The Goderich Star, 1901-12-20, Page 3Ell luxWor*k X%wo M VM1. With Xdxkt'*, X*oRAsr- 414104 xasarigkv000l .7 A a X Wr -U TWA; Mg. yoo W"t, 04 *Mmw 40ww VIA04 Lsd "U#47 of JAMAWo, uAr r U04. 0" UK% wilt #I,.* )ou jilouty Wont odviawusf *t i3s. Ik X*4*44 of OW41100 WIA Will &AMP "o 1swy C"" VnWo 46=uxx T* SKAw. ^YA I& t1w Amt. Xtft bW W140 Xow O"'ro uIio V" go *X* 44 it." #Wyo *A Tk*lx OWIL WOO xolzu% hoo 41*4 tlio us" of LAwd X*rw ftr Juitig, go to ksoul-k 00110". fX 14-A 40" tA poriatl of 1119 yqar*. of oovr4w- tht Australia 046 b4at r"t*, Noftria ro�,Vro **Xr*A*o IA the *41vitwa of 00 oct"aus .ord 90" No atr*ww story "A 114" tog Of A grutill of "Awh youxw "We 1�*T* %k* gir"toot fwt# *It% VIA* I0 ;.0_W447 V*kM,% G%Iftt ZrbMA)IM4 do- r*r* 04400OU4 Which will 1114IM40 4 w4qusit W I*%* tmia tjw% at *a W#*VW AXWW. ^od loalmor to A 804th Jur *10K wg*big AWW 9" -it" t*W to bi,se ta Aresiditt. a"" Wr WIAO b" NOt dUMOV00t"041, I* '040 10441V and Ulth TO*A "Lla"41 llawro boolk 1,914" by t1wIr "allattsil: k various #4 oaap- Pot, en Y*K" X". Huniphry Ward to P, mlotrow *$It%* NAWt PrIMIUVO rftl'Aw of tm U441tor cliku4isig thst vitartAtor 49 �#JopmdUoaio, Far looxx %bg ikVialt tvt,od or *orrso41orQA Ilooro, wito hAvo prol*w4claaal t4ur-, to *Qrvsj offithot tbotar 00111410= trw*o! Akft V"Uft- 1190A 00KAIX 100" Xwe UW44 Ift- ov. it I* roprinw to tbo Cdurrw at spit", 1tvablia. *Ad I Cialm" ovalalro. OL ator l9worias tboir�hals IWA QA*,Qf th# olost 411AVA111. Witt WhOl%hole 10MIJ4*14 , laorlovk il, VorokilPO4 aa a,'4dty by tuilljoas VOIClag for pairsifulf witin whkit tiot 110tish at limporty "Amirt'lly d" ON follow* UW knowwo at k�p"" I Thily tw-W awRa ot in uft V" J� 1% Is A tv 1W Am rmoolim". 1sitAnt a. fasladw 1IW4%t" ill luch thstt when cawyluf pllaias. 'K%own, far amd vldt youth,# compstntou� 034 bed to-a"I, reduatog, tbo V44 T4 tb* tho 111.4visig Uod." he to to the un,,, pa4ka, as rouXh av any ut his cow- b,,W No ropidl:F %halt ox"flaxituttlOn, 11ritbal, sayx v*'�* Out ot ovory 100 pou*Aa of W*w ^Ibler 00*Wt 90xd4u- 0`01004 0� ParrIP" 01ght"u. lo WIA14 Waked to #A"k*X4 11111110ro Is 34 114yo 15 tag Au*01" 01110w- AX40skild %Or 0. lit NI 10k 060.4y cottipotitioul Mrs. touuw 401110"ll of goo quito tim *quak at tho�wusr, to 40 out tat tkq mattiota,stwreA to MA7 410M ft"140 do- pousda is, M^%4 b4ca booka Asixt for his cixar� �whlgh Iluildblets What tho profanity. wa:* IR the VA1041 h0A 90" WarWo, girlituad wam a -pout 0 Word ai,,jaolasty of Ott% Of OP1100p, AMOU9 044 cc i iiieor. sitW a =90MVit witero glujost, every licay t,U WaA W i 111110" I satiam t "Alaot 1* to tile" ot q1 14 wattvocel, evcr w9a4 Worst - I tax. In Turkey rodhalrtxeowto� to be xQuod stuoylillp the aiplouliu NVIAlch WQuIt'd an oath. Wha a N A.. (or IFIX, r4sular vartica Ato number 4,vosopaoy. Impre or Iesv-� 49 tb# A40J *%ity, , Ventral Asti% "bitti. 0 1 groat beauty, and. tho W" h*Aftd his own 'Aw ITAMO ve as, wo at Wit, growlat upate, tb* �06 $,r*1Khtaaaia, *44 look#d. oat With aodl#14M Ubcar.. UJAki" htr-way "rQr#S tile f4riatist to hunt 10), them. lle$e force. it wet loft"Kq" thoIr Mir tat tint. lity pxatkoli his home at ITrp, tile street, and hurylAIS 'to W441041 %ho F partlog or covapoittles. pay 44 ll� WvA, hat no Axsoril cafaAblo Ang trustl� el ItapPO4* A'strillo, ot t1" 34t, 11rillat thutuar �;Wovlly tigit t4mu ulaset fire -to I*- a%ftl PAOrt spaila ju a populatiala or 3,7.000i- tor'll fra4tic, effort* to got, sk light. out. Molly of Mg plots lying op, III, reluoti Moragoltan, town, 10�4 Jurt, pasidow teaul*. gallwo tuo corAer top'lary to 6044 markinuo", buk Us"041, ifetuad om 144* tat his OW, of wMeh, Aumbw. 11.0KOW -you are pregich, I o*td touno,*t1sapas of �tlo frIO" ,09 CWHI144101%. alt thO 1404lod in (Ile midst ot l % InAlk C44, MC&O wosv by w9rulult gold xin cannot rftd or writer. Wick in bed, Tho of tile old Asti4tie ecoltstrucat of kuqtw I _�%aty b#v* "o, 410, All sort* of that offiow. - Moro ilait 44o - highw4y ver4i*w tito group, lio, rtt 0100I 11% 01011W, 044 Irroago-W 9t oil with tlao, klill . 1A 1$00 %liors, Wnc* 1~ thiYA Afty -Not only Vreacb. but Uout Tau- tilts 001 d"ert. 044 it *it$ whilo liorAW upd wwIldered, sgf�.to. fmq are �Aurlwd teiz to ,it** tbq =net% soopor thsaki 0 " ter 1000 %Wwo IOU84 � I" devilolKil'thisia, olabor- lob. please 410at 11, wait (ill to onto his, job, he tsinliegUrAl 0 100y Aa4 stfAOVAI I SIID$10 blteplCJ1A% AlillIt' - with tile �Volaalg. lane it a taoin, 13 hers" in AvAtrulia; In I alld Poor Alto EuXII"It "VQ*, rttk�r X"ar Inc .0, are thw -- were 3,00.00. Ildis your first Visit to. Itolo- ated. AS 11arbig.0 their humbera are inov;%slo. It Mgt I verland from ehin.% to IN1110" lbrAis 11N�4 .141" be wltugsood the strange rAvo toll- old to, but sho looked him for 'law twenty tall* frog% ong tmbblt. sVith dt, 11610.1 ift4t_ cotatent to write one nov "� a,% Ar. Ali polvasnoo faij*4 Playing �WWW 14 IIIII, advorasa ritiollista, trout pouted With the *01'shin Ot the a Moment squarel I In the IV stuarl by ittlow thq lad* 11310 strips Coat, 1*. ba, ZS 4R* r*Av*y clirrhi" in Row" *to 041),, :'Y40, 0000 it work i's takert to hallid aft his k W4CR 140rd 0104.ew wital AW1*0 V4 - -Ali now Vulidilialtoodwhy you lel,uro lux (Iod "' 'In v6 Aetter to The Loll- wsAaf not, wholl m bd,faco. Iv turn-und gtjaj�ajug the Otrlp% Oil 41i tA110- Jett to liftV.y, t! hours 01*0 religiousl dovotig don this lecriptlon of ed crijusqg madval tier. look. Mid— tho, vrbq emillt cKwho ilia arming tit Otte rax* .108 I., C104 *zd did not $Aliatf% thor toll gerititutKu In 'to to con yc 1010 haa t4wl� 04, ooth fearis muAlier- mAs givest, stopliod handling Qt tile talls'are slot, uniform WI]IO W404 With 1.0 when YOU'' tdoeole Absorbed the flesh 110, is .4 oung mail ftu witsk gQf%0 In .4 moolout. It, l01 4IQ ed. b&qL%v*rd4, tU4 tit Irom" 0 to *sked pla, far a light.!# ports ond vivo calffly hou "d to holp vis to, p 4owts 9a itoo �0. T eliecoulavlailes About m0ntv ndoixtho,cr r" owd. , tol- uboy $or u, p9lina to 4110 I -and oorl4l6 �w .415. 