HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1902-04-11, Page 5fItIdo, ow. to w*w foiIiiatly, opO'"d I 4 UK wow. 4 b44 )KO, a """POO Ailbooi sop "**PW#q%, Ilk* $I* tAtZ M 99# 110. MArImp—spot OT to, lim" 9". -T itI04it 14, M fro^ ukw Of 'A M too # a', 00io 01mult.y is 40 valli'sow they Illill tr*V01 WItAT ATTil, V, A W'gk eIN VVTA 4A IVIA IJUU y Vau 01�i 4t tpoor 00 V4.1fato oid it J4 blottlp� Ck W oUr. 011ver taUt An "*W- 4". W stoltlri Awsia tit* will tb tq ton thim, 40 'at, of . MR - $fftoy 14 of WVi,q pgtoitIto 1 to warl"te. of yooteritV. f 14611WAY SiAll Franclocei 4.4,01AO 44,1,004 liiir%. r I 14P tile lot of cry 0:11 1A.4willo P*,ij o114 * 401�ovovkl�at A wall. -k "WO oat *A�w Ithat it, jst�or, 0"Ir. for 'd 110*0 %lit* tq f9:t lilir 0,; lot U1419, iteir V0104rill QIA lat"Illihwk aaW,rllI4#V*A, to *row oileval,t" ai Alld to the Valaikr nit, ir *Ul*dr ot to.. (100,003 465.400.000. A 71*0 yeritorday' U f$At4blI44W uv� 0 gifts, iloIOA #0 far heoar., www ranil Winnip. go way be aq 40, 410 the, 0,0 4 Alh,114* , . PT *W14 wa�;: offilft4., .0 4likk 80 for AP# ortood t* eloppillim, t �,Aq It, * tho Aw041464. ot the IiI ' WAO no 4A r , . V. of. t411 cation for il, now a 10, AWNW'. V�Iifo :lia. Tww awhich Are vi Ali the onto to 0,enot 01 . qn4ofil�iilz Thilt fol relVibs IPt their 1AAq4 bekve 4, tvatul PtI, a3 W rp, Tout 'of 0, .14iI 0*4 this "Oth Itt " , PrAl fuaftIre% JA e00111A 10 pv for it 41if .0, e"jarx the Rapit6bor LIA October la A Missouri boy Wao totally i'llot top,, etwk,S W4 years eteCr 'Vo- hola 0 WhVe, its, Val 4V to, 72o '0011 lfu�xllittco to' tile Deputy 'Milwist i$or K-� A. lor"'Iti Q of' 2,00 W41 rq, e*4, 000 to, fow the reqUitr that..., X, Sno. Jaines Ay ul I#nd 0, il"Pootiviilly, 09 0 to maintain or JAUM with 41 I . I mpril,ve, sail than 1`0114r4lice to the teir, A. to.4 goill It, to to rob AM fAlled to moot with the;0-Pproval 14 RA ft: Call 1pot Ot od; .344 .lid or"ai 9 41 t9t4i Of,"U" Vp'or Jqation of tile exemption from tax- tonipI �ioads -that a flow Y, Ot thq Chaleroi River be -*h ketiza., -�'Nori;iir 11 I varic jltal 4qr,* thill, 4011", 10 At� 0011(f� nitt-In th4 Of 010 VICUtolls nt tbet p011ar. Tjholrc­,utj9n of the At, voct 4 'to�d that bold It �Iol $fmf tro'Al . *'490'brlpff 7pein of tile turns avallablo phip* tjl4t V4' total, ig"Ant. Tlio had culan to q purtlt lanC All itr-WA ri lot I ot m34nto, Alfilloir ' ',4 .1 a'Ou Upt tigilloife, 18 a pigolon rainife near Los lltlk" 70 to, s 'be V , JA HOW hsto hI . ...... deAl Ivith thp matter wo0a to, to cit was to have 40,000 squabs to the narg,rifet. 44,:-, eOf these 16"ON woror ageltoot 00"Irit 444 L"A "ollsit nua the conclusion that tile best wo, t fAngeles which every. yelikk offorada ab", If orlil,! biwgiii wit4ft A1AK the Act Into for", o44 10,621 to= a. by Boyne lee,-, Irtio jpji� a_ Yolmle agboot t0aOh_ (be, 1,990 of, humus" koplIk withotift, Were In ills taVoll, atkit brought ngnst she rallway Alice Smith. d1, � P ": : , h* tA9.l WAII it until Pailty 414 tile 0A. Of c4ttriond HIIJ, L.1, Rely to Oro no IWLWO 110111 be" died 1.1flug: ce, maemplexion tablets. O0 picking of tbo' raisins and V on 14 -001ode4'q1W 'A's , lit., tho nOf ftol* n ", kilii 4,14 lot Iii 6 0:11any who tU4 lit 04t tiiii ,)to- ver'd , W, b, IJ19 0 hRvo this (10110. dp t V in Tit I111110 '�jii ItoitliSEDstrawberry crops lit California is al- aifif '40pattbi, f W111 U4 19'r, velly tons, `1% incorporate the Board of to�W40 ��UtAoliA to, d tile most elittooly In thp hands of tile ,v1qn;;t viity nobody it' Ott � �, . e e�%t be qP On k� A flinow the qy_'� Cecil, ;0t 69 rV tjj�'J ' , - I, h - the Canadian Man. ffq,�4 tU urera' Association. the Krum bill. taxing foreign corpor- of, t�o,]�Aff A t Ad, college of #mount Ot lit, pt! requt oA to otho 3 re an The Now York State Senate passed., lincAtlogle, Ash 09- II90 I 14' 10tir � U04CO Oel�. J414 0hould be� -to to 00 heard frow, however, A '"Clo"POI-ftto tile ' overeign Life litiotiti doing business In Xorw Yoi*. etk� I at mgm, oulitry poll StIll o MO. fitelght* xqld�obal 4101teod 10 Iliac. a P100 Of 4frotith A gre bluelef's. fl.Ccordinj* t0 wbfch Lieut, L Ono of hours made S; 'he _ J 48 -to liod'ACC, a Cuunpully. it loaVO 'ga Mr Lambert, the silk munufactur- hchrealized over XIQU., u'IU,,, #0 flossibIg, T,110 auvenO Majority to home Q or. will erect a Public inat4tutIon in T P.