The Goderich Star, 1902-04-25, Page 34� IIWHOM TO In Too. Ill, WWI* 40111414 41" U"Motiv`1
*=a I XXQXZTO,, .to mew VV.- 0010 TO, OXXXA"i., ,T4 410fisiot, t ow tv 6.1, 111bli-ft-w VAn1w.tift X �*,Afi ifirlifir on, th* 13. A J.
.1001011TS, KILL, I 1100181. - Curia nau UnT 09. ax 33VIC, Voul $1 UAM TIAOX I=* jI)StltJI�Jt)lk 4.UJ Imat ot IcArkillit, 9L4W a ;Kglys gilog W, from the tim"If wt V 01 VAIA. Vill UA4 't 00 Vh
lWoreAlk0t: 4441 440W j9hrA04 K1410 J0114- Tito at rortloll* oxxt), sew uovo *9vo-won In 10 tIlo A w J, 1014 Six JU101 %ho Uplyeralty was pt the 0 bAk in, XaoilifIgn 4+1,1 04 lmp ith a wv$,Qg iNitl . kJo Ito, O'llo(I 000, of ttio lro-WIV 0. liukroot. of* his Or 1pl;mr , VW of Wo OTIA tho V 10* Ill!", Itief9ro aliffela"Apiroth TillifroWIL _r V.ilsika 4 + 4 '*Ti , Al" IT 4%, 00 vr000t time. Tg, th,4 Aituge� qt)� IV ky"T, All �'. .:1 *0 4. 4 slnucli, 01, At f wq- Inkoxv V1,119 11ONQ brAVO(l to 10 etelif I to bis 41 shut- reirt OU -�orqnktibin da litili Ilk 4% h (I to
to, qufo twund 110 lginfielvep in. alit, (11(i Aqt Illuch 4%boiltt &.0,000 is to be spent, a on -
.04 JIhV,,I*e truth, imct,oquigllll�rj g0414" itortainille the cifilloNli, ot'i
hvlt. .01noo to -A 9V044, tat * *ARA � as wArilitillow A4100 ondiall 00 the parks at coronAtloh MOW. W Tho !University to knodo 41) of 4 ',rho alusilrow at a
d , W , ' b tile brave and A4 4 he por44VIN t4q, larles d� Is'b III, klukaber of heirarote corpoiro6litanka, or meeting Just w"k,arr"$e4 for-,a-vif,%.
US , 0411twl, 'I
4. A10,04 Ak IN tpe of itlito e4prisoli voll T� L Tlflo-�v collegus owa Ili* view belo -hold In Glasgow eiI'd W4,00 Of then, A If X bkd.. tmolt the thttlikC4 tof 01140WIA011ts IN, b011o III Ing J ho. sq June %io
store for thol w _ 010 Ith' J)pe,r QX nil91-karined livils. cr
a0 the. Alomiii�, of tho, Out- was one of the tuot, r� of ancient date, notaty Waver 11140 JI
_xon wh A 11010 to '40,1 '*A YA14 AtY BLOW (1903), and Mcr- Portubella station has been 04,111111110
b t Qu"jj. Vlotorjif,'s 0- tile berues wil'o. survi.viid all tilt.) b9v
rors tit he, 11,Imod ffilco to tu ( 70). ItIphard 111. difil nuich great dejoi� to. tra0c, o1,11
. to, 4corAltatiij 4,04 her eesad, I Forbo.4, dorlion
srg4.0 tulaos-44re, . R - -cry f1tv throllA twtt lging vity .xuauy privileges, has bVen appoll�teo an
'0,; 61p
It gv.� A g fixes with 116 W06t Oxford, arid granted the Uulvcx�
With' hopr,ni L*s&4 i4- 'T 't ,killest I� likik;o, * __ g4a the lb L an -4 akid six halls ll, tt;a 9110 of
ingtrieth MAInipaign. ienew ffiprotepi at dainger, (Lad tav %Ing the URIVORitY, 0, %d tire Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.
0*40401 4�00 0,11ir death by vqIgnteerl" for ouY �axxtfltfi I , r Ona , %� A inbu AN dut�vj About 13,000 Members are On the The Wilat P of soot-
�7ti4, , - 1, to the, thron of, unwittingly insult'04. ttk*`QhfV habit ot bIlMdali yoilr eyes tit special luxilt%ra, IliAqt� 8,500 tire 0i; and ip WO pace Into, by lilpsiskle tfirlibu,
4 �;hio he 0PA44 _a. un., books. Of these. nbout land was wou, lid, polight to give �% �W roplilly without kply Aakkao, touched' while )IN -C AI!aQQ3
II Sell resident graduates. 'title incotatf from will) d0fitc,ill 13altikehull4h, by a oals
V, ot mop o lee o11A8 4*ks by the gbod) inclination out at once, 'Phu game was VIUYQd At till-
cAn hini tblel;-aill Nt UAM, 104vek.. OndOwtuelit" of tile various colleges to 1.
aIa. thQ, t 40, IS, tb al I, to it little, More 11,111111 06P .. . Or 0111 grow lilt% lxll illcur"bic 110W, h, I-, I. r okirs he iewned to cukArt
A4ill. I -A t fAb14 lie Iwt, This to Oki diil� th4 a 10 000,00t). The highost, callicer in thof Sova.-ral moll e 1604to lots inployed at the dou
Ul "Q Ti's mak our tly"Ight fali'denth by fn,Q4ng Aail.'Illikilaing. 1101,
of the 40�#,. 0144 It Up V lou, dolop0XIS uR agx�usw 14- 417 k vugKt. kind tigers oil toot, and liicellar lit is, bling %If tile lit"C'gewt In -to. cau" Aieft b4tatu A tile University is Una Ul -Or � An 09pol- Th4mosr , And she maft the intitubers and holds
be d, me boil to Natural bilitking is necessary to reputation of being the most fluring elected h
win. Kai�o Fix to Womytia Ilay have been met,
detective ji�tor, lig Im 01 IL lid 0 ioualy Injured by the explosion Of
llllix� tbrgigglik 11" 010%r and UlIolstoi the eye, a th k - of big,'gaill" Ill OfflCo for ,,(I)- I
U'n 'partyl,, ed' IL jjaiti tbr 34ilgland Wit yet, he "lirviv0(l a, thous. A student. to ontor tiny of tile 0 oat ill I b QX'. 'Ith lit$ band and, An itifq�dr�t into isiverago number of n4tural blinks India, till
%- a be- rather like - 14 tO ibe gen, niust have a 'rho flow British cruiser Manniouth.
war As of deikaotiwoi ;on instAtutod. The 6viiful-' per minuto is about twenty. Those and risks, any one 'at WhIch I'liglit 10 onto knowledke oil
out 9. The buke of Genoa. infole 0 wi� cro I nose of the trime did not, strike thil aip, nepoa&try and you do them till- ell 11 Vo been Intel, to fail uutivr'010 claSs'les and itfutheinatic 'I'll gvt being fitted oitt kill the C"u, has
look'* up
tking 61 Italy. will 4100 attend
fintin, 'at tile 'Itish outhorities with the - 0=4 con4ouslY- But in nervOub, "111111K- t lie wheels of ,t%Lok14otx amnibus anti _a, degree a stuat . must rt avilloon soinewhat aorlousl� dauldillod by
o * coropoCtion the complainant, and 0% or." will get least twolve continuous forms ot. tile
-is, s414 to ta4a the, allair 5444 go. 44 tioni AiAd oommixtrid 44 force in H0110thilig like a have lils bravo life crushed out 1 being run Into by An lilwCu"d boun
t0". IrRxiit nap ie - -couple of hundred W a minute Ili bed University. The titudy
t9 heart is 04 lh6 A-nd 1;k ffnotice, was taken. but tile ChI10.0 liner.
'41iftoeR.' 0f1*esi4hc',(r to Jed aA al 4 poke4. Thif"ll I cator v review, diplomatists. ware Ofirandid, all the pases. and the result of this Is 11, 111g, Thirty Years * Ago A Crimean ouln. 11tvirature, histoiv arid philosophy is The proposal to hold a historic pit -
V Uv me. says Pearson's Vecikly. doveloputent of tile eyelid of Captain do St. Croix, MaJor largely encouraged kit Oxford. horoi
pa Pff'r, RXIANAX19191 Q goant through tire
streets of Vdln-
to#yk Iblk Wbox, W let an even alcro ig,ololo- are also schools In modern hiNtarry, burgh on the occasion of lite Corona -
lit,,, in France there two illuxly trajill, and a, counter irritaiiieu that ar.til UA(Ule-not, a Iii,eauty, b : Vo co ' minglid-liffi antisfy Win -and Prince Clip - a Oki the optic nerve, find the Lung Mujor Hanson had so Vivil law and theology. ralutherrintics half. It Is understood, been
ion"durfri' ' ' 8 esim" Caning tQ Irles of Dourbork,'Ia suM-. Into which the unwary britisher ill Y
tile Past Would'straAghtell 7 for a breathing 'fall. if you axe visiting a friffACL eight daily more weak And irritable, Inally find suet, Ietc.. bave vach thoir gooI(LlOk#IJtQ Ori4o"A
Sb a t e-liill ith h 0 &vIeteLko; . and. t for instance, do not put your. hot. Once, contract this hatilt, and you h1ARVI-aJOU =OR, P-441 i I 0 achools. III r, Gilbert Parker, M.P., addr4sed
ofilde in Unionist' demonstration In Govan
hand on tile throttle and his flugor:pleasa4t and agreeable, She was, UPorn the bed, even for u, moment. will And you cannot bear it trongi Attached to each college net, fel-
0'6unU7 to a foreign goviornment has- be Ith In tive Crimea arid In the -tied
PolAppig at the dial. 1 w4us. getting; oiipon 91 -Spain frailin. NON!ql Is considered a groat insult to light or read small type, and you lowabips, find scholarships. awat Inat week, and spoke In tor*a of high
ubee 7a man of pubor4l'unto glitffir 1$8L4� It host, though why it should be ivill got i4arse and worse. rho cure dian Mutiny that lie aa known Ili In most cast"s by open coulpfltmon. pralso of Mr. Chamborlain'li states-
mittl,, and I can wori viry hard when'whep her fattier died, Ahol ',the fol, the lie arruy 4& the Own." lit movit, colleges tile followaillips tire manAhip.
n it
oneralfil, cfiiI0 , air the ttiV 'In I Mad. I W text � him ito , a y, when her brg to Clear. The o l consists in keeping thd eyes shut for t 0 very delicate tilibutu to hit) held (of, life. lie long as the holder IT. M. R. Leviathan. built an on-
lt.4 f1t thet Alfonf- 90 Is not (I'll
�somatlxblg to ine. It he had, I would possible explanation is that it Is the at least tea ininutoN U hour, find cVen of tho czar''ard im_�L so Ill. *as born, aud,.'Ifiow, as hail, e srstition of by- batihing the lids in worm water. bravery arid his luck Tlii tinteu 1ximains unmarried. Tire value of ginod at Clydebank, has made a suo.
