HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1902-10-31, Page 47, I 7,%7'" 1 , ?&� q9MTWW-TrF-T.,N-.J , . ��� . . . . . . . 11 . , RNMR"w � -r .. , * ...... I '7411"Ur 7wrl"T , 11 rVTW1 T"% , -­ -- . '—FT,N,T-. -- . . -7117Twwr`F`7. W, I 49g=, 7*,RWT14WTrr V, 11 11 "I I -."­� -7 N I �� , �, :-A-.,)ILPtll!l!lloliiiii,itilwi�N', , . .� 11 . � , -011W A . t I I 1 21 , , 't - N I . ­ � , " 1 .4 � . , � � " � 31. � 17 . I A. =177",g lr-� - I'll . � �11 I � 1­ � .� i I " I I . . I . I � � .. - ­10*,�­; ." *.,.Iw* -"W�'*-�� O.O. - i,� , . I " � . , 0 1 � I . I � I I � � I . � . . . , , . . . . , � I I : , - - t I.!. 1. - �, " No L @* ..... A, MA"M . 1. . .., -1111 A111:411:14:1111 1 . .. ­ .1. W". *I "q ­ - I 4 . I I . I �,,�-­ .! I '.. ­ , 1W. - " I 1, tl�l ,2I I" � ..�!o;i;ioii,.';j'­­ 11 ­ - 11�.! :!::1111:1.0, .111 ''.I 'I A 'IN "a sat �0=4411011:IZ 1, ill , . i i , MWORWWAOO�w I , I - 4 lq:. "". ft-, � 11 I 'k -­ ". - , �,, , � , , t -.41 J I , . .111, .... I -0 - " I �� 11 := , ­­­C­­�, ,. .. I . � ­.- I . � I ­ - ­ -"!- 11 . . � 1. I ­ .1 � I .- ­ 11 . .. 0CMUR 31,1902 1 � � . . I.;, 1. I I I I I I I I I , ­­ I I � !i � .. 11 i 13 F. .ti� 7'..", I � � ;�,Al ,,, ''I � I....--1-1 411-11-0.11-1-1 � ­ I I I, I i ­�!­ � ­­ . . � � I; I ,� I . 11 1M owustuou kstrAu- , . I I I I I . 'k '.1 1 , "' 11 . 6 ... I I . ­ --- ­ 11., I ­.. 6 6 6 -6 11 I 11, I I., . .. -------- ­�-10"400 1,16 0WA. 11 61. � 1, 0i ,. I � I . AN -111"l, 1,1*11 III- I I I I I - !, � . I '... r"T".M ­ I . - ­ i� L ''''' '­ ­1­11ill-, ­ 6. I ill P::1�11:1:1111:111. 11 i �;o I i. I I I . ,. W,;,, - I � I - '"', ��i'L , I - ­ - , ­­­ I . .. ... % I . � - I �;=vxt:!! il 1 o M M. I .. I—- 1-1 11 0 I ! i I 11 14 . 0 11 11t.l.i.0" -:11 1:�::l I I . === i6 - ­ ----6---1 6 1 1 1 �, . , . *00, - or-yoo,' , I , . 6 1. 4io4tr;,,1::1: "11m: -1.011 I'll, ­ all" ­ it t! PrW6. A fourm ,4*1. , - ­ ­ 1 6 . 11 . ­ ---- . I -- I , .1 , w , , , C,011 � � I I 1, **W%l I I ­ 1 6 1 s*004 two tonu 101,01A 00ilfw 'Pri; , , , I 11FOrthe hard Palo work , �� 1-111, .1 � ­­ :1111, .... . ..... I;- . ­;�­111� 6 . ,- i � i I 0 1 1 19� , TOAV AIX a 0sk'*` 0*3 act -coat'. or . 1 6 ,,, I � I 11 11 son"an" or, 14n)"thii sold su4t , hetCot4so' 4%A�, I tlqt"., , I LL I I I ''. � I . I I � " . ' , .... tlleror � youir mo*�(* ­ I 1 6 - - . I .1 I fle.red, su . , , I 1. I � A �� ." L , L . I �� I J) Alwa P4 *iik: 4it", A new I -00*11ring goptl,e 110 � , I NJ,V,V,'$R Wore have " 0 T(�Wp,x . .� , . I , I 00lit mouths, JaolriA �w we 6 . , I S , 0 t , clil; � , - I , , . . I r � wt, , *b lwill* I I in READY - 00 I .14 tift� J)Owt., Forpt , X" * Torone . , . : fo� 40 gW4 *wk, , 000044r, , 014s. , oAW1*1 ,. 6 J ��� t . 46N 0004 VgWes I -1-1 Ill . Juid bW4r in CQ11(ta" knaXtop V,p , . I 1. .. . I ,P I beieqoavleted#14009014� N10- Of J XMI I I I I . . , , I ,it , I I . . .- -6- ­ , .. ,, r '.. 6 C . - fts We are 114 1�, 00* -%D I it "." � I , I )", � 1; 111.r.. 1�� 1.1, ­- I I , ; I .. � .... .. . I I ­ ­ ­ , 1, liovv4 thr" 'ternfir 6 . " I .. ... * I . ..I � no I .* .to 0= . ." � � .. stntigth, " , .1 , " I � I ----4,--l, ­�'l ­ '� Ic . � p'THINC Ung , this ,, I �', , , , 0 ,UA 6, 1 .t. Ot '404 Ai$Oridefly =1*4t .6 C. , 01 *ftictl " , a , , 1- �. foilbOr$Jary, ,* tQyAdt UM101 rujituka -V*, *b1c �00%t $be st , Of � 'L , 101 I W(W *Ils * wsa "Ot ,* ,'* DoWmall FlooNeni I � -­­� , I , P C1 '' . I gri A ,1 w-4 O" - I -1 - ,�, -4- L ­ I., I—. . I . I I its , r'"'N 4nq,l%o 1 V0141r, , lE IV; tig, f - . OV'0�t, I ' I , , I Se . r . � Pr AV, "�o Qf XV"oft%4%fI94*# ill. , . 411,01-toio tij;�;,��­ .1 r so "little f , I , - ' 4 _ _ - ., in Ow ;,�%,*­ "Id - " -,o At at , . Tbt* is 06UPPI1, - 6, ' 6iuld'sc.arcelyo'beliely't�, t110' " " - I 1 4% 004w 1, isoof, irho", 0motwas V* "is , .. I 't, - �%t,;,4 , 44 � �4 * our - " L , " , , a=. One ci L, o* %M#1 I #140 A*,,W4 qtraftollo 11 t, ­ I I . ood Clothing fO . ­ � -1 its. 00,1114 get such g- I- . I , "I. osilly. 404-44 �" t.1*V*AA'WhO'Wft so L i '�A " " I ,( , If I P , ek 4exte 1 0 *,,'# - , I . 1 6 . . I lmac,ri* , t'roU$)l I this *,*001 oaf � 6 rc,,t, I , t . . I , t 14t9L coinot",$'AIM46 . 1, , 2, -- .6 . r. es- - � - . . I 0wo AM01 , I _ Y.to 0woor sw4r the''wpow, . overrft,V� ` I 10 I , I.. ,. . 1 6. . . Zongy, , 'L A I , , . I 11, ,W VNRUP-TOOK a C 0#*0 NO 1� . , 'L. e - I I , *,'Of . I ,, V=Vlri , � tix*omaoto On To,A,6001 ' I Int , W U%p Vag I - �- I r :X;-,F"4*1)f,X"I"P*,Q#I 1 IM46?00014W 1 , " - 1. 1*1;r.*,,Aikd tiivo� 0 . N 4AVs, .YL I li�tloftr I, . I I I ��, �, I , , 0 rter % . ".. ­ ­ 1- � . i ­ � , 1-1 � I . I '. I I I I AW0104#1 , iifftti�,L& � I . l I *,, r 6 1 , X0ffl*:1'1r*ov4y,- 6 ,­ 60 �% $9411'nebl ... �Vutlfy #10, A -!!I�!. T� - . ,- I . I I i �ke� ti4te to read our pnce$. . OW I I - -M=11."' , I . - 1 6 .1 , (I , -*Ql: � a pat; 1-1-11-11- , . I 1, tonOpHcA Oouth.00404"4 1�r-Vopr*,hlo.. utst000r'. t o&'. itip of Z 0 of 'I . . , 1 ,6, 1 L I 0014 ot woll­unow�1,10.10."04, *4 t1ruir, . � ftwoit itito , � but . I I , 066 Ing TQ � �*"! "' -� - , - : � I 11-1 11 . I puts Alm 1140, * . ,-'L 7',o � "" , , I ,�. I Qo­ ,, L '. . ., 1. t. � I , ... .. I '. I I I ��' , . 'Ll, 1 38C ' - , I ' - ' ee ­ , . T.f ,X4V . , 0 I ,:*� .Moto. '00.10 00 1 � �r4T,j ,, , 't , "'N , . $ 4 IOUX 1: I . ,Z., I I 01 AV. 4004. 6 " .1 too IT Ar -stum" L . � . 0 V - $ 160 $�j. i �,, NOwed cold$ xl*.*j,s. 6 1wom-"tirini.: q oto t - � 6 , , . � , X .1 P V 'A d,p, ,�'�, ,. � �Wp'lj' 0044P "I . I "I �, . , t ­, . ,�A, . , iuve. q& to . �g% � I JI�JST ,g �% 4y 3y 6 1 Own m*t% and ­ -, I � t ­ "t , LLLLL I, _ _,Y _ , 11. 111. � ,on ,� to . , . I I . , , '. . � I .1 .. r. 11 .., - 1. . , � 1. ,OA � . . 1� ' � I �. , , � 1404, to's-omething Scrious" �� I . I . � " . 1j, I 1. 11 . I I � .�b.­­'. .11 I I I ; 1:1 . I 'I'll �J : . ,­ �­ - . , - voilloot-lit *M01i 1, I I .­ .. I . I I i . I . I 1� I I I � 1 6 6 1 Y, r, ,,, ; . 1, � ; . I . . .1 "I � . I I . . , . * WAO ,:TOX40wrl to Viesk #t*,. 11, � . , 0-st ta 00 , . . � L 6 - ITS 8 6 I , I Of I I vw t t h 0 6" ­� 7 11 A, ': I I : � ,S- U - HAT, I I .. . 1. ex' ,*Lft GOOD :' "o - edfomi S16019. :1, . . I Tboy, ron ato chronic' . , . . � , ' � . ­ . ' i Atthiptime MMUIP011" seLeAre , - 19' V,�, X - , OVER 16 . 