- iijiuco althollgh these may cut down & SECOND READING& frelgids" TSlr Altreti, io�eq To file will. jolt Avt4ll, -4110,418 13 t BArlok,-Is let dy to OFip for T., en andninnItAhAtil.,by tent. they Will not affolmilh i1tha I OrPor4to the Medicine Hat Paterson for th. haneAt & it. poI,, Tluet I - t 91 ,f 11 ,QA, at, . , I I outh iort,Oatb'ja�p, _in07�wq_ crop will Also -thW ot; YRITit "ll !AIld Northern Alberta Itailway flow- luit ISMA Ito, q _�opi Ip ru 0 hod 011r� t_0t -.ProportS�' a Island, will Qventilally become a jilotation 0), let. off, W*Ktra, And 46 to' 7c for 0. a to ro' Int clorli'm which A slyell fly thQuoutirld., WTO nAmericans will render it A the er rcqt , t 1(r. 00� wqO -,aR our gre4tQst -tch4liiator. W`� tAll vote Cast, so tbat it will; ucr Or ,Ad A Gerwati mililonalv'. troltil -the. sito for the by I corporate the Yukon Paoli o witiloss, the coronation procession of t of Gre Otitaide, on: call N �,Qd f r�, I builobalt , jythIpg 4. pis Company, tlutilviruty King Edward VIT. in London ou- , 41d -Queea Alexandra ha 490 Outside. �t- ."46ftnt Should, AIM to foled, love, -Cr beyond the votes Ono at the Rospect ng La 4�, 'llill" to a sollitt: y7o v 4verythin&, 4prodInded on tba PlettlecAtio taken In,189,11 rind 10,98. Compoofte Du Juno 26th. pl nearl, market Is �M. ttlild' of $'!40�600,'was larmile, tior Writ of rOtot, 'farm. and tf we, Choultir. 'do Por do Coloni Brazil, 41" tfil� #14i -to 57c middle fr4fghts.' 4' Xoritfe'Al $too)( 4XI, add a little bpall or It is variously estimated that -when Zation du Ind.. Schodi Boar'd die - Plica, d1n. tbo,orlptna. Accoidinj to, chailtigio on Wio.dnesdV, but, therof"Ilho''18 nOw-li"Ing' In Lohdo1r,:-1,Mrs, toncenti(Ated feed to. the raticip oA all returns ord. tbe'Leadq's in ber hundredth year, fand each antlWal, '.and -04 titiTUILT 0 Atd, Will rarge nnywhpire front 8Q.000 to ipal: Muncie, who te- are in the total figures charged Privic ta..- "lee L av Respecting tile Central Oorautiviell fusod to resign when accused of kla- Officers, while c9wIu%udI t bu,949 it children, 411 living, �Opply ail' the manultv-11; I Rlilway Company. sing a girt Ppil. S,,,McAt ileng_a detach- There Are oill� S 40,000, wbjcl� will closely 00#v W 7A Prisoners qon7 yo �P - ' a easy to 11 "Proki SArk HOuse, Bigntford. I 101-t the Canadian Puciflo Jacob is to onto tiatial-shall maintain, And prc,. main the voto�, cast At of) Do- teinman. solf-co f"Xect qk- us t oso it 0001). This in Syt House bably ktdd ' to the fertilitSAI-6f the Million election. pany. WAX,wo, Mr, If open tn-. two Ypl�frta arqht arrested ill )VIsconalij, claims , lArkev. 6 -r 4-11, A J� ,Where rho license IftolOors feel well reuid incorporate the Ross Rifle ho'-alded fit the a poking of pv 119tir: I Cade #tea On 0all -tayoU_ .-Artcr tv, Shol* was od9c4t- soil. To h resident edi *-tho'sch4�1 Which attlitoWtipbef-It Man Advocate the plowing and ro-c bei er to', their ariliAtius ot$ilg, r9c 9 Iven Copaplany MCK11110y, at k, Ir 4il6d.." was t- 9 resPronsible for 'the states was to the poet ,a;, perfect of We" crops, but notes CaUlPaign work. ItesP00ing the Dominion Option - --------- Ia farm Is They acted very Wisely and did not Now YQrWa forelg-bor-w-6ceed In M T rov- Wt;%goa, but th inck" I YUry MuCh "ll down,---T-wouIiJ-- lj6t-grow over r, ills ilf-OlWaul Limited. [lumber the foreign -born of, wit to, were of(Ovorl Ln Iij tho-t Ckleugo, to, and N6I. pu0ment" iT, rtod, t '01 St. blet was placod,11A the. �v�ault, PrActice this, unless It, be to bury a I victory. incorporate the Pacific North- a Boston to 3.9, k - rtu; To Philadelphia, St, Louis tin VeI BP4�t. Whon p offic r b, PlWji 1!10 .4 0nit 416 O)ue -400 men, V�ould. be Peter's church, tower of j�on­' second crop of clover, or a 'clover I There Was nothing doing tit pro_ orn and Ominoe Railwa Cump,lly combined. Toronto, th4 ilon, ' on Friday, to cominewiff6to rop Sowed to protect tile Q it I To incorporata The average number of Inmates lit 0 ,l I �11 r , I e4, 44- QUQ60O 10, Aaken - to ground hibition headqUixifters d i ow the Nortu Short. atmeal Is stead? -it bin4ie�ls be w uld's the removal there of the remains of during the winter. A cli6vor crop fafthf91 that gathered theroo w Railw him to " _Ut, mep,A that t1je Rosp RAAe t Ill track r .`bj;'r ." 44 .J� iy,- Compau��' persons beheaded In the reign of should AlwatYp be sowed whenever a much disappointed, especially raY. and Navigtion Bellevue Hospital. New York," Is I d'Wlocate its factory equal to that Of a good-sized town - Ar Y rel- as act' e �olllpany 10 t more. for turned. . I Queen Me ry. Piece of ground remains Jille during gards Winnipeg, Respecting tile Ottowit, Brockville that is, it is row 2.000 t ,I,O()(. that, F.,e#y;; , I . I I 0 rok The other ra'e'n became auspicious I VI 4 �Itreal i P;Eolfce cras&de A report is being Circulated tfiot the fall and winte?, Maixy times wel Latest returns to 9 80 Thursday find St. Lawrence Railway Company, Twenty-nine sculptors h,ve of g ' W- aq rp- .2, and kept on eye -on their officorls.' 