HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1902-05-23, Page 4w my 21, 19W M".,v a$ 00tilift. I*W tbpp 1,40 *0 R #A pultaisob 400 0 1. - . 11 . .. ; : E of, alva 0"4014 orgstoo coo pt, Ji 8 r VA'. TM, WILlaila eTh4t lnio, r�014" %r, 0 out, to bo $0 1114 W vim Qr IIIA11,01 9;Ktft_9tt Ito* So 104, flitalie" fit w 40rall poet W.111:11I ppu t 1111%, Act" #4 AA" , W_ 14C by. 11 ',That veft , To' (toll* it. VQu*' 41101r cor" in of Pat onPX PAY :�oto;k"Jlllt, 00r, Aow: i.0*1"npM11aCl0,WPpkjr I lailges, 44 It, low ��!!! paic% FROM 000 eOlt Mir bou ottterejorfej. to In. MP, Walt , hil, 00-011. tV4 itsoll! to, wbo i aK 004i 144 ot tjr�lI -,-- -- PW uhaor tlro� RO4 A wro 01*01,10W wis joald vtllQ,rqc the toil to Act* A even If'oto A j d olestit to talk 009 _FSOMMERANE Iit 0 , �*Ualct OF I I. 10111V did, (ho 0 opajl� 4O.Nired lot. !J11011, 10111, Lion, At as - - A -TIC lot. �j t. P 'be UK WOO � % n0 NEOU 1ZE0 I hthe VA"fiv- lilt; 1[ 10 Xt hilat studio Iliac Art, V it R10B will 11 d In 'the lie be "11W tvltlt Ujt At.. . nito�' �-- kd1W a. uot oituftd 010001 44V co Of 10 aW r would oInisgil't sanI4 efl(ar"Athen, It tt liat 101100 Intuo [tit k� 64W the otpto q a pan do . I 1; oolto not 11) JkLot q 10, on of On [,give I .. hook '01waiatoto IV 0 go�ernsslvlI4,1r4 140,10lef 0 lne;qb0c; tta" pit taft"r Vasnotas lot - 0A, 1,4404, 040toorta. em"ll, 4 0AP aIN for Would likely fronthen At VM Iful Sapilty l tjoalle al'aloolvelo, do it natyi 31YIrA Tbefsawels3t � W n -tow ------ taid it co jaloullu1W.431`9 S, I kti-tIM It, 6 a t, 11toll , . 4or njot at With, 4, ApynO y r ed to P stalliand rny melic is lit a14i 11 .00 f, ll mm*s It IpAil, nV 11 "M 0 PR, D K W"41, as yo savilK III W Via turn aor,�40y -TV. an Izlev4d"� A " I 1.0011 Wag to fe-ta 11 thevotes of 00ais armcm 't Irl %vt Ma ty--Oaataii,� Vol 6 It'd in 'Prolarlot h nas jocR 03 mim task yatkir tQ rp) P�rfa�ct Vittlog QJ0 ing, House,,McL$a of Its followlilis who. 1144 faildslax so orilm 3f I-* bri ycat% Old saw I never bad I Jill t it W. Was sg4, 1 think Dr PlOr"1401 rftl� miso #0 44ailt I 11 It 111111111 I . I . r it, go O" carth. SbO414 I 4vatr Ull" 41111astagaii 'tit s4v rus.6mialloss for (Us Z In fibs has no lantis. to the men who st"4 na, 'V, TUR -to the develorrinen Of 01at of tafluble shill. us* It 141 onaucr "'d P a prhow - y it in the Past Attil, kept it in '14wor, gard voi. Istor Mark ?4 0AW-11COON Of for it will jaardI7 be denied that i kivalill Jf tbov, Are 11ccept04 In their Plo TERM$$ tr04k Aotartlilera ww Please govom me3otly of the mal Others of tire party aft faluall botituttia f0i'al0dalft 940' y. Wleviod, That Out 0 Prolluloq if re- jo! 'a an" tit t Opp to st� L80 CONTPAOT jkOVERTISINQ "rty 0 . em"JIlik IIq PON toatfoolpling every ronstoit, Kilo tatter, cure thatof6riii IhAdilatill latt11, 644in (0tll Atintratit #A foThey hii locia, titiallit this e -Os prateilifil Four bollsk, 01100 'and that freedial loril from their youth UP, alul no Liberall ,6j lillaptNal its noleniller", dogiallill lyolp- Vlp�A and luugs-� consclepti, Xwers, ad4ittooal G 'in 04- F te.jo. Dr. I'lerce'llt Pleasant r4ft'll, the OR' 