HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1902-05-23, Page 7-'. wvFr, w -74
, TIE N (Sy- S Nt
tiso Lace Cnrtains for Sz.00
ltit*ce on Special, Site this week, neari • aoo•
pairs Nottirtibena Whitt,Lana Curtains. of our
own import, "a . toi c
� inches wide 4tnd Aryards
long lo lands igris, and all fa season's .
goads, t i r41
� tiX. a iiile .s
�" special r.
� p� pair At.... s �;.
� s'
10f from . -r 10 ate P2rds� ail this Seasoh7s styles and'
!best patterns. 'bein 'our. regular '4Uallt
a and 604 ec �ftran�ell a
ss .
"!, .
'titagkad' OU
Mr,olio A Meltolli, Wise bu bsr
Meetings • throughout .:this
the Mat two wicks ott
bo�A ta- :Aili! 4 ett, the
t ole , va t .Ctbd3date
oft y ik Stiehl/04
mperIlnce Mall 04'
TlzursdAy{r.51&RI** 1401 said t "?kn
t Oppoaltioa a 'Sf will be:, Oven an
pporttattit�* to his aide, and Mr.
l�lla„t3llll dd tile."Siignal.'"under „:,
tooktttdo.so.. ;34ali•waa Oiled toite ltnitr°
utmo.t . rs . t�.. f > le tt i
tAta sling,�vltaa so :o. tai4�tt :#ut'_
F k.:.
Plans 441it4 'spoke for. filt�tt
tian of, the attinicle ^•'.Elle etcetera , 4
;the Pttiovma a seat of
f weut or it r. tCa thin*
too It004 R0Verninent or „Mr.:Ca m
and this servant for salting �, the nontipa
holt meeting rout Godericil, "
trier{ In tlt�a and at�c� conatitn4u, not
NO e'sPeotox ofiivk
D3aeaso Lays I Heavy gaud Q
irtlie. Trinces. Proeldents,.
the ,Noble and Wealthy
as well as on Those t�
of Low Estate.
TUGS sn)i L11NQ ,JU1 S
ew stock of. special. desi ns n
t� :"sloes::• x , , � l Wool. Rugs and i.1k11Qn
5c 3 kfld' # X,q. Yards* at p,.r
square :yard.....*�.R,.+.�,":�SoCY 4$c and -s
A Little Difference
It's, a littlat t4: tbat we hoe, evolved'
for onrown, also. It tsk �ullarl
e thedrugbi ipt .
ddo fora grocer* . A tint,
Multi get*lotrg with aa.liktlaa
one AA with*, w .
int tixr lair 13t thail .irftd4ot of
char ell j e tiie•tu th:: Otith b
Momitriugto a tl J ,t lata o
�_ fat:
It" all
hence the+��
tie �v
lt4ai� of . *slotto*
ouIt t
"•A little".difference •might, 'AAA tr 'hig
di>feren .
es. our aceuracy..�-�
`"t" Tr t `lt LEUMS s 3 and 4 +rtrr iaridet; *It 1^
1fftoned, til 'date: Patterli's - in flokelx, bioclr .Aid. +rile
efP s,, welt 'potted snot thprtughly� •seasoned; t
ir�h `;S'►tuaie �rsrrrt •:~ ..
VIM' %lento tAberator truly taws
emit eentetite
?air. Cameron is uot as anxious for
e s ran audit of Ontario government affairs
04r ;bee/Meats are endeavoiitig to
tiler:* Goa .rid Mammon, but they will
gind the* can only be one result in this
-he opPenente cif Antes Mitchell haye
Meetings ep to date than be any other
'ealnenign the histery of West Heron.
Mr. Cameron will ;tot thank "Dirty
'Wan" fortes unseemly andluirefined re,
enerks 'tithe Teteperance hall last week.
Alta we do not think the honest Mector-
Barrister Suitt, of Clinton, has
--Iffir-Vhapositton of pest maker there
rporetion the Grit party will hardly'be
feiolish enough to give him.
All kinds of preeeure is. hem
witlitn the fold. Returning officer -
*hips are being held as decoys. but it
• .10 hoped that these. men's piinciples
ara eat ((mule at, so cheap a price.
The Signal declares that Mr. Mitchell
did not suppert the Scott Act, The
-Signakend ftAlt fyles are proof that he
elid, land siu consequence considerable of
Seeet's commercial busiuess was
sferred to the Signal. See the point?
