HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1902-11-21, Page 7FIN
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',.rf1'•.,.•,I- GODS I
agn FA tlbxiQld. i1"I* I
��!! n ()(A' 61, iinart,,, Saturday : oir, a . ��� � ' :
�Alr Rl#, p �Dn n► Uirs (el t 13th, 'lft►t►, lni, I( o "�i!AI$lrM+� btlC. S #1''tC *i<1k>G�l +f3lti;'IC,r' , �►L
A �bbY 1tlttd N>r1utut�t ]d .NOr
„ s - - � -..8 A R .1313Ki1fiR , ePsft>Ol ea - x w ..
. ?klir 1.ItigR gtf4 It'' cit "
1#, veli �T t
r ,, R
9Stvtr rep, serfs xrt 1.641 '. K 1414 ',aiF3r' [ 611 Iril:>ae 0 " , ,. ,•r„Mar;•
Itlxtld ag 1'Iatllry YiC >Y Itthw pal. r#+auau, nuilsto p Jaltcl I1, 1V,lbeter whin a Vrlte wnmprt . ,�
Iphor tewwaursts.. n-..-� �__ �.ti__ ,r.
1. I ........................... 411,�
. OVI7,0 , un strca%
aIbadforyevapatienttyhomethedis loll
otavaouchomi�fr6intlti'�ruii;fieke�rotplt,aial r'1` ' b doten�pr�omisedmgthar osiop
tutroripgg mise and privations dot to m �iraridoa turd nub le' 17t �� Samaria prq• drip ]ng, and Would
do so for a timo but then
]ta titanrvollo s drinkinge tidbit sl Hearing of your morning and watchaedd � Pr=7��, fffee or the�result� return
a termrib,c spree he said even to els one
marvellous remedy for the cure ofdrunkenness, At noon I Save him more and alto at supper, He
which I S•oltld give my husband secretly, I de. nevar suspetteda thing and i then bold) kep�rlxht use. I can't stop drinking. Oarbaats seemed
cided to try it. I procured a package and on giving It regularly, as I Sad77d1tanve;1 qsome, to turn to stone, and we decided to try the
mixed it in his food and coffee and, as tile' ""nit me' aI pOvaryirvIcon gbodi tiaftatinglin utult•Ae read lessaboam rias pt{1m' which we had
remedy wag odorless and tasteless, he did not a cad out h8fore me -a ac•tul, blip home, a rem entircl wt = Yye gave Aim the
know what it was that so quickly relieved his abate In the good thingaor life, an astern, lovie edy' y trr4nt Als knowledge, In his
curving for liquor, Ha soon began to pick p r, g S tea, coffee, or tgod regult rly, according to.
y� husband, c mtorta and everything also dear to • kk
flesh, his appetite for solid food returned, ' e 1Omen'a h t' for my husband had told me that direction, and he never naw -be -was taking it.
whiskeyp was vl)• stuQand hawu taking a disinla One pack•'tgo removed all his desire for liquor,
st k to his work regularly, and we now, haven toll. Tt was only too true, for before I bad given and tie says it is now distasteful to hien, His
ppy home, After he was completely cured I him the full course be had stoppad drinking alto- health and appetite aro also wonderfully Im-
told him what I had done, when he acknowl. gather, but I ke t giving hem Ihte medicine till !t` 1
edged that it bad been his saving, as he bad was one, an s duan sant for another lot, to have lid proved, and no one would know him for the
n tt. aha !'csglutiontq_hreak -off of -his own han�ILhe should-relspse,u-ba-bad do"nefram " me-man:-ItiruowEfteen tnryatlfs aiuCa ivo'
--- --- - - accord. I heartily advise all women afflicted as promises before. He never has and I am writintRt gave it to him and we feel sure that the change
I was to Rive our remedy a trial," yyou this letter to tell you how thankful i am, i ra for good. Please send me one of your little
Y Y honeatly bollove m will cure the worst case,• books, as I want to give it to a friend•"
FREESAMPLE and pamphlet giving full particulars, testimonials and price sent in plain
sealed envelope, CCorrespondence sacredly conftdentiate Enclose stamp
#vr reply. Address The Samaria Remedy Co., 23 Jordan Street, Toronto, Canada.