4,, &ham$- th I 0) i aoverjuncut could-lialz Sustained 'Wkte yqltr iiiiihin and vour datig butive for'bld ra n 'Plial)" Till lao vhArge� lot Oxtra. tile si We arlO,withollit their an I halt the f9ift, (if fit*' �X, ole. They onto Coal- Sir QIIV Or Ic Zoo Liall glipatiQlassaild b after Government party—Wo 51 A); Ac eielildelice i4ith Ali -alld Otallealtatal LIbOrallsin Ing Littenall %Qpti reildered thie. lo,�49 of :)irect from the nli arld at A big runge and all new,v The Comen, ISYSICK" Out Is POWs nc04 W Ir would be, a ttaMtY injoley ca,rillot jeclittim? There nuerysiative, 1gjic, I 5r. and 20C for that -paid TAquqr Men Baided, 4ibet .4 lip 4 �he r I go of I f%Aoila to falth Ili palk Who it The aolftnall lealkea; vire.re holaor okrolit lltl� In the 1701031 for, it sch, ittfatiliv Lot tin accoot rtild 1148 eia iVero ere wi I so a wheel -in Kigstaill. I atfacalioptair, glites tlig atf Mr. Howl and him notin, the Aft it 9 Zbe ', t beell made up flit U!wLerat.—Hall 25,' into line 4u�k _M pOlOCt. If 00Y G&Ctato star. Foliclatfols 4114 cro'lit I'loeiii wit It at great 5OCcrltSo Prints. L io, Then -CIF-611 Ip. Coll I 1,1111111.1ain Of do tby vilill 0low they 1ave no 11310ft tllt-11110_1 illreCt tia.Xesefe Values Rigt'. iibbol1A1O%,0f jUjitai 1 reopVc 1 CALL 71 fOr thenISOlVe3hall, the GOVCTO- n0of Piss Mus OA li$( 8= yards -5C OW t,,�tjle Lti,cratA s,arnpak ign (urad. An, Lions rocelyd mitdoe tolliilidaw. I he laftest f JIL 219 Ith,. Llie pareds of forlinaid i , 8c, 10C and: latent valiaLvAletil, fit Men now "Lilit'j)eral to IS ever jeiepjn this 'Spr candidate who din mood he,- Ask gr the local Hortarm C nb note 11,0011, fixed, ato Wor� tif p junchl"Erwilo pot AIT ew 1IlC4tA,% f. t ' L -.1. - � it of peoviism Look. 4 iq�elaatt,�Out.. 'Wa'jgt7f�7 ITI if it t4o; dettler declinto t box upp- lie Suld ;O1 OM I goil. We detion 5 L s in is or of P0119 hottlerato Will) ha%te' 'Sea 7iiiii; 4xistrageoitin .. WWA miglit about as well task a blank clerk Pull men to colnuilt d mIt_w1jAtjA( !%d pwjAtjA( _WjA11a( lilt e. nil Inds -it � --he- Aw-* I I e. rom llsfqs� prim In Bla k pr'! to enter upotr pl ennillullit Mr. ass lio carry pt 0overramoot t %he Curta C WEST MURON wl'b' 'bewed A tion Prohibitionists TUAY 'to Satgnna favor Or boascatty. The witten leng L41 U tolle Recollect 'khat . t w6lqr. Rs_ , $2.50, '11105 ta.v the GQVCTU� the insit klarlil., foe the Flake At %lot. TI, $1.75, $2 and talent in its liccach 0 lalw) land who h4ve conceded 95C, I SI -25, WhIiii Wals candidate who at Wit" credit preclaw 11 -ate I"ove, not, the to 00 —White Waists. delsior. he joke, halt we malat. n also sten: 01, VQ r t iV ts of fine White Muslin Mr.. Cameronals "SMAII Wow also no romise, In upport Pro- hn. many progressive luessur-8 R she "a . 0 We 594- 75Vt —White Drawers. -air 1-fils luvn pecullitt IdeasQ,'U1AQi1?` and Wil soon of V111 .�TL 50. $1.75,'SZ, $2.25j; -45c, $Ir' $1-251 $1-75,.$21 hibition could, fly havolu-nis --me sible ft r I$2,50, �Wblte Gowns. BOW Crlisade� resolvation" S. lad or gretext by which hotries and titteved rights Alld the tiiev,prove ro ry 0 e break is pledge should lowering of the motal sughdard of People. to caalat� ijk�Irb $5, $3-50,� $4,50, himself coast -v of .410nor. dver rIdIn'9 tbe all Colored (�Ortain *�.