HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1902-01-10, Page 6F"
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" WW_ - - - NO 44,0-0,10 k4k,wN*Wio,V*0,01.4 I'll 11 0= . I �, � . . I I . . ." , �
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I *WW14 *00W. C014:112. Z -I 00244!z��111,!
. WINK!, N �V-71�1,.Wl 1-1-1-1 _ I
. , *� I "*." *91 M"MIN NoWi 1 �*', 113004 %% � i.
. I "OMM4 jm - I '___ @�'_ --- - - - I
I X*%* ` I* I M ?I PWI I I .. - - - , _.TT�
I'll I oc to"" Ab#%t ,(* woum lioAst a" ont , . 9. �
4144*4 I ____ I— p#w. *714 0"A AP , ABR . n.- I 11 I 11 � 1. I
i, " . z"aar X*4040. � The_...w Were nu.w .1r*,q. Wat&Wo an, ory I , *.Q . ....
. I " I �
�. ne � ,w :"� Sozod. . I 72&7,,� � -11-11
Leidy VAUV Ia *" to paisatto t* - .. I , ,.
I . !Jt t4toA& %be P9444 #a 0, WA an' & i ��, I Ii. ,� I
, V1111b 01AXA. If X tkoftft it WV44 do *J;q I I I i ,
- I I I T
. a4a V%1W1kbW Viola;m 00 World, xr W001"'t I I I , , I e',"
I -0A[(lre.jJQ* Whish be- I � 9004 to a=. Ohl mini to . rooth ii 'I 0 , . I" I
14 ^ SU i a 2 C ,'� -11#11� 5 I us : ,
I U*00040.w remot, A" at * i I �
I 110W fast I - so WA4 An, so IOAQy. i 1; , 1
014 :TZ1144 Ked Witc. h , ot 5 - I 1. ! i i � I I
as It All tbo world WAS gsthra,v wid IV - - I . � 1. I
. I .. . Constantin, 1 Powder .
"OX of U��W&j I I . _ �, P _1*10-7 �
W Of IWY Is 2041449 a" I I 044 Vw b*by Aad boap Wt I
. i
(jjlj!1j�j!!jjjjj'! ;V121.1 T" ( I
4, now of 44100" Against W 11717 I : r= azqrPjW.
. 171m, �, � I � I
he 4riv" h* is ORAim XXV4. , I I I "VO 140t thl0k Of tbAt, do, *at go 000d for 00,44 Tw*w pvtW4-, 4 ls, r*rJWhQu**.-Add ! . : �
I . by VIX , p"t XQrAh at constoAtig, In 46 tip. b"k to It." 0140 eftot.antAg- bur. 'poo biaa� . %, ; 11 ��
ORA404, might bicyclists. When us 0004" AW grown , I ftX too, plut othot ... I 1 ��4�
At OWN * KI. In exxtiotts, V0014, Ad. UAC411414 f4r,W9A. 31941Y. a vow at her heart. ..I will Not V44 zor acmd,roaKh [nl*� Ixfts000, *oso*A With QIL* I : 11 I I . �'.
lloxt W, � I I I ,
I I 7�lvtly Awful, X994 broke At. - "XIso conaig"* she said, "could 9 hot I OA 40',I Promise you, � I
� . in guards t "W01, I 40yori't pho said, pImply, spao to 'yo , for z I 414,1 $0"4wtJt�d4l$#U*IX4*4"4,to*Awv"AX V^VV0nf`Ul of salt and *I* 4*4h" of � I i � ..
)O gul I , Ia. but lArgoly. � I A MOZ4014t, It 'Y Pao, xitty,.thu,you came � I
Xe 11144011 I � ---;-7'M"#,K'k.xopn;4 b400plowgrP0,404 :
� 0. . N,im ralvw� ,V41I In. ^ untopoobtal *I I .
Tbot Q$rA*A Jeo'm",hos the ithot did a*yOA* #15f, 0144tly. 10 Pk"Alo only. , X9 oP#'1--Mo Aftu. . Kit 4*00wau Xq"A*A4 TLWX. twft jorma Into ballm'. pro" I I LL
I "Arl, *Wjas" IA � oximtonov. T , , _ ... . .. I :
� 11awt, ZAV cloAk had falloft bAck, �Itogo� f1d forward Imprea0voly, And WO her tb*" OlAt ratliw - thin,, pj*e; A U%- __ .
- It 'COA. I borf Was �Q %lA*W4tlO4t Vote*- 0,00 fbgr now, 4uld be hand on the girra. obouldw-11no one, __1_11 I . -
. . 4104 tbroo' world -lo tould oft that tIwy *,Or# somewhat 'Prod t,XVhRmjr4, trayod the oov#4001. .X;P=_4 1, '- -1", =4'* Npoemul of fix T" Wlalk M V100 jh"w . ,� 1.
. , .�Aoqo 4acklReep I;OWA OLU4 vuslin. *V.- rom,olabor.must knowot this but YOU, *a. 'a sly VAIA04 *�44 Wsou- - , " . _ xm*,�44tk4itmo^q*b*4ow4xbo"mp.ocot"$. � �
� a with each other, by IN Von that formed the 1010410, )Ivory at and 1. , Think � N, aumer Is, : ATho Streets, *ro ad =04t 04 the Potato cake, cover- I � I I _ . .. - — V_ _�tr!%" � �.Tll
r . Ol-of "I'ma '"Awly-Womod to ir� 4mbWasse of Lady varloys", P4VO4 with. gold and there jit no ifto 0011, 040-W, f, fold .
- . . -W-4u00% Of XiOlom and " omothar w*Y 14 wbich UVY *Voldid. tach Oth- Aroilln. Couldautia. saw tb%i it #"I , over ij�a ,40 40ft5 CA$11 wilit?"Y *'t'Ov Of SWEEr SOMMA ORANGgSi �or 4 Fl. , �"
, I - . _ I 00MOIX, uv W*4 ,of "the ,*irgln of pro" tko ode" togothor.-Placm, IA^ 4 3:0U � talto 5 box � "
... I 0- � buttered balting VAU IA the 4�`V§n 04- . I 04 WO will make The price $Zl() par,%*# I
� 'but UAW; so did Strapp; Mld there, a. girl to WhOUI 144Y .) tu a *too brown. Servo wl*, brown � , I
. (VAt tygo. constaxtse. tried 10 xakko wAts Ritty Pyjaa.,Ibo, ondor-h9low P1104 mim", xo* X44 tlloro.� 04LO 91 04 aloU4oVM"%t* �%Vz
" AtObAl The attro 0001*0.6 Ili said A roraxrk, "I" 10' no,"In '01 the winter As sleigh r141n4r h%b1mA (-, U" wil V 9440.) ) I
th girl "d, " 01",
and ly kind, tAX- WO be CoLtupsta . �
tworo ftwbw as = Gon, Sir , I motblug, was the mat- log bor *-�+ f Otte, must havo:OU04, dpc� tQal.A, It la jwlck". Garnish with rVeloy. a "I DAWSON 44MMISSION 00-9 UlllftWi MUM I v
I to U worth #300.000, than an Jat Ones thoy, became "Varj#7 had 10944 SPOCIAl . I idogiR. To be. taphionablo Ia D%viscia I
AWOO that's _
ter With Ugrry. . . � Qut, or A pover"trivkon no U'vommon 41ght to 4.40 4 I.WYA" bft *f groon ob*ur, *,# food I*' thel cohWoulonts of Poultry, Butter, Eggs, rotat
XVOYA Wood S*I." . cabin to tr4la as 44 Wvezt, A&SX IN um UQXZ. -,- � � I
I I 4 Mat uctlon 1A.) V* was �Urplo, I 1414 , . I little or A.W#41thy MatrQU anV$j%W Climb" 044 4`44W� flow - _ ,--. . � 004t IWO$, 11004y, Apples sgRoltod.
'T. r � _ _, --- �"4�,-_-__ 1.
Was, girl bad returned this jdndAww� by 46 , I I . , "
I 00 AAVY. As 06 11mlody" he WY44 wrisgoo VO was ,Writ , I 1. in bor kootly,futc,W _ �40ro an ths)�t*,- tM=W. ! 111,1!1 =ttt;t �,,�� " "I
I i 1. In U*'*O$t extraordinary PONANA410' Attachmaot, --� � ml We art ' not Iijecog at foolish , : li!����!,�l;l�!1!1�l�l!:E��l!llR-jl4**,,Il�ii 11:� �
$4 -the CrU40*4 VIA%, , grow; - , ulf.it , " 4400 ; i I 1! 1.1 __._�.A_*
. I r� *nx *isiut at wayi 44, then A 1107� Aud,Tt"Aury Who# � 4 Ing d�Z7$.,Vz. tbw .0" � zm*y 4 totich-at rofino- +k*+H++"ft+ I I -W -W -,F
1 .'N the 0141A came. , , ao�o behind ,% team of dAsh - 'I'll I "I'll, ",A I I
. *b*,bOmb04mV%X .01,040.04 and the buf(4t into *-Vag Re with every gmtlo wor4 frombox, bar X40Ur*d and UsAlt1W , dogs �aro urgad'to, greater wood. L I W 4nout w4ch, faCroo-mew,tho plousurg .of
. � '199400 of Sebastopol V ,of J%ughter'i 11 I . I , ;, .. Awdh� 4*00 �
� ,,Uoy WrAyll, ex- , the rAll of Imush, 00. nwh. iia . .... , i
- After geatle zolattess, . I , UW 41not.) - ; I , . �.
� Wards 1 Loll$ and J944 her JaUghtd, With, 4 claloo,.0onstantia, guxjq"4� - All children ,I every hvm* An, the in P'nglish 'get Up, or o!go "044 TWOnt1sth Voutury Wafllds - VIA q$3"E D IS. IRLE'RAPH"" .1 I
1 Xr. Wood, who WOA aukv sixt"U. 4* most izooceni d3arego,rd torl.public, t ."Whe 0- not iIII �,' �Uao All,vthills � t Noma MAO Or vkhor . 4,TAO tOOtbOr JUtlWore time for b0i . 14
, ttquI404;hImsW 'With tilt ,, 30yal opinion, lie, W . aj, ,,,,, r .
