HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1902-11-28, Page 8111111F Iaq !ofop! I I 1,140 O Aflow, Y0A eo reiulro IrNoont pAttJog bliou. tythor do" Culy, All Oko #p lAmift-g"Ut XX00414. taltor not tell .4, TOPA10.4 A of" the WInta I" U ovor. Allit.*form 00 "Ate A, VACtilra., AA as low, 'words AAZ =)roma =TO lisow, , tilt, itrow 0 ir llliIlittle ,,V4.140 gkowlOg :Aj if"Idt 404' 0 It'll, 'Or" U toft, 74. ad w1til llotte.r,, varlotl" 41 O" F'4�4.w wr v WhIch,coulo otito 4311la" bQ "M9,,ougared olmonds; andd WA lalt aZ t .1 CIO. 1� 4e ow eta 0.rcharil to would well top =9410 0 o04 lot), vpsr v wapt 09A* of 4 ha ingt -porapult Oat prqqucq PO4W Q17 The, X, tion in top t11111111l, PC low0lill chief points, to tayxii 14t 0140 nYoung gIrl'A life IN Wilqu By bg Try Prompt, reply, 11 WAIX 040 Quo 9r, DIX. XV. and that, though boijoving A Ized u919ItOw,,- elwroo. AU4,0400 seBefoe many qVg fifla olappvd 1% W be Clove; It otill, old O's; 0Z 101114: hiort vatii� I-*-- Ito$ of DlAtie." b0calmli apParvat ta� a new reIgn retained much of film aitrly re4; W04, ad k with suw4filt., TM top ,ft wbrvh lip,tholVapist ft heip up A414 �theu to ­mAjo.p �'b ti. (w oe, the pink girea or the White. o4ets?'7; easily but should be remov6d A;Lr#4 .W begun at Ravvusmem. Sir $to not be all cu Raoul was charmed and delighted; fact, that lie Wd nq 4ovo her I ki teahas,he U t-qvqr weariod,41 praising Lally 4 1pvojr'tA love. i id that to the a a fatal mistake tbfs­�to th - W �t' 011 it �fq lipa t uAl XOttsiff tog us 4 befte, Caraven. and telli 0 young girl "go "O 'top ;X.r' *4010 or 9 into icttj ra. time. W rIa Iva of ao ree Qfully� bel who$ A ITAiat'll li.5 her what a Ito b 0 jk�oi* K 1641111141 [a work she wair Ing. A wonder- folly had led In a , �ho� Imalth nDd0trqpA;It4, oo, a #pie hoyb� In life. t �aq to oIli — jo Y.0, 4 had not changed his oil live y L�Ijl sill, white Q404 4pa 4 will Ireop 411pply tan VA fill Change w" coming over tile earl. ini WdNt upon their tlixion f;PrI%.beforo growth begtfl%, [a y tho.vial; onoa,, They worp Alt pink fertile, 'blooti mllkng� 'ODIC" Ruch als Dr, best to grgxr,�. e bran -Not -that he was beginning even in HOIUWY never thought. of love i WItk .Cliff as sue lote"Col no A not gne,% . 4 oAto Woes tUA40LL �hii least to lave hit witll—that Idea reference to lier. They vill tood 141u, ]Pink Pill$. Mr#. Uqnry regard 'It. ,for lie. sbe grafted should not Oro AdeoedOA 'Tort fs,40114. ur. 14, teo lRpflr. Nftft *I bi:4 not yqt'oCo4rmd tq hi", out tie rAQndo,,wIth 9 comf4g;J. -11, tit., C40 IpCh 3 Audi r W4"len"n rroin two to, US E. io was beginning $lilt,. A �nrin, or to treat bar with thut wait ll. gives t9, 1Wunsmitha �n, t 0 CIT, Do grout respect, to recognize the t But with Ifildred it was not A 'tho�'br sh ne. 0 1111a Knisting co -A IaQ q 'this ll�d, not as yet Impressed him. He It er Yea-, Ll$IJd ambulatQ his It use In spqrtt G6Qpg pg� at- 9, John tells leAd op It was of her -mifid he' U4ouglit; ''hot, 111Mi _4114 now, as his better natqru. that she was a high-souled woman, tbQ same tiling. Sho had Qiwo. laved- .'AUQUt.1hrm. Y-mril go- -ilip, -lies. ) two 6 �s Wtth-w�,Wedga, And 4W personal charms, great as they wore, appeared, she bvgau to cara for him faili She grow weak and seemed on- gqops insert tw Louis wedpon. he VqAt to perQ � ed, Q d. 666 Cur i Xb* on bach".416Y."If thei 'lit 0 Mae leolp had started with 'the conviction the,t 'suet' it feeling to him. was suilered from d 71 -P �.hg Wlt*. down. ID14 SW, istrossiDg boad4che0. than an Inch An tit $MOT DXS:0ASr, ANIb,=XEX you? his wife was a dark-oYod, unformed kind, affpctlopaW. 0 p, The eV6Ai,. sbot, theiij 44& ott�r An.bod. -George (happily remember-, Patient; slut do --c, itil lai�tih orign is mqAP Irps;a w, A Of 0 Larger game lie -4 d not diall4im CO=ZAINt. her Appetite le� It BY Ing One of his lessons)­W'No, miss, schoolgirl, and lie lina not as yet voted herself to him service; but 0b hr,, iAnd 101 l,nuqlT, previous Ve 10- Wth, o four stich as rate agd.g4t;Q it'Was the force of gravitation that made the discovery that she was a word - Indicating, a warmer feelft ey � did r Uvo An --b let, were DODD'S =DptY PXLLI$. tIlia f4vol'ItQ . SPPrC aiiii 'I a height made hbA fall. I only pushed him." beautiful woman;"fMj'hbr'Wrfd Im- than friendship ever escuped ),,a' It 'A O's 1111b pros A P - no& holp bar. 'Then I took etg,n or Itaur It a. Vs of t0ought and ­� tic, IWedge at th o r end, of the houm came:tha,,% ' . Lover's Y-Z(Wise Head)DWinfect- ,lofty standard shil wgit, be vbiP-XI);0 XQ$tmistress. . g aingtolov hi: won,peralsted in for a long timo,,sho beginning near the base of tf� I -'crack of his tipy weapon. This In- of Weadon, Tells .91. Reg tora- arat Soap PowildrAs a boon,fo allty tic purity, her Intense des, I Ino It. Tharp 00 'of . Rod him -hot- calin pationce, and Site did act even own to her. d' by,of the fly sedion, front every e00�Cdr; and alifiO11911 file treatment making u wedge at th I but ad to be rowing 0.0e. �.