HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1902-04-11, Page 9I MR V" "N
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M mot, WIN (Mow, W13110
ur- *N,*doaw
In' Aurviodoad hip rAll1w. wor. Op NOItTiomlov 'PhYalcilft he is 4 *,root, 1wM, laill to. 41"j*j"047 000404 eahk am" witA IWOOdlis A0%, AV li� Voitid uoV ITO
TWIA4,6 *00*lwaait WAU. 'be $�'i IRU4
4 . . , 0haleg nook Z
OU I 'Nith. UP9.4
jz8a* jaz! toh" Of ortfter VO4". 41ta, *444 into th(i outweg tot to*
Wool, 0, b; Oliewili tIaa - Apr. X.qw
Of _k p!,o - too, trAQ alull 'Wald ""a, hi k1*4010"411110,1141111w1bu obAllit all Mr. rs. W.,
Ilk# a*4 4* ot, go* ot, t4
tille ot P#Ar -An to took "It King 4*4roift *
coon- I.X0
in —I
of t:Ation intgo"t, in JUA*.' Thoa,Ijiu ae, VO)A4, Uft '14 wit -00*04.
Ik I* )A At ar,
V0001*0*1 how0." *14 A04 'ht tublorito Ilk r4"llibilm Ii .04 lop Qa arrIvIbm Ills, d0ot Yb 1111,40-4044, hit, wig Ut Ap 10a 0''thit soig
8040 of IATM Ir". "Prollb PW forootllpr $91s, )its umich t " 44tivulsh" 0XIalliltst *M+ h Wift tol, - *vIlit Vllo PrItilm ego Ig 00 Yiij)(0114 1*11KA Ao had I% . twofity-dollor .0010 JO -to i0o Well, Untfor". WAYAAA 00.00110ruf
oov*kw", V*
'ot , re
ILVO' '940A 144960, 140,00111d, fig't got, chalig+ lio ktv
'X44W WAi Ak 1840. tho, tw.
'41 111 the 09art of _Ali. !0e,tra$1 j$V#, With I)hylaquo, tholi
I "' owjv�
tO. tiatt, t1w
41,00, 04014 phow. W11,00 llolt- 0 VAwl Aluxth, ntorIl.,31ap
*Wr' tIU 411,1 in tbill
ot1ter bj%ta 4 the Q04VVVk loll "yot tip- carried 911%, And An. 404 the thojA"m**( hao woAts tQ Mo 00-4t9ta wbo, bal; r0tilitAr r(Ated, on t4q. W , WYA* 014a 4 Ajf� rth9r6, Is ottrk ok
All #1100;0
blIt a*39"09�� thIll '041b; aro 0 fit 1*0,9VIC at
4) 1 more than. whIlp Jk loft A 11pi), go on.
am a-QUIC Practical toolo,
oxe, 144. 004 A WI A14, 44rpr 00,. whel
grow ft,ot - in1M INAULI to sliow that 41110. his -11001AVIO for deveig.ingpllit.
4*44 , ho
the $ Wh`F1,k1i1,` u, P4011110. Alm 94 Vi Vom'O's, the Were, r0X(,Q(I 4 It
b f -*tow so"W #,K I- Al III U113 balilo, Yvahe out
Illow'A xwu
Ot" A eilt It � Pr
XA%: 41.9v I 06Y w
bod U R 'I
_W U"
J" t, 0"', 009t- 611Q0 IVeAVIY now 1KII401 W
t mot
hefit. 9400 1% Ott k., P fillja tho have j0)9t the
no a IT If on 'It. -,. n ,
W.4`pn.� 4" 1 I * , Alt
cwn ItUs toon "our, Impulse Ito save to caveryflhJuR he,
7" Asiked Vr. Uh ul
rixtilw1k iin *g4u,4, lost of W4000 "A MIVA& took Ila lionol but, 00140. It Oak j all 011,
u -bet stf!Ar it' 1111M 110111 PII*�, frilux Ohlov Itow lKing kicar His r4lljr,944 to, thil, alorth, flir 01011, oil, Ana two? '90191a nitolorit, Bullock. Wailto no Conlon- ple. 10 pu$ a onivord: it
-Amiral, eBak M-1 * 0 4,
itNoan� 'rho Ame tivow bee"Aary to the aAfathe tto
SallabUry,"o Clab Nary Indlollatit 4%, Capt Binkloy, of 11140008141, Will Is bound I. I" Colo.
, I I , , uni W .4 _ H , , .
t"to; bgTO 0 tv 1, ttheri, Pura" t4v om tito 1 30 far !*he 11"allactl toll thill p v shaw- platod before matr yo.ars.
��Ialn, tJJhqa, 0 a at OnOkA Oil 'Olt VIO 4ng.ho had afilciated at 1,4ZI eXeca- M , any Articles Iluvo beer% wilitten 04
lace, b,
4409, 04, "of 'Pot , ovoilit I alia licit -0 Mile. in 01116. Ito, I* It neighbor of Cecil Rliodeli t
t i 'l 00411; Bullocks, "CRPO to Onlro llailrodtWl
0 'All prqn�l nougool
aIaiclianii 9t ti abenon. shprtly, Attor 'kilo ar, Ila% j,onto giong,
hhthe tile
was to join the tiorth
PVVIS 400 in tkill, 16OWN t
Oi, th'' fil GOAT'S Mitul
park 0 0 it APPVU
It' ftlC''It U1VIPg blot to, cblAo to Al alkod and mouth ends of Africa. Ali I, initial
rultilad 'L k%4
the'') Wait Mr. Illidtigii dl�tlactjy
an nmntbo report he lundn' to file,
10. Four ;iLlqv troy, Sol,
'01(koant to
atr pd),:, 0114JIl. o111-tt South Afrte% Compay, on,
AW ev 41 May 2, 149t), that though Ito bad no
A4� 10 My $he wrota, frowq0 0 �Ilhl in thill
4V: fr
I,' n% dra,th "'A. 'A'11136 14rr doubt Of the Uttilliato bulldtlig -of
41 R! );; qto I , oot nItbellot 0IRL, �Ulth,
� 10.1%
Iuun 1hoft;jot to,to And such a line, the Chartered Company
lie, tri Selo.' 'tZ 'r I
itp thri'Ailge, %no MUSAM CAI A) tq art all 411-
U The
to. bec t t,
a"the, q
'01 A , t front
iwayg qAa 11,40 me"So goat Camp In the m6gollon content tQLjFtVAe
rit ., OTtI vop
of IV060 him"mora, Util talus, Arlaona. He himself nut- 1111"' exclusive attention to
t , ,, wild hNvo, go. A Q, Ivearjoia what Motuw thitilt link
APQ, hor;Aoa �,# .4
it, '004 th rance, nk"g, tw thoin, and. left fill) 'a
Ave yearas! liffe,.* Aj,b
Waai After telling Several Persons
oxhlb,404 44
hf Iffrom, consumption once and Art the road which would extorand froitt,
�Q Wen
as hit Wout to Arizatin to lie eared. Buluwayo to file northern huratter'91
healmxltoo,� and' It ItAU CKA ly I&KO &UM Alberta it few hundrod dollars he
nt I nought it tAAWAII reach III the tuoun. DISTANCE, OF o0o MJL1-;,-4.
