HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-12-27, Page 3, .. , . ,� I . i.,� ,�.'- I . 71 7711 -W�1- " —"IV.- , I .. - 7 � . .. , '"1177 . , . � 7 PT r- - , - J'� -,� , ., 1. .11 ....... I I q, � I . :::: ` 4 , , I [�� . -.f*"11,*- :: , P. -, , l- .. —,--- � I . -.411111N.— 11 .. � ei �i - I I - .11 I-— ­�'1111�1 . - 1, ! M - It i A '00 00. ~�*** -1 I I � 11 III "I I 11 - L . ===ro � � -111, ­ --,!!"!" : .� - ­­ ­­—�­ .Ow� �­ �­ �­­­--�'4�-­­�­ =­ � �­%­ - - —­�-- ��w � � I I I �:- ­ =- -,— -­ , ­ ­­­ "' ­`�� ", - � - - ` .� ­­­­ ----------- -1 1------—-— . I - I.., t�4 11 � 1W IWW ffW 91 I BUY1 DM wila A* tit* yory ilict, of tkrv*Ug Jiust 1-11-- . ­­­­ � I 11, I � , - - =11:14A I �Lm t* %k* pavow 1A 0*'I I `BRITINS NIVAL P . ,,,, -, I , F PW .. ­­ SAO I*.Qo 04" ;11 ­ I MIR NEWS HEM TOLD " I I WA"Oirot tu guils, x0eii4a V40A � 1 . � .. � I . . . 1� I I I t, , � q r � �� - *.r .--- VA" rAOX T= XXXAAAXA IOU"1111011111ili 9% 4^ 4*`1W -- 11 OVINJOIT OF A XYXXTP.0 STAUS vwro~ I . , A*k. OWL" 11114". hill Isor" " 11 zp: , . .. ­ ­ I 15-1110i -..t X=GX 0:r Uv=. ls�jtald,*, b4t,:= �� I I , IQOXXAXVXU� I trssru .. ...... G. W4 ....... =Qisiot filow the sairtilw7iiii0a IJ. I , Th Yary Latod items F11% All � I I IN" M* — � i", �, s . . I . ,, � � I . 1 sits"4 V"v#Ut4d the diwmrgsot the I I I XJ!A I -41"� i , Uo*t**AAt mus �Cb*XC44 "W XUA. coptalu Qmyillo. followost by -41 to AUY TWO continoutAl � X i. aurrm.,O ORAIN X"Xwm .. 1i rowcos, onoll W42 I(evot x9tot P4* or ut OW .. , , - - I I � , " Igst L � :11"494 04 colaW4 41 Robot two. Or thregi mcu. iltins bliasiolt oil - "I .tout. . . . qP0-"*" . 1. I �.. , , , � � � ­tIef" � "Imuly. W341thO PIA 041, 11111101110 Or 4110TO Olt 24 1 1 XkR- , L � ­­ 311111111004-00-12(41�41 a". "1--V11"W I uuVro. I � I 114)VINIQNs. � 0 : � . ostoo,ol;7. vrb,sssial��Iisg 10 ics.1 Oa .30,y 9 situ atm* at Xroitt " I'll � , . In 00 latcrvlt�lv, Couing"auldicr, I'M - A reh01qu$,f=siQ* %,411 4 III I '. I , 81K VvLtw. 31117a, NO. a on-, schavikatirlstiesid) � . � ttaet!.o tit th kmxtb* Anti. mitruedipy X"06t dor- --It w y 0 sawy 41 " � � �\ arolson Cloveli, liavill, q nebo tit Ill i � , . . %4" , 114114-V,4`1111110�34 * very CQZ0Qrt%4Io littlo I 'Amcric;in k4ullaoily in London. Who luasoUltOn- 11 ,� I . I I f ..... ­. -V " . W "id atild 1,4111'1$10�. .a". Cor* -Dull ; No *Y4. DWI, wpm ilwo by ll;�# ow", %nil . afloir.­ " LL 4 '- �Lb in �y , mukleaw. of I ,q I � I'll (19&.A*0 TO Www I -- �� ,4 olobivutola on le",ko 01 jill=,, - 1, towalk I tit*, % Gov" wkv3v In low, 71i* so. 3 do" 7010 to I � We* OLOA044 111twi Into "W by tho ­­ ­*� , I , Q, Tai" sa.fto - Iii *0 . . , 131invocro. I= -- 1-111111W No. X ,corit, 70io; go 9 AQ., 4w9falty of 46 detitch= v1s, tho "+ I dixt"Irco to %ho Now,vorL I - No. a wilitlits, 2 rrogular caysIry. writtA Itet. 'At, -r - Q?A n�* W We $or No 2 "Alt Oistis eviss'y g � 5, I I I � q IRILCF; Q. TUX XXIMIXAZU %Wc. 1A On . "A.1 .11 Alloullent, that tue WNV, Mmo sixt UVARt 17 WOMUva 11414- , I , 4 wboost I* s d*. 04'r. No. X'MIX00. 49t; No 4 J. W­FAtcllett. in VW lue,V414111 Ma. 0"* . 'Great 33riwill urci $4 06 fat liloto ek-, A 01A 991isr ilawl-fa to, to locatoet 4t 6 l' 4� nrl, ,,,,,- XLXA4- Aw 3toV1V^1 jot tuft Uistorio TIVOR ... . r . t()It^ . 'AL 9 at tr7p. for No do, 4,81e, Iiitrloy, 404t; to 70c. good golil.e. They worst an, Outpost duty of tuis, 334yoott., 11 � fi�ctivo clad valtiont c4)nditlo4""'kl�wl--VRlllnl.;WOOO- I ! � to *Wy. ", dou; , No X '700, witte'lilsix ill irlwy � m- I I - ,i%W coatinklittat vowera belle"o, Witt, 'rho U."AlL �ntsitloa '44 BrockvAllcs � . I . I - Moor O'l wrtuissm 0,44 louwit,�, ; .. I lowed thisimomy toallproachthill &J110p4tchirout unaga oaym- 1, I I I I sthat-Alaver lit her Aloovial dovolopilicilt � w1w 13q ligmet by olcetricity. , . . . - � If! t )CCA atrolager ors thai Willial", eon Of. Jsamga JV404, Of � �J: ;31 % thwiss, all rostil, vlgt� ilkirlistillih gi;wj, , � :� JA tr"t, I**"- I � � 11rIti8h p0itloa,. without, giving %varKL- �1`404 IS every Indication that 00 .1 I . � t, haa Valgland I .1 "410IItQA1LLW-a% 411jed W4ilocit'WOV74' . � . is � - 4 N =111114-WhO V01141441140 VoYtrament fire determined to tall� I i MWA , . 1, omo. 110Oeat torpedo boat acdolcutp w. . . ,*�� , I tw 34 'VA" yI4L Nortia MIROPSAX QUAIN ]WAR MS. lug, And whe ,* 20 , � lit Artuo a fa.citlitehouso at OldcW � 1� . two guas in, front at tue, PeAer"'Ill, jhis�t Q, vigarovis Kwitaiiiitt. U84"t I . . . gwt-�. I Ilave me,do little ImptsIcnalon III W10 , � � 0 6' 4, -XV 'r . �1�-- - - � - lsiwi­ --L, ­­ ' ' -1. , ' ­ LT'andoW DOC. %-.-*iQIOo#­Whftti-On' I 11 - , fah korU We va. w dertwo, aml, h, --4­­�"h.*,&17A­­ ­ ­ --.,----1111-- --1 . I 0. C. tlwstea. surgeowmajor. - � 't $2.85 po*Me, ilititsmidlor; essixtrosells, otIOUt NO. ell all b14 b(ijc,", be jound g ZrOolk ofiliedmaind's Ispeceb at Carl., is t"co, � I � I illeir, proamma.10 callts for 00 con- W-1111;.- I � t . Lo4tuld,* jeta, 4utof litit.lient oijad ICAP* ,lbe, Vniteot Irish League, itad Mr. . - . - luvwaigiis =Axftwt 1* ftin io. , A I . to W# I of 90 por "At- Pat- I ivallf.. - $ran, prompt, 40i 14 sel- CarablAvers in lirokela Ilight lswcep- 1 to MC44 that, tho league Is vrepArvtd �- thawl -admilco at the iddhot tltisa at. 1140, been appointed saccond, in COVA. I, %='Or!�'... middle frolglits. liw.. Mid", oh PAIll"90, 9414 and ig Via , im 7, . b a . ­ I,St hIM, 4lad the C4 i 15 4 � OtIto -of tho sW,lftc9t po-;4blcs'n1K,cd�, nitwil of tho, 740�pltax flold corp .go- �. $, , 4y4w tt , Viny, alaJoliIii to defend It,self., Tho situation 11% I Ina to Vouth Africa. Ito IQ tho pan - . ,$ Chaim are held 25o; to 200 Wlieot. Filglillb. country %nor- 0 gluis. Ire shouteo "Action Ireland at prollsent is YM critical. , . Irl, - Coltimalailer clever add0l, I . ". bIXJ0A."= 11104"n. yeistertU pairtloaly clieQ0r. � I I j *"tile P%val force tbk�t unat aritr. Df UIDut.-Ooverilor Jones, at NQV4 � I I � tolo, nour Is. 4144 Ott . I �, - .; .11 44!6.lin f" W# : UZ , y front I " then, to give his, sulaWra a -and seo�udill I � "ciiiiia I gif,yj arbis.0 I?At*at* I"rench Kly the fitruggla between . country mstirkots 99 yel*11!410�7 , 1 alit In calia,blo of eXertiliq In -CriciAl. to- " - I . . . 4, 1 � 4" wwo morw in Cox I ,1 cbstacte of jirlug. ratio fAugl4unded' la%v, roprointior., that Ittadlord, AM4 1 , I 'Coutlacatal, I The I)OPattiticut of Agriculture at I -- . I ,. .. I kind *W,M� inril W ho trai;X staittly, , ,� I into the - sc4Q4W"$ squu,droni, 4 NOU- the league, Inprescathig tile tea"int. day to that of ' an,v t 4 Atom of- , OttAWA 41114cilliate-,; getting an order . . lots," 144M noted., oil t varpo 0141'61119 113,10WWOIAl . Vo*era,,"d Whii nov'"104 �" T . I � 14 �al. Doe.' 24.-�Xlose-�-$Pot t4ry swordeman which rendered the ettirly eighties his- � Or , , �J . *beat firm. lie. I stalloilticrd cali� a Aaw Q. Itiodin . ,I - - . ficlekit condition. Tho 11rit.1sh se 1 It , , ' �N Ott VI.. t6� j$J.'W 1'ratit, ItIlt iij< a tb -6 wita end As about to bo ric-imosictod. I _r- train tile War 0111ce for 2.000 tons of . I I 1tQsQVL4JJ,,WQJa; 110 A" t' toric, flour far Soutir-Afriva. I I 11 i .