HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-12-20, Page 6� ;� I I I . . .1 . I 7`1_7 - " I ?� , � ,.� . ffw,@C�w I � 111111 ItIr, . I � I 11, I __ _., ,;; �'. , "" , � C I -I .— . I � , , .. , — 'WI -17 ",W,r - T-1 Wx , � `F77"'T .�ITT ,, - , , '� — , ,i,,,,,7-..,.1 #�, 1�,W , 11177" � _ , ". _� �� . . I 77"T., I I I �A .; . �WWIT 77 Trqr , T k- I, 7, , ,, " ,,, _ ',jr�l ", " V. . I " � `I , ,, �� 7 11 I . I I ��, , , �� �,_ . �Ivl'l ,"I , � I , 1. . I " "I " ,� . ". I ., .�' " I , , J& � I t . '. 1. � . � 11 1�� 14 '' -C � 11 I � ., I . 11 I �, " .. I , , t "I �, . � - ,_­ ,. I , i I � . 1, . 'Ir . I, . 11 Ir � . " � . , 1: I ".1'. ,5, 1 1 � , "I � 11 I . � I ,. � IF "'I., ­ ., ..... 17 1 )14 I ,� I � " I I . . �, , .... �, . . I - �, ,�, I , 11 - ".. - - - ___ __ I ­ ­ - � 11-11 I ­­­ � . '.0 "w 1 01 I ..., I - I - 1. 'we. -1-10,11— .11 1, N.MaIlw"_ vol.-Ift"*00 = ­ ­ ­ ____ ­­___ ­ I- MIN WIRMIN-W .0, 0. ­ _­ W*OT - �$ 9 # 4!0'000 k4i 11- _,__" �** tI.*AI�;FLdAj;j'_!'� � -1 �_ ­­ - - � X;;P4AW,4i 1� .1 ; I - - I * - a - - 1 6 P=== t- - - ,%. . I , I VW"WXft"_A___19�;" - -boose"M I I .. I i W- RIIS~ qW 11 F. S M a o, ,� � '�' � I Pff M Iwo An %, , . .,. � I Ilev ��� 903-400 AA614040, — I .., I " I Y'K to Stu W*^ so 1116" bf~. WN#AMA* 0rV10^V1"JA`X2" ZMXXA" Pkaft P1 ... IF � - "*�'* r, i4� I ow IN=" .. Wk so" I =,�: to a*.briel. tbo 0M at - QWW M, A Z rof" ovw 1J" V"" I***. who" = W =OM401t. r."4r� ��,, tig 1 8 ` opt 19, lff� 2�4��`�o 1 069040 _. sollt. 0"O"a" I : - 1114"IF'orol000 14 "Wor"d in aw 1:00" S E H_ � 0, L Da , ro`�^ �* � - ­ - - 4` " of — �� I I � = Joofts (LUI&S, 1, SX. U). Am- Jol"Am Pa", .. � 1;1 ... 41 � . � I ,,r "Irftw " I"1011. It it UW OW 41 � � I , ft *go"- n" W. Who" Dift" Alaurev cotftwtor -1 I - , = *^" fit 1= rim" C&V" 3T,0,UZ to "U" . , ,�. ,&�. *Igt= 11 . .14 W it � bring UW 11 in wumll*, xr4 "­ 4"p ad .11, & - , , 9: S. V The Pment Time is WouderN for Dbuter 'k'4wwLo*o'*Odto'no"t,"O'i*wtpmotwvoemu#r wtooft VANT""11*4- 'a 9 e.""'.4'a Wax" TUX anvr Ia. an, brown P"gr 444 norvo 7 'a. . t1is'll"leog that I� wit.1% has #at 1"ott to 0"Wer I I . I 111. I &4,440,405*45, li. III 49 mox, 044 it Is tbo XW Of the Ohl. ItI4 not tilm,= of and ourlii for OILT100r. A 11 - . .1 :�,- U1. I , " , __�-�— I Lowd width we ara, to oowgdor Ia "At is, lift", U vft but Imew, uQuaAdiso, 6"co-vash. O"-wrId *��, 1, A- � . N4.1", %&_*10"114 1= and Wonderful for,,Blessi* tior lesson to -it". 0"UW$Mt CUP bUttor end ,divWo Into throo, few yoo.ro. gig". the alithpiritiI94 of No Or&r too JAV$�*Ui 4 , . I &J0041MM41. X"W$03�40X, ­,.­� ftwvor night at 00 lost I 0 , Itio, sw"14 by bvpr broor.", Wis. r�ut Ono PfSeo Ia a 4wueo-pan the xiddloft* 1100pitO OvArmloid to smsiltor Oor . ­ ­­_­­_-_.__ , ~Ytking,C43110, to P0,04 Just #4 . An tbo vowit is " to VA*w -, wjtjl 000-bAlf t0loapoAm v low -kit "ikl 44orts to do thia, Over c4liiii: � , I 1. otivou A" pooticaa "Vos, and sualf. 14rdlwd OW14. J-40t.4m Ywa after We MAY Awt will, P"*w VW04", tho yotki, of two COA,* Q K century 000, V, P a"* - — . - Z_ I - I 0 "M 1110 I - A# WO10 the WOV14 wit rom, pop- vor I ...... 404 . AX144 tobbis far all, who 4041ro, t4) tho Arst, proinixo to Abr*Um Ia Ur Cox" sorrow, toile or x#ifniisir. AWt,Wait;:W%*tU buktor boglask to founded cancer warft At t 94pl- All khati's 04 . � W Z= :00"i5*1 : wok through tholit or (for ttw'00 Vear proliwW.* oolror t a" socQ04 ploce" And tid. *iul about 11031, vaAw CAW *X* 9 f I `i4lt I RAW MAI 0 8 hot - 11 I ­ "ro"C'm2m I!- W. � � tArrybg at Ifar:u elIA tb# 95 Y111"d "Thl-ore the hwt I*-umt to bov" I *Joisa that. to taolted.. third p*#. I ly kept ii tilism. a I . � ��� "I ­­ .. I A owlilktth from WAillblustox says I Sri, DOWS N -V ITOW. JU t:44110109 I*Qr* ,10"C Wes. hot# 144hour loot find AwoUlog pio,coo, Remove fro I a wow UWA44W opportuAlt3r I . I IA% . id 8, b& . *W104or at I in ran. so " Noo* *X th . , . o -Rev, Dr. Tobstage prow -W ftem 140"Inga of quick itiformt1op..4gon, 411',41 XV, is. XXI, fi).1srom, bright "d $air. t494, and:00"m withoiwfourth toa., :kqpt Ia stoc I . a . .. Xonlimor "a . To delflilit u*t of acieptilicallyl dl* � If . 4400" 4W the following tQ`4 :--;Ju#t it, '00, 4-1 RimspApers fallim all arotifid us . ,, I I 1".. .­ -, ,will *how wondem In oe, Iwave4a tAilck As 4 *pttlabor 040a"tial. tatas out of 1.4typt by the 41trengtu Though thoy'ra, lit by loving fof" spoft Milt, 06 low's-ralus rayoulto and vaw. , The XJd4I.t::4i%t,W1:Jt,t4" ' ,,, - - ' !�.,�,,� ., . ".r ........... � . I L -11 — lot the hand of ik* Lard (r,x. xiii. 3, still the bea-XVS, lionw, Is no I tolt"to CAtsup, � AN, Farmer quito. lroa4s au AKv41 for fulads. built *#s- ''' I . .,(�IXA . QXIL , No and Art the torth-11 x4vil three old'Talliold SAO stale. 16). �00,ow ftor� ,M" bo- It may be "340 o"t twttfo. us, c1*1 laboratories which A Dry 3AIn JR COAA011W.014 �� , S "314040. 46*0 " , " Wh*thor 14w butter really , . , . ANAAiP I I propon to $bow YOU tI10 tug 0 world twice * 04Y � (xu,, sl,).. Or farf,,D,17, acrai" ills walit. , wort opon#4 , A n W an 01O.'a, N-11, III= 'We X" tile W710111 111,(d4".w,Rw#v *nil children = washing, but 4o Always lol, 4 7sat 490, hind, slaco than, have Olant ,and Specific VO 19 I - l at I 2 time iii which we Ave to *K,3140111111 V1,hro,AgIt the lacw@p,4pvr at the Thoujth S Weary Ifoguo divIdous. lowfA the 4UNIIM Of MAkilas %his carried on investigations With III . v �� .. 14 ;rv;!�_", 1, for dilmoter And woudstful r Memi- r ,LU..t tabl.0 gild through thow 11114 brought thom forth also with Where The boart J*­t,bAt $0 h9A* I sauce 14 t onorlia way, thoroughtte" AU4 to *4 . extent uu- , . is of,work pron1jittY ItimuV1194 . . tuglI tol- there lilust be Hxbts And Aelff0apgr at the teatable, -W 011vor #Ad gold 444 there waa ,not . .11* t .. I � . � l X. W, - 100111fit Nbadca In this picture a* lit till oth- IQ* on one OWN, lieroon avolis their trltw 'Tis the P14CO fOrtottea - siover, Hvr*4tbtftd in reppera-Varboli plaii known baforo,, . i -11 I I , Opww'! - . 4 se -extra,, here ond thpro NtWW4. , �Vs. ev. OT.')' They A.A91; 11ta Will *W"t,br,0gd*, cool and Pot in - Thae, Is, siomotbilig filagulfXly P*- M0K1U5%P ,, .:. � U I I ... Y._ ers. N"4; X artu4 tho our linap b0n" T* toad wom"ry over I)NOt, C I ,; . 311va-siap of gospel -proclamation; I I . . I I . 40" w .. 1. 11 I � Is wonderful for disaster 2 Our WOV14 of"Jowh with - tbi,w., Ago tho tord RTIO ae� onajqpot�tbat, Ia Olvor I small fitoc4w; tltow,. should Ili Woo tbOtto IA- th"O 90400r, Wards. 'J%4, I L . . 3k . . has ,had a rough time o1cco by the not know tbAt, nearly 0,11 the 11fiWU led them by - �Jllar Dr;ghter, fairer tban tli%rost, 00, Usit %*a tablowpoottit butt*r, rOOnaik,'ArO bri0t, and ,chwy, 'Art " � "a I *or t A. IXVQ A Ora � oitylaa 0 1 a 1*9 "Fin lusnra* X4VI1_%VW bitud of Qo4 It W40 howlsillout, Auto, 04141011u, , Of cloud and by n1jut, 4n 4 pill 0 - of 'TiA tile add two tabloop I 04, W11", , , Source of all thoughl* boll .0()U* AVUr OAd.-One" nothing Of L tb* "'inetItUtIOR!" ^bQU ' In A11101 ;V�grq 4114 nearly , . . I 1390,43�. , fir@, which Ue. nover took from th" And 41vitio, Inooth. Ifeav'WO 110134k 11411 CUP Ch'C404 mt"k- . . , 0 FA M F within 4 himilir �. J* VpIIqp#4 tortu--con- � -1 ,- IS ULM, �M*"r , au AS soon. as them, The colorsIt.glAso wlh4ow , ft W � outad TOWA ftopwr , Space. It Ia __ Is (lo-w"tw"OtI 11� ,tit luo 111blo O arly (XIII, 1049). As Moon " 144Y , � . JDN% I � 27, vidslon utter convulsion, frosts WOM Ile it hinable, be it loww'.