HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-12-13, Page 6V
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lv"4", 1with `lVii Akokttl�, 02 Amp on(A
jkww, tir-1 hogo, *141 40v 41%01,
� , � 1
1-:-%Iwtt V;XttIL-,-V1X04ke$*-40
� Ow L*l'"'t cltttle� U,ftfit *12,7
.. ," wt lialla� 'expott, llcal,y - aw
.ru IW4 fft It- - '—'A U'll". "pint. U84%. .... U,W)
� .. -11'.. - .1 �.., � I—— . ml6w, � , � , ". X�Wwm-. AWANX,." -, m."'.
- W ... . ,
� r"dQFs,,;i#bt..; .;,: ... Z.a. 2.40
.� !L0
* va#
� -1�, , , ,
1, -$tO44W# 4W to 2iW14 9,40
. Z1.60
*40~ �
� Outchei s, c%ttIv. gboj�# 0,70
. I I Toronto, vNe. '1Q.-wilCat -Thero putchers, V;�.ttlo. good. 4.00
IS an ACtiva dell4no tar holso 141111ing � , commoo. U-741
� U111111c
, mud i%ppargut sm"Ity, *At 00mo 3301cli:4110. plowd... � ..... 4.00
PO4U, 680=0 rod and white sold do, ojJ,,coIars,& heifers 0.00
I o"t of )Aery 904ow at 7.1;c to go to 1114ticlicral bulbal .. .......... NA0
I A #All W464- Care of 6"ound Light stock buils, cwt,. 4l,W
4 whoot mod At Irto 04 ;X low,frolght vich, cows ... I .............. 30.00
: to qk mill. It So quoted at 73g,bj4 Slicep. exii. owes, 0 .
I owt. 0.50
I Idd a . t;ooso Wheat Is.-43oi b4*11 ... ......... A.-. 2, ,Q0,
� glutitt at to 014,40 for Sol 91 Mt. Sheop. butrurs'. each. amp
�' . PX1 Wil"t 10 1440104 at 780 VAst- Xambs, tacb... 2-00
I ' auftbu W at 10. a out or ,%Oro do ppr cWt ... . ... . ...... 0.74i
I -1. I h � . all �FCSUTOA$- 1Vt9crA CaJV�S, per IlCad..
� g'.09
I I ,......
� . I'll, � 11 I ; tuat � OAT
. plour-Ttero 4, xtiore, Inquiry And "4904 Tight, Cwt.. �
::* 0-00
1114 WAIlkct. JV firmer. Can oi f)Q XXOSO, CAR ... ................
'ghosco, cw�-,,- ... 042i,
. r tont. pate-lito sold At 02.75 In: . .
... mio0jo folghts t"Ay, i *1111AVI � Air -A tiv�Airy itrA"%tV.*9
�,:T, , ,
J� � � .
'IV " �,� -V
, k-' -
" - *-.,. I I'll 1�1.111 I . - - I I - . � -- - - I --- . �. --,----------- ----, " I �� .
'IN I vxv:t JK *# ii#"q *t NOVO I XAZ mowsm VAUZM. - 20M:#WVX OX OAXA*��' .
;z pq —. ,l �
ABU BRIEFLY T03 *"-- 94M== =10TM IMM -Ir UW118 V t=1
*AMMoOW = 9 - A od 4W44
or "Oro "z of y0% 04 *04W =Wg= %X4 k* to x0a. .W. XWO , U"Uiic *$A 0Uta^%#AI&U# jopoe& At Z
-�"- :: **�� I, I
I *w.ol-o" t or aQw. Ottly &! X=10XAX=* XLAW "ATT V"Wy 3000wltt ,Vq=� mv Xr. X"Tor X"t D#&*. I
, W
TIM V%7 IA* JIM ho a pl�lwotk*= itit* worklot" troulio x pot way ploilis. I
""Wow W410 ' il" * 'Very TXAX* AOO. ly liita,v� O" $w kAIA by tbe ,A* A d*"14 trosa Ult*W^ "--1104 A dmp�*tiok Artlia, London "*94-
vollow Of tuo fw**W . 1, 4 , �
I 1. . paw*!# oo'bo"d I toA* tJW troubw1 � I ,a#- I Plot- for uwW Vests has tbo city boya *o oAtortowd tile I'An" ftd
, I 1� ,a tho W. -ll . i *44,ik1VX -... !0 4 V'�;4%� 40 V40 slapo, . moved�-to,,,lorrow as'-whM111r, MI = 4r wikr*# -an ky-w*y �
44 "#04i4Qi7- ,*#f ,eA, , WT# I" , au"Wou* "U* *0, rei -- -,
X4 i PU #0 , =1W ., t1**'(UiV0iX04*t. .. � . -
04W444 in , - , Ir X ,, VXXX 4 "nsXAN I.4 BOUN, ,40"4K, through tuo street* or oyw it"* At a linicuWin giTllft AM
. wrPon"a %U b^,V* fAlloot I 2**okt"At. �, the tfA01*040 On 1,144y Sight th4t, Gulklillmn. An.4 proviltod them wt I tk I
VIOTUM To riza M", I be Mot bo bf,ptutod Ia * Govern- ,
that mout oultrok ^"A obwx 4 awtvAst*;, of callgratAlittloo M
1�\ PDXWQX. 044 at U00 b^V* .two. bright young ()tt,Lw . MQYI*C aa oddroo I
4100"r" utst trom 014 =4=33AO � % orjqW4 1
ITAMIlton will,4040 s, J*tt,,WIOto4,&- tbq= sbe U*A 1p� 3�0 ums two I the *144411" I Ole" ho litgott, be WAarti"d to religift IA a, IA tba beat AWVWN of IA* pit0j"Ot" ?�btitr W1400"M toul, Of the 'AA.
C41 t"t at the W%tqr in having I , L , 4-i .Q9VWAW04t church . It he UI#Xtktl� OWPAUS their last 1009 1140CP iO tm JkSPIM rol'o roin York IW
so #100, by 11111"Ar" 1W I=%, the #aliao power $uues the porioliiiolon 1(',v Water# Of the OttswO. 81v#r. 1314 1100 UOY '04 KY it I
� the %�ay *W. me youg 404kv
Vowed her *A Prompt V MI& P*
wittero the Ro As obtained. . ; I , qua Illat 0* arch cliwsr#tqr,� and, stsms sponsor fur Ow carolitiotty. victll" are Alia Bowe jAair, * 1100" to the ouildhall. An 4111 ippra, �
Vol, Prior, of Xictorix" D.C., wil'It HIV litwy to bift was tbAt suo Was � ioqat' , . i
rotlr* $r pollum . I the wift at 4 0010"I out at, the Was, to I* IQVAd 14 tbe VAMIX xwsk. aiI46 when-, he 41**, he is hurled uhaw YoW 4%mgbtvr of Hun. A. U. 140"wwd 4444u, 0011911 by I Iry
trioAt, OJA that AW bad b"A smatieu. An ,,, clogotantwp1q. That, )Wwover, GQV#rQm##t sup"Islo". IV" I _*or verywhero Mitt
most, Blair, UtAlster of ItAllw*ys, "a Can- (luarde. 131MW w4t 0
011 im, net at, 011 li4ly. I not ROY VbAt he thi9s, froly, as the 0s, sotl Uri 11. A. VArpor, asollitoot the ImPtiest reception from � h
Mill ,O,,,,$*X 'Abor V*WAk WAAtA ly called to Axwrica, to see A, 0 Ing Of I
4344t,to 1APPOlut a labor AllitAW- $JI4 11144'b"U .Mpollod y tol qouri;4, tbe. Nubilloo, Porto heU4 14,411ohnixii Tq. 131z
�110" his mind In, - #41tor of tile 14bor Gazette. alght*wrm lining the briflat
r0ro"Atativot to %ba Cabloott, , � 40
St 1%, "tit At WIWM 1110 an AM -,14^V# h00%,6 At very shortluitigo, Aail,all nilosloilarloo. bwa,uso, t1irQuSli. Hyde PArk. or'tbt Antorican wxglls'i 14-katimir'pqrtfoo h4vo been all the 44od und troup-parded r4lut*. Tit* I
Orlp# f"Ad IbAt she had barely suillclaut their school* Particularly. they *414- ,the 4alaillistils,tion. from the, political, "V(,x 0 Ott the, 0(taw" Iliver this wooll. 1wolle in "tho, library and the 4004" -
La Syllateelf Itt ^A'XtQUS to bily !vwto tile peopio too much. But It Stump, for it he tilikit too much .Vilou Qovemor4loueml ^04 IAdy lion's bliktorle, quarwa, wilero TUWX
"00.00 W400 of sho W'. S, Sanford to pay W pativaX4. of course, 0" fears 04 .0a -being *0
4tMe. . . Zta rauttitim" would follow her , 011e,04 power" tQA V11110% about bow he tok � Venwd bo� to Minto. and maii:K friends hoLva, froll 11O.Y&I lUghn"SON were rccelvo tw
bil lAr"About 2,41o'horsom ,bky* but until It smrlv*d 0ho scarcely "*,to resort to Ally openly vtolout gets. Ijk#I,Y to be 40TAPPOd, 14 JIM 40 A dilill CIUMAlly, tAken advxiatil tile the Lord Nayor, Sir JQW1* 10
and cO)Atollto Itself with WW P9P- turb�r lt�r the peace. Ile may tot sple, L ,4# ot
-�`Alut#QL 00, With , Atild condition or the ice. flq- X)lww1xhi. and the gorporotloit� ;t;;
W9A XhIpPO4 hIt, M X1443bi"X for,'"at #he WQU14 do , , Which can be tfilllittiiod, all even spend big lnonty Wholly 44,f It* Veral Ipldlel; ,
9outh Africa, wt It 150, toAs at bay All. the 40114*t4 suggestivolosta, and 4"ClIt'llpall' alutgoutlemou Ili the Picturesque. Lovoo or diploviOla
. I combw under the lawo ot tile. 9044- plqaj�qx. instead of AIIUWIOX ,
=d 440 tottool *Atm. . . Appeal Jawhicii she Is am s,dot, t A, nut" Govermuout UOUR set were on the dresih uniforms or juilletal irota-t �
,A) the atur " , . try. Such As -they Are.