Jones's s1Dle
. . D was Welf (?ttt� .tiled on esday of'last
week. Mr: Gundry acted as of
r �ereerriyyn' hisgg usual gcod manner and
Gar Ct5SHIAtfltIallo RG&CaI fa4nilywillbwas e omen residents of Gode-
���e ;'�"�"� I rich. -There arrived -to brighten the
homeof Mr. and Mts. David Bogie on
Reductions of 10 to 2qc a yard on Wool and Union Carpets, These Sunday last, a little daughter. Con -
are fine reversible clean stock and splendid patterns, and good clearRratulations, Dave 1 — Mr. William
colorings of greens, browns, reds and blue, in a god choice—only reason Medmo❑d, of Westfield, is visiting in
for reductions, stock very much too large for this season,this locality.-Anumber of our resi-
dents attended the prohibition meet -
Ing hold in Carlow Friday last, and
Yard -wide heavy Reversible Union Car- I were well pleased with the evenin >
its in several designs, re 35 Cotton Blankets. b
4oc. goods g regular and (2o pairs in white, with blue and pink apint y Ne Allan i Green, late w
borders, double bed size, and close, fine Albany, New York, is spanding a few
at...... .. 30 CtS. a Yard. make, regular 85c quality, at 6 weeks with' his patents and fri lee
EXTRA HEAVY UNION CARPETS, per pair..... 5c• It is three yearn since Mr, Green left
yams wide, and patterns copied from "" "' this section, and he Is now In the inK
best $I quality and equal in coloring pploymont of the Brown Hoisting
Dress Suiten S. Nfachinery Co., of Cleveland, and
effects, and both sides right, and New Novelties just in ssttock o to holds an excellent position..
good value at 5oc, at per yard.. 4oc. j ) 5
{ 56 inch. SUDDEN DEATH. -It was with deep
. Yard -wide Extra Heavy All -Wool Carpets P"BLE CHEVIOTS smooth and tough finish, egret the news of the death of Mr.
in good patterns, regular ape, In weights suitable for unlined suits and skirts
g pto black., blues, browns, Q�}} Robert O. Rafferty, of Toronto, was
at per yard . . .................. 65c• grerns and greys. per yd: $1 and $1.25 hoard bore Friday last. At the .time
of his death Mrs. Rafferty was visit -
New to gutteriek Patterns Be sure to get a copy of ing her brother, Mr. David Bogie, of this
arooK The Delia ator place. AToronto ppaperthuaeportsthe
For December. sad event : Mr. Rafferty, an employe
These show every variety of garment For December. of the Ontario Wind Engine and
NOW READV-It i. the Christmas Number
for in -door and out wear. Pump Co., of Toronto, was found dead .
P also the thirtieth anniversary number. Itis in his room at the
special mb
t Costumes for Elderly Ladies, the most complete, the most beautiful Woman's Arlington Hotel
Band Frill Novelties, Slot Scam effects.-Magasine ever published. 240 pages; ]r fun here, shortly after noon to -day. He
pages in colors -Only the. had been here fora week or two erect-
- 1 Drop Shoulder Effects and New Norfol t8ffecta. Don't fail to get a copy. The edition is limited. May,
tank for the T. L. E. and P.
December Fashion Sheets FREE. Railway, and appeared to be In his
usual health when he came to dinner,
which he ate and then event to his
. room, wheer
W ACI"IESON �( SON e a friend found him
shortly afterwards dead.
• Thousands of testimonialss conclu-
manently cured by inhaling Catar•rho-
PURE CREAM TARTAR BAKING POWDER. Zone' a vegetatble antiseptic that
destroys at once the germs causing
the diseases. Catarrhozone gives irn-
Most of the Cheap Baking Powders on the market are more or less impure mediate relief to the distressing cough
and unwholoaomo. In ftu!t ,,o assert that a really ggooaad� Powder cannot be sold at iac, Iso or even and Suffocating sensations, makes
2ao per lb. On the other hand, for the Standard Malro., you pay from eco to 110o per to. breathing ensqq and rehnilar and insures
We Guaranteeundisturbed sleep. Catarr•hozone cures
asthma that doctors art unable even
HiGk's Pure Gream Tartar Baking Powder C relieve, and can cure you. The
Uatarrhozone inhaler is uutde of hard
to -be -equal to ovoryrospect w tho l c t of those : while we sell it at the very modomto price of rubber, fits Into the vest pocket, can
Eoa Der Ib- Put up in 1 lb. air -tight boxes for r5o, with directions for u.o. street,
used at work, in church, the
street, 1n bed -any place -at any
Two months' treatment (guaranteed)
Try a Boz or Ask Us For a Sample.pprice Illi trial size 25c. Druggists, or
-- ------ -_ W C. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont.