(Lad 1 The sclow is gnserted to, the stock as tropid si�ortsman, by Po means qt� ­pU It disinfects and cleana At to %o duty. had 411 Jiurpriqed and 0 bout �n to fear Me' as 6ing qgUon, of Troubles a,44 How home. dZbonair man very AInto far as tile lowed ' the flyt;ds British winter ttis Easily silo pot W4 of Then� All. the $time time, then pleased him. no wondered that the carol4sa, COJIDUMPtIOM Then I took her. to -a UPPER faults bad a EDGE OF THX.VMDGE, interfere with his veiituresome p lie had been blind to these kind otcharm, bfcauqo SpOcialist, . but his treatment WAR - - ----- tefor so long. but hb 'coifobled himself he owned t1tern so frankly: hls,�han4' likewise unsuccessful. In inserting the scion great time, From the-edd Of '8epi-offi 2' CA to by thinking that tbo. wore only 150140 face would have been a �iiass- tcl r'n"lly UPOU pare bar 4. "au , , 1. -=(SP eiffti�fii& C6 assen , 0 1 t, an -advIce-ot a .1.111 the ��re � - * I r ill t lustAe - aped,. - nitit pfjrhop� 1POTt--W�bV--VV-0xnan a heart, , ore- should 6oi4o ly spent abroad, -passing from the h V tef.16 a story 61, Mila I Of V. r of both scion and stoci� 0 4 % her cure of of our Extract there 'is such W tile Observant power at the over, he -was so earnest in 'Ill 90- Practiming in Chicago, Bertha began h other, �hls is"Itiviera to Egypt, and fro �ypt' edipplictiti near n. A,,Ioud nolse, stich as a MR Potin 0 6 of Tnor using Air. WIllininS' Pink Pills, in IN on , Of bilineal axis Wan-wOuld 4avc been developollbut to do �,bottor iso, trAA)y, corky a 1 'u8 pistol shot, is ror�ated sixty times,. tolllwl.ou 0 =11blo. cl)seared 'Kidneys woulu for the Circumstances in which abb a, scarce. 0 0 klet. "He to tmf .0 If lit and voi*y Important am the healing ' ba. w0ea fu�th r south, as game grol� . that inbefore long there was it decided im- glaa from this point, and It the Y. p0dei-604oriderf6l it similar ro- d to was placed. Ile never dr' amod of lov- Ot to r0laPso lnio'ba4 hab- 111-10ment in her ' rulition, an by scion be insert ato CORNS ATTENDED 1110 Portq kvqre Aot'coiitln� from -out Q1 dum VE, the time she bade Cd carelessly 001 FR diffai Ing her -he had started with the idea Its. She couid not help lovidd III -4. Otaken nine bqxqs almost certain to be 'a failure. At- In the ' StPoets around Trafalgar MInard's Liniment JS the best, 0,91EILL A LI11Y, 01009. if� coun*_v'4Iw6ilt daily IL -ore enjoying the best ter the scion has been set, t a cut;:;8quara� might have been sela any llowever, the Pofktxalstroas' f that lie did not love )ter and never Silo found herself alwam* thinking Qf ali6 was once 01, - tI a moriaing aWW years's change his Ideas. would pleasi Ilia' always stqdyin pounds in weight. . A would at �go ap 'old gqn- so *oil` 'IL'uthentleate it Wit should. 1-10 was a Man Blow to him, always trylug to,fliid ouVwha of health and had gained fifteen surface I Oysters cannot live Ili the Baltic t covered over Wil afting When a Woman asks you to stay rongly wax to exclude the strips tigman of,behevotehit 'aapl�ct, walk- 'Prove Interestift 'to give of, cotton may be wrapped over this. Ing with gentle trea d rutiniz re "' w'nl quit enough. TlidY can only live in for supppr , bar mind goes off on A Lady Caravan lost no time when him, thero weIR lia;dly a moment in advise all similar sufferers to 1L1`1thL`n h Sea. 9 air, and ThoLrQqpon if; that it, is not d an Re - 4: Budiiring,from Ki omplai her husband had once given hot- per- the day In Which' ber thoughts did Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial, A gbod grafting wax for gut -door Ing the fact and gatt� rather water that ontaim?.,at least thirty- lightning v sit to her cupboard. and mission to act. Be affected to laugh t dwelt on him. When lie taIL04 aq bar cage acemed as hols.01011s u Ithan in any forza. if her manner. grows more cordial it by mbIting together you -X fell a victim to several Kidne# tit ]ter zeal and an- ,thil parts of water. 4teans that the mental trip.was.Aatt and feel mfiwbed , with could be." resin and beeswax In the proporti?,n whtched't1fe old gentleman's move- maladies," says Dame Moreau, her by name, her heart thrill 0 As so a made the faces, of passengers. Had seven parts of man tit every 1,000 isfactory. thusinsm-in reality it shamed film. Pic -a -re; when he praised her., even �.All Weak and ailing girl$ al�,d WO- 99 five parts resin adfl two, 14 " nioo 0evere wo'Neart Disease but You, Wailid,predently'. I ve a A, t He sake(] her what her first reform evor so faintly, it-seemed,to her that Men, sufferers from 'backache, ��hlc�Ld- bbellwax; to thi is a4dod onec and lit accost Rome sha 17 also suffered from Bacl;%che, �Iitcl, IN GOING TO NEW,YORK For ever 811tty rrar.. was to be; and glib told, hilia'all the earth hold no liigbqr joy; If he asked Is M, , t)by looking man ca. Indiaposition,to Work 6j' ex- clnt�.half 'to ts parte'linsood, oil. hambling painflilly along. and the der Trouble unit 11fieVinatism. I toole 'Tale the Lehigh Valley Rallrea6d All OLD AND WILI-TAIro extv,j. 4" _Uborcrs' cottages were ta, be pulled her to qo anything. 4�he knew no. reSt ordse, who she- by their p4le And In top-gralting We tree always .,)idve probabilit *rithat you would thful Modicine.' but notliGg did Ate any route Ct the Black Diamo whislow's kloothilaireyral nd Express. lean by Catillfogs ot 810,1b" been used fol Tier 41"Ll, down, arld fresli houses built for them nor peace until it was done. sallow cheeks that they are in ill in view the prodaction of a yrnifiet- have seen the old gentleman fielp the good till I tried DoddFq Kidney Everything strIctIx first era for th , oir W a ad W�, -houses. where thq first�l%ws of (?.no day, prompt relief, bright ricaL. top. after, ts old, one has fbeen I shabby looking class, eethint4with Perfct success. It lbotboo tb obill luau into the neat pills. cotton& 4 guins, alliya Jill "Lin. cum, whad (;a 10, health could be re#arded. 