HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1902-07-11, Page 770 rf_p 7v itIl".BMW: 4 it , Oi V #A4 4 �Vft;hjatiir lilk Th lot IMMOt 1#0 wit* ordw to 4b" =4 for' twow 14 ilikill. W I ll A"OVAPIV to ZZ WOW Ill thet 1"llitivaill to tblif alli 11!llu-K tA po*Ago" 000.004 ­� 4 ulaila 'WI '4k 411111 ileAI4"r thor vf#poo I,0A, 11-K JuiNalloy. , AtIropq&3a At If Ift; U" la� im 10titf 4 k �Jif ;1 M� 174 Illift, ushiiii, An* W40 vwjrc - 0404ta 1:::f 4, to X W I14 lAvA Will go 11% afor 00"I"''howd God* WSA rp""04 of OV0 tit% AlItilkl4to X0111400004, Of Otlt Or� Port ITUrO4.4t ago �for NO. I AW which, ho wa;w ft�buirw. tallto 414 W )a, 4OOr Off joy tor� 0, tkof coppw* 1, It f t or tb* broodtift oNo'. I no hierol; 044. Sk *%V'.At ofto 7AQ, 044041 le, bo ois aw. y Also. 104,0 1clortiod! lat* to I A tow, $e4ta ago, P. $oua*'1 sp*kk� ttio'No, 0, of C0IIAj4# . Ablo 1*04 Ill4"U411141 IA' 1411 441twV Ixor-it *4 flu toll 0*t 00�444 ftm Ovalir bom rpm I IoUy agi�. jJAd tl" Qr �44) 111111' Wile -W bdt POO, -go, , pok tt doop4m, 410A f'00. t i�': IneVO4*4 liill ro iolAvo by V ftrly thf pUrpQrlla' *or' *blob j e_oMd. � , 4 Ali� 1piportoid'. vl* he );amliorlad Joa;;t� It Olialfw -to, tho M440 lial Oro 5, �Ottailva' Kidlors-, loll 10''tho iloriontli, table "4: W � tho �dofy irk his okmti lik, Wjt� U441 I �01- ouiih Aflvkoa� t" ti 4 fxollo Is, k Pro", f, Ak* for t or, 69 t4w To t* lop. brailliff"ItIf to t4C 4hutto 4'. thl� ke as up In tie t =A' wueziri. fiirork,' for gro-sisis, 10114, olw U.9y, hqifit #iuvidereA, A�,U. L�qk, 4 i66, Iiii'vo #&AIijeqal. "d ill f4 W40 h Nj her, tol�biacuule 01 t4tV KhrM 114344.044 of 9 $Ikcr '011 e' -fill alim U900 potorlid. tot. htoliJoy'lor0ort* t49 ORO$, 004n�- - Vits, 144p* '44, at , � 0 0,+- , , 1�t , , the At her agoin. XtaiijillIg d.olint. lot ga4mta xtoixoly tur'bir 944 Q4, h0weVor, he adolittlet (kit In A..xIcArs aIng &.4 At so poll, Aro, to be '1101A bI ove, bow, up his post-tiou lie shNi'led, _*Ot. X oa n. j2ot., "44 for, 041P Alft- off IV , a0". pVorl P-5 p6jill, ottfut,''in Wiedule price, litlad -wilt, (1,0 to 0. mixed 04,701 40101 I to adornments, atiorlilott a And, 6 lot; at W00 So stion 4, tile -4 : in- " listo tile pribil "ttle;1 to little lli� and lit due t4live, I �41lb W11110 lud fttlro-Ato 011 at Clio wtV Into her iathor'446. 2 v con, I to deall tit 70c' Midle UU00; Ab4 thol aftqrti ton4cuoy to purchaser ter housi I aUC4 V� , k1o, 44 on, Oo thIlat the killul D �Ik:,Vllio ocipacity of a. butler, f it r Por thrI4,1 $"ifs lie dischargeo, Iwine districts lilt 0 probably.. 2, wMto eyes lilt 880. '04- 0 thor Will be found a .00l* dutles, tatiWifty, %I corgo P o 'AM ntit a stret�, re, 'on, jr bite at falp early date, as thol WM- Mark aroiItiea clomminoing, po , As, ! :' 940 ., � V , :,� tilt) girils iVer� 440, eld)[Ap tshe had Mid borti PROVISIONS. Angenerally Well W- and b I 0�k or There is , strong demand for ail t, �W.brk *t*t'b to" hl) �. was 110 4red King Victor I!Wm,44bol will visit low actual vfifilueS. That there lutis his or 04 6119"111 Val-, I�Aywoad Wap10, tile Czar this iuv,4 general incroof* I he products and the market ro- off entry.. Sjjr 'jljloId:�k Q1001140. �A tji, gldd Will, go 6ow Ji, very 11 vl- d (I -tit her roft4filt4loo b40 t914 Ailtqj4tio. tot De his fidelity �y- Jilin in All lies throughout Tilanjoba, arill'the wafills, firm. gall cen decided oil by the Teri, cries - wlill'in It p)rtlidu0tion, gr4ZIUS. ilit 11 AND IIAND� , P-9 , 0", stru*- the Jiijlsoa, - Grey has b tile last six Hr I?ork-Caiiadu short cut. $23.50 'b 'it Kaiser as the color oft jig Gorm .50 trione ' y! 404 hQ14 411 montho is evident. The average one of tile heavy laws, $21 to $22 alear -ult tasks that JismJAJP four. wtg, And th' ei- army war uniforiig, price whicli the compan Isi now re- arq Mier, an tay� il, gerttkato, 016or fell to t io, 14t, of aft levier was Slacked and Dry Sulted Meats— Lo uty0pi lita44,: He wllltl�voo, it is b9,, G neral Cronjo, w4o was captured colving is about ISO cents pc� acre q Qer"� 40, icompleted 1. %T'4' ago lay lift at Paardeberg, has'tilftri the oath greater than It was Lt. year ugo� clear bacon, Ilic; hams, 13jo 11101aas, taim Ito McQuarry of� 'S to c; rolls. 12c to 12*c; shoulders. jag Ir aroo, Xc;BrIdq of this $,tpto. of allegiance to Great Britain. 09yorlio, I — 4 Suit Was r0pialUtoj 1j,teJectod by i'lle I 114c: backs, 14jo to 15c; breakfast area opts an I Quo (lay, Tie to tfty with'Adjutalat- $witorning is In falture na- BETTER CONDITIONS. lady of tits e4'0 qef� Initi 'bil gl rsolsoli tot .0 to'be I I a10 :�%� I .4., ticki, of the State. milltia. oorporated lit the offarriefulaut ob- bacon. 14fic to l5e; given meats out Iti. tbe: ,stp thinking to put'�41%!, 9 \to ""011- of pickle are quoted at le less than to$�av a , 16ttl6t.1a, which the is 'iakfilike koengst iliter04, Wu the taining in Municipal Schools in Ber- judiats b5gj� , 10* ol*� PAIt" �,P, I went., o Famine ;;.tricte Not So titons thereby, bh*;��t4l Jig. th�, 0 COMPIA0 00t.0 toolo;, �'As i'Altad evety mlilpatills'.: itiff:44 afio,.�ct ,ikA-' Ve has o0ored a rowulf, of lin. d"hila that if Bad. world rob -of hgd, I h tu 0. 7his with IhQ would go rouqd� with- Lard—ilercen 11je, tubs Iliac and 0. 