�, bollIAX point 10'roa*44 add PAO. obod aw golden Ilme around. ALbundeat JuAivrodl � � I , I 1. - i oun4luir It '01th aleogo hatumer -of 41 tho avat, phiLaWirciplo move- gone froin k'*gYpt the aleart- of rb"_ Where` the heart U__tbat Is JIQMO, I cup U V cregm, the -swent- ilowets, many,pictures. grwx4ul or� I � .1 . UILIT, Z IM roo.ta? Christianity to PA the laarvh�, � _ :'On " 40 � . I I 110t Mukao a%" Iceberg A . _ Tasur04 ittl .to � U a , ad il"s melting it vItu fary, . 0 I Aoh bocome -more. loardonsa, and U W4 cup mus)4- namentation remove 411 thought Of Value ,of Property L' - I Notatr ANCOW i*V0ft V11109 )IeAtOd- . It'10 4 1 OQ Ity rooms. SoWn, WItti aQt,, Pepper tho, JAatJtUtAQA or 4offie'la Yet January, 49ox, V3,049pqmia JV . r4bue I. Va'aloiMi.; . J,adwingling Into. jut- i0owed after them WIT% on, Wt $014F VA,X1X4,, . hjojn� ., wtato6tlikiiw 'm. 4 In ., AvIiiia Infidelity to thuxt Chariots and, out lesson oPeas . I . Ir4*"!gtft .. I. It? WQIuder to me It - has lasted so IOU$. � � I � , wit4 andWoraotcrottro oaugo. Remoye the exprosklonof tit*, old lokilles lying '00104as AND WAECI"Us 11 � 11 4"" , veteors sihooting, by on this siao And windlP, .10 wi of CbrfsfJWty, Israel 'b�­tb,v iw sose SA4 t1w X&A"'L JUJ�y. fre#b'kJIW 3404 1.0 Placid, their faces Nlinal 0 , I - . hopo 4, slico. from tha $TWA, atill of aig'"Do 4111, oLlad . A I I .. - , , ­ � , , " gro - Is . king about 4 -thousand r*volu- , berAttorsoup'; awlik X404t Will MQJ,O pars; remove $940 41111 V41rboll rop- ,stories of groittjkgooy rough, 4. 31 XCU441 r"O.; T. proftr, I . , 411.0toi . ,zing It And Wetaors shooting by - I ot Obvirauh, Uohliul them and (,*a" it, 111,44vore4"knit , goua.th ., . V10 ii4q" T J., Conn. - ,. Z. , . . ... I . I tIQn JA a subtuto" . � f0meat )A very per.; Ia Minutes., �.Vopl., AIL, I olly"a. Ditto, Av. . ­ � ,� on the other stdo and, grazing it., " , seentlogly' W)poxaibld. T40,V cty to, cover I% touchingly Sao _' Droadfoc - ___ - . 1. h--___.. 1. 11 -:7 ' ", �:',' - U'.-77 � —.__7 . . In0aeOf G. , it, 'J. widt'v J. 1*r%&P*� J I . ­ . . ... . - , � I'll them slowing ,up tot fiafot7. lvondcrA of self-onaliloo. A 911111gy- moses, and theso 11rat. two verses'Of wastejul" 44 econollaiml cook 'Wilt wlt�h buttered crumblil and bake in a Thev'wo choery'Cuough., Theylk"a 0. Grieve, J"J � . .. -1 ina,a told ),no in the northwest Vt4t $AVOI: ask lberedionts for soup, - D0114ewole, llavmrk ., . IV, V. 0*4141)wl . lYholo lleets of n4vies, ,And argosies. out ler.*QA lie usl u9sis, A,ply to, tho, It itot oven. until Crumbs ura provix. l6plied, death Ia the face, 444.41111 'lot W, (k. 11r;*adloot . SoAfortli,,0*04tor . I L. . D" ' � I oveepiRg �OIX"Ior"jiixycAl,4,bo,wgkowmissioxillr-y,*t . 001a W11101% meat has ]�"A bo.Alqd;:� SorVo with or Without A Sau - " V, . GOT 1,0400 1.110, people Into � , to., , , .afraid, apd, game ,of them even make , , PAY-010AX XNA .90009OX. And 9"Iff4a Of World$ W for example, let, of Park 11quor � in of J,qiiiw, "T. V 41 ,�, � . dJ0CJ1ItJ0# ilk orlier 'to altoWr.1114 _ tio C404tortI4 0411. , About us. Our earth like a, lishing I tile extreva north, living 400 mtie* them, 4Y. ColerY, Balgd.-Clogn golery. and sport. of it. TWO, *X4 lgillownlot lout r,et . I . � , . 11 --o" rom, a post *Mee and soastilmos, . I be, QAs1W ui^do'1ntP'peA_sQ4p-. 041d I ary-41roasu;,or. � �� 1. ._;,;­._._ ___._1-_-_. Qyr"-Xit junk of V0M*tr0C_Z,lIdtM Smack ag,,,, thQ batilm ot. Newfloujid- If' wig4ty Power, on their behalf. 1 C09's heAd liquor And. utatpk cut 1* small 010000. 14t stAnd. In aince got up A. half-crowlq sweep. ., 11 : . Janil'-witild IWO Wiest A(rdogrelex- below . . 1.0 be Iv* Watii,r 40VOTS. � , tv"Aw St roul, i0o tboriloqrwar I . � . . . allowing ,dae P116 of IoM- atARo About Who isoald� die firat.,Ilut . ,T. w. y0o, volviesville- JaA. oloo.'' 1 W ix,lua�,Cfll�1,11-li.,*-til*i��000I - � I 1. arA. in a, ery Pralit As , ni�hijr, -'R . I - � I I io' 34' "Sp"k itat6 the OhUdreit 'U'Ado 'tile base ' Or StoCk'Ot While Oftt�r � 'butioll, of cot ., , the sterkoser goes 4way with 1% lump - . � . Pao Q'Ild the I K,alsor Wilhelm a" ocogse, zvro,. he slept out of doorsIn winter, of Urael that they, o forA 40 soup, the" IrAVAMIZigs Of u9dressed , , . , ginondvilte, R., IkWhoi, , I "" rush by, 1161des tbut# our worltl.Wrapped' in rabbit, Skins : wililon to� i fl. i,4 4414131g, for ment, 0�4 4mmo *ilf be ugettIl to, enw , . 1. . SeAfortli; It. Smith, llarl**. :' r � — I connection with! the - Q dr,V 411 ppsulb)o., 'Inix with 1"Iterlich, In lit$ throat. , - I � - 1. I . * . "I I � .. . I I I � I.. I I �, R rm I . . — has by "In been 4amaged In Its, In. gather. X oiaid.* Illa-it possl1b.10flXorgel Nee X)Lul lit. *A-'; xv, 4. 4', rich soup$. And -the, bone$ ot.dgessed dtt.thiAgo,llagt,�ryo,o�l,tu'leii�c�.or6go WhatUo'boon the,, Outcome otibIs pollcy holders cou pay *a t . I 'Olk melm 40. degrooi; bolow � 1, . �?. ' - * '� � . VOTAU torgal vagqbluory� and ever 4144 ,A40A You 4a n lJoshum x. 14: *Xfft. #I,�to,, IL or undressoil mout a0014 or ehlckom - . I. resiIarol 'The imlinevo bao� ikad beW cArds rVc*W* N . ,; . ". ", � ".', I -1-1 , I . , I to make 4 , - % so far? . 004 t =at . � *; .1 I- ------ 1* the furnaces have. burst, And tile Zoro!" Ito Said. "I do; PA4 I woo good'stlocl;, :Tfaia gi � ag-,V* )ntrtwi tea.- tpil,416016t, who its. allato&, or, at, xd�ta UrW I I 1. . 1-1 I walking beams of, -tho moulataing tappy'.11, All for Chriatt Where, 01trout XX, I% I7, go,, poid, then Mo . ves. One flewir, 'Inleach 1)ressl 'is A, director of the c4p I I ? I I A. tat 12ech. XIV, 0. 4"ConcerAwg-uls k4sn- spooriflo; p4ril&, two tablespoolls, CaAeor : liavestjoation '' Polio I � " b4vo brolon, and ,the, lalunds havo is theft twy Other being that will itutr for I$r4j" In c4p_ ��,Svcll $44 Oui bone of a4resoed Imut . xtraoitt. ralace olothbig Stov", (1odw14"` . . . * 43 . I . EA. I . , v1*4 , and iour tai)l voila - Owe I , exper- I . V '$nt qagAsA;-ti.X A Ukllag� C14rer io allow t�r its Sal 'r ,Qsp khadly - told tho%reoolts .of hi* ­ . : J so. 14 1 Id Sul clathuslasm? Mothers . neetiolaL WIT ,L tues*, .I I 11, I I L . ' I r - . . '. - 0 4:1 1 * 41V 't, I ppod a vea, and- Vie gre4t buIU'qf,ra,IJy such ,4_ the k , Ingdora to be Soft, water should ,alva" t at ., , r. � - ,,, � r. I .. �egda'tbq Other day. I L . , . V1.1,1111,r'.. I ­ . r, the world Ws been Jitrretl witli, 4wl-. aewitig their Angora Ott tov.4l cstdblloba(l'�, It will nc�t be by might for making $ u be, I al, � � �010npqr �(k­ 4 pre . k . , "I . '. . �4011 li , aatliod*`bere*�# " I I d. ... ... I .1 I �', L at over and Anon thrpatc4oil their boys to tNe, Qogpel Valalstry, nor �y I It b , taxn­ ix one Rilat , r he Va ,'are I LLL I "I . . . - ­�_� - dents III I p�ower, but by 0W spirit and 911"4 130AZ ,,, O'll"Ic un,4,0 110d & '�Wp, CroAm,,,ono �tiul. one,ltoutth' cups ,un- to tes4 4averytbing � ,%Vb 00 t , ; o MAP yev I I . ri ol . xa� no Wxury on� the iIIS zqo* yet , C - ,Itroi I - ,;! dch of oun tat, x0am L &I rk IV1K,_X41_­__*­ ­­I]"I� ..,I)14 �nd, oue-th$�d -spcolally " � . 