'aguInst,,5qad sellip on the occasion of thr. coronation have a piece of stubble which we fit- morning show a TO incorporate the Knapp Tubular tied their intention to submit de- ter -0 of the When the latter leaVneci that ten first frutt'i-Atl` lie Aiicorder'b Court, a bus bokpla Its veto In favor naval' review the old Victory flag- tend to plant to corn or potatoes. referendum of 1 toantship CuthP4611y. signs (or the Statue of Gone I Me - 0,621, and against of 0. Boers were travelling 0,Pfatersburg Where W4; dealers wera�ffned; The iship of the Commander -in -Chief Will On this we can grow a crop of rye 16.600. RosPecting the Trans -Canada. Rall- Clellan to be erected In Washlington. XTRX to surrender, taking 420,00o with result is expected to be the cloning head one of the lines of warplVps at or Pens. find barley, either of which way Company. 11, Butter -Tho Offerif them, Lieut. Huncock' pilrused v, of which N AMBULANCES Rev. George A. Gordon, an Aber- gg _o crIdMinery them of all shops . on Sunda, - Sp , Ithead. I Will 'make a large growth Lind can CANNOT SF, [to incorporate tile Crown Brink doonshlre Scot, has r - t* to beL-4iftercepted and courtil-martial- there -are lumdredfa In Montreal, The, will of , e� DwilvAg- ile- under in time to plant butia pastor for cc, who died in Does b -i TWA addq laegely to the hunt- Sbuth Church. ed thern, alt4 Walter Gordon was found guilty ch Staff Refused t7 TELEPHONE BILLS, on he riest Congregational sparce, grid will probably continue , gugh the�- were not in er, provides c rn. Offer of a Fren IS Years of the Old armed *hej u Britain. so until the qudiity� bf 'the dairies Oered at Brandon of thermurder of Chart 2at liqr ISMO a jewels and collection* us of the soil, and will tend to ca. The 0 It ea of lace Shall be sold and the 11ro- a crop through a drouth without In - Improve, Cr6an�6rlear at% 'filling the thbm shot. Sergeant Morrisol w D w and Jacob Smith, White rely Overlltuont bill tit regard to churc Ili America, X as a W I Ater A despatch frow Pitt -is says:- telegraph arid telephones Cao Pfor There are ali.ofifi ,saw Ills and demand for choicd;bUtter Ito'IW, �but ocito them, but he farmers- reeds distributed among. the various Jury, Great Britain has refused the broth� Consideration, along,with W. rulijmc.� Planing in thei United States,. show signs Of irregularity 6,i offer- demurred, ' and' ultinfately refused. charitable ingtitutions. t As I said, it should be our aim to er of General Count do Villebuis- letul's bill oil tilt, same matter:. Ith it total capital of modli W ings. Low grade arid ' am ddipies Another company qariled out the or- FOREIGN. London School Board teaches, feed All, or "early all we raise on Marcuil. who. wits killed while tight- Mr Fitzpatrick -sald that It wit 524 They offer too freely. We quo der. Afterwards, the Boers' baggage A fire at who are against tile, prize �sysrtem. Our farms for the Purpose of keep- Ing with tile 0 a NuPluY nearly 300.000 . W Tukut, Japan, has de- have been granted the privilege of Ing up the -fertility of tile farm. and take Boers, permission to tit intention of tile Ovivernment to hands, arid turn out !115M,832.784 of Crzmr ; WOS ransacked, And the officers were stroyed 4,000 housew, ail ambulance to tile 4_ - ... ;­ 2.26 & r using the funds set. aside for t4to I bolleve It Boers Pass It9islation dell.ling with it, Af- producta. 22. disgusted upon 4nding that the WorU on the new docks at�Malta h Of -to be were profitable to through tile British lines. Mr. Drod- toc t e Iw tile utuntel- There tire over 100 geysers fit tho ISO 'to 90c s c apdce. Z20.00 �Wlle In Trallavdal PA. purpose to purchase Pictures and sell out* produce lit the form of but- rick, tire British War Secretary, pul't'em, be Wits Of tile Opinion tliat Yellowstone National Park, The S6 ney find worthless. toy& for the use of all the 6hildron, ter, beef, pork, etc., than ej e l20C A Philadelphia' c mpany is turn- to a I It whil dis laimfug the least Suspicion it Would be better to hold the bill largest. the Utaut. spouts it Stream ch� I i 1.1O Lieut. Hancock, ascertaining thp.t irig put thousandsoof English flags ecrit:,94,j� 0 .A?c I o 17tic Evan Willitilms, a in, the rough, � believe out- produce of Villec ,q bola-Marouil's bona fides over alulfg With Air Ataclettil-s bill 5f lhot water twoo feet Ili diameter . A-U neigbol,11or -the.,coronationt,_ - desple te character, ry8riding' with fdd 0�,. 90qd 'stock. will bring us adds thut it is not practicable to 0�1 Until next SOSSiOn. borhoo4 4m;W the facts I I. P�a to Lt height of 28o jeot. d h r more than twice what It will Bell for tal'i sufficient guarantece regarding AN UNFOU0171t,'D CHARGE. 11043%08, nd Rattine. :-on- Will an IC ... 190:.10 cronrvqo�- - A Paip4pq CAtSi at, AnVwch PQrt..,�, Pg �.tre,in the village of A Neely, tiOA �Vith; kiflJog,'dt't �Kun o., ohlriin,' t makdored' b a off go 6ilt1hue and on firvi find Of Lullbulalices sent by nou- Col. Hughes Calle attention to victed of robbing tire Cu&tn post - ;01 ey, is alleged tolhavo, market. 