HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1902-03-21, Page 14
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The 3tar ohlaft
You In Qu
Uri Cire lot
0 ol'
opaw""P _-W'Wz AW4_.,
.9. sa
W141-9 plot M all
-a FAIDAYp *ARCR1tt1902`. IA 1.
boom, 0: '1 , I'l I I - I � .1 - Ultio pu
to 0
-1-0 toot, TAIll allialo
To* O"XX 04o 1.1 SAO MowXitto A100mvXr. "PA01alArTTOX
.)W)A POR A UL-40w4at
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t 1h*'11t*tIO4 Of 1% **W 11WOO 4% tbig 141011NI 101401koft Moll to Tolowto IA*o 9ur400k )to%u4*, 40#WIT
bIr 004 of t1ho. So" *rA LIAO N 0 I'll thill 0�rivoo 0� Ohai4ot
94 4 V"#�
1 0404 laotor of
9",014 'bit" pttorul oild expectant %vift mvi"a x
"40=404., -
0411110000 *tic �OiIws,
lao lot
maw, no
at% Ub 410,00,
"WA lit 1�hq
t 4104orti" billitAttag, Will ftW ftoto T ItA n1yo;A ill Er r 01k (011owwr, reptirk of,t4l
I,� 10t, ThItt OW04"40 'W* U *01' 7-0
he'llialpeA to J0sMM%t'r#
l4t*O�mbl 0 z .
AY1#1 Ivt4 tow
Or 14 ltbofplt*,�, Doff. 14% (W of
eoil thirwWOT071, "A - 041u: The r4tworis warit jqt
Xt for*410", , , , ,, - lit I � I , *)" WillidtvWtky, bqqqr� *PA 14, 10, rat. oft-tho Prohlbitt"'L
MAT, 1011111 follow
*it, roe t ti
the, Pciro, ellao" QM � Ktkd M
of e141'" 0 00464 -to Ilft you z§t4 t M Wom, Ido* Of On
VfOlt Oot March no, of,
aAl V4% Matt M1, hilie Ith vank, has b"a italade Nor aitto (or diet
49 puti On 0441.11* tIn WolvIllogLoil it V41mil rollythet ftbw 411 watt 111114 AVIV) WOO Xor lay; al; ioui *41
tAlit, 001ttantIf 4 Ltiq co �A he� Yfiote that
V MO, ill lao�saw witholvatsia voted, ��Qliurwe WrzA hefsfat h- U" AJ 450mi 044C V.� 0"A 11% "thii
AY'WAXT Moat a494 bon" r to C fro
with -0 Ir r I
to twfolro u
R .4 silli.larit t
t WO Vote n
abloal Witt.. BOX, I'll 404 9
, V. K 113,101. A Jog to of�og: the apn *w zillit0ford, who to also a
WO 011)
100I huille rigi A) thl t 71f - %
fit* Witt roatty quo, 40, lot
'All A13 deecu
rxie iilyto. ar h h
A ORO A' tolio, works, m
list W k410 lie 0 wi t
-------- ttingo and on,
------ Oat the; OAnd song.. vM
isa a sail r 'Nuist, -of ano tit It
WANTIO, �19 i -of- llayo; -it, rvot bilk-tv toil the IftPle 4104 make. their votes tell it ow
te_k the natura
on.'Ttles' 4y 1'"t Willfatle,W111011 he Kno-W IneAlittilliek Omili believed public
MUL, boat 100ged to be, similarly eushrivve4 in
ii7O 00 d* (Korn; 4 4litivirt 4114 fell d0l`0100011: 01104 he Illusthlive -164t; coura and. splittlot At-- vias-,fivtrwhelmin woido of one"Who
100, 046060nlili Atilt; gly, with
sThe P is boat them,
shed suell a lustret on tho AU0413 of the
te�,Ohga voff�k: ilea lativett modo qillck for tile 111001MIlih, followed In which ctutdry, recentl
. 6 1 loyloff roof Rove. utulActuth y deceased.
011 WHO Ith, 0 t.qw Itettlok all Dateu lll�
ITA IT. IOMPT pall U. wlky efoclottono, w 07ash Dutm,
ill 13o of the MeNalra Avilwa, relations "it the entente
too mewon ! " ,
41'amolit'dlmoult ond. 74r. McKen4lit tit
. . . . . . We ww"A ileta Tait STAR and, the or�
VOmpany, I �p at Jot), for they, apparentiv Insemakille pam . Wit letter raised two questipue:_
tit* t1to to $0 otor04 oil V aIn I
X [I,] eq icon it beightfartir. He Waal were as what into t we tire indebt to tho
Ili Colborne, tow"o- P%48 VPA
Ito of I is It t4)llft tiVe, aA4'4.IAO Whetber 11, firlaht Torte to, for It CO of the
o to ee
rig 4 %he Toout
d7e rA -Ulu--ho -Objection Vale rue I t e
illion was rOpreitentat.
b and whether is conyatt
Rr tot! ICCVO
M es,
venloved by r Uri* M 11,
I'tfoillt- arwingatt edOCK (1811114113W
oll.cal, ifell 'It Was Ound ths, steri It is headed thus -
ot 40Aeaves t4l, tho, engineer's of
rata", of Wet Them.,
�qco, at a Water every mutilcipalitX Ifi the lid rig was re.