= , Want ' � 09A two L*rp numbors Ot Inoutited find, un- ivoroly CrItIcified. but I .Tt" 04 the " ' WOULl' Ji , � vice has beou ve , . or 11111 M(t 1V.Q,g­P xQ $20 stock. No.. 2 red winter, 60 lit to 6�i troopers 4 ell,trallas bhols-it ainco. to '# I *1 � oluell. ,at tills crItlelum tw to .Ito 0111- I Ottawa, OR$, Council reftintn to caT, � I I , . , . Tor 1;1 '00,oljiso�rt. Manitoba will- , 0 :L 0411WA OP4119, 08 Id 'to wao ralled, over, in - sit 0 "laullted Police 111141ve been drafted in I 1, -ilcy In duo to lil, I)OWY. of tile No- forro. tile coinpuluory provisijum of . . a ff*ii " snorti (I ')d* ._Ad horse, and to .tile 0ountles clare, My% licAd. ' . 61 Olt � , L 4i]Fi at for car* of . - 14t4res jiula; Verdi., 60 - � the , I - L the pre,I)a to jig - - tile Vacclosittion Act. There are 100 3id,' ­ troops mvopt over him., 11rulse4 Roscommon. . . 1. � 4' . val "Silo anti , pre � capos at cruallpox in tile city. . , , stud *21 lor Witu," -, "cus lueltitlea. ft .1414; sispot -oora, firm.'sis.1d, 95s and half -dazed, no struggled to his I At �;;Imlvhari ­00"Alt '. On 1. Clato Ill tile mind or .the public Lug- , � Toro ~* . ,.1 14 a to 04 7d. futureil,steo(Ty. 44IM4 feet.ploked up Ills sword. Au(I 'y lifooii . , " ... - that large � M1131101) 41110- in a 0011101011 In Icing- i . ILI . , , r's t$14., mafth"'54" " ""w Way, Collor O'Kelly, X.P., One " a X00 attacIced by two of tbo r0hot 7 at t , , . aton says that the world In growing - . . Wy lit 5'to for SO ;LI A � " MOW, 54 At, at , Wedre, , 11vot �� land, atrength, In order "I - I I * ! for- No 3 kxtra� anti 4d.",'Olour. 194 to 903 84. , � , go,voirg,tiod'a. fo,ot rldler., 1,10 cool , ho.Aew loomb, -1 k1-.1- -� ­ 4 ullpropriationg may be secured for , 4=No 2,1C. erm Of tbo Irish rar, - �� y and to continue doeldicelly Worse, kind thitt Indiftenco � I : , ,,�, , g Y,-,II(Xm(MUry poillt'VI, Who was equV1004, . I, ?", 1.1 eipandhig tile nil,%" Landila it equal to aguastichou. and lilgher criticism are I . 11, ". 6l.16,1*rA(0,4 nwillit Irelghts.. � Riiiri#,'� DM' -A*--QV0AftlW­WI1ftt sillat the Srstwqrso . All viding down, of' latimiclittioll. And illego! 4sliculibly 1: I th polltv of mali'll .. � ­ , I � ., I . . -De '12140c; Xorth alld upon him, ;tbeft. .Q00dlia .tile Tram � I .., . far too Widely spread. or , ,. middle quiet, .cember, L . IAt at tile coin auth of � �Iluokwbeat is os�estdy at �110 and touteile(A �� t4"two mouths, � 101- . . " 11 the , bitted utre . freights. , igro,447.40. ,,-1 'I , arvIle.-Secontl in )its left hand. thiust I , V . I 'Lille Cessna tatan, In Canslar. neu- . lit 71 " , , , , , Itysist--la Arm, at- 5�4 for cam, and' 4w. 'Dcsi.:' ' 44,,Close� I prisooments was conveyed to j4II,jm­ , ANY TAVO WORIA) POWERS . , ��­.Ihrouah the body- with Ids ,," t and Atlin, the northern dL-;- , I �Tl der st, ,strong 04cort Of:, o0A%tAbuIAV7* - , .. b 41`13�1 � . ,�. , I " 1;.' e1refght% . quiet, December; 92t 100, March- anti sw0r4:i,-JT$. .tfig J4IliipLut1y­s;t1neXod - ,rile policy in I-1 luglaud seems to 0 trirts of Burrard. 11. C.. shows that :�' 57c for rouO lots AN41 ' . wwdot Intmo eXcitement, and other I , - , . ()Oru,4 ,Arm;at 6ft to 618*ci, 1ior. Jutief, Of i Itc. Flour,qvilot. .Vecem- by the third onatiW and bW sworiI,, I I I to impres!) tile Public Witt' tile weAlig-'Casntar has a population of 627. � I . , mixed Isind, yellow weigit, : I r I is I � . ta, 20t Wroolled froint.hUn. Vill$s, on tlds� importout , prosccuttovs� are llallojtq�- I noun rather than tile 0trength Of thu'and Bennett and AtIln I., 9. it ­ �, .., 1, � 0.4�7t Oft, garcli gia&4Tu. . I 118 lak . . - . � . i0atw--The, friarket In steady at 4ft be' 11 11 beeti no nuch (140te . I British ifervicet with 1% view to go- lug a tqtal pt -11,010. Thel only llrit� P I I , Ilt fell back upott 31rot prIlicIP109, 1`104 - $119, Th"O"llits, .1�1 _ . � I , lug of police as, oil the Presput-soale, -­ ­­ - - �- re � - tu - 4,rdLfor ,.X� , ,* rMt1k--". iddle � Ant'w rpi 3,C)g.o. ,U��Xo. "a wCUwIlt- 'Istruclo lifa,soppollent W the face re- , curing ndoili,loual ships thruugh mis-: job f,,,,l johia turns now lacking � , . . � 1. I . I 11, . 10ho West is,r Xroluand single tbo pl,vs I " freights. �ter, 1,1111i"', ' '.,-. * � � peffly`*Itu his flat. - But 'he Ave$ . I GUERILLA WAR,rARV4 IN $OUT H AFRICA. tipprehenalon. in 'Lite public wind thato are those of Uie Indian poputatlato - -- � � -­ ­ � . -� � ... ­­­ " ' � ' ;'�' �,� I Ails time blaw,olf exh;Luststel, and , . .. , .. -1 1, i I � .- � I I I ­ . --- -'U1is­foirif6 In not keeping pace With . �41, ': "v , I t4 ­ 41�-�"r4,"�;'�; -�' . gr Capt. Boycott, . . I itis . '. k,. -­ at*io61,*.%f.�f xid� * 4$40 - � . ............. . I I ; 1, � r i I . . for b% , 4 .................... , I ".. 11 I 5,60r.'LTe#' � -r '�'-­" - - . '' . r � - � ­.. n -".Ti 1. ­­... -- 'o i6l."­�l-, . . : ­ 7 -barrOISL _ 0 f_ . I � I I '. , care - ba- � . ou iXEN =. ,C* tell, " exact y as 'USV 'RO COAL, r importance to lite Istation. FORTUGN. I I I . . ­ jA " ant _ U .ti I" 1116 sontagail. r 41) .� r , I .� . . - On tile tX44k TorMtO, A'Ad`Wlilelve, ­ ­ - � .- .� 1ptlifted lilasword tooloyllbass, . I . 11 1, oil UIRS tieing In South Africa upon an equal ­11cre our policy t3eetunt to be tO 'llie Paris doctors cure books bites I ­ I 6 ail 4ut I s , way t roll . � 11"�# . NOT WIT 10 T191 B , bagis till tound. Then there, in. alswo over o4timate rallier links tulder esil- .. , r for brokon lots. I `TfttJbI0 �,ko * -likulligio at ulk with serum.. I I . 'eld � . Pill . A xuld $IeAtld middlo; � . � . out in , T ftd�imo . ant! was co g at, at While Crossing AtlaatlA Ocean.- . � ant, boyvild ell. tile u-itiv's quest -11. inato our auval strettath, which Is, Bubonic plague has appear,ed at � -7 - '' 1, '11" `. U� Atimlik I I : : 1-1?� I "I 4" � - ,Villllo"�o 'ArA - , vr�;, I 0 0 11 , i 4., - ... "r �� � ��� r,:,' � - , I ItIll to, -help ills ca= ­do. with a . . T quia F - SRn Prancisco. I 1* " . . I ' ' " .' � , a . A , iiii vaela. 'I'llo People hero seen% hlt-: , ' IrtigittlIgg. . - �- V �' �,"" 'I - , , . Xip THE CANADIAN STSTXMOF with it whole crop of legislation arts" not I-ight. I , r ;, " o'. ': % F - r:' 1. "I 4 At If"WL'Pittsburg sayo- � r,pIsto,I;mtjhg,t from 4 410tatOtg of , Ing Out Of It -0, llt'04titlft "'hich1presaLd with cite strength of the. 1 , * , 4 I I-: . ­ . . . .,�!,� , � , :: . ­ � A despatch from Pluladelphla, evs. r� GOVERNMENT, , I The tell Of allow ill Scotland is �� - , . . . . ,.� PRqVIS�OM9 ­ : I .11 . 6XVI $Ion of gass. I* the, Saba, t'llirty paries , , I . a4lip yer cross- . . nnq-,eq tile whole Souch African pro-.uavy, especially since tile SIM1110h- � heavier - than at. ally time in fifty . �1 , I � , , .ft '..J . ,� . . .1.,r - : , 1 -0 , . 94, , "I' SWO X. � , " t­T401irst stg= � ., that q � . . r . - - - . � �. � blem entbretv itiminct front ,every'Antericktu War, bell etuttily b It r I "! . w., THU . , . . 1.1.1WI. -1 - , " � " 1'r� I . , X mp & the r A. � � � ,.­ ,It I r , *- ,*441'40s,� neox , , , IL 'it"tte �', aceen Witt% Steam w a (I a years. . . I All oy product* Ate in S�reet,. � this , city,, lit 6:2 , I . I 1. � I %air 4e- � _ c . Ck It Was 4 4'� to Absurd to Give tile other colonial probletu,, fit Canada or t results inight be obtained botore Con-, It is denied that Lord Roberts Will ­ . I I -.;k t Ts"r- - r.-Va ­ at id.oth" is . . � � '' ­ .. �, I ciii.,: 11 11 ­­­ ­ , Homeric comb and . lelitip of liquid fuel W.Ould 13 1 � , , ,!��.. tW mar e A . 