81 HATS! 1, �,' I . � - . - � h ond I - - �� '30, 6. , � . -01-i, ,� I I . I I , I I troaphi -." I I I I I I , . ; y - , "'r ...... ... � ­: 6" "''I � fo '. �,,. , � ,6 - I � I , . t1s, paeuMonla, .04. Jitweo .11, � r r � ; inen! of the iggst � I � . .. two Indust" "ro"Morltoo 'Wb1ch AM Q"�i` *V* - � .6 6 11 �. , $of � $ just received, a rob . . I rnnlaf� 6:: 11 I .1 ! . . _ Q, ,S 08i 0,9,6 slo.. 13laCk " , ',4 . I � I , I .! - 11 01*410" I �­. 6.1 1 , YOM 1%Mg,,,TATv0XqA0,0 w41CX,rs% , - '. �!, � . L 6. . "t, , Date weri,con I , : '; .1. . *sth;nsj or-vonsumption., dlri�ptl :, ' 0 I t I I , � I . . I I � 6 1 1 � I , Up -to - It 6 1 6 , , � I , I 1 16, 1 L ' , 6 ,'; � y arito,goillotle, whe� they - � 44 . . 4)rfr�$tqq� ot'Clo ' I . 1; � I . "�;�. , " , ...6" � . '' , AA I ,. I I I 11;0�11111�1,!:. ::�!:, .� . ,, GLA ate. in ,tiort, iblug At the above . . I , 1, � I �:' * ,,�4� e00Ct$j6 ogej 41)rible ,' p"C0.'qJTq Qf 05rcially good V41U HA I A Over" , '*t wolto''but toko " *Jglkbbe ma4Q, muttropy, otim"IfLitlyo U , i . � .1, 6 . )V . , , , ; , , ; Nn � .., -':,�­t,-I,:�t I,= I'l z, tt,po,t�,­ 1. ­­­ ­­ VHDORA r I I . I . . � I . . ttl4L q4VJot 6, . - I I .11 I . . I . . 1 6 1 . �­ 4 1 , �, I . - they, itie �14de' y the W" A. $rutfQA -- � I I . . 11�. I ." , I r . I . � .; I and helpful. 'One movement 110, the . 6 . ' - . , �' �, '- A (eb * - " virtitol , , � I , r - . � I ,, " � ' No I I � , "�*eto� 04 ORO, '. r (OAX gA T A As) DQ who These were sent to us withQUk 04r, 4".. , ,� �, . - ye s .Cherry Pectorsi I , 1 14006; 1 i 11 ,14, "'Vil, seam- .. A .T', = I 4 � , good, Jiniqki, v� 44'.c ,-O. AV " , ,,, 6 I Shipment; evow, 44Y -of, 00=6 7, rp .: 19020 , AtU'A 'NWINTOR Aki­'10 t ortli'4r'gooil fit4rigo, % . . I ­� ,L _ � " . I l . I A444 V01 W . -1190,11,'47 ingllesi; `a" A10if d 1 6 ad ordering, thtm, but beiug,#Uch A I . . I � I I .�, Cloth t qgm,- I . 11 ,� Z � t ! e Lot no 6 �, . , , . � , , ;,�, "vci*Ao.cektJie,�estxetur ke�l 1he -.�'-, :�' �'. _Jng., 4 6 I 1,00 nvoa ss your cough � corits of puip-w 711111" , , . 1r, ­ I �­­ � .111 . I . ­ 100 , U . '. I I �, . I .00d. to the 6 1 1 . ­ ­ ,;" I , 1. I �, , 6 . 6 1 11 nice sbape. v. lood qUAlItyp" wo � ! , I I "' - ' y . I At, � I cK4 Lod '. L f -r 0490tho , I I . � T*` .1100tow I 1 � - -.1 , ­ . � . , I , I . . , 6 tItiglqs, Afew doses will' I States, the other mpvcrueak� is tire 4119 ft C , � 6 1 , ,�- 11, � I 1 ft,4)Q1 1 1 " 6.- . 1, fgl buy in and ura e a special prigo , - I 304041jt ilk i 4 or thel� Tuo4ey investigate our $8, for this week at .. I 1 6. . � I I I , , J� " .!��,, � . mantAUcture of this raw in'Ateilal. 1pw . i -^� '% %-IF , � . . On be . I , , , . . I , i .com yo�� then. pulp and paper in Canadian Mille, fit'laamAry Aw, ., '' Ta. 1(0"`NTJR "IL" - I �'. , I . elcon e . � , . I � , I 1. , I :1, k6 1 1 6 1 , 0 1 1 . . $0, 'And $w $Vl% We w q6 1 1 ., I , , 1 4 � i 1. , � ., 0 fee J 000 In Alydoparturenta � - ., - . I mop i'jand coxqparisou. The � . 1. I I I I 11, . - I, A - 4* 1 r As�laclw 4111LOW-109 frill 110V414'80W,nable G ., I I 1, , . i aloy r . , , . , , "' � I , 11 . I . . � . I ,I � I . , 00041 , 6 . " '1040'r,41,714.1 Why should idanadA export this raw I � . 1 11$ .1 ;,'. $1-7S- ,. � ;, a. Us 11n. . ­ 6C9,�t0op . 7* the stronger be- I : 6 , ''..'' , : , . , I material tar fi- "XV','.t 6 HOUVS1 ` - � ­ �.. . 1�i. �, mor:pycr; Oquillal L 'I, �- ,ii',,­�� I ��. �d I w , , .4 rot, tho bouelit of o foreign 00 - I 'UNS S60. to $.X,�4 iG L 0 V J� . . 'Como the conviction of (,the — , . . 1 . , , .. �� WN, ro"t 000= .1-1 164:01' . .11 I io, S - and I N, �:R , .00, , .61. , : .16 1 I I . �,� . I � `F Diswoov"ez. 1ftirve I. � , yard. I U0811MY I - . I 1 .6''', 1 . I I 111'1� I" .124Wori6ty of Our Valtier" 1. 1-1 -- 1; ;. '. � . ­. � . �� �,� - R, 41 W. M.'IM811. eoLimpetiter? Whynot institute Such a QW06 AIR IV $to —Move Quick , ,6 1 I �: �� , . IF . . I I I I -- t&�-r �Mpt I . per ,1'.� I I 11 �, I . , .1 i- -,I . � = 9" one as WOU14 eltbery deprive 'ItavOrt, M . . i I , , ,6 � , 7. � 1� I I .1 0:11 "Ill., I—, ,,, - ,, ,,, ,; ­­­ .1 ­ I I I , . I � 6 . - - I .11, I � 6 11 �6 ­ I , . I I " I I " I 1 '­ 1 I I I , , I ,� -?ls It - � ID RI� S 'a DI I I 1 6 .1, , , . 1 two 04' 1. VW4 r )Utra Value in , � ,. ; , 1 I , �' 0, rival countmi of wbut is used to Our pet I a6k and leading Axa4es, a, , I !­ �! ,� "., , iiii. . 6 ­::", ! I , , , . � I �- - I � ,�� ,'*..­­­-'' I � " . I- - ­ " 6 1� �` , . ­­ ;, ­­!. �,,­��;­5­,� ". l4 1,-­� I . I I I . . I . , "I 11 e-W-lish mills In this country to Work aid, � & 11nitoi I . As Usual, a largo fiesotturent of Imported and Domestic VAV.NS � . � , ; I , I I . ., �.l � - . I � I . I I �. .1 I - 1, I c - 1 41 Vat 4 6 � , , . , 1 6 l. , 6. �. ­ , , I l . �'. I I I , I''.. I I I C . d 119 ftbe reevra,404y, , . � , � I 1, " H- 11 I . 1 :­�,�6 � .� t ".. 1 +6 1 -disadvantage, I *=a Co , I I ROES 1. .1-6.6. ��, � � ... ��, "..: , ­�. � ­ ­ - .-.-. ­­:­ ­: U- , .. Z. I er"Po', I . I � -... - 1".. -, ,:­ VBLVST-UtN0. - . I 6 11�?. Ybe ,!,! . 11.18S , 6 or compel ,&m#t4eqns to of -Xift I I . !WA ,11121 % up our native raw material$? The VQ04 V onto. _;�� . m . 10 " P H I low " ­ ,X4*Ff : a a 6 . . . . I TlMr W 0 , AM , 6, � . - ": , TABLE � �=�EFF 'T at th limoellaa. t. 4. Zin. any PLEASE NOTR that abow,roods w! , U bo,voldois-thegmutgifloorls ' " , . J.14 , ` I , ,. , 6 " . , , � . I 1. I . - I British market is wide enougb, to take ".., Ad of pt*e. ts, fox, Chrlptyo I M.LUN'S BLOCII . ': '.1 �­ ­ OTATIONS. Exp. bxp. Mixd kindorr wor . if e 6n , ta, �� 0 itting Plotting House. 1". - ,, I ­ , � ­� 1� --- .— _all the wooti-pialp -that Poul, Im urn- ftiAM 11 ., `0 . 4WA4%.4Jh,-%r I . � .. - % . ,, � Perfe t Fi . I r I I ' ' I 1, � I . ­ � ­ I - .4 he pro- 1.1.4 I We ., A ! . I . i I ''L ";�, ' , I " 1, , � I A'M' P- MfolT � a t"S your , . 7., �, , . � L � - , druced in Cartailit if the riatfire pulp, my , : a 7 I . I I -11 . 116. r I ill VI; . I . - : � 1"tio Gode"Oh..... . JA . I - : � I I � r ,, t: "NN111, , � ­ . I 4--� I �. 1, ; "': " ,,, .: � 11: .. .I..."'. I 1: , -1. , I 11 � . go 7 3 %" Wood Nvere all Utilized In home Indus, -P.O.- , TW17:10�vwtcp '. t 11 .. , � ,-, I .� � . .1 � HolmesWllo..::::::.:. No ,2 'd , 0 Dlrap,er�­ . , 11: :11 111�111144 , I � 1. � .. I ­ � Clinton Jet..... Don't be Wed Into twiltiff asub- . � I I ­ ­ -91 - I . ;, '' I .. . . � -4iin;.,�- " I � I " �­ . ­- :.