014,Jkl. pbart4ticau. - heother �rg*qitdu In 1898 the -population of the A despatch hus been recolved In out u. cent Ili hisii.pooll't -he Would, palle 11to. ev,bli 00orgo 04r0y!9 br Jim offqqd by the 4relatives of the� vie- Tranavatil was sorneWillig over, I,- QQX0 tali 4-rapA; :a� siolat, 4iii;, davit, -nor-Gaincral Marry him. Mo(jilriVr i'Vouritagoonsly 40 wilIadow'' of t A aiatiligs to, the, Animia1g, lia...'41ilostion. time f TrAty's riffe bringso-a, t9tral 000.000—of whom only 250,000 t London from the Uovan w f India, Lord Curzon of KodleHton, took her to of the ah: tit her'WIVII, IIV force _sy were whiltes, ... COUNTRY PRODUCE. �tt4M but th saying that better conditions pro- out actual I)VI I I . r Alm . ly ace( 'Palo 'In. W00 so, urply Iq4od, 4nd though ihor �m4nthpr' old jl4rpos.09, The Butlar—O t4b,�,qo 0 a I 09velraor, in Addition to. of- Tile Imprial Government proposes . i th'. I lato, loin WAS' someawl2firklu'' lit in the faulaino disU-icts of India ill a Certain Perlud A0# . it task Ifferings of dairy care very to expend &100,000 on harbor works tuo and for rAlloh, cows must %)Ao show teritig thal reward, has ordored'Aff sliberal and very mixed. There ill, U west than have been hidicatte by the ro- wh1ch received i4VI'110 rd tohe fullv.know, he ."00ullet, that -been siftaitted t-Oenorajr Drain to WndtWo, to assist the fishermen on the however, IA large amount of choice, V., to jutan as ropurts. There have boon AIj Huglish gil 4.4 1 cent lWo no wherie'tho. whtcbriaia� the State militia to' -Aid coast of Ireland, I - stuff offering, Carleameties are In rl 404ted hot "itch.o. fred troops Of -iiidorcr's courdgo that sfoulid t from tuberculosis, 'date the PoSsesi healvy rains fit the Assam, Burinah. 4#a, ITO' Sitched members of wWch tire Helen Grantley, an actress of.Now kni, P I.Mcare, 0 it roy k6o It;-fqr- of Wtllno. jjItfi the qhr&,rt of reaction Reouring oburban Year I wants $50,000 damages, be ­ and tried ego tickl cause her picture was printed in an haa" se li� his t r tile to solids ... ... ... ....... 19c to l9ao thoM there, and a deder ptiq have fallen ill tile IlailautuAla region crossed from Lu. ItCroamory prints... ... ... loic to 20ac arid Coafl� Districts, usuffil,ahowers sho�would only good demand. Prices sire steady. ail the raorillearq s .0 - U40 0 At a -of 'the cattle With territory. of Scuttle. h6v that oofild'think f nothing but that age And' -ShortISr after 8 o'clock in the ev- Advertisement of a brand of corscit Georgia 110,1rdy alsbi ?i and In Upper India, but ruore frain'pi-crich coast, to Dairy tubs and palls, ull 'thiJ;ddj)jg , whic us to Ili neeed in the Bombay ProsidQncy.:cantrae, u. test Which silo.; hqliov�o lie ill the advertisement of ell brand of cot -set I of tho,� Aumbilirls, ;�46. - re an tile clibice ... ... ...... ... .. 15c to l6c bbat,on And on, would go on until landle inaxy be required 0111119. Tracy ivas located a the r at manufactured here. Would Shirk. But Ili tilltill' home f Mrs A. H, Van Hornet 4113 -"was do caledium_ . ...... ....... Joe to 14 the and: collie. *The bhnk robber sat to �bd Inspectli&at tha port of . ft Borar Territory. The number try, and. Any Iloweat a the numbers mattof d wrt the, sout f Woodland Mr. Paill, Krueger, slrlocis he is no EAL lialistaken, tot- lit a do pound rolls. cholco.15c to Vile ,At 4allinal i6owing symp- Persons now given relief aniou ts to I two fmtch�-o' I.e. the floof esde�jst b park. The. mews wit conveyed to longer 'the head of it foreign Gov- men could easily twill patted with hia, right liaLS' torho of tuberculosidNma be sub- A - do larger rolls choice ... 15c to 16 r 10111 platter ' milch when 0 nd 480.000, which. is Lt decrease illiving 111-N douej�o! 11Ardk-1ii4tterqd,. And. Fremont I?y a, butcher's boy, who ferrament., has received a bill of taxes Of 20,-, mirer started, 1 I,3ggs—Tho market is Steady, with -he tr car et in 4ccompanl- Joetod to the ..�ubarlcullu test, upon A furUier fall of rain would necessary provisions ill a goed dentand, at 15c. , (L�ed §malt ilqualro cas,',;widc6 ilgePtly' on the InStrilotion f broke the intelligence Just aSI ShOrill arriolinting to 400 gulden from the 000. salike'l , iAsizal- , cali�aora, up4n the call rom t4e chief of the pobably result in it large decrease find donned a fc-bult. ]Vottu4tr Juent to the ticking of the clock in Ou4ihee drove into the Suburbs. The Holland Government. I! I the 114LY Potatoes--Aro growing scarcer. tand Bur ia�f Anjm�l, Industry, number i.ow being "talle've"f 40or,"beaide.thil Safe.', The little CAS6 house Was quickly surrounded, but In the United States Senate at ill the ly the weather prices are higher aft 05c to 81 or* WAs,heavyll and W, tie ok, tickt §heep, 6,' All sheep imported into Tr"y deliberately fought his Way Washingion Senators Bailey and The people recui%ing relief tire gon-,was In hl. ftivair, and it'll, t of tion lie jha placed #by rtj2Q Safe, George 4axdy stoo , 4 ard . -c oneed �to count the the United States ' for breeding, through the guards, killing Police- Beveridge had a. fight, in which ithe orally Ili good libsictill condition. ous journey he roached"th track [lure and $1.10 to $1.15 ou lookirig.,,ttloit o or feeding . Must ,bo