HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-12-20, Page 4Is ... -w- ,W -RT- lr� - % I "I '� '� -7 ., �� �� T. , , . I , I tl ,41`7 -1 ` - , , , , .----- I . 11 �$` ii, , � V, "" , ­ - . - . Ir, I I I , , 1 ,7 , , I . , " , i I I I T� "" �111 - . -- rwel V 'i lo, 2 - �. I . . 'W',, � I I I � I "Is , .1�1 , .'.! 1 -,5 Ill , '" ,� `4 W'" 'Y"", I � 1� I . , t .0, I lal� � . I., . ­': .P " *� M K7, - "; � 4, , . � 1. .1 W. -'q �, 1% 7 � '. '' -1. "I,r I I I , I 11 I , � , , � 1� ­ � 7'-�v . .. . ­ . I ­ . 11, .1 I ill: 4 � u , lill 5 .". , " 1, ,� . I I . . � I � ." I , '' , I , � "I I ., � , I, I I , I I I U . t � �:, I . � �1 � I , .",� -J!-�em, ., � , . - i --1 : I . I , I . . A, � I ill I , � . I I , . � . , , ,-----.,,- . ­ I . ... ­ I .... -1 . ..1. I ,W I I . � 1, 11 " P N. . -1l -I;w W.=-, 4 � -- ­ - I 11111.101.01 ollow mool 0 . Is . I 0 � . ­­ I I . I "Woo- - -Z- -- - - - , , - �" i�- �� � ...... milliMm - . l . - I � ­ ­ mc.,20, I'M - '­ I 11 �% , I � - - -- � ,- I 1. ­ .- =- -2 .-1. � . ---- �� ­ �� � I 10 I �. - --- - ==="s:*,�--.",l I . ­ � I - ­�� A,-- -1 ­Al 1--.. .11 -41 - =t*-!*�� 1-1-1- �122- It! 1 il -- li,ollilliIillmo:llllpolllll 11142 � -MRS Go I) foUCH HTAR . - I . � � I .1. I . ­ . . . T. � h IJ " . ­ 1. . ; 1 1".. I ., I .1 I %,.t P 1. I -1-00 wilisol V411140 A)f towijill #I'l 1 , i A%;Y%=1=: Imo+*;ell - *ll ''I ; � . I 11 I ----- -=== - i'll 14 . � V I . l kj -,- . . - No Fm �­..illl P I I " - I � ,. 1� Itrcmw, - (I'll and Iteasuril al 1 C41141111 14CIRICS I ` " "' -7." ''I . I . .1 I I I I 1, � W, I - f . � : . , . � ' . . 1. I , . 0 P �", " I'll j � LTV4��Al; a1tviisji;ig I iolA jL4f . � V -L be. � YA Long,Hair 1*VAj1IOq. 1 It r1ught to if - . , I F !, I- I tWl; 4"'lil *W4 'i"til"W�Or' VW'�'Aroalmrsttgtlslihtidtb�y woWAtM j ��t& WAY , I -, Ill 114111XW.t�;jtjl,�W. I(4%Vv.k4;c1mlcv1 _ W- A**l . - . t - , a AU ­ I I 11 11 W;lt,.�tlil;4,fttt�;lizcq,N"itltltk)ft*wn. pnil to Allitil ol wy *" fill U ­ �, . 1 � I . � - � I 11 '' V~fs %40 sirig iluastiac fmial " loWAY411-jaill Th'ar 'm . IF � leiv - .. 0 kWMAW. , I Ul*#WC(Jbviotawo� pro"Pta Wish u a m X . at#Yalir,VVY42trwas 011141. I i.m. I 11VIII ill 0 fUll n,,,,i, m I'll a"I W1010" a obr*loil wol 4m . , . . ic'mill't a Ull III I Nu4itt Ailluwj��iI `sr W1111% ttwt It Wesk t4l or bal - %A killopil,g 110 Will UP ft�stmttli It""ll off Ul soill t*47 filsilt voputoult.t. . % I I I � A . , Utill � �lvtlll lil ., .W , I ins, *;;" ff, *11%i I* 44Wnj44Wi,X1dwkwpr*t1*w ' -1 VROWNI"ti4wotttpoi*"*Uythtt ; I I 11V -,-- a I'l ot er's KdrViAm it V�,,jml vincle, 1i , ��*.tiimwl Swr t is j That old wish so full of tend -or memorlos* I Y � I . W; (TVA Ut risay joil I bfugv we 'c". k4yamiy�rmilso,wV, RwiallItAxorbilit'llofti: � . I ., , 111134TC414e IlIll" iPj 41106'n -.;v4lj4vt41r.*14 Utioliese.04"IIII I DeWitt to r&nw Vital, t1ifift vam . . I ti, = W XV4, fix"fte' cmAr mujk* 4 we I -i � 4,t 1wirltow li'll / Ill ii , le ,,,I' � MY, taltil now it T.03yl* *ill vach i meVit,# *bij. ii,oul,mjjIjlj­#, ��, , , ` 1 2 nfittli-"t�­z j I `%Wl"oUF`g0o& Wb*th`W1fVU hmY41r ­ - I �t i 4,14 ipeb-�n in Ir %%V. A. lil A cwll- E imlized value of town- "111Y nut. pi"ase Pell tit to". fast frill IO tir -­ --' llioydll�*tj, A(Aison, KQ , I c 01 Ud T1**er,`�,-F* AE I I Witt bn to cxfl your attention to som I � . i ,� I If , r�%, il,*'Ip. Wlwttle , *Q="Iyusalth I . 11 I I I � . V,i6l` IVAWANORU.-Ulet'k. votsm � Lle At* re . Ill i is 11 t� I $"so-nable Goods. * ,; I I b, I ... i M V; TA%,., covars, Ctma"ShIrts, Handkorcilijoh, (31"ft , . I I I � I I U"'Sinq V010-8,14stv* VIU14W I tilt'lunilell. . fqre vtmlgt,h bit i 06011tio, I . ­ - -1 ­ . I I -1 � . . I pr .;l 11-rumitiltmil ux KPIRMIl 0M, 0II5.4 I" . r- Ill - -11 � I I . a , Thcre,� amilier hti%� � I ,.. t ", tsf Suspondvrs, umb"114s. cu" Links, Uk , I I t'' . , r,� I 11 ,,l '14 1 1 11411 that of tho -st( mach, 1$�#(kl. X'441vetor, 1. il�Q�'��t by � . " 4 "Ps"401.0 I lt�'- ' 'it, , :, Hoir hunpr, forinstance, a110%t.)Iq.#7VAebl4 leom#mc reitn'. I D r. Vkr�*,& Va..'! I � Stu4so WmPs, Mtdfiors, Silk Nock S,carls, Cardfpn '"I" �, - tj - . � - ­0111*104q*4 eacti, ;P,q . I . .'Yoritia . 11 J4ck0tAv Smoking Jackets, EtC., Etc. I "'PERFUMERY - , I OHM, ft Il .il P" . I I Flne Gift Pi i ) HulgholrAcedstood, izea Value tic w1volibill. 6101MI. . mokwist:*k wooft . . . ­ ." . AX it . I . I P 00, " , .1 � I . needs. air vjgor,Ay,oe,v. , Wrssl w.m4N00l1.-lI qttlarr. atsigns end miax if . I - I .. � $1411; I,i,Rir-Iii-�tSI)Dtlrltitfjls.,�ote..*Iu,t� I ., Be4utiftil' Furs, Tull plut,it W40k iss, Hurm 00onty- I ... I 1. to Oak vowifelf Wanton wall. Xt 40" . � $Pftktl,Y Nim, Is t to. '01 3 Ivra ' "maly I ; I 'rt*tW The i�w Ito" front #11 taad#"g,m*k0j* %"" � ­ . This to whyvre oar thot , at-, 11ja,63; frolivill I this by tollqv ,the '00fesititokof wlo-�- �­�4.0- rillitill 'VE176I , I � � '. i : A�ees Hate'Vjpr # W�ys flol ll It 41I HoseaWl" 11lat &l - dilloss WbAt *Ould'"Jakit * lit". Cigar and Cigarette � � L I I I I its til"Illkliliblo)AU14 Au*---:;�Imwo-ttol meott'se8eal jal -"m ptlo"Ottillil al -omwir sailew to *kit% Tow I I I I I e. ctilor", .1 *140"IlWit"Aigill TAMU II for tb* b6yjW g1ri, &gowl,rur:V,Ap vp A xWr ot emm , , , . TeUoros "loro lind makos I v il I oillizeft, Va.100 -Of Own. , tsolaformssloill4oria ..; i I 1, . svlotttl health. it I - I . , 0"i A Vill, Perfalsto jo th' . 75c'. to Ulow 6 ; i r 06, blIk1grow toq od I *"-a tho dzilim "to . I . W. -V " ' I I 0 11%041101! all , vot"im - oft � w"kenvoollati,it", i , Text. - Ilk, matIliry, W , . " . IM0. Ichristam Packap I � -hc1LV'Y- *0411ilil& AJI *W,46 , 11-RIAttial-lon of birthr Inlats I Hats I . I ,I, �, . I -­­ . ". I'll 111 I ­ IDS -, vtv's $10i revi"! 