is a rV X0
1*4 talso tip hand,
poc 11110.
t14114118 ifltdd tabloa J\ d Win and Aosilited it with Arizona This read Was POSIAlVely iTHIS,WA IN APRIL, 1901,
a, Oil it constant diot of goats,
-Ael In his W0.1
I?nues of coottio milk Im krraduall regained his ttau tiOvOloPlittlut of the territory
11 to' 1140 tog Small
g 1.0- -alf co d
co falAeVq
n,;it Junto lost 8dwatil Bullock, who
?,,Irl were ape ally Alut It
'than living oil his father's farni, Ilealth; eflut it, two JCUrA nallarl of tile Charterod, Comp
tj� m'Apa I Audit n Whoro the prfnc�s a n , do I.it now lien tt� placo of his Owl', doubled bin weight. a4e, 901,19 to, be built: the
t �, He triaintrail"
Arlbo; " I Shouts went, out to search for the nest ot'n WtIliams does not,attributo his uNtOnslQu of the road to the north
thuelf An the It;
'thoy Oil the A ek, ciwl� cooking. for, tt
form 0113 Syh4y'91 AG turkey
that WAS Inissin. Near the care outli-illy to goats* luljR, . but did H9t Qutbr Into their platin.
iDAgou'lor Jolla he.,GtU to jok no II Village
WS pro a
$1 1 there tl"I�Bullook farin there Is a Clump - of It 1,011 be remembered that �'Mr.
ire0ght at 411 was Apt 0 IN ch. A a Ypriety of tools ; milAt. (10 fort themsel-vVp. A gh,os erqdIt Also to it cerlain ainount
vol !01
It@ Tory or agorf,'! said tiie general, "witore oe e I �sff an0r 0 1 11to prodgco Of thel not far frorn. the Hattle Lake: of daily III mountain climb- Rhodem asked the British (lovo,.a-
all. h91 tI Which are %dillit, q ex- aria Iii sent to: trail, which rubs pnow the larm. ltiont to gun
4 Vas urAxur and ev the trapoltal,household In Berlin or Thinking this it likely pleco,to Ing And herding. Ilo has troate rant0b the pimittallicary
Ploo _ Q
tory piece in It%
lou#V.8110 Aru -to co V Cotutga4go"Ito rd KA3 "t , ' r it dozen otlier sullet-08, all tit w t of the company an that it
, t) .14, 1 9 40 X r 0 Poiidaut, and the JVlipi-pr examinpo tor4ey to little ber nent, E&Var note ISO the funds Lit u pot- c t.
PI4CC- ra
big It both in respect tp qallty I Pro- luvvo appariontl been curad by Ara Into
lJobli Jf;LX4c at the f and Q
0 rattilred to build a part of this DOO
illear-leTt a oil III mlonta on �o plac b qdi�ntlty. reoded to Iearch the brush. but had application to it diet of guats' I III,
-1 h to do 1 0 eco lt�lmlf trod,,
Vtolftch. leanings Ing
on of road. The Govrnment re-
�=tho Pont -POW. so I had to aApr , It as IQ tit] ittles The o6LvsoWg, oil a Ant[ dully. I I are - ---fto tliff-Ilim that any Sor t fOVOP last year wa 1101, gone far when lie entire up mi
lu�r_ I -Wtutchear-w Berlin. It bad been pla human- head pr VWd Nsed 'to ghv.the Auding ant to ago
411 teda: T1 h ly had evid0litlY. of eonsuniption'eun be cuked' bychis
ddp 1-Oundbri praot On Qr P11% at order they weedod, grubbed few weeks later Mr. IRhodes rujmed
PUL. anct barreled by from
"Ally op A $idea., -with about t shop, Where Gun" 'dutniont, it% Case the diseano � It" holding mining
own h two, PrIftcoR and their time before t, compaill a
Arq f a ington, 11, fhe at,%,$ grinlK it litur ral ols thent it Was III the Ifroullclat not obtained too strong it. tooL_ ow. t the.plateau on whic 4 -39 it"L Old' ! not, �.0 quickly disc h aid front adults. 4pa the fro Rhodusia the sturi of 82,-
uk r !A !V, 1410 Yield %Va exa�ejjent. 500-000 oil a bas of 3 p r c t. I,
jI,# W at is paillons. Witt,
Wr9ng a V741 hold. Ho Insists oil an all oluto diet to o an a
4MRAgne., Pt to nd What is waltilio, their akid
so that a deal) gravq couitt ot.