'a I . I Itoraday. ,morning,t t4tl I . I . s We elsewhere. ,It lies "t tilt) reat of sit-' -t %ttyed,leavo the War Oeficil� i '' , , 'a . generated by n . . =4034 anti . ,well, 110s,01i, Tombo,ond Hills received the Vio- instead of 00al,,haii-juistdroppeld all- lWou Government 0, I ,areas %i we tile ittlisression con �;: � fooling. Cor'loti. W tire, 11 nion'T"W 0 death, iind pro- -. ­: I , 4r'.Q�:rburpcd t torla Crqss.' The enemy meanwhile I tho � Delaware. Silo is., tile Have itin Canada. civil and politicid )'to, ond is all it I- I that we tire not go strong. Abroad The Danish West fliditi, "Ativea ob- . I �, , ' L ­ ­ I r L, i J',, ' . portaut. Do RailletIN '%)'It P111111111-itho United .States is reckoned an ill j t to the '. ,I . I t.r ' : twenty, '9.A�Lr4 more Or less; had gy, at,, the guitil.' eager to, chor I) by Ii'or we suggestion that tile South I thr9pists realize tills I' If they aru, isc% elith na%al Power. being out,"Ullo- United States, � r J IIII, 14 ,a)* hVe Ariit.,*1111114.14�-*$ "IsOr bo,W " I . . 47 ul �, t; ��,,. 1 - . .are "iskilt Inorp; � 41i�*- jared.1 rtho,'damago, to, the �'] Ito will , ilopesi Pa, Ilritish tuagr' Plami colmataided i a ec sale of their Island to the . 11 cwt. rJ A ei� act 'U- reaoh.�.�� .1thp,.tl%ttv0, artillsor5*4 - wikldi' . i, Y, - " c �J I � r � . ', in Landow � �v _ j4ilU , -1, � t, . IV � 0 and owned might be settled by , � � . . � ­ , _&"­�at ��Ouiltr,.,,, ., ,� .�,- . -1 04P " African war se,10otific tIIQY "light Al�"1911 this PrIl- led by all Lite Collt"Wilml navien In- . , �4,,OW. Q , I . . = ' J -,. . .. t1loy -hoped wQLU1d � ride Oil $Vlth tileirs' 'The vpyrtge VAS. it successiul onol, but KIVIng-thQ Boers "FrOe Government, [[train Bigelow, a young lawyer that price- 010174 I$ 4 9004 401314.1,10 Tile . oxl?l slon--occurred Ili 01101 af The gtll Lagotars,.-Inowevisti find turn- ' blein its proper place lit the ovolit-1cluding Italy. lint 011's view in 'let who riuvently #.*nine to Chicago from I I � I 'i. 1� -. . , , 1. r he, 1110 r I the CIAM had little of her fuel Olt such its exists in Canada," Sir Wal - 1 � for I 04Y- asp X,uraacesi­ r ' . �le * *ut� I the r ,. - Poud rld� , - South Africa. A, tiny rnict. I , . . . I . ttirdw. which are ste thq, big. b13 . , . b4rt-slcov�s, thin of epted lit tile Visited sittttes. and New York. committed suicide. I r � , I Tbrk,-04iiii4a, , haix"t dr1c,at the top of -EIL67tlxi4� . . when site reached her destination. ' ` ter 1.4cister. m.P., ill reproached by IWO Windt ciftif Jkla Coupsan " r -- . . . . . ­�� . . .. I s . r 'is - L out, .#A' " wel.6 � lit Wr � or are worth ,,.-,,- "'cc re - - -1 ,,:r -1, ,_be ­i�, ,$a t5Q'_____ _ ____-_ ____.__ ­­. __ ­cl�-Tgff - foai:� i-W-gr-Ou-od .. . , -4 im '. holue. � drove vil , tile I, -The, Cluar-left, 4CWo,Veser4­- November -Tli,--Jt�r -1htft -Af nit '- 0urette­-N,0- _ 0 tfla -gleg' L ,_ ifigti a of filtips, b""WAff anti P4411av i _ " -­ - �- ,av�� a; ov ,Icet'T il - - . I !L _L --to IndicaLe thut, tile Us _11arry . ,.,,� , 11,�. ­­ ". . thind. lot thern be roal and 6uo- tied 44tates In h who will attempt to reach New . I : tsi-L, T,40 �!, Itty"Litt"as" L ' otys iatbreoting� to istep, .,500"tons Of Oil tie cav- thing could be more malki,drolt and " .- lifth or tied with ()or- . I Dry flalted,MQ Iso, ul�, - . 28th, with 4 i _,a.. I * , , 9; "'.g, IyOrn,sola - � t I I . �' A69_1W, I a qu 1k. go, Avid about 450 tons of fuo Oil sanstrLtehanatililo.o, says this paper. now elthei York by travelling Overland. have . . I� , 10ic, �: 91 4 wor lie 0 I , Ilant deed, 40 �uinuy for fourth Ileft. Parts for Behring Straft. � � I . laniow ILA .1 Allersi, .'1'60' � , I , South Africa Is like a sick patient I t L , , rrat'. T. �%*,.Uqt alixgko't , . a a ga '" as lit, _ Oil thun to , . I cleasr'bacog, tOki�' , , . present, and can scarctly be bottled' Place. b0og gut- . ..", I Lon -b '14cl, Ito ' invest the present Boo" b mosk franchise D France and I ,r I . :03A. - breAW"t . LL acbnit . . WA# le. 2r- VaQju�hors of the night, L Crew, told by, � the doer ,himself. The, -reek- � ,r own consumption. T y a or by an ""-I ranked by Oreal. ritafts, . . . . I . a 13c, rolls. , 11c" �Ahowkragd­71001 WMIA 1tbci.,,g"�,,wbTcIt had aedilsiulatod, I 9 vajor whirb. Lieutenant Hill."llurning apparatus consists Of 0. population in the newly conquered monnintr 'historical shibboleth. ,rile An unknown assovagin at Kiel has . ' * e$ tiLriontly, nowever. .. r , r ba" 140; green, meats out ,df furnace explodea and ton#, 94 illictwed in charging sJ0gIe-ho�ordOe[ 'it till "ail- "freedom and franchise of Canada" t I " in the stento generator, Nylliell, ;atQla1I!08 tho, provinces with the freedom It I I tussitt. "as "'ilnJured thirty wouion tkv stabbing . : I , � r I . ., pieuto - 41,9 quoted less- tba� � 'r oil, and discharge$ IV into the fill- eldso of Canada. To do so would �o - more extensive prograinme. Ot e street. , , 1�tzlr � , -04,IVLLqt�vX,o.],ci#40r$?'4�X4.'O*g Were collitim of'rebol. mvalry. In " to I is battered phraso ; let us not (to- . . , , I ;R1 , � 11,;�� , �', " 'IV; . ;i1tolt L tinfortileato ", orde -Ick structure Is Ilt- to. misread and to 8 I' of inerenint tboll - L1143 Unit- � . 11 . 1. " 4 lit , . nace.4. A -tire bA misjudge the Admiral Sampson Lit critically Ill . . .. .. 11 . - im, it * , , .., d t Own -over the .rr I � �seoiUr(l for chancol, of base it'by playing with its realities. L41 States slid will probably lead hd will probably nevcr again loo;yin I . " 1.1 ­ 1,1114 _T'lloro*1 uli, �ttfiil% 110frJ4A,'1itg6P4-,61 0tostrog; ,.�- Op r� be descrilidil.t4d . —4 11 tin in u tow years at her present rate I I O. ; his.gatitters..sa .. Upoa which the Oil impinges 60 Who - to historical lesson Of the Cana- I a I . � , . a,,,,,,o,,o�r, L' . ture',� -- ' aningrare, Can. IlardIS i , I � L OMPletO COmbustiatl- djan analogy as traceable In our co -1 I I . - .:�. ,. IV "10" I - . r When the gals let - go,�a liesido en-, by a reisa rtarlan. But WOO Ito as to secure c lordal constitutio I I ory. With r - his house in Washington. , ; I I I Ito I'A6 a own deodi and Ono Injector is fitted to.each fur na It at I KRITZINGER CAPTURE]). of building unless liberal appropria John Hull Decker, of Streator, Ill-, " � I I ­ - sued-Ou, ps small'olritform about the taldthe tory*ofhi ,I,,,tIg.t,b,.nacei . -1 . I 1�� � � 1. : _O*naiL-P]ib,D,oblt","r','�.1'1'1'4 �yr'.� ,the inea,'airrifer '4'.Tush for ail extract from his to � till due respect to the inherent good I - tious are made hero for naval devel - I'll I . : . , '00 I , L .P� Pr I I -;confessed that he bribed five city at . . ( � : , , I Capt. Uvalls says that q.11 fuel Is In r, ., ,r , - , ,,�I.Itle e e e South' opment. Ship for ship, tile now ves I ;... . ? . . . li.6 df&Oaj;&,� but'it. hke(go4o'd4*111, wal,th giving - I . I Important Haul of Boers In Or- wy re-"derman to vote for a contract. � . . , I outillues good , hip ownors whose 4 burghers living tit the Cape � Bela of Our na,,,y equal in evc lu'erlcan, I L . sutter-Thie! itemalp -nA vgssels trade In districts far from Colony, we certainly doubt whether, ange River Colony. spect those of foreign services, I A company of A Russian . . 