* opportunity arise.. Thepeoplewhatiat Ontario - wind is thes �16 t1*11 I the an tartaclattion toost, To Liberallstal 68 alioniftsita White... -and. cts rif WuQ 13te Slg;ual, li: that Governmeratcon fool socasily now who will arise ertaffient's record hns old to 65 oil an casil by ov. or, The Russ 90V Black Cashmere Hose 2oc. been unique In many respects. &fter of tiIii, Win S lrt�, AS. $ t'50, evid tliecided to brazen 'it -out, and couldbe tooted just ierit P Mr. Ross and III$ fella,wil tire 100011JOL4' will. be, -to Muslins, frilled, Frilled, Black 5 ,ki L Cotton Hose IQC to 40 cts- t e I'll the statue position Fas the notto who hAvinix been teturned to Power 4 wlll�htk.slu linoor to nduptftw Air. AWlerou what it terms. ernment caudidites oul a too eoontir a* Net gild'Art- Muslirls the home lint, the ($9011CO through tile Opel Ations of a well elected. Itistipte this u9stio oultl de7rudes Orga, tie . pairtv * a "small"$eer" cruslide. Mr. McGilit. t- behig geracrad to itil the ruore heittous. tIjQy -aierVed Out tha#r 'HIAr better ValUes tO cease to be used,sos�fia- rized nittehine. to 4 With ridiculing the b., I to eng the attention of some torm, natal thvil,I)VAU act Of legiAl'atialin- ftt, ja Out ARAIllob" is , is not al, he t ntion t* the abo-ve lines as there =her$ of their Colagro� btnevolaint IN Wo *i$ll to L, CIII-l' Spegi al Atte cdergv and the In. ahouts. hilil the G1v1r1- 003MUNING TIK0 UACRINE. unprecedented Id the aticalls pf resp6h caer *four yeirs. gove &-titiols, but says-, Steals Into power for one* rutlient, they extended thallir btas the 114O 00, ed thiiiiii 'hanate. be erc,. airp , f0tind .4uy Wh The inicalgovernment, as we periud of office to suit 'their OWO �Llclaoass Who 441QP.tQLAatethe MODUPATst 110=altaxsTs Toronto Glabs. to limited into 40100 convonleuve. , Dr. (joldwin Smith'. ,nd Pe q r- - disgraceful other high. dUthorltiga, denounced, i4b; W,,InV am A411&1:10% The jrty of the first part (the Gov. i4ort ofrepudiasson lag tire ft thAt. has aoine irnent) pledged itself to the part but Itat lairoppiak,taisraft level4tious of the anq antfi y of usurpation of. power. -Leadins: LIN of crillie Its tire XAndam main'- JOUIL n1LI8 LBO H- C Dud -and. joined in the Cloolue Of into,1yest .HUron to gie those, - i LO -1 _. - Istatice -lith? y malat a CT to no.-filikes Were. heal;fl. TWO 25C. PA -49 84P protest, but despite the a6riet'a t 1=014vation of poll cial of 10111- T110 Ppeal P0 public in our top cleatir. III The latest "Va"b"' 15C aid cortglj ass art that "tile 1`48cardliN 011OW" LhAt tile a the 1); y of the tbirdSlart rivoinment, Mr.' Itt" rty. of OA, second art operat,10tait-Of 08 Ill-adviased when Was Mentioned: MAY AND jUNERSADY'-paitter is for sale.... iLI). The ref Peale front life FAS010N.SHEETS FoR. to re Janusi-faced candi Q, And cormaptionlilts have met witil wisheii at te j"' " " land powet-'to nelthei Weralt, *11CA 04vertament's power PQ9 Lion. eoplo COO) nothing but scorn