfill ' titer and they willingly pay their money do largo rolls, ... ... . ­ 1 OC to 17C I A deapatchnforgoin Tor.quoto says t- main to be built. Dr, Leir n4do !- Corn" soon lie wilt die. "I ­ _� L -t , L o of arrimals needed on the farm. But to obtain thein. c _.�"O"L ling pr�dpart ' in ()n ­�Pbc_rapici increase of the United - ; I I broad crumbs, I cup butter, I beat- 'substaneQs. A method which The exports of butter from the The value of Writ y _ It has bels, ,111cially announced ., "'� �, � Oven this may be done in,such It way � During� the hours Immediately pre- port of Montreal to British ports to We are I I been tried for years, and vor uI i I " , , � en .egg, I teaspoon salt, J teaspoon ' rote 9 to keep the herd in good rio is double that of the United StAtO9 always EUrf"IsIls us. that the rate per word for cotles obil- ff. I . r known to fail, it, yet so Simple hat a()"- coding the ceremony, the motley Just week amounted to 2(),010 prock- States, Ili proportion to population. e e a, now America, tween. England and Australasia via . . ,, 1, 1. . ,:. �, pepper, I teaspoon poultry season- dition at a reasonable outlay. I crowd is occupied in prayer and age .' Compared with 6,044 packages The returns of agricultural statistics which Will perhaps develop more ra- the pacific cable Al x t . I . 11 1, I Ing, salt and popper the Inside bf the the wherewithal. con be found'in ev-- The keeping of fi large number Of silent devotiou. TO many pilgrims dur9l an been fl ad a .�, � �, , I �i torkey before stuffing. Garnish with Cry he-. 'Crumple a section of fig the corresponding weak last. issued b� the Moreau of Industries, Willy than the countries of the Now as. '.. , . . I � I'� 't , animals for the sake of the name, this occasion is one of the greatest year. shows thut in 1901 tile value of tild World." ..Kleptomania in on the Increase in � .1 I L, . I � Sausage cakes and sprigs of celery. newspapor, and thoroughly saturate good� bad and indifferent, without life can bring, namely, to be per- Cheese--hlarket active and strong, farm lands, .. I . I Orange Ambrosla-Slice oranges it with turpentine. The paploy- bunch much rogttrd to their,quality or con- buildings, implements 4 Paris, arid an eminent Physician has � �� �, . jp,,� and sprinkle with sugar, Let , them should be large enough to require 1ditica, Is not lifivisable,under mitted not only to visit the Jordan, I dealers quoting 12ic to 121 for and live titock reached tile total of CONVICTS SEEK DEATH. announced Chat it Is due to disease I'll 1, I , Stuffing Auto the hole with the end ally but actually to bathe in its sacrect'large and 18c for twins. job lots. which nuilifies the will: power. � , "k' ' 9"�' a glass dish and put a. layer of should never be Undertaken. I Statlatics show that the French I I 'sta' Then take Circumstances, and for real profit waters, Suddenly chanting to hodrd,! The exports from the port of $074,814,081 the previous Year. Siberian, Prisoners Prefer Starve. 11 of a st;*Ight Poker, It screwdriver or � 81,001,323,290, compared w ith S . . � . � I . I - I 1, tile such tool. Fit this wet, news- 1 find the Crowd quickly opens to let Blontreal to British ports last week The country of Middlesex leads with ion to Such Life. , army, since the Treaty of Frank- I 1 � I P.- .� � f go - . A really good animal of any kind a procession of purple -dad ecclestlav- amou,ntecl to 78,963 boxes, coffipwrod $50,867,864, find Huron comes so(- I t rlolfit. had lost 90,000 moan from dim- ." , 1 % � I I A with a layer of grated cocoanut, then paper snugly into the hole, and as is worth twice that 61 an ordinary ties pass to the waters, then the pil- ith 76,780 boxes during the cOr- ond with $48,640,114, The gros4 case, " the Qe�nan a,rmy 13,000. �, . - I , I . � , .1 .* layer of oranges. Continue in this It dries it hardens arid will not be W I A despatch frout Victoria, B C ' ' ; I'll - . ; . . one, hence the necessity and reason- grims close in again and Station says :-The convicts In the Nibericon i There was a idleastrattv tire In tile �� ; t, 1. . way until the'dish is full, cocoanut disturbed by rats or mice for years, ableness of making selections, and responding week last year. value of tile ,Cheese nianufacturcil , 1. on top. This is delicious. I . If ever. Indeed, I have never known I themselves along the banks, eager, Eggs,. -Cables are rather favorable reached tl2,260,078, of which $10 i convict settlement have gone & Boryslwr petroleum springs in Auw � I �� � !;-�, 11, I then carefully caring for them. The find watchful. And now. quite rever- and local market has a good 1,0110. R14 638 was paid to the milk, pro: I strike. They will refuse, all c ('ood" i _L ". , ., Afork Mince Pie"'Ball together f u hole stuffed in this rule applies with great force to the tria'on Monday. destroying 17 bor- '.. I manner, though the mice of after dairy where we can so easily dis- d' until they tire more humanely treat- ings killing one man, 4Lud burning ..., ?