inspect-- The advance of the monsoon in West, to receive, the ki r In momebt.'r in's. erhaps lie cotild buret gra7i)2g man E. 4, arid mortELBY Itittr was clicked because he would prize rot- cape 0, door. He threw himselt d- and must 'be' accompanied by A woaading� Guard Ne,I RawleY. tund not retract a statement. crit lindia Is awaittsd wkth Scale anxi- yearned. Poultry -Offerings are scaree arid ontly, 'Will Uct'toll ralautop after I blih(ily At #, and Ideefrated. his head colltifleate signed by a Condition om� disippapeared into the bartatsh towards John M. Burke of New York, 96 A young Frenchinan "aft it.' &avand is small. licicas tire at Wound it� Jlp," .46, Said; "and againat' the c6sing. U li4le Stream cil1l veterinarian; stating that no 10c to 12c for turkeys, 60c to Sheriff 'CuIdthee yearls old oil Thursday, celebrated Barnard accomplished that ral aftelt those to Ravenna. Park. for chicken If nalilUip Apbody will Lftectilaig sheep, twice had bead upon the desperado, the event by giving $4 '000,000 TREASURE FROM XL0 IK tagiouk If seaso ND E 9 on 81 per pair for )kA00 that anythixig i-oalasIng,, The of 'blood trickled from the broken coil A ble, feat. of walking from Pailig, But, the hits extstell In the di, stilel;, In Which was unable to fire, for the rea- worth of property (or the purpos of skin -upon his foreheAd. but I Berlin oil stilts two sualliners dp� led explosion Will be put down to an. eb,- the animals have been, kept for six f Is Being Shipped to litly-lis Steady tit $10 an In door did not yield. son that the ffigitive head' takell the founding and ondowing a convales, Most 0 It 4 -Pe of gals,'T.eiliall be back in- y the behest offal Breton itudden' moritbia preceding the date of implor- a ;*hoa tf, hero for No. 1 timothy. wiLh bedroom Then lt�'bolppe;irk, and to- Again and again he. hurled him- pjeosu�jon to walk between t 0 ifti- tit home. had spurned 119 addresses. but -�tOlh,. nnuid and liberal offerings. tation.. T mporter M0ilrQ%r I leave. for Australia. A gelf, against the portal; but'it was, . be. '_owrger or I pressed man, whose lives would have Progress is being -mae-with the A despatch from Vanouver, D.C., ed to test his devotion, Ile was At)t d Straw -la steady at 85 11 Avinal-pr9figAt _ap_a_&ffida it thf said fig -Tho, ' Canadifta steamshil in felt Testsitod-lavery ____y_ ­­-,j---bccn-Ampe _�t arliled-:1had tha'&Iierifl.BrQ-d-.--Fjc4i,aine for holdi Lt British and Says allowed to disinount even at hikht, truck li-e. Offerings are liberal and there, certificate refers to the animals n Cjj- -PrIneess-_MtW. arrivQd_on.Thursday�,,t story of Duccessfu guing specula- 0 Presoldtly, in one Maki rush, I�xhibiltllon at pe _g1jitip I ton, qIled to rest against wolils doullatild is fair. 'he caught his foot in the bag, v 11116t _W_ ad quest INDIAN RAID. for a period of four incfiithsp�No- night from Skagway with 200 pus or anythit'ig i OU111 STIPpert Then Set %11-he4vily--tur thas- grofamd�-­ ------- to vaniber, 1903, to Februlaxy. 1004. sengers find fit) gold. She report" Weight; all impartial judge havin BUTTAI.o GRAIN MAIUCE�ll. ___��e de� _P� breedi rpOsep, ng or- ------------ W.-W.-1tnrtanr-of-1Mphf­,- -N. 4,li" -the - American. Aeamers- ai �11­ -accompralifud- htm- ....... _MHatc set to work. tails of t4 reakinjr, were -on got over tha-1—the conditioum were propearlI ea�; -Fort � AW ickl Att&�S�ey Aono�b Y., inut- -1`uW`hl9-w1t-h­-big--tf� st -lit JAy g a accomtfiallied Dy ail oln- -do I i,:—,h- I V6 The Safe Was, an old, cial veterinar . certificate stating if he San Francisco arid Seattle; th"a't"'t'ho' fulfilled. The feat accompliah fashioned tha-burglit 'they arrived at A despatch from Vancouver, B.C.. tiply Italy number under tell. ArdL gp�lrig quiet buL firm: No. I north - The clerks when g one, "d 's op- that no contagious disease afferti pittances were .- modcrn.� - Within � s, bank the next morning f6an the eye :-Tho historte Huclson Day is asked the result of two times three Canadian banks ure purchasing till talln catl0ads. 80te; winter weak; No. pwirie l" existed In the dilstrict in Ing his left the gold through their branches, if Barnard again renewed his suit. ma- which, the swine have been kol Company's fort at St. Stelabon,s., the horse reponials by lif-t THIS TIME WITH SUC(II., very short time the big,door swung Droken safe, and the infernal ried, $2te Core Stead; No. 2 1noiselessly upoli itil b1fages, and the chine with fits dump fuse, bestide It. pt for B.C.,,v!afs recently attacked by In- foot from tile ground six thries. Dawson and shipping it to Nuattlul A short thno ago Lt young London �Yijllolil?, 710, No. 8 do, 706c: No. 2 thief was sejectipg the.n6tes, bonds, George Hardy was Sitting on the six months preceding tile date of im- olla half-breeds and thorough- A conference of RusNian oil pro- In Spite of the Governinent, I-olicitor, lit order to win tile gir of C0141, 700, No. 3 do. (19fe. Outs portiettion, arid the owner or import- aped felons. ducers and exporters haso resolved assay and purchasing ollicis In Van- 11rMo No. 2 ailibite, 584c; No. .3 do, and sharos, for which tie -had come.' floi�r beside his opea bag., laughing a Ureds, many of them ese his choice, carried