propent. consicia to lw�jk rg The dug. Word was eant to the 4uttrunt- at goults" milk. and allo to 11101LA,
J are r start thu road to the Zombe"I. 'The
-lie ]call 0 (or l�bp il t thuh to d ro. flfty�j mep� -h your Artill-4 d -make the ro6alra. his sons the market iialeg At Ponoka, who notified tbo but advisas . ..do w" I Of Work was Pushing northward when
qtot than, I Pi-Acc 191- their Altioduce. And in rate se
en". brealad- Northwest Mounted Potteg post dt. ticag, ta . tile outbreak of the outh African
�jv 6 life$
Mir 2 r it. 0 an
mi a ovlava "All 11.161 1
a, A AwS. by -t Which be does not nocep AtIIOn to ruiallig the crops, they mr.4kimbi, a nQAghborbig town. des for it plot War "OUS011'a, Suspension of a er
ners. eg mifirg' Of 'the war. 'We, �h me$ 4
nd) jiA;t:iOOIs, the Work Is Jul 0 do, t"All .4%vqaunts.. showing
IN aVe Practically no guns now, liliust keop exact Hie treatment proN
PRu Manager was. Aakpq to- aqr,.feJIpWS , try,th 1bkitrjt,0.,MaxhIs, ae�- their farining operutionq, i-gt. Hetherington, in oharg of ulfill, with broad, morning and tiOlifl- Molloy halt been savored to
99 1 with his 0�%Vti e uf
rands and Jifift how
its prtlavia
6415"UP 1119)(Or be took his iturthods by firii�g quickly 110MInt diEOU skill -the a: stand, and what tire the proiliti-oach junt, rode out to where the body night. with 4 half pint at intervals build thO flest 150 miles Fill the rall-
Mauser JFWtol&,� Pill Jay. 0 found it 414lotbolu behind Of two hours during the day. and Ila "ro If
tth' _ hirn. V00' imb I fibing- hot will which In 'a foggy and dd:mg atmqs�.r t1lituers':auct HL"Oes requiiQ.
4191111c 11 1 Wwo,ydara ago the all Einteindout y The auto of air,.000.0fliii
have all the SIMP10r. wpAr cIfiv, k_likq den$Rd to put
a6,.,h n -cow bil ro lirJr,� Prince had it bad finiol. with the, Is ear. I'll goon Would be needed to build the relinaill.
ar-101141-0port. andi stmd_� 0 body Was that of 11 avers. that I. dislike for milk
ate 6. gqfl.�? ID, t _ r..rrf,.A par- lulf 750 miles and before the war be-
-junior -I Itrjaiding _the hen his ew-Pickeb- fetice around the Jar -go th6li, otabi s1awt your, Tor-- -thdtyaung aJu firows Into a Craving far it, About SS,000,()00 of this sum
the 'b All I he a- root front yard, and drought killed nearly ev.rythIug,J Lookin
als" Vilro" was given Aer the clothing, the sei tioularlY after tire patient has begun galf
n fo) oen described JoUbert scl"171 INA, At the butlaons oil the the daily exercise required
wititcObvictloin that he i If 41, 'Jill I At 9 --,CuJFIcA Phargo qt the job, with no borIty, to But theoroltird did Well. and tj)rly go"nt found hall been gUarAnteed at 4 per cent.,
li6vo that feartrible- nature, call -'a test', only -behi as aL urpod; o t blue Jean trou ors bore the name of Williams wants the UJI&LI States thl money to be paid into file
to cut' Ad the times,- to an e Roulluron ' balanced thaX. 1000 In vegetables by
other paupers to his as- Ithe greatest beigh4i in Ws or called Genelfai&;8dthil. fartma, )its ruldi! a.. to slatunce. But when he ".hrdJ;:Aosod to unusual success With chickens, Rrince .,W` Rausals Ct firm. There wits fit Government to take tip the matter, Flaunt installments as
—to than in painting, poetry or outh S. -Vag :� .,. .. August William Invested in ockota it curious bunch He hFur compiled statistics -to
of Ladysplith in. Novembarl, Incate, i I one of, th ire railroad extonston of
eeau - Irun. the lines and he different prize!
comparative humil WOf "a storm. of thundql- -L have of matches A sued as Lin advertise, monstrato, that tire Government. each YOull
m0mblits f, b Rodei4 r f sections of the fence, "Qus" told the White American Wyandotta, and I an
aity he VVA I haff� and lightning. which killed one bu 'superintendent that he would do they proved to be phonamelial layer A , nt by It bayonets, Wyo., business could establish in the Mountains of The Chartered Company guaran-
tseveral others. q'il Wed Rhodei th.t. himself ; that he Wes -ambitious Be.41des the chicken there is a c.81 house, and metal badge of a street northeastern ' -Arlizoun a serten of tars this lot"', which is based upon
contrive are ei ol qalo. "This is a "'Girobtesoluarr is boXtieo up.!� fair field in Kalamazoo, Mich. oil saniturtums. wholta more than 10- file Wonderful gold resource at the
We 10 for *hiiih� h 31:iO� who Is OPY Of white Poki 4'
.11; sign train Ito do the Job from !Icelfarl,ta a n ducks that have
'lid ha,khb*sr < ii4aillg a ndt to go further." said Rhodos, qs 'that art attle," and he did. Having prepared beautiful - little house built for the socks and drawers Were found 000 patients could be aecclmmodaw� country. They have been proved by
Ichi Gell., expense. the pro -
at* III Llmdon Sir Pickets. which were all cut true them near the pond. aturious tin Lags Which afterward and treated at no the official surveys to exist. The
Y_149,ell ppke highly of Both& 7,81`10, g0inrtW-tell
TOdward described Oronje as OSOA,was worse,", - of a laundry (Its from . tile goats An Wool', hitlas gold-bedl-Ing area Is about 5.000
was t4eft lines, which he, did as aarldurately as more than sufficient squarte miles III extent and the won-
