HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1902-09-26, Page 6I I , . : � , ­_ - I __ , , _�17 1 �-_ �_ . .11% I;- � , "I I � . , , 1 IsI7 -TV I . I 4 11 T', �WTTT"" . I �'If�wr7,,,-7,A71(7p.,7rw7��VMFNpr,rlf , , 't ,,� , - I I � . I I . � . , . 1 4 1'� , I I I ,; . - #'W _�, - ­,--�,,7 % . I � . I . 1. , I I I . � I � I -1 - W,'1�4r"- 1 .1;1­.­'­� -1 � � I. .:"T -- " .,W( Vr forr-AX.K#PW,7W I I I . . I I I � . . I I t � I .� I w I I , � .1 .­- . .." , - ,� � I I t I ­'­ � �', I 11 I . I ... 11 W . � . � , I � 1. . . ; 11 I I I I I - I I � I . . I . I 1. I I . . I � 4. � q I 11 I . 1. �. -1 I 1. � � . I . . It 11 � I p , " o I 11 I � I ,. I I I ", � I I ,.1 . � I I I . ,��: .. � � I I I I � �, 1. � . I 1. ; I .1. I ,I � 1; . I . , . , 4 - ,� 1 i I . I i . I . . . . i I 1. �s # . 1, I I I � * � I �', I . I � .1 � , I � . I I .1 , ., I I ­ � . - I � .. . � :. , ', I ., �, I . I - I - I � I 1. I I . I I I :1 I 'It. � 1 4 ,I 11 , - 1. ­ .. ­­ I . I I I - � , . I .. 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I I 1, � I *44 "04*" b**,. !, *1( . *� � ", , , � I I . . . . .? . *'_� n, , � 11 . t 11 - . , , . It"y I - . , � . . 1 I i . I 1. I , Is , , �el � � I . I , , Zea , � � w ., , .1 - ,; I � . r � "P.s 11 I �� "� .1 ;, . 111 p , - , to," , � � aw:r= VW , !tl ,�w I , "IV �`, , i.��, , ft I" I.. W, I - - .K . 4M U I �g 1W W I 11 �� .. I I I �. , , � , , , r I '. , � �r, I I . , � � It I , 4 1, . t I �.ggi, 11 . I I "Ww= I , - , . . I . .� 0 04purpoft, at, 441.14" C* to to d .on 'a Mo," *A tut OfF 1110 X"N", .14; , , , A - � � , I , , , , , 11 I I I I I . '', . - - " eff r .A , I - 'J,V'Jk4 pr ub o0W I , " � , . __ 4 at'1001100%, , "a ,*Wy , � ''I I � , . I 'It 14 �mmir , , ftf�tl�, 14 I I : aw , , gp I I I * 9 I , � , . .,ff , , , , � - ft",, " � ? .1, '�' of a � , - I t . � � ... I . . f � I I JW � '" I - "V 11 -_ 11 ., . . , , . I . ; -Iwtw;IA14t"X","-"4t.$IJM*t.,CA� - T�'i 1.11, " be I I I , �:'' t" 410.40 M01144" I 1, �, , 4� I I'll 11 I , is I I �__ _. . i � I , V , I I 0 11 - I - . �, . 14- 4400V I . ., I 1. I - or li" A 400itoo4tall It 994Ct I , � . � I I olo��,r�. � : I -0 ` 11 ..- _.�A 1 : 4W...W..., e I I .1 � � I . � 0, list, Im 41" 4 "400 � I �18L IN . _Is� � , __ -1 �1�1 _ ­ � _7 ­�­-­'�.­­­,­­ 1 � '*;: ':,�: . 1 4010W It I- _'__ -1 ,­­ ,�, "", . ..... - - -_ ' 04 oft A*Wft 014, -0 %.1 I "I 1, th* � I ..'�,,�.'',�""... " �,:! . . q ., , , 1. I., 7J �,�_ � �_ �, I I . I . i&--:�Wa 1. - I �,_�,olllw�z "War* Jq* , I , I , r I � - � I I , iio�40, I. ill �P, 1 �!�71! 1 t�,!!� 0 .1 I 140�1!11� I 9 : ,� , 10 4 . I 1� : ­ 4_0)t tho *%W, 1q40uo#0,*Atb,%UCh . ­ I I " . . - . 1�-.,-g"S i� 1. I . I �, 1. , -, % , "'00 �' .1 . r .,-,-. __ . I "I I t 1 4 1 . I . . 1. I . I ,- I , I I , �- AA1 _' ro , , 11 � I I I I " . 11 . I �4 , " 'aw r � 4 "4144 I � , , - ,: _� � 1 ;094 W "Affl, 0 .. - CUMV0400, 14�-bqi of I W. 14*4v , 10-1 � 1"=1 . - - , 1� 4 ",00k , �P_ �Tao !*�A 0 "' Litdy F" �9_ �_ 4- 1. I . I � � I Of, , "'' " Tt' 1--lilo"'20- , W. ��. 'I ,4,*, , � I al I . , , ., . .0 , I � .. I I I , : - '�f -� .1 I . � � ­ * 1i � - . . " , I .11 I I , I , I , 040*05* -)"'; .., - . I 11 , J '_ � �. �, I -1-1 Ami.,�', -, " ,. M . I _1 . ., . , 1. ,,, I ­ I � . I I I .., I , " 4, ,, , rr , " t . . , , �� "i � � . , . . . " ,I aftvt �Wq '� I I 11011-9-alst 0100-019A 49 ift, . vt� " I . , . !T%* Imourltles to,'004 � Z "*Z=r%J00*06 i'"_% I , r , o�* 'I, I , ., "kia'Ou,'0904 as, V* chow-calky � po �, . I I I , ioe=l � - � I � I I , , myo� " � I t. 1. . 1�� I ��11.',,�� ��',,"`,�,��,n .., pow" t .�, , , =_ "w"940,01,131kry , Ass . � 11 - . 't prqt L , VIA" W 40, 10 , , = 0 V, W , - . I 1 rpi�`**IVA "k144AO' � '100ft. JiAwt, �*_ 0 � � I I . "M Ms' i 1 4 � ti 4 ; 0 w Xult ­ �, .4 _ , .11 � : � I i � , -,,,, I , 'A I I I. I I, I . 1% �:,.(1�11 . I "oosaft go"'. I"- W lq.� 4 11 , 1% heat ­­*­! -*-*_@-#-... ''"W''so AQW., PIK$' X4 tX-l" *r,o tj?w�� mjm .-T ::, I . , , "I " 4 � I I 'WOM40 - ;�r. , MO ,,.,.,.h.- AL -m . � n . - ,,, - K .., � �:, I, , I ,, . , , j � , J"" ,, � -if �F - A" . $:40 t�l W, Lf''Cit , i �- , I I.:, � ". I �. ;, , ;, ::,i ­ I ­ , th , . , PlAtArr'. T"­0VPkWAf7w* aLIOU __V�. _ ­,,r_X­­F 04,�lmo qr_44�i,' ;002 -, " �, r " , - . I , 4k" 01 . ?7"p -WI -t ". 'si­,L­�W ,� o .� I , I , � I ow 4 cllaerf; t 4 , ro�r'�* . M**O* �6 � � I , . 1. 1 1101V . *Oy 94APT44 W. se,0048 $At '­' 1� I -1 j, 1.1 1��,',� � ­­ ­­__ 1. ! III ...... 0.1. � . --rar"c , . � . 1:, I . , a " - � * � � """j-", 7-4"" 1 J, 4bo I 1.11 I " , !, , . I I I I 11411111 odled, - Mlppod I � . I . M. 1. - - " -' I &4:00 ,� , � . Z +4t,44 N,I+ 41 L 1 114� k'+01 1' . , � I "0049V **�441oOi I i , '" r 440', 0.9 jt 14(m In t?*.grotob - , - - 14, ffriwso." "�;, I � its 10`W� WO y9m.4 hotpl!9 , 6 IWI '04 , . � - I I .1 - toplir ,� , �, , - - li� � , ,­ 1. , . , 1, . I Ag *fta Midnight I *00 *04 09'k 44 -1" ;A , . _�:, % r Awly to . . bisa. it , Was Jo! , ;L. .� "I";;:-'�;. - . T o'd j 4 1 ­."', �'�"L �t �'�'o , Wbm;4'b* . f" , " " , , ,. , - I '. . - � '' .. �. ­, , I I J heard t16#', . ' - Is,. , t ", 1449 'u.. I , I : I 1. ''I ., I- I I . , � , �, , , , '', atio.,are a The earl Ws*� ot' hum ,,, I - too �08*1^*t , , hor� "tUILA am, , 0,4� q , tft . , L . I . I . * �: '' , i . � , . . 0A04peftlit,,V.414,,10.r,�� , . . O qxpac� 1,� I I t I . 40L 0 .oP.W'4 0*', riwolk -op o 0 "I . . . *I'm _ qj,�Qf,a. os, " ,r else ixt the IrldIfAffi, � . ,:r**# : The Iv.104, , :*'Al, i ,$4 � #*44, bit i4mq %14qujo. � ��' I .1. I . 1 , . � . 11 I . I ,". �, � ,: � . j . 1 I � I , � As . ha, � uAts 1 0- �w I 'I , 0.110 � " . . � 1. , I ,. � . - - I., buroloa,-�*11 4round; i, - � � 1. Sir Auoml. 14 W" shown Istg oe ,M",;tW00X_X"V#,,­0A , S 0 Made, aritor-A"wor, . ­ , I U ',of " � I � I V ,��4� s" L � ., , � ' 01:44 , , I , rw ! 4 ,_ b 0,0, tho;*"0444r4, 4 - . � � I . The othois"'Wi4 at Ithpuritlos are library, apd, tbqo I ft* 3110010110 _dr ,,t .# I;" t the , " _ gk Arii.e .10tit* I �,''I)k , �_ 1, I ,, F , j , .. � , I . . s light too, '' "" I io.w, i"40r,w b Ikog" ., � I I V- I - I I I . . I I . I to�" 0 his auri; "_ 44404, ., ; lof appt& ptoro I . . , L'. ,:� . . I . 'Plifietkv Iron 40' AiltorO' COM- lie Was found hy bi* 'Ok-An' Tbay dQot, '. 'I 1-, pum's, Xf bi xpewf* 044toot 40*01VO 41 ` :J a�yt, . .I;V , 1� ;. I � ., ' It be only upow, vX0 O" , It , , _(, " � j � - IF, 11 I I - I . U11 r I E � A , .4=001 �.Y,""�"o I I ;w , " L I , t h�* A - value, 400Q.,999i , vad 14,v I I.!, � -, I r I . - , 1. T'd sulphur. contalri, last witli outstretched hands "Th4v to ttlto yo ,"�cquntm4o,,A No mtory ' QvwvlM�,�Uruot be. 414.90t.'s,40w i � , ill, ,4 1 I'll, , I : ' � , pound 91 Iron ,and , th "'O ,i � '. - I . r t.4 ,� ling t4 , V, cost, a ' : , , . .. '-111 C o I., . I . out M 0 ' ' � L I , � ", ��,� �j r � I I ing.ap avc.h.av 43 par o9nt.;of the warm words of greeting, but the said ,to, blitipsIr-40 *,�,4 #61 � � '. , '. ,4 �'t4� t . . . . . . . . . . . , . I , all' ot't �L­- - L� . ". .; �� I I . L� . _ , , I 11 11-1. . . . . . . . . . . I - �:­.­ � -, I ­­ " , ,.. - - 1.111, . ; , . t � � y7now cousin.4' ­� af-)p � ­­., . ­ ­.... I , . .0401* Ltim(ti"", ­­­­ I' ". � . �_. �1_ 11 ,* _V qo9d:;ho .� �� . , . 1. I I - me , of her life I suspicion, to , _ , , or4t;� thw. Tithot, ilo " ,as, � I' ' W­fA�t I � � � " �', A looked #9trowfully Into hip VV Tba 4, -.bo � _W",0161X6A4".' .- �, " ..'L;,", � . hot t,dAy poUN"p;l po.� qpf*ly�'��. __ the IWA I I I - � , latur ,elements. There occurs also I WAS she IWO I J"t Out . I . ir;)*%.� . ,* , , � L .01, bolnir OQ FIOAV"tly t " ` t I . otter, I,.,, � I . 