The &Wit Heron, prohibition Censer=
vatives offered to support M. Y. McLean
me the condition that he would pledge
lvaiself the same as Mr. Mitchell. The
prohibitionists held a convention at
Hensel' on Friday, but Mr. McLean
refused to sign the pledge.
• "How can the government hope, to
appear honest or repentatit for election
frau& before the electorate, when the
dame organizer who. under their employ,
has so signally disgraced the Liberal
party, is stilltheir paid secretary and
party organizer ?",--1V. I). McPherson at
Niesetra Falls, May 0. 5902.
,liAt Mr. Cameron's Meeting at Port
-see Deere an elector became tired of the
Puldedfoot). and remarked that
teminded him of the cackling re ester
which made so much noise that it ton.
eluded ft really kid the egg. There
wassileuce. refloated by applause.,
Ottawa Citizen .5 -"In donut of the
entre' Ontario crinstitueneies where
()nation and ballotewitching were
peculiarly Wein the last election. Pre.
lea eat er the firet man urho
eau red -banded on May 29th as an
example to the othet machine
The funnyinan of the Signal reeled
off a "poem" last week in which he
tiiiituled Mr. Mitchell as eThe People's
Jimmy." mid ehen he went to the pro-
hibition meeting on Thuraday evening
And so conducted himself in his bitter
perdonal attack:Oh Me. "Kitchell as to
earn tor himeelf title not used in
polite society or Parliamentar ydebate.
't The Toronto Telegram says: -
"11 the Liberal Government la dePated. It
will havei the high satisfaction Of knotting
that died at a ripe old aget,"
Many are of the ()pinion thirt it pleased
the "ripe" ;Alto long age, end is in
that advanced stage of decey, desists
hated by a Yore retainer word. .
, The tigrau is very busy in its attempt
to serve two mastete--the liquor and
prohibition %rote. Last Thursday's meet -
nig in the Tetriperane6 &di, in opposition
to Mr. Nichells, conclueively proved that
ellaraeter monger, but he learned that
theaudience WoUld not stand for such
Von are being tested to support ten
ertunent. runiihrii includes tire
ineehlrie oneretere of the "Oen" Soh
liVeti elitee. of West Ilitolo fame, who
Itical thugs to &vibe dirty work in the-
- /lot trine theee teeniest Were stritek off
tea Iodine reditee Rat P Ross won't do
' Whittle* Wilt.
and 5c,
Stratford 10trald ...-"Atiothei very not
10410 cOcelo/Iatr la that of One Of , the InPrit
remittent mee in Weterlise district,
the.peteeti of IS J, Reicex, the
mats who held Wellesley village for the
Me.has transferred his allegiance to the
Toronto. Ms departure from, the Itcais
make means a large defeetion in Welles-
Tide from the Lender* Neg ItleAlee
its well to Welt Dimon e Lober,
Ala and flonservativets or London ' Are
not All election clittlaPtionnitre or hal,
Under.tlithtlintrohmalkWorkers 'The
04,00TO. Who form these classes are
ot TsOndore fret theit foot down upon
crooked Week in elections there Will lei
no crooked weeks"
Ten thouaand Onions are employed
by thie Ross government in the provin-
cial c vil service at it cost leo the tax,
payer. of a millione end ashalf Anne -
ally. That is tin Astotioding. number
for a province to isteploy. How mum
sieeettrok The Rose government tinly
lumen and it won't tell. What le
more it nester will tell. hut enutenue
increasing the nurnber if it is retain,
ed to povver.
Be loyal to your town. Bay what
you want in Goderich. The merchant
you patronize may some day he able
todireee a dollar into your pocket, .in
any event you needn't look for work
ot• patronage from Toronto. When
the "deperemenster Murk _stets. veers
nierree' he re through with ou Th
same is precisely true of the trayelling
etock jobber in and out et date and
aounter woen second hand fruit,
When the surplus cash has been roped
Mr. Clergne Welcomes Whitney.
