HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1902-11-21, Page 5F letter reads a4 folkoom 1. .q promised mother to aro ¢o i;q for a time but the Iger than ever. One da e. he said 40 us: •Tile n eking.' Ourheartsaeeme Wwo decided to try th Poiictiptfon which we ha, tout ht>t kknnotgawledveae. In dl RPY one: A er ha was completely cured I htm'tfia'fgll cop s he thYde`sgtopt�d dJlnit, =ff� heal gpnd ap is a o tuxro pay iHjq told him what Thad done, when he avknrnvl- gather, but 1 kept Llv1aR him stip medlctne llU 1S edged that fit hp¢ been his saving, as he dad was gsae, and then sent for rmotlter lot, to have ori proms• and no one would know him Por the not the resolution tc break off of his own bend tf lie should ralapee, w he had done am same man. It is now fifteen in nth% since we accord, 1.b4aR11yadvlseitLLwamenafllktadas Promis� osier. amwrltiu.VQAtoAllmandwefeelaure,lbatthechan .. _-4. ilaaaveehaa.andl �° gt 1 wa! to ¢tva yellu trmedy a trial " yyou tb4 kltu to tall fou how ehankWl ! am. 'a for good. Please send me one of your tittle hoaesG balfevr n win cora abs trore'casee " booker as I want to give it to a friend " FREE' SAMPLE and pamphlet giving full particulars, testimonials and price sunt in plain sealed envelope, CConesPon dence sacredly conadeptial. , Enclose stamp for roply. Address The Samaria Remedy Co., 23 Jordan Street, Toronto, Canada. , We A C H E S O N& SON • IN GImESAL Mr9 Wm. Jones's sale ' . was well attended on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Gundry acted as auction - car rriyyn' hissg usual good manner and tGaRts 50tantlallu RefluGedc fault yhw ll was become iresidents ofoGode- rich.-There arrived to brighten the hoe of Mr. and Mrs. David Bogie on Reductions of to to 20C yard -on Wool and Union Carp.Sunday last, a little daughter. Coal - are fine reversible clegn slat-( etsand splendid patterns, and good clear . These Fratuhations, Dave 1 - Mr. William colorings of greens, browns, reds -and blue, in a good choice -only reason twomond, of Westfield, is visiting in for reductions, stock very much too large for this season. this locality:=A number of our resi- dents attended the prohibition meet - Ing held in Carlow -Friday last, and Yard -wide heavy Reversible Union Car -1 Cotton Blankets. were well pleased with the evening pets in several designs, regular 3s and I spent, -Mr. Allan R. Green, late of 40c. gods 2u Pairs in white, with blue and pink Albany, New York, is spending a fe ow at...... .. 30 cts. a Yard. `borders, double bed size, and close, fine weeks with his parents and friends: make, regular gsc quality, at It is three years since Mr. Green left EXTRA BEVY UNION CARPETS, per pair ..... ....... ........ 65C. this section, and he is now in the am- yal.4 wide, nd patterns copied from ployment of the Brown Hoisting best $I quality and equal in coloring Dress Suitings. Machinery Co., of Cleveland, and effecg9od ,and both aides right, and New Novelties just in stock holds an excellent position. ggod value at sot, at per'yard...4:OC. ) t go to 56 inch. SUDDEN DEATH.—It was with deep Yard -wide Extra Heavy All -Wool Carpets PEBBLE CHXVIOTS smooth and rough finish, regret the news of the death of Mr. in good atterna, re alar Sec, in weights suitable for unlined suits and skirts . g p g in blacks, blues. browns, Robert O, Rafferty, of Toronto, was at per yard....,................ C• greens and greys, perya, $I and $I.25 heard here Friday last. At the time NOW IN of his death Mrs. -Rafferty was visit - mew IN Butterick Patterns Be sure to get a copy of ing her brother, Mr. David Bogie, of this GTOThe Dalin stet Place. A Toronto paper thus reports the For December. sad event : Mr. Rafferty, an employe These show every variety of gartrient For December. of the Ontario Wind Engine and for in -door and outdoor wear, NOW READY -It Is the Christmas Number Pump Co., of Toronto, was found dead and also the thirtieth anniversary number- Itis special costumes for Elderly Ladies, the most cumplete, the most beautiful Woman's in big froom at the Arlington Hotel Band Frill Novelties, slot Beam effects. `Magazine ever published, 140 Pages; 23 full here, shortly after noon to -day. He pages in colors -Only tile. held been here for a week or two erect-. Drop Shoulder Effects and New Norfott Effects. Ilon•t fail to get a copy. The edition is limited_. ing, tank for the. T. L. E. and P. ' December Fashion Sheets FREE. Railway, and appeared to be in his usual health when he came to dinner, which W. AOHESON 8t SON - room,, he ate and then went to his tool where a Friend found him shortly afterwards dead, PUREBAKING POWDER' Asthma Can Be Cured - e Thousands of testimonials conclu- THE ATTENTION Of COCKS AND HOUSEKEEPERS IS CALLED TO OUR sively Prove that asthma can be per- manently cured by inhaling Catarrho- PURE G R E•A M TARTAR BAKING POWDER. zone, a vegetable antiseptic that destroys at onca the germs causing the diseases. Catarrhozone dives im- Most of the Cheap Baking Powders on the market are more or less impure mediate relief to the distressing cough and unwholc"orno. to fact we assort that a really trued Powder cannot be sold at loc. Ise or even and suffocating sensations, snakes We par Ib. On the other hand, for the Standard Ma ce, you pay from Sao to one per too. breathing easy and regular and insures We Guarantee undisturbed sleep. Catarrhozone cures asthmas that doctors ate unable even 1Gk's Pure Gram Tartar BAN Powder to relieve, and can cure you. 'The #�l Catarrhozone inhaler is made of hard rubber, fits into the vest pocket, can to be equal In every rospect to the be»t of those: while we sell it at the very moderato price of be used at work, in church, In the Soo per Ib- Put up in i ]b. nir-tig t. boxes for 15o, with directions for uno. street, in bed -any place --at any time. Two months' treatment (guaranteed) Try a Box or Ask Ue For a Sample., rice $1; trial size 26c. Ur•uggists, or ----- ppN. C, Polson do Co., Kingston, Ont~ • s Try Dr. HamIlton's Mandrake Pills. S E H I C K, DRUG STORE CENTRAL GODERI"VH•EDWARD— KrNO C o t N s, -People "ALWAYS THE Bffi8T AT HICK'S.•' everywhere are looking after the new King Edward five -cent piece, on which 1HE TEMPERANCE ISSUE. I LICENSE AND FOR PROHIBITION the manufacturer, Heaton, of Birming- ON DEC. 4TB. ham, England, erroneously put the NOtes Contributed by the God e- queen's crown on the reverse, instead rich W. C. T. U. IMMENSE of the King's crown. The 10 and 25 f -4 cent pieces bear the king's crown. Is IT RtOHT? The government has stopped the issue of the 6 -cent pieces, and will confiscate R7 Rev. W. A Mackay, B. A., D.D. Woodstock OPPORTUNITY all those not sent out, The people are I am opplbssed with the thought as yet mistaken in the reason for the , III in my own beloved province, stoppage of this coin, and the teal there are so many Christian people For Getting a Beautiful Watch reason is not on account Of the crown, who seem to regard so slightly the aw- I although this Is admitted to be an 1 ful guilt of licensing, and thus protect- and Chain Freer -NO MODey error. The real reason is, that the ing and perpetuating the liquor traffic. Required. -Every Man, WO. I usual small H