11A. he JZ44 to ' , , M40 111 1:11 ­C,­� 11 W 11 ­�_ 11 . '4�L � g"At death tho, �� folo ' laso#,ito -L . ­�_ .. � t" . , . �. . � -1 - � � I I I � , , - - . . ... J � - . ­ #, WlOt,ro� , ,ibw,*��,W ... � I , I I I ,� , j ": I � � . ; I � . and pl�ovpborpmq aTo ,both jqjurioua I __ . 1. 11 , I , I . . . . ­ "Y". and no�er t,horitallt to @so th 'o OPOro' Pha`L'�Raiild liat klem U,1 . %tit Coo, of not roalo#. V I '�*��i4ot , ." qX%4t - - '. _, 4b." . � I . 0 "I I 4 �, � _1 _ %Q Sir ;t . '. P, � =�JV.fy 40" ,Rhoppboraup, .Which klavyinn's 14CL;Q. X"A _4 . 0'-4'4 I ' tako'. At' ' CaUIL . . _ I I? Id the ashes. r you h4vA #offered very much# lat . as Ad4m, If wont .. I . to 'b t I , .04�'blll go "'g- It tar, to I $ 0 , ,*09 I TIW'sulphur it , ,, �1.1 X '" , of IFt?n proiluciii In a ,4.. he $Olt so 4� uno " """" fmAtil,#4 ye" or. op 11 L , ta '16: � I �, . � . , , rg. , A ,10 doWt%_ltroom, . She brougbt,jdn;� 046k* m�id, O- I R7414040 of "WA100";lOgt Lou,," he veto . .. Phot ' - I I I " quietly. OarlY, Sir .Raoul 41;94 &TAPAN ; 04 ,'t .JJKtd'L �J! h _ P4 apmtlo I � , hat I , . t7rmtt o7m;Z6c. , , I Ij rQm, It# bo �,_ . . 4. he , , a - . or.g.A'Aw-.�- to, "a,'" . I K I � , 010 I I 1 (;:44, sooming Sir. , , , , jo I , . : ' I , arld for thig reason At u again. YOU tire - changed too, .4 souriot that $04. upon hip 40ontwod bim, ;, " , had a) . . -r 4 j I J_`��ik 40 s':�,, � I I I - j _ poiA40 00 _ po,pol .� .'. ""I I 44,lii ' _ , I timi ItuAtorst', , , *)ro� w9 t , 9,'�.'� " % . tL'! , , , , . ,, . Wbe4 ulitrIperip � " "'',­ I � "I I . . 114' �*'V,Ik1RA1­ . o; . �, Is y"Jaip.ortgat that f=11 �R;�r coke ;V140-1 feet iatlitiod to ask Where *" *4ff"th 4 rd, und, P"N so .911141Y thW*s-1UAt101#d At ,., $01 49 . ,,,, , �., � IF.s.'Oks� ," � 10 21161111=11y � �r4 , I � Me :1 = A �4 1 Is Was - t� 000, � , ,4. .. It').000P.0 .,% � .1 . P - ' , , ter a $Test bolt - I . 11 � A L� o , �LIL IPA" . , I C tAO .I*Ilwg $pray of , - � ,�, �kl ;_ , - I l']LL I L � 1 ,� 17 -�4, �)�s , Iit; 6*1�f lot t, " , . L� I .1 I _ . . , 0 Plagia$ Of . , A ' - L,Iyl ., 7 0 1 1 11� L 19 tho outtay (a ad boy whom I Jay- ,th� joe*� _ ,her quick latoll$ � and cry wpm ro,44 I I I n , ��� ': �,�' J5. . � . ter Plot fUrria" Use oba I be as Am , an t I � :, '. "4'j, 40sp ii"'do, % . ad so 4""' bmf� = ,he I , , t,L 11 I .L :.� Itee rtroW " thoop dearly ?11 Awit, Tboro *pA,' ,,,, nrid rjgbkl ad� bb tj I ;,4. " " - , ' ' ' ' 1. . r I two Amoats - DA A, 'tomw � . _cA . ,� to 0 - I . I of 4M, ,r " R L R . I is OX "We# '1P Tr$ 19plf JLJ . . _V , ,,L . too to.14, Vo IQQkQO oropoid, Up . , I ,r,4 "A 9! ; 11p , , � I , . 11 I I - � I :� . 0, nobfj� � "k,J44 app " . I .. �, JLJA�' ' I I iiil�Oth. I � Q, L. ' , , I ble. The phospbprou In - r b0*130. �' . � , ; I � L or to , , pro ,jet X19 ,� I .- - ". , L, "" _ " _ . � . Lord Caravan laughed & little bit.,,. In: ywo , what Improvem �,�ao ,, at . � �i I .1 . ter tough, 'tion of art, An!'" 1W, love the ad*, 4P4.,a(AyV,1'j0 A W I � �,�, ''L ev simp a M .� � '.�r � " , mains Of music ,. ACrospQp 41,4. , T.- : 1, � , , �i A; �,L.1: 1�� " turned out very Wells I ,may train 4, L , - I 'I, L I I . . t1l N, , I Th4ii ", I'm- '. L "," VYLO� po _ , _onts lisd aeolum In her; �� - I,', t _� t I:* ash prod as matter r - bolt mode in Halby 1104*, A O6rr . p,psag[04 "', i 11 . L, , � I eft, tr It to given an "The truth, to, Raoul. I have not sery4tory had Ileen �Uilt out I Ado, I � - �, � . ..108' L �� th less 11 to Qxami"4AQA I 1. ., , I I roq L a Is the �a q, with ��_Arluo) �,Wlll, �� . o1.1, '' , � , 7�* , 401ij%. , , �., , .'­ ... , 1, ; " I I ­:� I to C I wXy scombine bAv* tho 0 ',&room was b, ,, ht i,�,t4L b104)After' (4 ,# .... . .f: L 141TAD L .. , opportualtk . be r0ftkfam w.14q, 0 Oil . � - '��Jj'.41RJFJL ,LW% , - L L. long 4tof ' j04 Out not.disclose'thp, frairol, we are tolo'W HE 0OI*S "ZIC, Tf - *AOVA' r %, . *hAab Sho JA640 f'g�o ,A his, Lot,* . , , I .) '. , 1 �, %, . I with Ir otter lop been AL good boy, Out I bays saaroi� ,�,,AL �O�tpqr*4tory thu.t WAp ' � _ " a articl4p, Viba 'T_ ' I �_ � ;QA lime or other m . .. almost . 0 , I . I ,� I I ;1 i 1: � �, 'Which t iI , lY me.00 a good taku.11 - - bwght,. with liar. IL � � , thl *i;at T%M TXV�= ,6VL� WU4 ,j . I I .-�s 1, ,,� C, �­; I I .1, � , p t_ up, 4 '4 , L � . , . . . 0 av . at> lull was It, al, , , tempt � -1 1� 1109 , I I I ��,, I I � . . �4 -1 as an Affinity. a�41rpd, . r'::.',. . be 3;*de t g'..g . . L I ' L" I I'L`,� r t'. - I I tie of furnace Coke Is based' a 10444112 at., 'Sir Ra _. I ,.a V�,tgqt . f I I . . , � C I � � .­ I go' jr�Fjfs; out I (� UbJ4 aia � r 5 I 0. EIMR4, I , I , W , "A fault acknowledged Is a tali plunigis", 11 qtisu�ra their � W.g.-a K,, ,Jmr4W I .. , I . . The val ,. kol - .0,00 in , I . .. 1� ., - L ,:,:� � , "I shal I j L' 11; I I I I . .. � 11, 1. 1� 4 - - I 1161 , , � I , apart from general commcrclAl rea,o Solot ,SIT Raou the Midots '1040fta Of brill1apt blooln '111�L to �t)4,1, ..6. lo _ I ."" I S "....1-1:1111.1 �, 11 I 11,�, , 9,F 0 R011TO', � �,�,�" �,�, pair �Xaentletl,­ li kL't4t � a= - 4. " . - . . � , , ., � I- .. ...... I � I I 'f I � � , on its degree at purity from �' & carpet krug ;,,-,us mo as, '_­�'' . a pure Wootton. garmonts, ?Di . I I , - 1� " sons, up oless- glowed 'Upon'the WgIlas . 'O . Men , . 11 . . . . . LLL I 10(004 Z 1. 1: i .� , . ly . "but I feel no *re4t desti-e to 1"XIMs. was a. weloOme, for I "The hard Wark'w -for, Its" . a be, Overcome, IAU� xr, chawor x4o* -]Davis" Very :"T" - , : - I � . I P �1' ;, ashes, sulphur and phosphorous. �be rejoined Hilo gat 00 tie, arid made t , 'L��� � . � �Lo_ oijime) � " � I I I The ashes entering a Was; furnace, halt wish that I did, "Per- . eol.,' ,*y;p4, , vpIll,pop ,We Zu 40; be 40titolit, to , sit , uqolo.� AV^tO$A*,At6, �, ?,,U�ftiaq -1i llyi . -L �� t..�� , ""�,U .QQ3JJ1q"Mt4%tm$ Lt$ . " L �­ 1, , Y"A , .. �y , � . :­�­ � � �_ "... , I 111�.i'-,. . . " brido 11 thought air Raoul, I VW M. ,� , 10, I �; I., , �,r� L . 1, 4 L' _"tho X U# As L Omi I I 11 drive, 'Sir'RaqA down and take tt-',am'�pp accepted Ct .,, I I , ' 1 11 "I Ili W ­_ - 1". . 11 ": , t:, with the coke, cannot be diabosed 61 Wondrous tuitts, . UlAc--1;b4t haps," howik�pr, Olt# bas not much . i. , 0 is ;t Fpvo L, I. I . �l I - ... I L . ­,_L�_Wl, ­�­::­:, ­ _�: ''�, ig., as,ander ordinary con I vou are ingrried. To It true. ?11 and the air IV rallct,14 ' .1. i,fo.ct th,ot there ii Jao,jotu ON 4 :111_.�,_­_ - I , , ,. t�6a, at the T ZvoXy ' . 4� 11 � , , qp�tlx of ,. 4t,, 11tuo , ,­ �- ­ri�,�'. 11 p 41 e , . �:,� , � taso for 110woro." We bo%UtJ .: . 1: W �� , I. � I folltiono' as' TA9 Apart's He sat by the side _ this, problem. UP* X4*01 � �� �;%1'411F VIC :7 .� " " �, .. ,, -1 I;, :'. ­­­ -1 � � . t 1, I �' .jt �:_:�­.Ltt�, A­,':.�. � 'k.1 . " --' ­ � � 1- ,,­ , .., ­ .� - I I I I I I.— . I :�L�. for Instance. when at L is burnodL face darkened, As It ,tTo QUO 040.luail to be about, the lot. tender -bear of Ano L War difficulty that, the writero L I. �. , . IL I ­ " " . I � I , , .�,� I � 1.11L . I ''L,�4 ,� I I L��i � , I Upon,grutems but it muRt be melged ,g.e,',W,ra`," L did 'Khou any mention was breakfiui�-tgblo was prepared. but ted., graceful girl. and I � , 4041 " I I , �;, 11 11 . . � :, 1"�L� .. I us - they found a hundred o,bjeotm of con. I 'L , .� Can't , .; : ,� . L: an his wliq ' pt: �*'-' ' .0 g' ' ' 4 L I ! IfL yo � .. I see is that honest ,Manufacturers of Hoiiab�"o Rnplolo' ont"' '%' L 18"Oft � " I , . . ,�, ��". I cOnvertoct into !Alps, But ., , , there wiAs no �otiq to preside, Sir g9ode, containing go per Cent. of i4octA-Mr. George C.., Q at, a I I 'L, ft �, I ­ . ".0".."" - , L: I I he roplied, frloorafly�, "I Raoul looked round; he thought. - The.