. .v"hJuthoore =h,1vx,et-'k �t IBM' to InWe big wages And to do must be ice. ar4 on the way houto one Party wore Worn by the ntojor!17 Of tile'
Tile Ottawa. police fore* Will bol VL su.0 told'otioguyl 1� I I I +k. .
"d 02-80 wait QqXO4 19'r moire, . Aeonotiallded; by A, War. two ,iriaps .
, I , , 4. pJammillo %4444-" X� alffaro"It, by tile 4, #'A-0 -wit Welll, givIllif 10- - broke tbrough.oco,r Ouvervar`4 Day, 911"IN, ,, AMOUR WOW- I
. _ "Wky .. and, at course, " iicll victim � 14 00 U10414011, Which WIA# PMCtI* A011-41ACIIIIIIIA Of Iq4V4;10k, to s*ve #111 but lartun0qJ# In shallow water, *Xwxt"ener#.I of ' tho 01011illo- ", ',�
1('11016o brAmbi are )told 2,0o.to 20c Buffalli, Dec. X0l-:VIo4r 44 - , lits 19 cally, prompted h� the U0 I
r011$r. I %orlss fto porg@4 end tfir" . 40* ,. . vermaCAt,,
L I higher. ZXAAttOba Ilour to fi.ra at $PO4K wheat dull ; NO. 3. A0vth0ru.!t4KkAVq*, Inspoctor 'VIZAT4, Will r^ak,of bor COA440110 W" 14ofted, to'llimt miss'loaarlea were Plan agallitil'the''rall'"y4ily. th4'Qer`� and 411. got, out safely. 'Itwa%to Proluitioatt4mong otboroofAblop
. I 1 $4.170 for tars, of strong bakers. and ftic; wlAtOr wheat ,unsettled; No 4'noxtlo tho ChItif, soall"y NAW felt perfectly *Otto. W*11, ad A0 Ur as their I Jett UA410turbl' man 00"raziest vAyg to ,Ito work- oaq party of .six which ' lingered on Prt)"'At 340M Lord S1111014W, XOwd .
- L ., I 0 -so , thus Others to, which Iloweberry. and -Mr. and MrS. ChAX*-
I I hsli A44 jotj�'�-* WItU that FOUaX Wont'. � JThere b Ave$ 01111 PrOPOrt,V men : "You TAUst, bo. frugal wheth9r tbe,ice -letvr jl I I .
. Wfor Hungsirlau patents in Car f04,,$Ac. Cara highor but ,a 11, - . f -'An effort sm bVIu4 '(She LW" forty-ayo If She ova lmon AutaRrous you WAnt, to or not." VQnsequently the disti,it
2, . r made, to *Klips; ,At i
I VqIIQW. �O*Jje,
I lot#, Lb�ag* lae"Uded, 1korouto. I . $0, ;$ '40, '71c; No' thC.$i1#JQA" ay I � Waft IL I orcgoto. Nrlain. .
, 'of Jullij :Q'� a ACA40140 t ell$ Of thfill The recoption was m
I I 2 earn, 71t, tic. 0, do, 7010. olita �noqvqr from y 014) A lid succoodod IA gottlor; SAU40 Of `WQrJCIllea must ade 04 *oft-
U111Wd-Thero IV A. 0004 domaud AingstQ4 Penitentiary. ITO IAP* sory- Aek oves b
'and 1110 14 � I i 'b" . iftiffaloultritah4va btiou killed byratt" b u,y I IlonlewArd bound about. 0 o'clock, *don of a devionstration in favor of
I arket l9stroug At = for firm for W1140, dull for mIX04 ;' No. Vd ton yearm of the *tWonty_11yo yqar$� don't, �Upeww of the, *240, I ,little .cards, paste atamps On till$ party consisted of Mr. A. N.
1. L . I . cars of -sherts 404 81a - to #10 for � 2 white, 011ic; No 3 40. I ale; No. 9, stil"oto for T I our4orlu th � ithe will patrozilzo my' b4tra. And two Of tbom live of p4r,, t. for evogy week. and turn t4cut Tread;Qla. injoinr
. gulfincer. of I*W. tile GavormlloAt andof r. Chw
4 'Alto wito. t1cular Interest., They occ,urrod noor- � V ,. Aber-
, I .: I . tboxt, again. She vio4olt it I CAR )*Ipjly forty"yearij. QVVr to the PQJio# at 'tile end of son, and Uis.ii,Amy Blair. who wore Ititil, the 0010041 SOM'Otary, as 'Ift" I
I . I UVA AIddlo lr0uhto. lifilliltolia VONA 00; No, 3, 4710, Barley, I Cuotoms golloctionot At 140)2004. for, , , I '
. 1. ' 'L L of 11#1it' demand, " . ,440, Mod the lIrSt every ,4 " ards, ov, of emphasIzIng tile 10yulow of tho
L 1111111a0d Is Am at $0 for Cam ' Inucy, 60c. to 1117c. November 4 wora'$09,000, As Against ' it � grIme apPbals tspe.dIlly just Aow Ut. . y. ar. The. c pro6qbly a quArtor of -it mile, in tho
1, �Ut this is Only OrA of their v � INSU11ri, TOO - W01*1iTAN C61041 as 'RU4 their dovqUou, to Gre4L
. I short* and #iP for brilu,,*aCkN In- Aye, go. i, Goo iiguod. Tw'-w I or Xotember last ye1kr I . iony callso It wasoommit oil fix the region lead. Than came Air. Alexander Britalo, It, ,was a itroly family 4(- , - '.. -
19ludeds Toronto freights. . . .0*�",W- . -+�� I Tile 410;111*119 Alothods Of,11000UIX their JCIIO%r�'pa$ , against sicknes-5 and Accident. And Creolm4u, r1prk In, the lmper�al Dauk
. 3�&Vjoy Whore Mla $tax* was kidnapped. tie . Cures his rollet dull old It N
_T1klTQ As L a.good dgrUqn4 L A. coal Company Olisoaxors; They seldom try. the fair, no -foreign alp.ollikIts being $it-
. Twit bOr* - ATTACKID0 WIJILIZ, TAAVJQXJ4TX0.. I = ,hero, and Uips Ilessic Plair, ,and 40 VIt4
, but t
'Ile Qllshiat,
. A A"Ima 71ou'r . L , ", willytoend 4 number of cu" rowlAw gome XvIth lsdkoo� Who lkelti ,l,b, ad s ot, W ,A . pr4t*At � .
and the marl."ot is firm. cars of No. � . , L Aronlea to Norway to . Itev Ninill . , �l a boblud them Mr. 11willier included I
. . Adla4 rallWa� tim IV. mori4m, it tol.0 Vula I loost of the notabil4loo of -
-or 5() '
. X f -Old 1"V At 07o outs1doil No., 9 I . ; , .the iloceNoary vywpath,v. Their tw Ilia. does Aa boc�alat a, Charge loon, tile L 0414 Xiss Snowball, daughter 01 Son- t.he
. . . demonstrate bow successfully , calla� thod, , with, othe ladies in to. 'Vellevo 4tonary of the Amicilean Board,, sta, St4to or on, the *mployer-ol-W I lit" ator S40wbA*ot-V11%tbP,W.'X. R'. , 0911111u, , Thq�rrinco.of wl�lev .
I to quatf C40S $a. 0 extru, At Importaut 'Cuptutfis An. Or."Alot 410A coal Can be -."Oil I Jocomativio them 0, tiolaC4 At PhAIIPQ0Odj$, *Am returning , .40e Y,
'd, pe,
ys Part of 'the pfe
A at . River colollyl, .0 valuable articles at jowellory I .WUM for I The parW Worn coming Along g4lfY. worg"the fult 'uniform at A 1700�
AOC- And 90. 0. at 510 middle I therc. !oil July 0,-1860, to, th4t city frola the suw.4 Allen. Thtil U", made pov- , m1rAl, Thu - PrItigess was droso6d. Aa
frviglltn� L' I t *high thoe way, leave oItroleasl3r IY"Coustantinopht, witereboRad,boon, utterly regardless of'daugen, and bad ' ,
� A 06patih from Ptablin saya:-wrbo IIMWltqpliamboA'in.thf,tp"�;y4mr 8 'all 14 their Stato-,tatMi. I It t6 attasd� the, Annual mootillir of thQ, orty almost unRuowa, sod; consider- just pa$84a the head of lCottle.Iolund blak brocaded velvet, volleyed bY1 A 11
. 1100kWhOlit-IS OVIA at 1$30 e4af 'I" Imperial Uplit Uorso. having 780 .004thit, 496 gi".Oa of islootious J�s th?'0431 t thing In, the World, to ed from thb Tiollit, of view Of 4 lhiiilll� . 1. to;l )ou$ ohala� of djunionds, The LON
ialld'.512.0 middle fralghtIl. . . A i 0 04904 of slill Iota o"Act or moro roolils when 141"100' Us wo,h tit 4 wilggork, there � Opposite, RockluTo Park. and Ave, . I
reated and recruited After -their last (Iloc4geo, -0 jdowthq Out at 0 bo
. I ,toe A'O rojlrfi4ft in those ftya, And glk'tt, *'old Government enterprise,' - It X4or L And Aldermen woro tuttir
Ayo,-Thoro 11 4 good� demand And I engage - cases their 040gapaut * and An� � I I - State -Vitt .
Atent, mal'elled UfAt of ,Vothht. diphtheria 10 deAtIlit frala 50 wards, tho quebet; algoro, When itud,
Ili* PACO ,to firm- A ,Car sold t"4y � , lilts 10ton Vast slid 's4ccossful, beyond rol)6,94 Sonted In
s are on 4oct, wits. accompanied, by filti wife, st,14 ,- the otty
. . I At'SoJeLOnAt. flietia hoit weak 11140 otrong, anilre,tch. Of t phoRo and four deAtim train, as mex Any triflo, such as a 'OtAutoad family And two 0 praise., Ono In every twenty, PC dettly the, sUotes of Ur. Cregllnan and .at the Prince And Princess of Wales
- . . ,,, , 'ed Reltz utt4r a farcgd inarch of Mart r iluitto nativo , 0'.. b " Allas P14ir attuck on thin, soft leg.
