HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-12-13, Page 1- , I
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� � -_ � . Th6 Official Ndwspaper of the County of Huron. ,
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. W 0.14 GODERICH, ONT-1, FRIDAY� DF.C. 13. �,1901. I
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I ra*w 390tloo W 6"04 MA00MI-At the rog0lar iftl"king Tax 1)xcxx4%x 0o,vA,r.--Q* Tuft,., 14oplo we 3;40w. and, Huftibw too ,,woA uot wtialled, but . UUNWIVAT4 U,A,1kXXA9, . � . �
I . t
0. . Of X#jtI"4 No. Sk A. r. avA A. X, 40-Y la*4 the winber $wlons of this l� x#v.xr.we,4wIow0AjAtow* On."", T40 Town cound, xum�y said he thought be xqAmuJbtrW I
�: XkY& TtX.PAYXM,%-1 Will ho at --r*r a G. R, C.. hold Inot Zwday. the follow. F"" orerned hettive aut Horkor Jud1# CW W. 44 rittvirald to cuot'A 14,,W*V� . the Faint WuRoirdermb5-tho M �
iah ),a, TJS*A= dW�,. �rt X%O)� -ILN , . � It4ittee �_ . �
11 W. ==, b V1 dow- 4T, aud1lutubtrdisputod.' The' As will be Scott by -the minutes
I'% 1jaga 01 'a It W"IT2=11111, A ry. ,4 , � . 17 wo" olooted for IWA; Vy'. 1100. 'erenoctilutrIalo"M rTtmull,%"T*t,Atootrmt*lo,riilow, � V I I* "In" ,
_ --),= 111� Z ap it ..
- __ .
U Is" 2C IM rl%h� .401 amlix, ImOTINa a% co
. - Of Z-45k.1.1.03t ftA %:T111 . V. T -.v,#. W. X I W. rhvk Gotot., I ullion. wo -ed "t on foll"Mi"S Of a Weqial Session of the 6ounci " i
. mx= - = � . ro T I. CAJI-04 . klecl* t
_* bu , IsInderot 1111rivil cwtra, and It
I 1- cah"OMP"a 0.0. PaItteft 1. V�. M.! Bro. O'. J. T. Ni%ftarl, On in Vote, vta�- - nay-,
f, I , not of We U berou. 4IWs%4 . _081tin iglid, matuty, it, . I
A 1" tit* 4440" 401ty 44 Humber, Xuox au4 X#ftel,"& Tfien.
I � )FW;F,Wf%WX TO VARUI- AJ9TrA)43oVWo1 ot ohvisater $. W.i 1fro.3x0. 0414 J. W. rO- ,otirt a, rid aho In proqt,orw *bon rZymotoot wo . -the usual notico, of Which, to the ,
. , twoo" wffl. ama. ()b* otellaw WOA46 44VIOh. � .
I X - 113 tha "d 9004 X"Qft - a *40h a oto. 'G. V STAR Wout t" Press l"t overillig. SWial 0014111ittet with Pro I ;
W *, V some worestilli; mot,tors ii,t %bo raloic itud Humber moved to "'I" 11 presq,was, conveniently onlittel.
1 ii=tIM4 to r 4104 v1W,At`cwr'ftXw,h* - a UU410 *"ung 1"t rrlowy. - wer to got and
OTAtly " ih== RaYnolJs, T"iotau Sirp. H, W. A toll rempt will appeow next woqk, I .
ho = Is hpb roatthA4 a."llarttion wilt , I=
r . I
: . , �
A.M ,:
.1 , Ztg�" ,- A=& at t%ttt -U-- - ir� Z;�Auwd Upo", Ba.11. $ocrotaryt Bro. Too. Tgrico,tt- uVrI4404i4,todarfrom, g, ___ - I
_ . 141= 1 W. 14 rtattavio "t tlits was qatfitil without dimfit. tile Council, has adopteJ Mr. I
: I P&M P of 06M 'Nowl! ill � Tux Uav ov trar. Oxavow,-Tbo itualtew trip to Toronto A. petitl4a front tile Poultry Aswigtlo
fivioss 5 tille t * Tyl-or�
A!4 r"WJ T. " b`Yb4,1#PW G WI a VA I It Oarrowls recojilMe
. ot It"'t"W " X G.I. �111 *1 -W,.*d -"a 9 , Pit he . $TOM ftilogicit".-AndtViwa 1proiti now Populotr (101 staum., golf, , ended BrOwa, of tit* C014 sisier, uxM1*4 or 0sclAr. . njatfort to ap
r"t b 100M. 1194:0 a It I ,peal.
"t C!" lei I, c MW W ,0,4", 14 of plif.tv �Qwgrds, the fortucorta. ,
plot 4" !O L4 ktome t" tbat 0404trd" h %T46 I
t*440.1,1.,f aki-,, with too All of in lwst W40 0, 1.� rXID&Y, picial tile coal, suit tothe Supreme court
k lig"ll."W" IT.70.7 ths-rili 1OW0, OAIA W P r Aftolf. ap Oc4 ithipper4l.two double deekod, ow. J. 114 1704iriklum rotumd thtt lveolt tran% Is ,f ov. 29. � 1. r otoz VAK� fitut -to s I . I
. imiLk"t.k*M""dmm"totdlwbutur" W04W ,A Au x =4411414 varotiflambs-to Botwoon Satintoor. tow flothilolastis loade therouvWU tbol "Y"At 10004 YW4.4, 0*olk gpil Wou"- Mitetin talledtaidloeusstitIojudgettent , I th r to -40. I I at Ottawa, and. It ihar b4 near tile I
, 1�
VC , to 1Z SOLA, t
1wom aw. ^ii4 ou monear, ttts:�. ,shipped a car of linket. bot there WAA so Inuch 4101-maltv to itho�,Ooo. Ic W_ , A . :18. X. if ofore this stage, of, 'tile
. � i"wi$16i 4 $two e
I J;*tattj*doHoh thofthNovambor im. ==�t-__.t.__!Tt!. _ 0 it of .8pCdol vormnittft reciout. 4 t tIrgin 10311: lot 341 WAS .
uAkra �- -hop W Taxonto, T It%. 00di'llt the b4ll, AfCor &hik long sb4t 11441% WIN. Wow oil t "
'ZIMOsAlbo w"14 , 1'* I)A of 1�*A b
04. vot toloto R` �� ,All
- I Us lattot was wado that ,hf, uAbli(A go, II saw Ile.
40,12016* Tow* OA= the * roundo were not reptated, hame. ..C., 00414t to r mittoi. I lit advised trouble is settled. Tile
t. 1=61s. Anolelit Order of V4h-iltits". lip. of 2Q0 itthhoalp, wolghloK 1304111 tfittittitititorIlolmovs. Towoof
---------------- - . Pat,* g4roto Introduced to the ul"" W, Mulltor * 14201ric btappeolodtaS roateco I stotia a retilicst for casg,mq� still. 60 Isubludilce, As the ,, L
_0 . - '40-090 the. Momrs. Wjohin 1:400 out,044itiotopubIL4 0 The 1-4ro'Coutpau
I T. t" K"4 late in the iosson, It MO* Tglo&b t,*gKP"1kdW,o 404WO4,41t; town A was 014optv! on motion O Mortto, '10 .
- 'IF _ �.
T a TVIAlt Ur T1114 X bi, Ourrer were. tho lorpot ectufIrlbutrits. it. . . . 0 and a printed copy of 411 towil tylawa - relot.
the f1mit I I beadwxy.for In 000heo lbere Wetio .I � Knox. I I . to Om , latious and the rut corn wyers say but we tako thQ � .. .
I 1i 1, ' I , var, 'JANYGIF"Ps t lamed furnislifts 14 hogo, tilres good eln, 041460110r0antolare wj able trlft fro . lawyers say , , I
� I Q.T t . yNklo IR�1111!1 � . welghtnit � tin I
� . - . is in txlstt�fwe. Tile - I I - 101 .0 libett .
I ON, t Pa usodi�raud t 044no �rttbot, he 144140. . y of again commenting on the , I
DW ArIAO). , rded by the elgh. for, thar �Wat b111V=grQIlA4 0AW4. AU=Mtlon for use Of T4wn *The boltri . I
11 $740 lbo,. iind ttle ot.ber 0 .prl*e awA OVWIvk Campbell 00 UAW In, to wildoa with *
I .... ,.� _____.__ -!! _=��! - Aniniala wsighbig �ft��On Tiies,day ployorwastwoo'by a, 1. , Jordan, and, -11 oft 1111:414111tolv4711 lus*torla "Port oft the Action Of the, i0ouncl),notwithstat1d. .... I
M 14 1 - 1.
Gen. 01allam johippoci 67 bogo to *01vittow romptaitU vii#1tr. fiho* wait .
� . XoTtift Is hereby vain purtrutobt to, Me Godforloll X tile 'r W 0 'k ow � . I I)OII*rsatpumpipi�statioa.wo,.tv,td aU4 I
r ,91: WV W40 04 tQwa we Iwo N .
I Ix 4 . 91444 bdrig consl ered %*t4- satisfactory, .
