HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1902-11-14, Page 2,---,. -_ - � - , - I.P11.111111111995MI'lls'.F -, ..74plitllolw _.�n — ,W,.,__1T_._,W.s.,!ssssssj_,, - - — - 11 . I ..I---- -
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� I -11,11.1's -T , +W-doo'Hwis ta"1010140 §10 +A* 1-11 Then Ile looked quickly at her- be killed and 00 prejut" Oprogbly W4 W. X*i1tips" 11:11% Gaillgilt - TO 49w, White Bur Aner - roc.. I . L I . off" 4/ AUml .4 ' 04P "i�,
I � . . , . I 1.
. 1 4, tor CAU _ _ � *%,V .. , - , 1/1
I I I I . . I I ,,IS it Ili too %varlil, for yQl#, he d1sinfeeted IVIOrO Ali ,blulp 10 11 *w yst ip tw, " 00*Q*W , 060*ft! ordered. wi.w � #4111t tbA 0 1 I 4i I
I I I . , . . issue " In4ownity 0ortiftiVo, Vb1cu arII jargep also %h" t4e'� X#JW- ',Wit- I I . ;4 L ,
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� � , 4 eatfl� "It %Vill go 4100O." .4 1W 0400090400 *N�t,o lkvA VoIrA, bi AW74* tut � _ _ . � . ,�� 4 I I �� I
I � ! ' her feet vv4to ,A glad inuat bo'60C941PAUIO XX 04. J4914 the WQ0410 T* A . I I 9/A- �
ii� � �, lishe sprAling to, - . of satisfactory 41014*004, tillex* , P141"It"t 0"111 V 4 Voro Pf Well, A14M .i,: 4. � I . I ,s .
I I I q4t to Iler 004, -1 ,. wo.,limv #pc,od- Tb# . .
011448''1111 a t" . 141$10, cord, J# � aA.4,pk#pI feet 49 , ": I I . � I
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I � ,No,!, $Ilia 'refIngd, "it 1p never too after tile Millister"y, orrl.prikhe r*� I I 4 _X4 ", * . �I!0 #Ad � the I 11 � I
.. 11 11 � Imwer of Term. '"Olwallow W,#rt;I0*#~rtO 0004 . Is ,700 sw , �. . . . � . . . �r
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e-.. � . I " . I 'Tho , � I. warm for am. I lovo the a. 7"ot moval ot the quarlAII . I , ,If, W-0 clo*t IV a gl,P , , -4. 9 . . � 4"4,100. 4-A. xoov -W - 11 .- , .. 4?we 4
. I ,'�' . . � � 10 L, but the
�. The ppori ft , � vu"ligor 7W imr3k - j*#-** � I
� 4 , , _ � , 11 C%A ..j...4jyjjtk"..,*Ad,T* "
. 41 � , ne igo �,_Otth "you, urd Carmen," .,n , , , V,*. * eV � Sibill Is to .
. . 4 Ill , � be AV
I I I . . , . be Ve � Ion I,' 1049 � , . . ,
,. � _tli�, I_RTItIV�0,iiM4_. 11 . �. . . "vUeTo wits sonli.a littlei'surprIfie ivexi b6ai;d1j -of the pen should _011OVO4 00 IN Use Vp_XV ltsa).go **;q thirt"A 04 a r asto ... I �. I
... � . I , ,4 � h4t too I ARMWF--M� " ;
. --`-1_-- "�:-J, �- among the servants at, swing tile ADO gay lootio boar,48 With, wblPll thO WO Ised, 11144 *14 U1444 UP 1110110 tile last. me;lUguell. I I . I I I .
. � AR, To" 1, .
. . , _ tq I*,
.. I I d countess; ride 00 )logo have come in AQAPk0 U1404- t 'L , V* 0140 tit pwp - it be Amly, 0,6uvo; the . .04 04W.
. I I
I I I ft Lay Caraven's Labor of young Carl an . . 0 #cIlI , It t. , _ VagAty "be will . I . , I *; .
11 alqw 1%,hat did it racela? WeM The Surface earth or Kr*'Vel ol the Oft"" Vs,rXe# wasu 114y, #Ad Gre I I
. � L I I be I vally coming? peas and yards should tie removed I 14t. at Bastern. W41ch long held ,the , I " ,
� tter thues'i Ou will Igoe Prot Mug 14 r1k for size, 40 'will be nearly ,
I . � hove. Sir Ratial watched them Start; and to,e, depth of six inghop, freely cQv . ,record �
I I � � ; 41410. 11114911lid 4"W ,, �444T ths th,irty feet longvr. The longtililning
I I I . tic, said to himoulf. as be looked (it- crigil with noillil"141�4 11410, 494 ro- jko I r� '.I I
� % - �� iii 'bo., A,� 4�� It,;"
I I .1 op arth. or igravvl- of Vessels tu favored uow,adags ,4.1 jg,.A, . .
I , � ; '_ . . �. __M614001411 1-li-i�iolAIASAIA;4!i;A;";iop.".-.-,��.-.. ter them: covered with fresh e, I .
wl-. I � � 1 � .1 IdThe greatest 9 ft of Heaven to QUIO "Use tile lieli's reolattinco, to %, f*lpla �.asssasssassssono seseemos— I ,� r
I I I . . I I Tho disposal of nuinPro 004A 34, , Fatber-"Well, RAVI, WhAt W , movement t4 u., ,nuch incre4"d by � . 4 .
. I . I i I I., . . 0114PTER XM. but you have nover done a ilitan men is surely the noble influence lot fected hqg-poua Is a frequent g9grev you like for a birthday pregent, 2" jacreaeod length. ,Space fQr'cargo Is -I- . I .
. .. 0110-1. , a noble Woman." 91 Infelptign.. The baclin,gi tiog )�,III l4thpir. 4 1 1 l%l.aj 4- . tic, b ag has promised t4l�i ,
. L A4 old III with hair as white at) -I hope not," he replied. a for himself - , ater Iroin two , . pr. rx�q a tels' the Mon oonsIdoration. and Wat in QW T - -o in My gaillry next ��
mitist Cheaply 'Obtained by Ing Slog 4 ,
, give 1110 it 1.6b,
I III 1% worn, troubled face. and 'The earl would so cholera will live to w, phone,'so that I can answer the 6jL ' I'Vik Or PX'-XX'1� T= STAIR. $' 1%1""," old man. . .
I . . I , � I I blind$ that trembled Ila they restod "Nor." she continued, quickly. leall he did ego, It sconivill to AM W lour wouttv, and 4X Mllual`u 0307 master's questions'WIthout ba.*1100 to Ili, distance b weett bow And stern. Go Slo-wly, Tread on the Bail Of Week . Nowitt-"Sur"y I
� an his stick, was standing before *Ould YOU'011ow a 11101111, Or U111ust that he must have been asleep for will live for ,in 'aldeflatte period, go to schgol." I , but I can't tend You "ily,thing," . �
q. . I I LRAY Qaxaven, bowing as though deed to be done in Your 110,1110 - years. Where wore the Imilteso Of L 1111 111101 s 11 11 11 a �p:�� the Foot Doil't Le4u Forward L �
I I I --..I-.,--- -, !k _ sT I -__--111- I . .,Those ? a will be tile death Of For III SISSY TeArl- I
I I she were the arbitress of his des. WOUld You?" Welcome, tha& years ago used to greet � stair
tiny. ,,No,,,, be answered, so decidedly him? Now laborers passed him With' me.1, You have heart) the expression 4 11
I I . My lady - that silo was filled with great con- sullim face, with a touch of the cap CANADA 'LEADS' THE WORL D -IN - of SlIgh, scutirtlent. if, indeed. you Av 0"I AND Niftl.L-TRIRD UMXXVT- - DIM .
; . ., -X am Farmer Moore, I , wj Va Gatitinglirrulbru - Oil "T".11s" I I
tent. and a muttered curse. Ill) saw the,,, � ility of the I Ig 7, if L A 11.0101bzld�`b As.