. __ . . t064t�$ UC04 A 4 .. "
x0val X04*4 0 %W404ava and W40 that. 44 'Past corlow for happenooli . L ' , . I . . I C I X
. I * 3:4941014o Such moll In Pawsda City Are br I I
Vq iluns himso v'o 0'74'rabo no, MoOns, tlepri'vod. ot.olub life. ..Tho following Ingredients ,'A . P'i`nt 1, , I
� It Wood upon � "11wr�'Iv notblo; =104.1' 4*14 4ho.'Jst*1 And this tamoni r Swoot'mtlk� half & �bop of woltod ! r '
. �
I Made M *444,40-omop to. bit Onto , tho *004Y �Award *4' tboug be ,c . 0014 girl, "nothing at all", wi . r, . .
� I !4�A'WW j� WVJOUW lllapp* '-jwA4L ,Ift 1)0.1raen Ili known as� the � Zere, tter, tilt Well-beAten"YolkH Of tWQ PARL P
th a rather our, ' AV fAsblOnAbl"rgaA1zati*A a' tb*'kW 'bu ..
I ,V3"" - o0w. sav*voly Wounded An lobjer ioupport 'his I _ Qrqkd.'$WIj!e. - amody .b . " . I L � 0, I f. , .
I tob4, ,%ad I . 1144, , 'a I I . . ,r
*0oXt4rMllsgOftb* Roden, 2,01 . Iur �UorvOURA004,40,01n. 04*114 n114y 1, .1140. Al tbQrj1 LV I And, the Whites well bvatftt� , 91 I
� *Nku`40004 1111000f 404404111 Insist upon b4v* ,Jul). In. SUTA)Aqr the , men plx,y fsP* � voty -stick An Aff ft
, I Y� to tho, od to pow upon bar. "It WALS only � � It lloauoo, it, con- t4404,, IAO.090.. crielm , t'oAd ;J�Amq soft !a. '
I . y4uag horc, VPA lay0ood hom** 4 mirth ,that k4d boon c000matpo hlm,t.4ittlo thrift,of JAY,' � _. J'00*nough flour to' raske a. ;;;; t I I � r
I . r4ox t X 'plat)� sifted with '.1: . " .1 . *
I I Uter they havo 0 _- r,
. . *4 in SAIX144 % til* 7", lAter L" A I Ptronge regardqd him, - withoXt ' tq,—to consult Yo 9boUt., . ,4u 1. is Purely Vegetable, sweet. "ad pletlo- 'servo tea, U I * . tk* two-toAmpoonfuh; 0`04kingpow(lor,
em thought It I ;Aat ypharo � Mi to t4*- �44,d Prompt, An Ato olieo ... I
I fAY*U* OAkV in the ladfo,�I'MuttnX. vovarlty'for 06 little. WIWO# OAIO, r 0 4 prtvatvill , 't, ooll
, of gel - I .
I on"With All, ftPresAIV6 -4-14tlo At worali �,:VOP 6#401Q fQVjtrX,, guile, C6 rt - , :Roat"the 1�4ttir llarC,aud IaAt.,% few I I
I I 1, _ I nottlilg, It costs vionek to live bl'tho Xkols* � I I - . . . P. I'll,
. , or , 'ovoqoAlo no doubt by, his AvIt ex. (W40 restd, her, IIQW04r, I*q A bo,9.1;) , -94�' 0sardoicd, Vtomaa, diarrIlOoP4 ,dike, but Onee I I � I
I A story tolo to Illustrate the ch I th 11 curlipi; club, gnd the pkatlpg, nks *11 4 '""POO4141 heopb* of solt. folly Ift —
r , br44X(w fnfo " I an buy'.anyttling, franj, .,jog&;;=g$g�z��__ .
1, "too of I sitt'nodVai aduvr';'jo woriA ikmpti, �&vm'lo,, and A 9110joijit"Is. , E'm E%) I
� . n0rrowl;y mio" the V.0. Ila liuiga4d- � tot of. last, AV0,101oute.44 . I I , -OWA I w4tut4d lal"O'no ophito or h%rWul *44# ,4 ball'.''Tho, wo I k, Play toonla, 0�4 batter (abeiii A WOO A&'
. - 11
Lto - : , , . , , ATC H
' , oxu� "V L ,IvritatloA pAcompauying tho, cgtting An,autonjohile down If on'A'm . I
.1. I **P"tlb Ja*VX110 pam* boraut kgl;kht*0-:, likewise. ..,404 - (M might listen to ato" : P . ..
pKirt . I X. PUrl0g,tho V# tho "Cartalals", 44; , 14V , ,� . -_ ` .1.1. I ... wcx * WWO�Xiol* 4W'V1j"1110"r1%V__VV.4%�U, 11
I -a-, vldlOaAboitid. A riVor *%*sm& fear 61 Qo�,4taztta,o wrath wa$,po 09-10 CobStAntia#'QttOtbT"414(ligeotiop.JjAby"aow,u�,ptigo. . .. ". .. 1. . , ill, . � �
, sKoUdIng some d&Ver.o run Rn to the ,Xablorw arc 4 coltuln, curQ. Jt 96WA ,that i� Woman: in, � I.n+, , .� I 3 11 .
Id -pay *25 bf: -,- - r�
W .us W-' avoly, "'NorAll, 'A 9*44 aiinapolis waq . +T-", +++,T-T-R4,*,Wi+z,A, r"W.".1
� Water OMAR W control him. $orM was F.Milsoo and it Aunt, j3rj(jXot jWka, for JUVIMW4 ow 4isord - for,', ,qp � � � . , ��'L ..
.. . . ;.�: , ,I � , R 1, ,1,'S1P-. m7! -__=t! ftw;t�_!'!____� �._,_
'. , �* tie . saY.. or oau;fton,tQ, oula not.�xpcct to act,jo I)Aw*" . I I . . I 7---,"-w4-ft_-,r " -w- -, ,�., -
Ili oA* at Ills'bighor calavAeU Sir not 10131 14 1611OW14ir -wit. "'01111151 . _ . �,S*y I am,comlom 0414 thAt . "emleireft - ti.00 � tOleto Oliould begi � � I � � 110014 0140" boor* oing to I � - . Xs-pxnolwo VMLAU , I
1, . I fA L � , , , , � .. � t The - moro. -topt fl - 41� i . f , I r
- � 04 At,'Onco And relief m4y,to pr;ouipu has the moneyoue'cau got ; " �: �. . I QUOjIle, ast, )ZO4 thol - Aappy. , tillaga, f lf�lx
lWyors a4t*roo 'j4jQ*.dj#QUspIoA e4 wit 9k chance of caoullnif',4t; all X ;1411 , V,jor, loisa than $100 However, It bile '. I � I �EF
with Urd VhVION )$0r4WfOrA,4,$ to, tilngg, ahe NgWr noW,-A, opt , . , be, in presently.', - I I a , ( 1ja � 0, In I
the proper phatmel $hot, should ,be portuntty , __ op� 4arted ,Away like,& 4"'ViA I t. i4oqt I . longer ti , we pns sugula Wait, botore, I
. I 0)� 11 I " ftshlono!'blo #owg tborcr, A6 vor . � xotloal%0, �Aunlliori,u6sca
� Old I � ,4
- � . not to be, A,041CON4,, OL04 �_Ibo - J1.0% Ap looliod for'. � � . Y'SQ64 � I I . I , C � �40(k
Ujon. � r X041110 P0414AUtip, ttlone, Wjth�tb$ ; 00710'AtvO the b +tallod jAte,I;, � + agoomp 10, inhatiltAnts. V44or, the ivill of I.
I A04. Obstio,%tely defeuded., Argve her Mfrth� gull s*44g Without, g 9 ,Objeo SO , ratiring..
. I autdd by X)ouako, �.. 10, L� . ,
. his . wald. � . 060thizig, modicinc* which aImply Put I , � I : I ixey6i. oon�p I
coy 1. � iatt+`There is no food in't tie Q rtter�,�:4 Antive, ot tilo, P1406. � 2().,- 1
Own 01*44o -'Out In, the ,and tb - thought for th AO*, bervo4t I -, ol or frx�oi ' � ' t I
. . I . J4 the, beat :hotel,*. in * ""'L I . $ �. � , a .whole , '
"What so it? you, boy##,, tatilpts,, are, Ora 'fso Ion , ofjj$ ' '004'66hci,�',WIII WOW' InVe 6finual-
Sir Xtidyo , ,A� 0 AlOrt9w, 40 K 10W ( "W011,11 said; thoi fornmer; owiling, 04,='14ta AU'UnAhturAl stoop, 1XIleXo, POADIx fo� *14 Wood Is w t �World4. V
. � , " �!"!
Which _po roq9%AAIoAdq4 Was wppo djoille4qui : - I , A . rbj,jk Ig j I
, *doptod, with . 0. I Madly, � all"Sweet, plQ460t to , ort4�� .. the''44no,%, ust �e I � to . I
tilt result that .the As tot COAStdatio, she otoocl,storlk somothiva.-to 44.v t4 me?" , I I ., , . t kv, 10 the proportion ,of A thfrq tot, I
, VARo and prompt in, a, cord. . Good* apples were. aO;Fcfttg ov,6064-or that A I'll - IkV
: , m *t6wer fpt. through, WIthout acel. and v , I . . I 40ungo DIssoAv- a' I a .
0 0 .uco3;aproWIsjh1r1 go,411000-110r p em -WI! - And:�bee4_taAk�T(P.#jLth0 -jif$ j00 I 41104POVIPiong of bread, boots, And '- , ..
� � -USS. con#IQ 11 ed 14water, tboy Will bo"�AIWXX t9AA-'bjjj , , W . , . I
. ,.There IF bad, ii�wkj % last, nier, _ 0 . �.d(jojp$y � wAll Vltuvvor�'bno, �
dent' " Ott $as I w0`494t," 0044 c0llkllar,10113 with owpfMI , can 'I ,%,A r� .ig.9 Irom ,t5 can . � ;Cos. 4no mod- , . I
sit lfovorm, triumphantly; �10410,110 after A. ,bit 0mpt-'auc said, a*4 IIA00 0goll , I I . to tO,*1-604�,1k,hd' 1*401d' 41MV lb fq44 I With vh11drftthQ toll , Med1chapp. atreduced pr I
, tlj;4,T. jjy.4y ttQ SmP'jjo,qt Want,— , I
. . I her ,stron*.tb, gjxa� with j xvv.lf � VCSWaA' bounif 41trwp; the 'Wjntor� *hrlstui" I I I I . PWIng rule- IC41 atten nee f0r, the old" pe,ople . . I
WAO the Proper cbaA#VI.y4 ilThx Aptuld W" + . InVoiliclent, . I I t ,91AU0o around. her Into ,Up%' John j j5ZbUrA - Vit- I �. should- be .observed,' o r force , A And c
. . t . for the thleRpnin * tu`40ya were 61,'4 pound. last -014- Padktta., � � 11 - I , .hildren.