U es hje� 040W six 0400401rivand 'to ee$ttor I
61 lent; "604"o pre.selt , e t lytu,
sn. aud after all hourle it wave htu te dtild to 0 tit
ber, the X -000A t4kett thetr plane zo per LINVJ RMI(CTV01�iV INSMtb
"WVbd UO tO lva,29.Agalli rp
V011servat Ve. Stupta 14 lipmeti aU04 41 committee was appoint -
St church 41nd halt rk litte ivatifid in bankella. They ed -tot
a tieull, The etlimuldee re. One verse a6leeted at random with both
sea joined 061joltod Wore both
or sell en,
.of .1 , " , 't VXX -P g , '' , r 11 d when 4ppech
01� the .,and that body Conducted altion. When lan
art on the mime and officer$ of lt.'R. 1,ATCUPORD, OTTAWA,
as lot 0`114'110�
aloe 0, 10.1w.4 t
of I �0 P 4014how a. tr�,Juuervil -service 706tetalavo thit ret0thod thollrat W eyes shut is sufficient to give our readers
iihipmont Included '141go fit ik were. OWlitore 111110-- est Huron Prohibition. At- an Idea, of what Mr. Latchford so scorn.
on 1 4 revivattkat heInK Interrod in Alattlikod a and Lynn
bi*d th;I4,ott'
lei A AftIt
sIvers landed t#6 life,,boat crew made fully rejects, and Incidentally to confirm
frmairto of t4b Dolliholont.-4.wha adillbs' Officers—Presideht, GeOrTm. AtIlott, -tile opinion so many of its
tiaT r. i
pcl I Far the north pier p
mithbair of, ev, S. M. have, that lie Is not' fit toil
wag 'too rough --for dtA*gln
IOhsfbrd� oillaotitally crossed the river. returned to the, doo;k. The to lowing
'A OILP of 04tachmory, ou unroo Auburn. Vice presidents Like krfume of soontod flowers
d 0, made 0'. JAI of the l0etev. ThOL 'hut A" there Qodoarich� vice president, b" thn't"it',voX
Weak" 11ontion, Iddw � 14
was Ito sign Of MUR. tit, and the Water Whall 13,, A., St. Helena; Minister of Public Works, We quote
hat" �sbl they
AOL le
Tlw� '#Ing. itlie,ft-414buce of her ion4ii-JaWt Mr. morn Ink the lee
W10, . . T, ", 4 -. pill :, fie to for thimicipalitles—Ashfield, V. Agnew; 10 a true in n1h ale once I art One to4 he :Qd Wawa- OIU=k I$ forehead.
our, Icket* ad bee. I riven shore- Welt Wavaposh, W. Watson: S.
faH,Q . . 'r, SatUr
ward lit the.p W ere 146 ill
Iirare "a".
flitting _Uo. Adoicit f ah. 134 touhsrot 0" too was sUpbsed to Ahlre. gone down was Rullett. John A. Von
4=2 0 for' bo el )ah, A, Cart C)lbortate,
'Withols; Gddericb,
to ',VAAW' P. &—on "mud we must
Udy cvv,.tol Qp
I 9nollairod-to"f 0 bealtbiaml a f6livweeks, Cover with fee '90 t, Ickly that; no Tom.; Goderich towaship,
1" b- 11 Ott anotherIverat, _HtrfvItJa__.
40"t it�mvhklb tonk such it Oerlq'uo 44of A,
Torataid, 1111411c Tr .0 inutile. otI�nvito lit drag - Og for the � body Wingivam, Hah,
tot LCdurtice; qu
sWilli liqrAl"AI. to roacialy t11 d oil ey Park. The report gr . _L I r Wall Ileytind hope. mad The reason, why the 4
'ftlt, GOLOW.—At a 0031inday oVervingslt Bev. . Lie. H418 efirt is for all �Igtt
boat Was (wt Orlt the 100 was tin was 4doptL
Rev. P. J. Oaten moved: Whereas Ron e
latore. '' , ' , , . , .. L , r
aft service tit tho-residencei, t of At atorniv took of the oven Ilia r due.
itarkots priallibitionists the A tit Ifluvivele.
is IT400 'tt# t 0
Olt xat"� ok &10olafstfrt. a lArgetimlier of Polls- which"Aagalre thought meant In convention had re- Beautiful Indeed I Is it any wonder
*ea a t e remc
fort uest
PO4 O*Jftt� t one of the r
0. season g the' lod,yr WAS borne set just 61M tber north vier, unless they
it riends be d on the 1011K Of nbta which he had )vat of the unfair condi- that Mr. Whitnev the leader of the Con -
q IwA Club was reo;j;;j;jf�nvi th Mondav morn In felrendum, and their at servative Op�osltlou, was so Impressed
0 AN. r. V . nest had not n granted, this conveu. ith these timely and beautiful tin
TA 0 X902 ected..ss: 61 were Immediately ]tried, find It was
Imity ip low
Gafrbw,� hoh. ;vice J� while he -was litting them that a wave 01 rere es
i. T. n a fitting
1tie11 It I repudia the rendurn and de. that Ike deculed them Valedictoi�
and officers 61 to theRo IL de to Millasta. Z4, and
itWin. Acheson. Irv.. R. Robertso
Hon. Ile. a. Downtat m. swamped- the boat Raid caused the clit'" to ke action regarding the to mark the closing hours of the Legis -
t4 W, fJ 'at" ipre*., A. Hunter; pres., W. W. Me -
W At t "thot,
JaWL411MIA11"01111 Oar g and!