Try Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake Pills.
"ALWAYS THE BEST AT HICK'D.^ everywhere are looking after'lhe new
v------------- --- - ----- — King Edward five -cent piece, on which
7HE TEMPERANCE ISSUE. I LICENSE AND FOR PROHIBITION the manufacturer, Heaton, of Birming-
ON DEC. 4TH. ham, England, erroneously put the
Notes Contributed by the God e- — queen's crown on the reverse, instead
IMMENSE of the Ring's crown. The 10 and n.
` r1Ch W. C. T. II. cent piecea bear the king's crown.
The government has stopped the isaue
IB IT RIGHT? Of the G -cent piocea, and will confiscate
R'3 Rev. W. A Mackay, B.A., D.D. Woodstock all those not sent out, The poo 1e are
I am oppr4sapd with the thought OPPORTUNITY ire yet mistaken in the reason for the
that in my own beloved province, Istoppage of this coin, and the real
there are so many Uhristictn people For 13ettln¢ a BBaUtlful Watch reason is not on account Of the crown,
who seem to regar- so slightly silo pie
I although this is admitted to be an
ful guilt of licensing, and thus protect- and Chaln Free, -No Money error. The real reason is, that the
ing and perpetuating the liquor traffic. Required. -Every Man, WO 1 usual small H beneath the: wreath that o
I appeal to all who have the love of man, BOY Or Girl has the is necessary on all coinage done by the
souls or the fear of (hod before their Heaton company, ]yds been omitted in •
eyes. Same Opportunity tinder the first consignment of 5 -five pieces
11 Is It right to rout, foster, and en- Our System. that reached Canada. The IO and 2i-
cournge a tragic that is acknowledg- cent pieces of the Edward issue bear _
ed to have not one redeeming, quality, In order to have Dr, Arnold's-Eng- the H. All coinage, beth English and
but exists as a blighting, damning lish Toxin Pills plated in the hands of Canadian, that hits no letter beneath E
curse on everything that is pure, holy all porscns sullering frOfn bad health the wreath, is clone at the royal infut
and virtuous in society? we make the followinv meet liberal in London. The Heaton people onlyy
Is it right --to license a man to sell ogler :-- get the orders when the royal mint iN I
llgnor and then exclude him from if you will send us your name and very busy. The new Edward rent just
church for doin that which you address and agree to sell for us twelve issued was coined at the royal mint.
qq hOred of Dr. Arnold's ICH Itch Toxin
licensed him to do? I am assuming —. �—
of course that no church would admit Pella at laic. per X. we will give you
absolute Fred a beautiful
a Is It right
Into eta membership hiid Watch and Chain ut either Ladies-
. Is it right to pass resolubonN in
Assemblies, Synods and Conferences or Genie' size, or your choice of twenty
denouncing the liquor traffic as a sin other premiums such sa line bets of
against God and a crime against hu- Jewel y, Rings, , Vioraps, Mandoline,
i anity, and then turn round and vote Tea Sets. Sateen Skirts, Camerae, etc.,
for the continuance of the traffic or Remember we don't Want any
_refuse to vote, against it? money until after you Neil the Pills
Is it right to prgy to God to remove and you don't have to eel) env more
a curtain evil, and than vote to build than 12 boxes to get the ptemiuma.