110 example, I can the Stuffs 400 oft-jts� occup office department_ to -0 marKet; is -n6VIBbile"thad' AffiRdy 'mOnt to. the. mission and­81tot--him nater perished-. father, George Williams, by sw4fishIng food a QOW,fN' 12ic )lot- day, and ti-als, end thut such guarantees call- floctionN lautdo upon Covindlell Sol- , 0 WIth-�-4e&)iiIri-1ooh4ng,i-t q2ft4i- AlRo-tried t-zho,tit. Ru4siu Ils- going -W, -build his head'wJth OhfAAr,' '. '*,,,. � have. hor� brink In 25c lJoir day, or no ten yea.ru iu ;,risen illid to pay ro- -in. price. a7 railwaty he shape of a 1. unfortunately, be disponsed.with diers I " a letter which appeared it, MoAtrval for &anges -mlssionArY's bI servant. but the line 'arroost hitalwolla from the near, A silver cradale Int 06P6 for butter alone. and I believe In View of what the British oudon Dally News on RliArch t]PcictJvelY lines of $56,701, $80,516 --t-Offe -are liberal latter escaped after being wounded. es� e4QVlAdaX� to Pekin. two scroll pillars wits prosloAt9lit. to prQbont cLLlnP&Ign, an avubulunce coll- erupruit the Comedians In Now York Mrs. Lillian Wilson. 20.ta;toes. r4figs., .&in basket -worked bowl hatinglifig from the same to tic true with all other Ment has experienced in course if the 18th Tho writer said ilint at 1,,u Lind $36,82.1 the. market Is eas Thl-ough him the 'news ii�ached Th kinds of stoek. b - Y. Cars gn the Germant 00 4 Th6'situation in the Balkans has the Mayoress of'Bury St. Elimundal Many advodate tile Use of commor- hud taken eo� out of lito a Sell Lit �5 to -ill. who appealed to entered'ot sorloin; stage, and a' sLituted lit this - manner being able b6ots find mtockiags 53, shot find klUed a young in& track here arii,quoted at 55c -to 57c. Geneial Kitchener for an enquiry by the Town Council and local offl- clal fertilizer. Of couite, the basis I I off dond n Potato r general prising against Turkey is to abuse Its opportunities. Mo.. Lind had pulled out their toetlulls UN Robert S. Hutchinson, (or whouinfito 70c. Trooper Van Buren �cials, to commemorate the birth of of all our fertility is the amount Of,llrodrick says that for those Col Saw Said this kept house, flail Wito announced that t. ovej:heard .Lieut. Hancock and thP It Is learned from Singapore that POultry-Tho market is steady ca her son, nitrogen. Potash and phosphoric It has been necessary to ruldive simil- statualcut Wits Olitirely untrLIV Ile cc witted mulcide. ptain discussing the advisablIftA, the Rajah of Patani has been kid- coronation souvenir in the form of Bider that an - ordiftar%V Crop Of At tile end of 1800 there were 27,- s and a good do- of having Sergeants Morrison -v coil- o requests from other quarit read a letter Published fit one of ill 11, with !light offering It is proposed to have a special 'acid a soil contains. When iwillo going to tuarry. and then mand. , Prices, are steady at 12 and napped by the Siamese. The Patoof an album as a gift to foreign cc- wheaf,of 25 bushels p newspapers front, if' young E'Ilgi Is 130 for WdIli-tatted, fresi;killa­111�1 ur- to expute the SIR JOHN denying tile churgu ,,It% 1160,010 members of all chlirches in am -�(]t 90d for chlckena.� �HE HOT to Grey shot, presumabity for retuning Malays are frantic and serious trou- Van Burep ble is feared. od bout $8.7fS Worth' 'I" th..r.emov Ikeys If Boers. lonial and other guests, The album 0 a etc- against do the United States, warned the sergeants, who fled- it is proposed, the Canadians and 28.090.087 1aled -11mv--Demand is --only, far but. - - to , A tomb has been d &hall be an epitom�l Ments froin the soil, arid a crop of The Yo- lit the end of 1901� Theme, figurem and the market is steady at $10 for Lf Hancock riiiit I lisonvered in the, of the empire; with portrits of ovn nearly tie In ub-, we run -readily Clerk of the IMPUSe Of CQMMOnS Pointed out that tile a party in purutt f them. excAvat Ons At the Forum t Roe a Story proliably allow tin Incronso 61 l287 4 timothy oil track Aere. Pursuers. when but tho that is supposed to be older. than tile their MaJesties. the King find Queen, - 8 that when a soil is exhausted of Has Narrow Shave of It. that tilt. Bool-8 wroso froin the fact cvllt This is gloater thrift tire hud tl1k,11 off per they overtook tho traditional date of the foundation Of bilities. ;these alements, it is quite expensive. A despatch from 0 t their gain nf population, which Ill 2 IS per Paled Straw -There is a. llght'Aet- fugitives joined them, and all wen t , ity, the Ministers. and various other no- t 06wm says :- boots it, Order to be ablu to creep Con I mand and prices are steady at $5 on hoe to replace them by ,jaing commer, Sir John Bourinot had a Peculiar tiulotly lip to tile BrIt(sh cainp clal fertilizers. Now, If we feed our accident, which might hat resulted track 'here; to Fietersiburg together. They rot- -The Legislature of Maryla crops on the farm, we can return seriously, on