-IRlitog over I ,%rt*n pritsent,ed by Joseph X144, bit Autioll gnutod, . � , , Roject'ing two offer* at the,
010IM04 WALUW 6f , W �to,
4 Odu (MM (Aap, I$V, 0oII1uxwQIr,d,r wt .7,000 the, j,r t v b,,,$h "a%* by Banker Smith. ing,, ..
� I I . , . . , n 00104410 '04 wit - ' � I
that' ali coodU49V And o4boirskityIn (00"Ittivoo. vir, " Now or TX0441D It Y knviiatTxsiciv�- -Ths0helstmoks The partli seat* of the seatso W*g ji,=rCgjdar,$ tlos,fts Vildorw
I . 0 6, OMIU14 xi,t#" XOvedbyH=ber,ftcaudcdUyXsttej V44 TOXIT44WINO AMOUXTS . ... I
11199aft 04 80tAto of 00 004 Q 0 . Hh". . -A .1 4 * b-49111ning of the tr6uble, eftlier',of I
A,101Q�o, died on or Rbamt the 8121'Ry ot Vol ak!lvoa 'o "itij a t iv �
. " Wb*4ztiar*4uJm41CwVWat*Ma"#t we* Wsocibgs.agajil ., IiI, ;aoro 4L nit% oh# two pi6yers, Comoloctorie r4ra I fmmo M - that law be Waft4to, colletle 'werbreterrodtot,33miouct colmahtto, It. I
-r . 104," . , = I
� , , r IQ hU4,�hIiiiiO641d'aot oter"." Ill Or9thurs of of T ,.O., init nottex toiWitiou 04 X I . .
"Oirod. on Or Ware tho, I � � 4 all ft4lt W111lawitatill Mr. Smith, and neA KV411011t I(% Valkii, 'r. 041'row to Ira t lk %%ifford, NOW %viliCh ftuld bave been, gladly , I
. sy 11 I _ , ArsL PpeelftIly requested Or � ugpo.rch for ccluct
RYOtY)oOOmI0Or1W1.tQs*nd byPNt,iIrePAtd-Or tbli;otaplo. ' , tlW I we plaver4, vrais 61013. (40toln nobly V.181tta IrIttogat"41 les�wttek "Mo. Cwdod. : - IS; Nortlivy XFg* Coq ery I
, dislivor W Mows., Ou4toot "CL i a it. I t . sox.ton"I ,
P ob�$Oljcitorata!�,js,ollhil oobt.otni at IL-plrotx,� 44vertillow Itkousw -00 tin
14:40ret t tivate'.
. ,V Z4 two :,c X4 ;
r t ,a ex"a tween the folloWingt it 10, I; ull Crtutt on in't1oft Din' hot'Ahd V196k, Mr, MCD� Alln't )JUdwAtOo PAS Aud- 7. I
. Ir i . bollse" there. � �?, I transaction, tile coulicit has beery
k , , =it, ato wits: to Carefully rood oar at XA . A. RCCOptedl by any Masi In a; p
� , ,I .., nutrUbtod,foore (MIT. rj�jjt Of joillor gI
, Irtud-carttament at Aw'Zr *is, t4 colourns. The bu4nesto = I
, . Smith.,49 H, r. Jord.4n...'.67 ?Ato u(vor. at Torohlo. to tile XU441i & AtTrOw was "u V.0gimi an - �taf a
,4,,s r C Cited to make uctres" 1114Y .
. r 0OOoa,#W,MotrvAmi*ss,udAd-4ro.4Oo. failtrr. oftlop Iwo stI)I VORT ft" , , , I t"Pr"ejftl;t4,*r6 with lit ygar In -Aud : illiamt..., V. Shwation ... %.ON a 1 4 !kplilicat . 17 .... _00 �Co. $$7.60, .
" he her. r0hitrloal '."r. I$40ititie IOU to Legls.utu V4144 4 worsted Ift two. of three Cottrt�,, and
tievIlAcar at their r1rdmiL a stotautootof vir t , M tA nell, Alto for Nvater -works; $7�.So;
, 0. Uve hop shipped this .we* waro b9tIg4 I 1�6 W, . 0, irel
� . t t ! ".11111tt"root we 0 at Vest Out, 'not bare to'clav -or oway - ..* wit her tl�ot YjAlt to It litown. . Sucatitev'hottl uylaw,i . , . - let 0408'414 7�-Z Qu"u no stroull of langila 1.
� . ..; 1 , . 00" "' 101' , . � - I I 118 Mr. Aoboro 41tro, url)jhloasto and 0#j,4 t, Oil 9 0 80,1 'StQY Z�03.,, relief that In ther otilpf, they ad any, 51lb- I .
. rolet; = "", *&Tspoaitoo"l"Aoltthouoxtiv�ID43wt Will to,1110trair1ri, and C40 be I elled: noon, rot 0 �Cqn claim
I I . I We& * In town, or a �N,,Klfo worqkq 'TIA1114 uoved, b), Knox) Wooded Ar Natta, � - T
44t intent d" 1 that Coostable Hot* W :paid Ulis. j , ..
. And Or or %ko nottho 00 aft" the sold Coot the same. � qall of Roodia"a lowness to prices. I big 01.14yeo� r, atid, I r0, air". � - '4140 of%, I . if. Gtn, 33led. Co., 14.-�J! $tantlal 9
1,Lok ry
I Od,'0t4i,iAo#4d*xooutorvw1V, awt*ttlebt-vo�.,toir)04,bl*tittti4I '0404" , .4
� =44 III Invior ahir it 914yo. to, PAtronizo home, I Aud $$. , f Ain, Now we are * to /,
. I I Phmtlad, to di*tribator the moviolA Of Oto, 4 but sheep and, lombs wero woo ithis. w"k. with all to"i to becurltv for eatistai; ZrIer TOW4 Topl* 00orgO 1)0100. laftTaosidikY t1ir 10lovolood to weekly. Carried. . � . . Nft. Xivkhr4do. $6,- S gfitkit ...
among po-rtiopoutitlard MOrotoi, ,hol1ro. kot tl� . . meet him undo, Th - of . Continue the litiption 14 the high- .. .
� . . � . , I tory 40 *U . . onies Rod$ It, rdtoiol) � %odby 'qmb 49. .. " .4 1
. M I t0buch ovororowdluir Me Solr,go market, JAI tio�.', lomo purebatea. utoall A, week front We4usitc! I .4 QOd4riCh.whoa&1hOrwA11 Im" 9 Qragou. _ Xurn�yI, secoudedby - .
to MO qmll),E Wnton hatloolIt 0 � A? Will b - -1 . -
I tb* U . , 0110itTs -oPcO9m;1pvxo0. - - e$t Court of the Dominion, wlth� the I
.. 64 V. . ::: sold 021,t the *414 OM14- k W" -4 ,X,bolld1bg of Inar,towntarid tblir oblilotnit%ii : vie et, at I - Mr. -Thouins -for I
� I Butter aut OW "� Ott 14 VA , UOIA,, Shoot bothearafftloonf#Vetygood , I I Day. , Uri, Ahn 3b*Vka% Of Rita . , 41101ift of . I
I (V.w I* , � Is tentalot, Ilshedbonfette(t to � .. I
,r At asserts or Any part led ri twas , it rN Works CQrmilitto Public I The Ptiblio Works committee fit of having '$X500- or �
0 t V person Ott 'Voroo"r at who" . ., , 1011, 11 " I 1.16 t6� oic 11 a7ded to the CoSt$� Where ' L 1. !,
to tlilok the 041440 40M*04 lOrAolie dairy oltmeav .Read rivery. ad. to Tait - TAT4 ,-14100 now 13 ropts, 4,44 A . O . .04 =
; V , � L . 441110 and oat w 11MMOrN - ,4 ,With "wCr �t, as follows. Recoulta.Qu4ing Orthat L '
� 01 411,10 ab 41 t 1, rvwvod�.Itv �-"r4i; , for oo. at evaliav"Ii . . X140,011a at kit"% IntIlloo I .
I'd Um, , two4o94 ct�t baipir. taq, and JuAko your purobitiett tat ly. _,grOborr, , , ki - Carrivd�, �
��-" I - u disc 4110 � frollwh"tk st611"ro..."...0i $410 to" -T* . "-ur smp% Poi-tumat not0s, 1444 014111-t 0 at t lIVRrOok, 0 a Streot Inspector find coatotiti.Aki"j; sower 'comes In tile regard for thapor �
. ; '�Srl 1 =pYolt , to 4101, . -O-k* . .ungetions ter §njunfer hotel
L 4 dab 00 wh4sitatNavom. 19prIn Arkbtilft of 111"A 0 It : ; I and water �o .
