HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1902-11-28, Page 1-fir tell e� ar IrIves. the All, 0 'he Star"i bw_r"Ults Whines for you, -in QOMIty. 01011" + ZOO ........... Tbo Of the 'Coux Or, nuroa. 7:; -GOOERICKI., JONITA-4, moxy," RoftOt XMt orn4 tile A*11fliftiment of faLeff nmrll.dstij�. . _ . 1 11 1 , Thistelittlou 1 40, MAANWN(!o—At �V%ti qwo the late tirm. Wilworg I io"t''110 ILL . vote $0 OU Dee, 4, 11101R, PX4�&Wls- TO"64-r. AT= p4wolla 406 Aed T1114 -MV -41411 Or A I V; 47 41,11 VOW 0 o. wl rarlea Caw 4.00% Allf, a) AMXJ1�%i,'4U"U1 the, AtilicloratlIt" ACO011ut., and .1. cl�, Olt Iq Wit 0�4 ot'litri 10 chip 4'radint IvPX Way 1,0411wow mitaly Or A;glw J F Tho bylil, i4 b�,.v6tClJ,6a todae by rofth" V Iltdit Pilo le(tsi Week Aga idatt q VAOTS 0 suppildIed by th W an Otk or Cho I it 401, lite hfiVQA0bro4Ie4 It by Atoutlar ID o leledowad Victuallerit! "ooln. 19 itwlii 14, itt'N' Oil, 4,0 FOR, TA=0, 'wiilfil or � I , ; C., A wor Mew Q0 oq*W,4,qW, ill "DuAl Ull.? 4014 4p blauto any irlia on nut you ThO VOtO WhIch Will be taken on the tllil 4, A If , , ice Unit, wt A the qualloott "010,0to Of 0.0acrich, 4w, *L uunw, 3BRUO. 11 AND IQURT XL901 In OaoO Ilia W4 Tovire,0414 he tit"* 11SL n 11. el 4011141 QtIng Or= sy Voters tuld nor, Act on Dec , 4 next is filaught 1AN01111109 of th too U 1 vvtvie 4ARY tovivotill thil V41 d 44 to TWO "Mmkr COX"Xy. far pq A IROther Featurea at &he Wit Vital Importance inastiltuch as, It V.1m. 0 expe Lit Mewsure. 011111 Of *73tQW, f# Wadded, to our, de - 010401010 that atrikos a old .11411.4*092 041. *Wb ;Mto for that 1146=0 of oOWN last wee,, a �olloou& Aromed Ito Voting-Thurqdaty, Dee. C that has itwovoln W R I tutiqo and attacks astabIlied rights, trio tail 4 Compan It 0 SM woue4m% 30,1 1 qe t.6,0001444 the qt Cate, 'I ti av%m MWOVIV WA 1,4 beentrIQ4 falay 411d IfA$ failed. At fill red VILAX" v4valdcs I" a- 1W4 alud told by tile Pamon Question on l9illot--Ar, y I lutoltikettit, vimflwl 1011, o I's. ra, douvo TOVM at obu Hit utthoprlw pkitt, or, 14 114 dritAit= -ugr atile ObIt T Of's per 0 tor, An t 0 award Olt boon small Iza UAilly 410� of prC0 -Oa, ImIllber or Vace k 09,1 R4 OIL two of� he t1d or tut on oxt"140y 4tig r0n,91111111m tlifiltaslok infavor of the brb Ing Into itit arbItrAtoM ent there III citizen whether -at it I a citlautto would ed, the elp Inhol- of tile finilly, A hwhoto local option Is In force, a t 111411410 ouch h4va, 4coo dworod to town. of fiito force, of the LIquot c, of 19W, W h9w holder ov no�. jaxeciption hjj� q trio - oM0PAT UP" It workil , Is It suilcussful? Lot t4%ko)4 a Some quartett) to t OWAO wgr. am toaOil fir Eno oula ro'"wat 40ti, tho, said Colialturcy 411"A hTgsjumpad IN Iftsu wildix 444 an hold, Nullifier Of votes In tile aftIrrit- been lus take the Township THE 5TAA last week. but onQ n t once PC pAqcfTr$ �n 444 prot, vita- ran quo. for instance. It has )Lou Ill oxistence 'AIR AlastY v41111 011114 thek ative necoo.ary to bring law Into Of Melftilothon tinaffe .4,A IV R oteseeebit IOW� Dan TOUV 00 � ;nAT a ion in price, it been boaxed by if, orcd212,14% 1, allence 0.11 so tmpo AY urvolit4ble la plo.trId sime, oi- prOVIIII 4% rue Ann Itallwar Paw. dW there for foift, and wn4t has t040 TV Lvst 116thilt worse. after rupt number Is a Inatfority total boon tile result? Hits It IVIX)Ved,� kill- Vect to Platto before tile (Acetors the Unw.cilusect y 10 itsilow- ack, Conaftlinus Orly 4opolit, other alutl�,Nva Arollsea, and at sopie- votes polled. fulest information available. Would Itile 411110141it of the be a culpable abandonment of the 11 ardbe to rovida far ptlyot oy MO, W UK Olt 0110 P411 wheat, staudderel... what Similar st(�, ly told. but not J whou effective -My Is loot. CO'U"Ovulkiptiou of liquor? hits It fit to' . (11. ­ T, I110 Alarly 'If. ring IVA103� strinctard .......... ug to Ifilled lifto mlloo k; .1tie"941111i. Q IK�vjco, Nuute, par ow Ing tile house, tit second man CAt WAIIIII4 jilts been Claimed It es f it or At wol ba. necessellaz t4 X 6 v , public Journal. The modst- ............ 2 to 2 33 wH41 a mottle presslng� message, A d I)QN64arf veto (a polled by WQUIU r Ing rjeji oricck jar itTown or OK IJAVIAIUAT)1011 STA. Decidedly it 110A,; (toxic lie such I In tile Court House on Mon. (414 our, P.43,r t0ownt"'..Uilily ...... 215 rather and daughter left hot e to find day evening brought Otto little or 110 r MARC of twlk 4004turode Within 30 drew atte Itile points 3 or lIeDufforip. Post it short tinto aro positive informatto .4mag .*I GTON 0 lit 140VOLAAfter iciattiftipil orts par ton add it F."41 UU ppoitittlore on er,ho., 4 113 18- - they also were hoaxe Those eaktied to vote -Lists to 00 It inky be be used tire those of the In go. lives, I)" ton ................ 14 te -jt�* frin, , to the, - - c eoP101Ifter Inidalght'abil- teil 'thoul 411 luip ortan, t lying, storips about 1,614tives and i(location asked 1)), Dr. tiolilles, if we les to rouse 'Itle" to the state Of "itia I's valsed in these columns last IXV4,� allit And wharecio, it IS desirable to lefflue the muld - - ----- 0, 21loto Ott- eXISU1119 t1101`0 Amdoc local ption Ill left, III -Are. ....... 0 so to provincial election, ark. exCepti 'Pauli ...... ....... 0 iv, boln made of persons these wordett. llring the p 10 0 two o elotionturog ou%thao,clueltonlialcooppritiol, It Is undevitocrif, slid, agreed up�n to 0 vote *W,(M for tile electric Ille � botwoon .............. to 0 48 friends being Ill, but there are those thafthile full have comod to be Whiskey anti beer find their ny t kal of the 64 a do 0 ro by you y 4191, that this a 41000 Buckiftedits par ......... 