140'"'I i, " $iftt x I I - I . I 1.� . Z� - ... Y ry CAM 1. 0 11 I L At Iot I U. � -( Voteral llstl,,�*27.12,, buitil hei'l ,,,,,,r44VA41rilm1q0WY,tk roltibochtistulais t, I , We he** ism" its Ani Uotholl. .0 Usty"85c. to $16S 1i I . , , I—. I i , SO; tretiourpri, *m; 0011010.4% ft Out (10 rial alvitt . �' I I 4*1 =4411094wom blt"t$"&O'f@%'MbiD*14TI)Qg,del,iqb. LWIA Y !Ipbtil of sluk rodom 94,1I Will Iwo With U"dk*jVhjI 0,f0y##4d.j0Wfsi'.CW'f. .F11, i L VIQL ,Wlt(!h t "" We t " � (100' "air I .1 , I Ill on I tit* N Atwisorrjmt auaitori. I if Most I first ,"W - I I I 11. . I I � fli Ebolly, OF . 1 .�4 ,f � " ' !t ILL ro"Volljorl fees, fill X40 fd'*ft =Vfxcea Ill Do !t pnrg L oarislihs iottc( oftultAtIal 01fus, *00i . I i .I ill, . - _UIV Mix 4111114. " L Ill 1410131% � . �� et , I WuAes, . "at, or"", Als, .1 I ­ LLL -­ ­ ­' L. . 'L z walized VIAltuo of 0 fifecel's, titild c ­ I I I A i , , , , ' '!!! I LL 'it I , I *il 'UM 040W, 4U I . . . L I j _ �__jft L , I I � Sitl of (11114 . . ­ on I , . I 'L ': :1� - . L I I I ... 11 , � 1 .tsM 0 14 0% . S1,00 t -SA)Arg� fzolo; I Ia. ,.,v a" quamps for ioria ftfh�htw VA%4y.w , I . I . �- ,I , 7-- . I , 4P olare, Ia *;'�Ilw � Wal (1100ling, It You wil,lit lil I 0$-31S0 Clothes Wushex, ft I .. � � , I owlem"(3411I 6*K*t6.m*- V .., ; . . , 91 ' ' L Wks Ill 2" 'I - ..., , . 'IMPOPU 111411on of birthill, ate., * $3 I re�, i I . . 41*04 r.; QyoMoiti & bOY'S OU14 hillsfor QX oyorooat* you WsII UjAike simlit Sult I I'll .1 � 11t t&L il ' VoferilI1Lj`j$f,. #ftli$a; Qe( 't Iplalry of V oil) itoolle Will;*k4eso a. 06 $414100001stigna UO'llolstaXit by havin; your Wi%atittupplil b '" oftatitio out 01-m 040" in in o Toilet Coses' 't I , MUM$ . bolir I , sm"ble "N:44rioml lateeid . I J ­) . � , . . a � � I I . I I - � I I I 0 L lo".0,prk"Itall 0 IV , if I -setillector. JIVA00CAlt"Atfing. X4r#m".4*lkt,," a : � ­ I 11 . . . . . . . . i,� . of begit1l. $Nt molvilrer, W - I . 49wa Wool Will Nolan O*W.-Anpirlomq, . , . 11 .: 1, � . : : , ,, AutI;hmoms" ittl4votboorlil to the . 115" livilosiori ma; Auditurs. $0 06ch - two , . I [ W I , + I I I 1 Sh4ving 00odst. " �� ." I ­ . cAr, 0 - . t lbat y f:Ir *4 . I . I . 8 � '4 1 - rAllu14XtKj*ll'tA*jCrY4ft 1, I i "#t4iO4`i0J00-r4XtQ4it W In the hilinds at Vo0Y.0.,6,,,S$j �Uunk.11jor#.' $16, , fteh. rillitiWill After 14 k. tIll X IWO to" perfact frWing clothing stor . I . � 0, I .. L L W f lot . � j 1; 09U4112011 value ot, towhilih%ft4jo 1"I lodw. X tol r ties il rieril e# 111 " -1 ' I te" 'iftillililis .10 1'*ekA#**l "frol L:' � V4011OU'$ Other Ifnes* " ++ . , ' . I - I eoClil *ooXL'.4jIY4rtI#6 . " clerk, tialltry. 01m, realsola-i =,!tYQt1r V . , MCO#04 . 1. I I . I I I � ' CLA"'S flf'o"'. L . . I .� I . I . ,� ! , Ill maw itso& III thim XoNtiAv Now of. ll g"rut rml iiI of 1061 Rig 'I I I . , .10 . sm - Cis PRI" � Im *ill plolow -govot"n , (19,0'r 0 I—— - 1j"A n L'I M . " it 4�lt OV'r)9*4411t j'tJ16t$l I . NOXt tQ 4ft & �h Nrd , � 11 ,,#-4"0* , �, - a mlillmi�;"Iqq I ep I Se. to � t6c, - , I . I . . . . Ilan,of birtbo. etc., 421, tovul Of: 0 IDr. Owls 44tonih xtlbe47 i -1 , � . . I . . . � � : I . I tummoill "0014110*11F. " , -'N. -i'', - - . - I ­­ - . I , L . . � � � . . I . . . I Vote)-$, 1186121,01- � troalauter NOW I (4111 Hit* a lIt'll roott.' I cil thistok, ti;IIII! i i i ! ! 11!1.m1.m1q 11111,1:11timll I I � , I � . 4WNTRACTADVER'Mill . tol . v", 3I .01" 4014 the X"A "t'Ur , " -, , , .. , ­ ­ A�44.r-�. ';,o , �lZ, ... I I. . . � I I ! 1. . UY t -The, *%Y Ad. treat that - ., I I ,, . L .1 .0 .m '50) , l � 40", . I � - I ailait"m ito ,�eiwh. ;oqgt '"Milt 1�0 L4040 4*4$ . I I I .- � 4 1 . I "i lig"AN laroilmilIii %4404I M "too L Y" odf4 FANA'aj. G, 0ODS FOR LC 101' I 'oy"r10ijulkQ4`", l"eIadl"Ill-�P1e* cold is 4:y uslopI of lAs r L . 40t, savottlift U. # VN OU; 'comimlitors, "t k*vw * 101"I" wh6 is, 4*14; I I , IlI I ,,, r in I a '. S. . . . � I .� I� �1 : : 0112dotwelvtl�dmlitoill uVeritud'"twool *llob, 14& B k#djtAk*ljihl0I - . . I . + I . 1:," HTULSTMA I , ,i. . vimny,.�Whlch, r�; twill -4 borO tialill , , "' .� :, - I . . malized Value ofor'lowil. I ­ . . . . 1h . . I I � . I ..., - . ,i L i � viliflowk wial 4 will W il 1110 ol 01I)i 0I . ,4 , ­ pj(. ViAtTgel 140alent 'rellotis, PtoMotia 11 . . I I � e , I � . ��illil , � Dromo'QuIn. And '*' Ull 0 our , .. ; I I , . I .. .1 I L C-1 A . L I I *, , ,�� . "tqtom"A.1100,xrolii`350.�0760. ill$.-Qerk, 64114 K L rL I I 0,09�ll`ll ill"t-A, TH *L* ."A T E fjurlfax 'Vif)l.oft,*,�t�utill4ij4r�ni%tiglis, Whitt Pine. 004 Tscl' ,�"­ L ''. R mom 0'VIArlt : . t � Of 1116'bowgla, all Ail th* IT em PI)LItNITURI? thi;& �jttiqwtgll thii,eyo 04 slit;r1il'of. ilippear*1340, 18,I '"', . 1, ' , , sl "r i , � 00 V I , Is. .114"moto W"Willuou.0 ino Dnot Ila (1101414, that T011'', .1-14 * WhItil Resither, Wild aoll 10t.r. ry'It.Ils'll ' � I �'L I, ! I, . AA Amo to lits, "j7afll 404 ,061100ttd tering births, OW.,. I ', jai , to " U on 01, _ L I I I � � , , : L I (A 11; 614W4 sas utiI amilmallir-00% x4o tile . . I . I r , janteo� I . " other )U40yo, illhoilld be uII ,ilift V . I 1391""a"Inpl? loot' . I . xoothlr. : � .. �jjq rilill I , �, . .(%$2101. : -­-� ! ! i!i! , triffIllaii I � c, 1100tiall. . .l L our ' . . I L . . L . *1 �, I I I , --t- _ , , I . . , I I . I . �Ll. - I . I , , . . 1! ilt , t".-�-- W. Assegoot"Vol it jr4i 0 0 ; , Ivitrool*, me,4101:1016 :, j?,&X()Y' ()IJAIRS � '' $jVUj;()4RUS. L PAIq0y' . TA!A 7 L'SIS. L I L I)RDROOM $tit . . .