out. a task which find r must resent an aJWavit that Lte They killed the cook, chased the to petition for it reduction of the cc u %or 0. No. 2 inixed 65c; No. 3 do, Ile Staffed his booty Into the small childishly " he tore up bonds said certiz applies to the ant- till but those of unusual courago resent tariff in itussira. for the car� Tho word Is also brought down wou -4 ji 0. Rye, 02C. hand -bag, gatherell LUp �ho filings of bank notes, crushed them In 'his m.l. in ouestion. officials away,- and made it charge on P to enable the tha�t Chinaman have made an unroll III havol Shirked. Tile lady I-(- 44na metal from Us c 'et and throw hands, oxill. dabbed them at the little the *tore-hquse, the only entrance to 1`141,90 off Russian oil, � JPcLcd his attentions oil the gru outIN Y. ,arp to, wound upon his, forclisad to staunch Quarantine, a. -All cattle, sheep Ru0slans to compete with the Antoci- cessful attearapt to get into the Klorl- into- the adfa, pushed thio door- and swi . ne for ' breading' purposes, the fort. Tbey.were met by a bull dike. A large nualiber struck,Whito� I thilt. she Would only Worr tile ated ran oil producera. and turneldi toa� thilAnternut machine. a, bleeding which hold long since of bullets from-tho-riftes inantPul Who und0rtook to find hill brother,' AN 'a t4m ARX S. Before Winding-vp tha clock -work cea-19611. The "001511 gr0ifirg,or feeding, whau net 'Lor by the Factor Board of the fort, und 'Horse. They wero called - upoh by It door had been -bit- who had loft home some year" h attaahment, lie glanced at Rig watch. clafified wholl they came to it, but it panted by the required offidavits and CL friend of the cook who wished to UNITED STATES vigilance committee and told ti) go. oil, uly 8.-Closo- i!l, t on a, certificates, illmusat be detained in of They refused anti their baggage was v iously, arid restore hint to her me- buyers indiftertant 4 r rs. "Not three o'clock yet. I've been was not locked, altliough, the broken venge his death and had taken his -Kansas has 600 inor, quararriflue for one week at the ex- thrown on a Ina6ving freight train, ther, As We runaway had been I at "all u I t I ot pretty quick," he paid. key was in it still., -London An- place, railroad thagi War Late of New r er or importer nil- -e lifted into the traitin of),- .ti Mriglish cou n air- pealso of theown - lans ratreaitaer!7`�Ior a, York. arid they woi heard of In it South American o�.tl He -telt In his _;Wialstccrat for the -awaars- der-tbe slaIiervision of the 1;;;�ctor The Ind I eek made frequent sorties, and It IS estimatd that there are a ter struggling and wildly protest- Per Miller, the ROMUOV hall no ta- kets or Wait, Vren n little Iffat J)44s key .' Which had admait- in charge. Animals found to be free -rges in an attempt to get at the about 2,000 negro jawl�ers in the Ing against the trailittivienl. At Bell- portant to cold hint fit his ttl Marko fl ted him se- easil� jut6 the manag- from 11f8eaBe at the ead of We time cho work Nevertheless, pocketing a Paris, Jtly or's sunbtufa; and dropped a tiny EXPECTED A -GREAT DEAL. will be released. liquor and stores. In the meantime, United States. nott. United Stalt-m Customs officerf; Whent, one a friendly Indian a Crop reports a-ro not only favora- hustled them to Skagwity, whore lill0toffraph he gave up ),in julsillesE, quiet ; June 24f85c, 8 ituber ad oil On jo'th(t W4aXOS. I say, Thompson, did you ever Transportation, V-; -All cars used oardZ-d Canadian FAeamers, for I slit out, only to rettu�n to En December 20f 95c. no (I tit the nearest gost for he] p. Police his, but in most CAsies wc b 9- otice that I was brutally indifferent I Lrrant on- they 'Once the machine to Started I n n the transportation of animals British Columbia. land Ili despair when two vearta wore July 81f 10c, September I must lose no 'ttine In'gotting out,') to my children must be first thoroughly cleaned and Officer McLean went from Quesnell thuslasm. over land lie hall come to the end of camber 271 05o. he muttered. "Certainly not. You're iquite the alone in disguise, as a posse of po- Alakan &Illueon is worth inure to STATE DEPARTMENT BUSY. him resources without muccess. But London, July S.-Oloso-MarkLa sat down in then disinfected by whitewashing lice would have beell'attucked and the United States tan the gold ill Hardy, hist oncle,s centrally, Holmes." with a mixture of lime and carbolic Just as 110 Was leaving it London miller markot-Whoutt. forei A 0 "Well, do I took like a miscreant perhaps murdered, Dressed as an In- the territory. no Ichair, and thought his plans, over acid before the animals care placed 7,000 Documents Pass Through tecollnus if. rilan pillaged illn, in tile what firmer. English John; un� carefully' again. The . ex who would be only too glad to abant- therein. dian, �he, erattred. the roar of tile fort, It is a Curious fact th Correspondence Branch. -letreptewho bore at stuall resemblairect changed; malze, Arnert ploslon Shippers must see that ca 1117h ng Er are would leave no traceg of 'o, don them to the.merey of'strangers?' this is done before the animal and the three brave men of the fort three President& cof tho United States doing Danubian a