I I I FAMer x0orti. - and I want to . - have not felt the Froli on, 0 Ile 11 Ml�t .1
, ab rem ywolllt� ,.,w, 'Lu -e -,w. 1, wtkos th'i V
� 11, Site ventured on a further liberty, wretched Lenoments where disease ame, unvoiced prophecy. says a writ- 0111I
#.Peak to you.- ponesig he f4tas, &iI,,,Y8 oil POW, otga wind us lo, hea ..*
to still. fie one that toughed him. She laid her reigned triumphunt-he saw mothers sibe best ,,,we Uor DiArrboa. SPIes-ttothe 1, �, �
I : LAdY Caravan stood qui THE FIELD OF MEDICAL 'RESEARCHO or in Medical Talk. to . put of 00 Ivor' d. ..,..
. W^h a man so old (Lad venerable hand on his arm., whose children had.diod for want of ins of backadho, ",aste. Sold by 49111LA in ovol
. I 1 4 outy-flyt goals a boula. it. Is us Is lan, 1161110 L
.11 .knew it," obe said, "I was OUrs = It ir, -he saw strong men . . I ,,you know 1 have Iteoureand"k hir M� %Viaslo.'a Boo I .1lui - ,. .___'�,.4*
I command- . and quickly say': - I
I that his o0pegrance alone I .1 food . .� ------ d down I An4 take no ot4or kind. . I �
1, . . I... ed respect. of it I know that you might scem condeftiliatiOn Of him wag . 11 �� .. . � I . stairs'so Inuch. . I .
L . "T'lis Moores have lived at Brom- Indolent, that you might be unfairly written in their averted eyes and . I I this ,year." The flights to Which .. I'll
I . I years then I Influenced, Itbut you -might, perhaps. closed lips. Be saw that for hito William Henry, the Celebrated English MedieW Authority, Experiment* on they roter are in. a, town hall; the Ll-,,orpool its the inost densely POP- . I ;1 ''
7 � :,_.�7 " hill Farm, -my lady, -more at times tio mislod, buit I felt quite there was no affection, little respect; I . . flights tire Witted town in Dligland. In Parts 11 '� I
1. I could count. I have heard it rell.el . steps are high and the '�
.. do e was lord -of the Himself with Dodd's Kidney Pills, and Olves the, Results. limb then, soy. tile popiontion runs to 63,823 to the . ; � L'�',
��� . I Ilow. centuries .ago, whe tII0 Lord$ sure that it was against your 00 -it . long-yot somo can 0 ,
" 'n . dos7lnieno square Milo. L
, L�'. . 0 Caraven went to 'war, tile Uoorcs lot ballot, against Your Wish 'Ind will., some 'fashion master of th I I 1. be was often unable to follow his eral times A (Ally 4114 not "aye 11 . ,.. . - I L
I , � L I Allowed them. %hey hOvj always against your ideas of right.' of these people. � bially, slow grumbling back or any other ull-
I L I . "What Is against them,, ,U;Idred?" e silentio that his literary canifig-he could not, it, The secret lies if) IN COING TO NEW Yonx ,-
. .11 been tenants on the Raveasmere es- lie asked, young wife ind not care to break, I* tells up now things. They cliug 1. � . or sit, and so could not work. Comfortable resti I 11
! , " ;,:I � Itoltea, The farm. my lady-Brom-, Silo was silent beer, L ins ere e t Tmke the Lehigh Van0Y Railroad ; � ,
F �,'� �. hill Farra - to to lot on WAS% fo� a few minutes, for he saw that 110 was aroused at to the old till the new hos, Pains In t4oback and lo rain .,
. she laid her hand more symp- A girt Is putting a sovere at VOLItO of tho Illack Namond Express. . 'L
. . ,wken one least expims, another is and then last. They went to BrombIll. end proven beyond a doubt that, It is . exeviltiatina. Anotber marked Z%ct.� thilIg sLricl IY IlI;
.. . . I 110y upon We. there the earl saw matters for him-' I to;fa was bladder irritation, He also la her back whon she goes dp stairs ,,� lirst Clak .. :
, L My la4y. when I was but LL a Ili L ' ,-
" I *14pifed. ge�'Thnnk. you," she &aid, "for lot-laelf. There was little need to, sound In its every Principle. _V. I had heart "fluttering." He was do- I using a heavy, flat-footed tra"AP. r"3"UU"CULL"'�""-C'a-!'-ViCe' .
I I . a boy my father signed a lemse for ling me speak to you I Was hatt1words to tell hint how tfie prestige But once they kave passed on it. blit sbzl.;Il-ks--Ortmiifi-,-.;��IV.-,IVL.JleUVY-15reW 'art, 'I'lif.oligil 1,1111111an. For .1
. I seventy years, and the seventy Years - _. " L "' �12'!C%tA?ai.4-Wd,L%b.W..41&d-sub I I ... k'to'. - wric of trains, .1
- I., I afraid lit first, but � give Inelof the old name had stink. Thosel 0- .11-4aes th ------- _- , . dreams, He won frequently oP Jars her spine and head, arid to inake tickets, Pullmans,
� Z, L . . Will be at -an and next month. no You �%RL'P A& fNy_QrP'J)W'_ --far. I . I -owslueb -deal as short as po-asliblo and further juirliculars, Call lit I 11
7 I Courage." . - -y --WT - WOUMO ...... WlrQ-Yc-t to -the � wwZ_r1ii hearing a stamp of � I , . !t f pressed by a dir V he could the oi she L -
--- -1 -
I I I I have sons and grandsons waWing to 1Mv--hwcet humility dig - armed him. �honest . eomem, S . 11;�_ . not throw oil. hurries and possjbly runs, Naturally (11 -and Tr 1 I lik Licl,et otbee or .on -.-IL
, _,_L _ _ - - ___ suceeed- ��w and' -the-U011I Is MY ... ,forefathers had served his ancestors I genulno value that nothing gloIe I -the body Teruonstrat�s,'at StIch 'Oil- Itobt. ,4-; Lewi� Pas5enger Arnt, 83 ,�
; I I 101TO it. MY ftther lived It title had been proud, hiliaglity, Or jt;o gallantly and %fell, had no Battles. . - � 'RESULTS OnTAINED I 'I -_ - - to build-
, : '. , ISOII could give it. And�f I . .
I . born petulant, there.would have been "t`�no welcome for him: they wore stur- _ . 1rQm_ that. time- . - . r Yonge strect, I oard I
11, � �� 4WA died there; my sons were tioschance to plead her case. II0rI 11 forth that new thing, be, it a I He tried 411 sorts of things for Jils ve. watched 'carefully tile inan- llkg, ,1,01.01,to. .
11 .1 there. The old homealka,tt is part of . ,dtly respectful: tbe.,� said Jlttlb��thh I . . I I I Ila dept. and
I l, �, � - aW 41fo---of my soul. MY lacty; fmand� guntI8110.96 to�ffcljea him. For.tbo !old man who had pleaded go, Pas- I thought, a fabric or a remedy, bears � b and medicines ner witich most people It xhat this Frienti-"Ilow do You like Your 1. � -
'I, �' I rg first time In big life he toolc her ,,I,,,t,ly to I-111dred least of all. Buti � that .. .� I . now. Some gave him temporary r(,-' think that you will agree
I fe.,?utaide of it. I 9306M t . 0 have no hands and clasped them In his Own. the young, indolent, pleasure -loving the hall -mark of sterling wortli .� net, but'tbat was an. . Then be tried . is a very com"lon spectacle, One wo- new tLachel., vi-e(ldy"" Froddy -"r
1, �,�,4 to I stern � . . I ji�jveu't. misbehaved
I I .1d. gently. "Do not be afraid of speaking earl shrunk before the calm, . nothing can destroy. I Dodd's Kidney Pills. and he gives I man I frequently see ascending stairs ilon't know;
� 1, :�' "I understand," she sa jety years, me, Ilildred," he said. Ifams; he knew'that he was Ili ,thp WHY CANADA IS PROUD. I I the following results of his expert- Icaus so far over that when she yet." � .