14r thelCe &IrAegsraA -,cfqa�iob'ojild, it, btkuw;vo�Aq .0senw" ,To-Junip, "I thou4ht that by eftasral,g, ,tilern profitable to steams . a, ton and. give I French capitalists has been I � , . I I , tile It=.. offering$ are wearit instant de -411I. and t' reimmit I might iiake it. 0-ommot coal fields or where tho cost of trans- old be com- I A despatch from Lord XiteNtingar, but wa have cumpitiatavely few. and . I . I marke, r 1. It on tUaiijaubotitivae-Just ris certain thek gun time to load, so Iii I'V.Ve " political Units. they cc I . � I ­­­--plantiftil, M as USUOJ contalLn On, . L at portation'.ts Of Importance, and as- pared with the average enfranchised; dated front Belfast. received in Lo�- Abroad the United States. white. Of formed to spoin Behring Strait with . . r � doom. ­ ., I . at'the.front rank, cut down thifirst a steel bridgil. .. . V : ! .- WOO A411i v*"--6A4,XQd11R1AAAIrIV$- �, next across ihe pecially In the trade between thO citlZeas at Ontario, The burghers of don on . Tuesday, announces that course, reelganud do a -Xvill, Puwe�, I '011OWS .*-�'J ".L' rho ,fiins of m6lteil "till ith A- j�am- fellow, s1iished the L west Coast of South, America and the Tr4wsvaul Eire outside the Commandant Kritzinger (the famous cannot be said to be counted in any Mrs. William Walker, wife of a cut- .1 , . I , im"o Afo*wf .. L, :1 '. 4, 4'1011 `sup6n4'h6& and burned ten men too as �ard " I could, When' tvv�( . � Palo' . that nations might ton raiser ucar Texarkana, Texas, . . Creamery. PO4to ... ... .... 20e,to ��c to -dea tho United States. I Aaltrigetber. The Transvaal burgher'Doer collunandant who has figured so combinations . I � . . do sallids I A ...,.:W, ' ,ttsl, Their bodies. dropped to sowqrs .0har.gLed me. path their , , � ------+---. has never had the 43lightest chance prominently in connection with anst othern ,Vbe Spanish guvo birth to live children. four girls . ,.�..�- lillo to 20Q, i ae 4V to aam, I . I . I , � '-*it U� 'ofj of 4he mill, 85 feet below, horses crushed Into tall t e I'l.: ' -aming himself in - Invasion of Cape Colony) lies Wn War did ,,Inch to enhance our stand- and one boy. ! , . Distirils 4 r( I .0 4 .. , Ili _ _,�4 i tit*. trq Up :Qg­ 3noincill so ICEBERGS. of educating or to b I An attempt wan made to burn thv . I ' ' ,ovia6s"'b6he bl�oken, and an , r4s: t, find, of course, both hor- _ TO BLOCS: . - - do tubLx.� ... r-- � . .. .... 1:6E to 006 I lig�lq,��Aasq man flesh, , and myself were sent. flyint., Wo i,- � , -I — ithe simplest matters icaptured. badly wounded, by Gun. lug before E.uropeon naval Powers, 11 t y tenement house at 42.1 L .� . 1. - k, f .Z,15, ,to. L L ,, �f,of hu I French. Xtritzinger ,wan trying to � but, we are still resartioll an entitled do tsuw.4� . . 3 - . L � 01t�'ciill were sent to the police went down at buch a pace that, I es- L�.. I E4 tre-446 1PIG ... laid 11 I . That Drift Tb�cugh. Stiait and OF GOOD CITIZENSHIP. - J=.�- ar,-zh street,' Now York, which . I L. t 11, ­ slssis"ML 'Ad eq. PQ,VPIq..#oz,aII set, caped tho'cuts made at me, one, lot Qhiu the Land. It is notorious that he has hither -'break the blockhouse cordon at Ilan- a no higher rank trian agivLath place, . _ the demand 46;4t,ro3llX., ;and,�ao , . - I I over Road. which woum p1two us nearly was full of Italians. I , Ag., . , r I ( L, tious arITEled. befdre'l a" ock, and them givirktr my jacket aft uwful,slica ,an a more pawn in the govern-, . . v=k6t is firm at 25c for calso 0 S. left urm­it ,� only W,titing from St. John's. Ndd, to. to be Gen. Kitchener's weekly report I ALONGSIDL OF JAPAN. Every baby born in Chicago and I I raoh�lktthcrtld are. i�elllng. at'!$tito the raorpe wagon - was with them., Just' below the Chicago Recard-Herald, P. T. Mont of his country, overriden by shown 31 Boers killed, id, ­E,ngland to-do,v La. 5tronger than I C. it County after January lot will . I '� , , cut the jacket.,, Well. 1,1&y,thes 0, 1� Ift3j, At, I The bod - that sordid clique of "Kruger & I' 6 . . ­ ,-- � = _,70 dild No;.,�r L lies, of,some of the dead and however 872 prisoners, and ,18 surrenders. TO any kwo of the moat powerful conti- be worth 25 cvnta to the parents or . 11 -1 I L;,. I � 11 � . I . -1 � . . ­ - - -' .1*1" L ' - � - " j ,up uadL­ I- lQQged_ �; raordin4ry. -,oinj�aeering -PrOle-44., - yet Co. " The 11 Concent ration Catnits" ctor who reports the birth to ill-- , L . ­ 1116 'At �� -,,--4*aaW-,.Z thO.-Injured.--mare. .stravm quttq -snug 1.1'soltil all'bac, passed aVcr;3TcQrath 90s: One of the moat ex . .' . � ad 16if to 1"M, -yard beneath the furnace, Ina, and ' then 90 A heve-given, those, who did not know details the position of the British luental powers, and stronger than do I . 11 . Potittotio-There, 1�.'A good deattinil, ;ibbut, the Al I found. it full proposed to the scientific world is colutuna, dildhig,that the Week' included. � County Clerk. . � �11 " and 's, firm markset,� )Carg 4n-�*% some of the dead having fallen from; mboAt for my a1vor . the inner life of a Boer first-hand a pro, ,-these with sitanther power . � . I � to slippe Xoo � to the ground. ,� ten yArds off. T, bad hardly got hold, that for closistig the Belie Isle Strait, ' any Impressive lessons. The war gress has been very satisfactory. It3he han 80,000 mon aflooLt, und at- I Important contracts for loconlo- 41, , � tr*&E bore are quoted -at 115c. vote:- . , i betw& Newfoundland and Labrador 311 Tito pursuit of Boers in the Eastern though her naval reserve Is not 80 , I Ives to Ile used by various foreign c.1 . , to injure4 broke the at it when tbreo�, fellows, rotlarited, . itself at every turn has revealed I I � , at forAl't . I by- tiedit, fig n; breakwater across it at Trantivaa) Is being vigorously COU- strong and perhaps as well drilled as .. toeo out , . ttl $5W to - .90 , e cries j f tl L #�iiilgg 1110,4'0o Aillat *Ok' i ACIC', � - abysmal Ignorance and credulity i ,* 11 I , 0, 9 i ne ,, s 'ell had s read over the TWO ON HORS= I Govornments and privixto ratilrouilti ,,,,,' )!I01dtry,­,f % .� I I - wolonded *Ad dropped him e - burghera that of France. the re I r n Ll ! 1A." . -�'*�AhOk Wguld a hji� 3 tk6 explosion The firA I I 0 The old Volksramd, optensibly the I , cold or th narrowest Part, where the ell= . tinned, A pitiall party of a at e g I Is I have been plactil In the United Stal I � . I Uttles and.'the I ind firgi liad abat I . from. his horse, The see-Ond charged net to but ten miles wide and 1R mouthpiece of the refiner Transvaal with rifles and stock, have been cap- her personnel Is in the trained. tile- ,(-it within tile last, few days. . of holding lar Watock. a ecl� no tured north-west of Eratelo-Stander- Oplined. Luen alloat. who are being . ­ . permit -g S. it A -f - TU ­i the d6aWti-cita � lie roof me with a lance. I put it aside. amd feet deep. I G overnment, was In reality of ' Of the Women who recently took -L . L " . - IS isipoated,for i as t _ . ,� ­ . vit iush --Chifsfi an awful gash on the I The benefits to be derived from further use except. to register the tie- ton blockhouse line, constantly increamed Tier channel eomp0tiLiV0 OXIInkIRtLtiOlIM in Wants- I . . during Monday and Tuesell me - Of the iniii it was found necessarY to caught ,him scheme are tbat,tha shores of cisions of the clique. who misgovern- In the Orange River Colony Da- Ilect it, iL niagni(icetit aggregation of I ingion for positions in the civil sor- , . � . I I . . - )q a d , . "the firemen head and fatio. I th�ught I had kill- I c a � - -, � � 8X I I'll, �. , %, , ­ ­ i Quebe , -Ail It. "ca * I ­­,.�.---Issn. -,-tU­-6­X-4­--5 - -,-. , - . - Island - coilit . 