0, ' ' L L 1 W.4 1� --- 11 c( . . .bi� th4 ill000m., but t, .. i I X ITUXOR i 0. 10. N I A . W141TA4; .. _ Xle wlilvuso,.U�Uuaii lit- ter � better preset veP cQIor , and fa -410)144 gral)(i fUIcffi 10 relief, ft LL I - Mal. 'S L't' " I last table utitil tho goutXe through granol� , 'Oro , I I llshlpo oftftwiilt " 11 '21. UtOt"4011MV040101140dil Slit it Eej�ii , , s,L avir the . . struipents so; 110 used llosoa. 'M ft IS -u, good�,,Vctioral rule to APPON ,OP 01,94'r- Add lemon or fresh lituo to learn the. rl�'Al juituo,Q Olt CA'ACer. I 0. u . - . O� P11WO mor scbool And College And tboologl- ue, jostaptc to t4stv� - 111,rcozq. And servo �Tjia, surgleal,�Aellliod of tr�atmeut of WHINP10 at if, coo 'Wik" I �� i%l 4**t4l *00rStlona. 1'Xed6rJrjU0JJ Lot liurnireii yoi�"' . , - � 1) . StIll and tto , � 1. 31attiml . were g5liecially, Chat- CAI nwainarly -ba 06miliroted. �Plr arp,�' OW04 -for a 4'q1I.Art , 0ee"Viiat, Jre� WSII'do, An(I thel'ar Will me",�t, th . 'of 'Water to, $6 VQUU14oZ JUICO livith, whipped Crow ed itatataltoltsbuillm 4400,wlth,rL, .. L . . #Maxid 41 4kth a 0104441q, 01%"-VQr, NV'00* qatorizott by, disastor � �, �volcwtlq, . . . I . at Is to say, flesit ,,without IrArnialled ,A �whlch`,'Jj� now the *no ostablialt ' � . *.,$q"", I . oecalito, Orildeate. I L Widow ;-Puttipg bor AtIto into , thL0 I � � I 11 . ,qo -volcanic. bq- �,OrXrtt, treaVUr,V.L tile face, of euip ))6 A time to "90 Wwiatd" At Ills ho -Ag, but-WcU uprInkled. with filoaly OUOPW " surglo& ' PAON1.0 No. W - volips way, have a' , pist404-1 wo IS Pr1Allt,1VQ. PiQla a I : .I. 01tormy A; SON, - . . I . eror �, � , 1. , Of View oporatio"L . I L 6U tbc,CPJ �, ' sm,allorguantitY of. Water. - L ' � 10 Aut3, � . . I vor3t 1 . . � ........_.."..., " ."Ll IL VARW An -e4rthq4ako_"%L.Pa,ly_'&� Vol" CS604 la ,com-t4alid. On this occasion the 009, . 1101A are I L ,., L. I — I I L'. or president liapr p A dilrided b0fOre,them. before -the , xcat:for so � . , " . beautfful,, And 'they OfteR ploot a JAKOAXV#",��rq azia xftwinI . - � I Cana. 1111141CIA up." NY110A fitromboli . , L Y Came Ull� ObOUld UOVer , 130. - � ,_-,�,�,;- 4! _�_­,_ , , : : Celt Ia 0 'Mai I . J 31. TVXWBV14U D.DA, le 1) S. 110041 ,And, Cotopaxt Xind, Vesovilis . -as tile bloodwjlth . . . L '� - : 0 . I . . " L , notso ,Conspicuous . . No. lormirl &MOORQ wim Air, wt %�UOA th(w, CrO404 11�owliad' At, first ,in 'Water. but put �Hoga =mCAL = I . - prl" tbff- ' I . I � th6ro 10 40 I . . I L vix At tolu. Z br-Attehids of t4a ,breathing, ' let 1 f6unutt ,Which hhe earned it. V111100 Ao (to wAters; I �tS AlIt'l) ­ , - - 00.9 is Of t Jordan the feet of thb . IkettliN WJt'h,j a "Very L Small , Tuolm ;, removing &A tra�oi,of disow, 60 . 00*RI0",,6AT . 44 ; tho I men 49( . . L , �_ I i . � that. so for 0 we uttow, there Iona - f� * I I .. � I . — � I .1D C clud I Amuti-MO 'A earth boi#4ra'l . 4&4d:, who bord ,U4 am ouppea Into the, ... . L 11 . . , - I . . I . I. ., L, .-V good '. - Alora , be� , quantity And'. 4 bleco - of- butter, meri., , , I I _ I I I I I � 11 . I L 11 I � .. . . 1 4 CM , ,�Vg . t, 11 ivaurrence. I .1 . . 0 0 n' I , I �-.-t 4 41 44;tv eavill,quakes'lu -twiv- centurift.keeord- A womoil. but Rhulo ly 10.110op'the -meab from. burvl#k ,ofaolal x0ports on't1to 0 1 . I ­ . � .1 .. . I �, .It V t brJd WO311M.A.Lban men, to whom Christ Is L 440A rx­� , , , ,PRQMPTPE$S Iq.gO)e$$lAnj-. I lie to tio a IWALtors - �efore thoy dM10,00 VQ I I . I ­ ­ --,-,-,--,.---- I I I , U1119- Christ Iftst And CbrJA n 14% L, , ­ ' I .., in I a6tad�-,L'I�'r.___ -�,�-,_Uou Can% .. � 11 . . I a- I I ad In the cataloguo, of. the Britich every ? , I P . Until ­�t . x , tr , _ . . - I : "IfUt *uflo - I I I � t . ,­_ . OVO I 1, ", - so, God who worli;oth .And, whj* 10 - of at, nx 'the '- or -Y. "A 'LV,QAUZ4$, L whr4 $j jlk6i�V 't , way.* -of treatmi4t-is�,46twholly 406tig- - , � - I lib-'JuiO4 Vie 0 '. ,&Ur�;eryI aw J ., i "...i.I, .im''I. L I Aosocf4ttoa t Tirmaji. tho emp(vor. Nst� An 11 hiriat foLt , r t ttt4f�?�t NVQ must over Aeop-i , %*#-,, _.; �_... _ � ft the beat I , . . I I L Ing$'T � h . , . . q Tpkgutm Z L T q . A.V be�4liaa I Walat, � Ca" 4WI .. be' ,4 ., I L � . I L goes to Ancient Antioch and,umid the � L . - said "WithOlot "go ye will ba-4imym front Jt berore the re-, ' ,Tj qVoted b,v,jpqj*m4 . jactory- The � NZ971t - . � AtyJr*J(;,&J40 L � , ,;F'Aht, YOU to, bo that Our Lord , =44, ., _ a- can. . I I I I 'Oat .C�AloSo 'Of. TAIJUM, .� L �- , I I I I I � X , , Q4 Isr"404 W, , L � . L � splendors -of -IA$ moptiou is Inat by, you to, bA, 4wt._ Can 6 Zotulift, � O'hil, 11,�: Ia,, JQhTL InAhider%br t1ho, wwker J.'s-44dea; 4, , �%,Oii,tli � I I . . , , ; ,!., I watching. .411 theso wbAders ivir, ojl�, . � �atmt.104 'Calli�s ),Itla, tic . Wt. 34 X*PAU* 4 't �Atleuts' delv* 1,00 - �; ". . . . � the o4lparorla life. tis th heav Xv. 6), and th% A4­wII1 144s�.*Cria X49 _13lioricout., tl�* Un. earthquake that Doarly,003troys t, nottijig 14 tQQ 1104 single pov .,rd bott��.' 0 Zxp�i A 011.0 . , . jj.� L - '4t ". cv4t , long�;boof6ra I p , - I* flio oray W440. , - Aun"T, L I . Ing #om I ,.e gas - aid the I .... - � a I , Ado I Iii *�' 14pbook .. "Ovill, �.OM4 in '900V . L V;'X�t X L Of . I W 0 QTAV . N, 4 .0 U. fair And , , . earth. to� laim.. L I I . 44 richer soup t,U,n treble the An'T 4 v al, (14111HUY atlei An&. us Allow the dis44" to , , I 1. . I I I orgaidstai . I I 11%df0rOfX0rtk,StJ�# the Ift of Go Pit- , - r refulgae. t p$ ; ., , � � . L iiii M*J1101k � . 4 Ila$ ,'01"8111140�mf whather cjtl� kilOd ..." -t � , t 'beautiful, ,[it I O'clock LQ 1. I I I,$, ,!T�0. , V gyptlatio ,. slual � quaUtity sh'ot I , . Tj ,V"j , ,. _ *Ift 10 , 0", zutiv t , had. gr . � . (AlUtch. I VoVember_1176. in �fx lnfAtto$,4(),- 4PROUS', Olt 00441149, ThO - 44VIAd in the � Urd wlibn I T40 ­Vkor� 'An i � , cold?IwAtet. I, LL �ii .L'. I � ­ $1 t044Ar.; It I.lk: . ha., I �le, 4y X -A, buge'. *414041. I I 141" , , k4:101w" tlmLt 1 4 � I irl itor lJord Xitchotier At ��Canctr,­X, would hAVO AUL Operation In Which folikbits the Xorth Pecla A1401014 C _40 Soup'l;ottle. . It ]PQ orvcw, Toxoratto anit 000 havoperlshod, And V.elt4" pqrpas6s Arobarinogscd IA ttdce , r ,& . .. UPOAP1111,17APh, , . . I '. '. . . , s j�liii 11% gotten go honor wholi Arst�jpnvan,;, 011ould 106 41AQ.wed 1.1ho V 04, , VI., 404'.1040014 I ail bour., , , - 0004D. ,,auilll (a most oft04 found . 0 * . '01, La 'fo. Xotolva PUP114at. blit I writes of -them. 11r, or ihat region It. ,4111ko-t,breAk'and In girths thattaft.�; 'va and upon hist-hoTS- to, boil for At'least'lialt An . liouif" rch lastj %, %, , � L., �, . . "%Vo have �uraa. so calleil, broulf]4' along the American Coast,, part . . upoA 140 chariots . tca- . , I Stu I Woo tile ­ gm0L1A,.,Ao0dPffV(kAt,- hot 10000. 04(l are driven bLV IrotUSL Ira �64t that All 0180 tho,vater will not li�aetrata, 1. L a Mo we U�40 Uoufw, W"I; !st,, . #Iplo"11. So at shall tv I - , . Vhoro IS much ,V.41ft(to', readfins IR I a. a, mo,Ath but larly IA tba Pull Of California, timikes. I . r1t I I I I 1. ther opposition Of the Adversary WhO* but harden thi x4tat aaa.'keev . t4o t - I Oil Ing 1; I" Vuropo ,"it tbe�r must eftswor. _ I I , . 