0 49 to 040 0 is re tit ridling"umn tboelald a Hat. I .............. t a to 60, fools or coward ueOtt ., ho think Such it! k it tile wop - f rosidenta of tie province. t1l'o, hotels as they found thoro way ill- Nvoy, what have Iva that kwRillel I submitted Into per 0 to 019 24 nepotou a. Meanini, of Liquor Act of 1002 to the county of Duittu-In fit tile it tile road will bic built? promoters j0ox 91 0 on0014' mroroop IN 03,110deter tom Wit treah) par dozen ........... 9 lit to 0 rx, -tail vague in their lip 0 it lit a to !a faulons Scott Act dayei. Tho a; 4q; W ly, 04041- log rot,- prin -4 d re I;. n Iq WID1111 tile province, except by !Op les to tins question.,and the I ia.............. 5 00 to 7 00 HOW To TELL POOR RunitEll, SIrGES. the, th atioQpsolcm, i I prolil lIts tile sale of liquor sIndefinite A tp4mablitIll one or tuo, a or �'O a lit full force mud ................ a u allit a u A 60 to 5 W -The Rubber Shoo Jobbord Assoola. ldrl 1101i A.OWI2$A Mrs licensed drugglmw, but (toes not I, While the lager and �-UobI,WJqtI4' ":At u4to probibit the manufacture anti -hoolod in under cover of Intel NO 000011 Yea" of, oA d period - itta avingreocived :::::-: 3, , , , , R q beer tire I that they have uJR[104 ram Goderlob, TA , 1 00 to 3 60 tion hold a meeting recently, to ills- nothing lint a noral9taton, "(1. where hPitt tal A J. imt required to *Uti 14) vote it weight 3 00 to so cuss the Ilia4ter of tile exjo�t, oi- Salo by manufacturer nlghkOl-inhi-otul(IttyuticiLli-soiiiodee*tP- wh Ili I hinds Ili) N c I,# cut or I= O!Xpro up 0 ,,do, sale of tivedevice. A strictlytomporantiefear-, it were othorwi -Ply t HIL4 ROU Ooderlith, be raised ainniany 3 a rate f0j, paying pV droned .... 66 1 tte 75 '15 "seconds its firsts." 'When r1bbers to ittensed druggists. y opqtp lgt I y W [fill tt 11 tv got Sthe )t and. inWot am herallibe Ore pm I so, (Signed) lbac;� .............. 0 to 016 are completed lit tile Meter Itter of Alclanethon told Tho Po, ii4od G. CAMERON, Maker. 14 th y are 4t a (Signed) WX MITCE A SALO OR �TO taghona0w. nil MLL, Clerk. ir qualities VORM OP BALLOT. lie report (if tile Provincial Anditor 0 t a amount of the whole rate. 0 12 to 013 all examined. and tilt' poom, 'tew da it ago that things were, simply town's thiallees, which will "Ing racting an of, 0 Godgrich 6 00 In 001) The ballot that will Ile used scandarous, %nil farmel-a rtesid lig In n A1101006thiruprovoments; Inc agliathrocau, a 0 qj�p Vi ont Valid Is AND AICE NoTroR that the above to a 0 to 0 In tile baildii of unscraqlous retailers Dee. 4th, Ili its follows: Ing desperate over the demoralization would [lave been of great assistance to 0aw"On 411910110a $treat 1 Drt ....... trated to Ile sold 4 for the Referendum vote oil no ...... o &o to Al are Sept to. W9. PBLItUler" no Y(iflbti Prop9diderl'By-taw which has been FRUIT AND VICOETARLICS. a true the vicinity Of tile hotela were bevoict. cost 418 Rolm, $700, possibly And whereas, a amount tieedut Into o9phideratlon and Nvhloli shall be Zen these fillotv§ are Sold its i-sts.11 Molo- debenture debt oft'i of the exsting flintHYanod bK the Council of the Muntairl. ........ I ....... 0 30 to Al 69 ))era of the Rubber Shoo Mauu- of thoit, flons. He told us hit could tilt- tnxpayers In considering still L the gain of $41,1 bride Ing Into .00 f p itfurther additions to Otte indebtedness, 901it60"Adirm and th It a cittit Murticipailby is now ity of Goderic the event of the assen of am 8, ozon ......... ....... 0 20 to 0 81 facturers' Association were also p �rovo that durtul. 111119)lr, or . ,rvx at tial a a Anu Or ozen ... ......... 'tot, I op is, I I O"W to it the clecters balm re X_ tile averag r to one NboUld it, lt reason ve been JT4, of'whielt neither vrlucl r bu of ........... le rot .......... 1 00 to 1 75 In flItUPO thAt ill "Seconds" shall have Inc words "yes" and "no" 111411114)(1 to be created y Al And whereas the totgl twount of the debt luccut PrAn nows2par, the date of which first or ME, to IS r I to 2 pakpor Interest to � 4, Arrear, , , ff 0 mined ticdotrdtto� after one 1) 0 "' !cent lit the' Ill"Pting. It wits decided 1% a Is. Imonth train the rat publicatieIrd in'the Gana- 0 25 to 0 �0 es" and colon hotelafolle n�%'frool fifty Over) W the public to this. lt Is now bushel ...... If ...... 0 so to 060 1*1011 wit or a Orion 410 By-law for the publicationwita, 090yenthr r "She) ................. 0 60 to 0 60 a hole punchedin tile back of ach week. 14111CALI that offivial P day of November. Po )or , occur in the spaces wheiv voters to sixty gallons pet PuTPOOO aforesaid Is the said amount of $50,01)(1. AJ), 19Q, and that a poll I-vill tie held and theJ rubber, here, but,,ttill the ro- Thi'tottra the Municipal Council of the Town vO 0 of the at tors of the said Mi so that buyers nct immed at.�. usually murk, and parties should The condition of' things ill mtelanc- hL port, doo 000PRACTIC9 PIANO to rent Terms of Godarloh enacts as Conows: wir, be taken 1tworooll. on the day and trio, hours ly recognize such iood. As tho uieot�. make it cross below cithel. word then Ili tit once disgradieful and S not appear. Tile dela, ftol) pormouth. Apply atthittLiffice., I. The Corporatlatt U, ollis, and �atopaycrs, who Itave ail oil- would not lie tolevatod by tiny bittar of the Town of Goderiall and Places fixed In the'lly-law above writtgn. ords§ented at tilt, ��M table olght-room dwol. capital, stock of MITFRELL. Clark. juld 14 Inexcusable in shall take ova bun -tunity of knowing ac, will unhest. rof 0110 4 EL shares of 6y p ISIgned) NVM. lileasure. st_VU RENT. .00 each lit the pern arid w With three lots, 'Ott OO."er'of isruco and Gre %dotric Rallwag, Cc taAngly oto fill. tile of local tannin street. , CORY am rupAlly .'leaders WAnted. POSTAL NOTICE.