and, coodeturiation flefel, ignored, bot �hfay o1q0th., 11 ey bitilatih ­ _ -4 -- dork Mr tead -his Ap-alLot _gfftpe That on the C anhad good ailithot I or he tv fair eratrenclshi# 64§n*j1 bece"Varlety. U I e plefte. This as as When I ' 'Word, oalledtod. elebrated KgNSING- too Muchtrath Inthe sta,tement. himself lot, ten years. Suppose ,fto date wit, A 1. so , of the 16 0 FURNIT r thb,ktoaas. government end the Grit should XEN 0 .1 11 T mall principle ivele clarliell out to lita logica) URE for which We hitfu a-pnettyacd Slap at the local 0 1 .8" f a %in vers a) aid been �w m6iikhtt 1. electot tQ dect&4. iffim - press 41-0 04111floOrkled with Ovidences Of U We deliver Fur - West Riding a certain % of Inoue oleatsinic those is hes to noin. We are Sole ngenM of Slum , -the-worlorlIft bollito 1, I e-GovervalletoW Dust fl. Rovelluttlent, except 'ary yo�61u, AA y part of the W -Ah tialls. "In intiroduclask tht fAVOrItO 3L Yf ctiew YOU. wiltat in The pa colikitr lossevaeseen, th0V [jut 01) A ls:ot the Warorth have just vilhAt niture' FREE tt) an 0. 111 stun from a teftallit sOur took V Oct, cal indlKnation And Repula�ico era(of 0 t those hhdvih bee�, anit those methods of South A-MaericAn Sideboards, country. coidearao, , a very qatterat Ignals, el"refte ad W how flat of the first- part hsA of Its own free wl I th" 6(iUII0-VrhOW into Ontario. Mr. Rose (t CA g Bect IRoofl he'. Callitita. bilif0j'.0 be. id -ft Rding. R=4 the I round ��4�d its policy. Not to Pernot V. train they turn to to- tire electola on for thi tione. have asked himself. It P,arjor O D miers, e redemption, of the It rutilhal ory telegrams to to teach the OX6101WO oftV�rniall4enill Maeusion ables OoUi�e FraMing. Upholstering, Ticture Music Cabinets, - It A. icholls, promisenbwtllat t -bast ihe OpPortull# ch 0.1 all big Ito andaclouir who t 0 na, ,of., riontent that the last alrAw Ono thragan filuty, -Whighnin Chairs 131 Repairing aud Packing done On 01. , to redee-- placed,on the blacks of the POOPle- signed* Petition SOXIOR th011' 0 o Dominion Jitave bv:dn to practi- raveatity. icatice. for th Alliance, A t Wish In connection with ibirs, Santa Lon, ditte. to -�itfidr&W. and at, D Etc, Etc. cally declare either that we did no esks, Jolft" SUIP the pleAges fulfilled. Of that we bald; ran h4nan, don allectionn, Vactung wara wait crata- faith in the Goverroment. 111111 talk action overnight analt I VlAoutm crimillift hun tbelr'froft I ey nento thteortion I= for lisali Aloyal Templars Of about --extremists" the)) Is not so "mOd- victed wlsdn� Injile conling ejflc�jan, OA= the"lattip in oritstlio,, - the a alratc,l us some would b Temperance. kve us believe, talent tire 0 UA0AIMZRS inscl PURNITURE DUALERS. ontral,pt-loon. Afterhe I link irta 0 At the request of the GovOtimierat the Met) who defdre gothi L tiverbilient wall of"litt, iowit land lopen sentelicell the government lie found arrayed vigAllinst thosti who wing go.. Achassaxi Shack, next dQ0r T119=0 JVJJ.c�s Chatl6tte Wiggins, party of the third part had by a majority d in bior-behalf Find, in on the question askid &r arat in ba,vor of the ritadhine 11101,110130, Of those voting Prevented him being taken to the, %gailikerforthet Provincial W. C. inabilding.