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The Goderich Star, 1902-11-14, Page 5
. I I L ... . I . I i ! 01.1 I - 0 170111 11 1, '. 'm omr;4;.�qj I - _-MrM , I I I , I at is j - Now oy� -'aw, , .^ .. •I's1 �j l �M pin.11ti C - I .J�.,ll r� • off 80 ala 1�fj>t U.101t�'roll, N ... al► eft/ x _ .-,-. t�'. « . <, . _ fit• -,- _ _ Xon r _. ,.. - a xia0 tlnllo0411 e, Of fI hi91AWOY 1*130 � "" � u n art,.., i avufi+?a Iilr .you knell taasc u, �eta itl^'L )}IlaxtSilp to#t1.3t 'e> >Ith. r ww iiwe o rex x fOWL dNyY wt°, * fril . hpugli tl)t►'I7gs. 4i allav4�i Atte iEattexcd. 'Ad in ThO iii 04 Uafaitd .. r .'. _t.... 1. LN �•u•�iaai ""'" ,"""'" �l yr,'Which tan'it{Womea °' ft"A �, 0Y now C04I icct# tlit3 'read RP.Uplea,' as ha4ve detiided for i�4 �Miti% 04$%IIQ �c�•Qlp Laike VI , . Ryan. is at4llad, xvitlt , ar, The h. d wo�bxixidia Is 0x,Mowtonally the Indian Ocean, is onlyive Im"Ared. 4i !! ' WD AM l pA 'XET're"m Hwa a YOU w raid ',ve: sa t �,n' „ auatittty x6u want, xroiu 6c.}plcetimuip sate saventytw(t miles 1i11ig, lets exist-'] { ,, to it bpr ars tai) cut a 11.aa Wien rile maalis of six mss - 11 ." T'a►ou'Iit . ." - - t�fw �'1A WO alae'. is stook, 9�t stiwl Spic the Shl,Vo trlti'ia tYiroll�liop•t I rlti4l% � - It•' A t\�►TIONS a Pyrfu tcx .. . d„Toilot,loaps tAfrtC4.,.-frNVenty.sev' n;y�oaXV'ay,o. -. . . . _. w a 111o'k Stonle ei t , sae o-v1Or,W TQILET so l:P at ea a cako, y g It months. to travel . . +).aux , e. - from sca to la1.a; two y'Are ago six - ' Ctalm R!o aro shoaling an iminenso range of tuagnificont garments and wraps far —�-- — months were tt etlaRYir 1►i111a not enoag•-thy sitnatd tlirR! ale for You i' fall and whiter. required for tiro saute lZvery style, fosiifauable £ars the season ave believe !a in b>r selection and an j��[(� ' olu'ney. To -day It takes twos acid a attr(yct[va style and finish to About every glirfaant superior to an shown in 5 E I #li \R� . DISPENSING �4i1£ days. Aatt't iNa its former scallops. Y • . I CHEMIST (7olumentin oft rite gra+><A' cklt u p"0' go ' by Values A)N excellent and modest prices are the prominent features of this Ca~N�`ltATi f�liUC�l 'STQItR, wlnllglit in t ie twenty-4even years ,'just 04, good"i tx*, Fite our stack of n43arly 20Q Marines, sines ilia own first Ug ode explot i• cpnstnletiom of Thef 443xa py --. � 3., ta�Qlllii l"Iar A IIPpe, Stanley tella�iu^t er-ilndafiead+ ltapiCdit°r-i� vjta�ttii;-16 -_._�. _..-,_._� _ . _. - cut' how he climbed to tile, highest a ('alw.eya the A"t-at ilick'R ”' g desilra registered it is totally •• Carpets a>tad L,in'ol�ims. ss inches wide HEAVY UNIODi peakofalittl� island in the Nyaaya diiyereatitteveiylrCapCl:Ltoa REVERSIBLE CARPET, handsome find retleoted upon the future. 4 try l+i4tle tnonay aril posses unusual colorings and very pleasing 'naw de- sla WI>erp' ID is W.SA$. 'Seemed to see Qte kIaLera trafiin their other., The rr is nope like it. buying' in Glair slid I�Speci hie da- aignsatspeolalparyd..2S.3� aitd40c the bt��loaded with ease }vhters of There can be none so pod, If ,r _ dark smoke over the gWA just a received tha month. Special linos SCOTCH LINOLEUMS, 2, 9 and 'k Toronto Telexram. y ngare, you Daly tree: the tiale, the suet recatved era dualities sold goner• ares wide, a atrong rangy of it t Datives o€ the east coast trouble, the labor h :tale save ally at much higher rlcea, Quebeo this developed .In $on, Ray making blond brotherhood With the ' poral, blank and Pile at attitablo mond Ir'rrefolit(ttriespdOntario Ili iloli, natives of the west coast; I aaaplad You, lii)w tittle fuel it urea, yttt ElYG1LI TAPIh1 TRY PARPET, 27 for dltiing roams: kitchens or httlls, ilia. James Sutherland two public men who to hear churg1t holls ingit, ata great should not be one sl It a day without Dae. lashes widQ 1n new well asserted l tirl8e Special, per yard ; S..q . and ;i 0c. arO alike in their main characteristics. diataltce and I bopoct and played that Of up to data Patterns and pretty BUTTERICH PATTE1tN8 for November It ie possible that Mr: Prefoptaine somg day that vis 011 might bo rural• >Mtttde 1f combinations, suitable for, parlor, are now in stock, liae ler powers than Mr, Sather I In those days Mtesa of U ands by The WM. BUCK STOVE CO %-'It`s dinin�gg moms, special &c. Regular 00- ULINFATOR on sale. and 10ashion sheets I A fie has a certain French llrll- Ihlpaled his victims and clubbegd his • •• e=��7toAa and 06c a yard, speclal`at 59c. Malleo whichMr. Sutherland lacks, lint ,women to death upon t. o alt lltest they aro both politicians of the • mani- pprovocation-and all along the shores ' y-� p polster type. y ttarbaxotlr� peepte were alghftig and tMla C /� G W • A C H H ; jS O N & S O "T LiberaIteem hue fallen on evil da s if thirating for blood. To -day the con- by t ./ .[ � a • W a f oderich .. • the great razes of litics in Ontario. veru o Uganda are carr ing the -�-- .r.-r-� .�. o� ��. iifiii Quebec are Eo go' to Mt. Prefoa= gospel •to - the. distant lands, of the - - taine and Mr, Sutherland. Quebec west; three hundred and twenty HURON 'POSTAL STATISTICS. Liberalism has developed Mr. Prefon. churches have been estalllished, with = tains, Ontario Liberalism has merely ninety thousand . Christian people; !$ERE is nothing like our assort• tolerated Mr, Sutherland in the minor, there are five hundred children in the New j Some Interesting Figures Showing the Business position to which he has been raised Meago School.' moot of Nsw FALL (loons in fbavour. the ofdentofSir UWilfrldLaurier's regio haeladvantceda oemarvellouslo Western Canada, They were 1. IDone in t�l1S County. during the slow period when the laden all bought with a view to economy as The position n First Minister from g Fall Ontario has been filled in Liberal Gov- porter carried the loads of talo 'Its- well as durability ie, the purchaser, The annual report of the Postal Department for the year ending June 90th, ernments by a Mackenzie, a Blake, or sionary and the Sugar -chest of the 1002, has been issued, and from it the following statistics are taken regarding a'Mowat. Whether the Liberals or trader up to Uganda, what will be. its I and there has tint been any mistake the ail post offices in bilis county. They show the rates and amounts paid for Tories are in • power Ontario has a rate of Progress now that Uganda is in eeinlr[ug these two very, important mcarrying, the revenue collected, money order sold and the salaries right insist that a partizan large Goods paid, •and allowances at oath: qualitleIea shall be her chief reprereaenta rsseutisls. We have without doubt I. -MAIL CONTRACTS. tive in the Government at Ottawa, the beFt in TAILORING} OOODB If Bir Wilfrid Laurier were a strong ��,.r.