HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1902-04-18, Page 5It lot 4'
Wknirp; lose to -9
they 1104 is Oflitielit safferib
"APRIL go- iinaov- or, toy,
think the Poeodlost, WAY: will lj�i to
gr,1`00411 fbOV'SA) pacri, 1) Ing
w0a to wr
Orr a valloslits potpor �'Aig 'a F 51P V pile Its,
lite Him. 0 lid
6 had 4" Very P1004111t Which, IFIRlill' 1 404 It. Ant, e
F 411 on
Week W, CO wooloolor ournov.Ait.1tia Owe Wavironollok V a., ra MAN
v des ped,,anq or which we- t. refrac.19 DRAMB BITTERS.., , compound of a
Tilategotl4t 4,0pilweeting WAS hold could b $711 'Ore to 400 J4. c Ion
In: Willis. choroh. 'Clinuinoon Tgamd-ty. truly 'Ittratival, But we did not got 'A' r (oring, tb to �n I ction, dozen of the vei y haso. roots, liarks and
t4e&II Inot, AnIOAR41le"phlef1terilo herearly �to herbs In use too, 8 -Vim LIVER, B16Y6LE
0 Son I for Ali old rasioltu.10 CIA cup n "Ur n AuH,
Of bitiluesli t�t�wwl D Castile
.."4Ot6d Wore the follow 11110'Ard, the Grat, for 1harly yegws..� eIr U 170 and IJEA)UD. This. paprr�
It, . I r eparation, which hii
It am A dust, 4orria evotofore
WAS With rAtur lid WOULD an put. up out, 4 Season is betre. We can give
go eatly reaticM q 9. package,'.
unpoltited couvailpr o then chAngeOt' "I'A'buzzord 0), 3 have ust commenced to p tit Ito in TRIou the beat and most reliable
f t .0 Voesbvte1r*og ---at
1146 40 -46th. W91tiviamperaturro A--mutionroO o. id .-PRO age. Which troak"s-2-PINT0. a the market,
41000,0116 Ot' those 'Preilotet'y' on the AV below zetti-and. 6.gale -bJowJh$r at -Undt be of more value to you. A
8,61 v6stailittee. er hour,. The W— , kbov- dollar inve 4u the Wheels we sell
.4ir Ill Home Mission
'", W, Jklmout 40 Holies, p Try a Package
New.'York, X
"111114,01 Of Qoderlch', preserit. has 101,00 RdliftAlly 'Wet, or )6 April 10—Wisraer in aotwoetij� "tans a Saving Of many
lath Schp6l'roptiri Irow, the wee 011P.Whi a
'the, blizzard
%Ir NQrden, PrO014011itiottlillSonk of North dollars to the purchaser.
a kin .1we
-1901. -a bas 4, t�l �the, allow. We handle the famous
le Arriesiou,'whose twh &Ughtere d Bet t
Lhink the seedir
Vloor dmillisK Doe, 8Nt; the I art 0 not ed.the clorcles or The m,th, ballo L
show6d that thongh there had 916 it i'gwill'begeneral 1.011 ra: $2 1 V
1,01 vat -Ion Artily 1419.81ep. app RACYCLE, CRESCENT.
634 d1will"61061il attifiantice. there about tber mlildle-'Of - the, inont charefoej_ -aals W h
ve,,.j j-, f tb 4 You have been fooled by
hatil been -it gratifying merea, to, i" t jito a 6 e 1111101! K1 11, HICK, Chemist BRANTFORD,STERNS
so in con- first %P1110191 even of the Prairie Province He
tribatinns. Mr, Larkin presented the as grand to me.-, t, Is is Rile countr ebidee modern pma.ch. MISS FITS J
84itiskICAl report (017 the mains pariod- !. 0 4pe h. CA111tral Drila ftr"oderl6h. HYSLOP, MITCHELL, and
I" �4)4t everli Pikottettlar this 4howeR about the flnest part of ; 0) JUJleJJL nort -T ars. lit It Meethig of the Preshvtorlan .