. . I V40 XMI)w to*,"-, cQOI)Y roplitd . 1� j� �9100m. ,"Ohl it, I 1494, - X4, . 'Wiltos ; 'iky. babYwas ter, . . . I I I , -� -� � % 1, child to �011 its 0 4.1411 of tho,-VIMV, another ,
. I I _q , . �
. I
. Ord her. ' or epLrdlilabo, 19 ' , . -j, Its, llurgor *1 , SAtigI " I ..
1pharlo go'd tWO�k,,r4va1At1" 00100 4 Should be Ov aid. 41440�,t COAstAluly troubled ' " With ' ,xTho Wjnt0rj$ 1. . on , 0 lony food which. -�w third. for the- i, I
9, .'it only rgoolmat4doo ,*Q luouth 40, before, the 410closures-on are- so cold Ia 'th, a' Wack, *kocl at It, I Provipion of Bav Vag. - .
,! Other ,,"No Otte can bear you lit this out,, collo, bofqrq I gave him B'Ab,ylo� Own I no'Cri ii . dislikes; but bank; tuoloi for jiv'
I yl � I . . , I only un iattempt phould, , & young Inen And - . .
I . �.bo. 3uadwtol get the ,(
b*A%use I knew On 'Would 40 144 ,night Of Mat fatal Alaekt" ba . 410ndl%0 that graves for the burf � I , " - , �, fAve YOuoZ W91aen, un4tho tom%luder : I
� I ,� 11, of-the-wov Opot," rotdrnod'OonatiA. 14�,AbIotsi but'. - since giving ill= to A , - APP4 tm sd** tty -s"', 0i ,hild gradually . .
or -I *04.11 All would haVo boon 0100onu bollow- tfa val"Y' though -hoe ho"t , *4 b4- IIIAL be b4A not $1 . of,tho dead oo dtl,T In the summer . I . 0 �. ,,Used, I to be 4i�,trIbute4,%jjlajjr
. 494UW WhAt0vo I . _ doped. Sviry� I to t.110 Nod.,Ia qu�oatloxkl , . . . .
; , Xin; V,dw" 119 W`00,therstdix still tr4op shokwould ,,gjanjoi to, nee 04 Lotqld s'ervj �, tho; soldiers , .
. WAR 61- t-. _ , On �c .
. I ' I , I Vor t oqossary I,#, jja,,,e, cg,ilrb,� , ! ,1,. I
� -.,--- - __.. . __ - .beat ,with 411& expeot4tion, footum IshOU14 keep, the I I his purpo'lo It, Is nov n I 4 Oro mo,ti*% at .,
I li . -� . � - , , , � ,., . . 1.
. ba,**W__ ` - . . I 00 toble4. + �- - that the'.'child,4hould .1�
. , . ,big -1 - axe felt orl'oh 1.b0M'0.�,�i_UuIca4WW1)Ut oUrQIy`_cQmIJ)V`1%`k111 444.u_ . , W � I
I . . . �Iiwoken., � ��, �� .OVII�'�'."AVb-,Xt'$J,,It�:Xittyf,, Ejo _utL ,no$*�o0jo '25 I -y i , ,� 014 JoXge, . � " . � .
. � I . - �1. ovont,10'reeardW to 4L I .1 JA -Put UQW1, � , - � . '041, "" .... k-A'a'"t-iti.), - 6i -�, J90P. put a �� �_ I
� . . '. . I 0 , - co4ts, a -box, 01; . . �AA , .wo, �, _'� _;.-,��-- �,_ I
� . .. 1, ., I ottiq I I I I I � � I " I � ..:.
I I . of 04 t1mo, 11 "Used I , ad 1B." No* they I 'Were' all' laughing (Ild'ouco. � somoibi "I 4" I%-,' will '40'. - -: - I 11 I . I ,. I
�, �t . � - - - - OLE14 Cox* were ."o - that'6401-WAS 'j�uug, * h' ' � ;. .1, � row, lag IwAV hzppcu�d," tan 11114 003n', Mi your dtvggIst1s'.oi i, I . ,� i.. "The old"g4Y �. I IPar, Over Klty,*Ckii . . . I -
I 'Ing, L ",Me C14 , , . 1. � - .
1� Wrot , U,oton, for . I 15 0:4ne Jr1h . "110, no.�=Iss; 40t ytt, , Zut-but IC 5:6uldo ,not, forwaxd-ti ' I Ild Should+' 110--t�mit*,*,ol$($41!111xf>lgltrori�il"v�t&N .4 �
Alght a .� tho late PulbM.-of WRI 'Protty. , b I Ia, inoney Ato-r�Boll. ea� thnt.*hich 1W40 W itiothirs for ilivir.014tim wbuo, uq .
1. . . " I. A ill W114, the ftJ thluffi, I I
-1 - , It Was ut , 4,40h' What' lom Afraid ,01 U that It'wIll, direct to ua�.A d . - comes upq:u tha to. "Lhoishoollai"itivith"r X. m.Vat* 411tel .. � _ ..
1 OP1471216#48130 'PA.60VO W
I ranged, ,4totk i I 'should' be, Altered thu�g:, Lat. .F or W 11%
. T00%,. 'The thoa�ro 's It t6b��.bje,ll
11 . , : '*1
I 11. WAS ,well ais W01114 OIWr Ali, she bad recalv6ft'j�`11401)(Hi Unless there Is $0390 one to th.lots j)kp#�ijd.1VThoV. Willi I i I i
_. ,the deddrAtIOns and be r. I __ I 1. M - �� I � Y in'. 'I �,,tho child 'tatitoo of e-�,oxTtllIh9r WhIolt, zA-:U.-,g, or P gnpw$6 rwooti !,6 0 : Nk,�,t , , I
11 V. otjmwok ... + . . .
I ,
. " I I wuter"'Pl4cor,upo I A, a :, d. ' =41-14r, � ti . I .
10 X4 $Pit)$ i0f i� PrOV00 It., 9194'004410,4'4444 low, VedielAo - IL114" ip I
- 1014p# q4tior w�ojilo ' co.q Dolp.t. Z. Br6okvgltv, 0 . n opt� � . . � .
' I
� , rigify 'VApakod, k0eA OtAtggli *(th her lmiirjr.1�41,' ,yrggat tqnpi ,,a I I I , 1.1m . ',�qOJ�OsAVVOA�III6 tabTv,'but let'it Sao, I a 91, �, I r. .
.; P - . 1 1;4 - , ont'l ht - llafs,l ,, Its '4ullger w4ti; tlju� food ,.0blob: 11 � : . .. I .
red At 'th41tQkA lines,%X00A, )lot soft 11 I 11 � P wro cut,1114to ,160 �, . � 11 I . .
Tho lour older children appe4 _ . Wear to too you'll not "At� " , "O CA", " liay� A, we"I"Ima � , liar-, A $bar . I
. I . . .1 to, - ft.tlu,Ay tbt%t I was jhe �Qne to SpAko I I . , , �. rlstQv� -".TAks;. rot Instance, 'W, ;'PutUft� a',bake,d . . . . . . i , I . I .
. I .the Play, , and tj4fi; two, boy the, .g vi ' at what I'm now goink t I ____4__ 4 . , com; lob 0=4 , , I 'th, " - , �1. 1. 11 I 1 � .. . 1, � .
I _. � . , 0, �%vpra, taxed, ra % died IrOm �ir 0 tell P -11v I � 0- - # uked., - I i . I ", I .
� fl, I 'L - . � � - � ..
. ' %,ov " ^ad, : *Ir 1 16- to)w;wlith Wft0Ar0AI;:d0k �Vdtb bi . . ., �, I I � I "Ill) I , ,
. ' . ponsatton I Action which I wac 4 , * � . Ara4er (to JourneSqnAn j9jAor).-, � .
I 11
I I. -thtli klItt-' Vbt two little b4y&,ha,d rqvxcoolb� fc�spatk-o�'. 11 s�voar It," said 00ft$t44tA, � On,bellalf OVA, cOrtoAn rAllt-l'.�.tttto.r.,'A�,.tlgwfx,o�6f''�dol,ld'�, 'two , �r . 7 'YOU call' , n., I I - I
. , v'I Vpmp4Vj. A,t, firlit41 : 0 your,wit �L ,sior)txna , , I . I
� I . , � , 1*1 *IthOUt ,hesitation'. And thou quick- . `30.,Qiff 'enid'Ag
I � � VA white Satin,' with ,pink bows And. j) t -light ,thai - told its , .�. �� I BAW8011RAIRU , 1 ,qpnmi j4pXVIT. .. . �Aftd Tutu blit a, job like � tbat? Have . . .
I "Princess one Wears her 04-ilght , ,r I I I . �, � y,,,jtfice,&hd, *Rjt1t(tt,*,bi00r , �
s4shoo. i9ho4"-d6,Vua,J . 11 'L 'Way'. 4ht, � the -04kehl of salt, 'O, Ie*' dkops�bf 04109 '� :`_', ' " ' " .
. � , I , �0*0 Y Varlej I* in Jf;tj%gdr_-;trj)u. - qi!4416 " sk*W Orq�d ag4toot�- ,f4 inside �, "L' -y Over " $ert,ed L Any,
YAI oig 14 IlUd .1, . —
� -4 - . W'th A.�'i;ddqW1Ib04,,-y4 with- blo?", 1. A WOILWI-S ' V)MW il Op ,,'T= � .e _jt� jL Sobonl,41, Veap .11 and � . L �
. b4ir In A vOrY baco�ulog loom , M' an V � , - . , � , tuto, "the, �tf 144ruiegan c �4, X "On. time *i tho � , .
twisted I ,er, all U . I Wants; vll� plaintl came hee,,46. Vp6ti�*tblS_I%y W kto,'!�n4 d a PXO-� I I
UI) into 4 lArg Out regret lot her dofe^t, shd� jointo jl4r � ;Put 4tlte"' "' patntod tfaelt?'i' Va�--�!'Ayq; I Aprvo .1
Q ratio vb1c); � - 1, w1u,91164 palrAt , - -, -�
! ! � , 4-fnlxx� Tviki'p-d oaur : X=IX0 Ajj�. , , 0 tt�3d���*'trtttuim�4DfitV*o'd,'i�ea4afted�,"a,.��q,iio,tt� , 1. .* Per App�qntico$'rj �joh, .