� Ick pts cold water, 5'soda, crilifikets, I ently, a jewelled cross is laid by the Prices are unchanged at 19c to 20c uc�ra, compared with $18,028,025. 11. o'. - ". - patriarch on the surface of the for atrictly fresh-gatherc,J, 34c to ud $11,68.2,4-70 respectively Iri ad. These convicts Ora all educated _2 10'' rolled fine, J cup oviheggr, 1 .cup%mo- Years may gnaw a new entrance Into , ting-toish the effects of good or bad I sov.;1 hous6s� 1: 1 - I losses, If cu u o the pantry. These little animals arel Stream to bless it, and no sooner 15c for splits and seconds, and 17c '1000. The amount of chattel mort- mail sontoncoil' for politica.1 gaeaces. � Eighteen thousand one, hundred A , 7��­ managernent. But lt�wlll be just as does the sacred symbol touch the'to ISO for limed. , gages against farmers lit .Ontarlo ' I'locy are heavily chained and soldoni'and oixty-four umbrell", 789 pairs � .1 . 0 and cho reaponsible for much ruined food. ,� . I .pped raisins, 1 teaspoon each 'truly visibile in that pf ot,her k1rods, water than a dive is made into ts on track he Was $2,804,759 last year, compared �)' , A. � of ciupamo cloves and nutmeg. I and should not be allowed to carry of stock, as horses, sheep or swine. ,_ re see thp light of day. The sick are of opera glasses, 2.970 purses, and nb, by the enthusiastic. crowd, w ch are steady at 90c tier bag. and . PO- with $8,110,543 in 1000, and $8,- � I L tablespoon Utter, and I well beaten on their work of devastation when These can all be greatly improved by a lit allowed t4) die contended among the 2,22:1 wti.tches were left Ili public ve- '�-� ,o� �,i,,,eglg, Bake betweerr 2 crusts, and so simple and effectual @4 remedy is proper selection, brooding and care. plastics and sprays and receives the tatoes cout. of store bring $1. to 826,582 In 1806. others, find sometimes the dead are hides Ili London In the last year. I I 1, at hand. allowed to rot In their crowded cells. � .1 � � : . 1, 6 gei��c hot. Ed this work must be continuous, baptism, and the longer it lusts the $1.10. 4 Biro. Itkotorry, to'. Ackerhapsou. wife I a , _ . , I I 0 -_ , greater the merit the pilgrims will . Despore,te revolts havo been cluelled :of a Philadelphia liquor dealer at % � I Tof-uit Cake. -Take 4 eggs, 5 cups !and not intermittent or spasmodic. Poultry -Wintry weather has im- HIGH GRADE IRON ORE. 0 c I . � figur, 2 -cups sugar, If cup butter, -1 THE - GUILTY DEAD. Fewer and better'nuimals, will be enjoy- . I proved the situation, and movementl with much bloodshed. Th onvicts 2885 Ridge avenue, iFk critically Ill -1 . I , — .� � — perferable and for more profitablel All dripping with water, according to the latest advices, Pot- from eating candy containing small i._ , , I 4L. cup sweet milk, I lb stoned raisins, I Oach is more animated. Turkey,if are District Around Sudbury Said i 0 . ... .44:r . . I teaspoon soda -stirred into I cup No Resting IfLade for Murderers' than a large numbq.r Indifferently car- shroud is now wrung out and stowed steady at 10c to 11,1c per M., and sist in theIr self -starvation. and,p1m, and namiatleii, which she re. * :Kl .. I molasses till Bones in London. I Be Rich in it. 1. � I . L it forms, I teaspoon L . col for. Real excellence should be the away to serve as the cerecloth when chickens are unchanged at 40c to many have died. Calved. nontly boxed, . through the ,;I I 4C each cinnamon and cloves, a. little a aim of every famer in all of his the pilgrimage of life is over and 5()e per pair for old and 50C to is A despatch from Toronto says: In - ---------- 4rl- — mails. I , �, Fourscore murderer locates N are'i the body is ready for the grave, As 70c for young. peaking of the recentiy reported di " ; I I ., nutmei, Frosting , USO If Cups buried beneath the flo. business. end with this always in Ducks are firmer at MORE MINERAL WEALTH, I Edward Pond of Durko and John A '. ,*v ow -i be, coveries of extensive ire R- I . I white sugar, f tablespoon cream of rs of view there can hardly fail Oi rig the traveller rides away the next 50C to 80c per pair. and gee are n are de- i M. Loach of East Conatabje, Frank- '1�1 ,.1 ,", gate Jail, and the authorities are i posits In tile rich Sudbury mineral — lin County, N. V., have been arrest- " , �, tartar, 5 tablespoons bo?