060 "The .Ull getaticinan, 9. I aid not u nd f4i clars;4 d When ite. Ilk Jeso Activq, mot roplicit, at t1o; utieslan, lowed'b 4 lagh sit -tile UNP041W 09 1mU0I;1Q of VIllbbit t;k1l9 bacj�, adve � t at pe Ilut J and another IforwoNials 34w� prohibits a pkw�- notice, him, '*he wak lUlto SIPOW Vt soutid, P911q.44poo, Ift aIlia - ho,;young mai4 whota. sho, hi .t. *I'm Of.; I I *1 ttbiall.tS i:04tij ITUOL Urn aOut, tem rho J.Couiulw RonorAl. ad t, *4)U Allid. 15011 '0A OVOIN 09140. for an ovaor pereir." replied vilrit4w. "tug luveutpr pok Nvve written how PAW at 000 � Wit to 0. OVIO 4t last rowAtillow possession, Of Ills W4,v,% btr`0134 tion, Of " 4101ty ia o dretwed, Atilt Ila did put JoIn 'it' 114 b4a ciintaln!;� rtc�pf 0 says snookl,pir h#.* otoaslQo4 thn Vlthdi W. Ioll uo'TA U 00 "go Royal papulattion at ao.oft and Ills public Wigh, aud n.fter A, it V ItAUDIT Xual Cigar. hk%V6 Vaboed fix 410 COP. ?#A . novel,, so for 04'AA6 ct�n life- 14 I)rIVAtQ Ito I$* Of U.10 world, manifestly Wcou" of 1,014141viall Itobo. two, JA� Are tile halt of "Are 'VOU ),)as r9me I , Acido"t. IIS alaw. 414,600 arAlablUl have boon 111411or U4, itxw IlaryI. Ails, hAlatly loit itoo ; gr* - jul ft. ope burraW, YOU VAA Vito le"O ,441%vil 4 tQ140 r 14Ckst'44ts Groat itrit%jo-go Irelatud. '.U�piteuaa it.,OAO �Ql 114. It IV lived to 10 front X, 7, p. from 410* it stilue, busby and of '�i llv�so hit Ali Object of M1104 Ito (lid It the local. -to oboat altitt frout the reat rhils. Xvithav A t rgrk Itself, Or I i0lld alltlw, .ttfid tllq 610. for Ir4, ', 3ROW OVAU QUE's "Tone i aviaa sure rmotlyfor 1#6120. car- Ilaveteratosmoker And of %b4t r4bULO, "Please 0alue Spot 11A Xminal lot 106"ArA 4 �flet ot e4� wogo, much Jauportuttgo, lit, U 1106bbittl AVIII cvanalkal bo 4% thick %A* I%* scouts ix As weu. I _ I 119let fi; 4140 C, ae to'k,411111, .110 ttttty Are purtoot and lseabar apart It 43VOC AC nueiat 14-' proporloatI Altagothor tInterested fit hearing of the details of Of.thwIls travtog to pos- oc'.0med to hoor It every time Ito "I. 7et anothol. X4 lig"is .4;01,4 to, 4,o Us esaarsoy or profilnolVI4 ifetarit tour Avell1w. I 0110 %fiero ore 04103, I hall tile gritatting of )yal proposal. ha of ;opytillag which 100. lulr�wl Qut4t'Jo ilat Qbtufpat'ldo� $or tT lo admitted It be wtka tWlvo to at, Thu to� spipitsl atuang, tjl�rao, bauelt less than =Q0 u3iflar any glic. b11tI1t,,AA"ber6 III the 141111440111- Practically, a As Ajild iho a& lie would bm )act' aetl%urla' Ills you thisIT6 -ver4q du . r at. "ontlorat between t#r t lie, lino at viarlous; lutkkh�g 414 Wort to purtl lit$ opecell. . "T ones "to I -Cady. to IIIACII in otit. Into fng"1011. Uo"y Of tjaoo� 4ral Culustancesi wbila It Is quIto PO and V611011, his lottgod It two wolithal Alma. man V11ho have Won c4pturva in arms r0, attv'. And At the Ago of t8V the tQJIY`'Qf WrthOt I'01 time!% becoloe, the TionsesNor of somo I , to ji11SIAII(f is, �8 yearg In IF V4�S'Ji o OX till oil "toil) na Var.. ibg s& fond, $.Ito 01 u94O0Q14Y and rAllio(r It I %, Of 1101IM04. tile eRoyal J.�uginm Are tre(dw yoru Cottug hot the formal prO- Our qua r a t 0110. et 0 as labita la to hoald. hent Alto P. not* Platitude havo thko; the oath of no" und a repout At u1shr. Pon", Ito Wguix to Avoid them And. ra with slightly more, con iu; be ills sent ost Joe ta a 114. Ito,- tinir outt then. twist their' peeh$. trality ond Attempted to settlodoft ,stderAUoW,. by., PQNUI of tile czarovitcl), then 00,61IQ used t thotallaro. Still the I I I r isb1t0==s �are as. as vOoductoil ;art ol(WAellionod through the utdou to her fath�es %I A toil) an Is- 7 0. 010 0 _VrOm, 1000O 21009 are rOUA4011 UP ponceably upon th(kis' Ally , foupoiladve., I'lar Awut (3,00,000 u"s are Alluktolly 11nos, At, least 4&` sir AS tboq.1jor qbhvrvAtory . to work p4t, tile it of oil Ole I f -to live '"tit U% duq tIO14 11112 old COM1141110119, ill net a f6w fastuixes, they re- .thint but -(-X- aess thmagIveg began to respect , tho� 4 those expeditions, plauled, $votillub. "Tho' )FAperor aly COPO.' 1i0c0to.8 uAL aecoulpi"44 C.04' lit 0 rmablos. Ile has 'Another Int"CatIng phone *1 Ott, Colvod stripes, beetk 111rowu late, )WI. W., pfIL4 7"Ot, tbeti 10 tha'r . 'I, a. . -A - siow In 11114, and V44r, goin . 4 ing uthe,guldinsil mant1c4'Wo, 0 linguist Ana vati%�Iateti foreign. booklg 4.100i te oIlhor in AU4-tvallm lb? tho AlArkting at %he and otherwine, thelo. er) from a it . less Thd Wliei Doe J4 Scotland lX0 More tier f4ther'li to notice that lie wutt dolug better you the 0001, of uly,baod nod heart," tile -of whildi olfor4 to the Stughounds are used tor tolwor friends upon c9ran;Ando be., U aid tl,Q�,Ao, 47 7h. "4 kid that tile, ixegui Of, Abys- 14,every way.. Ate found steady cm- this purpotio. The kana#11009 Cover tousb. tho doolJoett to break their __ I - . sl ,of "poppluit. the ques- it is SA Inerehillits At Urga. 06 not ploymorat anA became itioro careful Ili all to 46 Itlta;,, othit Stream so tjlt 'Bij rob'Jiles tion." Ark grandanothe.ri. ti;a, ointst, Is running Itaisar mortins at livelihood. I a good veal of ground whelt Pursued. otxtbaI Or fourtocA A44,,tkpo train ;7.1 Ili$ dress. Tile ch%ogo 141 hint was now with Ltout.. lit VAWY 1-twel-wittall, 4tagen,"' repllecl lot wnwitort%luAto enough to see this ex- ubut the` are lie JU404 Of (AStAnC0. Col. Atowart'a column vvery town. of I;era the lady, "hAs,,cO)4- In thar, variety, of Ills gcgo Illsh- . do gCoadne to be At,, and Other costly a wId4W6rs; jo, i3OQo planded Me. to, accept the offer of Moats. 'UorielMc regentlY Showed to,t-rp9rdInAry porgonilge. Under vati- V wilt 1490 them won for aouthil kept In dure" with Whit. thei 41-o thirty-Av those who to, the beginning Inid Otte)' when 10aplug the. 