teadyn VOf course not. Whatever put such made a night raid arid voldly arrest- married -willows. A despatch fforn Ottawa o th photograph. and he Inquired ur. Annaricain firm und rathcr iforur. Wilign Irt happened he would be loaded, as unless these regulations tho Stato Dopsays It 1,19 tonme it udge of his nstranimli- od three of the ring-leaderaft. They Yrom 1870 to 19U0 the potiulation The work In art Ungliah steady. bedroom Jn his unclo's house, and, an idea il4o your head 7", are complied with'the card will not took their IF, rarldly 11TIVITUNing. Front Janutiry morat when the stranger replied that doubtlms,. like Wit uncle, Iiii would "Or have I the reputation of be- be admitted to the United tates. prisoners to civilization cat tire United States has Increased I June 84101 ca%�r 7,000 doca�_ he was the individual in qu,:,tlon. fish down stairs.hall d;i6asold to Ifig so selfish that I ould not dis- The regulations of the Treasury to be tried. from 88,558,371 to 70.308,387 lat to CATTLE MAILK9P. int the slightest Department of the U. 0 — col I ill re-Uhida of the friallillY Wan Earn what was the Matter. His tie. turb or exert myself S. d1rect as On t -he average the medical nrents, ptu4sed I hroulgh the cirrre� ant.W10 Toronto, uly S.-Itoccipta at ill# ecure, their safety from the most folloWs. CANADA GETTING TRADE. - leges turn out ai�orry your 5,000 pondence branch ill the departInPot. for ed shortly afterwarilm by the parture next day, too, would cause to S canttio inarket to -darty were 00 louldsi, no su 3rate danger Regfstration,10-No Snianall. for graduates entitled to write M.D. at a number Which he.4 only once heenjadwittance )f tile solicitor tit; a fail pplefou, for lie had told many desIx WI tit 1.240 head of cattle, 1,975 "flo, indeed. Who's been ac�usfug breeding purposes shall be admitted Shipping More Grain Than United exceeded in any tw(--INo itionth ly qualified nicinbor people of lit& ifitoutlon� "tti go out to ter their names. uittep, and lainbs. 828 hogs. arboll 15". Australia end Seek a fortane which You States Ports. the day of Confederation. To Lt catves. The only class for which E__S4'URPLU _Pf Erlich things free of duty unless the importer W n of the first large extent thirg Is due t hit should permit him to come back in '*MY Vatife." furnishes a certificate of the recor A de.Vateh front New York says: ebraska LARG S, there was agood-markirat to-duy wap S ates t recognize the importance legislation of this vear. The a "Your wife ? Vm- he Canal Can -a- of te Produce -11 ifgo. aILIeWyear wirAwandinarrypouta. 'Why, little Johnny got himself an p, Agree in the form Hereafter change, wAtch is working to have of keeping reliable recorfis of the In the method (If gFittitilik lettec.4 Newfoundland n a Very Pros-, Ile c clicals, bilwhor cattle. a ricAts, .It woul Ift two given, Showing the animal to be ra I)( Chlrit rein of its streans. patent of incoamratioll Ila perous State. for this, claw were firin, but the aull- d t I 1 11 1 ,,� Ili, etbor __ i_,a ]Bding of the now Ily fateo'l Ins for %..counle of hourg-Me rh1hol--it--ha" rk po leourien were -plu--w4aill-saliall ..,q, few ve. 15.. J06 --- r-011FWW-176 Tj too IrOui exploslou would d0troy Wjj' f"'- ­ day, and till I did was to notify the initted full registry in the Amer- Erie Canal referred to the people at t popular, end. hats been this traces of cattle. either In butcher or export. ce, hire every private detective loan boo?k of record established for some date soon, ha,% drunk to stand alone when thw ap- Inole of a large inva-4-nm in the cr- HAAYN `1110 Volollial.rcvenue (,)I- tho the nuffablerar of his booty which he Poll cat i being In the nauxitet. The best 11 the neighhor� that breed,, and that its sire and his showing the movement of the peared at headquarters for trial on renpundence. Another art of I last filinforial yolar entled June 30 Is thel 1,(,, could easily alliegotialto, I, mot- in town, and rouse a hutalle0a; cold at $5.25 W $5.60 )d to help hunt for him." dam, and, grAjidalren and grand- principal shipments for the week charglify last week. session which hui been l#-od.uctr',.,h,r,.�, JurgolliI, ,, t1w Illstury of tilt' colotly ­54,3\�ere 'two It- thren gdoid lo,tdhai bourne, t Ire Mat there thinklog for & win- "Wasn't that enough I" dams wore all recorded in a. book of ending June 28, and coinparqng the The Hon. MichnipI Herbert, who Is much carrespoildeme is th-ut, 'ants, to tilitiost $2,24W,00 of Pkpoilt, , Rold at $5,85 lo $6 3-,4 !'No. She insists that I am record established for the same axacaunts passing through--CfLnuldian corraing tca tire United Strifes an Barr- compels till helore w he I,.4ri3l20,(1(uj it, (,xc,-qq of _­rric ute I' tiger, - 'got lip, and walked 'ake� 1:, enuf end $oAr, Outside of these thoria A ss, a brutal, selfish miscreant, and p9v- breed, An affidavit by the owner, ports and American porw, The, tish Anibasquolor is known to all his IcttQcH of naturtiliinatboat Lire tit, thi- preceding fiscul yvoi AT: J�, acro o tke Small black citio which war; very little, (lone lit the export. h -1i put up near the Oats. At- er-I other things, because I refused agent or implifter that Fuch animal committee observes that 0anadlan friends us "Mungu" ITerhert out to refina-t tit.