. . Ot 10VOP .cases, - - IL ring 01, branch. It by anyolutgoo tbo l,,444otg, , . " � the emptro has - wo�o T,ord SoIllibilry, in the WJ449or �
. " Cota-b 1frIn fall Pails" yellow, %hirty-olglit miles, � ., I Thu pos"Mov J)optirtmout )trio been I , . . 144 support They wore tbrown,forward violently Uniform.. and Lord Ito
. onal "aome ,time by eso fnsuraa�o .
L mixod, And- some Was difored to- � thief Is dAllcovere.4 In a, room that is � At noon of that day V4 At Ith soligry A44 tho � ,
, . thly -'tbQ CO . � Mr. Xeninin, fondq, In 189,7 there was e, rgservo aii(t crashed begAforemost .into a I ,
. I tbo L%.Jllaoq.' ok Islands Aot hers sho has tlio very p1pusiblo 1'04011od tile town of Hermaull. whorti, fand , puko Of Iteyu .
�. at 00, went I Tho. wo4gratlowly Co4verood upon Advised that As oullire" in tile 8040 oil-
� , , 'at, O-e ;201j,$00. treacherous air -hole $Ate the water. Affirm, With tho troad. ribbon. of Up " ,
OAU-Aro*$a active demand -1, and At daybrealc the COCI, hays b,04 1XV-40ad to NOW Z003AIld, ,4DXCUSO 04,10110 though "� is$ -" , , r 00 . half tile . I I
. . and 4011- WUS CQUIP100. ItCli-Z WAS 04 � LOX* COM0044quee, Inc.luditil parcels, for t . At A a Ite b44 JUJI01lQuit ana then Sot a4t, 04. Amount of Anew , . r;1,I, QrQoImAU .u, tQ 9 L .
. the luarUt*-Irr Armer. some round. ,or 1100. M -*1 lvaf� there .- and . 1% _ held 9 , iso,1114ir And. Gal t or, I .
. , , Ate paid to tile - S SUQW L' Xm�t� but not bast, WAN I 11
. Otto ?i Ift journw - van latest- W. � 4 - r .140.01W.000,: to those who Xr, Clf�uaiorlttln, 14',tourt uta1*9=. � I
loto o,qfl11Vgot1ng cd after 11ttlo intire, than a allow at thav6 blandii, mn I . ,., Thq gountrr t:allefl alit -to UOPP17 -And Ufa
� i . ,y,borcaftor bo seat took,good care to bq,ou Inti- qd NVIIII brigoilds. but Xpl-Movitiov, -- -4 - )yq - � I I bull, to keep u.w thot tuoy could 40 t-11,
. . probably 30,000 0 swria postage rates ago, go tile Mate terms. With tUQ 14 ilk qUitti" . - - -Adenis� ovoll 016.000�- Tile PAACA bt lYD309 VOIZ04 liter QP--
. bushels, were bought 04 the lines I resistance. a - ad twenty-one Doers sur� ut th I dy , had often, ".traversed In safety A liail suffered, at, ' ay'k � ...
I rolidored. Tho lJoer commissariat, tsma Conditions ns upply to tlow lion tho,otcuso Is L I . . u4 And t6 the AX04 mam,by Rooplair away. . ,
11 cArly to -44Y At 450 nutl 40he inUldle , , , , bad no fear ; ootwithstlinding 0; I wo aud,foblo over , I � .111tow portuult� . to, make a. loug,' 04*41- 1 "t , l
� I . � Whigh Wa4 found there, wa4 dggtrV OCAILA44. . 04:000,000. Xotoover, lliaro are. I � . ITAIWBRIS U1, . U., , In � 4aliko slicoc4 ,o -tho, rotation .01 . ...
. I 11 ad, - L . A VZAY W14MULVI oxrL Allot that briudo,of robbera *0it t ;tWoVer, did list 2VAlt all, , a
. Is.' d'an A low freight to and whilo th$S PracoSti of do, I - "�'. . � The ainount of jowellery or was son Iu the vicinity. .. . mQUY u`thotl7,ufd 444 pension Systems, 11arpor, Uo , L
---,, 0 OrIt I . I he Mr Land and the z0t -. ' , �
. # and odd cgr� ocild at AtructIolt Wu I'M M.0% wor,u* Jastaut", Telling 91.�;A 640001 to .
, � , I 0 1 19 to ow York, . a going,olt Commandant I I - , = .4 -,at tit,) XJO�L both State and,privato many 6 tile q0 ,Jdq4 4hor6 Onleo' Speaking about the PoinfilliciA L
. - 'it VJlIJCr�'df`OV0.Up'lnL'% .(' r. . that 40APPOArm. my4torIQU$LV AA� : The. $optember.josq - , . 'U, _4 h'-- " Q ' " L' ' ' L' ' ' ' , , , , ' � .
. 1. . I i oted thc mar- , AM OV - t6 Allen skate t, I .tl Point— I a Sa 14- 1 : I . . . .1 1
461 i .13 '406 ,�444xsc church, Ia loslug way 04 � Aboost every voyage you olouwr�r Ifornta of leog has 4 grAphio I "gor uclv� bb throw q I � I
Ail .0 a 4110 . buyers . _ cart I Tfic ,Met .4 , Oki being 'V4WV)61 Od .re
.L L I I and Practically W411tcd right. Into"tho ,ground III ChIca i, I death, fund, so that their ton, (Quebod side) 1 17 .*,To 6mic ,,Was borne,
, � .
1. L 9 an 44t, low A t to Noll ( 1110-1341401 , I I . go.- r , W0%,44 igoarocly crodit. ,Of courNe, ut,q0tult of what followell., writ.tell bv 114'a, ,u and, ,wl Til, the MW
. No I � L .. -j'"Jua of I 4 Tho Mayor -of Decaturi Illo It ev�t oxIipusex zlay� N paid, stall they his cout n , d' galialleto1 thoit page already �otfvcyed. to Ap*tV01im , , - ,
.1 as tho,la.dy victims would do Nqopi sus- Mrl. fJP"Q, otAdrIanoplo,L Mr. C VAIJO � Ity IA tile Uttfe '' ' ' , '' -AW' L' t"T h. . _
. ,b6 . . , green, 4, - Into , � - 11411 "plunged'.1ato and X,qw. zealItzid, :at. t'lle,3TOCIM. .
. .. .... . Oatmkal-�vls- fir -in lot 85.115 for,ean I - DO. V -1114M paid, be had breakfasted �bcea Indicted for .alleged malfoasaitoq'-� may -, laid li�w delta . .
. .... I . t, �:b .... L'ut, JhVJt'ikJ.J that onys'-.A - - . ' f tQ,the rescue, L
: . of b4isand $0.,10 for tfurrola Sit car wIth 1)0 Wet 'tblxt 4161711111r, -and Ike in OMN'L' ' . . .1 . ch� it -4,.- d'., ter,tt WitIr cant,drontrossair. per. the Water Mr, Crogf�':Uaals" levint nplirecle,ifori Q�t U0 I I I
. .—� , All , - Adeea, I -T11 were IntbrowdL' of an4gol � ":"'Ia . 11 ,
. I - Dritisli, must havo't Uore than 400,000 norm of vottoW symPALt'hit L lo"OVQr tho X 090101ous persoaftArnied� heir t1lity" A ys tbokt-botor.0 Harper could a by itS', go.) lafit *Ott*'. . , 'L
lots Toronto. "d.250 -more for, broh- thought that the , � 4) 1 OT, I . L t ther man Ott .Services ron0ore . . I .
. L I
. . . ishis0ed Do Wet, wholuAd not, a large lu,CeAtral �Asla, bAvabooll, destroyQ4 I loso or anxiouir, - -Ilolp to find the UQrselliol);ambuti . just . passud throu rra , , re�o'h-, them lio made In the jotirn,oy� train oeoan to '004sa. " .
I to , . , (Ccoollmto) had .
L I ch lots, 4 I . I gh boad' of their g Ves . � I
� . 1100 --Aro atrong at $Is north slid following wilh him ai the time, very by U1,44shoppers * L 41ISSIlIg trinket thairt Urs. 11; .her. tha place. Tije villagers, alarmod at I All , d:Slo 'yoAr t�ltqr year the -wOLrJZ- An eflort to lot Miss 'less' I 0 on the niarvelulis`,�jj It,4 Comfori alld" organ -
*01 Own the 81$11I, nnd' the $tLrangQ 'ClUoS#ua� gh Of her 00d- IzatIft, ,we were eluLbled to,see 9Q*iW ' - '
I . West. 8.q4:� Ca'�t and S2Q Middle hArrowly.' L , An Imintinso Piaot. tar xiialanir steel f, 'Of 0ourso Although my ,4. Ulan goes on ::tIdkb3g stauips�-.aud Jo%�but #Ith tjl�CL Wel t
. . . I frolglikv I . start fts made -tu,b4s Is to be established ot 19ault �suspAoioils ggr� alto actions of the bQrsela .,dehed �Iuthiag could ,not �Uccoed. thing ,of Ats�, mutcbl�$$ 'N'C4.nory, +,lt
I - moy amount to A. . - qn, 014. 140. police, too thiXt Ile nevoli $04IS An . , ( , I
A On the return, . . t Charge : to � . dissuade Ur. 'X : ,spoct '.0sponalbility, 0 -ad r4ciule$$ of 1 ' 1, and tile bOu4,d-
I I journey to Bethlehem about ollOnIght * $ter. Marie- t4inty, 1 C41140 t., I ileavolva. .1 %)aw XL -ba'king no ,. of . regimen, oaiilc I'll tho Atteillpt'� a to L Sol .
oil rJ4Juk_fOU4C
I . . . . I Mrs. orlotal for tbollutdr6 not, Auk -tLe. welfare � I lki$.,Wn�$ J,nClet %no fee* less, pood , ast and -
� . I . . I I and It 'Vill' not , long boforo our A IN I I .plpde4 while Mro, I With, tile thot:bl the absence .of any from proceodIng, buU as there Wefro I . . bititles,01 tImt, V .