�Ilng ' we- wondering how these remains the most satisfactory results, I day to Jerusalem he will see these selling better at 7c to 7ic pearetb. district Mr. Them. W. Gibson, Di- Copper Deposits Found in North 6 I I .1 are to I childlike peasants, bedraggled with I Baled Hay- Quotations are ti- .1 Mines, says that the find Ili Hastings. ed (in the charge of having smuggled , , � ter. boll ajJ together till it threads- be disposed of when the work at do- rector a "" Pour over the beaten whites of two CEMENT FLOORS. mud and fatigued bu constant sleep- changed at $9 to $9.50 per ton for butter Irom Canada to the United , u , � , �. � I molition reaches their present rest- testiness, plodding along toward the probabl,y located in tile Township of A despatch from Toronto says - I eggs. Beat till,thick, arid spread Ing place, Says the London Express Probably the worst feature in car lot,s of No. I timothy on track , States, and several tub.4 containing .. , - a holy city, chanting and singing as here. Hutton. Indications of minerd) I Rome good Npoctinelle of copper ore butter have boon aolzed on froute , I � - ___ - while, warm, '; No cemetery or pUblid burial plate dairy farm is a Wooden, floor through they go, and leaning on their sticks I Wealth were found in that neighbor- j wore exhibited at Me Bureau of 111 I 1. flumpkin Pie -Cook pugipkin or Is likely to receive them except un- wdiich the liquid manure can sock, of reed. But there is now a Baled Straw -Prices are steady at hood three years it,go, and it number � Minea oil Thursday, which has, been I I . siquash tender. Rub through it fine der compulsion. This 19 evidenced to remain below and decompose, On their faces and joy In their b smile $5 to $5.50 per ton for car lots on, of capitalMs from the United States brought in frons motioe nowly-discov- I SEEELL39D NATIVE VILLAGE. P, � — � -------. adeve and measure 3 cups. Over carts truck here. have since been bivestigating the cii-'ered copper deposits mt 1311, It tit' � it by the attitude of the city -of Loll- WntJrrg and practically poisoning for have they not bathed in the I British War hi Punishes the ! I grate halt a nutmeg or its equival- don and Tower Hamlets Cemetery the air above it, beside wasting the %voters of Jordan ? tent, of the ore bodies, employing a j North Hastings County Tlh'elaois the , or I _� ont of orange pool, add If cups Co., of Mile End road, whose ofil- most valuable of the fertilizing ele.- - DRESSM Imas. f diamond drill and a number of pros-Ifirst copper foutd in that district � I FiWo.... - �] I , white coffee sugar. Molatep 4 heap- cials vigorously repudiate the state- ments in the excrements. Both 0 — Market 19 moderately active.' with' pectorti. The results of their work lit hits been prol,ounced by experts � A despatch from . Victoria, B C . ,� � I I cup merit recently published that their entific and practical men are ag = J have been so Hatisfuctory that tho an excellent sample 'Hayti 7Accordiag to advicLa re - Ing teaspoons cornstarch in J -ree ASBESTOS IN WAR,$HIPS. prices steady at $7.40 to $7.50 per I" Q11 sweet milk and add to.the Pumpkin. cemetery has been cHosen for the re- that the liquid manure from the cow — cwt. for car lots on track here. Of- capitalists have secured a number Of I . � celvild from Sydney by the steamer I I ,lifelt tablespoon butter, add a little interment of the Newgate criminals' has more value than the solids. But 'Navy to Be Supplied With Fire- feringe, are fairly large and the de- options. and are preparing to iO I AGAINST VENEZUELA. Aorangl, If M.S. Sparrow ham re- , I I I stilt. and stir into the pumpkin. bodies. This so.wwment. it Is urged, little better Is the cellar under the proof Furniture. mand Is Increasing slightly, Prodiact ahead arid develop their properti". — . Now add 9 full Potts sweet milk. Stir Is calculated - to Injure the business cow stables, although they may gave I in firm and unchanged. The ore Is a high grade of magnetite, (;rest Britain and Germany turned from a protracted cruise I . I Although disappointed 'of obtaining I URI Agreed through the Houth Sea Islands. Dmr- � well and' pour the mixture Into ,of the cemetery, and we much re- the liquids to a greater extent If I non-inflamunable wood, the British or inrignotic Iron ore. which Is !d Upon Action. . Ing her cryiso the warghlo's officers .1 finest qua)- annexed Suwarrow, ytimbel und � i - crusts, Balco lit a pot oven Until I gret it Was published in these cc)- thort, Is