- fragrant ,a1r, the ,4411t I I "t, I.. the beat ln�L'4 blast futnaci. to not am m*rrioa. be voroation , I I � . L I I . . �;!.�­ i.L' �, �1� I , The fact is, I feel WOUILO warm out ,Wool would tag thern a# mixed or Wall ftprd , I. LL I � E I I � . .�-�. " 4' , 4 � . ry, uuthorize 1XqaqqA A . � 4� 1, sufficiently Intense to melt the "hell, go through the conaerva ibegins, the bOAUtItU1 14IC9 k'no" ' realdent 'Pt tUls! Place' � KI . . 1. Xperime"t , . 0i. -W -M to hK9 - , " 11, I --- pow, it-­Wina , a taer pub, ."s I I --.L-'-"-.-'e:Mept-tt-=Mo--other'-Ol?dblebt'-14-ii*Ua- -4)w ., , i -ling ' ;,q" ­ I ... I � � I . quit4-cortalit., .tbWt,-YOU-wJ1-l--UOt- llt� the sweet, carmsoiag Voice, all.' grq;;:,shQddy goods, Whil I . I � , " 4:�' � 1�:t­,-­-Z­­`­- ­­ _ there L , at the 014houeat , . t ,�,' , my Wife, and It annoys we." ly affeeted Sir. Raoul. .Then, whqu manufacturer of goqila containing letter' optitairring 4066'10 voy- iw . _ , '. . -L . With, , I - .. � '' L ­ , � " 11 11 "; ,��.,.., :- ." . L I od to tho�Obu�rge which thelts readily "LlIog her ?" "hoed would be p0mo, news at' breakfast Would tag statezn4ontp. I I 11 .1 . .1 I , ­ I , 41. and hall 440 roperty of triducipgtho Sir Raoul. He opened tlio glass door, arid Walk: they returns($, she bade bita.adiou;90 Per cent. Qf� A4044 �ThQiW. who 1, S Ightio I V otheir am I �,.�� � �, 1% P 111QW istraukely YOU speak I Cer- ad through a falry4and now Mr. Oh , "Gadl .. ,­ -11 f ashes to, Mo of sweet until dinn6r�thne. them as all wool',. Ttis dilliculty kor Will .1 , it "'*a' Such alomc'dt* %InlY I *hall not apk say 4111th Infeislor . Z, 1 may. Arise, proof 04L the it, 04, . am .. . 1� �. . I are In metallurgy called flux do more thoa likb blossoms: the spray 91 the fountain He thought long and arriotonaly � . b4t 'I am Wider the ter .. , I - I . . � L I 1. . I e and Cousin , , ;ukenuint he'tattlotq, but, to don, �, I .. 1� I I . I. I , I ._. T , ,,;�'. , of the most eTc1pnt arM Jeapeat is - I tell the after w4e, had gone. no Prewton , tha,t,;o work Up up ,Wr - 11 I . p � branday ., � -11. , . I %. � W .. fell With melodious music into w stra"80 it Con;. of sboddy A considerable vitim those Who do) nOt­_kn6w` him, � to NAtbp � zl I L . .L .. � .. . " I . 11 the tko of mooing her clear basin below. w0A that Caravan, always delighted I., . . . I , 1, I . I I j Ilme-storre, and tbli far con. You the' ,,,I he b 1. i I I only ashes, but is a pop t4vo pleacum to too." -How b9jutiful ,,, t the in beautiful woman, -"old not care 1,Amount ,6f cotton must be uoq�d. i La* annoti4ceot 'tb%t ho,19 pro, . �, ,, ., L . � "' verting not ,bought 0-447 4" . . USE ' . , � � L 11 also With hasty steps' Lord Caravan at t9 -soldier. . � for 4or . L Wlutt a -g'p I 6330tii the dishonest manufacturer would 1100,4 to substw0le.to bi 'evorg � , 40, .1 �st 11 �, L 12�.., I I . I L �, :", non-metallic matter contained in the wg1ked dP and down the room. He I . k saol r gilt tells , 00 truth Of h1i * , I 11, 11 , Iron ore into a liquid slag. %W&WOU 04 101til he saw 06 00 Youngs With 6yVr'Y 1 . lma�.d "Mabris ", � L . I f tile 'Prob1Lb1,V find biraself " , ; . 1'. I .­ Ij 1. atlpltn 011!� :h iq 0 , , -- - . . . L .. " I --- - Tpent, W , - t0ll9*, :o�__ I - ­;" 11 - ..""...- - 1� , � - But Reamed am' though about to opeak. ,vision, tfMtn�, w)A - " apart train the quantity of flux . that LQU40taly struck him before them, 40vory ,A - world MULOTED IN A HEAVY FINV. z I _��, , ­­ I - a . -1 4 I to- but then a gift the I � I F_n ,.y. ! - Is t 9 with p i ftrq t at, , Certify - I , � , I , 8 - ­ 17_:­_.�-� I .1 qvirool to liquify topped ,&Druptly. H 4) dumb. ALtLtthQ #rid or tbQ COAWV4- could bestow IAVIab'W Ali, thqu, yet As Wore stated, undoubtodly.,pome It -- 4- U, me .1 'I"'I'.. L . . �_ I �., I.. � . 4111" # t I L the earthy lngr&* Stood at last, to front of' his cousin, tory� wau'�'l vhis-W-reath4d door; miserable because they, Wol - not love. shoddy to far tiatter, and would W� tWulorite at �,04010,91diley- Pills, ..I..; I . ­ I L glL I .,r .. "'L'"ft" -1 ­ ", , , dignts at ore, it takes two pounds of .1 Arco r !Da. _, __ , � . CA 11�L . � .... :1 �,�. , I , � diake a bettor cloth, than 4otp ,I W�&010,ld UP wn,4, , any 'r, 11 ­ ­ _-11--l-11. I . ItdOul"* he Sold,' "I &to not good, the greed loo,ypa,jormed , perfect each other-husbAnd and wIfq,'aworn ,9 ports ,_ I I � 1'�` � � ,� L' - limestone fair LeVgr_V PQU11d Pf ashes ,it �kaepl 4 - iWalupt them stood a and . Iforior 444b otbot, , Aq,wmgrada,�JCompy *�qol, ,- - h� 11 I "T �t ", � �' brought Into the furnace, 4 a secret. Tile truth to, screart, , AN to love his and. was a t1w. - _�_ 'r- � I— _­ . .1 . ., � � . � - I . ­ M .. '. ' ilvi __ , , " Art'liger, 'yet ot forelg&, ' - I I .. . I I �: ,. . f -,L`_ 7J"L. " If, In ne- I do not like my wire - - figoyii, n4c4, As- 91r;'Unoul'bad hover further apart %� 0-evon, -but these alquo, and n9t adulterat- do a day's works' My baek,'W" v " 11� - I -, 11 . 1, -THE-WORLD115 COAL. ,- . I L I , 'L , !70 . to marry seen before add'�a6vpr idtaiward for- disliking each ot*v 1,� It seemed to ad, would not =Lke a cloth, to 66,�, Ch1% L 0�rakg, 4Ull ' A611 . . ' 11 11 �, ) cord with this. We consider the -you were co, sore, I bad heavy u 'ry - ,4 OR SX-X=L 1? ' , ,,!100 � I 'I" ^' �11 - I amount of n0boo charged Into & ft[r�, har, thon 7" $aid Raoul. got -a tall, graceful. girlish figure him PitifUl.L I . calve anyone. and therefpra would ,Woatod'Ayaml�;, I �Wofil �,v Y. *4t 4ad Thi ruby of the English crown is The, mechanics of civilization ' are . ; � ,,;�,�, _ - * L.. .- _. . n&ce consuming, say, See tons 7, 4f "It was either that or rutn-such -ti figure, tbKt wos'all symmetry "I wonder." ht, "if I not cqiap�te with any excelit ibe much reduced in.'WeAght. �-, . . famous In pop I Ular. estimation. .But repent so firmly based on coal . I I,-'; � . I . . at P . 1� coke per day. and which.,poke COP- ruin no would have loft me penal. with a, slender, graceful neck, white, could do oayt"g L , !'After I -find uw4 six b9Xes that statistics of the production of .1 �, � , ­ I *Tf Y� could only adulterat ol goado. Dedd,m� 1C .01 -its history apart -what does the - ,,� the precious black fuel always I 1, � "', I tal-, may- 10 Par *-�;--Z of a4hes, less. I did hesitate, far some times as'snow, 16161y whoulders. round any to them That t 0 c'41tios in I id#Oy 'P I 10 I Was ten couroiaosur say 'As iQ ito value .? pos- ' 1 . � I I : :1. � , restoro peace ai�& 4Z.f . . . r, re are many drift III I'll I then we find'tbat'the ashes charged whether I should purchase a royal- white at". - dro"O In an elegant I should not have Avo�c . the way of 'getting practical legisla- poun" lidavlor, -A, - Often - Wonder asks-tba London- Chronicle. sees an Absorbing interest, Acoord� . 4 t ";� ­��'; . � ,kin valn. " � Is it a , $ ,� I ,­ _ �, . WOM11ts to thirty tons, and 'the v4r Or larry Nis ansame", morning dross. The first 4ibriei&64df had -runs tiou on thw subject cannot be de- aboUt the POWOrful vIrt", of this ruby or is It only a fine and large Ing �to the latest -olEcip;l f1gures, the . ` ' '' '' ., 111nestone c0n"mOd In Z'Wltivg ' the "Was At aix bad" a medIftine. .1 do. n lUbited States and the British. Ern- � ';,?,� .. tbcit ?" asked T114, lady was standing with her when the earl .returAo.d. and Sir ,nied, but the importarico .1 pram.t- ,at ,know * apythIn 'It- I � i . 