UPPRESENTATION IN ported what was happening to Major passed a bill admitting CANADIANS IN BATTLE Wednesday evening He YUKON. Lluhun- the commander. Ofthe-Car watter Women, no about 80 per cent, of these elements t to take some medicirle find Dorden (it W ROYALTIES' CLOTHES. bineers. and rejected h Of­Wha,t race 'or color, to Its told by is 4,dvfce' that lirz�ct&,,law fia the State. Mounted Rifles Specially Dis k picke up the bottle which 110 ;iftun that lit) expected tO Ia_ veri'a"etive." lbiric, ­ . Simultaneously guished Themselves thought contained Cascara He took troduce it bill this Session douling THeA-l9aud!'J.,�Og products is the return. They asked 1011� it Octurt tin- I to tile soil lit the manure, and at the wen d M ,same tiint) get twice the mar et es are quite firm martial. but this W119 nOYer-held with the meing !value Of- Our proiluce. 'We Carl read_ a large dome and drunk Of I'llitt11 Queen Alexandra and Her Daugh- -4tvid-the of the, groat durbar in June ne:t a A despatch from it down 1)il. wit" 's connected London says:-'ily see thatlt Is more profitable to fore Ito discokored fill tile Yukon Itors Are Quiet Dressers. advances in heavy mess Subsequently Lieut. Hancock. SUN' magoil-,scent exhibition of the P"Obubiltly the pork #nada7 short. cut are well it wits iodine. w Posting that Van Buren had warned art There as Sevre fighting all day, farm tic as to improve our soil, than lit. Prod W Birkett wits called, Lind y4lu Ofrt'llresell- Morrison and Grey. had him Shot. Products of the Indian Empire will long on At tution of tilt, intinooion ttl,t be opened at lelhi. a - h 81 in the neighbor- to sell our crops on the market. and arrived it low Minutes after. lit, t 1 IRho W1.411111 Pork-Q,auuda "r in the at the )food of Kleinhardt's River, 9=0 timebe losing heavily I treated ic ohn, W0141d Ili' dt-oll British Lunterial I,. 1, - short cut, $21.50 to It is explained that. a man belong- While sitting on a . find tit nildnight tit Ill that hill worn during tile curollatlon I­Ij 22; hea "I. clear !shoulder Ing to irregular. corps like e to - extremity F %%its ut. Ir'lr'ement collhl,, $ �Y th B sh a JLL�Y -In a trial sOuth-western Of thill in the.forttlity of the he was out of danger, tilujigh 11 t I v - art 4pess, $18. t St. 1?eier, Minn., Anton Kaehel Trant between the force of Gorl I would not advocate the feeding sluffored " oration. intInkation Madly ueg:t-t4­t Smoked veldt Carbineers only loins for six sudden considerably front burning '-- ti.� tile wilt lit Long add Dl`� Salted 'Meats- months. As the time 01 the tr000ers , ly took sick and. died. lt� is eral Kitchener. brother of the comr-Icif wheat. but would sell it and pur-IThe iodine waS, in a bottle evinctly CoLoNll,_4 %vli,l. IV tit her procedure '�%er clear baefitf. t6ns and cuies, expired they returned to. Pretoria ll6ged that dru erecadMinistered mandermlia-gerveral, and the forces of chase brain or cottonseed meal which I tire same 8izo s that which he had All U 1, orenefult4iri-il wit h rt- firmt *,tolo it) l,:ogIua,d s it lit I,,,. re oxamined. by to the jtzr4r, Generals Delarey and Kemp, result-! 19 worth more for feed than wheat,lbeen a(custoined to take medicine ington. whit -h mt,,ted that SeoriottLIV oring Dritish m10c; breakfast bacon, 14c; helms, where they w Rewcas being tried illicit to it dellpitich iton, Wtoth- "he haN alwtt�l Made it li18 to 18io; rolls. lle: shoulders, eral Kitchencre who ordered the of- was of a man and woman charged Ing In the repulse of the Boers after and has About double the manurini from. Tile bottles 104tc; backs. 14 to 15c; green meats fending officers arreated.- A quan- with the --murder Of tile woman's for. heavy losses oil both sides. I value. If I Sold much wheat I would around Of' tile shelf find L"ISPILLCell."I out of pickle are quoted at mer husba bad Iimocn-tury or the 1,ossitilf. In. less tity f OvAft-ce was taken I at their na. Lord Kitchener's oflicial report,iume commercial fertill/ers freely, for y tUd than smoked. Mfg tl,.�J Lard trial, which It Wits clearly seen was A cable dated frofil Pretoria, April 3. as it Is Impossible to keep up the forn, BRITISH COAL BEST. Ill 1tl,,h ifrom the British Govern- Cc yg:- .lid sell grain Without their use it "t-11flnul or -Tierces 11tic"tubg 11c�nlnd most Painful to Geleral RitCholler, taeut t& United States Ilaval author- "Oeneral Kitchener sent lonells I- I lie I 'Wvell-, mudo uI) by illPails I lfc. Itles announcing +Iukl: the naval clie- Kole and Cookson from Vriakuil. we grow fill tile forage crops we ran American I portations lla; It Western Transvaal, Starch 81, to re -'and feed them oil tile farm. carefully Coms m Have eILOVE ro]Et HER SISTER. P - 0 that Government at Cowes ed at Havre. it, fill- Iin. connoitre towards Kleinhardt's Itiv- save atYd return the manure. we neled