HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1902-03-28, Page 1T �W-41RW"W It-- IFT 7-Orl T _11102m life. FIN" R _X Al. ALA& U, no ate* ttm t he for yarr bek r" T'a. -TIMP1W "N' 1W A, I V 4�1 ".W titylt Q �_j 4�0 -4 T tit 7, 0, o ONT M 01�0 0 or� . . .... eea Wynn 090 oil but it W42 004t A wW 0 6"holoolf iA11QuI4, be ot ik 4, grosow 4froli A t opee to, gioligi wl 4 )A 84 itV4) or S" der ta W44 'IT or 4440m Rec"111441 to, be 4049. 0. up troot 01014 to, bi, for 0100holoir k 0 This Cl�lfcluded. the business all riouroo,*� 4 tile ;*,rj; of b Iff )pr9porf7 to VO4joth", 'bao b" hifff. Th* jrol 0441 �*Iii tip" 40*044�to lidono hetile CQ%OQL 1k, W was til (01 00 aritt� hilld'hA tiofavatiW4f *11 J .#,X4rtoor,V Ot"ll .4 e�aw 4 1 ` All the members were resent at a W c sit( . ;# %cial UlatthIg �46; e could; tie; ip"p �Jpo cintel". the nip Mon, ay eve tit t a. aOff, littisit Wilton,, aqd4hu ncr� t Ote particular 410 U ly AXAyW Xo"A44 for the doitptiou to buidueuhdbad callm the meetin wlis lailt wilt #M%tuslit bloft" Ottaws, *0 followit, u f for hati-th" puc16twigig to-tka flolliaiv 404 behind 'The,de was 4:9 4"r 4, proptiffst from the T HURON� Orin 0. t� Library board,, W410 were present, Mr. ocerQ, tsecret r WaS.r Ailed on G 0 N hikVe CONSE Woro: to exphlif nagotiallong will �qe WATIVES. 441 C044 Of e, "girtolifi. Aft4'Wituielf J, &OW10" "oil outer b"11 ""'0 04 to kouro A C4 breakwo, 0 r -tion of a new r The Annual Meeting of, the Liberal Int fftllftt for the ettc r ave130?p0b, "IfOAPI Conservit they 0004 , li UvcQ Of West Humn, will be Patilty w4m, Witt ftilues, brary building Lere. W4 I the held at irk 9MI0g,:#;ece all every point *0 the Witilit a anti WAIICA culminated a a to "A 0 io' I M 'turementsi"taftiat the, Itfulod Niter Row 'Ur.- Carntill6le Secretary, an I SMITH,'S HILL If �h'j be "A 0 W*000f "11111100% on t";Qt Ott, it its req AW TJ 4-11 IBrer TOW11 Too give Unit, no lntbm , tioll. 11 offerlas to glv�, WA NTX V _$fo coo On Condition "that -19 1 Veib 0 43r, April 9th, next. tho`4 odiiii; Wedn SO o.4.1 10, 00 -0. IK And �falo` not 9IM4 b0c The t;r 11101tovib viiiula 'Xii It free $Ito and CO;pMenclug fit I o'clock Ir. in. -sit; 00 00,kAW011 ling 911�'A`(4 was, the work -*ctqld, coat rfo),muriU, inqfe, guarantea to expand $rowa yeq for the t OTXC 0046 AteJ 0.0011 than they had OOU14,not 1) r 84ditiolt to the ustial, busluess, of a, twillitittItuilli of the building At present tile antuial weeting, a convention will be tbo '�t;ablig for If; J* lititartd, UP -94 Without stilitusi tontildv*, the town makes i direct Ming ILI And have onownplet -4"Tn �'r ctory Wurit sed A if fl.otafr��ba#fi: I tile sphoorls closed ybotei. for 13=14 oe,hl� g"a�t of $400 A held to n9lUtuate a atandard bearer in 'Ter� Itr *.Ie; _# . 1 wQ filstor had, prowl - he year towards Itcephi%up the library, and the forthcoming Ontario electio TV! O 7 It 60 e tibittin' I with the Aid w flu cliginearle taiwate go fl, � , r A rrtuue,�hQ11 cciarQ7 inling the summer And and Sues $75 ott.pilel for 'WM�-Dio-kW74i the other sources or t e ward stnii urds A, I attendance is carnell A Wit 0 A'Sign ep.Nog. 74fo . -4 , , 0, w 0 o It. Aft MWltobC 't the wfiole, scheme with *4 Council county grant. $f5; sales for, as a too tit what could be done. As to the. ment Orant (last i sup. of wai;auea 'and t a elections- are expect�d not Put-thIR UP A verandi rs later than the fir all overn W oiit41111fUlner kit "we '.Unllor wA bot 14 t week Ili June. W, 0, ........ SUP" BF.'ex, Pfte., treal 've@terda#. tot"wittele'l docks, It was found by plied Ey the town, total of say a A 0 t D the Mayor Ott otiquity that the, *720, The $1000 could be made up thust TRW�STAR IN this beat a4vertiolilli 'o ift r In Life Countv of RuMn. O'Dell t 144 1110 8-ut Of V5,000 which a*ared.-An- the Town gmnt .......... $ 400 oo ro ;a I Aw) _0 10 'Tile Knitting factory will hoelosed estimates and was supposed to be for 1.5 00 Tile Plague or the pollrAcsj poet. AMU ror harbOL poi tA,d&y And town; row. find will ,,e. peo re ties... 20 W 644 If a a 0 r pairs here was a tit tot'. such '4ro 11�410( J6 I.- t'title iii Wed- the ORthollo Union, of ottswi�.) MORE dawork over the Whole Dominion, and ...... 00, 0 Tbore'were�nrf shipments of stock 1044 afl� A there was only an Lp 'WE 5T04 r0porter climbed to t ArIELtioli Of .9 00 The appearance of the $prjug Poet is a 0. 1111"WAM 9 r 20, to, 30 he WOOF Bros.. dirY-'goods ruerchan". kri thitt week. except those fol, rte�tlelslfl flo,00p for dredging. Ul-trie I, .61 in e De illy Water t. 24 00 more unerring sign of the approach o t On A uVROAT - un&was, surprised 'It the March of prograi With looiL4 t �6 Alift'ster bad at once wired the res eut I 00 to tLegil- grant, 2so"00 Woolf, end Insole to theii store. The I Ito. ri TOR 614,11iftbabitant is'pondeflng flow near for a report of what was needed, that Season- than the note of the robin. . Leff alake lot0li-t that The, p aln the -road* -were :InT Wh If newed 1073 ono to, Ut� a Ina ore A still '16 - - The electric light Is Cal let at the The Poetical sap begins to run earlier 1ILtHIeXs 1 Atplel( Di lanAnt n him the second thufTe wig lible to tow" eupp1mying 60 lights a store rule new windowR With 1nodern'.dr7,-jjoode tt!