� I I ". , 150. 0 ,,, I I I. im 0! I, . 'L I � . 11 . I . ,1� . � � . ­ L I . I I I . . .1 I I . I I - All im , ­ ' PAItWILOARTSM Pl�HVITO. MU,410 4DAii I:;, ok :, , UOURS L Tim, . I L . I . . rom, ,W;, vouncill V; *�- . . . . I � I A;b . .11 - I I ".:! , , j, . ! f' . . . � I . L' 0 LL I � , I �1� I 11c r P4-qmbged value oft .. " , . � . cAlfVOTIROOT ON010--ooni " WAXNAVASINS�iVal ' ' "KSKSOVALFAKINDS4, , � LUC) 'L (With 0 jl'441*otio�, 111114� #" L. _,_: . I I I I I .L , , ,. .. I �, I � , 0 . I W1Kjj!kVef&L*hOjr,e $14tw0foll'or, pre'rultIDS for I I 4 1(411ni, 'A W III A 00bittkb Stst ' I 1, L)l t7 . , I , . ' ' ..''L. . I '. tI , jarifitto . . W-0 joilliallio"Lal L '. ! L I �Ivjmtlluosm OUX ?A . coutooblie '00040 1110PUlarl Wale it not ijj*� tit' ­ miltrads., Tho,tlawoiat4no b , a , ; � 'L. � - 11 ; I 0 . I ill 441,V . . rill .1. I , . -� 6 �--- ­ " " L ' I. I . I I . .1 . I . I , T V a I I 41 0 1 i . � I . , � - ­.- I 0, JUUA I I I . I . t . tiviTal'I Ia ItoW to suil A i I I 1: ii%01 mt,� , , ­,� � L Out I '. - .. r � L I ­ - I � . ce 000DE 000 I . ­ , _ � , L I � I I mi� OAT. , vi , I 100# ilisso 'L I . ­ , I . 7 1 � � I I . . I . . I . Its , � 4. Ill 'n , . , ,� 4 I L . � , , 1� -W L, , " ki : I . 10004,ri 1=1 W. IM111 I I L . I L, Sul * I . . . I 9 Chtrnist�-Oedfo " � rt. .4 . ..'i I t t�he AlPlAcket, to ­ --- -- L . , V L . I � 1. r4 slo�`k,*` got -m-, Hlru- - I �� - . L I the Old ... 11 I showour Goods 1.4 a . . ­ : . 7� . I.. I I , . I : L i .. I . -.0 , . .. . '00000 401*111101111111 . .� � ,­�, * . . 4&t,A,Sjj0$. L 4 hOVY I I . I 1, PI"Oore., I L. , L . . I . . t: I . I . �. .. �,� 4�L , I I . lutroramaTA 8 LLLLL - IIII L r I I I ' I ' ., L �. . � .��il -.11:1 l :1 � � wl,O.i. , -1- ­ - I . 11 I I 1. I I'll . LLLLL I I t t "I'll I'll I & f,*N A.. , l., I � . I � I I . . 'L � . , . ,. . , I ..L'. . ' , , - 0 1 -'-!I _,% . � C , � . I 'L i.. " L , i .. . I . . .. ­ jaylWif L AL, .1 , . . . . . . pear On . -RY , . � I I "Vil ii b90 0#8 1 1 r I L L I 4, I 0, mjre . I , , . . . . , , 1-� . . The $ftfmth:RXPQSltorjm,l lk, _quite 410006oulla I Arld a" One Watd A*tA L -m . . . . _ N. , 1. L, ., , , . .i I 1. - , � I I , , � , 11 . it, k . . . Vver I1110 Al pat Affler,14 � I I . � Af�r I I 4111111 #*"Oilit , ts�'a as follaWls, 4 L " � ral � , , " . I I L . . 11 , I . 1: �,.j � a 14 IoWtjo jind jjtjej'Vj30r,0 L . . L .. . I *004060441#4ko 7 I . i" I L . garil thill,elillito4of i�lraf "lanielpal 111(sage.11 . fintal4nill Valealotlylty tile tols"Illorts or Wd�)'JI kil il L I L ))140jr �L, �, ­� � : ... � : 4 ., I . 1, P � 11 �, 4, 14 0"90*0* ' I . I I , o0cers, n ' freu P)JIll .'I 11 _ . ! .1 . . . . I . . . . . . 134,10, vounslool,11, 1,1,0 pfadomd by )Ail spin II by 0AUNI VOle I . � 1 i ----"-- ­ ­ I I " L . L I I . . '" oil tho folloill taffalcit re. Ilroll rilts kl brought Atli# -AND ViNvan-airo4s- ..�� - =))"UVf I , - L . . pliI . (Yoln60114% VON1`111% 0110i"'The ameadmilut;Tall i L , . . . , _ C -IND -R. -M.,,.,il pit 'r . U 'RAL . � 4' - 943 , L . ".h. , It 0 .... " 5 i for I" ; � tn_ i, I ttlo,00***ilf, . � r �. -9 tlko4wiw jCe"t$f,OrrAj1 L- Mund overvalloctor ob Il'ile . I I - . I . . l . 1 4 . .. . . .b . 11. L, I � . f I .. OVII ­ Fort litatted to, -one vote f6p the inal . 0 At . it ----- ­ . I �� L , �� . . I . . I I L . . .1 . ,. .- . I I "fa. Ill 'fil" 40 `ill" ihli� Plil tit alile �'V 411t 4AiU'ZgLlotV` � 000��qoto for' , V.AD,j � Olill yy Wool tho. gt"b 4061*r . . I . I I 04011 I Nami"milio i-, ­ � I - 1. I . 1 ;1;�;. . - L I I I a aris j 11 ' I �, � I . , ft.th CotItIll 'or.aldf,fii L beatho'cilled a - . , . I � ill 11 . . A,- lot Of 160joh NOW (;OWilifor 0 'lP41 OfflicAiv vPUerally14 rldlc(i. , ­ L Way tttv*a ol4a,".4 Will I I . i n . , . h1local"t".44 "OHN . . . L 1­�� I maill"Ill be olaotta foe tile, towtv or el knowlt, peo0lit, ficiAt the locolittivy. 'of : . I . . L I I ablom t of ,� . I .� I I f � Tho Olatoll Xew plia,inve t.y , I wintitri TL , A 14L ­)) il ion' ,rt , rm opens ... . I I I L , '. I I . I - I W stil Pg flio yee'remet- L . Pqrtl"K tind"AbAll votout th,opollin L I . . 11 I I I &-.I , . .. I . I 4 I , . I 1. r,'L , .- tile T L % Place of 'Ll"Iftil "'# 'WrAl 990I 67 Yo*.roli mondayt January Ill , ' L ... I . .. I � , Illill AUNIV141014 ill W 11.,11 he 1" TAL let' 40f W40, wrl Arm. i I . ,� ,, �, fian 4001l ill t4a, ffillowl"It VrIct*t*.,40l I 1010ro to I . M c% - . *�-- 41wtwo ,A)( � latalyllah. a ,beet, y9or �- �L �', , lasr tile diI required" MU94t %CtOry 10 thikpfjeL,tjon�al 11 il V I I .. _Yollr__ L , , I . I .11 I I . . . I 1. I , &., I . .. I , 'f1#lI(4v6j1U1l ,WO414 be Ili thtt j U01" b 10 to 110 Alis, aiijdQb4 if Ilikatl4fled to V�to t,b Yoho apfiliI 46 oa&00111011141, , I . . ll I L dk"61efsims *ft.j*.1se,*,0*,Xei-V,I XON;II , . _ - Oiveilll 771,"t-51 of ill And TIM , ,, , J . -a ", -or wh(itt he Is 4 non reoltient Or is not � . I . I � t I I I ? Ao ailoat litrift ' Audersim ' I L I I " * - : L -,4 , � .4 1 L I I i0teteaft of thill people sa wellials ot,04 atires oil sull .1100to 10 ,�, . blit - ad anil�p&ft . L $btofI il�a 'brt Vsa�'jtl ,.L . - 9 . I . . �;.­ � OM411:111' Ine remilotliv ttloAj$trjk 1,144le(k toa, YoteJ6 tho j)ojIjn0:..qaij r I ol . " � , 11 I '.. � 1.00410" Doi . . . I I . . . ."K, ., This smill;ll rttf.""mor visilt 401I �.� I I L . I . .ttor . ., I onivOrpy"Add noxtike�tOO6.tiie,eompltvlytol)a attho 4tvisilon'llilibeib I I � '--4�-�l 0 . , �� �. . I L '. � I L . � I . . . - %10800110 Witilt 00 Vato Of $4 " I ,Where . . --r1`l" -1 I . , r 1i - i, Utah fiw till) bell ojl#pr, he ftte� VcitiI li I ­,- # �'. _.. , . 