L . . L COVINTU'V PIROM013; , bled IWP qX . Ill* InuIlly, hgowfp� that, lvb4ievor ,,He smatibod'it ',�ith -Ufa hand. And but partly �ory.L Av� , , , ,
I I . r. Buttex-A'good , IVOP$ Wero In touch with a much 140411 - Potetsoaj i Of Duluth, MfroLr; -Proof,. and thus she. Imay, contloug Others. wIlIlAg to, sturt, 010' gvpro. I . otphired tarli I I
,. demand prevails, larger Doer force. ,was filling It,, And she ivap. killed. bet, career of thieving far yoArS with- hoaded'Ao aunger. They )IR4 gogo happens, tile full([$ will sitpport, . H 0 cl a to the thia7 sheot 4A best he' saw, toq�- the - LSU�CoSo whigh' lui�,� � , "'
I , . U I I I
L L $ar ull.claw's of butter kind the re- . ' I but a tali mile �aoponds abRolutely'.'Uroyl lbo great, ou. Looking arpund he could not c Iforto to void into
, 1� - The Imlicrial Light Iforso had, to A Socialist, Deputy Ala tile Aotnan I out, detection. . :3 whou llva,�Mouutgd c III., L rowovd, the 0 - outt, , , ;
� colpto are fairly liberal. Qreamerfof; 49111, 4 rest, guaro Action. all the, ChatubLer. 'will move to reduce thol In tort914 Cases whore a, ladylls. pro- J1111GANI)S, &TTAOX-LPI) TH49, p6werltol, dim 4poternmeut, 0074 7300.0� trace of oltile). Harper or Ulss gominuaty. th6 peoples ovital t*4 , ,
, .
. . anti dAIIJosL aranteady and JrArm. LOW 'Banco 64 botirg Is. always assoclatcal ,,The Qw.,Vrlument 'Ooal* ran 04 blin'to take cArO of,b)m 4nd ,shield Blair, DotlLhad.gono dowo, great, rates." . .1 � I .
, ,
I I ( . , .grado dalttlet� are very draggy and WAY' to IiOthlel%00. and it appeared Aing pay from $8,2000,000. to $:L,� - tile first up him from harm. Ile IS nut especially Ugautjm6 the s,creams' and cri I I
I OfTering , much too liberally. AVe at times that the whole force would - "O(. 00. . I tWltu tbefts or dlsapp M'O'Lilcea Of q)0Ql'AUCQ` 0( t.bp robef.$' Ant 1. I . % at .
. I . I
be overwholmotl, but Colonel BrIggal' The L divorce of the OtAXId DUUO And,'Valunbles It Is ACC9394ily tQ. Worn her This, left th�u Crested L In' . . owbail aroused poople-in'Gat� L APPIXOBATTox or THO . I . . �, I . I
1 � I . .k defoncoloso, except so, , Miss Sn - . . COLONIES. .
�� ". quole:- 1 Aot to ,how,rile.a.1f an - nifillt hop by fir , OaG.&XX -� U ONO* lincau Point ,Village, at(, they Wert) L � , I ,,,
. handled his board Ag.aln,'I" As' tho,y 0 the , -ZING TRAM11 , NX - -
'Is men, With rll"t4Qrly.taCtfOrAnd.j),4p.,hoss of klopt;Q wiltber do, bough Sainctlin . P I 1 4 .. ChAmb , lr� I W
"reamer.y.-printo, ...... .... 200 to a- - , L l0hon of course She becollic * b rs or aby dowoustration of r&' L t ,. es lie does indulge Ili also bqkrd,by Miso Amy 131.1r. C,ud , �rr Qlr L ,is accorded * . ,
J.L . � d the force eacgiled tL creed by 4i Igpecial tribunal of tile is must Aula oJ -- W�
. - -- --- -10o-4o, $-%Ila- � h$udgmeatk An I L . L galj$.. Mattilla& trorilondoustreceoA,Iou libon hO . fOA
'. � do solid ....... ...... � .. .... I tj Ou"n Darmstadt Vrovillclak La,v Q Indignant slid threatens Watauga to, Intimidate tile, bandits.* tile Iur.zL of A atirlks. Ho, buys lott6ry Xitl,Tr6ad Plals� who � I *,v,
,� . � . :f7c 0 Casualty, . , atult, , v, " 0 v P . . . L , ji to. reopondto Lord Rosebery's top_ t I
� Dalry pound rolls, ..... .-Illic 04�c The Boom lost thirty-eight kjlle� Ill I St =!,. at en o msol- I '!l-Ouo Vt tile robbers, distuoiluflug, tickotsCregularly� Irom the. lqtttn�y, lives III 0 ��k bemw tivi villosr'd,
I . varco" to ,the 00101110
. I 40,41tolum And low .... 100 to 12bo � 1141r; -17 -years, ola�- while - as 4 inatter of fact We sclz,od Ole horso . nt to the 60900. Or .,q; but neither lit nor � .
� land wounded, a d forq,-Ave prl.qou-j But � . .,, � , s of, Mi. Ugrininis which Is 64sp lt� Govermlleat enforre PUqhCd 00 in his, D'a $L
. Playing, Witli apupposedly empty r , once* . Lordzltosoberi aid nuitbing of 14.0 , .
L do 10AVO 1,0119 ...... ....... 166 to OOC IA . 0, n4ver see her again. she tra.'asters Waggon, willeh WaS. In the Van. Mr, PrISo, 4nd nearly ail '' that Is left- tile accidenj to wiltel 311 S,n all I I
,. I . IvOlvVil', W11011-his"lik-yea,"Id, brat 1. � - I. 94 . oWb t�mat'l6naL Importance. I . .
� , do tub$ ...... ... I . .... ...... 3.60 to 00C or$. 40'.1tor ,,enterprise -to some other line MerUm draw- 11194-aVolver alad -- , . I
I � I X4 till atti. Columns captured about Irving at thol' hom . Vara�. gots, for V64iil and. Chctlp,.l3h6wa .1$94 -directed , Ulm, and-AbOilo-Tib found -
I .1 . r , . . a near O%vick, " ,ed the man, 'Upported ': oud 'relieved cog 1"Ponsl- C1,40ija4ii, Ili t1io *At.401--clingluir., to X,ord'Sftllabur�r a1duct referred to . ,
� I . . . I � between I,11- I L . i who" 6110 10 not k4owa. who iiistuotly dropped it tho tQpJCOf which overyoub WAS
� 4 . . . Ulg&"Orleringa of liew laid hav;.'soventy Boers hint Wool . -, ,*,*.., L . . . These thieves arc� rarely CaUght,,tlio bridle, while the driver, all oner. bAlIty , --mPopulArity � . I
I -Iftelf" . and Uarrlsiulth. i. �. Is It Any wonder that the -Gor- the ice,", Plalm bad: just succeeded' in thlakigg
LW Priaoilar In the, JAII At WiChAto , ' and. oven w. lien they are tile vlot,fia 90tic. Utissulmart, wbipped up his m -A - 6raq mau'L , LInkfiiii"09
practically cow, ed And tire not ox- -- ' . ACIiW)n$.'4k1iOW&'4A' "Miln'!' .an. *orkman pe. ot4-broVq4 jcttiu� Creel Into the beat-WhOn AbXoAfL, Ito said I.— 11 .
L 1. . . I _h . I I
I I -- rgmtett- agUtff ft%ll the henv, beglit-to ' L — -� + ' 'L L ., . AS top;- ,ulmo4t,. Invariably. 46.01146S - to, - pro. bors[W.,to I�SCQPQ- Thw V=Anit soll'- 444- _Cuto "W, *1,11CS4i L, .- V $k .01 t " I '
. .. I . - , I. , $iii I
I . I I I . . IpIC,1Wn(Jed`-to,AlIo, Sunda_ 011, 4�olldgojd L gd up to. rendel! a%. L .'Xa, d,oubt;. it Ad tras �UW attbj7� � L . -
nal, thilil. , ,
. now OMPICzRa PROU THE WrJ,ST..f0.,Ss0,d that lie with Clyde Moore� And kcuto, white, as You can bnaRI6, it WArd, - slid Ur, Men *AnW es_ joyin enjolftoonto ,,Are all alstaago� Tfley ��cttrched'fdr'tllq'oth-� : M L . .
. � . ay IA January. Those offering - .'Shorty-ir Mcniliftild, killed. 0. L. does notp" no to. mako the facts vnpo certaln, turned aIld'vemtLrked fo ot-thoprosent, a -Ad of , . ,�
. I . I tire mostly hold. Tile market In alit . '. , .1 I I the r,olisq,q zual� er two 1-qombors� ol,the party, but, matnent tlu# we have any 040MICN, .
I � . . WIltborgor. 0, Wealthy former. An public. I ; I , Is wile, 'Thailk God, my pistol. -h ' terlat.4or Ito takes ]to tho'"ght ,of who are .not Very reticent In. ai- .
, I at, 7.90; ordinary freah gathered Are All a, The,, na.,, L I I .h I . . .
. $0motlings theso AllinUS Work in onVod US. I .. As Without sucte8si ,and reluctantly had' , . .
. . quoted, at, 170 "d Wiled at 100 to sseu service in ,0OW10Y cQuAtY, Xalisos, last April.- t I.Thd robbers�'Iiowovor, the =0rrOW. ' . I I to jea;V0, Loa Scene,, to, Convey tj , ) t pressing their Opinion, but ar. the I
I . . . .he Oth,V hano,l t"ay's celebi-guoul L . �
� 171. � . . So%41% Africa Soforo. , - . A Paris municipal kouriellior Ili be-.Icouples-ths�wifo'proylog Lon the p4s-.8040 Commenced firlair III quick ouel; I If tho German Workman does licki I 'L *&a be- I
, I I I I . I ,a sitars Xr,, VlUll"44 Who I whigh lit largely due' to the ar'.404 . L
I roultq�her� is much complaint .A despatch from Ottawa, anyst- Ing trlea, for calling PresKent Loubot 1 sCligara in tile Ways I bavo Indicated, 0040a at the 'waggon, A b4i at to, Consider his.'zoAdition, ho do6O one witil .:cold, all - .
