HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-12-06, Page 511, , _'# � . _ , , ft 1% ____._________-_____- I - . I _______ _g___ - _. . � , 11, ___ ___�,_.:_ - , .. N .. - 'I'M GODHHU)n ISITAX =­­ . ­­._..­­­.__. 1--.-I..." ­ �'. � ­­­... -..-__---_- I-— � ­ I ­ 111. I I I ,—.--Siwii$qqlmm dalik W - '. -w "A�- ,%- � . ___ - . -, , , . . ft"ft*4",c4 "41asio. iW8 Valaes %11..' ,r ot I UWatittl ta so � A ^ "­% . I . 0 lgv= . I '. W!tI*,= f, � I ''I , -h ' 111"irr I I Ix, , & = W'' .- -, "" eson 00n,41 1W lilth1=804 .,ista" I xel,f w * �1%1`* " it to to Perfamed , I , 9X$A , 01:111, Tt =M% = = to, , . SPEI I - L= =:4 Wo"10N. T�b* tot*- V#vvr 164 fire did we havit suvii 06 CIAL OFFERI NaS IN , t#4 14 visit Owil~k -" . I I I �"~ io ­" =tsd �hat Z*wGt oburetv. OYA tho WIDN VARIXTY, XQ4 *a I ' ��- �, 1, %tit tit Uw Oratatwotik� p(mxt*9k- C SALLUNT (111OWN, or all It , I �tll FURS AND FUR ,COATS. -loo. 1144 tmwil outtsuilor tbvV#I*0t IMUKING VAILVEK in 11A\J). tit* VmIll)"00k W*90`11, Ould that rfxa' HOUN J)1,'Uj'lJU& PAVXAOL46, ,sil I llw aahtittttl sels�wl isorylicotei And 4 , � we ci,uete' this week some extraordinary valnes in oovs.okmal. prsitte-hip tyi(** will be we 111svis .just '�pmka Out. for 046 (.()Ilatict*d 4,40ro. V1. J. Ja^xwoil obriotwito "*do. Lw. h4s, ana Men's Fur Coats from ottr loxge stock, We par- uipagne4laactim-pr* of North Kiqloso% All Prices from xw, to $5, 1. xcluh Isit ,*;I owitig to Ili health. His repipcita ,­_­-�, autee the qualify,of all our ftir garinents and sell e . ivitly. t IL wpx 4wropwi, *lid Mr. Malcolm, here fur garments manufactw;d by the oldest and most Tooswator, wpA,impoilitta suoderator Doult mi" W4 our exalu5iVis of tile vamicy. ,k deputittlon eon line# 0 - relia,bleFurriers in Canada. stating of Mosors. Porry. Woat *04 ,35c, $oc, 6.oc and 75C. Win. Diavr*on, was xPPOIntod to visit - I . I 11 Ladies' Astrachan Lamb Coats, jo Ladies" Arkrachan Limb C*pes, 28 Durigantion on D"embill: Oth, at 5t P. Flue Stiabou *44 Toilet W*toro, Inches long, good strie with high inches long. and full sweep, hand- Ill., ,in Maid to A, r*401"ttakelAiAt Florida woors. MO.' � d made of fine finmicla), ir"oon4ibiliti". It was 4* -_ � cut collar, f9riners satin lined, somely litied an elded that the Moderator of,p special ......... k - - -,� �. $:2.3..". skins, special * ...... # � $11,3�SO terv, 41ho old 1w tip pol u I od b eregtle"r iy; * . slimplo�electioll'i"ovisdolby TotAtion .k Cape$, 26 according toloduction. Tho Pr"by- I Ladies', Astrachan Limb Coats, 36 Mountain Bear. Blac , �� E I RICK, Chemist 11 t,ory urgod ministers w hold special 11 ipches long, fine curl and gloss� , inches long, full sWeep, lieAVII�, niottingelat,beircftgre;tittiontidtiritist heavy farmers' satin Jimd, and -lined -and quilted and commended. tho toloing winter, with w view ii.0 G."Iwal Drun St4rt;-"04611. q4llt�d, ind wear guaranteed, at for great wear,special, price resthing the onco"overted, quickening _ -,-!,-V - " ., __._____ _ _� . . ,,7,q the opirituAl life or thei members, aod The Qra.verlhurs.