sufficient absorbent used in admiralty has succeeded In getting.1 CATTLE MARKET. ,in the production of tile I Choiseul Islands for ()twat BrItucin slightly browned on top, When cold, umns Few people would not object I them. But tile air in the stables for use In warships, furniture C I Toronto Dec. 2. -Trade at the ities of Bessemer steel I A desputch froin Berlin saytt -It ,�,� spread the top of one or two With 'to t ' on- a, _ 1. authoritatively stated 0 , � he burial of their dear ones in has the odor of the decomposing me- litructed of a material that will re- " . . Toronto 6atti. Market was in _+_* that (41'eut I At Mallotit Islands five vilhotges of il tart jolly and note the imp, �Ompany of Nowgia tion to --day, TURKEY ORDER�­GUNS. Britain and (lerinany h"vo agreed rovement. ,the c ,Z, imourd.rerse I our,, below, and neither can the cows a very satisfactory condl the nativas were libelled to punish � ad , h tat fire. It is understood to be I Tile Custard In these plesowill t - a a .1 — I I their the Islanders for having killed a 01, :0 its and all the good cattle Hold readily ,upon Joint actton to enforce I, I be healthy nor the milk be free from I, 1,G)ur representative made largely of asbestos, and ., .1 leave the crust (It the odg . n uild Hall yesterday that "it ig not the odor of the manure heap, or the fireproof qualities were demonstrated The run was moderately heavy and Expected There Will Be Serious clafing agninst Venevieki They are , PI)ian woman because she embraced there wag an excellent go! Outbreak in Spring. I exchanging views respec(ing tile form � ('briatianity With ix view to Ire - any water gather on top, when al- ;yet decided in what cemetery these , bacteria tohat Is the cause of & rapid neral do-- I I action to be taken Iho details l ]owed to stand for it low hours, as 'remains sball be placed. I he work change In flavor of the butter after in the course of some Interesting mand. The quatity of tile offe.ringtol A desi)ntcl. froiii Constantinople 0 " � pressing the natives with the se- I ts often the case with those made of removal must be done to the set- I it has been made a few weeks. It Is tests held recently. was up to the average and Rome Hayti; Sixtei�n batteries of (JUIck-111- hiLve not yet been settled, but only i iousnovis of the crinto committed by . In the usual manner with eggs. I Isfaction of the medical officer of, true that good butter used to be I ,I Chairs, tables and various other good leads figured in the dmy'H Ing Ileld guns. cumbering 06 guns In 13 light differOMP9 OXIS-t. ,diew. Lind of warning thern against health. rando from cdws kept In barns sc, rticies made of the new material transactions. There were plenty of all, have beon ordered front the . it rocturrance of such acts. the Spar- ' ­111%44,45TAY IN THE COUNTRV. "The town clerk's department has 'built, but in those day- the barns but] a 4.7 -tach shot burst over them, common cattle, but everything wag Krupp works cis the COMmenceMent WOMEN UP IN ARMS. row %Iqtted five places lit the Island ­ ,,� 4.21 - isubinitted a special report on the I were not tight, but well ventilated. 1hut the flames made no impression. — The constant influx of girls from subject to the city lands committee too well we used to think, arid h 'Wooden furniture of the kind now 80 III, and sellers had no reason to of the ro-arniament of tile Turkish 'of Mallow, namely Auki, Sic. Uram. the country into large cities 'brings ,i of the corporation, and this will be I cows gave but little milk In the wtin-0 I Used in his Majesty's ships Woe then complain. The tendency of the artillery. The Ivor Minister It; also Object to Municipal Disfranchise- I(wI and Port Diamond, and at each � 11 with it portentious dangers andidiscussed at their next meeting." � ter, And the milk did not remain subjected to a. like test, and it blaz, prices was upward, and choice ex- duthorl7ed Lo purchase 220,000 merit in Montreal. Itilace t.he villages were sholled and � evils. Dreaming Of An easy time, I Considerable crowds of visitors I long In the barn. And the winter- ed furiously, Other efforts to act Porters and export butchers' are ,;mail calitire Milt to complete A do-tilintotto from Montreal ' . partly destroyed I - J good Wages, it better wardrobe and . 1mado butter was never colled first- tile new material on fire failed also. quoted higher. Export balls are tile pr(sent otitablishment.. 