1, �g oploej ? Sarno people call a spinal piro.a.re running a close race ih coal ' . �7�,, �, I , I ashes Is dxtY tons. Now, "burning Raoul. face averted, 8Q.that he could Raoul did not see him uptil. -dinr)qr- Ing honesty amongst manufactureT4 "out vihm,t DOdW,o Ktdney,!tPJlIA itre a spinel ruby, but a spinal is not a It, �L - ­ I -cost Of -thin bQ 81 par t.Oh-, "Yes, 'it could not have ' 004 �to * . production. During the year 1900 . . "t, I mr-­ . 1. I- _tb"�tho � I I . beau not st Prot see 'it. Be behold a time. Lady CaiaMen wa's thO first'ohd protecting tho peoplo from curo" but' I know, X -groat ruby. The stone last named, when ,the I ­� - I " : '4 I . ­ �. � , 41 de,a about' whit "' h , forms;- produced 244,901,889 � !, I "I . I Comprising quarrying. loading, ship- worse. Do not let me be a hYPO" queenly head. epverod with masse's to enter the Aravinrroom. ,whero'povition demands ,the serious attela ­�'. . ping, unlaoipg and charging Into Crites Raoul. That lesson would Raoul awaIto ,- dO. . for. LAma.L � 1) t 4Y WI I -f.ctU#AIIY It is more the* three arid 4 half matrio tons, and the latter 247,988,- . 14 , L', , , �4­­­­­ -- have of black, shining hair. 96 stood for f$ir , I 0 her. She looked I tion of the Legislature of all Civil- - ", . I .� I . ther furnace. there to ^ dally 0,;Lpoa- tested OPMQAtien their livem,--it has some fei�. minutes t fzeO countries, PqcA � Trool fick and " K4da0Y camts , in weight, and flawless at ' 1 725 metric tons. Of the British I ,, L�' 11. ple. and X can Wave. it. . through, is more precious than a I I . _' dftxr,e of $00, which . mo. , ,lost In adrahro- very lovely In hat evening droop, I , Use, As a mattpr I 'They ara woAh tfiew weipit 'in perfect diamond 69 the name siz production, all but 19,148,$O.O me- � '' . , I do not tion; and thin with a deep sigh she 'Was of whitG-white'that Otani d 'of fact, I , 11 91gures M.000 per years and repro- think, honestly speauing, th it really '� . congerati the . j, : do in round not been suillclent'rol , 1�� . h'ainit g 0 a,- #16 tolls w1pre, won7 , ,&am ., , -� I At I 'kin turned slowly round. gleamed -with picturesque pate of i masses of the pooplo more''than the old to any no '-ftring AA I"buffol- When It Is considerably larger Its L I ­� I fl.: I Mats 5 Ppr cent. Interest on ox c&pi- one whit a wiser man than I was. - - the rocks of the, 'United ; �� ­ I I tat Of 4440-000, For this and tha� The or4y thing a that ,t.ortunq Ils If he had thought the figure beouT ocarlet. $he woro ocarlet an0whits;rIbeep men who tire directly later,,* ad., WIjo six boxes of Dod4s,2.14dney value is not t9 be estimated, arid kingdom. "The production of I ,Z.1. #J� Pills cured me completely jLqol biero- :1 �, � � I 9 tilul he weA even more enchanted gowors. , with o-outt of opals, ne ad, because uhdor'pres@'At`c0Ad1ttOija .has *en no, L Mky, be anythilig, ocoordlug to the the, entire , world In 1900 was 1�7 V It , . . Otter reasons the - Price paid for bee with Instead of against me.16 ,fib' the face. That it was .the mo- had thought her beautiful before, but all tile poorer class a entirely t Q I t1ir I. 9 1. , . . Coke It based upon its "; . a are . ub a. returt' at' 10' '. Id phsiton of the collector. But the 167630 4 metric tons. - . I" �'­ L furnace oor tloy.�`as;ld Sir Raoul, pity- asy-Ibnder.# daughter cover for 'R That is PN-qr much less'har�d crystal), . -;0 ,.i , I : � . 46 ,now, with her white nock mind clad in the tiolult9rAte4, goods. � I as years spinal (a � " . .1 I and I'still CpJO l,e� L 11 greater or lesser freedom from Ira- Ingly; 'Iwo - must hope .for bettor moment entered his, mind -that 110 shoulders and rounded -arids' all The a be. 0 oltip4tA4 400. _.W. --- . ., . X Cart, p Y 9004 1104th." oven whert It reaches the weight of I 1� �, VhIch I* aftertained by things, $hall I sea your wire to.� saw b9lor4 ' him his coualn-s Ito shown. she looked, he thought . Tbis. Is, indeed. 0, very *trd - "What to a syLo ym?" asked th t, I % PUtitled. W , 'mag- majority of men and women ;�ho go. . 119t 43- four carato.- is valued at bull the, P 0 ., I chemical analyr4s. - night ?" I timonfal for Dodol's. Kidney FJLII$ teacher. ,.,Plea' s sir," -aid a lad, � I , � I u . I I . never totcotgmol to him. This beauti- tilficOut into a shop to purchase woollen. undL WOrth of a four carat diamond. . . L. 11 . "No. I think not. Lady Caro,ven ful girl, w& . of course, a visitor Then the earl came in-. He one which 'it's a word you can use In plaxe . . "I . . . . a - passad goods lfavt no knowledge of the o2c- will 1109�,irerY great There are fainqp,a-royal fables, but of anoth If you dan't know how I .., � 4 - has gone to Covent Gardon-a favor- like hlmmolt�qno of Lady UaXaven's shown, shoAaaked, be thought. mac- weight with all who hi . �. I . . er 1: .1 ", Ito opera of here , ,tenolve fraud daily perpet.mted* to a - Mr '016 tbo,,PI0- that which flames in the royal crown to Pi3oll the other one." . A I "', DEADLY COD TXkAPS. All being Played- friends, he thought to himccif halt him wife - with a 11ifoat' bow, nevoi selling them goods largely composed -4r0- at * Ch4kOr!4 ,a0qWUdto-ocO is, according to a common' rumor 11 �, � , " .'L . . - L 15,hp will not be home until late. sadly. It was not to be wondered Ones WOODS at her, and she drew of wbotitutes for wool, and thiLt 90 or friendship. I among experts, the lowlier spinal. I- F :1 '',.s.s... -1 L : L ,!.� I , I ,, t too look very tired, Raoul -I should at, with this ktorlout young beauty aside 116% kkirts of her robs to lot boold's kidney. Pill& `h ' ' � � %, . ,v.�, � Fisheries Said to Be In Danger of advise you to go to bed�" . near to diXtraqt, him garl him go by. -Sir Raoul could not , per cent. of the buyers have no idea &VO made ---------- -L�, . ,� � , , that the . .. Many friends and ore t"ay� ,wLth- . . ---- ____ . I "I . . . Serious UJU97- : � "I ata rather ollsup0ointed." h L that *btii aalcing for woollen goodl' o4t doubt, tta moot P L ' jiLr fe�mfly L7 4 . IL d of no care for his W to. 0 ffeeme they axe too o;bon puilch-ing L I OPU � ,.,i,.� A . 4, *� L � * I Same Anxiety to jolt -concerning the sold, at loot. "I -hoped that L " medicino. . I j: , L .1 .. . _ - I He went,' forward to speak to her. dread lest �.hey should even, touc articlo from which, raw wool,is Coll- WABASH ItAX111OAD . I . I I should No MY now kiliswomwa to- %no then him- much hope 'a opicuous, by its absence. - 9r. � 1. . i I I � , 1. future of the flahetiao of Newfound. , for the first time she was him he , wa's- 'lot 41 . � During the months �­' I . , I . . . j� land. in whlch,mora�oati five,�axtbg night." ,. scioub of bi* presened. She rate- love 'or r on Ition there. Lord abQr- of September . �� I I of the adult trials population of tj He WAs disappointed. 'He tanclotb4abor - Oa;k eyes DANGEROUS, CRIbUNALS. and October, will sell one way sea, I I ,. This proms heavily on the I I . . � � ': -,_ . Is and looked at Caravan went yer, to him at"Once, Ing,& pr ,FtI 1 and class tourist tickets at greatly .1 .... .. - 1 :, ,pd Artisan classes. who - - ., - I � - � - In that Lord Caraven would never be" him. Ther6"wre monionig in life not -ohook -hands witli hUn­w,larmly-, and oollk,,mver get anythiiis except so- � Why,­-*a1d-& lady, roproz,ohlutly, - 0, ; �1 L., j; . Islamd. are employed one way or . I . I ,� ­�,­­ - I I . xWOther- � Thet . danger Im. -iftogather OPOkV" of liar as lie did if sho:hoA to_�be fbisgottan-thle, wap Ones- Tbefhoked him tow. he .bad spent. Ilift . r limpbasnd. ' reduceA, rates to California, Womb- - F. r - , 'F i dark eyes eLp.ppered to look right day. I _!!