11rico ,are fteii�qy I�t t�),- so .1 I.e , --1 ild ticosti, Cape Breton, Nava_zd--th — -tit I' - ­ Ri ip. A )aj:ently he must have i Queb -e -70' —h � ------,i,-6 ­ - j __hL _____pj_' -CoF-Iiii-disapp I . -al - - iqzid in every depart ent. mant Ilan made an important haul at fighting force, constantly kt - This vice over 77 pet panxiod. it% . , VA. Ott .'Xi ! L clung to. his so, I , Corruption prevailed everywhere, and the Rhenuster River. lie pursued and ready for any itanigniviont. i against 62 per cent. of the mail. I I 75o for ducks, whicUL04 Avom I ­.- tNfAlirguo wag- ed. The wounded Inan then came up,, cold become veritable g�ardcns, in freedom of speech was at a discount. 350 Boors and captured 18 of them ships are always in excellent condi- An ()It well has been thaco%ered sit . , , 2ft to oft 0011,01*0lis. f.4 on and placed them In. but got big skull split. Than, calne Which SeMi-trOPic-ml fruits mud vege- About one thing we feel quite con- after a long chase. Ile also captured tion and report-st of weaknesigen anti I ,��:,�.,;.'�;��ll�l*ii4,-iAp���WlAund JA,Jalr�. (of When the dead Were removed: the 'tables Would flourish.. and that the large heavily-ladon con- rottenness - slightest - . . c -41 . , i W ­ I I . , 'quiet injured were then looked after. on thq third man -a, young, active viaced, and it is that the Baer In, most of a tire without ill( I Wick III(, Ky. tit . product ,.I . - . . " , !� foringa ii�.. eiM,itni *ud Aho�"rkof, In v, of ' Labrador weat of the ,Sent fit to participate In vOY. -rublance of truth Thetic reports I IF' inside up of ono -third of puro s, , ­ � ; I , N, " It , " I ii here, 4114 - the yard beneath the fur- fellow. I fouhd myself getting ary portion as riot at pro . / I at 11ine, one-third of nuiplitho, anti otw. , . ittfict 461(st'job at � ou parts of weak.from want of breath, the .fall ,enuseway Would have a climate all that we mean by the "freedom 0 are Orculated by tilt' NiOVIII 1,0agoQ- I I I eiaportiLted aXo quoWlat Do to - 10c, naca the injured Were found. 'How third of pure naplithis. oil I . the toeaI'mp*kPt­ �� Imainy, %jurgef-thil?d hre is not )mown from the li,017196 Eaving Pu=04� Ina salubrious as that of Franpa, being - and franchise of Canada. " POLICE SAVED THEM. ,au Organization for lite titibl"Iding Ili � I � for job lots in � � 'In about the same latitu 0. e tile Britigh Navy. with bruncht-`4 . - � considerably, and my cloak, scialsohow I IT Th th — 0 . . I Bjtan*--AXa ilatistanged, nad JA fair, act, this time,, The injured wore talv� 3 pr�:J GRADUAL GROWTH. . I ' , had got tightly fix6d, rouad'ory rn Badly Hustled at Bir- thruatthoet the British Islandm. Ill WHOLE FAMXLY SENTENCED. rr ) ; *01cir 1611611!6`0 my thro�t and was actually ch6king p0bition. has the Weight Of Practical I mi — I 1 I 60 toi a. or other underlying this remarkabli The Canadian franclidne has been a Pro -Boo ! * 'a , "T.uniiitrilii at n 'Sl..80 idi _�to the Morey and other hospital2k ngham. (*let. ill(- Adnitrally will often refuse I 1. .. ". Jis�d.ilfqkod iijugf, 0,it;40,to At 9 osclock. Thomas Jopes and ina. I went, however. at the follow experioneit largely on its side. matter of ordered development. ce- I ollicially d Exltz:aordinctry Case Tried at the I - . . , ., - anipickood. lit . X6,0, yrikk I*a' beWdO i AIrthut, VQrag' managers of the plant and out, him, on the shoulder, but I The argument is that Belle Isle forms were carried out lit 1889-1 8.11 A despatch from London stayn:--hir I it) ;.av statt-invista Ili Ire- � 0 . porled deft,('104 ,n tile Britisib Na�y, Munster Aosizen. � I . , are steady, but � must be tfiolo6t , to gave, ,,dut tis� statenteat that .nine I some Ikupro! (cloth* on it apparent- Strait is the channel or doorway by and were the first fruit-st of Lord Vavid Lloyd -George, M.P., one of tile "old ratitior, vi,kii,vuruno a feeling of (I#- .-, .. ,"command $21, � ­ � I , Inca ytisero killed and live injured. fy turned the blow. He managed to wItIoll Icebergs, flood. and the frigid Purham's, report in 1837-8 In .South most .1 I .� I , , " � ­ ^ '- I prominent, WeNh pircs-Doern. pirt.-ciatioll of Ill, sti-engili than mad- A despatch from Cork 'aays.-A . I 110,ka, xTity-4-The -m4rket" Is btroIrl'o iThey iay that brillitartly Ouly . and water from Greenland and dic Arctic � Africa we might assign to huch an tried on %%edimsday it) address it u il.,Ink it Cork laborer uamed Dwyer and him , , . seize the hilt of my sword. � � . -VA.1 -offerings ON fair. - Cars �,bn the men: lo�bili-: bn top of the furAiace, ut t.wisted It out of MY hand, abd then Occan find their Way Into the Gulf of epoch of primitive reconstruird"J11I meeting at the Town thill lit Bit- oil were employed by w h tile faitally were convicted of man- . tristick goas used in even a longer period than that. re- mingham one of the atrongeNt epli- I "Last year In � - . .� �.', . h#m -.j aro. 4hoted, ai,110.-50 far,lotle of thd heavV Irtall-WA we had a'band to hand fighti; 1J.4t. Lawrence, chilling its area. ca%]R- ill,, Admiralty ill walk tile populous slaughter at the lituanter a-"Iz(!§. . � , No. I and $8 to 08;25:Joj No. a nad,i-taking up the ore to the top of the punching 4xis, headi WiP my fists, In& logs, cold, damp, and late springs quired in Canada. the Political q4-iiqe tres of 11perialisui, which fit devoted I having killed a farmer named Crotty. . I ,; , '. Jilixed. , vl-�, � ;� , , r i furnace tit�s�ck oil thjl�tdo iq,.,%ci� , ­ of the latter country being far fit ad- to Colonial Secretary Chainberlatirl ,thoroughfares of London with Post-, The father. mother and eldest sion I I � . , 4w4 to,t , (fig to ,cqt mq,,� out ,I was t and generally imparting to the region alo StiIiiW-49 s&ail `C i' ' rd ga�d �lt0' threeAmilan sdht f6r t erm de(Irving the weaki-lis of UIV 1wore sentenced to fifteen years postal 11 " �r.- ars� ,,a At oo plose to him. Somehow 90ther,the s�nd­Arctio aspect, As condi- vance, of anything knoun by ill' The hall wan packed, chlefly will P- tit MO- i , % tee , � , �,0.1]161atlhnO14. 4 feliv ilen��vent up, but Boers. .So, It the future adminisitra- paneuts of Mr. Lloyd-Georgo'n villwlls, . . I 11 C� . �- ��:: track, ller6l Axe 14uo , I fell, rind ,then was the time, for- ' tions -now are, with this seaway Op, BitUith Navy ond containing , . ,, , - $$.sji. 1 they could not move the w4gon and tor of the Tronsvital w accord- and there Was ail Incessant uprour inentn of it,., teiribie condition (if qervitude. A daughter and tile se- . I , 0 , t,I �._tho number tunately for me, that Tombs tame ell, the tee begins to drift in toward Ing to the Canadian unalogy, '" .Some of the crowd nang Patriotic 010 hhIPFI anti 1111H tbat, would befall contl son were sentenced to cloven : ,� �­ I ,- - , ­� � t� -, ;.�-,-,��r,�� �� ­f14oM,- - went �up­un up ftlid shoL * the f1011OW. I vF" "130' the end of November, and the navi- penal servitude, and the " I ourteen. It was while they choked With MY cloak that Move I gation of the Gulf is tho4 impossible Ouglit ca, give film five and perhaps songn, while others whintit-d and tilt' nation it she lla�y . was not. .,, cars' I � . I . CATTLE IWAM � =-. . ',reached I � ten yc 9 lie liciers h,),t,d the speuke,n, whose vnit.,!, strengthened The postera were de- youngest non to ton years * I I, I - I re�t�,., - ,, !VFrQ , tqinff to getJ-he Wagolt-rie a Air wherein to tench t 0 - ­ . c6uld got 'Iffitil I got it loosened'- until the following At y. , te IlUbilC BenttIn"Ut I Tc-Y:Onto,'-'Ijii�.,"94,.