I obout tho quailtA6 of the offerings. The complete list bt staff, appolnl�, A rottol)L ploklo. , I .� . L length, $Ltr%lek Ono Of the horSeg, and �or two thiags_ - he either bego QS . numbed. -d Almoli.t no and co-operation Of their Ittlylk]; �
. iwUllethil husband-relleveshis,ain,le to iv �'Ql, 20 .
. . . L � . , godallot or, Ile commits gulcldo� L So coilisclous after his imultillsloo Hlgbnesseq� has Shown, that We 00110, I I
L Thin, sgslited"chickow axe tho rate nt. meats *for the Cant0lan, Mounted IA- - ThO, Vikited StAtes Ia. reported to adquillAinotes at �iurplus cash *,tar he rooted and loll. , . uanule$. At,ths Bl%is househo Was tile support of out distant '. - I .
� of po - "The - ,�Qcla)lxm, though beld down by . - I
I- .. prewAt. and Poor turkeys, wborecia.fantry now being organized for South bavo bought tile I)AAsh, West Indies, gaine., -ker In tbo ontakIng,room, 1. , brigandirstill filling, Ur, Mor stripped: OI. his ,clothing, and put in = or, Ili.,
I le, , L . k approval and a. imilotloo 1� ,�
v 1410, fearing ,or 1112 wIfCL
. t1to demand Is for plump. orypluOrkti Africa Is oA lotlowo. the price being 4' thus ropPlag A ilouble harvest. TI _ - and family, bAud§ at 6toell. IA rampant everywhere velO* had, wXUrh, to us, Is.hiflultely,luorti I=- ,
I chickens and well fatted tovkeyrk. - In command-CoL Eviulm, � 0out �$5,000,000 'work quita separately, UAdmot .only got ill) And Was, An tile act,of alight. Ia Germany. rwort tile �t:mperor, blankets, And about Inlia Q .
. . Abraham Slimmer, ov Wavol-ly, lq,, I - 1444 all the contempt art
.1 j� , , d ship under different names. but dur* 1110 wbolitc, fell pierced by two bails 'With characteristic fra"Fie$s, once I .13Uffielgotlyl recovered so that be could' Partant 4 4 I I
'Them Is agood demand for poultry. $ecoAd it, commanil-Major Uoul- bag giveit his handsome hom� L lmOVO4 tQL tbo City. I -To Is I)% till XII6.0 Ile that 'We may
. Wo quoted On to So for turkeys, 60 ton MerrItt. Torontd. flurrounding, in Acres for Ing the; wholo voyage. .she* no sign lit his right side One of the twa� *Aldto bis troops at Potsdam . be 2-0 . I 1113-11 reoetvo I
' L "L
. 1. - grounds of lt robbers thqi' sprung for . 47 oi- you there is one too, 4utl that, pretty �apio, bla hands being frout, other nations. .
l . of even the slightest Acqualin'llica , bad sl I I -
to Ojo for '&Vo.1o,, 40a. to 70a tat, Adjuttint,-Sorgenat Major * Church, v. hosprtal;, i I . waia. and I I - Act with the Till$ IviliarIA of tile Prowler was .
I 'With onit "*tile$.. I 21 Ills U00 and hend.*' . a lixv too. Conshloring the � watiting: . .
ducks. and 11ft to 500 lor chlokcan. Mounted Polito, -negina, I . . l 1 stamped 0 , badly lacerated by cost . "
Mrs. L. Boos, at Maghttin, Vl,� ladles � Thin brute IUIOOS� All May bo�lleres. Ice, but In in no danger- groated i hoodr.g, af, ,
L X10t4toes-Rectiptu are compar&- , qtlo,rterloAstex�-qti4rterm�Lnter $Cr- ,,*,5 yen I Oh, �94 ; tbvro are, mai�v L I murder Aroused groat 90041119t,411110 of LWilg Be vith Prolonged C
l tivel.v light, owing to Ilia scarcity Of rS'QhA, has lust 001alliet0d, 'saw' Who, Patronize us regularly IA search cumulation, And the o'ntir . oar COW J . , th. I ,$* ter which lie Continued, saylog:-'41 I
,. , 0 machinery. , y for me, to L mau& you -to - Tile 110W� at the do%
- '. .1 9caut , am. Mounted Intanvy, log a . L relatives, slo Blair was carried home bY IU$s cannot Admit that they are Judges
I I keoled tam, .Tito demand Is cood; Ivitial 0. kid ChOPPIlig five c0i'ds'df Wood .of husbands, and I Am bound .10 say at 41plomatle influence was moved to shoot'* down your own .
. And tile - IrAtLet 'ill=. -Cara on ' the Modicut Officar.-A, j. Devine, .. .,,.far Winter US.O�L I Tito Turkish . Amy and Ulegram# were At Once at our cojltilvc�, Or that wt., can nw,w I .
U ., . I - thoy usually outiceed. But� tboy are AV01190 It. Govefiraignt brothers and to the streets, .
. tttwk here sro quoted, ijt, 60c. Po� S., lVimilpeg. I)r rx;.eAborg, a prominent Swed-, Pfrstolii, of a different kind, and I acted with What for It was prompt- Which God 1po6tro!'Nt-�.' but you zu,qt 6ent,conVoying -the and intelligence to Ify our proped1rigs in deforcrA to
I "
tAtfics, outof store bring 856;l lob ollemist, b4S Successfully expert- oliould pretO to.call theta Cup1d,s toss and. made many arrosts. . "but =urupr- Mr. and Mrs. Plivir, who Ate at;Cllf their opWon. Ohat wo look to 0o . I I
Vpterinary. Surgoaix-X Itid4ell, m9lited fix PoWderin milk, pregerv. . . � " � Al. obey. lay ,orders *Itli .
. . . Dried Apples-Thoro Ia a fair dc- ealg4ryl 0 rrivate"." � . though Mr. Crane IA Ills report mi)ul. - ingr #1 . . .1 -.ton Spring$ _OW York. . L - ther ophilons of our own kimotim
, . -
. Ing all itv.,qus,lig". . I . I I . ;�iw =Trm - Ov ,w 014wou , X# I , * be beloxig to our'owa Vidpire. W; I
� tinned oul,*�Awo robbers, yet three . " . I The late, 3US9 Biair. wild -wits Otto W, .
I I tuaild *ad the market Is steady - at This list lias. been forwhr4cd to the �� Twenty-JIVOL 'of . I . . 0 in have 3, . , � ,.-L
I 'tile leading . were sentenced to ill 9 so#" Tea debutantes, wA .oCoIVed from all portions 'of .
L .. So to Zia for 40 low haro, nild WOr Offleb to be formally approvott, intanulactwing firms � of 'Clucin jshoo SW.tV�T 'DOWN TO U04=. I de4tit, in Ottobor,,,Wbich has few mearts of'punile ex. 61% . I 0 'llad a that Zznplro,,pn Indication that, �*o I I �
evaporated aro quoted at go ta, 40 Col. IN . , - holr - L ,twentieth year. SUo I
I d ,,all, ,,ad a froo hand In lite so- Call, � 1869 T lutmes... wore 041vam�,pftsslop, every ' attempt, at really. ber . �i �
for ob Iota In the local mukot. have declared their. L Jo4opendence of Zoe ' ' - disPris 14 n � I
. lettlen of bin stag. . All on tho list labor organizatlows. 0MOU-04t, %!r&in U44 Cr1l1W ?tam'Z44 Anti X11410001. and their froo,,gliefth . lit thlo,tegoil being bright. ountlY, - Was- And Was' have lost' not"InK in the OP W
" I . Um -Tho in lot Is atendy , and have , L 0"Yon. (wocation' oxpintod.,41le. de pt moro, I�s probably .greatly beloved by her. Ulany fflotids. t)IGy bold of .the JUSilee Of 4QAr . .
. &* 0 � ath Of Mr- squelched, Witho
. I . seen Avilvo PlorvIm in South All, ,�O. - Tbxo*A Int a . . "' ' I I
. -1 - the - demand Is fair, Choice )land- t Mr. 'A. Mrs. Ciias A'. Joury, of 119014m. not yealigod , oveA in Germany,,. Mr, Harper, during his four Pearls a1iim,11 � I I i L' .� �L, . . I
I L r1cm, and hato a good fighting rell 110%, XU", Caell - received' aawly or the A despatch frqm.,Vancflaver,. U.C., t AX(y1=R1X1SS1OXAPY aAIN'. 1;tbough�, the socialists jib*. east An I _ . � � I
gh tile sliding Lof I
. pKiA aid quotcd at -$LGO and- un't Cord -1- - -WithIllo--exceptlon of moor $1, In Uar�cb of the $ame L - residence JaOtthwa, had wide scores
1. Picked At $1,40 to $1.50. 1 do�th Of ML brother by atoldoat, in 1. say's ..-Vhrou 'year Jackson axially goino'millicin 41a'a allialf4votes of frleuds,, both an ittootint At his AUTS, ON 4135.10UBBACXII� L
. . Boded Itay-Tho price As, unchanged Aferritt. they at . o, all from. the went. . -Wi4elY separitted statco.' - * .'- - .M&" ofLoverhaliong reek, by,Which 1G, COMM 4 mi6itionary, at AdauLt - in the empire. -- - . . L ;genial dIsposition, and his ability" By . —
. mull the 4 q 4 , . e Afri- I the track Wis, Swept away in, whit Is Irk Asia Aliuor,� Was killed .by robbe;; , 1. the matter ofauf0dea, Germany none is lo V At zivbro 'Zrouchl Explofor Tells of the I
Market steatly. Care on the The Capo-to-Calro Liao of th I htlmciy� doinittgo le I
. ati TrAwcoutluental Tologroph Com. bY tar lilts ,wittles.t seq -Ur.- il4, . . Ants at $Iiiat. ,
track here an quoted -At $8.150 to 039MATV Sm Os. I a I , tiort at tho, near Aloxandratta. On uart� �s i -16, bqCa1waWU -for Its terrible keenly 1han- his old newspaper. go- , . K
. $9. — . li U district, on extra, went- '0041119 Wall Journeying from Adana � Saxony - bas the, highist Nrtd IA OttaWA. - " ! . -11.1 .411,
. . ,.,tb'� , .