It exp, strengthen and perrppoetuatte it? Thaic is a bona fide giver Prom s ands of
Is it right to pray, "Hallowed be concern that has given thousands of
Thy name," and then to vote to license dollars worth of premiums to agents
that place where above every other all over the country. Remember also
lace, God's name is profaned? lbws Dr, Arnold s Enghph Toxin Pills _ __
P P ate a well known remedy for all dis•
Is it right to pray, "Thy Kingdom eases of the kidney and bladder, Valuable Advice LO RheumaLlcs.
come," and then vote to license a Bright's disease, diabetes, rheumatism, Eat meat sparingly, and take very II
traffic that is "contrary to the Word nervous troubles, and lemale entm- little sugar. Avoid intoxicants, keep 1
of (hod," and the chief hindemnee to pinint.s, and are for sale by all first- away from dampnews, drink water i
the progress of the Gospel at home clasp di.tiggiets and dealers in medicine abundantly, and always rely on Nervi- I
iigd abroad? In all parte of the world. You have. line as a quick reliever of rheumatic I
Is It right to prny, "Lead l s not into only to show them to sell them. Vol', pains. Being five times stronger than (
hh le aline tern to
lion and t en
temptation," are not offering n i
i P B P R e n elhiug that the ordinary remedies, Nervihnee power
(��... ti(ln of tt fr wprst,form P, people dou't know, Our viatehe2 airs' over pain is 85mrily^beyond belief. It, If
Ie it right to reach justice and the regular standard size for Ladies cures also sciatiCa•lumbago,neuralgia, 11
charity, and then license a traffic that or Gentlemen in Nickel or Gun Metal and all pain, whether internal or ex- '
breaks hearts, desolates homes, and Caines with handsome illuminated dials ternatl, urge tx)tttes, price tic,
Mitt the land with poverty, misery and and reliable time - keepers, watches
crime such as no fatly Or 0ontleman need tie $1 pays for TnR STAR to end of 10(X3.
There is but one answer to these ashamed to errrv, and thev will he —_ -- I
questions. To license wrong -doing is sent absolutely Froe to all who sell They Drove Pimples Awa ,-A face
wrong. We must not frame mischief only twelve boxes of those wonderful Away
by a law. Pa. 01 ; 20). The tree that Toxin Pills. Write at once and be the Covered with pimples Is unsightly. it
brio forth evil fruit Is not to he first in vnur locttlity to yarn one of tells should
internal have la n co which
should long since have been corrected.
trimmed, protected, and lieantifted, those hexutlPOi watches and chorine. The liver and the kldno s are not (
but •'cut down and cast into the flrr.," As soon as •ve receive your letter or rforming their functions in the
Matt, 7; 10). "Let no man put a pe Post card we will eend you poet paid }
i' dtumbling-block, or an oceavfon to ttvelva hoxt+s, together with our healthy way they should, and these '
1.fall in ills brother's way." (Rc)m. 14 ; iilnatrated Cataftwue and hPautifnllr Pimples are to let y»u know that the
13), "Better id a little with righteous- colored card with your name and ad• blr)cxl protests. Parmelee s Vegetable
near, Hiatt gteatt tovennes without. dress an ap oar authorized agent« Pills will drive them all away, and I
. , #light." (Prov. 18; 0), "WOO to him Bear in mind that volt will not he Will leave the $kin clear and clean.
that buildeth a Wen With blood." asked W sell anv more t.hatt clip IV Try them, and theriN will be another
(Iiab. S -, 12). VOTE AGAINSThnxes and WO don't Watlt any L ... s their excellence.
money until after you have sold .- 'L . '- - -
.. J--.. thein. H P hent' nil thA exponaA and fills'//I/�SS
are only making thio liberal offer as a • r ,
LADIES .and a.,M method of advPrl.itting Dr. Arnold's
;'„FREEI ,in".a"; English Toxm P,IIP. Don't delay, `
.t st-rx:uw's write at. ohce and earn a herutiful ( )ygorr M/CH.
w. ars i�,K�tY�Ycomrolixb prrRent rot youtselt for Christmas. 'lMebaal
Pt.7,a�NVKi,WVAL ■ I11A• Addree$ ARNoLD MarterNg Co„ � �°a to America for yes,” faee ant
NMW1L Meeh w Anstnssa r".dticstlna, Ikborter14.