- �,'�--1 "-7 , � 1, � Cliatoo ....... ::,.:::: " " , 11 t, 9 !� - — ,. r�� I I I I : I I I : , , I I:, ;:*. ,I- 'ttp -, ,: , 6; " - �, .. � , I , ­ �. ­�- - ", ", .: 7 38 9 63 4 v". 1, 1901 Valut4a,ouppliedvoilly-18- stance for,a- 410W�- - Any­-�Wbatltuto - I I ­-� ­­ -11 ,. I ­ .� � I - I ) . . �. I I "I. I . to I � A[— I I ,.. � I z * � i �,-­, �: , I I 1. I I of C 0 R r .,:: 1�­­"­ 11 I � ,�, Sworth.*.�.. ;.:-.... 7,53 3.11 410 , c I it. of the wood pulp Impor d Offif0d "J t ood" #A "Goldep served tbau that tendered UZ � of the really s,cholarly, M'40, whoee J. " at, Columbaft ......... 7 W 317 i a per t'n A N ELL' � . .. Dublin ...... I ­...... 8 03 3 123 406 bi Great Britain, the to Medical *Wow that Nicholls. . ,. iollectU41 Worth au4 work arc, beyond 1 9 . : " ,, ,., �.'� 1 - �� .... I 32 520 ot '� - � " " R , Y` Diwov . H A ' tal value of The . ;' I I �.; ,:: . . , -6 I., � I I tirediclue, ,, I ... Mitchell... ... ::,: 9% , I , es behind every A very pleasing ealeal prdgr&mmP queatfou-nien,of original power and I ��.Furniture Dealers and Practical . I :` � r. " � - , " - , , :: Sebrin�; 9 A to . � — , � , ''.. t, . ... 'ttc- " � . . . I � ,,, a , ed'. which was valued at $11,742,4a On cialla nWe for tli,o very," which Id. . ;', ,­� 't, I � 4"" ..­*:....# 8 35 4 00 , isod the 44 re$80 and a sub, oulturo;;-'antl, tell mq, how many of I — - .11 I , - ,� , �'; ',�, I * intir Undrertakers"and Embalmers. , I -- 6 to the other hand Canada Supplied the no "Just as good" snodlclue� can show. I collection was t4kert Up tit the 'thorn occu y osi totto In our educa. . . I � . . I . �,� � �: —. ---- 72 10 7 TO 1140 United -States with about 7,9 per, Pont. Riliou use of Dr. ' close of the meeting. ,C , r I , , , , I i . I 1 7 � �uw-lva ii-Tin;tan. ... a ... .. -- -- "a e b tional instguar Just a I'my. I do We, have, a Ne�w ­ �,:� � �" , I �` to 4io I CV ' y *0 . Line of NT, COMFORTABLE, CHEAP. I I - � .., � F. F. LAWIMNOW. Pierce's I IN OPPOAXTION, ,not mean men that Are In the pir I I I �, of the entire pulp ,wood implo Plenot ,141cis. t S, ELEGT I . 1. ,,; ,�, :� . rtea by -,- - ,, blic liAIR$ and ROCKER � . ,:.. Toront,Q 010bo Oet. 23. These Chairs 11cAn't be beat:0-1 Jh' If you have not got ' . .,� ', 1, :I,', J. D. MACI)OXAT,jn. Down Town Agent '" cy one of them I ,, —noloy-mem;'nor dq-1 'of these points or all together. , � � � 1). R A.. l'oronto. the United States. Thenituationtlion .*mean men . . 11 �, I . . any � . wo i�4 - The lie,"w holders and brewerg, vybo wear an coneaticitut! thliti4i,made in your house, you hav� � � 11, :�', � r,o. , "., - Canada is depriving hemlf, to � 4 � not had a chance of seeing the LATEST and BEST. - I I , � —­---­--- - ­­ - Is this. ' For The FLA. ir friends, are quiotly but pet- suit, fashioned hood, �hc . - . � ,. � , �. , ''. " I MOM with the . trimmed by Sole Agents for the Kensington Furniture. . � � � -. , . � i I.: Age extent; eta manufacturing � sistently at work. Minister of Ed �. I - ,.: ItIA riot Intended lucation or his ofters of I i .1 � : ". .1 I 1'� I 1. Important to'Adwrtisem " I" , the department. Ali Stroh i We Deliver . , � ; business, because, Instead of -using tip, WH&r to hold public meetings, but that does , naliflea- goods FR.EH to any part of the Country. . r I . .:, IS BEING DONE IN not ro,on that "the trade" is ludif , tions havelittle maitni-gg w , . 1: I I 1� P out4 for ille corroat her resoutcoa la her own Mille, she -, I � , I bin the . . . ' � ' I � 4 . I : -� , I I 1,` .,��:"'�". . Issue of Tive STAu in"t be in wo haoii*4 of the porsIsta In stippling raw materials to HURON COUNM forent to public opinion. Xjt,r,tur, orlilt of truescholapshi . 3M:""%r-w.Aus 4ft 434o3miv:m3r-.3cx, . i 11 . ' �� . .11 against prohibition will be freol. Is It any woti�der thara cry goes up � 11 . , �r: lie I . I , . �, n tributed, and the 04nadsll;�irrincr, a t ever - exandu4tion, ' UNDERTAKING, EMBALMING, ETc. . I . I I.' - Inor not later timi MONDAY KOON e4011 keep the enterprises of & rival natio I v die. a _y midsummer . . � , . *00'k, Advertleors will pleam govern them. , FURNITURE, � .1. SOUTH HURON. lien the . � . ., �­. I solvaoiLocomingly. In full activity. - paper issued from dtitawal will chain., ra Of Itho, candidates AcheSon1S 131ock . ,. , ' ­.. a, �­ I have been re . ra ItIon . � , - - - . - - - . I [�, W An "nouncomente under the heading A vory signIfleaut lincident occurred An adjourned temorairce coliven- Pion the license #system. Thl first w rX I It - ­ ' L Next Thomson's Music Store 11 L - I . tt the ctimpos � I t, r Lt I . - - tion for South Huxon we. held in itimber of the paper,elliolms a viftulet. � � . '. "I � . ""B4Qa08s'NotlW%" Aa, a Hoe each inqortlon. during the Ron. Ift. Tartes visl �* 0 No,pors are inferi , t at, the =rs on, 1, !on of 25,0% and so itA res. to6rature am below ppr, hfit e pa, I ­ .1 �. . .1 � .1 ­ � �! �. . am-;" I ' L I I I I L.- .1 " � , He noticed cer� afternoon of last week. The atten- . S L '* k �.,:��', �'L Such notions, as reading oi- nown inaft,tir, 10%. a Montreal cottou mill. 6 to a Miller's Hall, Honsall, on Tuesday .4ers. to k�"'L' ,��, l. line "ch Insertion. � help make this 17,4WO. The ,front Pers On history show no.latolligent . . , . 11 �', ' ­� ) ' . . I tain cylindors whieb .were .formerly depoo was not largo. jj(;�? Mr. page is ,devoted .to the Prohilittlou pup of the sub edt." A atteant can. L . 4W. . . I I �irot- Ase-lilgher-- ban itir a6urcu. - TIje- IfiL 1- - - ­ . ­­ - "7�—­ �'.".�', I" ;­ L CaStal dlsPlok advernalng, l5e. too ?so. per - � "Ill!ll,,Ill,ll�,:I,ll!�l�iil,lii,'�ll�lll:,�!1111111�:�,��ll���ll,�. I ­ I -1, ent Of-. the CaMPA t I I. . -every -towT.r- , � .1 �111 ,. . 0-111 .., I ____ .01 I I F -,i �, ,, . �, - I , - "- V- eneral news, but there,-pau be no 1g. educational system of Ontario has . oils ­ '. j- . t, � �� " , , - ­ Ineli-ouldraiertion, � I M%W f , I I �'` -R"lAr­J54T94 ignt -the- remallitag- pagew-belop- ­� . . CONTRACT ADVERTISING p p . ,,,, . , " . I I .- ,� 11 '", *ini, I .: 1,�% , , and 'villave � . . , ' . I - . — ­ - -]L%b- fbi. g.'Wheire the Canadian Farmer , " - � -, ,: . " --,"--;4- --�.