I Irg W1154to let"dAr4j..... 1770 ' XO* SOUTR ATUTOA , L get all At ,* .
ter., .11, I I Kan , per 100 Ars,, rat I , =or I � . . Rua 41SO cost of catch b4slu at corn" at taxpayer �ve Sometimes hearqu
6 . L teht.,..... 0 36, , , ., ttnr, SLto", . ,
... 4. .0, . .4 VOL , Zolly.-I.11 I 00 ,a out- 11toldenta will ItAvein O'dayortiolp 0 1 I
� PROODrooT 4 nxyf� , , As . Toubols vl4ft �W, 60o- Couticillbr, and L Ure, Tbomita Walkee at At the- reclar-moting, last magy ellesle on A �lu 44;�ets,. (A� that a by Q04nctllors ? We strongi - I I
. SwitAto" for thossidjueotowl. I 0or 404 .................... ii., 16 as a 19, for South AfrIcA, j4p the porson of � 1clik'"11141 t 10 'gob, %t,,.,uoafor4 r, on it vIsItto. eya b . � �
I L � par I" ........ _...,.... 14 00 DOO.VMI to'.. _ Uoj.#I,, Clintop wore I" town K64wrida, aing-an to vittabers VMft__V_Ment to 1=01clul (M lowance affirm that theaction Of the Cou Y I I
� I . I to a ""'pt ,
. _ � I . .1 ,� Airithur O.'roIC', rho,, ltv he Ono _'Ojil�b intandh ' M14 arpor, of Toren Ott W rrool coulx� cauttlon, A Pumper of O (tit tile st of, collstru ting tho gtott. Cit lft� tills insane a.
. In— *....... X 00 will be ' T ovinT W shoot gow 4"s main bore with ell rroltllh t
. I I Tug Itmoicutrix of the Wt4fie 0 it* lato Dr. - 110,911*11.110. .1, I., ......... ...... eltiXong iwgr thirst for'litlp# , .
. . � � 1. . L It'. mba.n noo, X04, tho, OX60001.0 or the astatok yoifo ........... C44.,..�..... a 450 ter 'a M, wya lion Wednesday, At-A.Mv. "Lo"t. Blopoi 'Ulsdstioue. ydk% IN, former - ' t I$
' * - 0140 945 memberoIl. orved lit% time In We Peo�- fortorke . ; it 6 ment'. iliclud'% oeo' all " on all coraor lot' Ott return tiOn I$ inkst,censurable, and,- if I . . . ,
tit the littv pr visional BAttallo".4t, RON&*, .While . DuV IT. olborlio(W� A. eXhu, A at c t ragr IoI4 on the'$ .
. . I ; ' L 0,, ISh&hooh,TtKoI*XlIp,Lrt4Q4 I ................ I ............. ,,.. to 0 74 mo , .� 1 Inhou to* is OMOL Vj$ItIniC old jjjaatbtiiftnjj Aolt&)n; T. .. I TATI04 . ;
, - - . . � 11 . . Igg. led On TPIC 4rXNip rotI9W htt44t� Win-C4pipboll, and 9thirs, ajj,t,x, a t , . . -'even at this 'stagej to � - I
IndObtod.tairil grefthowd "Mc"Orlto the .1 ....... 1. * to, 0 as I , *hie ItLo'ijoiijcli,bt� follow L - . I . . .
.. 1191 .00 it: there Arthur Wall Nofi�eted jor' 'Staff I k, Xr too 'T - op.ter, I , 10;ko proaporgus,'onk I V cA byLotir bit an; b ,3UC LL
, � _* -
, lacoArmof ftA"oOO&ft^Uno".W4 Ig-ofoation Ob. 'I . I . Possible,
.4 'their Ost. "r b*u`ak'6'!*.'_.';'.. Og to 0 cluttes owbigto'hissoldleAr watinj , i .$,like$$ 'Tile Vloince 0
. . 101ijbiodAses botqto, MO lot 4sr of Jany t.17 MQMY) ...... ...... 0-4..101 toll, , , ,I 514. tJ)oxb Toesd%y-oven- otblv�, ;I Quit), ommittee recommended W101draw tile case we elleve , 4 It .
6 . I .' hvx4 after titut 4ate their Sol ( itors will lover And quailltbi, and it mus: these Yeatut. L fifeu geuerally, indicating some intor"t
. 1, ,-. _ ".-�'4,.. - ...... :* 10 ono to It in , ". . .. . . Urs 13 Iftrt, v4.00,4th streak with 0AW in thi aftalros a PAY31101at of (allowing accouatA. Mir- a Step Would be approved by ,more . ..
X 'to I he Annal 1 41 ooirimencometib,exorchies , , r the town, U4261 StguAls $4,10' than 95 'L L .
Vistructed to Poo without further hattl all "I't 0 - - 0 4 ..- es that. caused hill otelo6tiort from the i,� I toll"-* O�Iksvmfitai. atto"ded a reoutfoq In moilt Coal Co., ,
. - . I lose ',., C 17 to. Ikiwe numittv of %PjfcajJtsLths fIther � I Tavlubpok on ThankoKlyto per cent;6f tit* electors, I "
of# thortantraA It r)r tobsio, NIPIC A.,... ::._#F, �f Daily R, X to I I I I
. I M91 1% X.*$;r . . P.. of 0 1
no further time for par 04 .0,"4-.,,jtP4_4.... 8 1511to t e Oollegi,M* 1401:44to talm. Plato ts. for.) stablitto AtIss'WIR a A j,oc's� - . I
01, 1014,60at" closed; & ILA �. 14
. Rt L , f or4itcuns, gnogiva. I Worlil $1.58; Jos.' Thomas, .
I , _�.,Mb01%09tjoo*Vtn.ta, should b".x 414 -fi 'OAT In 1,04461J. bder�oh therefore t 0, ridgy, e'voning', 4* � wal V40 trtagurer!# report for iloeiesg I Br rages $i& T. 0. Tip. . 0 11
, 19V . _-.._.,A6_. lboorr of t 4 mowodlvo a uroh. .
r, sl**-'. bas Wo ,lionot, of Rielidill Ono of the, fog Whistle soUniff _.
,. ". ". 4 L ft)r 4 CO _' Uro* Ill. ly Ing $1,86- PA
W .. , =I ph) aft was rod an: folto*$:
rI 4.*.iio;.1 .... 3 to best lonli$ng I I
I W . 6 $* %* I - . bet f, -
1. . o L n Wd (t)".*10i I.t4 A, . Rod uct cc Co.,, 7-0-4; On Monday next the dispute with I ��
or quortA of u 1111,1114 at Visit at� tile 010 he 'I . "I
arx0a Is. nZavaT 0 ji 7410.1 ji �Ijtp Xollnt6d Hiffeit, Arid the Ckthcono 'W&leb,Aj L ." W Wquestinlr so. Interview with $CPU
ngglir vr*T r . � L ........... - 'fille"Moble Period tho past week, Ian mlft r4o 4" 14r4 Tor 0, Sol, from, Oct .............. $Z190 is �o
. 0
. _N *0 roll"11011 will be M O at tho, next a a -d.." ....... 06. 06 a to 71 will wish.lilirr 1% Safe ratUft tj%t%�Old Unoluitilrecard for, December. I will ritaho with,her ItuabsuIL its, I Ritoitn"_ � a lie whose ftecoutitwas notcortect. the Elevator Company, will come ' . #.,:
, , 0 - I
� . . I FIN40a the ,I,4wWI4tqro otth`%PrQvj"#Lhf it I X-1-0_ *..of o 7 S � le I
. "o Actit4 '11100"roters company . I 0.1.1.......J� 11 0 le battle. when peaco rotgus. uth I'd 001, ww's that, Thor STAA w" tho t 1,01 a T ...... $7149 92 A o . . �
f01'r'tt'0."f,','j*j L � I 4, Intel �oliiloal loattor Is cro*a _ visitor to her forme it a - _�*" ......... before the Woodstock Assizes, as, .
I I 11 1. I
OWIAR`1111*0000 Isar. lota, oil Africa. , *
(a) 4 1 . this week a $TArt, In order to mako tow rim % O., And , Notilesident taxes ... 8S 6 P�Cclal committee reported as aSSIZ L .
To ocastructiOliUlp, M """::.-0:",:;�_,:: 0 - r boan a, It to � .
I I of I Itin,tw"aft'll A I V postponed from the fiall es, here
41111,411RA04 . 01roultillocroonfitti-'rng'STAit ill L it; 1k I sets. R., W, . "Ile a
. a M to 673 - follows I (1) legesting further time to I �,
. , ate 40 tlectric, P41 Iwsr, rVA41way-0 or W $004*W.":�""', 50144, 046' . as . for lo(*l matter and one adv r I 1� L Wat9l" rates .......... JIM 40' '
I.. " �:.:* % 3L 03 to o,Q4 J�aa UofjPXVAj, $00VUS, t ' ters of the Ruiptro will Xr. Hon broamatoo, Walton. I 40 1111 glectric consider cbrisol dation of bylaws; (2) 1
",1vmy,VrqtOM fcorns polptift orho".1j: Tallow. roj$4.16�r . � rates ........ 328 0 , some Weeks ago. Tile proposal
� , 4 ...... I . _ A ^ The Nil . I 4
I I Two bf Tark6ya,,por)b..,....4 ...... 4 ... 0 7 to 0 a 1, L try botialble wc?r.,o igd a?& Mceris also =
.... ,- , .the 9 tjn ; power to have. pregoired ana, the,,
. t , 4,,Aoriob. in thikvou Meet to, I a ,Llbrarr Was that Mthil,,10witt Would
. �Zcot Unroix 11 f. the �P � at the Ooutk rt$ad bimso as in � % 28 ............ � 479 3 .
tile r _... 930 W 640 tooting 0 , rOVISIQual ,)free ors of .1 oomplet , and t*. advertise, t a ode of , L
tv, , vir , 'In. I
V41144corvauskoho", tit . county r= '0 county tow . 0 school Grant., ...... ISO 00 I
POW(W (4 4conatruct e -rownwaand Duo t r=::::.�,_ 9 so to 03 the Go P. - fob be v, qt all t Off f debtintures (Or $22 ay� half the accrued ...