L . Baled. ISUAV-Ts In fair 4emaild OtinflAup to Xeilp Vnej,s $#.into Ulsmarcl;0urg, Togolatid. . . bound freight tra t I to Aleppo, Wilft be was set Upon by * rate of suicide oI lloy,courttry in tile , I . — -1 � , *-, - xai� long Ago a I'Vencii 6xpldter* X. .
end the mArket it rteady. Cara oft soldlers 03X the Ituiltle. .. I ri.16 On, VrIdAy mornAng PIUVSb,,l, highWayJAC11 In the Wountailha above world,, Barker glyes, im anhurd rate Charles ticlagon in travelling tbroliglt '- L I �
. 010, tra* hcro are quo"d at $5 to . . -----+— headlon; into, the grim.ajoall, on, AlexandrattAx and $]lot lit the side. I as 01-1 Per 1,60,,00 Inhabitants. and , QEUXA$T 'Or"UPLOYED. Slhm, observed, a species of a"I
. S5,w, 1 A d0patch. from Mantle. 'Wa.- ,ths, Praser, taking ,with It to Instant TV70 dAy4 latOr he died Ili 41exan- that of the entire a as 14.fI, �- grey ants which weror new, to him. I I
� . .
. Gen. Chaffee, )tat$ Issued ,orders for �ho PIR 8 ll "'TT100ATS-, ilituth the- drlvd, of t3io locomotive, drotta, whore lie was taken by his I comparod I - ompir the 'United Large Vrop6rtlon of Articams Out These, auto were inoeb, engaged In I
. . IMOVISIONS. - to 14guila, I ATE ra 46a 1 Randall, and Pottruir, itis .11reingo. servant4, tile robbem having, ,090 . Wttli, a, rate Ili travelling ; Uldy lived lit damp plWAS '
'I all- states of only 3.5 per 100,00(), While Ot Work. I
C Citing at all por" In tl
and Batangas provinces. Tile quAr& ,,, . iThOr dotath must nocessartly have, ad- . PFngland showo O.D,. About ii.000 � L and went Ili tratips. � I I
7109 Products of all kinds, aro cu. tilrolastera the I I A rather plcturorque Inc rem Perlin sayst-0111- To hI4 surprise he noticed nizzong
to Will' Corso Paying, """T1614S 2T t= -CAI"#.beL-U IA!KAUt1U1eOU0. f0l' 14 0, tWInkI-1 Idaut Ia p6rapas 1,111 themsol.Vos evc?y year In I A deSp"'t'Ch Al L
. . Joying * stxonx demand aud a Pria 'llipillos for buildings TAIIT Or A 7,;XXU Ing from the time It left the rAll the connected with, thir murder. II4 these b � tial, Investigations made by the MUn- them team time to time an * casioa- 1.
. . updL - I u wlt,4 0 A �11111 Lmll.. -tI1o-Avdt*dn"agaes.e�-- - I'll, !wlollg I EkAD-OL-;��--.AAL-U.U-Nktoh-VA,-t "rSer-tbXA----
inoket. 4.0 a result of %boa,ilvdilea lit rcuts to 1110 r I — I "% ---"-$IV �'fLChAUP1�dth_V&At,Ahe, " .. It the German empire, a .. iglual 0mtr,rAI.,v - C
_fDrMnOW-4"Pa�� Ja- -rjafjjW07Vj--�M1�---r,,'U - t'tlgf -�tli f
" ---It' -Amir- — r 6 QLW' trio tilloda had plunged Utica, hundred Out* American and two Italian L . I '
-: 1 4*--aL:nd-*,0t1"hogo7�Pavkem, - Ily Ola I gun. . . il- I I Unemployed In, tile various industries the othersi and moved at s; juuch ,
tain. ll$lkt ttoCk TWOWn that a large proportion of the :Pa$s*nJ;er% Lift , .
A and turn th6m over inont,y so paid finds Its Way to tile EVOry Pool, - ifect 11kta, tile dgrkfiC_oq below. anti boats in the liarborat Alekaudrotla. XD. of Gorniatly reveal a rather worse strlftdr rate, And each. Of these lftrg� .
A rapidly. Pressed liogs In car lob Are insurgozitg In the phapo of contrilivil, Alble Vay. !,was being battered to fragments by Tile American ' Commander wits In- , SAD. VATZ OV SWOU B� condition of aftairs t1tan bad, already auto, Monslaur-Metasen . saw, always . '. I
. . again up -about Ift to4ay, and are, , tiom, and acti. chooto intendli that, X(;ver how I of V,;trattg in rottt- � the griadIfig rocks and raglOF; *Vat- tenWly' aro"Sed over the Laqir, And . 1- . been Intimated by the Gerulan pregs. Carried o4d of'06 grey ants On, Itt "
I .,Selling at 47.73 to V-00 on the costs IL'asked the SUIPPcr Of IL trans- erg, The accident Illustraiesi how, sent a peremptory doludild 0, the Ia- I Well-kUtiwn ' XoI#rt*J ausirUisg These Juvestigat to" have resulted book. Tills ,discovery tea him %a I
. track here. T140 advances of tuct last "a more GOVVII11kat funds shall find AtUntle liner. with it. look,ol atoll*- uvCA tho best precautiolm-tatt to Cal 01110141o'thilit the Aturderor' ' 0 in LSUOWltlg that go,600 Menaro om_ at,Cll
two days aro partly duo tg. larp tile'r 'Way 'Ato 1100 hant'S of t1to r L'A- caug: 9 be VAu SurAod to Doath. 15 their Movements closel3r. I
t and r
* . got u h tA she Are 'did ,not i . I played In the- motal trades td-dny, - He soon nmv that lvhilo the mAin , 4
rcliAties in western Ontario ty em.v. Tito rcation. for 010slug Abo e4 Uievedull,ty. Well, you tire cer- entlrol.,� remove tit* bAzard- of ratif, c so farti t
,l a IA I I wishl could roading. In sAich a region,, for here And dp � 0 Out of them"I A desilfl,Uh from Votitroul Say4;: _ aq .8gqin't 13,100 employed In. these bad . an L'
Ventresa firm parts Is that too many supplies ate tAlIlly' a IUcW 200 . .1 the Toadbed 1.9 Incessantly VIA, 'aided. OIL more a r1he friend,% of Major )Edward I., siame traden In, tile snonth Of Oct6bdr I., they were acrompalifed by #�t - I
Sri, t� 09 grey out$ Was alwaya
. . . �0.tjo , found 'to be getting Into the possos�- V the Saino. L t , trolled trIngent MZ�
. Pork-Com;Na. short out. $o . Sion of tho lunurgents, . Certainly you can never havotross- in order that iralArj "lay be timely tcalws. , 113aml, son 'at Archbishop Bond, jL000. Tile working hours have been least Ono of their ,Own sort mounted - I
I I heavy we$$, $19'sq. ad the "Pond;" or it, you hoove you wj%roed The. Italian cowmander, sympathiz., learacd ion Wodnefiday witli horror redutcd in Unif of tbo,faktaries. The
. , Where rockAlitles or other - . on, one of the!�e larger auto. Hp
Smoked And Dry Salted Meats- (lea. Chaffee Intends giving 'Qeu' h0veu't k0l)t Your 00 Open ; for X misbaps threat0h them. .The patrolt 04L with him entirely and the two laid that he woo burned to -death early unemployed %ii. tho-larger towns am- mounted and detadled himelf now
Ung tlear bacon. tem, :Lop, g,,lt�n Bell. counuanding tho troops In tile .
101c� breAkrast bacon, 140: linzaEl. Hattitagan Province. every asslatoneo' call OSSSUVO YOU that e. JIJ'tr tartly man held Indeed twice evossetl the Out 4 Plan -of Action Which Speedily In the 340=109. Ur.Mond Went Oil ',ount to from Seven to -ten pot cent. and tbea front the JlnL,, rodo-lsvwl �,
,I0AVCS Port Witboilt rarryluffLune Or GCene of tht dta"tor during Thmsdixy 11COURTIt the governor of the province Tuesday ovenlog to Phillipsburg, of.their populatloug, And the Aggra- to the 1101d, came swittly back to
.. Ifle. toile. Ile, should"a, 1()ao : he may tetiulro. t , a . subdue the inAtum more of these lady pira,tct. whoso night. the last, occasion behIg After I t1l, his 'SOUS03- Qua.-, whore he hwi- a summer rem- gate .69 unomuloyed in Gomatly the roar, And Seemed t6 be the 1*1a, .
- , baeks#. 34o ; green meats out of Iicott)- � � I I
---�—! �4----. and Ila Prof"- lien It Is to prey On 4 o#clocic, when nothing Woe oliilss. TheY wa.qted im furtlint Who on dence, buring tho course of tile ov" chtd 500"00(i, or four Viet, gout. Of ma"dot of tile - expedition. I
vieklo as quoted tit IQ 1c, , I the total nuinborof Artisans, it, tbo The,explarer was satisfied, fvotA kill
sintiked. , . ,q than their follOW-Passt"gets In Ov011y WAY A regular train had passed unharmed "Numcut- ThO,V '$Imply ;Ioaretj. ship, clilhir Wt. Bond , had 4 cordbrouto roa
. a5O 130=0 0A*MXD. their prattised lngenultyvitrtt suggest- W,lthju two IwUrq of the emastropho. for attloh Anti trallied their guns an With mr."WelIN, the Inanager of the country . ob�er4atldu, that thia spotle,q at ent
Lattl-Tierm3. 3,04e, tuhn. 11c,and — They are usually ladies at An 1131� Vor the, eltra. thore was no sign t1i the town' Tiken they Walflad. In 4 Phillipsburg Junction ,)Railway, ott, 140 . Arbol . itr MArkt, Wlkf,di Pub- employs � a largvr ant-l-Paittilbly al,
Palls, Ilic. zArsest capture X06do Ia . X" Certain age (altho"Ah, X have IZZOOVI'll, warning. It' was proteedlog slowly Very short t1ute A, Inall, named Ali. WhIth Mr. Bond lit President. Mr. *31shes the foregoing report bf title (drone of -the Same slleeles, though he
xoaths.- to then one charming and danger- Aad uninterruptedly, vgh�n a roar sued Was arrested.'and en, Septemo Wells It -it him tit 10.80: p.m., Mr. Atuntelpal C*tl�ell, says, commenting had no means of proving this -se we
UVII IST00t MAURM , ,& denp-,tch tiloul Pretorin r4vw,,� loug virato Who 11491101, 0AVAnetli f4v and a rumble Vlem beard, then 0, ber 23 -lie w.iq executed, There has Build remaining, Ili the house alone. thereon, that one-twL,litieth 01 the orailloY horses to plan upoll . thoUgh
TMMO. Ptc. 10.-Businest coul,itx- The Drittsh, colulann ufidev.(I�jjr�l lilt(% Alto Motio!;): they "el on!" shaking of this After portion of the alWaya been more or lesi at 4 sus.. At6ut 5 iYelbek WddaeAday morning ,tivholo number ot la�oirors In the em,� scarcely more tbdu, Ono eut Ia *4qh
. �1,mtllab yor,voll,V1.1 r Plelon that,Ahmed'Waa only ion ua�- the house was found by the villagers pire are forced to remain Idle In the c01033y meet"" to be. provided with, s.,
at J��,Iw Aft .= =to* . I
The OuLy ,demand go for L"Cipart to%. C -d a.,ICcMq darifig Ow Irtnt, few dayo, It L � .