-iftry: L M! been suffering f6i years from pedantry. .. I ' I ,�. I The f1gamrarall confroot advertising in. wood . I . r1cwIll- 'Were oluited convenorg to a .onthequestion. Itio,ettliftedby - ' ' I I ' I/ �­ --- ,=- , , n � may be had, - I .1 "L �' L ' � � ill -At 9' -0 - - 011 ` � � The malady like now become malignant L ­­ , D -R Y G 0 0-D OrL the" I ,-,. : " ,� ' ror OrL ow linders organIze the2lorent municilgitles: a entleman who did much to defeat and is well Ailifli. incurable- She -�oW, . - I � I 411140 twolve changes a year. unim otherwise ican manufacturer . �... 491"d Is in . . . , �­­ upon. Every A41110nal change will be on; ,ohibitionists of Manitchi. hopiefor ^1 a complete chan Of SPEOIALTIES., ; ��i , � . AN thato to Hurcipe. B . eker. the L . ; . the ' ' ,,�. 111. .. b and Herisall, Rev. J. S. Illonders 4 L L . . .1. . ­ ­ .. I dwslod'forextria, the actual cost of coinpoid. governmobt, whereby,new, condiCons, I . I I. ., ��W. "'r =1 With some vowy naa I Smith, Rev Mr. XcLennarij HA Rev. It will, however, be shortly beforo and now life, now ideals, will take the , . � . U073, from " to 75-- eg' Mr. Yeager; Stephen, Rev. Mr.'7111ieba, the day , ­ ­ . � .. . ­� ::�� , unts are rendered and clitement,the Muister of Pubill . of voting that the opponente I of this ntry and mediocrity. � '" 4 -All.advortblng now orks beaul Upborno, Rev. Mr. Fletcher; of prohibition will a . . BLACK UNDER SHIRTS, BLACK and GR,,EY DRESS SKIRT% . I., �4� .---------- � make their big Moeme Ins e one of the stirM' . �1,00, $2.00, $1.50, $2.50 and $2.75. tailor made and cut in the latest � L �­ =1 I 1; �,� : iWttiicW wontlily. io� work, o�a.d. vxclaimad: "Why the deuce don't Exeter, Rev. Mr. Milliard. After stroke� The;y will Issue an address to features of the educational system of . " . No �. j %,�' L . they make tiom in Canada F' This somo routine business the convention, the electors, signed by as many of the ; I . I. . fashion, from $2.00 to $4.75, made I . �l, p. I Ontario, Probably in no other quat, ' BLACK SATANNA WAISTS, of all wool hoinespun. I ", - : adjourned. . I di financial, commercial men and ter of the world or. there so man . . ,. -, . ca in . I , . ... question covers the whole ground, it t, $2.75, $200, �� I. EAST HURON. manufacturers as they can Induce to ocialiate as In this unhappy pro i 1 75 and $1.00. 1 , 1, I .. . . - $1-25, '$1-50, 1 -,� demands the attention of our legisla- . ; ,,4 . - vince. ,- latest I I � `,.�, Tuesday afternoon of last week, In sign It. The address will point out Thy, In the educational walks of On- LADIES' UNDER VESTS ania �,, Tetapnoitr CALL 71. tore, who, if they grasped the situst- V., . ' I Axle , �1:00 DRESS MATERIALS In the . 'I'. � , " 4 . response to a call, a Prohibition con- the alleged danger to the financial, tarlo they are actually hippi --- I . I colorings, M to 58 inches widq. - 11l, , ­ , . tion, would soon talks such action as venfl .rig oviir DRAWERS. . . I � Ion was held In the Town Hall, commercial and industrial position of each othe, For the real specialist in I Homespuns, Venetians, Basket . I I , ���:­ , 1, 1 , FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, i9a would cause this Industry, as well to Brussels, There was an attendance of the Province should prohibition carry. any subject, such' as. Vu find in , I Vests from 15c. t - o $1.00. Weaves, Cords, Serges and other - � � , �' . about 60, among the number a goodly They will U*e Pertain reforms and G I England, Ire Aid, , , I relise Drawers &om 25c. to $1.00. new makes, from 50c. to $1.40. .�, � .1 . — alliedones which depend upon -pulp France. I . ,, I �, , restrictions of the trade, and point to otormitV. ME, N'S and BOYS' SHIRTS and I -; I �:, A TOUGH CROWD. wood as raw material, to be getablish. sprinkling of well known temperance the losso rthe Ited States, I have nothing "I. , . w9rkers. Several letters were read the traffic W 'that makes your . I �: . ­ f revenue the suppression Of but respect, but for the sham educa- Stage DRAWERS in all the leading A fine assortment of RAIN COATS, . ''I ed in Canada. . . ill entail, The address Is tional specialism of Ontarlo-well, it by makes, Unionand all -wool. made by the Scottish Rubber CO., t'... .. 11 The South OxfOrd trial is one of the . feiim parties who were unable to, be ow being prepared. 1. i&l horses I . I . ­ ­ -- -.., , , � 4 1 1 sent.exprespive o their willingness n, is better perhaps not to -express It. a glad. Men's wool fleece lined, sizes frorii from $150 to $12.00; lerigifis from . I detalls of Prowler Rcas� fight against , In the mezritime the organization of . I . t �%, . publicopinionandithe maji,rity vote TH01 PROTEST RECORD. goeoperate. Air qLociation for the every constituency is being attended Specialism in Ontario is lbased upon -- ­ __ 34 to 44, great value, better lines 50 to 60 in. These are the best . ,.. I � I I riding was formed With the fopowing . -- - wool lined at 60c, 65c and 75c. . made goods in the trade, . I .. of th people In this provincQ. It wao Twelve petitionaL and eight cross. Officers. to. and the reports indicate that the crain work in the B. A. course at I a . . . . I .. I :.;,. �. up President, W. a. Kerr; vice- University -it registers a feat of mom- . . ­ I -1 . � , license holders' anticipate it very Men's all wool Nova Scotia make, . , I , �. 