& lye ------- -- ------- building, fhi Onot so till hth K ' the secure a promise thist-ii f ft ettlar placeTfn "gent' pi the water rate would also tent, 6, that' that of the waple. However, (por. $6 coo Of F4.80 faclik :)us ar 1) the political poet has anti- --------- as I'MIT, to make toorn would be pline f0j' ,a. be supplied by the town, cipated 01011, a eat ofle'havOeelt to, �APAX_ , of and the, Gov, Gode� a e beronsin number of Itinks. ernment grot Is the maximum amount, Ited by that veteran 400 Rist, In. so that; gooda can Its ad tit *be as a spring poet. The 'The SL Oath- tot A. .10kA 6'PA8tWg0kfOr.dOObW: displayed Without, dannigi. 'Thotgo. ')lilt' will haye Pairs t . 0 the-corowercial docks. rich Signal, id 4" T")!IG ftgsofo;� 1 bicam IndIgn, tit mirrora 14 Is, ye�y it 811004 fit Illu As on the (.,jib Ap to the arm, books lid ,,,,,.ave to be expended for re o harbors, Mr. DarlllelL McGilli- Vide Oula whichwould all If fro, 01 otidt wee t� one"114ve A40064 4 Aug, fit prom present lectuLnge, r charigeing, � I hit )iy 'question they had ipu t t has grourt a this. Go d ii after-tio on. tact Col. Aylmer and found that the cudd , has receive a thrill of Poetic In- a olona Dderieb will 16111-4 Infich favorable eplument. Duf4t was ira on from a mccut address of Hon. ."M 13il an 9-144 0 01 Ing tilt Tuesdav owl Uovcrilment had abandoned their plan of In the long Informal discussion which Of otilust. he � 4c. have 1. 1 Ostalre boo been ecifivettod lfit`6� artut tic in co If to us a [a followed it was thoufiht thai; calculating nit Latchford, and pursta into the VIOPtAnce of therviret, of Aimllev WIEDDZDAMI cippet and one inerchant toot g 1 0 a u ty w a tneutal say OOr$sOGfor brarian, caretaking modern houseftivniiihing flowing a lIV910 to Piect a 102D.0Q0, pt .1bewAterlog �cart should bftve heart headquarters, find had fallen be to the Zaa D FLOWEVA--Ofi Wed' wareiroortio; said to he one of the, beat. out�l titJlbritt� in that, city. X6 was argtfetj, (hat, in nesil'ify the f#61defeei of F. i1rviii, of the In Western- -Ontario. The pirtl -lid systent. Thevii was therefore no hope and sung, which would be met by the Lilt TrInte of scented flowers first four items, thh; estimate wot tr tnan'* eloquence. collulderattoi �f die'lual,ner in XVI Feb utlin have been, rewo As voon an weabber permits A sniall that air Armory would, be erected be�rv, lid God's at lie in upon his foreffead, o' Goderl6kii., W49 th ved, Door flooring and raft, 400.0DO-teet, will Arrive, at ner thought, the towu-might quite safe, provi 0 earde Ate 4 he' but Col. Alt ding the town could Tiana. And shelvina. .-put in, arrange for. a site All Ii is acts bespeak rare sea7 ion' 40XC0i-AiftJ;Iv, Prear, wed4ing, ben.his and the witille space Goderich Harbor mill from. tile Brue fairly ask for a m1i of thea=unt ost, Th entirely -to caj Him eyv It IlMs In all that,$ good. 0 to 1, 'InciplO daturliter. MI Penins, d I- PI4qtR90f_the building on the present Ilia I o of Dritiall so M. Nellie, And D. 1, w -th or tent o It a Present -elm JP4L were and Ains-cit"L-11111-13miliss.--etti pew leart ate (Or all that-$ true, PAssIngthe Rundall form on the sMry in pal market site, and moving the market to Iluereth nought but trut large spring stock is now I I - lid d he would Age ILA. endeavors h $lot tiplace d to all good twen their due. -4 iman, It he'llad foull. . tridilpy Phoe'll in W94104's boxi4s. .The,,cere- And the ffrul anticipate a It law leman to secure that refund. ke 1�urop Ro Wednesday, a gent the old slidso grounds on Victoria street, A111011VTv than, he a'Whaj ��o do 'ifitl) L be in4ov jiviil� place At 6`sp- M.,.R Inue Wall advocated by Coons, Knox Humber We Invite attei 91f- & trade than aver before. th ding going on, the firit seto, b� As to the G. T. R. station they had atioll to the exquisite 6Iie-*&y ram shmild pt6vide bkfidiomel'y for the- knot In win th a season.. met Mr. Wainwright and had" matter and Thompson b t CO-DAW-- MCKlift, ction of the opening liub of this ode. widows Rtfd eiphans' of; Horobst presence of a large "iful 4Tx LrreaAwr. the ey ana Ulftiott1h, di 9 ohave i -The buili Of Do you Nrant 0aroestrie's SIO.MO? That now settled, and the work would u. I � ' L be I. ld light the public Tbeperfutneof flowers was not suffici. point, 41144 Jorfellos. The brid6looke lovely the series of these entertahruijerits� fox- chance-'tQ consider this ently expressive tile flowers had to be �Oj Nd 14RIbk 2jth* 28'ih eat. , I ifeation: and tile other Is. can proceeded with. He had ag ivit'n, g� to' thii tip a Oran lo York pat VIOW Annually -ad with Proposal before-Ithe Council took any scented in addition. Then there is a -29th n Whiteilpi; Rod Odrhau. a . 4111011111, Ole ment 91% arm eodlu to get UP the View of the Comit(i g*% no trouble actl Hon. J. T, Gatrow to -the- As -she f4dk 'rt -041LI 9 Easti"', was held"hink It nut- today. on. picturesque abruptness In the ittanner In R BE. court Of Appeal bench, too made of Oro riday Is OwLero- F need grille over the objectionable clause Coun. Humber and Thoulpso which the writer pass" from eloquence N :nitudlWritub. We heatil a qeofleruan state tbat he in the agreement regarding all cost, a n ffered FORS A of Gavrow & Garrow has been dis, VI in Pretty There was, ilfivet- find Pill, the Itrott corn In the collecting ilott resolution that the town agree to pto. to matters not having 1C)02. I's ll; 'Wik aawne e it, as the oblectfon solved. and it now one eatablishedlin shii& o addood'tcr the picture. much interest wit, 'fit, tbg tot, the Marine