'It b. a rippIllix .9. Legartlei , tile � lilreliqla '401; easily forgotten. Out- Per's )t ' to provider -himself, ltv,� 331,jtlih And" ; Uutn. wit jv4uic*,, there Are 0v laughed bo#ao­ to onvy tind v,4mlro� right iq tho middle lot. A Wire fenco. At Platersburg-*r doarp. �t IOU I she'addod., ""Irour liesirt 1. It had b0bit. drown up -lot,- side, ,ond of the boA tilut Buddla t and -then thoir eaPtUre If, easy, . ThQY I 'tuLo tin$ w I s ,Ali him, And to See-%. tits Irlendahlia Anew, TAMP 1100EUS.' V( i . W01111C 01, ro 4 T4,r4w hutoOd - � *Qu"314 - ULU," at Owli-loccorcil" It Is Wall tle lie pol0c, At Addle Ab- temp) In a darefully guar4od oil" .40 It ostmo,obout that one you"N Will light 06 hands When cornered. I kiloWn thAt the Czar- Aug 02044 0A. It a Architect no )e4s. a blsli e. was. pi he- I cli havo wittellad and Admired thca- - VQog, telled it of and I bayo t.cos r# Dared battlo� casopt those o0carli who'm . for I an I. I404111 iWl 1pi0I)4bjy be lark- anouls. Ufa was, permauvritly clituaRvit. bonds. Their scoutlug of Uto 'Tanic Ilogartil upon Aro Cnhmsefarid others were Indirectl uplifted, and tile butoil. Theaq will. roquire. 75,0., Isovr Autioar...aro -responsible for P the Wing Wtb, yellow rAl)w and gold embroid,, favorlta method at disposing of on tile lust, In netting out Ahoy ap. be, CO mato , L -QD 4=11T.S1 L a Ing f , DAT.TGW=S, arr#4�4 - Aix . b.y$s1nl( .1, of ordor,try. with, luage ye)lq* ilik umbrol morely becallge-of o, gentle aud 4,11noly they all hAndist 10 to pick pour mutt% 1140 Other regulars. us -it eaerage, such, id.1 W robtakit. have. an much gold i he could oaqy� Lady ]RUeen, Upberto And Xo4lify 0,40. - lookod'it ,Over. Z6114d out 4n4 ouplilons to match" contained the It 11, a rAvo transgressor who can- him up, carr)tits to t.ho poorest there wore zv'waut at purpo4u. anA iwitat -the MAttei was, aftil"ropaircd thr"ii or the I'Living God," on' of body of water hurt there t1town him. diceetion. Ilut than thpt, latter *low Ado. 11oberts ate the two -.0atightePs not be touchod by ionic "AA901 v4utilly 344 Pieto roll 0 in a n4t' the -Ma.chffie­1Wlth III$,,' owi� hands., 61thor hand and surroending hint f lie Inatanco hero ono of nothing could be more erroneous,. for -411d, only SUrVIVI09 011110411 bt � the -till her own, Vcro,'CrOW the 0trAgrago beasts carried a boy Over their movements disolon,"I that osory Ills better no,tuft." Tile UntelyWord I knew 0 6ver .40 600, ds of Lawas, pariests, Men-. of a friend, or even a stro,iger 19 the 1_1��t� thi,t h1.4ilo !It is­!�hterk*tlbs '04 pe dresses, wbich cost on. an gul, princes and Ambe.09. In Rout of ii Intle. lie wan trailtd down by the'trooper ismong w9ni was imutinga; doaugo, AU4 Army Service Corps. lit Very reatky attached v ills* ,and often Moro ofiliclent. than 1% soitu�gi. - f nains*. "average from .. SiXty to tevqsity th t hounds, and the bay waii rescued with tile full xoa*o ktud each theiv tile livoroqe chargtfo. ty-four 1000,90 .4eatllv In (hey ore constAnt'641P 0 tent Was, &4 Opera Space. Sixty 0 0 rGrant, J34%ALIA �Ar* not &AS04V 40$r zqouaag '�Vomctb� � out gulnea6. Site �bas'a'wp;frobq. tm,' of yjards Across. whore 11"Adrqds with no more perfous injury th4a a his duties. Thvy bumpc.d Atoadily, a, tun!(; 0 410"for JAC., &They A" I PITCAIRX 1XVIS i Ut SiloffiV 1)Y'. L "Old %vblc)i of Kongolli. standing, kn ITED. #"I d I ?At". a�Allj, b little ai000. in -LonA over,twesity operas, some 'of acting and couple of broken ribs. The krievaroo along. going tur and wide, and their g7 �k - wils- vision and veldt craft. put them to$ tar 46 ;:IOi*k ii6vqr4 difterept drovsev. in 'ildipe; 4117 lleopl Interested, gazed , is not regarded its much oil &4_01_6 71k , on doo., when in volin, tito womp-p- Xnterasting lAtorview With a Liv. C?t he VaINWgIty of 'esacutta 'As 'CAIll'tilar and m4ch liked, were doopa-Jwmag�- lApoo,. the wrostling matches which .411401 alp lie will Cot prod, onli., ILI 41.11 O40 olog� t46 oo*,plvtolt of An .44 the3t of 0s orposal Skipper. aftc; In jitiy -ot th bi0tch c0rpcpJ,lI f,t,00 YQU4 When: th6tr father nifleently bojewelled, but hot jewel, ere, going on In pairs Alt over the 1wrlical it In ripe. 'he hide- bi 1A locality Ili at 11 ' tell thgAargest, 0 I:6nal left Yr, It , 41A to -bavra�boolv %bid. to, go much lery' 1140,4411st hernext to 401 onIv thirtY itiallingii a dozen fri. 1; I $14'r1ug. 'Tile combatants are picked i The London Express correspondent 0 of all jc�lt og Jit t I Presents x cash Val It: hag poorly alt. b,poo given obaloplons -from various deiiiern. i'lloy broad once a yow- Ow ecallent dift6pling" ral at Queenstown hits s0curcif A, most �U;dgr or lair one at the, few o7. 11gV.411taust ooth admilrera, who, III to- aThe. h1glior' �tha rAO �rsv�r, tbe taus or TIMPoS XND Inaervating interview with Captain fornale) that annually Appear. bein-, Into with the o%atergo Ines ovor.10,900 Ott It�6's of - t � oclety + heib, Earl ergentua, h%yo, bestow- TlaoSr are stripped itaked. with the, McNeely, of the Liverpool slitia. two vounizaters tone male anti efition. wear IdmKi howove, f�Xj hikhee the., cONV,of P h till ona,illity lid, ounteA9 w P -V 0 n the sad,doA �ed. diamoods' alld pltidolifl Stones eXqaptf0lj 'of their leather . riding Monklistru, from San Pro.u0sco, con- carried ifi a pouch by the mothri- 14.,zillaro, -tillbrM, Ior, qu -At of her owir th weigh as hJgb os.210 "In one respect they ars: for altead Wl*, J , 1, 'I I . , fulicift -bar. to tho Value Of =oily' �oqta _nni), a garniont rather more Corning the life and doings at the pit- Kangaroos eof the of our anett. Their thouaiaode, of poligos. i pound. Under ordinary circurn iletters Iantint. lqcouty. than a Man's bathing dress. cairn Inlan0ora. a4di imasil R4*WaPt'oV,g*0 I I �her by`speolal atkincera lhpy nro docile. and many Itorne in their lll%t Citro oil returtalug Oft 'I aresthe ru the ollar gad 01ftves I. tive tw.p. E116n Is Cxcoodiogly*q4.lct and � glish!Upon votgrIng the ring, each pair of We s$ghtcti the island of Pitcairn," An , The Trans-Sibertan. rallway gi something of 0. lbook. counsel,, has, oA. everybod, knovis, 4'wrgstlers, prance up with stralla, Use them ":to at' When tit cuffill, and %!till tbell, A Agilv bill oat curious said the Captain, 'lost August 23, tile -"Loop world. I j'rj�thL or tforA4 style at orator'.. wbleii.'Pisavoments of the arms and legs, to weather being beautiful'aind iqlaa. As ota. the name as Amorleans like to own hands the I clvrolqft twe to its and 1iorile og *an ro.usp It p4ow is but If er ow, nIs �Q$Bij)JQ tab u it advatace. Alkaking duty oil rear nuord red by thii-mountsad o 9 In - a % 'a suit's Veit see, in . Moment thet Proves singularly 0ectiver,in a eat- theAsaintodlato presence of the "Liv- & clock. bnve deal; and catia around the pro leading. 