. j,4O:0�,d;.L:X0
, .� ,,,court looldng 11wea d f �Ij;
I 0014P . I Am . 4 , * I
.10 -tucked lutcw a4 (lark blue or blaelc� in 1110 Metal At, .xaoilaugh-'s her Arno Ono, can holp� But You, . . :, hQldihg _- his 'jjghl� Arm in a' 4�atilf,�'�i$ifgtfaola"joWato�g,"6A'a. fti�&,p 0 Y,f-crap b sk0s. The" 1 - , '. S ardio you . - . , .
. ,
dy, you can do - _� 1, - d� U � I ' I *, . .
It suk U04 Which, keeps it,all very tI4 9144 McGil"cud . ped fashion Ile doelaroo 1 that, ujit1l'the-dith Isr 1411, ibilvii with ti�, 69 �t ,ht�a�gtj ot�'tllo,.Iia*�t,,tel�-"WOil�'wlts h vo YOU' been 4t .
� 1411:1 �t
� '! �' � y 04 Until, , the, Ora r we q jr '17 i' run In And pitt over started, in, , �' usilless." X4,4, 1 ...
'i , t raw! ran dio,*', bw. I "' ,m ,
I . wolne'-
. I . 9 -o' OM4100r,phildron.*W. _. ,. � - --- 11, . OAb , Xight " , 4 , � a bad not boeno P.Lble,tp lift it' 'foj' t � ' " , �, .
! , , I LARVAe4t , cheeks. , I 11 thini. , That% -why I came to"Ye, V , Well Z� wl� 4 46 , , i4prjg , - . . �.
. laughed - � I � m9L O.saudo, azid'vV6 fine - trumba aver . Issucel", �Ifau� WI love piIjin on,
; . that night 4t !*j3OX 044' "' That,$ right," �ixld Sirou6, *ItIL I I .
. Ak46nicA with a.bow,j but af3 ilbbon' .Q111 . I
4 I I 1� For tWajQA . dul orled Tfak agd,ohovelAs 44 a -bioro t4aan, yoAr , that It wo* ut-'all Wit!% blts� of bUjfVj' �On'top, .JVj .444 L, L ' - �, � I .
A quipig sense Oi relief As he wAt , &,40ay$ an , .., 'r ,�#pe a Strike protty w,91 ev;�', . .
Cox 11 only Ono Ia HVIA9,00w, an4,hV, bar. WAS there 06 ClImIno obod the 944, 14 OW 'bMt `QXcIPd "tones, . I _F1 ,tort -1 Itupossiblo for ,.A,, , , AsIve L not' �J*AYS, V. pIwlge,,, ,: . - .
roGA Over the l3ritish Blopgre. ' . suit.- � . bJj4 to .raise It Ouiiful bf The! satice, is to hand NY10i, the - avoiige farmer ,4 W114 1 �_� I . I I
� . . . . , r a, #OPO4, "th secret hA4,14in Upon 7, $ . � .11 go,bigh as his , quir,od. Sake,, I � e _0 . I
. I I - . �� - I . uAf Of � the injury jaloted �'00 .' I ` , . I .1
� , I - , A, charw�ter ,,O%t rolloft. . ny, heart, � XrO., A. X. Lockwo ,,, , . vh1n,_ and.411, 94, gt�, ,co-jek�d, 611�au� hour 'then trowil, Seale bright jitripp 04. sllk'�rown tTja7 �
. . Istio Story of tilt , ,i
. C940K f $ m CA# � h6a 'beoll . �, Wooh, but- -1144' , , "p, X .told zlyaoll I should spako of , od, who ,re4lalf c4 . 4, SiWce for':tho Ab ;�� plec.o.: b4"Will (Ia 41te As Walk 4f I I
ov , o 004d; 1001149 141)i it or dlo,ol � lore lrdrA DATMIX City, YUkOA Tor- -him, - . _ . . � CUP- , . I
' I 4 0 I Pit I . � . � �, 1 futaf, banned to . , t6o,.,. I I I I
. , , . -
. . . . 90149 t4o Maid$ Of $t.''Potersburt at,�Im.�, *ixi in Isroadful. Is t'400 ritory, Is A $U9 11" ,� �, Indt%loO ,,Wlt"014(�� nicely -bolo-mled -QA tho vagqs ISO no i jA garl"i URIM00'.. Wr flandbil
,.,,;:.., -4 , ,
"SPeOR �I;a�,'� said ,06A�tantift, � at At the Hotel L'nP ,"'ThO107 Was. uAinst,mo.j. soj4r, -spiioilful 61 gi;�ted� ollion I 0 1 ___. — �.
� lately., At 011, We khotgd,not bo;14tugb1ajL,,_,4, I Ad'one, vavellings: aho*,, Tbe - I I ,*
. � so, bright ll�ds
. . I cartafft'lloUtonant Who A(tar 0 why I 42001 I I !, . �4040 t . I 11611, -At ,1)41-0011b, With hot! little 491�4twldzseo� I made lap. 141-tattid'hiilt-tLsas�oopful-of.lhix6a,cloi�s "d -runrUllr ground tbo. � biX4�ts insica3d , �VIIOM are at pros�n . I . 1". . I
I . - .11 , .
4 . - Was IA a perpottl4l state or impeowu . � WWI A k�'Z,bfjm Ationgo, "WhiLtiaI soup , A lad of V, Yedxi. Mrs. 1400k- thAt tho 'alleged victim.�og. the t only, 9,9` 611- .
ap �
__ Strange, � lits -toritio a I . :� Acoj_.ma4 .
I ty was Ono day $Ott riding 1.0 a 111h tha,t tbre4tvAl - . ,� e (grciiind),. Vj%a:,A brown�rduz,in two bows,oln the ,61404 zaam,�' , aft 1Ag VoRada'boijja buijt- in BZogl.nd' . , " , ' �, �.
. .
� lost looz ore Is " elomink -41 yjour ralstress?.0 I - . ,Wood spent'�Ac4rly, .,four �000 fo-tho, dout was shammitlg, And that hQ, Of k,tablcij�ocp I I . , .
. . , 1, I t - ulealitY 001nowhero �araund, I 1044 * of. the yellow metal And is could, lift ilia arni it, 1 .f4l e4ch ot'hUt4ir and Attractive basket, goatr4stipp With zlgaiftl��. d2a ljtoam. , , . . .1 . .
rpm., _`I!ho aker pffleors,91 t(lq regi- a4 We 4131Y.Jord—ll begAii'tho girl; Abd, - htl wished �o 40' ',a*,.- whi , .
. I 11 mont woro Ivious At wb*t they V411- "WAIX Infected by;j ., � � , - cook 640 minute "na !tub � Particularly Wall 11A A bodroom, ' . . . , I , . �� ,
7 �000* than *kppod al)ruptly aol bIsIxton* onthuSlastic Over, its prospects.' ShO so. - I thtrefore coramenced b' ou'RWO04 aft",tho stowed the White 0110=011od Paint, �nd look. �, �, , ,
1� eft *A J40%, W the Uniform, and Jul I " . r, kid. . I - ' thr � qtfgh I A, colander. 'Iuvort t,b . � . If f -(VRE A (1401,11 tV oj�R a jT. I 1. I .
I �
ly no harni 11i'that." I . I I I y v4log tob�.Atoeq, . , .
OqGrarrott, bkli � 04111 I A . � . Ia Ono " of the low women � Who have to hhu,. vVry Sympathetically, I-*'- , � 4 ;n%', ' � � . . 0.41ko k � �
,� � tia'Aw to tav coprit tUlt - he Ud AS YOU I)AU1414 , ,Rtalted art olaims In the Mondike. " 'Your arm is ex I I � .,:-Xwiy,o Isroolo QuAt A. .
. sidti XOrA sauc Const , UtI4 drew ,back, -She flushed "Mrs. L041cwood left hot Now, nng is it not ?, tr4MIY�1POW01, card, ilpo;p A deep ' drul W It"114kilt'.10.11oull, I �
I I , I dish. pout, the " 14 I OtIltrus. ,Vtq Aft reti,4nd t1jo zoonoy I
. V ,
. I us aptlon'Ot either AeAdluir In his 0s, , -110 oays you ObAson. ,� � I SAU40 OvOr %� rot It 1321holoven , I XIOLZ 00= . A % .01vo slan4turo4s�� wioh li;)X.�! 2so . .
. I fi. . . .
� , This Is tholtims When colds O.xo 0*, . , -11 _ .
I . . �
Vt. -40ft,t $a;,cy X Was t first t6n. to cbmWAWIS.of Lord Varxey.01 T ave. talked ab6ut- it to grated plloqor it , , . t. I a bar's . It, dry I millions, bas now I " I . I I
"Well, I "� h - ' ' " -
. P#4Per* Or being, 44blered, in;i, the 00 a COMIC41 eleme". It Was .Vqu "It is jtfipo�$Jbto thaj ILsho 14 Its- Ian holue In 1889 and went to the " 'Yes sit, It is., , �� ; . �- Moment ,, mAO. ferve. -, I' I
� who made Us. laugh w1oult It Ix C, Send arv�W4
. Unlackr sawtem chose tba format Xortliwelit, taking up A residence IA ' 11 Ifo Anost troublesome. For Italy, with b1l .1 I
witotiliti Ilefore lie bA!l 'thus to r" aoozfio,� When t4e gold $over 'broke YoUl� Physician, your. family; atil I TU- , W11 � � =
� L #.he said,baujimly. "I thought You .6ut in M ' rnips and take tWo' lowlidns, pe.al them t,hO, =4110st Population I
. do so, hawovor, the gxar - bWd .#r cause," maid 1lXrA1y4 'It was only thp- t � . 102r t" '' take All .the , cot. of .an - I
' 00 reap . askm 1340 determined to yeek friends, havoult you 1, - I , 0 a a Ia, P*r1si,l rh wWto,alda ' * 6 Great, POV._orS , L ly. of
.cotablq a girl for this sort of'. bpr foitubie, -there, $be Started.'tq .the , " 'Yes, Sir., . .. 4nn"Qut, both vqgotobles into, =All dL 14Y 40,: oft . . . .",, , � -
1, I t:ha,sAgjr, ,aud WIthout & momeAt,ts useful but jualgAlficaut match. Ilot- Ithing. DO ioU thluk'y4ur mistress j000iio -wWh her boy, O, child Of- $ bans' like marbles �,wjtfi In thin 1311CLIS An a*grangto .
, .,
, - — ,
. .1 . ter be laughing thaA ,cfYing *jw,fty. , y al k _'Potatc'. diall With half L, cup (if W ._____4 - . I
. A. , fl, .