In Mauitoba And Union, !%Ikd he, Is quoted In the same and clon�t want to see and have a olumba of Used others,
thl Xbere hall been Progreqs during &%too otNorl It DALQta. The far So* a, t. "ALWAYS THE BEST AT HirK'S.19 Wheals which have been thoroughly overhauled,'
tter V
eal Under the. jurisdiction of generally liroW6, ponoequently, the her again all In lined repair, and win b* sold very cheap.
tit Poo e plenty hearA of a mine
Praflbyter� there are at prove aparf� We hav er be.
t& of ple ilye tar a
1818 families and L 4615 COMMunican VreaLloing the air In- very in. Ing Converted 'Jut oil* of Out big elintral crourch, Cleveland, babik. MUSIC and Musical Instruments, SeWing M hines, etc
The amount cont0buted td schtomei' -alac! person. I% a1w Churches? I 1016AU a real irinner 1!C
t in eye big millionaire —sense itif a strong effort to Seerfroor'litif
If vigarating OU60 :Pwroold ItJL Weff,
the c,]liitlrch, extiIiiii1vol of, the Ceatur, ready for wo-als. We live about one. _heatfsd;��r_ Sam 49d -1-m Sister, thWr Ray. Dr. A. Ii M61drum. she doesn't stay. at From such standard and weIt-known makers as
F�1014-*S,44M_ 9 44,hoo-1*vnient- Jor jig. Ulf mile W�ur -tavraq-which-l"early- e-crtffi- t a a -� of Minneapolis. wlinea pre"ot congre.
Poo rpioseis attiollated. too. #Wo5W. the size or Lacknow. We have By* One4 VrImilift). Notobe 611. hat ghthin Is making an r Dourfirtow alid GoDuRicit ORGANS WHITE (Vibrator and Rotary)
large grain elevators; a large ought ito strive fo I _qually strong WoRmwim and Doulmox PJANOB Nrcw WILLIAMS, STANDARD and QuHHN.
Mr. D40dontio, of Varna, premenied four 1w1eliftonAlres. and takethe con Wort to retain him. Dr. Meldruni is SHARMAN'S
140 Abstract of 'the report n" Church story Rou"lliff, Will. 6 GtAtO.'Illlak, but Of t eIr a 04nadia
Life and Wota, ithich the Pireabyte , Wratehedo selfish lives, an t L a . a. a Knox (Jul o a man. well Our SHOES are selected by
a town hot And other "items a an, It end nvach.adultZ by the peo.
ry that make up a town. There are five those -foolish b4tterfileso. a &Tji est. p e of G ilibrich. 50fl
ordered to be printed and sent down Inic tbtl�.Ilvss. We -tire
churches - Preubyterlan, Methodist I SiLk of via In the At indoor, Rev. James Livip&- MR. FITZEZE
t000hgr6gAtto"m o -112 connection with kpinctipal, Baptle , r alittractir load - Russel Save smiles and a 660. W. ThOM800
this report. the f(illOwltor resolution England. and R to HAgh-Uhureb of tone. president of the London confer. Who engages to supply our customers with a
waliatoptool.- Whereas im appol t Unity ontan, Catholic_ so, rubs his blind$ and savp: 'Th ence, reached on "Beware of Dogs." NWSIC, PIANOS, ORGANS, BICYCLES. SEWI
is 9:to- a given An December of this that the spiritual Wants lit the people -It, hat be6oine n4hinst less than a He Sold the canto 9 rates erence was to SHOE NG MACHINES.
V - a Wei iDrovided for; the. ppwe it ' scandal that on many wailliollairea leave back-biting people. During the course . . .
ear, twillace an regard the general I the REPAIRS, SUPPLIES, ETC.
. E. c urctw ate -free. each pew be ng months; at of' his tetnarks he said lie felt relieved STAND—West Side
meave ut. the cnq2,munitv_4a, I. X I I rtheir wock for thi ea or, font. that is comfortable, 'and the figum-you,ii be
"pect to tiapplied with' two lalge churc the yeaw% There are many of the rich when he saw tbat a Met hodist had won satisfieA. with that, too. ouse Square, Goderich.