� ties TM slow at ao cattle inarliet. urtmi llamlltoa have met with, Inarko , , fig train and a violent shock. A. ouddeu, fortunate scapegoat, and 6at. the to be In flurnev, and It was IgOrAe(k ,ptimisaloally remarks :--tAlthough meant, I
. rocGilde near 4m cut" of 06' deep
I tie. and rarly Ia tills ,number 1!; Terribly lage, 06 It Is: known that Some Ants Insilt.
his MM9 '111 the; Arts Of SaVOIC faille- IttAck. the etilloo an SW#Pt nw1ly the Ami!rIgun slid Italian guns starApg the morning work was comitfitAced to a utin others lit their cervica us sarai ...
t,ractically nano at that ovot 2050 Doizra being inade lirlsonets. ,in Ally rcicitlty- and ArO Past-llkt!�' cut canyon batt real muttlever "taped . but With t'i)s fliat.31r. Bowl tevished.
clasit am offeting jast now. A low Atajor WeoI3 ,42mp�-On, V,�Itlj d five tro Unemployed can be taktavaro of Ila,
loads come in. b4t lbcy are in licar- luQUuJC-d Voof1r. inClUdlee the Ughth I Their missiou I!) to, mako them, bild le"d the ObStoxle, and pll1c'dC`1'1'1' 14114 In th0 f4c9i tile Pa0A 41d not tty and And something that would, . vailts or 81avel. ('erltain w*1TIOX
� I , . , wafit to take any (hancos. SO he Indicate til iirowji�ltyl retut'lls." ant* of South America conl1no theig
IY 0 -MY caso 'CollSigood lots, having Mounted Infuntry. bal�captured t%� t0IVCS POPUlAr and 'Us0fild 'thOy' In- splintered attel and timbers In the whother or not ur. Juana +—
, Ulm lic-'r mag" ime'v ui,14010. t , . late tlicinselvC9 Put AUMN tai death. andthe ehagevq pscape(L. ub& After A toi%rch Ills Char. � � own physicat nlyorOt to raitling **d
b" bought up the comtry. t "'kim lou 91'at With their tol* Canyon below. While tb# still failing aro. that, Ahmed deserved the. . COSTUICU Tz" OOZD.
�, .. exViort Cattle, Would 'V,rob�hbly Ict(Il I)TISOWW�J� 'fteSct "Voro re � low-rasmagers of botli rexcaaltidthe niastees at VO&* and 160jened. eartlt, late, r4cd reinalts were found. i I
�Jrt U� Uen: , Irlug. While all the ordlasv*
Judie � ' plulid(
. $3 to the r,re,-;C!kt Conijitlou of tho #�ral Iiotha!a concelatration, V�b,kelk Is , .1 invaVlably slIeuk at them 'Is had cut the train It' t*6,L th#"b�r 'Whether lie killed Mir. Calling or 4dt. 1 Phillipsburg lik situatea on 'Missis- — . I otficei lot lite Ate Pcrfdt�med for them -
. viarket. jut ti"o, few mid VOW of light now inatuneil. � ,a "de -W, to kind %,ad b'PympathetIc maVlag Condadtor ltarrli and 14% , , ----r+— quol Pay, an arta, of lAike Cham- blottiveglod In tho 'kukpn, by servants, *lite little givey iintit oi .
,` and Ctover, * WhAy to Otto Inea" they I)-taketualk III tile tali onit 4! ' I plabr, dild I* eoft"ted, With the Cell- "T'stlinsim .1, vistriot. , ,, Stam. appear to.te a iwi,6 jil"O.
('XPGrt Otalt)gs arO not, k1tching ihat. ' Xajor bayldnn cortumil 93 blirslk" ato "Applon nito nomen'" .&bciose. I tral Vermont liallwAyl by al'short I . tillous race, thomg1l tizey appreciotA .
I i"ay v�o.i alteutl $A-05. cza and 14111c,* fo�,r gear Nylatrom, I Xq,(u, 11,ey tit ,on dgci� IL Is o1wkVS tho brakeinqu having but rea(bod It WORX1811 or GUMANT I line running from St'. Armand ' zito- A despatch from vallcout-cr, 13. C., the vouVentence of ba.viiif
"I �111! I (MI 1hy* h t"111- � 1. MOM, ts coaveldent glUptY deekebale. field a visit to tho locothative. . ,; a "WAU 04
it. go,'�d qtlalit�y. "Voro (I(ItTal Notbuca hiq A,aptumd 114o —
1 0 4o, nous -.�10- � : won. lVajor Pond was one of 'INtoull says -11. .4. nurtal, Dominion GOT- horseback,,, among tiltin.'
Worth Itolu to 61� Stackcr Liebtabura Mager north -welt 0� ,.VbIcb,,quIC1.Ty IiAdtv All Ou"OVIDAt ,of "Stz XA)CUWZ in TUM tn,We most, prooliuent bustilless men ellaoient Metallurgist, of Vancouver, L
- ZrL��Se tie tjQXL'ar` .the dtltef" for "Iels SUCI, � .
trado was 4Jtl9L,T, a ktv liallt swts I�Ierkt'30r')' %Tillk %9 BoCr4tl , ICS 3?OX SAXAT 00 WAX. �.�- "01 �
. , 0 11AXIIS 0)? Q0Vk=XXXT. cul, mahAKer Of Ntvetal largo Brit- is, responsible for The Statement that =AJ)
sell'ing at low P14cc:;, '1'�.o kShCA I L 9 %70;tz,D*3 )?A,r vtozu
,P "I"I ill Claditioll to the SOL 11TISUIX06 a plcosur,3 40 vil, I . Yu. .
I I trade is 0311� 7-milis larv, cairl .%t With Mrs. A�- , zight 2rituh Ttamsp orts A*attiuc lllll-, I kJ&. and Maxine insurvan companies. antong the million of dollarain � . — .1
y stea. pot loul.4W ro,�cartod vaptured. by him. ..-Ott I,nOT? . sbo is se, entertaillin* , C , Ito 'Was major It% ille, 11'rifice of kou gold brought to him for 'put, ptesiaent
4-�*— - mow ovoms thintr An � s, Cltts But Not as I - lalle by I he GOVMIIIielit 01114 �ve= . stool"
. I Ov. Itogs mafntatr0 tho adv4wep ci . "Catle. the Workine keoplo Are :914cour- Seh,eab, of the
�itd seems to I . d attitt Iis I WaleW U1644 Alid; SaW 40IV6 9efV104 0 I on Tmat" 3216tent zailrok kan.,
the ,othrr day at 1�6 A* f4 tto wit. ID,doupnc,,%*""B!�,il,,i,,i�n's ltviio k� Vck,F tva,ybody"l-and so nho k3ught to do. I 8,4espatch. front N't* Orleans IndIvIdusils. � li-t IS0 And '18110. Ito had tor years VkaO An abundance of platinuill, L President Schwatiss "ah'Ify frolei tbo
?,lit the lnarw� is not Carona. and f�vmll. i,:�'C 01n, ,?t 1`OV1Iij,AV-4*V,tA'- tot it Othe bunlucss of tior life. it says .-The largest number rttllrlt'sh. bi.011,411i Ofkot holder lit thd 11001111- hnoWA to ,the 11111)(Its. Muldredsu'll
'Prestic0s Oro 113kt thi'l makot Vill N you would. hadly LiCULwo it, btit I c�vcp,Nou Come acres!) suell, 0, %voreall, troiu*ports ovcr in tbi,i Milt at lono, To all, 1'ogllsh obt;?rvor nothing Iq ion Alliance and Citizens' I"guer, little nuggot* tit platfailo-i-wero alised gteol'Trost. *% ralopared with yoz"
� lower -AgWit next wo,T14 � have bk,10 It raid that 010 900 avoid her ets you would tho plague. JIM* WaV noW b;) wit tit Port Chat- were striklag than th-� attitude of and was prominint in all efforts for ,with, the coarso p1d. Mr. Ituater, oth0s, Usually Considereq gerAtwo, I
. 'Ile tatut 0110"ingi M -43.y krel t;WGzI,f4jk--b1s, poacts OW!*1 blghV* �fer %lit I,q as (fans al!pfallg like tift- I
. gerot*g a!, she, IS lutttrl, 'JVhff6.nrtk.AeV(hft Lilt the,docUit tha 0triumn. floveraiiietit tOT0rd 010 the suppression of Victi aild the plo- lit an intot0ew, save it as MI opin-
I w/ I President V, U. .Sthwab*gW 1,
. I � . !!! 1� ! L , !!!, �! !, ""M�w-""N"O*000""*,W)O!TO"lt""�"- ""*,*A0W"Sq"%"W~* , * Irk Inidstr -4 ,I 1011 of tht, �hvpjr�*., bilittilov,�)if thkAim.1or tril,w'.-�. ,,kAitbat, t1k luines-,% 4.,.014L., Yu&.w " , ". ,� , I ,
- , - �1� Lxnd tit"L -"M " i%! r . VW OrL
-- �� � Qh "I ,11R, 'IfopUkat.