-4-'h'd ,WdKj,�A a&ib-(J-..t1jLt the lataij 10itiil`081011 tOO is ent,_ .the sound doctrines of loctJ govern- were inaudible. There was an iin- Nignud to crea I . I . ') . k fly,tbe-by. I forgot to say that I I The cost of, this big projett iberal AUSTRIA'S NOVEL STEP. I light ran at the cattle m4rket' to'- place. fired a.t, this chap twice. but the Pis- mated at $30,000,000. ment and of popular education mense crowd outside the building. 111110119 tile pe,,ple for more I � ��' dg;� The heavy ralis Of- the f0ift .. . . TEN YEARS DEVE ,LOPMENT. and they bombarded the hall Witt, appropriat iona and had some effect — � , , - , tol anappod,' and I was so baraged ,aval League in tin publications Plan to Counteract American Shoo i . . twYi mark0ts, �, IlAtit �'rjitty 'WJ'@ !6 I 111 i WILL XEEP IT UP, that I dra,,Vo It at the fellow's head, - 41 S. I I . " lahlrlllletu� . � NOVEMBER WAR 'LOSSE It was not till IR47, ten yearn stones. wracking tile winglown. �40v_.Tbe N . . I all requireventoj for Oe.,extrasst h, 0 . — � , missing him, however.'* I after Lord Durham's report. that The oral perflons were injured. Mv,r,,',bII,'lll,1gnjlies ptiepmeiv any accident be- Competition. �, , I me# tr4tdo, but there'Was a -good -d& I r-rinea of Wales win Cont4nue, In. Tha,Sepoys had planted a battery — - � Mouth C nadian Government obtained en- the crowd Inidide attemptt-d to runh failing a torpodo boat or large vessel I A despatch from Vienna any,; '- : 3*slind,itaodo for ,AIL Oo 01101catattla 1 ' "toXeylt in Hospital. 'L � British Casivalities for tho 11 wit(, (it, tiny repolt of weakness developed I �, I - "c- -Wjji�uns at u'pitifilt in their front call- tire control over the Civil List, All lite pli3Oforin. but the police, The Tageblatt, asserts that the All,>- r I , � I that, was offitring. % ',,- I ' ' . ­ I , ,,�p -, - , I - Netaxly 700. �' of state were then were present ill otirting tore(,, tinuillp in soi�ko fine idlip, In order to depre- . trian Government proposea a novill ehol6e export 'i4tiie .*Ore' worth, A depp&tCh. . fro &'�Lonjlou, (I 11 .- ed LudlovV ',Castle, and maintained departments it.. real qtreaglh of the navy Ili - ­ � ,-.-- -,-- - Is -- I I to # , "..V.. in ITur ot lea, 'ublic alind ­­ ­ ­- — ,!* : M. ;, 1. J,rom, It a, ,COILLOWnt tire ­M-­MeUQ,I Lohdc4 AnYA �- 41trow4v open to Coundian colunlav,i being expected: stopped Lim rush and -At"te t ;, W U. rar t I I A ,despatch from counteract 'rho Allunicall .1 — � rw 1"l law. 'Py ­"'.ft ­ . -1861. during the protected the speakers, wh were lal-'the I - Tniis Policy worlin "a"T t" I " St. Bar- I - allots competition The Minintry of L I atl oveplaor ot'. House. Their skirmishers, tooi, crept I The War office recently isjued its It was not tnr 1854 I I I r"fatchilitS 06 liatter figure, Vair-Oer- Installation, 4 , a � with great auglacity, and main- monthly returns allowing 00 casual- (jovernorship of Sir Nolmund Ilead, er ewortod front tilt, hall." op( it the feelings- ill tile People, with . ago butebar cattle qold Well qj.., train tholoinewIg Xf Itnj,'eald *e -11X ath UP I each y,,ar Cominerce, adopting the advice 4); . . I I proud,'to 17b"'ame 'associated, with, aliJahled a. ceaseless fire oil the British ties in the South African field force that the Canadian Con,titutioll was ­ - I - tile resgult Itsat England 114- tile Nationul Council of Label-. will � ". I 1. SUZA0 1(s, S4.2m Tf�a,jy,.oio*a, ielferf, , Eyblfelr�ptdlwts. It wasi needs9kry tic fIlIC-1110 during November and the total Mail' placed upon a populur "lid elective TO 11TAKE ONE PROVINCE. i votpq enortaous, Atillig far tier dvie 1buy American eliclemaktrig machinery ar'd isteers, mtxbd-'qi1dI ty,� �wero itild'JustitisfielA tolloso history date 3.9to to ,10 I dk6r r3tssln�= to the twelfth cbritur,, --4— 1 . S y, and which this batteW, alld, early In tne VlOrfi- attics rep ried since the beginning baqls. Enough has been said to — V1 , " land will supply it grati-i it) Austrian . at 40 . a tile show how truly the freedom "it I was ver�,IXI;bt ,,,, , '-,,,, , t� . � -iolilcq,tlien high worked for tllQ,,I"g of August 12, without eAll of of the war up to and hicluding Proposed to Extend the Boundar. manufacturers ThiB nic"mite is r.- . . �,over man I 'bugle pr roll of drum, a force of month. for the month franchise of Canada han been a RUSSIAN NAVAL ACTIVITY. . I relief ot"'pain ,and sUfterting; l'i III The figures too of Manitoba. I — troled as the only rneckwii of ago4iair 1. i *1 I�xport shmp and evOW ore a jlttl�. / 1:BrItilli Sthh, ,,it Ighlort,ft., With (1, are as follows ­ gradual growth. We cannot afford to Ithe native aboo Industry. (lie poor' of the 'clt� 6f Loiljlbb� ' A despotic It Iroui It innipeg goyq -- � firnw, with pro'q�ectq, steady, In *,upon it " it ijary great eojn­�handlul jeavalry, stole down tile, officers Men. initke administrative iniqlakesi fit � Efforts to Increase the Black See, 0 1 I ado I " a134*6 - lot , . , Stolle of 01 a Ridge In ordsar� to carry jcilled..2 ... ...... ...... ... ... IS 14-3 Sooth Africa, and let ljq u(ic begill There in it project to creble tile . . y4w, of - Iliere Wlig- tfi Fleet. mt,t. hato been asked to suc-� , a I �111 I - A .1 0014516 16r tfio iiext V6I,f,1ZTe7WT'.pIII7'C tar, who, na Sir TnE, .01'r,17,GNIANG GU30. Wounded (no't including I v t,howering gifiq I n 1. 11 of Manitoba ,-is that ttie area will I PEACE OR WAR. I - ­ . political �aWady repol p � ., ­ .- . 14 - with both han(14, tne-irly 200.001 ntinarp miles "I Q%-. A (I ... 1palch frouri ode,314EL say'l - r- I X'sit" .Alto -firiver, - 1100' tim ..W deal, � tatl *just told us. IThe order Wag given for Profoundest wounded prLqonera ...... 46 380 i:ameiinlng way — � . , . to firmer. advancing 1 art elailth to, Tr6ya-it Ldwrened au hold the position so your fillence. and alillost like a prolcoagion Illed Of wounds (includ- upon lipople unprvintled fol I hens � I I ell I - anti will Faret4h wontward tf) correttlicitident nI Sebastopol deacritt Botha Summons a Meeting of Bur. . � , . .day. un, i0v ths�' &Y . preslilenf.- '10f , thirtY-fOur yeatIs. i 6f shadows the little c(slumn crept ed in wounded) ... .... .. 8 010 There in no doubt that, this Can."- linei idian 102, tiorth it) the nixiCelith eis ,,,I,,,l a(LIVIty Of 01 -Ply dOM'110i"11 ghors to Decide. �� . %%# tOtAl r �iao so I full#. I, rbdll�% the, respopqi- olVer the Itidge throligh tile gloom, Mi!,sing and pirlsoners.... 6 -11 dian analogy will land uq 11, a had I-1-ralit.l. and ea-teriv to 1111dwill Bov ,It that I'm I I[e isilyri Piv.,11te qua.1, ; , JoAdo, WItK 487 )icjA'6f,.catt bill . ties I IPL U10,4141pt which goll have anti disnispeared Ili the midst of'the -- glllil*p allivi,s we Ilre ".l,y earefui !.tLing lit Ih-- nenportq of Port 111,1",.4 .I[-. gl-ildil.lily tieing atetorlied A 4pripitich front London --aya - ,% OIL" aUd1a1(LI",s14.P82:h,ogf1, and - � . . I I— it low-lying ground on Ito way to the Total ...... ...... ... ... ...... 78 �54 f!"'law we lisp it.. lt� i,4 oaiv,r,..nllv1Chuirhi1I and York Factory, It i. 1,,r the plaPo-e ". ri.1%V extunnit'll A de.*4pa#4,li to tile DzLslv Neov,3 froin Jt ­ 14 cailvo. � . I t(;-'ff'ty'f,04Ltld0LI 14 ine" tin YOU may i0i-1 guns. . f killed, Wounded, quoted, and it reemn In ditinger I,( olrio suggested to take in that part It,,,,,,IMo $1.1,111 officut recitilly deelar 1hannenburg, dated Dec, lit. sayo that I V t ,&Asslnl� count' upon,my rervicec be- Of this total the nien. ,I( Keewatin tit-tween tile- I:nvliqh olind ell I WIL I I I SA)dtitulml had to play an � . � f 1. 