IL : "Now, my lady, the seve I If i 11 I
I ,,,, lease, signed when I was a curly- She had so much at stake that she wrong. � ment : ' turns the spiral she invariably uts .
� , 1, boaded bey Fla,vin� at my fether's trembled. lie saw her beautiful face Nevertheless, it they were stern and It is for this reason that Canada � . - (I.) Before I had finished one her hands on the upper siatirs.
I 'Ir : I I , " , idney Pills I was I Try another way if You want to hard's LlnlWt f01 Numatism,
�, 4 exp red. V43 thought, ray grow pale and her lips quiver. cold ,in their reception of the earl, has now cause to big proud of her . box of Dodd's K -
�.�', knee, be. had sioth- "Flildred," he said, gently, "You they had a waral welcome for his . I � . perfectly free $rem uric acid. my feet all 4he exhilaration and buoy- ---
,, . son John arid 1, that we What 'a it you would say'? advance along the walks of science. .. I I ancy of an excellent exercise- Keep The proportion of warried people
,� Ing to do except Call On the earl and Pe"ll me' beautiful young wife, Silo had not HENRY. Water being quite normal. -
, L '' �revew it. 'We never dreamed at anY Speak to Me withOut fear-" ignored centuries Of service; sne had For an English authority one of the WILLIAM I I � (2.) Threo doses brought a the weight well ovec the advalTeld to tile popullLtion is bigliest in Hun I
� . , �_ thing else. may son John and 1. So Then she took courago. Site rals- bonds between me&- highest in fill Englard, one of the Author of "The Penny Medical great improvement, though I was toot, with the chest the fat'Lliest gary, whi-re 407 per 1,001) of the
" �%' '' ber eyes to his. the highest in the world. bas declared, Librar " ; 4, I
, t� we called. my lady, and a footman ed ter and servant; she bad not left I Y extremely bad before taking the point forward. To strike only the people are n,i.arried. Portugal standFi
11, . brought us word that his lordship -1 know of a. great act Of InJtlstice beat interests of their lives to Blau- . ball of, tile foot on the stairs gixes at the othe en I of the list, with
�, �,, , I Dal 0 c T , I even and declared as emphatically as man d'As a Kidney'reMody I first one. I most j,,._,op1v, al- per 1,000. I I
� � , left Lilt the business, connected with that is'boing liono in your n , tyr . hey cr wdod r " (8.) Every one of the buoyancy of step to only 310 Married
I -11 the estate to Bir. Blantyre. As we I.,ord Caravew" and, in her own for- Lbe little Children came to give her Can do It that Dodd's Kidney Pills, would back Dodd's Kidney I have mentioned. as well as the though some clalin they (:a" Place =,T�-���!e *_� , I
'11� I d to my son�,r I)lo. eloquent language, silo told flowers they had gathered, and to a Canadian discovery, is the on* Pnis against all the drugs violent headaches which I had forgot �, - . �,*
� . we" leaving home, I sai b.In the whole story. Ile listened look at the pleasant, shilling tam. ihe whole foot lightly on the stairs I . 11 I
,, ,� � John, 'John, we shall taste the reme idneys In the Pharmacopoeia." to moption, had ;dIA
.1, i a � I I once. There was a court of inquiry hold I " %
'10,,,,�_ - - tq good advantage. ..
� I 11, earl'a'famoua w�po to-dj�y,' and lie. uld be treated, and of -- - (4.) Though -1 'fi16*-stXMvrMd6 ��Be,sure and take your ti -P. Re- I C. ilichards & Co. ..
� 41 -1%,-i.-_4'2 We Cbeery wjI said, 'it will do - ,,Ile you assure rat, Hildred," he .within the,old farm Walls; the earl as they she is certalaly.a'.wonderlol- ;Iik� I t6�k the Milt d6im of Ijoild's member you are lifting the Weight of Meq,,ru. C. I
: , Pills � ,n, -Theodore Doraiv, a
� . - . 0 not now 4 tho'body Many times, and it is no .
I ather., But therC was lie haid at. last, "that this is true?" listened attentively t the old man jectually and .permanently cures nay . L Geutivale
I : 7r, I t sho ,Wp � d then he looked -reme 'As a .Kidney Kidney Pills, there is tolner f 111ill", was com 's
: . Nto� _(", ,;,6. good, I I dy, " be declares. ' pletel.
r I . wine, my lady -no kindly greeting -It is perfect Ito *_ nj d his sons; 4L.rid . 11I t against all trace of uric acid in my uria�, not- light exercise.
I them, I
. � -_ vely at them. remedy, I would back- I 1_ ' c115 I. etitualisul arter live years
� �, 143, no Me&- -That Want 71. back has to do cuied of ho
I.. from the lord of the cast -C .- -,,w-*' '. that my diet 'and mode The work the
.1-- sap - to 13ib' old retainers of the- bribe. and has rofUI illy name You haie done well to speak out AN EMINENT AUTHORITY. the drugs In the Pharmacopuela." w1thstand1bg of sulTeiing, by tile judicious use 01
I has of Con . they ail- ought to be no greater going up-
1;� . S LINlhIl.',NT.
. " leaAe?" boldly�" lie said. "I could as soon Wilitalki Henry' is the na a of the William lienry , rse of life aret Just the same AS stairs correctly than When oil
-1 house, extiept that we were to go to to renew Moore's Kid -1 ways wore." a NI IN A It D',
? 11 I � � Blantyr I .1. sald the old "Yea, lie has.done tba.t." Imagine pavenswere without a Caj- English scientist who makes this we'tching the working of Dodd's j I he members of ,1,110 ahove fact call be verined V
� � . e, My I& un- aven Lis Drowhill without a Moore. Pills from & scientific stand- I WHAT IT MEANS. level. The legs clee t which Ot.g - ht writing to Ill"'. to tile parish priest .
� -1 man, solemnly, as ie struck him stick "Then" said the car], with 'a tatement. He is known. respected, nay ikel your bodily community
� '*Ilia reign Will be . 6 Oir , - ally of his neighbols. I
� i upon the ground. "I hate Diantyrel" usual decision, it You need not go to Blantyre gain p A, ard he affIrms they are al I .
� ��,� 1. She could have added. *-.So do L" short one. Ile told me that MOOI*c 1, will sign the lease--Eind it Idiall and followed in thousands of l3rlt- right In theory and practice. Fie This, in brief, is the experience n 0 to perform that service for :You. , 0 A. COTS,,
� �1� 1, I fall houles, for ag the author of F , I have known medical authorities '
� � , but it was wis6t to be silent. was Jetting the land go to ruin - be done at once." ,aye of the theory . William Henry, perhaps Engle d's Merchant, St Isadore, Que. ,
i . - in only once on his WILY I "The Peany Medical Library" and KIDNEY THERAPEUTICS. gi-eat,qt and best-known medical au- to recommend walking upjAbLirs, cLer-
� - I ,,We went to Blantyre, my BOD that the forin was not bringing lie spolte ,O say to We kindred words he has talked medical thority. It puts the stamp of genu- ;rectly as good exercise for reducing - May 12th, 18vS.