�Q_u k",)j yfk49LJ ,, - Xtah,­ J"Utamta, � I � .., , . I �; : : � . due to the system of cod traps whi,* "bi' `Wluat h`6 had hoped - to And ,ka' cidleci cheap, gocvoI47'-but�- whieb ,would to he -_ I . -1 --- __� J 7 ,� � I L Farewell to his idea of the @*ee 0 be more truthfully, designated if call- BAY Denmark I always meon, , Hal- Colujible, And otter Pacific 0 . . .1 , '': I is allowed along the shores. . 0q1tipantonship of a d6licate, refined Into life heart, and he seemed 'to re- "Very bA0PIXV. thjxnkb to Lady � ad low-priCed goods. It is contend- 1-dI" 'Perhaps the city girl'In the B,r,,!:h ,,,at.. 'Tickets will be sold �. . .r." � I I � It'll 0old by those, who have studi- I --she has been ad that ,even it the pri Were some- following story Allo'Wed herself I I , I , �.. � I *d the problem scientifically that WOmXh I Farewell to Ills idea cognIX0 the maul Wet Shobe through Caravan," he replied " a via Oil direct routes. The Wabdob . , I I . � . 01 their, She walked up to him, still all kindness to me." - . 1�­­­_ thoma traps should never have, booa� Pabling long, pleasant 'hours with what enhanced, the ge ino woollen similar latitirde of exprdWah: Is the shortest, beat and quick"t 2a, I I "j j I ,. ­ � � looking us him, as though dretwn, by The earl looked both pleased and - on - the -porch, V - .1 I r � allowed sfW that the great d4struo- ibe earl's youig wife I lie rstmem, gp,ribefit *cold -give a greater 1com- She - -Was .-sitting , - route - Ir6m Cansda-to the �abovo- 77 - - I 1. ---1, � ) t1pri , berod that as a boy 'Ulric bud best) magic to him, him Wes halt smiling Impatient. - " longer, lazily rocking to arid fro, &Ed wILtCh �. , ." ,,� I of young fish which results from devoted to the fair sex; he had Often e hors. He bowed v "Ulric-" said Sir Raoul. in a low fort and ,health. wear XftU T. Ing the ikefiles flitting about thrlough points. Finest equIpped possonger I s . . � , � tb4ir,u*s *,ill kill the Industry before rallied him on It. at her approtch. Ciao, "what induced vou to tell me and In the end prove much ore sea, tralar in, ALmerica. . .1L . I I . - I I uwV years have a , lapsed. It Ja now 1116 radioldberod a She lo6ked r that your wife �ram tatl and dark_ nomicai than o7lUrat4ol goods. the, shrubbery. Sudden Sr she turned Itat", titne-to,bles. and all parti- - . I . , � of 1. �. I . soma fifteen yews since the traps ,thousand and on* actapes, into for one half-minuto in conclusion b6g th express my th her companions and sold, in a OUlars from any ticket agent. or' J. .. . I -�� � � Which the boy bad fallell Ife nothing more ? I . 11, � were introduced and they ha*e al. j _a;U , his ,, scarred, noble fato. "So she is," he replied, sense of obligation to the nummous Inusing tntia'­ A. Richardson, Mint. Paseeriger ' � 1�1 L' `:7. most entirely superoeded the old me. proponatty to flirtation: VO knew I cannot be mistaken," she- said. "Soldiers are trotty good judge&- torrospondenta In Zngkand. the ','I wonder it, it.is true that fir- Agent, N. E. Comer King- & Yoftge � . . . 1 . � I I I f�, , .". , thad of b6ok Andlitrim, tit taking cod. that his cousin had been called "the holding out both her hands In wet- e any lands United States. and Canads, for much Bias do get Into the ha`Y1aQwC 801810- Sts., Toronto, and St, Thomas, Ont. . Ir, ,. . , . I � � - .. I I .1 . � handsome earl." and the oilly satio- come- "YOU muOV be Sir Raoul -- vo,luatjo information supplied to me. times, arid set �hom afirg?" I I . . '0 I .. I I believe me when I -say that I have I � ErVefybQdy'rJtUgIt,6L . � .1 . 19. .. . 1. .- 7 - The law, ! requires the mebho,# -of -1 -w4af wasi . L I - 11 ­­ . these tr- ps to be'tou'r �nchos IA 1. ill. factory conclusion at which he could Iso,ureatbri. ? � % . of at - I 111W I 1. I � I . . k orrivs ,"" tbat ,the girl-wite. must a.m." be replied. "And you ?" never met or seen a mope beautiful 0 tly a Pleasantry, but. the. There are $70 newspapers In Ja, to ON k L 88; - I , 11 r, Alizeter, but they ;wrO Wtia IhuOh q 9 Woman than your wife." ELPperal Pan. I .. � I . - ,j , I I ''. . smaller be 080"Allo,j In,%PP# , m " 'If she be not fair to me. what A PERSIAN DINNER. young lady looked surprised. - Thirty years ago th9re were W, I , .af0q6. rid I " she said, With , char - , I and as a Coh000lUelfies kill'a, S, ' Ing, smile and a look of pretty as- A traveler in Perot& thus describes "Why," sold obq, "it was,only W Illy t ree or four. J 9ft, 0.2 I large quaUtIty of small A*. many ,If r Raoul retired to bib ' room, . y a h 110. �`, i j,� s's It in ghtly distippointed and dimen We.& 4 W , 11 o;f_wbACh_4qo- im-k - tO4181110011t. "I am Lady Caraven." care I bow fair she be ?� " qi;oted & dinner served in the household of terday unt r saw in the pop. or an . a wak, " I ..., I T I ­­ -1 I . to. - the earl. "I am glad you think . WT Tharited.- 00 could not sleopt bygone. The fair lace was smiling- at him, no. . ,"A' In M 1 *1 or ,of - 0 Uve . I -d6 not Ldmirtr-hor-stytor-ot beauty. rM Wealthy Peralum, : "The chief climb article headed, 'Work of Pir"Usel, - " w1l" U0, , ' ;J,,. � , thi destruction of Imman-, numbers thr. of a fowl boffid to iaflii. rt said .the . bid jpev a bdft Ott; Aft. - Keep Minard's LIHIMent ID the House, . I'm r ... 1. �- . . s lovely eyes were full of wet- Y W .W� -- Wrlistizz , I . ____. .. .... ft= - , ay one else does,'do -much the consists .9 savokodAkwis. i I of skture fth that�ia the--- prin - Caine, tha-ruby lips smiling kindly If a a not object There In tho surrounded by ii toothsome mams at Rea.]Yy.'� � . = I cipal oblootlon to the traps. It loomed. to him that her wh9l' better -Z d - - I:: � , The$ 4r* also utterly destroying � "' a bell. Isn't it dreadful that the pound rice. hard-boiled eggat fried onions, 0 '. � 9&W.0 F.0"; -,_�Flk�=-A � : ": .1 I _ 711=910 PAINS ing she almonds and raisium. There is a .A. single perfume factory tit Cannes , . I I ���, I I tbe 04134on fishocy. Ills, Salmon nets . I - of the dinner�bell has a greLter How LUNG? - .. "Imly, Maori? a AMY, Chicago ... I t I L . him. And Lord Caravan had SZ11 do .Umpion at Shiraz wines Clears golden -red liquid also 800 000 poundd of flower petals . -ft* . Lu..,=Vgms. Us- Win 1 , bays a ,,twsh at from give to six charm for me than the disc . ;, - thiW he did not like this rpost who in a si;��;121 I .*, Inches, which taolly lots through the I I I chitrinlipir and lovely girl I a lady's beauty ?" that has traveled over the mountain "There are not a low people . . i--i'l - i ,r � I $moR .1*inion at about (our Pounds ARE A CRY OF ZEM 2MRVZls . ,!you,Arg , looking very Ills S Then he set to w9rk resolutely postal on muleba,ek in o, huge glass take s'pittoble ,"4 morbid delight --,-- _ - - _ - - - ��_qt"".#_$.­ 0 *" 00600 0 W. - - - - �,�__ __ ,� ­th*,t,j6aVfid-�1j--Jh*" onsAjo. .1 .. If t'2 itiboy. -Amang the- dessert mdniiw in bellovitig thlit theY are Oaml;ed --- - ---Iro�j . . while voit -fti=u-iLoOD. rWul." the said 1 "you will want watch her, io see it in. any respect 9-r sixty roars. . I I T' - - the cod traps *mop them all up. . has a conspicuous -place. This daii- by an incurable disease which must ' ' . 1, - nurming siod tAkIng o0s of. yQuare she was deficient. He could not of&. *4,W 01 1: Copy is somewhat akin to nougat ; It shortly close, their careers," obsetv- I A" 0'a WX1,Z_TMX& ligisor, Krm .01 I 801116timsO U Many AN 800 A&lmbU She took bar place . 