1, instigated for the purpose of vacating petitions dismissed. the dates fixed for president, B. GeiTy ;so tary, G. F. h Lriti-probiblition OrY-the number of hours the student vontly into the heart of the great unshrinkable, from 50c. to $1.25. Great value in LADIES' and CHEL,D. , . I I I . ,*�' the mat which Air. Donald Sutherland four, and six postponed for two weeks Blair; tre—r,.Kev. Tpairl. cl.e=114. I vote on De- taxed his powers with a wet towel masters of E sh can practically dis- A guarantee with each Shirt that REN'S CASHMERE and ALL . � I , : I . , � , hiA won, and of enabling the Govern- was a result of a meeting of the Ele ' c. Following municipal chairmen were I - around his head. At Columbia Uni. tinguish .1r,21.1 I. synonyms as set it will not shrink. WOOL, HOSE. . i 1. I I .l I ment to tapture It by means with tion Court at Toronto last Saturday. also appointed: -Howick Rev.do SySteffl. versity, at Corndll Universit , in the firth in their social order. The pupils ; . I ­ , 1, I Messrs. McKelvey and 'Dobscin : Our Bducational United States, at the MuWcK Univer. may study them parrot -like, but such OUR AMERICAN MADE WRAP- We carry the Best Lines of STOCK- - 1. . which we are already too familiar, and The petitions'disinlosed were divided Wroxeter, W. S. McKerelifer; Turn' sity and Berlin Universitv in Ger. studr is no more mental discipline or PERETTES at 10c. and I%c., fast INGS made at the Goderich Knit, . I � , , thus to skvt itself. by the illows: AgaiustlAborals, Stormont � , colors, are the best in the trade. . " � ­ Woodstock as fc - L berry, �Svds, Messrs. West andSwa"n . many, a apeciallst is one who bob done scho arship, or culture than would be I ting 'Mill. I v. MoOost. South Wentworth v. Dick. 9, as. Smillie and W. Jackson; counting marbles. Read the cow I I , � ,� , . Times certain facts in relation to this enson. A STRONG ARRAIGNMENT BY Post-gradfiate work fori three or four post- I "I . �-­- � West Huron v. Cameron. 0 ca. Strachan and Win. years, guided and directed by a special tionis of these boys -and girls, and you , � �. I 111111,110CLUVV0 are presented for the offifl- South Norfolk v. Charlton, and cross. "M A WELL KNOWN EDU- will soon learn how worthless is this 'Phone 86. . 0 y"ron; Brussels, A. M. McKay and faculty of professors. In Ontario a ­ . I L cation of -the public. Inthefirstopla,ce, petition. South Bruce v. Truax� and a. Ham I McKillop. James Kerr -, specialist is one who in his B. A. kind of staff. I repeat, Mr. Editor, . L l'. L ' , 0=014on. OAntroSlawo4galpet Hullett Vds. Messrs. Hamilton and eOUTSO has membrized. or crammed so what the educational system 'f 0 - 1, �t 10 Polatedout that 'ill tto witnesses Davl. n.and a . .,�. tIN ' Alialtrat Kenneay. CATIONIST. . W611 that he has obtained 75 or So g.er larlo needsjs broad and deep and. win . J11, H v COLBORNE, - : - 1, I 1:�. - . . summoned On beliAlf of the Ross Gov- Conservativ, -' InE Dr. Thomas o!sagan,s severe cenL in his examinations', and and modest scholarship. it has beesne CoilnlovRi!tan Patterns for: ., .. ,. ' "�d .� � ,. Rold. LOW on 8440. . - - - - ­­­ . L" ernMentivellopaidthtestify. Therate WootiTaMEZArv. en eandeross. Itwas agreed that the Coutral'Exe- Criticism. - been Marked Al b characterized in the past by Omni- . .. ­ .. 'L. - 1! ­:­ I. "itition, Eas CutIve consist of a presldent� vice- . Ktbo Inspectors on . I . . ­ s ing br CARMIltou V. 0MOcallen president, secretary and treasurer. his method of teac, ing. sciences, and we have as its fruit � - - :.. I and , ::r­�itlon- mitriftoutin V. tor World: Will J,et us examine the. humbug of -.the puffery and - ,-----�-----,-A*"ttut,wwo-xoputabl"itizen to ­ ,--L-- FA pedantry. . 4 --, -,;Sii� I " "" � . on. ----- - of thu last- - . - - �.­­.. . L �'SO'ith and cross-petitlo'. c rth campaign, reads. financial me space in your r?or to discuss the last part of this. . 0 ", . a 40) job on tho Sault Canal. Some v -20. AN. --- I so , a 41 qko&-#a1tIc Al Paul, treasurer, you kindly give L. � i it. Pafsley,, Ort. Tdbs. O�I[Ao The Lightnes , � -. : mon recived $101cithers $12; some, taittion against Either fud gross. statement showing over bject, as hope freely Land The aspirin Specialist havi - 0, . . -� I I .,L 0 petition. Thei account was transferred to th; fairly. It Is a question of the moat pas" his ex=nationa at the Scho( a . 6 19 1. 1, againt 00; while for three persons wh vital moment to overy man, woman TI A WORD TO FARM TOILERS. - ' Dorothy Dodd - 't 6 of Peda ,gy, begins his work some . -corroborating Ir were - sat, for ­ Nciviom� - I 0 in - ­ � -�, , new organization. . I ­­ -­ ­'liciloo-testlMoRyi,eseh -Two trials. . antlehild hi this. province. Na.mon. High -Se 001"let US­Say'-aS­W. I - .., .. 1. I ... �.­ ­ 1. — ­ 1, I . - -1 **, , . . I . . � I I , .1 teacher . - ... .. I . .. 11. 1. ..".1--- I I I othamthe-"Wardwas *40DIn cash. her IS: FronteltAC against GAIIA211- 011 ni6flofi,61!"Messrs�I., Blafi 'and' can fold his arms and any. ,-It con- of classi , es. An . . �. 0 .1 *411111411411411" * - -- I . Hinchloy $15 was voted to the Pro Inspector, -who really I ... I , er (Cons at Kingston i�t-T.FX) - Itodoes concern him; knowt,'classles-.111 ---- -1 ------ A : , H _ corns me noW' ' I -1- - -.:I­94-00f,tho� j--rggi�i�rod-ltfto-was .vinclal Central Assoniatinn- L - I It must concern him. L . . . ., In all wearing api �- ap.-­M� 21.11, Against Berber — t %el the finest and choi � I - -- 1Ah rates t at teacCei",C1 in hro Pai U-0. - ks Celery cest materials are t ose that combine a � . - I a payment of III= for eight witriessep st Milto", and two for Novernb4or M Moved by Rev. Mr. McKelvey, The education of Ontario belongs to of teaching his subject. Next you' I strength with extreme lightness of weig L . : I ­ : owlijo,woAtId owea to cormption,with & Urtnox agatnatCars.callen (Cona,� &6 seconded by Rev. Mr. Brown, that the no political party -it belongto to the . . a , I "', . , �� � id4he�sum of- $Wk ruakl�g $750 In till, X&PADee- K11110t0l) agidinst. Perase -4ey have a rig t --nay, a "T' - I I . , ,.: . L Executive an estimate of the people, and it X . I I - Few persons stop to consider how much . �% Jf tilteasse were proven: (LIb.),at Klnghfoon' . .1 necessary =nrequired for literature very duty -to en uk, to Its char- � . Compo needless weight they carry about in their :.*1 � . I The Persol's The following six petitions were and other necessary expenses In the acber and raw ud=ent upon Its I wearin apparel. And' the greatest Item . . sworn against were all ulen of good. =ned. for two weeks: No . I rid,fly, and sub. C 11 . " I oath The Home Friend of the Farmer . rtl% York r ivigir afor the I adtaluist on. �t Is folly to about . comes In the matter of shoes. Heavy shoes I POSI . c t — a drag upon your strength . . . I .L tAotu On the other hand, the Indi, ag oat Davia and croeqToWtoin. Ariong the di erent muni- Wt, and lvollflea,'4 when . . slid His Family In the I I I � Center Bruce ag cipalities. Camed. (7t . every . . � �,, T)414lbemployed to swear wbre not aInstClark(C6niQand ' the system a .being I 0iticized, and to gives.me gre;ft plenum Autumn Season. I step you take. They are a continualltlax and ­ . . I 1R,rXkI&b1y in the a4me category. A croso * petition. East Wellington In the evening a rublic meeting was subjected to the searebli.kht of a just, , write you and congrittitilate , . quickly exhaust you. �� I against I . . , Gibson' (Ub.) and Croft- held with a I 0 a tendance. Rev. J. fair and impartial �kfter the labors and toils of the , ­ ­ L I . 