9 I I moril ol vooltill 'jokeot4esl T,b6al : L , ' " . I . JIM itato of thill tiatill ljoetig,"iOd � d thl only,- Mild In L _ C&tarth if, & atirlp 1)1%eW, � &.1 , , r I : I .. tifflommoss" A k (For e . I I'll at Ij;A;t, ' ck . Allr*-* I - a1*11014 .1 . at *le to $1.% unit . I � I " � A rate of roh- Per too a 'tho iddar4iliou are Armed mill .the Injoroilipope --" I , 4 . . I ,ol . the VIL104. whei are I,--, . . mt-,. . oll""OA In lv*Tufo . � - , ; ! �1 tile responflifillitilos asnimil At JriI bg"r bil arrisagod Wit . 016il to tWo elootorit , bal iiia. I . 1. m . lAotille" )?i4ral"1#1 nillae, for julatIllf . . i, it -the . t dists(009 tAbilliho .IiI , - G.- c' -I ., I . , radif III *,itti t(v #1, 14) at 00 tbU4$ 10;� � ' I . I . . I imltivrstir�wm imbout illefollaill 1110b. 1'. I every .4 . I ;;;���� I ! mliv^ � , ot k And thlik Palle a$j(ju . 11 I I � i . u . � 0010tAthe PrActle4or tAl wift'd I L I . . L . I I . I . . I ) t'airipAill lia ttl'al I'hjj Armer electorishid1bollsUlted toone1olil lVa4ers, 015 I ­ � , . . . I 11 Xmit prollo " 1% , . �i totheroplo, Illpil tbeyietinjudre-for willne *2009,10vt0fifOO'blocro ,wra. , , ,10001 0110 vrovilmman j . . . I , lik , - . . , I r IT L . L I . . . . P tit0l; stdotman; 0 li'll alected st etioll 'Ing .Asthboa, emAkTh IL04 'brouchtmit , , it I I ... In L I "., ), F - thetkille'ves. We, bal not 3�ot t :71 1�. Ift"I , asintill UmbTallet, ft orr ft"ni% I " , = rective of & L , 04 not eeh.tl. -- mmiliI Imm= ,, it ft f0mom on *uWi0ail 0,1061006 4*0#Oilt I � 00led tho SAuraig Oom thio ill, so I 0 F( pmesitoge- of sugar" Oil 41091ou In Which he has, beat) by istiallsorts draRil till , khoolstbf*vaat�ot,dv;.,Ilr=vo.loe.I A, Aa- . -, *1100thl bliwill, trOUI *Nti. 1 .41 . I . f . Ito avorl ,) to d- jutbe'divitillpt. a Vill, 011110". I .to.$Im " . I . I � � ney they cording;to the clov4orme"t " as ty timil are. 00 m4lit, . ,� 01740� L . . . MUDICIPA110c#, but,',,il fa, - _r 0. rated. for the neco#ojil pr(l 4r- solil t-tim , �. "jIlill , #6,60. * , k , Orly roMijoeriAled . test,WA# jai I . I Ili � . , --W _,(, . .10, _ -M Ill 1 17,% L . ' 0 � � . I I . .. 11 .� I (110 *11owtila tho.0juptroof.l.bege -long p"r Aere, WhIgh WOUI(I . f the tallore bo"Uso th ' DDr Aill. " ­ I r . r I Ill even nloia jil 031 cannot polleti'sto I CO, $16 (I . . .- . I L - . . , #T.op, **^ : . .. o L Va 4111110HOK00" and Ithall v�te 14 Central Bitsiness, college$, , PRIE I L I I k, mannet harift botol,evroNsilbed sell thill0licalio �Orcejja 011 Ina " M4 , . 1. L . . . L aj,OV, It IM ,,f tb#"*I%U slot ta 1I � * T"1`11% a". . %.#If L . � ll aVetsilgli�" . . (IIA6 ill Ito O clera.. of the jural , , .tetty iiel,iij., ,rf,,,, tile ed fly POMOR to the tair passagellt of, tho, no,104I gref, Olt, olim ll Of bilsfil"k fid%�at . *0 , ... . , . � I .. 1 . . .1 I . . I I . I " 91 Prim trilill , a 0`01 Itoft 1roI to *mft L I I I I al 0erAcroof,%m% Ded"cilv2G, thii In "WitI&A In 1 $Wftu onto sl�lid thill kll Ia it TWO c 0.1 L foat Odhions. I � I L � I . b1phlithW1 * . e9titriated ko$jil there 'WoUl ititsil thir'd Ijile.tbojilill the ratio th an44lroVcjjjKftujWa whorg,tbe.:IXot . I � I I i . I , I Wo 'i,001tioll Ilav* V0.0hily. 9 V . , � . .. ' is, 1I *.be bAlIlI or 01tr Seelial S*OiIlki� Whi I I rea 'for Zito �Oajfort.�bjo,%Vll &Va.. their otvost�btijd, itolool litislitilift 001"jifil lil 'Ito A& I I "' 0 '4 4 w1h, I . ( , . , , %U 100whic"40''the O*u , ty a R 44) 4, of ,Oxt�trh -b ol � `= rafto . ZA . of $XL OPrOlitiler4ore "'NO"10010 tbl once In the � ii4nistilp, catil " tiI I - . 1414 �� lemil Jp:v�xytinoLlomt,t,hibdlA.*t"oomo , . . . JjjOaRlX thro'toWntshl Is diy,,T Cat4rrhowhe littlic only cortma,y#, ailtoo am bit t- wil 4. IT. - I., . . . . orli*', . . , i, -- ­ , -- to""Alshipalattilsooll , , The sil wilit", furnished bVF � Int eot;il V"Itil 'otirtir"Vinow-tilic, 91 : . I - 11 . 1� - I . . . I L .. I I ! . . Afilitry-fLVI404 the vompl a 0 tail ltisilbbo,ltd.l)ytbeitioitlt.4t,la b b Um ArMiAl &OL 1).1i"Itlefifil .. L . .. . . . r 11 11 . I 'rtgt6t$,St.itl"L.Lof,ijir,tllg, tnarrIage$jl tbo"tidlim isr 1vt t Va 404 tum %bom out. q , ." � I ' I � I . I rocumiturm-lill , the rate (It 150 01, Itij WAITU wildea th , tb*, Atter Spreading Ibroaah nittlail rell lrPbl'u4, - -""`1= I ., Al I I nob(0)o 4 1 0 a .P. I 400 , � � - ? atilt , . . � , " Of � ' ' � ., I , ti,ovom 00111 U10 file& 0 lfuloll�at Thylit the II I I - -t . I ;fell wilt be dexlvtote& It-wiluli(p -ambill OIIV,Ve�ortF'(Ooonofljail'�voti�,,!' 0% M I . 0,.- -'r .1:;04 �S' .L . f Yet4l � I dell 02L(O; 1:3104stiver. 078, . P11744I firgams, bli exhaled thr tid I PERYE" - . 1 .2.- 1 . I � I I - - IaVtqj,V nim rl , beets-ito ttet I . stion lit &0II by speolljo the, nostnj&,� ,(;jtjjjbozoaq IA I . � � � VL&�X.LrUT(sl r P1 I . . I . _ $ . . I - �U I , . I . � $70,; e0lik ctor"I � it"dite". filljoh, ft, . 'VilApIliku . , _ 1 -- � I., !,V,, ,it o ,Mess,,# V4tj.retjt4c� till V, 4PIVI 1 - :, - . I , - efic I- a the, I-,- , iiiiiiii - , - - I � " - � : ", . , .. . � � . ­ I . ' . . , . . .10 23 40refti . . -'I%U , t4ttlan is rulgIsh . I .- - 7 . . I . "ove, " 'and IYOr i 'OR al'"100, and W-111 Will end thii gerras, 'bealts ,tho inflarill tlitatiers, . ­­ ­­ - - S-1 .�., ... �. I . e ,o�hp$.­$;l$,.00, , ­ .bountillot'; $4Q, Tb0L "kad, to Put "lloydisoalsolosittiek4edio frefitimotly . I L L - 11 I ., - I; L ­ . 'L i, L' , , L - ­ � al,ZQ, V'Aluo. of. th "I'l.