-perIUM. 111101101,1101 SLUM ouch sacasurc as w&s within the jnrisffiL ties, It 14 �' - -1 ! - the tan prison. Thatio. how the. Ross govern, old otl3al. ettl T, Tj. tion, the Provincial authorities; _AndL tragas, cotiddarriek Food Ficotias the calrettra, lisapersollattailia -a t co 1 0 totheO # 04,b t nOi%qu"tIopvfIi�rKPbIItI lut Re Itor found to his sorrow tile Government oron had proceeded to tionlate whorl th!aY As O ellilLarloyinuough The fact Mr. Mitchell hard been usakitilAO, BARGAIN of PPOV111111011,11 self-rearect. show that the P - ft gbt, *bton - hey Are slick, hoftal-koellets in Or4er,to A lart? of the first 1* (ftat ontatfil-6nd elect an 011111leS 11111,V13 BARGAIN fellolis would P t1hov - , I hrougullt, -,oil. voto. In Inat ulaaoel� 'title whi Wits anything but of the --sastan beer frank - fachaf the aituatio Soo' .,t, 0 get BAY$. robably have nothing to fear by Intill doy evening that Mr,. N Ave re become Rytilitlyinalus rij It may be I h the legight- Ali IsliquAbIl4dilawal, . ]��Ow- the athialit ea tha Many J.0 the part of the lZ " A t aIII 301% Is not -at) 104 L 1, TrOI , chstia 0'1# jbiftod on t6 Atialpir. Beek, Ilgriety," and Mr. Robt. Holmes, M. P., 11,0josity ofthopeople ofoutarld at# ird gymp,itily w!th the present The; Atter was.1n: iown ah TOPS(Ifty. Won be op to 'the b DAYS The lievelationit ila the ondon case declines to meet BUSS w4gshial in the not In dente pa it, of tile law, but e ate mot so calluentanoppolLilhis little it) Intilleats alovgOlout fail, clean goV60litielit; atut same way. Thin nd next week the all stic to Ileve that a consider. of the VrOV,Llee Wrtb the gVery, true eltlZaad rbould fair the., nekt trololl *up yacra to I Ion would hav following gentletuAn will fords "the Able o so little regard disregard of and He- hoodir resented in the altuAtIou, Itionlis to h(viltaulf Atad 10601ve for the nualacity wit -with (411 -bit itilght, thd Ot C4010higiii by r., Whell TWO DAYS and it btr, lialwe the Govern. _W fien *df faoetl%t� Oiks sae"4 to ttn�Fraay' halgropreae temporduce which the to comilatiat OAYS Cantilcrou, ent It% not tn: nto- TWO WALL PAPER I WALL DAPER machine nOw operAtts. it politicAl thugs that are alte O' f their friends went oul stand or fall by ts own would resni t to otich met hods to elect jor ohVili4will orevi SALE rally In many itt-tis I 7 , � , I.X., . - -, ''I . . V KiVultellell SALE thistl4giese also are :her event public WOrti a Grit mayor,. in of the "Final beeel -pled Inall ?Illat AvOuld It do to 6iisatilt will he liande, on Ltiet faiiijaftlN, M141100111141 Ink. ME walitalued Said pollticill nintuoil to cliale. Support, All' 5,6 Wall P rs order, tboy can have, all opportunity to won 4 h4ve been Ii elect ft orit foretuber P The Consery and It Is up Via the, heads (it �ti ape for 4C - integrity would have beelis deariantiatrated, IN Aft dolli de, tivo PATty will 116ve to organtw t%U( gell to it that their liannin,' taleet thessa.: Saludl. let. 10 The Govertal on utnt did not frankly It Inotitildt,11410111 fOr ele4thIll dh`Y to 0106* e irlmitivalall ow-rinvom ; A Big Cut, Ott -all WOL11 Papers alld MAY 9NIT'" late its Slid Silk forgiveness, ittilid, - bperawre. communities. , tpfiO4011014, sapportel'oflilro. W1111,11181"A OTAct-Ictl Rev- W- W- Kettlewell, 19f ro t It lititillig and Sweep- and deal Wall tile machine Assort thetr­610 L aboatif - by CO , Inman SO 26!