" John and 1. go told us that he hill( what It could be made to bring home, and then it was t lacience In simple words to almost the "I had read one of the Doild's ins worth on Canada's greatest prominent abdomen and rolieving in- I
�� � ,sould not renew the lease. At first -that— Well. I have not ,I)AL0013ce 'wife: I Kidney Pills pamphlets, and could I
, .. � I I that he Was mad; It I 0 repeat ftj I lie said. It tilts .�e "I have done justice there, and if, entire British family, And William tell from it that the discoverer of med4cal discovery, Dodd's Kidney ! digestion. — - -_ I
�. ,� we thought 'er it is I Henry makes this statement con- Pills. 'This, added to the testimony I Ther%fore (he commonly conce - -
. I seemed to us that tile very stories I jre�and, by I can I will do justice wherev I Pills had really I . ived -Nell-Wh Is it that a girt can
� . w 11rize. tic ling deceived -- needed. I I n ng Docid's Kidney Pills, because Dodd's Kidney of the thousands who ihave been re- bugbear of some housekeepers inay y 1,
; 1. by the oyside must rise UP and cry 1,'y earldom, I vow lie sholl not do leer I ey Pills studied what I may cALIL Kidney I lieved and permanently cur I ail like a man?" I
it. Be said that W 0 ' I And as the rough tile I he has tested Dodd's Xicul I ad 11'y ' become it boon. They ought to reach never eat c h
1. " I Out agolist Brombill My son look- Colve me twicat" for sunlight, 8110 told him Heaven would I thoroughly, because he has given Therapeutics. I Raw that he was on Dodd's Kidney I,Ilt& 'must convince 'the top of the stairs exhilantted, Bell T"A Inall is �t) 111L.Ch larger anti
., must leave - Site had hardly dared to hope - ... the right track, cleanse and tone , eve _ " . I
�'t � - . -qd st-him &rid answered! -1 such t;#).d:dy answer -such hopeful "o- blest, him for it. Diid&i ICIdney pilis the most thor- and they will not n the most SceplI that Canada 'tePliDg the glow of healthful exel- easier to Cateh."
- ,The M lived sponge. . (To Be Continued). jough ard practir I
- ,gi of all tests, lie up the Kidney$, ront rank of medical else. - _=========Z�_=�__n
"': � oores have always only get rid of the uric acid, b the i 6
�� V, Will.' n to me." she said, has used Dodd's Kidney Pills him-
, at Brombill, and always "Will you liste --+--- - tit it accumulating� Th research. and that chief among
I'll .. .We at,' said .,while I te'll you more?" self for Kidney Trouble, nd has I Will prove at has furnished the world PREDICTS. A COLD WINTER. T"R VA03T POPULAR DINTIFRICF,
. 1� _; shall we about th it is his argunient. I take it, ard it remedies she -
, � 'I have a more eligible -yes. I will listen," replied the been cured by them. is This soundness has stands that sure cure for Rheumat, Fro!essor Ledoebowski, the Aus-
� _., � Blantyre. - — Nor is thist eminent Englishman s a sound one. ism, Rright's Disease, Diabetes. and Itrian meteorologist. SaYs the win-
., � in view, and you will be com earl, with a gloomy face. , O A LVE RT'S
", : . tenant 0 leave, whether You like it She told What to Do When Baby Is Fretfudi mild in 1�is expressions of the sells- becn strongly proved in my case. -ow ,,Lit otjjjx forms of Kidney COW tar -will pvc.babLy be the severest Ili
. "I polled t She did, not spare him. and Sleepless. . a lt pro- 1 Mr. I on,yy qf��_ ��k.49__relot�_�____ -_fjjf-_D- dd`e�_Xfdtuej NN. __ ___ �(ifiy yearti. , ,We intLy," he says, "ex-
; I 1, or not.* I hire how hIs estate was worse cared faction he feels . -1-1- -.--I.-.- __g ravel thak P ft I' , 0 . . OARBOL10
- - - �
,� 1 Bronalitil, my qmy- --------- � _____._____ _-------1 -d,%ii��d--6�7"i6�f�-re-nie�dy.v D'aad�s"Kjd- hp wail so,troubled with G - 11 ,pect the lowest temperatuxes, the
I � -'This to a Moore Of 00 sterined-1 lor-and marti-inislannaged.1ba"" -It is- wrong to take up a wakeful ....� - —
. ------ _ 4adiY4 I think we were t lie poor ictest winds and the heaviest snow-
, --.-- otltor Ili England -how t baby from tile cradle and, walk it up I TOOTH
, ----- - . -8S
I" ,peak. We went out of his office, cried out foi. h 1p and did not re- a It d" st falls extending for an except
l 1, , . to lid down the floor an night. varying according to tile K&A'..j.n. I ' '
- . -valence of this . - - _
��___:, seemed to ate that the earth celve it, the sick and the sorrowful . �
I ., &lid it re meeting. Then We -'how moraliz-es the infant aad eustaves the iDuriug the pre dis-1 The flat-chosted-or, worse yet, hot- To see ourselves as others see us long period. This applies to all Ell- ._ __ PO,WD�E"Ro
I .)� " , e ater Ilerro- for relief and did not get it parents. Baby does not cry for tite;,,,,, the manure should be earefu.11Y luw-chosted-youth ard girl ougitt, t -d Would --- und6tiliteffl3i be -inijtxii�ii-.ii.'i�opb."Iffi�lUdibg� Q6 7BrltIgh fates-.- " prnienm tbasr swomens the hr"th. .
�, . e I it t - Of themselves. They but much might be gaired oleo if I -4- . air g;nls the gums .
:1 ''I heard afterward that P tile wretched'homes caused (over and fun of the ti,ing; it crtCs because it' collected from tile piggeri s an , I
, a - , Ili ashamed -"Why are you leav-
A I I I gate had bribed the agent Wit" rheumatism itild a host of miseries is not well - generally because itsi once mixed with newiy slaked( line, stoop, Or they do not breathe pro- We could now and then hear our -I Air,%. Longson
.� _�, note to persuade Lord A WN:i14 1 - Ch is so r. its little bowels and rt -tight Wagon I perly. To straighten themselves et? Something private?" — — - ---- - .
.'' tifty-pound flow the laborers on his Wtafli i -moved in water is wives eta others hear. us. I Ing, By idge
" , � . Carilvell to refivic, us the lease hly worse paid. w�rw lodged, and 'wOrw to sted, its skin hot and feverish , boxes to an inclosed yard to, which their first duty to health and to ao- "My dear." said Mr. Lumson. Ili it Bri,dget-"No, ,mum. Sergeant."
, is a crying InJustice We arty fed than oil ugly other -how the torip ` t will sleep ail night.' none of the animals on the farto , cietv. And It Is the simplest thing somewhat Irritated tone, -I wish HEAVY COLD PLATED.
� I ady. I It Relieve it and i Ity �,
''. ifu .ra,td. Asi.ricsi%
11 � Nona of the soil; We have made tile ants were more heavily burdened - Ing stronger -try Pro-: have accesq. This i4 the more lie- � I. ' the you would speak to Marthq about I .lork %, ad sad loss r...
11. I .. form whilt it is, jf the earl wads how his rinnia, wa.5 spoken with cur- every aigbt grow thers need iu tbo world. as well as one of Mload s UnIment Cores ILa Gf1ppe WATCH b=e.,'y b.-1 .,y.tal, Ale. .Itnd.
V ,F portion. Just what mo cessary on occou"t Of the ital'"s"-, niost important. to fill out the he]- the way Akio slams doors. It Is ex- maw ,sc rotguim 16 size, fully cuar-otesti, a sea ul"
�, ;0 us from It. he Will solid me'to my ses, not blessings. told in a letter from Mrs. E. J., bility of disinfecting a burn-yurd or ,,,,, Ili " sunken chest, and to de- ceedingly annoying to feel as if a I . co.d.tuim. r
vgne. A =be rat= Ord.f 120*. $801 I
1, 11 &11",IVC - I should dio on tile throg- lie listened without reply, but she Flanders, Marbleton, Que , who Oaylr' manure pile during hot weather, or , votop the lungs. and thus do away hurricane had ushered guemv). into ' ' , Paid. "I
'. ". bold; I could not live OUQ day away a h h a had grown very .. I " l m it watch?"