1% I ill 'rhe kloulreal Women's Councialysare� - __# . , flock daily to view the ancient pri-i also firmer and feeders are strong wiligons, and ammunition for the ar- up lit urnis ologainilL it loro potful - more congenial companions; dazzled even when made by those who It is understood that the successful utoido i COLD SHOULDER FOR DOUKS. ,on now that its,days arc numbered. ,`da64- Good milch cows were scarce. There tillery. tf.e orders entail nil outiny _ I with the visioh Of City siloUllemonts, Admission is obtained by ticket ig_!c,,ild and did make choice butter termination to these experiments has by t1to ('fly Chnrter Comm(ttec I 0 . . and hoping, porhAPS, to find a mar-, sued at the Guild Hall. Curiously I while the cows were Ided the Admiralty to adopt t light advance in sheop, but. Of 53,980,000 The purchases were Jitirritilchisa spintitern and vvidowm,Wariderers Now Sea the Folly of . -0erated ' ringeable partlier, ancreetkie down 30ORS. ! ;',-r: n lanibs and hogs were unchanged. Th. appurviltly ace in consequen enough, at least two-thirds of those MILKEI) OUT OF I I proof furniture lot- general use ii total run w.as 97 load&, Including of the rvevilt developments In too w lit) now. ,wecorditig to the C'itv ' Their Ways. .into U. comfortable city home. thou-! . I the navy. Presumably its Introdur, he Council. pon­­% tile right of vott despa( h (rout Winnipeg says - , who pass through Nowgilite's once What to beat Is a. cement floor for 1,860 cattle. 2,190 sheep and Inmbs. soiLuation Ili Maredonia and the Duo- , "� sands leave the farm or the village dreaded portal on Right -seeing intent'1111 animals that will saw till the I loll will be gradulti, for a general 25 calves and 1,734 hogs kims, and Ulu Impression prevails Ili , " t InUniCII)HI i-11" t toils, mad will tak. A1110 Vo uabor pilgrims did not arid flock to the inctropolls. Here are ladies. I liquid manure and carry It to a shed spring cleaning and re -furnishing We quote :- itieny quarters here thilt a serious action to prevew the renewal of I receive a prodigal eon welcome on many of them confront a situation throughout the British flee I privilpfro their return to thoix respective vit- Th ghastilest sight of all Is theioutside, In which the solids should t would I , outbrettk, pommilily leading to wide- � 11 I far difterant from. that which they ,a be put every day or oftener in the be it big undertaking -and expensive, Export cattle, cholce, s 0 1 Itiges," said C W. Spears, coloniza- . imagined In advance.ar the famous pahsageway under which t ... ...... . � ...... . .. .... 84 95 85 4 0 pread Eurolivan complications, inay .. I many murderers Ito buried. Thellwinter. and which could be go ar-, The authorities are not mudigiven i cwo medium.., .. ... .. 4 r,0 4 95, be expected Ill the spring. TIIV, INVOINTOWS JOKE ; t -on agent. con his return frow ot lie .1 experience Of city life. The � briefest epitaph RufAces for there In-, rangod the t the colors from it should to considering the comfort of officer" 4 - 'I. I ,,,,Jolly or thor-n- Hilittiora, west ut I they get are meager; their loughip terred. Single initial letters. rough- not go back into the a -table. This Itild men --each new type of worship I do cows, per cwt � 32., 4 01) houins, A Edition, the famous in� Vurktoo ' The 7.1, per cent who re- I . fly cut into the stone underfoot -that -go than Its predeces , , 4 .5 5 I I I l PEAT INDUISITRY SAFE, I far from comfortiabler they have no' , floor could be brushed clean every is woi sor go far,11utch,rs', export. . . vp,,t,)r, hult . keo n .... ...... I )I Imni.r. ,,, sired at hOW0 are giving LbOrn the 11 — "I" I timer fnil% to use it when all cc 4 . home life; they face new teiriPta- Is All. day, or oven washed down when it as the arrangements for the acconi- (to choice to picked... . . 4 2 5 4.75 Director of Mines Says It AD III shoulder. and tho large buCk of � I ovitiA,itoll pietiontii Itself For in- the wandererto vicios, see the rally of I tions and triala, and their life be- was thought desirable, and the nil- Modatioir of the human elernen t in the do good ... .. . .. ­ . 8 75 4 Ifil Flourishing. stanco. just lw(orco he went (in a re-- I comes one hardship, land trouble. In tO 3I`Od via Drt. In it kept a's pure as the air out of I big fighting machine is conearned- do fair to medium. . �.. :3 2,5 3 70 1 A d"apolitch limn Turonto says - 1114 their ways " "I . the store, factory, shop or office they Clinic% bitatentioloacciftin docirs. ' cond the officers will have to accept - do common.. . . .... ... . 2 75 :1 2i)i o -pot trill to Florida, lie called .1 4 . .1 tire beget with dangar and annoy- stood absolute Cuts (or eack And while we want a warm Stable. the new ' sticks" whether they like litilifl. export, heavy_ .. 