-kilo herelo -strongiv- -ith&tv- WIM Witaic- Abil,wows, tW07 the booby prize at-wpedro pany.---He
Court H
recompiended by the.Pea 9 W I hi activities. not merely for three months, hoped that therwould always win the
Huron that fill our Z
2 0 1AFge S. S. tune booksi two small Ones.
people b6u it be also EOrworth League tune book. all r
tUAV selzedof the importanceof re- frea�
We bahre an excedent school THE BESr IN GROCERIES
rdnga" � large . vote as possible
or Ot prohibition. In I which prepares candidates for the state 1901 FALL AND WINTER 1902.
university at Grand 14orks Each 0,111 1 Most housekeepers want the very best in Groceries.
remPlow"Ort wrimOrlel of thet late senior room is supplied With
Robertson, Superintendent:
Northwest Missions, of free public library; the school bouis Oar Stock could not well be more fresb select, or in ke lug
vaq Passed, and used III the public schools are also free,
the clerk was instructed to forward which a great hoonto poor families. A. MUNIRO with the season. Vf,r ch
Same toLtfie Everything is of the
Oicest, a Q our
The a9vauced classes have monthly Wishes to inforta the general public that a choice selection of prices will be found in touch with all p0aets. Drop in and
The TOMmiotionere appointed to rep examinations; the examination pa are
resent the PreshytOry it, the next are. PFePftred by a central tocall of seasonable goods has been passed into stock, Including fit part, verify our statement.
General AasawablV are,. Messrs. Ste- State, and the work for each month Ladies'. Mosses' and Children's fine Cashmere Hose. Extra values In Cashmere
wark MusgratiN,"SAW131% ]LAt-kin and ispecifted- In -the curriculum. This and Kid Gloves. Ladies
81118,W, 01010tei-so 'together with the rt)^kes the school --work uniform fAfiCy Shetland Wool Undervests. Ladies'
representative elders of Thames RoRd, throughout the State. Get raphy for Cardigan Jackets (BlMk only). Homespuni from 60c per yard,
Goderichi, Br4caffeld, Elyth and Me- the month Braids to match. STURDY & Coo Telephone 9 It
XIIIOP6 , '' of March was ased upon Full lines of fine Imported and
or the okoplicatiocs Canada, Mexico and West India Domestic Yarns.
lolarod& What Surprised us most was
Of J. th M Lhe absence at hotels and qaloons lit THE BEST Wc COMET IN THE MARKET.
LAdill. -6 minister at thb.Cong- Small'Wares as usual well asserted. THE GODEIRICH STAR h
Church# and J. R. Mann, , town- You are AWAI'e the most 169 a larger Circulation
theArrieridan-Presbyterlan prominent buildinfe in Ontarto are Paper In this seotlon of
in far for or U111,11 ally Other News
Church, to be received its mini -iters of generally hotels; iere we have the 3KT71%T3ELCb, Drap the Colluty of Huron
the Preshvitattall Church in Canada at the churches instead. This is it pro. er,
the ne;ot General Assembly. bibition State, and that�tnakes the
A nfiantmotts Call from the rongre. difference,. there are restaurantFk
9P416118 Of SfAilchester and Soafth's where the public are supplied With
Hill in Mr. A� 9L. Camp. of the Freshy. mealsandbeds. The druggists are the V
tary, lCootetway', British Columbia. WAR vendors of liquors for medicinal pur-
presented and sustained. Provisional pose& This no doubt Is a dectilld Im-'
arrangements were - made for Mr. enient, On the licensing evatem. BA A
Camp's induction In the event of his Vrolv.'es away to a large extent with Worth It's Weight INS
acceptance of the coil, the clerk being 1,110 tr6iting system, which is so great EVE
80, 0*6radL to R3 the date. letoptottion to our y6unF met). 9 We
Anderson gave notice that at, hope that a' 'who are witereited In
next fifeedof he would move that the nrollibitinn will work with all zeal and fim Qold%
Of I, 0W-0_W-0W-0_W-0W.AW ow OW
Pre wj�tsr%, told live regular meetinve carry the referendum In Ontario with
dur , th
1 %he Vetv. inatead of four. great Interest In t
n a large majority. and thus show e 11
Mr. etcher re�ortefl I hat the Aug. -he welfare of th
Insulation committee had granted to rising t Oil of young loan. butfi-roliewhalevear. Itpoprileaph
Grand Mind $150 for the present year, . rely, R. E. Bitowrt. tionloy prizes, an they might to time
Rlaupra I... COHI6 to a fashionable owe discouraged.