IkaVe whipped 'him., right tIiero*A4,4 ffs 1preSmuiftive to tijOL'thronvi she Is - him ; It,, Jho
plicated. of,the of6cero �;in �drt tbi road: Do you ever feet inclined to ti-roUthe his hoiso wits shot unilet scholarships is about $400 or
next to' the king, the most inipart-t gone days. outh niform wits riddled ond perfuraftd '500 it your, tenable tot- % y r . oessful passage from the Clyde; to
question belong to the Western mill- ,B to through your in If so, �,ott, Spithead, covering the diotance tat an
ut when he wouldn't give me al.'ant personage of Spain. Many The Britisher Is not prono tl 0 ea 9
tar districts of Russia, where aria Pick A flif but bad better make up Your mind Lit Willi bullets ; once ax cullooll L'oll The Unt%ersity year Ili divided into average speed of 10 knots.
I -in's are, told'. Of. her do. drinking -uzed his cheek arid renio%ed the total. tertus — Michnobturs, lillary,
L AlOZ,fobarialfig, �stcit wit a health In water. gi
Ot f1le''thing 'for me to dd bUt;-*6rk. saw votion to her brother and to her those ca are, should be careful n6l once to keep that habit fit memory,, A sual, of about S30,000 ltas been
onipire, since she has al we regard- i i cc, Lis it- Is con- And novel- give It a chance to in- head of (lit, wan iturnedlatoly behind I., fly The intervals
that a lot of steam was going tO,country, , She refused to marry Uny to do so in Fran and Trini botfucathed to Edinburgh- University
hitil ; twice lie Willi disarined told oil between
ed that part of her Ir ntior which -ed I). gratuitous forux of Insult- crease. If you let it grow on you. terina are short, with the
waste, and I just hung one of 111Y,prince who wotild requite her.tolive'aidoi the point at being struck down v,heik by the late Mr. nobert Irving. of
Dat- fie-val lu the ., pouring -.out -of vAW -��i n,W let the. 4owor It" of your exception, of Lite Long Yamt,lon,
-t ve, to -lump It doww. catitsido—a-Spaln-, and when 2T-ftidde tx lu6y shot 'or eabre-cut placed his which hints from the first of, second Itoyston. Granton. to totmd a pro-
of attention and care. Then I did send bar up. I. didn't. loo�, match Ili spite of opposition to trouble. if you gn-app I lungs fall ulniost entirely into dis-* tessorship of bacteriology.
it Like that,.,pf every Other couutry.,k- w , I use, for they tire not filled It you' assailant hom tit) combat. These art, Week Ill June until October 10. the Russian war department I bo a �now Ill lmxc� the bofteg, would ftom family and public. 'She has no- the bottle with the thumb facing but it few .41tiliplos of Oxford Is mixty-throo miles --by rall A bazaar, the object of which N to
stand surid X (Iffin t care. ' That WAS ver, beet) in England, but like all downward&, all well valid good. but; breathe through your inotath 1 t lie
secret plan ' of'- moblitzatiqu. of Its Johnson's affair. I kept my eye on royalty in Europe, spe 8 English wuo betido you if You grasp the bot- lungs will be weakened, arid left tin luck." and it really, seamed as it front 1on7don, kind lion northuest of ralso, Z1,000 to enable the Death would u%erlook him altogo- the
forces, which Is put Into operation 1210 finger, and when I saw it point, perfectly. tlo with the knuckles facing the i easy prey to maladies of the chest. tiler. the Capital. It is oil tho Thaines. to Single Tax League to promotit
the 346indfit. Ny4x- Is But two was only lying in wait oxcuodingi rich Ili beautiful build- taxation of land values, was opened
decided upon. Ing tit the dial, 1, poked and shovel]- The crownprincess of Rounraqla Is I tittilecloth, for it 1-4 considered a and your system will only be fod by Y
With the oV.jocii-of avoiding treach- for his victlin, For fit the winter Of ings. nrid in the most farricaus in- last week in Glasgow.
oil. I could novel, !got him to look Aling Edward's nieco and spent her, gross insult to tire host arid the about half tile oxygen it requires. I 1971-2 the gallant major ltutt It full cry tAikt portion of the plap. of n,o-,,.t x -taring Ifthe6d ovelly childhood Ili England. 1rhousands of people contract this I Ile skating and fractured his titution of lo-urnIng in tho world. The decision of Glallgow town
kie.- Ile wall a guesits assembled.
bilization, wliiqh relaWs to. the dls-� tH of III dangerous habit, which really 14 it council that there should be no ban -
Iliad I stopped, lopg.eilough itq look Prince Henry of Prussia and his, I" 19 M. thigh. Aniputatio4i hocalne nocuo-
position or troops upon the frontier' at arid he lifid Ilia fistad'on the wife are dbubly related to the King. � jesty the Tool, are very -plent,ifll. Ci,;IjTAIN Pit. I RUry. alit] lie filed under the upera- FOOTBALL IN TURKEY. quot on the occasion of the col,oniv-
Is changed every three years. The throttle arid that finger still point, iiii-ithe unlucky liritisher who stando be- Even if you sleet) with your mouth lion. tion colebrationo lit the city. Ifik"
change, however, takes place only do through Prince Honry's mother, E I End of the- Young Man Who ln� given rlslLto considerable discussion.
Ing tit the dial. I.sottle myself press Frederick, and Princess Henry's fore one of these pictures, or pausse.- Open—still knore People till this—you Blit no futo could be 111orta PiLlfui pap�r, and everything connecte4 Ny'th down at last to either give Ir 10 troduced It There. Sir Itobert and Lady Pullar have
it I 'ef course regarded as the most tin ell- mother. Priticess. Alice. His wife is will got about hall the benefit frolu th that tit Major Richard Ituitsell. I 4 b WITH HIS HAT ON ti� nIght'4 rest ou- ought� to, and or kin e ity of Perth a nevP
'hv�ao` i'vatAto socr ough litcalia or blow her up. A was'famed for ter sweetness of 4isposl-101 it) I her velvi, it und bero (if I �v It tat diftleaft, Indeed, to ho it
1W , ti it.let nk t4b, it;I;e9l aliglit the *e�box doxx it -ad charm iliannor. will speedily ha.60 nio ttention publie washhouNe contelInIng fifty
kale ago General gorAgirat- this 1-4 tile, wain cuune of "that tired Crimea III)d tilt) Indian. Mul Wy. ojit-o sportmanin Ili Turkey. ()'to lteche'd stalls (oi- washing, and eq,optild w1th
So,mift when I heve .6 Prince I*awn to his hCLtdgcA1' by some Otn- feeling" on wakifig Ili thu inurnkig. Ione of ifto anti "vitibiq i ligy tried It, Willi consequences weird
kin4l the ilussian, lninAfter of war, 1. . Rupert W Bavaria and Tills .
You . blankety blank,p Johnson pretty on n cial, and not 'iAway4 in the politest Arid if there is an..eirldcLuic fluathig trien Ito Her MuJosty's arlitv". as tire London Telegraph rie� the most modern appilanc011.
likl is-a-vor-jabirf�d-aWd wideawakel _g Austria *lie, whowael, anner Possible. you must take OR about, Ygii. duolild your chances- of died illiho-ably lit Belflus't I them, for the basis of it. do -
Wan, became - alive to the fact that 1 dried, whitt do-*y0d, mdurl?"! Another of -Francis Joseph, ill During the moason which was
w 11 -ar'm picture arid catching it, brought -to It cl 8 on S t rday
milluto and you woulcl 'have blol"I represent Davaria. They are; your hat to tile T% land tilde hahe your &and Wain buried lit at plifin doat-I crWflu tocil%o story or It curuir, opern U
each time his mobilization scheme us up V in I chance of recu% ering, all you Weaken which wits by tilt- charity The young Turk organimod it foot_!wook 240.086 poi -0.3.0.
trot related to the English royal You ko
get so much practico that a , attell d the
underwent a change, it was followed " 1 Intended to,' I retorted. '01' family, but the feeling between Eng natural so to! the lungs, to-1411afigow, Corporation reditals aid in
Home weeks later by it corresponding tinie, It become,- quito Of at few friends. During tile . IIINL hall team LUIIUI%g his friends.
do. It Is regarded as a gravo insult I Another bad habit for the health nine ears the city halls on Saturday after -
troops _Mn4e you take dovqg th xixtyrs' movement of' the Garman 4ext th land and Havaria is Of his Life this gallant gether with Pottle Greeks and Ar
o ruipefor (if lilt tile Russias I though 'not quite so dangerous. Wsoldlt�l 11%ed alialle III it single. hark, and began practising. ou confounded* ass,' shouted t the L Net, noons.
Across the frontier, although, of PARTI
course, only those Johnson, *don't you kno-7 that that's CULAhLY -CORDIAL. -1 tire of moistening' rootu hi at Belfast hill1n, land Pdrned Iloeg i0ter, lit the midtilo of thol Me IqLabot Thomson. for long ao-
to retain your heudgeur tit the pro conrrnoq "trick
at -re of the A still finger?" destirled for seace oven of his picture. Whitt a tire lips the tongue. It You it wretched li%ing by hawking ten -tit. police eatnic to his liawiNe arid reciatod with the municipal life of
c4ange In the Russian scheme could Another young couple nig
see that they bore any reference to it throne are Prince Albert of Flan doffing of hata there would be to make a confirmed habit, of this, you arm,)ngst. his poor - neighboro--too carried film oil to cuturi. there be I T ohnstone, died last week at the age
the Lotter, This convinced the min- ders and his bride, who, is an un: London on a royal day, kind when will make your lips drier, and real- proud to accept the help w[iieft ION wits oubmittoil it) a lung Interroga-'of 92 years. Wr, -Thompson WPA
commonly attractive young woman the man in the street is decorated der the ner%" of them terribly friends would lion tisto Life club and tile game of; H60d to be the oldest ex-Provoitt in
later Y (if prospvrou� daytt
where. in. -high -plapos. 04-9-i-nly- pfficern daughter of Duke Theodor in BavW_ with a portrait button of His Ma- sensitive. E%entually you will con- gladly hatIke providedleIt Wall only. football. Matter. Cliff%, grow moire Kcotlanxl.
of the general stafT wore awWr-6161 Id,_ . Pri , rice Albert bag not spent Jouty King E,dward, it the sonic' tract permanently cracked Iliss, when his st.rength fai d land 114, Warta Complicated. It" the Ti'o-kish word for lovelness. tile cepitai of the high -
much time Ili England but was bam uhtlibih adulation were enforced here. -which. besides befog painful and till- found (lying Ili his firola-sn room thkit. boll is Llie "time am for vaullo tInfirds, in tvi, celebrate *he eorolla� these changes in the mobilwatio -I I If you are N isiting a friend in Eng- crying, dispose you Periously to Life he muffored himself Ili lit, rettio%ed to I"Ition right royally, and among the
scheme. He was compelled to pro- ed for the Prince Consort and was The ituthorilLies were convinced
, It In damger of cancer. 4f there has beef% lhe orr fix L I he
d i %, oxvium e file I hit y had found it, groat I. plot, I funct tons will be it village fair in the
ceed with extreme caution, however, favorite of Queen Victoria. a u dinnei
not knowing whoin he could trust. The Crown Prince and Princess of, no crime whutevor- to ask for the any of this tervible dthease tinionif the nuillsin" 'Ill Lough which und that the club must be. a sPCrol.�publle park, with car" chantants,
but don't do your forefathers. ou will gi%e yout- hail beell the honvi of �oclet.y. A special 1110fthellg0k- was tc,46 and coffee houses. etc
Denmark have been frequent visitors'loan of a hairbrush ;
Eventually his attention was t- at S !it if you &tea Ili Hungary. The Hun- .sell practically tile cortallity of get_�
tracked to Col. Baron andringliam and Marlborough. ]ITS IIALMY DAYS, sent tot, t lie, bail. find that was duly Von Griliull. lan_ would regard it us the grof-� tIng it. I lit the High Court of Judiclary in
COL. VON GRIMM I-Touse, since the day when the Crown gar I Ili the early Part of lita,L ci-litury examined, and found to be till later- R dinburgh n! Lascar nained Thamboo
Prince with his parents and, oat form Of insult, arid you would be Do you pick your teeth If so. there aks tit) inore in nal tbachint, The ouTpo of the game was Ront to prison for three "ars on
has long bpen one of the most Aot- brothers took Alexandra to tier wed- � lucky if You did not find yourself clon't . It will make n. difference of artuy thun Colonel Make- conkiderod ill lie another piece harge of murder by shooting. un-
able figures In Russian court and mil- ding at Windsor. The Crown Prin-1 playing tile Part of principal in it. years lit the life of your )(%gain. land none native ouger to 'If dninning e%idenrv. atoll still worse It v
der great provocation. a man named
itary circles. The social standing of cess Is the only child of the late. duel. and send you to the dentist ht -fore court douth It wits uld thut Were the mwotitt-rs find colorN of Lho 1,
his own and his wife'u family is very rravies on board the steamship Ava.