-_.-, that the most reliable mills in the .s � man be would exert himself to find an Name ii g � 8 adequate suceessoi to Mackenzie, Xact Fit world produce, and there is no poebible Name of Route. of ,n i_ PQri9d, Amout ••Blake and Mowat, Sir Wilfrid proves doubt tie to the out, make; and trim- ContracWaX o, his weakness when he attempts to Xquiait6 Det3igl19 `� `?r q z° 8 thrust Hon. James Sutherland into the position of First Minister from wings Leing up to -dote ie, every Bayfield and Railwayy Btatlon. Rk _on the .............. V0101 Ontario. Xpert Workmanship respect. Bayfield and Seaforth........ .. . }t, '0 -13 , • ��. : - _ ,,,, :.r- .. ' , 1 a Bo grave and Marnook...............P. P rlarbfold 3, 12 •• •"-""""" "' O0 000 in �� ` -' . flet us figure on your Fall or Winter Bolsravo and Railway Station...... S. Tufts......... 18 4 • to oe't:"si;' oil:: bo c1 A GUARANTEED GURE do , do D. Sprout .. ... is 9 �m 100 W fir• - Belgrave and B olerno..............M. B wotaon... 3 2 12 ... 70 W For nA Forms of K(dneu Disease. SUIT, OVERCOAT, BennaiUor and Go3arlch ............ W. Moore, Jr.... 6 Id •' ... .. 176 W Bluovalo and Railway Station ...:..J. Outdinor .... 12 12 • ........... _ 91 90 Blyth and Station .......:rW. Bell ..... 24 1.2 ' . 17628 « or Rn Odd simtnt. I'f1Ce , yy • • • • • • • • • • I the undersigned Druggist - lir colloid nndltatIwoyStation.....C. Wilson...... 24 12 " '• ............ 6888 g gg tam ,fully ' y f; , (juaiity, Brussels and Crnnbrook............C. Alderson 5 6 9 '• -Ite'litnr.31,'0.•<L. 90 00 prepared to give the followingguaran- wear, will be yours for the tasking, • do do ....,....0. Huethor .... 5 o 3 -- from .. 29 255 tee with every 50 cent bottle of Dr. Brussels and Railway Stoilon.... ,.A Beattie, sr.. i 12 12 •• .................. 00 a) Pettingill's Kidney -Wort, Tablets, the with a ful,y warranted guarantee BruseoIsandSeaforth ................R. Williams.... 15 9 1 17600 only reined h B saoleagdwroxoter..... .... ...0.Itobb......... 10 a > ............ 225 e,9 Y y in the world that peal -4i along with every4hiug which goes out Clton and Rnllway Btation........J. W. Elliott.... 42 12 '• .................. in fl7 tively cures all troubl6s arisin,� from of this store. Clinton and Bummer Hill......... ..I. Brownlee .... 4 2 12 65 9e, weak or diseased kidneys :— in . • Crediton and Railway Station...... C. Wolf,........ 12 10 (to Apr. 30,, 1902) 187 29 •• Mono y y ,,S'h its do do .... . do 12 2 '• Prom 33 61 y cheerfully returned if the ' Dashwood Exeter and Railway Stn.P. Malsaao...... 81 6 12 •' 2A1 00 euf3erer is not relieved and improved (jive us a chance l0 Ezotera,tiRailwayStation........C. Snell......... 1 24 12 •' 15(150 give you the Exeter and Lotter Box ............. do 1 48 12 " 15 00 after use of one bottle. Throe to six experience, experience ]s rho only true Exeter and St. Mary's...............J. Moore..-..... 26 0 9 '• Ito Mar. 31, 1902) 3M 76 betties effect estoIIfehlnq and perms^ , ,7 ,9. P9 do do ..........F. Ballentyne .. 21; 6 3 •• from isi 25 nent cures. If not relieved and cured, and what IIfOrA d0 teacher, and we, say lilac because thou- ". and Rall, dmf ....... W. Chapman . 4!}Q7 412 12 •• 131 76 yell waste no money. -PRI D 1.1 A M „ Forriwloh and Raillewway Belfast, &c....A M McLeod ..... 12 12' '• 8761 00sands of customers declare our Foalyyco, Lance and BolfasQ &•o....A. McLeod..... 3� 12 t2 •. .................. !00 W JAB. WILSON, Druggist, Goderich, Glontarrow and Wingham.......... W. Mackerels- 0 2 12 70 00 Out. you rant in 8 9, Ooderich and Kincardine......... ,-P• F. Hamlin.. 33 8 2 •• to Aug. 31. 1901) 132 83 - L Clothing the cheapest from personal do do ............J.L.WAtson.... 33 0 12 m shirt Q T H E T A I L O R. 'ra (rionee. Goderich and Lotthr Boxes..........0. Biqsott ...... 5 12 2 .. 1070 While apple packing is going on P Goderich and Lucknow_............E.. Themppsewon... 21 0 12 '• , ..............-_ 4ta oo here's a record that may b1 interest- and Rai��l1way SGatI,W::...A. M. Polloy..1. 30 12 144 aD In Thos. Curr GorrlonndReawhySIation.........0. Brown...... 1'2 2 •• Ito Aug. 31, 19011 810 g' Curry, of Brussels, pulled, root for thlea. . Wald. th.Oult.r, _-- do da ' do ::::::...J. H. Dulmage.. 12 1 Ito Bopt. 30, i9o1) 3 76 sorted and packed 11 barrels a day for ebr_leby.(b..td..wz -� do it do .' W. F. I)ulmage. 1.2 9 ' Ito •• 235 0o three days in succession, Horlockmiall and RailwScafoay tStation .......w, McIntosh... tt 0 12 F � ®� � � � H.nsall and Hurondalo .............T. Murdock..... 14 6 12 Honsalt and Railway " Hill .......J. Sutherland... 12 12 •• ...............'.. tomo 16 Worths cause feverishness, moaning 'S Holmosvillo and Porter's Hill ....... W. Pickard .... 4 1.2 " ....... .......... 97 Ss Holmosville and Railway Station... J. L. pourtice .. 8 12 t2 •• b0 W and restlessness during sleep, Mother brought within two and a half clays of Lochnfeh and III loy ................J. Bizsmith..... lb 6 12 '• .................. 210 00' Graves' Worm Exterminator is plea. the sea? To the undaunted services St. Joseph and Zurich ...............D. Spencer...... 4 e 12 .................. 90 oo sant, sure and effectgal. If your of explorers, the fidelity of ,mission- T 116-13 w Boaforth and Railway BUttlon . C. r R. t Beat ie, 21 12 109 0e, dru t has none in stock, et hirer to erica and the sagacity of En lash B I � �� U +I�N I T V I'�E a�TO I� • Wingham and Railway Stgtlon (C•I'�R. 8t 1L IIenttlo, i'L 12 •' . •................ 32 22 g g g Y g 0 o tG.T D. Campbell so t2 250 40 procure it for you. administrators the great tTganda Wrozeter and Railway Station .....A- Paulirn....... 12 12 •• . ................ 7148 railway adds an almost incalculable ' Zurich and Itailwoy Station ........T. Murdock..... 12 12 •• ....-...-...•..... 