I ra" utot thenco I it) On tirtgon tieing the pall hearers. The and loss of life. The.decessed Liquor Act of 1 2. lature, and incidentally to form a sort of
lTicat; vice pres.p Malcolm MilDbriallip
a widow and six children
Mr. Oaten vigo
win. b was conveyed to London,,Where tonal supported his hnlo of glorK Into which till.- rething
brain y
0 : : i.--' itinvivivided for. tbt3 elftat of motion- He clillmed at success In Ministerial tdisappear,eatheserMant
Ulterinant-tOok mJaee,Wr_ and No. t—otally th
130.1 To 13gagaratit =hktovieer It relatives whot , I reachinit the-tha�
T, Wiaccompanying The de� ing accident toolt place oil. Similar. alble; they woull be hopelessly defeated. Speaker doffed big cocked hat and robes ---
'L ; Contra t e 'T
ivial Week 4rraw Ruh c. u. o. Achegart And other n Is about-Im- Wheii Was- 'lliptiat at -art" 441 LaWay tile mace a
n6URve Q.iv Day. ud, Mr.
I e of W. 31sevicati he remains.
ma Wittibe, composed
file its shinert, the do Wfiltoaooj� i , , . U. JJ. Grant and M Whitney prefaed b f.4
a n teAsed lady. w"O wan born in York the harbor was titio of ice alld ill t -on uppow It were carried, the constitution- of office?
, I J� be Me Ia, Was Ap coolity In
noticed 6,4at t4t majoripw (I t
owl no rated to 'secure grou a A Meeti 114�3, was a sister of Joseph the lake was miles front abor. but the ality of the referActioluin was doubtfu4 Intended recitation, safs the Telegram,
Suto*ent ji tvahir been called HArtioan, A one, time ruemblir of change, In khe wind rougli I to the Privy thus -
anTO cordy efor Sapidity, 22 41, -back. and, them would lit
iV Le of a4 ow. X&ch' at just wanted to draw the attention of
l-banteaL -While a -ebil4' -b6i. 76fid'ofi Mondaymorning the harbor Council, and in the 4ps" thing *ould
13 pikr . 6e
in Oddftll' a' parents passed away. and she ed Was full and all along the shore the Ile: thrown out and the teivitierance cauise the Minister of Public Works to all evell-
tbud gentlemen in With a relative in the States, returniblif lee closeI3
tbolreargk am Ill ---Ile out, wbuld be delayed many years. ' Premier Ing gaper ccnvtainin%�Ttry-dedicated to
ThischatiRed-olreurvistauces prevented
wr4ly aqlftrgia� as most golf are cordlWall V invited to a n to Canada lit 1811 She married the Ron and cabinet had left nothing undone the 0
Vc vi*wn Ile TAU him fini� dar&df any it gglng for the hod
a788 LO, it TO T P, the offi- known in
liar' this It. gentleman tl it well
y, find as Lhe fee
P*WA . 235 ked to the lie
till 'large pgi�. -te has received a letter fro No to of the take for 0 , LAKR Tn rric You 199p.—Mr. Wep. to',Aert 'Thop. Onsforti the same year, to kill the referendum; he and Goderich as Af- GiIII-
Pdy has not L Int W B -v. genileman was a pastorin -Cials ofhiscircuit would repudiate the Cuddy, and I wish to assure him of my
EASTP.9 datodfat4toilirr tb�f roebpeet� tovit over forty veare #%go. #and some distance out., it will likely Ito whole thing. sympathy."
U, r Rosevear. Trafflolllgr. of the Algoma 'he wan the movin ower In building. some time before dragging can, be A lively discussion followed. Some The members on both sides wait al
hot r Go" Thmeiliday, Cpatral 8.,8. line, In which he the Nortch street
at tilint 4, 06V 00:
Arim MAYS %, thol church. spoke in favor of the tuotion, but pre- breathless, the pages paused in theft
evning 'at Ja*6 'week 'Me. that the new boat'to be put an the A few of opt old residents will remeni%
....... .... .. firred waitinA before deciding. hurried flights am,)ug the desks, and
the chsitites-Tiviiedj,'Stj DAVId'S 11troit, route via Goderich its considered one her Vloyelf, gentleman and big partner. A1310339 the Caurches. Rev. G. . ))anti, in an etirned ad- more than one car on the floor and in
...... J . .... ............ O.L46rto an the cosw lady Who' passed away last
of the'litiost ste.