4wt*1n-vdULew.who-=as­paId.-to-. � Ill .---.-.,Noj!l � M.-011 - , I examination. yott on hayitig put upOn - ThO lightest of all ohms for wt�men Is the . . . -----, � say, th Ontaxle - oweli-1vair thu prinul- � -InsubWttt!tKtlmoatitbii"ro-i,6dii�� -&RiT�it Such a fg1uiQe_ me& -summorthhui-andbarvesting- -- I "Dorothy Dodd.10 The i It. Oil ritAll t1kq ­ _ I I tUt his morals had been,corrupted by ylo Cona. and 01084- Ion. pal speaker, and made a capital address cation in the local leg t I 1 , of erolm . - scales are the only . A libry i*spectablepritlemen living In oo Isla ure u 804, he early Autumn.*many of our I test and they show a big difference over any ,� �, - � L North ateirl net , Ictier of one hour's length. He Is a fluent, Ron. 0. W. Uoss, the then ?dInIster of dhe in a minutt form. It has f�i. mtlers, their wives, daughters and other, shoe. . � Cons.) and cross -ped on. Sault, Sth. plowant a done me so much good that ' sons, find themselves in a condition of - . . Milsouburg W spont three yemv in rigalter, not given to making Education, closed his speech with the as I I , I . . . ricagainstMise pbeII(COh0,)8L:Ad unoubdian. sted staoments, but in an following rhetorical firoworka-very Soon as one box Is gone I pur. health demanding careful attention if � . � l I Prison. ,The next hPA been conviat4d (*rooll-potition. argumentative manner ,worked out dat2kling, very plausible: suffMI19 is to lie avoldeddater on. Think what it means to you to save the I , . ..� � 'A tiWaliet,tit4lia -61tase anothm I have beett Many,experfence kidney trouble of' lifting of any needless weight many hun- . � . , es for assault, and The court was composed of Justices the subject lit hand. "The man who would imperil our somevvIlat coatipited an my dred times an hour. , '*jw UW ollft for 0 rJury. Tire third clennah and Str4 -L SOME! form; With some the liver is. I " Mr. Hilm"d wX8T HURON. school system by partisan criticism liver has been out of o er, torFld; there IS tilhousnes, 'nausea 1:�: -1 . W been convIPW of air offence not (stool appeared for the Conservatl*eo About oeventy-five people answered should meet with undisguised I" - Yet no element of wear is lost in this , I . .11 11 L ­ I - XA. Grant for the Liberals, ina the call of the West Hifron I'Lirohibl. tion; the sector UP ave S. I . I jL y who would intmool, but Iron -Ox Tablets p�F am volrdthig, wi h loss of appetite ligbiries . I . 1. 11 I .. . - H. A. 11%toon for tho LiberAl peti, lien AIU"c6 to meet 4n Temperance an a . � of and deptmion of spirits. Thousands A-) L or in South Huron. . I, y element of disintegration, either my whole system ri who hilve*been exposed to - �"- - --- ­ . .1 . . ..� I I L. . ­­*,�, Hall I#Ab F�Idxy afternoon. Mr. 0. X ito the organization of the System I cold, damp - .1 .L., 1. J I . - W itsel . F. H. HARRIS, winda and rains, -now feel the twinges I 1. I!, ­ It Elliott, as president, occupied the f br into the publit- sentiment by S9 Prove Stxett, of tehjble 'rhountatism ; others run- %. I ,, . il.­. . . .. 11 I L 11 L 1%ving; :ran With the AdllalriL ebalf for the first half hour, ind Rev. which it Is Supporied, shOdId be -.-- . mew 11"ell, coun. down try worry, overwork, ana irreg� They cost$3-75- . , -1 I I Perhaps Dan Mc011iltuddy - Mr. Whaley, of St, Helone, Vice-proel. 'treated as an open and avowe4tnerny, I � . Will '"' dent, for the remainder of the Session, ular dieting, aro tormented with the -------- . fose to aftept &harbor contract frot" and he who, by liaper or bf speech* . . � Dr. Fowler And Mr. J. J. ,iffamu t I ^,%p pangs of dyspepsia. _ the Government which turne,4 bit th, of Attempts rather to discredittlian to � I" . T6th6thousAndsof rundown sickly P.S.-Of course we will Jive You par. I I . .. - nit mi,wet% resent to ropriesent Improve the work already done,ahould J 4 . . friend TArteorit.-Itamuton Spectator. WI ba RON ticullars of the $4,000 Prize ontest. I I ,: w I . I tho X 4hat toyou . be regard6d as an incendiary it . W^ find hAlf dead men and women in far, . . , 6 ying . homes we rL-edtnmead with all hon a I I I I I � NobodY knows the name ofthon6l Well a glaring tAmh to one of the Ultoric TAALETS d confidetice the, worker"il frienzi 1. Minister of Public Warkth but the Mr. John A. Nichols, the 11 Huron 8 nal 3�e known tomperatree, advocate ga,,V ,, cathedrals of the Mother Country," Al a, '. . - I . . I pords him as a UPA Outline of the plin of compeL . . R&Inti's Celery Compound, the on y WK SHARMAN.-JR, ­ I . I I to Oheor Wor.-Tbrooto Telegram. _(9111 And a This Is very ba utiftia indeed, but :ant& . �eneral discussion foilo*od an wo;ys also, vpty flamboyant, It all bl . rlftv for 25 4 . medicine thitt can gulbkly mild fully I I � 11 ,n ,� _ I I . . I 11 . 'W111111) Or ADMIRAL PA% I . . and niftlair. I I upon the words "partisano and "L ­.­-...-­­­­­ � restore strength to th6 weak bod and HAS EXCLUSIVE SALE.- I I I I , " , I Illareato veiv!t#itand amatt, _ ytgo. '-A Tory i ---I* ,M . .� V. � , I I T I to tho irniacli*. Paines A I I I I '011 Irootion of Rev. M. .T. Wilotill., ciat]M" Divested of its. flowers And I Ciitnpoundtonod-the Stomach; roo; . I 1. I I J=Ift- - AWILS11ord,of0olmeoville, it was flulditg'. t simply Ineens this, Ile Who AN, WJNRIVA16ED moves polsolioneAtIdafrom, the ood KIMBIlAxoGRANITE I& I I I . � . to. , . I .1 doldod to klipolub e, committee to "YO t a Ibb handiwork OtGeorgo W, I NICIRVIC. T61410 tigm. � I � , � I I 1. 4 `0�la Wh bitin to 419. o-Torouto $oft 4e0IdA*)!i0XMOUht of Malloy should .0 In 6 Education Deitartment, of . whIckeAu"Theumatism; it the poiNiN., I . -, I . 11 � I Admiral D&u Meallifeuddy *ill btiAdkodfrovA each inuhleljiiillty�, for 0 lo. x othet thAn peffePtIou let 11. wook ariddis6sodnerves and banishes , ; , � WORSELL'S I .. I I I . 1. . _ heut*1916, tortures; It, (trilles the � , I I iltyev ."M th the hel lit ath6iiii-com6litod i;, the I I , - , I I 11.