- A recent divular 4pportmuce to the public. vote is taken maluk It tit) that every 0 -oublo Is Oval; t.11(., lonj- IM41 ran end and Bill on- upon the faffifieftent by the fluid Ill Ile of great The at to Iption. The ta TLON, Quebec olity of tile farineps of tllol%�vn Ii tit, ERtattlon and factories, Apply,16 D. the terms ano conditlopet hereinafter 114t0h elector inustrecord hisvotein fav4 received by P. M. Galt calls attention LITERARY SOCIUTY.-An open meet- , 1- 11 To supply tit within the time hereinafter spodiflod, but not rVENDERS FOR 1161K.-Tende conditions under *which this Ito Out awalre of the scandal, kind 11 measure iLt the work, the of prohibition. ol, be'countod its oppoo- 41' if, present time, we tip - FURNISHED ousn, wtheirvidaft. rental of tho Calling a S I to the fact that Siontions Magazine, ing of the Collegiate Li be either apathetic, or %Vill think it I, pend tho follolVit, figilres, which 0 nk� terary society ed to it. The Government hits made ated toli've Itshall be lawtal for the Corporation of for the sense uof I - , 11 receiv. th blished at Witirtou, Ont., and the was held in 5 ttel Orre yordoncos, to rent for he wintof !Situ. the Wit Tovi'll for fir "AideralCed fe 6o voting for tompora"ce print,iplos to will be found approx ol, y c at. )giant to thA !�r% Apply to loono debentures of the illoso aforesaid to ok tile auditorium of tile tile Itloornative that evel-y Illan ,,,,at PROUDPO T & HA Eor par- rue the sat Municipautr. to Nov. 29 m CA Irman. amount of TO, 1 $221.106 74 y tie Its, to Y' Illustrated Leader, published in New Instit, iday evening. it wits record Ills vote 16 favor of the Act; -or far,, arid fir4le Ili force. A by -111,11, A I ,,, the 0 1tory le -It w p.te on Pi . 011tillue the dialw4 �_Imd scandidethi, -TliottoboiTtizra,dubtti.iturbk.I ....... am In stands of not few ban, -k, have both been added to th' w4f attended and the pmqramme was be counted 0 0 loardall, pckya IQ in a nual installments ex- AucLIoa Salo. list of publications prohibited aniong ithe "antis," Which it) in tile broa ......... noto 00 Ad X in from 1 .1, ell, will Ili, will I I�INQ Property For Sale orto Rent.- , Over EL gorlod of wenty Years from the to every way satisfactory. After a u3noug the brewers, bar k(Z rando dwelling. with all F4 on a obentures art) by this By-law circulation by mail in Canada. Also, short address from Wel submitted at tho Jittittati-y IDN a t 0 HEAT UNRESERVED AUCTI President Bain "butuR." We have no I the A it(] should the E�11. it. by.law carry Iaptliarn conveniences, on Nolson street. Godo- succl, such data to be not ONSALE L 0 "Will tile reasonable of 0110 00 rich. Utiartior acre g I r rlZo Gof ce drot-cluiR �hat parcels may now be Hent to the Editor Ernest Hot -ton read the G. C'. allowedus. \Alt, go to tit() with shade and 0 a 0 td&YOfJul),, A. A 1904. the i panese ilost offices in Corea.Awd 1, -Neopil-niontlily, and its contents Polin arid voto against lAio bal-roollis 0 0 0 0 ound. 0 Other trOes. Will bed so it or rented gn reason. It interest not excoodinif tile HERD OF CArTLE oil prosperous Village of hinking at total of .......... v2w, I(at 74 1 tit, rr annum from the date (),Ina b wa 10y, be taught anything by The towu ham lso guaranteed the 4 e orep tc pf Japan, at the 9076 b4Tifk good, it wits much enjoyed. Mrs. oil Docomber 4th, no mattor what thri 1868-tt. On 1 0 thirtieth day of Sep. 'Isting of Cows, Heifers, Steers and Calves rates 0 un er the same conditions Passmore,, Miss -Martin the sttriking olljoct lesson flutillmlled by cont; or n It car, coupons therefor to be Trio p7acrty of Menem Peer. tit MR. ILI;rg and Messrs. inconvenience or expense. ot. become interest ou 11150,I(XIO elevator stock. CASH, or on terms to suit, will II near the Drititila Exchange as apply to parcels addressed to ll�lst Jas. Thomson unit A. Moore rondo bar -k. k Molitlictlionp 111 Grand Valley loeal parchaoS that large a no & Ban red I 'g the ha-romn in ptioll bag already ()An- piwitent annual payments and edition situm orr co no n.0111ces in Japan. harmig four voice song, in good the t It of the said debentures. arid, �tho 11 I`�'t I',. it. blight ..,it proved tin awfi hose which will Ile added by tile now �Atb Of an acre.of a said Town, and by the Treasurer NOV. 29. OUR INDUSTRIES. -The' Kensingto Style, &lid Miss Edna Straitdin,, % clever curse. We hope every oloctor will r, indebtedness, will bring oil -Witit. SLX.xoo 'her0tuat1didlitled shall be signed by the SATuqbAY' a c 11 failure. Surely the ION 9tNqt,,God. yor of th tee tation. Part 2 consisted of the wash Ills handed of ntHponmilitlity f(irt r ttepayorm will not be so insane its to r fixed J ores. land and butbuildi thereon. D To , and the Clerk shall attach thereto, nonoingatImololdeksharp. ThIedwillmI Furniture factory is running witha, ench yont. tip Iiculars apply to' HBO, J."M r ra. f the said Town ugon the somi-illonthly, a very theile moral post- houses, tile har- lff th cumubt be. much the best carload of cattle he Model etul-11 to tile worthless and discreit- to about Wrlyfleld P.O. fulft) ant b th 0 ed system, a system which is tile fruit- MINX). suill between $8,000 in nK of the sat forms has brought here. If you have room for any full staff. and Is very busy. -The Dad number, read by Editor O'Laugh. roomm of Ontario. on. w the total amount of and n I no w in t 0 Wife, hereinafter come In and see them. Cattle are Inoreasinj delim and low nd sio.(Xit) BLE rt SU)ENCE.FOR SALE.- aPoe 0 value eve Tilt) Liq not- Act. of 1902, is the nairle of gpoggeples. We Sincerely hope not " taxes now ralsed, rot, our Schools and in Knitting factory has also a full staff fill; another quartette h� those naided, ful motherottvilowhiskey 4. And it shall be lawful for the M% fast cmrlo Mr. Poem will ship In here thi and the company is receiving repeal apt-otty piece by tilt, Collegiate 011ec, the prohibition enactment. coiplew So much th for tilt, r6ults Of local or and season. ;a clay and this will Probably be he the general expenses of tile bown. a subscribers offer for Salo the residence Treasurer for the time being of the flat Town orders freely. -The Goderich Engine Cub, answers fill beautiful grounds adjohrin or it to quostions in tile ill All Its detallN, upon which electorm option. 