46IebMt6d0n1r24fi WeAdiug'aiitfitior- to, tM dress, spoke in favor of taking what had the Ilery was reinforced by the owner's
him 0dr bluottiol.4ti ........ 0 J17 tba a 47 'five, years 'ilia the,� weryfast, nicelv furnished and thor. Mr. (Itisford died ten years A full report of S. S. convention been given and working to. make it a hanklithat not a word or a letter might
...... .. #... torlo 66, sary*. Tfin(Y4 at ido% fluid In AS Mrs. OaRtni-ol came held at All bit to rneently Is unavoidatil uccess
oughly seaworthy. - Mr. Rosevear also,
e........ ......... ;0� 00 to 20 W ',witiq -'Mar ed at RA�toyj in "I JIM r desirous of calling the
b "Olf.to is tV 'FirovIal to this ttown—where she lived with heldover till next week. being fe. belost,nathe Conservative leader pre -
roof, 1 0 1(t'toL 11
iii it once has attention of the public to the laosilbilt, Mrs. Geo. Ach4 To amendment it was moved by Mr. pared to do justice to the historic
her., 4atighier. F-80111 eelved too late for this isiue of THic VanAtter, and seconded by Mr. McKen- Occasion. 'It Latchford, the d nerate
ar Col�rd.. 3 16 400 p
ties our steamship line ffol-4 to tile Josdvh. of Marquette, AM
fi farmers of vour
o I zle, that this Convention adjourn to meet and ungrateful, perhaps with tcgc
�f laeloall-thosoVeart The rAthernig
It, their rvev avid.com. dAnglitOfS. Mrs. Brownell, The McGilliv y M
Incallty. by, putting find forar lie ghost
lIJ 0rtAbl& home Ot) 1-2 losloin Band will at the call of the executive in Goderich of the West Elgin ballot boxes Ill his
to them. In touch with a marlit for their Tollonton. Mrs, .(Rev.) W- 811arling- hold fto annual entertainment in the at an early date to consider action to be mind's eye, replied with abger
r 111, 41 49 Tliureflity, e4inprIAM abOt., 100 friends
....... . 60 surplastaroduce. at reasoiriable ratek Mount Forest. Rro. W. J. Saunhy, of hotly of Knox clikirch toi-night (Firld"y taken onthe. relerendum—carried. "I think that tile last thing to which
I I ............ al 43 find welltwiLimbem.�46yong them some of' I believe that it inuch heavier business Tuiffo.Col.. and Mrs. Goo. Acheson
IV to leading-, citizens. The' pregent3 migbtr be done between Sault t. Marie - evening). beginninsc at 8 o'clock. The The thanks of the convention were tild wish to refer
On tilunday evening Rev. Dr. Damel Cantatas, "Haster Lilles" and The tendered to Mr. Marter and the three are the recent Occurrences in West
and were 00iticirlIll" and Goderich than was d6no last year. Will hold a service in ancillary ofkhe PrInC6 Of 1�ife" will lip rendered by other members of the Legislature, who Huron."
ul'i6d C001vibott"hold $I vOr- Tito market Ila here. and the town Occessed lady, in North steet Metho 'the me
MON I tile bon. gentlemen wo
W 04 00 mbers of the Band. Admia-ilon endeavored to secure fair cpnditions for
to No
11 100 15 eta. the referendum.
WeiWisorVed trian which displays the greatest- imerg.r 11, dittChurch, "I do not understand. What is meant
errimtyle. after reaching fdr it will - beriefitted." by West Huron?" returned Mr. Whit -
0 1% to U I be
00 It rl SURPRARD —Oki Tuesday FtfteTnoon, Rev. J. A.'Andetson Is In Montreal The general feeling of the convention
If fas "r F .... . 0'30 to 460
Well(AtUntil' )i seaPdri4blo hour. when AT OrrAwA.. — On Tuesday last abodt2l O'clock. James M. Shephard, this vueolit attendingP the ault meet- appeared to -be In favor of making its
'All llvlshefl:Mr�. � Otto of our long time residents #Ind beat Ing of the Board of Fii ench HvanWeII7 vve4ou were tip, there with a host of
lid' Mayor Cameron and Capt. A. M. 11 A.' lalfiffence felt in the coming neral elec- Kour friends and the To machine
riabirm Ski, thille eatifiUiblels known citiz6on. passed away suddenly tion. Next Sabbath he will -condLt tion. Dissatisfaction with t e tr atment
untiolu! ft to so I L . .� 0 And con- Gregot (the later replacing CapL froerl heart
26 'to 30 't ittiout, hApft -fill
tailure. The deceated nalvereatty services in his linotliti's received from tile Goverifulent was red blic Woris.
41(h, n
back the Mi later of 7.
A001pailJoh' Ittillist.. * 'i tit both in[ r lit t "I take It all back, apoloic y
.............. 00 a Albert Shepherd. who could nnt,leave) Itentlornii.n had bean In poor health toe church at beivoltarnols. His ivort in stron y expressed, and the reckless ilia- ,ticall
30 ss t, 1 9
. ....... Iddifila" left fee Ottrit to be Jpmed
12th, 301.�Vv, !eleb* balbei m4tiths. and about two months Knox church bell o next Sabrath, will said ale Opposition trader. 11 was
on the regar of pledges made to the temper- entirely mistaken in the character of the
rAxt, 01vic-A —4 1 way down by Me, S. A. NeGaw, am the ago he returned to Goderich after a he conducted by 6v. Murdock Me. ance people was emphatically denounced.
a ^*Vw. severe illuess in Landon. Six weeks Kay lit the morning find Rev. Jameq A target attended public meeting was Min
later of Public Works."