Mr. J. P. Whitney rind his party
have scored a success in New Ontar io
beyond the fondest hopes of their
friends, Everywhere they were greet-
ed by thousands. who cheered the
coming premier of Ontario to the echo,
Mr. F. HeClergue, the great developer
of Sault Ste. Marie. eneertaiued the
hearty manner. Mr. Clergue's recep-
tion of „Mr. iNhitney, and the very
large attendance at the meetinas,
addressed by the COnseryatiye leader.
nre fitting ansteere to Mr. Rosie
deciaratiou, that if Mr. Whitney ts
returned te power. the industries of
Ontario will he paralyzed. Mrs
Clergue has every confidence in Mi.
Whitney. whose untiring adeocaey et
the development of Oki Ontario and
New Ontin•io forced Mr. Ross to adopt
meaeuree which the labeled overt),
teem fought against tooth and nail.
The revolt in New Ontario against a
government of neglect and oppreesion •
bits wieed out all doubt ae to who
be the next memiet ot Ontario, "Hr.
Whitney will he returned by a sub
slanted majoeity," is- the concensus of
opinion in all parts ot the province.
Kind Words to West iinron
To the Editor of Tug STAR:
DEAR .SM,-Sorne natives ot Canada,
atoong whom are few Penni Hugon,
now residing in Greater New York, aro
watching with deep interest, on ac•
contest now tering on in VVest Huron,
and are earnestly hoping that tbe
Conservative party Will be yietorloue.
To -the sturdy Sons of Scotland mav
I. a "Melee woman firm ehe bemire*
bills." Ray a word.
Those of yen with votes, get "up
with the lark." on the Itnorning or
election day. Say your peayers with
all the Scotch vins you esti. rine a good
breakfast of oatmeal porridge (nothing
like it in the world tor inducing a man
X() Make A right decision), then have
'roue "spanklest" team ready, and
drive et a, "Maud S." tierce (of coarse
you have all heard of "Maud" and
what a wonderful stepper rifle was).
and cast your Yule for good govern.
ment, honesty, And principle. and you
will returb home with the happy feel-
ing that Von have added one more leaf
to your beautiful litaple.
It may be that soine of von are
"dyed in the wool Grits." Well, well.
never mind. You are not perhapa
restioneible for that calamity I tbe old
efelobe" may have something to do
lvith it.
Yon -lust cast your vote this time tor
a righteous cause and tne•past, will he
forgiven you. Stand by the standard
ot that fine old Scot, the late Sir Jobb
A. Miredrinalds who did so much to
make Canada what it is to -day, THE
ETall COLONY of our great Empire.
Bear In mind how bravely, and
steadfastly. your gallant, ancestors
rallied round -the Standard on the
brute of Mar," And show lot your vote
that you are still level to those prime -
pies that hare made Reothind tomtit;
the World over.
1 am klati that otiis of the great
Citniphell Clan Is Attending to the
It is tint n eerie of the "Cartmiliells ate
coining t" they rue teem Worthile
upholding the bonito! bf the race.
N Irnr1r. May 12th, 1002.
the ding ere t
tb;' 14i giving *clear suid
Mr; ,MeDillicitddit, then apoke for
,thteerguartere , 04 eti hoar, Alta, gid
•ittg, the refil *rue of prohibitleel Before
heliad got through three senteneea
even deegeodee le personalities, for
which helves frentientlY rebuked by the
Audiences. and jeittir, so, Mr. McOilli-
[hie, 4,444 ottiodant of morality, for, gaie
he, "14,t. Mitchel/$*111, nevpr vote for
prohibition; flow. e BP ee•no
euPPeee takere the pledge instead
of him, do yowthi When; got tb the
of di
gtl .t
malas," iat h I
R :1w a epi'Lett*:*Willi
. uldRing cU
0dUW ob nc h5at thaUtt.day1.
tu anatll.,nd� 4aeaht� ata.
a t rM aNh+a
�G �11rnS �dTI n.Gno1�x.
tta t
pit >a(atvtoi nclahutr.
t nyyr nt�er tb s m,Faerp l}iiMl�
atr 1*5 1aot� t tNr Mpott} slot
- �a tb 1at�iei t turuwltaiaoeg*
i •t a �i }rdoatr
IX ore ;
ate t
kraer �iva�t.
r,o 5 9e oho D� clai +"tin 'tQ end
to a}ee
rn .r
naa. olattq t t�
t �.
nallr W but r.ealr«i bo th ;v6�t�t► aetit
puo>►�tewlauwa .,•
tett dile ptAaay of %iet A.D."IR&.