-quip, b ...... *0..*.
I OPeracO 1611tia at tAlliatiq from Oittrlow. in tb Geo"'. ,... ........... �". 0 A to 0 a 0edvIl hospit4it held, lit the j)j0tl.j0b ,% Son of the StKr 'Mill I , And t oar , I nolithiti walks so far I
5zoo mia laouso OaXonclay 13OX4 At 40, ,*, it' � "th I 0 Maitland Cemetery.. 2i So t465 -09t to meet cost vt agree to p.
' . libr- , 0 Itan &a 01 resi a r, an 11
1. tpiwaribluot Odbome. to,spooff; Ittor hoar . ,�r,r. court house, ,.At caftof the ,U10p,qA oat. 104 v t -bolt. well know;� - -8360 21 a completed' Interest, some $3,6W, the Company
. L I , - . gg in �
i .. � VAMri Affa, YJPXTAjITJW., . I a over the contains, I to fdopt'g. -
I I . Aubutio,inea cootnotidthenceto&,volot 0mints pordoaft,_O. ,.. to dor toniener, khIllp Oct% X 0,. J. UdgO b (is atftur to Unaoto ono Wod . 1) , - L
- in at, near thol-iiiap at Nitib, and thanoor tit L,faar,, of , ran I . I , , n". 6 a n so oth ,, r . I
I W4gton. onthe porthorn. filftVal road. and ifen"'M I w .1 ...... :,... 311. . to '"appol"ie.4,preskent,244yor davlo 'L L I b Oven . 96$o36 * oJtNJtRA,4,UVSlN=s, Would pro�.-ed to Carry out their : k
t6kice throughth* towash Pot jacKill to ... I ... - 11. 1. to . , Day W I � . '" L. . , Istratford NOWd, Mri J�osifpl�!taly, ex. Dislimnuniiivs.- . - �
thZ. lowri,of Boaforth, And tbonftto�thoo& OploO.'"r1hooltol , I 00 to, I Z NVIlsou,. vice presid William The iseloctKira. of jurors. Judges rerve of poddgh t bi Tit* '.olIVrn motion by ore aareer gtotheLSellingof their
wo Potmooe� .. ,-.:. 30 dent LUC (10( S414-dOO ............. d3t 64 - Humber and (tot Wits retid,. That the bonds and 'assuming the $Sq,00ci,
, . of 1111ton through the town hip ' L B, X. LeVria, Mas,so0and Doyle, Blieriff Reynol4o., r . Cotincill '
I :'11'.1.1:1::_1"1.1 to " Frowfool . entj 16flQ tO1111W.�n-1;1--; at., ul'awp"Airr7it d a', 4eat a,
- . Am thonee 9 1 4 treasurer; and , c1t)(1 pe Printing aika advtj; ... 165 rj6 1.
__1 .� 1. . _ - - , A '014UM to'bot"W Ono of. tj ,
of 00dodch to the 114 , , and 0011co ;&.6� , Aeek-vt,sry,, ' ittaneers 0 his offer of 0. T. �ty., thtough the Board of
to JfIQ CoWu Of Go4eclogfiold foM - - � tvatiog Jig coultuitt*o Warden Halt, Treasurer Holmoi "
z 11 . . _ ri ;, '41so 'With _t0j Iq - A I district, hayinirmoviod, 44 Uattland cen'lotery... if 8o, - _ worth of-stocI4. it I
I , L Wjkt APW 'in 1 Goderle town- if , d t, , "' ' L,
construM oqultr, mKintAin � paWer L - e a.h Ilk klioYon01834- Tho, Ian% nil O .
'Inted to %O"#I816 of Judge. OnuiltvUlorktiaiie, wilt meet tb Trade, tabuild 5� new vitation, V'rovifdta , old by the"town. . , �
, �iand �p 4 ITY.
,rgto the ' Sow Adverwieiverive, . OMCQQf, th4'.("Ijeek Of the .Pejt�e on of Is It e ep ............. 75 * * �'. the pitielit assessment remain fm at e we � are right In say-
: I followil brsnioh 11odKN,14:-'ij4F1 from the DoTle, Xrff.L XtIeDon4ld. Mrs. Morris, T ronteand van children d W4, beltev, I , , , .
. I Pago, , at 91 , Va fro 0. C. & O� gxpeuses. 4 00 presT for a to
I villAxoo BisthtotbiktowiiotWiuihATa,n6rib ' - Miss Mw1o, Aayot Wilnoo, Win. Monday to commence their work, Harall n to the uron tMo � rat of ton ycays, be ao- Ing this Was not UnfaiVQrably re-
.� �. Xrom %Vdlt" - war 01001111okpid ,to that, vulap RAL[twAyAppueRtIQA-X.r,.c4merou...�,. 1. P,o'udtool;,I_Roberb, Mqt,ean, 0hal-lo - TbC. elections for the inutile bx ox,wAta. . hitall 11.1-1.1 t t .. Public Works ........ 29941 copt , provided the Co. erect, a, suitable Wed on behalf of the town, but I
Of BCAIWOtih AtIA Maned 4i to the il"JILtige of P cc u y Debenture Interest., � X625 00
. Aadyfor Christ3pas-aOdgrija scorit ........ . A Foal road an tha u 4 Ind a UR tl
I 0 Place until the oth Mr. Whitol Is it UY41 4611 78 i depot to cost not less than from I
WtOxcter r A100 from 4 point Whets tile said Xon" 0 A- WaIrO and X N. Lew* At A, 4111cis will not tak . t ie, o0injon Is ftOely expressed on
. rAllWay Concoct& With the ItAytiold rood. .Ift#�Uegenzt,,& a0wtlI__ * o rneettu ., . Itbe last nained. toultoittoo, -1 I _..-, 11 I Bills P41yablo ,,.i._ gSoo act $t*,000, and that the Spedol colum.tW I .
, )ZO 0; s9n, - I$ , _ -A GUATUtTiSICAL T"A-T.-- -'Bank Interest ....... 43-51. - - -of .Coo4dL.ItAv.WwoiA,u-.con,l�inctiot� the street that tile town ought not
, � �,_ , 1. . - _1benca s"th to the vingo at jAy4sidt thence ,-OVA' sale -0. V., Thqmi ....., " -hot in t _&;�;, --j'"", Wait I -,W,. U .1 Ital - - ------- .
soutbe ' I rb house. on NO,. Ztb. ontlWiUb"Wi bmw AW'Decetic- Or or , ca r .
1. through the townships,or Stanio fttas Gifts-9mith lJtqaca.._*.o.41... Ir . with So4rd of Tr e, to carry, thd
I 1i ;, air JR42hon to a point at or near Par - .chrbhua,,, ts,_0c, de; , U a was Aipvolotf-4 obair her 16th -4411s 06 ltlanIi,�Jri, township I 11 luaftl . . �
" Ir rj, ChslA ...# I . It , matter to be compelled to pay for the
11"Irthencts Mo It the County Of AlIddlemIc X"stu b i ,vice chalrinno'c"All, 001incils-Inq0t. the, following UmId'ay, .
I - ,
. 111 211* Prk.t.# 4 . P r. 6: 4 � . on with a view to completion.
0 Mr.. - to Goderich of Mims UletrIo4lit 1, .i.. 126 00
III) c " , chtiSthiSS rretJVAt*JJfdfisWW opr store. I on , v. isecre ryll, ,and. Mrs. 16t1a Inist . I The coming Cou�. carrying out of an agreement which
. tot'll � city ori" a*. 440 with Powor to ech. L I . .1 . It
I 4trUct, "0101 1100411tain and ajoAroto a. lineat: The'vitlext 04or-3-0. X. Parthem ......... . . I Jessid MactAohlwn, the great 6cattish cap .... $197 15 Uattif"'OPPostd Any such cOft- was supposed to be binding on both ..
6 a oath
, t
. railway from Dunlap. in the township at -Col, Chdstuisoopeclelo-W. : orruttr t Orelt, . . On'Tuoday Robert Orr. with1he cessiott t ,
M 00044�10.1 ... 0: 4. LlX,CJ%M -V0 th Y1 but was wU"ug parties thereto.
, borne,. lboozo through the township at Ash., ,g jc;,T SjnJcWAtX9._ pernneelon of the j!Own (3c,linoll. 6ut prima 60111,11, will be a tousical treat - - ' cave asse"ttleuMn the particular
� field tonnint, ivarmoar M artUne. iniho chtistrus chtlory-Allan &. Xvivor..t..... 3 � ttt�;e 30 is, Ablock Occupied by the station as'at pre. 0*4
t' I
countya ,Vruoo, Monootot vIltag6o Tko followinw- ficitil the Montreal Star 4own, tile four large lorvA trean it, not oftelo available bore, Her tout XX 00 sent Conn. Humber urxed actiou at I
iJ t4eiv All wit Ask�Sii g. lack.. _ *4..#.#..... , .."'. Ilt 33' " .