!�111, .. . ,� 4011'Y d*00d PIO 00102101's IWItOrIA -at I .WoUlck like t6 bAV6 tbg 4etty Un-' $e4�s I . " ' The I now' that yilu 10"Ot , B611 the balli 'Apatior, ,the - I � �
� %he regiment In )F4A,tbtrAtOA 6ught to do tilo'grylod' J�U'u . . 00139�0, � 4 ator -
. � I twinor 41 413#*t'QA "o' 09UA- hall '01casantil , essox ,at list hpusihold. oub.- atart�4 U 0 az'X,. ,1898, tb0r lift it 2' � � carrots; in one gaucopar� dogat, enough, to make & thicL, .- M1nard'st1fl1jflWAjt f0f -jRjaLejg(jWbef0, L �
at, of We Palace, .Shty boyl Ily, Jove, What SL licly cv,p a ' by, teamo� for Dyeal- on. " 'Ohl yea., . . , tyA t � Lj Vr, 'better yet, & jell , Y. % P� ' . .
., - halled s. SW14dlof" W ,�as odly"t . L ,"to� * 4nother, drAto 94 ' 01 IVA 19 _y, 'Give A tao,- - . I , ,
. . . troon, 444, 66torint it, $at calmly . re )16 Went Loft Ug#.jnl. S I Ala$kan -COASt clt$� taking the Lynn ,11 'Were you' able to liftlt ?. , -----,--4— , -'.
. "I Wish ws"h4dr"t 9040,0P there he moveeZ A's though to PoSk the Valial ro-Uto. The -Steamer w(ts wrock, the 4celdent 1, . I �_. 4� 0eeP. dfsh� To 4 plat' of t1lo Qisl ,spoonful Ovary li()iir--or two, for the The Ulllt�d - et4tes produ ' '
. dowAk 'tat it stopf Irj I I
- barrIttkaL, it IA� 'rout a' tbe t"Ay," said Oa4.�jautja nervously, 9 rl ,by,, but X Brian laid . . Add a half -tea ' ' I . coo .1,220 .
, .Itty first day,
Yls dea red th . hot 00 -on the Voyage and driven by a. " 'Yes., certainly I .qp then give Ostdr oil Or, poun4o Of grain to ove .
t Officers to. I'vou Must confess 1b. and UPOU her AM and hold bg . . I . QOnfwA1 of Salt the ry . InhobItan .
be called, ^A4 w WO behaveg. m can, , IV , r firm- galo onto the rocks, Par. twenty- %ow high colild 0=0 of butter A�d "six, 4b castorla, Tor physlq. ' � , 14 .
. lien thq . Ak �6 - Of Vngland only 36 'poU 7 .
, .
)i1*4 #Adftoad theM thUMW00 "00m* ly, shamefully, to opy upon him, . . . . , I YOU Hit At 70" Popper, �Or cdvor t4e% with � Will ,Vor,,bilms aAd acolds ,t , .0 , gdo. .
. . , four hours, the vAssongora Wells ,in W next question. - , . I . W . ako One.. .1 .
I "Q*nt16" through bl*OpcA W. I L , ounce of 0 Phor gum aAd 'two � r 0 111
r, him -4 . I that. great. peril. -During that tjwne�' Mrs. I . Aral -_ 11 . 0
men. I have Just rj4don from the Pal indown, to detect 4*4, iUOlXst4noo, donli.jo+ like . ANOLUCO. � L . W .
. oar A10,"! She I mce$L or, ...-r-'�.*i .
A" in a 111,11, I dticd,� Ora �gvlut`hout thuMpe of' the j:00as- - jollied rrlmes�Wash L 0% of ]ard And molt togoth �_�_;;;:;;Q=_ -.:-- I I �
I If You 404 tr*m' A*d I *Ash to kAOW "BriAking wh PP1119 - On Uckwood, With her, littlo'"son In hor quorceg, up want the Injured ,,arm, prunes in on- P'bund Of Sei'alway Ia a bottle, to ViDOI. This T"a TKAOT rovil�"Ft Dltmylrftlos� . . . . L . L
Its rat to send in my ps6p- fokoy. with that blue, her knees and catching COl1stftUtfa!9 armli, cldnX to � t1lo dock, expecting with the Answer. 1A.s highL �A'9. thAt" two Water. I .
. 'twentY,four hours 14 4014 Water tbv etc. - . . . .
ribbon, platied upon his coati ,Th%tom skirts, .,,You know--44on't "Ye. ,now every moment to be washed � away'by right above the maals,boad.,' And ;soak' ISAISO good lot chapped hands, lips, I . '- . +
- � AM' I p�Muma X have disgraced my. What I Call 111"A And.10meful." lnw . JAIRS?-14W I Would sell my boArt's 'the Waves that were being driven "Of to r , 0 or, Place - th&A (in this, Water)' I I ... � 110^11:h11W�03MWl1jW I
I . . unfloW, "Sir*.,, roplita the nza,. terruptaidi got", with X ljttlt� imlit. bloddtorthomiathross, 'TIafor)Ay.bjg, by -a, U 00 the -roaM of tqUghter 4 V -W---'---L ____+__" . .
. � 4 h terrilld wind. The tiler, that followo4 this performance In'" 4909 SCLUOdtian and ellee & 0-A.%%:ftC3,XX3:C11 1
104 V*rVOUs1Yo "Your MAJONtY could 4#0.b, I lad.y,ftt I beg, hera on ray knees. Z luomoter was 2A degrees belaw zero,, ly dvmfouzdad the utter-' . Mo� ThumPP-Uar4ta--e1Djd you Ask . I
b0PO ho+ didn't see us,14 said . Bmall - lemon freed from soo'da, Sim-' Arra, Noxtdoor WC343�%*_Vz
" . I Sayer Qo�ltb*vp ,-Then", repuod tbovilngtautIR, Miserably, Shelooked thought YOU loved her, so 1, cazad,tO, but Ov, betake little , allam-er, AA4,bd mer 01OWIY UAM iolld& � if, my PlAgo-playing 1. . . -
. . .0w. with an ALmusod innflo, . 41" z so Palo and `terrW#4 that, axed jg4la YOU. Oh. ming, If,you will not llato)i . word" 'clung didn't got any damage.4,1F I 1� lit" ,distgrboo her baby, ?,,,, , Sarvaat� 3eW4nVW3M:"2t-ft.
, � . , I b*y* not I degraded __'tha, uniform, , on and ftall3t aa-ved herself an . .1 . 000114 anY evaporated thia.1,111:01 11605, INUM. ,' alld -sbe rold the baby oreveruso.tholealb. lw"to4 ,
. . Strongo's beArt wat coot wboC*1117, What lrkhd�lha.q f __ +_ . � And remove piti, 'wok ,oao-alf � box tm ArAft.
. out t D. ratted by A � I . ho, Upon ohildi TbQV*mAZ49'04'to reach their I �UOAXN e, L
. '. - L L, 0
� . Sao will , n Ve don*. 00, bitt . , wtu Wbft4tr.O*a ma '104141*0 tO -destination and two. Years ago found � � . Of iP"ft gelatin In ono.6up, of � ed4o tot 6 uw awo* . .
, .
, 0 r4t*IA(' , 14 m1soloa -or Pang a, joalbUsy. , , A, . , .T , an , liked It, And she wagk much 0I,lig .
. Ia' SL r "To 40 him. justice 'he hor?" . I . I you for' playiAl - 60 Muth,!,' Mrs
. . t, ov doesn't I aamse!'Ve$ in DLOkW$0n, th6 . most, . � 11 ,,cold water twontr minutes, than Add Thumpp-Ho,rdic.-Ilpid 6he, really. ?" t,4)UN(; _____ �'
a t*9 rid t. .1 .0 I zde$ 190 P48- famous minhig oltYlo tho world. I I . � � � L oad sciltit ptnt o: boiling Watcr� ano, SetVftjjt�
. � IA :t . I . � �, . * _"Yo.j, )UUM'. WOMAN _AG9D ;2r-
- - _.t�%� I 1*110 '1440 "DAWOOU is a thoropghly vp-to_ . a cup Of SjUgar; Stir She sod it .
I BUM A, TORY" carefully -1 b4v;Wg *4;'Ved, hLr th! trouble of, Penn A? � on
1 .- . 13=11ta)OD By 11:10S. I , WAt dAt* Place,". Sold Art#; . Lockwood. ir - I � - . .. 1, -the VessQ1 get 'IA a. VpA of �cracke4 0, tin pa,a.p . , 4j . . just calfte Into posses �on of �
11 her. 0% =an might Alt _W _ft�l . . , . ids. When It bbifln* ,,to thicken, 4over I - . . i .. . sl .
. I 014,000-wlshes'to correspond w1th
In front ell so to tho* " . �
rt aW Iftnia, it the island H&VO 1 got I tb6 . (pleasing expre flonest L .
IIttl6 po Of the town Of Albbattir, a eatened country 'jithout bu Pick and shovel A S , the bottorm of a deep agAto, pan�wlth
40he do? , "', onlo-hall An inch thftaoss,of , the " _9, intelliont roari". 100 Would �
. at Xurlstas upon the rocky founday. ATIA an OA without % dross Ault. I . , Ill' lelly, got it IA a. tool 21101i, zwu wAnt V Asked W. Gub�- a'ppreclato i good 1010. Bc)x:2�536,
. place I stact blum "I(eg, SIr,"L replied .
. tion Ot which A, 11911thOlW6 has bom d "I'll almost I AT ST. AftgVWIS VAZL, ram when firju 16Y. In the prUnds,WA I
or*OW. - Tit* kooper, however. has on ow Y. I U , d then tho'photo. Toronto" Ont*, I I
4*1 did to Into,, *&Id Ban,. ,,VIA ,,, Par& Ved by this sudden baleful light' the -great. -So j Ve t 0 t 0 I -jr,F1,er. "I think that *111 do very
U4 ^ttaekk UAt bAd 0141 a n f h year �. � . �L I 1� add the romainder, ".Or the jolly. L �.