King of Sweden. This couple will In Germany it eiins to be i tile 'Iyaur time, This l.attilt, fter I dbuippoinlinent bull made which -4howed it complete or- high, and -he to personally a Tipan of undoubtedly be the favorite guests of easiest thing In the world to insult weals, will sooner or later Ili,- alit) ! The gradual disappearance of Pic -
somebody ; but its these curious onamel of your teeth, and gl%e if" arid that be. final swul,14 no 10 It , h is it ft
conspicuous talents. go Is a grand- the King and Queen' L 'n to file After long Ill., old 7r:
soxx of that celebrated Baron Griloin I are -chiefly obser%ed as bt- cay its chance to Creep In at I,hl. highpl. p,Ihp au- tit course, faur regrot wi or
The Crown Prince and Princess of forms I lit, sent ill
who acted as tutor to the Emperor tween Germall arid German (especial- I hreeeh. which it %Till I'll s'ts,nihoul. Who went will 1)(4 found to say it good word for
I ed himself aniong alit follows u thuritiv% It, 1,
Sweden are also popular with the 11 Alexander 11. and enjoyed to a, ve royal family of England. The PrIn-, ly military officers), .John Bull can 1 Bevides this, %ome People contritc I it liurke
ry it nian if [lie trinit %itiour 1-hrollgh it %in-ooll long exatintuaLlon nd Hare'n house, Ili tilt, West
marked degree the friendship of the cess is a granddaughter of Emperor seely leave them to fight it out. porpetutil hallit (it Lie fought in oker P19111V QnglL90- alkali calkle tit file that tll� ]'net. hich in about to Ili, Yallod to
imperial family. So complete has William 1. The Iftridsher. howe%er, Would see no FICKINO ruents au:1 hiLd been satNed front disin- ithe ground
been the triltst placed in Col Grimm harm fit preenting a lady with a for hIThere Is a rumor thiLt the Duke 1when they ha�e notbing else I it 'I lozen It In flvarly dist-o%ery of' on this Account and because of big and Duchess of Cumberland will at, rose or any other-Alower, but should all d this Will PUL It good M)und hel. it gr. -al plof Th. -V I he'
early Intlinacy with the present czar WOMAN'S ETON JACKET. tend the coronation. The Duke, mow It be unaccompanied by fern or any If teetIl Oil tile ruad to dcay it tit the envni%. i,ill lilt, thinth Ili- 111111tAw I., I Inquired lilt.. lit 1%0ItD.4 IN A LKAD Pl",NVIL.
before the death of his father that King do jure of Ilanover, is a prince other green' leaf, a German lady least mix or yeors liefoic, they i4l would ",it Itit hill, "411 Ihe "I "' I K unill. till- f ... )t The it%t-rife Pencil is be%en b-cha-A
he has beep employed on the most 104ton Jackets fill a definite need of the British blood royal and his would be Krossly insult,val ought to go Valli will Ioraxi vour Wh,,tl I If.- vollitillign sel long The a%erago diameter of the
edlifiential military missions. and are exceedingly fashionable both %vita is Queen Alexandra's sister, so For South AnIeri(La he the likild it)(, swejltvj� ild
.1ohn Mill ro- "]act), Pay half it dozen dent'ist'la hilt it, Ilolland. A few kicker" wer'. Oki holi'looll? Uthfill to! Pncil usaid by mail who wrIte [I
The minister of war -came socratly tor suits and separate wraps. This their welcome would be a hearty one I quirett a special tratining, or ho w ill bills, arid then iximh ou hail left v-urii lat-,r lhis mun. wit,, had Poll"'o- ""[ It oluildsRiou, grout deal it) one -twelfth Of tin inch
from' tile capital to Warsaw and spent, smart model is shown in etainkine, in but the chances are that they will be s"On be in hot water hould you toothpicks alone Brush your Icel h, doringly RUCCIIIIII,ed fly ltIIiaCurisidering the wood arid lead tbe
r lish city, quietly I black, with bands of taffetd, stitch enter a saloon, or and' small represented by their son, Prince - tit 4t strunger. instead, with carbolic pov%der after It pin--A-ritteli. Which ii -ii to inuch curefid Ilio-ight and ex- point tit it lieneii sireasures about
investigating matters without any of ed with silk. and Goorge. and their daughter, Princess "lake the iteritutintanc, nical, if possible land 'If till' e- ilia inch. at uartua, of &kit lne.%
a silk buttons, and makes pArt 'he will offer you it IIttIV COUrtQKy In"'yory
the military authorities being awar, Of a Max of Haden. . A rather abRwird. but quite coni- A few )em -H Int. -r olla�hf In- Imthing ri,presenta tho lead portion Allow -
of his presence. 'To him belongp thol--iostume, but, the sWe material. The Duke of Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha, FWAC UAY (lit on4r.n !men habit, and all uncommonly I-wl ,,III- of Frunce'm doughtit-st vi-aleriol. it, hill it ni'lial not Ill, Ing fair broakm Filial scratches, unt,
credit of havilij tilicaithed'the wholo'cloth and silk, are lilt used for gen- oat of Oermany's rulers. will 11 you fire not smoking at cigarette, one, is that of wratching one's liviial tatid the tit, lilt. yomig inan wu4 all.
oung )At noted duellit of ill: uati-tor of art inch of lend will writ -
affair. Ile had ic�w clues. Ile found!eral wraps, while all suitings are - he *l1l tfi'ke his front hill mouth and when porplemd Thin in often dot,o ay in Murope, "let It Wnguhir fail at .laid two columnp of matter for tho or-
41maim. was gitdll I skirt return to his old home for the coro however, that Col. G appropriate when Jacket and nation and will be uncommonly glaid offer ft to you it so. dou*t say : facetiously Lit isanti It' TIP not fytIT tho twill.. day iflottry newraptipor astailining that tilin,
more evi(f6icoirrii wealth than his re- Are tuado to match. to got there on any pretext, for ell- "No. thanks, old chap; I wouldn't minded people becomet; It I fect Campaign, lt, %hich hi" rl(4-41m ai_0 licit I. not of the ext.ronuitly quit
cord at the war department ciredited To cut this Jacket in the medium mor hag It that he is a homesick. rob you file the woild. but take a alanita. It Is nearly UlWu.�t. rill",
A yards df material' e in fit#, lhenw ,,fill chitractair aLre about I.Aun
him WitIt. Next )he discovered that 111M 21 inches though conscientious and whiff or Live, land hand it burk again tile Maine pl#xrp--m,vr ill(- osir- und Xapoleoll,q firmie". words Ill A (lilt column of a oow�-
he was in the habit of Associating wide. 8# yards, 27 inches wide, 11 oiltely. You liev. theni, gentlenion by breaking up tht- Abram or ill,- 11,A)c ),,,I Ili' hull (might I... fo-wer than with it numbeo of titled ladies bear, yards 44 Inches wide, or If yards 50 EXEMPLARY YOUNG RULER. P per of tile average size Two coi-
ors of Polish names, who were fre- inches wide will be required, with # His sister, Princess Alice of Albany, carry knives, land the use, of: and Irritnting Iiii. roots, %%Ill I kallb,"Ixth lit lid floNket. lkr� !:oirI4 would represent 11.1100 words
them - comes quite ' ntit,irally Or. tuall thin out the hair (,if he hall kil!ed at r .... I'll dolen 'If fliq _t filial, all,v ., we gait thin number or wordu ol-t
quently trdve-11ing ti—etween Warsaw -yMW-I6KAA-1My width Whalr-cultur and his will be- viti, !'!.,I. - _Pznr�aps, -no - infry TyrerfVriot into n intall pill, 1. Willi !I - Ilie tf1T11`*Tr4f__T1iP1Fii,,,T TITTr Mir " TheV lrec'- of IT qtM it of *1+ 4*w* 44 Lead CUi.L
11`15d�Fari-j, stopping' over tit Berlin is omitted. The list is not complet and more you his gle Should you decline i 'Till spread. Nutuhvrs of lilt %o ifluch 414 it N"Inti'li ()I,, 1111v 1-01 11 f ilia invit lond we would tot Twat
on the way�' 1:9pecially did lie ' . i prospective sovereigns Iffiay be added with thanks, or Whut in worse, wipe this patch witholit merl rvitlizilIg III, wwi .,f 1,14 :I... I J". 1"., ailitlipm :iji0il, lie 14.4t)O words 0t,t
un' earth tile story of the baron's ro- to the collection. Gommip names the small art -it before you itilply the how they cause if mantic attachment to ft young Polish T111ES VCU NEV9R HE genial Duke of Oporto, brother of atil,ovel, inches we would got lufl
ARD Of. glass to your lfi)4, you ran look out wily a6y man should blow his nolic ".I,. I Willi 111411 11 Ili ,If ilpIllij., I, 14)llg 4-) wot.aI4 so Tar as tile t1unib" of
crincess of great beauty who had. the King of rortugtd, as Portugal's for squall. for the linife is tile nstittl when he dotion't wtint if, I% a loyp.-, lit all aniii-Ang f plaNiog it ilia i,.tv t . it w4wii,a is conceentod we ha%o it, thi�
oon officially for'bidden to enter Hus- I "King of all the British Dominions representative, but Servia and Bel- retort lit such InvIancem I tery. hot hundredn of thut hr, broke if Tito ... I it, it. molar thP or tile lead
Beybd the Sens" sounded very garla fire unknown qu&ntities: and, One crultom of the Spanish and cially elderly on4iN--ha%,- it huhn within I,, I ....... I I All,,wing 1 k4n) word t,. the
elan territory, after repeated hn-, long when it Was first added to the , uniess the Door
Prisonments for Plotting against the War ends speedily, yo1i constantly dolngr this, Mill it 1� A)I IIiIA
fr title, Maxicruis i� very cholluing. if fill" writild rnoun 6 columns
government; his lady was, the min held by King Edward UIDII d will doubtless send only an understand It If Von ndinlre tin extremely final thluo file I TIP V,.1 .,0 or ilia -ight-paalfe
later discovered, In the hallit I VII. ; but It Is,nothIng to many ,,,,A'.mb=ador. -!the es me I rticle of JewvIlPry or a scrf worn nrve" land menibraneii If lf (!%oil ColunITIM to the page
of mys' titl held by so accommodation-, of at) much a constantly when Ili li,-ulth it %%ill