Cr.aptleb that the grant, would hew a- c uveb. among bee
be. reduced to $106: he also wealthy pt-raorts, thev re in a to
feel uncomfortable, --of so the
A Prince Albert Lady Sus., -y stay Anita On !% 111111 wOrld A)l knoniows,
tins erich 96 garble Medlelue It" been Its very soul
towns I Ith 10 "Creed Is not the all ltay�ffrtxnt q of progress,
i Past halt year. lflaVo Groat Lion contmontin the terl AN IS Politics and reng.
regi Char in is towl-the dIfflomitl of opinion and
lar meetinght Ill[ hurch. Clinton, to care the ch of their co find it wa the Individuality "I man have been
on the, oiid uehday of Yuly. aldnets &"5
Indifference." ivy
ch. Thq.rllis
NOW Du s lie wilsaxreartionts "-k :4 ow - Aw - ow ow - ow ow
0 4.
o0i — . - M -,00
which the dtandard at theta bodies Wv :Z* - A -01 -P91:9 -ow,
Gor, Lame Back? To the wise woman who buys good Among the Coinaillatio killed In th have book *elqvato& go witit most at e" 9.W. ew 01W
No fteil of that now. L That not t of gaeces" a ag, . a, our famous preptratton-foremost In 4
ai 0 n to.
y -of the h usebold. h,,' Ivor. South Africit. was Private the world lamals rourieft to
in can [)a knocked nut In shart order, sity to the econow
material, Diamond Dyet are ment, on March $Igt. fit Xlei.- Illustration or Whisk tfttb stands
for Poison's Nerviline, which to five in& by losing the clyes will perplex- W. T. PeteM of lAndnn. Private ra,I debility and laugour -Qu
fituria, Wongior than any other, vans- merit THE CHOICEST CANADIAN AND AMERICAN WALL PAPER IN STOCK
Ing problems are solved. t here Peters Is it native Or, .11 ;
of So^forth. and Wine.,' wood Which. When obtainable
'trateh' St. Once through the tissues. isrot and tharl'Age lived there far is number of years. He in Ito genulas strength. In A noltme.
reathall the Source of Iflifferia that pood In a
F. drives Carl 94Ve Mike , whole the, thoughtless Im &% nephew of John Oldhold. of along creator ofappetits, vitality id quart Tin Pails ............ 13C
it out and thdo given relief A mast In. and exti-Avagilrot keep themselves Tuckersomitho and wits a member of and stimulant. to the general for-
stantly. Not magir, but strength that hopelessly poor. iihe second Canadian criontingent. Egg C11 s, per dozen .......... 20C
gives.Palson'm Noi-villne this power. MrR. 0. S, Pock. Prince Alba !�h Of tIIltY Of the @Y@tGM. QUIDIne Wine, 12 ............ 15C SOAP I SOAP I FIlasses each ..........
rt, No _Weoremsed tire Gorria Vidette Says: and Its Improvement, Dam, tkow the Water
you will think It Ifiagle however If you W. T,. saV :�,*l am very pleased with a n 'ttee the name of Pre. W. T, first discovery of tire great virtues Milk Strainers ................ 15c t Nappies, each .... 3c
try It, pain goes no quickly. Sold by the success I hAve had with Diamond Peters, aged 28 years. pte. peteps of quinine as & =vidieaf agent. Frui i ...... 3c
dealers everywhere, -to large 25 cent Dyes, I have used the blaek tot wool was the eldest son (it 0. W. Potets. been Quart Dippers ................ 5c Premier Soap, 3 -lb. bar ................................ loc Egg Beaters, 3c each, 2 or...
one of the Most thoroughly discussed -- 5c
bottles. on mar.V occasionst and AlWAyb got a who Published the Howtek. Enterprise to quart Galvanized Pails..... 20C 6 Bars Sweet Home for Potato M tiers for .......... 5C
at kept itabright, In Grorrier n the year 187& Deceased It a onqp or
A otood. and tatal accident happened and full color as long as the code I
loveiv fast black th remedlfs ever Off*r*d- to the public. ...... I ....................... 25C Egg Turners for.