'ue reports., bgt"tu-ore. ja-�Jlttle, 'or 110., I I not JPU 4' "No I L . red P.AtIouts. a so Witorous 4� flight when - I'Alttkekef! L . a t* A I 14 ows R-Oluz,q -L - Jn1puritles wItich, In. silow lieAting, tutairwhigh C�AU ba�;�e4if'AeLa natloa_ I a , ,4 erlc4 foellnK the throb NO' X immon xo rXTAMOU, - ther =04ifest, $0 Phar.oh, or i5oniia, come., but,folko WhOL _0141M they bitVe ami Ia NO.tertjblii�_ag�'"Voriiar­� I L " thirAneys In : Paton pAXtI.V or -fully- , I I r � the, Antichrist or the , last Will rlso.tol 4 ocullo, Loog On& slow . . i4ftt . . ='. � .1.111,11.1 I SP -T, ro,14100 4 . r L65i OPW that, the, Oil, 4104f0d O Or$. The trCatmaat- by an .it 14, kno ,, � - Among . rodlairs . L 0 . destroyed. ay 'by day. Work a 4 himself, $hall' boillo , for 'At, 10"t four or z , 'I* tre r � ., 11 I - . . �X"*At&QZ W Aut tile disasters of pther- Vittes, f�r On to do, And. we May. turn the daysiI r, I or sata 4 ioo"!,o olal#,: ' de'Ll al *ud 'IrcroulftIv 0f4 , Infuslon � of'violet, leaves, -of, which so devJI-A I B ,; KATO$, I . . 4 4 , - . 0T I ­ ­ . MIMI RAX at I TIAQ - e ri to a ad In their UectsparyAo, exttact� �tloi for - �beard Ouria it, .. . . I ... T Streit h , but tbot"'Pot pb� A has , the p"t In tho lCornb4i I . ,a .1 Christian 164i.ownery "IQ '-'L O' 6� Ith 0. .gig Itie "dai`4 :k ligh" ,a , Arogazlitei a. . . . . � " ­ �!��­...­ '. - bavu had their Counterpext IA later Y �hkt,4100--WO 010.0004 . a from. 111.0t, t IA " th Almost JAgoncelvhVIe, few dAyst does Rot'soou Lto bave much s4riptiOn of the .destruction *yought , I AX CAUgh � tbl$ '*6Y Or 1 throu �A I , 4hool" , — Times. IA 181Z oaracks, v � and I4 Istilto Olt oil cir� 'I never be of( the boll jrOm L I I be art 3, 040- agents. Dut tltaro is the track laid I I I.. ]i I I . , I 1. . I , . . I v 0 t'� O&I , thittl honor 011A I 'dotAllif'ot'Ziier'106 "d tbo'borribI4 JAYMO gilusham,th - . . I 01 p Of alko, lit I laumot I , W. I 00 141i � 11h tile time it 46A� it I la 4 thft. Tho.aordid foundatiou.., To 1.116. ease of LadY by a 6 of, these, whales wh ' 1:1. I t�Vflliltt OV MAItItIA00 In I CAI , m*geed.' ."�; L tat It , orich. O#tI .110 :t , no nber,4 it-, ., . pro 1p, good reason 4�ed,­ . . � j6,Q04 lit, , One remoI I o -they th&t� ttc� should be t4oai. OR �." it.rlsm� � Xf� incihods,al , _ : I . W soloug 480 , L ,. . . . . .1 '.mill III 11. �i titi, . . - . � quare,milasol and ot. tlie, 41141$14y, Uq will honor v , I . !mod- however,, 0,3S.gentrpaly . mailicat Itreatuient ot tha,to doubt, if the'diseAse really_LWOO It Ia, A staloOlng order among the ' - " I � 111111!tmw b$' VOICAU14 forga.upboa,y4d to , tour laid, by the A(LAd . Mao Him Sball, be, lightly VOU4 thought de�- I 1 � 1. I ".I..... ­­_ . � . I . L lva,_1 I .1 (I Sam, ll�,, ti)) - � thOlogtt 00; Vill be Et',raliLloo. the. jopuy pfolit1red- . .- 'ting lot publlca�tl4n' ,canoar, and., L I . I And seven leot. of, permaue, t*le Ood In sockato that no terrestrialar, , 0hould be* ill -to& ,disgyp tv0A grAntluff that It whalers never 'to JuJuro 0, x4f vrtioit, - , � I AVOTto MLI a . tIO.A. lit 18n ITAPAIA felt . goolo -SQ ffect. 1 Q �AYL I *111 -be, awost )Aerotlible ta thos:atla-r I:wq,s spI,,Vrhether the� cura,wap 4ctual- the mother,'I� near, Neglect of ttldn I - . I � . . . t tatilo Dressum tau over v , glorlflt(t"ta their ovoiltbiow.-Valthful bdtOte t 10 Wantod, the fAt Cause of.f . .1 O­M"�N4��, 4 o Ical. agony ; Naplepilhago In 113S I.,. , , olig t -ho, trAck the Car ot. the I t Sam ca be removed when cool Iii.i4-vak-e. neqqatitc4i with 14outh Ati1m. Tile � I;9_,. due t ., 0 ' I . A. will 1,011 And Witnesses Oro V ,God A, - OW09 koo and saper.stltloA. ma:9 have been I I . 11 t AO ai � , a , or vlole.t loitt larusiou. Xt Order w4p, tha .4eL Cat"1trP, . . ift L, J'afil. . . tuto, a. CPA6 Of Cancer dig- pho. A fiect, of thfitcen Am . I I . 09N -kxox, .xow' v; 0046fich U04CO Ili :058, Mendo . 11 World'o � rede4tio. vor� of Christ IA them fuat�ara 10ay. 'AU4 0c,s03Ap,:AttAt" 3491ro Consist;- iaeral .., iguorar t L , , o1catt I .1. I I ­ I %164 A 001600L A1110 . . , Q Boors, O whoSo, baRefol, Appear am , 'without faw apparofit wh4la-UhIps w" " 60 - tit6"Co"t. .of, , I ag lXt*A' , 61MA In rolt-to the Grand C6,ntral.dopot'of ed msqxil In #01A, that perish ('11 fiavor ; but rwto Ik VL Uanfla, terrorized 1 03, the Ha,- . I , Cor. Cal* without, loslag the 11 I I ­ .�.,- I ... ... � . ..1. I 411*�"r ' L Aseattor, kir N00W R;NAZri, *Afjift�-IsI - I I � I. U t e*ioligit calIS; Atf_-ntlou, ak'uso,, Such ",'41s. sometimes f( d, . 4 d b i , 11 , ti5oilwlle=iolu -1-haver nor--iiiiX16ty 11 -I, ­ - �-- - .7 �_'. �. W�� -- �_­ �. I )no Te.qvfer California, and Plity-two boats 11 � culluxMIMPIM0 At I .- " , CC L -4) it-A*a. .A_4t -bo,_ So W.# �t till- w4n (y tLU A to 4 I . . � - o_ X. Isuga or * Afti b4tter ovm- � -­ �- , ­ � ­�, ki" aaother� . � .", V Afraid Ito, 1-io, .!Tbe "gel ot dgif, which .t,hSjs�Pwly heated till bolling. , I I I , . 1 4 L in* -To, ,"X and lot 3,0='ift"O'"�W a a, 96 "Out thel t � . &J, _4 . Q ca" mentlondd:bt-'.4 four frb1n'QJtCbLBInJ ._war#'_oUt . rack., I am_oaL . ' L III, m _ _ IA_ _ , L I —, II"""_)I`11TC7=1X N"1111� I � , , OR Ut . Ave "Jaw' InstAnfCS "CU1144 at; -Child who was etwed by thl& means a omo Way. In, striking a - laro C�w 4 1 . 1L. . - = = au othe it %it, rJ0w uQ%P07, eA IA U71, Antio i in I . , a (6 that to and uftfoltbw� away to C601, t'ho. soup ,11 re IL � . rr*,y=4kw;U1 15 for our indiilm went 'before tlxo camp, of Israel, rem a I I - . L I , rit.""401haw wtb* UU� Ila 1819, -S "Sal .. a 1. fulaess (104 will, disohargo u's and " akelli L into .4 'IrejhW, random, thik Arst, ,three ara'ropop4p(r century ago there Ainst, be sbmb nals� whaia, a -bar ; . .. . moved gR4 want 7)C1dn4,tIkeW', 1% . POI . � , . POOR transfixedL hot Call. . � . L . �.,..... -1-1.1-11 ­ III -I, W11110401803 hat.subto anegacio-got 60MOL ioLh�'from,'Xrugar,449iv Camp: ' � fake,.for it Is,'unknown for a.chllil which WAS, at b,or Side, Atlar,lalled it ...... . otlwr' ,-stoker and ,4*mo inatio -the, pillat 14, which.1,te , went Scalded And thoroughly drle4 't . I L � I ",L I L Ia, on .114and Wl . JOL be d1arkn , 4, rodent rdraedy 4Among the, to Imyo. the forin of the disease. instantly. I I I . ..- . . . . rVII09" 01MI)AY4 , 1. oltomout, I 411 t 6 other ekfn�or. . 'The train Is going before them , issr, to. tb* CO paill., And, -when to be kept !or I , a) I ,_-, . . 46 .1 . . Amfe-ditet"Ve. ; a betutgUl Italian thr*U.glt 'With us or without us., 11ght 'to A Izamed, Yet, probably, here we will Thf quickly satisfied I . I I I P�gyptfau*. but , Israel. Ak th4 -�omlb , days,` oce.vilonally simmer for 146crii-no nitttqt- what tller,ftattiro, I L J mothexl�. her- - I . Uy4HW*0X6QWWdAt4UftW, ,ointerinif, lace, vlfte,yard t1ka. lsur.,$o.�Aiy brtthreu,� watch, all the right, so Re was their shletd,.-as, 116 0. (4w minutes . L to, Iii to paint ihii, part Af�- Iti7 'this "Infusion'... AV . luark the re, sell that the calf *as dead Abil. . � .� I . I . OvAr siri, to lirevent Q0 *J1144A ­ i .then ... I . . sawalm st"OT0011660i, r by 01 44turo CwTh and 1�eiveuts that,, arw. going .by. , If. thloge qjid to Abram,,' III ara, thy shloW." Its b .Y; .in ro, I 'cult- Italia, I . I L � L � . lIJU'rfied. uvo& her a 11� .1, I L L . I Vona tooming mQuId -wariao Wolod, wl�k green paint; Thpoo ggres*ors Aft A, L . . . ----I- I I 'A . 9 L' - : .