1"I"14 ho.eirm 91NING . "'AN." x 4 going to remain but, to Make your cover anything. . = be- U"d for, 674-RA12 I 8 ,,, . - . with consummate grace. She was is studded with walnuts and almorida ad the doctor. =by millf"4 or mk& ft, UW,,eutm Is _ _"I ... . . being exuabl, at one whoop of a- cod Dr. Williamel Pink Pillpi ]take home with us ?11 I "I am sure there is something tbal k.quith *-- -­, it; swom ta- M' - LA 0 'r I trap. . weli'versed and to jaw -sticking to the last do- DI 8! it r 41 sullim I. L . "I hope so," he responded. h4 a at I " _21'4, *0 four ft* aims. Tr Stich, Ited 11)ood and Drive Partes in all th f groo. Like the mango, It is beat matter With my lungs. Plea" tall MC."b., 8"46U`,rLXUWWk4n' oo"* *144 0-66 M !t Jo & W by 4W ft ft ya, . M table ; she was - "d by'"I 11'r - 4 AWMA N si. I � I It Is d4clarod, that the only way to fly, *1 have, no othek, home. This tile M 9 - QUO L rhutits in of tM worla "W1411 AMIRIGAN OYRIN# pp, 1, I save the colony to to return it, to Theme Rains wrom, the sys- Lt. %ij "(F-Ilvdbantetbatun,. 14"IW". a , of, L Would indeed be One." hostess. me law. too. . W th gal eaten in private, for it renders the =a the truth," Mid a very ahzi Me L :r- .4,�� sl 4 .,: 'I . book-and-Ilao, ashing for cod and to tem-lettol, the Pro She had drawn non,rer to him -so haV wealth and all bar beauty. ,,be masticator speechless. It is made Old lady to her physician 06 other no &X" Wh4W. A.Z�4g,. U"nXAZh,L2MVM ORAWA J. qnirrio d I � � f I 4ballsh the traps, arid also tb* bUI4 &. neat tEst the delicate lace on her was an excellent mistress of the Of gutn that exudes from & tree *rid day. � I'll r . � A high modiest. authority lisp of to be engendered by a wati�1,14 The latter made a viivt�l examitia- - . - * To owd (ot out, C4=- L r � . . j . tots, or lines which lie on the bat'" Abed , noural, I 1. I dross touthbot him. household , her servants *ore well Is f Aid . � . . ,.. ULffle StImAtusip . I tom and UI the mother fish. a cry of the -41 am �,d xlad." who said, 1, her trained and obwdlent. 7_ tion, and replied. Th4 panorama of London painted C "to, a �v I , I;i r � . I ver+les ,for bo,Vu b"16 andL, JO .'I do THE"IS AN ','I" "I find that . y a I IA I 4.019,j. . �� � . OV�, Ot" soft, caressibIr tons@ ; "and you will R .4ot *".myself," thought Sir IN NEEDI= ,?of lung ore 141 a n 109 by Mr. Horner, covered over. I , . -+-- tectUAILY drive lt� fr6ii-4ho 6yatem r,mJly ,at me take cars of "Us just noul, ,what more VIrfo can do. ,, normal condition. ( an acre of canvas, .� ' 1. equl to " airo.,. 6p6ll noodle, Bob. The patients with a deep sigh of WAI 1. . , � ANCIENT _n red . IraW do you 11� JU � - : low. - R&OELOTS FOUND. the blood must be "do rf&,� . . Otte T ;047 In adadas I . . . . and pure. For 01s purpose toero is as though you were my own brother He could detect no fault in her - by?" asked the teacher. resignation. asked: . 4431 a S =1- - � coos houis from the WtLrs ?" I � 11" . Ing to thd Quart of kin "Have You a brother 9" - Ito asked. I C041 1 expect '"A "=* . . Four magatiltent bra,colets bsiong;- uo� othim medi0irle so Vroript and but he did stop to Wonder what' ,,X-*-i�d-l-e Irioadle." was the ro- "And about how long -- K.46..M.".1 C.14 I .. jtht"L P1Ilj,kh`f,ko a "No," she replied; "I am an only ey " . " ANTED "A" '" ' . ker. wbo ,$ore result RSLI)jr. 'WilliaMll' Pink t P ) ply, to live with them Ift hat State? a 004 It ong .0.1 1112��t AW, rich. their dinner$ must be IWO when th 11 said the teachers , I � - 0; -0 0111 TV" 0 It : ,18 C0.0 UMM . reigned nearly 6000 A. WON , . 44LO.-Nm ru ..". � L Child." " � Vatizito stone. Wrong. , . I � .. . . among th* discoveries made -by ,y*d blood with OVOY dose, and im-a . U., might have guessed the "there's no "I's In ncoidle.,. li .1 Prot. Petrie While esxAvating at, part "And I have no sister. I have &I- nature of No thoughts, for he sald "Well. then, Italn't A good $88.00 TO TEO PACIFI() COAST, ' iso MA& Street. 1$8 vast* stmit, , I " 4 Abydool Egypt. last year. The Personew "Is and i0w vignt to 041 ways Wished for one. When I was a - I The'liostess was entertaining her W"101101 Id". TOP.ONTO, ONT. �11 , J n using thbta ldla." I Workmanship of those It most In- Dermott. XC` str,pnf aujVdVe . N company with descriptions at her -' U ­ s. Mr. Johu , t #kan Who did not know what. 'M - I nee from Chicago vio. thi Chicago 3WCA`,1W_= AL 1, conious and 'delicate. Tbe Bond ItAlad- Ont-,od Offers achem, and pains tnoosut� Z Used to some friends coming to-, 6 North4ustArn IVY Ovary day during trip abroad, and of the wonderful 0 i "t flu0st strong proof, of the ,certain f"jilts wish that I had a wonian's gontle�vftht. bu? I postponed their visit September itud OCtObOe, Ou*-*4tY things she had seen. Among other G10003M X.XG11s3EKW �, t, I I bracelet As formed Of alternating obtained train the u9O of I)j% Wit- mind and .heart to guide Me ; When thinking that you would be tired, ST. JACO8.4 OIL ' secolid,tA " t at Var$ law rates things, she mentioned the clock , at -11y V011to- I plaques of gold and turquoises such listrin' Pink Pills IW taNeS at this bi4lth grid steength left me. Wheat I Raoul. We never dine alono," , For Stiff and Swollen Necks. ,fro 099 to ly6ints In', 0610roLdO, Strasburg.- "Oh. yes," remarked Standard Anterlead- Woke �� I I surWountod With the royal hawk and kind. lie seys: "A tow yeat1b ago bdetme almost helpless, I longed for The young countess made no to, tali,,. 614 124o Novadd. Idoho. gre. the girl, ,,I have heard all about I , ; : . , Polialstf to Imitate, the front of 46 While working an o carpenter In %)of. mark. Sir Raoul saw that she -had Mr. Hooper. 57 GroAvenor street. ti, Ash Jr Call1oftim, und that. And d1d you see the Wate I -ANDw- ­ ttimb or palate. This bericalet ton- telo I got wet. I did hot think It the gentle hands of ri woman near -Control: no matter how Oolfast, Writes :-"H&v18g .from a I lous a k, po�14, h - ' , but . te. -Also spatial oft%the R,hinie, too?,,t I I I In , . my longing Was goyst plenty of sqIf . w1to"katfil ti*oth 'an L - I .11, L � I �; . gralifitol., . Weastle or,bitter her husband was, cold got & ., Very stlit add PiLiAf ul P '' I %0*14atte, "I.*. 11� I i slots .,of thirtkorl gold and f6urteft worth while obanging my clot.hea at 0 1 Sunk* Lamp 011. ., � � . t so plaqwo in the form of ft thetime, but I soon began 'to out. "YOU muot let she was never provoked to toply. Usual In= tb of Tmeways, 'Augo'st, , I Wheftupon Won inscribed t Mo take IL Olstorlo swollen neck-, I tried all the - MESSRS. . RICinARDS & 00. '01 L ., 1 f4=011! he for for my neglect. I aLwoke hext ,)lots,,$ j&e #a1d. gontly.. "Vott do al� a ober to Padftc i . "She has that vittue," he a d to rona6diGo'wIthout 60oct. I was � . roulo at the nufta. The gold fto morning With ef�4MPX ,and' Pains 'not follow philt foot coming oftop himself, "oelf-control-And it - t" POtico' hand and wrist bItten end badly 4 MR ffdl� I k� I bij*A abd burnt Von & auo*t giving It up. *heb a book *no. Coast 4nd 'U24 W44i. F Gentlemen, -1n, June '98I had " - 1, L " t `_­ I I - I - Im 0 L a I � , ter dogorild . I . I worked by o _ shing The throj*houi Iny body. I W*s riu4ble to fair, It wti, g yo ma whut I need VOe f6uxkdatic�n for -many othoil.11 Placed On my ng lift troth nftrokt, ticket Agetit or wangled by a vicious horses I sUj*r- . � , battle; , yxiaaLf. It . .. . I . *ouad br&OW*t had A Centerpiece bi tb� gU to work and called in o, doo- 00 S I - n ajjo� 0 ou , (To to 06ritiould) I evoruri for abVtral days and th � go 0929861ra.,ii; .. , 1. , ore 3f a ofitl it, Y swill - . . St.. Jaicabe Oil, I ocured 0: addrese B. n. Bennett, U Zi,st king *d gr6otly ­18� - '-- on MY St.. Toronto, Crit. ­ _. -_-_-__s,_,.,. I !" W L WOOL' � . L 11ZtV*t"y1"1Ni&kA#"dCW1 L . , *Ad U*110 .at Praided gold V&od It faithfully for somo times but Wait 0 onlip, neck *bes:1 felt bktj*. In &-xilditt . 