11 all im he tile cast. of tilt, orgall factory the said sum of $5o,000 furnishing apnoved joint notes. A dlee.teont preFimply the Hittite I] after twit years to got itkid the Town of Goderich te) borro SALM—Nine months' credit Company shipped tin engine Lo drawer by Mr. Strang, and illipromptu R1,e 1c(luemtod to vote I the case of the Li )I- Act Of Godorich, owned and oceilpte by the Him. for ties purpose at paw Garrow, ivha is about to romove to Toron- ea ying for the said preference of 5 per cluct. s might or cash. Montreal and one to pOrouto this Speeches. Ante (Of affairs g,,tal stock. front any person or corporation. it year lintil that koull Is The property allibractis sQ,von of the finest ev Ing to lend the game, repayable in tivent VION, OR Nil, ON Dre. 4TIL would (exist. only oil it building lot in the, town, containing nearly Years,and to Issue In y THOS. GUNDRY, Auctioneer, week, and the machinery is being run two acres, and to anyone not desiring so exten- Heil thereof the dolienturel; 911� of the Raid CoToratton, and the lend zefeterill to Its capacity to keep lip with the Brier Town ToDics. Ptiends of sobriety will vote yes. settle, litivanso the 'Liquor Act de IIW Rive a garden could be advantageously sub- p c order list. -The Big Mill HAVE THE BOYS. is simply the old cott Act oil it whole - sold as building oltes. Possession ar the money oahed upon the security the Is turning td divided= 14 � In tile vaso of tit*, electric road we on d debenturg into the bra.7h or m* SPECIAL NOTICE out flour in large quantitioti,. for the STAIL 1 a. are trado winners. 1111(i scue. It l"'bound to sit)- 116110 to I'ay Out $00W it "Ile ado -endah atany poction invited. Terms; one- the Ilankof entreat at th said one"of If you want trade aqk rot- it throng YOUR IJOY Oft YOUR NICIaHBOR's? tive from tht- very dal It goes into I n1le of track IN laid. eight lillip.. (If alf cash; bela ca on mortgage Lit 6 pqf con wn of h oi t. TO eastern markets, arid the 81gug are It Goddrich to the aratia credit of the sat the columns of THE GODEIJICH STAR. Many tit Inan'ti attLitude to the drink effe t I I I table roulth"Olural which thse4 ell Town thate the mill will soon be running ol- $50AX). �Itilborno Dated at Godarleb, July 28th, 1902. of Goderich all cillowo: "Town of Godettich, cluttiges from a asel '14 DICICINSON'& GARROW Huron, Bruce and Grey Bleatrio Railway Point Of View, IA)Wl WATERTAKERS. night and day. Burthanans and Lawson have put "i, dignified IShifebVing X It 141 -to ttike stock Ve soucliders. otock account," and the same shall be 1-yetitia a new wood shed lit rew s t -lend of to [I non I I I If 194.11101). But, this will ndors out only On the Jet St. Anti judicial philosophic dia- ,,nil vor 1, hall 8 of the 3�ayor and SHOULD BE STOPPED. - Rev. Fr. Weird school. %yarill, I d Troadourter for the trio, ,, 9 of the sat Town, All watter rates must be paid by West, in a no by ,f 'It NO) be. met I(),, wit 11 the towns ,ff pprova to or of active, 'it ell who has tilt- I)n)- III, dead losus until tile pon D G LOTS for gate In St. C I 17 Appl, t�e to Tilt, ST.,Lit, cmn- goneus opposition, tile Simple 1. oYAP , I " E. DAMEY. Paw 41WO81110, filitnelil pay for thd� pro" "evolution that It IN I is big, find rd andsliall be oxcluddivolToopplied for the p Robt. Elliott will make hit; ittiniud vI dol`.V�"g 1,16 "tit ()Illy %'citing of Blyth, ot.c. Dee. Sth, IW2, or else water turned plains thatour granolithir sidewalks 81111)"Ient, of it (-it,- Of live turkeym to- 111.4 tlI t,l.af IN not once odiFital stock go jd� be subscribed for as off and warrant issued for payment are being disfigured, and in welne ln- day iFriday.) OR SALE.- aforcan, it. after. 1191 it fly using 104 In- Let I ,foueonnettwolotie on Huron With I'VillUrktible voinposurt, lit, will tim I Filtered. Frut trees, grapery and vines, 5. There shall be raised annualIK by s of same. stances used for -ad of lilt- H to (to thi, I oes tit tit. Eouso 7 rom, kitchen, pantry, wash room rate on all the rateable property in t The teinporary School tit Temper- mark I It(, (I I At t Or 1118 111401-Y t0lat-11014 UP4 I hat 11.11"g"" lollthe spr( a said4lo'.1111 He Says,: "I have known anC", Hall flow acconimeddates 42 pupils :Ivighbilw'te ail I andwoodallp allit co.dropair. A comfort- ofQatlericheluring the them of twenty years I I I At 11c hits llibitol'y lititiln' 111WS #it'(, fallut-ps �N* V put %N�c would be tie - on reasonable 0 he- By order of the Watr and Light oto,i7. cho., b0YH wit() have dome of the Junior classes. ItIll"V01 11114 NO(T witli tilt- plous ourselves know they s IN 11 it ill Site- it out W tllt� tgm,5, piely toJ0HN EMMERTON or., �lin I too But evIdenred Ily ill(, Svott AtI find fl t d-tv"t need thit road bringing lit At P.6., oiZ 0 A. J. COOPER, G ro. or the trrP080 of g7yIng the amount on he Convent fence a fternoon that the fog When Ile awAken.4 to I It(- fact that hl� option. We know that It ulati'M lilt n, Joe. and wl be sold the data when the said debentures are Committee. soine very ditty work in this The 8i2v tVn%�,w authorized to be Issued, the sum b4vf W. L. HORTON t a' WAR tio thick on tilt- lake, in each of a said yea for principal and nd olsewhoi c It is time that a stop Should Ili, put horn ]tied illOR SALE. -Lot w, in Hutchison's Surve r-Earest in respect of the said dobk 51 2t sottrided. I)OY