beneath the wreath that t I appeal to all who have the love of man, BOy Or Glrl hoe the is necessary on all coinage done by the souls or the fear of God before their Heaton company, lips been omitted in oyesiSame Opportunity under the first consignment of 6 -five pieces Is t right to permit, foster, and en- out System. . that reached Canada. The 10 and 25- a traffic that is acknowledg- cent pieces of the Edward issue bear _ ed to have not one redeeming quality, In order to have Dr, Arnold's • Eng- the H. All coinage, hoth Eirglish and but exists ting, damning fish Toxin Pills placed in the handl- of Canadian, that has no letter beneath f curse on everything. that is pure, holy rtil perscns suffering frorn bad health the wreath, is done at the royal taint and virtuous insociety? we ruake the following ruest liberal in London. The Heaton people onlyy Is It right,Ato license a man to 'sell offer :.- get the orders when the royal Mint i» 1 liquor and then exclude him from If you will Bend us your name find very busy. The new Edward cent just church for doing that which you address and agree to sell for us twelve Issued was coined at the royal mint. licensed him to do? I am assuming foxes of Dr. Arnold's English Toxin - of course that no church would admit Pills at tic. per Mix, we Wlll give you a rumseller into ice membership. absolutely Fred a beautiful Is it right to pass resolutions In Watch and Chain lit either Ladles' Assemblies, Synods and Conferences or Gente' size, or your choice of twenty denonneing the liquor traffic as a sin other prefirurus such as line bets of against God and a crime against hu- Jeweh y. Ringo, Violtpa, Mandolins, • Inanity, and then turn round and vote Tea Sets. Sateen Skirts. Uamems, etc., for the continuance of the traffic or Remember we don't wanta0 .refuse to vote against it? money until after you sell 'the Pills Is It right to pray to God to remove and you dont have to sell anv more a certain evil, and thou Qote to bund than 12 baxea to get the premiums. It Pip, strengthen and Pe tuate, it? Thim fe a hone fide offer from a rtjliable Is it right to pray, "Hallowed be concern that has mevAn thousands of Th name," and then to vdte to license dolltre worth of premiums to agents Thy all over the count p. Remember also that place where above every other lace, God's name is profaned? that Dr. Arnold a English Tonn Polls _ p P are a well known remedy for all die- hr It right to pray, "Thy Kingdom elutes -of the kidney and bladder, Valuable Advice to Rheumatics. come." and then vote to license a Bright's disease, dfahe,tes, rheumatism, Eat meat sparingly, and take very traffic that Is "contrary to the Word nervous troubles, and female roe- little sugar. Avoid intoxicants, keep of God," and the chief hinderance to plaintp, and ere tar sale b9 all first. away from dampness, drink water theptog ress of the Gospel at home clasp druggists and dealers In medicine abundantly, and always rely on Nervi - a of abroadP in all parte of the world. Vol, have. line Asa quick reliever of rheumatic iIs it right to prey, "Lear] ns not into only to ebow them to sell tbetL. You pains. Beinglive times temptation," and then legalize tempta- are not 0Sering soars, blue that the rdina remedies, m stronger than ( ordinary emediea, Nervilino s power tion of the worst form? people don't know. Uur watchesare over pain is simply beyond belief. It Is it right to preach justice and the reirular standard size for Ladies cares also Sciatica.lumbago, neuralgia, charity, and then license a traffic that or Gentlemen in Nickel or Gun Metal and all pain, whether