-- t,bthlo "Mpoollo- Ouip-oftti, and rMideilt ,r . . � I atid gives trao vital t arid lild. I ­ I . I � - , . � � � Pow -ft. bogr�30?iZe'i 4'Huftih VOO TMto. 1311116ttv 80villo, James HAMIlton and ttAko� 'L L I 6 kno , L eltoovf.palbolo Celoo 6 � . I .1. �, , iS the place to get- -w . I ,, I L , worid InTo I � , ompound . . �� � I 00' litigbib &Ud 1111141tt," bUt ,bb �**y J -W# ROW6011. Abod ,MoakiN. James Reavonknows the 6duicou0nal by* t rzotor ;kh wit ant � MeAhs the ontablishing of a , - I , 9t6tio eviery _"iblal 04ebedo* It* im Ultolion dnd Jam" Ooldowell were tend of Ontdirlo has been pan =Ihou h roat li"ot dr0slIC to ,bd AblebUtot , I . * . - , . -00 _ _ fty4iod L Or Xertophiou With 6 PhY010A V* - tio - Wand I I I I ,; to C*si* , of wift � I Minlitty Of Public Wq*kif in th" f*14 4LPWtltod $8 Such 6��Ittohej eno*4 Dr. ay' 1 fit tho 0 tigiii,e of,ft severi wititer, , . Metal hfibg and I <1 . , n- � L,* old ofs, dittion 009 A114 . . , I I .1 16*1241MV 0UV*W Of V060d brillIOU: � It ,w#A doolded tb4 6,6 fdildg MI. iuldhottrowl . wehiso, 4ce --*A,Y, 66jided ax I ,... , I , , . , 1 '4 ��', I but k ft;L and " the,; P , I 1, I I * )KAed Ab( I -- ty ' r*tft that t"cher 0 Ill In ld I s motbW . � no We of RbbbA Mel)ole� near � L � I. . . . . t": - creeps rAth& t1w­ 41 .1 U "Phi JLit'fQs, to bo 1, spsoW L Wtaton's wat thef hot, held In that aft. , I , iik" lftftuuf* - "d " this tinoutlif Of Sidingi . RMX0W(* otigh the heOthfolloft it - . _ * of teaching OIL& 41,tilai;W1 KM bb &Zda tbA I �0 ear " I ft. . , I I 'L. L I ­ , I . L I . ftAilk-M I soar. I , llt*Ma" to be thooen'sitd Its dlitrio, arn6thereid Wlt,� 1 4 e@t . . . speclil . . t 10h for' mAn(dL I . � I - I I I . I . * t,0-004, I I I , , it lot brovirtuo of the iAA and "". Ae tow pr101 I - I I o'T9061A !W*?" 1104011 6110011d, be In theirlmW4 the moatitt And *0111, It .1 ". I Woes— . I 11 . . ng, . ,� tlftM,"** Wo 1* $I to boinLiniml L . �W& = I Mean th6 *him AM 04*lta Of t6,,*V,% "a the tn- . I . L the nott *t" ate Wltb 'the vice. I# liulw Ode thAt S140111trt 10 must re. f � I 11 I �, I I prosr. tire ltitoL'W" *old I" '6@8 than 'io � He Troughi L' �­ I L 0 $060toviftumboittWO. This urs� , Ur - - . --- I I . ., I .."a -coot but bile thit'sn"60to* biq 110*60 And, eattl6bold at high I a I I , . niutlny*t� W6 Noft, fit the "atu ilexita A* **& minlid �Qge 116* diffit bi lifto j"Is I I . ` . L*uty� and to ft I , I , . . !Md, the Old ��. liftod6d by Adfth*I le! have Vowor to fill Viafteile* girlsing the ,educathm of thio xO#Il10%:, for _ffieticm Jt . . I ; . I . . eftfring ov Month stud. *Oil*. I PkI&*#A dldftillght inArsi Wlth'foaludi�o I I �, I 0.1111�iwdrv-otfwoft clusbal , ttlt$m ,any talk".. Rowever able It 1 C*61V 0114 1*1 . I At, this , gt4foof" bron I ,,, ­� - � - I . I . airv- .. �., I 101th the'fishbtkiihl� I*& .1. , tr Yti * 'needs W I can be Moto mrintht o L bt thei LsLmi . --- - a ^ I . "I*;, f 1 0 .19, wire � � gL outside its muftlit vor� won cAt olow. 1,61,111- . - U I . I I. *A11, 111600' bf Ong 969 .,b , th Seftite arid' "M6,:the hchooto the�l Of om An a All 011; - I � I I � . I . I I . � . I Aghtiold. � i km to addit" puli le. m6o(.In tional � I . - # Edum it, . I I, ,, . I . , tmwiq 40 AAouiats on . I L Dopartmoot Of OhWfo, aistrong bsovaL 18 - bad of Wi'Onditio" that th*'U&h' not 61119-iblet for t*91 I ", � � Ighqut the AdhPi" left In � 6 M,Q, S,tI0a.*WOb6dk"u Isittation, , .- d L ?or uealdy thirty years ,ho ,,tin d',Vet 4 &t*0 bat'34 b*'b utid the , W14 top And tht, fo'*Chor. & ien Monthe oil , Hemfog bull: Rattenboty ,0,0'k�S - Lron, PP Pe a q - � L - .'Oft 01 . . , . 'thoe, 6016ews M1 for htotd� of"the uxoku vi�'wh6*00id I , Avl�,hdlarl[7 , * 4 He"ford 'heifer two, . Sti 'W ', - I , �, I � A" � � swid 'a, Atill ttioveli* thi, Towtiolflp of. AAfteid, f0i. oil L njAn"'a Amu vow, An4 abovs ull, a b"d Wtotry tind dethWAres 1�r $%, . X� I 'L .1 I 1"I ommon6e theIr work oit M ttUO hochQ1041411 In Otlt*40, It has yehm old brought $K And a pair of I , * � Oft - * , !sn *Ibahlp, coinnifiti4tilmlaian, He 41*14, b4i In . , % � . . .4 I I I I M 0111*1611661. .001.1 - btl I, win thy, *Ith t then. .141, � I ,�� �� h th a0d tomfbr-ti =14 'A ato _ . CLINTON pipe "nugs. I wl* . %= Orth 11 flitt 06rage, sptlu!; wv",*44. . ,I 1, . I - 0 I- in the b"0111i I Nr - P4 h# tWht%% noit, set a p"mitim U ' I � :1 , � I I 9 660" " irstAnceAh4bubreel =!'AW"s�&it' --a-m— I . . N "I 11 11 . L ate *WIg IIMXI� "W 66�til Aketh"t'it ChUtth W64,CrOW404 tO 016 totl6ft !at IiWfleally.� Re should . Iduali. . 26s'A P".'.so ' 4. ' Vft SM%' , RY tif the 06ther, to the *hIm md It, Is 4, lAvie ' 4to -Ditoot Imporuts. I I ;, I . L . , $elf4bbl 46�Qoifrti�. #%1,04' *16M With 4 dft)Y IntftMW, arid beLst'tOng,enoUgh toput'la 4 Aftight r, 11A.-Maily of I I I 11 . i 10011110APdilo6 116 Dittritallhost Oftin - I tivelletithu"tic 404sh" prw&riti , (*Price Of tit tor sucyou, *ill 1411plefits, lithlit man, IM to eout�orid , _,-,W4i,kWeiU ip, . ON r. A . . 11 2 1 $4, 40. '"alto *kat *vIkt*p%ru4a;0ok andlkeyk bay ­^ ' . ,knd . I bd,. - stift9th ,ghd #egh bofi 'k si*Za Milottbtesidod *ad-0ort.oA4r#s60it Al _ 'as era UAdfoul that khock it, tor, .1 n esdod *Ith'b%Vo; thelf' sh matovisil -.6- . 4 N", . It I $0,01t. Dftt $Moot I !t,i r1attftl nVii asmueli it 'Origlti ill, ALAfadWerod . 1. - . I - is, b It 6k tht , ,bbyei. " U a tlelfeate OM ­ "I � Arr""Of to"00 W IMU wets �Qo, 6 ­­ $ the do&61! thomad'a'Whi Hdr#11 IN. 6 IWIM, litfdr� "t . an, guiriffitood, . . I I I 'I -V He*hWdk46y-*h6- *`b0146 L Ufttion 84b 01A im okauw. No*, how 'pooUllowbr , Ibleto tho df4ur I I I � I � W4. % -low i gtheloor*tc n"n aw : 1. .. U so'. Althotla coatkil g;;;4, oft, 6VOMIlost th6111L Wt. NIc 61ts = =W* , at RoestheFP ylil'ClAilt 1*�� a,0 "P'*,th ' I . I .L H.- Worse L L , .. , k and,�­sicklg ft� SOV 90*ftt buitifiesiif. . . apa tne#, tri"Ip# 61" of Life Most towi, sytwmvp6b &,.hi#h *6ra1,p1A0*,�Ahdj 'rhAt, br. L I ,e 0=6w� , T'n G ­bI , k 13LICE - 11 . IN ' , .VL* f . I., To' All. VftL . L W4 Mtkm "Att In hjg�appotntnronto pI&C0nOpft.MIVM 9 _WWI.tlr L L'QU)ArhA t -13 "I � .: _ or'o" , _ , -W - Who, Ilk V any' * AlLia , �- ' -to �- - , - , - *11ft0b ModfosWif 1111 'et0ftimli t It 6 or Zior li�ffrwlo Miff arlikkifig. � 0 i I 'W4�vw�,� ....... . 