Hospital.and nowit incurred to legal _the remotest con- -isat cc tile only frw the Council vide the Sl000, and that Mr. Moore be nection them -with. -17he luctre, too, is its place hekwe6n Mr. B. L. Dickinson, The groon�* bestiman was his brother. debate on "Resolved that oteans b". *111 be In order to follow suit. of Wilighain. find' Nir-, Chaft. Garrow. A. Xbo c6neluston of the done, moie for the world then the John Currr sa developing as A hol-ti- His Worship asked Capt. McGregor authorked to write Air. Carnegie to that worse than the jugging over a corduroy MOO ftatloo.s. effect but the others urged that tile site d. T se who re I a TbQ new ftrin will,continue practise in p f,3� gilt down to 1% 6 CUILLIVISt.andhasaspietty spe roll 110 gaii ill prin t a w at Printing PITRA." Messrs. D. Aillion a oinion who was present, to add his version a question be settled first bt� enquiry and as tile grentestof literary afflictiol Its w se Fare -and one. -third, ftich �tst the same offices Ott the cotter of c In Or; fit which all the And Georg. Webster tnok tlugafllrma� of. a y6ung chestnut as can lie In)- the matters, but that riflemen said he consideration, and thit few horrors 0 !Ding out I to 29th, retrurning,,on"or befpre Hamilton atreep and. the Square. Mr. fV, lee Ptnthe -season were served. tive, and - Whitenian and H. BnIh ngined. It haa grown aboutten Inches could only confirm tre Mayor's stat, Moore got information It meantime Mr. ror them inAhis Dickloblo" who 1. t 0 , many ftientib. Tom STAR tile To. Steam won the day, this spring. merits, which were fully in accord with and arran Inna Ili Portent, t rie political poet. Election April Sth, 19og.. is well 'and widely in t P known. it the coUnt.y.willremoveto P And, Mm D. J. Currie a but =1 were The Godepich Organ 00. shipped it flit facts. ,= of building and wile. t1tiles, even with pioltibition in the air, G�i your Ticiti, and Ion n 'fit who ther the IF, Included its will have terrors hitherto unknown If our all itiforarkti -09derich As soon as itpp marded life. without belittlin Wondem of complete possible fter, !"'age I large number of organs to Northwest On motion -of Coons. Humber and fitting up and furtlis�lug. This was politican organs take to grinding out G do word and Milton and Shakes. a Tow-Tickgtgent, d.T.R. STAR welcomes the ifibliI, goil popular IHOST theta Was A firgo attendabee at it Piovine". OUIT take the libert - of calling a public ojtr In order to placate frow F., vet0ingilisaffitirilo, Wingh4b.i. Tku oLm&.N!s S.&Lim.-Last sat� stean), thought that the ar� which put points this week, and hille of bath for- Elliott, the report was received anti fin 11 agreed to, and the Mayor said lie p , _y of the variety furnished lyy the bakriatei as d citizeti of goderich. peare intu all languages, wrip tire niture were Snipped to the different ordered to be embodied in tile minutes Of w Oderich Office open from 6 ts]t. to, 10 P.M. nobeit MCLOan'k 'fitirtion Council, their thanks being tendered the nicatitig Of,,Te clet Imus for Friday our mdern we wish to statp, that in Gals of vfci because steaul is 1)016X to- If you want to enjoy an Intellectual deputation for their very satisfactory night, that who -FOUR SCORIM AD UN. -Mrs, Mary noreigs, 18 barnees.- etc.. and Placed toy elect lcitr. but t be art 0,( treat gn and hear Rev. Dr. Daniel fit work question, including ruency to them we only give some two of Mqlvcr. 'Vidow of 4be late Murdock Pretiv prhitIKisd'hvInR one. Miss Gtiffirt North St. lethodbit church an Mon- rythlog offtirea was thesitc, might he discussed and fully the least objectionable mtanu of the blelvel!o passed Away,60 Sunday at the sold by Auctioneer Gundry. M r. plano solo. and Miss G. White. -day, April 7th. . Surjecit., -The giving COMMUNICATIONS AND PUTITIONS. understood. Lake Huron bard. rips old Age of OD years. And the McLean. After an h4norahlo business most creditAhIly and of the Contur!;. A letter from the J. R, ]gills Co., of THU TinitionoNn BILL. 1AAV9 Y05 SMi, the Miss 0. "T:IrInr read the G. remains were Interred In Maitland �career of. Ithfir.ty-thtee years In 'Lhe journal for the two weeks b. 1. McDonaldva. the Town of God rich, Toronto, in urging the placing of The mayor read a letter (row Ma EDITORIAL COMMIUNT. UP 4-0 DATE cemetery an Tileadity Afternoon. Th@ butcherfill; ending and Radcliffe vs. the Town ofGod:rIcb. illuminateaf3dials on the town clock, was Howland, of Toronto, calling atterNlol dectaAecil#Ldv.likeherlakehisitbatsd.wat; th business. hits retired fropm: Uarcli 21st. It was fill unusutlly go. d Montreal Star: "Han. Mr. Garrow, horn in the Ishifid-bf Lewis. one bf the men andltizens generall will regret in the reading. -e not- lost DOVIO on Saturdr when It 18 expect- The following letter from the town went, which proposed to Kive telephone after a borrowing experience in trying to DISPLAY 4 :l: : - rat timrich.'of his VaUlng. Business number. find its merits %yet I W comO, before His Honor Judge *read and filed. to the McLean bill now before Parl ti roupt, and with her fAbill his rhe wiestion drawer ed they will Ile c O;ed, solicitor was read and telegraph companies the ii y gilt to keep his seat Ili West Huron and to find eare t; will Ile pleased to by Principal Strang was, an usual. Don't forilet the coronation hot an tile pVblic streets aritisfaction for his labours in a