` been tbrowA across Act there, I had the bonor of leading thd , " When firm dip An IUS49.t In ho� WA,# well 'll, "Then burry no, ploast. It
had tO batictdo, ,his door 40611aft doll tallow *AdUgh, but moluo igatinct ' ---" I , E -h,
- r" but who, was then Governor Of Yukon' maa_,�A Wan. 4146 With a cloth *rung,oUt of but * ------f"-----�1 � a d ��
Which h%ym bon "Owed to multiply trust him. brain. That Lord Varloy had bcon, grand m#rch vuh, William Offirvio". 0, bran ,W40 so '44 %Ut. A; till, wi4p, , ob, out.- butt� toy face,- � I )� *
. of 0; number Lot AWkno ,stood to Into NXII 'told tie to. h! , , , - , I : -
14011h6ld" On the Island, wiltre thty jitibe, t that word "falma," and the alrVillk* Territory. Soma ,of the costumosl 4orful 'Case And j vo% oappy water ; place & dish over''tho : top,
. , I b! . , , $'
mio_ T ter. or, better 1;
. This 0444 for total ab- wild' foolish' culpable, Ahe kAe! Was Almopt X�Arsjy _ �
�7 0 . 6
ytrY scrap of — Curo b3r.'TWs Z'Z0dI1oA,t Zbm*ay. Wert the inold�ajjd the jolly � ,Will 80ZODONT fort1w TEET , - .
? 1�kvit aocQuAtod� ft a act WAA All 0, plant to get , I )*"Ioned mamueAk �, I ra$
If toll tato the go 'I 0 E . 9
"Catation, and ovoty beg od gracts Of Lord- Xt were Wr;� � elaborate, And It lap said "' . . I L I 146AN01,01*111ft mmt). luklil�41`rwlk Kta. i . .
. I t "DO YOU know WhAX YOU axe 40- that the ',gown ' tax, . � . I . 4 " 4i
If Of gar4t. let". who . WOM by Ono Of tII6, � North Teralsea.mlope'. 'Quo,, iram. XUP Out. TWO " Is prettier . . .
r"ey Wert Particularly land Of tab. CAA Siva I him, ^ Oumh In Ing?# F *no mUrIbured lathtly. 1 WO . tVARY TOW4 � CAN 351,1: A IRA101i - � , .
bltoj Arlisaneiltary direction Men W0.6 made, In Patli and coat id. (speetal).-At the aWe4 With Whipped crown, but'lt, le: , Out Of 14 =41119b. ;at i6oldlors In 1
61 031 tut the ' maybe' tbktt $1'500 laid 4ab*U lu%DAWSan' Thfil near hOM&IIN Omitted In this � ,
which Onto &bound 0A. Bahl it makes one 0o U#Xtf "AY miss, Yo ,heard, Dbuglas jptm I
Island. U%k food XUPPI I k to u1siXer. Do , eA Mr. ,W. U. johnitOU. menu, oWjD.X t the the sx)Wes of tb& tevon lArgost .P. r4*04rd"s $Var Owl. I 0 11%tiao0o -
, 1144SL . 111tiotr4dift"OU0 .6. %, z i arany
__ - .— __ .gier . of .butt4r a shori uss: Q this Ift,mKidlear "Til"I lit' �u! � , . '..."... 1,
- ,� *twrt --y' - 1� -hit- __ 10—, W.-Af M�1104,1 , � � "
, -failln walett . Went to- toAdon gown wa$ ers, Great Britain, 1111fet,
'AAk fpmot Y 4hink of It, . Worn by Alft�'AloXaudor V40 to -OW tonsidera himself * tok:� 30
46yelowd _ �hf I. ,.��! - __� . -'about w'Woek *got� -A . prevailing. highpricos � __��� . -t _-
1. ---,-,--.-. --w �.,onli�k-,_U_ _�_..,... I ) , Z)on&14,-*io*-hiAabb.�A-4"uowa--tdftl�Mau--M&L�I . I
toll$ to 0 lighthouse an, I .. el 11 I unee---Vrokr -1 t ,
I are on, addition t4 the �,1�111611 - � . --- - .,
340a .1, -their atres4w, 0Ad *%;�bo. though, hojjrd that noss Ia his solneWhat", mutiden And; table. r appreciated � --:--.- _'____'___"'_'__';�� L Aft , —_ , - --- - - ---
. tuddebly. She looked dI *A the Klondike, -king. XeDonal(I was, The. caudo df,7r.' Jobtlotows uopl- aid Z;64 �1:11 I . �, tv WIK , ,
4Xt40 � '*tIOJ% hot bar hands w6re, 1 trembling, A. " that eve, sloce ilia yo, hweult7, , one 6f the early. gottlers in 'They a o higfiky . �
. be* Upon, � LthoUght had Come'% her. ,11 he big b gain" My lord cOnAtrY And ,%tMdk It rith. AAd` I'the when L t . hei , hey 1. I . Ncaawo",, mad W:-taim, us* 1
=---4— : L r, value in kftow#_' ,T .. . i . ,.
- Mtr � aor�DXIYA,UCL Ishoold 'Imppen to walk this, jjay"-to there I "I"", Apollo 49' night 'Up tPoWng of poor ptopig who have very romarkabl) recove4-- Iron 'Come noW In'Speclally Prop&T#& Cat'. I � . .
I T10% �Xfioat revere cA- -1thouxttl $ , , � OLEANIN43 ' W"Aft'."t
. IrAtot 00, It IsfSht happeo." She �6t 20,11$IhOtO Wid Mrs. .Dun- boon luck:? In the Rioudika, r aa of __fM 6"'*r`-tOn3 are large,aaa cleaii,, modor4te 11
urx*d in the c 4,010 . I = L- 4on In -this 0ounty. L, : IA PrIc4o ", TA" XOT10r. --' LADIESI " 11L.* 0 i)
I*b Ott . A did not *" boW, *ft#A,Qf late It "d I I minded of an 1001404t lbat tool; For a. long' time he suftrAd with 4"U'r-11,1480 �
� . 4ft ,of -the L , . l 4 are a hosathfUl And 6[�. , 'We, ,publish aimplo, " straight, ttsti- , C�iwu a-4,
Rozaaa xmplre I , 111f,you have 641�1 to tell' iuet of place Ott L -lake B#1106U*0=0 IA the Ith-111hin Which' giadustlly Onetaic's dessert- , , 1� Wftathy~hesieliproftak T1714
On the death of COMO through thb Wo9d this Way to �,tord V01103t's Vilits to Mrs.'bund4t, 1$90�. 1 1 . . �
Pft*USAX fA IQ$, the, Vr4%jgt0rjft call 4t Tilt Cottage. `ahll havt often who 'a a Very old friend at I *At 01% tho atesmor oAd mot gro�V Worse till it threatened bia, life. . . � I =00141-4. not press sgews. into%,!. 6XITItH AMMISAH.ayttaa 06
. Vdardw put jup the empire for male L P,K views, Itom. well known people. At6mr lil 11 � I i 1- I �
L 4 218 % womsa and ber . ws�� ,
slit had rushed by the baCk door %ggn Corlitattlu hu%band who veto jjjs. prillciplo trouble vrea I t , S 11
by P010110 0010n, avid, *fttr an ank. �, coldly, vor�er b*. going but of the country with ;I,- sida. and, his of RM To 0'0SM=P,hjj8. Vro)u 411 OV& America, they testify I— �
, _14
L to the tiny orchard behind the house Alit :but ill t, "it W0 *0 b,%d t,hat -his to the morits"Of.1119AUDIS
*At44 tom t1oa botwoert SulpleliA *0- Iflift 401" color to ill# servialt's 6 Isn't oil, ' MISS," L 400,000 In gold Oust. During tU6 * stifichcd go that k# could at ' ;,It it a good deal * oI troubloi ta YANX. 80idiftion Unill Stoami'llps,
to me .
146,1d tho girl sadly. "This is Tues- convo miaco . ,I nock I I 4rce. IMMIX` 11ho beit of Rousehold Ram- k0ntloal t6 UlftWL JR9xibi, rA jAj,,w,
. LtW 3&%t* for $#250 or"'bla" XY move It, and Woo �be 'atevf doW4" '� PIUAPUA 'or Pl($1 as tdle,. ' . .-
- d'yo ftn' for Thursday thOV hAvo it 0. Wh4he if I I '0601, FbAlt" 20 ufom&L Y10) 46iiilw
I "d Jultsm, It van knocked dawA to wwwtt- "Not At home"' 'lob. -bur L 1, A she mad,
VtOnWha LL The rYf" sho tried, looking m,ppWIjpgjy all settled to .tun aralysig. 11ho P t Must be stirred almost c9naijMtly .
StIronge a a innitf last to keep It,from, '40. 0. jtZ0jrAnj)S & joo" ' J,
% .,,. went.-ja there t Woman-ilud fear r wo Id to L
held Auctions of various At U Vay She I 00 toward , tha � JA:yteop "M V42t SNIW%1144� Va
I "Xf I met him how I Xbrow. bt:r 0XWs Wide, and then Oud. am com" out' ofl,A,_d,1l,1%,,a,,'ro_," .t I , 10 �w"mo"Holk
AWAY for &'time ' but returb with aticking to L � M.
, .7611, araL the kettle, ttud bur r timloft Of 0 at Q'116 e, cobs %t14 SuAftelftj
thdt4d. and he might Xu6k*--" I fil"g. . I . ad"^ Ww1dSqM"t1�:Th"tft
tU 0004, IA " ck"*� - oAICUO, "' """'to" '%�.oujoy JoUroelt ?I ,greater for", and A strange feature on& may simplify matters ov, 'little Wild 90"S 40 'A%jtd�CJSM W&Zjfk 46 44
I . Ids". the I)ftKeedifige. bebt tnuch could Apt NPL-ak t6 hirOL-1 COUI(Wt denly brought ter bknds U44ther going to do Ill I 0 . ri kl W? 11 ,I,= Vow
I I The wittva.loud clap and,- burst ,into t 1 �01,1119 ease -Was that adt*r t.h4win. by-pu .0
I" bastat N -kith *** * twoot trot Very lips grett TWO lit the "k4d. I I V ." "'W 411 lAuttutuK *wlt to M* ,isoia
ttaks. 0 -oh, Wirral - I ,.. L 'would lckvo any part, it left L no tHURA1149 Purfil)kla int6-- a . but- . . 6t%kjt4C9"A("j.ff �
, - plvador# wag hold jundw 0, "Itr dreadful thought. aa,rry Sprang to Wirft I An' Whfkt or qip, I t,Or#d,l I �
* 4 mald,l she, repiled. seriously. . I to P44n op guddWg�4ijit, or 1�tvor& - 4 U O", jo
� will b"olue, Of , ava 4 It that Iftirldy, , "plKs, and noadlooll hk apt er. and finishing,it, , "?=Mt Toiflkveo �Oop�
� AkOckht the grouW. Th his tept, And thLvy KII t4IlOW(d COA- - Will, h I going to Varls, and b . 3.4w 1 Xch'"Alw" r*tjkA4.