�: 111 , .:
Orion, P said county. thence to 6point"IT.1011; : y Interest; In Goclericb, front ot the one. titue Grace property through Canada ;%nd 01tift Of the Schoclar-i .s�- � - . . This Is' about tlie time of year I
isceI14 cous. '
.- - - Xmas Veffuutis-r. jordam,.�. r, � to of druet - . int
, , � .U. �
neir art Ewa. In Oki -1.1 . .*; .. .... , Tho, once, as the matterhad dragged for two I I
voluLtavrait" $outbotrapion.japtid co Oil Lighthouse' fstrvet- "The trees hod S,* has boon a trlu Crest 11
� 11�0 4 county. thcoctito -v t LOralkolmil a walks.. - 419 , 1X7
!a tltarwxf�at�indth's-BAint,�..... 4 ... � $ &�rkilo;t Against tbo city In- whloh.n becdcoe, brittle And diingeroulik and , mplial one. many , . , . . � - - years, and tho htL tile town would lose
to A point 10'Ot U90 WISMA"t?': 1, U when the possibilities 66 municipal. - 1�
. ,t,:.d thence j,, u ltt)oghtt.t,,:%,.Y-W-C�Rti44tt�--i.---'- 4 isay wax Awarded, damag '' for Ifildrielf :their removAl Isto'be c6muiended. ,place$ at once seeking to. enrage her - 786S is nothing an t[JA basis. Court. Xurney
I rislitootintrofDru 11,1141then"t4ow �J�
L trot, Fruitti-sturar*C9.� .. . ...... 8 suggested Contest usually reach the stage of I
Bou .1 . Also f1rom. iiii $ sustained by slipping ciathe sidewalk ' &Otlrrjaoaerl Urnodate. She bas already Balance �e be
ad, in MO o0outy a (jr 4 ..... . O.- . x, will for A, ret that the Special committ
Wit Of XIBOU41130 thrOWC , of The (;Isdaaud�?d.4b*1A the eb,Xo. $2, 0. 0
to .019 the 00ftfitj Tailor ...... *, 5 X1 5 21 given power to consult with the Board of public discussion, ana various nimes �-,
during, & wlntDr dayr UQjQ fLne'r DeX regular meeting oh appeared in Luckadw, Stratford and Street Inspector Reid report that
L Druco to thil town of Walkerton, lit Paid cacti. thriatmas Goods -1, ir. Colbortie .......... t sliould iriske
ty; and upon and over such *create. highweas skjtts_$. n, Rouir, " 4 people thou It of, he courts hold Trade and seek to negotiate with the Y
und landt. As msy be authorized by the, muni , lei ........... 4 ............ 3 that eLltbougli the weather -haa beeo Tlipidav; Dec. 110i, when election of 8eafortli, in thin par t of the Prolvince, tewer connection from the Summer Company, and this wits agreed to. are -mentioned about town as those . 1iii
coMistritail O!v IndlVidlisla bavin; TJsefml Christmas Prcsehts-:A`a1`b"Y 4 091% 3. Ver,y-changeable on the dayin question vilt take placo and i,4 free it% tho two last lu'roied twice, And from 110tel to comer of Britannia Road and Bylaw No. 9. of I I �
... c"'ald"O" - , alle"ce ninent; will- ho given to the � oue 11 Place came reclnests to the Sons WdiTen street, with 9 inch tile, would , a -honors,
. "nortitf . got galtist apitting either desiring to attain civic j! ��
AV leuw over or*wnlux thslartme. " Bulk rcrrblucs_j��Viloou ..... t"'..... ..... Is the. fAcit, that Joe had previously beeti 8roo, All the members are urged of Scotland.here. for the privilege of _ 1i �
q (III cost $i6o, and street gully at corner of on or otherwise defying a gro,polithic or willing to give their services for 1,
. To:'opabla tho Oftirrohy to melts ar. Roxi*102uIvistord ...... V ...... I ........... " S al"P-4 to 4enn"lullitto there was toi be presont� - Thos. Rarrum" walks of the town, �
I ranutraq ,fit# reigardla handling -bet, engagement 110e,� she as read a third time I .. I
9 the u" Or 8,M411011104 Of Clilckensfoiq -wos.rostlewAlte ........ X gro . Wellesleyand 131gin streets woukl cost i
I t t hkh "lands. afid toexprolid- sh,,11,00 .ale - ___ - und for awiordin damage& This Secretary. , comiM tinder the ansiplices of Inverne and passed. ,the coming year. We malice -no re- 1�
It MIY161144.4p000tir Of the oorapsoy, A4-Vm0-;*- l0ItaWn'#u#*., I conVeyR a jestibb. I thosideWAlksbe ,, Will. Cool, - 86 $25. Referred to Public Works counitit- �1�
MCI* . 11 o r, 0amp, of this towri, and Me. J. H. tee. . I flectlon on the present rulers when �
� (c � O"ble thi� oamp%uy to ,anishcamad,ii _ !-_�� kept cleikr of Ice and-ondw, itticithen - .6. 9 ft"t, Coo.,. Aload leb Onmeron, tile clovovesb I . Conn. Humber gave notice of motion �
I vftli. %c . township, brouglit, load of cats to and moot to amend about a dozen clauses of Bylaw we say that there. are many citizens . i:
I 4ttlre Me, atiock, bonds, $roycldees and . WU X#Vtrtj , ,novots ottless; of weather catiset an 'town th a Week tifean' popular humorous entertainer in COMBIONICATIONS AND PXT=0149. I
. to a!g to enter into trianto or other . Ira .. , suring 2DO, bushels, No. 8, Of 1875. . who hold that a change in the . : i*
greem is thot"r 4orpors .. - . . 1. unusually doingerous,vondition. there
I .
. , � Who, 60140" I .g�', - . I 11. - . ,ancl 18 Pounds, supposed to bo -the Canada. has also been eagaged for the Requests from Sainuel Weller for re- I
. . . -, Pjay be sOJAe thatien of 90CAPITIV At her last appearance in mission of taxes of t9or, % and one from Coun. Mumey asked. ,'How do we Council . 1�1
I f. pr PC . L � � . - I ... 1�^ , Is Much to be desired,
Tom too, meets IntJn1d up stacktor 1rJZln4&'X'1J 81100T. a yment of, datuages. - Where the 106 largest ever brought to this kattricatii. Occasion. stand as to a day constable?" This though we, have had no intimation I
�� bMd r wity. macortil, plant,ril -TUff we k1Y *boot 1241 1110w`04 to romalut brA, Weather is 1twasbitiataA. T. Coo er, And Mr- Toronto Over8000 People gathered In Mrs. Robt. Hyslop, to a like effect, were brou t on a long discussion Ili 'which from any one of the present body .. Iii
Uook recolvei a price per MrWsey 110 t6 hear Miss MacLachlan. sent to Court of Revision, also one from Hum er aild Knox moved to leave b
iwar 1clor other wylves guiWoring thle of the Godetich ,(4ft ()IMb on *14sy Autaccepted ak'Au excuse I C . lec
. and ax. . . I - bushel-holng 45 cents. and Oi,pns commouts everywhere are Frank Kerr for remission of dog tax. t e that he desires to remain In office. .. i,, �
N To ol"uttetura, *all Orissa 016ctrloftr,� aftoeriocin was fairtV well attended ,that. T116 lost a ototti, -and $htoagu a I tnattcFr with Special committee with �
or OlOctria power to k:07, 06room or oorpft&- considering ibe colo weathe"Jid tile small, Ad. In Tug STAn Iduptl It. Chao. Veathertald, In writilIng to his In totma. of loudest pialso for her A long communfeation"from Air. Z X, ower to act, but Martin argued that Many friends of Mr. M. G. Cam- I� I
Mus 04OW nor part tx railw*vs, arid to , father frour the West, isto-tes that he wouderful voice, great dramatic pomr, Lewis was read as follows, and referred Wale had been appointed -constable dart I
. coustrudO ALoA l7reah and tale- shoot Ing *aA like the Wind, - variable, , Tax (TOX1110 POULTRT Sam- recIiintly shot Ian elk near Moose or And marvelous syrnpaith in the to SRcW corumitteo: pleasure of Council, tUey having adopi'll eron have urged him to be a candl-
.1 phona, sysNoms rendition of Scottish song. Ate$ Mac- t,
?1=01Z witliLths FAW A4 noted IM6 week, the blue rocks did Thero is"good promf of a successful Mount - Gaderleb. Ont. Dom 9. 1901. a comulittee's report that such an officer date for tile mayoralty, and we
way. .06 toln which 4reasM 4W.Iho., i,li, Lachlan had the honor of appearinst . I
-not Always break whert hit, And the show in the Town W11 on Dec. MAL horns measuring six: toot from tip to To the Council of Go4orich t be appointed.. and he could only now be unoerstand he has consented,though
- largest shot bod the Tait Svxii would be pleased to sovereign, Queen Victoria, who ro. GUNTLIZurp.-A number of things have halt. .
A To receive itsolotanato from municir Ify special teque&t before our late 17
ti Individuals by war or subsidies, bc ,,'.' shooter ualog the � And Jan. � st, 2 Ind Arid 3 rd. under the dismissed. not anxious to assume what during I.