-'97Tu AY -not Ionic too pet elit. off for two day$. roisis of the Ontario Temperance tbg )`c late I restriction; lint It says' 4 ot - Signs ortiie Timea: Villiltance coulmittisari, *bose Aln* poles, 25e; for 2oc ReMeMber for TWO 4�omshtttetiof the Methodist General M= present course wilt be taken fall e0t It will lie to show 001(ticul go or for TWO, Curt a f4ifillastrat of any PTonalses itos made. ottainiol ultistan. klasials the front. door a4l; 0000, AV relsordo - 11thdrit Pememb I aides there are Indications of- the lost irognt.A 014, Ag, J$g$t Pa.10toftill Wtaglixt, qk.�cans 35c Days Only, of some that the men% On at T conarst VOIL 13RO giolporiia In this rid sonce caperatio lof Dqd 0*. woull!ht4l 821vto a sweetlial measure Ot. kinong. tornlee supporters of the b I bOat And, It t,101tict f6t t1diodle, 'The moft Made by Toronto Lead And Col4jr CO. tire EtOSSL ftoVerhaterar. Atallatog tola I SOIn * - W. W. SUchanan, reform if it tiod not been. to Ulfil it -rents I rto vidleniij Mj,,.UItaih'ojI1e Indepe dealt O itotlandon. IL'Itafe, thaval altago(Jon. 1110 Its, plojes maybe worth or cent - Igo Purposes able*al faittleance. On Stattitday the pie. 9V y do grabster betoffift the Ublo Oilcloth, 411 401011's, wA$ Mrs. Potts' JILoll—s., TUW*;�L known teMpe 16A=to what I III"#& noted Is Ic orgx'b. United Onto Ito O c r the thallighttaid] alell leran" at the f r abld-late editor of the XQy-I TO ar. Iticat If all usthol I O III% 6 4 , In O oras who,40010 to shis, jjelin6, 5d battles. for ......... SC question is not berore the p IS It a 9 I ii 11 11 2 nickle, were a L Sc IJA:U'Zt*h ads, In a lending ,edittatiAl -Annoranced Is Itiat a f e rt WON* rot It -to deArf'll wit ar, 0 ,20C is coutiest, and tualy his c the 14 lani IS. F. Dixorill beffirkpl, that Alto thpging the ItilolfAs rout in opposition to the Ross Ore OL&LI Am 0110 the; 'r lor..25c 4 A boolbli Soo S�ioo, for.... .0 ..... *..85C ()onalvaneS With - o lFbi actu 0 5 lb bar pure Castile. p i for War& and, W and An Ol o..... 20C truth$ to Advatibal I;$ teason, ,for 25C r Albodistsul4istmax and an Ol Itaking the i9tandre - ottatis, clawo 5 Ito bar Premier Soap,­3,baf io Window Screens fof, ..... TRA AXYZAMOIJU Titict. rt Says ! 110 Me the MAililtiv,bo. for. .25c it x6thing thsall tRow gasasavioup SweetHomesoap, lbars Paper SC and 7c per yard. stiber wilarass The 'theory of a iftt ftfM111dum is WAllnut 90109 Into detnils, It may nection with the Vresolob tsmapftl $(tk Ila ties of ted, . toi 110n.. joint Dryden. thAt ty"ItOd this district bag ltl�e - MOO , ttittoo to It* 40tilto On the, 10101, matill, Toilet i5d Copper KeOiesk 01a that it can be introduced, Only in the seen% Praipet and 0A 61, ittiat Xper, 6 toils for. '�tltflvc ;aeoplal Interest of the ro.