her's. Which have froqpau�ly 'nerved "bainve,but S�rOrIg-heqdq,,d,1I - I , , pison �d to his model, he proceeded to run the FANOXIS TAVER2T. in Ogden, Utah. and ineat being
dinner& to Lhia to _dater AA& re 110 tridgirt 1&% 4 And said;
. .; With these slander clues the police to pay for the of the patients. dOr Of It Is that fill tire quartz crush-
collitrolloa '-ab; ..1would it man with two good eyes. sergeant not about tracing the mur- Ing dono by machinery in various
ol t6ly ft, Women BSOAPED oAVTURIi,- i I CLO, THROWN ON'Ha, He then planted the posts, put
I �10 assistant qo On Simpson's Old London Rost&ur parts of the country thus fal- sbsw
ks. HIS bWlI �jhl% n- had be followed ant derer. In reference to the KillLame-
the advice We 11fallY are the Jokes regarding the the railing and drove every picket to that. though low grade, invaria-
flnes himselfitc, pastr, omelettes him to '4bap,& nt to, curiou& an � It Its Placer. To Be Torn Down. I 70o fair badge, he Wrote to the chief 01
_raIl-__01her Lrtylp--p-1 ' OL PGAI ica Oly yields. mora
at, ut;Lmo - "GuS"" --also - hulits-tambbtts alrd - sizapsonia, a�- famous -eatin"ace - - at- tltat-place, -asking -it any, gold - to the wo
feridni4e hands.- HAS do%m not ale OLO , looking 40 a rule- goes fishing, unaccompanied. 130 of London, that line been In Wst- 013u was missing from that town. than Oil the Witwatersrand. The
so those W,11O.knbW hint in Africa
11j2der the King% ral OP DOIKribieg his 9wn capIture Vcmeral ence since 1828, is doomed to ox- n
of., but, has -his It n, sa -*p he h" one
private residence In A street not very V1114igh a Td he Was riding at alit y -- stood' fiShes, with books which he balts. and The answer was thaVthe mother of it P0ing AtII;e of the ore has been
Wkth,a staff officer arid�an end of the room and let ionic and from which"he disengages the "fill- Unction. For years it ties been (lie bay nalluld Leon Stainton was in- domonstrated, "and over lao.000 to.
adjutant, qui lriig it I Who had left Aga.
far &*Uy. 13-akfusto fire not his at- er ier, gistOrOd mining claim' are scattered
4hen s, voice called out, Ig that 9--citithes; to hirn, I'll visiting P
caInles." Just as any other expert resort -of literary and- ilitiSIcAl ceie- n VY01n Aga n P
falra oirdinary days; they are the, ga�rinonts Izaak Walton might do, ;�But when brities Who enjoyed the _ old-l'ashion- pen, I A ril. And had over the country, b ms r
task of You, Simpson 2" The adjutant lol a Used � 'to bo.pQr4ctly afterward been heard of, lie inintaral region cannot be developed
tr he hunts rabbits he takes with him ad English dinner served in quaint, "Or,
looked forNo It AS no Plied, '*Yes, all right -, don't Cre.11 coIlr6t.' � (not a gun) a dog avirld an Ax, and style, their learned StailiLon had been it "'Itil machinery.be brought to it by
tout tiny Artist Carl pro- But the Soldiers -did,flre, klitirtr ib, Fqr fragm. being handsome he had
duce three Masterpieces in one day, Staff oillcer, putting nine bull is Jnto luu IncO Of one born to cormearu. - -hen his dog trees a It to said that the I-CStOUrdill, Is to Pat'-,"' of tile laundry fit Ogden. rall.
especially when the greateatt the dfn- the adjutant's boiling and kill fili VAIL. ould vitress, acorn O' 'a "Gus" is sure of his meat. be 'rebullIt with many improvements, The officer, firmtrticted by the Do-
ner, has to come last ?i so WORK ON RAILROAD
Thus. Mr withePing , that one almost might "Gus" was not a] Yff blind, hav- but old-timers four that the name Is partment to make thu fullest Manager need not quit his x)wxL rof :, �'A bullet Passed through the n,tc;. Shrivel JXI i.ithe fire, f hASI contempt. 111; boon deprived of Wa,R eight a good All that will remain. Hoots, of mem- Ligation was resumed noverid monthir age,
treaff till Xftet - 11 'o'clbek. - tililb he book In my breast Pocket " added A& 609 "60emed to oft thi many Years ago by an explosion ories are connected with this old Owith every proupert that progplasm
13UPS into a handsomp.and drive$ to Itne, 1. once. Without being restle ngs At While at work fit the -mines, Arm. " And the reminiscences Ahe rapid Mr -oapol
3 917IT0011 and here Is I " hole. on. Thb of its Rhorlps I -t-
Marlborough Ho�sm ;HIS kitchen is er Lhe nostrAll .. ctf �, his Ion head %�aiter, Fjoweradew Wunt to Abp(�a- There lie leurned of off that it KrOL111, of linall in IAn(i(,,%
big and bright -And has all tild Wirr�. 'ter 4djutoiit, arld I lay in like these or 9 'lose quivered a pictur-
person, would was lFrepared to railate dowd on the ground floor facingthe roughbrod horse. TEE POLICE DOGS OF in Ilock for Canada and got his, firtit L)Uilil 11 narrow gnugo branch lie.,
the road side by side, find seeing a when GHENT. esque, snuff -taking I the depurturu of SEahiton and But -
rifle above Me Over the bank, I too he spoke In any exciterneit. OSt Interesting historical,
lawn. The canto lor - luncheon is . It Even record of London U'Ll'ttight, club to the murderer. frean' Ihe 'train lint, to fill- -xtellil,tj
brought to him and hold of the barrel and said, Bel big onalle waq alig during the "'at; Hetherington, When, lie took tile Illillem 170 ruilest away.