Ithogoaroaaaef thiroampany,ti-boadcor -betterchaute of breaktog them. At t1F - her handsomely and added ti, that we have advointateo And Orion tics r
03 Ono p ;C0 the mounted horns In our office paced reContir that prove boYond our d
. otber wwo, "d for other purposes. the close :of 'the Afto rocks- boot-, kaispices of tile, Huron Poultt)r and An 4 'relic, from A Goderich boy anol warded Ijubt Coun. Knox denied that Hale was tile coming year will be a very try- 1.
0 . personal letter whicii, in permanentIt appointed. and said the Ing and responsible position. For I i
� (it) Talk"' oaquits. own, chariot or losse HAtity Rutson had seven p1geonit ab So Pot Stock Assoclatl6n. 'the officers South African better. 11,11110119 the %V�Ich wo art not gramp ne and rc%r?.Ing on.
navlAto' "I'duse "It"i "d olb*r Y*001'- &OU vards, killing,fivio, The seem were.. and committees. have *been active for Skatilig starte most treasured trophlesof the great StO mattar had cen referred to Special cow -
t4 , . d earlier this season rut N'V'mb" the Wit. the stestnehips I
%Y bulldi,00natructantl maintaintil. roccisitry C. V_ Wg� sorne titnej itt-d the meeting was np then for many Post years, the link sidger. �, boon% and Aosedalo ware at tho ftnit tuittee, who ought to have reported nearly a dozen years he has sat In
harvas and worshoUb", lAors &W docks, 1C, Naft PI 10, It. Autiou V, I toltber. Tho Rosodalo with wheat for oodo' to -night. Humber, as chairman, said the old Council boards, and his
. janlIsy largely attended and the enthusiasm , Reserved seats aro now open at nc I
for tho Wn"0114, of The OoMpAor. -son 5, Win, TAshatil S. i0aptoto E Airing been opened and in folt switir . I
. I I so g PorteVa bookotore, And, If it AN the Stratticoaq. w
(h) 0 aim lArAfftthe 'purposoof cort. 6,'F. Situtideiis 8, F. Shannon., 2, 1 . . reat on Tuesday evening t at the n ljovercher. I^st -week-tUo Malt. he expel- wood. Tb& Rosedale r*oLcii�gagOofod'e'riecholl'Aulne- the committee had come to no agirec- wide municipal and legal experience �
in we arm to witness 14the A"d,W&W t"Zpa in many ptaces, the ad*4 on as ack at tho Hault beford tho
ast wa, howleatsuch pieces Jordan 1, 060. Johnston L I Lb a ac e Collinjew fd,IuWh&0 is the
Pirtle n ovioratirut, andiailthpoweg to indication lence of other places is repeated here, � ment, and Martin proceeded to prfrve would be a decided advantage to
. 'it best th" has limn.)v Mt� Butte eld, -ly A foot every seat will be taken up before V 0 Ivor thers, to from the minutes that.lict was right but - I I
j . -On Mbnday probably the best patiltrylod;Vre it, tbe, toinorrow evening. I a ten
upon I " r"I at the, 0010pan) 04 Foui Scalia 'ftmi,is. twiLb some point.of bel u I 0 in ontranto at tixu tile town when any cinestion outside i
; WAY P I - n thlekoese, &nd'(t$r t rig neat minutes' search failed to gei the .
I he rivor, was very a tl r a Oka course to Uoiderich, whereas
Dated" GoAkicla thislIth, 4ayofD000rn. last tbero, passed peacefully to the cotitinent-certA oil tit .. there wAs,littio danger to skaters. . 0 . t O Ill DNS to pass the low record, and the <July L a reentent reached of ordinary routine arose. .
Ian , " 'I. at i
t a Ovo I in son . wa I
I hag been secured. 4 faet'w ldh oul try F; to let the Specia committee deal For Councillors several names I ,
, � ber, IPPI. . ' pkr world Sallpy AM Idow of . . Brooklyn (14, Y.) Times of Dec. whe f fq i
__ - ---.--- X 111, CA dPj&_w4H_4%p, I The d a tit
urnolf, - - - - " ___ -.---.,- __ . .1� - 14 i Mir," witil the in I
- -1 - W _____L � . I01 -_ -194 .!L_ 1. Ir
_ -, __ I - Marble Matters. 'A - - Unt-ga - a , atter. . .4 -
. - &I lot ApplIc"ta., this late, wra. wilif;i. Sfie tourfoll has giv little flnAuci - en, ad-01011wfieumg I V a - - idted-4"e- st;eet,l flftng - ""' _� . . . . .
'� ISOOPIV for home tlmC, though bob can- couragenatilt And it In expected the er welt known Hu will Alto" Evidently' -the lai Unit n6t been 0 n tar'.
. - - .for rarities "At it I The Mayor caid Mr. Garrmow had kcid ! �
. . 11undr0o of t4ouvands of dollars havo On that he (the blayor) be authorized to them being '?
aced to bed, And on the day preceding Town il ivi haliquot given liv the 6L Abdrew's heArd of the dismster that canned the Is ournmor'by low water dulays at W. C. Goode, N. R. �!;
. Vor Owe or To Let.. ' Sociotg.'of Xowar):4 In thAt city., loss offour livelf oil tills 1101ta fe(v crowAng oft botrolt ItLygo wborcits et.'" sign flecessary bond for security for co3ta Smith, G. M. Elliott, George Porter, 11, ,
. I - 1. ";�Kiii. ,�__,. her des,thwaii around as usuni.. Jd,,#. Ideal vativas IsFroceeding sistisfactor- - weeko 6frive, by the sinkinq of the Will 91vo lug tvreft-870 t;OtOfWMt45r V1 in coal case in appeal to Suprethe Court, E. N. Lewis, W. A. McKim, J. H. . I
William Walter" wots a name Well fly And thera w 11 soon lid ernwincr And Thorg av rt lit. one of the ,xileake I
C1"CA10410 IrOft SAM -A gOO4 burnb#rat the, two Adjoining town- eacklidgi In the'air. Renjewbor tile ita Narn bell. of OWLeona;d schooner MarlottOlty. itswil beseen and thfii was promptly agreed to, and Colborne, E. Downing, N. D. Roug-
thoronshbrow lAnobans.Whito And "PO"', '" kindly naturellaving made poultry tbow-. *r"t, Dr.'bal"p9oll responded alliv by the idireettit front the Mail and this corn can be union Council adiourned. 1,
I bw,x ja W4.11 . . � to the- tonsh ,*Tho -Woirld'ff Greatest But Our readers Ru cars air vie, and others. From these cer-
Plymouth Hacks. and of friendst he wKst botn in D .-Ptre printed below. y to M at 0 rothecamas ancorcould
other- ""'ri0t. Aitelli wW ,, Wx. 11 Will teIVIOUlbeP thAt TRE STAIL g!#.o tin hwsava ho 4 got
FORTLIF U(Idlitkil. , . " -00 Tue3daV John Sohg,writer. Robert Burns." _ 13t. BrIonizes tainly a good choice would be easy.
* R41-irvV004:1-WIT"tit 4.8 in I=. and I MO Or JAIL. L o i
� , ,Arm 50 11c
- __ - au ,a. a of COLIXon.-The advarticomont Meanwhile let discussion go on, and I
gwi-ti-It-til; -awper -4ecenneA Weir, aged 10 vears, �conflrjed in the Attila concert Ili Irldtorts, 0 eps' leattled by a repotior from people at of tho Control Buoluoss Collogo, ffirstford, THS STAR will be pleased to give
010-W with her husbafid. *bo Pre extended Account 'of the disaster,, Irl I Oro would reach I 1
- trIV3 hoso to
two to BufCa t 6
.�*j� F 0 c,ju b^z,A,',1V*w,,1,',K7, a0pitying to � her two years abd a b0f, nailed for county JAI( me a luillit let dj6aaftor an 11oum next briday % evening 91138 the dock and members of tho Indlit's A "It"mor Ahould "'Rim thi"00 I
o0nor'Noiscreultl MacLstchlaols 6nmiters will be: m Wo have a heavy a a to On ., may Ito seen in our columns.
. ZJCI - 16LUO M_ Canads, In, IM 01% leAnbing this, Illnegs of nearly two rhontlis, us was crew, the facts having been apeclidly harbor an rollm,tid. but a fraight traell, AVO place to the views of either the pre- ?
M -lb '"'hi'll 10". critititry the family settledlieAr Port boloor
11 Artm roa x,tLL_,i;Taro hundred aretts Hope, bdb Otera residence of one year committed in May. charged with "Amran YaCDPnAd," gathered, beca.4s laints that MO proaotit, no alid Inni sit Hanatord'a aro Informed by tho Principal, Mr. W, J. sent board or any one who ma 0
on a on Yo Saw cusbitatid" , atiattempt biW been wilgeto rescue 1crovd. with 21roight yelld", ottOU old lard at 31111066, that many Canadian and Mitarican Wke sufficient nterest in the town' y .
atto*66467, xufk"Plhrsi� about a mile moved to Godorloli townphip, where a amault., ltij� was sent b"it to J411 ;C1.110 S"Alt, n ,of .r. W. crominst will ramcdy thlo, aulmo daub pro or I s
Filowylitage Aabmro. hatg6 of lunacy. The doctor testified ,-A Hoodl ad Pipors 4hd Xyt the four men, Trio attio gplication art your part 0 t a Orand Tr It Business Collogoo omploy graduates of hI
I runk collogo as teachers. Darlu the p at t r
1111dinitsfirI11401,106 farkit was taken ut). 'jAter oil Mr. Halpin, a heather of one of the men 11% Ilway will bring into abotm a a If O',,' affairs to express his opinions ta
.� "' far!'tTZ Waltets obtained properties In Col. thfitideAtill 'VAA through gOnCeAl 111804r$. "Attlig BrilftnIlls!' 4
i 1010jr, , I "
rarmo A&MIL 06"I'1111040. 90 rKa" 9W rosaft. t,orne and same- 23 Vests filtice bet, With AttlefoAtilk of the ittonifth,p And tile and Mr. Comerou's selectionit are, drowned. willisocin detertioloo whother Wo ohou14 mitko offortA to hava out hnrwr ycars the demand for commercial &ad tile public.