terlously dlsnppcftrtng from her Der- 0 rh ty by, the piw%on Whom yfill on, In i world's rulers. The Sultan of Is giving the royal host . 6
ft residetice for a few days at a; he is "Oomintinder '01 the F c nvptsitlion, it Is inintedlatel Inhen sooner or laler nitikl- flip p -r FI I I NA I I. MS 114 11T."041 N time. OfT arid Ikp�towefl upon You This (I %letilli If g a TIM, MINISTNR Or WAR nt of colossal royal III till, land 4 If— 'I- llfl "Ill
fui," and the Emperor of Morocco is'no such assorinu I IAlth- enni anxious mament . London bas . ...... icalled Upon Baroness Von "Defender of True Bellovers," while; an most of the great Furo-1 Ing so, flon't Kay nw- sind cauve him ft, Ili' lit"I 141 A imiumi iuyiffid stilly I ill your ll(,ckp.t I he bribit ;I Imic A r- III,( Ow auGrimm the hall f.Persia, and the Emperor petin unpItals. Marlborough House Tile thing 1411. do and succeeded In arousing her jeal- of Ntlyspinla both style thtq I)RInce I * , I ...... land Dockingliam W It not the jergo Is at IV. I. ill 4-- lit III., I..kll iaor .4-11111, it Irith 11 I otMY. At longth When eviderreb. More "King odf Kings." The Chinese lodge comfortably any nave the pri-illf-tide. arid then"I I ,1I less authentic, was submitted to poror modestly calls himself ' Sol, %ileged close relations Of tile King, tilt, lher of her hustiand's faithlessness, the of Heaven" but his neighbor, stod (Jueen. it 11; 0, iffi-ni-eful how. oddilig thall V-11 ltiII tia paperN reactivq the oxwt
Ili that a large not thinh if To he lwpi-ty dollig Io, J ... 1, III- d. atto 28.011JU
how Wake
unfortunate �ad appeatiq to have baw of BUrmah, whom sonic 3,04cS hotel near Duckingham Palace has Of no arl Icle u 1!6-h firm- to I W, f,,at frill to ilia! lot of most opi. a llwl 1w II i-t f0l . ikopt fully
� y b
completely 6A er head, and to ago we overthrew, really was, lie- been tnk�ii for the KInIr'R guests. and: with with ifIR Ifoliness, 4 corre'
have made threats against her hus- cording to himself, the embodiment that Rell,dral noblemen have Placed the nuil-v (hurins wh1(h will) Is lj%wiz it, I-wth.i4i- Willm-11 .4 It I I" 1-1 I "I
band which supplied to the astute of all that Was great. ITo styled their London houses (It King 1.1,d- , 1wr"on Varbi. )lit% Olin It I'll hont 1- '1*1,- pondence. King li`,dward must ,,kid
minister the clew he. was seeking. himself "His Most Gracious anti ward -n disposal'. nlipears that lit, followed ilia, I., I flwl 11 %% 1.134 (jelly quota (if lotterg and
Col. 'fildn'0iinim was Inveigled by an Excellent Majesty, Lord of Ishaddon, Aftpr the coronation wpek many of Public- lighliog Ili ill., I won O fl-N&ietl of it rw, ( ilI" -11 %it% I'l, 'I AXI .14 :om newspaperla it hea%y twL an his
f 11 I— The Tsar and tire Uer-
the ellangeR (,it Proto'hint, 1.
anonymous letter—& clever forgery Ring of the bNophants, Master of flip royal guests will visit Windsor N.nglanri ond Wrialt-s cost l'st y ar (;reek. ond inakirig it Nery it, titqk fly oblitin fill- IKinporor recouive front 600 to
'if his Polish princess' handw.riting— Many White Elephants,, Lord of the and qandringhom, find cortaln f the 91 .324.0001 spectithie Income ouo�iou. lie final to gi.v ilill fI111.11 4uppror likes to an -
700 at day . the I
to the English hotel, where he was Mimes of Gold; Silver, Rubies, Alit- great CoulltrV hontim of Englano: Icyleized by the police find hurried oil her, and the Noble erpentine. Sove- I 1. . . I d lie ll o"We, many himself. rho King of
In g pipparaE ons for elaborate
to the citadel, la Which IM IW still reign of the Empire of Thunaparan- entertaining are being Made through
tonfined. In the meautime his apart- tha find Tampadipa, and other great out the length and breadth (it the
axents and his ofto"Irk the Zarloyaki d COuntirikos of the I'-m- land as well ns in 1,ondon, and the
of hirrount of plolley that. will Ile linq-
Palace, the of W �4ng'. Ohle.fg, Arbiter
Warsaw were s#afthed ab(* tolnProm- Life, the Great RiglKeous"enn, the pitably spent durina the season in
sing defoumentd were 'discovered. Fibm-Desicended Monarch anti 1>,)qneA- heyon;j ordinary calculation.
The result ban Wn fal-reaching. A nor of Boundlesiti Dominions and
large number- of officerfir of- thm, high- guirrente WIgd6f11: Tylobft* of llur�_ ist rank have been Wqsted, Among mah kept 310 viriting-carlig. her them Gen. Haitehiratin, deputy cKlef Amir of Afghankintian IS fitvied "Thiff I RATN MAKINO. iff the general start) at llftratw, and Light of Unift and Religibirr" ; tile The influence of electrIcit.,v on the'
one of that most distinguished oftere Emperor of Austrim Is- "Hill Apos weather him been provid . In apan,
the Army, Who has been pla tOlIC Majesty" : the King of pain. whore rain -making bag been succosm-
With. C61. Vinti, Orihnii in the tltAdbi. "Ria flost-unthitille MAJOIltil" : WhIlA fully performed by sending an oleci-
-to: the Iting of.)Portugxa 49 -His vorry tric current. JntO the air. 'rho pro.'
the C*kttl',. %*he Whe tit Nice nix hill Faithful Majeqty.1' a tried in the Tokushima lie(-
h011eymbbOrW" A-161AIII4111ded Ii19tAht,i' - Operqtiona were commenev-1
IV to r6tUrfli,h6tat, aftd,� an him ilailuro at I but there I wait no sign (If
:12 613110ric Chat'90 till 9 O'clock
to reildollce wAs search- RUNNEWPOSTIMN OF NATAr, no
fid from-loPto, bottom by the per- next morning, When a cluster tit bonal order of the Czar and more The native runner-pbsttrion of NLLJ 0oud WnA over the hill o"I
documents discovered. lid "arer,,itiftikingly picturesque objects, which ti in, expPrIttiont wao hold. At
-Just Whitt disposition will beluade wlibn On 46911110$9 bent. With their longth rain har-ann ill fall for tile
Of th'Y 111496 of'Voij. Grimm and big &undalled . feet And head-dres of first time about 4 a.m., followed by,
rdlifederatog 19 dMult to surmige. dried leaven, which rattle an OUT a second fall at It A.m.. anti after-
-agatral IVor run, and & M111tary groat coat. - vrardq
11 llstild fitif Ito Per (In . I third, fourth. And fifth. It
%1[fttLte to deneath Which is iment called was 9.80 whon tire last fall began.
�1,991`*O the so�orlty of hisi Allol for miles lit
i sell. tho Miscei . arid till nrea -rmtonding over, Inatly
pot,,.i a log -trot of foir. thilpiI tin hour. and inilpa the beriont. of tile, 1.111n,
ten 11 fOY his trofflachety to the
ftnMent- but It IMINt be boffte In Ad-tl�1`14 A' 00111ekit" 91 a, then I h - In Which had not tllen an that part,
mlno�that 14U%loolk the Czar is the Rolland the qat#0 of thor mail Rer- for ninny months.
&OV611111letilf *_ - — .1 vice routes Is over 80 000 —flop 'rho
he ii ndIit 1..%v
lttiv Kaffir 500, &and the young
Wan I... ... e l(4ileoti
of licalland otruggtop under
twk II wv'- walk .I. tile air
tha, datly hurden of between 100 and
military In character, And they
thdmpelvps Are Wit td be aremark-
40111 I'll L
it, I., it I.,
IIli- r .... 1.
ftbl liftifid0fild bod. in Auitria
�,,-r ',m the
to draw baby lint using o',"I training hill. to tire%%
,.` Hillaoin wil,a IIliv
his country t�at, hfft'Wo Ptiftional.
liavellvi- 01mighl 1-� III -At
young Englishman named Ityan,
rooster for aticii a porpoqo I. . nw."'T iogo in whi(h hip
If -T ise In tile all- I I,- mild"
friend. find it 16 dM411 Wonder that
men every Year One tunic, -01110 nair
I ft,, nfwond-homl .,?I-
idea Mir Plomenen. (if I,— harnexA. end after it
lother difficultv usos.- A,toldifig Io
the t11110011'Of 1A deeply hurt Alld
trioved: ovjii th
lot loth teaUfferk, orka pair of linell
troopers, army WaNt6bitt, and a Cap.
Ions, I Ili- I ell I, I4- t -,f I IrlIiIIillie
Verne, Iowa. lion a flock of Cochlo I.,ngh( him to pull the alctin
Inni-ing 'lie 1,,,,t
Ap a Coat n
white evgfI glgcogff Vp d
guides It Waa 00, Cold at the groat
(*hlnn fowls, arriong them It roalter flip door.ynril pnfh without dift,111 �
list,, P., I, I,,,
blOuW 'atle glVot. Pliftitous military
eitilit that the thaftlipagno they hail
that In a giant In thQ fentheretl The little one. fit totis 1.1tinol
perqcvnrA %iith f-ilhi,i t .I t
.1% it 44
brought with thon ilrbi� solid. and
ba,li to oat ItAnkstcAd of drink
tWilli tlon,c ff till%
greater �.Il lit .1 I
thlof'S #ft,
fild jVh
lint 1,jlro. It I .... k in. PY,-
tamp. ellit, -red nbotit ill-,
If thro gh the forin, lit,
become very
A ir
cm onnt fail, lof 11'. f
I,, a a,!. I '141
I illi*
. oill 0
.1001011TS, KILL, I 1100181. - Curia nau UnT 09. ax 33VIC, Voul $1 UAM TIAOX I=* jI)StltJI�Jt)lk 4.UJ Imat ot IcArkillit, 9L4W a ;Kglys gilog W, from the tim"If wt V 01 VAIA. Vill UA4 't 00 Vh
lWoreAlk0t: 4441 440W j9hrA04 K1410 J0114- Tito at rortloll* oxxt), sew uovo *9vo-won In 10 tIlo A w J, 1014 Six JU101 %ho Uplyeralty was pt the 0 bAk in, XaoilifIgn 4+1,1 04 lmp ith a wv$,Qg iNitl . kJo Ito, O'llo(I 000, of ttio lro-WIV 0. liukroot. of* his Or 1pl;mr , VW of Wo OTIA tho V 10* Ill!", Itief9ro aliffela"Apiroth TillifroWIL _r V.ilsika 4 + 4 '*Ti , Al" IT 4%, 00 vr000t time. Tg, th,4 Aituge� qt)� IV ky"T, All �'. .:1 *0 4. 4 slnucli, 01, At f wq- Inkoxv V1,119 11ONQ brAVO(l to 10 etelif I to bis 41 shut- reirt OU -�orqnktibin da litili Ilk 4% h (I to
to, qufo twund 110 lginfielvep in. alit, (11(i Aqt Illuch 4%boiltt &.0,000 is to be spent, a on -
.04 JIhV,,I*e truth, imct,oquigllll�rj g0414" itortainille the cifilloNli, ot'i
hvlt. .01noo to -A 9V044, tat * *ARA � as wArilitillow A4100 ondiall 00 the parks at coronAtloh MOW. W Tho !University to knodo 41) of 4 ',rho alusilrow at a
d , W , ' b tile brave and A4 4 he por44VIN t4q, larles d� Is'b III, klukaber of heirarote corpoiro6litanka, or meeting Just w"k,arr"$e4 for-,a-vif,%.