me UP." P evanescent. Ed lit and They 4Lre Said to Serve Efficiently (IJ lhILt listened,gravely, and ..Uarter.-of a cbritury. (I Inca vored about fiNe Ntqlt-r, limit ,tit
I tral I it) Ampen, ptie' It his settriet "The than who wits.frlding. the approved Ills mouth,
The Xjhg never draws up which had 'the appearance was old-fashioned in fill itFt-fittiog"
HIS WORK BEQINS� when III dir as Policemen. 'SiMOSOWN Was oil the Strund and POliCO COUt and tra%ell'!d lit rivillart fill, froin thv gi-pitt
the list rifle replied, of reced- The dog PILLYS a proulinent part garb. He traced Bullis k and StiLlIn- Oil Vlulubo-i [liver The of Affishes.for his own tueeas. , That And helped me up,. -W a 6 1 hu"Iff alorither road it) 1114. 'All rig4t' old chal'a" lug slightl, , appeared t t ' 11 over Belgium fig the poor Indn's roynd mahogany tables, roonly. It
hat I th ghten. a and furnishings. There were grout
40 done by Lord Farquhar, the'Mas- Of resisting When you' USA) 130 would have been It more goodly ton frow Aspen to Ogdot Utah U
ter of the Household, or Lord Valon- Dad ?" are entrap� man to oo e ot horse, drawing inilk-carts, vegetable thaird'aphol stored fit horsehair, and , it Lake City. to Oreat dultliCt. 100 Milan, trit raiat-
`Cbft1Ptt0ITet`:`but cit eoiirs 476herttl , Viljoe n--, veloped a certain loosens do- Waggono, and even the I.shay" that a floor of colored tiles, withr growing Mon., tht-nco to Canada at Lethr4_' od before the war. Thp suit, it
Q d Ali ' " '_ ' SO of the Carries his owner But at Ghent, bridge, Alberta, anrl to calgary. asked for to widon the gukigo.
it Is RIWAY 'yArlod -Apough to,jg- JAW, Colonel- I� out the nosh �M&r the trees in tubs. igns an Me wall no-
11MAROA, I W110".-ig - chin, But then, no Old dog ban been harnessed to the whirro the two took tickets f oi- - railroad from tile spal)(,It ,f
flUds''anythirig' On Xtrig WAtIf4 for t1ohd in thd W, . , ppya . bounced that It dinner "fro I of OIL(
al Radio iwelVe man carell less for his owu law also and serves so efficintly as joint#, would be served for twaashtillarr Ponoka. 120 miles northward. In- Beira into %lnhonvilund wall sub -
it 113 a chief qualill ABOX(Al 001chritude" thai Mr.
PritIQ4 (It. - WRIM, month$ 4V VQX4_ , direcUll toakards odes.- 11 a. policeman that crituo in the Zur WONAVIS WRAPPER.
trict he patrols is said to have been for two oblilliligp It harles Bullock had been there in
fUffCtiQtiIiAdW'ti know hii'tastes, - [WCalllture of the Boars n ill din" IM6*0 alid sixpence and a flab dinner I his tit Ponoka rhowed the m4rilied three times over It worl I -A,
orth of a I No. 4059. portod It, February least that nnoLholar
Mr. Younger x6lacts eVbrVthIuA thdriDelag-011, f1IVAY-' Of the Aght At I Am Itnomis." diminished by twolthirds. nd ninepence, the April with ALL Young Companion and Tasteful. becoming morning gowns' I "it rich nmd would hp hullt within
he needs. The U�%O.for of lth6 kitkfien I bullstroorn, WIL10 � Colonpi i3enson There Was ' 1�0 Modesty .. about By'nicans of dummies, truide up to 1411te" a very Popular meal with the that they find get out On foot for are bFisaritial to making n good rip. -I he apiot to Years to connect the
Mr. BlaekWOodi-,,4 much Marc ro- mialbod Are the:66st day he eVdAl Rhodes. He kne s ible the Public, being served from noon until On the way they p arallee US Well as to comfort. 1,110 r1rh copper Safe �Orsoaj I VIIJo4n said- AV, be was Rho4es. t If 6-80 o'clock. - Dullouk'a father'n.
Inge, at mero man of Ai- teak part t,,.Ge.1,9r,� and wilInted. everybe"Ise to kndw- dangerous ftafteters fhat. riiigh ' 0 One 6140 of the eating room was had a lift front the mail carrier. aettraetta fliodel given has the incrit fairly siluute ures, sees tfiat��11111 the firtletes conforl, 'Tdnaon se 1, good &tell, first tillAt' ' hdvvoA Pbod6s. �It is rcJ1ft6* Mail, the�(1 119 ta-alsock, to Bullock reached hiq father's honme of being absolutely simple at tile ""air flit- litilth-wn it( lill0dal'S141,
in and thnia I
thall, ItrAll ;ahoArades, byt4killig, 1110-ZO10,111- tQ-his left lead- that th', In y� in attAcko to 9Vize and flivide4611 into little Private boxes. alone. between 10 Find 12 O'clock itt'saluo tinic that it is becoming ant -ft an 'Who ovfw' Sot , 4 '_�"thOut Curtlaillod from biasing rodA. A huge night The fIrRL Intimation that lilt. entirely satitdftcttar�. I AN fall %If- Itho4los %carhind tell -
men 8 a&OUnts correspond. When he Ing to Witp xn( -49X
Jo4vInX,tbq even with him in the matter of hurting seri6ilsly. all he first step 'a dumbwaiter occupied the contro of MiAlna
I";:lV&ifI6d1 th IhOY life;fAk6h hand' � Ofi6,16adthg- 960EI sonalitles, was a little German Per- to place the dummy In all;! he I OR family had of his upproacla wan the Is made of dull blue hatl9te clotto
3TF N1901 Xlngscoto, the P,%Vmaster Senakal. Even their, IfStragn tR-OU14 clerk P I" the room and was alwuys filled high furious blorking of the dogs on III,- with black And to trimm At w1tI It was courill"taid III
in the Government offlea at Johan- tion that It shell rbpte;t%nt It man with nsassj%e gid,9110swaire.and thl-'
for payment' llavQ surpridoit a4,nUmi4r of AA011irg- 41hades -bad - tot istand Plate. Oil entering t1ho houto (.11tilrion nilk, and narrow rlbbao it) I;Jiji on LiAlke Tim
these Persona to their count-, burghers who w R6 endeavoring. to -conceal, himself, OA, ihe walls were pointed
ere Coming ti) join line, and he didn t Ilk 140 had The dog soon understands that it 1 Bullock told 1114 fatully illat abotit ing-hOuso allies Mo, air a it. Panels off fish And
in Ain Pnom __WJJqM 4,,--
2 0 Benson A).rilrr� a- Vil o- n Towli
ap �n r- With age. T4e.bdr opened I ourrPan ed hiou brIcir are nultabla as well a challic It" IIIIIIII(IOR Well tho
ale f9ill aI1AYW far d ace I
a6clice. hiLd t1A the Subs Sotik4 J n gune oil to Cashmere. albatrolin and I. Ilinelthone or the k-. � and., puterair i9to this piqt of ehfq nto
Ing. it blk cigar and walks up St. llrc��Itrb.,thern and given them VOOM from a great window, and two h like
ames's street. the that ldss&ri call amore. Then the teacher high candelaba Banked it on either Battle Lake Bullock did not take Ito Cut this wrapper for a wrinian ("I"It"Ill-V whiell has this work
9 -Had Bensi�i �11�, ground, and up land. lie stayed at 1141" falber'm of medium size, 11 yarda of nin- I-t aCt-ollatm he wires
HIS, dest4jriAyf!:�� clqoltq f1kc situation, .1:011*12 1 h lowers the figure to the sidag an though it were an altur.