-I cannot .say too much in Itivor 01I so long ag' frost lasts. Ylien used with most of the coughs and colds my study; and her pnssage from the Dept, 8, VIM DUPPLY
�..'_ from my house. Tic Must not do. It, pale and that his- lips trembled, She jj.by,g own Tablets- They have it shoulil be plowed-ill-nOt spread. h of the strength of dining -room to the kitchen is unne-1 "What for, my boy? .. ... Cause 14&mjlton�&t. $2.35
.1 i .1 � :d , 1. - I LAdy Carwo'en Into bonds of long spoke with passionate earnestness; worked It that sap so muc To "trans- cessarily noisy." Freddy Jones has ix dog I want, an' _
" -_ ke a cbarin with my baby, as a Lop dressing. Avotd the care- I if ],on have one or
, generations must 'let be no. easily tile , many men and women. lie says he'll change It for a watch. "
-, , ! thert, should be no mistalto ubout estless, at night, but less custom of i form" a hollow chest : Stand in a "I've spoken to her a.great really carlonds of gnott
�% t lie cannot send his oid re- ppho Was very r throwing it into it liners
1, broken. , tuatter-ho must thoroughly under- ,rablots soon brought common pile In the barn -yard over, times about It," said Mrs. Lamson, Potatoes to offer
,% ,r titiverm awikv in that fasbion-men Stand, Baby's Own - I shall never. which all clastles of stock roort andidoorway, placing the flattenplipalms meekly,. monkey Brand Soap removes all quote a.,&, or If You
I .� , ., Whose Inthers died lit tile set -vice of _All thim," lie said; "while I have quiet sleep and rest I � on, of, of your hands in the casl,ngq jLjst at t, firmness tarnish - but Potatoes put your price on it
. be without a box While I have it trample it down. for this Is otIlins, rust, dirt or
I ., his ancestors - Olen wbose bodies teen mievping here! Hildred, I will on,t w
have been interposed to metff the ' , baby - Baby,q Own Tablets cure ,tho .calls by Which the diseas" is , the beight. of your shou tier., Then "But net wl h ail ,nciLn L ,, W It CIO, ,,a, we will place It for .
� � I Intended (or %)IQ L,ords of Cjxr- N" for Inymelf whut Im the truth. I an minor ailments of little ,unea fed and extended �ivfthcut rv,tnoving your hands, walk my dear," said her husband. "Now as h J
� I blows n; peirpetua ,;� I through the door. Do this forty I will. speak to Martha on the sub- Maud --My Mamma says she Can
' .
What is fifty P4 itinds coml,iti w'" trUN't to no OII "Piniou - I arid are guaranteed to Contain THE BACILLI times slight and morning. . Nou will Ject Myself, Just as I did about the 7 Yin to ship
¥. will go over to Brombill. Will You I I have remember when your mamma kep Cranberries " A'pa have any It
I I - Opiate or harmful drug. They are , a wle
dhere to the ilair of the legs o � be alliazed to see how your 6hest will Papers on .my study table. t a th .
1. ed to that?" cause, it, my ride Over w1th Inc?' a E 25 cents it box by all deal- Igrocer's shop." Marie -"My Ma in Domand is
,� , . -You May leaw your .She looked at the broad golden oold got them by mail, ise. You'll look like a grand opera had no trouble Wage that. time." ays she ran remember bow � good.
hands. may beams or you can 6 conveyed to tile 9tregirm or rivers at Lop�_t . - Zweg bar for
- " she said. -I think I of the sun. ig direct to th � singer Ili it few months, Any exer- ,Mrs-,, un1jqd... litit, _gAld a(?7 mmlL - amma.
. . Is so w1irm", she said "you tz t paid. by writis wa c Ise that st,nds the shoulders baCk II Laa% Much your in duce soliciled.
I ., I promise that You 5 -hall have jus- .1t .1 Dr. William.,;* WedIV1110 _CO Brack, whicb, they drink, r4onduripg tile Lai f In the morning, no she grocerieii.'! 06neignments 61 "' "Ids of PrO ' .
'i I tice.". . wlil not care to go out " k. Y. ter infective to pigs miles 'distant 'and bring�, the chest' MLisclea, into sat in her room sewing, she heard ell
-1 I! nd's voice addressing Mar- '
. I 1 .7.. lie raised Ilia trouttil ,�g hands and "IV arm I - he repeated, almost Ville, out,, or SellUlDCt&dY. Sick pigs If allowed to roam in the When you her husba ThaDAW8911111 COMMISSION 1110,, Limited,
a.ra play is helpful and good�
� blessed her. and Lady ,it ,von went wrathfully. "Whitt Matters a little ------- — barn-vard. and to root into mtitck& of � lidgin treatment, measure yourself tha in the hall below. bald's unheot Is the best TORONTO.
I I . . Indoors with a weight or heart. . h y or ,straw. render complete dig-, e atims. In six weeks,' "Afartlyu," he said. deprecatingly.- I I —.- -_ — —
. Not le ___ - � ; Infection impossible. Piggeries , time measure again. You'll have a 'Idfd�did it ever occur to you bow 0 ral.".1 3W to I �
ast did she feel tier great an7 "e" HOU CHOLERA IN ONTARIO ' a park A of It'as. enp
I I 1� Ver against Blantyre. this loan Whu 1. " i should have independent yards, - sort rlse. easily doors slam If one isn't very The most wonderful private GENTSWANTEO A:
I � I inpuenced her husband for evil, who HTER T ERED E 'I"I ri k h 8 I — , which should be large. with a single in the World belongs to Mr. William ,,�, ,.i %,ath Atyi IF&,. us t to "Kner,
. . - advised him and counseled hint, In HOW IT BIAY BE PREVENTED slope and exposure. and theV should I + careful, and what a disagreeable Whitney. It ' is Ili the Adirondack Uin 1FXDEsWQ4A7krb M
- )&D.W,ilq (or ism, tint
wrong -doing, this man who coramit- — o ance froin the In cases where bronchitis has be- noise they make ?" Mountains. It consists of 90,000 V1 A d.I.IA. 91. It.. T.tsot.
I , AND CUIMD. I i "Sure, and I should way It did' acres. Sixty-four lake,,3 and ponds
t tod all unkind and unjust acts In tile I barn -yard. Orchards or sluall-stZedi come chronic from want of proper . WOOD & PHOTO. 1ENGPAylN(,
name of tile earl. Then, with her MR. JOSEPH ROCIIETTE BE;- — after being , treatment In the earlier stages. there Porr," loudly assented Martina. "jNnd and half a dozen mountains are 1� J I , ' C9, �z
.. FROM R UMATISM. th � fields should be Plowed com- -- JONES UN
1.� vivid imagination, utie was not glow LEASED Valuable Hints Sent Out b e I freely covered With lime Lanes and' is nothing so good as Dr. August the f it body's.prised in Itt; area. 'llca;� BAY- STREET - i�06,iwr
- L 0 scen" it% the — Dominion Department ot should be Cleaned in the sAM0 Koenig's Hamburg Breast Tea, In har4s is awful ; that's What It Is
to picture tile painful fences things t� To send for on, Cent-
, r farra at Bromlilli. It seemed to tier Agriculture. J,Zn nd tilt- ground conjunction with which is strongly sorr I Portieres is the Ili I Sheet Music
I I almost cruel that one man should Suffered Much A.gony, IT49 Appe- r, lis of tile fences should be burn- advised the use of St. Jacobs Oil " have, Mr. Lamison, andliev. - I Minaid's L161meotth best Hair He3torel =
I tits Failed, and Bin Stro Wth It In regrettable that bog cholera 1% - Specl:filas and
. have Be much Power over another. Left Him.-Hopl) for SMET to prevalent agaim in rome of the ed. an outward application along the trouble ; atent slow spring MUSIC Rates. .