- � '" wx,u � his CAI I I fro% 44med , With L I . rembatswilic0; Yonder Capri seetu to .turn. out right, 91VO *1090 AAd - as the Spirlt'wroto tbrPugfi Ing, solap,bo, careful not'lto Dolor 14 dziA' *era suffe'rine, I 1'14�eAtment by. the X tays is being veritable demon Lot :destruction I ... L I . . I *&Ktw wall the u1naler" resort of 0116, IROW" ,1m- W YoAtr Joy� It. 0046 scom, to ,turn the.,psaltalst. -The 14ord God-Ia d . 11A C' . llc,�trlgd helie, but tuo xezults. jo&t'now lVhtle Aw. t6 e.- * . L I � . 011orr""A"11111 . . the so en .A goxitoaomplaint which I was m L 0;i%*fift avoldl ; . . toolviryov satws*104. �_!] . I . Veto&, yonder Xaple$. the paradism � nut wrong, throw out the .Anchor San, an I xv,, 1, 13ii All vej�idbles, bro4d rsAplaga, or able 6 -"cert*ta. The clillittVU Were, are disappoluilng. Iti eight Instane- DOOM of her bod,v to attack, she C L . d sul6ld" (pen I . . limatriesia-0o"040iiawd. L . � I this beftUtiful - Island SU1114041Y� - of' faith 44, hold fast, - , - I'— li;�;�dvl ix)._, . . ' barley; far plain,, vommoon soulps', ,j)gJ4tq4* 4 . t - palut eff In which It. was tried, there was spread, devastation' Among US AQ_ I __ � I . IL ! I toppled Into !0,22. "The with, . . _ L.6rdL grool, , .. at ,van who. Are In' maldlVo -d tit I'V1,1160- Of the, Ifteo, - 1 I 05rary - ease, - � to the xoxw.o. I . � ­ � 4 , I I I . the, trouSh of the earth, I Those a'SeA-,to when merely, ilefthdea -.w thicken and wft� �Wo. Some r0If0,i#.0*L.paf4- In L tifig., witen illd.,ro.4 . . I ­ . � ., I caus, h therv*Mpt . .- . 0- , I I I 11 oQW 3nerrmaktra perli;40, And `Ail�y 'Well thank 00d that "YOU ua7VOL�go, back by a strOng east Wind ;ill flavor the NOUKOhOUld bO put IA us at the ChIldreA, &�boy.ag�dtour and and irk thirea of them the cancer b6- it W" but Wr a 'second, t4 eWt &U L ­ I . 1, " L Soinii of thom . . I I I L I . . VMMMAUX 1. I so Tkr,do*A beneath 'go many, 'Won % ,h - It, 'Out RdW, 000, Of tbO CXPIMtlOn like the loss Or 'a lifting 11 . I -I , ,I -.I--- 1. I J".. 004 . drous thing*. but th�t ,night And mpAe the So& dty Soon AS the DO IS dkiAlAked,- ,but, if, it gll� -aged govon, �WOML ad�ftitted'l On Oat% to beat Up. .- lsafety I I . . thii foach of hunkork,olisequie:i, that Itr thoro are people alive ,t6 -day Wbo JoRd, And the waters'verii divi0d." the *Wt4blek Arb to, be 0"t -d in July ft to, the hospital, The bay thred has gonob4dk, without any alp -valvo, and ,At `%be, sxra#� lo- ; I . .. � de 1:46 Raw be s4d of inalay 4 *no of them, 3110y IJVo to a" the Shiramering 'Voil S() the waterx veiv a.wall unto 'the soup, Xono, l0ith the, exception of dJC4 the same'day and the girl thc�. Parent Cause. SuRh 4194pointilag stant to destroy a'boat 0i"Comp . MO'% "I my a 26 f IL 47- ft� I W1 " It WAS gild of Mas . . Onloug, should bo put 40WA to, at experience% are tAly to be expected. the destructloh or one . jeto . I . 25� a aw Its* botwon the ma.tj�rlkt and the spIrAt,, , Israel Olt -their. right hand and 94 . eW followlax.day, both of 4cute ursclal- t IS I L Almidy hope- . � . I I � *IT=, LORD BURIES MU 1, , u4I --world lifted. Jdagnotism. A,, their left.- not " at, ;F�rdan, Where, At the SAM time AS. %0 0140. � 0114 tat Polsonfai; the third child, aged. IlVgy may come on n, * real vera"KV 0� C a 9 - damaged., Every blow wag . . . O" � .1 * - � I., , . TW14 w1rok Sit otlyrot in c word *ljith 'W'fil ' 4- A Wall'tA tbe :the dlfferiMt iWTt_4_sJILQUJd_ J)r, . L ----- . . . =n ' ' . -, L our �hQy WoroDfiflA UpL a - ., put' 0 , may, I . - � i,ZM*Ao , .Z Ital_ir, 41t -hAfPpo weepingt, _41f, . . "Ch wo cavor up I .. 6d. bor6ro ths-'ot'hers Orrowi or t,h6 laveatigations . .. . 'acy anti An appear- . - _ I . . �N Agnor4thcei, I Will ,Ylrt bo an Oplorod .right 11444 slid- r4ill, Away to the down at dIrlCieit, times, Oplans, Ora ton t�jbto th* hoililtAl. . have to be carrictl -Muev further, - 4111ce:Of Tremeditlivoul- 'The OPW ot -, - ,� , . -1 . CWatendom weeping where there , whether 1holo, or sliced und tried, I _. I I I .'I- - . . I. L. . I 11 were hearts I 10 OyMpathift 4AUO C,hrJ*- ItCAIM. . I-Necirlolty, tho gory cour-, Dead,00% ,on tho. left'. leaving the bed , ' (2) , r. Aid en fo .1 ' 'TO Bn DOX30, the monster wwl fl'O great th*t, she � . . . wolllsoi" . Vans to proy. But *h1lo the nit. set of tilt 414�1, that 1104141414 Zrank-. Of the riVer dfy, but 14 el.06.r4 case at onto; Pot herbs; Carrots and Csl�. sea 4 child. litge(t -two in the Camp; "But. what We loci. Ia thatfInottillig jappeared- Almost sliatiltaueously. At I o 0- I -4t toop what a,, Wondrous. thlog-thi ws.1cris CrVL three hours Afterwards, And tur. - . -y can be done 1wid'eli sepurAted points. Xot- g�oiq. . � 4 . _ I 1,10 a . coixsclqus� 'ITA found on Definh I . ._*",.�.. uoxw .$veto ma -th ,Ri. lift lassoed aftit Morse atA Bell And tip$ AndL Othera Of A di mCJ4t1Y Satlafaetoi I - �4 . , suring . of tile il�er And a tho sea Atandlog 1,oato L .,kjadi a table in the tent the,followitig till 'tilp real nature I ;of Cancer IS dis-, tent With , dealing one treeaen�ao;js . . tu a of .dJsAS1er,-$nca-1urIpg'I4 not Edison hAVLo brought under completO, L , " Sra.*"r With tho gol at, has groKt,�r wooders,io-,re- .1 : . 1, is ready. . . � I Mt , , vgnio I 11 - �",!L� me I ' I Ilia administered sit tbo time, Ing what, it'is, Is like working, In the bundle of loose boards. she attacIced. , XW D WAOOK " 3XIMA.goo iwir-o4all-tor hours by Ulti-rAlcuty qnly_gbout ... on.,.hour Wore tbo soup ])UtCb;,reUiqdI4Wv 11 , w 0� 1. . -� . [4,Clo kQ4 )lk* tbftt . With 011tt , A at AtcIK__**r be.. covei,,e& '-'To treat -it ;vKhout know., blow., At. a.- boat,-AnA rpilucloo,it.40. a, - - ­.... 11 1. Er ik � iiiA Sit lew WhAdi, tho Angel -megmil,44 hkAvae'r, imal. 'Nhother ,here or departed this 'low 0 orl's ordem � I .. I . *"?"Sil a" h"" tlie black, r . ulo of death, life, w Z!"is. ,TAt uj 11jo frota tbal,laco � -Sptqs should be put whole, ittto, without Any'do t , .. v , wk." -RpiAedles way be found that 'I wrec�kpgologv,jn and again.. - , I , L' I ­­­ I .11 but with 0 ,will W theto %who, It'lof Isra#l, for the Lord Aghteth for soup$! "LlIVIC4 195 ,Ono Of tue, best. U) 1100iiaws dropsr nk will bring'r4*cf, but, till we br'.�e , . � I I 1 ,­ , 6 Java, of lbe ladi*IA archipelago, tjjo does ,not r4al.�o lunch diftereuce where, . (Containi Niter demorgil2ation sefood Oven I . I I most fertilo Island of all the oorth. We stand, but tbohig-hor the staxid-,tUata against tile Egyptiang." Thus though it is not go hiply,esteemed othf,r). , . . , i P , /. 