�`Rae aospftl � I I special ........ � ........ $2,5tool . 1 $61. d"'Pe"Illit lbo interest in the progreiiii � � � ., . of the 4iiwitom. of chtlat. Mr. John for oonaumpl;lvea . , � . I I 11ottoll *lio zpecorli,tneoded to tht RAUtor Ot TO* 0%1AX.- . I . INSMOTION INVITEM � Rome u3soloovoolulitteo forworkas I I .. � I I . . ­ I & cAtochist. It was sgreod to 43 Ist I nag Sir, ­444 login building of tile I . I Otskyelthpi4t Froe 110.ppitaot tilt Can- . Ille f0ruiatlofi,ilf4bi Weii'minliter . ­ ft - 1. ...,%,I .­mvd.1.0,1. anti " 1, , . ., Quild- tvrro-eltlership4 the Sablmth only a ti,plilt Aniouill 8vil,tKil FiqhliworKer-, lho pr000ttlon heen It.celved for f .Wo A C H E 15 AMO)3',N & 50-A-0 'Of reproentittlon in, the Assembly, tile rate Appeals Ave . I . - otc,,, at tboL next ppettrig of 1,`ell,,v* must Increase the V I tery'. to IW beld In WIriStloo), 01) jon, , S, � .oAi� Witt, 10 TOOK- M- � . WAthoilt delay, Cel. ".0 CHARITY OF ALL CHARITIE __,;1'%.(ir - - 11 � hwipit4flo.til"Ountr) TIE, . . - , . - __ , AvI)EN4010. I - __ _ , - , I 000d. NeAlIv evel'y. I I I . I 1:- i, . . I � I I � , I I .1. .1liesbyterrelork, troosioK requests tor b . . I I I I . � I ' I ,, _r, � men, wia�lorl wor4er THe CARE OF T"E 61CK CHILDREN. . _ unneceSsory to' Surrar from consumptive poo.ri . I . I . 11. .� .. -11 . I I � ­ wants tobe cured tot I I I ., I % I . I , Astbwa4 , , littlo'boy; a littioreeis I - ',This distroslog comphtfuti, too %. her young daughter, I wbat Tue "OsIpItAl for Kok "Ohildrep on Collogo Street, UrOliti), parfectly: cured by luba 1pir 04wrrbo, two vear old 11W Dono.'spit Is. 09ing 11or the:tAttle 810rotera . zoue,�* vegetable antl9eptIc tha t1hil. I 41t1tl fe, "I . -.1 � . I I , � �, trove tho I large fallilly of I I , � 0 `�Ni6 rr�vllleo ot oa,tarlo. , germs which �caulio tile be cur*4 for his' to � I I � . - 'A - ilittUIT111OZOrls, 10 % 161441 ' At,l - - - , - _ - I I . I dileikff �A, 1. , Ik 31kJ11111*401-4PV1=11= -,. e I -0 "No N - N _1 is - i i . I . I 1. ". Happy I I , Thought' Rang*es 4va Wu su*ft for tiotltrtt tooka sind the calreful Iloust,wift '111110 uIre stad 'W"et" the, Vs't 'Tt"07ts'�T1 11 I Axpv2p Thought X*#Ts am not e%petimetts. Theyllavel*ell Ustle in 150, , C4u.a ion homes and heLY4 bttu iiaitated, I)y Inom otovo 34sAufgctuxtxa tUik4 silly atIllor Rswgt. *k ; .* � , , Ztiy 4 V4*.P;r ThoosIxt, 701MI11 gem . � �Oalt,y . tuilt !Emjl_� sk a V.1mr, it you do* . *jssiis�kCbis"4,4hr �-', - �! 1_4 R. , I . Tho wra. A" . X01k Stove' Co.,, Lill,Ittod. B%,*U,t(Qr4 � voto w4*14watto" MW 44 IfultittlatVI, 0.144140VIN . . a* -"UX3X*Xz^.3%3M 'Thai Touchos the sj�ot , 0-0 . . . � : � —.Volt----, I , Mac-Leod'$ . Weak. & I m pu" re _W�64 - - - 6V5ten, , ILIver & Kidney. Diseases enoyator FpInal , e Complaints, U, , .. r . I . 1r; I . - Aik Druggist, or w6to. 4iroot to 1. U. MooLU01Y, goaerioll, Ont', - 1. L . . � . � .. , LLL __ ___ ___ 11 ill, . r . . . ; , I !Ill % 100 V= W= mom" � RoordbIloil sold IAlior&tot,r­Xew"to Stnoi,, the 014 Stand. in rosm of Knox 0butplio . . . I �­ _"rT"1F!RR"Wlv _1� " 1, 11 TI.P.