. and , I c�othing of all persons who front of the throat, from close up on the outside door, g6or. I'm only "If you insist upon knowing, ther equipga in
Site remembered her last defeat, What localities In which it had previously I Tile �
, shuddered when she thought Sufferevs. of have bpen attending to or engaged under the chin to well down to the a cuke, but I have my nerves, and It are two reasons for my refusi;: a I unic
"And they are?" "Yourself 11 %3 F=er.;-.-Usds. . �
� another would cout her. existed lit tile western peninsula the one remedy 0.9- jars 'em awful when You and Mrs. 'you." Tenchelisle we "a
. . After luncheon there was generally only thono who have suffered fron. Ontario, especially lit the County of in killiag and burning the hogs top Of the chest; intWided, they Larason are passlag In and out.,and another man."
. tile pangs of rhouniatiom know how Kent. hould bo boiled, and their boots jgiqts tile other. and its WHAIET, ROME
I On interval of quiet ill the Castle. Is Ilog cholera is a di thoroughly Cleaned and soaked in 11, work In complete unison. , The won- though I've nIver spoke a wurrd 'WANTED 8 Call LWOW
. much agony the sufferer Ila& at tim, seaw that Can , m ' Em,BEP.. i
Most of the ladies ,went to their oWa St, about It before, sorr, for I krow my SOMETHING TO RF,M
I to endure. Thu symptoms often The eradicated, and Its introduction solution -of carbolic sold in the pro- derful penetrating power of I
. rooms; some of the lItntlemen went vary, but among them will be found prevented, If interested parties would portion of one part of carbolic acid Jacobs Oil enables it to reach the plage." When traveliag you should bear In a86 Main Strbit, 138 yonza wj'At. I
. I . to the billiard -room, some sought to pains in Lite muscles and but carry out tile means suggested to thirty parts of water. The Pens. ndhegion of foreign inatter which - ., Well, well, lifjxrtha, I'll see what mind the road and the trains that WINNIPEG, MAN. 70RONYO. OUT.
- the library. Ali good fortune would Jlcu fences, and other perman- lines the bronchial tubes and which go. n be done," said Air, Lamson, ,,Will take you to your destination In
. have it, Lord Caraven. went to tile jointp, the latter sometimes; much in the bulletins and regulations Is- buildings, V
1� llbrrur alone. Itildred followed "Vollen At times the Imtiout ID Un- vued by ,he I)omjuion Department of ent structures with which diseasc,d makes brenthing more and more ditYl- nitldl. ; "I'll see what can be the 4aj�tast time, and In th4 most Dominion Line SteaMehIps 11
Y -lie slight- .0
.,ble to drv.qs himself, and t Agriculture for their benefit. There pigs have come in cor.tmet should, Cult. An these adhesions become In- dor ." cotntortab,le manner. The Grand Nwitt"ll te UveMel, l4ston to Uvor.
I him. itit Jarring Round aiggra,vates tho Is no other dineaso so CXL tremely con- t when Pos-ible, be thoroughly dough- flamed and enlarged, St. Jacobs Oil "Thanh yet,, sorr." said Martha- Trunk service expels In both par- ' peol. Nedand to Liverpool. Via Qdh,,,
. I -Are you .going to write a let- pain Linintentl; and outward steam or boiling water. I causes -such adhesions to break away. to".
ter?- she asked, I ali- Litigious and infections; and It con be ed With "D' you mind how much bettlier off tigulars and passengers from To- Urge ant Put Steau,'hips. our I 44 ties
, ,iicationti cannot possibIV cure rhou- convilyt,d to healthy swine in an end- 1 scrubbed with a rough brush. and making expectoration easier and " a 6
. 11 be kind on- I you are since you kept yout, Vapers ronto to Montreal, Buffalo, New fOyslivamelotc-se"go, 6"am slid is$
4 A. I
"Yest; unless you t7i . lie. b" be.* vas
� n W00% $14 T Irt tam ova Allow.
I tilatlara; it munt be trented through I legg nombor of Ways, both by direct then given a COM'ting Of 111110 wash, more free. Dr. August Xoonig's In that drawer, sorr, same as I mado York, Detroit and Chicago, will find R'O'co' MAIP& jI
Ough to Write it for me," lip replied. contact and intorniglitary agents. I to five gallons of which It Hamburg Breast Ted. drank slowly bold to' ax you tn, -stead of the day trains equipped with aL i '"dollimirtleal -,-vp I at*#
I I "It soms to me a sin to excrt ono'D tile blood. and tot* this purpow there every cominercial carbotic acid and very hot. soothes and licalls the clutter always on your table, a that vestibuied *idej If f Wsh,$)="840- a 61,
*elf an such a day as this." and is no modiclue yet dismovered can buildings, railways, platform, %vng-.pottnd of By aid ,of a spray- Parts, is comforting and quieting, orr?" coaches, handsome Cafe D. Torftlee, &a*..
I "jusil Dr. Williams' Pink 131111n. When thing, boats of nl�,Jma been added. ,'yes, yes it had slipperd my Prirlor and Dining Cars serving "111110at".1.0111k T..... Hastrosi mod PAInfesiri.
I never oils, Crates, CIO the cough arid relieves the
ede IL carte." The night
ly to seat hinizelf in an easy cbmir. given a fair trial, 010110 Pills tendatits. and tile ltkc� ling pump cracks and corners may be stops - mind that it was your idea. Mar- kicala "a I
. ,
wrote (ail to cure even the ale!;t j�tubborn The farmer should boware of reached better than by the brush. TO breathing- This manner of treat tha." salil Mr. Lamson, and the con- trains carry Pullman sleeping care to CLEANING # WALkewd . i
and watch hill wife while she to be done ment tend there is no other two on
carea of rhoutnatism Mir Jos. Illedicipes which are Worse (it'lle effective It requires sultation.gLbruptly closed. all above points. You Can leava OUTING
. for him; tier desire to meet tits wishes litochette. a well-known residrnt of "ack end fro-! most thoroughly. After cleansing remedies that will work together so "My dear," said the master, later Ileronto for 'Wontreell and cast at LADIEW .. a &Urre
gratified hint. The lettkir silo had possible) than the disease, reaches the difficulty .
. written was just what lie Wanted. St. Jerome, Que.. in an Intitirview quently leati him to Commit tho'und disinfection CXPOsO the Preml%_Cs litcoessfully) In the day, "I have'licell thinking 9 aw M and io p. in. for Buffalo anti 066 be 40%*Wwdy by out Tftnab III",., T,, IS
with a reporter of L'Averill, du arnn-jO 8111dight and air freely for abotA .from the outside and the ittside at have Now York at 9 a. m_.,&,.50 and 6.15 IstTI1111111 ANCRIIAN oyania t*,
�� I The young wife amiled to herself at Nord, oilers a strong proof of the grog,;Pst breach possible of qU ths before Platte!; Pigs in the saino time. St, Jacobs Oil how pr6arant it would be.to Qlftvze .