'Site %IAA-t�* Rothe ' vialtorp - vlvor�q qtaying with wnp,tuous Dining (2ar Service, a la lathe b2ot reateel flif Diarrilcea. Is n 4, QY0,7, rosy cheeks and Active 1,vaI&h, removed, 11irpughom, which had all'alolig be6n. ed good fresh all dry walls, 4 'Pilro Mail tUrned on ' 'a "I have taken threp boxes and noij carte, Theo ugh Pullman. For taste. old tir ruggists in eve In a fair use of Dr, Williams' Pifik With this cultivation codling Motb keeping pace with the old'.gentle- Vart of th"o fiveceptfabottle..A3 v Water, plenty of room. She did not Sortafn Lady 'lamilt", *hb had pills. I feel like a young woman. i feel ickets, Pu,iiiiians, time of trains* You can obtain these pills will disappear, and In three seasons'Man's. movements, and iri which Be cure and ask for Mm Winslow-* 1300thin rest until the workmen wtlro busy' Just returned, a %ilido froil no pain and -am so well that in my and further particufars, call ai idid, take nootherkind. "Lady Ha=ilto4, wm.,01301 A India from ii,py me4leine 4ealbr or4�`by mail, an Old ugly a:a comparatively:Pir.b.bly one or more similar in removing what she called the "fov- Of you shab- advaniced"age I do all my Qwn work. Grand Trunk ticket �offlce or on postpai& lit b0c a box or isix'boxes wortliless orchard call be converted I by 1.6kIng ,a. would alreikdSr be I say that 'Dodd's KidneVpIlls are Robt. S. Leivks', assenger Agent, 83 Gairt is rarely 4nowil among tile er actres. cariy loves, Ulric; ,Was she not? 4Vitkso4ted. IT.. it d She was to haye it all bar own paid Sir Raoul, laughingly. kr $2.50, by writing direct to the Into a pretty uniform one, gooc! fr all Kidney. DIseases. J re- Yonge i xect, oar of Trado build- W9rktng etposes of Ireland. TheirlAhl- Dr. Willianim: Medicine. Co., Brock- abundant crops Of marketuble ­aAtf for such­,das,the old wqy, yet she showed the sweetest "I suppose so," replied the Wr, . commend, Dodd's Ridney'Pills as the Ing. Toronto. mu it from dib� complaint is Ivilie,'Ont. I f4ever'accept anything profitable varieties. An orchard I,) gentleman's name, had in his, gme submission t her husband. When carelessly. "I had a great may best r�*=Ody fok'kh6 that I have,ever u a early loves, if one $nay believe tilt 0115JP which a ealer way ay. is "Just "never too old to mend," or beyond boon a great sufferer from corns, used. the architect and builder waited up- A' French physician has announced their 'food consists latWely of po- renewal. an; now that he had realized a "All the peroons'rhq would like to that Act only is yawning healthful, tatoes. oil her with plans for the model cot- the- stories told. L)o you know what am good." tages, she took thoul at once to him. my own opinion is?'. Dept of Agriculture. Ottawa. handsome competence, it was his'de- light to roam the strects.in search get information' call apply to Ate. I but it should be resorted to artifict- Ile looked up IaUIrhingIyi,,,,f ­No�" answered Sir Raoul, "I do of palpable &ufrorers. from affections, shall always'be 'Odfaposed to give ally in case of more throat. "You -pay me & compliment, Hill. MInard's, LiAlmefitthe best H of the feet and take them off In We them. all the Information they de- air Restorer dred," he satid; but It is 'your affair "I do not.bellevo that A have ov6r 11TROVING AN ORGHARD. A LITTLE TYRANT. Carriage to his home in the nor sire. SOM I entirely, not mino." loved at all - that is timing the thern ETHING TO REMEMBE' R. Doild's Kidne pills cure all Kid- Perry Patoitic Mister, kin you -o a. skilled chiropodist Y When travoixtig, you should bear in help me w1th a little Money? I ain't 11A."was In conaltAnt atf4b&Anto. Bad "I shall find no pleasure in It un- WOrd 'love' in Its best and highest VALUABLE HWTS ON THE The Trouble N "burbAr, whet nay Complaints. They make the old mind the road and th trains that got a friend orl, earth.' Mudge less I have your approval/' she ro- store at Due to Origin frequently to occupy feel. young. again. a plied. "I am your boatt steward "Than it is for what of approcia- CARE OF TREES. Sin. I "cases" used will take you to your destination in -If you liav 14is at6antJon for weeks together, , A no friends, there is no not ),our guide, Look over the;� tion." gaid Sir Raoui, curtly. There is no tyrant HAI6 1k LoOtiling . during which time the lucky��patient the fastest tline, and in the most reason why yau vwbould not be ablo by. Ilia Lemper Isn't due to or- could depend on figard and tolling of comfortable manner. The Grand to keep your money. Move 95. with me." Neither of, Main know that Hil' Department of AgTioltltWo Says a glu U Trunk service excels In both par, Lord Caraven Positively forgot all words. but they had form more than tile rest of from To- They sat down side by side, i anO drod had overheard the few chdildo Poor � O;rchard Can Be inal sin. however ; the tyrant. f- the most stupendous deseriptio�;. pierced her ticulars and possefigers vabout't Midt Good. the 4-10- The futility of testamlentary re- 200P00O 41,Aoli.91 Electric Wire Un- ronto to M onteAl. Buffalo, New he Plana in his wonder at Ilia heart as Witt a �wo-edgecl sword. IJY. Uo don't. know what iu�,thc strictions , all- wayWard heirs was THE MOST POPULAR DZNTIFRIOF- wife. How bright