.111,0W. " 14dew at ftAX 0XVIaW.1, big Wife and daughtert moved to town, Tau STAres report of the calamity Cho lowor and at the doo w2r raute. I on- shorthand teachers halt been fiva 51mos tho
urv, retutn*a a verdict of death train , ill
. I"_tt .PAoX,,*( 68tuttorin 8weOthlaft" was In a4ccordance with the facti,q- ".060 you 0, cutting WE It a Owe chat. Port surply. This cortabily shows that tho . ....... 4b-.---
� , � I on Britautill mother naturaleauties. Dr.HohnescoodUated W "I t -Wounde . � Huron h,xqgot 1ho I
r __ - - - __ & Uoad, The Icin j4des" and 'a act"'if a" I'- co loge lodointgoad worit. Tho wintor
01$ SA$4-11"lad-JareAd Colter lit rood UAVIRS ZW0,11i kt0i AV16 daughtel 0 to tht,tuquq4t. Shestit 36yaoldit bring 1, a- iei 1100. eto"' OJIL' Doe. ". W. Halpin. bob thero It 0160ty or us both.
a I ntmineoc Noticea.
"44*004 lie W niourn. bet decease, 041 of wtiom ftside resonto And the witilemew weris 06 ,a I.,lo'c" ,� � bra b%or of the late JAmes Halpin. Thorn In and thing that stands in our way, term Open$ On ondiky, Unnary Gib. i,
. drowpod off the schooner Marine Olty, and *.On gontlamon an our ropre;3entativeIt - FIDO sackob Pdriumoa at 111ca'a,
""W 30-tt -0 ,Ur& W. H. Mlolst4r at should tako steps to bavo this romodied. All
. 9AMMON, � dw=d lo.11,04014141, Otte poplillar toatilro, in Mr, .. 111fal's hotel IYXtn and sheds The examination of the Model stu
., ,. IN the county oxft -
%lifortilit. The faveii tonnection- VIth Odrdviof'rs fliqllents fit Ott Brufwiblml WIero buirood lastTueaday, has forwarded to the very largo stcamers running, for a wirrow Off. dent* commouced this week In the It your oyes trouble Von. or anv oVo I L
"Is stvM Thoots bed took plAcb In *nAtetilat -the and Fisheries, specific charged traned In It son, wXy must ave a breakwator Central school,
*' of a' redflo�uy In preftood. inatcapt. Nalohe, of the st4arnor Outstdo. behind wbleh thor can atcody thorn- owing. Bodford, lice. 17 to 20. 1
. jolt in thitt Mcills.018"nir civil be taken I and iv now in full strainer occult Prof. Tanbo at Hotal
Dwxuam xwxa 10 uraTii-ove" Varco" h346 rIU W of frame and full of Mat
"at at
Parlor, room )(11111119, Idea 4 tit a la number of rthttivity and AleNt frOM theit' 1`101111016" P1111311114 to tio strw% Ilk two hatirs there 9911 . .
a IOG-4 )"" Apilly 0 .
I.t Aw 11 A 00 "4am filends. - wait nothing left,, !Ltoo, cIrtdtj,s Wore, IndW the Aphlof Item bolognegtoct of welvoilictatAnIA,kIng1be r1lers. All g%rt,jgj
r , Jr. Diollelo. 0*6p lot No" Act, " bloWo In the "Cli(fillatirig. bij, 4, the 0 bet stdo h a At a ineelax hold an XonIJ4 OvOn. You could givo nothina boteor for Xmas ' .
to I ftrOML wilthdut, being retoth a ;
j1djago, duty -in tot making an attern "' n:21 ' I" Ing the Goderich
- strett, Ab it church Conducted 01i"d cirth6h,.tro4blef Some-yeAre , ths, ('Our m0a Off theL Nt to I Oti's Jan."., III takwater cootim fIXOM log Hockey Club reergan. VD116111111thAn 011100f 8TI3WAnT"8PAIma or I
T0 1iZXT--4 rooft h~, go" 0ituar, ". thef"he IservieftAtithohousetiodit 410cit the Per 41010 Alloft0ce for the wind was in thp Westi, And ib Wa's Morino Ity. Mr. III UU &V thou"od vAtdo be nor lzed and electeil officers as followo:- gostou rorti, ArAles, Primrose. Cyclikinou, ,I ,
V"14m. to karbot, ;* Per - in"tit attdri4ing court *jW fricteiteCid, t Halpin arkiia for on Investigation. and 61"
ths stsoo, and the following graud# -hought that dwelliTiors emarby wo(ild WIZ OPour blerv, WOU14 answer our purposo, Han. President. lion. J. T. Garrowt or a Bunch of Ro=:a or Cartistiow. i ,
18771tt . 'T's, U w M Cho Minister requested tbat, I,pVliic This times tra growing. matter in stenty . .
- . tit the ".didn. of ji'ttroto summoned be burned dowbo but the thretnen %*Otk. (lovernme"t 1,11hot bull Ing a vice Presidenk W. L Eliot; prical- rerfutoo Atomizors at Hicteo Dtuj; I
. scitiv of tho deceased were this pall' rotorred. Thesehavevoil ;
- ,
IllUZ; ;U rAEX 7A, TO I�Xxz hexrotst Wwald Ohio. Warner Vir. tb #W04 00 Inquests At J4111, Wall OVer, ed With it will and saved thein. There forwarded 9: Ottawa. Water WAY J"r=7 '01, "tin ave dent, 0. 0. Attrill I vice It. X. Jordan. Gt6ro.
. � Walter, and D. Bell, Will O., Virod J. ,looked, but surely lb Is thbe this in- some tojerance, hililloft�,audacatild fromao SLCAIr to SperetAry-treas., 9. Merver: captain.
jvvorOwb6OM*%AIbsdofMC,h"tJjtAr and Waltir jj The St. Thomas Journal contains tin lAko X Ovaborc, always treat). at tho old reliable I �,
, flollce Mill. 44" oai howto 00 o"Oor of U Uodoy* The ratuer lu'llice *AJI teirOY64 0614 00'statutO Winghant Advance- At' it opecl I advertlsey�edi 'jivitig notice of appli. $75.000 04100%"34 s much more- HutOly Ohns. MeGaw. oystar hotfoo, Victorls, jtc;3laUrAoa.jWcs6 dt4,
Cambria #Ad Brass,, I rooWN A;rd pantribar frletld4 of ,the famill, in town and book. I L itiolits hold laot, 6 It"ot hater. Harry nutc6n attendod a shantintr tourna. inbulk,orttrvad &I, Styli, jeo cream, I
;, _. q Of the Aehobl board clation to Itle Madc; to Parliament at Its Then frora a umane point of view. oade. a I , ,
. � i
cieseirt, scm. In "46. wall arrai "d with totillolity, ormoothow with their be, ,T%X SUA. *OtIA rothli a Olo diltuirligs Week, IftXtrinip(Jampbell. of "o, nottses.4100 for An act to incorporate "Ich hAIJ thO 60 v harbor on the o'hole of the fruibr,conficictioncry, cigara. ate. (). Ductc. . I 11
P, moot in DrAntford Wt week. whoro ho mot
modota c0o vW-11,000, A 1100d, 0641106 to w reiLvedimembetit ot the Walter lIxtAlly, iff � Canadian sift Of TAko Huron from the Mani- the bodt shOt4 of Uan%dr% and Now Yoric State. .
riOrAhxUbW h,cees, 00 safty paynte,ftle. , egant to awn% friends, � rich. was erigAget!l f4 fill the vwvaney 4 pomonoy, unr4ov the name fit the 1140110 to ftfftla, that a boot& of say aim can Ilarry.d not got rfit, big bwt poattion on airout. proprietor I tolophono 70.
Oro , .
CAPPI.ya to I jl,'10 , ", ��,,',�J,,.�Jjj�"J,J,Lj jal t'l,''j, 11111111 . I (in the staff caused b_y the t#o1ginAtion "St.. Josoph and LoAd Huron Ship enter. the full Waintr thil and fourth. n6t, a bad . 1L.