224 W According to the report presented force in the regeneration of E rat II. -BUSINESS TRANSACTED AND SALARIES PAID AT at the regular meeting of the Western Africa. . ACCOUNTING OFFICES. Fair Board the total gate receipts for And how came that part of Afriva _, the last exhibition amounted to to lie explored, and who were the first, This Store is thoroughly stocked with every - Com $l0,00O3 or $7,000 more than in 1901. explorers to accomplish important thin for the Home from cellar to garret, from the . Total tin paid Aun� Other receipts amounted to about and permanent results? They were g Gross Postal Amount of Post- Forward towards $8,. and the credit balance is $3,000. Christ[an missionaries. First came Name Of Office. Revenue. Money Orders mrlatere on Salary. Allow- Mont. � the great Livingstone. Stanley nim- best manufacturers in the Dominion, and every tanned. lronomt anco. Fool and A Wide Sphere of Usefulness. -The self made hie first trip into the interior DuslneRN. Light. P of Africa and began his career as all article will be sold at the Closest Cut 'Prices. — consumption of Dr. Thomas' Edectric g e cls 8 eta+ i rte eta i cum $ eta Oil has grown to great proportions. explorer in the effort W find Livia - Auburn •...... .. 19 t483o t1 43 D1 16 W 18 W.......... Notwithstanding the fact that it has stone. The story of the great Scotc•�_ That Picture of yO11TS Sl101ild Comet and yOl1 ........... Bayfield. .................. 615 7J 10952 21 09 31 252 00............ Be 'r. o .................. 550 82 4433 71 '••••• now been on t e market for over man's zeal, his devotion to the cause will find out bow good and cheap we can d0 the job 13 84 280 00 800.......... Bonmuler................. 108 71 alae 14 ., Il 25 n) Oo...................... twenty-one year, its prosperity is as of (%hrlet and his death in the wilder- Bluovale......... ........ 318 87 6214 33 715 195 W...... .......... at as ever and the demand for it in Hess Of the Dark Continent mule one Blyth . .................... 1452 27 6884 97 . 38 15 600 W 12 W eo W of the most e10 cent missionary ser- for you. Brussels ................. 2283 73 1793'2 70 r5 67 700 00 70 00 Im W at pperiod has very greatly increas- Y Clinton ................,.. 438531 1655 Ol 10083 1200 00 100 00 200 oo ed. It is beneficial in all countries, mons ever preae ed. Crediton ........ ........ 818 02 1073D 28 7920 .270 W...................... sand wherever introduced fresh at1 - In Hawaii, in Samna, in New Guinea, DnnSa,non............... 708 53 ISM 37 58 00 270 W.......-..•....•...... P Ethel ..................... 148 27 11868 e4 35 35 10000 ................: plies are constantly asked for. in China and in Japan the missionaries UNDERTAKING lS a specialty with its. Exeter ................... 2307 52 18234 26 99 c8 703100 Ito 00 100 00 ,� have written their deeds into history. Fordwlah................. 920 48 18707 54 77 01 31.549 20 W.......... They have been the ioneors of mater- Night and da calls promptly answered and satis- Oodorloh..... ............ O:.:J 70 235'Li 51 122 01 1896 49 130 W.......... On Monday, Dec. let, Brussels prop- ial its well as of s P g y p p y Garde ..................... tn3 35 last 79 3e, CO. 390 oil••••••••••• 40 0e, arty owners will vote on n proposed pirrtual development Hanvau.................... 1302 01 9013 24 43 79 490 00 i2 W 4o Wand advancement. it is well to keep faction In every particular guaranteed. Rippon .... .. ........... 390 37 2595 46 1972 15600 28 00.........- bylaw to loan $5,000 for ten years to this In mind when then Ree and com- Londeatiaro,gh........... 305 24 5055 98 10 2D 196 00 ............... Lockrid a Broa, to carry rry on a woolen Bt. Jo�oph ................ 12813 VG 58 691 W oo..,•.................. mill there. anent upon the completion of a'great Boatortti ....... ......... •4305 aS 14700 25 tib 25 1261 e,0 14n Oil 200 Oe, work like the Uganda railwa Varna .................... 322 70 3701 09 9 64 170 00................. Wingham................. 4507 75 20277 16 105 4e, 12m 00 6000 180.OD Wroxeter ................. 816 86 14258 41 02 75 NO W 1800 4o 0e, III. -REVENUE AND SALARIES AT NON -ACCOUNTING OFFICES. — Bruce county will a bylaw at an early date for the construetion of u county road system. The chief por- tion of it will rum from Southampton through Wiarton and up the to Toberrnoray. This is the country through which the Manitou_ h y The Children Are Delighted With It. F Nemo of P. O. Rovon,o Salary anoce Name, of P. O. Revenue Salary anco' t++�mborley............ i119 tx i W $4 0e, Courier .............. 7091 2800 oo'arto .....-.... 52 00 36 00 Leadbnry ............ 12n 42 611 00 .,;' proposed lin and Forth Shore railway is expect• Malt Breakfast Food Belfast ............... 221 20 eo W .. Lochalsh............. 102 76 90 oo .... ed to run, but the latter is so backward 1 Blake ................ 102 80 60 W .... Loyal .. ............. 74 bo 24 00 .... Cparlow............r.r 116 00 44 00 .... Mafeking............ 3160 12 0e, Ohlaelhurat .......... 72 W 80 W Marnoch 20 42 2i) W in materializing that apparent] the Y ople want something more sure, it Builds Them Up In Fiesh, ........ ... Constance .I......... 130 46 85 00 . Monerlefi..... ...... 45 87 24 W .•.: ' Crowe W W 1200 Newbridge 119 W 80 OD M been decided to ask the countyy to Bone and Muscle. ................ .......... 4 W Dunlop ............... 115 W 40 W .. Nile 1111 78 6200 n .......... - Egmondvtile .. ... 215 W Ito W .. . Port Albert.... ..... 13275 56 too ... on the new road system, one-third of Malt Breakfast Food is the only Fordyce .............. 39 93 20 a ... porters Hill......... 7037 44100 .... Gler ..n ri.. ...._... 71 Cs 3e, W . . Prosperity .......... 200.1 12 0e, which will come out of the provincial million dollar fund. cereal food that children will keep to Glen Farrow......... 81 C3 24 W .... Redgrave,... ....... Its 63 8000 ... Harlock.......I 37 741 24 00 Hte. and reiiah from do to do y y. it, has a . ..a ', ,. - delicious flavor that en tivates the tatste and makes it a favorite. Oatmeal .- . • • • ...... 76 W 36 W Holmesville...... .... 100 73 76 W 10 60 Hheppntrlt in ........ 65 W 29 00 .... Huntingfleld • 16 110 20 bo Hummer 101 3310 20 within the compass of a single hour and other forms of rain forxlR err+ grain A injurious to the digestive ........ .... .. ....... W ...� idge. .. ..., 130 00 48 00 .. Sunshine ............ 19 40 12 00 •. KingsbIT!!,,.--.-.-.-..179 17 W W Westfield I stomach and organs of the little ones because of the . Lakel t .............. . ..........-. 208 so 30 to Lakolot.............. 88,49 60 W .. wlnthrop............ II9 00 ed W .;;. Lanes ................ m W 30 W -' I presence of insolunhl(+ starch. Malt I1 A re".1i: t Food Is free from starch, B ' . Ambng T13o Churches. Presbyterian and Methodist zhurches authors capable of adding anything new or interesting to the story of Milton's life and work. The hate Pro- therefore easily and quickly digested by the youngest children. Malt Break- fast Food is specially reeommenderi . 