- -anite to the Serill, I A lurge "in-l-Inq Im lortaln. lint, t1w class, buyers riot being very -uttvi- lat nothing to do all she wanted too to," is the Identical -animal described in routes, -are drawing more and more Fifty per cent. of all that strikes in ta"Y of State. Ilitherto there fies,exioct nin-int runnot Iw aKet-rutined 'i ough he Pfelt assured tI: ;_ i I I I:., It I..-(:ollItIolj of 1111, 1 olon� tit ULko tile coUlti at tho liricem uslk- 0 J could go wrong, hittibeart,waa "Why, what more was possible 7" the gold certificate of record and Ame traffis away from Ameri- the United States Are successful, Ij been tie registratimi of thom. beco:: The goneral run or butcherlo' "Make the Commander-In-Chlof pedigree, must 130 presented. can "Ica per cent. succeed In part. while 8() Ing naturrallied Now they fire I too A 1 11). at -1 . tjoll, it is to-duN, ed 9 r. �1, and they hold that the it . ',uttlo Were decidedly ouslier. Helillial thump"n falato" p4infully' As be i r out' the Militia to help 11i rebuilding of the Erie Canal so aR per cent. fall completelv. 114ted in 01triwn Thim lost art IN The ("is, mn-'Imume t -In Too crossed the room ho, caught, slight of circle the Unless the certificate of record and lat one illij."I'llinj JrX)Ifrt. I n frorn 63 .1,0 to $4 25 inany iss over the hunt I pedigree is produced the animal to Carry 1,004 -ton barges Would Afriong the great enterprim-s it ro- ' I � J.'r-I If St .1olln's, flat, tile liam quar- his face in the looking-glil that it in-mide" lit rao wav f ... (In.1ter i-nwhed S.-I541.00(l, It -111 Itilliciv grationy unlinnilhaid butchera' cat a 1,, Mantelpiece, and 10 had to 'See bow shall be considered dutiable. In case lower rates, - find relietbilitatita the jected In the U1111I.Cil St.tllelll In lilt aro offering, and too inativ * light It, Lormilzrition (if i-olifo in the yu-'in f,xrv.,� it( In-vvions, rer'-il-ts Tho plas it, was. such certificate IS not at hand at traffic of this port. The present electric railway from Carinde. to I hit Ila mtockers t,, koop pricen ail, ['he lat- "And yet there's no real danger; Cannadion, routes that alre cutting in- I kon Territory It 4 still ljllpoAodj,l,.' mnl lonn for public w (it it Fi W If I "It the time of the arrival of the ani- Gulf, to follow the Missiosiptill VLLI- 4 1 Iil"c nbed tor clasil from ',Ili) to ill)() Itas , tire 00. A. W. CRAWS t.o rail and canal shipments to Now I to ItevIonav it British mubject. In that NI'lo(le-N. wt'4 " "elling lit Ir,oni 8.1 75 to S4 135 tit least, none fof me,l� he, said trials, duties shall be estimated York are by way of,Gecarglan BtLy ley. terr Lory. fit, Oh wout IThero %via. a tat1wr heavv run (it alcaud. "loin stifty lot poor WALtson, CATARRH CUIAE ... 25W thereon and deposited, and tile ani- Secretary Hoot, by direction I)( the k Aent &wt to Me dlgawd, mals delivered to the Importer and the St. Lawrence river. The President, issued an order reducing fillo-el, nad lollibl,t, laid pricv4 for* the fifir4laylbs Imoloved aloarri who may Within ton days file a' rate to Liverpool by this route I "tson was the nIght-WiXtWW0h=WsW I; at the total Strength of the United BETTING ON THE INCREA9E. CORONATION DAY. wl-ek. wIth Ili,- piovirectn lower U who wag bleepirrig In,the oluslialoned Heah d`6 'it"*- 0 -ft tbq lit Written stipulation With the ool- present 1* cents. at, bushel climper , 4,_a tes army to 66,4117, a decrease Onod cakot, nro iiii 36of 1A, than by way of Now York, and the 0 1 10,700 Sporting Adveria.ents Should lier pounAl. flood nillch cow.9 Wert - chair In -tile outior office. thrailial; oleaddE.. Wo 08 itfetor to produce the requisite Daz Provided All, tPeroar. lower alliallI, or Jr. A, w. C The number of Mormornii it, tire. Goes oil. ','Door baIggaft. But the 6"k will fites. All aft , ,, "' Ife"c" tift.t. within six months from til, Canadian I% little ennirl'. Relling lit $215 to California so a shipmenW for the week be Made Illegal. October 2 the perfloon his Widow If—" hil" dato of entry; whereupon final liqui- cGIVere'd by the committee'" -table A d.-spatch front London %a -,F+ - S2 7 llogs %%err firiner tit $7 for 111114hibil CO. Torarrato and 13 United States has more thrift douhl� Ilou._ or (,oull ill IG A flespni'll froul Londniat sil�" - howl, ned $f% 7.1 flit- light And the ihoUglit, of What',firlis, al- elation of the entry Will be suspended were greater then Now York's by n a oil Wrel too h0p0al a until the pr 617,148 bushels. and greater tbaii ed in a decade. lit 1800 there wpre It Is helle"'ll that owing t too 111tioport. vIloick, $6 2.5 to 6 37if induction of the cortifl- fetting hits lmu-d its report, it to 144,000; In 1900 there were Illoij. (hat betting I" locroinsing VN, Flxf)ort clittle, light .1 :2 5 6.00 a Moment, as: it Went Cut' to tHe cats or the 6xplaration tit the six those of all the chief American ports co ""I"(, I I "", - clook4hrX attachindkit of tW Wer- NO SQUASHES. months. glEipon the production 'of on the Atfantic by 259,459 bijehole. tilt"' 300.000. powially Among the working clasNolig her if hnlll�tlnm will Ile roduceo,J,l,,,:'rurl Bulls, export. heavy nal inathitoo. , ; the certif'-pate In due form within The figures of I i cents, it busbei are The biggest raft ever sent down It In riot ir,wfinod to horilm racing.1 Lhat fit,, pli�pacnkov %till probe IW ew t 15 00 5.15 One Woman has rebelled Against o the basis of the minfirram rate the MiFIRIAMPI)i is on IIR way to St �u " hilt omi 41litAiinfint ench drav Itf 'from the clate of entry n but there lig nitnit hetting lit athielic !lk:hI 40) the provalling' Istyle of Millinery. six Months arranged by the now shipping coin 'Loult;>. It contains 11,000,000 feet gaine.