US , 0411twl, 'I
4. A10,04 Ak IN tpe of itlito e4prisoli voll T� L Tlflo-�v collegus owa Ili* view belo -hold In Glasgow eiI'd W4,00 Of then, A If X bkd.. tmolt the thttlikC4 tof 01140WIA011ts IN, b011o III Ing J ho. sq June %io
store for thol w _ 010 Ith' J)pe,r QX nil91-karined livils. cr
a0 the. Alomiii�, of tho, Out- was one of the tuot, r� of ancient date, notaty Waver 11140 JI
_xon wh A 11010 to '40,1 '*A YA14 AtY BLOW (1903), and Mcr- Portubella station has been 04,111111110
b t Qu"jj. Vlotorjif,'s 0- tile berues wil'o. survi.viid all tilt.) b9v
rors tit he, 11,Imod ffilco to tu ( 70). ItIphard 111. difil nuich great dejoi� to. tra0c, o1,11
. to, 4corAltatiij 4,04 her eesad, I Forbo.4, dorlion
srg4.0 tulaos-44re, . R - -cry f1tv throllA twtt lging vity .xuauy privileges, has bVen appoll�teo an
'0,; 61p
It gv.� A g fixes with 116 W06t Oxford, arid granted the Uulvcx�
With' hopr,ni L*s&4 i4- 'T 't ,killest I� likik;o, * __ g4a the lb L an -4 akid six halls ll, tt;a 9110 of
ingtrieth MAInipaign. ienew ffiprotepi at dainger, (Lad tav %Ing the URIVORitY, 0, %d tire Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.
0*40401 4�00 0,11ir death by vqIgnteerl" for ouY �axxtfltfi I , r Ona , %� A inbu AN dut�vj About 13,000 Members are On the The Wilat P of soot-
�7ti4, , - 1, to the, thron of, unwittingly insult'04. ttk*`QhfV habit ot bIlMdali yoilr eyes tit special luxilt%ra, IliAqt� 8,500 tire 0i; and ip WO pace Into, by lilpsiskle tfirlibu,
4 �;hio he 0PA44 _a. un., books. Of these. nbout land was wou, lid, polight to give �% �W roplilly without kply Aakkao, touched' while )IN -C AI!aQQ3
II Sell resident graduates. 'title incotatf from will) d0fitc,ill 13altikehull4h, by a oals
V, ot mop o lee o11A8 4*ks by the gbod) inclination out at once, 'Phu game was VIUYQd At till-
cAn hini tblel;-aill Nt UAM, 104vek.. OndOwtuelit" of tile various colleges to 1.
aIa. thQ, t 40, IS, tb al I, to it little, More 11,111111 06P .. . Or 0111 grow lilt% lxll illcur"bic 110W, h, I-, I. r okirs he iewned to cukArt
A4ill. I -A t fAb14 lie Iwt, This to Oki diil� th4 a 10 000,00t). The highost, callicer in thof Sova.-ral moll e 1604to lots inployed at the dou
Ul "Q Ti's mak our tly"Ight fali'denth by fn,Q4ng Aail.'Illikilaing. 1101,
of the 40�#,. 0144 It Up V lou, dolop0XIS uR agx�usw 14- 417 k vugKt. kind tigers oil toot, and liicellar lit is, bling %If tile lit"C'gewt In -to. cau" Aieft b4tatu A tile University is Una Ul -Or � An 09pol- Th4mosr , And she maft the intitubers and holds
be d, me boil to Natural bilitking is necessary to reputation of being the most fluring elected h
win. Kai�o Fix to Womytia Ilay have been met,
detective ji�tor, lig Im 01 IL lid 0 ioualy Injured by the explosion Of
llllix� tbrgigglik 11" 010%r and UlIolstoi the eye, a th k - of big,'gaill" Ill OfflCo for ,,(I)- I
U'n 'partyl,, ed' IL jjaiti tbr 34ilgland Wit yet, he "lirviv0(l a, thous. A student. to ontor tiny of tile 0 oat ill I b QX'. 'Ith lit$ band and, An itifq�dr�t into isiverago number of n4tural blinks India, till
%- a be- rather like - 14 tO ibe gen, niust have a 'rho flow British cruiser Manniouth.
war As of deikaotiwoi ;on instAtutod. The 6viiful-' per minuto is about twenty. Those and risks, any one 'at WhIch I'liglit 10 onto knowledke oil
out 9. The buke of Genoa. infole 0 wi� cro I nose of the trime did not, strike thil aip, nepoa&try and you do them till- ell 11 Vo been Intel, to fail uutivr'010 claSs'les and itfutheinatic 'I'll gvt being fitted oitt kill the C"u, has
look'* up
tking 61 Italy. will 4100 attend
fintin, 'at tile 'Itish outhorities with the - 0=4 con4ouslY- But in nervOub, "111111K- t lie wheels of ,t%Lok14otx amnibus anti _a, degree a stuat . must rt avilloon soinewhat aorlousl� dauldillod by
o * coropoCtion the complainant, and 0% or." will get least twolve continuous forms ot. tile
-is, s414 to ta4a the, allair 5444 go. 44 tioni AiAd oommixtrid 44 force in H0110thilig like a have lils bravo life crushed out 1 being run Into by An lilwCu"d boun
t0". IrRxiit nap ie - -couple of hundred W a minute Ili bed University. The titudy
t9 heart is 04 lh6 A-nd 1;k ffnotice, was taken. but tile ChI10.0 liner.
'41iftoeR.' 0f1*esi4hc',(r to Jed aA al 4 poke4. Thif"ll I cator v review, diplomatists. ware Ofirandid, all the pases. and the result of this Is 11, 111g, Thirty Years * Ago A Crimean ouln. 11tvirature, histoiv arid philosophy is The proposal to hold a historic pit -
V Uv me. says Pearson's Vecikly. doveloputent of tile eyelid of Captain do St. Croix, MaJor largely encouraged kit Oxford. horoi
pa Pff'r, RXIANAX19191 Q goant through tire
streets of Vdln-
to#yk Iblk Wbox, W let an even alcro ig,ololo- are also schools In modern hiNtarry, burgh on the occasion of lite Corona -
lit,,, in France there two illuxly trajill, and a, counter irritaiiieu that ar.til UA(Ule-not, a Iii,eauty, b : Vo co ' minglid-liffi antisfy Win -and Prince Clip - a Oki the optic nerve, find the Lung Mujor Hanson had so Vivil law and theology. ralutherrintics half. It Is understood, been
ion"durfri' ' ' 8 esim" Caning tQ Irles of Dourbork,'Ia suM-. Into which the unwary britisher ill Y
tile Past Would'straAghtell 7 for a breathing 'fall. if you axe visiting a friffACL eight daily more weak And irritable, Inally find suet, Ietc.. bave vach thoir gooI(LlOk#IJtQ Ori4o"A
Sb a t e-liill ith h 0 &vIeteLko; . and. t for instance, do not put your. hot. Once, contract this hatilt, and you h1ARVI-aJOU =OR, P-441 i I 0 achools. III r, Gilbert Parker, M.P., addr4sed
ofilde in Unionist' demonstration In Govan
hand on tile throttle and his flugor:pleasa4t and agreeable, She was, UPorn the bed, even for u, moment. will And you cannot bear it trongi Attached to each college net, fel-
0'6unU7 to a foreign goviornment has- be Ith In tive Crimea arid In the -tied
PolAppig at the dial. 1 w4us. getting; oiipon 91 -Spain frailin. NON!ql Is considered a groat insult to light or read small type, and you lowabips, find scholarships. awat Inat week, and spoke In tor*a of high
ubee 7a man of pubor4l'unto glitffir 1$8L4� It host, though why it should be ivill got i4arse and worse. rho cure dian Mutiny that lie aa known Ili In most cast"s by open coulpfltmon. pralso of Mr. Chamborlain'li states-
mittl,, and I can wori viry hard when'whep her fattier died, Ahol ',the fol, the lie arruy 4& the Own." lit movit, colleges tile followaillips tire manAhip.
n it
oneralfil, cfiiI0 , air the ttiV 'In I Mad. I W text � him ito , a y, when her brg to Clear. The o l consists in keeping thd eyes shut for t 0 very delicate tilibutu to hit) held (of, life. lie long as the holder IT. M. R. Leviathan. built an on-
lt.4 f1t thet Alfonf- 90 Is not (I'll
�somatlxblg to ine. It he had, I would possible explanation is that it Is the at least tea ininutoN U hour, find cVen of tho czar''ard im_�L so Ill. *as born, aud,.'Ifiow, as hail, e srstition of by- batihing the lids in worm water. bravery arid his luck Tlii tinteu 1ximains unmarried. Tire value of ginod at Clydebank, has made a suo.
IkaVe whipped 'him., right tIiero*A4,4 ffs 1preSmuiftive to tijOL'thronvi she Is - him ; It,, Jho
plicated. of,the of6cero �;in �drt tbi road: Do you ever feet inclined to ti-roUthe his hoiso wits shot unilet scholarships is about $400 or
next to' the king, the most inipart-t gone days. outh niform wits riddled ond perfuraftd '500 it your, tenable tot- % y r . oessful passage from the Clyde; to
question belong to the Western mill- ,B to through your in If so, �,ott, Spithead, covering the diotance tat an
ut when he wouldn't give me al.'ant personage of Spain. Many The Britisher Is not prono tl 0 ea 9
tar districts of Russia, where aria Pick A flif but bad better make up Your mind Lit Willi bullets ; once ax cullooll L'oll The Unt%ersity year Ili divided into average speed of 10 knots.