is it, the illeshos, then his objec. for drink can not lio nin Goderfah. For particulars apply �' 6 Thevotesof the qualified electors of this ir- Collector. to this blackguardisin. An pormoll be (It not think tilt- public lit- JULIP HOLT, barrister, Goderiub, offlinl(Altality "hall be taken on the By-law by caught defacing the sidOW11A. or- in Proofs tno, almost, every day Lion to tie(- drunkard-innic Ing busi- legill enactment, anti ilve know i'llat guarded Ili tile the Dopul, Returnin takes it prAwtIval turn, arid he tilt, on Officers th - vnlxu- of THm S,rAft fly, wav to ibylaw Hilbill Iced. and wo venture to lecroinafter anyway injuring public operty improvemout of St numod.on Wilday.tho, thdayofNovomber,A. pi OCN. should be punished." Our is all advertising inedium. evilailds that Hoine protection ithall ho tion 114itl0l' at)(10f drunken- t It I it k t hill I he 0011-110 lIP4111 Of tile town noticing at the hour of nine o'olook given the boys. IN y VdIlVatiOn ILIIIJ pel-Sonal Illo, fooled 11 lual Rim tile feir mervioo, on lot thM10-111.11rigand continuing until five o,cioci, DID YOU EVER EAT poffee authorities should investigatt- Itellielliber �he date. Prof. till(] Miles It not fee (if I Interests arid ag, THE Bunsapj BER has in the afternoon, at tile unclormentioned Fathers, ILI] You it Places: such complaints. Lillian aubl', optical specia valtiv your- boyn'i Toronto, Will bent, till- liedfol-d "st"N' (if rim' t4,11111tatioll tit -re IT those people who 11re Seeking fluallf-611 n."iedtallet. Into gi I" T Polling Sub -division No. 1, at McClymont's G.AT THE G. T. R. -The -taff it the of thvir'way I)v (.1oming ill(. t,o pumm tilt, Act would its t((,itr4tiry not Ktrietly compatilfte. T. R. depot had a busy week, the i liellogretietivo euchni pal-ty, in Mid. " 1111111anity fly Metalled Of t)ltlli#- ult-tho('9 (I bidt4glln)arlo'hflol!�,�JnL McClymont, Deputy lily- ICE CREAM I OnLario. efforts towards betteril E'.X felt Polling Stili-diviscion No 2 at Videan' ---------------- shipments out being V0000 bushols, or f I ospi t '1111( , w )p le ( Oil enivin or III1Lr your on it- AW (if mieking to pass an unj t"t, IV%ving out Of the ban a of _mtoro. Charles Hates, ' Deputy Rotguralnog in a Nice Warm Room in the wheat, 15 cars of it pies and over ?J) that wf:lllll th(t toWtl'?4 legal adviger, but With the Officer. tilt) evening of Nov. 28, himtead of the YL1. 9trayed. IlIng Sub-divislon No. 3. at Town Half. Winter Time? cars of way freigEt. Inward there 27th, as announced last week. 21141,141 low 111-ve fact" oil the HittlAtion %Vtl leave ETOVan Evelty, Deputy Returning Officer. Were three cars of hard coal and In the Baptist church next Sunda Coming. It In the hil,111IN Of the Y S EER CALF. -Came to the P 'Ing su"Molon Nit. 4. at Rancima IN ebusiderable merchandise for Godertch' evening Rev. W. D. Atagee's me 'y on the eve of greal. Malt. hop. J. P. notes, Deputy Rain n Try it SATURDAYS, at the so 0 under ad, lots 5 and 6, ruing and outside businefis inen. -The new will be, "The ChriqlAtin Voter ar Tantie. manufacturing be on or it tit the 31st at October, a Ofilccr. Prof. depot looks as if It might tie ready for Refereendunt." All tire elcome. ittican and eye specialiNt, and Mites No rc(tH ILIV Ill -Ing 115 Ownuld U requested to Polling Sub-divislon No. 5, at Mrs. Waltorl'a =IP op nAqTLan occupation at New Year. At present T. W, Broderick lias purchased the Lillian Taulle. graduaw Optician and liiIGoderic�'s Opp mr Balmoral Cafg. optunity Lwu;�y ,knj MW a 11182-st PoRinf Sub -division No. 6, at Brophoy*" Fur- '011 4) Y� take the shop. E.R.Wat at Deputy Returning Officer. theslatingi not finiltilied, and doors MiLeSween stock (If tailoring goods Rpecialist,on Of 1,01 1 %%'(,let([ liot till this prugremw he- jaituro a art% 'Harry Watson, Deputy Raturn- and saheti have to be hung. Plat, and readv-inadvs lit It rute on pit.44agii 'if lilt ul't To Hold a Thriving IndustrU. Public Notice Ing Officer. tl.. will be at the Bedford forms have been built, painting done, dollar, anti will sell tile whole 81AWk. - -------- and the plumbing and heating Wits The first cuttern and mleighei of If -division No. 7. at Dennis eville's lPollinglub, - filooma Gentral StearnshID Line. he heating Wed nesday, and tl e, l5th, and Illyth oil the led F A V0I*E IN FAVOR uEl rHm UBLIC NOTICE.-Thim noMee is to warn otels, Cralfile, Deputy Returning OM t10, it. 12 and l3th I D1111- provifirl. ILIIII dkilliti.q. Illillioill Ili -1,V R RY CITIZ If NN HOULD 0 AST all violators of the Game Laws that they oer. onir Started this week. will bVrosequtod for every infraction of the 7. On Thursday. the twenty-seventh day of Toledo -Sault Ste. Marie Division. Wil be by bot water, and tilt- contract Jinglo of Lilt- IwI!s, wits(reall� Joyful to ](till and 17th, and %%Ill tvidt oves tied tljtl ORGAN CO. BY_I_,aW. u th( law. ur Or notice is also given that every. November A D 1900. the MAJ& of the saig rice for that and tile plumbing IS I Ile yo, I 111 und I o uty I'll r person who Interferes with me fit the d Town shaH I&4�4 at the Town I in the Rai Freight and Passenger. If 1., (.11. 