WAS., in civic deputation to Interview ths Gov-
.4� This closed the incident, but Mr.
1ZpW jL ertIOWSIAL ernment. A Itspecial meet hig; o4be -aince tbef)ldvottiplaintotgitinapl)PF&red, Hamilton In the eventivir. held in tKe evening, offidressed by Mat - Latchford will have cause to regret his
'd 00041, an -4 th6ugh-irk of and Mr. Shephaid #again took to lit
Imaidnoti qualitt. Council on No daaftef000n ilia do-
tVJ4C1AI�rATT1tX0Tto11fN headjourned meetinprifthe Preg. Nicholls, who was listened to with inter- scornful rejection of this burning tribute
bed..ands couple of weeks sinee be bv ry of Huro Crroof 4stand attention. At the
oT 9 ...... n was hold In close reviolu- from
M IX04 pdaixoaids�*M ot, 4. Ontaton were instructed rot goling Wer as rocyed to 'the residence of Dr. church, or* a 0 tei Huron. Tuft STAR offers its ser-
........... . 5 time matters Ito bopresx-nted.�- heiletwere ensall, an Tueadav, I I Lit Inialt, I denouncing the
con- vice
OAT Olt .Thollo?"A bflDft'wlll be, the POI1111"llefliiii-of an-Avolidde-hro k "Untell. wherer he received the best Of The is rendutu as- unfidr- an a without reserve to our only and
Ill it !,- . — - --- — al =at anire, motnmw. h 4 carb. orthepitatz -seeme reatest Admiral- It t -1
vat air -now, 0 - flay. the his"boVeatrandls Atli not o Ve Trive y of
CI with diazusinflon of Isomits I reports, list, and thanking the four members
0 W days I P 9 this
1;;MVint, decAvd';; tllg� it W he Improvinw. find the reports on The Cur
JAIll, WIdAA,, " I titan Latchford back in elob I
of the 11filiflAO44 RA thit p the futhiltivedt or the GoviSrholionto remit proposingtho it
apolvitmont, of the Legislature who endeavored
"illy year, promise to, build an -armory hdre, Or TtWsd4.Y 010tolnq Wbre Q)at he was Of,,S 8, In r his Ottawa home ad we feel sure the
warct.. Ortt. 111slonarve" to I in soillpe secure tuore favorable conditions.
A* '$ when IcfI'*hd*at#V did OCitbilveli �the else thft they should repav 'to Itke botter, Aticlut.1 0 clock his not 80 #asked -lets (it the countzy electors of West Union will rally in so
Gopillsox. 3 of the newer disti
rh4ii- Istatiold 1166fat If noble a cause to vindicate the work
J,,j 0ekly, cb* g6*00d, fatriii to*nthe monev alreativ paid.fo,r ra�t filill how' lie felt, and lie answered, wag %prooed, with the reconinvendw
3 att Glider Ich4 86" tar , t see, -Ale, The Dunlop Ito "Still hotter," and the lady started far t on I. at Live agivointinent of these done on the Goderich break -
A Up4ret, for the futorei and MO mistoonarlos he to 0yonds. The Brief Town Topt water, and the Flolry'-of that dredge
VOAW ryi; 3 thd)irlv�oroo 'A d Ifie .0robiat"Ill= Ass divensio with Mr. Widniviright, remit proposing #I Tooduc
S 4 tilding and Assn"ie thp the next toom. As she neared the ert,
itdtioriefie honed her pationt breathing Breadhandmilped to five cents a whose pennant s inscribed with the
lil fii less da*,*,qa to the" be G. 1. R., who wits to 14 in heAvIlY, find ttirnivig quickly to the Lion in the 1011f,and thebakersare doinq is big legend, 'llorse bills and harbor contracts
t ropPeaervitation to the General Assemb.
Ai tthe It bell ohd found he h.d pasood '%Witt- IY flolpolle-fourth toone-sixth was ap- trade. executed, while you wait. Don't fail to
awl%, the alpeement, falrtheereot. latte UP -it was well known proved, 1ut tin action waits taken api to On Tuesday evening the sunset, as set' vur fine stock of cuts."
th !'tit 413 3n ARY P'nividui Ion, of K nuw ratiliVay station horn. It
......... yeArfQI�th8-p8st half understood Mr. Morters. of King— Hill, & I
V'sIthig -,rot iffiv. 0 nout Huron. its tile firm of the proposal tA) evente a fund to defrny sepal from the Harbor Park, Walls it
....... s rarhan did it larat thtriovellingeltuensen of commission. paporam 0
0 w h e 1 00011- %ton, would join the depoWlan in orsf- I a f lovelint'll.