J� T. GOLMO"X, ft1third P.,O, of.Misit V40stonwi Mlon 0AMPlIell ,� rccatid. hootorcr. for & junior among oicteria Holidays on blmo I So to Butler %7jeh ,
'jphouttsc lawtf. . Canal Company," %vtth all Cho neces#- Randridds of thourAnds of,dolittro wore spent with &ht stun. hin anual largo and varicd ctcnk, Itaitablo ,
- - . carries h1uhir reeonitidendecIt she holds owers to construct ned operate at BoathaniptatIL to make a harbor of refuea,
'n, , U a Volt OALIC-Chto the I I A, MT#_�i Professional tertifleatk. C^Arlh'als via located As to itittke a Yjavig- trot the lowildo of t a Is as has put thationt ____,r_01_ for Xmas prcconw for old and young.
, L I . - t, small hoo ra
I Old In womora Latin And it necessary 040 t#jkglt lAttin. theqn uchl 400ran exce 061dING. Evorylbina in Bootie. Stationory and
y ilt �woll . L �. 0 Ft6hCh. and CrOtiftiftd. HiLYthif bad Able 14 foot WaterWaV train Panic oundrdds of tit u n a Of 011"d have, UM. 1"andy owdo line, for Data At novices. I �
- Oild AtW brisk. . . point on Cho enstern shorn of T44ke w4oblis 4 OUTO r t Is a offld not ba, riondetod Prof. S. Ift Tauber manufacturing
. with "Oda,tv tortaithintaty. dry )tun. I .
p I L-ItAtsa- I I six v CAW ouperletlets, she ohoutd-Vrov's Ifurotiolatho countiespIL,,trubton or Mina 161, dot ofide nargalon at 9fitwimes gro4cory-om
Ole., a tied PA *am Car vtoctatidgii . I A, very efficient tenichor. Now I* tho a I 0 our dMaig; o.nd ,Zlog uptlelan and Vyf.� Speelall"t. of Toronto. 3 pan tca for 220, 803 for 232, &IN* 00,1
0112010141byt, �jr- ft= b h1th % In". I � I ' 1111roo, t L4kO yout, 11 I ton I I ou t -A I. . d ,
I 0 . I - .a 40010 Point on your Vey will lie at Lbo Bedford House. Godo- Mail t0a for Aft
I 011t 100day ovening, last a very pleAsatit, n -rid between Randenu h it r 1) a r comfic-It of Cho mt 1. at- rich. On Dec. It. M 10 and 2D. tuid will I
P .�;_ - � . I do . 400
. ,Z
"",iiia, .
jI00 " .r. " tohm 16 solti, will 04t. � 091" I'" elobe# party vras give" 11111 And ,Port Btirwoll, lit th to"n. Litt, Wh"I r at 0 fob � If t, Oob eyog and Wit gla9ged to all defec- tUnts Clam [a almc;0 readr for hio
I L . - hVIP. The notice lis s gricht by beAtIvOlatt toin r 11 e to dt' tilveniglaq. NOnj4C,f4yWh4.jtl5,wJOng rbqna tha torld trip. but t1in laid rjill nob ')
811 4"" UWA Jamo otarrat b6o�f with A I . RIM Ch"Itrimflarper, In honor of Mlits t of B '?I
roome , I HArp6r, of T46nio, his *1600. TIffir jadfiL A r appti-
I". stiowtot! ad I'laon st., witli I IV 14- UnorgAn. Advocate., at Morlt, eatloo for afida pr to I IV* complotall it d000 not c4atain your 4
1 hajf an ot kok t4nd &stbolwl" thirtift". 11 tables were filled. and ar veiry twerry ;71-4 And the 4atuo St. JoNeph f1drIV 0. I with your o7oo. Conte and wo sue. and photo to an abcana itiond, Baornav has ,
rot ftl 11 & I It tho'broatt�d&,.*r had bon 0 It late it you Can he oulted I Can fuLt,ke fill,
P.V!j to TIIXO. J.
, _ -
lvm__�tz. goo UM YAOMA 3"--tf. I ejefiftipt' wits ispent Refteshibento intimates who the proptizers are. Tho 111w of life would not bavo arte , - i ani the oldest "021111109 WOO. 90 0160 Yea will not bo .
.1 �i,.,�"_ -, 11 . ... � . I me", largo vc,_xb nor4lof ro gla"Peo f(Ir YOU.
'm 'go P� . I I on PAIII ootlleian In Turionto and bavo it
I gigAntle one, And one I
wett*rviedstmidnight, Aff4r Willett Undertaking 16A 111126001, Eng no r Poll fteFt ftibina. fini you can calecli n3 more
.1 In U114 PUCI -
I on MAIA -LtA Sk it awlehima It SarvOr. I f"KI 4W daneirig *" judoIg in. Tile prile not likely to be pwried out, U the Fhcd. 11311P eptablished aincia IM, indkin skpecL- caltablo ot accaptifila pfozow. 1
F.1a. 11004sreAk� JrW 4r§VW.VlAr9 11,101111Y to kk IWAO awarded to Mr., Geo. Smith and eatigil Would Cost jecto of ,011116iij, on yoara trolir, neles and 11ttlut eyes, Over � thotill- lClarr's book ataro ict Ohiving Como of tho I
IftorrAr irmur. '"%,Jileb. I 11 AlloIr MeRontle, tho litiAbir, prizo being which tho fees of yoaolIt passing v, g. jAw1g, andomeabave ouqueceofullv treat. dainitcat 01191MM-43, eardo tills Year ov6r i
..'_a .r � __ � . . iven to Miss Gruel Polfioy and Mr. through a, fouttkidflL foob WAt4dtWftV A req=t fro= Gtorge Acho%u for Pd bv nio whoro othero havo ftttled. ohown lit Oadovicti. Thair calcodara aro .
I 0*90vx1try #AtA1_-Pict of S14* MhAlitm. Everyone, Voted it 4 - most wooldnotVA one porcont of Int4rost. teraWiorl of five months, cs ou 0 advantago t havo ovor othpra to bottacital wGrIto of ark 15 iu n doliatitiol I I.
I (-?,. ()WVqm 4e*",JJ,*,K#r1oOkxWftJt' imparts, - that *eudiox lightnew.- enjoyfif'Re eire,riffie. r T1111 C
, I �, . -a this 0 rCO!t tha S WfOritfitltl '-ell * I gkind all mv own lonnea. and no plcaouro to4owbat protty cardoesn bo
tor'l nad trota"We" W jk1disdoh. 06artorl"d of Tho tug %no, owd" Arrive that
6"tIA". .4 Ing Clioet4eleS in it Prof0j."Jon a I
O" JOAV& 6i Z 9 - The rMsham, Ill.. DemogrAt thair eek, bavinic la t4tv, tile odhoonot. R. I'L [tit, estro ed by ire, Ow rig mak n4l BOU2116 for 50- OAVOIODO iticludod, Thoir .
114.1t1l., tolklr. IT 1. WMA Oeadmon, 1" ftaft x8tandirl, and tow Dyknon a et:jcnef, aq IQ oulting opeetaelcif, It scoorboicilb at toyo Its vory wdlI eolcactl. r .
it-ic 1@0 at 110PAW.1mi cum hard*atft Sweetness 4nd flavor "noticed in the I . refers to A. formerGoderleft ItOV.* 01. IL w - rebuil $ SeAt to of , te uiroo veavo of study And hard labor Thoir tayo booka, atilea. 10jobor tcoluo, . . .
W; Mu"rrk%a(,G6derII Ont0law Cadgd*t 0qbWJJetibAV11344W.(Wfe9tof to the its t
a rt utribor Re I U. .
I rt�, L 'ALL - I 11L taTe, ablo to v f. 1� ..*
V =.A 41 I finest cAe, biscu rolls, cru-stai, swo oft * lats gfAduates of the 111ii, 460-110. Oil ue*da,y tbo Owen, loft, Orrea I ho ernsto at ro. honcy ellins ato POO sinicA vorfealy ovdy .
L .
� . .1 ft& " i I—— -_.____,, I IXY 'hois CollegIs ol Photography. lofb for the Ir-jvei,,, but the othor vpacef.i� will A letter train A. T. HollAtid, ag4la fraetto". You have 28 venro of illy, by all who 4va Ittou th=4 .. ,"
. 1%V*dhef&%T night f6P VaidostAir take lit) "Intel? bilithO.-Slarltan 1130 I& 4tMan4log cut of Canada raint ditperionvo, tit year cot vice, Came,ind Gift jj;,)S(V4 of Cholc4elasta I cW .
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borlow or No"A of, I ' ithert lit* $VAdns,tIe,4 In the Rlpt-Prlibry 144W-1131 ofteft tor ImOdCag vitalels, tn1tKTP bat had A0 fc-P02t tt=00111 W la.V virmilam, Toronto addrqq, t3. 6! efiotan tw b3at=P6 ut�mh 0 (:=�Tjoo- I
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I'll",,,'" of 9AV other le4wiLing a At clotoo with high boners, And ftlIto,jo ot-Itlit 13 it. 1:006M VOuncit. TAubo, 251 Richmond St., IV. choiconavla. Th,140=4wiltspovo"t�a�
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rpgardjnX tito I)nIlding of ter �,=mb,m. %*Jallsvo .
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I "a W. �' , X*& k0a pft** C-441" ctt= at," Utw# such K Xr, Unnetlo 6, AMP Yard, thdfa t*onld lip, 110 Units wd,s to to pay, caving mc-tivC11, Me gn huddmt ar;'t Way ;=^% All ktrm3
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