the ILIPAEOWY4 V all IN tholit shellfag,them, tho -fit. Th
tI tbedog icarbe that 01hough he ning 1 from unday, A 11 28. till Wedues- torial 27 Inchon wide, I() yards 'in w"I" 1" 11" it) the '010 and
Would "h4vel-Istakkitil-,hini, for r6 nryoUr urn Worry hip -prey. h&mugt not ali roasto was always preserved at
n Will drpp 14, ti� COqjuidnA. in Ad tilo�c T4 10* his 66fen too to 9tiP so . knuch that, he 'WEIN going to British Co- wide will be required ITIllon: :nt
TO pliy a ASIMPBOX;'a. Tatill to Fatshoolit dititant
Vs Club "It not, old custom of serving the day. y 1. 111110111 Ile left, saying IncheR wl-le, or AJ yards 44 &Lnq' � as on whechii,bottr- umbla to work fit file 1h.. Illin wmild coarlect with
,A!terW4rC4bLV.'d i), j4u as 4% finger uAtil the *6rdarr IN given.
leaft. iidt-lwt 0 r,df Ing *Ett Jointb
tA one 1QVAK=0URG nzvrvnTG knovotwixt After, the dummy, A living model on silver e6vers were pullalled a boot father (frOvd him to Ponoka, wheiu Wiri- nIrvady coullilete it) Khai-
fr of beef and mutton t 'big restatirat4ur compatr "Oh, yes, I know that, but that is lined. and 'no this Process is not 'from Quationtera. to customer. the he took the train A 11MMARKA11LE (3)%% 111111 "fill Alexandria
Viecadillv Circus. At six o'llfbek be Hotoln Are — ithout danger. the Person chostAn carers -dr Before lonVing he went to it hot
Crowded and Gok don't worry Ins Caree the unrufflert e0scQVIn whit, cutting c(I
'prOP00,00 OKfAik49 �Arllnor. IHIF WAInk' �Keiuidrrlg4 -d by itreturns to Marlborough House to reply. for thin purpose is inqualle OTIL who the particular ollcen it efilgoint rid got in antoliurp. whicl, lie hat A BrItINh Journal -1d of W early. erentlons from Johann& have You discharged in a minute 11 comforts, and for who'" -tile canine [to Presented to his aercl vows that ever hwitod An Illibift- inill, No IIRFA I If To WA44TF
'Yrankly �ro "if you war() 11�_Cape Town lad In"htcre to the pupil 9 creatime tho diner. previously left fhere. This autobarp "I'll' 11 of ')It(- of Ohl, nwNt
A Idtior recef4*04" , ,
..and Will ofteql.f buJ8 qa A wo-an'll dining -room wan
� I in. r . " detective Is sure to eptertaii It p. act ,erved to Send him to tho! giti- alhoit-hori, _4qIVda,jeIttjatS Y8JP", llp_glk niumb6il. roaVed, the Croesup. . J anjil here Lhe picturesque 'Xieform or oifiei d every wee I have heard. that till afforilon NleverthralcAme t h'a' VItialtzrilow' presided fair it wan clearly shown mula- Hey crong-broad litiIIIIIII in the Klondike thationk,ir
Ishe It IN "I'lliething atioul the at-
r6A onto Are re turning grate
Ahe great W149 regoit in thiN *91h.0 i3verybpdy to too bully-tWthink 1 21 they din- dog 18 provenled at 'Rooms for churidd peopid in Cape Town far do- firmt, by mean playing In"litlY thill, Stdinton ),ad brought 11111th Yet%[' Ali little ,r 14... (11110 littilt front
'Menu. TIMO US trhona were on Liao upper thin inaitrurnont to J,onoka dartath Home idett I)( Ill., gro-at 411;tl 111 tho frt)-.-,,n regl(All tho. other
coo .10 that ing their duty,.' analverati the clerf; of a muzzle, from 'an exhibition Of floors,
40 I#fqht hfsj..� War, and all an saUguil
Under the 4a Of a Xing when. Ito thO.111111t1bg Industry will."ke ont &a This is a rapublo.,Aa
at I`i, 'r6wn now* too much zeal, Hound Table" had it clubrooin there Ponoka, did not go to Brittle feel thill .1,111flAf Ihe l0l, An tramping wheit the alti.