1, I f ZCXOA.W , 'a tile as It deserves. ' .. Not at the. Causel and nature of the tbkt veterans. ,Tilt) distance to, tuo, . I , is Caught In 010 grip ,at the earth.,polut the larger the rollpect, We, Aid. the 13110ptiWAS Whea In I I . I . I (9) V,a$aa duids (Containing '91), d�smso4 such roi4edlex CAR only lih OhOV0 W443 great, drid the lingo *Woy, , I � We 40 morning. watch their Chariot fteels . I 0 1XA-Xt*ZT1. quake, And spoutitght after tuouUtifn will gee titeiu, itroto, hAwea U Como od',as they followed Urael into L AJirk=WG TOA ", .1. IUM). I L'. , I VIAPItICOLL XO fActA It lit like trying so for from spending her tury soWed I I I I / COMM UIlt-St. A*Q SQUAlks. goest doWn and City after'city Until not to them front earth. . : S . I �t,&r to put out a Are lia a house, by play- only to gli-OW JAM. desporatS,ly. in � I . . . � I . that Island, whloh prod000g 'tho best I Ob, what a - grand WIDE It Is to the laidab of thii seA. - , � gread Is t4asted,to tokd.out , tbo I'(6) Red powder (contalaixt to Ing -With Water Olt the outside, You eatildst !as tile work of doetruAtloft . ­ 'IFAM , emetle-) . � want t6�. -get 141to,tho house.,fiInd went on. At last two boats goocW. !" I AY oftift A 4WtAft. I beverage of Pill tbb ,world, Produced have *bip.s tilegraphed and. -heralded =48. "Tho Lotdoverthrelt the, moisture lot Well its to tlVe it,a� tot- L 1. LL . . . "Ist1daXIMUMMMAXiWolwastiskiI, the gbastilest Catastrophe. One hun* long before they come 'to, port, that FWAItIWAS In the Midst of the Sea. �ter 114Vor., ToastIng Converts thwft- (4) Jamaica gin'tor. � Whotd- your firel, *r.tarted, and play';Acd in, teaelilpir the jitach. The ft%w$ . 11 I I That* remained not so i IV Ono soluble starch In bread to 4 sub,qtpknte 1, . . I ,L I . tired thOMMIll Peoplo Alylug. dead A friends way come down to the What, Ruch. *w one k Wy Ilutoh drops, colopositioa un- your hose -on there." had hardly leaped, ovorbojxd to ruit � � . . Geo"o � 819th - comIng nearer home, --on Aug. 131. and wolcoploi . � ot them -11 it #as, "Iti, the morning eMled dexti,lue, which - can be, .. per- naft- The director Of the Investi -theIr craft up When close . . Watch'* or "'wheA the, morning tip- fectly latoigtened with. the saliva 4 L ind ,ft* Child Continued nuconiclous. behl" t�hem � L . ;1880. the gre4t learthquako which; Ttlibm LONG ADS M -T 0"'Insl peareill, (Verses: ,tll, M A baby named Schutta. Aged DepArtruent is devoting. ills d In tile Shallow WAtop appear" uelr � � . . 1. . I prostrated one4lalf lot Chftlrlestoa,'� . IL . 0 44, 0.71 aud. Pa ff 011$ digested. Breaa toasted ui this, Work for 4, 1`0111uneratiou lit relentless onemy. fShe ivas, just, too ,. . . ?. � - 's 100 --our I*tw Onward to a �ur -0 L 1. A 114--tim-Vata grtca ­ i;j�,fouIr_jn0Athis,__,Wnsi ihirrofittille-from .j- it' ' r L - ell ­ ­ ta�W _­ ------ �---­­_­_­_'--­_­ - - S.10. _--.1 0 _,tWAay_._*a, - I .fe-jr . ­ - ,_ __)�_ _a__-__'_ 'Witten, a comm _ TrAve er in lit TO& . - ----. ��- 'ill I i 11 111111011.,5111 . t tb 1�_Wlikh 4 Is Wr tell. .4 God Shalt elp�� 'weak stomimlis. thant any other octor o0eied tho � !��� ­ 6. llflgatterS tyClOnIC. JR- tI10 WAtCh tOV0r. 0,114 through tli( it.A. oth't boots or pJAQ would look- dfsdmu- Out of th6 AftY-two boats ,otily two. - . , . CONTRAMIt At tba mouth ­Pf the Gamiges, are glass of Inspiration *a look off 4LA4 ]let, *11011 We, itiorattis ap of., breatt. aho 4 sensitive 49maou Child to get nothbrig but rallit; the . ov- eacaped ukdaAutged. Mare'than fifty.,., . HOUSEBUILDEtt h" islAnds-the Itattlab, the -Suu. a" a whole Aeat of ships Coming In. i (Pa. XIVI, 6, Inarglill.. The'uprIght, will frequently, digest - good tot�qt 11 mother refused to glv�e the child tailk fully. One of his belpers.worka . /_ -011411 14M '41013011110A 114 the MOM1119- WIM It Will dlge!lt no other.artiele but gavo it sardin Instead, UW,ln- 'Cry dAy frOin 9ArlY`M40Xn1ng t1U'iat ..m,#A -Wert badly Injured, And xlk, one I 013R, OOOP And thw Pakik ShLibarpotle. in � That is the ship of peace. 904 W" 0,jjMfig, L inouth In nad motit! " P., Of WhOW, WAR the Unfartutiatt origin- , A" 93tNeRAL -CARPIR: I at died $n two d es' it 0. l' . . the Juldlelght of October. 1877, on*ofte sW' of Nthleheta � floating t1veephis vio endure :(or A night, of load. Rence, tonst properly"tnede 14 SYN. " for 116 pay0lont, viiatever. Aescorce: 04or of tile nal'telifer, Wore killoa Pitt- .. I HSU" ed, aodgeneral repairt all those three Islands the ery *as. � above tlia top gallants. That is but JOY Coluith IA the, morning *. ., t" ,be judiciously and Wely used This ls,from Majiir�Oenaritl, .Vsm- 9 41911t. If i ., I- I � I . , 'Arrita an to onythin , at 40"POYAtsiloilerAto . 41Tho witterg 1.11 A VYclohe krosound - t ttherefor we ,*Wt for tho XArd, lmore amp ail Of title of diet for 14VAI16 at well: � � . . 0-4 c4latiot W ( I . I . . pflots. . . -ha Ship Of the Church; TAOX a' Mat tuan th�,.' that Watch for ths like the extetit they des!P6 althougU -+_ .1 Aix, 14, -morn- all times, without the lewlt-phr at 'PlIACIA14 Of 1AWATOA hat very this f6, tuo only plaoe,'pltlior in Rfigo IWAIMM ITORSES,Kwl, Ono". . I , t011*4 tho tem oVer those, threa I!> water high wait the muoVootAck,l ing (fa. I , *Mle C , I . 16111"Cuim 0"t"to,611. land9- aUd Of a POP -41111104 - of 80,-'showhig shiir has bad tough, Weather.' 1)"ie, US . xxx, 01 cx*xo 0) - 1119'OrOlrlag lnjurl4ug. or 'ptodulcink 4wnsldor4bly- �abateill* .abfoad, where the subject is In Volattal, Siberift L theit ar&­ 06-L . ' 11 � � � ­­ , 15HOP-vIt 'we out at the Ilon's don discomfort. , nut it the slice$- of rAt& . .. . ­ � NM96sit"ti"'trich, , '00. 215-000 Wert . ArOwned- Only but the Captain. of- Salvation czoiu- i mn ren IA higher being s$jgtematioally planued. homet to overy I-00 of populAtion. I I - . R1=ZNC Huron Road. %hotoi Saved Who bad Vibulled to tbe vagAdl &r and all is Welt With jler,,VI0tOIrl0U!1Iy. and his enemies were bread,to birtoustedl axe fA4 #-nil tilau it-'sh4uld be: owing. to the crass IjUt.-ri,$:ea.rCb tostA. AniaW, )low- Irk ilia United Sfatc-.'4 the propartio-A . . I . I L . top of the ,highest trees I VId Von ,1)116 ship at heaved, intlilitle4t Craft I 11:0st, in And perished in the worniher are ear'ejk%Jlt­ b6Jd'befdfe,Pi * oVer- a Atupidity and iiegledt'by tile x4otherik ,aver, fLiieikply it,may ba,dilue, orhoW- W 2210 0161W and In kra-AIM "van I 4m. -I --- oqw­ , I ..� I 1, I I . L --*,-� J(Dan. VI, "19-24). it wk6 Iti the blatbiLg 'Are, the, 0QtSJ&, beCoMft I � � 11 . I tiver ace A" tvlono I No. Theft 1,6ver )AUlnebed. WJIlIo4% ot paspengats,luorning Watch, after tile disciple, tile workers U14Y to the 100' 'The 131110vidn pftpb.rA $1�1'_ _4 1. XifteniselVes. ,One thilit suffering frOlo ever Self�s&crjflellag " - Lt pray Oad yo burnt -1 alifil toikifieftild, the l4olsture dYmattry Way glvft o largo raw cal`- be, And English people, have as yet tIO4 19 only excelle I 1. 'A 11110 Uavlet s" One, 'Uwalting for Willong iftoro, �pfophots ha.4 been 'tollffig 419aJUSt Wind dud is 4tIVVA In. fnSt0Ad .at being' it by tho Argon- I I 'I;a* a qelona OR the, (Jecith, And Jt�aud apostles OAd I martYIV IA tile *&Vek Ull tbt Right, %hat , Jesus '*ve'V* tot 119 Ifit mother at � XeMO tamp.: thO scarcely realized that the search for t1tie Republic, where ilia irate Is %12 , , , L $*opt U!w 800 Tuiles back,from, out Jeabin, -conquerors at the foot at tile e4Lme,tQ them (Mark V1, 48). lind Uo the toa�t tu'readcled C died tour houts afterwarot. knowledge Is ilia most D� -� H r. 0 A I COUr 't'""y"o'1'1"d�i$kJlg6sti6it�I 4ko"t of rolitable of 11MICS to every 100 Jobfibittints. ThaL . Pro . I _W. and for thjrty�W* hour$ dUr_ clit 0 1 asaut horr,o Ig worth from .1 tile rigging haUds'lIvIll �Oma - again In the lnothlul!�. 0 I re were at first, It is tra . all itIvegtments.vt . average Do, , _ . lug tho"eyelorke land Mitt it we, *X� � (,to Waving this, way U.4 If they Ittio* veligodute, Upolt Ilist *Aeluleg stud 40. It qua lfght,l %yoll-baked brtud MAOV lueVIU61ile ahortcofalinks. many _____4__ . 