her face grow as He find never loved anyonel Sh der thip Ocean. York, Detroit and Chicago, will find a Many an old orchard which 14 Dow matter. They do. The trouble never more strikingly demonstrated the day trains equipped with wid(I rho dwelt upon the advantagewof the w(is bie,w tic-; Ile had never loved hot-, an eyesore to everybody can, at.ji . t- they do nor, Wways know what 19 tt The 6ubmarin6 telegraphe of the north of England a few vestibuled coaches, handsome Oaf$ pretty houseal and she )lad been funcying that his'tle coat, beyond slight labor, -be con- rlu for his lordship. Ali Ontillfrio years, ago. Mr. Pratt, a millio I world number 1,750. Their 19gr1 Parlor and Dining Cars serving 0 A L V E R T'S oIle0 W onare They discussed them In full detail, manner had changod-that he was An verted into an up-to-date, tidy, Pro moth r rit, to tell What Is best Mill owner In Lancashire, 'the gato length Is nearly 2.00,000 miles; weals "a In. carta." etnd that conversation )lad some- some fashion growing land of her, I title, and profitable branch of th to do. '-When my baby The night thing so Interesting, so piquitnt in it, flow wofully mistaken is a was was teeth- bulk of his fortune�to hie nephew, on their total cost is estimated at trains carry Pullman sleeping cars to CARBOLIO that the ea�l was deeply, I riterosted. Her farm. There are many orchardW Ili Ing," she N,tys. ­ he was so cross and condition that the young map sholuld L55,000,000, and the number of Ali above points. Y face burned as title thouguL , .9 an leavo TOOTH I or tbose CanhdaIwillebbear more wormolhan restl that I hardly knew what to novel- agan enter a public house, messages annually transmitted over Toronto for Montreal aucticeast at "Thank you," sald till I di-vil, look- early loves of Ms. Who were they? fruit, because tile gonottlity of far- dti witb 11 i in. Ile had a poor aP- Somewhat to the surprise of his them is more than 6,000,000. 9 it. m. and 10 P. in. for Buffalo and Ing up with a charming smile -' "I Il`6%1­ntuleb ' had -he cared rot- theta? Iners cannot be brought to fearn votite and aLo but little, and was fr1ends, Adding to the submarine lines the New York at 9 a. m., 4 P OWDER. am gratof to you for relieving me Had lie whispered sweet words into that fruit raising pays even ii It be the young follow accepted .50 and 0.15 41 I got it box of Baby*s the legacy on these terins. No soon- go at An my ptirelexfty?' gj*uwiug thin. land telegraph systems by which P. m, and to Detroit and Chic Preservesthatb6th. Sweetentillish "The pleasure has been' all dh -my er once kissed her kissed the faiir .. f1brongthaBs the Sums. willing cars? Had he who find nov- grown merely for home consumption. Own TableLs and they Made a great or, however, they am connected, the total longth 7.85 a. in., 4.50 p. in. and 11a20 P. It will only occupy three years to had he entered into of telegraph lines- of tile world Is in. Tickets- reservations, etc,, ai side," he answered, and that was th faces� a$ those. early loves?' Her eV61LVo it plentiMl harvest its- 'well change. lie now rosts well; has a possession of his deceased uncle's Most gallant speech that the heart splendid appetite. and gives me no Manflichit than the furniture and of- 1.180,000 miles, the length of their city office, northwest corner King held yet immdo to his wife. eat fast a she thought of it. as a symmetrical well -kept Orchard trouble 'at all." This in the ex a- facts were sold by auction. A single wires, or conductors, -3,800,- AGENT6 WANTED 8 vered p a ariny and Yonge streets. Higo Coro.&. The difference to him was plainly Was she - an - unloved, neglected tr nks it th advice giveno ST) a tdt 'V 'V120 Then title called herself to account. out of lichen and in rlencc� not only of Mrs. 1�. K. of worknga then appeared, ad for 000 miles, and the total number of tion BOA South ild"n War, Be U 0 in this ar- t messages annually sent over them Writeforttrina. UNDERWO JX 91 to be seen. Men who ]lad gamodcuid, wife - JealOu"I tile floating loves ticle be followed With'f Schrueder, of Hanover., Ont.,. but rnonths place was First Actor - "I thought your W03D. 02 Adelable SO U..Torouto. Ont, betted with him, %vile h4d won tits of an hour? air faithful- Silo was startled,whon, Iles$, also 0 I thousands of Mothers ­ Lill GIVEN OVER TO TIIEM. about 400,000,00Q. or an average of next tour was to have been through — money and paid him In flattory, f5ho found that the pretty Ivory pa- The first thing to be done le, to over tile Doinini-qn. A baby teething I -ore than 1�900,000 e.ach day. South Africa." Second Acto WOOD A PH6TOANCRAVING is cross betcause his blood Is heated truck. 