4 feasor Fiske, however, brings to the task his � pre. Palestine Exploration Fund has 41 venting the possibility of, unseemly paper by Prof. MacAlieter, which' rivalry, and at the of characteristic 'broadness of view and lucidity of exposition, and Rolid forming and bone and muscle building. Try r. n . Malt Breakfast Food, bear - mothers, it will give you wonderful alestine archaeology. The paper home mission fleld. They brought,tbe " describes excavations at Tallelgezarl, matter before the supreme courts of 7q., results. Grocers everywhere. 'i Fiske's death. , ... - . lem, identifled as- Gezer,the Canaanite m4ttees authorized to deal with the r William Pollard k Son, of McKillop, n ... - . rv,. e - .�- , y .. $I f a a span of three year old geldings, fo they . I I L ... . I . I i ! 01.1 I - 0 170111 11 1, '. 'm omr;4;.�qj I - _-MrM , I I I , I at is j - Now oy� -'aw, , .^ .. •I's1 �j l �M pin.11ti C - I .J�.,ll r� • off 80 ala 1�fj>t U.101t�'roll, N ... al► eft/ x _ .-,-. t�'. « . <, . _ fit• -,- _ _ Xon r _. ,.. - a xia0 tlnllo0411 e, Of fI hi91AWOY 1*130 � "" � u n art,.., i avufi+?a Iilr .you knell taasc u, �eta itl^'L )}IlaxtSilp to#t1.3t 'e> >Ith. r ww iiwe o rex x fOWL dNyY wt°, * fril . hpugli tl)t►'I7gs. 4i allav4�i Atte iEattexcd. 'Ad in ThO iii 04 Uafaitd .. r .'. _t.... 1. LN �•u•�iaai ""'" ,"""'" �l yr,'Which tan'it{Womea °' ft"A �, 0Y now C04I icct# tlit3 'read RP.Uplea,' as ha4ve detiided for i�4 �Miti% 04$%IIQ �c�•Qlp Laike VI , . Ryan. is at4llad, xvitlt , ar, The h. d wo�bxixidia Is 0x,Mowtonally the Indian Ocean, is onlyive Im"Ared. 4i !! ' WD AM l pA 'XET're"m Hwa a YOU w raid ',ve: sa t �,n' „ auatittty x6u want, xroiu 6c.}plcetimuip sate saventytw(t miles 1i11ig, lets exist-'] { ,, to it bpr ars tai) cut a 11.aa Wien rile maalis of six mss - 11 ." T'a►ou'Iit . ." - - t�fw �'1A WO alae'. is stook, 9�t stiwl Spic the Shl,Vo trlti'ia tYiroll�liop•t I rlti4l% � - It•' A t\�►TIONS a Pyrfu tcx .. . d„Toilot,loaps tAfrtC4.,.-frNVenty.sev' n;y�oaXV'ay,o. -. . . . _. w a 111o'k Stonle ei t , sae o-v1Or,W TQILET so l:P at ea a cako, y g It months. to travel . . +).aux , e. - from sca to la1.a; two y'Are ago six - ' Ctalm R!o aro shoaling an iminenso range of tuagnificont garments and wraps far —�-- — months were tt etlaRYir 1►i111a not enoag•-thy sitnatd tlirR! ale for You i' fall and whiter. required for tiro saute lZvery style, fosiifauable £ars the season ave believe !a in b>r selection and an j��[(� ' olu'ney. To -day It takes twos acid a attr(yct[va style and finish to About every glirfaant superior to an shown in 5 E I #li \R� . DISPENSING �4i1£ days. Aatt't iNa its former scallops. Y • . I CHEMIST (7olumentin oft rite gra+><A' cklt u p"0' go ' by Values A)N excellent and modest prices are the prominent features of this Ca~N�`ltATi f�liUC�l 'STQItR, wlnllglit in t ie twenty-4even years ,'just 04, good"i tx*, Fite our stack of n43arly 20Q Marines, sines ilia own first Ug ode explot i• cpnstnletiom of Thef 443xa py --. � 3., ta�Qlllii l"Iar A IIPpe, Stanley tella�iu^t er-ilndafiead+ ltapiCdit°r-i� vjta�ttii;-16 -_._�. _..-,_._� _ . _. - cut' how he climbed to tile, highest a ('alw.eya the A"t-at ilick'R ”' g desilra registered it is totally •• Carpets a>tad L,in'ol�ims. ss inches wide HEAVY UNIODi peakofalittl� island in the Nyaaya diiyereatitteveiylrCapCl:Ltoa REVERSIBLE CARPET, handsome find retleoted upon the future. 4 try l+i4tle tnonay aril posses unusual colorings and very pleasing 'naw de- sla WI>erp' ID is W.SA$. 'Seemed to see Qte kIaLera trafiin their other., The rr is nope like it. buying' in Glair slid I�Speci hie da- aignsatspeolalparyd..2S.3� aitd40c the bt��loaded with ease }vhters of There can be none so pod, If ,r _ dark smoke over the gWA just a received tha month. Special linos SCOTCH LINOLEUMS, 2, 9 and 'k Toronto Telexram. y ngare, you Daly tree: the tiale, the suet recatved era dualities sold goner• ares wide, a atrong rangy of it t Datives o€ the east coast trouble, the labor h :tale save ally at much higher rlcea, Quebeo this developed .In $on, Ray making blond brotherhood With the ' poral, blank and Pile at attitablo mond Ir'rrefolit(ttriespdOntario Ili iloli, natives of the west coast; I aaaplad You, lii)w tittle fuel it urea, yttt ElYG1LI TAPIh1 TRY PARPET, 27 for dltiing roams: kitchens or httlls, ilia. James Sutherland two public men who to hear churg1t holls ingit, ata great should not be one sl It a day without Dae. lashes widQ 1n new well asserted l tirl8e Special, per yard ; S..q . and ;i 0c. arO alike in their main characteristics. diataltce and I bopoct and played that Of up to data Patterns and pretty BUTTERICH PATTE1tN8 for November It ie possible that Mr: Prefoptaine somg day that vis 011 might bo rural• >Mtttde 1f combinations, suitable for, parlor, are now in stock, liae ler powers than Mr, Sather I In those days Mtesa of U ands by The WM. BUCK STOVE CO %-'It`s dinin�gg moms, special &c. Regular 00- ULINFATOR on sale. and 10ashion sheets I A fie has a certain French llrll- Ihlpaled his victims and clubbegd his • •• e=��7toAa and 06c a yard, speclal`at 59c. Malleo whichMr. Sutherland lacks, lint ,women to death upon t. o alt lltest they aro both politicians of the • mani- pprovocation-and all along the shores ' y-� p polster type. y ttarbaxotlr� peepte were alghftig and tMla C /� G W • A C H H ; jS O N & S O "T LiberaIteem hue fallen on evil da s if thirating for blood. To -day the con- by t ./ .[ � a • W a f oderich .. • the great razes of litics in Ontario. veru o Uganda are carr ing the -�-- .r.-r-� .�. o� ��. iifiii Quebec are Eo go' to Mt. Prefoa= gospel •to - the. distant lands, of the - - taine and Mr, Sutherland. Quebec west; three hundred and twenty HURON 'POSTAL STATISTICS. Liberalism has developed Mr. Prefon. churches have been estalllished, with = tains, Ontario Liberalism has merely ninety thousand . Christian people; !