91100101lair And comfoi at, ­ COVE iorly 'quict oxterfor'-,srii IlAul rusem. -Ai Ing Crod," - before whom they �koiv� "Soni after a boat mises." JL� , so reo' 114 p at pushed' theae'46ritar. i "I,.,, - 0 1 , oUlders, Clalm of lortin I � - _.* _ yWfth regard 4 the aarty of NVOICs, journey," Q� 3I.31. 11 Q 4re and energy of the father. tlmw*. however, It moot& with a tow. falling'an their knees and sirik- from the share, and fourteen Island Was Once. t tbe i7 EAND MEAT, ICAMI)II011 has a company of tbein O'lly feceiltidli. M fnir thorotand repeatedly uo. upoll 'when% Ito plate Much, faith. 41nd T:bo a of, 110:X filiblituAl' druj�tkiltllit Ill F4oi - with their ors, with the governor. boat The provalli: 11 ell $0 'outnt va ameg".it I . I Arm -RD: Old Dolloi prosedu(IIIS a wan'for A forchalicto. These obelsai ng, r'outfit. va in LaubQu, Vilossfa., Sflqsia� , are '�4eW osiple, kis I new over., .,,When soaring our vessel 60Y lie mother cod0sk Is prolific, tho I 'itowart, lilw Col. aw -tjuiti ilia ga�tl or - "as for Llout.-Col. I *lTi3rdbir -to Olt; of ho I I- printed, `JR,94 0" llaf,io, - given to, cach, Abekdeem _=4 his W16 t1irough trdt-, murderous assault. "The victim. each man is placed In position bM smug beautifully one of ankey's too of a large Otte containing all g sai er ueceralul le4td- I , iii, 40411 _14 , gill , "Corps'i inuitol.-iier. Any pers0it, put)pWifrk 046 i Uo W geutlauicai,ll he. sold, "stood therer all life own Second, usually an elderl$ laynoss ,vhfch echoed gru.ndly on the mpity. its 9,000,000. egus. NaturO L �']Ap asslair. - 49 Staying with, ta; t r 1103115 t ere of ours. lie would.not be without 1q, , raled an of - -ttxcot wftli. Intoxfcn,ats,-J�,4ubject li�eud,bi thep:01glalunds, nod While I uncoAselbids'of tits approaclaIng fato�.'Mong I on 0 have provided for a Inuch, thorn an any account. Their ji-dal. 46e t Lh tlaylls, 01, one of whom gives, the sig -L a I t W4 a a account of such I surdled, ps, Ili his daydreams net for the bout to begin. Tito "They brought choice fruit And supply Of cod than we are 8� 4& A'dirk- to a Iteavy goo; out alone *oodered Into a meat and knowledge -of the oncloy's skean 4hu, and. vporrau. etc., which cloth domalo. The ov Vllut' behind hint there crept � to that restling Itself was good. A 101 is vegetables and all -sorts of,tropleal =I I But the eggs. goatitkz oil number anti whereabouts are almolit ,Wtap in red now fAdlpf; light, the prisoner tborq­ the signal for the opponent to stop; prodifee. Preach �ronwk ruer of,the litud Was the 'ordinary linesman. fasillor or wh6 jus,i�o meaksle$.' Now, a Majorillo ;the atirtio of the water tst hatch. lkro InLuttive : their Information of Ills Ig - ' tanit-I 'The winner -at Once bellins, prancing , *111,hey were most grateful. though destroyed by, milliongi Ctdlish cat, mdVcmentn und IntentiouB are most rifferean, I* spilred. Aga -,A $.Sl� children ks, Urd Tweed cr6pt *Ith stetilthy Steps, i5t -cauth. and the - 'two Met Q 1, Ile . . .*0 Scientist named Chatluleal proves by ain, 1, art * "Yep, yes said and dancing about In ail even more their anything that comes 01031. -train -aded ours. Tisay have no difficulty in Xparlineut ilidt past*d 61L llpr!* *64*01t Will cpse; W a, tits ece mat'sir. A challenge trom the. one, kind 9 reliable. bal� . Mr. Justice A. L. Smith, before onderful manner tbain dt first; agAIA I u- tacks, to sharks' tooth. In ti htont -tin 120., sti 040just, �ho X:� Icas a&4- an apol.QgY from the othe� led th, 'an 'The governor *1 the Island. uta, extracting information front Kaillro -f!VA;'UqAtA U&VIDS me ti James McCoy, in about thirty- I 0 met of An fficer hi, an ordloo, _(;UisaChan* ]rho over, tile head. Oct on., Mr.� found Tito fish weighed as' find, and that In -that we don't sall ter- the wIA4116 14,01tatton to luntu'ut. ard. "Ito hit presen ng himself before "the God" ed sell of a large opecittien two duchh With un they have but one fault t rRorial regiment. lk -to 4 good dud the innocent poacher there saw*Uatll,w,iojpv wl;h many groveling obeisances, five years old, and was most strala- were EXPJ4XSJRl` OF xjth�jw Iserfin ji'4q 4 AA1,47 to a profc$;, ! Ulm Isobel XaJoribukg, and prompl�, After this he quits the ring to be life and courteous. touch as 150 pounds, and the bigireat Into the '1111d lavers' and fight them citicher,,vbp elosal, bird . � es, rojo. -leaving her native friends. another, pair being introduc- 'ODO Ina" fins caught 600 In a day of it. !say be tit tlfli� oly, loll Ila love with her. ft is on record -tha t mme, NaLlbs, 'received by a crowd of admiring, *,previous to sunset they did not tire four and a haIt feet In length. ad every ponniblo ocennion. "IdIt4d" regiments ore tire most,ex- A PITN"ItAOUSI, P19114048.9. sho�tly bol ed. At one time there might have trade with anyone oil board. but af- 'eleven hours on the . Nowfoundland WODERFUL VFLDT CUAFT. Supplied: . 1, fAustralta, sang to an audience worth ter that. tilue they struck up it brish perarive Of ell the terilltarial onC3. the Tile PrIcess, of Walcs� Is Very 'In the aggregate some $9. So It !peen from fifteen to twenty couples is jbi, eggli, d he Is tba, nly =alt In buninwiS, having firnt. despatched their bank with u hand line. Eighty wait If we want to and ilia war arid The plia llcrauft, A to do so, pUnotAllaus about some thtogs. She Would S00111 that the prol)hotesw, atW I Wrest�lig.k These, with the cries of boat ashore for fruit, etc. take on an average of 1.000 a day qot keep South Africa an a training 0 00 are V4 � ;foatllier, ill iniet",, (A, =40clards that althotaiii the. more thoin the prophet. must not ex-: ero, the coloring of their an the Dogger bank. Newfoundland ail$ dbubletb',' ,&1Y 1104) cud V�Qpartionatel, Tito men are of tine physique, but, school for our soldiers. they &uy, kilts (Z5) Warn is them,_' :Xaoro churclato t.'an"any other domi- fs-Alwa�rs Superior