0 wo C9 no hour was over. They snocrod atyout hands was broken. to and his ,JItLI0 bowels ccibst)patucl or at an a rich elec- the'4-t-tiults and branches, and nterior of the marimion had been graphy was demonstrated the a UAV�S`F PEET - 7FOR 17 shrank from him, seeing that their pot- knife silo had been holding in her veraPe off the rough, loose bar� Aram Place. it Was found that tile whole practicability . of sub rine , to)e- Of eniL fiad.read the t "" I When the grand - reopening took In the short half century since the lwag.tbut r JONIES C na him, and saido soniething to itiach "What has conic over we?" she prune the trees, ANbile it is true " nbealthily relaxed, dnd tits system converted into the semblance of egg often weighs tw re other about petticoat government. asked herself. that this rough bark may appear to flouted by the a tric wires have invaded every ocean pounds. IEATH teffort jif getting the large and luxurious public house. except the Pacific. Nearly a score ER DYEING Put one day, when Lord Caravan lie had vivvy,coved anjoue. Would do but little harm, '11. LLfford$ com- to guj;p. aby Ff "snug" bay Parlor, smoke of wires have been 4aid� do"a Th fteeth t.hrough I Own Taproom, had refused a heavy wager at bit- its Tablets act m4gl�. ndt only in and billiard rooms -nothing was Atlantic, of which -no less than 18 h ve I without love? And, forta41a free board and loOginga (on Ilk 14'Catl d Y tip- Caravan had taught him better ways. -It Is a terrible tiling that we iprociate and avej! themselves Of, thu; 661111, nifleent bar resplendent barmalds United , States And Europe, while Messrs. C. IC Ric . ards & Co� MONTRI11AL Bards, conic one remarkod that Lady il.ho lov 0 any one, won, It be her? Indx1ouh Insects which thoroug4l thl-A but in all ailtuants, of little Missing: while from behind a mftg- now successfully operate between the BRITION AMERICAN OTE1110, CO. Ile looked up with a frank laugh. Sold by drugglsts or hospItable shelter. Prutillig! may be post paid at 25 cents odore porals, wifel" lie said. "Oh. nol She "thri-led without love. All. Mel it as sitaple s, A B C. At first only %yritIng direct to the 1) ams is the free drinks to an army of the short distitnee between South � Amer- customer of Mine, was ompletely 11barinVo are offering you e l said to herself aV,bax b� I fi�aamed qweet siniles as they measur- three others span the comparatively clenLlanlan,�-Th� had nothing to do with It," and he ever it girl as young and ignorant its dead brunche§ and Crowding sucker, Medidla) Co.. Brockville, Ont., or, legatee's chums. Thus did this tea and the African and South Eu- cured of rliculuatism. afte 1% PC O.' gftch because it is r five year# honestly believed lvhat lie said. I wah concs to me and asks the need be, removed, unless the treng be Schenectady, N. V. young man circumvent the wishes of ropean coast lines. Throughout the of suffoilig. by the Judicious use lot low price . For *2.ss we handsomfte`6911 youmentlenumn a watch- nivay ca4e, and heavy Her Influence had been so wisoly Rame question that I asked my tath!- old and decrepit with dying branches his, well-intentioned relative; and, Indian Ocean ilpea colnuict the par MINARDS lINIMENT. t P ate.fivalm adc,, torn wind and Mans soll. directed, so sparingly used. thAt 110 or shall ay o her. 'Marry wl could not trace It; and lie . thought w I tit- and waning"bLirength, and In that quite recontiy, he Was still leading a East with Europe and America, via foll! I The above fact can be verified by ullf, ituarantead a rellablo timekeeper. , t Ut Motley, Without. Position, with- case the pruning should be vigorous. life of langorous ease in his private the Red Sea, tile Mediterranean, the writing to him, to the parish priest gearf,r - A onigod watch Orda that he alone had aroused himself out wordly prospects, it you will; As a grape vine can be public house. Western goast of Europe, and the or any of him neighbors. r rush is oil. ,, eidow belpre the from his long trance of indolence. NO buL rather dio than Marry WiLhOut tan an apple tree, and .1. Another transformation of the Ili- Addrale I postpaid. woman on earth could have won a lvas Sir Raoul was more deeply versed casog a tree ma torlor of a family Mansion resulted great Transatlantic lines. The Med- A. COTS, pi. 0, VIAN SUPP a*.. greater victory. be cut to the SOME Tnrl;GS THE RETIRED iterranean ts 'crossed and recrossed liferchant, St. Isadore, Que. Harnytten, ont. ',*I am so glad I have boon ground und anot,her one built upon RICH OF LONDON DO. In an extraordinary inversion of tile in its entire lehgth and breadth by May 12th, 1898. Pa- in hunian nature, &nd he saw that c short shoot which will spring up. plans of nature. The owner, Mr. numerous cable lines. Want 10,000 tient." she suild to herself. -1 am ill' lountess wile bellinning to love Cut,out old branches. leave - 113rowiflohn, a retired stockbroker, Along the eastern coast of Asia giad I chose- the higher and nobler her husbrind with #1 passionnte love. uc era to Y'"bg Relieved VictimS..of Corns --Broker Turkey part, instead of tile weaker one a k t"o their place, then a as determined to turn night into Turkeys, 2.000 Of Ile did not know whether to be Tui-ned Night Into Day at day, Land it cost him thousands cable lines' loop from port f to port a 0 a e, 2,000 running away." pleased. at- sorry-whothor her love now top will quickly form, andgood Great Cot Of and island to Island, receiving mes- A man turns 112,000 Ppadefuls of W Ducks, & 10,000 So time passed on, arld the beauti- would ever be returned. Yet lie fruit will follow, Always take care I P"C'unds to do it. All the outside sages overland from Eastern Chickens to fill ful summer days were filled with could not feel gurprised. to thin.out uselem branches because A strange thing occurred about :10 windows of the house were built up, ro Eu- earth In digging an acre of ground, Ceese, our orders. _Pa. vIlL the Russlan-Siberlan land and the soil lie has, moved during schemes and plans for Uio benefit of "Ile owes everything to