$ERE is nothing like our assort• tolerated Mr, Sutherland in the minor, there are five hundred children in the New j Some Interesting Figures Showing the Business position to which he has been raised Meago School.' moot of Nsw FALL (loons in fbavour. the ofdentofSir UWilfrldLaurier's regio haeladvantceda oemarvellouslo Western Canada, They were 1. IDone in t�l1S County. during the slow period when the laden all bought with a view to economy as The position n First Minister from g Fall Ontario has been filled in Liberal Gov- porter carried the loads of talo 'Its- well as durability ie, the purchaser, The annual report of the Postal Department for the year ending June 90th, ernments by a Mackenzie, a Blake, or sionary and the Sugar -chest of the 1002, has been issued, and from it the following statistics are taken regarding a'Mowat. Whether the Liberals or trader up to Uganda, what will be. its I and there has tint been any mistake the ail post offices in bilis county. They show the rates and amounts paid for Tories are in • power Ontario has a rate of Progress now that Uganda is in eeinlr[ug these two very, important mcarrying, the revenue collected, money order sold and the salaries right insist that a partizan large Goods paid, •and allowances at oath: qualitleIea shall be her chief reprereaenta rsseutisls. We have without doubt I. -MAIL CONTRACTS. tive in the Government at Ottawa, the beFt in TAILORING} OOODB If Bir Wilfrid Laurier were a strong ��,.r.-_.-, that the most reliable mills in the .s � man be would exert himself to find an Name ii g � 8 adequate suceessoi to Mackenzie, Xact Fit world produce, and there is no poebible Name of Route. of ,n i_ PQri9d, Amout ••Blake and Mowat, Sir Wilfrid proves doubt tie to the out, make; and trim- ContracWaX o, his weakness when he attempts to Xquiait6 Det3igl19 `� `?r q z° 8 thrust Hon. James Sutherland into the position of First Minister from wings Leing up to -dote ie, every Bayfield and Railwayy Btatlon. Rk _on the .............. V0101 Ontario. Xpert Workmanship respect. Bayfield and Seaforth........ .. . }t, '0 -13 , • ��. : - _ ,,,, :.r- .. ' , 1 a Bo grave and Marnook...............P. P rlarbfold 3, 12 •• •"-""""" "' O0 000 in �� ` -' . flet us figure on your Fall or Winter Bolsravo and Railway Station...... S. Tufts......... 18 4 • to oe't:"si;' oil:: bo c1 A GUARANTEED GURE do , do D. Sprout .. ... is 9 �m 100 W fir• - Belgrave and B olerno..............M. B wotaon... 3 2 12 ... 70 W For nA Forms of K(dneu Disease. SUIT, OVERCOAT, BennaiUor and Go3arlch ............ W. Moore, Jr.... 6 Id •' ... .. 176 W Bluovalo and Railway Station ...:..J. Outdinor .... 12 12 • ........... _ 91 90 Blyth and Station .......:rW. Bell ..... 24 1.2 ' . 17628 « or Rn Odd simtnt. I'f1Ce , yy • • • • • • • • • • I the undersigned Druggist - lir colloid nndltatIwoyStation.....C. Wilson...... 24 12 " '• ............ 6888 g gg tam ,fully ' y f; , (juaiity, Brussels and Crnnbrook............C. Alderson 5 6 9 '• -Ite'litnr.31,'0.•<L. 90 00 prepared to give the followingguaran- wear, will be yours for the tasking, • do do ....,....0. Huethor .... 5 o 3 -- from .. 29 255 tee with every 50 cent bottle of Dr. Brussels and Railway Stoilon.... ,.A Beattie, sr.. i 12 12 •• .................. 00 a) Pettingill's Kidney -Wort, Tablets, the with a ful,y warranted guarantee BruseoIsandSeaforth ................R. Williams.... 15 9 1 17600 only reined h B saoleagdwroxoter..... .... ...0.Itobb......... 10 a > ............ 225 e,9 Y y in the world that peal -4i along with every4hiug which goes out Clton and Rnllway Btation........J. W. Elliott.... 42 12 '• .................. in fl7 tively cures all troubl6s arisin,� from of this store. Clinton and Bummer Hill......... ..I. Brownlee .... 4 2 12 65 9e, weak or diseased kidneys :— in . • Crediton and Railway Station...... C. Wolf,........ 12 10 (to Apr. 30,, 1902) 187 29 •• Mono y y ,,S'h its do do .... . do 12 2 '• Prom 33 61 y cheerfully returned if the ' Dashwood Exeter and Railway Stn.P. Malsaao...... 81 6 12 •' 2A1 00 euf3erer is not relieved and improved (jive us a chance l0 Ezotera,tiRailwayStation........C. Snell......... 1 24 12 •' 15(150 give you the Exeter and Lotter Box ............. do 1 48 12 " 15 00 after use of one bottle. Throe to six experience, experience ]s rho only true Exeter and St. Mary's...............J. Moore..-..... 26 0 9 '• Ito Mar. 31, 1902) 3M 76 betties effect estoIIfehlnq and perms^ , ,7 ,9. P9 do do ..........F. Ballentyne .. 21; 6 3 •• from isi 25 nent cures. If not relieved and cured, and what IIfOrA d0 teacher, and we, say lilac because thou- ". and Rall, dmf ....... W. Chapman . 4!}Q7 412 12 •• 131 76 yell waste no money. -PRI D 1.1 A M „ Forriwloh and Raillewway Belfast, &c....A M McLeod ..... 12 12' '• 8761 00sands of customers declare our Foalyyco, Lance and BolfasQ &•o....A. McLeod..... 3� 12 t2 •. .................. !00 W JAB. WILSON, Druggist, Goderich, Glontarrow and Wingham.......... W. Mackerels- 0 2 12 70 00 Out. you rant in 8 9, Ooderich and Kincardine......... ,-P• F. Hamlin.. 33 8 2 •• to Aug. 31. 1901) 132 83 - L Clothing the cheapest from personal do do ............J.L.WAtson.... 33 0 12 m shirt Q T H E T A I L O R. 'ra (rionee. Goderich and Lotthr Boxes..........0. Biqsott ...... 5 12 2 .. 1070 While apple packing is going on P Goderich and Lucknow_............E.. Themppsewon... 21 0 12 '• , ..............-_ 4ta oo here's a record that may b1 interest- and Rai��l1way SGatI,W::...A. M. Polloy..1. 30 12 144 aD In Thos. Curr GorrlonndReawhySIation.........0. Brown...... 1'2 2 •• Ito Aug. 31, 19011 810 g' Curry, of Brussels, pulled, root for thlea. . Wald. th.Oult.r, _-- do da ' do ::::::...J. H. Dulmage.. 12 1 Ito Bopt. 30, i9o1) 3 76 sorted and packed 11 barrels a day for ebr_leby.(b..td..wz -� do it do .' W. F. I)ulmage. 1.2 9 ' Ito •• 235 0o three days in succession, Horlockmiall and RailwScafoay tStation .......w, McIntosh... tt 0 12 F � ®� � � � H.nsall and Hurondalo .............T. Murdock..... 14 6 12 Honsalt and Railway " Hill .......J. Sutherland... 12 12 •• ...............'.. tomo 16 Worths cause feverishness, moaning 'S Holmosvillo and Porter's Hill ....... W. Pickard .... 4 1.2 " ....... .......... 97 Ss Holmosville and Railway Station... J. L. pourtice .. 8 12 t2 •• b0 W and restlessness during sleep, Mother brought within two and a half clays of Lochnfeh and III loy ................J. Bizsmith..... lb 6 12 '• .................. 210 00' Graves' Worm Exterminator is plea. the sea? To the undaunted services St. Joseph and Zurich ...............D. Spencer...... 4 e 12 .................. 90 oo sant, sure and effectgal. If your of explorers, the fidelity of ,mission- T 116-13 w Boaforth and Railway BUttlon . C. r R. t Beat ie, 21 12 109 0e, dru t has none in stock, et hirer to erica and the sagacity of En lash B I � �� U +I�N I T V I'�E a�TO I� • Wingham and Railway Stgtlon (C•I'�R. 8t 1L IIenttlo, i'L 12 •' . •................ 