Ito the pectiongr in ber ova country -until bright clothes, the mass of gold and n are of ;Ito ordinary klhd In the headqt!arters of dried cod. that we munt give Alut 'irreconell- rat, 210 wife, It 1.9 �mard -than ever so in the sho, licks achieved, fame and fortune Yellow In the Maghfild&nt tent, and the woroo lqsh congtituton one of 'the plant ableo' no rest day tier of' 4, In addliloll tit these artiele.q, $etplo" :,r We of a future king and 'queeb-con, 'o%atiaide its borders. Aft efiterprialn the quaint and pletur They are both of dark color. ght. arid ;The rticieD of diet for man- lies. be overgentle whon we catch offleers In llighlapd�jlgttsillons, aa-e'ta every 100,0001 Clique roots of industry in the ul"ing valuable it Ad $art. An exillople of her Views , is I Australian Tuousger asked Bible. Xel-, the beautifully colored temples rig. **Their chief d up- kind. although the popular notion tiless. 'rho 'Wild Ilocro.' they say, U) "provIdsa, I � 44ches, to 'every 100,000. *,Iowa in the Way Various Visitorw lbo, on 'What tormS �ho Would revisit Ing above it, made up a scene io be of arrowroot. of which they ha that it Is a good brain food because will btand no heavy looae3 in the i -five to 'tile same wards of 30,000 pounds ready to ex- I of the phosphdruo it contains Is in- field. nor fight it they love by r1fla books '4ro,s1gned by tire royal tour -,her native land. which ilia It d -Itti, f,666 1019010 olkly Day 0, not long r0blernbered. buckles and , 'claymoreq, none at number, Ists. 'The lirincs hands the pen to Seen for $ourtcoo, ye%M Be was port to Talliti. fire 10 per cent. *of their mun. but whie di p,t_:correct. Ali a mattei Of fact- 11811 I Itefult ore considered. ae6ssary phystelap. has, d0eletell tUt it hila -Vile In Order that she may sign I Somewhat staggered by the reply- WONDICItS OF TnE ALPS. ..Perpetual suminer reigns at Imeat In general contains lecA ilia' we must expect to have founev, too, hinthisr ifitantrt, -regimento. 'The onli weot$,� ZIOUteli, st, day were arst, And � g4j)Z %goeS SOL. -but sim in. airn all the year round, and their iphortin than most kinds, Of (IL'911- for we'll never catch them escepil by or n lit an 1 all expenses prlhilllad ltrylelei' '-of 't-L'Un ad- larlab& lavoso a spacer Above fruit products are Urf lmej%t. But it Jn good for tile brain her p me. , Melbea 91I. -Their Most 11-Aparessive Feature going for them first chance. 1,!Out.- average o0st for,A 1po bat- junot,ta, tU#i1i;lU -W0JL1eh,: Most.*o- the sig4ritre 91 Ileia, 1Mh4 DOW, Wtch rotgreill luallsfor ataC Veglactod by Guide Seeks. "Their religion in that of "The So- i,,dlrcct.ly, 910 their tilan for it 11) less stimulating Col. Stewart has about forty of 10 ,might, llva,ta- Agivogtar, .,without a contractor, other relatives are flesh -meat. to usually digested them. under Lieut. Joe Unsap. till lalloal6L swa, acrallows Z16 P venth Day Adventists. and I to Z1, Me& 10s; 0old- d4yos, 06, perhaps prolong residentil, of lbourne, tho.tempar-i MyrlaO of Britiolt And American ureckly day for prayer Is Saturday, more cadly, and council the produe- ex -burgher himself. lVith him are ess, and 10sp olo"- '_ginit that r 4�ve�j ary capital of the Aultrallan tom- tourists are at this moment delight- the people working on Sundays. I Lion In the nystew of fewer of tile ('art Hcharz and other well,known "They have built a church, which -,woato products which, If not at once Hoers of till agog, varying from early Z1091SES nt, THE 0 Ing thoinsolvag with the grandeurs of &Tl.f;a;froelK,' JP3,,3t,i Ocso with.-Liker iv�L Alpine travel. Nothing, Ila tholworld's thilv so on their 4*4#4 *r allrato Staggers the The chil"Alng 10POrtt t1log", Emnal history Is) more finprenalvo than the bath day, delicate nervous ayatem. ridden with them day'in and out. attend ell mail hoat'.xif "extras" w itch go t4 Inl%kQ I)AYS ru OF ii Idit. They aarea an all points, ;olinfluntvd. act Injuriously upon the Inunflood to past midifla life. I have up t1la r4mplele,qutfit. mean tin ex- k8giVAtion. It' ames (Mrs. Story, p story of the Alps. Ten or twelve anti quarrels are unknown to them. I The la%t motioned property Is Ono 'chatted with them and learricid touch The 4thlialgo pardituft df pand whicii has a. pleasant libitory, million years ago, possibly for more. -A hurricane of great violence vin, wli ell render" tint% of especial %aluo at their wondrous veldt Craft. They, M*e The Rige, torps ,uniforrals, Owing for Of 1110'and Nis, become so thorougl ly identi- a long uncdcn line of weakness, it Ited them about a your ago, arid had In Ithe that of persons nufIvring from',re clicery, good follows. fond of Wor were 09 A, scale of shrpassaI fied with tire eopralla art to, be, cullEd crach. or fingure In tile earth's CrUst almost devastated the whole 11right'u diveane arid other af7ections quiet fun at all timso. and playing 4yer suld 109,mAgaitude, Maya Gen, Fr k V."the "Bit qs dituriond." Several stretched away front France cost' V,rtunatoly, they had overcome tile of the kidneys, from rheumatism, soldier pranks. one of Illem last the.laof;-that no gold­ldrs§J'4�1 ttin an are 118Wk4hat less in Sorlbuer's.. , There were yettes ago, while Usso,,'Ll was Ward hundreds of miles. on this loss. gout. aud all Lhono dineaces which, uro,anything but cheap. 110WOVOI!, tot- petiAl. Caesar t"'BowArO411e, Ides Of Ore0be amed 4P I ­ .. 