0,0#0! A,,: . I . . I I , , , , _ -W re -JA ­ lith * tag lit%�MX.V; (61milm, Thl* A ' , � , , , 1, I I. 4 I ­ 11 .. , I ";Uft lit ,p" - irich sma STO"MA41 aftit. hftvro & obdetvli. Allsp#0WO f -r"lu .4�ftiA, 616L . ­ , .11 � , b**1 elffifilog trAft 4 I Hlingi I .I* htfl,fol', 1110 gMt. tiMi � I i � - , tilt I , " e , , - at onili $o, 1 b duW llve�k r I I . - . . . .M WeA, a* 6, 64 In th't 416tj Of Ifilbliattkitift,lie , Ift"M oft e 1, L ­ 11. � : *1 ­,!­,�­! � t 1� 06"Ou 0, C4, pto 156 V4" Z , _W&toto now -. '41 PROVAItTo" !Llvery, 10 '' I 8 10 I I ot V r'M IS �M =610- 0110 #A kttbbtwr-L o: - -­ ----- �� ,L g , fiing fodd. Th 44 'JO4100 u0i 'P*A* Dee..4thw�*bow Aw , 1, I I I t 4=114 'n Ili to imtk"". of M, the . -1 � 'k — I . I tor;r lif L, - t Ake OtItS shoxllj� 06t ibe A 6� to find the Wotdit. Muftft At oft 1 1 . . L 'L �d I I . I I I , &116446 . Afi&ofar Yoao� Lh sonoto" tlift, *in table VU*. � 0 id' P96 'PtWAS A,V60iblitO II&Ae foou"44 "4 t,W by ( kttt.'Olot� ""lit tit tit 4 laftlin or,vittina, l8rkoh# mlpftit* t4rarmplwd, ge- ,� libro a* CA!* , 1� l U ftt ib - r *O*U' � L .. tuto lAt ty" " �� Wift 11, VO4% ofitftfloir J)'Ugh­ fo , A Of t6ftinibPtIon so Cr and I J* '&iV"r J��* VM, JI&h , = of hVA boartit - tll�e-t�tWfr,jk� U" V lien 01 11 ti. I S , . I I 1: I * "odfoutiod U*tAft*thI L , ilgh 10#*U a * I d ft0d, Aulu # b" 11kilt And: fiot , ti 10, tffeetl*e, at'id, the� 1406t . Vel nu- ,VVIII bot,bUr.* ' I . . .Th#k '; I I ,aud OW shk ftilo of Mr. M W I AM, vlint;�d that Ilitkl,bla )�Aflo�Mn. OR,, HAMILTOR AND [lft� ; V""rrs -to w� , %I I "I'll, L ' aiftW t6W deaftOJ4 It,* ' 1, � � .;, A , th6 wbitit Air t� % a *Ay thm aitsits O" U*, thft, I , . " Wt ; - 'S"V9T9,'GObgpl6j, . -21 �i ,_ _ " *Ith *bk'k 1* *A* I" - * thO - On _* M 4-1 WWOAT9 - : 0% .- 4t**tl) a ; , � I td Wkiod' L � _ JW"" * &,, 'A Vni, il , ; , � , " I norier.,ij � W beso ,,, Vim 1W ., t He d,*, n% Won I . I I 1 16 f I t4t %** '010 t! L . t itr L tIft*1 "Itfollijilt W #Iftd. - * O ' " Z,boAt* I 0,,�,�-'4.*---A� M3 It, wilil uotli'va ,O 10.1111.11'.."i, I III, I . . u*4,by. Inhalli - h ktit. . W, V , � ­ , *, = 060io, lu lit ft"V 6f 11"A OJI in ** ho" knowit littilt , t0lkf. � �, 40*04 1 U*AV 4 '*Ith 'so*, )0* ul:* thV1*ktaz* 4016, itaid 'PAtm*"*hO 66bteM#IAJ*1 bul POV Woghsj eoldiiAnd. hil a eailbh�q t ). TfAmttgog "N . , � OM4 4"a ,ijiffi, he,fi,%'h J;tfe,J%6*' ,k"t It *or . 6bb . _ Of *hai Of the sub -in � , �11 0441*114ii, . Inite 0 , . . .. it 14 & - V. 15., An a J. PA UAIYA10, . - I I 0""10, I$ ,L -W*t prOhIbItI4",. ,*A. IdQ Xinto - Will be dog . laing th6thr6,Kt',-,I"g$ Xua Chest _fienbd th6Loft"V'ol'i,J . . .., , � - t* 'U*0660 I*,AhdthftT"*fttotkerh*t*t*r6t butlitusiho* ftMftt itfloe should ti*Lx *;��Ibgftqtft 8 *W Oft .1ji4iN 1116VOt Welk knowii ' tbM 14% 9*4 ** tkt& , I I L Vil 11 . - U # the 4 ft .", , . ... ll*pah*d bmtIng &W1, Ob, tA " '04 '14iose 0AU00,0116414 domilooftiji., , 4 '*aa, 1%" e,VAd *"'d"h1*jft*�'b6fti*d, lL(* � A*"* teoft '14 to* thilis 1461 r.,,, �,t%L!)1011 tho gentrairmi)o lyrth ,A#444 . . �.'L V"A UP ft t L the adinl4gr1oh ot 14114(latiou At It I Utt%ftt tb4t to. ,In -0y' �� tw *11, It PMM0166 )� f" and " J-f:Pr` ,ftA0t`1`"4103tl*$akbQ'Q%%4 ... L � f", *hf. #O" at fiitost� 11 t WInk *W M 4`6 *WULMIRM tUt %�f 4 A 04 Wo li#l* (tiriftt, it mug, %wa. A I Xk e ,4 iittlitti1W b4 . . *0" a1w:*r uiuo , to*h**A 9,*6044t of bb I I I W 0,= "d Its & - *t(,w ' _ � . , qui*r0l 1 "411 UW1141" � . ir ,4 - kl# file rall im f _ -� a tWir oivu. , wMrf" OL I I , y ,., b4sbbW lo t* rovin,* atifing tio"JAY0 %6t'CA*." Afo* JAV6 C Atio'bo th,610j, tenrOol to h , . , L 'too Ittle �L 1*AIWat$#A,4ued- L * .. I *Ad *%Aro� Wt'" ft�owtl , - Y060 to N* nitAtum me"s 0� vow - qL " I ' , -V ail ­ hi W14.4ft, L , 61 th*,*%**1nAQ" tfteut 'a", i6o, mtkii ,#ft 'd ,� a , . ­ triatit 6*6 fh,t;;MJfO� *IthU* � .. . � �-`L � Ift **Qtjot Scote -u� AU *X*4ft I , Aw" f06 04ftV&ftts of t , tht "4* J"t* L : wulitdatemo " * 4 I'vift tho d4em6d I I , 't F ,r - 0014K � - . . .�% *04"001 11 it* 1, 4satso VO4, rg" fttft ths 1)"# "" to 00 tut it h" I � V*11, 14M ph C I *A I "P*ft "t lit U* * kW: bf 4 mi*%. th*ftoffb "ilo'b" Alr4dy 6Wk*4 "�.�.'Jjl J�, I L J . I - and insfttool allm ". 2430M. I �, . ,J"'L 0 b*ft,k$$* 4 'a " 1, .L,-- '1,)J,WM, :W $iW*W1'6i i I treated. 0, r I " of po " liver 00-.* ws 1111 * * 44h W0*41 ~ io"t lt**ft 6t , y*& *W* ftm too t4 no"islim,16illoi� P -111.11 ­ I 141 , _ 0"** *0�4 6* *U%*M '4' = to -fty th" ilu,ftoft � , , Otit., M tb*' Ift4d J%11 t0L . I �� .ftsoftAi4otnK WOW " � I " , : �'f&4 "i4a a 00"Md I I Do ", 644 I" ��� r. UrsUVA Allo Y0fL0I*l&"ag4*WQ!W1 I �, I * � �11 " 16d' tbo "" *X* 11= *No 0 V"WbItAhtlit VA Will"Y006,1 9 - h',rosid 114 1, �, I " ftht =' Ift 4 L*4=4" _ ft A* � . --.4. ­­ ' I k*X-V -04W I I 1A, , I , / r � , 1 '1419 L" , is *%P" " 0 TZ44w,womitskoatti 11 I I .Oel$ W,��,;!5` I flafift & flan ; f low WM %I** %*"Wfi*%U I I tiolk," Just 4tt*lt Wt 10whilta *$if( , , 0 `Af . ! r I I ­ - L I . --- r"; 6 Id, U *040VQ ( thij, ..Jft I I � '" * (9ft At" 14*1001 *111*106oUrit to Aboub & I - . , _ . iw 4W1&eU** .... # L dd , 0"a as#,' to * 0 444 40 _ . _ , odit. 1%bM*** f I . XVs1W,sgV*�r L ­ I I—— ­­ ­ - .4 , _ I' r I . I � p � 1 , 1: 11 I I PR0PAI*J'6**, . I � L I I I . r r I I , . C � �U%qhs �, I' , 'It I I r C 01-1. ., , I 1. I Sole A1514o I 'I I h,0l mom 10- I I I - - * f W'I-- ' "Ola ill 'e hagd,' ' I 1. k , � . I I . L - . 'ij 1 I I sw *a *10 Aftd� " I - I - �f -A4--- - - 1-. ft , , # *,&*WK I � I - I 7'WAPM -W I : ­­­ ------- t I .OtA . *V it --to **% ­ -fto"Wy- I ��- 0 ." I . . ftits IN I *W *: I , 11 ­ i� - -- . � .. *fty W. !`t= �-Ii"­� �'­ ­-­----- - l 1� My, ",* I" "%M *I*L 4 ' Ita" 9k* -of ft*WtW1 . I I tft*#MTAY XftV*,A", . . L *00, " - . ft lov WAA I di i 4 'imotm OX - --- -­9vanly I 40" "OvAr-a"U" ' it, rod ­ , I -1 L" ­11.�A`f ­". . L" I I 046r,WA 444 *A** . �z't�.41 � oe � I , I , , i�; .— I A 111010010, 4*0411g� 1; *#~'-'*�­r �1'j� I , it, "Aaw "" 1*104 A" 010 (Ir ftvftt ,*16"Id be � V" for _**" - ------ 10114*60*1 . I r I f1w ION, AltLftS* I , =1 #WAb*br t , . I . I t . *110"Y""" � to, With the 10" ""* * t - �Wx t � � I l .*A tN"Jd rrr - . boos A � . til'i4k V .. 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