her,". HUNSI-111NE AND AIR Years ago whereby the authorities go as to exclude every ray of na- lines, and forwarding Them to ank of Entrnnce to the Ja- tits work Weighs 850 tons. YOU have anyit others. thought Sir Raoul, "yet tile r I Ill 111*0 Inseparable train the stead at the D England and the,tural light. man- pan. Chiria, Australia, New Zealand, W wit, Pay you to Blantyre since tits abrupt dismissal. m u ove her. " healthy growt of Orchards as of In- Z IThey had - seen nothing of John thought that would ever ente Y. for a time completely Rion was by an underground passage, the Straits, Settlements, Hong Hong, I 0 Mint were Duck slit US. mystified, says Pearson's Weekly. A and every room had a door and and the 131111iPpines, and receiving ENGLISH SPAWN LINIMENT The earl had been told that he had Sir Raoul also saw another thing. "An tipple tlee must be fed It It Is former member of P, Wealthy bank- window opening on to a magnificent ottiorm In r6turn. We also left Mere Cottage. but that he was and that was that, despite her .no- to produce frikit, and no diot is more Ing firm, Branksome by name, a contral.11PaCO3 wlAch was open to roiiitlyius All Ifirkwoft or-iialloused Lumps Chickens Any living at Court Haven. I'lint Piece lit(, charactor, her great virtues white -bearded, venerable -looking old the roof. Prom the ro6f, when it Mind Blembilittil'i in borxes, Blood stinvin, new laid efts. (6 ker,,multablo or ipexpenove than a livu- She -"Reggie, dcaY, th game. Ctivb! R Ing Done, weeny Stifies, not trouble him; ere is Of Intelligence did tioriL M,116U� _�,Spllntt, heroism, hot' patigilco, her d4v cover crop. Trees require "tan, resided Ili a mandon abutting was flight outside, Lin imitation sun thing of thb old-time love -light in BOrafrimi,13ore and Swollen Thiatt. Nils, the Unjust stewak, was art and I Ad square. shone forth, an electric glare. which "I (Com�iiefiflonCllll.o Limited P4"01 of the past - a lihst lie was to one idexi she had one fault, audlmoja�aro and food; thereforo gross on a fashionable Weqt r your eyeg to -night - something eta. Save 1110 by -time at one' bottle: At. to think of With regret. that wnli Jealousy., 'Sir Unoul held and Woods All his life, tho� day,40VA; jingle of:fllled the whole place with a fight as I mated the iolign w6nde'rful Blemish Our@ Aftinning inust be'rilmOod. To about you that reminds me of those, eyor know,,, noticed it in little things. wid on4o," In the Lombard sj�reot count of day. 8old by All 1103atillitt, Nevertheless, John Blantyre lived sticbeed the farmer flibst plow, Ilia T sweet days of long ago. I hopa you Ta sftd� for �ur Coal. only for his revenge, lie laughingly told her of It. orchard� and ithe! grouftd� tillage he Wealthy eccentric rose at 9 have " He -,,Yes, I have it lit, I.Jr house had been na music In bi. "You sbeing .. ebntIh%W. friTq4totly during cars. and now, )its doellning,6'elook edch morning, and, having tie left. Ctabbo-�;'Vk4�_day, ' for tho� first vetteo fteet Fall MUSIC are Jealous. Hildred,1 In X Autumn came with Its golden years, a strange thouq�t )lad entered. breakfasted, started oil a day's rou- tills time?, How much do you want time, I wast really delighted to he" N U.S.-I SpIttIfirlat"O. wheat, ts ripe fruit, I said; "there Is one weed amongtegUl early summer, By midaunuti*r wood I . 6 beauty A Ls gorgeous liful flowern - you are joalous."� gencro 0 into, h a soul. tine of work and plealiure, lie lunch- . ........ . my nefghbor's piano going." rriend t coloring. The spirit of ly etises and then til- We are, equinwd to She stood quite still for a few a Thd poor old man had conceived ed At 1 In the ni6rning, drank a cup -"Pomething worth listening to, 'I T on I eyery music improvement wqp at work at Rav- .0- Jage �dfiould stop'-` A ,coyor crop sown A teacher was instructing C, iesobtfs wants after he Ixad spoken. and tl�J)I ttk#U $yjil tiot only, protect the soil the, idea that tfio Sate of the copper Of tea. about 4 a. in., and dined tit 0 class suppose?" Crabbe - "I stiould say T,=r i Umada. alread -tile ob4oxious cot- tidivi loolfed.11p at him tlioulllltful)Y�` frililp� washing but Will add humus to coinage was a diggracor to the realm, 7 o'clock, ietiring to rest about 10 A W.0 *0800ro, V I A boys,. and had Spent half an hour so. I heard the hire purchase me T thges had disappeared, and In their ou arlb rihshe said; "but I Iti, While�a clover ceop will gather and that the Current ptnee and hidi- or 11 a.m., When, by an Ingenious trying to drive Into their hoadii the taking it away." ROME '61bah. FlealthY, Wol"rainod lad not thought of It before -I h . at tile ultkogoh 111ce nestled Wal"ilig. AccOrdingly, sliding arrangement in the roof, the W11A,", 1 *Vs I difference between mail and the I a Cap L111111ted d*elllng houwq wore pprioging up. notefairy for the PL er animals, but apparently wl ot boon tried. I 11 lie had organized ft regular system of I bright sky and Inittation sun were Wy Catkftnil WOrked,. uiva, allow_ ave bad no growth, th lit- aad MaIn1fred, lag Vatiza VA -.44, tie , success, "Tommy," he s cial temptation. No one- has cleanala �aid, Ing hersoll little rii4f,, sAO, the earl � A good alternative td plowing the collection, , g find redistribu- CA on�,o transformed Into a concave Corn LA Gilp wiNmpgo, MAN, , Mom,wi, or,. voram tilled with wonder at her s;l,� made tile Jealous, because, I 