�,Ie f6r the piolection 0ionadio, talloold dellhO thal fitAtO briefly tho 000PI0 'Nt toted with worth $i,25, for,�* ...... $1.00 Sham Holders., 19, 25 an& 55C The sillove to" marked samatio 'I nL In' 011talta '141ktt" ttle I, 4g of the lights all , Pit vileges of the people. itsowil PolAthig 10410% 60011thif , `61fttcifills Househ6ld AMM0019is tOC bottle be of 111D "Fatlull beef VATItY,l* AcCO 'an tak6fi bf KWN a* ra it Omni, thereto Vo %voutd.prefor to tervialf, pits- than the littilitt 6 kpieds;iiiii: wisit or Granite Kettles, r�l Chair Seats ................. toc re, IA taisked for 41, the flitigh. I to the ItaVPplatiri'llt 96tsial-I faria thWArtli"t 'for 7c worth S t 5, to '(o 'j"riat -, to this-40*10f Sir, Cameron And-Att. )eopjo,koulf. tile vItallptincittle 'Aft give—op to sl ACW 3 for, ST.&IL knows that linraligim cintlegislastorsafthe Inills, charlot ko , the ($the[ antholle 8 war XIO 4bo �Iyrpi& Carpet TUCUS,2p ge Cbffee�eots, any we_tsc ton 0 4001116 96 a 7of ewoold, lie toote Prolit, O Dr. Ralichon III Russell, 00 rLlt*riflo and 0011servakfft6 ture oil tire otic bandad the It �tir t 110ty, i1it We se'6 It, 'StawArt tylaleal ., PrIll thie C -tit) lidoinat -lealtoit-whall.. , Pull Ufte enteruiq At very high opluion of them. the other, Thovote oftbotloo0le One Fail 0 to' econscientious t InAchi"I ___ - , be re. li be tVe'jaike Atrong Party risiatkundILVIROtoat Prelatle, Sind cannot points In Altmillist Ila t0aftaillyo vokedL-$tept Jjy, the Pie htiiusdlvts� 11, the titat PI46., partIFIA14 of t 46 "Utiod It" Zoe roplo would I* alt. ropousilltis coluse. tilif?" 16 '46thing loft of the old Walitflit. - Wh100 the LAmp Vida Flour tlft�isaiw,.Ofe S`Vafor lod HOSIERZY and W, "POUR", hovert %! and Of 4 :10 4t. Tin POs tot, aA 10 to OF Mal lo,wi 'Uhiler our Upt4flo L110011116, tate0t, the 81911 Wooed thatt (Ila, f�it her lttA%t# to dot�es Pol 14 _.' (Ott to p4solum of It ft LADIES' INTY4014TO sytittut -of g islatotir Ovor-thadallor, atially wit. tafilta, iAhOVO #*Ll,46 $es$ fa�,tr DoWat Ali& We W14, them t6 lot thtil cAsUrAlgin 111volol" rattagil. UNDIIAEAR, 4m les of Liberoll 4 6 0116 jind*fslo Oird duty, with *,high be hailsrift0d. 4.4all theaIll' the, eArtht, Ito IN alliralvibt Ato on the III #O� Its, histhlbovo Ikkilig t,6wdee- per ICK POF two,bAysl 0141OX I've *it not olselliwing wbetlatt of it'Ot �AVZI NTV-$j Ito", n00 to pissuga. r, �kl , i4ving,hoeu- solifoltiall"t I .1 I I I & 4 4 'r d, ht LOWe4t "of 00 fti, fdotuillosm hunderlbe 01144ow a Ogg Cup$, get wouldo btilefiew lis, Ontario, but 40pettled to *1 WAWArk 111 olatilittlook Blallo 06114. ilia fVkZ0, to tuirli If )OU I loobli twit the oi roverrox W., 04t4 find, hoota" ton sato jilt once it S.10, Olt ftt hatio '.110a gj�.iin uil 'AL &mIllat hok*Wuld iheir lAckkuptift Ilon, -Go off jj4VL'j4ar�§ed lilk Party' Is -thlY Mine 1001100.4 th4t iP ofilit *014 116 tlemep�bo tho4t. for, Wei per, pent domAttt, 601441 to, thollsaillids (it ithillovii. tlght% t Silly klinti -%vuld be let l)kt*h0t og .vti 0 Tt t 'A , thoot $tt*tt I VeiLliplia.fittettsita all Iftu t. T1110i rit �tatl wbo , r, Hlmatal, jig fitilth