internal or ex- ' breaks hearts, desolatea homes, and Oakes with handsome Illuminated dials ternal. Large bottles, rice ?,tic. $llsthe land with poverty, misery and and reliable time _ keepers, watches P erlme P each as no lady or gentleman need rte` $1 page for TH>~ STSs to end of 1003 • There is but one tanewor to these aehanlesd to terry, and u,ev well be _� _ 1 questions. To license wrongdoing is sent absolutely Free to all ,oho sell They Drove Pimples Away, -A face Wron We must not frame noble Only twelve boxes of those wonderful covered with pimples is unsightly. It by A Iww. (Pa. (91 210). The tree that Toxin Pills. Write at Once and he the tolls of internal irregularities which brings forth evil fruit is not to he first in yotrr Ic CMIty to earn ono of should long since have on corrected, trimmed, 'protected, and heautiflecl, ,hope beautiful watches and chains. ( but a"cut downand'cast into the fire," As soon As •ve receive voter' letter or The liver and the kidneys are not (Matt, 1; 11}, "Let no man :put a post card we will eend,you post paid porforrni a choir functions a in the attuttblin block, or an oc qI to to twelve boxes. together with oto healthy way they shotild. and these ' fall Jtk Ma then a wa ( m., 14; 111"at•t"tted Cat•'tlopue and healltifulI Qfmplea aro to let fOtt know that the 13), "$otter It a little wtth ri icons- colored card with your name and a Ulood protests. Parmelee's Vegetable than eat' revenues gwithout dress on as our authorized agent~ Pelle will drive them all away, anti ' Will IoAv6 the skin, clear and clean. tight." (Prov. 113 t 'f1), "'jVoti to him pear in mind that you will not be that bulldeth a town with _blood.' mired to sell env more I.han the 12 Try them, and theria will be another (Hob, rL ; 12). VOTE AGAINST boxes and we don't want anq' witness to theft excellence. money until after you have sold -_. . ___-_ - _-_ _ then,. H e hear All the expense and BU,S//NESS are only making this liberal offer as a . i ul rand nave method of Advertising Dr. Arnold's F EE1,", 'Hod �addwf English Toxiii Y,Ita. Don't delay m., '"MA'l write at ohee and eArn a berutifui ,,�.y, resent for nuttelt for ��"d/T, M/fvH. „ J at�u,�yy�,�y�yyy p v r Chr}attnaa. 'IiraI ataee is Amai:tae► ter> esg nett ane O'er N'N i *6VA a1 "AlL Addttlis ARNOLD • MWIDICIN1t Co., •M ieisara a ismrtn ni Edetaat , tlhortll0, . fidaklaeb t)la! i) flits+ oraNsa or reninaa.hr . Tit h err dijftftoF�lidrr�nshdlirtf. {w its Yll'aw DepL CO.C960 Adelaide Ht. ealtt, 41 anaiaew aewoneneire oar. aiwsan T.'li,•atA�i7R2'Wt"x'CA�M 1-1 GAN. TOiOntO, tldt. 1=Vr0�jxvrYeLrY,f'eres�r.n.lq'alttt baam s . • s` irdkcnil n.I - ... _ - - . . _ •.f 7ti f • ., . _ I �' ti r • . (F . 4. , � a ,11 , , 1' - -.-. t - ;; .. ^' .., .. . , uO . r' � to it , IN 1, � ?K�� ��, ;141tt11,00 ►�a , . I ullcil' t711f1ty hl+tttzdai.(►vy #lth,'it+ar'xi of lrt�i.4-�''+1�1"3 >�'>l'y�k 91lkllc� , ."p w1:! ,�k+.� k Ili M IbBt'a t)li •.;+a,b .v ' .t1i•►vb)t+1��p�t!d,1. . ja iitaur><arsQl), t>espgettt tilos N1.414t1-1. tf• R lSiilltgitltt 8",ve% ,t 1 ollrir. ;. •,.'. » o I 1<t.p, W r, 1111,001 . 1). Arc- 4y • � 0 piitdlt ",,'» r« �• I)tna 1ttFi)r, t Rrhtu�,lt. 'vitw.l,ter, r� ': tt It 'abee'. '> "alit Ia1a> q1 YIIl WOOD (I p ,w ., t. W � �nt� a '90 WQIl 0 ' � ., elil)IH aft botlniJa , $1 ST Ki Vol, gsgfi ut,,htitartlottst rner,.til.Iseelixetait�r r .,loop itupp.. rill l.lohft S,pin(U(!