4 0(i 4 50 United Atottem Conmifl Ounsaulus re- ' nuiriagor to his room and ,said . di Piles,", d -"we'-val T BARRACKS. once, while all about them are Pit- . ry, form of itchina, we would have plenty of light. No them or not, when the order for the to light . ... .. .......... _ 8 50 4 00 (ently report I hat id wa % o, no I ice that you ook vvry UNHEALTH � bl000diagan . I I I to W"hington . I — d =11JIVeltel animal can live long and be produc- change Is Issued. Not only will Vie 0, 8,100,000 hue been lalls spread for Unway feet. Some the b a teed It. do feeding ... . .. - 2 5(i It 21S tic) ILNS thalk well whoin y0it work hard " 1he mail- 'utufactarsts have x= UF .1 of them, Witit unuiguA.1 aptitude for on Alatheds) pra"an askyourifelith. tivo if confined lit a place where the new articles be tion-Inflarromable, fiutl, do ntock .. I . .... . I 75 2 50 wattiod Ili Otitail4i by vatioun people agor look,looll up. wondering what. Cause Assigned for Mortality in W11 VIM yulloaniniettamd Ran light does not enter freely, a nil they will be much lighter than these Feeders, short -keep .. ..... 4 2.3 4 75 experimenilog with (lie production Mr r4fi;coii woold say nexi British Army. oterlograpthy, typewriting and kin- flooly back it net cured. We a box. at I to ,''Now, dred occUPatIong; or with fine OxeCU­ Wd=r'.n.0,IW1f1ftOfr,BA"W & C46.Tdronfo. those who have provided their F'ta- now in use. and Raving in weight is (10 niedlum . . � 8 75 4 25 of pent ott it iommer0tol scale The I !1111 9"Ing to I"t)"t NY r hope I A deapittell from 1.011doll Ways tLve gifts, awke thokzW4 a tile top DrwGhatseft Ointment toles with windows often allow them till important gain. The Adrtilraitvf do light .. . 1I 2.11 If 7.1, Director ,,f Nf0i", This %V Olbson. V"11 "vill "110% go'('(' h"""" wblle I , Aprollom of the statement or olj,ii� . y to find secure flrst�dlaoas 'pollts ., blit O. I . I Ito be so obscured by dirt and cO1­ Is not. however, doing a bit Of StOCk0l'R. ChOl(e 2 75 3 25 amid Iw dill I1,,L know oll jUAt Whaf .01" golw " ____ , Andre Ili#- French Mini%ter or Wal , great multitude atrugglo,and utmost webs that they are but somi-011aclue, pioneering Ili the furnishing I I ne. I do corurnoll 1. 2 25 2 75 lIgUr.-., 1h., Contitil had baR-d lit I, "" I regardiiiK the heavy mortali%y Ili the k. � out thfoo d6flargo a Vbtok .WHERF, HE WAS GOING. IgIving less light than ground glass, Chattels or it non-combustible char- Mile[) cows, 011ch 4000 .5 0 (W port, but �%jtli pracurally all f HARVEST MOTORS French ariny. the Betty Express cle- ,� starve qr ab I Ith pure air and sunshine there IF; actel. have long been used Ili t fie Export emeq. cwt- ,. . 3 40 II n.,, Illotiallotril-oo n A .... (I doo-411 of inoney )�,c�,,,,, I Ifervesting iii Lincolnshire. Mng- ,,,,,,,, exceoil tboa* lit the no -mi, of ol This latter class ato Unable to gave A London �Icwoilor recently had it IW 11 'clareii that tile dioulthsi in tile British any money,; a wock's Illness brings thermometer stolen from big Shop, but little chance for tuberculoqIR, ships of other powers. Bucks. per rwi . . . 2 50 2 75 to be RI wit, it, experinjonling I,, I 1,11"I t - . Ions beeit conducted with I 1w r . them debt, and -a mortil? without and the next day he affixed the fol- I I hile without them the stable t,O I CullA rach. . 1 2,00 noo -41ifle (of tkie�o! ralhor diticollra ging, ally firtit-cilLN4 power. 1ho nveragr � fkmploy�ent r0lderilt thtfir dbjfttg Of 16WhIg netted to his door� "Will! comes a breeding place for this ,,I 4 1 1 aml;q. export. p( -r cwt 4 W, 4 no fenture- %I, (:11imon said thot ,h cold of it pf-trol motor wporlally I "_ annual ofentliN being univ 300 le%N Ity. the misguided individual who took Weit " other diseases. end for the CUTUOUS EXPERIMENT, . " vented fol fatm itm, The inotor I hen Ili the Forench nrui.v, although I chat i 'do butchers' 8 5 0 4 00 twat Indo,try witA flourl-hing; I"I rittachod to it reaper and hinder, ru' "he Brit, ski army is oi,tv one-third h4 llovo much better would It be for tjj6 it'herthamettr without leave the gering of all that malies the milk and A curious and Interesting expert- Caivi,ti, Pach 11,0o lo oo hill1wif m"I" using peat fuel IV) Ills a fiefil of botley nt Tinwell Ili ex. I miyat of them were they to stay at other day please return same, He butter,just what it should not be ment ling been undertnicen by a Ilogn, seleel, i)er rwt (S 12i 1100 own homi, and vati, la%orably till- rellevil style The machitili algo largo as thut of France � The coa- ill It can be of I ' litions aro largely attributed