tine regulations in failing to re- three won soft hangings at some of the doors. .p. in. and to Detroit and Chicago at 19ONTIU1, TokoNili, —MAMA A
I tile thought of how Well She Wall I Dr. WilliQuIs' Pink Pills in reaches tile vocits of the adhesion, 7.85 a. in., 4.50 P. in. and 11�20 p, ------
progressing. Site looked UP at him vitlue 0 port to tile Govornment, the eXistenell'theftl 4!oin- - Roo And as for its front door, It needs
with a . Stolle. &V.Ing to horwit 111111 catesi of this kind. Mr. Rachattd, of contagious ellcoaso in his stock, I Visiting should be curtailed am and assists Dr. Alialust C, nig's one of thaw sell--el"Ing springs I W. Tickets, recervations, etc., ii —3R.&�-,i-2j—,C-
-the whole artIllety mpu_ --For fietisly thrim, yearn I ,,flowing the,,T11seaso to attack Ilia inu I ell ng postilblo while the disease Hamburg Breast Tea In carin rner King 4*40qo3o 3C,3EII3�3EXW
she must . bring I and until tile cleaning briar thein: then both remedles act in unf- notlee.' It seems to iie the little city Office, northwest co
I I of her smilvi, aAd arace to bear Up- wAA e, grectt f=fierer from rhourno- 1pattriq -berd. and by diaponing of Cffity I i13MAS bocaugo tile disease son in healing a h wowero Igad Yeage streets. I —11V usixa—
. . ti -an. Tho, pains; oozmod at Alrn,04 partially recovered pl" to neigh- I been completed. lid curing. The above difficulky In regard to whic
.. on him. VOtS. 110MCS remarks apply U opectking this morning could be easily doctor, Standard AMerloaft Wlakll
. I 81iould you like a companion 4or to affect every joint, ftud file ckg6hy borq, s,prbi-ttling tile disease andleo4be carried oil the b with eq at force In visited in this way." I "I tell you , " said the
, I terrible. SometIM0.9 I ) from neighboring forms nin,v cases of anthma. croup, whooping Ob it the ,,it's tile man who can push himself —A"--
, a rbort timeii" she said. "I likO 1 endured Wan ,in,, causing soViOun 1091, to Othel'14- or dogi, and 0,11 Again Mrs. Latilson smiled, bi
., . this old libr*ry in tile aftertl0till'i I could source]y, move about. Jr. hor., 'rholercs, "prevention. is bet- le�rry Infection to otber terms, and cough. enlarged tonsils for her smile shv did. not along that succeeds be -t in this Sarnia I amp oil,
orl I aftections. Every family r04$011 - -
I the cunshine giants on the W4MII. I Wns; Unfitted for Work. The trauble ter than cur*." rivoy breeder ,should. theirefriM. be prohibited from bronchin laft0j. I world." -Not at 01,11 -roplied the 10
I often comfe here. and, 100141419 .. affected 'ray appetite. and in this ferdor at pigs ought to arrange hia'Unt0ring Cho promises, There IS no ,should have St. Jacobs Oil and Dr. . profflssor. -Tea tile man who can Wbolesolle Only.
I I aly weaknegn Incrermed and my c.12r , � August. Kopilig's Hamburg 11rea5t 4 1 — I shove others out of that N
around Inc. I meditate on tile glories , promiqep ro that fie can divide thomilithey gentaliftous diredso of donlestic his way , I. Frg
.. you'aa.
of the dead and gone Caravoils. - They lion becamo more deplorablo. I nto perfectly Isolated plgWrles, so � anjamig that roqulf`09 for its eradl- I Tim always in the house, in Order PRISONS OF THP, WORLD, I succeeds best. " (WIEJF ROOM ."MMV.T0jtjWW .
. but I -Istknt CO"OlItT" that they way he promptly lined tit 4
. wore a noble 'racill� no wonder that tried it number ot ro�bedfbs, that if disease be Introduced to one I cation so much Pe Uerr Njost, ,tot, A,narchiet, *he ha. -
I ,von ,tire proud of thow." hothing belPlNi rat unjP I tvaq ad- the first stages. Often the malad ,�vl 1. - �_
, Of thpm." coritdSeWd v1sroti te take De. Williams' 111rilt lot the otheng %nay to preserved tion between th& OW-TIers liJid tile . ed �n ffit040102a QXperiopC13 ,ell MP-
, develop with workdetful rapidity an - In the epig. 16"
ain Proud atlu- tinflough Mutation. liteeders anti 00vernflitylt vietorillftry inapdetorst, It tl tinlbv OLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT
. .1 of prison, SIUMS it lip
I ralI enough, Pilla, lind then rollr!t came. Or I ifreatly a"V0 their in TA dlrk�,kad, tlxt%t Cannot and What Complications tako place 1171th equal ram, "'The, froor the country the "MC)4,esall'bard.'alefLoreillbumdL�'tnp.lI ,
L - Itily th6 PaifiV left md, nly appetiter 0whots , not -po trilltd With. suddennesq. leikd Blemishes fr, io
the ftrI. "I am g) own trlte%,�ou the gaol", "I was ftst", Ile Ole horlinlilood layin,
I but I love tho better of my IIOU90.' re.,It by providing III, St`P- � worse 0 Boub, W&6,0 tiflas,
I %v" looking, hillIO, 'ttlY . I . .1 11 Led in Aifikrla, There CutlisiSP11011:6,10% .
. I And 00 wonder. , improved and I beL 111m, axate pen wqlll quarfultirio Pea ter . . 111 stitys, lltmprlsor In Bprikinit,8tits, mind Sw6lJoWThroa !I6 4% ORRESPOND
" ill strengthened Ilc$oro I had taken a. NOVUL PIUSON REFORM. , tieman. !f, "Cr. I ....,
I tile other day, at some pOrtrUits 116 otention tit all , liew I *a*Iromed like a g4p � SlI SW lb� ago of ottill bott e.
: 014ui% boxes my health rtild vigor wns Probation I d WIIUN IIANDS GROW OLD. t%C
'1110Y VlairLo no- n ' ' G,etairl" th6y get, me to work at V,Asted the itoof w4odiijo,t lfilainub Cara With us ifit is not convenient � ,'
tile Einglern Gallory. purthaueg which they Would be A now eriminal bill is il,boat to be I I
I I ble Men. thogo tmec,fttirb �t yours: LuCh that I felt better than I did be- lkept feit a. tow wej�,t� to Inake gure disculilgod I" Itully, e"Ad it '44 lil%ought' According to Sit JAilles, Crichton bookblfldft�i. ,That Ofts easy, If' iverichown. 8oldbral diflugittlits. for you to call I I "
soro the trouPlio began I have not I TIroWno 'the hand ""q to lose Ito iadb mo for information
some of them finve kfng�ly faces. All, tbat tbev or.) j irk Rome tbAt It will be ra-uzod. It I Doladoft � 1UWY -U 'n1pick. Oakum. '
jhty 3nay jAlk of wqlittj and money. Once had an adja or pain, and I INI. rltvr� vR4 -01.%BASM. I proposts to ,coine(jo. to Ahuto found suppleness when 010 lindi'VidUM 1A rIlat *48.w MO. lie first time IWO old friends aftet t - Lner a Sop- con�ernsng SAVINC ' ,
, I I . villited that 1111t� W"1111ftles' Pillh' about forty vent's of coge. The, Settle I J%*a* hollrittinod In Ainerica, I hall aM0011 Of a 611M .,"Time
. but I 'Would rVit1wr have tile proud ton , tnt&.10 heI,%-C, L�on unjustly condefultied 10 lut!attl�r nil, �Ou our
.� . ,"Ill, ill; ften the dlt.lazo bei -a b,QQLh "Ifflos", Gay%; OUT,
.. I . distinctiatt, at a noble birth like , are the b_,st alkill6no In � . button tlI for ex- 0, j1pO jL fistancO. That Was Brides. . I
� I duced __ __ - iprKowd Ill a hetd. IM-'piffatill IKU IndiamillEY, to be decidt Oil WU909 $11 thO I . ACCOUNTS" "I
, .
� IiI Athstin all the money in tile worl(I for rbettaldtigm." itte oliould' be givi�,fl to upon by It . he . ,( �'ourta. Jr thit person ninplo, In a trood thincatioll, of thi.q _�� aye not go baid as I aNpected to lid __ 0 -4 1 1
Dr. W1111mm' pink Pills tire sold III 1110diatO no ' tonitlener rit tile band to grov old ." I U 11 "Balln I �.,hlould My not. 0
I gh a rent I Mk- Ili tile glass yourself. Vvie� I I
I ry 0jvjIj%,,,d ,eta, obo their 0.1%,01,4 th6 Utatoter of Agrileattift-re, Wife will 11c,is, iiei;4 in ii prison throul 0ow's 'Itig i .