himtlokl Nl I OPQT QJ JQng XdW4XCVs wrona-.1 A despatch front Says -- 11 hit t I It, I ­111f oftthy Elighl,ilid, tThere was a Ifilit run at the catim tion Wfli bo -limited to one waship Or. They soon struck tracks n f have,but little fear about the fortil- I WIIM ftish consul tit Ilavirt, reports inoi, IoOMysterious a damper guns, and carried on a running light: ity Of the land. -F. W, Hodson, Live rho B, itie market to -day, the reccipto'borin Suicide of a Girl at Puts on an ambitious for eight lnil�s, following the tracill Stock Commissioner. that tile itilportutiollm of American t1adl- 111111kS, In Imt limeq twil I I V 44 loads. with 928 head, of ca(tfe Falls. scheme of the United Stuteg to make rh. bitul"I'lot's coal, which were notable,ft t,t-.tiv an elaborate display in 190o, 38 Shoup, 748 hogs, andia cal�os! A dqsPptch Falls, strength. of na "Erriergin� oil Iluve now 'entirely cou Trade was very brIsk,.19A gri . 0 val of It pluln, large Door STABLF BEDDING Ht!ll.iWIXM Ao Lilt. rho, Ift"orm tilt, tw,4-d!. twiLluitanding a rodUCLioa . 1.14 Cee fit., Says:,A Young"'lady, -whose n(orcemen a ad vanced against '10 till- tU1.1-8 and itill' m�eragti 4,11111t were firmer. Choice clitt r a. 40wever, name, according tOL - freights. by which Anioricon coul ISO I,— w-r-th-mun _AoJCS she left, their Ranks. forcing the Brl�ishl Stable bedding performs a valua- ifdeli%vred at Ilavi , It practically tiott 1111'.1 111� .?. rule fro were scarce. butcher cattle especiolly Is Della Tensey, Or Bufalo, Plunged *1 troops to take up a defensible I ble service outside of pro%iding com- Iitunobt.roiI%o being off In quality. The demand for into upper rapids ,from the now con- DR. A. wi v8 erl the price am 1'e a t export cattle Was keen, and tion, which they hastily entr Poo ' fort for. stock. One of ill(' 111108t All('- troIr,ti h hit th every- Crete arch connecting Green Island CATARfl".60& L mo� Fighting ensued ,it close qu' Iched., ceAliful farmers is said to I It'll Ish M N I0 arterri larod that he would Ili this that the imPorterm in-efer Ing In that class was sold off very 1 25c hcL%e it(- as tit,, oO'clock Iuntil the Boers were repulsed on Cut' c %ve found lit'll-1whethl-r tht, on,, fit S. till The highest Prices Thursday. afternoon, and her body s des. farming unprofitable but fnr the mun- IN 13 coal it contains or glotnter, tt early in the day. with the mainland, at 5:4 fir I I I, kitow I o,g I q�,qted wore $5.50 . to $0.6I ii��h' J at'V 111 a carried to the brink of the Am- 160ri(III Blower. I nor of bedding hill anfinals. proportion of large pitn-vm "Urfelli, fircyfts Mdrosplaft UWArl; "DolaretY, Kemp. and other leaders 'Itilfrid . though old cattle wore picked outat WA P "I" *' Ills oh- that) Ille erican falls, where, when last seen P persuade t0air ject ws not only to Saxe food hy American. willch is Illu,11 fl.In into t ... n higher prices. The choicest buteher aLt nightfall, it still remained caught throm -ad Ili* vainly endeavored to it OPing his stock dry and warm. bu Calittirth d en to renew the acti ble than the British, (Ind the cattle sold"i"'at, -Sheep, , ozd on. the fee. free, All desillille on Pffteen a 0 I loading lit the United Statt, I fil' ll,f I ambs die steidy A. W, Ckr hundred Boers participated I the . y ounce of lorilid �C)Ujlol t"f Iat SA -2p: 1 manure. This kind f bedding arid me -03:1009 ­" engagernen t. but they had sulfere, Its 1, hits tO" firmert'"11690. 'On the bridge from Which she leap- 4120 - I I. he t I he! P I' A Ph6t _Preparation greaLLY Export cattle, �biofce huallily, fmd rle&rad hway 10 ty,n a. 11IG FIRE AT VAT TrTrIELD. baked. mud wm. tiN "I Im il.,tuirht.,,,,r� ;il ...... ... ... ...... i. gli'lliph of ute olderf3r;walt riorth, West, Lind south. lose of, gain Whon 1-tting One tiliste rendW_ ft used the liquids are not wholly ab- Lafga and two who]- Ntrnw Ili tlegaiding ill,,,v girl ill I ..... $It50 Ki "The British Block on Main Street Is n% IE*port cattle, 'light tl�.o - losses were nIso of- _ at 329 k)eIaWftre Avenue for IVere. The IjIfles especlully ru t up Bulls, expdrt, bpeLM, s4bod. but when tho Straw is Totally Destroyed. olCwt. I .... ... past three Yetes,"and I must say T NEWS 33Y MAIL AOUT JOH:N d , istinguished ill firip It. pret,ents cold dinfights along A dempatcli fron, hicintreul maN, . ..... erg, haftVy'L. ... ..... 4.00 )a the 'rill. tow,, (,I ValleNfleld, in Ileauhili, 1 4.15,- us I had rather do, that than lose comma llllllt�,� .. ....... 3,60 AJ50 am driven td, do AWAY with myself, 33ULL ndVd by Brace Carruth- II(Illiffs and goes Into tile ol inure riots County. wns III" mi --lie (if ilFood (n'sel"'S' ')"a P"rtv-'thr floor, and also fully ul)soll Stockers, 40bir to OOQ, the love of my Own sister. ors. holdiiig. its posiLiAn till every L I)orm lbs ...... I ... ..... I 2.40 1 8.60 Good-bye man Was killed or wounded. �11402 fit a condition whir), its (if firi, (,if Thursday A large ilIiflanu Bill to gilt. I am gone over the Falls." Occurrences ''OtherR66f 010 for r P d &Tuipoilition 'I'll it'I h.