� �Aolrings;ppltrtttols Shelllt3 141t, t" fI'g. 4 1 gry,teuale ¢Ry'f1a•6<at�T 9 .S ' s>tcon. r ;� tj ?6 .l Albf�aF beard of �' 1, con. 1� �$2,1i4,1. Pat. #ogan, , el,-ar.O4;;Jalln 1Wntrio�kER119ep sel; T glRnit Q iii rt+ . .. • 1'STInt g�•rW$: Wilson, # iisTilt, , eccCiMasl frit QtltRlttttttt fit 1e4t Tt1lktMW11s ""QFnelill8► arab .bt'i fT: lei,sa titTeet itrliq.'ritsgiint` ti+caai>i`. tlltpli4ttr �., ��, , �f.(ft i, ), arilI GU 3 V3? 1 etlti rep, cut T .. 1a Cam us, rep. two culverts, can * . a*>t • 00 MI,t A, 1lftyd, gt'dtvelli><yg and i4 i.Ka au. o >tl$re ,uIve Jac.. R D'�1i « IiapXg,$,iLQQ_; ,Xt'I c� lvaiE on I lC>► a _na•t�ua1A" - goa4riah, Llpx TMh tip m t ' ` Wal p, } _ ,_ _. -- '$�aNq,'� i`II1 - , 1 n� Te tuocttlt+tt tio%Ttlrai tell hpr what it will da - , T+, ' $LW : li`. f , JAhnalou, l o 4 ' ' I slung at Part Albert, D64,00 : It by chance you do not ltdlow the merit of T1ltn ter C N(I°, , c .; ; Drennan, tDapo 01,g, $3.50; M. whomlit" yon age it to yottraelf to invest In, rep, roa(i, 181.441 Thus,3.50igltte. SeeSeeth^--�^ ° Roo �1 u `, atdBott) cep, br rigs, A. L. 83 G4 : look into fila 8reboz and Rues, weigh the coven cote elle areaA�X"' W $utcbeson, �9ap�ctin g.$6.001 - . L I „ Johttstoti, covering culvert, S, dampers. the vetttilated, iliuminaledoven,the-cern aMi3'ovea Lfea `"" `� "" ° I , end ?, $3 40 : Pat. Wallace, ho�)en �e dit3crent features thRt make thin lea tr 't. Itvert, S. $. 3 and 4, l.ti0 ;Con. po sa »>tiro tIo• dit[erettt and MA"!ai�%i,)bi� " 1. re culvert. _..L. U., '�'1.OD t ppt'ilor. ,�, , � " ,�`., h Moran, re__pp culvert,. con. 9, ' ran io et know tiRta hNtalhtild c4nafb>et H yotll dota't know " Y Wm, B. Sawkins, dtarving The $tl( "xhonlrht►' B ball and Wither ;3tQc1t poKf, its an Ir t9(1.75 • Edward Johnston, �� attic. variety, quality and price not px'"Iltd' ` )�` ) . � 1 lin�gg'',, I3. L' . and S. R. 3 and 4, ` Write th Aknirfiletam n for Aitfshand CxtRk�rNt is .the Googly. , • , , - �I 1 W. T. Follow, gravel, $9.70; Try n# for READY•MAD11S. We , ttlel, oleaninµ' ditches, s, R 3 and ]rb • Thi W1Ka DUCK STOVE GO r,t■uaa can please you. m; W meKnight, rep, culvert, •• R>l�aaiTlOtla i 9 and 10 912.(x► ; Jas. Pickering, aanl,ecting, s .25 ; Jatnes Johnston, ' a inspectinS Joseph overall scut Chs ti i,Je Lee, Goderich OurR4puto,,tion for � 1 1¢ ;,,x Insp., $I." -,;!,..Standish, ovorohetrge b C��• in road work. 9sd2G ; R. A. Carrick, Custom Work ..... Mw � r i{ 1 -A repp. bridge, L R . $1.20 ; John t aka ;he feat. IF yeti want,a`singlp *• ,� Hilpatrlck. rep culvert.mnd gravel• _ garment or a Suit, we can guar. ' •'9' ling, con. 0, 810.00 ; Put. • Sherwood, antes Satisfaction. s . .;;;� inspecting, $2,00. Next Council meet- �ERFE�T� I N 'HEATERS * t,r Rc l�ug set OtYlin W stlltnte, Dec. 15th. _._-..__. __ _,1 ._-- . _.. iAC� .�Olt�_ ALr O:f l `A IA At ?d�@t__ , d °.,' W. BToas>tRs' N [w, �C /� flit AtlagtlC ter thea Favi e. Tl1a r' % ' '' . I SA (� _. R GOODS ATA �t �_� _.__._ __ ..--__..._ _____.-..__._.. A correspondent In the Brussels HU V D� N. -LOF tilekptn. gaq!t supply,fie . euiaud for : ' ' Post complains that while the three their largtr'llsoicturtitrio, Irmis FACTP ,f } Collegiate institutes In this county NECESSITY T8$ OLD ARGtAHGR TAILORING ypAlta t+tQIIIa tH]A TBI,' VAt;U$ OF ri • received county grants aggregating SEASONS, `A���M�T'. T{tlt StOVA thall Our apace will W. r; 156 c .03, an average of $29.G6 for the Next Door Hank of Moullml, Ooderich. cult. ,i 1&(1 county pupils last year, Brussels `„ and Wing public schools, with an Cd11 and see' otfr Atteakn. TAty -pre average attendance of 45 H. S. pupils rrC .9RAN7EED In emery rtlpert, . ! each, received but (1100 each, not one- ' . 