Ove"P t Dr+l+'tent or F....hi Thor"ith ay I
ienet'Ayeradd MrdfiMtWdeyek, trail ltrntyes+itl�dfrtrjtwed�a,• �},lj,`, t, CS. GU AdQtaidp $t. Haat MAoalw Rawn.ss, srsFl,.:J,,v ymtn IaraMnN
T r-,, GUMCH81nGAt&g'VQ T`O,CiAt4 '1
otonto, lint a aas,N r,'lai ic'L't`"i°r.i c:n.4Kicc s:s
. I
. . 1. . . I 0
. I
- Iv tit--a,.a• i... M• ,, , ( '
� . ..
It It ta'bow tet cut 3414 i0sru w to 0 0 - ;
ttVt`llt3tg an boun(lary, $14,37 �V, will put a 't�ith, Act i,tlttrtcar ' ii 1
liver" to an ,
+kudltot in ap.. $1,5(1; Jlohn $ Indle t kung appgtratils, Sllg bas slay' as "Wt WI, I ,
Pep culverts D 7+.r'L.711; Alb1►r� heard nT , ItStt efN�+tritb its
xetln, ca IA;
n U.
G8 i x at. Hogan, , r
htavel,$5,Jlt;Jolxt Murdock, ,fftave�
$il 08 Wttr hfc uot�l, Pep tId received Ar Tai at+Tl of tt i>r slit let ttpli 41llutbrlit
title. ; p�
W. kx: W9leoat, pittnk, $139�Ua i t>r�i'� `
Jaa. Goraeliue, rept. bxt4 e, 9fi.,W 1 11. Ittt" rttlt I� apt rkttltatia. � , •y - n r
Bennett,, rep, rnluNa't, X., $? ire ; * !NP
g t 1 SIB, , gravelling
zgi �a Tho +,..
gJames Cotes its, trop two culvi+rts, Coll. �� *0 �y
.1 tie, f$2,00;
min haluB at$i ,1 Gltlxpl tt oR &t PF ett�
radia cou. 12. 18 vollin .ltd , • � N�c;E`i AN, 11
Aodarlck N r t '. k�ftortei J. A.
houtt(lary, , $1,00: 1�allace, Pep taad 'fit► tie C•m,rarpt avail ¢�' "l t ..,
road, L. R, $1.tx1 1 R. Q. Johnston, M beret tall her what it will do.
gravoltfng at Part AlbePt, litG0,00 ; xf b chance
John Drennan, Inspectitig g$3.50 ; Al.. y yon do not know silo merits+ of The. tl8appy C � � T � � N "� r i
Austin, rep. toad 3$1.00 ; Thos, ThotiRttt� you owe it to Yourself to inveatipte, See the Ran a "'' t' ` '
Rfchatrisan, rep, bridge, A. I. , $3.50 ; • look into the firebox and flues, wleigh the covare, sere the Ranntld � Q * Q"*W i
John Hutcheson, inspecting, $&00;
Alex, Johnston, covering euivert, S. damper, the ventilated, illuminat� edo art, the carru&!tea oven plates, """AND '°_ , .r .
R. a and 7, $3 00 ;Pat, Wallace. v oyer- I tad all the def%rent faaturea that asks this Ram e w dI a� p
in culvert S. R. 3 and 4, $1.50 Con, a fi rent amd MA�Er'T"'0�* v'
Reilly. a Culvert, L R., 1.00 ; so superior. Z% Joseph Illoran, r•e ). culvert, Con, 0, Von doat't,Mow true hivaltewd emifoirt my" doset know r �� ` I 11 "
$1.0(1 ; Wm. B. Hawkins, drawing The 'd $appy Thongrht is 1Rtttrtgife. i all and Winter Stock Itovi in, and , ' 1' S
plank, $1.75; Edward Johnston, '-"'^� �- variety, 1.