32 22 g g g Y g 0 o tG.T D. Campbell so t2 250 40 procure it for you. administrators the great tTganda Wrozeter and Railway Station .....A- Paulirn....... 12 12 •• . ................ 7148 railway adds an almost incalculable ' Zurich and Itailwoy Station ........T. Murdock..... 12 12 •• ....-...-...•..... 224 W According to the report presented force in the regeneration of E rat II. -BUSINESS TRANSACTED AND SALARIES PAID AT at the regular meeting of the Western Africa. . ACCOUNTING OFFICES. Fair Board the total gate receipts for And how came that part of Afriva _, the last exhibition amounted to to lie explored, and who were the first, This Store is thoroughly stocked with every - Com $l0,00O3 or $7,000 more than in 1901. explorers to accomplish important thin for the Home from cellar to garret, from the . Total tin paid Aun� Other receipts amounted to about and permanent results? They were g Gross Postal Amount of Post- Forward towards $8,. and the credit balance is $3,000. Christ[an missionaries. First came Name Of Office. Revenue. Money Orders mrlatere on Salary. Allow- Mont. � the great Livingstone. Stanley nim- best manufacturers in the Dominion, and every tanned. lronomt anco. Fool and A Wide Sphere of Usefulness. -The self made hie first trip into the interior DuslneRN. Light. P of Africa and began his career as all article will be sold at the Closest Cut 'Prices. — consumption of Dr. Thomas' Edectric g e cls 8 eta+ i rte eta i cum $ eta Oil has grown to great proportions. explorer in the effort W find Livia - Auburn •...... .. 19 t483o t1 43 D1 16 W 18 W.......... Notwithstanding the fact that it has stone. The story of the great Scotc•�_ That Picture of yO11TS Sl101ild Comet and yOl1 ........... Bayfield. .................. 615 7J 10952 21 09 31 252 00............ Be 'r. o .................. 550 82 4433 71 '••••• now been on t e market for over man's zeal, his devotion to the cause will find out bow good and cheap we can d0 the job 13 84 280 00 800.......... Bonmuler................. 108 71 alae 14 ., Il 25 n) Oo...................... twenty-one year, its prosperity is as of (%hrlet and his death in the wilder- Bluovale......... ........ 318 87 6214 33 715 195 W...... .......... at as ever and the demand for it in Hess Of the Dark Continent mule one Blyth . .................... 1452 27 6884 97 . 38 15 600 W 12 W eo W of the most e10 cent missionary ser- for you. Brussels ................. 2283 73 1793'2 70 r5 67 700 00 70 00 Im W at pperiod has very greatly increas- Y Clinton ................,.. 438531 1655 Ol 10083 1200 00 100 00 200 oo ed. It is beneficial in all countries, mons ever preae ed. Crediton ........ ........ 818 02 1073D 28 7920 .270 W...................... sand wherever introduced fresh at1 - In Hawaii, in Samna, in New Guinea, DnnSa,non............... 708 53 ISM 37 58 00 270 W.......-..•....•...... P Ethel ..................... 148 27 11868 e4 35 35 10000 ................: plies are constantly asked for. in China and in Japan the missionaries UNDERTAKING lS a specialty with its. Exeter ................... 2307 52 18234 26 99 c8 703100 Ito 00 100 00 ,� have written their deeds into history. Fordwlah................. 920 48 18707 54 77 01 31.549 20 W.......... They have been the ioneors of mater- Night and da calls promptly answered and satis- Oodorloh..... ............ O:.:J 70 235'Li 51 122 01 1896 49 130 W.......... On Monday, Dec. let, Brussels prop- ial its well as of s P g y p p y Garde ..................... tn3 35 last 79 3e, CO. 390 oil••••••••••• 40 0e, arty owners will vote on n proposed pirrtual development Hanvau.................... 1302 01 9013 24 43 79 490 00 i2 W 4o Wand advancement. it is well to keep faction In every particular guaranteed. Rippon .... .. ........... 390 37 2595 46 1972 15600 28 00.........- bylaw to loan $5,000 for ten years to this In mind when then Ree and com- Londeatiaro,gh........... 305 24 5055 98 10 2D 196 00 ............... Lockrid a Broa, to carry rry on a woolen Bt. Jo�oph ................ 12813 VG 58 691 W oo..,•.................. mill there. anent upon the completion of a'great Boatortti ....... ......... •4305 aS 14700 25 tib 25 1261 e,0 14n Oil 200 Oe, work like the Uganda railwa Varna .................... 322 70 3701 09 9 64 170 00................. Wingham................. 4507 75 20277 16 105 4e, 12m 00 6000 180.OD Wroxeter ................. 816 86 14258 41 02 75 NO W 1800 4o 0e, III. -REVENUE AND SALARIES AT NON -ACCOUNTING OFFICES. — Bruce county will a bylaw at an early date for the construetion of u county road system. The chief por- tion of it will rum from Southampton through Wiarton and up the to Toberrnoray. This is the country through which the Manitou_ h y The Children Are Delighted With It. F Nemo of P. O. Rovon,o Salary anoce Name, of P. O. Revenue Salary anco' t++�mborley............ i119 tx i W $4 0e, Courier .............. 7091 2800 oo'arto .....-.... 52 00 36 00 Leadbnry ............ 12n 42 611 00 .,;' proposed lin and Forth Shore railway is expect• Malt Breakfast Food Belfast ............... 221 20 eo W .. Lochalsh............. 102 76 90 oo .... ed to run, but the latter is so backward 1 Blake ................ 102 80 60 W .... Loyal .. ............. 74 bo 24 00 .... Cparlow............r.r 116 00 44 00 .... Mafeking............ 3160 12 0e, Ohlaelhurat .......... 72 W 80 W Marnoch 20 42 2i) W in materializing that apparent] the Y ople want something more sure, it Builds Them Up In Fiesh, ........ ... Constance .I......... 130 46 85 00 . Monerlefi..... ...... 45 87 24 W .•.: ' Crowe W W 1200 Newbridge 119 W 80 OD M been decided to ask the countyy to Bone and Muscle. ................ .......... 4 W Dunlop ............... 115 W 40 W .. Nile 1111 78 6200 authorize the ex 640,(700 penditure of .......... - Egmondvtile .. ... 215 W Ito W .. . Port Albert.... ..... 13275 56 too ... on the new road system, one-third of Malt Breakfast Food is the only Fordyce .............. 39 93 20 a ... porters Hill......... 7037 44100 .... Gler ..n ri.. ...._... 71 Cs 3e, W . . Prosperity .......... 200.1 12 0e, which will come out of the provincial million dollar fund. cereal food that children will keep to Glen Farrow......... 81 C3 24 W .... Redgrave,... ....... Its 63 8000 ... Harlock.......I 37 741 24 00 Hte. and reiiah from do to do y y. it, has a .....I Augustine.... . 180 77 8000 .... HenlSyn ......-...., 5604 28 00 8aLrcpta .. .......... 