-I'lill I by tho. jjjittter�* 'N r 0100PO 014 heAdAnd throlit ,I I ,I L, , & " I 6 I,.,., , OL ,*bwb to it , . I � W � . . L a electox im Vol ­����� . '.. I -L. � I . IIII liat Ortil al #hOUl(j he . �­ - OtIlftlally for towzwo vilij � I liolle : rems, than roar Via, t L Jul, Ill lit 'K t I . . km � A Bix Barolli. for so st, 0 tWe'Veli*40a. ill ", . I f � l; I 6 tow"shlP lor Ti,tra no '111 VOW, Moil . VW houm , . I I . . .. 21=21C . I I . L . I yet" *Al,i " doo"t W, . - b I Ia it . 111. . I I fil tUrAl OX610t,* Ia WA%t*rU . ... I I I . I . . : , I � . USUOjtNV'-0jejk,' ' %JI .14 000 r 01m 6 I Y, L Vritil - I I . . L � I L . . . � I I I : , . . I ,$114. 4 U41vtral vkAX)OIll � than once 110 is liable to Its punjolted Air a Ill I , Oi Quill � , �0 news, �p io 11 - r th � and wared betwoonosim. . � ,. � � , . Ov . lch t Ali ; �,. I I - _79IRtratfoly6f hirwillf"bultillitffelt 41)0 for x1t Isla to W.Ulph, 1jesh Ilk boll. � �# Wonder t4g,tinab the I � '. k I'll % 4tk% . It Avr 411111, t We Wootemillm 'Toronto 14at week f -, -tilt . , avili. . t i 'Ifft �V -ViI nottotill, of Till curoitlyall'bialue. 11, I I. I . . = " '"'oCtit L � I eill *J%ft 'VeX � i treat .1) � - 1.1, - j); I A , till day. OtQoodsli.qlt4bjej� a 10"Opi Ili General fstIlic and Ow W- Ill* . . . I olteito' I Is t,% -1 ------ Wl . N 9i to 10,1! :., I 0 *I IVA 140144114 -rorobli, Coosidlail . wil prk", I . $15, frj%,%I .S'A(), "11(fletar, 4001t -that warill , tit$ gartui OV- ottle -.' A- 114"-we'-jum : , . 9 LL I .00. .. stre to Im sold L -go avllliq 14 . . k" ilt AWAY ,64wn otliess, , 0 , 1 to, A Ul.-S"A­ Uneyet used. 01D 91 ­ � , . . . . 'AtAinrleAd, L 1)[4trIpt, 1,060, ana .r . *hi* . , " . I I . I. . . L 11 .1 . ; . Aastiseor, aw; Attill0tv, 01II je, re ' 04 dillerintit "Atila algeillgill ot� 11 , . . . � . I . 1. t, I ON VIA . ro :U1110IIII VODI 11�0, ,.Pill$ .' � - - L . 1�� � I . . I I - ' , , when .. "--*----- ­ .. .- . spbrIlu. , - , ,` I . �11 . -, -m- j 'L 11 L . 11 I . . L I I L .f5ozecioneptlowill"pikil SA). U to In the q2tilm . I . .. I I . ­- I L , , L to testify t bousft , ­ - t6 twolyla - , JL �: . * I I I -glitalizial of the siatl4at-wilat Pitilllgicidly rolltioft" aud, ital pretilled rt toliwn% tit . I I Value oftbe to,wilibip, Wj(114,2 �ranpla 00atelifi (if Ullon, 1140 ,ht III ill * ­ , , l .. I .. 'I, 4 the mi,04 good they, b4je the 100 aere farns, owned by J. . UTA "*ft AV6 4 � - V _ _ � ^ 4 orfte ?.t 1. , -*!� j L I * ,ft would rollioviI one Ill'#. ju, tiiii VOUU ' lerk,� 441ctr � d9tict-olo.0 nt.okep 4q%Vjj 1 . I 1�2 . , ­ , - 1, , Wt j%aL Agsk,xvattitist%taill We ho*ll, IlOw. - V . Vxteea P%*f* Lon fttar4air. ' I . l I STITPum, 0 1 A" W "l ."A. I , . ­ - o , . . , I mytitems" bon, Tmwpridg�& lot col Von. 4. L . r I . , - .� '. ftoft $1 4 _ ­ � �V_LL . , � secrelary ,O -tho boilral of L1.1 I b, 313. tiverli In, QuIsthill W1114, `Wh0A Obt . Id nety'll14; and esuimAted, ifornit, .8low � . la*104900 �l Other IllisatrA. . . . �. � . . , I . I " - k I�t AID, tillatielt � I 4 : �11 1* -,-colb �,� t1rift jatA t%�,lrj*lqsirgjt, of birlilq. eje­ $,bit, 14 r. Unit UW111terilij . for the bandsonto suat of' mljw, Tb- L . . . I . I I a , L I I thrin ia;il. tine oni I I I L . L testoltd, UY Aliller's Vona, I jit"orvoo &X4,010mal I � P loot And ­�!, !! --' � 1 6 . , . 11! _ and al il'thedule tAijiffor DitehoS �arjd 40 lidettil AtV kapl(14 , .. tiOnk of,ftoortiont 40 ,;- , . . . . I . . "'blob Quinine exerts. oil natusl6ls own 130111. 11,01 � lil is to 0"90014 - -wreali I . rotniii.ent ppopla appear -�--�­ I . . I � L I PHN. '20 collie for locality. Ue, -Voj�teii awall . iku"004*99f ' � I day. ' 0 r wv,l ol .... . iQ , j, " . P- I . I . Water colltsto 110t, trealml-pri, avo. restoratives. It t*jj&,t4* thil drool , 401tv riorsAlolly tilt dmigplill Uvr" IL I I - - - ­ . -­ I . . ­.. -----l. --- ­� r � , : 1: : el,,tft. I . f , colloc 31. 04 4"easor mu audiblia: Int: mil ot tho L.. . � I 203 NL.n , The slittalmlyl . .­ - - ­ ­­ ., z Vh WhOW 4 ---r-.4. �. noill 100 ;*'I 01PYl #04, �tbfo otlim.fa omttosl�'Alalie sx. I t I 91i TeOve 01,4d 9`60oviltil '805. Obr*410 OtAtO Ot. Ilk" i BIDIA. rrailk 1" A -husiglor, Abd � we .rip . worth the prim � . . � ^1111 - t . - ­­ . � L 0 'emell, ,11 orb d deopondam;t , of jh(I rojildeottlof"ell WI,* hilitalitil BE - lREF U6118 I , " L jit.41 flind jaek Ot Inba"t Ilk life IN 4a, d1p. � Another . I . I . I I . I I . I 00ftkIlitidlar ?4ftlV#A lat any I I .. . i� I Z.itilv(tvallxfx.ot.to.*Ilsbill, slil ,1101d. in the per . Urne- Addreps.- . I . I I I ealleol br. tr4 $on of Mrs. Margaret I - I I I . , . .. I . a . �- ` P, GhrlaUffl6s BOOKS"fifla . - L. , .­ . 1. - *& , � ,, , � . � UQUIOXID1 tho'nerviss, kraiv msed aiway ()it I ARAFFINE I - " . . � . . L . - � . , y. *I= L of" hill - A Va 8omd4Y,;Week ' I 1111: 1111,11 Ill I'll I sp 114lit LO4a0jj rl" prille ptr . . I L I I X14t,�,41akk 1110004 Ok imUnd osid, .-efroshisr,e r* - waill born in tUe . . Do. � , , a r I TellI & ko) �141 - tormet 111390 IS A POINTUR, , W i A ill 4 4 .. tion of III rked;r.fortinasir if . � Vm . USU; aorvicell jt4jIt#6 itylitilmot amill sk 11 I I -- I* 010 ft, . . .. I � . 0c., * ill arlovillul,111 t4kVix of lovell 30%. Sui)tland, in tho I r ;km1Wd%--111- L014,00mil, ON.r. 11 I . -*00-.,, I . 't,� IA a 4d**" oth L . JoVad0K.VQt4rs',jj$ts, L$W. do tr WAVII ilitoott- - 11 ­ . , tilffeialrel" tteeill A04 littit led Into ompflil 'ar 1810, Alor maiden , natut w6v � Hill .ym vola .hft(u aj:A, . 