tift "but �0& a1h Ch At Ad en Bulloe.k. whou I left itY IU' a nillictor inav I pat IrIod (I",, habit In ticill-iPred, I
ta oslit MbAtbaP while the "Knights (If thp
Afterward the experiment In tried Wfth aolloction of pjayjIjIjN Rod FIfrom tho
Jar9AD a scale as At Wt 1. inbin lie returned to (front valls, niorithn prior III liet (14-aiti -MR1141 - V HIS EN9jjXOUL9 .=A on other meml)erR bf.hbo force, Printil. Mach week they dinpirl in old- ' whe,
OF, 04JUW LT.H. th four monthq the dog's Find Nf,)tl niaeo-silly to lisset all
411ir eutb o her. education of tire 11,5114)
aRig wealth has been estimated ItArvaith (or breathing it FAA)
4.0o..., -The town wa- Mph 'nglish style from the IIIN- name
HIS e166" - iinder th
-,V, buo$ [It as a Policeman fR con Id r d Char fX01011A of nillk 1,4-, Of) OW
ladertia cOm- trid"mabogany tables. Ion NPOD(pr lie went to work on % I for talking. The "is Pe4fon6d Ared r, illueett. railway couRti,iiiiijoll .44prgt day betoro her dvaill Nho UaAo (III I q
firl" ZAV. from $00;OU04006 ; t 51.06_
I , bO, plate, and he takes h!q Place. INIth I let h-
ilor,.VeaJdI 4t,. ai� 5, X1 these -sangulne expeRittorilb &to but a pe;son§ friend gf. ]Rhode$ said the, teAt. Arlehigton pounds Of inilk illut tile loon talk I vry
91 itth. Tharly become almost lippech-
time, StaLrepa - started after him. but
00 the last be it of y1fre CdbtY" ould'irip more The animals tire also taught to change Of name bafflod hila lie
work�-bofotae the end of 4 -yettr slid think of . Ji6ardink, -money than I"" "Ll"d will sit about at i,lghi.
servild on a vingle tr!" a swim, and to seize their preZ. In the WITCTTCRAliT IN DRITAIN "ought Bullock 1hrough A%o slateg, '['he AiNeach thinkillit IIIN own thif)ughtio and
41 LL40 turn out gold as fast as bd- Party leader would think of Witter ; to gairp life tioni drowning ; A belief fit witchcraft Run ,xists -in tillt without F;ljccPmR end (tiller final Sr. hfoIj,IW 10 Arjo the Ram, ono. of, her pl� board -
Votes.' Va, lhirbr, a Infilion, pounds
'Vtt aptitatmelia1v fore the War tVh reducing to scale walls and overcome tjXr Would not have got hint hill for t ll
sterling slnlpj�
V means a, I -ever, an in- $ionic rural districts, thQugh tile pe,w_ two
lot! Camp strumehat of po*40r." U14t. Any efitart
&X66AW -�i,. obstocles. so fulstdAeR that Bullock inn(lo, lolit llThe people In tho,)ftaq bowevqr, hur$rIar who 96trah a1)urjlrIfng to ple who hold it are sonictimeg hy
IiAiitfi Wif thin� I, to When . Chinese. a or.don told cintiteRilfig flip Rome, lent fit Nho" ann . _q, William, Tirreli Wig" master nFt,,hnlIt.1F, Alf.. or at Win spe, 6rqer. how 110 Client ham a Ilveiv time of it If ev Arlitinic at the works All Bill- The Ilrilibli Houses of Porliani.-to
a no he aild wolglif ltv inoro. 11 (ClOt-don) "eefulArl 000f flold meets with one of t1load foul-foof Aoffietred toi.hita by' gil 'of thr"'. lnlnrae Alan' 100(- 041,011"IffilY to get N%orh. hill I't nil, rtotLitlIttl aCrfaS
fit. WO Valh They a% at ,A I litened neigpooT Not ]0n" Algol realit to dincoier if wiv C, therb, Is A the CJlIn&'O GOV "llobblia,. a
'it �J
a Of doubt+' froft0; ernmenj JA?fes jatighe -The dogs Work no Wall fin go 1 old woffiliff' d16
AM, .. L . , a at hjIm. 2 `*bO wall Poll')- hall been mado. aboat Slitfriton,
prapa very -O 1110 Y 0111ted with thd poser Ar,f he -
C910 IF) aFountit any fnrni
thb lit uIVID takArl It ru)d at; conscientiouplv that their number is 11 9 she
0 1 ial
v a many more roomfuliv as thAdy' would to bp inerearod, and them Is (,very
_#It !; I d. he lived in it wretched hilt sking If thoator, Was an opening
Tathl to' thlit hrn five Yantis there willm bt give me. lt%.of no use to have big prnbabillit that the fibrin will be o17,0Wstampas � IdWa if wo,enij-6 carry tho, Out." Adopt call III other Belgian Ontern. "It Oil it strip Of waste I1111d. and film at Anplon. The It-fle, X1110%,tholisto thnit-thiCk labod tbtLllr _ 4k;bperation, - Irbifs,
be stflairad IIRO outices, the Separate wall nearly pastime was ihat or Any at wit - of Red Id lie tbree times as mat, 141-9 RVIAMOUS CONOEPTU)N. Their keep comeR to only about Rix
y her "IV
kortlans -i itit fell earli dinor. W's no "Avo Omer b6LvlI-%*cFrk0d qA QhO 0491iffilimOSt ifitIM1.6 frion cents a day aptirli, and altolrotlier under., the giiiia., tif a lla��n't board of hlro I the . and.. do,
Only .4tv cithada 4b. tha, oonking of the object of as UIOY cost the town lentil than three hare. One dIty it cour"Ing in"Ich film in Calgary " Th.. I tior %% Lis
time, Who, , astim to -I)wth .1his man VVUR livid In the fieldo upar hpr cot- written front 0 reat port 11.
bdr0n, Of, b6of 49d60 booes hftd Thin ASxtra%%vA44 futalre gs life, re&hV1C6dAJI&t Rhodes ha% hundred dollars a ear.