4, , Ind -0,1 ayn rOddlW give& Undetected In the sheltering black- missing, and prisoners Ili tile Bra-_11eing universally ablined Stole , � choiw..; . ... ..... �.SI.75 $596 , � ,.to furtijer �Irnportaat developmento way be ex *4tlo, � light iwt 4.25 40, , I I . tutl6U, nessr, the column reached the sleeping, kerdarigtot engagement amounted to' brought up -on 4trfctlV neiviltifir llre-q t0bany rivown, und adjoining the jig t Iv, I tile it wouid be in It poaitioll� pected lit a few dayn. G -it Bo t lit, I . ,� tXporti, heavy, tile 0 lid 1i I 0 Of tl1JA Tilstil -commissioned and Imbued Witt, 11 I)ealilly dindain tit Province (if Ontario Another riug-!I,, 's% "' al' Itself 1 Itao summoned a meeting vii buraheru - . cWti.. ... . ...."i; ... ....... 8.0 1". 0� N�`Itll ft1thich �Isoxoartlly I oympathige"' battery. A startled Sepicy, whicr V,3 ofticero and 210 non f. 0 a bel I a"""'"'t - I [or Dec. IS to diactaws the riltuation � .11, .. 0 il')�.` ��� ­4�- `1.. --*-4- caught through the haze and shadow officers and men. nnything approaching an nafIifpn1l%-- geqtlon which may tit, acted uppri In jilt,Igg ;'vs �earq ago Tl;iq nort of )I , Bulls, export, light, owt 4A 3.9b , a sudden glimpso of stern faces and The total killed, wotinded, miss- nuium. find tbern�elvvn Pill-ingled I?, , 'lint file wo,aern boundary 'tie e,c- I 1, 41,,a 1,1 fl,c,,,jPr1t. in In.qia. anti. ,,tnd to communical,- '4t,vvn a .ind IN, I lip"4111". hcls�vpvll- * it WWT1Z1110MkD ticlow. . . I ., �i . the gleam of bayonets. gave a. hosAy inf�, and prisoncro, since tile cam- the snores and fallavieq Ili thim Can- fmilvd to ineridi'an 105, Inaldrin Itle ...... 1,1,41 wlit, Ox ,x1raordingity ef-,We,-13 ,jews I � � ,+ O..... 0.25 3140 VA ­�si- No adian precedent wrtmaly ' i-ppli­1 irmnaindor (it Iho tmi-il-prioti itsio oil#- I ... ol 1'. Intreii1q. liplareV q proposed . r '-" . )il� 3k&j L, C04i;@ - . ill" Illarl, st-a fleet. I f Xilft-dirsr. light ... .... ........ 2,150 IF -13 lengo. It was answered by a vol. moncement of the war, including 11- ,inecting with the burghern waq juvit 4 , " �, Hoatifitien I .Ai chul I ., I I Sthelk"s, ; 400 toaAao . AU7 ley *bleh ran like a intreals: of raggdd ,venoder. is -­Offtcers, 2,459; I'Ou- They will not L�egl, or r,l,flii,r the% province Vein it 11 Ituldin and ,I ILI Iw, %;Jtljotjl fognifirallco. cupo­ , poned until Ilce I.') Tito position ill � ,IrA,­. ,­�, ....... ii, Tit"q ,.- �, -I., ... Z40 , # MW, I . %oq �­ 'N. ' flatno through tile darkness, and v0ith commiS916n011 atlicers and met). 32.- will not allow tholinnelve14 to s,e. Pro-init-r Ilaultain we cii4qudi!�111t; tit;! 1-11v so "Il -w "I tile t""-"ily (If 'to Ili(, inotrwnt in imeb that it in a to ­ L ))utci*rsl cidtle,- elloilee. q*7 - too, A 46;PItch 6 tAO I-Vileldn Pails, a, rosh till) Britinh�thefr officers gsil- fti:; during tile war 2.612 cancers that political manhood N it growill. olues4tion at Indian Ilead. "fall navel iners, ,;it ulinging to a1up whether pence in ronciuded or the � , +Xewail - in Iroldilbe . I C " lllutehftft� wttei, g66d .11,69, , Inintly ea I and Sildi and and 60,262 non � I -/ . r'g, 84uth Airi,ca, " -commissioned Offi- find that tilt, liner ban to begin with - -.4------- Ireltin Ili oil.. duv rearhilig the gates war continued Everything pointq to I I " , 1; thd f&lllm tfl�ro is that ,ery Tier 15 being lign[P-r wi-h fAIP thall Butchorx"'Vintion... 4 0: ItIG 11 -, It ahooricaa trying to outrace their Eng cells and men have best' Cont home Qq tile Pimple rudITT:Pnf,4 11- % LOCUSTS STOP TRAINS. #,I ( : , i.. n.110 I - -,,instant mopie . !!, 80 2 — . Afteuro, okkWIL, �'.,,�,'.. 4.00 5. 0 - III " il ,V'or in "two matIO. lish comrade wept; an to the bat- Invalid -4, nnd tile total reduction 'If rzoundeqt and hindert tritillilig 1311101 -.--+ proclamation dav UITC0 Months 311" . " I . . Sepoyil sneceeded lit dfG- the field farce front all cau,:Pq. includ- foc neverul- years will be given i's Ankle Deep on Farms -pondtnt details nome oil. I I i r 110, 04�colidrx *11A`hdff� I - - ivokMAIN r of Boor',priodnVo tiny that t . Around I MAY OPERATE IN CANADA. ,1-1?e correq . I . t.lis n.50-', ifi�allitl 'ir: ;W on lReeinbtr ellarlj;lng ttVa guns on their assail- ' training lit Bloemfontein. hopeful gigno In tile ilctivitv of 0402 . ...... .11 ... 1-;--.;.-..,-. 2.00 q . --W4F'Aa lug Invalids. Is 81,750. The net re- tile liner popultilittl In it I �, � . � la' t&keit to inglicater t1tat o , I American Cc - Doer leadert; . Witelism" balls , �4. r. o A.00 122. Vilig ant. but , rd nobert-D records duction lit strength of British foreen. local government, lit fallegirival "'III neorn Looking for a Ho remartiq upon the . . .. tinf: of tire DoeV leaders to That tile dftxhArgo 9f t1lo third gun taking into decount, WOW Vila haVO educational moltprq A denpatch frisin Blot-1111"'leill , Locate� significance of it," recent dinturbanc-, I .. . I 1,10itIt. JI&OCk -builili e*f,IL., 1,00-r C�.Ao ; tile Inee an. q :-Labt fiaturclay nil enotin ... it) Place to . �t 'I'Mikil ftV*­ .j".,;.? .,..,114.-.."AXD0 S5'00 �dlgcuorj the situation, which W&I'call, ; was prevented by It gallant Irish vol- rejoined the columns, Is 28,471 ; Of I AIq,r-IiF,NYI%0 (wRIIINANCF I .% � A I I Johannesburg, and ,oil tho Itand. k � I :P,5 tol for December 1* gen ad- Oter named Reegan, He loaped with tills; total the deaths In Soulb Afri­ Twenty vislarn t-lapqed lipfore I is, nutuy I)( lor,­V1. tile larrit-0 vVill ,er;patch (roll, Mcintreal qayq,- It sheep. #XPftt,6,W#a, Cwt 8100 a 15, has be i � . (to bueks ... ... ...... ...... 2.00 250 ljourned for C6 weelt'.whost '% Atini lovelled bayonet ;000 1-16 earthWork ca have been 803 officers and 17,455 sred,) rgs�jrn' by Lord Durham ripened I'll"wil 1101'C', appeased and delat,!4I Tlie Ainerwan I,00!oMgltI%e (401111,41riv. - for whiell 2011) gogpIvts were arrested stleep, blisitaliorso"i ,(,01�­ 2.00 4:00. I (10tiv reached. .� 4 and,,ellarged the drdflo=aft who lirm�comialosloned*officers and men., . into roll mail train f,ve hourn 'I lwac'i it.- biggitio ortrantial Ion (if jig hind � All the officem Ili johann"burg woor . - , ton will be . ,L6 fruit Oranted that we live ,ho Irevolvilrn at niaht. and hcs-.t% beer . I I , I � ­ , " Is iiwl�­L � , � I ". I .1 " iw i 2",= . I Fal Q hAtte 1;1-00 ho%prina o�er ill III,. %orid ino-ndn to build and op� WC011.3tig under tht, I a W.W.1.1,16 — i - in POITIFfilaT foretfij�l lino'eq riow. r�tfll Ile forilpil I I ir li�d. past Iveeh prate wopliq in Citnada. according fit cautioned aactinst � -J� I", �� f I I I t � 1. , 0,UESTS OP MOI)ITTSTEPHEN. tell %-cars icl tile brieft-14t illt"'Iv,11 ee Bloell, treca lining footpath -9. . 