l3oltott rtarTbor s. 11 Titt�ndJob
4a•la >!loGlla rt d}trcutare.oRealadaMaat4;,
m» • 'oaxlozc TP"OitE ntrolts; ", '
Xao 1A* j "ai, / P4,Up lit me a1Y., rata of
t4, 2 uwn J (oth:r•t<A, tw the iie.'ot'
1. bllrlb leen Sia fell ei the
l; F Steentor of Interto, 1501. Chief tt
that alt .rtedita and•atl,ere ppavierel, rMora
s� i*,t thae.tatpf;pr the.atd.P5111p Th map
11;11., who died tha 1UG5dar� oft Aprlr, 7054, alp
liested on. or borers the rat day� chile.
A t0 send by fio.t, pMld or• delltrer to
ar e>> & tlwn�oet�. ply�} M9I IC01 Ntratt. tm the
oltyotlir4ntz ticiS5tar.1 h'bofiaa Lloyd
wired. h r Christian -41114
a..i .. ld,' mllldr C e
brleenle rater o the estate .or tae salt= de,
treitteda,taetrCh ist annnd surereners'retirees,
t 1..
pati at 0rtd'Woo* **0314* d
lllscltantutl, Shoff3 a lam. rtao ►y'
AL. 4, r c :.a
and•, vrill .bc gariiltirted : 'tial afoot
modern 1t .% n i
tl tX 4o e ft !� Atr
! id
kind* of :klattter>ft Machina Work* :Ota
denary Mid Matrine:: etaglaar 'repairs', f+ rtti.
l ett mill tilttchideryt tkhtealier et04
paired in a tiai"actor "t P541 4'
�A' R you; put away +�� i 'g4ter rt0 Stove.,Pipe
,your F'- RS yet 1!larnitih
Peat the PIPttM•befo putt.**.
The' new way i i to
away w. evant tu><t. Vine
use tQTH,PROOF l3A , for a and all rte.
taS. r
Citmnx Furriittiro Mullah:,
:They An made in varippS SIM% yokes. old thin kw ....
o h e • " „ enrol mans, ox$I tt*E ART$',,
W a e tem, --Cost is small.
CnieMiSt Bedford Block‘..
RECEIPTS, We do the work as it shoUld be deli%
Hon?" and tfadh Wilk eurRrise of
'sinte mr. pat Sioldiesa. disease and suffering re -
We 401414e4.0f speet neither enier or storied. The
the Conaervatist be eould not noted arid highborn have their trials
vote for- intik' Mines In the ,and obvsicial tufferings like those in
Reese, but tii, fiis party leader, humbler stations. Social standing
'legliCtirlennevthliieeli ed Mr. Mitchell of disease when the common rules of
wee Ailed with' Mats, Who knew healaterreviolated-
hisstentneran , d'Nerhn were, • impure Wood and weak nerves are
thorinig'hlystritiefi. the nomination restinhathle for many ot the common
of a eandidete I tie 0 Well knotted ()Neese*/ cif life. The eeeerlenced pin,
life-long, &restate tepetallee thrill lei reeled will tell yoq that men 'and
prolebitesnist; e women with pure, clear coursing blood
The elialinieti • this point took and wells braced nerves, ean never
occasion to explaid own position in this become victims of rheumatism, neural -
contest. and or a w words laid betel* gia, liver troubles, eebility, headacties
the audience the ts 'concerning his or sleepleseness.
attitude, showing be had adhered to It follows. • therefore. that sufferers
his temperance pig . pies rasher than vio- from any of the ailments' referred to.
atethem. Mr. Pecieenzie waswarrnly ap- should at once take proper measures to
plavded, and Mr. Isfieholls then followed cleanse the blood and feed the weak
witlithe beet tempeeitnce address ever de- nervous system with proper nourish -
leered in Godencie without exception. merit.