Milil$ter- Since. In 18.54 the family moved to moored glitch a inagnitude that he feels stud efiting and instructi vs. and it I he ?uppvr, Thur"(Iftv evening. April fled, Goderich. March 19. Ion witilout getting permission (ran, ernsgratel to Cape Breton 75 V learn that lus'otTer Interests have As. hits, erect poles and wires ants should turn out to be tL* to church. under Lho onatilces of HOLMES V& UnDR111101t tile ship without portfolio, hits retired to the �NOVELTES Goditich, where husband and wifil compelled, in devote his whole time clever solving he papers, as some of the lea' Ald - A tempting nteal Dear Sir. -This appeal w&e a niunici r, lities, and aqklug thrit the flench. tic wants a seat guaranteed to fied. The deceased leaves four sons- outside 'Virhat he has rellneluffibed. rgued In ill Cor oe represented on a deputation look it Lite rnatta.1 tvhurably to Interview the Government thereatient `oArtiel, of Owen Bound, and Cohn. The hotte, and cattle trade, and other for the drawer. there will he a big list A body driver created ft 8eusat'lon by "it 6 the court, but of course J theni have be.. In inventing iloestions will be. served from 5.80 W 8 p. n). Supreme court a toy atilt long enough to enable him to g1t the, . .' . Ile dood 1. last r fa. :i1t down off it with dignitr slid without Neil and Norman. of Godericb; and interests, fire pirraituount. Prohablv hater" u iftnen was on Wednesday morning. Ott motion of tile risk of findInK hitasel oil the floor." -lare of; reserved annitloquitellaciloatop i'Llate4irl cKim and Humber. Mayor Catnertion ittaw daughtors-Mrs. Dan McPhail. flu loan 011hif county of ffUlooh Ll A nice chat till by te boys slid Goi Wedneiday'evening, ana a couple of the Thera will iiot I ksly If ardent was authorized to telegraph Mayor flow. of passes ILL the midsummer exams her fast driving round the Sit of t4wn. and Meadame% Dan McKay serves ntor* cr!dit for energy and pluck Save the King closed the proceedings, hundred people. gathered fit the head fur Baltic weeks. am a ntlmWr 0 0 have Titic Toronto the other day had find Neil McKay. of Thessalon. than does Robert McLean. With -good alrdady been argued . thloo term and stand- land to act as representative for Goderich'. this antongst lea political noteq HASTRUI MONDAY EVENING. -Fol. BLAZiL-The fire de. rolmrice. as this Council agreed with Ilia views and bad markets he has, ever b"n at AN EARLY (if Hamilton street, to watch the per- is torludgment. "In West Huron, r. williani Proud- Daniel In his series of lectures will be The by-law and mortgage to authorize foot, forliterly a partner of ft it _11141) OR BLOCK. lowing to the program fOrthTenter% Tire tens if hundreds of tboutinds 4 on Sunday morrif J. T. Onttow. regarding the bill. it, and cheerful over loss find gain. pertinent wits called out shortly af r Those who have already- heard Dr. Also the following letter tainment w be given next Monday of dollars T. pald by him to farmers In of the Blopharn homestead on the ready to mark down the date fit Ilia Oodarloh March 21. the loan of flo,000 to the summer hotel has fre(inently been tnetitioned We everilmr, at Victoria Opera House, the past, we Oust fire only a forerunner Re MoDoxALD vs. Gongularit and to provide for tin advance unner the Auspices df Florence Nipht- OfL A more extensive fabute business )Ake shore, The brig&le turned out i ne" lecture an "Ilia Swing of the of so per cillididate f,,r th, Legimialure, and ingide Obapter, 1). 0. X. In Aid of the carj!ar. ich will he Monday even- Dear Sir. -The trial of thin case is fixed for cent. oil the anioulit exp ad by, gilt that h4o, The I - 111A 25th Inat. wing to tile rttrarriant, at M e I tip to datp goine, it was tbou 7 holpIL&I fand fafrJy good time. but Atter Placing the Ing, AprII 7th. r. J. T. was considered, and ill e( woul� .�UG Garrow. I mon forinintr a now partnership e Mayor stateA receive the nomination, now that r. L Fares. .4"The Moserson Club,.. FOROING AHmAn.-Yeliterd y a hose It was found to he too shorwand . A nunther of bicyclists used wheel.% with Mr. E. L Dickinson. tit present of Will that lie would call in Mr. Voung, of Garrow lion been appointed to the betich. OA13T OP CHASAOTEM. STAR representative call"T Ito tile Veel had to he driven back for to.the fire'6n Sunday toorning. find of h,,n.,Lnd he will be an hand as cadnael for t9; Auburn, an experienced builder slid It is however, understood that Mr. Map ind love Mont .6-0, Mir; Milton (hostan) ........ Miss Elise Tye John more. Finally 18W fe"t Of hose was eight,seen on Biltannin town fit the trial. Road, live with tile case, as I attended at the exorn. re 0 Mrs. 411as Lou Mention Yulea bicycle livery. ripair and sale* stretched from Wellesley street and 1 am Pf cour"of""'I"Ar cOntfal;tor, to -examine tile work and PrOutlifoot will probably come to Toronto I usejd the side walk to the danger of infition for dlocoveiry, land will be able to ran. Por an to the expenditure, an which frud enter a prominent legal firin� and, in Mrs. Humor ........... 1. am Misr Mosely warerooms, and vrAq surprised to iffle, the wLter turned on. but by till, time p de tri n . Bicycle der Mr. DtOkIllmon what fiesigtonce 10 nocoAD. Glidefh Ofitst. M, o umcoo r ............ Miss Matmil Strang 1 0 9 It 9 It Mrs, You'rNshusband .... Miss Grace Dickson Lite extent of kite husin-As being done. the West wing of the house had fiallen perbember that the bicycle by Is T riders shout trust this III matiernotory to the Council. the so per cent. advance could be hosed that event, it in lie will drop p,,litics, Mro(.Now W the suit or at least, as far as Went Huron is con- In.the centrewtis readv to fatil.and Includes the ni�ht with the da potpors are In Mr. D okinsou's hands. An Offer for settlentelit of OUR SAVING Wit 0100IT ........ Miss Dar' P'loa Within tbp-w#Llls of the building are 150 V. McDonAld vs. Town .............. Misr Irshe Acheson the- east wing was burning fulliOnslY The Onderle Enkine companyare CUARLZB OAiLROw. of Goderich, in I SQQtOh D&ntO ........ Mine MOIArfurl bicycles -many some ued. And inside. The Bremen turned the water which the piff. claftned Air. Proudfoot says to VOORI solo ............. 0 ... fitting one (of their net litters oil the Two petitions for sewer connection on falling on an uncle datinages for Tilt, STAR that from Trustees, ViNollatir Cialtdrim In drilling title Evelyn, and durloA aned idewalk and Ile has fit) inli of removing front wonfe-propAlrea fid"rebalts Dopoelif Xastruniental .......... . ...... buss 91110upile some for repsirntidewre-buiIJIng. We say on the binning building, but beyond An lesea street --one from W. T ; ...... ........ Miss Mai Toni the 601 1 UfM A110:90 rebuilding. for some of Elie machines saving 1% few trees and lessening the week shippood an engine find liciler 'ip'VellOw breaking -her a was considered, T .................. Mr. lookedas though. likot a Irishman's dauster to the that no their services we tho,�zed to constilt witit, the bitLM�i' of Irom 'ritly, Cattle 'to 17 rnam atlTone from F. W. Doty, were referred the Mayor no "n "nit being quite satisfied with his Thoosildil Whirs, find allow del Ural. - it .... uIxteerl Irla gun, at I they wanted rfs to J. H. McMillan, Gory Bay,an engine to Public Works co at If a 1010 0 ............ wR1 it new lock, of no avirl. There wiloconghle tow i6lfelto-r slid act as seemed beat Professional P_ I tarinj6, addid g�ery sit trip. Ima lAurA A6114i Black and­harripl, find when ra 01P tit ths, W4q-eMu* Ctr. B-aritfO14. A-nd A letter I . row McColl Bros., declining Counif. Murney, r6spects here. The World's _qlan ........ .. ;'*A Offinalto ob lEneWPome, 9 away rom bicv'cles to many points In the Do- to supply oil and w1st as infir 111"US-.1f DO *Itt� T=qw! it 4 tit- about the real drixtrar Elliott and Knox t� story inay have arisen front his having Way Thiteales departmentotalilled totive the ball without the necessary length minion, a at pricesten- 'assist him. had, a number of cases to attend to it, 6base- dboalls at toy ill,,*. gtoviololit fall wheat, %ft good at, lude an Council then adjourned. draw ura 4 VALT, WH' t A number of the Alasonle fraternity orderfor,,wo barrels of boiler compound, RAT­tReporta of the of hosellbevit, It is doub ful whether there dered, unless the town would inc owing. white the allow cases indicate 'could 1, a Toronto recently, 3, fill an 4 per sent. lotatoji all"fai d bad- mwtstrikln that, ma been inuch difference in from town Itfid 117 a wheel can thi result, for when the mean arrived Carlow will visit Seg' was read. --former Oredomittating. Growers he supplied w th all tie d Friday, afternoon. tA% 110,110�olmt and the V�e forth this. Gan meet Acting Grand Master Hardin TEED PUBLIO LIBRARY. Tun l.InRARv question should 00t P n to the wherethe fire started. and the biteklialf sharp practice, as the firm had included a tie a live issue. Otte ratepayer. whose lifulit, 1016, fr9ort,diftroat Vatte of Wost flAmn munte front the anial"I"arf, fequlf*' an the scene half the greenhouge. Conn. Murney said thin was a bit of lf.1%-Piteaustat tois laeft in(, the who will lJold a lodge of Instruction AVd Wen Interviefited,' find tha, largest alpFle part. The repair shop ofthe house were do-troyed. tender oil the compound, which was not Einsuclal Report for the pUt opinion is worth motnething, is oppostX tho 11 atleA (Sit Index of the p t thelocallodire. Most of those leavi - I m$nLrAVXV[6d�WotatnAfid' InOtsbaye though not unanimous In their vie a is oil[ actito ty. no less thAn aye hands jj,.e extended to the other halves. Goderich will,go by the 2_90 trolu. asked for nor wanted. Ile moved the .1111 to 460"It 810111 draw 90& MoTady pesent state of being hard At, work. Here we found Thebouse was fin exceedingly well built matter Ile referred to Water and Light YLar, Books issif6a Dul-Ing to the inarke! being nwved to) tile ex. in the C 0wh baraff; what at one tinii was Hittons.glaple a, niodern Utha. a most valuible nut. one. the beat of material having been A. lit. Potlev, the w.11 known livpry committee, With =r.t.He certainly De ficalinegailateat-by frafi*b ths' flak crop. A few residents of Goderich chine Tor repair wnrt..a. hraxer, an oploo,site dir"tion, or to tile old of narder, used fit Its construction. but not a dol - man r"ToPliotelf his 401 If year Ill Lhai did not favor an the company FAftbvk 101*0641 it owneblit, declare that the fall sowing enameling outfit, tonols of every ties. boRinimint Jn Onderich fin Thurs 4F of FollottIfththe:11loaricial report of ngtiruittiral gmuntiq lie conte (I ill t 96 111119140"404 for he. w4p enreyiaeoworth ei hft when the fire was d now. Carried. tile 111terents of bil'ifiess would ill (Ott. It Intiol lost. from the ctiption..