quality at>d price not ggcelled !s y ,,. S,
ggrravellin� g, D, L. and S. R. 3 and 4. Wrkr fhgArAllo darmfo,, Ytrsbat•d Cattlogaa. In tilt County. "1<l
:$'44.413 ; W. T. Pollow, gravel, $0.70 ; r
�Ir, Steel, cleaning ditches, S. R, 3 and 1[aes t Try us far READY.MADES, lVn ', I 1
4, $3.00; W. fifi b, Tke WM, ni,TCIT STOVE CQ. , ttea can please you. htoKnght, rep. culvert, , . ka �}TFpiD i
S. R. 0 and 10, $3.00 ; Jas, Pickering,
inspecting, P1.25; James Johnston,
inspecting, Ibl-25; Joseph MoBurney, Bole U�c —t C. Lee Goderiah Our Reputation for 1t�i a
In $1.'25 ; R. Standish, overelltt�•ge sr tC� ►�J. J • v trrr
.1 I
in road work, $$2.25 ; R. A. Carrick, Custom Work, • . , '1.
re . bridges, L. R:, -$1.2o.; John •. - 4 .- ..
p Is the beat, It you want a stogie y ,r .
Kilpatrick, top, culvert and gravel- ganttent or a Suit, we can guar. gg ,
ling, con. 0. $IO.W ; Pat,' Sherwood. � _ autee Satisfaction, i �,
inspecting. $2.00. Next Council meet- —� " 'PERFECTION' HEATERS r ..
iu :
tet THERE to atattute, Dec. 15th. ---------._ - Bae- sWd. A,pA,.-fro;n-
�� gg TT �•�►
W. 3TOTAERB.. a -, - _ .
E /� ������ AT the Atlantic to the PaciftC, the
A cotTes ndent In the Brussels ��T t Dl! h�LOP makers cdn't supply tilt demand for 1
Poat comp nine that while the three their Iaro Base Hurmeri, THfs PACT 'i
Collegiate institutes ill rola county N �i E S I T Y S E A S O No TII� QI,D R$trABIR TAILORING IRMAKS molau "A THR VALVR or �
received county grants nggrCgating �a..II i -f RVAlir,t411MUNT, THE STOVA than Ottr apAct Will pori '
150 c lIn an average t year,
for the Next Door flank of Montreal, Goderich. mit. ..-.--.. .:,._ -. - .„
150 count nils last _ _ -
Y Pupils year, with n tai11 aid see our ,fleat rs, Tkey are '"
and Wing tom public schools, with an
average attendance of 45 H. 8. pupils .a GCIA`hiANTEEA tri ete+y resjltrf.
each, received but $100 each, not one OSF who neglect a duty they owe to themselves cannot blame a
thirteenth of the grants paid the THPRIDHANI, THE TAILOR, for such neglect. This is the season
C. I's. The writer thinks the ptopoi- of t, a car when le must ClotlkiT�*
tion very urifair to the Public Schools;-. PeOP >ag. And they might T?C H AN raj TIl$ °'triumph
y. n9t its „i, ,y IU,,A,'" F,4 T' ,".F'"-' � _ ,
_4 � -- 00al:Oil heater
v., lwell, tv .� 't , ,� "
.-_. , as x "r ,,. ' .
gods, every ga til, e r �sttrY wtriltPn cul rite Winter and Christ r�„rH l-N.E SHOP
„ ^..mss. Season is here. Nothing nicer or more lasting than ,a 5ttit, --IsAbe-begWil-lAtpter . 1,
'he @XQIuBiVe118as Overcoat, or Pantings from this store, in prices and qualities that a tlte.inarkCt, If it b +
Of the �• defy competition. - This old and rellaule Machine and
throw's. am lliltrrrse ,r @
patterns Blacksmith Shophas been reopened b Anrt: Nrr srxakc`nar r'
1>c Y srNetl itfid Illi ,wick y" I
and fstylae of ie: r: 14 fed through a feed i), „;
Our Enormous ,Stock Of Trouser>Ings Jas• X. Strachan, pips from the oih - .. I .
tank which ensures ° i'
.A i
and will be conducted on the most PERFECT S"ATY
66 19 eatables us to place on our tables every week lines wbich in mauv cases modern and aclentific principles. All ,
mean a saving to you of one-half, every web being from thoroughly kinde of 'General Machine Work, sta- 1 g'. ,i
reliable lootns. Au ounce of Shoddy cannot be found in our whole tionary and marine engine repairs, fern 012kt' Sotnrtg i.'f`•'f
stock, and you Cannot make any mistake Ili selecting here, and mill machinery, threshers etc. e- fir O l L, ... ! w'� '1
Just call and see what we can do for you in quality and price, paired in a satisfactory manner. r —'•" ir,
Shirts 1'tS —_ You can be satisfied here titter Remember, Our Stoves and Ranges f��
are Guaranteed to Give the Best
i.i ,
T than elsewhere. of Satisfaction. , ^'1,? *'
t } l ', I
PRI D H A -M, The TailorJas.A Strachan `` ALLAN .& i11iQtYEH
mt3n Of a dig3orim- I VICTORIA ST., GODERICH, 1 �.