The evening wee Well advaneedbefore es For the happy accomplishment of
commenced,andttreecom rather warm,b(ss this important work. Paine'R Celery
he speaker beldehe attention of his mid- OuPPound is the only safe agent; the
enee to the closingsword. It is not knowe one great, treed' tics the enly security-
eseacey how long Mr. Nicholls' addre.ss ttiraillut OenellY disease and death.
took, but it 'satin dintlesed by the "matt istirini these inning days. Paine's
n the etreet"; tb the exclusion of other Celery Cont pound guarantees a pertect
ophia. 'The speaker, in agentlemanly wire regularity of the bowels, healthy
moved the props•from Mr. McGillicud- appetite. sound Sleep, good digestion.
xts_pogitiolland_thqstnletureof plausible. pute_ blood,.. -strong nerves. and_ clear
rgumeuts which he had erected, if such brein, all of which mean full and
robust health,
ey can be termed: was soou shattered.
e said Mr. McGillicuddy had trka to rar. B. Hutchings, one of • the most
prominent Real Estate men in Monts
At......p_arty__bcfare, all_questions, but he
old that moral iseestions =Jet he_ sub real, sasys eAh_o_ut Rye _yeses. esetos-1-
rdenetee tis- party, and in ,this wrote you a letter acknowledging the
entention quoted the late Mr. Gladstone,
ho at a meeting which he, Mr. Nicholls, Compound had upon nie niter I had
ad reported, said party was a necessity, given it es fair trial; that it cured me
party made governments and ruled, entirely of neuralgia in the head from
ut when moral questions came to the which I had suffered !nest fearfully
rent, it were better that narty should, for over fifty years. and also that it,
cured me of rhetineteem in my limbs,
y voting against t hie consdeirce. The body
In fact it, removed every pain IR my
and made me toe' 25 -yeare
entlemaie Who lea fluent speaker with
elearenunciatidn, carried the audience younger. 1 have notAmid a rettirn of
th him, and his ptroration, wherein he my old complaint. an&theiefflre have
to confirm' air the atatments I have
ked them to vote according to their ever inuele res.pectipg your (lone
nscience, instead of according to pound."
rty dictation, evidently made a
trong impression on the audience.
. Nicholls' rousigg , address will be
ng remembered in Goderich, and it
11 not be wetbout its effect on May
th, when the people of West Huron
cide whether or not their principles are
est represented by a prohdritionist, no
atter to what party he belongs.
Celery COmpound
le Tile Gray) Rostoret or MEM
FOr tile Ruler and his Sum -
blest gabjeas
fir h
and the nature (nth° seinuitlerrer eese held
• AO further tele) notice that atter .th litat
Mentioned date the ssid asinereetra r will
eilieried to distribute the fagots of the de,
.oriteetil *along the Parties entitled thereto.
hexing room eery to the °Itemiser wgice he
rihteu teen have notes:send the sisal a MEOW
teeter nbt tie Vehle for me said assets or
any. nem tneraorm ain-* prime er persona at
whole olden notice 411,1)1 not have. been ro-
ll view by him 4tt dere soah 41414u:ion.
ihittel this tat day of MAX. A. 0, igel.
18M7It ennotters for the administrator.
It Keeps the Muscleir Pliant. -Men
rotten to muscular molt.; and exercises
and those who suffer muscular pains
from hIcvele riding will find ler.
Thomas' Eciectrie Oil something
worth trying. As a Juin want it will
keep the muscles pliable and free from
pains which often follow constent vele
of them without softening or Impair -
ling their strength. For brelses,
sprains and contusions it is withont a
Election day will trod, your profes-
Rev. T. McNair, of West, Huron.
is One of the stalvvitter behind elm
W.' Ilk told Wif)dowShadade
DURING- the lit (milt- of
MAY- tvi: intend
cloSing out our Stock Of
arse many, ne4 Of
Oa: Mira Wall Nate. reamer t7, ?rind Se. Pa.° orieeeeed re,
Welieteirenseverio misdeed rafts Amer -tem tint end
,.„ pm,* watt Papers reenter -tee awl_ 120, savritit sale
prim Cornet 70 roil; beefiest teepatrated and tlitt Ord,
Another elitiltherit hr Art Wall Ighterv,mirelnie to titled
Amorfra for the tireney., trellis, "esteem. Twig tbse
Iran, IV, toCito per MIL The eaXteltt,jipre Aura% to
nay pileesti
vextetieelte fere
Perla weer referee Sheiks, eehrelete With fteed shritig
re tilt steels; eistrivreie with good terleg reliefs ele.
he cote smiles tektispleNI Witelatte. fees
The emachine" can pack the con ven•
terns and numerate ite tools hut 11
°An% east your ballot. This you must
do -for yourself ; end if there he trench
ery at the ballot box in the matter of
your helot, you are the traitor.