1. I . . liusare than a'scoro of,single battles, singing in ParlD , jibe met on old week west --out from Vryheld and cap. the component portlopS.ol, ilia pee�� II the t r of 3)r. Granville - lialialetWes exteading, OVQr "velf1i VroAch nobleman, pas'slona,tely ]too followed huge volcanic out- The population has greatly diulln- inany playsiciann regard as she reult,tured hin own brothor tit a larm rar,y outfit I fond b,r,t,. Next ensued a va%t slow tile total then being 145. A of the ece9sivil formation or reton-.110 told the to Ad 'O * f cogo, Is correct.' th(i g.4ays, In each *; which the losses In of lie and ills wife Want Orr failed, tter that he Wanted a subsidence. which ent air through and a crolls belt and can Say I ..Bava f4pled arid wounded ca' -the North __numbff Ot_Ahe_Meq_have_AQnO Jim cd nrlo_aWc . Per convalearenta ft-tArmt, t6 t, a era mo ch another. ,!.a -hear Mr sinfir. Th4pk-mr an= ---,cpoCIM,- I fishing olvit it In moat ticeful, all It supplie, If-, had possesmd both unimalti for, _11ts -6vvfy in. greater than too aggregate go, 1OX116 c#otjIL'Vqnere to the (lauffiler group, pear Ve. were in .1. Tito klidki"eltithing'that'ju gopnidit telled health, and On his lane now rears Ito it fail, amount of nutritive material marly. and was afraid thrit tile loan, loans Gumnlit 15,790 in assertiou So to COL IgsV3 $A-_411 lho.;,satlier desith ellortilY afterwards hii; wi at wag a nea fringin from *&ria L coal jrOW poftry seems Lq 9 all old contia- HULLO. In palatable form. with a minimum ee united. tot- Rocal,!r costly 111411 rivillaos 0�e-uAt jj* , im- torilipd atatirties token billed. �ont Mrs. Story 4' diamond asking ut. Large rivers eimptied Into is.. of tax on the diorphtive orilauo. I i ,, lor le s would have been affine to,jw the A. mdov& irif'rAroad' Companies, irOff the 5.00011fled and w6tindo4 ill the Wv to wear'it in moulory of'one who Depoufts of mud, nand, gravel were 1111ou YOU Goo & inall to WOO- Among the moot nourishina and Callight and deported. p;!itral, v6fks, givaiti. eleVatom, - bdiler 06rks.. qar 'jj't Jg1g. or the war In Mexico, greatly admired her voice. Tito staho laid one On another u.4 the Miking Wall; right up and city "Ifullit V* the iiatue time digestible 111 His brother hostlitJr, Afid moO sitAbUS'limelItO or the war witti Sir aWould. lie Raid. be out of hornils way alb, compared 14 rat, rather high as a -wire which 19 went on. until the luvers beeuuo sny 11ullo I" and ­lJow d'yo.d 6f W 1*011 %6waa flint at larob forces of vien, as Tilith titc(14,000 at hifoll, I&,O00 at Invisible at a short dictation, so that no.troo fo6t. 110 bluefith, aliad. red snapper, fresh arid wall taken rare of is, Colon. gs.:'bmeehoia ttt.ko asid or- 'arly tell roile,, llowIn the world auldn' ou codfish. hitefirli, ntriped baus. hall- and as for the ilorso. It, too. would dinary trousers alt jCl, Jos. well as the booK-s of tile caroner's the ChickahoilOny, 10,000 at Antfea the diamond from the appearance of a. ut just coinuatucad a grent up- Still) tile f0low on the back The'ellArge. too"Of half it goinerst bill and flounders : and equally nuti I. fare, wall till office. %ith tile tame at, Fredericksburg, firefly Alighting filro and there among IlItIng ; the str fild brother returned Ittlei*11ee jer* t1140tteords of the 111,000 at Chancellorsville, 1-13.000, at the singers curls. . I I uggling subterranean filing you hand down with a white tiouq. attliough perhalin lepo dlgea­ A much graver and also tru story In for a puggart4 ujjil, forces rallied It huge load. For ages Wolk right up, and don't go ,,low I 0 CoVer tot-' a, 1,61- tible, are brook trout. lake trout.. that of a ame Iloger, being suiped ulet b tiutrageOliq , one of efghteett- COOIC 004ALY)II0001W f0r,titch MCMW OottYsVpfg, 10;000 Lit Chickamauga, On one occasion John Philip Sousa tilln %veal Falmon� inacherel ittiti Colo. Itoe island neari r hom fit, Jor the past, live yeAr, shows an t on until 'tile rocks. crum. Orin tin' shake, art' nay -1111110 I­ 61,000,fart tho.Wildsirtierls, and 26.000 by Ilia promptoess,. wnD the direct bled. crushed, contorted, ro!-A, above not particularly ntitritious, but it 10 pence would lefd a,handsomit, piro* twomige,-6f , iNelk7liVe Cftie� Of in- At Spiatfq pcognis!eti as gain fiwn f�jult?l- fit to thd Iffi%joifk0ir�r. , � ylvorala. Inle,grap, Aggre- means- p jorlw by'! accident a, m6atfl. Out of gatto of '�;-strtictfoh fairly tilaggern laiventlop Ing u pdrde, which tile waters, and cclitinued to i1no, Is Ile Clothed If' ob- F'JIO itureeable to the taste and fLtlrly 'victim deellnod '-A fire bac t hi� A unronu. occurred doting % nalght to lad the most, dlvitntrou.,4 farming lines of mountain chains arid Walk right up and say "ITUtto ditre,itible. k 0 bo imagill4t[oh, actulitooted as We rdsu)W, Willo big baudl2waa playing tuaking Switzerland a tablolAnd. 1109%; 19 but it cotton roll. father, but he did all In his powpr With tb( laii4ablD Ist0110012 Of the 1,ratall, period. havo been for more than u, gehera- hoforO twelve thousand people in St. Lver hour aloes then rain arid snow, Jent fer wrappin' till a soul lmode of preparation han much to CdPLUra him. Ilowavor, the father effettlug a much needed reform 4ft 41ifto coronell's ofilee xihoWn it more tialt to tho 11 *03,000 killed by Loulo, tb2 eleet.rle lights fit the hall Ov", gluefer ittid avolandie ha%p An' a roul Is worth a true. to do %�ilh the digentibility of fish, Wan better alountc�l than tile son, tits it has with all other food.-) Dail- this direction, Mr4 11rodrAL to unilei-,'atartling bi %he doc- bolleto, 18 V100, killed by diVeasei went out t;uddonly. People Ligns, to' boen oculpturing into peaks and Hale and hearty "flow d'ye clo ?II I 00 contfAv" to escape. not re.. stood to be' Ptepqrft 4� ' oh�mo- tora theory. AboW65 per,�telktq at' 2�,I)(fij and L Carving ilia arid broiling are better anaden of an( doaji - from Othet' eitlfOeS-a move uneasily In their seats, Into lalticm,; arid valleyn that 001"t wait fOr the crowd to g&. C'Soking that) flying. cognizing WD antagonist. t tile o"Idesta Land Other etjus, Wulk light up and sa "I'lullo I" Tito chief objection to finh I!; its U114er which be poirtnIttg"d nearly two-thirfli 61 tbO-ideatlig h.V grft(j. taZul of 001.000. About one. to sol4e even began to. make a rush lor;vait plUtfol.