1 it t 9775, the tender for that sum (if our He'll, gla—'s to all sight. Nil f my duties as Game Warden mus eleven o'clock in the forenoon to Rob. Williams wits oil it coal we liell"t)v"s oFvory Membor of the Firm Re- ;CbnRsT [=at a X10 ;4'Orstlno to attend at the various Poll. kTNG EDWARD 1111vin after school on T'up. YODO9 as thil, law iftl7ects. - JOHN AP citizen, U. J. Harper, lilt In I ttA"' whitt Is wrong with your eyes Red. to it tiliq lid- gets out on eRen Warden. withdrawn from this route for re- ( cot t - ft places aforesaid and at the final Summing THU attancer 'At, Wou oddly, and maining In. rhe Votte To -day, been ccepted by the G. T. It, autvb " voine and He(- um and if you (!sit, lie anti till 0.11illhath. lind, till ap or VOWS by the Town Clerk, on behalf of the mainder of the season, the I -111t, wits that one of the wheelit; oolot Interested In the county n h, romotint or oppoil TuE NEW FIRM. -The followimir tit) liver- his tinkle tin(] it painful ItP(l We- call TIVILkP tile glitedoc f Council h4eering. left8sago of this By- aw respectively. lit tire Interview our reporter learned ------ --- - o lite will 1 41 li the : E9TIXG OF !iik_jiUR0N, -66UNTY ark of the Raid To le Steamer Minnie M. tices from the papers ndrn�ed will be lin'll IN the result. you. I still one of till- oldest optivin.118 1. A ttof ivurrento,that Mr. Jan. two al ('04" c COUNCIL. 41 at the Paid Town 11.11 at .1.9. read with interest by our titizens, and I Mr. Warnock oil lit Toronto arid have been.establimbled forre Xe A0, IIX)2 e" k Intended t4) from the. 4 he collie Th, Council of the Car inday, the Piz t 1WILA miti-ne. Mr. ficitution of the county latite'the' forenoon of M Will Complete the SC1111011 Of 1;021 Tuesellay trivet gave THE STAR another minct-1873, Ovi-i-Ni-venty-fiv(�tliotit;atid December, A.D. 19TtosurnuFthe Calling at Goderich on North and South should commend the now flitin to a I'd will moot In the Council Choulaborgh Of of votes given for'and attained the t (If fill(, ri I' ILI 01 N. -W1.1 f GoddirIch, on TuEsDAY, TRE it By-law. In (lilt) 1::IoY 'V11i"ll alWay4f)(tid well. We tymber share of public patronage Ili their pe strawlivrripm just picked case A SERIOUS QUESTION. I.;.Illatll with n Corti- th. in his garden. Berriem and Note educcummfully trpal,dill 90ldliEn noxtt at $o'clock P.m. TERNS AND CONDMONS: bound trips. In met, where othere; have DAY or D lines, announcement of which appears lhalmost I y lity. h) W. LANE. Clerk. on another page: tit The following are tile terms and conditions notwithfitanding we $Lite In 4, [list, fitill The Sun(lav, Labor Obj.�_,Ion At Dated sit 06darleb this l5th day of November, agreed on between this Corporation and the Fll terticularce an to nrrI%,nI and departure WoRand Tribune: -J. Staunton lid "" week of -d. Tit(- advetntagi. I have over The Harbor. tInanager, and lily 1902. O� boon li)dth A. Lawrence, furniture( aidir eni. I(lint I gl'il)(l lily said Huron. Bruce and Grey Electric IWIway rill fr-A in be had It Own "Lee will relilaill. pp,,.,Flit and passenger rates, n Compact and the talkla, of stock in the Raid An to leaves the first of the week for Onderich, Alark It down On your weather rp- and a% 14 170 "by the CarBorat an of the Town of where lie and H. B. Beckett, of Pelham, have Te inviWil Ito ta,ko r tIlt4p,.k Ile I tit, new colopally if the by- 82(genhy under this y -law In hereby declared WM. LEE. cord that tit(- first allow fail for- winter - to be subject thOrotte, and the amount of W. B. buid nered. Mr. Staunton has been In Welland of W2-03 (in Wednesday, Not%,. 26. OtlIf the fOSSIonlidl. bonFlit out Rhydicide & Cornolred furniture alld its Im Fillitilig Npovla- tir ROSnVRAR. Oderich. fortwelveyearsandloan honorable. mtraijdtldt� Tile new8pitintra shokv thiLt it wai it fl-tiolreq Yearm tit Wider arid witli-licallm frw merloutt lowits asked. ROF. S. L. TA6UBB. to be paid for ouch took whati sub. General Trieffic Manager forward and reliable businale, "Ian, who P MCd for anti Issued Is to h8a payable to the t" pretty general throughout the Study to be lible ill the hN Other t;owns, are MAN11FACTUIRIX AND XTIC lit Rallway CdrmVa"% only Sault Ste. Marie, out S&tf. word to as good its his hand, and wo it didlet or Ito in the mariner and him and Ills partner succeed, In trheir now Vince arld heavy enough W forlo it. thave 20 yenriq .01.1-irla it. if) locate With at tile timei; set art there undertaking. 9906 made wisf, and no Part thereof shall be paid to the nelch regretted by hill numerous fr onds here. ily at your Rervit-4- And Ali khida of ifpcotaclas and Eyeth in, and not other- Mr. Staunton'ed departure is good bais for mlelghing. it. '111, Will hAV4I It good choice. toorder. SpactalluthAitijin given fitting the out COmeanY except In accordance with a tile 1,1111 we I it Capt. Parsons and Colin Cnioliliell floll Vo nPonful Imontof such terms and condithmo: VICTORIA THEAT WelAndid Tolograph:-On Monday novt Mr. I think p.., 14, of appre- "&Iorts b it in tly,attanded te. Be- WtIPREAS, 011netauntA)n,Who has been a roshlont, and llalso it Ilmly rllf-chaliNt n 1*14PIU-tioll. ot 1171d, g and liy their voto 1 11 "to P, flame, as I employ trio ItAllway, Com8m ONT. %Vill leave for Oodorich where Ito entore, InLo Of tclitv(). lite - in'. the Huron, Bruce and Grey Mae. R E .1 hav( hoth inoved tie( fr Ito if It h4t,ltl' add -099efl Ole l,v waglof It 09 bugin 49 man In Welland for nearly yearm th"t. from Iheir property On Weidt and Red- its fuld g(,t, youl, PYPS N111malling f lilt, tvato'llip %%ill t -k ij� to no ME! tiny hits boon Incorporated GODHRICFI, 8 gagentow tever. under Statute of nt-lo, feddisedft the yeeir garChor"hip with Mr. 11.1i. Beckett, of Pollietul, thereby Improving thi tile Toronto aVa claranteed. Editablinhed. ISM yoll 11oky y who "Wit tile. §D 1902 2 Edward V11, chapter 78, and has an 254 STREET W., TORONTO. authorized capital stock of $5W000 whereof n a furniture and undertaking baNhlv,,S, Mr. t IP In,wog art" 111,1110 loto .4ahil.14tv Ift"It. Allows that 9 " nxlotI4 to Itecuro ton Is a flratulasa 1710011MIC, anti tiviriii tile Prottietit, anti best kept Ili to%% 11, rf-f d(4, qt 1 $150,000 folU. non-cumulat(ve prcf;i�tnce stock ONE MERRY WEEK 18.11.Mufillfation with Nir. I,. tAievrenco for Route I (pit I lit- aft4-1.1looll of I he and $U, is common stock. direnTaRt he has become tborachly Requallit- arid it is to lie hoped that the owfli;rm himlant. 