It le time for A cling
Build tip untarin
Lion lir the elector
Ohrietian met
Ogre feet Ad 1
stuffets, and
voting ngainnt
for the corm!)
ey from the
ue. the liana
West Huron
Will they be tei
found witutiug?,'
Prohibitionists tl
are gettIllg part
their candidate co
is for Liberal, to c
and prohibition.
are coming tint f` lo their cutely for
the first time, but the glow or victor y
is theirs, they have eovereeme,"
thus they are follbWing in the foot-
step; of Him who went about doing
balances and
40 no trial, they
sir prehibition in
timed. hut, the trial
Ise between party
fire old Libetals
It is a ina.tter of deep disappoint-
ment to temperAnne workers that
Ronan, Holmes, M. P.. is touring Weal
Huron, speaking in the interests of
file. Cameron, the Anti -prohibitionist.
Mt 11(kines has been considered a COII•
aistent Prohibitionist op to thia time.
and Wad supported by Crinservatlyes
and LORIDP11/1/09 Men in hits last elec-
tion. Now. when Pro,hibielon te the
fester In West Heron, Mr. Moines
Insight stay ist bonne if lie cannot No
far forsake his 'lefty as to support Mr.
fitundland of the new Tiernetle,
550atittehozone." the treatoreort of
revelry ',milted, Thn 1114 time lama
and internal hmon cast,
tarrhozonsi...ii. -.dears i he head and
throat in wo nrieures, and re very
agreeable and pledisatil to ore. On.
11.4.7A110„..iii navouitertal curs, for
rel love, u life • it cut wee rim writhe
itin. lit ti t rot11409 And deefneee. lt,
Ver, advt.,* our ;Omer to try itlitersele
ozone. Prete MI; tr fel aro: Me. Drug.
gate, Polsoniee 'Cts. iiingaton, Ont.
Ilaroiltr;nse Menderike and Bete
To Otte() a, CORI ill Oflespa,V.
druggiute refund trt08`‘Thotiey if it
fade to onto t V. Gioireikilistriettire .8464 by
loott *mob box, 24o )
VOU have at last been_ compelled -to -shea-
f your Overcoat and Winter Suit, and as
the rag man ;ill be around, you. will
be compelled to buy a SPRING SUIT.,
dressed have a decided advantage over the
slovenly. Notice the reception given a mart
who is careful of his appearance ; he is preferred
iu business offices, in social life, and every place
where men do congregate. We have all classes
of Goods to suit EVERY PURCHASER, and our cheap
Suits fit as well as our best ones. If our Goods
and Fit are not as represented, you will not
be asked to keep thew.
I have bought .out .044TUON'S.
4 Bakery and; Wilt Continue
an elpsto-Date BARMY and P01%11tUe-
/rend Bread made ft(110. the beatManiteba
flour that can be holight. I situ introduc-
Gioar- Wit
and witl make o specialty of
.This Bread le made front Hors and
MALT Tease, which is pronounced the
purest and Moat healthful be the Medical
Health Ofileere of Paris swift:rid London,
England, whecohtlettin the forced raising
yeaet process that is used by bakers in
factories as bell* unwholesome and in -
It is the most wholesome Bread made.
We sell nothing but the PUREST and BEST
get the formula. for the famous
Dr. Meqaheia fleag Gin
Cures Heaves. Chronic Cough and all
Chronio Affections of the thrrat and lungs.
Tho only modielno in the world thht will cure
the above disease. making the animal sound
in wind and useful to his owher. Price 51.50
Dr. MeGaheu's Kidneu and Gough
POWDERS for all Acute Affections of the
throat situ lungs, such as distemper, etc. For
swelling and stocking of LOA few. the rem, of
hard driving, kidney trouble.. etc.. one dose
will relieve, and one box will rum. Price 50o
Tne Dr. McGaheu Medicine Go.,
Kemotville, Ont.
Per saie at JAMES WILSON'S Drug Stern.
X very important item in-
deed to know where to
get the best. Now, to take
up the question in detail,
would require tuo much of
valuable time, so to get to
the pcint
Genuine Home-made
Eureka yydigh;,ti Bread,
which consists of about
different kinds is made at
Clot a Sample Loaf from our waggon.