.......... ment '"$Jnover th� W note through the countv In A ToRONTO papet on Tuenday last &,lid
60o"Ot Ing the breakwater mattoroulbehal trio ers. Tito report on Church Life and The Collegiate Inst. late was closed "It was stated today by a well known
I work# as they groilifittoot t# set, lfrt)I6 of the Elevator Company. sx1oles, iievelittex and eightles. At- Work waw adhilited. and Llie committee
lit* aI trille though the partnership was dissolved will, hist.
*ittu'Lltiaolooliathnottl col(t�1.00 I I harbor to tho Over 10 to I* made, IN Ile. talent of it, for publientlim anti elecula. announced from Ottawa, this
. , r, . , gh h - despatch tit Monday last, "The mrsilled the closoot friends till death Uinta, Shephrrd.
azaiiiawt* 04-4 *S(tr mitilliti", Opt# 0 thoktdo films tot IDA I V -@part on Young Peopiola
f that The I
fifillatifinal from Tait MARINE CITT.—A Kingston inalatt)y
inattid ructed to prepare an abridge. yesilviday afternoon. ait a mark nr Liberal politician that the apfiointmeat
04-6 claimed D, V. Strachan,land that both Hocle tes showed on Increase of rnern- Radcliffe, vo. the Town of Gode. week of lion. 1. T. Garrow to the bench.
D hills it
yegies RF(O,- the pal'ttler respect to the late trustee, James M. would be
0d 1=40 than report tit the Governmentrommitesift,
milosod'of Commander Spain,
wt 4 .4 should croola tile river of death sud4en a
P. The proposal rich %via* before 3 udge Doyle on TuC_A_
aberahip the year. successor to the late lion. justice
all p"t*C I th Vol h peacefuliv, before age had toelange tho"Atle of(he
ormit., day, and swain adjourued, this time tit tile appointment having been
arty (11 lithoupe hispector); nod Impothe their faculdes Ito one at those Ounadian Presbyterian t Lbe 25th Inet. Y iteralay's Globe an-
Wh *tied Agamot chairman ofthe Board tialiveldentes that we cannot undair,_ Gi tbfit 00to 1*At Afill lit au
10*4 Garrow hall been ap.
t*wAltw 16,ibuti4ha 'Ott thisafte, near Inspectors 0 NHUIIN appointed to alli'thill. The deceased had been a mem chutSh. Rippen. obtained'leave W. Burrows & Son are hav it g.t'M,. milliffilary 00ons, 'k I do P t An, flounce
toliltinfiJ "for' Its Tito corurrokation of St 1, taking
by* :41
$no Ing. And stepping baock*04 fti*lt vieAtIgAto the IP94 the #600110 bOr of'thr town council find was a r larga; trade In saaada this spring, hlanvinglt pointed to the Court of A
toadd is scillf-ol rolian to thel present the place of the late justice later. Tan
ribo City Ott Onderleb last
menthep of the taken in $270 over tile counter last
0* �ot the 0,&40611 he 04111PS00-0 JulatitUtO building, STAR extends cbngratulatioiis to Mr.
sfoopedL a $4ft apot, *fti;r Board. 11118M he loulod Mattland Saturday alone.
ri exonerates Capt. Malone, and
orders It ficate returned
11arto fine of the assessors. dissen
*ilk �h6lo�-M n
0411 Who court desires to point out grant
blifiPlill of 0 Mr. ringements which will me& ad in this neighborhood oil Wednes-
'thrOt PlIgariad" Heitinickly. Is cettl lodirei A. P. and A. M., and remained The special committee of the Mootlm- justice Garrow.
dist General Conference have made nr- An Immense number tit crowR ftiriv.
amd U0. "ll a Member Until his d but In
W 0 scoordanctai with
ravojaW: OL folt IJ AoAfi, ffe W", therfa to apparently it lack or ollsel the wish of gist family rot. NIR P HiNs. the Grit nominee for
f tile dellbe day, and their caws werto Welcomed
no board vessels of thi Ile was tint -interred with Masonic tions of that I South' Hu'ron in tile Local House.has
AN 1*10 CO honors. otha PluverAl took piece yea. change In tile itnethod a
(bo,41tocit ILIgited a t, *ft class of the tody. An order tit bilml. by all who ofii ativillous for opt ing,
004%6 off *of" does mot seem co t1W -00-4r."tt"nelon front thenfilonce of a plans
41 IN, I ness has been sent, out to tile U*ttfied the RidIpg Asaudatton ittitit Ile
lit"ttoll"W ttW the ffirst atoe and thre-emens annual conference@, ftecompattied by Thii Interior of Brophey & Son'*
houtill Mr. Iftilvilter, to st,
first Ulf, Of, giuzh fornit urn store irbetrig ovot I mail dand
t0ifir At ;I Cloorge's dhorch. withdraws front the field. Ill health is
leave it 1p. withont first Poeetting WbOt6ioltrVire was curaducted Th o preparation of a directions for the
In tba$nVolvas 00111%r I%t 1 a;4 thitit "040 - thAkIng otheir remodeled, and-wbon completed will assigned as the reason, but the real
iI!Pbordox from the captAin." The, by 'the bitiville 6ronces will for,
vividenee inair have b"n alone this tile Casket Was preeitt, a much more attract Ie appear.