- ., 01171 �.1_111-1­1. . . . , W !!=�­ !1-104-11'.11 .1 ­­ ..... . .__-.1.___- - .- ---1-1-- 111-1 ­­ _004AMON %)�X�-,,�� DEC 6, 19M, � . I vr*,b. A T T ", I ItSARNul 1,o�� -- - . I �.; Ou" Wit '$You ullik humbug the piio?�* to do W012004 I" M , so,osillod busitleas, Penile evidently isgroii With this i4a, juall tr`o"Z I %k* qv4lity of CLUTHINO thoy'palm vo on RU vastwPookot P%0_11-1 � ... , I - - I . .MaDy Pe'rsoas Hue Been Gught ' , Alvoitay by mice, stuoilth 44vorrisomento for ell#gp Clotbing, but, �oq ' I . , *ill 110tL be CAU011k here. I 11sVe detidel to &COrd1roAg lthop,�ihet_ __ � ---Air Oil 001, 1j4- , � (I - 4 1_- ­_j,­11__J1'jjj,Vj r , I *1' tj _1 . ...... I- _. ', I 11 , " 2(11 , ib aco 9 Ifte 0 f . I. a MIS . _ __ -1 botorp The rublic sit inieca POWI;r Osu 11to "011esp a,)IAU�l storgis esill ! ilall their shoddy. I I .� I �OUR REPUTATION--�� ­ I I 11 1�) S, PRUVI.-WT VITTING. STYLISHLY . I UADE CVAUM�VINTS, to %, holisollold wota iu Goderiph. I It . L I I . I 1, rVIE. , � I . 41 HAVE AN F. I ,", Its set, -. . � It . , . � V0,14104AVY MORNING I I . . . I . I � I I I . I . . ii Ave will a" on our toles s, linoor 00040 tbat for,VATAUZ asonot i , I , bO sPilrosioiNla"You-tartli. SUITINO ot every description, TAOUS. ­ � . , . VMINGS In ondlcHs variety, 0VLH00X111NQS of floost qo4lillo all � �, � up-to-date, %.ua of nowcat pattorna. '� 11 � . . . � I i , __ , $xr------ � .1 � Suits worth $16, $-r8,*1, . - 0 1 OW $J2,__$13X0­ $15-------- ' ­ � � Trousers and Overcoats at the 841ne 1)1,g, tempting . , . I I I reductions, . � . . . "YOU'LIA 1104 TO 111JART" 11 to got I first all I oice. . Call aud see 11te . . I � . , I I . , , . Goods-*ffalu do the rest. I , - . . I � . I . � � . L I ; ftecial-.Ladies Look Iff''ere 11"Wel"Arlial . I ANI , 11 I � I., . � . . I 0 I -fue !b I I, It nW WAI" aus wuny I � I �, _. - ­1i.lFrolo iip! . 71 . -.r I . I . ,� , ,. .11 - . . _ I the mouth from AVOT11tilleat ' aket, -C an 0 1111 I I ; , j I � 11. L, & . IN Jhbalej, 4,04 After er leAtIll the consuniptIveli And, unless help comes - , . . . I . . I I I , I I , (P WeVill itleci place, on our tsibles 100 pleces of S(j()T0H ST11TINGS : . 1� . I . I;_ I 1. . I /_-1 I , I ."I, a. it I I h I t h soon, six clikId.ren will , Ile orphans N . . I "I hu. AI .a P, R .X A -11 ana homeless -. a joltrIf 'heroic _19ITNI � fir . I . . I . � . f I � - , I '1� Ir 12.0, . I . Ili lengths suitable for LADIruS' SUMTS, in endloss viirlaty of now* ! the. wntrIts. It attips the 001:10j, struorgling, to varrij iii I, vivit tor last, 0 _. . �,� fift I makes breatthig rogular, anit eirvAl. I � � -mother -and hometf, xv. now a con- , *_ , elst pikt4rus. Tb� Prices will be OUT'IN TWO. Don't iMiss this : . . elites the astob"in so thoroughly front I . ! I the _ SVistpoi that 'SumptIV4 and destitoO -; A youliv trials , �. I � . . it neyer ,returns. !�. 