I -in's are, told'. Of. her do. drinking -uzed his cheek arid renio%ed the total. tertus — Michnobturs, lillary,
L AlOZ,fobarialfig, �stcit wit a health In water. gi
Ot f1le''thing 'for me to dd bUt;-*6rk. saw votion to her brother and to her those ca are, should be careful n6l once to keep that habit fit memory,, A sual, of about S30,000 ltas been
onipire, since she has al we regard- i i cc, Lis it- Is con- And novel- give It a chance to in- head of (lit, wan iturnedlatoly behind I., fly The intervals
that a lot of steam was going tO,country, , She refused to marry Uny to do so in Fran and Trini botfucathed to Edinburgh- University
hitil ; twice lie Willi disarined told oil between
ed that part of her Ir ntior which -ed I). gratuitous forux of Insult- crease. If you let it grow on you. terina are short, with the
waste, and I just hung one of 111Y,prince who wotild requite her.tolive'aidoi the point at being struck down v,heik by the late Mr. nobert Irving. of
Dat- fie-val lu the ., pouring -.out -of vAW -��i n,W let the. 4owor It" of your exception, of Lite Long Yamt,lon,
-t ve, to -lump It doww. catitsido—a-Spaln-, and when 2T-ftidde tx lu6y shot 'or eabre-cut placed his which hints from the first of, second Itoyston. Granton. to totmd a pro-
of attention and care. Then I did send bar up. I. didn't. loo�, match Ili spite of opposition to trouble. if you gn-app I lungs fall ulniost entirely into dis-* tessorship of bacteriology.
it Like that,.,pf every Other couutry.,k- w , I use, for they tire not filled It you' assailant hom tit) combat. These art, Week Ill June until October 10. the Russian war department I bo a �now Ill lmxc� the bofteg, would ftom family and public. 'She has no- the bottle with the thumb facing but it few .41tiliplos of Oxford Is mixty-throo miles --by rall A bazaar, the object of which N to
stand surid X (Iffin t care. ' That WAS ver, beet) in England, but like all downward&, all well valid good. but; breathe through your inotath 1 t lie
secret plan ' of'- moblitzatiqu. of Its Johnson's affair. I kept my eye on royalty in Europe, spe 8 English wuo betido you if You grasp the bot- lungs will be weakened, arid left tin luck." and it really, seamed as it front 1on7don, kind lion northuest of ralso, Z1,000 to enable the Death would u%erlook him altogo- the
forces, which Is put Into operation 1210 finger, and when I saw it point, perfectly. tlo with the knuckles facing the i easy prey to maladies of the chest. tiler. the Capital. It is oil tho Thaines. to Single Tax League to promotit
the 346indfit. Ny4x- Is But two was only lying in wait oxcuodingi rich Ili beautiful build- taxation of land values, was opened
decided upon. Ing tit the dial, 1, poked and shovel]- The crownprincess of Rounraqla Is I tittilecloth, for it 1-4 considered a and your system will only be fod by Y
With the oV.jocii-of avoiding treach- for his victlin, For fit the winter Of ings. nrid in the most farricaus in- last week in Glasgow.
oil. I could novel, !got him to look Aling Edward's nieco and spent her, gross insult to tire host arid the about half tile oxygen it requires. I 1971-2 the gallant major ltutt It full cry tAikt portion of the plap. of n,o-,,.t x -taring Ifthe6d ovelly childhood Ili England. 1rhousands of people contract this I Ile skating and fractured his titution of lo-urnIng in tho world. The decision of Glallgow town
kie.- Ile wall a guesits assembled.
bilization, wliiqh relaWs to. the dls-� tH of III dangerous habit, which really 14 it council that there should be no ban -
Iliad I stopped, lopg.eilough itq look Prince Henry of Prussia and his, I" 19 M. thigh. Aniputatio4i hocalne nocuo-
position or troops upon the frontier' at arid he lifid Ilia fistad'on the wife are dbubly related to the King. � jesty the Tool, are very -plent,ifll. Ci,;IjTAIN Pit. I RUry. alit] lie filed under the upera- FOOTBALL IN TURKEY. quot on the occasion of the col,oniv-
Is changed every three years. The throttle arid that finger still point, iiii-ithe unlucky liritisher who stando be- Even if you sleet) with your mouth lion. tion colebrationo lit the city. Ifik"
change, however, takes place only do through Prince Honry's mother, E I End of the- Young Man Who ln� given rlslLto considerable discussion.
Ing tit the dial. I.sottle myself press Frederick, and Princess Henry's fore one of these pictures, or pausse.- Open—still knore People till this—you Blit no futo could be 111orta PiLlfui pap�r, and everything connecte4 Ny'th down at last to either give Ir 10 troduced It There. Sir Itobert and Lady Pullar have
it I 'ef course regarded as the most tin ell- mother. Priticess. Alice. His wife is will got about hall the benefit frolu th that tit Major Richard Ituitsell. I 4 b WITH HIS HAT ON ti� nIght'4 rest ou- ought� to, and or kin e ity of Perth a nevP
'hv�ao` i'vatAto socr ough litcalia or blow her up. A was'famed for ter sweetness of 4isposl-101 it) I her velvi, it und bero (if I �v It tat diftleaft, Indeed, to ho it
1W , ti it.let nk t4b, it;I;e9l aliglit the *e�box doxx it -ad charm iliannor. will speedily ha.60 nio ttention publie washhouNe contelInIng fifty
kale ago General gorAgirat- this 1-4 tile, wain cuune of "that tired Crimea III)d tilt) Indian. Mul Wy. ojit-o sportmanin Ili Turkey. ()'to lteche'd stalls (oi- washing, and eq,optild w1th
So,mift when I heve .6 Prince I*awn to his hCLtdgcA1' by some Otn- feeling" on wakifig Ili thu inurnkig. Ione of ifto anti "vitibiq i ligy tried It, Willi consequences weird
kin4l the ilussian, lninAfter of war, 1. . Rupert W Bavaria and Tills .
You . blankety blank,p Johnson pretty on n cial, and not 'iAway4 in the politest Arid if there is an..eirldcLuic fluathig trien Ito Her MuJosty's arlitv". as tire London Telegraph rie� the most modern appilanc011.
likl is-a-vor-jabirf�d-aWd wideawakel _g Austria *lie, whowael, anner Possible. you must take OR about, Ygii. duolild your chances- of died illiho-ably lit Belflus't I them, for the basis of it. do -
Wan, became - alive to the fact that 1 dried, whitt do-*y0d, mdurl?"! Another of -Francis Joseph, ill During the moason which was
w 11 -ar'm picture arid catching it, brought -to It cl 8 on S t rday
milluto and you woulcl 'have blol"I represent Davaria. They are; your hat to tile T% land tilde hahe your &and Wain buried lit at plifin doat-I crWflu tocil%o story or It curuir, opern U
each time his mobilization scheme us up V in I chance of recu% ering, all you Weaken which wits by tilt- charity The young Turk organimod it foot_!wook 240.086 poi -0.3.0.
trot related to the English royal You ko
get so much practico that a , attell d the
underwent a change, it was followed " 1 Intended to,' I retorted. '01' family, but the feeling between Eng natural so to! the lungs, to-1411afigow, Corporation reditals aid in
Home weeks later by it corresponding tinie, It become,- quito Of at few friends. During tile . IIINL hall team LUIIUI%g his friends.
do. It Is regarded as a gravo insult I Another bad habit for the health nine ears the city halls on Saturday after -
troops _Mn4e you take dovqg th xixtyrs' movement of' the Garman 4ext th land and Havaria is Of his Life this gallant gether with Pottle Greeks and Ar
o ruipefor (if lilt tile Russias I though 'not quite so dangerous. Wsoldlt�l 11%ed alialle III it single. hark, and began practising. ou confounded* ass,' shouted t the L Net, noons.
Across the frontier, although, of PARTI
course, only those Johnson, *don't you kno-7 that that's CULAhLY -CORDIAL. -1 tire of moistening' rootu hi at Belfast hill1n, land Pdrned Iloeg i0ter, lit the midtilo of thol Me IqLabot Thomson. for long ao-
to retain your heudgeur tit the pro conrrnoq "trick
at -re of the A still finger?" destirled for seace oven of his picture. Whitt a tire lips the tongue. It You it wretched li%ing by hawking ten -tit. police eatnic to his liawiNe arid reciatod with the municipal life of
c4ange In the Russian scheme could Another young couple nig
see that they bore any reference to it throne are Prince Albert of Flan doffing of hata there would be to make a confirmed habit, of this, you arm,)ngst. his poor - neighboro--too carried film oil to cuturi. there be I T ohnstone, died last week at the age
the Lotter, This convinced the min- ders and his bride, who, is an un: London on a royal day, kind when will make your lips drier, and real- proud to accept the help w[iieft ION wits oubmittoil it) a lung Interroga-'of 92 years. Wr, -Thompson WPA
commonly attractive young woman the man in the street is decorated der the ner%" of them terribly friends would lion tisto Life club and tile game of; H60d to be the oldest ex-Provoitt in
later Y (if prospvrou� daytt
where. in. -high -plapos. 04-9-i-nly- pfficern daughter of Duke Theodor in BavW_ with a portrait button of His Ma- sensitive. E%entually you will con- gladly hatIke providedleIt Wall only. football. Matter. Cliff%, grow moire Kcotlanxl.
of the general stafT wore awWr-6161 Id,_ . Pri , rice Albert bag not spent Jouty King E,dward, it the sonic' tract permanently cracked Iliss, when his st.rength fai d land 114, Warta Complicated. It" the Ti'o-kish word for lovelness. tile cepitai of the high -
much time Ili England but was bam uhtlibih adulation were enforced here. -which. besides befog painful and till- found (lying Ili his firola-sn room thkit. boll is Llie "time am for vaullo tInfirds, in tvi, celebrate *he eorolla� these changes in the mobilwatio -I I If you are N isiting a friend in Eng- crying, dispose you Periously to Life he muffored himself Ili lit, rettio%ed to I"Ition right royally, and among the
scheme. He was compelled to pro- ed for the Prince Consort and was The ituthorilLies were convinced
, It In damger of cancer. 4f there has beef% lhe orr fix L I he
d i %, oxvium e file I hit y had found it, groat I. plot, I funct tons will be it village fair in the
ceed with extreme caution, however, favorite of Queen Victoria. a u dinnei
not knowing whoin he could trust. The Crown Prince and Princess of, no crime whutevor- to ask for the any of this tervible dthease tinionif the nuillsin" 'Ill Lough which und that the club must be. a sPCrol.�publle park, with car" chantants,
but don't do your forefathers. ou will gi%e yout- hail beell the honvi of �oclet.y. A special 1110fthellg0k- was tc,46 and coffee houses. etc
Denmark have been frequent visitors'loan of a hairbrush ;
Eventually his attention was t- at S !it if you &tea Ili Hungary. The Hun- .sell practically tile cortallity of get_�
tracked to Col. Baron andringliam and Marlborough. ]ITS IIALMY DAYS, sent tot, t lie, bail. find that was duly Von Griliull. lan_ would regard it us the grof-� tIng it. I lit the High Court of Judiclary in
COL. VON GRIMM I-Touse, since the day when the Crown gar I Ili the early Part of lita,L ci-litury examined, and found to be till later- R dinburgh n! Lascar nained Thamboo
Prince with his parents and, oat form Of insult, arid you would be Do you pick your teeth If so. there aks tit) inore in nal tbachint, The ouTpo of the game was Ront to prison for three "ars on
has long bpen one of the most Aot- brothers took Alexandra to tier wed- � lucky if You did not find yourself clon't . It will make n. difference of artuy thun Colonel Make- conkiderod ill lie another piece harge of murder by shooting. un-
able figures In Russian court and mil- ding at Windsor. The Crown Prin-1 playing tile Part of principal in it. years lit the life of your )(%gain. land none native ouger to 'If dninning e%idenrv. atoll still worse It v
der great provocation. a man named
itary circles. The social standing of cess Is the only child of the late. duel. and send you to the dentist ht -fore court douth It wits uld thut Were the mwotitt-rs find colorN of Lho 1,
his own and his wife'u family is very rravies on board the steamship Ava.