'I'll g,Asimput lilt-, I Iturci anti undertaking list- AND RICA$ the Town of Goderich Ili do- COMMENCING oil w It the turn let faith In InlinfLulty (in leaving flow -T-9 tIlntid lit 12 21. Three borms alrous darillauving Electric Railway communicit, n7p thin betwe noon. lie Is steady, reliable and Ind elect" arid frilit within ilen(h of ,nosiderg fly) Itirlincorid sti-f-et, the inen quit ivork, Mil wt -11. %oholitted tAt ratepayers onthoGmn(ITrun RallZustatton If with Ills keen bu�ln 8 K11011141 HURON AND 13RUIWAU and the harbor, and between Ne Gran CRA abilitiou will 114. filliv real, isTrunk makerlouccess of his now undertaking. flin Iloillway station and SaItford, to extend in MONDAY, DEC. I Zed. lion"Iblo IV 1114-o' Wa I -1 -ton to day, and all 60TIed. rn lends in town regret him departuro, but A ()it(, was for a Nl,yhl,r I- Is et 001ADVIllitiation with the rPclrtII tneeting Of. the Publie finish unlowling, itnil allow flee ley lurgf. ,NT Irl(I of tilm=Amberley and Blyth, thereby every prokporlty in him now ]ionic. sellot am wits hold in the mitere- loqedale to I LOAN ANII INVESTMF "Don 9 Coming Attraction. ied eefor a Id I anit eastern portiot of the County. HARBOR, LARE AND rhe Carroll Comedy Co. will nwn it week'. The Popular Favorite RIVOR.-On tary'm office on Monday evening Up ' Sunday morning. and tilt, thirdl for ae, biset t COMPANY. AND MRAS retto,ft lit nocim- fomont at it.,, Vletnrh, Tie in, men,la), win , in order the Friday Lite steamer AdVanC41 arrived arrange for the teaching of %time; Shar- As I title of the )Illy, lot, I lint it strent factoty. wits Rearcely any smry that the Fill Town Rhould ab bete. .1. ie1. ,f it,,- lld , svrlbe f mail's elits4, it OM. Five Hundred (500) shares of tie Trend milable, u-itrinir I nfid-d uyeara GODE1110H, In port front the river to load [)at x tilt- pIan prsipoided tit, and 111"i "'t lilt. I Dollars each, % the Five per couL preference CARROLL COEDY Co. oil last meeting had not lloen varried out,. StAkLeft anti ( lomille. Ftw thv ida.,dt —on %v,, kg ignorsint iir lite if lost ties- Ao-lerwni Furniture Cb., stock of the PA it Company bay, and left the same evening for followed, ( thleyllftV" bl�en playlect tho larLr,,r —IN— at) I 'Arina, and th,tntm crovetm it lov a boat lit this thileof Ih,- 1 111141 roellizing %%hat they bad lost, they AND WRTUICAS, the Mill Cot Fort William—The Stratficona tied finally on inotion of Medelirn. Mill and OUR SAVINGS BANK Onr to willi egnigrabilau- Alistialror V1,14,rol moin hio we Ir have asked Nfr. Ifitwart v to fit,- Rattan (lo.. upon the torms herein cont4kin In tip at the Goderich elvvittor shortly McLean fhe matter wits f IMPI-1- 164 theol it AnhAtiultial bonns, 'Lnn0",w'j' be foureel triany imi4q,10 kvil" live It el hat, If sIll AM[ flow 111notit unanimously we Otte prepa"a f 6 receive Deposits tte OPOIrato and maintain said Electric Qnws�T REPERTOIRE. before 6 on Friday evening anti coni- the ellitirinan and lit I- it n "tit. thentriml world. Thoplityle iTrunletics. Ithwitta or Children, in outiv; of &am NOW Tins INIANTURR Wirirtsawrn that the rup.need unloading the J(A),Olx) hil,411018 with Power Ito net. tee he Fiftr'CoriM to Three Thousand ]Dollars, and lesrdes mutually name, the one with the other, ' I yre llnt�l an- all Ice- and certain to ill three mottv Ili - am follow,;: of wheat from Fort Williairl, andtl wan sttra tumil.ti if o- thontre trioera. In If wet an- tip hold out- )wit it, I led, ri, Ili its will bc y�oticdcd allow antal),ollild Interest, added every Aix None, of thaadditiontures mentioned In the 10—SIC, VAUDEVILLE. A Mr.McKinihnAttereivedanuol. with tem. f tile t-nr.t leill-11111tAld it l(lao, months at rates agreed non. Cheques are fdre zzle GTIS-10 discharged and away at noon on Sat- her (if tbis pit I,rlh% W shall be Issued until the said urday. The Stratheona, it will be ii--tal libliml inanner, lin-ticlagm it numberuf to W. leDick, of Toronto, bdopp in . given Depositors, so that they tRAY 6�6* (Ivan RAI WAY at boon fully completed for at remembered touched bottom a few none correct. The time in ext (led high-dilaag vaadovI114- artint,e 6) dintertnin tile A. lit wr, lit,- if),- %voollell loills. rmile withl'i -the limits a tho-town. Ant till lot, If 'on miullonev bdit,".n tit., act.. n4dit tile graell%m ling Anti wiring 0 Can WilladrOn ([()not Want tile 10 f h in 0 of MONDAY NIGHT the laughable weickssincO)y being a little t4x) far dollar he (I Lnother to Manage- the I;;-- Organ (to. ar interest tillowed bit deposits xetatill.nif to the skid , nettle Rai we%& ill earn In six out, but on Priday silt" it and "(Par Ocivilmea.- o askiff Thousand Mars (KM It'll y made the It IA Ili] Of 11 rill, 10onn ront"(11 Tl'fLn.qlt Co., it oan114 #-1, the luost favorablecondf p w ion � W, �d> Farce -Comedy donate the $2.1114) to Ole Hospi trd for il Plent- all ,an N-' ire I payment. and ivith I I ammytit avel 11106 IofL tills 11 be lit the elevator coolly and We flu oRe I I enjoy a Town to the I Party, unt aId I tit(. flrl4(r eorr`eet reading. It In t It tr,nxl pin b empiledlet N.13APti-Wrimt to it Into Act, of Pdttf& WA thereof she vo Il a c "OuQ amr-MM" command Myer.. A ().role Jelin I. A. flent, F.,i.. mont,mattl6d Woulan find nifichirp have the era are acquaint4i, wi It )Or _4 Shield', lit. ofted of t ,go n tgwd thtt balance e bureinelip advr-rtireetrient, lint a literary chaturoo tire 1:1 1 6 lit I th rather narrow channel, thero will I)e puzzle, ad will tax I lie older be. ill(' town ,,rifht to deposit And draw out radiloy in Fill no higher. Olt owli "name. Here of Fe14 a 18 no more touching the ground. - on t cudmake. comple ulem a III n Complete Change of Program Nightl tacherld not Well life the Young. II1) tycr, will flot feel the taxal. Dbpotalto colt be sent by raAll tit the risk of the sold Town further 4agms to t said y. Saturday morning the Steamer Ro.9p. Married. 