11-4-,- . . . -I'lili-I'l�'ll"�,����,�",����,,�,�, -----111 9 111 600984, I .;t I VOK *4 Ili 0*4 r0kno, I . tv I . . ",,"""Ill ­ - sixth, II thel 1h1ju6nile cllhor�;Qm, At the Ago lot 93. oh'11#,LVW,U10%,th0UokZ xtsiolyon . I I I - . #,*,. cotift%oll Us jimseasor, Wj.w 4 -1MI)ertis VIXOr to tht,A%atlon,of a, .14 ­ , , U � I at: yeal, - - I Or . IMP9111AI,­0.110 . I I . 1114pere I I I W# ill Tilitay- to Ahow ollr� * . + , �., ­ I . I . 141toril leilirb, *6* ,the mile ill tuaw-W, to. Mr. Alex bloo4jiijmj;i0,YftV-AWA,&UaYW ­­­ ... to,, , I � I - - - re"e' And COMI blood, WII b4log stisslatatod,col FtiiiIicr ruld ill rply yeat . 1 49441 .­ I , � I -, I I , � � . . "'; : t Ui'"(itilied Va"lle Of 40111roUgliont tisil IV I t I I . ell b. tile 4, I -.1 . jorit' 4* I 4 Va. st�lo itoll 40 . , =%, iI 04.04Z�W;xlf XV04 - I L t4o*njd)jjP4 $1 . . I lsatnUft . . . � I I- let - $774 1 W10 li, young- Imall . I Fit t Toil - Pius, I . i mi L . I :. I ."! . -,, ... _ Ing tnii hoialthIr galtAil 140A, 4 han t I n Ili; ill - ,, I . :� � BOORs ' d I 6VANt'll tjorlis 0 . . ' . -10161,kio *,%ja�y, #IAQ ; rt- 7 the s"tal thorol slaill.):jng elablift CAU'l4l. In tho Yeall, I � *XPWtj`r4Y ftjtotig� � I " I . I I � . "lit an Annuals. I i. L alottissibo of bil'tults Ote-K.41i'm I secre- a U4006"Ily rial I ''Unty W`atefloo' i#bete 4I parled h-elll Ail -is blaila . I , 1 130yall 0*al airlip, own rAff"Ito'"Otir.sanalty4t, ­ r - I til, lloii.rd, r t a , ill, 111:40)(ft I - . . . . ) 'r Ir tyleagUl'or, 0% kellat 13 'As le i tir Amts. Untill atil I . atmil off 1. . : . I 40 haLsdix", 10: 0 , L r rattloyell 0 L aua Mayo XW thel on � "I'l'"'I";;;",iiil"iiil�,�,� I . . I.. Zoss"a Rookil Ujillis nookal Postal ]jjak 4U*rbfl I . � j. I'a. . . � 1414 juil disMasid fiCil 10WO hip th herfiIII Wherill , - -l"ll"ll"... mft:�� . I Sooks, latistir. Ikmka, pit . .- -tot%- eAch, 44 66E . I ; _ ,yontm Z % Mildred Bookit lJoIlill"iyo, "a ator, $70; poladi tivo,"reltalf, Wit 9 , ode- tstoollood. 4114 bU 641* L � ' ... Ioll Altill 8#011100 01infirlk I ­� . ---L .. _ *7rkt Altlellto% $Mcolffr tram. X04 4I Ill , 11a,15116V . I � � i I L L � � � * tp"'f III c0l"1011109w, lacre%oad juslota"ji Wt ny-, &4 ot, an t bar d*Ath, rt. .I . 404" fmtmlot. Iwo " ­ :­ 11 6uro I poetill Z P. r4w Wigton, lwobow sioliltal '. UTY . $13,wh. � $ -molts Improym III - I � -- t!!l!!!!l!'!!L ! !! orl, mal we lal 44 4 � � I qkoilixo mius of (owis tispilaut 1 -4*x - Illge *"Qttmoat 9f bOokir for tolv*00ision't irado" I .1, 1, I I ' . . ship vilftm- . I - Nothtv * Zrisism. iia iro. I ii! � .*­­�­,, . . I . . ciol A I* tn" ft L 1 =;:�W=- Ve. . toot0j, hal glytill to � I , - , . - cit 'flu :.1 -Arvvq (01riliF 'Istoodiiiii of OR, F101144* goodit. whilAor you bily,cr . , I = t" C.", it . 9*�. %lal ASkit" Us, � johl= Am ,# add all - L 0 ..... I Woo I "I"Ustis, thIld willo ^1PP . ft 0 0" I .1 -1.1 I'll In sit* W604. (bar".1i'm ]Krj) . - . . , I . I . I .. . I t"Ill 410; tolle,ct-or. #W; ass "bu.11olib . . I .. ;; Z� ;;,-, �t� - 0*4%104 ofttl I I L il *at V40"tiou o? A" ju tkw liellilkilI � �0 L I ... I I I . I Wt jolditoeli, $3 " I I . I I I . two JA .... W~. I'lli'm Istm � �' D 1 8 . . . I r &11 drixt Z. JZ 401 1 1 ­ , mcoahevI , I . 1 I ­ � , OR-"' . � I i merylPtRI11i "I'M ,01 foll"aloo. V= , ratet 1111144 904W tir tub oplicil ­ . zwodoii; his .6 ORL 4" of at thia LWR wo�- , � 661311I TbIlruAlp,-01al k, aglary. juptr thill- 110114tholt tol bb L '10 $10; tV4114ttrilisr bittliot, Jor QUIA13to wl Iat till r L . Aillargills.. no , . 100li.41 - a $Og'Mr ... 6, Zr4 . Ole.' SIMOU ' I 0311L . , , D2, fio-fi , I vaeti. rtilive all, 00 k , srr 1. L Ito mt it. " � I -U * � ! 'coulleillom #101 , )� VIL'S 00musima fill kitupbell, of We"ill so . Dr. 11 l '!j,Wh . . towbohip, sxootft ill xii avoldent While Ab - Just tectived�80 tol)$ ,. K", ard � � -1 I., . i . P'lloo.14W value of I "-1--"--1- r1 otta"k alkilly to U6 It mtrittat- 1, . V All ­­ - ­ ­ . . I t. - Two doctorg, two still . 1;iil the simedill of 0 Briet'll OMO, wilet, Ur. If, ug,, for 141,&0141. AAisc� I �, . L ,, � j . . V9.r'is0jli-'4L'�-(.'j#rk, sojar"f' $11k.. ro. "Witileta4rSI a a U*W"Idck*4 by,* MMMOU LUMP "ll, � "m V1.191meolmifth m* is I *0'4i . I It-- , boromortthe jig til knocked dowts. loomijaw, am re. , I . Putititil sinil V <b I.M. U14tir Villoill fir a , *Oogs "I ­ " ; 111MOVI&I $&Ont JL ,ill .-- . . 918tratiOn Of bitiLtil0i #t4e., $IQ 80., fil e;An4jitatillis for The Untal 10 I re the M"Isla Ago *211W Of ILI" 1*; k" '4"*" L I R, khy�u, I - � ,e till of vjktosu, 11ti lot humirlits as. well " am till ". The I*st $oft ,Coal -in thil I n*tk bwr loot FALL AND,lm � I 01 Ill Bruce collom totiltislo Vt W�064 *w*r the 10004 ill P"ted, RV1$0Tq*4m4*"t0x *1110ism I I I- I . � I --- Ing votil Rate. Saw % trmsarl $74 � I .1 'Will r fill litill Xmlibli. Woo" . . IF IF 114 TER - I ---"tfact4rt-**1-lmrl t-lll I tit*.- - 1. ­-­- I V010CNIII 00 00MIll 00 uItt , for l .. rpws. , � . -f ,mcb. *3,,. riliev*Arja k*01alcillor,it, 4W ------� IL a ! I --A---� for Domestid Pu . 190-2o, I I I I I t to., iiI r ." I I I I . 1104 a Willi ItUo 11"11. 'mV%:UaWAktY1YVm1-XUt1" " %.;,- �­A-Aomol of­mfhl"4� � ThO W. A10004 .. I I . * f"At ,F I Voilm . AtSO Ovel'Al cal'S of SCAAN fON I I "I I! -i!, ill 09! L. . I I hel, It diltilo ed it hill U) Alt that the 00cludon "CaIllonall I - ­ ­ - - , . ,I L I �� . tNi 'l . . ---- so era Oat at thl to Nj-.'-j)anO. *4116d ft xonia 3all filliplolill UAA brailthy. wilt keto this tbi a m1MrWWh0.1 OrN , �� - � -. �-- - -­ -1 --I 0Q-1 - - -- I . " Ro I . 1 mps. ucu"Ibir I J f I ,,, Tf Your obild 16 I- 004 41AXIII ,- Ass. MUN . N lel -1, -1 ­ ­ -L--., . i . 