120 03 fill 90 Hill's Green......... 91 14 Ni W Baropta To bring a sketch of John Milton delicious flavor that en tivates the tatste and makes it a favorite. Oatmeal .- . • • • ...... 76 W 36 W Holmesville...... .... 100 73 76 W 10 60 Hheppntrlt in ........ 65 W 29 00 .... Huntingfleld • 16 110 20 bo Hummer 101 3310 20 within the compass of a single hour and other forms of rain forxlR err+ grain A injurious to the digestive ........ .... .. ....... W ...� idge. .. ..., 130 00 48 00 .. Sunshine ............ 19 40 12 00 •. KingsbIT!!,,.--.-.-.-..179 17 W W Westfield seems much like attempting Lhe feat, described by Jules Verne, of making stomach and organs of the little ones because of the . Lakel t .............. . ..........-. 208 so 30 to Lakolot.............. 88,49 60 W .. wlnthrop............ II9 00 ed W .;;. Lanes ................ m W 30 W the journey round the world in eighty days -and, indeed, there are very few presence of insolunhl(+ starch. Malt I1 A re".1i: t Food Is free from starch, B ' . Ambng T13o Churches. Presbyterian and Methodist zhurches authors capable of adding anything new or interesting to the story of Milton's life and work. The hate Pro- therefore easily and quickly digested by the youngest children. Malt Break- fast Food is specially reeommenderi have felt for some time the desirability The quarterly statement of the of co-operation with the view of feasor Fiske, however, brings to the task his for the babies after weaning. It. affords all the elements for flesh pre. Palestine Exploration Fund has 41 venting the possibility of, unseemly paper by Prof. MacAlieter, which' rivalry, and at the of characteristic 'broadness of view and lucidity of exposition, and Rolid forming and bone and muscle building. Try same time eeon- Practically makes a new departure hx omizing both men and mems in the The Cosmopolitan is fortunate in being able to include in its November Malt Breakfast Food, bear - mothers, it will give you wonderful alestine archaeology. The paper home mission fleld. They brought,tbe " describes excavations at Tallelgezarl, matter before the supreme courts of number a paper on the great poet, left tmpublishetl at rho time of Professor results. Grocers everywhere. on the road between Jaffa and Jerusa,- their respective churches, and com- Fiske's death. - . lem, identifled as- Gezer,the Canaanite m4ttees authorized to deal with the -- William Pollard k Son, of McKillop, city, whose king and people were slain subject were appointed at the late recently sold to Mr. Hamilton, buyer by Joshua. Jars containing the charr- meetings of the Methodist General A Ladu Saus : for the Grand Trunk stables, Windsor, . edd bones of infants were found, in- Conference) sand the Presbyterian dicating In $I f a a span of three year old geldings, fo they a place of sacrifice. an- General Assembly. These committees a case , was Lound with PA I N E S C E L F which received. the handsotn pe, of $426. other place met in Toronto last week, when a full human skeletons, also indicating a -B pt•ica rel ` -- and frank exe,ression of opinion made— place of sacrifice, as the body of a it evident that there was absolute un- COMPOUND- In W. C. Wilson, 6th line, Morris, has un girl sawed in two was found in the animity on the part of all pl'esent as • case. - received a prize of $10from the Rennie Aa Se0d Co., Toronto, to the desirability,of some scheme o4 By declaring the Stmctaq twang Has Been Worth Hundredsof Collars for growin a s,u mammoth h g inK present co-operation adopted, and the ineffective -and urgingg two „ To Me' green squash wet at th q 1 g least 300 Mr. Wilson has school system general secretaries, Dr. Stlther. Its the Rev. Henry W. land Dr. MAcLaren, pounds. shipped this abandonment, and were instruct- Davies has startled his fellow clergy- oil to communicate with the Home A Happy and Complete Cure giant production. - � --- men of the New Haven West Con- Mission superintendents of the two ferenceofthe Con re ationalchurch-. churches and re a g report to an adjtnrrned After Elghtet3n Years Of at Sleeplessness. -- When the nerves ret are unstrung and the whole hndy • He favor the transfer of instruction meeting to be held at as early a date in the 13 Xlle for children to Wednes- as possible. Awful Agony, given tip to wretehednesR, when the mind is filled with gloom and (Hamel 11s4Rf moon or evening. Mr. Davies — adds : "We fail to touch the will of Zs your Back Lane. All weary and dlahearU need RMk and those who have lost faith forbodinge, the result of det7%%,.gernont of the digeRtive organs, aleepl('ARt1eAH the child under the presents stem. 1 y The movement of abolishing the Bible Does it -hurt to stoop or bend down ? ` from the will not down until Have a heavy dull people iI, the reme-dies they have ureal in the past, because none of them have givt O°mels tel grid Gt the (IIAt.I•PAR. If only the Rnhject eould sleep, there would schools you pain at the the Bible is out. In this countty base of the spine P If so, the best en indications of cheering results, should now tat+ filled he oblivion for a while and temporary relief. Pnrrnelee'R Vegetable fills several Stator have already voted to remedy is Nerviline ; it will invigorate with a strong de- termination to make use of the one will not only induce sleep, hilt will act remove religion from the schools. the tired, sore muRcles mtfke therm Political influences are against re- Rilple and strong. Nervfline will drive In ' li ious education in the schoolR. if out the pain and make you well in no medicine that cures disease -the new agent of new life that saves hopeless so beneficially tAiat the Rubjeet will wak" refreshed and restored to happl- °ess• a the church is ever again it will time. Nothing so good as Nervillne and despairing sufferers after all other agencies and means fail. __ � ` ` be in the interest of a religious educes- for lumbago, stiff neck, rheumatism, tion of the pee le. It is a week d4y neuralgia and sciatica. Bu a P Pli y lire The thousands of victims of tor•menb There in no hod carr! ing in ja an. The native builders have n hostile of I problem, t cannot he efficiently bottle of Poison's Nerviline tp-day, done the Sunday. The church and try it° Dr. Hamilton's ingaeuralgia after reading the `testi- mony of t*. G. H. Parker, of Win. transferring mol tar which maker it seem on pills cure • o does not and cannot solve the problem constipation. ons Ont., must ge.p, that to avoid more like play than woik-to the onlook- er. The m°rtar In mixed up in a pile of efficiency in Biblical Instruction un- _,• • by hour a eontinuanee of sufiering and the of sudden death, it is in the street. One man makes this up in - der present auspices a one cession on a Sunda already over The iiifid-winter Fair at Guelph is a posaihility 0l solutely neeenmry to use Paine'R to balls of about nix ponds weight which ,yt he tosses to a man alio stands on a lad- St crowded with work.' big affair of ate kind, the bigqggest in the country In Bart, and probablyy one Celery Compound, the only medicine that silrcea. ally banishes nein a�lppla der midway between the roof and the This defti 'Ch0 home Mission Boards of the of the largestin America, but t11e at. and kindred nerve dicongps. lira. ground. man catches the ball ad tosses it rep to n loan hI I tendaec, i. enerally discouraging. • ThA fact iR 4. o mnoee me.". ..o rh.