17th I"LlentlonI)ftiliq dale made this port with 80 (xx) buohp1q, I it trtxation, excepting PrIceq- I Oct 20c. 30 Busineqn Notiges. KRI.I.V (4111.1m At qt,. At i1Jdu4trV is f tile Innat V, if Co .0_ Ina hunh, lurtle, ell Net, wiburbitlIM4 temptation to e of Tworityone C. of whertat for the Lke hurnn anti 1696 from y t4 burgl and food for the flames. from tile date 4) thn commencement h'k Ito ielist employels, 11.4 of I� Manitoba Milling Co. (,a if) the nil] reliable ovqter house. %fr V 1<01 %t 0 optiriltion. Tho Mill Town further "reca to. Slit, commenced I fir Ito SV4 this agrea. eW Advertisements. lolloading Shortly after 0 it. Ili., but Victoria Restaurant, West for fresh it, last w.11:11ks STAR, AhoWs 1110110fitte full Carol) and Oftbct� &Veil aldid tit give OyqterA, sold Ili Nilk arid 11 citizens tile the Attlee rl otrinv tmonto. liacre. the nor'weRter of the aftornoon teletthe mid CORIgilftY the tiflht th " over, upon, same SpOeialr-ftod Died. Asire Ili tile ilet-tinn (of it,,. it If the 14 ii(it I � I Vr�,n An Rawl; Confectionerv, or along any ighway w thintaill Town. so f9 Warnine-Ool--v aa stoppage of work as the water; rall Tafiacco anti Cigaro. C. III.ACk- XVINop In 1"th. P',,_t, tt, li t TO BORROWr 0,0 -if4l. -I 3R5d, Aq controlled gi the 8414. OWn, St! ift" I too high to allow the OIPVatOr IPg W IM.inninam. airi in yea", eet... ........ Rimuld 'Open by V#td T4,irn couiell tin rOVIOM43"tO StItick--Alfrod Tobbutt. . I (.�o P - It hiq or her blue nevkq to go to ntro, Opera House ing f ill (it ink, Th� Coffillaitty fit Prepared to Rom on the InItAlleillY AM Ile used safely. The venRel left rot- tile STONR- LIND"AY. in (imleriele To-n.hlp tin on Peert in,% i,mr ry in -if tie,, anti 1-tord their votodd In 1. 1 06mody Oo­ Prop, ail tboudinfiestly., Haidiffem ohlilt*4 n6tidoo, any onto elicit firatciash Reduction Rate _MI eckett & Staunton .... 8 Lakv f4uperior por� on onday for G en. W. Tbornion & Son have for al, Net, 21th lryd:t_ldtn,t .&nil Aid COMPAIlY helt0k 40to said Vivo ses Caluoron ............ 8 nrw,,,I an ('I Vor of t it,, hylaw grantingt, tht. 10:11, 7JL 86CAM0, yteftrilli III'd td #ally bOMWdM llundrod, (" shearr, Of Five Per OONMfer- FAM property for sale- another cargo.- --Olt Fridity, On tile onler a black inare 4 ycarp old pnitt, about t 3fivroehall. alreel 1w, vedtra. netpoklitt "Olt ...... porth piA I( I Organ Co. ODOGAt'aCktO #aid *11,,6114 Xmas Doe Ore ......... a, rereh were raught lit large t.ilhatidq, good kind anti gentlet. no, w. I thirild I hat t 4 00ttiflotiteell. W- sitid: Ta*W adq a Iv , 41 Mellow I. Nem-Bruntrivield: CligAr Store 8 numbem ly anglers, Ativeral who Wore TI otnqon & Aon have alAo a gxid stock Sn-,-)paroton. iq the fortil of baklot, Voters Stock. Or aim I ole "No" on Doe. Ii an the fTound early having a gritin Of 2nd brold Ad"wing tilarbinel; ail(] organ. 01 " thett Mom.&4gs red jW* may be duty tal itbelp till- town's rogress; by mark. fAw, as here it provided, Show or no strow-_s. It wrt' th" Ing their ballot ag to c4mleally'a In colvideftfid" r 6 Corning.Proll. Thuba.., bg fill ench beforn noon. Herring for fiale, a hig Anare for raph purchasern. of our A141 0 ritiYA,11A ittNtrisiptl tile. I"Al"Tnern' [unit - by Great 'Urins gale -Jo red of lmlw)r at ffit, pit,% after to oftrAfte , diMm 04 -ang Aritument, hankrupt told, it Poil Alberi )it At Ffirl W1111MID 4n(l Owen 11-ino tl�, ,flu A Convin _w. Pridblim. oettann, so far, tile rmqon imsigned atock, Tile juitigerilor 6 han rpurchnsed anti am. If. Tigerf, of (iode, mIIdav-;1oe,I(j% n,l while Ofdob� toc!der of 06 ftilteiI tilvd Nofth amok M, b":::. � �.. 8 have not been an plentiful in urinal thin GOT 'gtef Atokin. Anothe Shirts .... ....................... .. IPA tail AhtlAtiburn and to R01 rankfastf, being the Pontinually diaturbeq _qAtin from the nonignee tile batItrupt Stock (f rich, open 114jiturdav In ally -ay. .1ld 'ill Again ....................... a ra Ito 41 tile M .......... FOP, IV, tIAr 4011bAN 111911 %P nd Ahaft jof tI ter t­rnrl� aret, -kit I %N .11. 14 ... f ...... ....... ... .................. fripn 14 titer#-. NI iq.' of the wqt4nr. The propoller a M. NfacSweet', of Goderich. The *Addim To*nOlUbtletlelidtAt waid 11169dit or In- have been fixed in tile boat hitilding stock is a void (,tie, rill new and tip it)- (I "S X tol"filfillf wifitloe fita It& Ilrowne ........... odol-lell. It,, flilept of M 1q.q iti1, t t, rot; Coup %Ayor & il�a ... oil ther, iqland, and preparations alro .......... date goodq, rend will he Sold very at..... i� f,er a lnrw- I., itt,l,l ,s, 8-k(el PAIIWIO'� shvill Ito to ftriftileW Ag tb tit proment. Till, tent ... 04 Ireatly In qragre'" for itq eatly We llnVe R'An J11"t r`t(`O4iVc'I (it tfie people, lee, t -1 % I -k intelI*Ay it AMIDE16 tf, Wife tie HyrAp ............ t-litt colAt it W 411113mold ......... . lie riell Ilargain Store another 9tock f diot el urell itIn tilt- SIMI] rIA*451 h naw mill will atArt lip to-thorrow, It bootdi, nhoeq culil tubt,eyo -.a real ice Ortod were tiv, Rev, I A ullfw 6 .... . .... ... frowny, MT* to 011 Its athe Goderieb 'Organ ftWtAn'y lo!tn rietIck. Wit Rell cl-ire All lite tinic. The Htuiltoll arid it. 1ainraq ixt. A I N S, r, VAAWW Y TA "d Nlacstvven inock ig flow going Goderich. it, 1 0. 5 bYlAW Passm,4. as tile directorl haft, Gale of the f 6 rdesertve4 anougli lo toy h lAumto 6 401itu(N-11 I.%# a to out up lumber oil Don't mis this chance. it will pay voillon IV" tot the propoied b1i lilltig. you to buy now. -I. W. DR01)ZRICX. 14, 4. 11 1110. Un %nTY Read THE, SAR Supplement to -i ty, Oto A'