HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1902-01-03, Page 6- ______ , NNW -q%,.. � - ­V.11119� � , 171� � -7 , , � � 1pv� . -1 , , , 4 � I __ � I " I ,,, ,� I , AW-W-111WAs ,. �,".. "?" � 1". ; _��� I 11 11 ��, . �11 'ill . � IJI4 1 ­ T'� 1, 7 , , 1, 4 I'll . ".., '�, " I I . , . . ; . . I .. . �. . I . � 1 4 1 , '' I '. � . � I - -1 .. I �� I � I I I . # 0 I * - I , , I I . .. .. I .1 I, . ., , 11 I , , I . . . � I I j , - _ I . ; " I . I 11 q Y, - �_ , 0 1 1 V.- k*:r �., -I' , I ,a! I -�, 4 * j ,, f� % t ­ , 1� . - . . . . . . Tr �, 721 - "I 11 " , , I i ,� � '! " I � . � 11 4 11 � i;, - , "'_- I �, ,�. 4 1 \ I , " I . 11, I 1. I I &� I , I . , . - ,. t, . , , t k�l .-..- - .... ­._­__­­­­ ­­_ .. 1111 - I ­­ � � 11 I.., - . ­ � -11 .- � f� -.-- , '� . I . I , ,-� 11 . ___ I I � I 11 I 4 13, � li M10410: _1_"A1 ­r �­ , __ I 16� - ­ �1_ �X_.­­ ..I'.,.,=,-- j�� r . . %_4W=_111111 404 � � -1 . I41 q~­-Ay,m-, - -1 I - ­ VdFW1FqM __;_ L.____.______, ._ --- � .11, _ A_-- wa - __1 . - - . . I - -, - ­ I �. .1� I - I ' 0*- t I 3 LU W%04 1* bo* . 4 I I I I I 1 1042!240� 0 -, IRE VVIS IN N %6*4*44* I CA Jbw. a" 11 I 0 ', '_ 01000000 , 1*"E Rgog E^ wotia, ""o Chat no Wag saw - I .:: . Nov I Ll g"*k*$ lab"t tb* thim" of = 9"04 "r**_W_b, ,�%,t *1 tbq fta I 0 8 - . I StMIL - 0. R; :, , �;- m *0141 - . .41 W. 11� , ",_ " " k AgAT%y�1= kixo.= *I God. W,k*" tl*A Was the 11 '� -,� �""V�, -4 - I -M! . I - , � : *W . 1W, .W__ 4,T_ , Week,* j*4WWbAft ab4 jfe�l, � 11 � el - 14 ,,, * ii g i to *44 3OW04 v4wiloItioll, c4x Owe be anytan � 1AtO UW �. .. . 11 , � . . I � vtont, $or us tb" To be , b" witi a, iii,tuitins - avopsh, in ll,w I , I 11 .. -.W...*mm . V. 13, RAM ey". OUS101 IN " "'t -11 . R F1 T ff . 0 Peat tople of bla pro"Was 00 goet- WHY THE 11 1121WOR 1j_Wt* "A"i 4% F*14V I s. JtPw , � , 4 OONDUOTOR � H ou , I I I =411*11r% "tram" late tb* � . 1, � . . 1. .", __'__', I - W** wortilyof it, while I= . I I I 4* .A WA R 31n W & 0 jtv no W. ID 16110AAd He Oaix Gii6 Tremu% of Very - C[rmt to )Ppao.j. � - WWA0WW--",Ie,ae0W."".Wi ',f - _2t� xwWrI411 I , ---I,. 9 .004 I I . 'L 4awmim 0"14*116111011411114030, i **" I , � to live to halltin It 11 4jobs to. N. � I IF � ask" bw rImt -*A tb* vwttw. but I I "I I . I 15; I Tboss. Al. 12. Math. *.'83).- I Ajw�,-did' 40t, lanswer. - 6atUtor id Bufldol! q, " �;,* - .. & V40 WA OTZ, �, W", "44 1. a � V41464 , 1� Yo suall, to bapts"d W&th ***4A4)K0* .. 13111*4 96740" Aod Under big longing SUOUT AUL=. 91 '. I I " �­ V , 4,1.1 - ",..- - I'. L " I _� .1 I � �,�A 00.0 , 1� the A ly Obost not Inatiq 4" X. to bollp I&W. Fat Pau I"t. I t') . '. ov I bftco�,, Altbouith tile� - had teact lt,* 11�� L � . F glor.,C� ej;trm. 04,= 44(,4 T od Itila 1willux Bill be- "T*U me ",he Urged sently. "Ox Its prompt at qyv�r zoal. No Ot-4or fto Larr Or t" I'll . , � ,,z� - " patch from,wasbington sAy0k:,uad Valentine Mott and Aborlwomblo With Itim sillaost Constantly for twol bad a. b4it,of blitfibing,04 "R**'t% ;6, 404-NPA.maybe I TaIg little, VAn0,yA*q",**t ,.qf04=4*k1.. XwW,Y4*1,1l& -Ile*,. Dr. Ta It M 14,44 Abernathy? Who have b"A or throo Xogra. the grva%#*� and Wet help YA>U.*, ­_ ,of the SIVA11, for fte QLPSCIty. 11 . I—- . %.No q 1130 following test, . 1AUke, lit.' lo. our givatest- 64M000, Joseph t"Chor that ovor lived for "who small Provocation.* I 11 W . �, . . 11 � I OrUenwAr. OMW - ljo ,,a* "No One ftz " � . � 41�4, irl'i setwoku4irk*A " "And they, c4ato With, ba9to and xlcoy. who, livell QUIT filed In tuft ftelsobsth )1ko 31fin 111, (.104 XXXVI, i , 4 ,ououctar I 11 , on A, Xorth; sm XW4. A44 than gin good comes to *X,v one, M. � I 4K No ul-adon own , I Mary and jokelill gull the babo , 142) they were not qualillod1p .- thus, And onct Miserable the IOAZWK f�r sympathy, Afted to jolcq. . � I All 41414 Of .. �,, found I . faith of the go and Agftji*W,, 1. -go et %light JUL ,NoVQ4jber be blushed the groot ki"noag in Wa Raag, forced .� .� 11=40=414== - � I � tiolo, ktalufi% spet". %t,slforth as Ills, wignsses"till specially-IRY . 06 0 � . 1 ,,, A., I. 1049 in A mAuger." W t his stQg Wh011, UA�V QU9 4000 speak *OP4 - ----- . " its-, ­ it ': ea in Luko j to Ud of I t. I I .,, I ,. � -_ .�, I ­ tho,words from her lip4t In, A little of sympathy. I ad Q0914 1� 3f" CA , list, encruea, i .rr . - . ROX . r of . 'The black wi4dow-sbutIvril of,a.:0o. Among t1le b Its took 00 -big ' tt . . timbor" 141A A 4 1 xxiv. 40, "llebold, I send 0a A slight littl4i black figure in the M of sAguish' "BA11 b*v* to SO to T411 neither your,own faults Aqc , . . lit" 8, I ow4rnfght were tbrown opell"And And "fat "Young putlemen, wror* P0404111 11 I . . . . . I lu$so af,*ty ]Father upon $6u, "I"'P't',distance, Signalled to Ulm to iptop,�, , Abose, of others. X"t in Atock, � I � we itudy %how rocks lot us pray I I DIU alU4 nat'liling. . Agave a Place'sor aV.erytbW$, 044 1. �, -, , 1 P, I I MO- _ some of t1ilo best obllers of a world UA4 11V 4 his, WI), And the 0410 " 1 -% 1�0-1-111.0. I I—'. -tood there 00, %QK '1�19110311 tattle 004 'WhO' , IftrrY FO In tilt, OKY -1, aj.p;�� I 9 I ,,, � __ -,.,,,.­-_ _ - wherel they 4.11 $IA% i, MO . at.) orusaleta un I�t 110 meant to put It DvAk. I she ovftryttijag in Its Ili", I CIVAR. OXAOX8. lmnist,w. saU, back tile drapery of Claud. t4P - rocks." l"cology. will yot tI1 yo bo eaduo.4 with p.owe� from on " b" tho 110 , A4 My XIJA An CouWtIOA. . cltiir. No, Putting 14 at .4 4"Ing, go -lamp" "I4, I# eager excuse. . -.Us X vbA#ted aek of Age% All blah.11P Sface our Lord Jesus' libA- Ot Ati Ilide your own ,trouble*, but watch '� I I "ry.*" V94voebtNow. twoo-.1lawl. A Pence "thetu until Ali the bow' before izAllh Ap- 041W 0104# out *6 s4op *vOry, ruora. , � I?Ijtvt*n and J91wificAtions for all j:14*9 : I , � 'k- I . IN. � ,QoP4K;qQj4ft*QIf0"1. self did not begin Ills -public, n4mix- . 33111 Now; I'lult thia, small i3s"to , , I* belp others out of tUtIri. � It d W a F, 4.9w lut"44 will Yet worsalp, tlio 1104w 1110, and b"he 'took same Monty Milo of,work promptly jurill". I 1114 I , 4 tile hallelujah, Chorus. �ot -suarim, . � All astronow.y" will $ot Never interrup I � � I ly upon 111m1matli. 111,44" '17;,Ae,ta� . - . W9 Pau Vriz to I - I . I . ochoies of hill and valley apploadta botaur try till the ,PrO4C.h43g was,bromhless� Ono Pont- I And, euvore gol kt anY oQuyarmation. I y 19,p1rit come filledal. 4V# AW ho Vallod out jUVQjUut%4jy; fr='tl,*L till. And, to morrow's. rook- outly ;Your t ��_.,-� . I I I . . . I , fam X, Ila) and thow privllpgad� xmi ,,'All, fight. all xiecdW.( bOryl"I alilig'UP 401- and Ile Cwt put It , � Come, let us go Into that Vhrlqtm�,% Tceogalwa tile otnt, of Bethlehem. I It. I I , otee, AA0sr.Vf06* scene ga though wo bud 1gover betpia 110310M alto Ill tbQtArat Christmas dit 'baek; btltL.fle Mollat IV TJ16 I � I � 4 - " � �04 , Look for bi.*uty $it everything, and K I tofwO P � � . I , ., *4 igeof - to worshipped at'tUe manger. jj�rq,.Ia ulglit. %bat Qod honored tile 0140. could not go forth -without A sileelax , "W(Ndn't hurry, ladquill" grOwle AP44** vetito Iwo tq­�- . M-6 I I . Aw �� A xifp� enduwAklt, Viro we not wrong I 004t Old gentleman Inside the 'bus. kt-0410 100P.004. . - take jL ,ehearful V40w at qvory eve t I : 'Madoulne, worth 166viag fit. , VUlnue Ili, sliepherd boys, to Ilothle- think We can. aQrVo 111m Witho f - we � I � " lit I" I I I I Carefully cloof mod . -, 6ir t � 41104 � Witit 04 PPIVA 7 " (11-1ph. .IV, Allro tho, vlewl I , . I from Your loot on outering tlio bouse. rke"AW Wonder not that the 1410 '00eAt,11,0131 And jgo tile Aild. "No, they fag I I curtly, 4, lutud-lim hourace, Go., a to Alt �� I �11 don't liny , 4.4ad' IZOW molt was fol, asigod Ilul'. k� the. sunw, An* 80901AXIC% SAHUNT1114% �y Ram I " . - � X4 POW16441ablie, im. Jailor 1244111 In all )Ands arld In all '014* --say; *Iivp A -to 'uox, ilressed good Is.) I � I ,� 7 Tho okl czaluboro4l In. - "Thr'" pounds tea"A . Alwaya SPOWU Politely and kindly Fv�m "A J�ol*tsd Tovin FrOPOOY I I - I . � 441; lAr"to 1414 k iltickioo, 0.4til Onturies Is Mary. And thero 4e.vaough to come. in�11: . "Yea, !you. L � . - 11 11 ­ 1� uArys, in palaces and 'amil In call- Aret"c t 0-8. 1134orllt: wilt Thou At thip time 1,11m, qqrry.�� L ouldn't � , `ijx; omialwo stopp4d, �Laail She, to'SOVY114ta. I I , , . ,If 17 . onio 10.11 Soto anoush, the, iuvl­�uo I 'Then - tho Slid -4 � ­ � � . jrts�w, 11 � MtQr4-,Vg4jn ,the k,jVO4cizA t,& JU- fustar", allo,W4 btewthlessly to the got, up, Ak � glva;ta of Ixopa' Wheu Inclined to gIvean ongiry Allk- .6 , - , pa%lru N, And, though loormou-04 French Jatayj � S(AW# And WQ#e SIOWly MWO.V, I . *W , or Press ,vour A I . ,10 via AJt0X6,rEft,"tAQlTQlt * � lfs�� aw*-,tho night dew and 00 Nal uhit Italian And $Vanish And EM900h bra�ibJep havo m ,Ugll work VA0141f The kingdom which the Gull, YO11130 CQUOU401. d � I I VATUe � - r �:Froporty InsarA4 up to V74 0431130 &4*� Mallet 11d 104% A 1 ade rp Of heaven, Wili Net Up (114A. jj,'� 441. 3314 �MUtblki bell, And limited do'wnj 44tor ,64 Dill liat in.hja 11 100 together and SAY I - I I Wr t Utl" V4401de r pronotrilco It Allrerently, they are 04"i0tit their 4ppairel, ;but none hos ^ , I We roolA t a alp abet. - I . ,P11111*4*1901. $4,048,975-000. �, - I I I I" � I - Woo v*unds-aua Ait'latIflovor- W on 'AN by an Ulikirld word or ctrraoMs Asp piumwous - " I .1 N . . I _� "r - 11, namesakes of the Otte whom wo And fiettcr ilghtio Como in. They 'Were *40 in Ilu 1"' 4. , Xt I m4a,at,a, 'IF "Ravo A never J. JD. 144kall. Prn.; T, n4sor,j E�11 Qod, bolnK- the Author' at it. *illi, At bet1witu h, I honest jtroy 0yes. full, with . I I ' .__%,A_:71_1 _ ". be!d of. strawi with her Vale the first to, 1104r tho MUSIC ,at th . At lea"A the 011aracter of It, And: them" Of Wt3r. 0116 *410'544011' " slight, little ,00tl d As vourselti . , i- $be to6k1'jaQ-UQtjC6 LOX 444 to 10m, a1d aoW-rAOVr AlIt WAR. -1 . . U I . � luxotolat. . fare against the olittlo'co,ot ,Christ 01) - fare lmlloO in �ho g,ospo,js�botb the tired thing, I 4 130 , Ill .And dostroil Rorgivenoto?" v ' unijolly, G. 140 W '- (I � 111stmew , night, , , Tho Ilrot an kingdom *t.,Qqd And the klngdom,�)j 4cr. surroundings, but sltt tar the to glya It to mixt, low. hruko, . , ,, .q .. UQ I ilm,PV31; ..I;, 0 V I m. .. * in 00 Iftlit, of the nativity. All tile nolincenjent.'of a So'Vio - , t8til 11 � ' 0. ,Vroa foot'. -J, IVAtt, J. Uvatill 41� ' , I ,, , rt -s birtlx wo - p t , kred. At ,t4o 11 � . " , great, painters, have: tried, pit. rmkviis. 11,3404, to.. thQ1�16 lucil, in, " tug Acids, hft'lrebf Will be it kingdam'tiuder the alotp4rt wAti her eyes Blatt. !, , I money, with ,OYQ# full � thief. tQ.'.Wj*om L thdy � � I " , � , rs Alighteli. Of hato for�tb , T-U1$T= AVOW W.. � , I G. 646vo,'. .1. 13eallowols" I)lro,toro; Dullw.'Y.141"W. - , * , whole earth (110"A. I ,Vjj,.,20y.�Wjth I Otioby Ono thovogongc, . g, . � , W. G. Brartilloot, Ke#fortb, Inspector, , � ': . , to, pre,$eat XW u1nd, her child and Tilere wore , wive4oros tbat,nfS, i, . I ,� . � * In Israel As' a. rightcoliv nation in -their 1%.0 Omnibus was ge W0410, to, ber glm�-.Uollyt!v bmiblIvAl r0afiltt SOUP7�04Q 0114 PCA0Ut1T,A Of U1,960; �Tk.'U, -34ys, Seafi)rtll. S,W­ - ,PAY0101AR ANOSUItOX09. Alto Incidents 'of that ,most. 140000, B,othleflem and. j9rusalom $not -Ing 4' iloially empty,uli The irOIW- ig It forced 4 hard It , ttla q% wo6tsr; 1.1a�,v laaf� a alico of Car- retaryrTr�"Uror,� , " I � - . � ­ -1 .. ­ I . I I � . � . Ight'of tbo, ,world's histbry. ' ,Vat A OM land as, .the- center,mlid the the last, State of its. Journey, 4no!Me , ­ - L - I - .. , n Ideq) slogpi opli thq-to woro ilglaVled wbol ow-tIt-Mled with the glory of . I A . I I 11 L __ . � . - , I . I . ; *ii - 'q - ­uAliall5m. phael, in three dlffar�Ait n1a6terplace0i � . . - - 01. '44. UW&k tMxix JA1RAJPR- I , yOt 140 U*veg X04 4, t.040404 goat. '$ball tlUi,pQ4.. -11 . 1� I . ­ �,'­' ­*QIW ­ I. ­ ­ . I 1. . , pitanoras � %�M - conductor --IooUtd- - aA9IOuQI)A 0. bovit4tod. no I", . 1015"_ 41 1* rc,V,d'4Qf 96--'ariall0ent who, hearing the Lord (Ts4.1 ix,, 91; %I - 0, ixvjj.,, pas0.4riger In the govnvr� - lla,savPog- . hAO =440 UP his, mind 41119�-JlUt o"r the 4im in the watar, J_4. Y,J�,'Ifqtutesville. JAR. CUM - t 11 I . WA=:t!1a,&-10-t"1:4e#01 celebrated tbOxll- TlAtOrOttO 11146 of it afterward, IwAy have thought . ,, - . I 0 qIdrIq44NF. PIAT", , . I- thoxow)v 0. ltow.' ;%It Xif),' The i4A�Iour 41d cd she int ba'A'Sleop, to Do tit '' at V409, thAtA 40 Nvould 49 It,: go,10V _WU4 tho ba. 'a , � : I . , . " 'A''that they Ought to bitvo,ba4`thQ not 0.411 their expectatloii- earn r �c,4t, Ut sho not m0e. -ox, � ovioll. Lot the Mixture Run, r4oaforth, A. m4b, Uarlo , V lear. carrot,sAlt And',&. M I . . fto . . Ing.` viWondville; it. _.Uc.WIlj4xn# , 1 PUPINX 0"'o v al 6 his did l'o.' J�Qt he wished 'It" might ImvR $1194 eir, � ��� 1�. I 174111wJ41 UL Inv El. Correg to laral' 'XQ$�ll Of slig"f9teat event$ i0artbly', As MdAY 00:t"(Ly, and,tell , lot) b 41ly-thb* olse,.� . . . . . . -r for thre,e'llaurel, JVU - , , L Imc .voluoy h I . IMM" (,a (10 In* .140ro tuna Ills 'tn- , %bo ,en tond . pt into the 1b,us, and stood . � . . ,or f msepsmol%to . I , , � '. . some alto dismounting train 4 Swift theA t tllo$� Ing I down at her. She ovene He. seat 'tha � mouoy,,by a friend;bj*F4 thr ,, 01400: CAU PAY A� A . ,, hat d he1v � oug�.4 gjq*o�and 444 to the jKu(; ifek tlisIr Cj%jt4#L reeelpted � t.,_W,. . I . L 04niol I" thoir Oper ad kuo4Iu$ kAngdom were L411 Wrf)49� 4C WAPX4 ho'could trust, a,ud.madol him followlillp r4 I... ... � I)MAM donAn to become Immortal, Thol, tboughtli, Of, Of) Oro I . 1- ; 11 "I i;,;;, 11 � 'A "',.,. ". , ,; :: I ,�j "X V UQURV40 'I till that' ases,suddetily'and, he �bluvlied tcArloti., , t Into a 490lo bQ110 CoAts. Q(titon,, or At Xcuala D.raol ' � - . , .. I , I . : - q,qua, of the LITY.10 b. .. . I 4,V�L,,� VqAtAlSurileolk ; doL J ucl� will kindle tile admiration ,At ,toMe 04'Allital'o 440'Itialit lit 'Was to be A spiritual king4ora , In -.1 Iftat Iii it,111 $lie utked', Idlikilig, Promalso not � to, say a,worix. All, to A level' t1l.144poonst butter, a ta,bl*- I'Alaco. 014�,Wii%,,Ij�ore. Goderleb.' � � � I , �sjyjjo CO,UL's TUJ,3Rr,?,-" � I I , � le 0 V, _ : . . 10W iloarts of man, fbut, ITO - simply, up at,.141ia. ' : : I ­ , wbouge it came � , � $Poona flour, a F, I " , . . � . . I 0 . Op oth$Avstomea, 001a f a ag 9 .lit 411 tile liall"Wes, OI � 1 CU00,14ilk, I --,-,-. , - I � . � . I, I 411 Id, wa ii , Itridiro 6 "' O' 2 1 the? great Ono of the palace nilaut tobl, them. that it Wos ,lot;. jox� them ,.� thought y#,:aij W"* topt But XQII)t knew, - AVAeu next she W � . . '­., I 1. ,�_ 1 11 I I Ile I � . I I . ... I � I IV Orpodon Are forgotten when x think - I - j t, glux, * tg�pooik , cook � . . �11� "Per. -stial arrIv4 to k - " - . ... ... -�A* uo-onduct i i;:ntil, ,qX pappV, , . 1. ­ -11-1 I . -1 11 L . P 01 tllf), sWAIIVOQtAOftb4tgalI0VV flgyo,boon told of the col( .now, tho tIma,4nd their, FeSeAt Out 11 1. - . . I ct� she l9okod'Attilm, , o6th �ud .creanw, Add the � � . , . . � I I - I With hij liff . . hot and I I . I al. � tjlct, 4#bh, jio�.� JW;4 4' . .w I , poaqut I)uliy, let, 411, got very � � t rlin,OVAI Notice. - , ,7 , .­�­*., , - � I - the "Sintitio Mad xo,� 1JI& shop,uerda heard the first buslueFA Was,�o bo_44)1"�Zj- _40t,theroyet; ulid,x ,, ,Z, all I � I . contalul"Ir � , . I 4 ,,eyes, 0 � � . I lf,** ',,b4re Of the � U Opirlt and in, His sm-wer 't lob Ills , j - , 1, know -Itwiix ybu,tl 46,444 -simft � , , I --"- Yet all of, thent 60 copim 6. J 10 41 the . -1 Walla I; Asleep. %baallii", 00 g4lil� . , JWrv-iA%,QACoW1tVcrputous- ThIslo ! , "n 6 . ., �, I L' 3k,VA!0jM.7j.D,:8 _­ h , . I lie rle V4- "1111% never be abla- �tq ' . OW1449, �! � I I I 4� " � watthow's Madonna And, Luke"s Va- t 0 �*u4jor. A . . , 4parf4mlowligiloo-041404g, I I 'k zk D, t, 14, the D.Unto tAQ ftdAi - of; the o*rth� �Vbo, shei got out the said "Ooock- .1 tuar* 0, ,delicious aud vot7 nourishing oup, I : 41101 I hi or I � 041KIA. l4tc.11tml minor, 11 I r -� to 00.0 in� to us ISL in this . ile-, - you, but I'll uovV,forg�t4t Aireft --�Vgrj, a g6m, omo W�hloh'do" . Iho milldue4 . to Atta'An.4 friendly , IIC�lo . . All, IQ;Q . ded rat%to Ala bog' of 11XINZAArA I i , � sor 0 44-4K; =01tioak doung. tho Inspired Vadonna of x�lghill' , 9 . . ils L �ot jit4lisfLA bilt4tjj, " U4 With %I,,. I I I aktioltl t,�ath a A Ity. 0 . r. 11 . - � thi� 10011010t 4 � 04 cart pozacol 00 . COMM " dU�V , .. � suMoleg oes to, . � . , : . I . I old book v4dilb we had �vt IntQo0i; . , Or Woy, Amt Qsge'moriz t'he cop ._g.r As I live ­ , , . - �110 Wash it potwt I � - Af_..A ­­_­ _­_-4an4"hen____,Vftk , �W__I.A.�_c­t,A,I WIIL,� to !Llit"ves tijejJ0149 !,at*. for lb �. g...: � I . I ; - 1- ,�� ­­ . , , .1 ,� ­ 1� - blusiled";with, delight -thi 4111, Ayr,oxish", banfi- tax g, A�w.' three pint$,,' Ileat Auto them!z tabl t . __ .. I -_111 � . a rjme. . I. .". -_ . - A+P"% 07.41to:pazy a $ON. - I ­ i -I . � �­_ I ­ 11 .­ � ___IU_ I . - - _. .� I—— AA :-,"14 _04 * . .1t­­jA,__XUqsmCrq0,_­h - ­ , a' : �Cj�� __ ". . L 1W -- -- --- --�;- - .. � -- I , . -7 - ­ �__ t * �', wit, ji L " tlofii it�,�tqio �­t�aa­oii:ti�e-; . . . , , TO= xov* , - I .- that, Ave 116pe 011ft"WOV0, %allorm t . - : , _ _OA4�4l)U . I .. i . dit - J141vprk,,,aveaIng_,l30x poorog'UPAIOUIF :,, I . I VWrj=td0&jUjjk , . . - , . I � .1 . f The old silollordo, with-plald. aad. Ait =40.4 jora yo . 0- ,00�dwillgbt.,. I . � . I Wt and popper . � . �. I -11- , � I Dads . , , � � , , I I Y, AA .4 JAtO � I . I . I � � 0 fox .. week =%vaillnuly; I to tasm 2 tcasli � "am 6aiw -D Dis., L. tl o. Dental .. Milk- 1144�6. for the mo,qt P " nesses Mit T 01 ird., thAt am . ng JF0.1 tb� -0'tnor chapped . �', �, , , , , . � AN11114N WZ DIM I .1, - Art, IV411 I : , Than Ono Qv0UiAj9-4* ,Ic #� 4 talAo , , - X 3" '4baN.,14,11M, I . I - the darkue.5s. . . Lip li'Hila,V4 SU0,00AAA, � pal-alW, 4 �, . , � . , . . I #Poona: - ,�60"10". ON't .. , I 11 God- Is 0 10 V0-,,X,'Tbrmed for - I , _ . . i ­ ishod, ,� but �'wo h4vograzilir , . _ ) hurrying out of,thq,, ilsoaf;. then _tborj, wore 4 ,tlWo.�'Orejlj,ty are well b 1 4 4 130260% lol r .tQ4 ,� �'. I j � � on oul mill, Aguro r4lal . - - I I ­ choose,, and 9 " , . . Mae. tit montrul. Alt bMilehollog Me . 0 , 1, ShO, wth. ky, 14, - hi " Jdays� whou 11110.4id -not " O)P"A' ri hly togo I I . lqg, and - , . I I , tbor An 1. � ,� � I, ,. - . 11. 11 - "I 'O tho. first ulkht of Christ's life Ood.lirdlilia,�4boat, .�2,000,00d shm., a a P1141"', 0 i, lit ,;�T%V ;.!31) ,'- I 'careie *A* lltlk On-VtO third ,0116:0=0 040tilti-AW Got the k �_A�- - ,,� , , 'I , .1 . I � "Won practiella, bldadbig %4 "d" ,gtoo B01101d, In thli 119st place, tilat 04" Ail%erA64h : ', Pasture , Ailds iizl� U'Ysalt- .her - � I i 4 . , the, tieAduoitox holpecl her Ili , I 11 . I Ile IU0A � ., t,.bI,,.1bo w4h elaborate , 44140to'dooll I xvith hand I I � � - I ... I 'a C., t ra", Wi... honored tile brute ereation. You efiu� P., P , o, 'i rid WbOu' e h4il Loppiken'tho'130 - = � I � . I I T - an =t tat ,All, theli,gopers, .;qoht, to follow � Vpw�v -9 , . L . � ,aj;yUlt, Bill w610646W.Ily she hall-t0en the laid It Into b4lig .��� . , � . - "'t-all'A ro,w#j.,140. tho bIgpArcqI, she was 4 a little larger than 1A I into that--., lletblehemljx4 a0pher'dw-,of -mrtextv- . � L , - - _' � rea berKow-'4uovd, bolt- *J,Av,� ri, ­Wbqn, ­�diy­vg*� � __ ____ - " . __ ' 0- - - . "I ... I - 11 �. . I 'L - I - - _WhIxq�,-_t,hg -ulioJ& , � . I . ., 11 , , 11, I ----. A barp, without,goilig Past the cmpels.'jho� , ,. U1904 up,- A40. 4� Oliiud ideolvod,10n, Alid out" it laillok tlld,se(It. - I I k. * xwbles� 44torboaten Igo � I 1, 4 :�, I �� . 1� w.''the "go"tho Oxon,., "Tfier owbo &oil in 40 flolda, 411 Vigo , tha.omni� IAW Vero i4ono. jilb#"tuMUO;�-t4 ii,ya;:, J Ault bread crumbil � 'Alill try to g. �AJAO line, -*PPIJ00 'to the use of 10,v- I � out 'of 001tt"' bt"'�%U­14ulf , ,- . , , tile ImIll . I a _tIv"i They'Worb. alone again As 1 L I I V dronqra, ',411 orcliardims... Wilms- -buSbaudliS. deild"I fiber 111414 g4wou 'brown lulawak hot -b I or, vader in *W)th " -, ,�� �brutcs pf that st4blo',heard the first 1�al ' ' Ad� W4&� - . � . I I � , � '' L i. , . *� . 10801M . , . 1� �1 * " I . . bus Or& Aeor -the anxt at, Us, ]Our-utty "UY - , � ��, , or- f9rio. 'A foo, dkops, . I I � , ". . it , 1 6t.611 of lal�oad jglg�o I . . , ery or the I Abein out *8 . , - .ir pourod-Into g � , � I Man A A great Wave Of. vetlr b4t � ivat,qr� will purjbr� the. Air - - '11fir hftdb *,nijd t­1*1tvd got -some 00 4L %(it , I , . .. nf 'i"q, � leaping; to 'till's fe.ce, '44 lit turned, , , of tonutAng .191TO, cleuit. of "A . row*�,Aluv , ,tly. , V14is ,' , . . CAIMPSIML - I aitd Alglll�,,.'but, al up, And, dOwa,:tbA %, . vlowi to, Jsery , " . . 1. � . I I � I'll. � _. . lafoiiv'i�6id. 'Some of 04 A(6eri. Not oftl:� that Chrlstumil� "I 411 I' Aa Wr Uou, 4A, e,fid tile girl,looked at him.� � . ie4lit:,� ,; , ,-7. of joy, I`AA�1110, bidda I 0. 00,141�-Tgtke, . - . " . 11 i I ,If old priluters,represent, the pxo* , ' world's history. 43*4 has Voeii, bou� Trl� lifted Up .b is workrat Ill,41',' I � . I -­ I , _ 1_1-V ': I I � � tboul `,sdld'.,� I . 1!� I .. I � I L cot Instan � I - I ,, Q Ato P4S5 ,# Ile a Ill ' , , I = a t 41 to dt Neftu Su4jet camels URL,ellug that Aight bolol"a zllO'4ringj - Aad� It' 04M " h . ­Od� , e;lld,!'.��I;�htjlmed tender �&Ckon ct XMI10 41, a 4, 0= . -LU ­Vsm.-partod' Om' "llavesoul, s&lJ_BIII.-___. _;_�,: � . _Ue"Jlolds. Wenrly all tho Woo " t aWay,, 4itl4au i4nd_ .raffh _--welli.alld ... opkinkle" withi t ot,Ruqw bdgelis ullob tb ho6ft, . Ttlit'llar-O" Pipe, 14", Pliolitforta land, ro thouglit, theill Od carleil 'Up Inie, ,ibativiii, _ _ , , _­� � ! Mr. Ire j !newborn babe. And �,welj might the - -': T, * ]. �niA �ia�� , I, ` ','gait lnidai jilno *.out, spr�fakle qu � 'W-41nuff, I " ' "*� " .If sq: . y1glabi. 4 4�eiooli w.W . JAWiAtura, Pz4 ble*004 ,, thein; ,o "Yes-blo Tuppence -a blousei.. . � Ita, 'igili *It litt �d in �� g"I,` , �, . Tfieqrr�, , I r . . kneel I vivo you ON t1jh:t cipil4enca �ud law and 6anovoleace - Xjeo,j�ea ­ , UgesP 1 t ob�, " , , . � � I Orlot'game,! among -other thing$,, to AmoAg Ixtypartillg,wololi weietfia,tigalffull", .1 , ­Uo ,*,41 m , ��r I a: 'A'al-ky, at the. ejpl,', She. thickly ,with floor,: and plate., it in A JimAll Ownt-raq: A ,i he kit � Will. he 4pl""a to, toolvit pupils at I&: � I � n . Ist bor' � ' � . I L, -, , ...- : . alleviato the suffering& of tbo brute aasur4 , tAce ,that till, Pow0i Vat, I , '. "I ' ­ jino.. liver,: tn., If OW,miXturs, , w*do.jc . I have come -from tile sellits. wash- ., s,� thev grlgd; said, pj�Adl$gly '� a Itattily Witij the heart ; I , . . RIV04 , t's a 0hamd the way . I ' ted by t , I . AtUdlo at F10100011,41 bluolo lioulici W00 15L. iogt6ulrom the flords.' Seffeeson from $,du 4 Uctor, lot, 11 . WWI;* Phar4 O'. Iiial"',�'.6*, toro,diUhotAU'tUiu6.R:'l . I I arthwixomotfudesli". . . . 'creatlolk,? IV60 It 'Alit Appropriate luitoAllm Julwavisitlidlu-9art.li, _Ow4,11 tjAld the cond I ,"d-litupo. boiling Wsltet.i ()oqk , . , � � . 4 '. . - I I ""' ' ' I I *Or tetJul APKPAt M[10900711 1110yelt 41211, that -be should, during the firf.t , I -'VIOwjY until ­40-Ae'; " or jXo, that it Q)Vorolz$� V01A. . jaw. tlm 'Del". , " -'rho prosIdentiAl war- ihat, Ve �,Would. be with Wcm:all the ly. , - - : xwioa Plxl�giatly. :, , I 1: i I thor, bojo0y - 1111 11M "' . . I Music 11911M . .1744vo - , , I I I fsodicoly, roslaft 4% fork# add 1 R1104 , WI* A f4at, AntAiitible, but - . I I I . I tS,rs," ". QArl)qi0 Wd Lincoln afill No.- (jays Mtjl the end of tile ago., tlutt: "And. , IVE; * �4 I I . , . I , ­Wl "A ... �Ifi...­6__ i 400,41lid Alfthtlil,ot Ilia life on ea#h, It � ' ' such A long WAY to ,-Orldayst came and wealt. Sbe,wAt _ . 'injej, frani the fields, n,lality Vlay I � tboroug'h)y�'ai - I be surrounded by the dumb be aid. ,4V,w&jI*, there. but. � *ork,-�Lud­ga , still 'vinegar ceeptiold, odor g fr"Wil� � . I . . asU. . 00Y wwo to�#,* into all I . , droing; the; sam *a � . , , boll until tfoiao,' And take, I I . 11 I '. . undPlAint And bollo*­ from the floldo.'. I)4uIfpVWcbstcr from, b'd WOjjd'w.AIk,11 she & It back again." ) I 1O;6ibusr,,And,BI11 'Out- GthOP'tho. liver and heart amd?n ,;v:Ad�ftlI,d , , - ble .4tuolliloo S0:4rA)GU UOENM' , whOSO MO .'erqA* 1""'.4% matiago 1. ia:lAti 'home' by, the r=O O.., _I . I . - , " . an �Oy ". i �, I I , � have for aget, been a prayer - to . limet you try it :11 Bill AdVleea� Wati!h0dilgi, jAaxIQjus1y,'­ Ile, ji.Xw. tba� add to tbolara.lvr. 111UN Is very oleo " I . ., i � .1 . the - 110149i ATAKIll Luther 00% iuro, prool4lialag ro I I I . $ � �, I i , th� V,614 . � .1 . . I I �,10110QJO tile arresting of.t1wr task* . p: 209ra,.AhJg,.,w0l4', is faisgi let As=*,, Mix*A stly'. 4.1t, wag t save you, liatul the str4lnop 1,60k. grAduAny left ho for 8unday,dInner" 1� . I I ": 1�r�.� I., ­ ' ' owing.popul4tions of - ftrnq . . .. . : . . P ZAN4 ligtfllft rightAbo ovora �L � . t.11 1. , 1. , eyeilo � that , tile, little . � I I or- 904140ru t6ros - and the r1obtitil; of tba1v XXVIII, .1$40r, M.&rjc:Kvjj,:L5-,,Luko � lag to'go and tat used uO. . 0900 at t�ho 6�6 Lemon ruiro--.91z: "IM4, gift U lba 1PANA0410 * COAOXATZ92T 'ALI�01�, ., . Wit . L1004104% G0.4*h0hI04l;, 1 -. I . . wrougo ? Xot a 1conliql, in all!tboI Our,riow,04 idtles Will have to to-ke xxi V, 41). Ile - wits the 'first"rigob. "'It'd be the workboubo `thou­� now- or the, mouth W04 lead- proutoulter. I I .. ,. � . . I I , , I Tag( Sugar with -the grated Pool, of 9 � . � , _�*rl I I I . I . � I . - I centuries, not a bird's post, not 10 I to..'�jjto-. fic)(19, ,luatevA of ten Ino- from. the de;.L4, ,to 'be vcdolVed up.146. she ,"Id, with 6 dreary, little IaQh- , od, that W4 small, fair ikoo,�r" not lowousi Whisk,thil whites of a eggs The Ling., of %ths, Itouto WJU be I I . 11 I . .. . w6ruitut librao on kowpatli, - A -at , & cb6otp 4U , ,the - rivalry. As to ,villo, heaven, An� by virtua ofva ' "You won't never go tUeroit' 40 I .to 4z stik f - add It gradually to ", . � 3 vigjq�:�e� lrat,,: . . I I .., . I � I . . he bought - her i dea -i- � I , I � : ' ' A"OTIONIMA . hoid froezing* in tho poorly built 81141-,: Boll that 0114 apple w0 Want and resurrection " -1114 rodderne'd 'sold. ,in a tone of conviction- . I - , � thO sug� un4 liewt,411 tqather for g ' , . - I I I 1!t . I I . - -' I . . ,is dogth � "Ov-.11% , , 11 & d ece I truth. _4 1 � . . I � � . I I I towpon, not A, frolglit eta- In Comm. at Avot'elabi OR them t10 go-4ut, and i0iall tli.ke, part In th I' I ahyl od It Into one � .- - 11 I . - _ er � I . a ilist resar�reo_.� .. She did -not, aumfor. And a mirinte - red rog�, 12K4 .y,dropp 'he" Atoka ItNinto any prefer- %to 10WOu Daily Mail SAY,00 th0r* . . , I . � DUN =q0X1 W01w8ma tnt Uildsolou time bringing the beeves to .et - Inatead Of W3 mero tion ( 6). It il Vr6bd1)I6,4tr two later the omnibus - gt*05111 her lop. $ho tctoA� it Up,, with & lit- ,red shape, place On oiled paper An. .0 jiff;$Vat 4-chaucollthat the westmiusto , .. � I . '. . � ,� or a teaw . , I ed U01 .t� matL I Is for I al . r rl witholit, water i��u --to sell tila one bush-. thAt _xpedL heroUt. . I . to -*W.1 . . sailer to tin tlirougll' a, ioucand, ita;;iiinv `C1Q1,v;Wx,%o toso Irbal, the, dbivd aud Pill lie I We P13W bluoll. , - I ­ .tin, and Vake In a modek�vtia avail. Rottlim of -Ufi�Ac�aran4ti`aq roll . "%-, . I , ,C - . . ,fV.rQYAI, boropolit Present 4 ,�,.,�,'�:. 1; Ill 74111es -of agooz L vl, of, - Ofitql. :1XXVII. � a ­goat lightly tho'a0j"Uta . I �, - 21mral e 6 th Ole not a ourpoularoola, t �wheat. we want at Ieagt� eight wt,e .Ilia resurrection , . . it . Slm� travelled in the 'bliev.0o next ,,11� r6mlgdo M�ej`or )by Old boale/'L savo,v J$Poag 1 1 e 0, kle u I I k 0.0. witutISSIlig the .9tjrugglQ5 of for or, of �:t�om. -to $to out and raise WbeAte,62, t1g), Ato wjtll jjW In $j0ry,_!a,'1Vjday, And the next after that. iItld yolksof$ egos per Atc and syZEW * I � . . . Y. k,j 4- t � MO at OW 13t phq� �oigid dqAmlrv1,y.'- "I Used Ap.live , ' add A 'tablespoons, . 1. � I � . , Y, rabbit or pigooli or dolrbi the bar Marc he I ' , . WSW b4nutyiA June llitxt. I I I . � � . . 01 rl 40 er In A L , - Tile worla, wanta X4 btst fruits of the arst rii%irrqtfl�a; �tho young' conductor was In pAI10AW LL I Cot, - . p I . . roo of .vivisection, but li;xs an lnttr­,,ba4dS,, more I;rowz I Intho country 09 . i I I i oiydo7d Tit, A tablespoons torn- I - I ZOWPW 04. chegic.s. =Oro 11D, %I, "This livAe jesus shall so s" t1jos two ovetliliffs. Ile Wes filly 4. itittell fal a -plueft of slklt" Aloating I Mr. I?kddfttck vigors" who 144410 , I I ­ I'll.,. I. I 0 L .Don't ,mll. like 101"lliked till. I I saiao 'ex4*11eut- suggleatiolip-lor the , I rest In the fact that Chrl!Awap,horn muscular arms. ,1,.o the ilold,ti. God ,00zoe .In like ulanner." '1, It. - d And Molly's I 1, , I , in just " awkward and eager, tug �ml#uro aft0l. mooth, Than.add I In 4 stable surrounded by brute&. honored thein when H6 woke up-thO possiblo t1lat the tW,o men I I ' I Out 104. I Ju I I . h ,white tired little face lit up w th fritadly : , � PU lavo"'Che coun- tho, whites of the eggs, beaten to % , ' 'AbIlea, lift pripu*d designs -for a I I . I L StAuding then. al; ni .L 0 L tr� ill �, I I . . . L stiff froth, anil pour the mIxtur6 into serl& of -aimbloolb arehen liaggeoted L , 1. . ; T=1`l01lk=1U`1-�`a"4.aUW04 _. , Ir,na,glad now I vlitpherdlI by -the uddnlgbt antheld, uppckrel'weto the slifito two,'Who ap- statles as she talked t him. � , , Oft do, In tbat BothIcbe A g It with AIII.-UntVITO will. While the world Igstl, P0004 With 19=1011-theltaUat�ofj Thea, there ronao, a FrIday-m miser- krOm,ulft A nowambition aroseill. 0. fititterod =old, the inside of Which for er"6n juAthel city of %hitallik* / I , . It"Wilm ftol;4 00doleh. Infaut Christ Olt the 00,914 anWtbcl �oktiiiw- to 110nor 06 1101da, '1% hall t1wtsfigurntloti, And VJPAI&O of Ills abl- wet, ley -cold evening--wiren, she tho�yo.utig couiluetorls'llreast, , IshouI4 be covoV44 with'sugar, Ilaci xWr for tjla� cotinit(ticifi, . �6_,,­'� L. I I - .. ,apeechloti, 'croaturetif of Ood tn -tho -tfko thepbeid'a - , - - Ve va, A few weeks; And then, quite UU- I In a mod I - Ono At tba be i . I crook was timt,fam, decease which i About to'Alo, allocit.1 li(��bead lit Bill, And 141; the I , orate even. .1 I �tbndng of the � L 6tfladjaj%t;L.b0UveA_ C)ZftdbUS pasa hot.... ­ U000' U ,A I . ours, nlgb.t utood against the Wall of *oinplitill. The She 'Was WaMing eXxX . . Turkey Tlmbfaleu4�Uoak together So froating tbO , r4s' ligrallej � . . 'Salosinatie everywhere and all *Otto mile, other, , � u 140,111 cry . "Look Oat; how 4you ,ctgdly, 37,6rtuuo� gailled -on him. . I t4#06 y" igitlataotivift. . . 9triko the rowel ,into that horsq,o like Betlilebent Ithan, it was a PrO-'Waril le6l. of the iftsclple'6- makes'111 very slowly, and she carried, a p"Cel It Wtko Oil a. Vrld4y, Movulng, too# ,,.double boilerlor AlCoen minutes would rojiment Gm 'Britain aad .1 . I YttlueWealealittild1wouttQ. a � ,�,, .1 I L I . I Idde, tol- nf? thlit, curbed bit troln' phecy 01, tile thne, *hon thresher's think of Stephen and to docidjeths,( pretty nearly as big as herself. I . that_bo lgarat the. gOod Aolis, 101aud, 06, mtrepl000 being thw - '�`, . L . . . ..010.1-- -_ ,- I . -cdWg '-mouth.. reMove t1jilt, , plow, and wood- e1q, I 1 f4,dau cupful coolced- chopped turk9y; royal arwil'Allid, those of thot prine" I � I . . . that bit 90611 ,apd farmer's llko� him, 1�e ,might, be A61 'look , Viar it second the conductor b"Itat- Oat OV402jag �tbV olunibus .bad no Ono dnd teaspaoufal flaelY 4 U$ OZIAOU . . . I . , r . i the I - VXTBRINAZY . 1. ndddle Iroln that, Taw back ; shliot nidirlo ax ,aud oxlij Yoko, and 0304t up steadfastly into beavou. Rud, too,, ad; then Jae rang his bell, and gitrang bUtL,VaIjy inside right near 00, bd� same of finely chapped celery leaves of � the bloott Vn:.a. batlue)�, whilo a*. I , , L I I I Inot for fult that bird that Is' tot) blilds-ea raka shall surrender Lto the the glory of Ood and Jdiius", (Arts down into the i , noddy road. glard.jig of.tho journey. , ' . eltbier' jade �*ro-'thb Ann OR the Count, . , ,, - � The great truth JA this 4. I IVAth IL great bound -of - his heart, Add tile mixture to the beaten ,white -, . I cinall for food ; forget not to ,put GO4.4who made Ibe ,colultry, As man I vil, 0-1). , Why.oxen't 704 towilK to,nfgj�jjt, find Ono dnd one -halt Cupful milk. tim, the ,,whole being -on a Irold. ' - . 9 L �`,_.r_ .. . . Mr. IV. K. graliow 6f the w4tter into the coop of 1hat v;vuary . mado the. town. . pds*age ill tile one wo, htLve*. quoted, . b . . and tt very red f4cp, ho detetulluell to gr6und st*444- With the Zlog's inif- - I . L . W'w"r-MA I . o domaildad. ,,of An egg,,to which bus been added I . I I t I a Voil, n Iforoiltilg thrd,w Out settle crIllubg 'to tfial.o I , . I T" lly 11 0 , � I I "M WAST IWORD and we must not for A moment �pij- ,.Ob, L YOU mustn't stop. That Old selp the Opportunity, t141111. .�! .. I I *. .. Is e I . r, birds ftught too tar liottli. In tile 109, Of thO.OpIrit At gentlemda'a &XIUg at YOU. ob, I "I'll bo ablo,to livv in the country tone-hol teaspoonful salt, ono -fourth j 'The 3:04liku Zmp, I . � , � � A. Alld utteis, Is Art to be 113fothelr," tiller thO Coal teaspoonful celery salt, on"fghth. - .Ire, would be IllUs- . I . - L 11 , ' 19" -I've it bit of-teaspoodful I . 114 40 q wIlAorlo fulileinoncy,� arrest that inuri nd tb6 old man n h1w dying, o l estruction at J&;t haven -t no mop to.alghtl­ now," he lit ., trat,ed 13y, ltu+ AIPAW lit Whitehall, 14004 . . h , A W - 's to who Is making that Ono horse dfaw " I I dream , '6tnor dent cy mtl�'ey_put by-" - I lepj�^_r. Cool, Grcks6 affillalf'Of '01 061d toxopy, support" ' ' L I L a . 41 It a load heavy enough for thi�e ; ruth callsi 1190therf mother", It p4tturs rusalem, not -any - Aor Without a Word.11111 solzed bor Ilia- moldir,or.,cups, line vilth drWd glfte4i .. .1111, I I I.. 1. death as the Coming of Chriflit. -Whou. I #,Ohl" g4ld'Mblly�,- au,d suddenly oa,whito,tierm of arches. to roproalgat, I . I I . not Wbether- she was brought up, in will' to '11010, samd"col; thM ,.,You come along,"' he *Aid, . W Pink. - . I- , . . . - broad orumbe, then With the mixture, IV�ry. The** Are surmounted by- - . . � , I—. __ .1 � -1,1a. upon that seeno wheWboyo i�nrc lr� comes, Itt real *44 Sm I . � - Xleat Ono . - *6xilim , __ vrionlidings of 0, 4bity dud in. ai-' 'joatial,"and -116 will'toluo"!il ;S40 bl�d tw Wiwi her Pa t - '11to got a "bow to firt14--ft . little FlIf with . the $0116wille. go don dpmem, to be Perforated *Ith. - . - __ , �% dox _ torturing A, 04t or trantillclosr ;but,, Ilia IL, like ' in another moment Vie Co cupful milk, Molt &'t%blospooAftit of '. . I -Auelit, hafiW and was dressed appro- - . Ile or colored celluloid', behind Which woald- , I . Itority_and 9r&8§II0jYPqr,, drft rot 4"t priAtOly WiJh. r0tCMA6 1,0140 do- Manner'" ;Md L Zochi xiv. 4, " saysl'� ge . re4�,bUWfj-d It, raosadght'Itain tho butYkr, Add 2 t0lespoonfols ot fiour� !UI L shktria lights for 6V4* I . , IC'TON8010AL 11000 . tlur� old roblu,I for her uest, is, , a, will Come to tuo if .Voulit dr 01_h__ Wall _13elping; -ter 1A10- al. ' Ust,_ , I tithkz into-.tho: 01t1r, and back then the jl6t milk; AL 11100 at A; tf be" POW004 I . I . . , , - . IP lotor, wands of,m44&4,IIfa or whether ahe I ".Nice goings, OnV_VqcjtQ t � the, L I I , mothet'it cradle, mid Under her wIng, wore tile ald time. 4p and Irmat. Ives on tue cast of Jerusalem; On agailit into, the iguburbi.'-.Al"tthw,llo,,Stirrilie - Until - me,, inir illumlAmt1gliv. I . � V , Phav . 11 t lot 10141-10.201, them ma3F be Orco br four musiclarls. , stout old gentl . wh 'WAN; q,, lonooth, .Add to the t -,tills, Contra o$ ill*- 011iaAdjaA L .. � A ro dudbox;4. I round apettactes And, ailrou of her 1110 way tlisAalats *111"ZUot Ulm In IL fitt'abdome .X -know,61­01- 113aude throe-Idurthy of * eup Chapped dwiz#�, I I . of 010 quy In tralhinit", In vour 1,11A. ,lightly Pa0cager- -X 13 n fol I to,INO lit IW, sho -turkey, one' hard boiled eg�g, six . L' 'Out Of , I I own make and. knit your tocks with -the Air in gloililed bodies (I. VOr. xv. w tting ., I !'Are you Wolb� Is*SL snow pmlk catiopy rising . I Illes anid In your rphoolo teqeh tile - 1. Their LIS),allai'll 12 Bitt willile ou Phil erl," ­ -demurely.' . . A -blue sky. groundwork, with col'or*4 / . -odles rented by lilt broild 51 5,2, .. IV, 10 A I Asked . / coming generation more mercy thalt ,herownut in' ue, tirne returti With, Ilitn'ju. gIQ I Plump oai�- I wi I . mushrooms; season With'NAltr popper 1ruit tro"..044 below thtft. & 4414 1 - 0 UZWV fireplace ivith great'llacklowg ab!AZOL� i d �; 'ket on heraxm vio I I . . 41-rin thbalkine'dr 601:09 33tar' !aad celery Salt. Place the tops In g, �tl I ZXA.0=311W. - the pmont, generation hasi, Vver (I. These, 1% �13; 4.101.*1111, A41 "Itev., L an rled," be stitlinAtridt- "it $0 lbt XWO panful of hot W*tel; kad bake twout.y al"Zoldeli cof*.. On the t9ca, of the I � MoLeau . � thown and lit thlo imarvelonu Bible on k Winter night, It nm;tters out 11-u). . I jo. sympathetic Ile ... 11 t, , 34 hove 3�10,, You kbow."' � . I Arth " *4 Clio, *rh*'dt tht D61AIA10- 1116, '. 4 . .. . coltiox VAO-Sit. AN3) sotmm;4 picture of the nativity. while YOU *he*' m(iny" W'dulilles oropsw 4nd JrO� " -shy to the v . yoge of, hir Minutes. Turn an 4% hot platter sz4 proViness', trophies ai =00#0 beigli, I , . . hot still � � . point out to them4be 4 '116r lace or I 12-14. They roturacd,to',44rlusalew . U01) I . . . i how much her jbi a , - SON I I W aid not i4fg� tier eyeli-1, serve with cream Matto. � 1 1164 Canitodfan Sold And FARKY 0111100 A, A4%9IAtiY. tl,o,. shoulders stooped 'With the burdens frujA Olivet, with Irreat no -wore I 'The next Vrfday he Carried A, littl& I ,lt!x an 0;WfU1 t)iotty J'tt'O F,lat*l .Eced 0qs(*r4 Iludding---Oover Ono- " on, ind othtt - " ,ve, 4o � "m"I'llonhow "ros", goal t1yer epcilld. � �Qn th6 top of the pil . thOut ah;o Ilia edrfiol. and h nually prialAial; and�� blessing Molly,'- he went on *16thally, hall Pound rAlallimi, ee*;Iod� *no cupful I �, st'sythlellavvilmmidVOM s right. I hear tile ctlestial illifint lot them oLli4 (it U, long , life. It you painted paper bag 112 hisihat, Of Which, lie . I 11 Ilea I . 6 Madonna, Ilerit Would'be the tato. dud (Luke XXii- 5% Z -I)- Th9Y also . edal. It made him hold coluitry-like, - And th6ft's 4't%* of ftely cboppw blanched #IX604do lafx are tsur4 fir khOl. ­ . 1. ... I .r � . . ! %)I*t A, gebtle hand sho ��ad when 1K,00'Utlued *Ith one atcotA Ilk prayer Wag very UA right, in front of t'lle Window, land 14 With One pint of oraugel . IWO*; lot t. I �fto Af.-I"n and Austria" Arches, 11 I � I * M cow's U041q. . and Supplication. Whv,b a, contrast big h"d.Very, ttill and, OtIO, go, 004 orjwd" at tho�� bai**, arld YOU - Stilliff over night. are, 0CLUAlly Anaili, -Conception, " - . � I . Behold, Oro_ .. I wa wtva sick, and What it a voice to bgk towarils,thw end at the Journey Mot- bit - - 0 �Cut some state _ lOr t . - wn-�­- .,%�A-60O0W,A1*-PA4k4 . WXo_AW,y to their, feell After. Itiq .4eath j, '- -1 ,* said 3;6u'- 16V041116 -C Uutry, 3tOIIY-" -bW jueb VjIw the disip ths eatrazes to Vestw I ­ � __ - I _1_____.- ­­ cakq� IL2 ,ogo not, 10ORMe- -116--all,ed-him-buloc-ently-1 c- u __.i_VdWi;V1 AQ�P_44"-Y- - _ __ I ___�_mIn*tqr-Abber'-tonAIsts ,bi-o­v*4 I . " th , . I W on that Chrint as night Goff One who COU14 sly Jill up 046 oom with wbc4 tb for )116 To.-, � -thou ftltu6ii. Place a Isler of take .��- �­ --- - , bonoro4ehildhood. Chil hOOdWdstk) Tjeac surroctlont"t . . -latiff neck. .- , I g% jAw � d , o and purity and light? And were filed WIt,4 sorro"W, Bill hizured her he bad laot;� thM :ai"' tlj*r*Ut' a- husk 11110,44ket- in a ginold' then a layer of ritigins, of,tlothof gold P,Vgr th* i�AO)O 90- .. � I � CONT. be honored by that advent. Ire mut;t- �vhat- a ,,�,,4 �ay. that wag When we and Ile bad to rebuke th#ft%.f0r thtir C %ook off big, bat, " tb)gf� jLnd mopped hl* btO*,� XVW got "d . Oil Until the inold IF Ruth trance, imbrolflered With tho f6i* . I . . qACTOlt have a child's , h , II.Ailtad thollt# libarlirock "d thistlo, Va 41ther sido . light 11111W And* 4 ,!4mo holpe,' and she could gront Us inaboll6t. It to ult resurrection aill, t&8A.tO­*t)tbP"0 lilt gin oftnibus"-Kisd . rd.Y&OA � I - 11011,14138VILI)Eft fig cm, and a 0 Ilis,comil; Ile, paper blig. train Its 'Bill found -if. 0�,1ftr1b1IV'UL*,' Poor O'er one Pint but tustA . ,041d's boami 11114'8. but. for her lips were forever stillf % again jakvt gives Joy rind gt000 Ire coot cover the muld, bind the seam th, *m of ri4 11111C. kud the . *a4 atfamr, �CAKPEV.mr. flaxeit hair. and babyhood was tOF bt! tjolilo Wk. mother, In thege ftrISt-1peare. T is ill the Mitt zixelltlopA I fidgethisr with 14111WIttog ,1111 Uajj.*.jgj&ac*d,jtt�,klja, An&, hot 1*60 'Olt. Is.1 witli s. vlvl4 blue Wk, . itally. I . . I . I with a strip of muslin dipped ,Ili silablax * tlaumes reniodeled, and goead opAlts lionqrW for all tialo to eome. and- &j., ;think, jot I14 ralithar. Ualty, and we ,, . tlt�d tdilichl0viintly. , , elted suot, and bury In ice -and jumi,timles auld take, your old Place, Ivilat a lovely scout"', iibe ItAid. dlinp 13111, ,!X. Want �hf& Soldeft fi u a of St. N is oubto I � satell0d to promptly at moderate trigillo. 'Was to menn more than ,�g � rind bow With thiMe W1110 R"ttig4gea pitolly", said 1- � t salt. Lob stand four hours. I I I . PrAct%. " " grave, Mighty 000 t : Army tho reflcc;� ,atid. as tell, al,, twenty or fifty vars In prayah 11OW lglood tO And Ilia Thb tondautbr took & stop folfwaid. littity houseV, " -� ­ Measseed Pocans,-Zuk the pecan the t clijbWO . The coluu*s . I I I � SAISOAC060 Gatranictil; . tion'of that one th , lilts' face bo scol aget, come and Open the old Bible ,brethrou alto tit thig gAtborbig for -1t'& for you," hwoltid, #44 JIUAS ,. She. jiAneed *V agm., , - meats. slWllod. Place a liberal quatr­ aLro ,volyst dra. . " ' . I . I � I - -11. . . ..- ­ . R%­ou Used to; Tead Writ umocl in 114 1 1 8110171-Kikiltatonstrett, Goderldh Ili all Infantile facel I � pravtr, lot there *al; & tjm6 Wlitil tile bag Into her I*p. , . , ,,t3odol,j�ill-,#,sU.*'htblft#d,$'b.l-ltity'*tbUttetihv6.trylogpo.u� )VIlon. I " . , . I—— ­ L RES10VNCA,-IToroa AtoAd, ' Ib,., S-.Imd plate wiltro roll used to . Afeve, in 111"a (jolut'l Shol looked rathor aurrftbed� thfa � 1 411 tift r&t and. Tat. "lic'Ited stir I, tile nutill; roost evenly. . ''. I . I I . . it Wdo a child in Nackinauln la- J)rd� sil,j­ look upon us, a. of old, h Id be , th, it ly� Aild 006 bus b* hexrd',thalle ,)a not .apply too much beat. I , '' I , � Omit that told the gre,it ,.4yriall wex- wh4& pa; Wblied no a mc.'ry Vhrlst- lv�WV4' V,yotwo, go v3p, Itito difts �iftr optued the beer and dreW for jie'af the, "oblal . I Tbrit, There arb certain Inbred cbsiitdtlltill-� � nd got cur- � it IT* Still texty. ftd e0tillnUklig In stiti Spray of sleplitthatill rtud jila]AW .1 . � I ties whikod'eilikk Nwrill f4witsc ,*OA- � - rlor.wherer Ito might gO a Iftl,,op a jlftj$Py 00W reatl But 11101 halt lefili. � � . 1 $0)? 1101t. WOO out on mardJUL popiir and sprinkle . 1, i - 0 the lcpl,oqv Willett at 1 hin , , these mortal bodleit,'111101 WHU. 1119� .1 9t ,- g A I not Over oulto 1, 1%�Ietlth An ' be4ordan was Spirit, Ills faithful Wit0skv. t0ad,V Ohl' sho vaiti, bdryl bPt It' XQared 'ho with fine salt. - 11 " " 0" ' Mot ,would not be fait to call you I I 319 I'll" 1101#11 XA;jo_jtf but th* . I :" j)oo0lj,ln the lftftif MnV . "' for any Manner of vrvice And Wait, eta �n thd flavoers-floh, thay'r6 I I lcft at b4`fJ)'mii bark. You had fraubl** tuOU94 � . I doiu are'enjaged, In. inalling , books, . I. 0 A 1- and. boreavenicut,* tuougli While YOU n Slio, fatted hvr bektI, and . lit, came panting "d L Puffing tit# n4rapapetil'.-PrIlito and ulsox. I out .14 Scutloman; inj H Eft LL the of tile river. , it n1bus *Attled 04 sefftely'- AVITOAI�',VS FOR 4011ILDIMS. �. �., L Waa to thorl,adla of le,Lvt,3- In %life), log for Ills tttufla, playing *Itflout lovelyl" r, CC child WaS Iftilt, J,o(j,L wcre hove. 'tarry by the thrOTIO, -. I loolted at Oil young conductor. !, -, ool 1,00 ;rjoltul dog,thm, I � - � ,'d 6V 11 L Abi ceaslah , 1.1 )) it. I � 2. Animal food once a. day and out of � lrh(k0 God called tile atleiltwil ujotbVj,.,t1II we join YOU %here. your �_+_" I ., Thank U, 4o ftld-ibyly; "but �Oouductorl 1111 -StOf I'll It- 44WI quantities, It the teeth VAA In North, Europe, 81 sz* burnt, a . Id Rellift.100 Nile- 'flat priIyfirs. $11 finswered, mid in tho etor, L . . � � 4 . I , of histfty. It wat a 8104 child that - I they're too 04.11 � - ,,, I Well, ftanticAllY masticate, in necessary to it rapidly td, a shot, "a 10 PVOkM1,q,ftrIr,t11d curative flympatilics', Alomestee,d of our nod we 01*11 1 4, � port youll ho V 11 , killed by lightul ­- AT.%xlN,DS6P " likil CAUITIA Wxj� A 11011151). I I X t , ' &94 ter y4ml, no bit VA4bV'oIj&'L growing- child. , poisoAw ,� - - � . 10 . . I I It waq 4'rhild illat Christ, set In A -gain Lwvp chrisiWat J11bliet to,- 1416 *ks A, youngstor () burs lit lift, And Very i4rA04 wlkvl oductor 2. Avoill &'too, nourishing %list � I - sptlaftL front - Soar posscm*d of L ot a 6 84W.lu� his Ott utit the beard him not. In 4 ,4, 1,01 Im.1,0j,11g.mit, R - - I ,. I - . L A -- 6, . tile midst" ot iheviulabbling di.i.-gother- Aut , spirit and had, a good -sonse 01, lalm- and U6. WAN SA w inside the oranibull, vlolent-temper6d child. I . 0 ,. fiplca to toad), tho loson of hulldl- throu", till yell glorified lu9thers. or. , As fate would ha:vo4t lie was bf0ught, a Oubl little look Into i 4ead,restlillf against ,, a. AVold svooned dishex and salt . . . .1. . I L I . IL .. I '%ly to all lhfr with la. litt 141 . I I I C 0,M& a& L lly� A child decided %iterl(io. aO , 'e, your $Oluf and oblig,'d to, lc%4v,� schoot, at a: -very barn, . . .1; . .11 , Pme*ta, Pastry, .Uncooked vagot � -­­ ___-.____.,___1 I . I , L higshoul4w. - , " able*, dlowing tho'arnly of lllucllei� briw dalJ411tero, Vold* -of love, *or4 of tcnder tile and Igo to Work. t Ills " , 111. .. I .;Mj St6pl. .1*11 report yqut I Ilit, utiripsi foad.,wItia, and rich W� . I � an4L SIAM94, Mk* I I ALWANSONIIAND - - it ,Could 14ka a rhart 4tut throukh war-jjtIft. words of fileer. They beell 'Arst job was in & vockory '1`110 next. Priday air tI i ,V*Unit ton- jjjl­ grew4wittor and 10,1114r in Cj*"L '4� $over torapt %he ap"tiCe ,wwa RHYNA3 42 I I . - .1 � tit(* Sold'.3 wheu, if tile VId read Itall -, IdaWl0d' tiWe- distinct. And "tht '0001buill, ,, . �,0111. voice, for fliev bevo travelled Waft hotio. 'Where tll&" 'hour*. Wej"Ej'jrQ'tot'8LxjePPiaNs was 10 West diftladjoed, I I I 1. LWa jj)ljowc-(I. tjte-j�,-Upoftju r 'k*Itjl mft4y a heartbreak long and the dutics nUitherous. , ly, to the ground, . . I L. 84411t& U114614" I ,_� . ,,ac.raj %or and, , . bv,-�Londan hulnevii, 1 chowids; 4, I .. I -1 Ave cawi� up too . . - at eha Bett Sierantofi 1! L ;I, jwl jo(�i 1 Id, 1C.L I late to save 101(03 Vail lort them. and you. will � Tile lituo chnp *a-w-miullred to re- Molly I$Ot latO All, trattll)4. * *ik lig xeth *434V1*6 St; *4*k lag I � the ,but *4 uir - I cbLlAw o onfttt14�urt0qU0gb oto 9tA*4M4rA 41 L AlU H f 1121t�:3 (If 1�.tjfopk, do well ta Call Irma tile hel,4110 OR, Strangely, toatt 1, '1_AL_.". -I- , I 1, dUl . , ., It wfl� a port R't An,execMilloly or)y- IMr.' in I Cie. I . . I bstivolto 11�wsr, 60OX)RIC11, , ` . I hild tIvIt 41,,cidiij VettvaburfTj to 31044M tO, tho Valleys. of le"th B 11 0 jwr�,ry ., I qUIVAL, , . * 1 ,ia a�� ordev to, sweep A -Ad duvt�%hL% 144p ft- Watobcd lior une pr d in , . : � - - ..91-,% �WAS dItA,TJP,Ft1L. the 100d. ftblA day. to 4"i . L , !�Verlkqlrd two 't�ontt4erafo Irall. fore the business or -ill* tilty began. 1�116 11 ;._ = havitat cudiri)IA anoAi* I I tlept I Ovill , e, to I Italy sfitry - to a1vt you I but av,old VArletY ,at one lbwa. I i. I '111 I jt�.I"Era Q Ill CI k�oft%,.Wft t loll jltL W P '40 During the day Its 4#IIVtrvI. pilrCels v4shi ta� , At , Valli , It I 01, Am I I In the Market for CASK I , hich C0161140 XLV A Vl"O right " III te, 4. 7. 706, ftto that tht Wid's food 10d.0 �Bm M&Vuht � I *Q ou at tl,4, bAttiltlatf I . th V dEfid(A A6 MArell fop qt4jys. -,� ITL * hand-totrt. and- It was f"ile-titly cl hair, 14 *11 .., �**,* . ., 11,01 ptin; � Mr. UsAkfailon " Mid the 1. L . forw rd, , "in I .,� lady . '.1stat is" tdo not *I- is welt tooRtd. I 1� L , J LIU I'll inqtvaft of ITArrKul*, And 6- . I tops laterthe hour for 0051tig cro 06 while t I 'wet Ctle''ap4ous, TOUll � $. %VJM,L bt*r� itrid toattatious 19AM I I Altcml 1welglied on, the market tilin ri�rjottcil Io 'no,rctfitti. Olftln� 110 iinloW .his labors. Tbo_� -� aung- %visttut glajicc�� at tjp� Yoyrig tondues U this Subloitt , #441%, 1 C" � � never, U your WIlIN." "Ies where you ga ;:,ow Is for a Itek tkdov,il Room) rtorted to jukg. I V Sts'a . , . I ishOUld U#V*V b* given. T% boh "Moll " Cho low . . . t Tfit SUNDA I C110M. ster worked on without cWiplaint tell. I Anti answer, ,Miss, 110 614� I .ftxt. is your 9. Give no food betwaft jows, the , a "214, o',.,t Night and dajf' I to". ,th 11, 01 ponents at 4ptf-.rburgj Atidl, far going mouths, when ho vts4tjl J11,9 And suddo,tIly 110 tin4a4tood. , It. 2 1 :1 . stomach r4quirm rest, - Ilks avy VOW " 't t'u,,� I tho Vioszr for tin advanco in Ilia sal. t -aa co suddenly that it 00gin#d"to, raisel" 1, � � �613111 pralairtly VAtooded till U",31. 1414 .1 V 1w ,14 d 1, �a de,i,," A . 11: . � J� �i I "I�*_- I-INTZIMMONAZ Z101037, �ow "nas wA*, refused itud i!he boy I. , I ., organ of. tber body. ­- -- - ''' � - - ' ­ I . " 1-1 We I =4 El'.1 ", 'I . **It U." , I L -._-'_f--_--_- . , ., '111 111, ary, alle 'Ufa breath aWsw, and blot 00- ., Iv. 10=cmbtr that byerfoodlut Or&ig left ,it Lect & 8llt,§,1P3r4'9 �'ttf, all I," 'I" vever taid al, word lint it Ile found all. sight. too for there w4* * 4wioortt I 0 and ___11T_ 11 4 _ it 1; w1ber 90thing tArL 10AUCO, you to chat, I . 'jef, 'Ind I . the use of ImproW Road kill moro , ,, - stere will receive Prompt attentlaft In the wd0d*P cafVallon or ulettrur. L 1AV. 5- , 10ther altumion. TWX the VIA N- W110A evopthisr, A"tow la, grow Your decisiont" irlilldren then ony ,other dloil" of If , . 11 Itioll, Wil. 'WordCal. J�qtlolrr. cill .4-. quite dark, ar ­. - th , / , .d then JIM was stalittl_ �, My fal", Is AirWy anli unaIttrA rN y 90%, , � � .!�'#Ijtl '114 0001#-j � i � 0, L' �� L 11 � ' , L' L ' (L'all 411C� , S1411. 'bly lutide *P.".1 � . . a boily I I ,I � cqtlk all AVOU. " Text lof thl� X*990A, Atts I., i-14, ()CO OjS� ht WAS 04t out, With ft 10IT With hig baft, ,to the 1� 4juatitgol. I 11t. Z#:go ItAudanula, no par#Uar- Iff q; It I , I I 1. . __W�** . 111-111OLD Titt" (11111.111 ! , 0*ldttt Te".- Atts $.I bandtaxt 1010 of fragile Whites. Ito fookillf; str,118ht Oat, lat, thi dlairy. I -Ml#* ,Iron(,," sidd. the young 10411, Ic'. no too. I IMP H R 1: 4 1 1 . � A. - Axistg. r About sor his Votice also that In 110,811010 niolt I I , Ircturried to tht, *holy itt halt *4 1 -our toullhair otreefg, 1% _ and loioklz� � 12. It"Ittlitkv that the Summer 1 I o*n Ood liotiortil itclencv, *e1s undolivored. lout With tha Uhm, she wo lettving the otfinib" hat, ­befoft'c here ,tUll 06ft- complaint " 1� WhO *VW 1, a� -All that jo"-g began bc,Vl Ilis, pAtt I com" chledy front overm � 1� , J: 18 I O thrm *Uc inen lo,rdieg before If, j,4.*Ud Ieflth " tAbust J.*ke f ftobeft bitt 0 110, Mid in a. dull s6rt of yalt#* AsS I wacle a. bet 4 425 with, Van teedlog. and the use, a Imp goderl'oh "' *9 ft , , , ,peftR* Wagon filled *Jth' � =f tbo %ifino,110110 *Not 1100r.11, not, Of tpo tilings Which he., ty the gla" and douls. Tho prQ,PTIQta,r *no "YOU'ra maoled. tht*Alll ArA site Alerkitst Oat JW4 would "Y *AW tO roper Road Wad, HHU'rel Oil , / , . - t aflS%C'r��j quictly. "Yee:" 1 lay proposal. I balit w0a. At Was but novtr froul, teething. �, 11 r . . Ignorablifteit, but VASPAr. ;Ialthavoi .14pirif, hold *rAttil In Ills gosl*l- lat"MUll- I jok. JWt I Wag: dqtd broko. � 13. Whft ichIldrati volult and Purge TV* Pug OlummT. / � I I , , Aria (in tile apak* the light OW6, tkklhg ok T . ; tiul,Atoidllur� me" Who 3,now fill that This book Stivilsk 411 a0tyAht OR 11W "WItAt do" thls�atalo" he ishl"'Vt`� give thtm nothing to set for tour or .. Wa13 to w4iftowa '1110Y were Ille tb 0 341st Iroite." be 'CouttkWo. his ictlea I L I Ifigg whick Jesvig rontl0otil to dO Od- gain on thilt plain barA or, sold **- tt flt* hotrs� I . I � 0 1 ... T.,ikaf, sewton* "a liefthelo oth'i .i�j te*th by life Spirit 1hrough jji,j, "It 31i,�anli.11 rMlitd: tSt NAM)), Cillding tho third lingor *I btr left qUlywl*g With #ftb bill "you have 14. Da not bring a child under M k9bri 161ft DaUt I _�, om,, INS i gwo, " al- 41*1 , "bU, &,tve workea rao likev it hand, And Qj. L the sp*rkle rolight ft'vod' k d""irlag Ns" frolvi tht .ftm.ft I .- I 1, Varadovx of their time. Their ple%, and 1W Is still doing autl ,hat N, three yw;t of *IK* to your table to I k -M-9-011 I loontmotors horAt,, treated too liko it koM iltd� bill's c ho vandoft-4 duliv. Why bts late of * sulf:144, 4*4 Worl the bft­ 4 - .1 chemy ;ka* the forg"TwIll" Of alft' 911. tokehirw by tile ,joLim �,Rpltit throUlft �0. , it ps" K**AAdW_ZA*ftA1 I , L . "d SWIders. Milii� eltomistry. thoir *Mrology the Ilig %ttling t)w4k 1*4 coul* swftlY f0fted MO to 4ket Ift ft N , A� llarl tiv(t noticed, it Wore. . 1401t mpftt and *lt*m 01 a grateful I*t* I - � " *Sm. heart. Oood tveolrW" �" = = - M*ww, 4*10C or � �f I L I rulither of our maimltktut offtikonty )6ave, a Inore opVMRwIgto or bolpttil Whm Z WAq oft %ftlift, thit tart 1 Wa, ot, It ea,�* u;K* llild SM A SICK ftWU UISZ, � *"6�fj ft^Oft M4 ft#&L uw isit. 111"NiSirfortrii of &*d Aftw 1A jond wken I gee thoft selentikto bow- japin with which to tweln th6 lei&_oil shl*d *t&0kV*6tp*1W**d ran ly ftt hr blgelltalgli ,awobolaL , . i V I., L- 1. 0 In , , $ , ita *11, kirAt of BOW! a Ili# jtfty� TU%V# 411L"! brate- ,ITO CLjtatW,,kj& haleds, a*A sk4rtlarldlt ekoettest "light to al A rteftt to" of Illao" 1* which **dk4*-0" wwa- I ,."A X - ling twforo thit, Itiftutilill bflbo I s" I#t t"Ity, for lit iC wo Wt 4 :, I � 1*1al,ftokattiobber, wtts, tho prophom, of the Unit whm till *veret. of psit" Iis Hf* "vvk*, tVm +� ,t11tt0d6 UP and, down bla, statil tOOM 12410ftj lKlt Nor lo"'t to ~ 10.4 tr*1noil mage *g* ftlptioyod the *$t **lik bw," "A *44". TW W" I so* L&th,SA-ftSI6S.4t�*C. � - I *9 he MAlled the g&4*4104 Ilk h0r 11011M. I � , I , 11the fel�wtlj*4 And 3"ierespro". ftad, tl*p SK"W power Whiek wtousht In . PIMIAnt nir Of the *irk r0oft Wag *O- 16blaULI 1. I I- I ,111 the ,it jar,*� avid #11 0* #k,e-'jftA , tt! #11 Ills, *4h% itad wocki rind I Ito tat the botol f*lsW)­1,v,* *on, OYts. he wortig abo" wselk &at tb* The Arld'sh0l, was *sod fia warfare tieftbit. 'Whea commat *" ista" k takmoit 3!t Wo& Atwieft g*A ,i I � 0 1 . , 1�"sk . I ftal sof 0"I4*1#41 tommed ittl Arril � friil I)ftftf-�!#* 34114 till tue .Ouwv*-� 00owtillse wh4alt ftil wratt. "Ilt ilktM bow tha* Vttltm,can r~ti- W04houto. And tbft t1ge vvy toext by tbs X*lt$A ot 0"IlItAt.: I*Ai*, ]*'th6 h%kr" "pialnild how It wae =*a- j,w, 1Vf%W%bk. I w ". I . aw". ., tork-9. and n1i ilo untArmitk," *Ull thtt, wh"Wht owttutuv 1* llbftv� 1,*r *c, rnjiv$ ardors at orito 11 - ,94)ie Friday. wi Eta at rA,*r tbt 4600r. tb* 1400. ' aged, A low tiWo4o of Wova "jW it IRK& 110*1� TUlOt'll. SM* r OkA"94"2ftj JiE)r tt3 jejullit . *t. e to 04 t- 00VA luax ftsv "Wtof I I It is liatkth 1.b4t W*V 11it MOM ,K,%* rAlShty In in#" t0h]. It, (*h(V hsd Oftft WV1060rfd"1110 AKM bft'thn IntW ,I MCC littl# pj#c# No j** tMis 1,1811 4ANstliolt aVK4#* had beert soaktil ln,galip t a ig L � 1.'�. � %U0j%"�Vjj* At JAIN*". fluffids, 16,olorit, 14 044 ealtw Imt ok�. 11111AM- -"ob. 40 V610 Itow"s%they Ilkir from Leir forel , W#d to dry. Wha tiv %km r*- " - - I . I I - , t"d' WA AW10"&, of Sga*#*& *r& J*Md 0% 'Aftit6l" 16 X" Conali Awwows � 1� - "i""10 &A"_0",w4L'-Q-W_ tilo-, , lot IIAV,o I rIll"It ltrp�,-�s f k" 4 ­90*x stoft of Ottva 4A diw ' N A &'%#I T#wRmb& *a awkTI 20% (tvi"la, bmftth, 11, ^ grftt ft4y brvA*6� I 040040� " .� quired it pioo* of this Taft In a tit �% j*4 III th4A %"*Nor* LWhf% bg%** *N . "A I I *"" " Faltlaw, of it* thlft* VKtillnIOW I* pitnittlyi-117Uy AWt 11 r, A #,n%jcj,)?k darlod filto Bill** .&W&M hat M IOU%41* roww its Pon boot It* this PAW060 (the 10"I kk* I 2610 of 11006010* . I _ 11 to a* Wd a. 11061011011 - � ,� ; '� '. ". *fto 0, evtotly wo of lsftt"N,� "t 00�0' " It* "O.O., IIIIJOIA4*0 the k*Ar4own of 4104", At 100�t lof I __ ritififf U01101V. VW AS if tb# Words 06#^ trAt 0,ely $2 dfteftd * *q*&r# *ftttI* WOMIA L 1), ­, - 8004*M. 11 11 I oft ~114 60OW4 f,o 44*0 xbo4lvo of Iiiiiii1sw MO "*rs" of 0%, littat ar lit 11,0o* W*Pwa Ris ril"trwtfoft vroattigorlabd is 00 , molthh,wot hutt W14,14 1�jw INAW"tir. , 041" in ar". Of Arlift iav"Hw boot" 1414 100A I J*0, bu " *LW I , I ,;, . 4 . �� V40P.' It '4-4 Mft& In f-169100id, %*!Of, %It 01101arl ho lal;W11*t, hta%v *a (T I** 404A **d fit* vtalbNo #%""' #Q*ftt.V Ift Xftj$44. WhI4 ft"AW%. '�jjWt.Vj3nt,,L__ WA bte #6 Itj­ I *Arltb,eft fts,*llwy 4)*0 Moala ftia It *" a 100-tv'k ^W4*� ,TIW 0IMMA 1= l" - M - At* 11 � ."q, ' a" fftt f IV.GW L" it is 14)r fqgr r4t 144 aftem.* th#44 flirWieWam 0100 V* &"r" td it"Jivift0la '9* borlanft 4* Ill# Welit"t.4fttii 'tatt_ 1,I)iIn*tj'­ pl* rr%a. "" dwast rujttvato 1A &&*4 0 toltva. With vms partlewl,grly Wrookift W, I s LL Z , . I I . . - _ . I . � of Ails 4U*0P4k` *lk-1 I it J'P,# t*�i' J�OQ 'L kaor, wito ht. Wo *004, , -*414K I* aft. - . I , t'Li . heras "be,umigol 'r Ailelp"o 4*4 auk *Oftsiiglus 1 W"W"r$ so "reg. Algttitoaiglw Astfthw *%a I � I , 1� I ,� � I L . � 1: I . 4 � 7 1 . I I / " , L I , , I I ; i I W . I . I. � .j I 4, I ­ _1 . , W� I , I . I I 11 I . 7 .� , - 1 .7, 1 I" � - , ' �' t' " -,L ' a�t%,:O;g, , M , I �711, ", - M, 0 , �"- I .7 "I I " A 7IN , I , , , , C - " 11'F , I 1� WOTOR I PF _O� ., 'i� ,�x - 'I .� I 11 I I .4 , I I I I I I I 1, I ,!.,�L � I I ,� I . . ,�_,,� % I , � I I 1; - I . 1 �4 1 f � . 11 . � � 4 f . � . I . 11 . I . I . 'A I I �. %, , , - � � I .�o � *4 1 .. 0 . L I I j I I . 1. � . z . 11 11 1* . . # "'. n I - .1 -_ 0 L I 1. 4 v � ,( , .% i I "?, A,1, 4�'. " I . . Y, A , � , I ;, �, , . , � I - ­� I I . , � L ' - I I I I ., I Iir,, . �. . I . -L I., . , , , ,;W� "I . ". � . �, .t�,. . k , 4 , -, I I I IL & / - I I . I . ". I . � I . . � I 1 1 'L � L. I I I I ,, . . I � I 11 I ll 1. ­, � - I , I I .. � I- 4 t" ��� '' �� A* . I I I I �, 11 11 I 4 I I .1 I , � � __ � I I I il � I .1 . ,� , . 1� 0 �1 ( lafil:ft ­ . 1. L ... � AA"AiiiAiL __ - -1 � 1-1 -11 'L d" Mot AA1_11 � __ ��� � 011 ; A . I