The LoatbiW Hand- Home 44 Goals at t,, s)
— --------------- ------------ — ware hien. Honest NTloee. .'�
loafing turn of
Ieear-side tumaln.tdo the tioal.r. and everything kept in a First -Class Groo�r are an every -day necessity, —��a'w s 11
rr �Ie.t all best dealers Y, r•a>•� n''.
but when it comes to Christmas, extras make up the special bill of fare, � (,.
You will find Our Store well Supplied with everything
or more tempting. We have everything }lou want at Economy Prices, and New and Fresh for Christmas wants, We can help 'i -,
The Brussels Tent of the Mnecate we will be pleased to take your order at any hour. Every branch of our you with that Christmas Cake, as well as supply you
Order hits received itflneoak book cast- business is a specially with us. with ever line of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS for r
and 100 volumes up -to -(bite bunks, well just li p'O"r Store and see horn well rte carr do far ov. every -day use. Call and see us. !
bound--Lup Gln Library ass a revgard % i' y ,.,''�
from the Supreme Tent for diligence (� p r -'.s
troll adding I1aaDPN to the nu•uibershil, Hotel Bedford T. G, T I PL I NG The S q u n r e, 'PHONE S T U R D Y (Xr C O r 4r
B i o ` k... • , GODERICH of
9A3. �:��'j1:'1.
-A. MUNRO� 11
is now showing fall lines of Seasonable Goods fu all departnreritn. -- is
HOMESPLINS 5oc to $1.50 G L O V E S and F I N E �,
Extra Value ill D R E S S Black'and leaching shades in
As usual, a large ast)ortanent of imported and Dontcatic YARNS. r I±
J PI,E•ASE N07E that above goods wiU be soldon the groasd floor level of prfR, ,
A_ 1�XX71TRO, Draper - ARSONS FAI Rw-__ _ . t
i•-iERE are many Money Savers for you. The floods are worth more, but r i T ,
1 1 we must make room for Christmas Goods. Lack of room means a profit BI� �URNI`l'V RE �-v .
to every purchaser at this Great Sale If you want anything enumerated here, •
r anything in our store, now is your chance. COME EARLY.
Bargains in Wall Paper as long
s it lasts, with Border to match,
ler worth rx• for . , . 3r•
,. 1i,• ,. .... . ... k „ ....
....... ... Gr
{(. Br
,. 2rx, .. . ... .... .... Iric
r you want Wall Pater, now is the
e to get it, for we are ruling tAe rlear
Pvery roll. We want the roost for
Istmas goods.
ss Nappies on stand, 3 for .... 5e
steer Tumblers, 2 for....... , ....rx•
as Pitchers, worth lir, for .. Ilk
We, for _ .... l Oc
)per bottom Boilers, worth
$1.50. for.....
)per botGxn Boilers, worth
2.Oo, for........... ..
it Strainers, worth lrx•, for ......
mart. Tin Pails .. .. ........
" •. ...............
I rw
. ... . ... ..........
it Penn . ... ...
rsrah 15r fo r .........ilk
ur idiftat•s, wont: Ise, for.. r..
. We
it Strainers, worth lrie, for ..
. IO -
In Shades.. ,—..... �..... --
with fringe .............. ....
with lace ................. ...
launp Shades . . .........
rutin Poles, worth Me for ....2(k
Flower Pots, for le and upward.
with rings and brackets.
Crimled Paper, all Nhade-. ,"w iwr
interns for 49c and
a keptr all NIzen of 131•TTr:Rii
CR(1('i(H and CHi'RNS.
rth $1.05, for. ...... .
' 2.25
. 11
� �, �_ ,'! ,
M quart Mail Pans, worth 7k•, for 50v
14 " 11'• •• (lir•, "(fik.