1T^1HOSE who neglect a duty they owe to themselves cannot blame - 1, thirteenth w the grants paid the j PRIDHAM, TD$ TAILOR, for such neglect, • This is the season T� 1R 1 '' C. I's. The svelter thinks the propor- C tion very unfgir to the Public Schools. of the year when people must Have Clothing. And they might 4TT'i2ACHANis TCie 1rlamah just rm well have the best wearable material, cut and made to wear as .1 A, a The ezolueiveliees of the patterns and styles o! 66 '1f Shirts oolllmend them to men of a dieorim- inating turn of mind. tealt far this name iaetdo M. Collar. lar sda at al l bat d,atera well, when it costs no more. Our warranty • goes with every piece of — Goad'' Qit ficater .,o ' IV.", goods, every garment, every suit we turn out. The Winter and Christ. ]�,(� �jc /� `^^""'"' mos Season is here. Nothitur nicer or more lasting than a Suit, •' AC H I N E SHOP tq {ice (f]]i ltititer x Overcoat, or. Pantiugs from this store, in prices and qualities that r an the•'tAllxktt.'� 10' 1p defy competition,. This old and reliable Machine' and tArows art intffrse r � . heals. n''p'smoke nor Dlacksmith Shop has been reopened by sfntll and the wick i is%,q .._ - . is fed through • feed Our Enormous Stock of 'Trouserings Jas, A'. Strachan, pipe froth the oil tank which ansurca and will be conducted on the most . PERFBCTSA1tiiTY enables us to place on our tables every week lines which fu many cases modern and scientific prit;ciples. All , mean a saving to you of one-half, every web being Iron thoroughly kinds of General Machine Work, ata- a)11 _8 reliable looms. An ounce of Shoddy cannot be found in our whole tionary and marine engine repairs, farm Gri*u Sat og /b, stock, and you cannot make any mistake iu selecting here, and mill tgachinery, threshers ate., ra to O l L... , Just call and see what we can do for you in quality and price, paired'in a satisfactory manner. " — 1I ,,,,.l You can be satisfied here better Remember, Out Stoves and Ranges • �,°2 are Guaranteed to Give the Best '{°I `' than elsewhere. of Satisfaction. ��w P" �:, P R 1 D H A M, The Tailor.Jas- A. Strachan, ALLAN & M°IVER s °Ii j VICTORIA ST., GODERICH. g�{ ssi�p _ _ _ _ r The erdltlgeitianl- Honost Pine..- ,, 'ki - lost ..CHRISTMAS IS NEAR.. if` REPARING FOR CHRISTMAS 7,r,# GROCERIES, SPICES, P � S!yW to and everything kept in'a First -Class Grocery, are an every -day necessity, ��•—����� I( but when it conies to Christmas, extras make up the special bill of fare. 1, - "'. UUR CURRANTS AND RAISINS WERE NEVER OF BETTER QUALITY You will find Our Store well Supplied with everything ' or more tempting. We have everythiag you want at Economy Prices, and New and Fresh for Christmas wants.. We can help The Brussels Tent of the Maccabe we will be pleased to take your order at any hour. Every branch of our you with that Christmas Cake, as well as supply you ' Order has received n fine oak lx,ok case business is a specialty with us. with every line Of GROCHRIES AND PROVISIONS for F: and 100 volumes up-to-date books, well Just try Our .Store and see horn well we can do or you. o� every -day use. Call .and see us. bound -Lu ton Li anis - faR n reward f )' from the Supreme Tent for diligence nn ino+ n adding !b nax to the utemberstljp Hotel Bedford Te G• T i P L i NG, The Square, 'PHONE Poll. ... L. STURDY & V O 11 l o c k.GODERICH 91 r1 — _ __-_ .___ - -- - THE OQUARlc, . OODORICH. MONSTER 18A2• FALL AND2 BARGAIN DAYS WINTER 1803. - - - ,__1= .- P .