- Ifche,rd' cattle, cb'oic6 a.75 in the iland That -cem ohowed grt-alit -if there I" liloCk 'ill 'UnIo flI"' 11-11 to Butchers' clittla, 4.50 William Connor, of LMerpool, Eolr_ Reigns Sup�ewa,ia the Com. - �,steadineqs, f0lowing the Boers it) ad- the. great atnount (if labor qa%ed wMN totally l'o thor ,r not Ill.., kood.. .1.60 4,00 land. attempted to save her. He metillial World, Vance within two hundred vardm or ,Vh#n lial)(111TY9 manure th"It IN linO hI Oc It w us orcupwd fly jilt . hut l,. It takes ilme to rt'doce conrso nott,-r- goods rfior,, 11, tit V iButolteral, loommon 2.75 4,60 Aticeeeded. in seizing hold of her -as York Cj)ja them, and repelling them with it has. 4pen late In the heap, bill when the tire fine tboy soon decompose yixlso lings ido on -colors transformed 19W alti-fol3bre. hod steady rifle fire." wore storp. "I'd it number og (I Butchers' picked... ' ....... 5.00 5,_,v5 She bassed Green Island, but an he 90 and half- pulled heir Shoo came off in hin Hull is proposing to erect an ittiat- 6 hold more prant food fire is oha%e ...... ....... 2.00 2.501 hand. Efforts to Secure her it, Solution Atarte(I rron, un Butcher&!' bulls ... ... with a toir, cold storage, hide and skin BULLET IN THE HEART, Owi. 2.50" 8.90 rake were also unsuccessful, COV- market, far (if fill. bal,11walp llaIh.C(f Light stock bulls, I 2,00 2- 0 nor's lattempt * and Offices at a cost of tiMitch cows ... ... ... ....... a0.00 52.00 aff it very daring one. Z70,000. oves Rhythmically Wit FARMER'S wortK.4iinr IS P4111neted it 825,00f) Ido bucks ... ... ........ ... 2,0(j 2.50 It is Again reported that the Beat '0( Cie Organ. IliI....... 6m, r' AT T132 CORONATION. Princia of Welleig will visit India ail;, A despatch I'N'drY former should have a r,),,- AMERICAN LINES, Ifrom Berlin says -Tho venient worliphop as a memmilre of do light ...... .... 44 5.715 . ........ that cormin4fice'dont ot the next cold 1t`hIrf3r-flr9t 'Congress Of the Oprinanleconom 5.75," Pri the on V A Workshop should Ile English Steel CO1nPAAy to Expend 11.- till. e", ff4hlrurgical Association il,I It., t Was 011ftilitft the daughter bf &-xa� opened here supplied with all of the $1,250,000, ,ieep. export, 8.50 4.06 i4pef."I'Squ 0), Wednesday with a discusslori on mary tools In the its(, or whith flon") A #h-upatch froin ....... ... . ...... 2.60 1A.25 tired gentleman living at SnIbSitone'the first liff'ritrAcTif (if the W01olded Ono or more of the "men foIkm­ It,11 IS if Port l,,A rbli;Patch from Berlin says: -An Grangej lilt, Yearl ng lambs ... ... .... 4, 0 50 ou�c.hly In battle, Prof %'on Bruns, detail- Ile soinewhat skilled NON A,41 but QIleoo Wll_ b, r..;Z Spring lambs, each.'. .1 1. 0 (5.fro re. was t ill lifiv- and Ceni 9 official notb just publighad announces fifund dibilla I U. I Ing the reformed Prartice resulting'Ing the 'tools and knowltig ilill cf),olidate led Calves. each ... that Emperor William will be repre- Mr. Justice Ridley, sitt rom expertiences lit citha arid south, use them, ,,,i -k Ith.. I'llml ,f Ittiml.. ... ...... *.. 2.00 10.00 8 Ing � the f ilit (Ito CWt ...... ....... ... ..... . 9,50 5,75 'Newcastle Assizes, fined the keepor� Africa, declared (11111, alltisit bandt-'ranged-a pl their IJelng well (),I American lines It will ,,xw-nd IButchers' picked ... ... by Admiral Prince Henr c for everything &r)4).00() V ltShea cil"Prussint 'of the Criminal Court jC10 for lot agels were undoul)ie(I)y for till impl-eve(I plitrit iind x 4.2.5 .4.sa %*hd� Ideal for thr*v%erything in Its ha"'MOV0 Ito wotkm froty, Adin Ow"Allitio "Co211junle& bk VICly' b&VIn`9 It SuffIciftntlY well lighted. I battlefield. SUPOIROding nntiseptle time need Ile Int P, e port, ewt ... ... ff.r)o 114) will I Yearling lambs ... ........ 4 iral Baron Von Seekendorff. Captain Randolph Foote has J�Oen' treatment In 100hing for Moor to Cargoneet ()if ill(. lol.50 4r 50 Field. IllarstiIaJI Count Van,Waldersee, appbt�te4,nAVXt, al de--rAm Prof BI-1-9111aim Introduced several : them t If(- bumv mutn- - _11". - _. - 'lot indilip, in fli, iner seavon, time Is CORONATION ARCH. Patil, of Mpfain Sir Ed- patients to Illustritte the desirithIlit BTJFFA0 VI tOM40 V,0 de,-� P to the I n marked Sitting Ill blith will Ili, ma-lol 111,21terini for hor Crowns derlek. PrInds) rdtik. wonda by Probing and other opera- proper places It Buffalo, A1*11 $,-FIour­-CWfet 471s. I' ockefidorIff. ­tli� cht�mberlain 'Iiiif ward' Chicheater, prombod to flag'" far am posaritile of nf)t M61pa ti4ig It the tools nip In order arid if, their The Canadian one will be a Char. GRAIWir b and the late Rrnprerlp..F easy. Whe 5, S A Steady: No. I Henry will be., fiCcompariled by hill Is Poor economy acteristic Structure. In 7 L!'o, PLrn-gI The now southern apofoach to the tfdfis The inost remarkable case to have to run to the Shop one. two A despatch 14 A I lilt 1, o11da.,,wjf". no wile"bin tka��peefq.IfW#4tion. of jUng TOW*'? Brid ,, " I., Imaud; .2 red, ogl,�`"nstrucUid Py the, Wits that of .man who attempted tn at, three mll,-m awav when air ,xq, it is n,fit �.t itliaked. 