-And.evervthe At for the handy Put OOL Of the fornititre the greatel In4t week. Tire (we had alolowt -aid th 4, Public lbrury for the year tool I At di, weather, mrsonis violieItt Billowy, biad warlAyd expert wer anic, to otecom. -equence be affected, tile airdwAw:fuw pro" 9 -vMvrnn hipt Ill #%bit- to handlo- that strifiliffivAia from other townships p i, t, fir I h6front, of I he house warigav6d, old #Iran) A request from Engineer Kelly that an the gains ropoeta Ilab'thefiforethittl t Plecon'twotit. burt 00 in the lines Joaft was do4troyed. the litips find rittend to the dilLI04 of electric alann be placed on the stand Pstanco from low ....... ...... tin ng Ive,ot -i,le of life Square If is Iinggention. Ate aliv rity dresses 9r. Yule'Informs TUANSTAn' thathis ,a* I'",no okpd fine. 7H m whith N worthy of that ITO g. but in the majo the Bel are "bftuti(uf[V areett"and baRluess to graWfArt riiptdlv, and that Tire irreen house witu the thougmards 11111CAM11Rith &It tile vIror and lert. pipe which would tell when It wrka full of Orant (mm OntArta tAutsisturs Deds Of01IL"V it yclou nger man. water, and a recommendation that the . IS901 n go -1 -kite for the library would be oil ,look nice." of Plants mind many tools contained Orant.fr,an Tow" Council Of Vontse the Weather he Is 11f1rU up-to-date in the I" pro. therelfl, is a total kriot. We under. At the annual meeting of the svps, stand pipe be painted an . 4060orl the old ukating rink corner property nix -oloing,lin the next �wo weelits will HIA rue u the paint was Grant front County re Isunell . . � to cession. And In another column he slandtfietrefrou; aninsurance ol'Slolio Huron License board Thursday. April oil hand and the cout�act bad been let 8,I,,f,,,gazIncisn tiewspapern y West street, oil the vitcalit corner lot entt this idiffrko sjoijo4 nj, frinn''Id 60111 determine the fall wheat yjqld, but It intiftes the general public to call and on the house. but the furniture was 170, wits pet as dar to conRidar last fall. were both referred to conimit- - of it. or oil tile cortler (of Ha9t Ntrect X, to tlil C001110b be great, As. all Agree the see (or themselves whab he to doing. uninsured, and,,aw the loss luilat have ppl 616nim, to boa tee, 171 an tile Square, wllere cLeaii's butcher claim. pitlithy, Toraiiitilito borrowitrod $11talght 1oami':aad. simph &orange gown gets Islas 60 sent. to Lite Ing 1 1. a UK BO&RD, Op TuADir.-A regular 1 $26M. it is it severe one tor, lintn. an or before April .. x ...... ... 48 oggents that Elie inarket might he nlovcd yotarlyq shop flow standa. Our Informant nlqo ad 1 a T ACCOUNTS Rent .. .. .... $ XXIto O&Cjr AT 8I,*PjALQ'_0V6r eating of the Council vrals held last tiTh. fire . ipposed to have nrivtlnatp� The boned I & ftnd light .... .. of ttaired A motion � I hat, tin were referred to Finance committee as -Weststreet awlthe proopiqe4l library ca30 on $her f!0ititilitrot, firoup'thetimp of fin Incubator explod. 11cenie wou d be granted to a hot,el follows: 0. C. whitely, relief orders, Dock-. not fiction on 72 takeitsplace other miles for tile library go an bad made "itch Fit lltx)k.. notion ..... ...... ' r . I lunfTuesday evening to the grran4 jury ndway that ILIIpwtqt slot or such like $9.68; National Carbon Co. 2, Goldie &1 .11 Ought top nectired. next tile Bank of tilt"' flordin bf Ithil 044r lipa"Votilif lonlibinding ..... tdil the States abd nh. when %covered thar, top family were I Goilerich, , room. with,& large Attendance. r. In muclilue to be ued on the premise*. & McCulloch CO., $2.20; lot Barker, Commerce, or till Nt)rth street, tAj0d OM loymeht�. retAlhing the S. A. MeGa w made report of the depti- unaill to control 14 and It took floito Last TufogdAv, Mrs. galln'11304 mild 110Mmonporoo for Itendlog both near Her y Videan (ttizig-nallow oil Maitland bridge, lls t"Orn G2 -,a tile Square. Allen( tile Public ulecting In6eaun .. ......... 41.) (A �hia eVehing in tile our liouge. W-14 P. ZOADAI left, f6r-ther old houie to vialt; h'is agod other matters, similar to thAt made fly hile afteridinK to her himsehold do to In '00*10611 tit it month Past. when hw tAtatinio t6 Jottairig,. re bmrbnr slid 71 te accident. )m to Alfg. Co., $19-55; municipal Dolan 176 31 1 alilt to ride uptown and give tire M t with is most unfortutin I MI.11 C t aln World, $4. deAlted to sql� him. im tire mkvor to the Town Coluffell, -its A11130R. RIVER AND LAKIC.-Our eli a o tripped no a. Inat find fell - t1roy, -wem fAlling in befilth. . At the 00pOrLed fit snother column. d, 'it A request from Mrs. D. Patterson foor I THn and sea -dog of tile breakwater The Id townsman, Captain James Baxter, I I at the right wrist find hreak 114 43 end of it month cite young than Jett feselhilltv, of developing the whip In the k1i'm )Uoat Alloys. A doctor remission of Itaxen of last year, the then Tbp bago ItAinnee to owing to tile ft'mi bets be -on and is now hard At work re. it %favor Wilson having prouldsed her that fact that, Life catalogue. now al(nn4t, fit dredge thk week evelops a very tin. X ti, at the Union, but ot-atiff't1br building Induatit on the bat cad the f cturp, and it will he loofftlw 00 Dairy Welled 111110 back. island was discus"d Ali game long, pairing &lid refitting his boats for the considel able thitif hiform Af this would be done, was sent to Court of roint. of isinar. wits ofneceagity dolaved Admiral like fit Of noger over Tim ro. Videan Ila# g tit liad no, rialit to, earkilo, Do the offirtfon being unanInious that c use of Ili DA 0 1, eason, which seems likely to be fin *111 be I Me lAo recover the to the prownt, year, alth0ligh Its STAR'q reference to Ills poetic ability, as Mi'tvililikedthe duthit'h#*40mler so a cornplish ment W,1)14 U :fly One thin Year. As the werial member. e expense w-ts calctilated to conie out of t SET K -C, Von RZIi OP COMMITTERS. quoted from the Toronto Telegram, He Robwarad, ft. but great benefit W the towh. If com- (be revoome of 1001. .