90 to, $8. The 110"M-13 U',(Id for the .1 4 . (Wast, 'Willie frot, it, b lity can be made. Only Ito:, ected every moment to go to tbe� 09, and 1000 Wave -back agairl. ' tot IiV#rAftca for Ills people tire ,Often ��ireet. nXturAl defect -0 IA tu6'c4tta*-;tor'la- . ThO Old Rell4ble p And, no alaoullt at toasting Will tUrlo IMW J?OSTAGZ ST"Va Vast, wIlloh hate easwzous POW&IJ ,oclated as 11) Tom. xxxft. S. Xxxv, Interior bread, at- bread ilia$ IA hia- stance. ift regard to tents, and food- �. bottolu, 'They told ul Wove, We rc- they 4,6 ours, The'v ftlit OUt from Acr L I of 011ced' and enduranlm,, cost ifam , I MAIM' NDSOP fired at 9 ol,clock that tito barovieter I but It wak I*ar thoo, Tboy woro ri;I­ � — , $13 to *15. 'run 1111M. A Iforsoo are L our Own households.. Ouml ' 1101,4; IxIIi. .4, %lid lthe grst'liallolulau Ila vy and lialt bakell. into toast that Is axedied As quickly its posslulo, but. of That-vnit4sh Petigh WiII Show An to be, got from $21. to ;,-5. . 11 � had $Allen. but at .11 0!vhiek at hislat hall, Pat 03 the block alld put!.,4crlpturs Ia found In jmst th"At asso- , estiblo or fit to The eaten. Toast ,. - 1 gg course, lfi%eaeo An& PriVatlolaL did -Uftotown*4 icing. �. . I Ar's the, 'White, �,4top telling the"elailoa in 'V.q� CIV, 4.1, & - L I " fl�hloq the #­ ,NJ, ; tile wavej. 41111"o lights out. Vrash funeral bell , , . , 09 (tit excellent quality "a tdway$ "011111111W. I I Wftt f, .and ring the wedding� I Some lit ,Lite now IwAtage, ma...",, .If %41.0 IJf,'bUat!J. Wtilera lroall- I-or(1,JaVedL Israel that day out of be made by followintr theqe direN vQr ,6dly Work. ffta It Ia that so I I ­rj.�­_ .- . � . C C ) A L ,*,,O,%,T,#,t,c,',a,',N,altc,e,,n,",',,",v,',t,',',,t,ho "ot'k of allitheal. Shut up ilia hearse suit . much life�_ypIllig 1116-WA44 lost, but arefo be Issued early In thb Now I � .3 dOW4 into take tho iharlat. - I the baud. of the Ea-litians. , and tions." I -ll � th* reports show Ithwt 60 far iia 14 y(tar., The original Idea was that, - I NOW' tho ship eoui(ls around tho the Lott! did upon the F ft ALWAYS 011,11AND the �c4bln and dowa. on 013, flarimees ISMI saw that grftt work which Cut 06 bread in 0$roii ,ql�es, them lay it. oannot bo 1&1,4 to� Any they aluiuld haxey been Issued aa the � until thes' histed and ,Mulaked la the L -4 lions, about hall aim fueh! ift,fAickvielss. irtuday, this being found RHY RUS " delage. great headland. j, � and allitlitly ill,* thent In an I . & CORNEL � $0011 Slid Will and tho,litiople feat*d the 1`,63 ,rixtelessuess Or roalsmiai%s on thops,tt Xing'A,'bi t6 atriks the Wharf Xmd ve will go, boll6vica thel Lord and AS servant fort the art'. on $6 of th* officials. 1, I , Impossible ow1mg to the Insufficient $010ft " I)Xr A o number ofshoets Available. rbiw", . IM111111 gtr"On Hard """" 111;�X,b1k""`I""`0rLL' abaaw , - To ra r r ship# ltollig Metaft (Verges 90. 81). tonstilils fork. or In a � "Ilre, � boiler, At It fe, the Cato of tile -tritlsk at- .Itw 9mbatroom , -�, �'! prosdair. shr-Icking. Our great r4lip, Oat. Laughter, for ships comiog Its. . . I . hold It before or',lal,#r* clear,, Itetaliq hs , havin a betienclat t6tet Ue"rs. Ila Its, Rua &'Co.'havo .��_+. . an4 - " � vilarge at the pringlac ,w,hldt 14 being IVOU POL"va a filow"alL on *.,ftd XQP Of - a n6w �,Iio tou(hcs the whart.-, Vilrow , I bright 11" Of COOT OF thartotil, but 20tttr seeMIX _Js growing. 1ph�,*n ill 00000b BLOR, (;()bJZ(M. � Muuntclla of pbosphovetcent Art 4%nd out ftw Planks. carried out under the supervision of "­. In th# M'"ket fo,r C"It . , Iflocl; not Up that , CORONATION 1313990104. tit it Stillelint dlaltaao� Irtant'iticia. to following lt,Oicl-30 lit c6niDootflda bY 44 1 . -0-*#� � . then plunged down. dow,a, dowil i1n. pa.lngway Willi *Aibraelag lorg L It. hat bc,^u officially atmoauttil. 411OW it to browt ejeIlly. without. IK 'little Putth itfusee girl b I . Omerget Ubtoo Official#, says the ludem 16003 uU*A ' 11 tit It, vminod Q3 it tho Itewr would lost frictals. for v0tf Will have tter. that only t4offe Petra sad petrewg burning. NVIten'thesurfave at one, taught 11"glilth in 4 MRIP WAS, 4Z 1400A Itaily V�tpress. I .1 V L e Tho deylgas of the new stanips ave � . I All MO weighed on the Matktt Pgalix ItO rig4ted, All- Yott 34--, CT nItY ng rewilon- Stand back and . L Ilt , L Wage. - I L MO Who flalla the Tight, to Attend before �, side bet-arat's a, rich, ,golden color. Meant: 1(�ru X�ftgllslk IhAt X been, prepared-- b,4,ur. Via& vuelis, a — . I . 14*1es'Whort you got .-.ow It" for a -lit to cce a,*-efouo 'At, Sea. kivp wrl�7 ubtil 'Other- UnIllollm cairto January lot tilt, next, ,veav wil't be turil anti lbast tft Milk* alito In 0, ,It *111 try to . . 4 a IfWs und well to strup Mt Night � ton, llut4law I tum t1te Iml In UM sub. r.toard Mr, Varewcll to $Jul V.trc� surnuloted to."the Corot � Ip 01'* , never M I Ikatton., It 11 similar manitert. StrVe covered With call saY tO thd X*kkY,- h4td4llp; I Ncu t "rvl" fit file I*w*4 , 1. ill,$ jV,Aiy Th� head only bi ilia Xing i�* 1111"51 JcCt. nuill ldonttli,t W111t, itIs! Varevell, to Sick- interesting to boto -tho'-form ot, the % baliul" 06'a, WArm Plate. &Z ,twelve Years oil . . unil day - ag..# C" Jimiaptly, atteA44 to, I W 1114. L, tile lialin treo, amld'tha iJght!Aat!e,_,i Ac.*sJ mv�*vil to deitthi Blessed ..coAiuwftd to attend." It btq I I shown on the new stamp. and he It, Fil I 11.11'', -L.L L lit UK " - big as To MaktAtili toast, dip sUces of tifUt English writl � . I Ord tS Jett tt J.ee , -Alght truilty and irlift en� drIV - toast' in Welt SaItOd bollilaij $0 %he govotamout *111 A --- and tt4 ulyzue. �,.ruis Cge no 2110ro *Irt� till Ilivy who Imter IA through TollolIrA . kot I,,,:, portrayed b0theaded and withal 0 . & Shoppatilis charapterlttd by Woadcra of disastril, ttAft gjktes Into.tht city. tireIN,'bolov6d tousin, we Smot S�w witer to lithleh a pokiat'QuAntity anythir by thS, ,publication of the Ilia tlrbwn. This it a dep"tura from N, I i � - Stott' will twivis Prompt vietk604 thou A`V' Nvolidetis of Nesslog-huss- � .. i �: - welfgnA quilftioatilil yuu to upyAtir,"'I � �wjl,,d buffflf bui bech Weill. blutwf- I . the, cuitom . that 4btaiuvd uUd& o-.. I I � I I 11 *0b.WP""*I"`NI1` ' I L' 11 ' I '0"�.." M I ing of ior,!!,e0VAty 1, the averaga of Im. L" - (loft" Victoria, thoviih It is ift uni- �_ I ­­­­ , ttc. 4)12ly dak" ure *tWr"md fit To Mke inU or i�reem`tasst. 'dip . ........ 4 ....- , a I: U: . P , . I - Mill lit() i'apidly inemaoiv.7, Fortv it" 1; "I �, I . son lwlll� tile general Practice of I I 1 041209:11110 � this M601"r, Ike Wordi" or the Aoft� alk" Of dr.y tosAt; Into boiling milk perors, 111th I . O'E y S"' L , I .Vcliom irlow wotth 40I) �M,Arx clat'-. 'ta * evitatil. *oft salted and enriched _ OWUMAN " I ME1401118 rfttcy. - reigning Ringg'aud lim : H fiodg r Now Team travel frolln.1wallitoba ) B, SUNDAY SCHOOLL mons beizic inodided as One, Oegrl% of or tec. L I 1-1 . I he eitk(ption ob , tilt young QW11 kil. t L l . - L Pleh , tc .,I`_`, � nobility dv�fthtiv., Mamiset. varl�Y.' With Lbut ' 'Alkt k*tW *11oft no tharm to JASS Iteration.: who lolloffsthe aits"ple of I . I I ( New Vor4 in less thf(ft throt tlaqok and viscounts are a dres" im To toast on *,blue flame oil Ora" Owt wilt so&* to Anau hilubelt and olor lAtii,queeft. IL Vill I &DIng VA Ifti3ther timm it would litive ta�cn Inx U41,1101tAt %X011101f, '-ooUslas. and coutoWliers." but stale 6f any kinal Itut the 91te" Of t)kl* .mainy P"hir vith tilt tlas"I. 