-, 'I'll(- lorreuse Ito ltxrg I 1 1.1 a ... lol'.4tmid that tile 'Nint"Itlia, 1 4.25 a the amount deposited shall be re- ii y I Ile n I II)R ArIll 13-75 She Went the other day to buy �irie. recently announced. -1of logs, and requiren two powerful to ill(. falcilillieq afforded lay I he Snli�hijrv. flit- Prini(i Mirtmitei, nil 41 Rtt,(kcrs, 400 to, K00 The Clock eitattick A quartet to'godr; simple hat, and looked over a large funded. I tilt, Io littilladarno oft -ge Hardy -herrics, Vitirm of record and pedigree to be It a shown by the table for thelsteurners to handle it, press The roport cirapideranna sport, a 00 3.75 -NOW-1- Said O'doir variety, aW decorated with c And 116 1 woulad tip the AtWOhineot grapes, strawborriesa, hazelnuts, op- used for Imported animals., week ending June 28 that the grainj North Presbyterian church. fit Ing flinitirg' advertimineralin. whicii.1 Nolwnrd. hn%o had u, corif(roncti I re- Butchorg' cat Ile, shipments from Montreal amounted I Ninth ftvpnue anti Thlrtv-firatt Fitaretit. I jL IL,gllrd to tile 'Into (If coronution ,tof the, little black. case in tho,)�Orffer plo# and bearb. should Ile inedo lilegni. jrnrll"" 'I'llat lOmlical taken %tete cere- I chow'. 5.00 Pedigree at ... ...... Stre ......... Sire ...... to 710,822 busagelp. while the total New York, has been offe"d to the ad% men that hookma kers be - d that Butchers' , at Lit, [nCdl- -,by itib'sub,, &not -Want any oi these," No. .... . ..... No, for New York Was 885,122 bushels. I Pennsylvania Railroad Company [Lt priRoned without option of a IlIny't, all gotiq Well (fill 0, lie"t I Violet, ti tit 4.50 4.75 cU, f�ck, t1ekl He 94v6 N She said, putting theth aside.- the na 'I11% ' A a 11 her, * $11 ;. k1I ... 5.25 6 1110 Or a- this No. way of Canadian perrt� for Eight-cen thouqund Union soldiiii-a rh i ity, Oct,oher 2 It, IN flow 'T if ps you would prefer Dam, ... - The total shipinciAs of all grad byla cost or $iArj,000 1when convicited of betting with boys 1411 it clould lie Pet %%,,%lilt b, I glaillied. itletifiraft him, drew the pass week :,r it 1, 1 " I to. I Ni I, rs' IIIJ14 3.25 '4.Otj Rdy frojit I& p6cketl "took "thif bag -clustor of eurrarats I" suggesited the Dam ....... Sire .... undorlitood thrit, that is Lhe italic, colitsitthw, tho Atolft fort"46, In hilt millifter. Were 1,002,205 bushets, against 742.- s a III g n MOBBED GERMAN TEACHER. It 1,ijilot �t aft, it bulls, I tho',Aoot. -No, uor,sqotishm� nor cucumbers. No .... ....... No* .... _ Boo by Ameriftm porto. Arlington, Va , opposite WitAting- liuml,jonally In flaind (if ill,, nnthor­ 2.25 800 AwXrl,il Vad 1IMpirdel , eVOr: to Define ...... 'low I "') "' , a Vat "" "'cry I I I I leta lock, Theale sary oft toll, the magnificent estate Willett Poliah Children Give Evidence of' ..25,00 45.00 'Ito *111ppot the uby Into the oe,votjr neees .: ut I object to I hereby certify that the tiabo sting of - the pow, was Bitter Feeling. the No* I—— The most intere fieritd. t Vwvthii lWit. d ofior-tolbIld, - b ve is onee tile honle of Gol Rob- BRITISH SHIPPING, Too T14k, ti,*, 'trok;, t0litt Vardy them on',my"head.11 a correct podigroor of ......... No ....... I departures made at 0o War Office Is'ert fli, Lee. A deNjuitch from Berlin rlirt�n do light 0.75 the There, are 1.9,110 boot. And shoe far- Hh,vp. export, cwt. a 65 3 75 tuenew keyI. 1*4 W found it.itlok "But tW, wed W thAhlotiAble W ThtLt this animal to p-dre bred and the appointment of a lady oil it , I A Pytarilitorn of tire Ititternelli; Of Pol- 315,056 Velisela Entered Ports of xovdt mlv4, r A line at been dul& q'glstefrod in the staft. This to the first time a laft fories In the United "Itatain, wuploy- lath *fcelinf, ragultaRt the (lernienq lonq, Britalin During .1901. 2 75 A 00 hat; htd,la-!ooW-.hnbdt_U.)n fit fell Ag"thii book Fr�'&a -v- Piolathited In Ili., Villego ,rl -nilatch froin Londori snivaiI �41)tiuq laniblia, each 2.00 to 00 I oft ilind vojkh�, I Ifig -14a,Of)O trical. rising $I 7n,000 000 Ctilk. each 2.50 900 building. The lady fir question sea worth of inuterlAIA a venc, anti t'ur i,_ A (it Juschi,en, notir Crijudeni., liNe-t. Pro— rvport IiIiin,41 fit i-'litiny h(,%%,, i-nninion rotigh cows Ing recently returned has been all- 8201,000.00() Sland hells ... ... . - 2 st-loa (-it %,,K pointed to a position at tile War I 'About nix ant 116n women In the hirid the Rrhool low -her, it anion trariw" the pot-Im "f tile 11 ed I'Lingdo,in. it RETURNING ROME. nughte OMcc. She hits a private office and, United States f,re Wnge elli-norn or lot Rignal from tile largirIst I ... y) nioll, 'bd at the front as, a nurse. and h"v- Ing out producta worth at whO1c%4lI0,N*In All th,- boy.4 Ili the �hool (tit I.h,,L .1,irinit t1av, vetar I$)0I it 1 50 350 001 "1" 041'roo St -department of hert. nn4I nuoilod hit --rek tannage of W1.800AS14 Pilling III,,[ d a separate little Rub M th"c' The leritiirr grnbl I a atatick anti lj,,�d ssine In -is ... 