, sobbed frantjcakjy� - I � ,' sqratktion I t����=b '_ ', - 1_�
. in ,,Th6 sun*x liia� __ ""' " , L
641`64110t4r ftlex o4ger tootilteps . I ,: tka, 4van, ,whera, it falgC4 from a . .1
, - ,
. 01AWdAls, or auctioneer, was eh"'" 4ThNL ffottAgo, ' b*ek toWard!§4 �Con$tentl& We* to 0 horrided. to J�L '1110 dOcOrAtiOns 4t that St. An- , 111"t; 40ok Slowly. �arth. .87 million to" of *Ate 4 I'll. I I . "' L I I
tr9i0annumW tk# mg0ataril, or smo,ot jUtf, *)Acre 'the Wood IljLVO JAUth �patlftco L*I,tli Ur UO thought that Perhaps ll�tsn%Ok- Of course, -it taust, be stirriDd+erej 11dine Work 1.
. _% ,tltrfai Wild &o**, day ball," continued' Atro. Ing tobacco bad ,solutthibsr.to 49 4cmalonally. or It will crusoon top, mluttc- T40 40 the r
Cute6ta.' and his amalst-sato woo the with It and be gave, this tip, - but ram To ftd out, wh*tbjer ipoultryjs ten. fl,01011Y. a tube of coal 200 I art
4ttd *ud 1-146 OPM fields t* grief. � r4ekwood, "were "ry elb.borate. , afies
44"100. . Ca% thoLt belofted to her homeo idler "Stot crying." she 0414 Imporlout- They had f4shiOlt0d lne"deicont Velved ,no beriefit, at All tilt b4i OWL- ft or otherwW. pinch ill* skin. It deep, Wide, and high' Would L�
. AI#mi#std bet tompalijono. �� I lights Into AWL-ritoz *Ad - VrIglish Dodd!s Xtdnq Pills. . bo� burnt ttorY SeeondL balvo . �to
:WAXj)1r %,(AT_0p$jCj0. ty, "alid listell to rap. Have you . It adheres to the flash'the 'bird. Is . . - L � I
. A I "Moti't take Wbp m6 Muth to OrODIA? IN them no'doubt about it, 11098, and I wax � old the dedojailons Thikreluttly he IoUnd to be & ootn� tough i if jt�jee& is , , , . 1
210 4 heart.", said Strorge, lit �& 1011q,voleet thi*---d(ftr*ftt(II stotylp, r ,. z � colt -11% the z6fghborhood of 15^9. Le* the fleNho It ---*-" Nurse " E uIpment
.. P"t-ciflies IA Udik;Atlt Only AN bt took her hand 13A i - MOW and absoluto eu�* for him A34- foAder. 94"r ,Parboil a, " bt�- ' 1164thOU CiMn6t bo CMro4 �, 0 4 .
'061190ts slid 46111#s*, jetterm,, �Varcejm, -, "SOrra doubt. mist.11 The wrl 'Meri""e"ll va,y soon,atter coninsvoc- fdr6 rbAktiug. t 111%kV, -ho', ha6dol "pIkitlaq I
-,Not" $a worth inuch, grie l*rflug "6, thooAres lit Dawson#" adyt and , ,,
VUAnIVC'oVery Xjght� O�44' orf the"O.LIng ita USO. , 1, takes I
a" other *Ktdok but act* to ater-1 L yet, jjo*�', bt grIeVed! it,, IWO still sobbing, but ,mome Indigna the pain begow to Havo, ftlror of the lbtaLt, :, ,t - e,% in thty jm*86t rook th* No MONO oxd aviard is W voldi"t I
itOW h,1 *'hit 'f*41117 him and. now he Is strong and . Well. In Preparing a valad, 'Wash Whfttm' *ALY t 4 ftts tiftfMop,jr, %" t"t im br '! .940*4w 24mom'som"do0jig" ,
ton *Xtftt am & bjkrjffr to the gen- would gr .tift C'Mo Into hot torke, olto ' th1*1X& hAS"WhAt As uaed ' d m6d"M*40ft 4161r. 1horals-oulfai
.0 and $*It, Wad Mao , 110 put 4044 )its O*tl '11hurad stliftlag on t IA tht *7*- On -That 4hell. an extrewe case should AV& green Is used vety rm*lbll #AftiLl r#ek"I"6 L Db�f"& it "Awoo"AtItt . all awl ftf 01164411ts,
� oral Putife. *all* quintr i0vt f0ttVer for thb lovs di)- arranged I� ttll 'ye, Uy 111ilit, one nick
, W�. lbey'll, lit've 46 goott t4n; ,tl y -ind M at
rrily night; waince krot children can Saold so , , 11111" t0ill 1440fthoawmaslivilbs 0
1*yA Willi%* V4"Ohs- *A4 c0llecit* "W94 tot thk mo;neixt., and Spokb bdor 'I easily and gl4kxr� Proved Set tw It tb*i� It L 14 wirled porfee k,.
,tf;. A fatilIKO Aft,Tal a. f Larml tax" S". IMIAft Aw.
Ll :Kbon. thli. I 191.
.. hoed "a hAV*,&k*r4b11wl9 Man (,Vj
�� xviiibs ocieraing td th# 0 !it. Duadike has learned the 9 41th POlf"t ftWy Alld Ordl3rioty. that'I)o(ja' a gidne 1114 �tjkj Wro, fo* Not Itttuft leaveg. or ")cry, Uo� _ W, 14
A604t zovern. thit worldly 0&timent to try to trun. ofi. it wIll W thft ruin en. .1 hkft WWO #A=t* say ,i� ol- tj�(X afty,ca$6 Ithoulatum. - I - emiroty fty_ will IL Cott ho#;Hwor� "d Wb#U It - J4 fti jesly t.. 606*0110 ""Yot"ta - I
, I
- from lend smd other souraec- beal befWaund. Ile, v (irely at 2A-Lv jo,dyrl.. ..3uc -l"Vas I I . ,oi I 1, , tat* gAijV L I t onough, )3i.,)f%. AeAftaft'ts ir f*436 AM �"14& I I* I I I - I _____*_____*
� at tonaidel,. * _ . % 3$bj" 10 404i, theatres . I
3ht ts' Vis �ariilm` bftIft of h * MA i , , � " L ' I
", � I,. Ia tb�l bott6rh of T,h* motlaaaaa t&ICX %tAtkj�kj4,ib*t11 "? . THF MOST NUTftiTj6V$ ' I.
Wo 014MA. 6040M. In tbai deps,"oAt with which She answered Win 1, .cito Ail, tr tool `_� , XAIAtf ftwl to ruin Itha beit dresuipg, to joinatt"Ott 0* ifl %, 1; ,
#tl* Of Ablv L P"Plexed bY tho.� vtrAqo look Ilt-ro ant teo L t6. , *Orld, thty --AN like. TA**' ato four , . I !,' ' ," L � 1; ,
kfAWtd0V#IOPn%eht jntbe� 11X4 tMt - ,. , Will do. , AV%., 'I jVAjh,
Ia 4" 0* I oh. miss, it you ican 40 azyuaff, do churches lit Da.!�Adu And tha�salvlk- T111" .11MVvAbi WAS 111011T. 41v*r ram'do. , L i stivrot tLverfift, ti 'A rft
your Vrlsedt,* 4* mald ay., . I(On Aftay bts, quattem them, I I I � , I % I � A 4"Ib il . V
Work of the Vootomft. The Pon. slowly. � f ", 1. . I I e. nkd by 0 4 tAfth. I j*X 0, 9 zoix- 74'Z ' q6L
Ved ftwilvoa 0 it, r, * ,�
' She dro* ttr btehth h1rd ,WIM 0, "Thort A" also two publit libro.r. JurPmaill. T9116 outWitted a, judo S�QGP,�TIQXS As ,.to zx�rgo. 0 lit I r ?I .
A funny story ; , ,
. 10010 ' li' ral*ied,of 's, W As
. U0 Post * hoe ,Mwt (0Werd as I !'A,t Imit it is % teod'� Mi.", boL, Md E P r W. I
a% It not O%2y �'Tetnrbed evasively. . U11111119 blat without telling anuatruth .1 . ft*6 fA � titt , 4"UPUL-00MFORTIN I �
00000tory teacher. '1, There it but one. brick t - . IV
,*Ind 'Of 401iii W she again turnetl� to IL I I I L ( )t 0%
. ,
L to - 1113 "Mous girl. I Jill the tQVIal t110'"JOTIty Ot � no YOU NhOGA14 0,VdId I!J,tlbg j*)jnV(jj1_ AN lk 41 11 I � . 4 0. "I
letters arA do1jirers them. I Ile and Barty, fja�vhllf kjU*d g0644 . "ttur* galto,breathle"It .
. Into tl* court , or �0% 0*& 00% r% 4
IN IWW to JWritt %bani . .1 I I
Ut. U4400 boso in eletoelitary N;Iht to Sarah, tura, "ift2d YOV' Alto $kid, looking down tU"* till 0 0 ' 141�, -011, your" lord, If Y04 CNA *xcuft tal 61trubil Tow m4y� therthy in- , ma ti IA I
� ox f I go. . There Art go aleo)� aftft. AL 11trong tarporal lar'zaeu- I , .Tv EXXT swec
stid Ad� tll*t , led 61, into a pathl"On b�r. "bow did vou ltarA nil more pratfttionlo buildingit Iji Course 64 Pray do. I don't know which letters i;6a44tably with. -your Is %0'. , '
�, I obarply %o Lth# right *ad Ithlomt of t6tetion flow. The lour 4urchd. "I 41io oigw Haliv ,,,, U lu k; . 1v A ' -
�' . . I � this mo*"C were soon out at sight, Conattnti6i, k4ty nogttoa, , , i *rb trowdea to the 466 0 each Wilk. ftsk--,Wj -wife or XW Awth- t,V* apparatus. Stkoot ow0tions, � ly thou% , .3 NRItAKOAfIT-suppMR.
_-___4_ �tvith al quick sigh, wtut an tErOU14) ,.Why them's bIllfty X up At Sefl�t(* aud they are rt tPe". I I I fear, ,o*cittsnent, torruw abd Msht ---'�-4�111,�,; ,, - 11- -1 .. . ... ...... � 4_om�,.�—_14__ �,
� , f t, all tillargl1w, .re;3r Zoo that's "Cf., I
I ZW A,%TWZA_V-Wr,tA$. ' the wood, hardly bteding the lively "alkityraore," she ysitid *t I I 11 jeIr bui,4ing " A*W' % b4 In* e"Vit flup- wrctjrjfj of
i I _ Ila spt ! . A. 'Botwten aw and pjtl ain bt tondoA e&fs qqoo���,V+++i*+++++ ,
teecut a"Irle
Ax ,, oxtooah, Well in (;ft0tqle,. Norah's thatto that never for A Mo* 1*1 see� I undWittand, It* 11 your *00 children tttttud, whuol Ift j+.,tW_, n ., . . .
Itient etv*d, )1 . t�114,g!L�go. 1100vtWAIr . You Aft Julft, Aud'it Is thettfort alfKoahlo to 1,78, voutift. of potatoes IA ,,% year A .1
VtO600. Uwok tan years, of ,mrjtjAuOW% the path & Tow*rds 1116, end ,of,,,j*weetbeort__yojjr loveo,* . $Oirl the eftiltS j*pUj#."OA.' ifICIP,jing I � . paxislayl toosumes On an i'�rewit`j; iut .
,� �) 4werk *ore Water Was Rtruck- At a` Crew- fAtt #4 tho# ientkred It, both mom* * b* ik"Wao mmpknv 1110101,141hittaMPOr Met estImatedat , ,_ - I .WA" --Unt
1, thift bit of shivbt,*ry � ,--Why,, Wq a I . Tbe tov,t day the jvry*&n *" mot abstila reolh t4tifir lh9Aodl*t*Iy_,q-j 40 po per 44404L I-
tt� voy Such OoLurtw*. .. The Impoll
op* at I.Ift feet. tim"'" "id that girl. phiLkinj KtOlAt 10,OW. t'y A fl'Chd' Wh*' In * *y*P%tb*tjC1 AfW Your rA*U YOU *hOU141 wIvold . #� � , -,l- �
- Over 200 Iftt at the At 1-259 tftt %Wt0d as a tall, dirk ilgurf Stelw,- shyly at h*r p
.1 . boring rod "d aut oftho,rli4odcdanarurs, tight d4n,t a ran 41ut failt, LU TIIE UATITru, , farw 11trons torporil %X0CtIO%w* ,and .1 ,
I W. ;A106 Aboto,in froa *ay mental striva. I H I
k*W A44 1011 Istv 00 *63, sod It in ftoj,t of ,the 1hIAk2 41114K. 0At there's much tbough Wer* in winter, ft not UA. P 911416 'LION -611A 14'1-91 lun,
, I Wft 11"OK *ft�b* beforo it *as re� i4a ILI, . healthful And �� )k Aot sp4cfally 41S. 11 I _Xltt� V*r,w A,11,18019 to have, a -1. I ideration I
* 4 ;11 * 14 Y'W" etc, Cors, I
, conetalItia; ablMank bick lnvi�lqntar- R , 'SkA ("a,at * 9144ft OLt Cousta'alkla, 4groto I Lett *IA1.1er lit j&htlary 'CO *'� 'o 1,6116k Aft4r-dillrAt O&P, It ,poosIbIcL. 1)ute - � .
"' ! I
I , � 40,06t , A, 166W of OKOW Nall'obs to �"n 011, right thfkn� Y, 40 YOU,L A 1jifilthy PWSQU always be% L it CO*I* *,Vtraga 8&:p0qAd* Of .
.1, . P4W #*Y So obtAIM4 from % -the ii�oro t frisbtitned, and laid bor !�Out or ift *141tht Irish es,*@, 04 aht the, 0WAN0010tAt at 1017 rAbIn regis. -9L . I *A In- butter and lbo poundt of thee,,# in a $6 tho akA. at W"k1w,Wltk K dil*wt I
� baf6ge*kt' I*Obse� At ' "Y' 1h,18'an, RofWs arm, That little yj#.Jd this, that belifd her aw*rtlan, ttted'74 446c"I't MOW sera and thel& "'Why, ."sttr4ky "a amid jhm,t YOU � 'tlifttlalk to, close his 0yes Aud� _ " "I th6 "11"Hur Of 1114 11
L 'tl 1-60t d 1wiltor Vb
..AV '
' Sto'a
;,, , lit 0 k I" ral rim, 100 vat `7
� k. yoc*aft, th4ft As macitker art,ea(Kn -Onstitutia to believe ,*Oft% a little 6100 his. dlftftor� writ ft r�q
howev to W" ,net to ba, enj compelled (, mlpr� $k - CaneLd'an !130 POUndl lot tk~. 911=4
1 11 , ouf of busiftest During t* t did tot �aaw wmeh Imould #I* , 0 pousds�
11 4= and Parmg a V sm &" it *'1%k
� 1 VOU 2.0ft Jsot In Oefth am 41,* t'ke, 4"k 0 Shf* went *tra*h�' 'UP to 'th*t there *44 All the WOrld In it mci kind of vtfttbw my litt,%, loolt wal fit4-" WO)"A'Ad It you dbooryt the j dumb I lk, " I r,
I'! gtr# wid Peered ilaw its f4ur As #b* *A* roar**W� , i1N No� ao, I T%at is-& problem 4—
,�� 164600 Waawt4r *h1eh al-wharow an fee*, ) to othool a'"ly day, going a akilm, thit tini6 0116ioa, can *1**�.t . � *hIMAIN thty -do tb* $*mae. fA80.1 jk# 4%,�*Sjk G"*'s prsalw cartly � 1�
V 0 f 3(RY bt Yo (kink,, I olto I f,
, I I d AbAvraptod V�pplr at 4�5wf)wl- %K*3�. IVA Xittyll, she 4014 11�0, halt my _014 hava and a, balf. L � I I' ,Out tide VW,dfamr 'naP should As W=4d - . I
cku," It folt 4200,OP4 lot 06 tone of distinct di tO%0* in 01ft bt what I ',Twb of th* boautita, of li�* win, ,e I not b* oxt"W#4 too lonif� jwvor long- Uftolva, r. "I ** 'Meo, ,
AXUMA", �o , Tft*,-N,t 4*1 ON ,1, �, �, 0, &,,ad Ia i 9
*&PPOl"f?ft4Mt- kxO*,, Wale 110 'tim bl%rals' r4o *A* W'Ift"00. X1611dike ar(" tt t. Cna I ir. A
*#)I at, Autto-Auv_,sh- a, tona that *A .. L .to jkef�#reou $ M;sr mew asiyomia " "it er tms, an kour, otherwise, iA$tftd . lsoftt$6 t
,r&rod oa sijsoot, A, �_--+��_ I 0 XV oic
L to Ora tat 6"kla* at Oil.'* oho said pieZ_ geooslight night* aad the *11jent " Aft, Taur"e., a—Ro is 4*11. of 1*Iftor%trs*4d thereby. *be will I t1l, I fo so
L� , &WA. ft***. So 1"910ttift,depth b* an amr, 'to 0* fl*dlft of * remit twfly. posalod by 04"*1011fis'01 WIP aorth" lixkt*, Photographoi 'tan ts. $shot 1!�� 91' Two -7 Y, Wa, Iwo, ba titod "d )OXY. Woo
� .j;7rij I Th# *V**t* *gel of bott'holor'S WhOL 14 11 w, Alt
I *010111 411 A0,01"O 41anwer, 1%046 Ate, IK",'and,to bavo. it wr* OUL noth- 0.4 411"OR0 Iflut ftlw, VAIN, dftt. I rodily tkkft %t yajdaigbt by SittirfT in this pathw fast *#&*t o" To porsom I M&"r 01^atetl Is At ; but Of *Ido*. "4 Jr
,(', L VAC I MOOD- who *o1far from Atm` "s Who mAttLY WIdOWs just ulidor
, AgalZrtes" I . a,mr 61P, "WhAt okra, YOU doing ftuwt �"'th# 7410hrOft worsted 110C Tho wsftmft* in t he 4141(1r�nly NOW. 'It ,Yoe owid qxty A0% 00"14iats siad di It It
. ill— - -,A.rf A* $0AW" *4* 1 In Ing
I I., I t4h $0 45�QW h4t In It#* Xittyll* *Us d4ftwndw, witk am ,withowt soyin, W t4j I 1* 104indlik 0"I"M W� .4
. I �� a**. I A Ord *0V*000 AN'* dO htf4t. Milk 6 A" how inuth .1 laivad you I'm me" Not AdVt#*b)* t* t*kw oa, 0torhooft To ""I" PIRMaNT
— : alrof A"Ity. *kO 110kht gIt# UOP IL NAwd, Ast' by 1kot IA oft I oogh It to" Very W+_ 11
4— , I I W, J*ly N .1 ,Tbu*d let YK4 k*0 1". I I told him' 1040 lur symota.11y, U they hav*
I A I" h0d ~g*d, 000t t%* IM4 IN*, Iftlies. it ttkegek M* 1%&t'3r0v " am ri" *be I couldn't W,# It to tUt ROM'* WA i&ftl'W in ** *ft'*r`Ab~ X*4. ftW L
* VU *4* a' 4 114imft 941% UAS 60 blotk etr4k tliif, blok wArriag wo- ww*, the vwy ft# to #u hae, a sbtrft 0010*00t %oftty4cor he I WW: LOW Wmt leatilk " V"T"* "","
w" 0`00"01. ,0400ft ft* prow-tital Win 01SAYX wftr;; a far* "
, "j* &nd, t" . Slat Cob%,a,.,,, .%" t� 9*04 kftn, Ths, wfd*ight. siln la.6ne of ust ext 0010 Who a atl4k.' Out if sur*� And Ard %&A-tw*Porod = I
tsi f*"Pft 'ra tWhse Par etes" 0A it "ty,� 0%6 OMIA ON tLhot lb#rf#*k miad to%* C*#sat"tjA'& * .asi %,I~ thlo b"%ttk* lit tv* Itin"diko, L oliwonw. I j in ftho"U"oo, I -_-__+ �� 94*T"" 144ft"nVA
kow tb* mt000. "A boo bWft.#*# " TM, girl JOVb" r ad it restaatfalf. a*#, O*t)ltt- 1%4" lit I -----.+— I I
I V, enA *0 1wedtlor4i 0wo Atm.* it 14 lot 100" lWoortamoo not to W*.000 atr"Cors �vliilfmi T�")hak
I t P"00111 1A 1A lwa* &a" fty "*' SJZCDJN r I*& .#$*#W V*, t"Ire to, bad ism"Ostaity Toftoft sulow. ft*o R T"o
ft*fta 4 140 lu"t-t ~ "*, last Yur. Over *.Iwowo '"Altad . �
I I I .1 I I � 'L I , I sor. At %"t t*0 U %%rft kmft UwAft, "*A "ajymil & AV ,Ne Amb"mw4ftw I + +4 0i 4+104'.
*1 I � I I ' L .
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