9;,114 IsAtw-caging-do May be llt,, (b no trelsolon tage, when one of tho gn-vilarloodt, Mr. irroll Roul llli� )y.L It, sho*0 no mord doubt of the dfVI7
l6n tha great g1debodrd. 'at Ift9t 1116 t6flil 6666 .0 'the kofild of the English folk than had Joshua a hare, which, howover. ron- 14tainton-n in(stlirr Fit ARefdro the in the future of th W Of the dIVIT10 Call of ancient Israel.
trived to QRCHPP. Ot tbP cost of u ghe had been Iii(ji4jellig
orhoog t4l-
No argnfiant- call edrAvIA& -1-gr
it Afid with tll*o Utmost energy to restenai, Rhoden that the ruler of this Uni' In Germany a "man" in order to in n t hot- S,,fit to sergal.
A00 4Vi 1 -MV1119 wound in i1oli Illfirtz. -411ortt
�V tildinga a( hur. Pull TM4
AlIfterawtirdn the old woman died, and 4fainton't;
IT 1wrolm. Inu. vergo Intoodd-Abar thdicaft portion". marry must he at least IS ears' of wh'n 11110 was laid Out At Riml r 1101110dogton It
Z Wound was found fit her side whl"
$lo wjf�i,uuchft tbb 11fillith" Aftal� 11RATNWop GOLD. Of the 116 Infested by Porte. '%go- man proof S)o.qltbvp. the rusticst lell (AcIA, 11111f Bullock lthIR ftlitihk VOrr6rfruIlice. Rashness lotlid"41WIll but unh guano or pigmif%. , % Portugal it boy of 14 Is consid- affirm- 1"11114 alld III -It lie final hi,en I III A,
but fhOw things. are outa(da gro, VY Parent of UP- "Rcl%cd% KAO RO-dia4SWAYthe can. ered marriageable, and a "woman" Od that she and Poor Push werp Iden- Slainto.. In Coalgary WdaV1110111 By tqRt time � To rfaotlo Ig jualt'SFOU begin 'elusion; Z)At_;_It thtId `156 d Old who of 19. went to Oreat fick faAh1*111119 ift the auto, - World rules over the Tiationg of men and - Til OrWaii the "man" must have rictuto of Bullock tld I lit 'L it(-
hAr7VW MiltiM - Rer kn6wit nothal With his graIIdW0th0r.l,V14tor Hug& coneeras, hitfirlialf Id the oldstinfir44 of seen at least fourteen summers and doRcriplion could fin I wo irnee
about VOUti0h, but 110 fill AlWayll ReDOMPOOS(I J)IjttrY With justidd, mortals, then It in im, 1 0 ... wbirian" BRV.AV MADE, WHiLl" YOU WAIT 1111" ',etY IM01 And unillbarlite4 possil ]a t tb Then thert: Fannie Info Oir td'Ittiow it good ihing, 11161`0 11iffi b0tttr thlIft IJY Painting In France the "man" must be eigh- A cefl-molking flour ruill and halto�y gOdbVit, handn 4-fter
it -I bra gebat rt- MUCh Of the 1110 BrJtfsh rod a
sotnef ktid. hjA lidditet- A straight Jjd6 14 tild rhortajIt In Pon ' it teen and the to follow regfulenta (in a inarch. and. lAriek, in order fit throw jmr,lolt
6AIllitti, Iffid I#M.tflig. so far as; In Belgilult the same Art to make frpnh broad every hour with arA
life hir* now It gbod. morals a% TAX POP$lbl&r in fricilititting, thd 111,19VIVIII 10g. tile track, Wrole Illo lilln't,
I flour ground front wboat obtAlruld by Clul'.
EdlitolitiorrIt of thorlo Whom AtIltun cAlled 10odlo In f4pain the intended hughand muer 109 Spencer to khI4 cin III
'tft requisiftion upon the spot, bals recent- KrIjamazoo,
*111. It 11006d, *v&t rsaflory, 00* and the olf,%tilation of have passed hin 141,111 y0hr' and the ly been denigned oil the Continent a �TfadMna# tho� acoal tire tting it liratt "*bill the units in the shape of sAvagqq and "WAhman" tier J2th,. With It7horn the imbaper rhin vehicle in formed of two) parta, to tile thnt
other refulikAtof th6 buthaft eft& 'after to hear that Charles
*"t idinish All tho fiftf, atut hous& tevotitiort af tj#.l 'Isvil -CI664h In Augtria a find a ,we- AIJ 'Th, . f Lite iilrry car.
0y, Ard lily 0 heethe Policies 'than' N capable of 1-hrigiraq; Fiat
Stood. There dra, lew t"ith dill - dre oupoposviad to It,
eftlAhih, Wit 614MIJ (" Of Mr. R116010, Wh"Iver file Mot- ton'o friencl. wn,, I Ilin hip(
'allaill'of" With fif(I lititah', ettkillibritV btla
faifg t4 conductfirig a home Alit their own or OR Well an a after Ali 11111111% with of INJIICA I .,fill
4f bliklovifs- 14 *wthl -bllfort+ iii', th;y ejl�o-jg It# 640fil grasp the distinctly, roliglous c0ft- larrom the Age of 14. their boltern, an � 4
f**,r0*fk th coliiii. Caption whieh undotllea Mr. Modes- ingaido of tharain Charles Spence,* ),, Ow rmlvav Q,Aark
ton"1111,100 of the antVarge Illlit f;All
th I Who can vallit Properly afiall can un- thIR apparatija IN actuateirt IFY the allittlofi he w, -,I
to VIA'doliktairid IttrVI , , , In Turkey Any youth and maideri the Inachariledt k1leatling trouglio All (and brought ,fill its III the dOrntand the noemmarV rolistletur g". motor that 14 ontployed fit prrnpcl the (111thfalft 01,4 won a1140us,14 tile AAM0 flow6ew, 01104 11,1111% Vititan art, allowed to be United for %lehicle, A continuous over, in hxul. fire 1-1,
li and I 4"filowt to "611.44111 mhat curlova Fitorion
people tell fire 00 od In tho roar sdid l4orrif. Hetilivringi,,p. and %-oil VII) Sq To or W
VAJAitoo :0
aVA -.141% 1,% Filivll V 1110it'. 4 4k 00 0 tV k, 4