$APT �ioath*t' And t CaPtAin sAys, the boats. to he @site for Will those of out ett 12ons who show The Vinance committee reported as ttegardiog the $40) AhoVP A" a 4 Q(f I 9"inot to deny the authorship of the Otte hat the, forelAd fis tina- customers. toust. be well looked after. the,had OxAmple of makliur cow pal hit follows: (f) Recommend 1,Td "thlow, It! � 4 0M. toittoe OL PuIUte4 tit. I"t in t to Sir. Latchford, and also tire nparklin Job* th'hooAme the proof onto " and thm looking after business that Ing Payment Of forto the Town Conoco, we top L erptary find . Doty on Cho Square remember that thev no P followin lines, "lluryah for Tarte, so bi ight an Li IV40 V01#60ft* It 9 accounta: Win. Lee, coal, $150) Is rhnr7ed too the, ViOdic Library mr,lart .. lwdk, if*ii a. 'it the4e Was eL irawy)ow. -were empowered fa contl no that,. $five* him, in, couple of months' hard tgobitur this young;vnple of (]ode,.l,.h $?6.35; , N. D, Rougvie, $93.72; Robt. in Ifiv (owti accoonow. $]foil of this I neither of which liave been lawm# to It a character as a fit person to receive A1141 Red hatter was 2�01`tdd' to U. S. onquirles. And ISpOlFt, All 8 peudilw*. v-111 be fill over In time for xatrubloo the disputed account of 1. men Morrison Wit" III, V ft iIt thop to, go Into lis Infr, work and causes a considerable ex, to be laW breakers Sursiv th -ow Tyson, stenographer. $1.75. t!) That was Inherippropittilion tir 11)(N). boit, c hazed an either libellouiI or derogatory tAOL It In cheaper to hire it t inarine contracts. Juat wily lie miloilld that flidtitlerahn matimi #it , tit tin Council. th makers can see the. had e 0 t ilvisfid, till, ofititurnobt Two eirtu Ifil, One %it the orillia, 19 Cyaretoche rinfing gpnerstion: If Co. be referred to the committee, with dvesiontsilolhal ve-to: thtlif tile grailt colt. probiLbly, Own ofit', and boating exerelse Is fin tracks to the office Of the P. ft opted. ulake out. Latchford got inail, itn troe, We tot&* hear Board *17 r n"I't CAlligin B&xt6r than It ft to not. It In tiote they wtre nearip to rnk nwOT to call witnesses. The report was get no hot over Ute reference toore of the mattor Ili ill# la *0 foLure. Bostd. deal i quostlob of' M. appi�aroi its 1111MV) for III I we can't At1if't"� GOLV SMLSON OftfitD.-The L"' ti I e. were dis. Aid to lougavittio.-Atiout 200 feet of Hamilton atteet. BOOKS but then he is n man of inferior bay* the AlAte 61foleatlitilt Zo S.&t4trility. tfiolifitilL n6t OtHtted, T I Intl front the the consuiprelal docit remains to lie The clerk ter tied that he had reL -niental f. closed fit. And the work will he coal- eived (told TO TO., rulleate the cili and not.,. good judge of literary 1* tit latMr Anard d At' that In the evewt borill!" purchstapd in tile clinrins, If lie ha -I i -o contracts to give I hdtii#V 1 6.1 fat le ft Untelo of the Into mortgage to secure the town in its loan el, Itboftbaitfitr' 'tt Ofthi!5 Ithamillitil r tolaoso ,I�Ltri Art fiffin is Wk hna Mordoc McGuire (111"I"A the out why didn't tie sy so, and riot throw 14, f utunbeir of men were emplerve.l All Tbp figtirfix liplow I A4 ti a Orgello Attndail, WrA t1d week dragging for thd luldv Solicitor the nit ... her I, 44, fAbd �bU4f"Wt,tlHi 4i ni Itil fifical Policy tho directil,tv othra. 6" ugg ted that the town nbake a ut an w Ith"I't fallecOR. of$10,woonthets"aurnmer hotel It tjlotAoI;&j 111111,her tit bOokq altirit oil "The Ode to liloquence." Now 6oting touch nrsft thogeAsotl*s linst vooar: to ItAth 'e. t Polling Yedne re iwair felerred to Vinance confolitte for it footch clittoot tit tile litnry, and k doorialtitc% wits Nip ra-duty n eertad dece walk from thp dock. for the end Den * tile Admiral, lake a, turfi or Iwo on(he Toot)p jififiliebre strater.wthentorthplor.so 991IT was nrit exinlinatio i before signing. mirol1wr of it) 0,101 such c, 0 that on . t lZens "Into have all pit v 0 itter AV, on lie. -A t this meet of Cltr a with It"Olved. IFIL, ye 4814 deck, shove your quid Over it) the other IM "eve t ill r own In, le, 10 If to 0 hea Courts. Murney anti lutiott moved that finvinst, the re,&rr "A menade to the Outer lighthoolse" Y saa� hot will be do v nide,and with a %hiver itiv finibers" Afid Made it At ditT, the 6binthitteis such chk a In hur resumed with fat Mr. Fl. N. ewis be appointed on the fourchaged In 1931 FIim floml 0 t1loy mill is 6 if week m... r wmather. thoilgh Laited TotAI Jrrecil tell the lion p*rol, tbat voWlt have at, the titittifletti, Wo 01 thlb. .4 of bar roldive# a Vontime in to enatile the Co. to apt off thpir Mouth here ait Collegiate Instiftite board, viee James M. hrary. te 6 I*d$L - 01 A at Big Mill ran several %light* thl he reoaltif Vill marinerfi,who think 474 hitif struck off the Ontario Ailnlir JbtV 1400r,1111611st 4ktkd6Fb6r.