It was born in Oorrle. the grant Union and 12 .... 25C 13 Bars Our Own Electric for ........................ 25 ............ 5c
nesd&y afternoon at last week held together. I dyed a heliotrope natural Illegiviiag stimulant@ which 41 c Corn Poppers for ............ fix
bet", not, fai from Blowevitile. cashmere dress tor my little girl: it Suffer No Moria.-Therri life thous. the 1116disfil PrOtMION have been 14 ----30C Sweet Home Soap Powder, 2 for ...................... 5c Vegetable Graters for..
rs that go. Atth ur Magee and Wow a rich cardinal. very even lit dowholiVemiserable lives because compelled to retornhio mmo tireserlba. Milk Pans .... _...8c, loc, 11c io Bars 2- 4, 5, for .................................. 25C ...... 5c
an UL Messrs Northrop & Lyman. of Toron. Mrs. Potts Iron Handles for .... loc
14, were en. color. and that stands waithing. I dyspaps dulls the faculties and shA-' Bread Pans ......... 20C. 25c, 30C 3 lb bar Pure Castile, for ............
burylb% A. lariteboulder. The have at alth In ]Diamond Dyes.'# dowelexistence *Ith to have given to the preparation at ............ Large Rolls Toilet Paper, 4 for 25C
ogo and th, loo it 'Rolu"de"fight In home trial, and rug he cload of do- their Pure Q11111126 Wise tit* groat I box Orange Flower Toilet Soap, for ... 30C Carpet Tack-, 3C 2 packages Sc
piession. Onew to dispel the Vapor@ Cairo due to Its Import4kass, amid thq .............. 4.-.
w,,,,T,.',n makin send our address to, tno that he*ef L46 =611 ihs of this 01 d Hand Saw
�jd�( Well" so er standard at thq Art ale I box Mistletoe Toilet Itc Files for,
Atolodink oeitto 'by Ili AnIV thl Richadition Co., Lidisted . eudilease, I Best American Soap, 3 cakes if) box, for 9c 6. 7. and 8 in. Cross t
2W Is to order thern it course of Sol whiall they after to the litillillow Household Ammonia ............ es 7c
itofift hiplea. AlIpPi into the hotoan Mountain 8L. P. Q.. and be impilied itill tell are among the at, font" -'6 t
flow designs of the market lArg" U1 4111 the ........................ I(X 50 ft. Wire Clothes Lines for
OhN406d1helffe oUt6fthe tinfartunats free of COW with the known. being easy difoeto W 1! 4* 0%1 11 11 - - 15C
Vt h 11 Table Oilcloth Pure Vaseline for .................
It6vo Almote ft*uiio *th griet, the the Diamond Dye Mo t, anq Rug Pat. IZ v 4, ta I. T-Iff. 10 4111iservatinn .1 1
did his son out torned which aft ttarly, k (dr hooking to took it are must 'fileaclous In their and saleatit a optal am has 400tod out a .30c
tu 11 action. A trial of thew Will Provir *h, the Ivan Part large bottle ............. .............. Boards, "Globe ....... 18c
6 ily Is phinged into A --------- a— this. set Pr AtIO111111 of Mo at per yard 25c.
lialt b e end accideoL -Iuar 411 d"w- 11IL Mrs. Otis' Irons, Per set.. .
So rsiplotly does t Irritatton ... 85C
to n of the late spread and deepen. that a ton in _ _ Bird Seed, per package ................................ Mrs. Otts' Irons, nickle plated,
0 '40 tit 91141110 'its a simple conall cul(hibittes in
In wee 5 C per set ....
Why CAllaithosohia Citibi Catarth.- tubercular consuinot on. qIV6 A B-11TmVIP Medium Mie Lamp Glasses, ...... $1.00
4 eirpolow Corn Starch 7c, 4 pii�kages for ........................ 25C Whitewash Brushes .... loc to 65c
a Ito there isNlAve 4114a 14" each .................... 5c Baking Powder, t lb. can .............................. I(x
4611ST. L, t, 4 Nt 0 1 l6kte,
jaii. 04tory i(pated pift and kills
4 that it" it 'e"s - "re yope.
1 d Coring AND Large size Lamp Glasses, each 6c Matches, per box .....
thp — is 4 404 1 We also carry a
'no _6e, Lantern Classes ............. 5C 3 lb box Laundry Star*Ch** ........