King of Sweden. This couple will In Germany it eiins to be i tile 'Iyaur time, This l.attilt, fter I dbuippoinlinent bull made which -4howed it complete or- high, and -he to personally a Tipan of undoubtedly be the favorite guests of easiest thing In the world to insult weals, will sooner or later Ili,- alit) ! The gradual disappearance of Pic -
somebody ; but its these curious onamel of your teeth, and gl%e if" arid that be. final swul,14 no 10 It , h is it ft
conspicuous talents. go Is a grand- the King and Queen' L 'n to file After long Ill., old 7r:
soxx of that celebrated Baron Griloin I are -chiefly obser%ed as bt- cay its chance to Creep In at I,hl. highpl. p,Ihp au- tit course, faur regrot wi or
The Crown Prince and Princess of forms I lit, sent ill
who acted as tutor to the Emperor tween Germall arid German (especial- I hreeeh. which it %Till I'll s'ts,nihoul. Who went will 1)(4 found to say it good word for
I ed himself aniong alit follows u thuritiv% It, 1,
Sweden are also popular with the 11 Alexander 11. and enjoyed to a, ve royal family of England. The PrIn-, ly military officers), .John Bull can 1 Bevides this, %ome People contritc I it liurke
ry it nian if [lie trinit %itiour 1-hrollgh it %in-ooll long exatintuaLlon nd Hare'n house, Ili tilt, West
marked degree the friendship of the cess is a granddaughter of Emperor seely leave them to fight it out. porpetutil hallit (it Lie fought in oker P19111V QnglL90- alkali calkle tit file that tll� ]'net. hich in about to Ili, Yallod to
imperial family. So complete has William 1. The Iftridsher. howe%er, Would see no FICKINO ruents au:1 hiLd been satNed front disin- ithe ground
been the triltst placed in Col Grimm harm fit preenting a lady with a for hIThere Is a rumor thiLt the Duke 1when they ha�e notbing else I it 'I lozen It In flvarly dist-o%ery of' on this Account and because of big and Duchess of Cumberland will at, rose or any other-Alower, but should all d this Will PUL It good M)und hel. it gr. -al plof Th. -V I he'
early Intlinacy with the present czar WOMAN'S ETON JACKET. tend the coronation. The Duke, mow It be unaccompanied by fern or any If teetIl Oil tile ruad to dcay it tit the envni%. i,ill lilt, thinth Ili- 111111tAw I., I Inquired lilt.. lit 1%0ItD.4 IN A LKAD Pl",NVIL.
before the death of his father that King do jure of Ilanover, is a prince other green' leaf, a German lady least mix or yeors liefoic, they i4l would ",it Itit hill, "411 Ihe "I "' I K unill. till- f ... )t The it%t-rife Pencil is be%en b-cha-A
he has beep employed on the most 104ton Jackets fill a definite need of the British blood royal and his would be Krossly insult,val ought to go Valli will Ioraxi vour Wh,,tl I If.- vollitillign sel long The a%erago diameter of the
edlifiential military missions. and are exceedingly fashionable both %vita is Queen Alexandra's sister, so For South AnIeri(La he the likild it)(, swejltvj� ild
.1ohn Mill ro- "]act), Pay half it dozen dent'ist'la hilt it, Ilolland. A few kicker" wer'. Oki holi'looll? Uthfill to! Pncil usaid by mail who wrIte [I
The minister of war -came socratly tor suits and separate wraps. This their welcome would be a hearty one I quirett a special tratining, or ho w ill bills, arid then iximh ou hail left v-urii lat-,r lhis mun. wit,, had Poll"'o- ""[ It oluildsRiou, grout deal it) one -twelfth Of tin inch
from' tile capital to Warsaw and spent, smart model is shown in etainkine, in but the chances are that they will be s"On be in hot water hould you toothpicks alone Brush your Icel h, doringly RUCCIIIIII,ed fly ltIIiaCurisidering the wood arid lead tbe
r lish city, quietly I black, with bands of taffetd, stitch enter a saloon, or and' small represented by their son, Prince - tit 4t strunger. instead, with carbolic pov%der after It pin--A-ritteli. Which ii -ii to inuch curefid Ilio-ight and ex- point tit it lieneii sireasures about
investigating matters without any of ed with silk. and Goorge. and their daughter, Princess "lake the iteritutintanc, nical, if possible land 'If till' e- ilia inch. at uartua, of &kit lne.%
a silk buttons, and makes pArt 'he will offer you it IIttIV COUrtQKy In"'yory
the military authorities being awar, Of a Max of Haden. . A rather abRwird. but quite coni- A few )em -H Int. -r olla�hf In- Imthing ri,presenta tho lead portion Allow -
of his presence. 'To him belongp thol--iostume, but, the sWe material. The Duke of Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha, FWAC UAY (lit on4r.n !men habit, and all uncommonly I-wl ,,III- of Frunce'm doughtit-st vi-aleriol. it, hill it ni'lial not Ill, Ing fair broakm Filial scratches, unt,
credit of havilij tilicaithed'the wholo'cloth and silk, are lilt used for gen- oat of Oermany's rulers. will 11 you fire not smoking at cigarette, one, is that of wratching one's liviial tatid the tit, lilt. yomig inan wu4 all.
oung )At noted duellit of ill: uati-tor of art inch of lend will writ -
affair. Ile had ic�w clues. Ile found!eral wraps, while all suitings are - he *l1l tfi'ke his front hill mouth and when porplemd Thin in often dot,o ay in Murope, "let It Wnguhir fail at .laid two columnp of matter for tho or-
41maim. was gitdll I skirt return to his old home for the coro however, that Col. G appropriate when Jacket and nation and will be uncommonly glaid offer ft to you it so. dou*t say : facetiously Lit isanti It' TIP not fytIT tho twill.. day iflottry newraptipor astailining that tilin,
more evi(f6icoirrii wealth than his re- Are tuado to match. to got there on any pretext, for ell- "No. thanks, old chap; I wouldn't minded people becomet; It I fect Campaign, lt, %hich hi" rl(4-41m ai_0 licit I. not of the ext.ronuitly quit
cord at the war department ciredited To cut this Jacket in the medium mor hag It that he is a homesick. rob you file the woild. but take a alanita. It Is nearly UlWu.�t. rill",
A yards df material' e in fit#, lhenw ,,fill chitractair aLre about I.Aun
him WitIt. Next )he discovered that 111M 21 inches though conscientious and whiff or Live, land hand it burk again tile Maine pl#xrp--m,vr ill(- osir- und Xapoleoll,q firmie". words Ill A (lilt column of a oow�-
he was in the habit of Associating wide. 8# yards, 27 inches wide, 11 oiltely. You liev. theni, gentlenion by breaking up tht- Abram or ill,- 11,A)c ),,,I Ili' hull (might I... fo-wer than with it numbeo of titled ladies bear, yards 44 Inches wide, or If yards 50 EXEMPLARY YOUNG RULER. P per of tile average size Two coi-
ors of Polish names, who were fre- inches wide will be required, with # His sister, Princess Alice of Albany, carry knives, land the use, of: and Irritnting Iiii. roots, %%Ill I kallb,"Ixth lit lid floNket. lkr� !:oirI4 would represent 11.1100 words
them - comes quite ' ntit,irally Or. tuall thin out the hair (,if he hall kil!ed at r .... I'll dolen 'If fliq _t filial, all,v ., we gait thin number or wordu ol-t
quently trdve-11ing ti—etween Warsaw -yMW-I6KAA-1My width Whalr-cultur and his will be- viti, !'!.,I. - _Pznr�aps, -no - infry TyrerfVriot into n intall pill, 1. Willi !I - Ilie tf1T11`*Tr4f__T1iP1Fii,,,T TITTr Mir " TheV lrec'- of IT qtM it of *1+ 4*w* 44 Lead CUi.L
11`15d�Fari-j, stopping' over tit Berlin is omitted. The list is not complet and more you his gle Should you decline i 'Till spread. Nutuhvrs of lilt %o ifluch 414 it N"Inti'li ()I,, 1111v 1-01 11 f ilia invit lond we would tot Twat
on the way�' 1:9pecially did lie ' . i prospective sovereigns Iffiay be added with thanks, or Whut in worse, wipe this patch witholit merl rvitlizilIg III, wwi .,f 1,14 :I... I J". 1"., ailitlipm :iji0il, lie 14.4t)O words 0t,t
un' earth tile story of the baron's ro- to the collection. Gommip names the small art -it before you itilply the how they cause if mantic attachment to ft young Polish T111ES VCU NEV9R HE genial Duke of Oporto, brother of atil,ovel, inches we would got lufl
ARD Of. glass to your lfi)4, you ran look out wily a6y man should blow his nolic ".I,. I Willi 111411 11 Ili ,If ilpIllij., I, 14)llg 4-) wot.aI4 so Tar as tile t1unib" of
crincess of great beauty who had. the King of rortugtd, as Portugal's for squall. for the linife is tile nstittl when he dotion't wtint if, I% a loyp.-, lit all aniii-Ang f plaNiog it ilia i,.tv t . it w4wii,a is conceentod we ha%o it, thi�
oon officially for'bidden to enter Hus- I "King of all the British Dominions representative, but Servia and Bel- retort lit such InvIancem I tery. hot hundredn of thut hr, broke if Tito ... I it, it. molar thP or tile lead
Beybd the Sens" sounded very garla fire unknown qu&ntities: and, One crultom of the Spanish and cially elderly on4iN--ha%,- it huhn within I,, I ....... I I All,,wing 1 k4n) word t,. the
elan territory, after repeated hn-, long when it Was first added to the , uniess the Door
Prisonments for Plotting against the War ends speedily, yo1i constantly dolngr this, Mill it 1� A)I IIiIA
fr title, Maxicruis i� very cholluing. if fill" writild rnoun 6 columns
government; his lady was, the min held by King Edward UIDII d will doubtless send only an understand It If Von ndinlre tin extremely final thluo file I TIP V,.1 .,0 or ilia -ight-paalfe
later discovered, In the hallit I VII. ; but It Is,nothIng to many ,,,,A'.mb=ador. -!the es me I rticle of JewvIlPry or a scrf worn nrve" land menibraneii If lf (!%oil ColunITIM to the page
of mys' titl held by so accommodation-, of at) much a constantly when Ili li,-ulth it %%ill
terlously dlsnppcftrtng from her Der- 0 rh ty by, the piw%on Whom yfill on, In i world's rulers. The Sultan of Is giving the royal host . 6
ft residetice for a few days at a; he is "Oomintinder '01 the F c nvptsitlion, it Is inintedlatel Inhen sooner or laler nitikl- flip p -r FI I I NA I I. MS 114 11T."041 N time. OfT arid Ikp�towefl upon You This (I %letilli If g a TIM, MINISTNR Or WAR nt of colossal royal III till, land 4 If— 'I- llfl "Ill
fui," and the Emperor of Morocco is'no such assorinu I IAlth- enni anxious mament . London bas . ...... icalled Upon Baroness Von "Defender of True Bellovers," while; an most of the great Furo-1 Ing so, flon't Kay nw- sind cauve him ft, Ili' lit"I 141 A imiumi iuyiffid stilly I ill your ll(,ckp.t I he bribit ;I Imic A r- III,( Ow auGrimm the hall f.Persia, and the Emperor petin unpItals. Marlborough House Tile thing 1411. do and succeeded In arousing her jeal- of Ntlyspinla both style thtq I)RInce I * , I ...... land Dockingliam W It not the jergo Is at IV. I. ill 4-- lit III., I..kll iaor .4-11111, it Irith 11 I otMY. At longth When eviderreb. More "King odf Kings." The Chinese lodge comfortably any nave the pri-illf-tide. arid then"I I ,1I less authentic, was submitted to poror modestly calls himself ' Sol, %ileged close relations Of tile King, tilt, lher of her hustiand's faithlessness, the of Heaven" but his neighbor, stod (Jueen. it 11; 0, iffi-ni-eful how. oddilig thall V-11 ltiII tia paperN reactivq the oxwt
Ili that a large not thinh if To he lwpi-ty dollig Io, J ... 1, III- d. atto 28.011JU
how Wake
unfortunate �ad appeatiq to have baw of BUrmah, whom sonic 3,04cS hotel near Duckingham Palace has Of no arl Icle u 1!6-h firm- to I W, f,,at frill to ilia! lot of most opi. a llwl 1w II i-t f0l . ikopt fully
� y b
completely 6A er head, and to ago we overthrew, really was, lie- been tnk�ii for the KInIr'R guests. and: with with ifIR Ifoliness, 4 corre'
have made threats against her hus- cording to himself, the embodiment that Rell,dral noblemen have Placed the nuil-v (hurins wh1(h will) Is lj%wiz it, I-wth.i4i- Willm-11 .4 It I I" 1-1 I "I
band which supplied to the astute of all that Was great. ITo styled their London houses (It King 1.1,d- , 1wr"on Varbi. )lit% Olin It I'll hont 1- '1*1,- pondence. King li`,dward must ,,kid
minister the clew he. was seeking. himself "His Most Gracious anti ward -n disposal'. nlipears that lit, followed ilia, I., I flwl 11 %% 1.134 (jelly quota (if lotterg and
Col. 'fildn'0iinim was Inveigled by an Excellent Majesty, Lord of Ishaddon, Aftpr the coronation wpek many of Public- lighliog Ili ill., I won O fl-N&ietl of it rw, ( ilI" -11 %it% I'l, 'I AXI .14 :om newspaperla it hea%y twL an his
f 11 I— The Tsar and tire Uer-
the ellangeR (,it Proto'hint, 1.