-6fth 01 As lust thd peddite Shephard, deceased. Carried. Ill-fory 43 ra RA hi 6 t, not lie ftill id car the "It IiPt if lie d(1091"t better sense here- tillsAfrican shipment Ili tinfe.-Timea ^to a 270 inted to fiforAlleft w4b Aotfiftly"44 mot tw 06 Willi tahn4l adt"e,hal6poriffe looking Up tit the dc*k. as innst of Cite north plot. Air. John Kernighnn wan appo M4 fter. Above oil, don't get %o fearitfil the vacancy 01, tha Public Library board, Voictiro and travel 4 226 160 nand its not gmofl forno Think low we coldra frr tho #lid, othisr , juitt'stl' D *bit ffift"06f sit vs to thfikil 111shitillt tugli ate preparing W fit ou&- this litorritute A 31(6127 tion Schley nn,l Sampson kept their teinpem. ftlenco vice A. 1. Moore, appointed secretary, Th week. On Tuesday throse in flontpt ropt. 4 1 Is 3:1 Several poplars ent down tth Work on Cronjo"am Island if& litill belak. and the pa ##b"tL&l#o` of riatirrilfur Mrs. Elllofta Propfitv. on aging of by thai Huron 10, (too ill# British Is to& it larFo number of men being fimoloyed sClanflr"1itig Itellf -Iltaratures roulialait'i atthe"roff 0 1, fload. Vera ti IViet 11 11 19 $487 n t. so Lbree tit a litildin KOO the owned and on Wed. these appillutwents was defetred it ...... 8. will nit zMearit4da b1tri 4114 -sing ball dnZon voosels being Alered and nekdAV the tAll Itee in front of j. H. meeting. rizflana-us rJ 7M Ifw ovatnro. alwnyo fresh. at the old railablo 4od1yOhe*At-MiA*ft* tAiy*It6V ..... 4 e406 *1004 n comattlao; 1. tore"M 0 1 to 3M oyster linden, V lotorls, Roatiourfans. West at. 'Out, 4 JAay of the, Snw* "paired, at receiving now machinery. John"torild, beside the 0011PRIMIA. ["Am- Conn. Thompson asked foir power to liound "laasines no (100 30 in bulk. or served all style. Ica eposen, -Suciters have passed tip the Maitland into, followed suit. ff tit" he w�mle to employ teams to put gravel an some 40 1 OF Thais, ciratilars tilot, Wit -Iii the 4PPrO' Its Very large numbers tire pust few cut down these Old landmirki; -111, strects, which were badly in need of __ 8T N proprietor t telephone 70, 0111vt1pod hh4 tie t* o any 20 i37 I *04141hit been for "or tow dollfil trail, confectionery, OIR41`11. 090. C. ...... dAy this to 40 'rat of tht Council, Add the ittiptet The menthern of the Imard afot Ap- 0 0' 4rd .... � V.. a L� tit 7 dayff, and ilidusandi have been takent many think *o thould bear with th v repairs, its gravel could be had cheaply 1; thfito *"Olt wAs diredtall to kit I If I:e Oat loar bicycle ont-and havA ft made it el re4 V,, pointil UP the river. Angliorn were out old. old traft tot, Auld I,arg, Syno, flow from excavations. roolow bv te PublIP Holiont board- Its Ltoo an new. Willi a coaJolensmol. links tr#*�611! the tot6lpt J%od gA, "thaloh; %41 1 'of) JJ6hdA L f fifitill rittillforoethis Witek, and it few made Tho, Lima fit now fit hand when The Mayor said that wall not the way Inpertor Tom, D. 3 Nottlel. J. A. laic wok InVafth. 864rd e6fleilkt- In t4a IticlPhl Adlob- d6ceint 4ttirgs.-The leit in away out, 0111*710st should 118 commenced, svo A Ft,whIr% Appointed low Olt, t4j.parate lireq ovsrhaulod, otL our Raps,ir 00 kiohtl 60#4, Thai uhho Of -061141 and it only needs a day's good rain in, roll kfiftwn lne*l it"le hitpi. to do It. The cottimittees abould bring pad for all t 6111 school bnft14-JndJr0 Doyle, le. (Into. Doparlment Is foliv equi 1 1. K. 41.1 aprifiloted I.v the Wait afictiff4d Ill fiPart stL#r part of Marth find early in allow tile whole Council to consider the TUO&V WON. Sthqk x0alusoldo 04 botato t Th In rtP0110 Of what ought to be done, *tin naviontlon and give toot ti,togh it Town kinds of repair work. %not a in abgrgz,ot bbilifidilitt, Intl 16 AT14 DAY W4 p0mbil I fill thromal *4 04 *bIlti the tMut-As the Government hits inside April. whieft the finds Are *wplilocr. t"(11141) loci I --J. if. wolifell, J. le. lirvditep one of Ilia beat ropair men Ili Canada who 1Md "00 6 Ahottk itnaill tho Ilia, TAl%J4)Af)P' I rb pfili rly to matter. They bad had an experience of yfo, Kernlahan, The ()Mcerg ale' *111 (to LIA work In tile lidegi and boat atyfft )6ft ffib, *tofffid it( Ille Cothtntrefal doelt In itm ch 9 thOPI-0001`11i Atifflo Fruit Marks thid finplia=rd way of (join wood at car store or %thr. fill J. Ofor a work when Chni nan. J. H. Wofftell; trvo,411 601010 wo Aftepting (litl0o W6 doviiint %nd %afig. how 1woold it Atwilitte frIvIdlyentarepAtilt a former Council expende( *01r. *lid ft% 60 ft t 1611# 0 'lli il2oo rI ft, 60 061C hone it& No, 02, and we adult Call for defit %VjIlIAmfL *I*.V IcAlf I" b with An ort 8 HrvdR('Q.- iorrefar A. J. 141or Me (,d w3tcr 0414 extension on which only onjo D A I Librarinn. A. I off, thewheol. it Will fritioripl0 to I" how 0AA 01. AAR11014ities to the tinvAto and Atllokb theft, advantage tit Lhop. servic at IS a year was the revenue. Grin yoor *best will roblt, or to ifingilign, Pkt, Ilakii. ' 4 It Wks AW If tho (it 1*10el I& A-1tail thb 6lay&jor and tile 06disriell -OP441f be. Ott fire 40*t*ehd state Of Its ft I t*rW#, 'I sPray0l4this *0016 buys"* And C-0118110ta le dfRusiden fbIlowed His nit& - call aittil "al,116,011reffoolid barld colancit, t�l �son TueSTAn's eirculationcontinuen to Nay And Will not, take Worship's obj"on, Couns. The afea. Onr low Woes stilt surprise, y6f14 AL A6 ALA , WtA Xt 0 001* Will, btlio #04 me. filottimillIA1 *064=14 And Humber arguing that the c -I ease. Oro. W. 111froasom lilt -d MAL&" MAL. L