a4lidilio'. 10,601 of wMawoo, ix;rno fro
T 1`600r.11tev. MarL Turnbull and fit its 'on other titIt 1,
ward 411 their memorial@ find trouble Is that Mr. Hess fees not I It
*k4i And, 04*0
44 10 �Ivy line, but Ail the time of this wreck Tait the thilich. pit the chair an i.Ln dt� dnettintento to the secretary fit the Gen. the task of facing the present lumber,
abb." The, pall bearer
Trobli"k ivoo"t 4* Olallokio, to aStAteeptirterwatiold that the Call- how lettestithavill thy servan"Mepartlt eta' Conference- who will artivinge Several ainve last vreek bicyclists Mr. Henry Either, who bag so wd
1hi ) pfvc� tia' Wri OI1j1WW o"Ir to art assiltoant ftbily
saw", lt *64 left: -411b ft N were Phillp them In the pro Order, #Ind have were out In lrge numiters, its wheel represented the riding for the past four
'Jobri, lit" ol.t. Won. lffuldfoot Chao them Issuod in th yelln
womit on loned, otod be$ Senator South Huran has no cause to
rfl.rm of a blue book, Ing was exceeditiRly gogid. tile
Tb**WNA lWm%. MR, 4" abial; 44 intoliiiiii6d jo tho wilifia h which will he distributed to Live dele. an March 12th will likely be it recorll
Of tit th*d6tall tivoitit otain
IVA liviVitilethtothoovierin tow. _klobood H. vol., a eban a, and Mr. Hilber will
6690W Wdod 4"ry sivoilillio 411 hit Jujir.) theL',11vellynt jog J&&t I it$ its if he a al) - Vt F. Jo1wrence, r. jot n. J
Its 1 4' L '0 00 porwied'of the bome, gateo on their arrival at the seat of fair many yearao. continit to holf the fort against all
6" thililo libft iakifig chat Fre of the boat, -ence.
Moif it"t
r WW Oto bJo1;W'*`te" ithe General Contet This Innova. The tnwn of Brockville, after paying comers.
A "t, varv**6M (Ion haiLbeen a.iopted from tile pro. running expenses. Intote.4t; and it
Ii The Meeting Calftdmr. CedUril Ili the British
JJr(#*W a04 I[Ahton, 0mo confere"'01- fund live $501)0 allead on five r florl4ift Tait Signal this week calht loudly for
-F k*-k-trie, l � - o—, AlIation SA19 Register. twhere It has been tound to facilltAW aaoirotw 66' Oat 01' "All: if Ili of the 111"rd of Trade vogilto vxrpil�nce of roofflng their
laot, arthiff
d*0 land Olive lanrit it ticir thdif Palo bills 91 0 f, ar evening. MatIch 21. very considerAbly Lhe transaction of electric Grit convention for West Huron to
talk: no
'liffairreivs Was tftdWt4' ald kb offlod lArHielittar-at lie" clamp. IL 0. g bu*lnes%. The annual courekilnee nominate a candidate for the coming
049" eoto Ot , our*, a 41 gttat,ouo lot 46 liffill 15T.. a Will 111ST&A free 01610troo V.4411'r tile
y hiflit plant. This is is ow"
-suit *am r it their delegates at whore municipal OW -ahip Day-]. local elect
k Ume"g-Jay. "Vitt ft�isvavn mr, Watch 28.
will, its 1181INI. Altht lotis. judging from the article
it, SAto,44"i MARCH 22.—Ilig 616stlak 641f haiiiatt"It Of
Ink A04 keep 144YO,"d Uti 1pe colleglato Inatitate th;Ir sesolims Ili Way anti Jarip, tiut los Donfigh announces bet,
141 t fully evaning. , there are so many looking for tile noull.
If I tudlifiva i"16 of barges. havaessi "I Ott 90han Sooldtip this k millinery openini to take placleprit"ec
1101164 *441,11V it fit) 1 t thlit year they will. In addition. appor-
dot,46. hevollb(olog, alia., property of Will, IWO t
OA ",J�A J�fovv� a, -tit to tile different enturnif tees. 20th nsid 27LIi. not invites he Indies tit
to V�W" , t1oa tht 114110111 that the editor sect; trouble ahead
1100 lit hit 6 , ot the Cours House Situate, tht'llth ., fd (h 4t, Died. for *111rh purpoiao q list of Lhe com. Godet iCh and vicinity to call and in- me of the yearning ones himself
too& p` in. S'hsrp' Evstylivivait toil lit &010"�Attbo relooldtpoill. f Mr,- 60f mittlies will beAurplothed Ili nalvanct bpect her algick. which const I of 11 nd lie thinks flifise wlio%e duty it is to
Od Awrotd! "My Matfarf is rethi a 0
-*A* X i600plot A.; , win., 06derleh Ott Fridiiii, Morch litti. floral Contotonce special. five latest and liest in the millitiory Issue the call are "not acting in the
TAX fjy tit# G(
thiblimie4flioakei " to tit
of W4kil ft0'L'*%j Vatke faliffA lij t ibis bittabst business. Txos-,GtWDlkY,*aef1 )f (Ile ovelviltert tit tile con) - 1111P.. blic Interest," bv their dilatorilleg.