411, llilill L 11 -L LL *halt tbAt IllAIII knOO&I CIL" to � ill Alind aoei tot thr twit. Iltiev. All, coal -­ �! !L� ! � *0 00I I . in Orm thia lwu" 11 -- ­ � � ­­­­ ­ -- -- -- � � ------ :--11.-1--.- I � � I 11 0 lC tOW"StIP1 16Z 1116 60M Of ­ �Wlci" 44�et - � I . � *Aill I'l lilill . I 4i l, I tilt th IVY, 1voi, * do" of , V, kwelcid , ­ -ml .... i .............. A ........ ...... ........ ig.11llo . that" "ki"� ot 7 . "I ". - . 3`444. The tum, laccoml 111111tot's W-orm P I ............. �� --- I ftmomm,losal,foeawA064 ".. ­ " , . '' , .Sr the . I . I b"Okil Will CUM 1* by #I dit*tLisill, I L, I i, � i I -l.� 'WhIll ill* .17"Atillaotl 14 tb* XXI: Fortio, 11'sidso 4c"AODI, #At . . I Willie, IM 111to Vftk.�,hwuil jjja #ill I " I � Thor otheii dAY Pred J. .Tjit,kal OI of tile dily fixiiii j)t,tjj 0.#n, *Ina a* a . . 'L #006t#d0Iilj4req1#fi%t#0"6 � 14",ill nook . ; I . 11 ("hutorl, tftitived A 1JULIKOP istoollit lm, - r I --1I "IF of "ft It lilctly-to . ta- . I XXU* VAlialle Iii I : I I "riclu - r"XIVANnii **# A100.00. .mfin Irttaltw � , ­ I L *Ad " 01010%. U I . -11a"RO whUlt 11M, evidently bileh tit _]in* '0111 easilia to a *ial forthillufoxt,tym, . dtat Jai*.*. 0"Itsialital I . I c bill prilverittiI It was, The fine am tiore farl", x4owtj Ito tile I z�outht, ft"Ud woot rindaviii" u4jeel, 1 ! ft, to I one tilue usil Ap Apinglyto immi,pri" m4mciRyfrita mat tita tout ill blatt ferm, W thM ,advloe jivivils" 0;Adi0#-,X*4*t*(8?**k0"ly� j10AU"Q*.h*,m,maWYaW, � , . al , 10% 210 Ill 10* Urey* "tgho* , . 11 'It "ll"i ltilld Of Art evellto 01% the m. fth t4 4MWO . tuft 11:0 k1 by mililill A, VasinIng 141ION I I Afolait #4 WAt&bll­ Poll lifte, of firlit linpil I . Is ISO] .1 L 11 . I'll I VVIL-,4e *1110 wait tile InKrIj)tI0nj-1.j3,l Xfow, 'Willsu IttorlL *&V r" ,,:a to lifm Rugh Wtj * a I I '" A" I L . I It It *�entf`(t it) P- BuICK Ill -.1. I J, 33. t *1144 . 'Was bf ,Xht, who 11 WM. CAMPBELL. . I . zwodoto YU10111I , tile A tiI Tama Tit t theh ft* Use . filot I lip bitfst scot 0 to 3 10 XIDer4a tl%&t thttt *00 a is of = . TWO AM Vk WaSAT is Ira,% X&Itl I � I Lit Carl r 119VI Ju 00� ""111mila ouly "volt yurs bittl And , Is Wom tbatl. 00&,rkk �rql 2s, 194 . 1VjPA%44%;t* 0 , . SIA41, wmft 0* lliotw wall alillottillit, . . I I -1 I 'll lill Want* to II w lisis 11 4110thor baftir uft Ywit twotil. that, bill m forit'. I 'Canning. ", 1� '1111:1, U . ­ ­ - '' I mv,illso, . -, ... ., .., . M 1, !-! !-! l ! ! - )Uv* Y,44 � � I'llw%is " froul'and Avila o"19'"lly"IWO ** thilt ni"i a" 6t Ztd4l* d ' - �'-*O­A­ . �, � "" 1kiii oatm*ao at � . L., 4-1 ha'Ve me�l ail � 04rilloidy tails" All 110*00itt Affid I;lomlt d 1. . The 0inada Business Colle -m . , Y(m � I me I,* JNL IL ­ � A& -t - AMC � I 4---l-4-1fl- Ull six"noll of t*o *mlitustltalk Of At ge -i-illmloill, 11 I j ction on th It, n CHATHAK -, - ONTAFUOli L Draper. mine* BY theIr a 16 willach. hir. "61110i It U not to to *Ondll at, I , " e Old Stand, -Xtm-�A-,r-mvjafAm1U,l t!1l!-'!! 1-timl.-im . . . i L $Orb of c�ugh t4w. kad howely. milleg ill Nverill 1,)OW. Utref'ot* that 'WA64 ill* J)Ui�haais il GRIP-QUIR" E TABLETS f4LAVING sl j?d * h" till am* 1411 464 I .! ­---m"-1111111l!1l 11 I - il ('orrill all sat'ib troubloll at hWk XI'llt tat" t6 diftilimI tt4t *It -her I I I Will Via Nitelimitiltimit am TRAVitt,01WO&M "" "b"I'll aftarmill I . . i . Or allpetitt., m it h .., . I I ildikilbble 'oft" Lot the JAI# 1) X li Will lifill $0 Alm " PtimAmil i I L ­�I%JW* A Stit litaiiattd Ill tort) 4-0 oa a4lifir C"#Aj* b"I.4 . I '. Ut that O"r laylith 41al WOU14 'to e% D~OWIK�"**Mw I . � -.Blow colliplil il nice to tak(k I'm M* L I � . (Res bd a 40(3 not 1111loomiI drowslueli,i, 1uplilktorls. twoutom tit *tat#, it was "" rl - * Ultol A* t4lifir � I . For WOO fly #dt droltstills. F I rw I 04d; It, is too -d'eep , 1� 'll Of 0110I *114 thill, orm"laant* Wall . rill .4 -40 Valf""m to I", sivior ,rUtOursitiollaIIIII � . I . A ,� . I U ppet aullil 0,144 P 04alkall U 0 Islor, il 4 1 . � I I I I " UAt tit# Wbolo 0"t *" broatht V*II ?* - at lot I* U=== """ %A I I Mackeffil posh -10 Alit that4c 11falt, withiiii Ilift "UmAttli no,0441.1. eu 00, 7 . I � 'W-" for joilissir $A "LOW ,1104 I , . " I t; ; P ftata It "Y wea A14ttudwblys P� 'Atli* OL' 15�_ I I t . tit Anil titit partuilir, "* doat oc arrilivin uloughs � I t,, � . 114 * 'I tbo Ablier tallit . I a Tit,() 049^ L ; . " Od Aft'. -4041tb""r Col"Atets in thiliPAMY 'eige ASOW Thill 1#0 10illastb4tulwir . 'A" . 1, . I WS Wo 2*1111I I*lr,v " 1=40. V L , 4 mtmeo bd Mitild Vitolt-itt" lhor#ftj*bOjaftLj,hAkjj MiIjIlefilsefilit iil)�W 44140# tilt XII . . , t W111 A" Y" I I �� The' 11 I 1;VTM li"I W1111 Itilib" Wittioll gI 400 10k 04 $(ill *U4 the Ulitttiase of � WvId at �Iho . V 9xis X* I , A. . �� ON ST . I . Xisepaul swisils"Ill *-Y#KM ThO �k 041oligil tot 41111'"if 104twill,04 III I 'rem Pie" w Wbt,* Xr. Nwrolollis# *�Ap' AN I ,, *r . I � it h mom "U" to 1 sl rl itiook(mit 10 a 14 . � . T a 10r, I e.ft 14 'tail2liflit"isie'lit al , 11131101tend lintling lip , . tiso ftL be& . " UVA"I O'" Will V . I . I * 11304 L W #44ill Ill, Iwl *A,dt L I . *. '. I blel It4ilt JUWI UA011M 4I that juirillil %)lit ROW to 066 bia%ei Cat, 10"U"Plikiliax 06 paristAll I & Aw*.,..-.*W�w� � I h .... ­...%l.A4.1l , ";* 0"OV froft . I PrOdute k g * � Ailsitlin, , 101111I 111. a. Wit file 42^ the, "et, *t the mult. i am - I U L I . N( L� * npm, r *(I t I . flVe bftmk () T I sinfiniatatlyaL asit"It Wits ttw#"Pat"ii&bAIW,4kil kinds . . 1, * filetht, 12111c, OUX .be "mimm,raw.folillo.. 