1 :11(1,5:17 Bra 1,11 1 -1`113, First Batch of Doer Prisoners lin business fo, Vii-inartives y charge 20,000 Leach itchilrol. 10.1)(10 write, it im vfTefli%,-Iy that hp her own. She hq to have within the War Office of the ngerlars of. (min lyoils�. t �11 Reachea Cape Town. 1.800 yo It nuar if A.qll I I a I I is who fill h4ol". 41billim P*16lik". ni t"all. of '1h&ok-�-06r4&ng*d kidneYd thilf the Army Nursing Depal-tarnent. An Hire. and 14,0000ita-)o I ... if W-IN78.1oirl It' 'Ito A de-quitch front (lot-foca Town tmyq -Vraett I t thl deivirture (I lit art. whorri, 1,he.V iveriI wnriniv %ftd(onrewl It Cal R op A now - ­,ir 36 061 foreign %erwim I,i,(, gteetal,,hip (Iffillia(le, ararltvirla here lid dericarativn work. The school riflininfutnition. air of fit-, Unitl-d KiII011111 "Till (in XNl,dnl­dn,7 witk 44RD Bool-A, Who 19 tortity approited. About 40 per cont of tile nien etn- regard flit- attnelt Air hatoNring la""n 11, chllrv�l With it tolluage re %tot- iorrial pi-Nonerg oil the T,­ joloyed In the Minnesota circles tire titigoloffi fiv the ttsireantra. it(,. tit ID T' 1` 6 1 W Arid �10, Inuil of St Ifolvala, )if beat\ The AWTL IN1,110Y. limbi t%ftk they have, rittetio, Ito he exelatmed. ­( Firalandern, it not her 10 per cent JutchkOn And other loealfliq-t hn%,, Ahiqzoli W)rali iw* rioltiq b'0L*c "k, afrist lint "Mad If courre 3'2.1 4 '74 1 'unk,41s, Ili till- flilit trionspori,bring- ,Slikturil, k", tilat Jet'* ha duke'llor -006, At 160t lit VA '.'ill 60ry' follftlitax be duttift by the usti of Dr. I'm mad. I tell your what we afeetl T'Itingarlann, about 8 itor cent Ifni- bemi Intimidating Germain l,,neh--rA - ----------- - - ittv foi'viter Poor pri,"norg back to OU0614i md" Villij." L#lislillitif ll�fiajll liadly , -arid tire rest Are divided rarriong IN14VCTS AS POOD IScauth AfriVe. to fro-tich heire. 0144 Wfore pbe Kta their ijN6 ol'uAlla 9ttat ki0o itit thia World is nowto good oyateiria of Inns. Arnerlearia. Otirrilans. Yrt- *4 itt h�or '10tht, general thought tranilterente, or inind rich, Scotch, MONTRrAL'q POPULATION. X1111111 41. to", Ito: Aq%Wudt,*trot,, ilailbittii1il; Quco; 4WIlIs �-"VY Matra trouble 114M 11111th JAY backk reading. You U156W how hard I WeInh Ant] C01-niall h..q filial It'Neirill hundred slleci.,n of TO HELP UN6LE SAM OUT. _*V*.�WJJ4, fifillallik; agwiti, <$a ace4urit ill IkV the liberality or Arldnew Cnr� New 32plifiniatod That It Approxi "d. $#IWjWV*f� 11: �444, 04.1 viliad hodly - WX4 of, twli 45vittibi, Worked to got Margarat tl� food. both rAW and rook - that my Alilifibrit. Wali eatilled ff6mi ddrAlligaild nogle and of th(I forlillf Of Pe'tor Illaten !M,000. Thousa�ds Want to Fight in the ,(t it, ii.,twao ff�nyD. anti haf) further Volt pills, tuld t"wt ififill all: , tight Itallre nall toy waldfir, t1loughta, Vnot)(T, U10 fountlei. flit, endowment A fierapat(h frorn h1onto-eni Any- hint,i0f art nuthority by coi. ikroiab (mpiroVed Ing hoWth' #00billtIly. to tAd *010t, Jilelklected a, 116tv. f V00%ror loratil late, hran boon so Montr(lf-ij," I loll oxilitrienceo. Spid- V bull[ - '" A d(,3q),,Jtch ftotii Alohrmitotburg tog, itur stratig and and all that. apil made a (bol of MY- lorgely iffioren;Zed thfill ex-Mavor 2.75.010 faoul% according it, it,,- Ito, 'it. whi,11 he heroaftelton, ho titles craft pavo _,I,hojIn40Iq or trr-legular 0111- W*4 * Voy ;#0ftk back, Ilthd at tjMtW Melt Tlewitt to able to trialo- tire antionnalo- turen of the now city dirvelor- Ahich I t-oninamrol Coehroacht'g, h4aW01 or. I cor-4 and Joel) efl-hi favorhig 'tiltir ser- th#46 - to W tAilted by dertft6w "Hilt yoll iiWkClo6d0d,."" Inent that tile vialre building lcft�l Ila,!, )lint liflea coinfoletild. Thi, shirmli'tiranke, natant (leticitius) soup . CAACT-1 %lem to ther, Afft6iflatt fooliqui to VAIWIVill t"tW61111; Kftllw� to M 6tulidtiv 'loll, ye4 '. we're off Aged. And )low Ale (10110tiod to) tile II1zQA Of 0du- an 4nerestalro ditle,the (Ifturer,; gl%en tiv I 1,11intia are light and va,�;Ily digeovAirtal. flithat in the flotillippineef. ..140 liltie'll, a I *fts qtJ front, ua& now Wit, wer-hav gaid con-loatiotil. t Ito 01inernmont. rrnanul� Thl, throrl, anti ato, relififted not Ill by African this, ehvmfa�t# I"$ *hth, they 1illo jadooctmi I flod. that 6110 *Iki workily Dil'. I-Imilem 1'. I'littoll roMpne'd -y retuallfra 9hr a total popu I gallon ,,fill Arnet Ican floitiiileq. taut by 'I'llea till tov* kwo At 000.10 jititt, AM. MAW - to gbtildel, Wild rt1froln 'tho thloAldelitly of Prillf"OtOn of ATIM61 (ft,,,thur HIV and to llurh�. anti lefetistn' filled or "Why. you only tiotight oio WWI ku 0� floth viatal to.tIalfik. of tho i Ty Noll Irk do" I" Tho drown -'11 J00 I I or UhAtWOU0300 tili, C04 eently. *Ito Prof, weand- thr, papol"ItIon of tile lat Ping e% jotisi,, into flour Ifind boiled III milk, aw of, tolort", 4 WIL-Off *ftA utlaralincloolonly (1.10cited tilmoted at t)9.501. ar,, partylul by the Iledolifull. n6volit thought of kayt4W, IN Q a 7