- Parker says : ... ._____ .--'-_ - - - - . - who stands on the roof. This plan wevlrl scarcely . . . . J. Brophey & Son, URNITURE, UNDERTAKING AND SCIENTIFIC EMBALMF-R!; G roeeries t ' Ell be f Department • will lac found replete witty -- - New. Fresh, Up - Our Stock was never more cow- - plete, or prices so close cut, as To -Date Goods. You will Find at This Storer call from old or new customers will he a pleasure to buyer and seller. telIo Rc(Iford T. G. TIPLiNG, GODERICH The Square, Ica �1 s . Treasurer's Sale of Lands for Taxes OOITNTY OF HITRON, TO WIT By vn toe of a warrant, under the hand of the Warden and Neal n: the Cni- ratfoli of the Oleanly of Huron, dated the Ilth day of Auanat. W02, coin- anding me, to levy upon the lando hereinafter descrirwd, for the arrearR of x0a reepectiv-1i dnethereon, together (with CeiRts, notice iN herehv given that less starb tAxev and costs are sooner paid, i hhall, m, compliance with the sesam,ent Act. chapter 224. R.N.O. 1ffiYl, proceed to Nell I •v Public Auction the d InndN, nr Rn mach thereof nN may he W-CONAnry t" discharge the Nrtnle, at e Court Heise, in the Town of Ooderich. oil Tuesday, the 2nd day December, 1902, two o'clock in the afternoon. All these lots are patented. TOWNSHiP OF ASIIFIEI,D DesetiptI(in LnL (ton, Acres Tax ,s Coats Total W 6 8 5 1:.'). ' 100, W-1 (16, 83 ori - 925.!n N pt W I 14 I 13 W. f). IMI I Xi 73 3 3 I 117 (10 TOWN -411111 OF ('ULRORNE. Pt I 11 1 14 W. 1). 1 8 1 2 5(t 1 2 W i 5 00 TOWivSlilf' OF 11OtVICK. 1 7 1 2 1 it 0) I In :iii• P not) 1 22 I'M VILLAOE OF 1,0NDENROROItGW, iN HULi,ETT. W Pt I� I H,tgvnrd4o,'y 1 12/I(A) 1 6 (Cf I '2 50 I 8 i.1 TOWNSHiI' Oi'' HTEIIIII?N. t0 H i IO I 18 N) i 1H 2, t 2 75 1 21 00 TOWNS1111' OF WEST WAWANui1L. pt 1 18 1 10 1 6 1 a% 1 276 1 870 VIi,I,AGiS OF RAYFit{LO. Isla } Ori I 2 r,tl :1 45 . Andraw'. S"rvev 41 BAtpneld 11"nd } 40 '2 rill 2 IN) . Andiew'r Survev n I Mel'avish SL. 1 I 440 i '2 •NI I 2 thl VILLAOE OF Iii,YTtl. c04hnell Htnveo I 0 1 Illmk 11 I I t sura 'I 2 tNI 1 7 u8 VI1,l"WI: OF rir11'S41C1A "C it 6JN.L�. " «•+ , 9&81' above IM dolt iw del"31 pipp P.Art of tttp Yb.tu the samit day, p8 t'.r4:d. re(;efved by Txr. rsawn cr 1,Cft at' Cinibrta street will retrive prompt Ott loll... , . .I PETER mcsvAN, GedtNcb, Nov. atst_489% Y 'Phone 90 READY-TQ�WEAR •—AND-- MAQE-TO-ORDEII, Nil g u l Winter Stock now in, and Variety, quality and price not excelled In the County.., Try us, for AUADY-MADES. We 1 can please you, ' Our Reputation for Custom Work... . . Is the, beat- _Myow Nvant ii Qingie garuhent or a Suit, ,we can 6,wr. suite satisfaction, HUGH DUNLOP T11H OLD RuLIAnLR TAILORING 1118TABL1s11MRNT, Next Door Bauk of Montreal, Goderich. STRACHAN'S � MACIiF .:;S�HO_P PERFECTION HEATERS - .- are sold ALL OVER CANADA, from •. _ -0 ; the Atlantic to the Pacific. The makers can't supply the demand for their large Base Burners. Tnis FACT • SPItAKS MORR FOR TIIR VALUR Olt 'I T11R16TOVU than our Space will per- ? , 11 mit. i 3 Call and see our Heaters. They are C l '- f RANTEED in every ry resperl. The Triumph to Goal 011 Heater , is the best Oil Heater }I -on the market. It s lhrvus an intense t• t heaf. No in kr nor - '7, This old and reliable achine and ,Snell and the wick. Blacksmith Shop has been petted by ,� ' is fed through a feed f t pipe from the oil .las. A. StrackIn, tank which ensures PIWrECTSAFKTV and will be conducted on\{3t le most modern anrin Pd scientific % All slid n �. kinds of General Machine , , stn- Ureal Sarisg tionary and marine engine rep' farthr '41its 0 1 L.. • . and will machinery, threshers, •, re- -- - .- paired in a satisfactory manner. Remember, Our Stoves and Ranges You can be satisfied here ter are Guaranteed to Clive the Best than elsewhere. t of Satisfaction. • Jas. A. Stracha ALLAN & M°IVEP, VICTORIA ST., GODERiCH, ho Leadtnl1iS Iltatit Honest needs at warn It1,n. IlonoNt Pr 10 o s, - ------- ---- --.. ---- ----- THE BEST IN G` , rOCERJ E� Most housekeepers wall t the ry best in Groceries. Our Stock could not well be more fr1�1 , select, or in keeping with the season. Everything is of theArery choicest, am our prices will be found in touch with all pockets. Drop in and verify our statement. Telephoner 9i STURDY ik C o . 1902- FALL AND WINTER 1903. A . XT U N _110- is now shuwinp full lines of Seasonable Goods in rill 111 -part 111vots, HOMESPiTNS 5oc to $1.50 G L O V Ii and FI N E` per yard. ' k Y. Extra Value in D It I, S .5 Black and lea(ling shades in SERGES. ! VEI,V1?'I'l;I"NS. As usual, a large aesortrneet of Imported ansa Omnestic VARNti, P1. EASE NOTE Thal above goods will be sold on Ute 1:round floor le, -el (!/ prier, 1�.1111. I%. A_ l�l-'CTIN7'R®, Draper. .,� 97 Bargains! M ` U1 9 a M Bargains! I / I At tt a Gorner 11 Glothinp Store. , Every Suit Cut (in 1 I t'rlti). .0. %00011111%.00 We avant .to •heel• o„ ..am thing'; humming. Our Lalest Importallons are 'Really Fine. tOniv examine theta that alvmiq ,ou ,,,li Lav fall and Winur mrGoatings pow in 1 INSPEOT THEM, THEY ARE MUN[il' SA�'['RS. If we Sell Ri;;ht we heap vnur i.ntl<et 1.bK .©, ci g3 W30 M 1V, • Cor Monren-t .od 4,1 re _-TICAL TAILOR. 6�N 0110111W . . K RE vu I I I I' r (. .Ltc'f . . I'rt ttci1,u1,11ea. . .. Blade, that %% III I1m.1d c.lge5. . a One, taco, three or more . [III ',\, 11" I ev err Hiade l;;l't,•Is vaell as -%.- EVERY PRICE. b I "Rams, too, that are Right �.,' . (1uallty v.0 Will Uke Any One or tr,... anrw• R N ASKFOTHE Wlfidn RIHO ftalor, ONLY I.25 EAGH _`_ s' 1':vE11Y t)Nla fl1•AI1nNTn:l•:n. N. D. ROUOVIE, CODERiGH I . gid. f , 0