1% , 0 ,�t . g= 01th Xmfirtk"t and turqubf9b %or, Volio left Mo 801110 `m#d(cIdo, 't let mb nufto you, when YOU Am 111'. '_ � I ­ - slid 4d scarcely tubbord It I tooth' Cuts ,rd(amed to heal, utit'll 11 I " : wire, I - I #*%U40(1114"fraft, I.Not,ftk'" ,m1rdft09*00Wh.L11 I I I . lik tatit I was you it all vtqs sp, "A . #dW,rkt?q"4.Usfi' Rd NO,", I , , I . The foOteriltig of the btaoilet It did not helli­wo, Upon you, v"d t4 you -stand Try , 1, your agent gave me OL battle of , - _ I . . t� . I 8 time, tue pain left me and this swell, A lady returning libind 0,om the MIN" ,==".1;9;�1 � , . I , r was by�loopo *hd button of a.,hollo* . DOS 1"IMEN'r, which I bR** - ­ - - L .11 I growing steadily Wor" and li�d be. , . . . in$ we 05 "*V�wt I "Stbolmoorod I bell Of -gold', 'With a *bank of gold 1-1 ant afraid that.you. Will, spoil - , tit down. Finding it so 960d seasido unexpect4olly found, liar ser,_ gan using.' and the effect "as li4_ X4 1 1 . : I � . 'fro,10tehod In It. The third bro.c- Come- bo '*fluted' In desh that I me. 14dy Caravoh.F' I in, this Cases I theri, tried It on my Vomt Using the A N I", k 00.42 i IT, . . . .w . d only 188 pubadc A'01 was ..go. but I, will iry to ST . AMEX) ' XASSULL, Or, "14 whithI bad spriLinbol, *Ad ftW11194041h for the Col. In f1*6 hours. the Pain 110A ,fto It ' , t"IU&S, L .1 "itt purpose of glv,ft u salo�t'pt4rty .1 !��­ * ­orol dlr#' I "' * L , lot is of Notrail - bosids - otiffold . 04 not able ta work Totutteit t '. I task* You 8IMWS9,U*V1 Mra. which,. *as frequently vaty Painful, . ta e4ftod, land in two wkka the wound#. - �. I - . I ,In t Isft.groups. I � rig the, . 0 MY Well and strong. tgotift. Do You . I h6k IfIftils, "Ahoo X am,iitrPrIs0d,-' hpA con[Plotoly,-. hosied arid m3# '06101016ft Une -Steambips . , .4� fourt , betolot"! . . four 6 honia at lift 1 -Iltr* I Placed reull$r promise me that I may do - . I boon'hid. tb6 plossurt at ending bbe u$iCuluted, "So am I hrft'&[aL" I k "'""t, 10mon C& UIPW, I I I oonSidfr St�'Jj'to S Oil Lot th JU'-ht I "� 0�6 . .I-- �. is* I 0 1 at - � '09 MY661f Under the curb tit Ii, lital olloo, thlil'.1i ObJ40t,1011s. to Legislation for Pro. �tlukt pain also disappoar L 1.1 hmAd and arm war*, as *sit " over. 'W4 1. tlt.,!g VI. 4j... 1 . ... , ,t 1 � VAU6% I*Plltd the Unabashed'.'# girl, ' . Yours .0 a. , , L tw(+11 tor Who mid tho.troupto Wds nOU- His pule face Ausl*d,. tettiou ta, Wool 911ow. Nay '611 Wduldfilt'b* th' towS. I . 0 OWe for I 90Y. -#m "i19kA"J0K.1.rGribr,V*6ihU" . 1� - I., 4614., *1th 90 Oil# 'at "'Old Mid 1`4191a, which , . , Vi jr VSA ` I I - to atottim, 11. Q. , . 01.6,kn9am . (409 1 L I L turquoise. I bad t4kaft A thOr- "Do you know." tie amid. "that aft, grefit valaw. . I a AtnigO.., L I carriage maker, SU- A '. 0 , ,� k. 1L ough hold upon my entiro #y4tern. Vou reall,V embarrals, val ? I feel The objeatio" A;o tlie proposed - I _"�* Z", j alteduan)LI" We " I I s I . . I I . '� .- L "', t''.# L � 4 .1 . milittirtul't 0"t"d to follow 04 for as thdukli flofii'q# fAir y _ , . . . W=100=i " I ,� ., ..0 ;."211tw-clow 4100105; ZVE I I . 1220 to coult A `c , I " ' . .......... i ....... r. V"410 dod 611 pow4wi, &I'Dir in 40,41W , I . . the 6ttor's-ts* 'C'Unt. PrInt"s , (ldveflUtIOnt Bill &is ftther stialt It this globs Wete cooled to . I #t$,JVn1Jh�UAV. Igryof tho great glaciers at Green,; WC W,V W. o r . , , �jjj . We. 'gly . I tA, jrol�" I . I - as . � ' p were offeklt* to take chafto. at ' . Put b, dog'tmn b6low toro toutigrode, the #0 mrb"�".", t"_4v " I& " 'ingTogI 0 �,Xqiy - Or ,tNDIA. tl*. "d 1 think h r, iawm- Mo some! W - I a a . I . � , � nbljhbori� ot v the Toxt.14-WoNd, & paper " , ly deliver into the sen, fout, 1! :?:!!14*2" 0-tarre"O'b*", � Ira* Cult -1 thafik .Vou T It slims to, judging from its ri,raf#, *hiCh AA# bttoxao llqWdi � to -;�.6& i W. or sew feet thick. �� .14_ � � I I—! r . . titwoophere, .4 �. . , least did Itot think 'fog to, would k,tMA440"I ft. RoAt"ll and rwU804 . Was,46 mirg,of 40 bear I$ 0"y ,prod" I square milois at lee I "t, E., . . I ulla to lu &Olt histori . Me th4t tho do t and form a *4 of gas ab0ft 95, I . - --� 111� � I f . a City- In gbf bottor*p I bud often heard and 6r,stiflid.. Z hlt,o ,its, sylutittINS, maltili, *IthAhe ,pw 9i'villion to" � . all 10414- lt'W& 0, 'kintivowth 'to . of tnt *Ugor' 140%, ,ysar OikV of I I � �J I I . Y hot, he Ulm aid-, 114riulgeturers. They state tho.t. it 14" d"OP. I I the THE UANY ADVANTAOAq - 9_1"nf%0"61r6fNC0A N'6 I f0ld Of Dr- WAIJAWD' Pink Pills *rid 10 -we 41k4W, . the bill'Iftom6s, )** Ito-tabfia to ­ 1. -,is* , i *A Ia , , f" " � *"); , ,. , I .. I dit, k1thousix It to$ tialm to A, fo- I I a I �­- � .. r � %ptntMe Wddl# ,mg*', 4atfok,fl,om In thin 004*21; its , olb; _ '), i6 .. e��t� . I -I----- -atMiIi0ors bouad far buff . JON S, *6 41:�� . -'Y't d0tOrM10164 to She lald,htt, . hand *it his urm find 111- I I" - ,., ,,� �1' . � _ 1E 9.1 � , try them, 'I bad. 116t used �XVVO Wo.lk4d *Ith him. into the brea�faxt 141alng 110 Wght*" 000ftIOA 01 1. I k0d,11i* York by thw0ftlad1funk's _166 6AV_16irR,01r._ I I - I I .r , Imoffu a, M that %to* tht m0A. I " i W601 will A11.19 fit", aw t I 13 RiNW, .1.1 11 I tot Of Uhl tallo�d t ifq* b4X46 bit I felt that room. ooww titb the UWtod � . fS � 8: n olport - `6 tairtf "new YOrkAtboreso 1 * I ­ �., .L . hioloolf owpoor t"101 illit *eft 11 States, for two Is U0 Method L. �, MLIAN .. .__.., ��'� - I - ' ... 1. L - . .1 1. . lielplot mo. ,1.V6td . -You ,ought not to ho^ risen' " I Ults, 11JUron "L, f , " h, , �, . it t�41*, lglet fillpi TorditW 15-15 jv.m. dolly 6 *"it at I . -_ ., L ! , ­ I ,-.t I luMb" 0; � At the Oil 1, INtim 'aty, by doy aiM 46OVill ,%bW amid ; "#Ad slow - YOU kiio*n to War* of -detetfAlalogl ho do t 4, record. I 4L MIN ' � A 41�ib'* "han .the L fi�lAdia'�Oqirllr'r . . I - I ,Of Au 04 -World" 04d" 01 .1 tf,utp ' Ll' , o itt . I . I least'di thdia,ba, . to mil- ItIt $1 Ito* . I � � A 11 0 'a 010'4 � - I I , L ' i I I , much ' of tho woollh it litbtio,h' ' � I so 0 - I � L I., I . 11 I 4!til: tow P r I , 4 I hiost evet J$fhc#1 *14 Dtih *Itk- 40K10 I had Wr r1KOT#rtd thy ol$, of y . .. rid* myself oft be' it, 441064 I 0 � I Out the wAlIc ill Aft6k, .4 LU*$j m6me jolt or *tWV1VO � routt ktobe Air that by 10tr4t Maine r I t COnt$IaInit#**r 8s, - , 044t is e6b'AId0*d. .A. Jolt dialAs ' . 9 erniancAt , . . � 14 - Wit and how niUL;h ham ,hot to 06tkthg towlt h&V6 fi,ve " ' and cat, servkb Uritir, Nligut1t, lVaIls. I,, , , . t W to& I P T66 � area, bf'Likk , t , Ad' "I �, � I perful 1)6141, ' 'ft' 19�bje4ed to 4 mah4f0tUrift ,ffifo- ItUrap. Is g0.4W,oqU#4, I UfO� dotic birds -ottob �' h**o �dbubl* ftkchtd, 4' date ,POlot car rurinlog - . . 1 *` City of �Olttprokqi 0016 900h9thIiid )100 611144i heft a good teA-miket." I . , I ,: ; 04PA; fib L I * we ti Comb . VoUufl. . i I tU6, aj000rn %blo' to Work at ta, I V tow,$ �h&Vo bUt four L . . . , ' I i . - ''. V ttAde as Cut- I.;Ookillit itt'her be 0VuL,lit , ' tot wot& It r0ohim tht "I fte" I oat Island, to ,b"w Ispoo iquol 2 , thral r �h to 1itIftlo, mAti one of Pull- - . I I AW6 ' I .1 � .1 . I city, Was 0"ted .b,# ;hhwi Johan* 'k t4bftt *ItfiOUt.0*hyL troubles I hu,16 'it *hA !