L 7"!'� --- -iN`tui"O7*1*V I I C* It ,�'Its ltik&l "Irlini tile I"mp6roi, 06*11. 1 . -
I 't
-',0----.V�--- ---��ror 61 f t V�t&fo** ?Malftl� . ....... -1 1=21 I
- -- * --.--"%- L' - '1�- twore .0rowing away thousuads ol Jean 4 IlemAe. Vilen" .....
OW& U 'Oft H IL7 , lborse Aegh. Still orhi;her., lhd, India, "are, UnevialliNk for the lively latelit. MUM? WAITTS CAO OR. tdollars' worth of platinum daily. Ill$ Pkimidefit of olk it,,. 100,W&
, ,day nlght� t � gonfe '%'it It 'Which they roeo#lkiZa Coll. L --- reprew"tat tons late reaelwd the 1)6- 100.OW
2001 lit I&Aled on Thurs, I . I irrestacut mutult I 111f. ,,. --!(00
I N"ANOORVU S., HOEADMi'"Eft 'This. floot of transports �ryeq to'dittorm and for the promptitude with %bol U4vr Director -at allitioth XtIvAl minlon Uovermne%t. who am iten(ling ' 1000
. .1 President P411 t bit, to 100.000
" I I "" � tho roatish Which they act. It Is ptrtettly plain Collstruttion. tan expert to the KluliAlke to saves- PvLesidtnt VIA Nev. �
, IrrItAblifty, 41"Plossnoo4k, 10l0#11n of L*%*1tUd* and V*Proasion, W46%jtn0$*A;o"rnm#ot Pt prowte,ittiog itIom %Ir to.:, theta that tb*,, hotm of Oernialiv 1' I f'iiie'
I 11 itlroitslv 1han , evef the busin(,v; , 4,11es witik lite roauvf4torlen ; thelc.t. A' dehiia4h 11.44h lall)Agilvt lg1%vs-,- tiqftte; I . .. . f3agar t ... ..... � ... ... � ' '?8'0W L
land "I"Sula of thlb VA6d11y,Qr9An*. . Iturter *0y* that, platinum is Archdftifivt Of Couterbuly'. -715,90
. 11 00 . 8101*14 hq?V4 and o"" to' 4he' fore the lodusirial cfasst� olust ba, TkAy Iferald OsYs. rhillpf Watts. �0.m I Ur -
-1 . . -"t of Arat, in *ht' varAvititt Thr" traluett, protectett. .aud 4,ncouraged. .K. naval ot-whiteet sod dirt4C_ter 4)f lica.vior than gold, and escapes to, , Vimily of yrrIfft....'. . I.. .. 1.
The" ate ite kpinIft�.a)3 uh,ch point, tO 0, CeJ)1C7(`.I nerVoU4 tv fttli"Ort,4 VCill be hJt1ded Withrill I tke by sial.irig to 04- bottom oftbo 17SAW
t iiyatkTAl Th4*,V tVil 431 tj�jlj, C0. watelp , t Otto *I,,, follows publie discusAott of ther war shipbolldink depArtwo%.t at � �Pre-mitiftt Call4twdy. fit Anl�
11 blood, of ol'tstfrg %itality and Tar'., of ouergv vull alllhAiou, lrhf!�v Warn ,�Ou th,�t tertatis 13�ostt3tlon, leto. (1011ty, and fix.tt ftq tho Itor'A ' jul* be" cioser, A1116 6-t hc*%v dust. or tiny nuggos. fticiAll t,Oc0ft0tl,,,M Co, ... ... 60.004
I , -es . ,
I � Aillit, tit(* ��Ilbjtct. fur 111411ance. In the tilt, F�pmlck yards
I aotov Makia, raral.vsei and-t-tolt xtisaittitv art) Ilk-!�ibilitUt of tho flitme � inul" rerviVe h4m the purch,ising lhlichsw!�r. 14 turioustv Inipt"ve(I director of ,�.Itivk 11a,lal conitruc,,, Thus, the mitters arit dally tbrowing �410%#rmx-klemel 14 VAIUI,�,j
l I It Is foll,W to 3,Cgleet, 2, 4 , - ' �en4 ., ,9* 0 60AW
. .t:rilotl ..k dfiv""" tollv tj 81)[121kitA tbAt tlWy Will Oiliatjl-ftt cl� tht'h' 0%u 61(car-d. and pointqA, Ifile, *Ijtht. vowlti ,n4*,w in with lbel',ettktudo ot -.I,!- , Nifty to. tioti. UWAY the pricitic Vi at, &tlly � t .n
I MrMitIft �If, 06 T' tied.
litill gtftter f(A137 to (1460,1vt and df,%lrby 0131(M4 by Whe use 'if Poiseuilt,lk JaColiCIS. It is 1% OlaVIOU* 1Akt- lIort rioprmtt 8.4X* htafli ot bjisesi W*td th(�'Indlvldual &qrt% vp "11t)JIMI 1. I ow,-' , 0-1 m C10*11t-ou. I 141tatim'.... .,.. , . Me" -1
---l. +-.--*W. .* I
d I*1110* of the Workman, As in iiiall jhe6. � . ljj;� �r,r*t alcf)1,*1j1p 1W 1 Prestilftt C#4040t,-Imt- - ) , I
lir#,R-ftr,vClarki-,.r.)t-tlft)pe,Ojkt.stR#(,,4---iliskie'ttwdsf,vft bore" ot Sir Cba,te's Nem km 1�'mtl for Afir*ous. pot th# PAVA matty, ditt* tile f�hlp-,WorLrnan Is zat to to eensiderttl for mado ` lit Pe"ll", -1r,livOry 13111 Is Oft AU I IrvIvarda nallroak., I
W to ltrw With ME) Mve.� It is a qllmtf�lq ol 146 anti (Ift,d), 0 an !rtarft motae All � I I
j,lur,j" w^4 11loviNar,v water,
seat" *rouiplotely rult do1n sNsteri., ayk,k k All I)k*f.l JIV ff"Iufflelldr it &4 m,'W.kJIKJrkffQIkV effect il;6 I rfttulevit. At. Illeft1i* havool, lwokm ill fi�rfir6g. nild o%ft iul,tallf, but wit an Ituplemeat to from routinely iih I , W, 0, avelage the tol&tt (Irly in vilittv.!'Arilklilthop of yort � , . I 1,
. I Aervittoogibio.4"Uteityltad bcatiti %Otyt"54:11tilltht,ovsonl,ial,)Ntht I "stolfurd Ill ho,vouct ftVVKV orambition, iavnf* at 0e, 14rit0h 4.1ovrrtwnt *t* 1`10�,(` " 'K�kf ter 141010MY 10 lftdll*� , , July 2W tho wanoftt of *%wAmr. Lord Illitil , chantlell ! I
� �kft tIn4 a" 1004 -sq wc-"t ot t�,e tiv*, 414i Could KcAtCW-kV 11tritS ADIVI001i AKlUt 440� hf�1114,,�, I W0% Wilak. Irfit*4 hteourik* iN Vk#%t v0th pre,AtIv �In- Irlet etO i�onfltwrttat ptr"Irwoe, t.> I-Afid; *h&� 414 G#nr" ftv *berl he Am% Mom"t Briviih wett4*110 fell FJWlA*d-.- , 11 11 -1 . I ,- I I I I
%io abit *a VOU4, f:A,U!4 not LON" W04, AIQ %i.lt *I,%Jril#r4M'd sio'llio Me# 11041#11. I,r. '(L ho",X Nel,%* '1,00d " ttftod ~r# I , -k -�YvIA%kirr, lb 1*mlk(,t. i!l L rd tl%kt 4 tWo . I � . I
, I It � ,y for aoto� har�#* and te4onkw,l itrid a vast riavy. to lster.�, propo-"rl 11, AvW,Xthel ',,IV* f*141 ot .'hwA.,;;�4 - #6 is . L I I
� I - I I l�*
, seibw *war the@* pYr,vtows sold *Lvost b4til 40T ustime I;ftltk tat Viet vl�tv�slatntly I thdoillif it �ully' Mow, �PrtvlqUrq� In4ed, I'%*rvt%IIW As nothfug," t"Kc4l No*# . --he ottortod1,105L; 1% Vel$kd 'M P"W" laud - I I
'. J� � *, that (An 114- 4k1tlf% *Q; to #*V s0owth4aw. xamx-d- tVr*0d7* vithin, tho� 100 oil ,Oft t Via - � � , -- , - , - -, I # i
, I ffft SA ^N- .. ;-------+ t~, theMOft � .. el
. Was. Vnstool* Nelwveft lit IX -11 411s%in gtow 14 1w,404 ot *&*ko 010 impl#Wnt I~- bfl2kt-1ldftIhkf Palo. *Wt 11100% IAIRU'd hW".'Of tUasno,hifte UR r1aft *U Nil TU'R0,7,6* 11'""v"Y' " 1-1- -- .
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I ." . . ': , . p2m u" ,dW*.*1f-,1 ovi'ti, with *.W ,i�t, wood. It, towh"44 a" to, It"llo., ,4, lier ?gv*w T loii"We. 1% 04-thirs, tho W*tk*Aa OVAwytWow, $4 whft b* C#J" to T tow bbn- he U* lArt ever***. nsreii^� 04 Oki" b*v*' 0h^A verries hoft I beta& 4401200*
.. jeam kom *ood SnAvsih? atsd thtmo#&W ovorrowtoq dfoftoo oklitt Wesithe- It, forrov mw healthir 0400A, I Two rAilthwk "da"46 die tho weilid's 14#*,o tht, mlittArY , WTI** tft,r%**�nIgkt oulk It" " "'hod Ibm V, troblie I* kmem Awsbw Ia W141th. --+ Ia, A" Own" cc
I 1ING 10NO&f birlit %YA e"r. boattlikY *qaWlottift to ill wt-* iso It, 60'cts, a ' I
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