-M with its rccent rwdl- I 0 COU011190 PLANTS. to ItUrOba" their' unifams ' es requiring oroyory nutu who wore J110. uni- h apping with jwi� talentary covering find tirluieval gran-, prononeca to dpeonspositioia. von Arm, 11,16twu (.fork, 11mlical Official A I bated, Sousa. gave (lie signal. arid its When big ventell; meet, they pay, when kept on Ice It ma be free %fail. or even tile animal kintritom, V ro, fifontigaittin Occur between fjr, Of OalirSe4 the Q11taaa7 tailors are iip the 2094' 4uld. ' ilia, 26thi 61 I tacit iher, tiall In all fliso has mniestfattIly Ills band began playing I Tile ro�quft 10 % la hfrom tiny taste ur odor, and yet IL has Ito n:oUI,pol at cougbini. or in 16P moiltt, % I fit uo 0 ! lid fit unequal, ev not 11 iia. 0.01, respect been paid to the 'Oh, dear, What can the Inatter be?" gralidellp. Find Ills i6 tile truide -0 you an' me, may Isave undArfrono chatifics which ell aottiva red in tile fdco. it, as L.f_ Wiwi will. ufteet thont of tile 4AY4 OA - A tiny ripple of laughter Iliat urcilt books ? Not a word of it� Loutwonie glilpm iipon it Wa I nijl�tl It polsonotiq Some fish aric fork to Utrow oil lureign, substances, its 710I&MAIld Xminediatoly Aftr its close tile flecre You t Yet lent tile atuo tit seriouSly, ariftee, the Plapileta prices thin '*IattW' StAtsirdoya, Audi own )air. por;onous In theinwi%eq, containing';Iefore thqr,, wan %ortebrato on the will-ftV t4re of War as 41rected la, Vougeeso round the, audience allowd that con- Prolegoor Judd in hN charming Nach one Sallin, W14 CrA,-Milch.1m Ah"those Afondlyr( -appear Iq voffii� IiarticufarlY-1 td zectiro an table burial places, and whie under 00, umnga',_ ence.,-Tht, Ft fidenco had partially been roitored. Votcal)600" tlkalin Paub told the Vor a. port behind the fog. it. Inp natural Mote nome substanco.eorth. while mail was Ito prom -in of fact ifpusy,to bav t1r&a drddodq - intioned. no 'Whiso tile band b"att to PIUV t I v Ifleaking'-truluvet blow will eatvzo Alarming nymptoms. evolution. litrouglk tim a a . cars sa�ae lit half a dolen liaflpq Let your f if tile Tionai- till the t:ru& roll bv" tile 160ghter I'Woulla not the traveller look oil ilic, Lift your ilorn and ery 'III or death, it eaton With tionjoi Tit(, genorat ado4on"of Mr. Broil- 4113V $tIkikaft. lm"�r of tVeIab6rj16tV that tile reAlliff places C world, Etactei 'Nsaiou­tbat in what riels'A hoilrever, is *ft paid '61i bit dout tndy�-" wot -#Aetda d6cfleiied into a r0till Of blefrild0lit!Matterhorn. the ungfrau, tile atu-' pemong fish Ili ony form does not' the botanisw etUl him. while we gracatT not Very likely to take plow lit seventy -lane r�eparato and distinct that anl�* ended when the lights Were,-0andoun Splugen, tile inessive (,at,,- Say "llultol" arid "Ifow d'ye do orrlic-. caunlarr digeotive dinordern or -Qul($4 Mariy!UdAents * Sult III* in !b1fu " "tit$ Coughing be -an"- bo� ro�u, ct:ulatorita tho badieA of turitc-4 ou'aigalli. Otber follid dre good an you. I rri0ans 'ean be ileviskil aplip, sard, tile Mor de the deet, Lake oh -in rruptiong. This In notably true cd. got red ail the race and blow dust zoarly,300.000 aoldlers who died alur�- I Li ong Chang. the Into Viceroy of Of Geneva, With quichened Injerest IV',n you lrave your houne of cla, an crabq. Will ObVIAto tM4 IWamstty'of iti OM said. ats pay'claz XUY out of his lung*. Rec(ML131 botatibits i lit the- Civil wa�'Ar6 1040rvd, An4^1na, was generally admitted to be;had he thin r4tory before film Wanderin' In the far away � cees, liaam*'Io� pllj�iinldgo 40.11imliesa t day metult -bo4io,'" booze MeAns troulo And I I e through tile qtranue (ly,ners, clown and mussels, ore i have be"a giving; special attention to pvc-Ml filue bet Wish" to, tr# on , an 'Ole, And frOUblo 106 decoration 61 thdi, 1jeavk% with Iti;a riellest 14ft In tho world. lie It can be told so easily : but 'its slot W"" I YOU rav I vpry digestive, ft oniv tile raft part article, of ahiforms. , I fl6wers on 4 flited day lua.4 beedme a pwznegPed ail enormous fortune Ili Country Vother rAde the range. -er is taL Ithla b=. and toll intere.stina thinge X of It. A. mcqueen for Many Then the souls you've cheered will or If-. on Tire tough Port 1q. about 1L. It 4 ;ttivo ot war"i An 0pritall*# one!$, mnidetit of India. nod a clo.0 huo%7 -untric-i. dad of)- 'Nutiondt custdol. gaillO dt *6 Come- 'ittal alone, oLnd find foullauge ware- n3osvie. and when cooked as too Will- ' I �ontaln,vatcjt M Silealt, strapy at 110U.66s in Pekin. Crumpled front top Cult of direAisill for Invalids. Not- 'toll moist trap. WOSW t4, JOK-17 44, %Ad `MOr#,A0d6"t of the Brahmin I ter10Y 4 SUN Who you be, and nay "Ifullo Cogs occarAonnIly become dangerounl, fav`61' 'Amcft V. t )w commLS814ned tanks * theogophr and oetul t. Aetotioeoo vays ater 10,X)00 F�ldftrs, In sotTiod-ranks, to bottonat With rare cud preclituo I Jects most emphtk1i4;a Ily to dant. It of 1116 *rMV­Wt)uId be to darrskago for 'thit tits priests % tile ArAlimita tom- markM by the witte fms!adstones. OA 9PECIM(Ag, TbOr ivorn noflual, (ti- Sir ??start 13311 cays tile G or evon fatally, poisonous thrriu�tl lima an eff"-dvo tacamns OR gattinil rid I ,hAd this,06ory for inany boarly hall of Which Ili 14301bed "101- tile.sis is thto"gh-thol Us wv of unilsiro froW One of the NorUtern, rra- vittiva smaller ovovy day. ile, .I. Fra= ATS V11T11 DACILL1, ILD development Of it poinon Ito thefol objectionable imatw. lYMn an% -Pit* have Vfjgq4 of, 0apaI The Viceroy r4als.,,115 hisle lathea alliallor tod than it liver Clain broil] In not very nu. I Gott Its Oil the breatbing lsolvll� In tho r r ft Ird �Mtt" tMI&M. -hiso" IA,- yedra Tantat tnis particular period s oWa." Tho'Wotld Way be neAtch- a % - div, it Ill 6AIWaya thorougthly, eap- of tile Month the serptait, made , U4� V in vain Jor anything shullat Or tattled a private army of 40,000 pig- Wa yeaterday, and (It latractiall Itour Liabon Got nid of an Obnox trit;ouf�. but I it redative to thn;leclvetl Of the Plant and C110h03 U10111- Ili I in IOUs Post, ontomach. ond will cometimes rellove7a gas actuoulatc2s IsLaida, anti witen land 4re.frafoed in gppearsocee hd g4rdon Of LIde]JI kindred; thtro is I ablo no other . such IW- 14110 W01IJOM, It Was to&-taarv, �19 COUtlau"119 90 9 40 ilia r I it ao "me -10 for no Man. hub mors; twrjurintl� i6p, reason, however, for c han recently been cultiteted nauspat very promptly. Ans nuMcient prasure there li nd tempted , Ve. with the roquit sitessivo sight. i COMCS on 0XpI njou. with a nound ex - Plant V - the risk �ot lo:�Iag tits licad thtup Ille,010 'Jun tw`01113t V W'a fillnee