Hamilton Street, GODERICH,
Livery, Veterinary, Sale
and Feed Stables,
have Opened the above stables, and are pre..
pored to ferniah the general militia with up t'•
date. reliable horses mid rigs at moderate fates
Horses Weide. sold and es -changed. and
fair dealing aiWitYll imutreo.
Veterinary onice In Nmeection with the
slimes, and (Weave. of difitnalq selentlflimi
19 treated, On tensonatile terms. surer. eerie.
sd ou short nonce. Vattr patronage solicited.
Hamilton &
Yea MU make yOut hint
nee as Ken as a (ewe
Watt EirlifiniA
nag 011. Yen col
Ittjeti AS long the a
By using our world-renowned Land Fertilizer
4 Only 2c. per pound.
4 The Leading Hardware and Stove Men. Honest Goode at Honest Prises.
You have been fooled by
and don't want to see
her , again
Well, she doesn't stay at
Our SHOF,S are selected by
Who engages to supply out' customers with a
that Is comfortable, and the figure -you'll he
satisfied with that, too.
We bare just received he
first connignrnent of our
These goods are the ver% RifeT on
the Market, made tn. the livnt makers
prices- - that Ss is y can tho tri
We give yne hoe of Pact F.,
you pay oo for elsewhere. in light i,•1
dark hair lines, just the thing km, }-
about Pants.
In 'else are! lilnelt
We Make a little mote than a
011 Clean pane, hut eV Mil too onto
Overalls from t.p
ClOthitty in the vist, (nine too ht.
Oen) n11. We bave the Pi ne<1 !Minot o
COttol in <sliest( Worsteds, Cite( k Tweeds, atIel Stripes stair 111., ken as um
owe:wets, the Selkirk, end Hamel Twee& end Worsteds,
In ORDERED TROI•SekINOS we have the BEST makes It will pal.
to tle.11 attli 119. WI? CAN SA VDU hIONPV. We roe not ciking
away cm Icily, but very near it.
No like Oa*. Mode of
Ily inflated
1.S6 Wilattale•
tea throteialuitil
kit calav-all
1(11 hail. or if it anow. hemp n.gaing
Taint. no 1.0 to tot and whim.
!tett tette ...IC 4 on' keep On ley log keep ,t.it-51n.
PRIDHAM9 The Tailor.
1316Y6LE ?
THE Season is here. We can give
you the best and most reliable
in the market, at prices that
cannot be of more value to you. A
dollar invested in the Wheels we sell
sometimes ineans a saving of many
dollars to the, purchaser.
We handle the famous •
and have a number of Used Wheels which have been
all in gocd repair, and will he sold very cheap.
Music and Musical Instruments, Sewing Machines, etc
From such standard rind well-known inakers as
WHIT'S VibralOr and Rotary)
• 660. IIV..ThOMS011. & SOD.
STAND -West Side Court House Square, Goderich.
JOHN BROPHEY & SON have had their Furniture
and renovated from top ts tor lom. Old and new patrons may be inieurea
of a better service thau ever before, at anal' honest valuee that will mean is
saviog of money to people who favor WI WWI their patronage.
We have placed in stock a very handsome lot of New Furniture, made
ey the best and most rehrible manufacturers in the Dominion, which will
bo *old at close prices.
Tile Goods comprise
Threw Hoare! old NOCOBRIt/Int 111*(1 It 11 made from Canadian wood., and
are the roost modern mot) ie. Timy cannot be bought in every Furniture
Stors-you must COMO here to see them. Our prices will please you.
J. Brophey & Son
Snap Shots for May.
E are offering the following Close Prices
for the month of May only :-
Field Hoes, heq quality, each
Mo XV, till's 3 Thladii 1.1e..n Moss ers, 16 inch
Ss reen boors, Walnut shun, (omplete with spring hihges
and lasternmzs 85
fon, y, tomplete 1 .50
kir ice and lie e. 5 , erre e and six Hits 1 .40
iron Bid k it
otsm an , la 20.00
Sowing Ivry (V. eettle. 5
We are Ag eras for l'Iymoo lit .Cordage Co' .1. "Gold Medal"
and " Golden Shea " Tinder Tqvines.
$ 30
inch 3 .50
TI1C tidrillvare Store.
316s= taikifirmov*iiit