to un- , I home, belt) in ther housebold. or ac- has made a mistake. church in Soutil, London. Accord- do tat, per (-wi 5 q74 o (M pressed with '14 Il1c`TIt"- ulthOtigh. lilrawti the-ladell wootgoon li-011, I he � cept such Work �Vi* might W Avall- no Use to him in the Pinto to which VALUE OF STRAW. I Ing to an lailtation made in the do light, pei cwt 5 A7.1 ori on of couls", it ("'id loot claim to lie, ApId, and t- e,itialtv adatplotblP for � Itealtliy barracks -4-- I) able on the fourth or ln:the village. he is groing, as it. only ragbwtorfi 121S Straw is much mare valuable than monthly circular of tile diocese of tie slorrs-,, 1,4i cwt r) r,0 n (lo ofiticLi it, h,%icl iont I i ,,it t Ing rherl. pillpirliff roots. and SHOT BY ROBBER. 4 Our large CItl6# flow contain thou. degrees of heat." U000,V be supposed. It does not pay Itoche9ter, the clergymen of one of (10 tiowso. ropi. ec, i 4 5< � �, (In' - - - -4- 1 grinding VOrli It 1141H 11,1110, b0011 I � , ---,-,--- . , . � jog 1101 to- loll - I 11 . 11 I 101aw IN I I I -111111111 � � � - � __ - - !_� * ,the parishes, In order to remove the (10 stags, per (%%t 2 I)() 4 ()(I IS THE BOND WEAKENING ? tri,,l ,ume,,fuliv with I, doublq-fmr� Assistant Post.;. -w -ter of Warren, 11 I objection 'raised by ,young mothers. - . row piough Ito., ad,,antagp over Mich., Killed. that they ore unable to attend ftr- 1`1111717ALo (MAIN AIAIME.TS I Fortnightly Review Hap, Dir. hor., lat)or i,, thitt there (ire no d- I I I Forebodings - A despatch from Warren, Mich �. I - cessity of look- Buffalo. I ie( 2 - Flom, [iron I lays. mail tile cost of fuel i,, conwid- Jany" __(;,,ot I.,. Osborne. ansiatarit � I Ing after the babies, have undortfi,k-I wheat, spring 04-smg strotigv, for A I , 1, froin I.ondoll 'oe" -_ , crablo; chf-aver . . a - I re On t'oki am"So the ch"drpo while the No. I northett� car lmtdoi lit 79'- e�k I Ati,,-t',',R,I:�"�l.tilitgli%tiatI to Unnadix * . m , ft" Y- , � W. *410 n Out-, of School : loostiviaster and propriptor of fho - . '­­­ 11 I- . � . _.1.. - .. I - . parents are worshipping. During od; No I herd. f nr It, nfl�, 1414c . .in mede me Rulilpet of it poQaliviloom -ACOMOTIVE S1,11trKE Igionarel titore in this villitgo. Wan ­_ ­ , tblil,knolith, nnd tin further notice, winter filondy , No 2 red, 70r (.'orn artic-le published Ili the Portnightly An Inventi4m which nit railroad I shot dead early on NNedinesday by I—. _-� church In act apart 11 naottle(l. Nil yelltm. 64c new.11te%few 'I'll,- Ife,ii,v% cirtim. tlia*l one (it d wang of robbers who had . .. With 660ghtlind 041dille 4nd 041"ghtS boryWhero are Proving tho WoUderfal Ouri 6'W`r`y"Su`ndR"y'ovoWng for the use of 60c. Oaks tit rona N,o 8 white, 85olc I Cuolacla is e�pc,;,,,,,,I,r,,,�,�t.IA,tit-r'(-nn'7,�tI travelers util rop,precticto In to be entered the Warron Dooink and blown � I I the Youngsters, and they are care- No. 2 mixed, .114c llarlev. 49v to arid fearn t , , " r,lll 1.4, th'. te%toil ton ilip new irninto of tile lier- open the mle There wero three oi � I. Ittive '06war4l.401' Dr. thasWo SyroUp of UnSead and TUrPOntin6o, fully looked aftkr by an experienced it,to-Votisei, ,xiierisnental rallway m e gang They dro%*, '. ; matron. chosen from among tile con- I 55C nopo Ion ,if Canoide llorn tj,(, Ill't-ilooto it itevice (4vr carrying the amokc rapidly away, Without necuring rtnv . . . ; I I . grogatlark. Job .1711) , - il-tvio tile ioconTotivo to the rear end benty: and no trneo of them loss ., — , Y - (Me. Rye, No I In store �p I I on 1% , I , . . 'OL. I MUROPrAN OPAIN VAPKPAS �11 I--,-,— 6 Itif the tsolit through it eloped cl)n- since' beoll discovered. �, A, 4 When Iff6own Vto,pla .Rjifle6t their b4an in the f6rhi of a told. cootmos that has anythino like the sale C1,101101-1 OF A ITUSBAND. I London, I )or 2 - - When I, oil pn mnage CHARGED WITH MUTMER. dukt rinining nlong the top of I lie - - I I crosier and negleried malzo, on pa.q- .- I �! I &Ilmoots ,K114, 4116W WAX C6 devolop jlo,,day the Schools limfe marist a Of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and "What a lucky girl you are, Liddy, solge. nhipmonts within throo mo,opicti. Seven Galicians Arreated at Fort carringes ­ - C I I vacant Seat Ott oilloctoulit of coughs Turpentine. Ito be able to choose between two 22a was paid Fnizlii,b (,Im,f,-y Iloilo. William, .; into nerfoUill .1111*4 theYt. hAv# Ito S;h4 eolds, and upitay thildred. who 110 Careful WhAlls You buy See such handnort Voll fold one ]not week thAt yo,l Australia Wants Kedals and Ora- .1� . , 0 to and stylish young karth quiet bill tilpady I-'renrh rhill , r � . � 4*6 to b1mbar tat tfiqi461V0* od 0(eto should be $it hoittle. Whitt that tho portrAft and signature of gentlemen I 11cive you made tip your , A despatch from Fort Wililanilwould try i,, rnice my calary.