Wash BnisgnN,worth 2(k, fur...... fix•
,• „ 'Lir',.... 2ik-
11 3lic, „ . :1rN•
A few O anite ('(flee Pots, alightly
darnaued, all Nizes, for........ 25c
Granite Tea Kettles for ........ $1.110
Mickle Plated Ket(les for ....... 1.23
97 Pieces
worth $10.50( for ................ $0.00
1. 0.75. for.. . H.(X)
1. 7A), for ............ 5.9r)
White Cups and HaneerN...... (1(kr (I 07"
All (hips and HanrerN decorated blue,
ggiren and (rink for 3Ae fol• 7r d 0
1'he err i
same )rail m i
n all n e
z N of
Pie hlateN . .. 25P for ) doz.
Tea PiaG•s . ..... ..... .:4x• for ) "
Dinner Plates .... 4rx• for 3 "
All aizeN of PLATTERS to match
theve dishes.
2 fold, 4 and 8, all for .. . , ... 5c an ria.
leuliPti HHr9114er Holen for 2N-
7 skeana r,f Fingering Wool feir .27V•
AH 20r{irooma for { it•
„ L)r „ 2fk.
:ilk 9."_
linking Powder .... .. .............
Need .. .. ................
rx• H(xex 1)f Alab-hem..........•..
• lk•
- ii(xe,i or'rowh Picks .,•:I,•
I.... rx
rx• matiexl)r vaNPline for .....
. lir•
Nall b3rushr•s, :1 Por..
:'ire (114114-H Lities, 10 feet for.....
.. 1 , 1. IM 11.,
",4 hes Pegs, 4 doz. for . , ..
1•:xtrarts, any flavor . .....
Chair Neat.", J .ur . .. ..
. 23x-
Rollingg PInN .... ... .. ....
Poppe" .... . .......... ....Ilk•
11rge Nizr le'ttiip (elflsNPN
Chopping Knives ..... ... ......Ilk•
"'I re ixtlrip Fraines, tiny Niz,.......,
launp Shades . . .........
.. rx+
Flower Pots, for le and upward.
Crimled Paper, all Nhade-. ,"w iwr
Pretty Handles.
3 Baca of Premier Soap for. , .
7 " " Hweet. Home I'm.....
.... 2'x•
I:l " „ KIr•c frit f4r .
I.... rx
3 (sakes In a lx)x, worth Ilk•, for
. , 7c
3 (Tikes Of Oran Roan) for ........
This Store is thorouglily stocked with every
tiling for the Home from cellar to garret, from the
hest manufacturers in the Dominion, and every
article will be sold at the closest Cut Prices.
That Picture of yours should come, and you
will find out how good and cheap we call do the job
for you.
UNDERTAKING is a specialty with els.
Night and day calls promptly answered and satis-
faction in every particular guaranteed.
J. Brophey & Son,
�_- _
pn.•kups of....
Pretty Handles.
lCRR ("ups ...... .....
Ne a rho.-
Blades that will hold edges.
Toaster. ............
I.... rx
Unei No, three or more
l ' otatc) Mn"het•x,.
.. .x•
BlaJes, and every Blade
Ntove BriisheN .. 1.....,
right, is well as
lia;Iot.. lrw
The OI(hu•\Vrtt+h
Ronrvl, worth2k•,
for ... . ..... I.
Lantern Wasm-m.. , :Ir
Razors too, that are Right
11rge Nizr le'ttiip (elflsNPN
.. ...
.. . , rx•
\fedbrrn Hize Lamp Glasses
.... rx t
ran Win Like Any Ono of The•• Kate"
SII 21k Hr.•>irl 1'.. r..
.. UIr " ,. •.
stir FOR 7t1E Geri»an
King RalQr, d Key 51,25 EACH
L� ('oral IIorIN for
2(k HVI01Y
I i
Corner SQUAREand
�00ERICH,,N, e Dia ROUGVIE, comic"
I . � � . #. %� " I .i 11 I V r I I, I I ,. .� , , � — .,
� � MiL .3 i . x'` . ti - "i. :�.ar,.t., +I *�[IAi iMM.. A + tYli
.a,- -,., i.,r