'IN6 or6ar,4 Is- to pasture it with hogs tion of dirty toppers. Ile himself, expanse of Inity blackness; from out caxingly, to a little chap, "do YOU, tomatic nothod. pose, no one flag ve loved mq Very and flifeep, withAlis, liffhyl-Wil--mon And mald, 4rif which a host of falso stars know the difference between, Ray, Me coapabliit in moon it Stellmehips much. but I hftve reforably tho former, servants to I libroligittingly and the twinkled and an artificial and a Pi O e?" hief What Wag that 0=1161on . Ll "You ought to bave been it man and a wfty& to linoro 04nnibal 0 lie )lave - all datk- *Its tl tile 00 4*'XAv and',a la*yer. 1111dred." he said i U *11003, "To be sure you keelt anituaig exteflaive stublIfIff alld outbuildings shone forth,her beams. No replied Tommy, innocently, 31 h4d,for diliner?". Ctlinnibal Cook- 617,41 I %k X*46* to U"' to eyed women with na grafm will Isjupport, becamw TIAQU44m&- 10 Wilk but another teacher standing by "M.'W48 it. blq3�olo Actor your' Ex- town.- � her Due day. Southern Merit, liko tit the rear of 'the house, were like je . , ." III _!A 0 07 Vdidd rather be h woman yours. havi) a touch of Jealousy" grusq dlot' -plementing thii the Washing departmebt of a firin of A SURPRIS laughed, coll�toy "r 6f #A and by grain, which naturally ED PHYSICIAN. r W. .r 1001111tt"." site replied, with a arked Sir Rcioul. "llow gravo you boor battlers. Ther coins Wre WhAl- 4 Iniflit t4btc�ll Illyth, your MW MW"=t: -s and Ruitroiesup look concerning It, Hildred fertility to tho orchard -1401t An happy rush. 'I am thinking gravely, tbll,t'11�0 Crikill *)It ot ed, attepod in Antiseptic solutidn lobtY, he 'Was scorching wholi we 111an, og,.M to amy Bile In burnished, and finally had hol;; A Dying Patient Recovers Through 10*1S 'Ibis il caught Me . OVA Rill "I:kt7#001;0 '05414" � 10410. cc i 1414 9'rxb thing that she had done tlf� -tarpositioll, of a -Humble We offer Ode Hundred bbilars Reward U *6 'We bored fit thom tot, ddAV6nionce in itir iing CIAG Of UktAttli. thd.t cififtat be Ag *42 to in"M a list of every laborer Plied' A tun saying to myself Clint the In Il,Torp as and dependent on 00 estate, his I hope and trust an not graged it an orc stringing together. erncured y UjillI Ve,terrIg Uturd. 109"VABASH NAILROM Xem 614114PWiladolt, ;]over to be really '1100111 be AiO*n�ftrly and left an It was po,htod . F. i. umpom & 00_;floloda, 0. Atitha. tioudition. Income. 66 AtIdifier the ground to add humus to the s9l), otit to Mr, Break- ofth)bil .10 not I Chicago. Nov. 15. %Va. the Undersigned, have it 6urist too at fifty thildre6h. Ito* they lived, and but this, Is not nearly so benei)Q s`0146 that go, Dr. G—, a very J. Chistier for the aftd- 0 do" b know )law to express Aily4ed clearly, "' I'. )i'th� Winter as the, "ImbiAbss" Was be- 86ino weeks a 6% the, &out]% �And *60t, "neluding tthle itthwo, thoV" Were educated. So ­ thftt , SUbJectI119 reputable, and widely -known phV' b"116vc It I oWdrilibidi 14 till mind empty Quo* piwig e a I could he itindly an akliting the land. in Perfectly . 1AL,*Outili " Ittst Oprings, Ark., Old I 10414 slid tw ranger to her., It butinew ttauskettons and financially Taxa* call To ah 6 to del t CAlrrg �(Mt ILOY 06119MI0011 411111. , ;XT"�M, there was not one at st con- ties for "defacing 1116 COIA Of tile called to attend a-, very 4YOt Of Amerlest, The earl'Iboked admiringly at it. lell0uq. Mid thM. it t lwortf. I CoUld Juncts, xnd fungl have to b almself to unhofird at Paine and pen- siviall, living oil C— street, Wills Wfill. Alid It will be neoes- omplicated 00IMOMItt, thd ' Is iDo Ou really mean. W Sa. Hil- do groat wrong." If, ho*oidr. he WoUld un- edse of Rheumatism. Upc he'r 111MAX, ulholaskilb brog - 4dS of sun- vary to spray W on AlTiving 11 I` 4 doiierg, Your plixtidular AL 'y d e al -O -db- I do -tint imir tot A�ld Sir it], laoratq%ax blixturb dert&ke to Qoii* boriW 110109 in the fit 1110 boua tic found it O', WALI) rl, gre,en at least twice after man about In, MOW to thob fact that Raoul. "You will novel, ra ve far and Parl, 1-Alt-IR.Ill, wholesale Drioulpts. 1.01sdoi pendent an mo -flint more pr Icis I I . C� oina, said tile OffiddrA feefil Scotland forty youril of Age, lying In a pros. 0. llflivtl� In MAW Wrong. Hildred.- � b 1131ORsAlm) t0tvOr, 1411(W .. Thq for- Vatil, (big lickbillty *oald be obViat- amirit eat 90109 %U bOtrOlt 'and In" at hangi trattil and sorious condition. with arrii-Churo is t"da hittlir� There watil it bwtf-scated expr"bfi or mass, tit . b I ng SRIIY, acting d 6`110 thd� WAbailf, r4dach their de. * 11�dct m4h replied Ili$ wife, Ifthens ed� After ildlat dobluri the Proposal IrOtly U001i the b1664 �,,tliittlt)tt hourb Itqt adiranca of that Atherfast earnestly, "land ' there. rtemq io be on bor beltutiful face; Settle lAbAt , tyf L the XI, attbr will Was agroW to; but 13huillsome tits Whole fralne dangerously affected lind mucous surfates of the itylit01h., 0 I .. ''n Wicks oomethifilif np "I dothope." Mle voloined. "t1hat I us ingeots. con' with tile paintill, di9talte. tie pre- I'69012101UMS tent Oat. Aefdti 71ic. Al" liflos, "O o*r tudd elegant tiAinEk 'a.. hie to we lit the idea ShAll timi-be triod.