Nafty CooloR relict of be late Itet. name* (
0*0"t r al her age. n ut
to, 0"f(ira. its the Mh yes Ilittee YvIll theft lit, forw,4rdett top the The attendance at The Central And kesident Proualfoot in batidy to the
be **otA Agoir" to, am
of secretary oflbp Upreval Cotiff"IT'left, Ward Pelloole was veryl6w.4ho"tit signal nian—lie should whisper a wo
00 tomforlAble dwelling, lj stoffivo. lovis xY, March Ik I who *111. 00,11111no avorpoentntivos of tora:
dw Ift". Otto month It#%&. 10 the different conferences Into the (till collwil
*111. IA Missal* *W 15OW11101110 14 rib"plishiefit4 hey weeks. hi -art ond whooping of explanation.
hivorrild; also it 1 6" "ailing, Both dart., heinsr the ctmi. The forillef
sontoo ti 'at, , Ah N. that tofoo W"10
pto solt jW 6f,&O# Jos at, 4, fit 10 R�t Of th IV" 6111111� OAt 4111� 41311. TiIAT wAg an anlitaing acetic Ia parlia-
Poolk =4- ton bag been severe and in opl-
Vth# ALUWA' alwil*- room*, flthillitla litrilleir tat Is Of the General Conferences the cam. denitt! fortia. hut the littler blait flat
oow, OtAlow otil thA tot boo" Althoff, Mrs, orlsvist Td,cura$6 Cold In Ono Day mitten Witt hot organized and the darts, flown severe, nor ext4nsive Ili its grasp ment the other day, de=ribed in another
4#01 1* 'THOR, 0MR1. anctiodetbr. "lent* will he distributed, and much if victims. so ftr.
V laod,. %%#rs Mkh At4*16 ZliketAltatiolfrotho alill"oTabloto column of Tyin TAR, when Mi.Tafte
alstiffin, All dpUiritlito re nd t 0 ttionoy, it it ValklallitO time hitherto spent In it
iIoil land let. lape'nial r6per. ft wofk will be saved for moie importal The following lines ftom Poole,@ sought to defend, against Ike protests of
oftoh I# tit Ot I'llid t"titt sIgnatore pitroft"Us are In ortha to -day. this ilia own political friends, the ft000 grant
..6 of 111111 All I IA kli Aifkh Ott
#AW' 1"� 4 '' itbelow, tile vo .1 eclainnit:
. vaLf4k**I*`4. twitild, I 1 0 1 0 When flnot tit" vine to construct a harbor nt St. Joseph, in
OWL. boll4fililt miliritlilaw Thot peells through the hotno, Of the fWastial Ram. thin county, just Imagine the gilcoom.
tfii A ditpok6dolf, ftAll Italia. at" profit lit ["gets.
[tind, tit ituir, t1o"ho- 4W,tilialrine It 14 of . aw litkit, " lalaftso 410411#06ft. 101 Vill0rolit" Grow@ With Age. -114 ear eirst tested by Peol,_ T It illoideo m4dia Halle threw,
W. Sao, 64 1 1 L. 1 11 tiae� hools. toi Iflitht filedlelfillix loudly Illozoned tit solve, a AtUsdf rforowrnnehdIs )her In the na. that bears her ill!" of the yarn Ill at twentl,-fivii 1?rtlivell
, _01W "
w tift4, tot tw, It t6dall to." tblodwr4b t%fioo'" too $ttt hilin.%ri illia hae VOIT16
ot bo 'I 96,�Atiiltloft We bf 11fine op-ning :at Smith Aroat. litak"inlit o4we daye find Walita of equal longth. familie tied couto there front Chicago all
oliVt. Thoritritiol 90octrio the gtrcngtij of Ith protalm to earvirittAllet
60. #0 Givolarribil Oil will "rot Ont Upon tile
AM th and following dayn.
to; Vfthtik, mittket? faltr &r&tt has ordoorl a harbor. Tito statcolent of tile member
0" 't"i T616,01 Jivii, a lialsiting 6410 111114111606, sdy Yet ft'L r6driathoi, dolfist more Ilload, to -it ft lot more
V400 40 that An'llf 0 it u#04 StOD3tho Cough and Works ciff for North Middlesev t4dt he wUJ4- WAde
rundrv. the
111AX61064 OW" 4116"k Wt a to iii, ptooparatioll net* 1411,11141 Materil front it madee-n mit in the take half a mit*
it hig 11 od and elfitufffing ty" TO the Cold.
lit10 embryo city sho-wa, 0
6t a 10 fdAlftfill'o of the
111:0401111101AL .04 isIts 001 ot wit aud widof and In a Thooe of our eltizainn who stepped TAltative 11tomov-Quinlive TAbloto viihole pretext for it harbor.
it telletly ye4e. It is the ititoll glitivig,clotill enue a oroltl Ili vine dar. No core, no hat enough motley bctn
g last week, If0eang
lel6o 61 thif fifiow, Ileto "Ifitit garments thl&� VIlly. pritto 20 cont.4. there.