1;4*4d.. - fAhd6n 6� ty Counal At A 'oat commit Ruiddo "i(h if small calibre hohe Is to be Set ill. rho Cniladiall Itgoo. The J)Pnetrated the Wants 4% new toolh. a inhp feat,, re of tio� Corona will, half .1'' Iheart, but file wmind he c it th)"A, will Pro- Prorted fThe arrh ill I, IIol. I rays ftr- an bullet I Fell E hau- d d Unconscious lying on the ri, t t A itIbounding with enril I,ea_ No dalrynian call pl,nctict) cruelty products nor(] will. lit IIIY It became and now moves to aniMILIS find expect to btain dt- Mosch nttentior l% rhythmically will, fh� heart, ot cent prleo-(or his milk arid butt( -r Ill...... iI11114�811I:44116. Polio, li-1641v"Inff old AlMot causing tile leust intonvfIllence, This Is an Inaxorable law promfil- LAVI,`lIiY pq IPA400,111fro.. gnLed by filature. LI' Chown, IN ill(- great ftI v ,f MR. RHODES' ESTATE, Sheop are the offly llinials whiell the world or it do 'lot really exhaust the lano on itW. 4111w, do, 3.1 McMurray at., Brafitford 19tatesman's Will Deals With Thir- t hey feed 000.000 thore fir,- I'IV" Ir Ont -describes her none as 1`�Jlo*x. her or I (poll I oIIIAVO huffored woro thaA irfordS UA, tAl,fr6f. 1111vo.. heAdincie, fierfeltur dyij4poin, nid ty Million Dollars. nanuro evenly an the field and tramp ffq girl otilil I lAtO the soil, feeding Upon plunl liI dek to T*d it hot other 111111110,19 Will not con- it' #9 L�,"Ill thik.fioor -In� agoiiy until I telj� exhaust6d--&d -tifflMaWelouar lMd my husband Would have to entry estimate. nor evmil n guess woriltv on ;UIT)o the nilli ber Ile 1­epN I Iin m head would' at tfOres albibilit drivill; tie crazy. I oould'fiot 11 nights, but A deopnitch frorn London sa:vn:-.N jnrian'm tl� it frorn It to 15 golm tbeen ventured tin I 'i'lashing the hands oleeinq I'tbuld fakir no food for four days. at a time, nifirl experienced terrible gnawing monsta notice. has ftR �ef a need- tieing tile Ire .if V , tho Isto tions in to 'the gross 'a Mr. Rhode' ]('us task flonletImes. bot tire uo(ceng- h 0., I, were skeleton of akin and bone, and my limrt would palpitAte vA though It wag hbout to announred. obviously it h it IIn"A)Ih4ti bad tdgIto in the mouth and earttfla tongue. was -paid, nervous, Irritrible, frijigily exb&U tea, estate, f fro ` Of 111111CIA I'll,, atop beating; a h rin the benefactions now fill diijivillan will find tile My Vrgdf"t hufr,SrAA,r was cAused"by the dreadful pains ih My head, neck and back, And all rAICIllable on Allent lit this way are the vit pro- It han hire It+ thit Was In irp#4,of flie tleSt effi)rts of three leading dodtCl Of this City. the baSi, of h, Intereml boall rn- fituble of lite day Cietin or I I) .... t For tho past WAO mVftthP I have used Dr, CWI 6'15 ffer" Food, and for a consfde�ofbfe tifne I have ot PaCltY Of COT15oh, 90me L2,060.000 it, clenti eotvg and with riern 81 A 0% I0RDFJ1.F.D AN AIRSHIP A b tn"ch deperidn ),I ii- attlifiltaitholl; 6 AlnVof the symptonnIf millifti'd illd a ove. From a mere skeleton this moffleiho has after- A good I .... k,, a blachine to vF ed I)v If Ill Go jtfir0d, *lid am thoroughly restored to, health. for two tied the capital raint reqiilred ill (III- a Pastliro that doli,r) not I 'If, it $20 ,I man Sit, a ly S0Vb21 ItIon 'Ah'd *6I until now I nra St)r4hg4nd well, do my own housework, Walk Out alone To this env, lie nd-1 The (IlAtftnee tra I Will oft),,, Ill A Will be (10,`01041 to 9ducational en- there i%.Il be if clent, built me no intoffe.qyi dO1V1tfA6n1f hours WithbUt (ftlitni Is it any wbrid6r that wot fall to I t feiii, 11 h provision rerfilrding tile Houth AlIfflefolney lit Roluirthilel; rilal,� ..... You Call Uge this t"Urnernial for the benefit 6rother sufW6roo." A01caL properf Its Of priate ho. In a (hty I'll,- extra Work I- wdwe be] IISVO, tb proldtido gtkft ' fly There or,, 103 flify­--tt lit f th"O's kldod woficlorfut po*oIr of br. learn there IN tin mentiforl Tiin the cow it; at tile efrpenq,� it th'r, birds foun(I if, .. .. ... Islorlittilrit bulkdet_ At I"Yoris of no- ally TnIeffravii I,,rinron that tile farmer for tile roncl of these fir(, it lie -benelitto you, f6t IC150, at all of, W_Qf the rholot potirrilerl"t6fatl k0b,'Vilitilial Cot, ovW41,42". I Will deals With six million paunda. Partl utilized, in the work. No round only of ".If t 1, It wil; tie but it does not verify tile statement. ture Should be need unt 8 112 land birds. 11 It I 1.11111 ZIA 111tivitaf,-11tt0" I