*Jifed 1% r 0 tiAht, . �� I .Wg � . � . t0AtftP0kToL - e: bell n her viquisit6l it , Was last COOVO4d Into dloth. Valk". Ugh 204 In 1*04.0, ham, t"b's ' . -, . , 1% ST989 CANADA � I -, , -of" &Vfd,1'UoW . L - . L 0 1 luka 6 Attest Olt , 1bg CON train T06 . I � " I I -Y of QW*1 'A *Elgh dtite' Aft'd b . , ", ­�,. , . fonto to New yorse itaiwats pa, .. I I L L $ L ., *31"160th 0 gifljob 101ft1fil000, It This, 4 411%, IntorAw, Is � lud&fttt. J0144-1 1 4� ?AkstiTox0or 0060ON016N� � I rl'ortir the dole of %1)#�Jjnt .Wt& f nis paloo, bi, *4 . . � atak 10 PoUn(lo. I think ,1*" WillIsmo, WOU I I I � I . . Id be, only, As; urAl., R* *oA . , 0 r - 11111(flits-IMA d,Jt*;e* Ltd lulury am tw6ll ,V 1. terorits, *tree% 1re"htd, I I '. ' I , per- I Ili* br,"dtd 06ndlUo " og TJL�Uoa ,,� __ , . - " tr6ts Comfort m ' dan IaWroloh, A. 0, 71-.1p, J*rpoitut), CL I � . . I L drasm'A"'110 t r i%� L O"ed. ,"o tern and, dIhIiW C I . , 4', -4, 11 .... ''',", I I .1 I I Pit* , Pills ** 01-f4luablb wedlebio fietly elikv 111t hot-, #be t1t*kat" � ,*hut vk�* thbri a 1. 41t * M - Bit _ _,". ... I . I I . was I CA'A , mft W Oltw S I oil -*ft 1. � I I - I I . , " 41"b"Voi, � 4o, .., V 1) he 6*tiftod A . omw . I ; � I . tiodtit tiad Uf*0ftt4d,1 there v'*w k ,114004 lot 11 . obot Otlart, at" 0 bo U4 hauds I :1 " VArtur* 'tged rOU0 )*this 41401,*f Od 4*11 00011 fiftVif A 906d,,*Or4 k V 1106tokl Poe t4". 0- s th , WWA I 101141h AN 116Wd tid Alit Ift0loUbto . . I 40.#L 14.� I*L,bunk, klailly "It I$ ** - "011tO "I'T".1mit % . � , .t I r . . *, L M"" tit I V I ; I , � md loaL -at *aa U Astorka, bblo#,e .1 � I! I - "'.".... I I - - I � got I I . , , . coft0i mr AOO thtt, tbA jl�Lo& h*,ft, - *44#11 *1 thd A L. I i 10*4 .- - . � 0 any lot thm", litA01 lom 0 ,6L leewo IffilAtod "t , - . . I I I . I '*It findu twhj� the blood it 000t, or Ws . bi Hatt" I IL . '10 ftne. 0 1 ,6L ww"" I power at the xo*olt, T%0, tur ,- the 1* -4 " , L - i 10", *hft 210 Aft UAW44, Mahtktr Whith Made, ft Amp"biblo,,tiot OfftI11110 duki dbotIftIA16h tattal3s If* r AM M bitir." � � k I , IL .0roh00 Ualiok*to "d 1� -, 0 - . , ,J 0019 1W & ,� i ., 0, � 11 I �, *01M0- lkltk 0164p "Ir I . I -- � "I 1, I I L .1 ad %M11, : . I 1164w ,% ,� bot4* -#6ttbW0* C01*or king � � . . ­ . %, st� -j5 IRIJ Dki I '*--ft � 11. 11 s4ke". ­­ - ,, - ­ � I .- I -1- ­... -,dfti* *--Xt**t­*i*o , .;y**1 1W ,nos, "a r- * 60�1WO-my-stent, to'' out 0 otdo-t. I *. W" trittivy :#a ,,, jkhd he *411� from I y; A, aft 4, - - --sAkei -V�VV-4*w` 11440 ' Coo— - '901,808, lbqpir , , ers tp�j -*Lt,�_lh "*,t' " Ott, Mlk, and' W Atit'gfiffft libr"' I tft Gfty a "W",, I iioj _9 .*­Wj it* ,t I., Llf_� yo- � fth_ ­ ­­ � - ­ '*aof - atiori L ta� itic. I -b,- M04 afor0okli , " ­­­­ I , . . . t3w 014 1-11 ­ . *e - 4 for44 61tw to, "N" MA I = t moap rawmt I* 11 . - ­ ­ W4, r#W*#,4I4*W aue, aali&t #44 I ''; IN I ," , ,il, � _­ - '�- I � I" , , � ,� , I =20*00 - i . I �, I I . L, - �f, . , - � 0 1 1 'i I I . 11 11 I 11 56, , . I -L - , - I 0*041, C, 'i I -i 00.io 14��t �i"� it " 4 - .00 � L L : 1, i 1 I . 11 I , 4 1 1 silly, .11W 1803, *0 kriaos rlylt by X*.. W.1111mak, pink row it, thit 3h* tatatilromfilt. = woo O'kit ,�, k� 1. � I . (Jft,eftl. LA"i Wbjejf� ,.Wit4 thsL, "* Ilwy, will bit 04 04 6� 9. 4. . " 0 U ;A 1% 110 *X* d- 11 � - 11, - ,ILI: �- � I � i � 1. ,. ­� e *0* Or"tu,f, L . I '*Wl,*It 'OIL a brje$. po4od I& '14�'ro b)* #fWi ' L Vot, I , , As' 41000 tO #Akb, ThOY Wt* *11, traw tbo table 0 Oj"# tb4y AlKokbo*41 adibloolo,* to, the *60& ft.- w ' I � t , � , 6*#.' It dMisd,efto , *"* 04 I I ___ � " . 1, �4 I , I I , ___ _W &.601 thame ft"asA "d one . # ft . ' ­, -'s" , t * . -111 11 1-11 L it oth v a y"ro. I tlf� statmokt, "bX' 030, Im#6"4W of %a i the, "** u* ,. I" , � 1 1 1 � . 1. ­'. t.. - I 11 "%* *14 *WtOt InutIliy" lt'k" � Asnut *omy, 6# lio soild, *0 .ift how moft1k, 4WO41 L'1*6"y tkoo . 11 �, , "* Wi"V ft,"KAO ftftft I I \ . *" '4=4* t _AA b , P , I , ;), � , , � . , _ ,ft t I - , I I . Atid, *a. I 1 4 16 in 0 1 � . w* *0" wsakK dOoPo6ftt b" - , 1, * *10 I . 8*6ft' L - LLL a I I 0 Jud A , I* . L .�'. I - " � , I : 11 . I � . , I I . �� I I , , 149 Ova , , �,� I 111) i �Z, awsa" I*m �" tho a L . ,!is . , I � %".� _ , . or #1 11 11 ­ . I - . Wt, YVAVO)f 040094 11WtAtt ­ by U140.10 I wa 0XT 010ko"OX I &s q A' �� IL V It ,ft , . - 111- A " "J"' ­,"', , &,I$ , J0..1 W*mst.'ft*o4 J* 111djus Ott 40 #" utishto stu" *A4 wo , P - N"10111, We.: tft 140t ,**Itjq -tot the t16t1r. "-- WW 40t 04,40hum. .1 . It t."& . , , "to 1"111 $bo *" * 44t)t�'Wfift "'A ; .. --..1-1 4 I I �� I � oft000d '04 , - 10 ,9,00 044140it Y,ftft to-Ulltl 4t, 2% gW, (hat th4 full''Olit L * #0 I I I , I I tj1$^t 0,aL �*.�*J*J* - A�* I to, i" $no � ti" , 60" , I � 1 W_*`� ",.Xr,% vulk"WA L I . I I I I =' I h" 4%w 1 .1 C . 4$ me '4" , , �of theL . :ft ",Il- I . , S*W#. L Uftb 10046"fs Mwo � k Vill$ 1�VL 11 1. I Owl I . Ift"M lw 01 L L' 1� I I I . V* 010%ontol 4Aft", oft wal t,b tuo "Oku � flutt , . #0 lt,4,4 $,Wk4 " root usai 1. = '*O)fs " 'tho *MAO ot .4M4 IS* 'the , Wf*�W firoot ' *.hK ik* It'40*4u*14 M W. 1*011146,- Of 041- 06"'"W00444 Vlfloil 1W I th6 J * I I., I ., � , 6_6 i"ft � - I 11 I J at.,14*4 "" . Nh I ��­ ,;, 6 1. "O, A01 0 10 14' I U"441`444""ft*� I _ ­­­­ *,A"4dA'A,L, . , I , tw"A dt4 'A"L , , _.-00 . . I . ftp� - �yvl', OX 14" Ox* � . Ab&, , :. I I I L � 11 i9i 1%*A"d*#,rA%*O�, . LL 66 ot tho, * * � I I Im I 10 tawk %tw I � .., 1140111461,16W 111 . _.­­­­­­ I - I � - 4, .1 I 0 "A V I , ot Velf %6V*, V4ku0 L i�*;J *at; #t 00 "Oft of I IiA�� k *I* *t6w*l*.-11� � I 11 � V I I 111 4 �r­ L. �. L I faltw*W Ito 'Nowtomi JAV"Ift , 0 0111*10dicift 10"il Okft , , I or 0 1 . Im"41 1% 04"i1i of; J_4 I * - .1 1014 , ,�, 11, I : 4 - on "at V041at &M, 00 U4 iw vow lest hott. !s 066 0AN4 4146*1 s , '#0O",WaotV,t* #A mod A", 40 �i V ��, I 441 '" 06,60vouty b000t t4r, I I "WtL thf,*art f4inieft ,ofI r*. Will[* Lss. to tm boutit *";hot 'the M ,� .1114k *A L. i 411,�, W. 11%,121M, At" ­ . ­ � 10 )" ! _­ I $ mm"s, I ,,At,, I fv� , )4, *"I%* It* So k b*dA%1 of � , I WUZA .. ,*6* of I " I I W Sit X1404 "I *6* VIWW "; 40 I , � I I I . . I L . I I 11 I , .1 L � I � I I � 1 ., 1, I . "I I � , I 1. . . ... � ", I ?I � � . � 1� I , , '*"� , ' L- � I � - - . I I �'. t� L I I 11 I 11� 11 I � I I I i I � I 11 11 I I q I I '. I IF � IL . I " I �, . . . I " 1, I ,; �� I. I ` 11 , . I I " 3� , ? . � 1, V ­ I I . .11 '0 I I I I �, I . ' .�'�', &� 4,3 L I A 1, " . , _ . Ild" " " ' L ' , - '! , _", . �.�_ V. I LA Af 4",�, , " . . I*, $fit I I 1 , I" SY01400 ,�, *444*s* L I t I n.: 11 t I I I L . , ft, "I , * * I oh �11 - , ,� . %, AM -0 w L I : � 1, 11 , * .* , W - L� 4 .1. IU12 s" O_ 0 W *' L =!t�� 1*14W tly 11 " "ft "I , is , . . ..'"A"O"o, 'I , MO", - -, " " _ , . 1, *04s*4W0W.-4.W1W."',60,' , " 1 " .1 ,i It-, . I ! , 4. ", 1, * -P . .. � � LL ­,:.�� , I . - � � , , I � - U4* *09 ""WIRI , . � , two, , 1114ti ul*ow � . __1 � I I 11 , L 4� , L 1� I �� 1 4 . � . . I . .1 . I I I L I , , I I - . ­ . I . I 4 , W 10. 0 1 04T " t I I 11- .1 I . . 11 I �. . 1. . � i L . 4 1 ,) I � . . I I � I . I $­ , - ,L . . " .: � , ,, I I I I . � I 11 'L� I I . 1, L, , I - I I , , I I I I I I 1; �k I I . I � d I I , ,� .1 r I I I I , , , I � , �, " �� - . . k V I , 1, . , �� '. , 11,; I I . � . �1_ - �. . - I I , I � �, �11 I I I 0 %� , .1 I I . .. . I I 11 to. I I , I I � r t . i , � . I t � I , I . I I 0 , I . �, .1 0 . 1 1, 11 ,; , , , 1. It 11 ��L 1, . 1�. 11 I I � � I � . , I 1� I 11 . , , . , I I , - ` I I , ­ 1, � I I I . � � � � , � I ilb�� � ­jg�"*.�,�, ." " , ,, "" I 1_1.11.110.46Li .4'A"Adi's'" t4*6�Ae.:, ""', ,,* I , 1110'at'aik'I il LI. - _"&�;IL * 11I.- I.- - ­ 1. I I L �, . I I ­ , "