tao (ta, the Aw, IJV4 Tj Arcby+ I VIIIII104 000"a, in *'.his tor U kog utligea in u4ittlg 'this is 1 = I jallitif, YA 06velthiefit �raaoji Art Wol, ilml litt'd 'aTiltilat 4 Of the I te(uge, s It. To that ke olitill latitt be,­dtft1VtA . otttlof na ?0"1119 lasairi janj cAlloot tKkyf IMUN W411% Its -till 'tho Wr of � _V hol witatotto )lot 04W for Y, way, hthi 41F%alotoefill reVaiintlonlI lo,rtla W, 10 too Ajj� .Xtiol W* ii usis -haii to tok P IIaIh t Ill; '010L ontalf""- al both t*Al —V it itall 061040 lut fffi% 'Of At oOrlill "1111 Ilmtksin ait rot Stirliolf aInsi *b4tjight lit PAR "'ON F, A I R %lit %11,111 *bfe rtit eftit the xei afthrodinm*910 ;dyramtt At ho, 0 obe *444 101k Ilk* tO- j*c;jjuber the' aftlooll of tholOw �w thel"* ONTAR10, w4it sttoot "d eWe tor he :0014 dow peo 00!1� the *0y ao� tifttlog tholb tAisdidalt0i bY ',WY604' Ill, 10 4WIt4hjWg A04L 66"_f� , - jhj At, t4*116 th"60 b OTh 14"t ft HOLMES itottlit 04t #,a torth .1 I oyf4o rA of jifo In thelf, _WWAreasia tb,Aft4� that tht aljhj�j 01 0 ut�s itipioajo,. 'Mr 4LINA$r tbl$ 004t *074: bid q ItAle, OP oW cool alft 110410104ailull it shist"il, jostl4fity? of fj ajrAjAAK*0Wf4 to SSO rt. & Ub. 0,., 14QA Vften anil rt, 11 41"Witting to ** W ft Aelektfo*. W1 W T.1 N bdow bt alWhott. to 4)MO ollOni, 0 It toIaineat bf DYES '116,02 r4othoft 14 tc*fto1UOAA" it eVtty 1A Ubt ., I A ft _. heXt re. te t ­k,4 *0' viliftiatontst Of, who WhOu dtito. fag t o. li'WAnt UOtt*1 VOA in Putup'. 10 -tho as a,?. 1161illes-ftlit dion hi* $ft hitAtIols "thmalftitalar- and &*1111,11' la" rood Ott 4 Since the V R 18 ed by lww Aft Oct oill1twulaw delegootwor % 4601004 110IT1101; 0 ,, ,Ltr to, 4,1Ktiou K'A"4414 the raw" uInt jilftwitur thAw a edtintl Coal'- et is be, itt*01 P'Atii� jtNrjtd A bitallibsit Of roM%fA of' ttitlottIRL I t 1*111tAillo It Ill liflut Oft%+146441fall tit hit I the krintlaoill alief Ujile 6V g 4eS*tjd* 1h(1ft# �; ttt I )1j eftloft of takits Of# ' #1 Until, I tW e U ftk i.Hurtial vor U"tift A Wood Ibonk itj oftors, for tht wallit 6y win" t; bgra fto# Att ilk it 6t d litt"t tt hft�yt it 1%*ft Iltd th" " bettCAlit , 1:66 I L tion, W Oat ther 4 A lit, anit? r I VV y Still 1111MA, All IdbaA 141io lovid, XYMU~ 1M.Wo dost%ettot iii rliall it .?lot, thittiNg ill ultiolattolly nttmi� t to66*4 *talt, I is I to '00, thp p 6 "a *W1, 1010ftlift &O tollyfft lit - 0 -ationtijW lost I kki 41L a I 00, itft, tA )JOU it, coof-uptaft "t food. 14140 60wr -e it #110*1 11110tht Moll "to the ft, tivier. Owkwand ig, thilt th t totinattat*t, 4 Ittow IV 0*4tift'ill Wit, 01*01 thAt It 11* ta 1�alft t1ta f%*IijjX# vomitift = 0 - f too l0*0wilig AQ TWQI elliTh* most of- the G6�640k%t totoo to: ve AbIn 4141*t IWO Iti '14 :ri Olt ilath". to Wb*,'i# or jolstl, tv a iff6ki6ft liFt 001al � ?A tut ioslol he*# toilielg lRof%* All twitts, *a, M Oil f'00 AA OaAkof ik not totN*ka tlo� wtlivioidart"ll A' W10fk*,t. f6ar a4atm ttaii F#Aj4jjjVjjk# liofttt jAli!1k, I 1� 'tit tt if kilatk. LAM 00k W1 �(%" toTh# W., t"04 f10, to 60 �tlawoo*ly ks l"0i AW D'Amollog pi�*, X4W 14"' �J* too amaw "al VA thlet #40ke& 00sloall A" 14 10 "W*W tot" 1111111ft y a