0 � . . -101 , " . K I , ­ - . pall powdhIv, as1z for IN, illiplicah, it ildonday 111111fiai,i #4 thons re'llrd on file miatets,ont. (if W, J Arkpll (if �� Prince and 1111iZoall Olt 'Wislots Via- Qf,ihe till) Calladiall frntichi". I,% r", ' If. - fili-111,3 iwar M. anti tit norna I Now Voris. it ditector (if tile coal- -- +— — - I I I iting at Brockot IUU. . a Vrovrn colony. Own relirp,ptifitti% o,ptir,q they %%4.1 P ankle deep pilli., t,bo in Ili Montreal Mi Ar. J �� Not , , ''I ' -a 'I, ? lit ,h,-Thaba %'('hit d0triet. "al) lipit IC4 on big way to ktna,ton. anti REEL I . Is- , , "' Th , , e.L,,, ing t'fliltionq, then a rdQpoll�nlblgi (InV­ ' AND �,,CAR COLLIDED. ' I I III I W&O." ; I A de5patch from London caym--The inr, . I artis PlIt-di'll (011v 111110f�, "t"P- tJ,,,r-- I,, tall, (it the Xingntolt Ioco­ -- i I I I . Prince and Princess of Walca have ersintent. and then. polirlinfiq. n I on- "' I raffic with th� f,oulh Theist ,n(Ili%,, tvorl,v tieing 11111thagIld and Fireman Killed and Othora Injur- ) I 10,WW 4f dL,iAgjWi,jJ," lftoj�** i*.,oi*s0,* %toosof twilioa,moso sirwoou" k" mlwt than Throe Unies foolorritod Dominion or Common - I'll ;a it I t I I 9 � gone to visit Lord Afountatoplion at ,wealth At, tile prol,witt, I Iwo, I tip I cqt 'M04 allmher -warill that eniend0d 11,,ed ,tq ill&. unif for the tplroiiesn till oil at Hainilton. P. I I �'. � 0* OWN A W,11040*, 0*0who" for 1rutosit "d Lont'roxibbs, , Bracket Hart, tratfleld. tile vinit UP- for twelltv tnll.,�s 1110 damage 11, it", "i'lo ,If tile line, I - N. " ­ .1 I .1 I I 11 1. I . I I L 11, � L, 1- I lotT xq�atldcd an singulartv fitting in- temedv f6l. tro-ibilp,l snath Africa, marlwt prodrice. whieh I!) iiac]IN, wout.- J . I A dc%patch from Inmiltion onyq - � � --4--- fire at Keer & I : � . -;pglelally for Illat Fitolm Centro. d. " Whiiii, gollig tc) a . � . va," you b"A Inlposs!d, Upon When aMlog for Ilr. Ch&tela SyrUp'61 TAnse,ed 4nd TapeaAlno bp being oflo, Ablaftich as 14rd 3founfr t4tephon tVat' and e' e I grral! AT ST. JOHN. V B� ) I 'r I16, fan rct- Varle Coloov ife-gll(, to .I% Poriod fit to- ­ . . I ­­+­ L- i — cooraholq foundry premigeo, In the I � rd stit iiiettatit)n? Malay ltftve b"u, and'TO knOW of noluo Who hs,V0 r1lal)ged tliej v,gint as A ke!3alt., It h; lot yearm head of the Canad - . C;PtItative, but riot , T;,-�f-iC,FJ14it,I,. , I . i C. It. rt. Have Djade r I . , not " to Atall with & druggiSt Who CGCT-s lailtatfolig and aubstftsit,�% An konostdrugM,at will tiot oftend 1110 41fic: thkilwaV over which their Royal I'll"I" DOUBLE SUICIDE. ,xtenslvo we�4t, end of the CitY, shortly b0fOre 1� t .1 ' ' ' 8" ­ � T�.. I .1 . L =1511noao latoly tra"lled; L provtornment To poopend ernpon- I Improvements. qevc,n Weiocli Olt Tbur-,day morning. I ; 1. kusitA66111VIV 960-4yeitidnable metho i. .� . ' Wife" rovipentonit May round alarm- I — I the. Hav street hoce t7aggoin collided � � � — I I ,syn* of tjr,seed nnd Ttwpentino Loa UeWM6�46 hWVk'-A,Va1 that on alt aides "ate 6 Tho 0-nadicill Paciiov Rallwav au- ,%;tilt a �trcct car at the cOrnor of � I ,ilkiii, %it* of Iii.,C)Iftsis"s I ,—.WVVJJr,1). lon, lint fit thig eaqp. , 11 faint rvcIpg.r A Young Couple fit Quol-ce 11ana ... 1--prsi�Povaticuls ,of tiltilentite sand, tinsod, put up, In p.towgoi MWIcir to Lir, Cba,roln, with the csb� TO 00M, X11,10 012 pour, tolptiv nauter." The hourn,- of Themnelvoto thoimpq ray that lite P%tPILA?,0 tin- TOng anti Elav Girmstil. Fireman � . 11 ri I ) , . kda ail. ow his t4mou# mw . I . — . � I : I r0outatioW Of It J.,s;;� U Itot thf# dichaiit.". Is it nat otealfi)G, or a Vodc,ral GgvernmetJ would Ml A dvipaivit from (liwitroP ,RYA - plovolnentn and Pillarapmenv, upon Thclndoysl .c4saith, married. of 20 � "'o S,7rdiji; 'ot 141bitp . _if 0 Ind T1UtPC0jlpp. 1.rhosa Who Win ro Itonorod Witla n1firo flule1:1V rr I , r/' jury d"'Xic f4 the flroorfo�.ttirg OZ Tlr�'Ch�t* - L .n(IIII(I tl,,q w ov ',fit'" I Vuelld I-aildwrt nw) Delina li'achon. whi0k 'he collipany hwa croNarked at Stantey uvenue. tqao almost instant- . I ) 4 , I lwft , yed� In torno "it". -Ao doulist. Invert lite In loat to a result. uIvit-Atio= by lettifia tranv act, on In tile old :two yr7lnt! ppople, 1144, nall anti St .John, % It . arc, approachinfT 1v killed In the collision. Varelsilan #1 , , - eftwVV I POIN S�tup of Matsid adVarkatiffe rwd lx,la atyta A jittpatdI IfOln LWA14031 C3,Vt) '- , -The tw.q clan.'a of lovall,f,; I dangitur (if well t4vito farinern In the compiption TraclIP have t"n put kobvrt Wilson and Fir0inall lJobort be � 1,ai�e, yall siti" for VIF. efla, ,,,,,,,, r,,,, ,,, , Vitt I iitj koMp -I, 11 . 1. *01lotilute'? There tit 116 floubt, actout The virtue ot titia gri�at, V� It Im Tho Important allbounrcillont I �') Z'Culd filld littIO Or I)4) 1111041111V In I p.itioll (pe 14aert, Cew,jr. Volioty tit (town to) the varimm warohourv%- In Aitchison and ltobe,rt Cameron Were 'i , � I I � IN sist tkorniagit' euv'6 for f*eneh(tj*, inroup, tritooping, ,�augh, �Wthllsa. Cotigba 4t;4 eolda'to P, M-4 mado that tlin 1.1c,siticriant-Governorn Pur -reining for a nva,�,on a hind (of L --#,If- ljra,IC,� haVO CIIT211�littl'd WON& IN 03eh cary dilublina tho numt'-Pr Of alqo badly Injurod. Wilron's, Injurlost . . of eoftftiossljdflfj��. What we want to do N to Warn you. again9t Meg* Imifeffiano. Tq tp aw- of Nova Scotia, Prince VXword lr:- At olying ordt"anco- ' ail lip lintildled wit gistirist g* e: 05- lifir,flOg Tio, dotiloto ,imelde finf) prill, bout Issolrig ()I a very noriotm naturo Tbol lithsW the genuhik*, T-0 ilsott thAt Dr. CbWft�& I)Otttaft- nad SIPOAtUrd bf-0 CIL MO WraD$Cr. land. V40W Brumisfelt. ausaht , L It - carn that e - 1, a I't ofolind , nhoritirq, Tito alfrivationg will r0- ptre,;,t car waq badly r4wellad and I a . iind Turpmthio h" reml:Nl PhOtsomeftl tMel, b"flelis it Ctjsj`C:J tVJJC4 OtIler r(�) ,Mrio, XCIUltillba. JJ'3 WOftlV-VVC'�Jt J�C-V-11� Trin NKTtVI,.4 01112�*;Tt0q. duec ci,winsion anin E. . isslot Of fte atre'It. I It lia tax-~11ift Ito onftf, ricri"X the cold al well #14 thott 001:912, Attil tillrboling M6 vitnt ery ritoric'.1 aria llflogzz Columbla-all Thorso ig tit" much Plertr4elfv lit rjr-,S'u.�Uall, qVji(,l ,-'­jd',,nJ,3 syrup of Lfils-actA _ _ of this, n1lit Ill ncuommodation for 1.500 Wag thrown ts, tne, q , Of4 tile ftn brivedislUs, *00110C klikd M;FMOV, threat and, lot?* dimweAisi", T%rn1V4,VAS ,Cr,uts. TV wftlo. r'duslip Mo proville'r-1 � Illifill of tile (form ntum.�11;xro 10'rt noui. Tho , , Inty. and n1ariv ore ,If Ito opliligill Inorp C-IrA A Sour ched in alco be� MotoMnil. conductor. hind Pas=- I I at � I � � I , Is , I " I � Ill to_ I , I , � � i " 'I I 11 I 11 L . . . I It - I , I � I I ,., -1 , . . I I I , , I . , I Is 41 - I 0 1 , . I I i I AA Atilitilli 40 't01y1f*, At VII dftlerC or fAmarto", T*tft * colilyway. Toropto, 1 Canada-Mll ba klIvItClI VY Attt'90 thullillOmtorlia of trar Loa vot olglowd, that tt;o vl,!avdv 1,3 Ill-, N.-Illit of a blirr built. nrid tho Dominion Govern, gcy,i wc,i,a uninlurcd. APVW�.gra 0 rs. Willi ;iw-R chrkma.. t*c.ftt for btothor or 4TILAftothlit 11 11� Pkiltsei LIAL atid vem1pote, tho Coronation of l4vi;1-1dward U^,'tt, ofl. Tirp Impalat Gott. Imimt ji rolllnn(,(�, 11,olf.-Il there In nit dir-Onglo ggpilt hLi.r4 trcrtod I% iihod to accouri- con of t1lo clAct and Vat,-t�ron a con J . r t,� IM I qfeoUtOt =1111111111011111111 f#M* It". ,� I I I " . 11 . . . 4carti It,cat q�aliflc4. to adjwt voited (At,4,_ lippoof tij t�;)rvatit- thr) coliclU010a. odato about 1.200 tinuilafanto. I of tho t-ditor of diso , - . � i . .1 I I I . �� L �) . . L, L . I - I 1, . I :, . 11:1 I � '. , " � . I :1 I I I I I L I I 1. . I I 11 .; . � I I �i o . J I I � I 1 �, (f I!, 14, 11 - 1% I , � I )� "A 1 11 � I - . 1� 40 " #Ak,­.� # I . 11 , If " -,.* .. , W Z " I � A—- 1, . ^., —, - , I a * 6, lo. ", ZZ " �',� - � - - . . . , 1.,4 , ; i "­ , I I . � I L I � - --��iliii I , — —1­,­"..2Id".J.ii6..r.gh" III . � . . -� -t— ­� ---')' m . I.r, " IL L—