- -Joalotwy hil.q though it Caanot�IvAeh the apple tilluod'washilill;l Viihil but-hIshing the scribed for the patient, bUt the Man "ot"61 Sold by iall Atirlirclots, CA. Ull ftbash likilt lil-flift maggot, ' wbiel Queeles money to thq day of tits coutibue U&11*s FacAlly 1116 "Aft 06 b"t, , are the finest In* this beneft doge 86111#1 t1trange thinp. It Is an i calls for %d to I(N%V Wotho. and , oil dUgtrys "orythir4t; is first elfiullll In, 4, lat"o Off. many, ooltirs, V6+lbh. occurred. -not long Ill' uftday rVIt-ning f6ulid to OiAii� 0060C 'All round� Wo iiftlyi ,Itt � ytlif� bItUr as death, find ab civet* ir 01 treatntont, AlmAuse It 19 the larva 0 0 A ; ter. A quo" loiikii* tillibotUr Indortoo to4rjat tI;6k6tA­&r4 no* ,ou fliq may comfort�, 11� let" 1116 6kin tic It, a VMV nlatMing Condition. The 6 *It 400111tlbb Ad tlati� blkj� - he Iys 1. t Y lw� oa�- IbPA%l liq I AvkkV 11,00hr n h, ttuotion "Oro., find lowtat "Irato itiought," -rot* serlobsy..$ 01411.11 t1i6u#Ixo"`th4f,o addrd. withii tit ftii,tlos . k0h. i4oWli*ntik ihb dot.;Ilb of knees all() effiowg uAd larjter .Joints 'I is. I I Imllirg1l' "Okoft caotno4-�.Ala joal derneath. No knattel,'how ullarao ooklAg gr"*fy at t3le"knight Of the TIMO t4blos, mapg, And Ali Inrormet. thoro 'I' nother stl flile leaked out. w"l-o greatly A d,, said could not havamer, inqUlypo,, U631. About W ft0Y -WotkOd "ItOW110. 'Silo Inikee, -with &Vb no th�� ElAvayllf may bel allinilit reath tie incivott. 11 itim oulV with ext 'MI �ioddiioirqfth- Mine by an ticket, -*4 Wr thitio in tilrit hatallsi can difficulty chat -tile Patient at Ad you tali bid,", ai�:dr J. A.�'.ftf s so pleasatit to fil I. *A- ut lie would not for tire world havb' r& (To bb.destroyoti, na s�oon #A thoy drop, Ot it"go'PtIvato iWifn In every tie Lornod In bol); wi�.th tjio At c 4 thetil. soundit save for Ono CA of tile wag, *Allillig Aff, "I bld yoxi, 1?*A9fmf;er ageni, northast all, refil* Aron� where Wfti-! them or foor� pbt Ing. 130i", Weight of go Toronto. and rM bftAtno. all the earl 441d, good, Com- be brnild busidt.06 i . �ai �;`ot tile ,,set lit) Pfiffiful that the ncXt Aeapon't; huillberR will (-made" lit. AM", WE 14 in this[vaietyii 'ahn Tlv6m"i 0 , sturl _ . had to to keep it fliftAt. ' ' — lifany Intorolibi now In edimr'100­016 to be fou"d In %- 00', he lind never ftoill file PAU4004 body, thal ultd. thImt,pasturin* the archard �n V?h JA'lit Alrep in a pro- he %Idetoe odw that bin assistance ougtit- to I- IntOf a6del COUAges. the call t6h There 00 )ud0-A,4tt0IWQ4 court"Aw 14M tt Aitltrk0 Aftaltogo, ba,cauqo if PInil''W.1 "L Vo of tbo I%T01110 be of no 4LVaill and,lett' thd Wli$ YOU qnedliraiki) stilt wAlted �vp6n by IflittyOr id. wwith tittigs W witell tile thik %ow. aodsip td 611 11 liked Ill( , i �. -: appll�tl ae 0itton botoro t)10 Now, lit bods, and fif)11-14e. thrd 1110=601`3 Ot'tlln f"Illy o'k�ftlf$r tit. DO T6"fi** AL12 S.tfts�*d. With tile littili cotproitiqu, et Ott 'Mill6t. Vied, t I.RhA Stott 'flilid ortgotl followIng Wall to the doot, itleoping. 100U. Ill 11M, We th,ytosl tl el Would lita with (V , "Jilere ti, UkELY TO ."Jolatl3w thlitit #ad Iftebme the Almq4t, Julblodintoly the griot Strle�._ votmey' digeoverrM weIndool., to hul a odguee, to, degohd;, There Aire sialue 1161d hilli,1116. lie had a faJJhq&fJptA. 4,dr&W1lht of Illutilt 4f r v tilt ft�v .... .. O*etJMt,% to fil"s w ill# feois W)"o Whioll )AA96111�01AV,bett -In 6WVV roontl in tile Wore 404resiWid litiniblu I ftflilot liAggino tot I. 0 lit ilioniftivos 016 lort"ard Itil"V be Ili ff%IQh it con- lJOUS0. Xd'�'tft eaj�, wit t Mid ottkii 111NA V* 11A)id r V, kow ellialk. 110 h f t1trMomo bet 4ditton (rlill NXIN negloet.,that tile, Kplenilld In tile IWA oJVosool 6114il not Ulklill;, ekdut in Of the 1040, and no* askto _fti lift"1110, latith pit, Aft'gAWid04 #IV to 6 it Ciuotry " 1011d 011116t W I)MOOV 'dilod, alld Jail *11116 th*-dinihilf, 1,0041; Wds 0401h, lif) tt',y his rothe-dy. and Actor& WWI f)t 1Mb*Jr*6 offt, A$Off. r i4ft. r I - WA ot thii bost lviothodq, of b)Llk ope, kto^ 'Atan ovo �pr(it"(Od altalni�t tilo th" totma bo tkiloiffttkly 10,11. *10i a And- old Tudor 0,.c. My litiuYltht tot n40 Ow"Ilt 0"b, Wit* uota ifrottl ' dt'' h 4 bottle of St. *IdM, *lth tWo tUddt S ]Nf- No ono thith th* PorAfettiftillot Of JbIlit rolle &�,Wifle ritilplo, Aft td Itkateh tile J4601JI( 00. Prue, poor , ,*Ifo itIe��khfi. ih,ri 14 to tu MAlAwtipt Ad villeft I�Reotj it W(.11 -nt. The this Thoi tirst Applit4tioil %botthis *rot* fillpNI., roolvoki, a , to t1* would'oliflit, *t Ift tthtl don*.%tie ofit6eq, tile, ottitiliffitf V th lbl)k�o. . �ta" t� 'tri, Of Ibill OtAttltit . r oy itsu ow titwox,*wk t '4190d, II& Akf) took be k1lifliffI4 tj� huyllbo1% of1#4 *011 #JAt tht, fb#ftrVltt0tl(JS llit'51, ­446itil"4-it, (4ad 4% otlixf, I V hit E to 000fiv v:liathek, thii *Alt* I Oili lwkiolo Iiijily * , *AW, Wt Ili, ftIlloilf U. At"tod Ift b0foolmi, W04 %ftl llidot, of the phlill V*4166. t*dr d6oft *4%V#AW *Ith, 44 *ltk erltm Md *4 citirol I xvety ub"Ituft Woosof. AURAlrets t6t the Po�tr'. OfLit(*I''tre6,,4,tfi�t.�V6*#4*610 bt 1J#J*4*6&0r t oi. too he *0 "t WAIM, 15 'Wtlyr)f6'* thingjIf *M*' - 'fh*t tN -ot Illitt �Adtt 'CJ)IJlJJ :b$ thif shirli'll''ttilUt Witt 01ft(toft i*0roV*d- tho pottlftt, ettiar tio & *up* oa *tlt tft �ttftlitlo t Wt A* WA %*Xftt4*­*AA the mAtIft -Wollae Th t*6 ilk#s� it* *gmr *41k t1ha ijilit. 1116 Aliti If pftfm#d t)ilht of *llt *" tM?*, tk* ##f#"t# WhilK. , th# gott"o 4 (' " ) 0 "000, WAX Atwor*#A 401 Wr'* fe,* �%Yflf Ako� 7 lilutill, UAA 14AW 0A 4 "10061kolio" If 01A twou 4 000, It49 Inc Py Ag