-,1 A. MUNRO is now showlAg full lines of Seasonable Govdm In all departments. , •` HOMESPUNS Soc to $', So GLOVES and FINE ,II ;' SATURDAY af7d MONDAY, per yard. HOSIERY. . . Extra Value in D R E S S Black and leading shades in • NOVEMBER 2 2--Z 4 at .SERGES. VELVETEI;I�S. I . Aa usual, a large assortment of Imported alt([ Donleatic VARNS. •'t (. PLEASE NOTE that above goods will brsoldon the• rmindfloorlevel of prier, 1 �1W 11 f 11 PARSONS' FAI Re �_A_ MZTPTRO, Draper. - -- . . . - _ _ -- ,^ RD0PH FV' 4; L III I SUPPLEMENT TO 4. . 4 0 b ".." 7 a t - J0 1C r tic 4 �(';J t, ift r,, alb THE OFFICIAI+ NEWSPAPER OF THh, COUNTY Or HURON. VOL. 43 -NO. 188. GU[�EItICH, UHT:, SUV. zl, lyes. - -- ------------ MITCHIiLL & TODD, Owners, - - _ - _ THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM Ontario. Of rourse, the late ptllitical pointrm•nts in thin Pr•ovinve• fill I,een I na'n mall, 1" wh"nt ht- had pr•ovid.-I I mrh'ols de(,nrtments, tc" IN+ degraded, OF ONTARIO. head of the Fdueatlon Department of made w'her•e politics hful n' pull. the lir»itI"n, he ignnrnd Lu arr.•kH fit drhnuchwl, just to furbe d grade �platfortn h,w told uN d ban.•detly un the' ',ht-�,dwlti"n Uf• uu•ton•rlt ,•"nrt-m. ,olifwill Aens and urpomex of a li- __ and arvwnd lion, ue•t (.emblem Again, not only Hhnuld rdurntiu'1 be 1 ; 1 pp pr Another Strong Crlticlsm by Dr. 1 rentr"r;ed ft-( the dirt at , If•It,•rs that had ht -,•n fuldrf•Nsed t" hila' ti, nl \fins»ter lit' F:dueatlon? 1 say, that we have the hest xvfit/'ill of edurm- )' ; h'•n of L'GOt3. O'Hagan. lion in the world, that everyr,ne ht- , Mliti,-N, 1011, Ilii• tenf•h,•r'" Knwn "II,r11Irl , 1i} -mlw „f th'• r-rindldateH ill r,•l,tinn h,r "fir, that I will not remain NiIon t, hasnppointod Wanednratfonal po»i i,eam''Irvtn,aNflit- jn,ig,•'" erl,lill,•• Il it" their gwllifivnii„nH. ill tI114, of and I Hny flirther, that I am prepared flan i» n hi hlyynnHfled Man: in flu -t" j "hould nut he n yut-mlinn of N,litiry in -mr.e• u fix for the perp".,• "f 9"'11 '"14 141 mnintatn 1ny p""itim in this that. Frlltor of ilia WeoklY Nnn: edurmt fount a,uli fit ut,•11ts. �1 mhnnl,lltinn•. Hut thin {s n"I nil. NhnII I rt- ter. "h,nv further revelati+mm, and Permit me to dixruss through the 1t eniuN, veal to ilii• 1rllhlir whal Iht- Ilan, (i, ([rirnd f•vf•ry x n .• (i it- bine rat nut for biro an il, vohunnm of your paper the chA"u•tair "'lo 111 ,nal »cit which jlto lr,r,k» ex I i" +,+�t-"f ion n1 flttlemN "f Hrhr,lnt•xhip. t t rn,•nt herein made, of the prement educational mymwra of'rellent, and he mets hit,, up on a high „f rulturv, of ripe ,-XI-l- t-ucr, full. W. ItoxN lk uudt-t' ,t N. -alt -d lett,•r in npnn any puhhr plalfornl of Ontario. Ontario, 1 trust I »hall naught set ,"}noir, IvOiiring heforea rhes, Or mend» 'llx'v'' all, "f hierh fil"nIn lrful.vT111"If 111• ''"-Otin giistrfvrM I„ kill,Iii'xnrfl,• of the i rnn,li"'te.•, who vtnrol in 0- wn • of THnHAs t)'HAOAN. down in malice or nnnght. (-xte•nunte, i him 11hl,sul with an in»prrtor'N tape' Ila» IhiN IN -11 1 u• r,t"f•, Think you, In � \uvf•u,iH•r IHt, I;Nrj,. lilt(- in him hand. And If real arholniY the (Atirational ar,p"intmentm of Orl• ill" awn p"litn'M rh"ire? �ihn1l G•II Edurntir)n. it will he rvinfrvnevi, i» n y the nihil- haw the Minister of 1?darn � and men of eulture "fly • these sten art, tori"? Un v"u r emir,• Ine N" moue I AgilnUun in the world of homrm- xncred thing, for In it I» larggely hoon<1 ! rnediurrew, full of rax»um lino anti in»inners w}iere the Inl+ Minimtrr of tion tried to fake "omf• of the r-an,li nlhir meQtrine ha» iwen it« ve up our moral welfare. r, Of course, P dah•H h glibly InikinK abaci nn in ry »r,pl prenumpf.ion, and mond depulnti"nH to ftidurnfi"n, Hun. (i. NN'. HnNN, drxreord » ,eriorvw r,• • " pIiIIf;t1 •N», 11A in IN,IItiq noel relf there are those who regard ax the the Miui»tet• of I: