The Goderich Star, 1902-01-03, Page 1........... all veo th very best res At fo er �3 ou I" t The domoiaiX0)�vaper of til, alcountF, Of ITITOTINW13114 GODERICH, ONT,, FRI DAY..'JANUARY 3w 1,90g, Rio, -Tax a. lion" 004orldh k eWL"Oft8lill, TRICTOWN OV "Olaild'r 'QT V )XIO(A . to dropp another 0eat, and, palkit are ii it if to frequent tugoirl" tot tile rosaglo of rk"On, why, thy 6botku 'be luade 011; Of tit%. Market, � ft " . to 03y. The qu to Pam* you gilo4 alg6;koly I XAV& ypavAquitia 001MOlIte A J he A � his recont ofiriottliali,exAtuo. t eIntatItUtto. the BTAI� top W= W 't or lisly mw fly.lavw V" utgoiI, aldid rol Q 4 T U I t ATAa___ , I?, v*p exonwsigeila 44 O, the papile 'Coll (an rtillel , 0ALR10 61"antA mulit b6igaide to�Oxfoxm thetr MW "Is", - I rot lotial i i3ox by . 4 lllXIXO*t V,0414111 In oil WOOK1 10MOM" go r P� I3VAMi;rOXrr '6001K,4, t00 of or VQ Noon ieigner", 43filTwar11 AX(b VIVX e- wv ta ri"tialot r. :,%v Ili Allrnmos urr'J"em. foxf 91MA" at or. VaUlaulu^f not Nvere, got MIagittro of- 44 ta�wra, A 4 J li Howr 50. T*II WANA 114vi4to.o. IK W04 they, veto rockere), X) , libut trust" "Wry" ill 94 0 tor W1ill" On ...... Per log lbs., PAWNS, otbalifir W � �-Wyor iperleolill(Ir to, tilt polh 04 simlm,04s. 0 r P ....... I ...... aill elect tbii, eat =tax 3311t am OARR, ah.. 1111111 all"tTilir (It the Ott0or� eta kgrRut stter arian"itatt too., a 04 It 14 4 t sherwor tea.. : " Vat, iforlao Ago. r t To4waly ove"Ing, to Pass tbA It= OUT S%VzA_Ar in -it k,cilr, IV Illoozols g. putyt and he WOU14 Imit bila AlOet J ellto, 30 CoQk4rel. o"4 0 if rilk"r1rintaft thO "OPOl"llnelit f The� ilbouti 'better state ofthiliglIa ift t1iij 0.14tapbel lion ........ Th, "Juatio Tho 11tatolf rokk1try%qa pot Stock t # TO %4" 10 TO idla)" 00111111111ble, 64 rrk;itdw�k" Us n9004ay oveal".g. the prettiest town in cailida, bellS and Ratio 010 1 AW law Meeting 'a" F04my, even %died. outa full tho -61 Dr. Holmes siti: to tile Jeflr, 100. A (all a. to '030 4 lie 41 not A7 Om t%41 90yarAty of Oodarlotat In vullb yrotir t 'I, 19, 1 *QO1 luxt eCnclI Opp rA U1110 to MY 0Wa till4noittit, 114r, 1411#11012, 1 044 1OWArdal do-' H 10 Do it, vo, TUX STAR. The yla,* ill not go h,� rat"(1 to with Jo w a OTI, laraorta Oro# pin : U01cwhOlk f V*Portot WhIVII 4% Ativ OIX Alid ygog"It the �ro- rld, 0 =44; Mob wit ant"r.,04 PU AkagilciV4 thought itwis title. to nhvq, 0 the ��ycar .204gial. Whott. i�own hehabe f1houltL otaml for tile slittlit Annual ill 4 lid losox RoctrA 1W 'Cockero, 10 N tclkatiQu will, lit! MXIAW *4"4 VIVO What gt 1% pot b4s 041 PC inated licousa h _AV, OV0 Or rOvItice -,of OwAria, at titeptxt YJ -i oJa� orild bo'kept u aars"11[dulght before It An AQ1. to Ilii4vomlq I. be *a ...... Id. to IfulbbetA4 a In"Oh or moro in Inotion olork paur, l4lider tile, tj�mv, ATh0 Haj 061kitoroolto th 17 to the, ibatt*r ta) the Tue.town WCOU Ott 0 Cox$ oil and 06 town %A It 004. oar to tea, (a ? % PAU*01 0001frutod Ili I , ow, rbe miwo S' 9 'tit., Bogild of arrikit a ItAilway tv Tto 411-00;otv worked 811.4msu, oQuAtri1q, "Allp C*ttlo, export... lVl1'b0%6X` 00000ded Atiod eAfOrIed., gotta s,.cl%ed in 1040 ions of coal 3 �1 lut b IW4111 W t at I feel confidant 04A. 0, cattle. berth. Ord not for,tbt� aw hat A - tto WO MY01'PtIalki *100ro I and 41 D -L% of WiRtgo" In. tile mis nolecled as XSYO for Avoll fit t a portion 0 41 to 9 011 lkofom elovem�otl xeiv Acre' four V.St 1�y i lity 61 ilritto, An Point a f'Mr, 31.0"Mmorott Mayoralty, SlAcd aa� ad Towlt Of 004400t, in lbeountyo 11 Ir UdAr the 'out the to "*lid I hao the Ink"to, 14nmoll. pot 411111. T014eill, Alahk tho b landtafoi,the I, " apent uher* a 310oret U cam Wts wilt not, guarbr f, film talkn4so sail IX tielito,at tile to All tlita;lbed kq%r ,stud 26 IQ k Oro- bell) ThLit, offictill, of X ....... add ploAlket balao'co, oiltsidek 4444 throufmmrj� Hog& I voalarlit .......... Rm.to, olat meth par the $10Qii of, chief JaIld.coutra After Ile, no, And flout tave Outtelfail Was Oil t4 1,13W90a, 25 fortho coal, the cow 114 own, *%q1;;90l4t I Q, And OR AlwaYervAelvotit I W44 CAMOX04 Was drctd� t0 po t yotir liattoo, liopeve Ilia to 0 14 to -it 41000V'e"d t01W 0111 Orqt Hild (he clictck the �ih; th 90VeNvill �,.Moa order for. 264 %us,*'t 14 alkfi after, g1l"Clog 'over 'the various por 0 g 84000. )cow 10 ,rat 0* Kad excnak tit can" ion there, b4YOUXioln alurni, being ania trtiltWit 14d Of aned 1,114 fito brigitrit th 6 lien land pulloN IN Carter. wit *#4wIthPOwftr as rqllliwa,� oAtsI4C,:aii LarBreit W- Oat tor. hen, NV,oArto JAX04 ....... 6,0D to 'a To Wits 0000'0111 the krntlrld� Before wh'tl, e since boat's load of 6o jr-,� (Itatre erosollio of pit. 4 od so to. ow'"so'llarolvdOn thollailldInk, thefire the. retirtog iial.n Coming b "Car Into the Shelf, as 4 cook 03 an 0 C`a 04 being Marked by an no clikilkled 4 ullet. W Canoe, 11416114TON, 0WOT T A 1 e roo.r. but Cho. bliaze I - ­ 0 8 14 Alit Eaq our sChoo, trustees,� sCV4 440 Wag.. no hati paratranta IRVINO , d 4 . :.1 Ff . u o40 0 p - .1, .. 0 30 to a : w" Drunk - lintior Control,, '90 y%119y �111114 a stied Alid,V betar W And the life, proper r Ut the coal It oil tilp Jakidiring Was over PODAND, froveratOsd .100to ipreilding, The barn IV �W_ l4il.t to of 0011100 UANY, Of Glide. :40 to O'N 11 like a uident st(114094 WoU14 ptti, '444 'A "Al'Oft "Oorat ond, a ft Wag TAN. 'fowl boatwMiraod Clao'bla,44, � 0 'D movxlt� U011 IV Carter. =9 from VitlJOR too game Vef.o oJas W alitttk AI.X offer t to %:OimCj1 Wo WOU14 rcquir dtitio" It tfankt 8091lia Of the blt* Were quite good WOW[* 414kive Aspen and PAYS W Anti 60 . h to go ro %,lie jalostork 09, do Cho $Ito aturtedin. �Vzouq pon if JAMOAK wilAX81r, ANY 'Z�nt %T6 Dean W roars At tho Cd I 30 t tho I but,baw,urrjorrk IVIlot, $0, far the case Iiaa OnOwlt cockerel .10 so caitioe f th You for 1,44 t4140,311 z wo next,130 Rall"rouil suppon ;z cup Ave or Whom hat, Lho IWO Alway ...... �1 00 25 10411 t -To ma"Agm o- 411116179 Con _QU, novel, u4vj"fnr4 90 onfliked p a 'felt Eno allow was 0 low, riu Mnti 19 , TIMP.- 114vo IPA daithotiol A& wrttllc� lot 44 lie asked 1, a of liurtink, ander, 100i,, gooso 19WAIld goollu 1901, AQoOVP4AY.-­W. Scott H A aod thO Jualging WltA r ed xo no 1 WILY# Pre ­,0W. 1114, but withoit asta orly ditty., an,15 irA over to it Ell a "o'kagaill for naultiol all "Tha ot"PArlarin. lit is Relliertally 631131 owal or P41 4011000 w AdviIrtts!P%epfz0. Jilt yule Iowa* $lid if 4.11 the other$ Went 00inst tiam rubdo at Onsru, Bunikin *6 i N I'llol 41, S-Oalsda Out. ti do 0410ty 'Widow, ifit'the OPera.LHQ�J(Q' gQ111, . Itoultylo him, willat would it octith htrter, 1001 AtIld AMP, r . t, no lzf 0 aPage W, HUI D Moo L Th I goes the d UAIt,JsQW oc QARKOW 4 nigh to,,,The Co lzluq Or Coll- OhAid exottillors. shoot GoDnim -wi, uraille, , T 10 NOW data, lalkin 0m 1104 been be -a 00 1 Wilt( A041 out. tiet 0t9re,. fir 4 "PrOolk,colift, -11144 A 15aull4ors W. V Council chose lit. aide polat'", T-0-0to tee Ito. 4 1�411dy, W Do&kt NArtel, A that d 40 MAIR A 1,11M E14MMORS or T.HIRO TOW ....... poear,on Cho nUAI-41 to V711t n 0. A,. K 4frOM1100 SIMP10s, and borrd of directors alt" 3 P0941 115160, To 1`40 -&u care 110 PAd arnaf d L)OAR! Irdifor.11 IV 4 god doKlm' 40tin uordr.410. 9 (;Vftt ltemoVMI�fi CleCided: that thp. W" %n W IMP -Aux Wilt uch"On no Prito Will- WYAOnOTTvi Sjr4vt , DO J coo. Main lk a Ytari and concial othwtotot oO0Jot*I"H roa, I'luit PrepAW an4nq, the bitter to corlsifilly a U OHIO ra J114, Colwell . I % Bl"0114 Ville tor.-Jallitkaryo A 1) 404 dimeuiveo at 4, Z41 Wroson W Inv. 61 lot Illega; Act$ diatink the% - TAOI 0 -sit 13CPS - flat(% In tbO AittlatilturAl "Urnmor - , Ft Anflikiii meat, t" t.'"ggs- M refused to act on it, "realist r for lqo�� C U14 440 eHarriet . t lit Avi:u Stilatoklyiov 1,111rile Mob, 4114 Al IOU Neill 144t: J46 Would prosecute iatggb�ers -0 04 tt-Ual% W 0A,WddIl"d4.*4 the 22nddar willcul'boAT4111109, *Wwaftro.,%nit W... the direater"A Ali% putting them auto 4 WARbe laid Wortattagilloognir., I You 'Z,-& to.. floiph0 artib,t), Will nab andjence for thel lieu Of 42-41�frid -tj , . �v- srLowyloff, Or ft � 1 11lud 2. W It pod�-Un3r f�qtuto, 0, V hen, eat. W rMhuff'W", 06 to vailar". strntion I woold my own, Basin"" -retrommitind to Gode. 0 it Oak. W videall, ibarsomonta4fflu; cipm. ArboW& riollopoi* $rot pt,11616 J. So llreLpau, W Carter, 04X�Ailt Y64ft, Puld XI*Q for tile Incloo 46 do OL on otrictly lituditaim knothoop; Te ......... RQbt Thom on said wrle. W UcLeAll, 3 Robt. 10IOTAU tA i 'Of rk'Drl Pool, W Xo- them 'arm 404toonomy In. A"t 4 leP i0 play Was. rahou 1, C. Chnit. litake, ear that would look after the interests of' atoll L I*wsoh, 0arlinq 010-Vockoral, and our rectorato filithe vikokilefas 0106,4100 aff4irg Showed t ftl4eed,of a couracli next HAVU49, Lfall:T� the 0 11 Rt6*jTf Nient int , 4 B ML% Lean, Iuredthe. rO �O 8, §!.%N jefiteti go ae� wen to IK06pil hi -51. X 1944ko.0 .................. *3 all; 4XV00 mod Ignite r1rhar. who" ternLat eat' o"I'lourfaPa"o"A"a f.-Isookort cook* pullet, j postiothwallito, ere), t V Milan e town th r, shQ1114 130reford cl rIk U.,Xulght, oeN.D,Rour fdoan. !%allloorwl dugfee :0XQg ....... tVIO the hint tnAr* eligible d' � .:f 01nituded the election far M-fifo Air It -a quru P0111tion. He, Videaut. i Hard Qnclil Will WOO Okplreall Of W dinnodt led thor ain". "t A law bista Carlin r r 111re owr -(to WYAIYI)()TTR# Wurm Brale. TO fq* *poly. itoa had intmi4ed to, Ht Videan &11- Baeker, high 4011, UOU funraillielifibit6th , M! PlAtfollim Wit 61111111119 to 60401cls-rtoto 0 e I Cockerel, z Hat 0 Mont. rAfid, uteL ILVIdesan K-11"dges; ,, on at come forward Umplaray h ch., son of W.. 444 the 101it"Ifle by the is -1100 had bee breeding pen, Postlethwal te, W A a "ohn"9111ougg�b the mgo�. glqot, . .......... 4 tOWI10 Stab Ha IV V 'a , 0 b & W11 )oq. go.1901. 0 t 114 to Istruary cle4ting ft to big Oledficit 6f .0. X ', �,? Carling j . M 0 00094t; r xiwpuwiy te-itudib, Isros­ .... an zed he woui4 lC&y*it,tO,tU6,e Wean. PtIllat, J, Hirdyli, A. lyalges, floor, to clood calirl ithl YoUtol'Respeelf"lly, Election Cor4mr-Rolat. Thompson ............ chacket Would sery at 111M, Ill oexpress their Views, Ian to prevent kay olwl:: t 1 and rookerit a A IdA e0de, and all 0ANTAUS, PIciUX Bt1.VV,_MSlp Pon, 3 AVdY. RL DrWilges.., Ito AL pl, If k In thIf 01114 of hand-visde UP04091111n. W Dalai; 441. Ohba a et, Of -CO1111CU100, five it Lahipbolb beat Mauro I lattad yro it, eaP.4oviace or Poptorlip ;bttmt (11,11%valte. W. It ilt 6 aectlon c4rdq for the follow Election Ckrd_j�,C. ....... clieckor* to glatAlih of 6 "Okkkt Munro, -1all P4114 'MOTORS 0F,TJ=,TOyv9 oMayor WillI4 took th� staid town debt. r MOGAUglawn; Pullet* hen-, .9d Uiukto, I and nur purposes. *matilf at z this Ile A)Od# Of the V ink To wastract cia hoilirtil Its go bad bleih�V ulpt malatala -ellp4 bordered Wit, a work. W. A. XCRita-made a brief addre4s, '40ro, ......... ..... Of butte . Cyor two yiairs, tw Of, Pullet. Ed lial . Ill Ilklole, I I and,2, tT piastjo&hwalto. atru WAY. mowliky X. sokfsk� ................ tag yeags, for in I over five ;tallest of stating that if a BANTAX0 13LAoR AVAjqAX_UCale. j. BtUara. A Von, railway 4 or red Df= OgNts,liotnO .F. debtar pfocjc�d statir a list PO4ttisthWafte, A.. Mcioaughn". W, . . _ Election. C -W A 01411090Yi UigLo.le. rote, fromw pointin "barlim ta'accopt nolontlition for 6 A'Alor, I ....... I WOM14 Alud',blgligk 'WATOUt. poarl a Or and cfassetsas giveloln Me allklicialilatate., capter; cookel or -near, the a Wo, ,town of warloll, to the county, V 11011 6;ivalks Old bAen put in, 1130 vilts44 of It JEturon, to avO doolded to 4 ow 107 name. 6, t 1jIf li Skelton COUrd*:W. T, majOrtleyo tul ast ye, , -0 A largell attondo4ilaolitillf; W4 ........ blitek, -hiCkpiy lulaid gr over two gaje Ila -alit before a creditor, boo tho debtor r old 'COUPW,4100- the- flat or, candfilates. A, a7 "- CAPtOri lion. A. in-84til. I coruer& The rovagoorts a ?.0WOr W boostracir.-o is ]lilt lots a tbat'c 414 1ist It XdCaughatio, A'�. eartop. on Thuill Ity OV.Cotn yr quipi V, fulaivarld Any but a%1I do Election CRVOI-C- A4 111toullor ...... , ........ Votoprises Out ex ra Ww"allitt at oilboroo.t to a point OW. 111,11110 should you 004 At , a s:qA ...... 0 .......... eoe, of work a %no e w wOuld befghiced �u Iatio . ostjo. ,ppargo k Ilklo of rallway from car-?, aloct Wectibit Cont-is?4 neacty. -two, th6os . liditdr4s. Rq4lkJmc4' Ile couteiaQ thwaltol vpulleN Ed. Belcher when it Was decide without t 0. 11117yOrt Of MY 0111ty. 'Wit,hIng 4,0 4fcCMOXCFrd_J.� Of q�tt`06tdilikary e4 that ill e list 0 amOtA the, Publl� Beichert - Wrter, lit pit -near 4, that bitt f9r bentirx voice to hold the so d1s. -suburn, intiolt cOuAgr A ................. WOO Pik, A big oil. ....... . .... -40 W well as the position cost, while it Would tak t I tockerol. F. Turabuill flea. Will. :In,. lie. open to the, WoK and, heracatoavoint XOWX0.0_ Rospectfull 'enditures, the tj)wU SohoOls.were placed at 4bir orloural COOHNLq Ito or t�, e, neA0 01.4 OA F. Turribulit fillal show to 00derich couipetition to Ibil Ili. . ... .. . . XLTA' worse to put tile Coll L �U,s, vili*w"t lilkt woud 0 tortheft y finish, Is corktilo1v a .0 47 orkiliture tral Schoo' �tcanfitro. Pill er. V. Turnbull, elected #%a follows a thence, through tho - t 1101, road and .......... redl� to Tj diraory"ji 6fflors were wash P of, AUXUlop to 4)]VO T Card a la OTOW 00TH -4 glib Iowa, of neatorth. J)d,;bdbca 'Wheat ...... g snain.,wIlci, van 8, it Was in 30 Years ago. 01110r. W4,16ad­ IM446 114 the hold 0 V 027.5 VORICXNG.- Scott President. A. At. �dd,- vice Godoricta to t4hoollce Uk�aglk the gqw�niddp t0114 60tolde W rld. Lt. Soa. ScOib W4j. Latuphloyl dent, ertan Catrapholl, Ing slategients were quoted, prost 2114 vice prool 9.4hatowooto 0110 LilatiltS AXV o. ..... Azo .17 i JUR. Xox said he did not '14fend - to lion., C. Claturboil. Scott & son, 0. denti 0 Knight; Q Vlto hit gortito tre ,Ott And IM111r.t ..... ............. Eta f0jostratOg lhltis-viz,� start from the you islacoonoillor two volurso sod again being TOTAL intake a long ilgeich as tile t ion Campbellt pill at, Scott Son, Scott,& Julia HOV11,104 Colin ar., uest Village 0 'Blyth tot .............. $6f�7_,83 scorned to be t e co�' 012 Son. Wan. 4-talphray. F. E slaghallat tfouxuret. lownif, limach 4 to tb* Society-.. r - u6tl , train Walton b 1`4 town bt`Wlagbam,�north All; ty! UxUa4vdina C 0 'did 0010010nod nitho village 6 - . 1 7 expenditures--. flat otart the case b DrIoxa, AYLEssuray. -Drake, of Joill, DiAnirrons.- in. Qvirteri thertoollorth to tile vitro XURNft acted o1i the adv& of the town had W. Carter: at Brussels, it"it County or appeal ut lion' the 11 Annuatmeettar-w-W. istatookAgri. Society.. L64aii11-014fk) iktt U16'Mectors duckOl1001. W. Carter, at4tiltitl- D- pongo of Serraut wrV. Air, oovUer, I T r6pa or TA BROWN BREASTED RICD_ WhIQb�SXlAAI4 2000 00 con ve in lititation'. 0AAfE- railway con"Voto Wits. too ItAy the S41d' 1 1:- 2102 80 Urtisselp-, IV. Tavlo% Wnighol, 064106 11001111T4 the �rl F, TOWRY I)it . , ilftToy qfcrW_Orkse& Call ....... 339 IS It 000herel, D. L ago of Ilkyll. T tift OWryl Scott. John Daly, a D% trnylk 0 voted as Chad PUIION D. eaforth; & X throu 4009 ilk )ill ill townithipsof 8ittaloy, iagt*AOXN� 0, AOMM. 011dtor�a advice. On Lowry. 01199. J. A. King, ttuiaoa Howgo, 4 , (a oil t0i OA'VVAL at cip neall ratv LAD*S ARD dieft%ftigill: Billet ' - f I t at, - ng been Tathig Ed66-?6f t'lux �;� - — C,.A. Humber claimed GAULP.BLAOIC BREASTEt) RED -Male. 01hatont Win. Carling, John e-4 EllucilanCY of AlIddiesox nominated for the T t1d at the D. Lwr W.i 17 a 001111031 Of IRA I reII&CIrall) y. a. Beichert Cockerel. A of. Hiceter, U Igo ttipowortocon- solleft, Your voto And lafbkeuce� Xr four x P114tw 0 at, alit, 11 knoiat JE special DuAit Sig,_At tilt ofktA44 22r oz begirantaky the year he w lien, B. Beichert A. J. Orig D. LOCAL DIRECTORS. -W. W aint.i.11 , ...... $7s is 4 ug"la 'of ana Operate% Illmot Vol 100CA u� Like Connell Illuilraide Me f amIllar board Vas held Oil Some Pik, tee. The . acc it Mondav J* nigrie, 16 Staterale.1f, which at L ablOnta *gOlvilithip ofCol. With The tOwn'suftin; for ulanY 1:11111061:111q, of the W. 4. M nock, *Ile cAre,ollit I a W.111, Oil the Fillatift conloWt. Lowiri Pullet. D. wwrv. Postlethwafte. � 91WO111114 the owildhip, og Ash- behovoiftlatiolut tonlypow-ccon uckin, aunts merely eagle before elloan, lilt IQ Or nbKr ludardine. in the Jotcrc,;i4 as ra"lee t1l" YO di your A(Phd(LY CV011111K to Appoint' A.telitchor having I POO' have coliatittied go t TOTAL $7.756 47 the committee to see if they w t*ABM-Nale, Jag- Alullrot A. J. 'Hd, Munt.o. 8d, lilotchor. 4atatis 111%rav, r Walk W01'e4c4l to the'TownTivas- tMa Vtie tfils dq4ue correct. thanco confidante "pawed CII I lilt Coatf al I lill-119g, cockerel, A. J. Grigg. J. A. James blilkirO, A. NeD. Allaij, Jr., a n 00 fulo r will It 610e a f this late M Is uret. Sucl ted from the expend. Uloylkad no Power of spell Ili I oL 4.3 lie r to tile Alihnal'stA ar ,to J will 01141001,001' to con not Its bullike" . rAnkso. Ill the absence of She said the increased debt of z gardIn§ the elevatorbe moved 18 mouth a 'lit then t A Ant in or 1,113purrftf MaLteeftlece""yTi the towit'noto Trefented Iture rive, Re. King; hot), A. J. Grigg JILS. Uunw, LOtlebard Pustlotowitite..W. Mcareath. r nanecoruipwaimntior. Itritafff -sod th#n4 I* a Ile, n I p it. In" d oO%h Clara 12) to a 94PL J�Qhn 01191,1916 W44 Voted by a riello , f 0 Urfirt Jag. t Ed. Robinson. JetbrowEtalghto ret 01306toA th It 0110114 0 adthorized Would OnIp be The Mayor _t_ siticet attild solicitor be insiructed Jae. Mantel gullet, A. 3. Ora g, A. J. A, Mc0aughan. ullver perralogtod, or boar. I fro 'tbe followiraFt' tral idea recover the Intered:4 pLnd at Woodstock If Tile metal bore will tkloqq in tile Grand IOU Will go Plinkented the v lAous committees Olt the Intel Pon. King, Zbe "IttatiOtialty, It" tr' mr, OlOdId *g&in that Xl I serve you beltair ya I .- ot Btat%j #"4L IfteMs f lift"-* SO t*n6cf6fttf6u4Y. Wimblug-sIr W.w. Achogink objected to the a "00111114; J# this do due ci 'work dow9 during the year, and the )r $2=, .19 to JrUry room, fill the couir. to Owen 66WIL eonly &1od (rona the twilo % gapprNeir Year. W all. e entent h b 1114 OQOt1%3r of being told he was 46 longer wan , left put at, Tuesday evening, tOrdeelvetboftorta 91*0 54 To for home on Friday, -and wasot present the lam.4y . . . bous"O., next Dro NIChalson. 0 A; Rbl4. A. the 90W vider of the cemetery. He GrIgir, Pot), A. J. tmnj the secretAl-V and tiveastir W' A' CK'M' tdwn on its good ;�Oklka and roads, slid A. J Grigg; hen. A. J. Gil 9; WO, A GrIFg. BtT a d 0ot' "#if, T UMX. A. KR, d. Soliby UhL. ir 11, handeU LI 111 THE TQVWVX 4D W1011111 06d, BAL11 And, Ingallk er hoped �Oot consider the loss a great one, buir It 'Pto W. alcureath and V, 4 hobinson, ttl and spo 11 iroiii MIS49 Ne no Xditor TRiOVAls, retired, he said, because he was an officer when the settlement was made. He did aor .AAV lieu- T" COAL -OASS. IM4 landh*nasy bla no Will L t B lc�ert; �NVAII!165, companies or IldlVida I 00033410a. it , Ian -kid glilre of the lectri6 k' R., which he GA3119, DUCKWIO what] their statements Ivil OrOftlisaftladlarrine., the testinjohlahar hald do Dr. *Place to the dly -Hen, A. j. ib coul6idity tb� rpovcd. secoudedby W. A. I think Wig lettero, which the summer. would: Wit in Wag the disappointment, for this town Uri;tg- auditors. Jutlillilittion4vor have a contract with the to QVI, served YOU At tiatt COVIOn011 bollifil (or, about I Miss AV. Ball, be a whd to. roe aga tag the coo e clettitir 'ctoro atall A Holmes thanked his mover and asked. R' ri Rucker, 3. A� l" �j To enable Milli McKinki Chat' mar *how t Might have granted a bonus land it ban GAUn- MALAY OR INDIAN-Malp, fifthecompary." meat ILPP leants fors Poo t on Ili the calknollL A. Xingi hen, J. A. TV - ponsiblo, for the seconder, as they evidently thought he that at a kneed he had suggested -,that 2 1. .Toroato, Dec. 2& -The Peopral efirk. mri,tal histhw83's An 111114", an to expropri- Y01all, in morao tigght.%ply0eiri; *won th, POlng04 0: the Vacant roona In tr" love and, [It gRation in the coal cage case he' sald R11191 cockerel, A. Among t110 C)Ilurohoj. To ,Sri A ' 11 central school, at the salary of tile land dque.his work It'liaeker; Pallet, A. Baciter. '. 12 ikliljf�" for the an$WnFr year. - and Z Aim still A Fllbw *Lit. IML Wit well when at this the costs be di ded, but Dr. Holknos on = to amm estrous, roola, M(Aved 11111 A endwout bv Win. 1101010 Ile in the Council b refused- The statement made that there King, -1100 standing cor"I"IttOOD Of Cook - 1114 -510 to L4 ' R "itilit'll If filectad. to peryll 1 Stack"hiall tilLftlailic tassiuld meat Council Board. 171 _W1 t other Vita YaKr or more the're, be th COCIC. p0l'Anco and ma6 dolo; 114to. kado or Intake! th't-dutIng t ftt MI&I Skeltot, be tigiihorkled to this DSAR 81%;,, flud billty. Ion to 1110 boat of JAYJudx, Acheonn, secondedty J, H. Coltiorne. briginrited the form of finanel e b,,,Orl more oi lops bad of was $96,000 under discount, should be "OUDANS-rUlet W. Carter. at refor", of tile I could vacant rourn in tbO-CehtrA, lie i year accompanied by the fact that aS orll. IV. Carter lien. W. Carter. Methodist church hat; IW3UVd fillitrue. ,led or pah"No, by the coune " Tit# Council does flat, tAke your was tile most extraordinar will be paid back eta lot Ile to all tile ininlaters of thoUo. tordortokon, receiel, MuiiroLof the 23th Inst. duly statement, 'but the' one issued thi . at or, Aan to Which I Intuit anti view. , c I n t dialdielittib d, Way. 'Me 3� bU& have at via linte, 'he a* Is a tP.Irr. It _y one for a oloelta lot notice- it the direction Of din 'to Aflot Skelton'tr I an tfoa Miss Bull They lOave.kintlindtak GOLDEN war 214oll or t1thet the town'S 4 nteira and th Ing - (gmu�Olithic walks) whenever the cockerel, W. Cartaj lion. W. Carter. Ion, to call lit Meeting of their 14 mil, than r mom in It POP Clike, 9 Ivory th*A Of the size Of Goderich, for after $22,465 nini" t or St. PAtrick"d ward 16chbot, ati thw NFL]- O"te"hernOWOV11111 Ot'QttkM Dfoohrue,lf tolling out the grancilithid walkd to W. Carter; pullet. qn-Lerly buard with a viow of hay. ourt holds that it W" delivered It in tile t6wd bad gone behind $4773-35 the Campliell'a remarks about thogmdlithic illir all the congregations to sign a heoOn 11" Ott an ailch OT4- the re6petttive rootna. The the c account, town iusues tile debentures.. As - Carter. fund In the ft hhtoVO0GWould- thoproattyith ' IIAI%n1URG,SILVI)R8I?ANGLnD-Male f It to si vote wits Lbeto taken ax follows 'b'ut we q6 advis resentyear, and showed $0,000 walks, he, tile speaker, had been iliotru- -0 el60 a Clour io, a do . f0i 0 town. 40) T no t. a a !2 .1 -bar, Aliat is 01(tomoly under or:410dWlOfPOW4rt0 A)n? corpora, t W. Carter; coclacorel etition to tile Ontario Governivent 0,0makany, tmrt,o Ila fallwar a W. Oarter Ed' Plot tile Introduction of a prohibitory Vetwilhill tIS, the ATIC1011dakelit, Achisson. olborne. giscount a Bank of Montreal. He held mental in citing it put oil Itast street, in. Chat I he do"l, thoarore, lat- land *111 tinder any that the ouracli a B81chert lion. W. Carter W trio ardil- THU XLP-mons or THE TOWIq Or the town boo 110 111t0h On of dealfrij with it tatives to WOO ck with streets next to the Square. Ile hoped * Carter, fWitht Me' law. The POLit'06 must be irlady for 11, #Lod th to and Ball. 4; against, Nichol- ronfionableAttumstAor remain yours its three represent- as 'ed It one of the promfilent Balcher. )Md. Beichert ttie sitting of I he Ontario Legislature. 0110110 llystAnialo'connon I felegirlitih skud� tclo� I 01013:1d11110KIlult-11; Thoamoradment on (Load a all ptlllqp,, no WAY. OODERICIL UK a I (urtherlhantopeoloctibia.dock. an he lion. Certain fro Waft- declared ivarriotl Miss Skelton fustructious, and HAMBURG. Mistare:0 irritit popicipall, 4101 Pointed �ta the central and sorvatatitoftba IllahwKy oil which the coal without authority they tile finances would coilie.time bck it, the Male, IV. Var( GOLDEN PIMNOILL(CD- WEEX OV PnAvtn, a Or Paden settlement that would add at least hands Of Commissioners, *Ito allguld bily ere,. badividuag by way Of ffillool ICH, beinto. barn oallun. Are you red to Concur in Itv =ii0mitirantog 1, have Rival" Ft to St- PMVICIOSt The Board At to save, the rbniov at. 0. Calopiwil; cook. MONDAY-Suliject, I In "stall 5—tathe$4773.3;i, The.town was in everything, includittiX, coal. S�pdo or an of L to."04tould'Without prejudice t� IV "Confession and laden for alto positt lion adjouined� - Val-terl beat W. Carter. 0. In HOUR, church. Ws"Andfor, harp onses. uncill In mothat you an,�bodlek'rlfutd. OV111.6you a bad state and he a ed there would be objected to many things, particularly I non I r 'VOtes and In e are Re, had 0`1`11111holl. Pullet, W.0di-ter. "Opeaker, Rev. D itultd, own, chal I Ulf. WS"INGTONS DID NOT ady sed that, *We coo d apply for an no future r. Dan W. learn and vtba:� tier 41k, ]Due I t fill tWXN.-On Injunction M Mutual. ?on to. remove if, but i=4 ooaa�rucg Mar,, has been Ittigat; Ott dli6uXh as perho6po ould tiurn Oil. And if ig died for NOW Year's night t W aclicits, aluT) that the electors against tile chimney, and hall made co FlAilfaUaltal StIVign PHNCILIoriD­t Tural Y --subject, Out. 1 2 1 out oil POIIhIF daT and vote Motions, but could not got a seconder. Irk Victoria St. ellul,ch, rtpeati,_ all Ootf no Y offorts he Wellingtons of eke -rel, W. Carton hen. W. Carton vorsal.TA And tntintafnin beems-try, in a a. t ego A'. to senior t I IVA kf Md WiliaOh"'Ors, dotdk,�, tiesToronto, ai�d' oil ItIll Crossed You will agree. to elect men who would ratroduce a five oz. Rev. Oo %�; j leppectfull aUcks Ott hocKey Totire, truly Pallet- W. Cafter. yeam., a. GeO- M. 1311lott said he never k BLACIC AND V caof'ourtAuses. sIIA311JURG, J. A. Andersou. 0 lit the Wos� street Wm OT) 6'a- if xxox 4AS, WILION. Alayor long after ten o,cl lie could* I WULTU-- n con- link. �Aud Cho I estaft, Was 4, great stir- OCIC ow Male. W. McLean, W. tWVI).VL'f)L)AX-Relltilarpr4WOp tueet plbi bell said he -did not intend A r t --Sir �Vl, but; last, Trtfib 0 year when 26170%te.' OtO1111toud Places RWIL 19F WAS expected the in put on the fee b$, he chall ge hi's mind to stand after hearing him. TIZU118DAY WIT1613 Alt. Camerotaln do . otiontru nod ri!olrkl�ob` a U�b. t attad- oc -erel' Ed B'JIMbr. W- Carter IV M achurches. Room ow AIN& 10 "rall ar OCtIkQ qtrv%�,e. ITt Jua nelcher, AV. hIcLean in compaily as the. on or 1 113211 wi sitting on the tOOkmc3tOf Ilia time to run his own Ed M Ttr.)%UUf--Iravlmr Served n. no DICAII EM -10 reply to to, 9t wards mitted that he had. Mr. Cain -Asy4pt A NVO 1`166 for 21it It Inxt. parmilo In" to Say 11-1 at tstdo of the p - you on the council heard for Oe Anticipated such er of the M" A A LAPIX9 AIM (Jiclq� W. uOdorle4ithiL elevator bo, Ile denied it, but after- butlke would give of that if,, W. McLean; pen. Ell Belcher, W: Rev. j. W. R(lbillskjo. ty. this Hilt GUM ocore - it wl d 'into; Pullet. Hd Beichert I land 2' LNOPI 11 fit. Not-lindint church, tiveaker. itarn, and, being Uab c town it they elected him, for McLean. I a toil Do tot on on �. ? f1t YOM the Wellinglons to 4 Itie bell went strongly into granolithic wa FRIDAY - Aubject. in renominat �nst 32 rour veto &ad inguendn for the fAvOr of 2ffatlon of the Owneriblo a t. hot U. b"bAmAubtf. Goderl - I the coal. which in he oultdhnot canvass for votes, hilt show JAVAn, Bl-a-Flen, Rd & outlay next, c . The holne testaii was nI4de a 1110111110110 it In Idlet to ationgs. I bvo all expenditure, and wanted to know w Solicito! (or A�pltcimtg, lit too Out I have I Ionic considered it 13hil Jay by hill actions that he Wan interested in LAN08HANS. BLACIC IV Tav, Iva tf 0 Irfor the a4van alit of. Ortasrs MCO&W. A. McIver. W. 'a' Whitt the eittrotno to Olt walho'its front Of Councillor's p, operty the church, speaker. Rev. Dir. flow the wal, tw roolift a t d ft 20artfly, Fra 11 town. lorl cockinel. Tavlor; Tile '"Oetings Will Continence at an 1111C 131114nnoti, Win, 110111`013 Of 41411111rOr to burro on Ina 8 6ximum %41 analog itmOlf- a the town, should allow 40 per cent., r ell, do- hoal 04111. Gen. Allan a liggl moitt, bad to pay every cent at the cost. v to I "r"c'"'tb4 Will C On the back streets property owiters the rAncement 0 V . nd J 0ii in 'Pis In1% alit Dr. Nicholson had been asked tontand, hen, J S Howrie. 0 K1.1glit, IV Ta I 1')": O'c 10 IL in tilt- evening. Ours we, bell, t9e, lAttOrbaling thd excell6n Yetilk d and had Consented, 01I Ile thoilight a XPUn1!geth't(;' p(e"n1&U1pt"%11' 3 8 flown AX ­1D *X X, keeper. one sevtj talki offors me held that the firranclal statement allowed J () Klililinto, C ra PIAYO&A, remark. this. bill, Without ny 0111100to Last, moo race He Ch&gg`c in the Council desirable at -the pre. bell, A111bidif Is? fta ottuited,alut gy0gIaggc4 ill%& TO THIN EtIPP-TORS Or. mund larrivo their COM. wrote I Ila V013001 9=111,11111111119 thy willin , a deficit Of $8428, and If all debts had y LLrr;I10ftN8, that the Council Mho , u gto the coal an Also 4sivow att400M Rivoil tafit4log tho Or bl"AtIOn bohig 111riat, c itsis; otild though It at a VAIhAtIod. and t fit laity I have not d the I10 Cent time, and If elected he Would stud OBIruAny. 4m, been Old it would have been the fliterestsof the ratepayers an Ord Pethatial' little W91ka. little too dare to aily was a to, WhAt fib perhol lot nalioll town. lie would P whr*adre by' nuill itroallOtly attdrkd�d 0, No- LADIES iftum GZM even tarielved a rapt r. He had objected to the way the got detain them but erel, a (),in J 8 Howriv, portaoil play, tile lndfvldtltil� work was M- fair.- r sallabl! wish them a flap 4 much son"itile pool U MuLcon_-TuondjIy-u dollies recorded log 09"to W 0 11 exallallialL Tile vibitorif 4 Ott 0 Mall With had betu- Chown, and had called on PY Now Year. hen, (1, W y ]&Me# or call)[dy fish meeting bar M olit v an 0alkaribelf. H f1wrial 13 onday event a Vint 4 neat r0ollitild one ahl decided toetand Irepajodifully askynal Pit idn(* It Pullet, V UnInpholl 1 land 2. J s flowri,: rOftbO'9OT3tICII,.Aa4 '.a 'I Once to t W, Mont *111ch showed their dioposition turn out. as there were a few matte a into of I he beat Itnown phyal. rogod 49 a membo ratir! tile treasurer. who had given him a state- J. Ci Martin was glad to a 0 1 Tbellh the deatta Ili Debrolt lit rp. Dule Carg a individul hockejo, halt t elt, �ria took flea rqUovat a year Are, An Is thfie- to lie P91- (AITYPOP11, J 8 Howt to. Ott 94, th(i 00114flaxt, Mobday. oleo I .0 the town or by a0meolas @Ina. 1rhocool it III 'a Yt�lme sod %bit ty IIIAIhkW be Coed by the town Or hold, Your propoAltion J Puglia in elitrt Ichkor Por "0 ok 1110 Ut Coh)w let In R19VI! W.o TORONT r oil keeperdid not III00 this same grip tit Move the cost ObOO what& 10 Mn be Of Correctly. Regarding tile gnuaOlithle wanted to explain and Justify himnelf. Uouolf,Na. BROWN SINOLn (loign clans at that city and for it lariat time a Afill lit* wbrk thILb CAUMPhell had, it f walks Mt. Campbell said the Coutfell hall The two who claimed to be ttander, Male 119111`11' 10 10CUlbealt.11 board Jolitico, who uInvofroll In I oil that the coal 110tal"I be 1011106rAdif rablaVoll book, after the first one; that th (ratigingly, not recorded a by-law In the by-law had gone over the finance report, ut Olockerol. of 11 theakSUM thAt'ACCOUtits for the J 11 flowson, Wake; died tit hie residence. eta avit, ours #lines Howson I nd Monday night. Dr. CL()ud %van but.11 go ad be ioke�Aoa. WheGodorlebsovetragnat ags"itmo a r W1,101111111 alwill0liftWould av6to tin revi. =W A 113 , inbut I will DR obj CC,, 6000m I k1tellee, pontri 1116 ""on 1mW*d1&Wj, MOP 1* 00. the court should, fitilt, Stated In thy foruet" to ronflaidyfulOt 10 It, AS f Illegal, and people could not be forced to on the 0, J U Howsont P013 W Me- 8hWL IOV041 Moo I F ben, W McLaran, .1 1 oOftPO Dreton III Itilit, 1101119 a descent DO 1 Ate. Three W I I " —, not strike an Stand w6re illega settle It- 113 Public Works, he said that J .10 n iturnberof goods scorett by the coliald not agree, no lie would let them (tin IT, A� 'nut.. tot 0011994611114ted on Wwrituir the 1, an the notices were of the 2600 Spept, kfi$ had been flowirle; vall6b, 11COlght. J. dant of three famouN Scotg,.b clans, oa sure. tuvau Milltown. lext thitt T1611 40 namilid it Mora alizattlit foo mi Irl ooOARX COO tpr e0onse, unless After ol'ovujI. it well TO RENT, rVa'ItTE-, MOTOR&O One cnhitirdly ign lodolver. and that it bff looved.wholly .... ..... .. .. .. . I ... ...... . glelPid-6 #% d A III to - 0OlbortJeVlftUOn 0&r40,' eye"' 'of th's and with g their share Of the work. HO claimed for tile team, a Intge hill parento moved tO HaIllilton. Onto Olis P� I Town tall, $7 Lean. Stuart, 04ulerou and McLeod. la, 18W. - 11 1 C a nthe declare that It 18 "Ot lit PrOgent delivered P recelptatfor licensea were not pro. Gum On West siorect, leaving. but a dmall Lizoutitaku. WHITE SINGLU C()HII- In hie buYllood daya 110 Attended r, rfoottolikilit elfdrt Wltk*� Ifir the tf WrIgshowti, and he had found out that balance for gLikeral road Work, lie 1) A Lo I t oIranpted by tilt 0411"0 1 an a dallvar the llflmrdroouk,�lfcense had not been 111IMM that our main streets abd wrV4 A tr the dontmet. Tavior. 1) A the 'Loarryi lien. W inondville Public school. tical. Scrafortf, Llwry 2 and at the age, of 15 entered the JaV: base %)tee" hil I athe tcollected. Regirding tife water and S and 3, pullet P A Lowry I it d 2; poll, 1101cl public orhool. lailliat I reopeettialt &4k, thd Wook AIWAYN Uffiterxitiod,that any tight rates he said the council bad never they had been for come Years and that A U wry. oustIll 00.1 lomfikollb,", for 16 seat at this Nityr lotAwt _.quare were In a better position than oyour oup rt SO 'I plot,, this 110 *a' hilleah" to oft" *Quiltoe to either bad a It "W homes on 410on blituttexretAr election. 341101 84to, Ariliannis vairties. Ugle investigation as to the rates the money spent on them was weft spent. LeGuoutz, wu,Tta HOG, Coup worked Iningrilt tip thlough Colleato Xonee Mill. atg onlarrifittorolt , to Ad.liflatthavaeoneof a tar#tty Wed. Into Live Medical pr(10401an, and alies6 one lie! IT 1 0' ad lit the Wr. 811 Van chiggel for the services, and lie afferted In the coal case Ile Bard they had -heard olob", oftaer 0 axvotthIgtowho Pj,"Warliallawitroand din, h IT, Male. W Cmrter­. cockerA, IV Carte- PKI1111104JI, Md Ilftdo, Iri is aid ntri wauldeatforally �o in Nit Younfootd4ilulptot, X& ARLOAr UdLUIN. be kubW Of one ease where the treasurer Mr. Holmes' aide, and he would give his r, 1873 had ITSIded U Detroit. Oak A tt - to IneCatedge, glary. 0 OW. tra therille hen, W Oarterl pilliet. W Carter 1111,004,111, &A, lit sgoh W-6111 st$Aflgad, a wit = thum, goods to Me 1 11401 1 *44 Charging left than the proper te, own. When the difficulty arose fle was befit "Odorli M"TOO11110111 , a advancement 6 ;nut 1619. Out, of wifib XV 0111AWOUVRIC WALitX LamnonN. BuVV_M,Id, 0 Can;P LANG -After Ian flinecd of nearly thwailhIp, At the van%$ time J. Will an. tont hAting begin joined In WOOdl it, tier * I n and act etelitt he was out of town cockerel, 0 Carraphell I end 2. tatieforgobAo home, Ora t Dole. dftVor raL epard against Lab) be 8 Zd 6 4WIL 'Bruce Co. not sending In a q ff] Mr. 11 V Yearo- Joseph 14119, publishat Or J He COMPlAilltil about the Huro ra toree "and"t "Oral alit NOW Y01014's doy. In the report of goy Itt S At 4 t unif liell I and 2: pullet, C eta J. Z CIOLOTOOnpa galflord 0161ningZaAallid The DUPtlill knat gther 1 2; per, 0 oarniaboll. fal; 1AVOrod Witil deride. *AJ[ tied notolhiltibu [)a thi Signal I It rko ta egratut a, the unifterly Con Ion called the committee to' brouts mill made funds deposited by the and out to the town solicitor, WIA mplivil and editor, died at hia re-aldouLd in a said Owen Sound last Pridav eVoning. Ha town, as was done by the Bank of Mon. Holmes Was bouna to deliver the t4lat in MINORCA. Wilirru-Cockeret, 13111,11COr Of Knot to spy, "That r haid. tbb inthority of'the dei re lot 0 F H was widely Ill 1:1110 county act lit Elio C.,&TTfULU caurell, , ralAtivew, and Itlendd to the town 6611kitOV for tiae, Wl%ole gretIL After , lifig with' the v on f the stied, or where directed. Aftarwarda ago tarn f1tarlo r __11 alumbor-oftl6al,ir 1W being prese-rit At nno time ed I rOTTRP, MtZ(MRS Mr. Holmen agreed to put It it, the shelf eaekerel, J " 11 ItIr 11 1 Ore, 11 Or 00LBOtWE ttle;ft'tA roce4tiloincouttectionwitit the granop. the 11-Istwo, he turned to the coal M rNORCA, Bf,AClC--U,%Ip, J 4 I11,,,I.1eqI 01,011cletor of the 400Y* Take bracket who Statilpta ithle Walk, LU14 be upset And tile -question and Cold there were faults on for tell Ceuta per toil, but tile Callan liter, Owrie. W Armte4v gand ,e#Ipp(l a er, ICInearditato Roview, front which he 00111 Sides, novertheleas the cage ought to refused because of the solicitor's ad I vice, , Ven, 11 falw y0al, I tile P"Cor to :'he nIUMOIr Of S 'Ilteddloo amoutitt saddled upon the tow ,, I did rago, (lien in IM) ho '11,1130 to Owen Olwen ot fte All, thAtt-Ir plikVeil bjr MISS Margaret be stitled. After remarking that the fle tile opeaker, Of bon. J 8 Howrin I %,'if 2- Chi. LADIES AND 0x4TL*UtX:_Jt&VIhr Ivan not iriftflon the f6wit,oplicitor, r P�V6 it Claimed J- 14 FlOwrie 2 land .1, Poll. .1 tiuland and foil 15 an to rl T nominated for Cho postion, Ontario hotter DOIJAM,wrItOaProull ttlall"ed that Dr- 8 flOwflP. IV Arknipv. thel toWnithip of Coll 0 =41d Hot iusiAt On the officers per- If() Dies refused to leave his cono in the CnPI Cho 000, whiell ';AUK oft ter to suit. W1111A a 0 letriflity $061IT9 YOU all Indivill. of Mr. Garrow but agreed to leave NOTON'A LIA it all tot 0 ose Tolky tint Ofwbite silk oftride, god fit 1'A00V4W01V" as gli Own 0041011, b9'W by a re. 'vita fli-at conducted g 41 trl-weel4ty, prominent colleltor, 9 their duties, Itistancing tbri cace hands AND Bt vir Rollon't6m. Eleturdt-atuaAnd CtIvritd it bdois t,or Respecting the I at tilt A WU1o**. Sol Oft Pictoft A III Wit v I tiongh in my tichair on Mond 0 01ROUIldfujiA,th 01119 $mt all reports, as directed by t e Council, he wan the coal wan not pill on fowl 0 Knight, %V 1,,4yl,,r (,I( Of ION th t to roperceittago of the C riiw %,r flargittfit Caniphell, tits 00), illill: 1. ..... k'oflot militter, toe the POP Vowro OwIll tit walk* on 6tIlef that leadin O"t ilf Cem`61lt W, 1halrow fittia, the Content. 0"(011 not makin out monthly It to Mr. Proudfooi. Another trouble 'gilts liploprkloulallyw011hanown a ridg) rollom. The 'lidd"moild rightottho Council o gilt. hen, county where ft[ Wors'll, gely I 'Ile - Pen. 0 Icnight. pink difilltv trinifflod g of pkincipal 0. eat Drug, who w lift W lao lack lillk' littaltiess streets, out lif the goiloral faluts Introduced o'ceting to OR 0 ty. After the town had lost, the Ortingo- order. rbsii'ie uppliquai, Whito WOU"ellnoyA6 safe, It of tld Munfe I ' knight. I ell If I it 4 URPINGTOV. FILAVIC -Cockerel lift 14L ranked high ill r as which Dr. flohneo nitcud d but Knight; PI'llot, the D131FIR the A lat*8 Gail bYthchairtuatilks, the Mayor. &,aid lie ould not agree to divide ill look K fail urvoy ristK404911 1111-11t; And ittanled takalmiltee, Ila o costs. Ile litya the Publid Works VMS not then On thought tile PLYMOUTH World" 1pir at Chit-UgO In ISM 110 t 16 W trial, but next year appeal just to the ratepayers, Alt Ortinirribmioner for wags Baln. is brot-lipt, at. t.rf& lit #A Ian anti that ft abould fro forwaril Alf. COLker-1. 411*111i"folt. Jr�w 13 Wlflter060*. ROVIC. BAnRCD '1 XONCO Or X06tin e"AA110fitt to Oft 'AtiltaidtAl An in ��V� P Onto folilard. and nive -an n.... An. ark -omw 46 bit or TV. �4,Aaz�, eKadAr)r. ated oil "it, Any WrAT XMXOV AG1t1dV4`k%1jtAXr iso 1111W4611 ION at TO, piltrhm(o rat" bavo the "kne, , I CIPTIV, _­, Ut ear Off (Ito 61101,61 Tile annual ftedi"g,of lit Jim at lc�lkljr. WXXIAII fi�e?d Olt `I* "ciWat "&"- (IOlietkIl. 64 WtOlifet, A*#"& toe 6W 1% ivilanvarr lexuat, lit I otelock khe Soulft, Ire"Ift, eketfix CHIC,"* *Rd ttlRUMV, owr A ISM* Afteodik" 4001ittd, IfY60 Iftit" re, Ink AftlYmApithiba WAkobt WK101101 to 4w" W thetabsid,1741 raft, W* MW*3t=T "ttkila, Yom, t pl** *t`001 r011O1VA*Cg 04 k W. t!1!!!i'* A!! Ell E4)AGEM# of III . . - _ .... -1 a oz 1111111OP0411 it Cite 1,011. A Hacker. I - - - ­;;ij"'" M "NOOdOrldfre, * ., ratio ithic Stage, upbsft, Content -or 0 ce expired he hoped to S116w the �* 135 11111RIlan). "Atian nva ul.0 V IcIlIght, 0 Ponninatotil. A HP "t- VeIll" Prunka. of 0111, Pit d N tia . Tro a f, left, Z*r 9tick oldewdiks, upan 0 ilk autter Position. The Coal cokb� aa`r1d1q')fndt1J4a)ggr mado tip of 187 all"114161 gt:%t?. had diet, blie pehoiii 11jr the 'a 15 frillor it ll%M# att"et Of the out In Tilronto. all(] op Tues. Pen. 0 Pennington 1 and 1 th0l'o th-mb trietider And 01414intAII&S PI.YNOUTIZ ff-rac kiln to ka WrTtltt of a air In av %ke tho rt%(,t A Miptter I atitl 2: lava, j p D4,jv known ill Ilown WAP110'ro anti, train. on appoint N3110dav,fj Torolitil deal of the 111COS611 110 Was bound to Mir. AllarrOw Ditty ban 11.14 1111110to of 11% &kll I and a A fl:lieher, I 0110P`t� vvlann c hree-foliftbia of tuo Of but thert vw a . (i tint I d 1111111111 CblppfjdT4 to(Joll. and le(Itiontlart I ne'A Willit them good luck. 'fity or lown' on all it timliffiV6 VM Ingwood. f1to the teMplelit of 4 V#Ir v6kagaellon ThI!I *1S *84"" a'rle'nded In 19ON sivitig 'th er of V6101thle ik"4 utiot"I V it alit. Ile caid, the, town W44 in an ell corkritAbIO fit, et"IntV of Ifuron. anti PIGIZONG--Titin Corot of C011 1111111talt Iota ofW"a agarak'o ItItAIDN * firity s*f; cf,fat% salrbe right -A to Vill, 'afirottail,116 11100, it# d0iontui; liallil. And andop proviall)[12 (if the vehinki Jacohing. J A LD%Vl dawrta,, In thade.4kh hatjt�o 41111� Ktotim Wital, rtm..., alk. bilb I' dor Act blaoilicial duties will apply to tilo Dolch 0 Knight; fan M OtOilietit* that will IN It Act lastoblilling futtoometifors of falla. rud Dweller. I us, Viranka, who hatt hpLal a, teacber Wt Uf best of Moods, in Many, Yeats %tabdigg, stwh As Mayor dg WW- ThO tfoubiv %-as the Ptiblic Library. of,; owig. 0 '% Lf)WIT I &aid 2; tile (10kltt'�'kl 90110ill for llabal!af, t(qj �Sh her 0i hapor and Of 0. Milt tilt Ill tdo D A IA)tv IT 1 V(-%rN# Wall it Vory artivit tivaIlittil .ON lit, alklia 6thits, should 'Which XAItA Of full tit file 0 nod P. Tits � theisionticipai po thdi 4131COUttidillAblo pxpeudittire aj�ottj tip, Ora 11talim title took P.,Art in tha Work at th() ftA* " t( Ile held, , i t6,v r, 0 COInArlit"110 tp: nell? Rev hat tho 'towil ArUst stop asNIX UnDVAr8_MalA. () callipliall; COCh ('0111100tod With 1:110 Vortts th 0 1, Whon ibo UP nutoito (teavelia, "t,to t 10fw Tho 0*1f, irlio habeld. Darl't tLtllt*Ro&nj Hdrillvt lien, 0 Vital, not! I and Mg,thfidivo SIM Wall no or ana tilat 2:sull0t. J far(tv, pwn* 14rdv. , 6 Alit? etrdt� r �410 that ties t ho III 0AV of eatur(Allas Lelfiq 4-a' lkt* excut4blef t he'"id fft &W 111,11tiddod *fib lat Willits, to I out Ila flit iltat future "ald Ittio 1311111" f OWRA F0NV'L_W MCL'on. W to it t I'aut near lklelnb'�r Of thO Plidir, Tho, � of t# 110 got tyungAnnon. U41tor. to lVolk. I AA VIr_ to W -T- 1101`00 thotalll�r day 04M W. IR *its itolfix to A* tb6 cotaw A to, 44k t1l OANAIIIV-Dr. &ott VDY14, (; - fileAt #6 "lid ka fig [fib &lot of empkerle as hao beark IlAqvAillf. k311444% 14,00 vilina 0. of �i IQ wh"() th-CO lAt0i'm0lit tonk pluio oil kitio, r To offici OA1212--ntitro. 'tint- movi'lo%tti, (yatlint, ion. atI "ft, thapAtf, dr or"Olit Bing" e6ekbrel,J blarno; lion. (latling tho Don't ttirg-pt tho IM(%t fifldliAlf to Iluk-it. thl� tow tolal. th(.* M. Tiout, Italaterla nvotf, Satifintg, so that 110 OU14 P4 " ro 1116 wercr Priumally ir.f Barred urn%. %V Car.tol, pullit)II. j 111111 klflillnoopo vat-10tv. And potnts tit the."I RANTAlit GAUnt QLACta 914r.AUTI�,& alan,,ft,pla fila Ill W 00 Tfattoo flik WA I I tht, to*n WAM. Ito tho %ti tialtak I fittral, which 1111111 404W light kidets, and wu alt line C�-Vob palanda CAch, lint)-AtaIN lid 80414or. Ila Ir Wit A tho to. '111pttict ithas Off. xw�ra by stflont'V4 00891 ban, D A Lowle'vi, ro�y thontL"Al , w4volt