'In the pe-Afty stamp the muve, " wonths� IA other Words tihro2� - VU. P9 cot- witca fluel oil da.ys, nolit *to worth, turc,o lalonflA jbi bo,tobq as ­touns4llorsel anly. and-tior (A It' & wire broiler, lay ithO br011- 1-Tht cr*wa prIA06 14 iledleattil to the or will, be discontinued. its pla,�*d ,.1 - 0 1 - - "' " I '0 fatlit'r do,va. Irh� averago of humkq . -�,*. .1 not as --tausins, - (T Olt #1 ViddlO "Ver th'M lfi*nw- an4G,twv. end *a Is Eitel, Frits, ,,AdAl- jjik trikeft bv,& doll, trinisoll. q VOM PAR oINTM03T. � . A r r I Iturn fecquelitly, vattt t1lo slices are WIE was given to the MVLV. *- life PrJtCtJCftI1,y' ifilre&telc 'POW fbilit . Twit at $.***a,' U. -tiv., 1347 , +__ � nd NOW Color *111 ,, probebly be used for" . . B 911HINN -i RON wl" Noah lived. withlifs 030,ye . A". 100140A Ult. U. xv., I. VVIKV011 41014SUMMONN. 1* lit bes. 91vto-Awo otw sook, )lot to *-,*mot of si higher %altte, the prito mtion 0 1 % 060 'Veors. . ." browa*d, on both slllm� 0 Itself, being plainly indicated 8o " to Oij*A0w �� 6114 XMIU010h HVNII lit =1 Mot 1,4 101145'HItelt% of toast oft'i'tilis Jaw, nor tho, church. nor t LW,% ROW. , � 1 stilt That 11* lotal ,6rA*sw* ,Wblck in oath ather. It so Jilted thiLl will W- , � l0lixelice. The 8al# Ia, 14 � ­Pomr "Ve'' riot. stand I � )ZON4ttle"w1rultaft. lthosbe*n It,rold ll�aataef�ft, JIId*0*" ". I Ooutrulto" Itle"Ings of tz� , "' i Ono . "d 33taidem , raoft V. cho*#s anti II r* Al� "leov placles ripgufate* tho'-speoId of rotne molst And Iose tbe* tirl-fineft I, It mm Pilot or He"ftri,a) . . I .rogin and oft the salr0lo" of thb TAMA � � PININAOIAK0611, that VC]"t" AIWU*t -Wil- Thellesign fit StAwp* of high value &_*44,601 . , L, , , ;JnC3In1Ahd Via Ireov"y waltonq 'Mr "hich lit will show to,son tor -day. Itint6iftobiles ijught not to apply to's.*A Anvor: L Itailo, *;;R 0.%car will, learn, In ad4l. momshwtureft otaild d#Alefs ttle rotl�ng flfu,� �Vjlt 110f, be, VNl1JJfk1,I Tht 14rd 461WIt t1glit 'for ,V11111. **) !IM r"'kultoptift per*O*s Is the firmt ) 11 tiolt in, � he m00%y othtf t1ilap they though, it is IwobabItIll' that thome huraift, rho" LtA jt*,,� . . I Is all kledej of loiljioe U�A- to lc,lra ti't vesil I It� pjd#� &not light% isholl hold ,vour peitc* ' We Sa,b giv- oplaton of Oka N%*11.0h r4yow4ut, agd I � � .rFATE'D Riceirp'tc L are It lit; litaftlisil ,ftf"%*10,, winaf In g,"*ral Also will be fIrs'. is" X*&k..ft" 06rtak, I =0: I I r (Irie'a t4 , t"Is Wk ** 1%ft*rM6ft?f. NO Ili# mikolt 00t afth P" 8 a* ""It" ao*V_WgAW ft*i r .� I . or 8ftffId Dill A C��ftket'^ bohth� riot Oft ih* ChOkO Of Mi'tilflStIA" It"Onlinuck berwilitm **rit'vor tl*y videl ft k" stv" t*ft a Small ai,ioii, I I 10 It raft bor" VA � I I ", Lem, SWOXW, 9P.Ar,. I V6 tq^t*4lJ, A�. trout loa, fir, 1-7, but as tht,,-burdeis at Arrat 0",vd in allit %a ,Whoft qual t � ltrAlk Ott rlo� N. and with halt * 400W tow . � I wi i flit Vrmasohs ha, , . " **ow wslfoiIw� row am,-holf evv,,! As in the, t*" of toitv* of tbm Vic- latftrit. - L I I � - r , ften0filvVilito wo tfch�lsk tlw tAkIllf.. lot that, lemon fit lffael,f4 41("Ii%el'itece,,clw.lillvgnlvt W"iloax #rq *v*gWjft. and ftoly Otop ronaladow. And of tWr "boot 10116w1k llwv *111 dig torlo(ft j.ulno, It to Ilstonded to k"P . Mo** Xod ofth"t'" fammed &.1 *Pov Know,1441.cgf, roliq itq tidts wNlit f-%,rA V so- IbRore XIOr,V with but iwo or ' ft. soa^� the OliA or** IS W* $),ill tb* ria,Wre it 0*011, liiits'od : � - 'I to*rWL' rholil*d Hops to ow flftrt aftk� - *Ad Plant 341 Uw X"t W1014" 9"rSX4hriSaI , , Ar lbrough '00 Ito 'If I Cato", *4EO It. , , Lh air In its ! .,� ...., - , I wor xn�aWa door, hall mt lvoldw� loor". oeatmwft relervillit to Ili I ir 010.). 2111 Alls"tot with iwr. #AH"$ thAr pf0ft,tti; at VArkVt Ill basd it "ba"W, I I A"400" 10L I 10flY *a doltit anil lu.0he, in thma It inx In btrinitiMitm. wid lite IMoft In I blifa, *03r* the %*� sitte". tho, 00(t, is AlLd r4m � X4* OTA.V, will I I .� - L It t" S%k I I . I t_Pra;4rk* & okkt, _V leftalot 1111to 0406r*t w, bit *1 *V-Iftt, MA -4- TIT*" 10 1" 40*"os -_ I ;. I I . L -,� I � suohAw"t 4 &**-"ft. IT,^ vIwwq)J9herA of 1% hllndr��t ,-,e4sr4 roti*114A V14 MIA _at J;eIjV,�.JaA*rvWI***, Not *pit# do 0* thety ft and plant tat *WA,, but A AFOWrt if - . I thr4r high "OtIlm Isit fw*v �bio tat, lo-lk ta*xpom p"Irrorho. now tot., ;l6a i vrm - . . **W"_"'�I!'b-"--*Ar-�M-ILNIId "q mito ItevA cal�fqt vl% Io rtV00- In Sr frii" 'IV thf. ""i" "'Or#'� *?" lk" NO(" 4410400'11*110'r S" *VS*ftI#,V iogo bloofihoa thtIrW 6"ro" it" twit to, ttwq viii havo t" w0k two row* $ad I* �, I :: - � � I 'I ­ " ! I � OII,44 with asir Nove anot"Itirk, #h~ jkftorworA born in Tothlohiplift, tho after, the thl,0004"', Ala ablettor ts the t%igifte #Mova �� 0 1 11, 7%0 awat rooilly owt, of har"Kx in 014 1*11ovorhorIt Wo"14 ho W%f ok%wa MIA Nit", iho See 1xiv.m. VINA-01thwe r*oklng m,4x%�, IN WAdk I O" bwop000% I"Ittot, .4tmtt **d vbk*- ,ft* In Iwt,i4s *tatan tft� tliors 46i C"AA I __ --- � ,w ho. .1 -- atww o6wwwo lit V,4444 Mau"** Z *Ith thrro 104"amw batter &" � Cb""'* *I04 *Ad 004� ., ?All* 14'" lk *a*00~. k a CIS, *MTAU� li� Said ; , I . the *IiieA be"o, lit th'tk X*" 4 'it t"* '"n "t 01ol-'IfIt'0414 bONS ArAWK 14 11114 1"Jft 4* f1% C" 1110W V t4 ' - - &WIANA. _ , I . . _ 11 . Jkp oy:qim #" YeAf 4W tho rla"� hetAw'.0 to" XfAr*o folik bit .,. , % *.ft* rAAwd *gum ----I-- � 10%$" t" 110144 1106" 111061M I" ""d- =_ abolbA* I 3%79 it %rest, 1,40A iK f aglikold, 110sto'd lr,� an1*01r, ill& Ilf"Ofloos, ro,# t"** #No- 44-47A fit OL forattv AXIC %.. . I �,%"d " is "o W U*4 ftfto� *W- rarkell vow -haft ov im Zw, t. I i'mo Vian **it Sit vog's pm,04 dft to" $1 0" 'DW *Atsaft"ftt We *b,. "..- I �� . 'q . � 0 *4A ovet, $10.%:WL It I# for (t,Vr bNot -04 In ail 011ie lika"t"St IWIlts" 1~210f, W4-.bft%# 4rht"Oh It* fW116t 1.4ft IV,qtq ::Ir 1'�. %ft aw.4" cc I I , , Will bp 3ft*4 ft J)& MW 0"o a" "ItIft *11% $ooal bW - . ft vbmo*^A borwook 11be 8111164 Of a 6" " *4 aw-*A Oka# 1100*110" I ,;", � haiwo Ia" sk" *1 Ilk* U", sfa%dw oil. .&M". "wer tu attatiot of thoto 4 itsteft, 'L, let 00111411VII1110". a" "I at a" Ila UM. R�*"J*W,*b& 3%W. 1 Aft _. . r I I I , ­ I - I �� I . t I. ­ . � . �, I I I - I I L � '.... - , , 4 . I.L � I "_.I . I I I 6 I .�, , 11 i I " . I .1 I L I L !,F"'C ,LIXW ,� �. ,Z, � ` , -1 -1 ", . " IT, 71, i� "1_11 T� 11 . , ., , � �, , � � � A% ; . , i _ I P N, 19.19 I I 1 0004M 0114 V 134, 11 mrX440414t 10, �05V i I or 0 SEA M 4M. " 'A)*& 0"" ==I", Z I -A f I I0, �� I I . 1� I I I , , I . , i i I �.. ,. I � . - k I I - .1 .. , - _ --- . I I I . I % . _ .- I . -1 . . 11 ,. I . I .. I I 1. L I .. I - I . I . . . I I .. 1, . , i I I I I I � . f I I.- � . . . 11 � '. � .. 4 I . . I I I h .. ( - i, "', 1, .0, - ,,, - I :11 r I I L I . . 01,,t I I L I I I �",jbkLA&j dgk"& , _-, - * "I _%'� jljjti�, L "U ,,.:"A , &JJ " ,4jk;t.' - " I � ", , , � . . . . . . I'll, 11 W Q ,A.,�' a � � %&A�X, -206A.- -1 - - ­_&___ - _�___ � - . _ .1_ '. L&� L - ­ L- LL - :�, , � � .— ___ � _ __ I � . ___ ___ ft _ M .- — 01111111111 ���� I - '' ��������������������������l������ii���il��������������� I � � I