, . I A1,0410dou-tid Voull, Ile risked. dreaWly. kVe ,or tile inde,1,4111ty will in Parly in life. At his vtry best In Ilia Deposits may be inside and withdrokwits
, , . . Inoust tittle In duo tutil%ts� to their; ectum ctil javentlV,atlon tq�bo inado. +4I erl I prinio, a r,kilful huttionhold inalkt.r tire orfi�r,�0�13 itundrotl bollars Ilawsitti 'twote haft, than YOU ,
1. 0111irt Seeiixt atlifige-1, it roqoad to tile fillon0lal la""' "ll'teire byrrell. Interestat
: 11 . . !C,aM Cklit,ti, 04 dise,tre be found ,to N. COMO WAY COT hjS falinfly ll�jVe rank til'OdUCO 61.2110 WOVY b"ttOn"i A Ibr ,,, mm of A�&torrjw iI 0-aluket be htdr then, 1 11049 Thara aboarti. I I 0
�1 IT do 116t think Vo. 'We An VIII flrftt "Jorlt ill' OL medlelfie" 'Tlwy cel-, tiat, ellojera, quarantine will lie Ct;,- JOIK4 W-1001% he Ond . - Cured ' I orte'. Vurdt ,,, t 19 "Ou"t :e—w" trulum tit ronilitied Lvold
� have fill %litil trillubilt day oil Tils 16the pot tillti, ho re, z
,j) as th,oumlatim. t.,. yj HILIVO Vtkt&ttb Vut* - ,
, 4U
, I 11glost h o It be, tins 111*011 cofl- I ujjMf4k1Y & VO.T6lCXIO, 0. I =��— ____ 11,1111 61 Obill, United, It 1116
ilat", t1ld repllj6d, 411UPIV. -It fuldfit htlett. 10etin%011111it LnUXffto partial par -1 tablifilled. the actually III apil p4m '5119tabled, k0illo ceivvA 45a I& Week.' W110 -Ti tilt Work- t I N ��� t ,' , , �
Ay ilidughterod"Td tho doulfic-d through the bad faith of a %V0, On lulderilightd, bs.0111(06"ft 11 I red to be wltbdm*A, L
. I # 0 Incentivo to a noble und #160- lklysi%. "Att'vOXIM 3toadite1w. kidwy a114 thimodlate n I- tnall, Is nixty-fivo ytaro of ,ii,jii lie . chtne'? for, ths kind, As Aolil*AIK* "" -
be a tq, e .. _-, 00,91 116140rsilti 1-1
1, . direatXi,j burned, or deeply bilrikil) IhIrd VOI`Min, thrOlwAll fill" IQ t , I
oug )jfjj� to JI&VO F.U0111 "IZAVA01111 09 ftefits, ilvouralgia, and the Vfdakaa-t* - tourte, the court cjxa neldolti. make mdft 'thall 2ft �m 01 look , W 16 till, 1. 1, I ,
I all tontact )legs will 10,,* Inony (for whith. of 091 0 11,41111 ttdoe, 4I iftherigially
. . YOUII I tuitt aftlict so u1s.hy woII Do not., XvIth nine; - - ttkt,q littitiding that Ito 'Otill. onjoys! , get iiiy olivilittofil lkitdt� I �
I . I I to t#y lba jilifilledlately Pl(olghtetod. it, , .00 WiWit torlilemiltil him $0 tiot re I � tit 1110 01"ada PerMatient. �
Ail eaptessloti of dt V 410.11be P&CUIlidl 'Vol � � tim 411delvinity win . be mund howth. , . k
-ePrkel%rn0tt0eS,% lat a% po'.'t-tboacin exarallim"011, tile lkat- olpallslblox� t,y It 1.1 a
�, I � . I .- 0*09 ..
I � . lizottlet Ing CIO 0161t ho xulk�t my 14 ..,.� k9hitt. "* P 11P S, 1*81
1. � go. It A141)10% Wit"INK
. 101A14 WIL, Ifictil ytt toti 1�slto OVA,' hlb� ,$4� but ixt, Idilm lie Win have tile to W_ 11 KA " ivlioltsaw & . r atid W69tern Canadj . .
.11 1 10 .7L4t &P g6.od - ,Sft ,thAt jj�e full r4spg� lilt joured free frova divel r rol , � ols , It'0160, 4*09 "Utt MAILVIII
I I � ovitlitil to. liftin life two\*. It r1r9t MI00b6,1*1)1d S'ou "oar * $61* Derittlitel" 11;41 11111111411ax -
for tiley Ili" be U-Wt1 tOr liel"k , A ,, , I i
*. �. %,jilljoklas, pjt�k rilln . 61116v4 *Iier, i ,010% 00 , Moft,gage Corporatio
1, .q '40% no IthV0,etty, IM0"ItIf to wilifilo "Ill UIra triti to wrned, i4- IjAs bift Propood to intwellillifY tho Accidomt. that baPP00111 to PdOt O. L l4er� . "I
� . . I 116,00f of 016 flatavo"", ho *ikld. Palo - Peoples, le �dni aw wr Op"14 k0se they artwo who little 114tilluil 1 AlInoit ttuAlied to 11hil"t t114111,60* tlu" Ill twittyll - : D Toront6 st., Tojokt4�, ,
. � .,. thtv 1 ,(,tit )x. It In dolul)t. *fill diomolly boing Paid for 00%. AftVir- tUo�t ji,vtot Aqh("ft die liviv P. #0fi I thilly, 1kaling %%IMtl$ u o , ,
*1 tfouidit lit VOW all W alftr a jKloAldy Itoon 1VIOa-led frem un- de,Nth.",S0ebhd mietaba A , tfi* syllout I _-13 �L , .. I- I
tiroutid ttof`Y bi , i Vv 0 .1k. �
lalm-t to The I O*I ,mvj Milo, and the ROW dwIdA h t . I . velocous tutfac rfla , _.
1, . *Wln t twil jilo-1, ,, )0. V11MLY61 MlI willy AlitiW �, 2" vir"St I gkitflIX16016001 tot III %00 . Is A
� . I , tillid. tht jilild ttifftl of uI& *M%io b0billo, OWN 110* A*111W: t-0110"Ill'at I , -, ;;;� I - - ' --- —_ I I
. #47 "fiat is orb 01100� to tz� thI4,11 `63 " I 6 j# ,f*IIIII 6j tho*4 Who have died I -'Ito vas. , lbit 0&*,(v .10,11! if % 0_1W0_*A.
Otoe)(Villt t 'Cot I j el! le . _-V, I IN, 6 1113" —
ht ,�A*W,by' SWON*#10A.
7 564 roxis 4 oto Z'nio At Abitlalf, , " it4owow RAUA Asia #*,k t-"- W I
.� )a '0MV jidit, haVe kill be, tAxilt4b, 1) sea,*d. <ttkd "for ol V0,A* *K AW ,jk , sell I.. wk � . .
t . I AA rtvigrpod, *Iri belift"t, 4000, W'*", or Kit 106*0* w suot % jobt,nt , tAtW4U0ttrS ot t . bolt, *04-44440#4444 ostl. asuitbletA, , I � I I I � ' . 0 , . � 11 I
I .* . 4" Oy , V"t lot. I I � I . I � . 11 � . I I I . . I 1.�� . . L 11 I � I I .
I I '. I I I j_1 I I ,. I , 1, . . � f , , I I � . I . � . 11 " q, k : I . W Or I �, .
I I -' , , ' I . �1 . . I I 11 1�t_,, " I I .1 - I I I I t� "
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. I .� I , 11 � I � , ,is I .1 I'll, 1. �11 11 . I 1 $ ... ,
_� �, . -& _Le 14i"011L. I , A,i- *t A' I ;6, , . _12i"&&.14 i ... " _ . 101".k. dllfili�_ ._1.&a"1A&- ` I � , I . . � %L� - _.� lgi�d_ , A, A � �._ 4L_"";"1:l9 - "I, - , ,�.��', 120_1� I I
11_�,� q � a. — b- iiii�!M nommailitl.. - � - � 'r,"