10 , ... .. 5c
at IrrI. teelf., lit 4 for
�4 WtormlAkkat ht" Into will IlirqRt art A I to, It Is full line of...
h,34 I , .............................. 21C
BlITTER FURNITURIbill EAtracts, per bottle .................................... sc
4410gatilIn rnla portilig"I
4, 1 1 - I !4h !horbs,Oach
awaores ReAl . _1 0,11i A4 I
46 - 4 r Best.911 Llimen Shades Clothet Pins, per d0zenL,J ................. ............ le n
4 44 a4er Wqfi4 1134142-
d-qPIfj# -�i BROPRIly SOR have had their Furniture
WN 0144 40 411 long 30C to 75c. CURTAIN POLES, set Complete 25C
Fa Cy Goods
'bet o at Less" 6114 Jdafawkins '8100 On WOO Itroat eulargea and thoroughly dvathauled
W I ..I filly
00110i Uatillf-l' 14- In
fall, Or for and ren6vVilid ftM top to bot(om. Old anA new patrons way be assured
U 6 Oar ire Worms derarisre L the whole. 6,Y60m.
"bUtlj AW 86114'f& One of a better Perviee thion ever befosrs. at such honest values that will mean a BUTTONS I BUTTONSI all Shades, per Oz. X
46r, film 6. Mother Gratea W6MA axterasinator If you want Pure Paint, come t t
do 0 IAU, litmilt ousias 2k. derstriges Worms. slid vilvi" moot tir tht, laviag of MODGY to POOPIS WhO favor Us with their patronage. 0 Crotchet Cot ons, per hall ..... Sc
By %ttitti . I k CIO., Kingston, sufferer. It only dtlat4 X dents to try have pladoid in at A full line of Pearl and Bone Knitting Cotton, I . . I
Oaf$ it and be conviniied, 5C
We ack 6 very hkfidame lot of New'Furnituro, made Buttons on Hand. Parsons' Fair and get it at Silk Cotton, brilhint, per ball.
hY Ills best And Most reliable fbanufacturess in the Dominion, which will
4 be cold iL &iw prioes, Toronto Prices. and have lately added
OW The Goods oomprivie Heavy Crepe Paper,
"Beaver Brand," made by Toronto Lead and Battenburg Braids and
00, BEDROOA SUITS per roll Color Co., any shade, quart can Threads.
and Wind Shades, SIDS BOARDS Shelf Paper, Ploor'Paints, quart'can 3sc Cushion Topq ...... 25C to 50C
I A varied Assortment of Laces,all
41*61,0111iffid zta= WILL PA10itit *haft y6w can *6 EXTENSION TABLES 2 dozen yards for 5c Carriage Paints, per can 2SC
to in the to). hos Of Avi"Citowt fift"Invus-0 widths, at low prices.
PECIAL b*J* 14
"orybie tftkk which arb tAn"11483
iftl6ii 0 towlit"d this vublic.01 R COMM& ROCKERS
b Is aW Wrth 11603 nor to ad
tha nylM *it obriftt. W6 bat dItW I
PP11 cljpo� "fd4ld wMiM td work 6ff hit bid $(Oek rA %S AS "tile lat4lit tIktJ$#.'* DINERSO PARLOR CHAIRS
in "t will mper ran d6d ads 6*Wlr haw W I*Vot Awase.-GOOD BARGAINS ALL THE VEAR Ann
lookit ft, W4 *41.
;.r th.6 W4 0:00 *bi*Mt Of flit t6nM *ad *h4% *hL Etc.0 EtC41, Etc. tkOUND
418 **ht 0A olki wryt,". ride &tga 0
I r I f mur 06110 Der Theim Hatimbold 9666taftits ate all made (rom Canadian Woods, and
Wood rN 0
x - to IS oleubg
IN t OuAbrw N Wst 106 11116 1112611 MdAte ift stylt. Thoy asiftnot be bought In every Furniture
V"� Of"* isiots bast -----
Mdelfikfit ab 810rot-you mfdd% dom# hora 16 km witif. Oat priaes will please you.
it T
Ion P
'411 11-vt
M63W4 III ird
7 W
a to Vert
OWK, 0 Wift 61. J10, 1% r*o� n - PARSONS 1:A1 I R3
"M A 4P" A.41+., $1 21111 %00 aiL G A2.11,
r. Square and West 'r-*Areetit