ould I to an unprecedented Invasion of rats. I _+_ 0 'that'rlaan,tell from'0io"favor of God.. tvjl3t Vic6ro. OA 0110 Obtalgloft When lItLVO rflirutd; a lk;itb, At the belin-'which has dironlered the dot Itietty title cobablay. and tho duat Is The portleulat L",VJptjO)k Of paill. assi, ever allato, jb�n thD3 -particular 110stic, INTfUtVIE.WINO THM THAUPS1. blolto front Ito lodgWcnt. Andmore Ito vVa* to be pinatest lie arrived ning of thft, Century tho run was fivo'econonly of every houtAlsold abd tarp wiftbrm, in which th"'outhorities,tiand has been rtgigrdad 1� gpkjt1IE 0 A uni%ersity during 1uaft4krAtJW_ 0% IftnaC i trio plant getq red In tho with an ahpzr of X.O.000 men, *b1cri'milea III er,'41td. at the beglaning of made 11fa mirerable, Cuts rro holichty. han bLen diato reform on* that Is *oral Xa. thfto dos of beavv gold ship- so ups-ot the OLICUlatIOU4 of those In " tkO U219tian. - era I(A) rilile-.4 bigger potVerlem.; to ellecy. the Invadel,14 ovulit"cr face thrauz;h thor tilopt. at, 0.0"arsts Vh -the wobt- a0thorit that they W,_�ntcd film Ithan. It Tho dialtuiter of: memed to, net an a fittloula,lit, "liout Rualand 4i.nking evelry trduip, h1I0KttX4LAT1; WOOD. SiAlly 1fJ very importatib IrAtit0tiob. With a yelloW J;Jekot 11)5tead. "11MV "tile "it IQ 8t;0,(t00 'arid dO Ir nppotitoei. crW troj_n ouly� that he ticks met Why lie didn't worli. a diolf. )*eket. Wth roll collair, blarL* '0 f) to tilo -or OcAtW witiqfira*f� braided trosts. 111th(Vt4 it h" lWen OAIV- 1068,19 It 19 located In aft do our toMen orimparo wit)) t1joco eflyearls, Ittzee ilia run will have 6.,ived to, denamititrate the Ila interviewed 2.000 vagrIantil. and. I -P tbo Rafter nAkO LI at Iiin Goo mijej. XPIt it Will 100!4: exactly hC05 Of Man't) WoOnUftV to COPO With tbota arcordinff to the vari- Amona9t the Many flitercating da- Pm. nod WAllngtott b(w;(s� 'Whitt the that Wore, eleetropl^ted WIth silver, 13100 anlidslilps. o4der th6 Woon. Chino, 9 rtmento In tho Iliath of f!ngland Is sun itrwzoon ttley gave for not clat pa DK" iiad rVolom"A c6inwittef 1W4 *�* okkol, *n4 the, operation VOW Ot 1110 know of Its Vinit to Geranany. "I Ma)131 cannot ilia �amo .10,060 yearo henco as it tile Post. to prinfAnit. 'Mero erforort.prianolly to beautify or of tlz6 valaablo ittlimUre tdl-" 'W014 00 fluict IVSPOUNO, 04 he'llaca to -day. At tength the aid of Ow bacillua Ing their daliv bread lit tin orthodolt provoV, to llwb�ditltftte f6f. ft]g 14 g; WAS P tuanner, We got the following,_651 over (tag come 00,090 Dank, of Ens- tail cost of trivilida eveldrs dvevs tile rubwts thus tr44 I But With- that Is WrAcil, atroao the oeftn''With ths ladloa pre-aeut ; "wo 4. - was Invoked, and the municipl doe- lh,vp, Iviere willIng to w owoovev r" ball no, much of our women 'WIXITr, roviDp3t ON tort; wore caminfunioncd to Inoculate "ald ark but land notes of vatTleg Valoo trotra Call 'The toom Varies stigh0v could not obtain, uny. 443 could not Popular "fivor" to tho tar* 41.000" Pat 41 in row. tot a 1�* swaths ill& pftefle� , of th'-nn- thio, but it Ss usually 419 you do of yourok" tame ratn With tin inketinuo digentm. 6, Ito Tft imod bas dmlov#d In- differ6fat Vast 11 give ativ reactut flint would field lara printc4 a,$ on thcr banka snachla- to an Jmportant, Industit"'r. utility *bout:10 feet lolisr by 10 imt IwIddi AVO WOndvtcd A tisitablo viru, harn, lect; to man. I tte W44Y rather thAlt boatity 11-V tht* alovot', maid 8 fftt 149b. It is lrob!�ttll ed of What trio V14W 10owder covivier, thO,tvag found, a fc.v,, rabn capturcd and vrlttcr- '10-1 thought no 0110 Ought i" es' to Mg nothing 0 cl, , 'I iiin arout wAn vont). I . 1110 have I is worti. and if rolva, people calteW of Postal, oid�ra 0S wal, pour and artielso tire oulth betf#r pfatecl[4 ettftl Notts of al, 11101 I UU1108 10- Am 0141 9VIC0 dealer 10 Inaculated- and thM lot 41* rivotol 11,110 aermatm 14CAO & t1ar fund of 411tbority that. an coob an 4110 nut.: bacillus triumplivil. ,rho roto pich- �Tffo fool ish enoligh to do 00-tvOl. print! 4w futer. Cst-4 tura. lrt*fttq #at Atttwotp t woat.. tent. do,riting tina thick *lad Steer 430,000.00 In X014 carclully pro. in'; IS It, I's 1,011rd In a linle ertk a114 (tied with onderful rapqd,I thov intended tivina oil thera naid In.- alik 1,00 bbt0ft ell hour'=A the Und tits l0o�*t in thfl'=� fte" OperAtion roti"It" th-6.1his firar6r. tm ltelling irid tha wrO , Valt. WhIeh go Uatct,(A Ma(10 frOV4 but'llt OfGttr nhdfa In or- it nt"ny Llutwfi N eolobratitl-g Vo4ple: 407 v-7eto on their W 0 ,F�aNr ft* of tittla RIZ6 Mat U -A t0ttod ifsalismt", tho w4xd isto vArIfts art all of At"I plaftl. Thtrek so A. 0 t pria- 4"44. lit thot It. to pflavclat Ita ro wopli at, distant totinn, having 5orlierr. aro on tch f4ett. . Ualf ta, hel%,y dMade of stcol. t da5r AMI A ptrisailleetl U tbo"ifia conqumt of �be voratfoug 10- et, r*owlecti, solutions in 6rder to otrq^ tion of 1110 trassurd hos Islet Ultwo haL ro- dent. ]Otte,. ine latichinC3 priat tno ColaPoW%st. 'Prlitrke, ivil, and at 1.44 thla dast I A in ttleir pomomion promf� the 4*p**K of en #.xceedfr*ly� thin i's prOW(IM *Ith ft vftrjety of com-, Cr of tj�a J rt, Is 110t7 propaaC n � (to cal lstwnD. I&, or 41tver OA t to U but- '11,16 cold has hxAca lying there z1ains upo It. UaC40 ia or� -(I to nrro t;;V,%Ir114 titein ejupto.yinr- t g t I d anti ato nt=Rv PARy at tlov.v_ Mch lob ykv of IOU M ator- �j bf"116tt lotk thAC I* sold I i 160, 'Atioam"tAl, the OrAmm,f elv­ Tho P.614 And 811wr *r* atinotl 11,174. Ina vault q0tatc.? roveringo 6t t4ol uUmTC, ard on Isoar(I altipel. tvl1(%r;) ratt3 ore and tl,,e rpmaining 194 1=,r6 valtioa uv_�-daro watus 00 tiott,'* ocl at,tta ts o" %ftr **4 - ut A. '0 p tile cattlego 4)f ivre;c-lioll far rplativo,* to d10 aud ICAVO tt,= ? !%0Ur,, Willi a gOCd at 120k wwa thwowthot arwhoft xr* tollow*d his I unoolly in barfi. b are 66verst yarzt) (1110R. atd tbro�� If$ ilrel"'CA, by umoy toollra. Dccaze ImOtill jo b. dcw*o iof* III bag# is ship"J.- j,.hoavy dodars 1ftd into It, of its Color. -fatal to M311--notabiv, phiatio- ttdv tuency. q1t0illatity ore 9A 10 rlatblo w ed oil