anonymous letter—& clever forgery Ring of the bNophants, Master of flip royal guests will visit Windsor N.nglanri ond Wrialt-s cost l'st y ar (;reek. ond inakirig it Nery it, titqk fly oblitin fill- IKinporor recouive front 600 to
'if his Polish princess' handw.riting— Many White Elephants,, Lord of the and qandringhom, find cortaln f the 91 .324.0001 spectithie Income ouo�iou. lie final to gi.v ilill fI111.11 4uppror likes to an -
700 at day . the I
to the English hotel, where he was Mimes of Gold; Silver, Rubies, Alit- great CoulltrV hontim of Englano: Icyleized by the police find hurried oil her, and the Noble erpentine. Sove- I 1. . . I d lie ll o"We, many himself. rho King of
In g pipparaE ons for elaborate
to the citadel, la Which IM IW still reign of the Empire of Thunaparan- entertaining are being Made through
tonfined. In the meautime his apart- tha find Tampadipa, and other great out the length and breadth (it the
axents and his ofto"Irk the Zarloyaki d COuntirikos of the I'-m- land as well ns in 1,ondon, and the
of hirrount of plolley that. will Ile linq-
Palace, the of W �4ng'. Ohle.fg, Arbiter
Warsaw were s#afthed ab(* tolnProm- Life, the Great RiglKeous"enn, the pitably spent durina the season in
sing defoumentd were 'discovered. Fibm-Desicended Monarch anti 1>,)qneA- heyon;j ordinary calculation.
The result ban Wn fal-reaching. A nor of Boundlesiti Dominions and
large number- of officerfir of- thm, high- guirrente WIgd6f11: Tylobft* of llur�_ ist rank have been Wqsted, Among mah kept 310 viriting-carlig. her them Gen. Haitehiratin, deputy cKlef Amir of Afghankintian IS fitvied "Thiff I RATN MAKINO. iff the general start) at llftratw, and Light of Unift and Religibirr" ; tile The influence of electrIcit.,v on the'
one of that most distinguished oftere Emperor of Austrim Is- "Hill Apos weather him been provid . In apan,
the Army, Who has been pla tOlIC Majesty" : the King of pain. whore rain -making bag been succosm-
With. C61. Vinti, Orihnii in the tltAdbi. "Ria flost-unthitille MAJOIltil" : WhIlA fully performed by sending an oleci-
-to: the Iting of.)Portugxa 49 -His vorry tric current. JntO the air. 'rho pro.'
the C*kttl',. %*he Whe tit Nice nix hill Faithful Majeqty.1' a tried in the Tokushima lie(-
h011eymbbOrW" A-161AIII4111ded Ii19tAht,i' - Operqtiona were commenev-1
IV to r6tUrfli,h6tat, aftd,� an him ilailuro at I but there I wait no sign (If
:12 613110ric Chat'90 till 9 O'clock
to reildollce wAs search- RUNNEWPOSTIMN OF NATAr, no
fid from-loPto, bottom by the per- next morning, When a cluster tit bonal order of the Czar and more The native runner-pbsttrion of NLLJ 0oud WnA over the hill o"I
documents discovered. lid "arer,,itiftikingly picturesque objects, which ti in, expPrIttiont wao hold. At
-Just Whitt disposition will beluade wlibn On 46911110$9 bent. With their longth rain har-ann ill fall for tile
Of th'Y 111496 of'Voij. Grimm and big &undalled . feet And head-dres of first time about 4 a.m., followed by,
rdlifederatog 19 dMult to surmige. dried leaven, which rattle an OUT a second fall at It A.m.. anti after-
-agatral IVor run, and & M111tary groat coat. - vrardq
11 llstild fitif Ito Per (In . I third, fourth. And fifth. It
%1[fttLte to deneath Which is iment called was 9.80 whon tire last fall began.
�1,991`*O the so�orlty of hisi Allol for miles lit
i sell. tho Miscei . arid till nrea -rmtonding over, Inatly
pot,,.i a log -trot of foir. thilpiI tin hour. and inilpa the beriont. of tile, 1.111n,
ten 11 fOY his trofflachety to the
ftnMent- but It IMINt be boffte In Ad-tl�1`14 A' 00111ekit" 91 a, then I h - In Which had not tllen an that part,
mlno�that 14U%loolk the Czar is the Rolland the qat#0 of thor mail Rer- for ninny months.
&OV611111letilf *_ - — .1 vice routes Is over 80 000 —flop 'rho
he ii ndIit 1..%v
lttiv Kaffir 500, &and the young
Wan I... ... e l(4ileoti
of licalland otruggtop under
twk II wv'- walk .I. tile air
tha, datly hurden of between 100 and
military In character, And they
thdmpelvps Are Wit td be aremark-
40111 I'll L
it, I., it I.,
IIli- r .... 1.
ftbl liftifid0fild bod. in Auitria
�,,-r ',m the
to draw baby lint using o',"I training hill. to tire%%
,.` Hillaoin wil,a IIliv
his country t�at, hfft'Wo Ptiftional.
liavellvi- 01mighl 1-� III -At
young Englishman named Ityan,
rooster for aticii a porpoqo I. . nw."'T iogo in whi(h hip
If -T ise In tile all- I I,- mild"
the fireatrita arkil lilr I
friend. find it 16 dM411 Wonder that
men every Year One tunic, -01110 nair
I ft,, nfwond-homl .,?I-
idea Mir Plomenen. (if I,— harnexA. end after it
lother difficultv usos.- A,toldifig Io
the t11110011'Of 1A deeply hurt Alld
trioved: ovjii th
lot loth teaUfferk, orka pair of linell
troopers, army WaNt6bitt, and a Cap.
Ions, I Ili- I ell I, I4- t -,f I IrlIiIIillie
Verne, Iowa. lion a flock of Cochlo I.,ngh( him to pull the alctin
Inni-ing 'lie 1,,,,t
Ap a Coat n
white evgfI glgcogff Vp d
guides It Waa 00, Cold at the groat
(*hlnn fowls, arriong them It roalter flip door.ynril pnfh without dift,111 �
list,, P., I, I,,,
blOuW 'atle glVot. Pliftitous military
eitilit that the thaftlipagno they hail
that In a giant In thQ fentheretl The little one. fit totis 1.1tinol
perqcvnrA %iith f-ilhi,i t .I t
.1% it 44
brought with thon ilrbi� solid. and
ba,li to oat ItAnkstcAd of drink
tWilli tlon,c ff till%
greater �.Il lit .1 I
thlof'S #ft,
fild jVh
lint 1,jlro. It I .... k in. PY,-
tamp. ellit, -red nbotit ill-,
If thro gh the forin, lit,
become very
A ir
cm onnt fail, lof 11'. f
I,, a a,!. I '141
stability 61 big empire and his
uniform of the poptnien is "in(-
I11.-�Irl,4 will 'flat '11,; ....
ftend* pon Cho personal
IOYalty of hig' ftbbjects� Baron
military In character, And they
thdmpelvps Are Wit td be aremark-
Dogs and calls have been employed lie 111nmesen
it, I., it I.,
haf biftol* b6#4tId flot orlIji
ftbl liftifid0fild bod. in Auitria
f tire wolgiallorn
Tito nf;cont o by a
to draw baby lint using o',"I training hill. to tire%%
his country t�at, hfft'Wo Ptiftional.
thd 00verfullt'llit, glvks to the Pont-
young Englishman named Ityan,
rooster for aticii a porpoqo I. . nw."'T iogo in whi(h hip
If -T ise In tile all- I I,- mild"
friend. find it 16 dM411 Wonder that
men every Year One tunic, -01110 nair
only eighteen yeArn old, has created
a deal of tht6rdAt ill 4witzor
idea Mir Plomenen. (if I,— harnexA. end after it
the t11110011'Of 1A deeply hurt Alld
trioved: ovjii th
lot loth teaUfferk, orka pair of linell
troopers, army WaNt6bitt, and a Cap.
lend. He was accompanied by three
Verne, Iowa. lion a flock of Cochlo I.,ngh( him to pull the alctin
Inni-ing 'lie 1,,,,t
Ap a Coat n
white evgfI glgcogff Vp d
guides It Waa 00, Cold at the groat
(*hlnn fowls, arriong them It roalter flip door.ynril pnfh without dift,111 �
list,, P., I, I,,,
blOuW 'atle glVot. Pliftitous military
eitilit that the thaftlipagno they hail
that In a giant In thQ fentheretl The little one. fit totis 1.1tinol
perqcvnrA %iith f-ilhi,i t .I t
in considered we pontal spr-
brought with thon ilrbi� solid. and
ba,li to oat ItAnkstcAd of drink
kingdoin On aerount. of bill ni;,.e nod, dr lee. h,it tier nbitor sorter V,.t,4
Inifml Ito in a Trot in the family. and, filial the nrriater, final iflillif
greater �.Il lit .1 I
thlof'S #ft,
fild jVh
V10, and tach year of tiat eoujIta
tamp. ellit, -red nbotit ill-,
I hrone.
become very