1 L i , A$.40, %iej *I joill tht Pitras*ilf won r)t,*##" : - lit,, *% C00A PO 130% 0 411 Drocti" ff I ItIll oft Chti* . .11 V pinemorga or a $m'm not lael. ll � � t 0 *111,11, b It; Will 'a &,I* Wail illillat el Afeliforke"Ill'Atilift. a& tm* Gismillits I U= I I I � "..., I 1,11144 t ­ & 0*0 stud ir W"IM , L Uma DAYS Wtod IN , I , , an At , cal RUOU alid *sse t1l"tAra. ,The III vaissia MK by L A* Z*0%,&:44. aft "Itir A"doill �,Y . 411a 0 atr ,, . , ) . � I lip 'tti &0,40. A*� � " Fariml Core, 0 1 . I . . I . I ff Ima , ��- ­-*­­�.- " """"�PP0­W0­** � '44sitisby. at4ww1d b4oft"A 40 lifilt ik mApamw . . . I 41111411tt Of $L , , ' . ... L I affetoon, I 'X*Xr "a tibilillistla W*r 06 oftm&tlel 4ak"J"Ite 4twoll � . Ill '4&(itot"o' tw"WOOk'400t **$v -,A *f Qoiwa IV. o0it *0 ittjaiiX "I . A timilfthl Aftm*b b U . 4 Wjifil ,* al iiiiiiiiCtkileat 11" - I Yold smetfill; 1 --yr imel"ling ra" wilis IWIt"Watw - ppligIllw at tho . I �, , 910111 ottrock, � � ,g rill &%4 (&VYV1f*tt*VtAWlA0,4*�A Witaft 14 Ia sto 044 tokyls, 440. 1 � M 1*440. n*41,00I ,be 41"liatiarg Ifoost Holm", bill 0"Aill to stal m" L i . � "ourt, 1114V Ilsi` JX%yl* heM Dilifilik * sillity illy'll Of tilt lil batoris .w allift #apta I till & iliketim 11 "I fllilltol J"I x4stlesslipol, ** . . � I . -1 I mattm *I% Jowkso, Xt, nql tall oftli 04 iskil YWOKA I I - JUkol *"I VKK, tlil Ali"t twit, OwAsill Us .4 NU fiatilt of Uto *tftm � � I ... aw WS g" YOU , - mmit'll, 1, "11441I It 0114 Ut %I" Uilleallit Usaft lill 4 b*$4ftt Wis. f4j, sior t il the tkutd It t" Arilloil ill XoAllikikkilrok 11 I I -ol­� I , , !q -the dintifilliefour hiWit,l, anl§ of vr otiiwk, UA,%. tillool abet , 11 r &&0il � I . It IA 01I Whitt A", 04*r s"It Whet "it a*%* illotli. oftwill,kat W" *""Will: . I I -,,R $14% $15 * $1.6. I 'd . 4 UV )i[r. XtAlICIA JAS. ".JOHNSTON. , . � .. . , � wen &W W, *A# ft U , r Pr i � - - 1* , "l9tast." Wich ml tuI 8 . c all stay U"*% of "r 141mva 11A vd WAR *A 000 U kola to Id t, . . I I UP r WW41plivcrill4l tht IN tibill thi AU'lill A APIiiiii'lil W11*11 ll NA rodmitted I L i., I *Y -0 1110 I .- . K V" X *W t" TU WrIm "ft I ILevocy Attl4efill" hr4 9"t - ' � t,)Ik'pork Urtol i4 th# "orl"fil ilurt"s *%%* tIli*4 itillshIr Islet"40. tille, VA41ilit". . in, I'Abilk. CutthW and kUl I I . I - Thilfil Wmalliaiiiii Tilow Us illoft e t It*" fol Ill , I . I pto , '"bift"tW" K1110horJakkootillijil Assisslil suld :tile t1w "1110 liliftlow sit hft mi,villpliI W"M lie r*l*od,, Ii I " �... $1 9004elif 161`110PIlke. Wv* �"*t% W" **Wb*t* f*r L .1 � , I I - 0. *aft �Aotr A,aglil I I Ill �At 11.10,111, Th Alatiou'll pa"i, 11 . , . . 7001,0l filOrly. Th#" it' to" the dockw. but, sishi(ItIll, Thill aisl at *sItistall W tftiatii a mvm 000cult belt N00, b*r. Irl, . !. - 110t L . � rill U"Y I - : � , � 4%-OTP'S jUdililil rite"'VillA Ill* 41f,l(Ill R. J&r Tile ifili,i),larpa &U *eilsil 14110 kniaw *ft* Aka "toolly bisimoill, Vill I , I I I 0aft for Wr IA " . I "ickin'"i" h* $14fil 0*4 X Veill % Ill tOO*ftb4 IW" `*-k-44------ ,,�� � ­ I .1 III* L . � . t4m0ifor dtfoll4utll, The ticill bill " Ili* tollowmic S I I- I � I 1, 11 Wall crowdrd farmolift * 11160losilosit, #won* wm *U*- X*AL HOW [jusoro 1. I - I �., . � � I Wiwi p4mill 1I oftal "l lr,* ;;;", PLXA 1SA XOTX Tn W VI 'ok . . I I EMULSION IT , mill �. ,* '**�­­­ . - I I 1, . , ifteerealit Ill to ilel tbll C*#* '*U*k It tial ill^ POIliel"'. ilatil Jill tolill"fil ' I I I � , . . . �i � or*ll mwb Interest. That will, aft and Water 11 CE" M* MIA04 , �� - I W I --.-1- -- $0 "Ift OAA A lisAdWil U itilmorw" ist fill toir"" 14 lioll tt*ft Ifill jewsomu'K I*. . I - L - 1 WN&UWhilin, ell t., at P, id . 4W rill ""I Aft" *A kr #4 #*to am" L, _ WER, .1 � , ... 04 114 " *v, tho *j%dil of *4 '014 *" , I Illeolk 06. calirw hiet, 40, towsm. 11*. lilm OW4.4wile #A* r4oftnills. t-Amthol ft MOD911 r1i ISL w(fils I ,I 11 U6 , T) i wil kell lf'kld#"i"'f Illf'" 4041 rif Mkila. 71111,; till m th* bftt C6al 244I bativea **Usiem I . -, - . ,(-k*ft 1,00. I*"% Ilill"afterlituililamilrAlop"WAg a nor They have all ­ I " 1 TAIL". I � I ; . L.- ­ I I 7ftjj91IisiCi_,j#" 1 _4 1 1 . - I �( " In lb* W IMA bolwatile. UqUoil InIs lma*d*. 4*4 W#. - wotlo,attlial via to $0910ft0l latelilt ImpToftlUtnts, .-Dk"* lopwimm I . I ilf7ft I I I IL abvvn, t-**, ,m=g �. lim of JtAll, &4ilistal Mrs"Ns It Uourithet, a"'ll 41 ftACTMAX, I I jl�llsill aw,*r. j Ranges. . jrl jrjj,, 11 *" boft to IiIli" os%* X,r t�o . tl�! kd4 up Aod 4. &" AiTtill *A t)*,#. tk* *a* tim A*ahmw el I I . 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IA%.,- pts�ml c.W14 cleftiolosiowe ilis tw . ,�, AM hal .A 'with a ol r"V% & I 11 ... ** ZZ" . �� .. L, � ii"meo yft okliviow sol Will i ck, - . lbr-,%�v= 11% T#*r vf,Mtwt"-*Os lahvill" , A*miliktillim T*%aa, Coat " rXigaiino" S E LE " BIGE I 1.11 ="c*% Hii, wirl prolob"al to ft. , 11101A 4 will we I i 11 I 'il I . I to tipenli. I : MtTo" . �, 1, I AW -1 bw *m 'Wisiat I A -1w I lVt:jm,0V%-UtAV* Ia PS*Wft al mbp I �, UU C; ;, V... ­ =1=Z` "All *ft I I , , , - ;. *is om"Wriel Asm III ow &W lieft t1iiii Y" Ill 'll�l4lIlllINIF110111 "WARYWIll *4 � -- 1-1 . 4 - I -:-!t6Ujj1I 10%il Ill 1.,"r %risio, JA*. At Wmil *4vAw 111al #%;"Olt CM,w&vrmct;:,04,!�, I magatwoomw , � � I m4c% It, J0j.#,qAr4 WILIgililel AJ% *04 Q, Ttack4wt . Ill --Pft INALt On? A T- . I . ,�� . I a6 - - I I I #Ili* %oft, at mr4l NAA 06*4*6r-" _r6al", 11,41c"'ll W till , 0*4 11:11111I , Irl 0 1 ,i ­ % I ­- I .1, - 1-1 V"AII , � --*d 14nal ailil j mxt*4*ow*?" Iroy 14 ­sil OANK JIM tho X�t ....... . 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