- ne.ld tuttles for SbIdiers. , - I Paris, Per 2 -%oiheal, tilently , ,;,I 'his em- , ; With t1lildrotit it -it diffeftt, be- ttf*tRfciktt at.s thW o6hildmi 9611itfilif? Dr. Chaso IN on the Wrapper. It you mind which is to be your hit*- Ys -Aeven Galiduns wore placed flrlfror� --oh. Yen,' reptiod A despatch ftom London Pays :- . I . November, 21f 10c; Mnrch nrid -June under arrest of) ThurndaV night plover . 11%ell I (lid I rallied It The War Office to receiving bitter I � &usai Ility ,do a6t ti*11m, th� tio, Do thoott parents r4*11tolf the gerfoujo- serid the childron to the afoorto, warn burifl?" 21f 40c Floor steady. Novp tfer' S If *'�#'ghfttd Odt4 hLbr 'tholk fle" , 'To toll the trutli, I'm In a bit 28f (10c, March and June, 21f"Tic ,I charged with Life wisirder of tovell after OnThe trouble Bellove tile, I lAumorallan complaints hoernuft the I Ill I 060ho* 16, ,4f z6gledtfirit, *4 Cut* 4 told I them $tot to a&APt tiny Imitation Or I It' Itoobak, a Polander The firfolit not- had a very hnrd time raiRing it this army ord0rol deny the Wul' Medal Obd . �� . 110fans bf 6b4hilhN klwiilo Atla trklanv, a 11*Voo tho 00*A; thod iterhow dt I*. Sublitittitfou. Childiron like to takiii a ('X' 11 1 dealk's to *00 1. My Flour Roteady; Noi,ornhoir. 29C 010r, curved on Wednewlay night In the Woolf '' gratuity to troops loaded tit South I , Dr. charo's Syrup tit Uniffeed an4 ! I Oldid, 0 114 VOWA We t4hd 64dit Choolit SoO at VhMiA *AO Tur, eream Colored dresill at the Weddlog' ' AfarCh nad .1tine. 29f 4(fic . I VJftJyft '6f P,ftVf4bW*,,,t0A. r A tdj*�# Ithd Tutpettlue, and titer# Is no refoady I ithall taka Aipbonoto as he lit dark. foreign district near the milla. )lot- __ - --I,- I __ Africa fitter Ma,v Al [list. The OW I hittlildf * ,$0JIn# 0 '' Ito odth Jok I I - —+-- hak was found In tile morning with! Tho rer,)rd time for n cialling ship adial, contingent in also altocted. Th6 L � I *Lftptf6A, - *M10hitiel, IIIAUAIA' Ok Cold* , bralithItflif "duo , I The King of Italy Ionic, given f4O.- bin It I d nedi frightfully cut . in roneii New 7^0nn-d fron, London complaint foo,ya tht, injustleff, in oi-oey � r 0 *11661111kilf so ptortipt &W off0t1%,oc. g$ offntIok It tompleXioned, ybd know; but It I de, � - 61,04t. 00*1#, Niviltia but O" thillit O'bugh, arid *11 10hilifta 1111i, 1 Wittle, lodmily' 6100 thro times sA ItIft to go In 110 blue dteliA, I tathet ' I flaftliLtili Wier# t000ffee[bli fa. ti6o, iers, it lid much, 60 C"tAl. tit all.dwerill, �J .. inflict( .'' I Vi#y J0*1W hkit,V6A fdf U 0 thtfik fair Joilooll Will make the (M to various honrililoln, to stgrihillte from I. mlo. -d by clubil and Ig n5 ilayn Thin wnn clone by the ffireat. (or all these tnen WON Well ­ i;iot, �t� *w"kist 111AU"A vtws�atjon ��* ot^t AW 109. AW Zisjinalwall, "U# IF 06 , Tatoxu- , the bilth of a daughter. , . i .1 1111111 , . � b,mor match tittlho two.00, PlMoa 0 iron. and died about near%, "TI.OraroPylao,­ In 1868 i on the WAY tafors the, iitar *44041, I . . 91#6 � 11 . , . . tr I . O' 1. � � I , ' � , 1- . . ...... !­­* Ll," ..... I ­­­ ' " ' . � I . � f I 11 I I ,, ,� I . . . " I , , I I . I I . �, 11 . .� . : r . ��, - `ow� 0 , , . I I , 't ; � I I I I I I � �'; �,� R I , I . . 04414** I � I ME` �� 'I, 1�, I 11 11 k �!!Jcw X" I c I 'O . 40111 I I i I � I I I �,, , , I I i . .4 . . - ��) - ��' . I I , I �. ,,��:, �� _*,""', 1*,1;�,,t-',' , k I I I 1, . -, r�l I _2 11 � . . I I , , " _;_O. � ,� � I 11 f I .. #,` � t. . I �i I � �� I I I I ,L I , ,1, ., ,I 1 ,�,:, �X` I I :) �. , I � , I c, � . I I 11, , .t% ... � I%. . I . 1. r , " I 1. . 1-1 , I I 1. It , , " I I � I . I . "\ . I I . ,., I " I , � " , � I I �,� t �__ : lllih&� :1 I . � I . , A , I,,,, , I . I I �� ,j, r, ... I ,,, I I �, .;�,, I I _� I \ . � I I , . I . 1�_ I I . I � , t I . L . � ,,,,,, I I I � � I V . . . . 1, �111111=illll, � 1-41' A I I I t I I I � I I I � . . . . . . ,� ­.. I � - I I " ., � � I f 14 A., .4 % 4 I I , I � I ��..,;;�� - " , , . � .. . .. . 1, - � - ­ 1W � , � � ­ il -1 .1 .. \ �J *- �1 ` � I * � lv,t,e , �W, ,,� ,,, ,,*^� , * - ,I vk N , . .. �;,, , - - I I ''I 1, 11 . � � A I . - *6 A III - ­ 11 - —W.*.4�4 ,".. *AkooIo; -, '01, " --�,�,'%ooIw �., -,A� ,doL- . I AN— .A& ---- -11, Ifi r � � . " - :7M , � - , L _ , 0 �i_ i I �� I oka .1 I , � - , ioovft.,4011,.� 1 1 1 4�, - , -, * ", U** * � "I . - . i I 11 - _dA 1. I.- -- � , - - r, - ," :�� I. # _" I