11 L obetteQ, latl'efl�ouqti 'a 14 1'rethne- I giving bilk'Jibsto Oil rL All InvAlld ..... . . . " � Don't sufXer from Asthma. use oat- P You I , 11 " HEAD . urrhoz60eAV*III�))peediIr 1 mother and sister ARM 41trivelf & vie. , . .. ... i�, I I - , core vou, -trm;ot oisleviriblel vcourge,� Theia I L I..,., 11 -.1 I I , � [Arge outrit $1.00. Small size 24 cents I ,..,. ... . � , .. . v 14 TA -, , j; are qn1ya, fewvt the hear breaking . . I . 1. 1, . � A 11116 . I � , from Poison 'AEpeals'. fop. help, We are =nd-ent .. -I' ill ". .1 I N I P R I DH- -AM ­­ lidt6r. DrugglKor br mail, . . � DEAF I , � . , 11. . 01SES0 � I I Coo 41"gatoo" Out.- it ... solotely upon tne, generosit� Of. , I . . . . . . � , , , . �­t � . barievolent'lleoplo to provide for lbeoe I I I AI*L CASES OP . I ­­ _4 ­ � 40 A - "..-WO.-L. I . i � WEST',a,D'J�. I �Olq 'rAUXERtSl� IN-� suffeltits. Wti ask tile iubstATILIAl' I STI I Ullkld. . I -, � of ypur roaders, In this boor DEAFNESS OR HARD ,HEARING 6, .. I .. . I . I . �Voplca. "Yj�clussed. T0110114alxlleol sincerelyi I . I ARE NOW CURABLE . I . . — . � 1. . I14A1LWR,JAXvs13RowN by our new invention, Only those born dft(-'ar� lucuratile. Ot YOOF. 8kat68 00 ., �. . I � - . I -Below is. a. summary,of the addresses Secret . : .. I . =_ ­_ . � Natlozi4i sanitarium a." tlation, � � . . attho recent meotip oftlie a �� EAD NOISESAEASE IMMEDIATELY, . Weil� Horon'Pasinere' Institute I- JEW, IVY V.4 -14 -, I F. A. WERMAN, QF BALTIMORK, 6AVes . we always Lead In . . . � . , IV, B, -Subsel4ritions, money orders, �. � I)ALTIA101W, Md., March 3o, 1901. . . I � Dr. A, 0. URI of aeorgotown, on - this urgent chailty . . "Horse Apreedingtorptofit'%.said in lilt. cheques., etc., tot Gopelkwen: -Being entirely cured of &�ruess. thanks to your treatment, 1will now give you � . � may be sent to The National Trost atiAllbistop'lolmycas4�,toj34i�sed&4tLyour tserction. 4�v 19 , renjarko that be bad always heard About Ywo para ago tn.,� right tar began to slog, and this.kept on getting worse, until I lost I pron con W, I 06wpituvo Limited, Tteasuper. �� King My heativir in t is ear c tl"E I ­­- ­ 1. _ "., - %k 1'r `1'2"r -v of ,all .kinds. oizesr. " Tbare -4�.7matvz , St., East, Toronto; to .Mr., NV%Iter lundorwesitatreatrn ed -6 spoke of A4,b.#Lvjpg good [lent Lro; catarrb, for three months, without onvouceek-% copsult ftnuiu- . I 11 Was A time when any' James Browa, tip to the Editor of this b�r of physicians. among, others, the roost ontintut ear specialist of this city, who told me thaU , t Ing would sell, now, quall�y. w^s"all gica Would I I I L . . . � � L . . I . I " I I I t at, .brought';& pripe..'.111 breeditig paper.. - . 10 I I I I and have 'the Largest and Best Assortment of . . I I ourtreat. . L _ � I . I . I I - I Ok[L� msk'j VlkjAt2jjt crosses. If YOU ' ' I I - Asco. and I I - I . I ve a el I , re maps breed lault roll . I I ­ r .. 11 �. I In ber I - . I ­ 11 $1 SKATES, in Town. . . L 11 . I , line. -A dato witti � a. ptillgree hits a - L I .. .. .. , Md. . I � I I I'll, ,� ­­ -1-1 - _ I better, chance Of having good oOsOring . 4 . I ��.-_­��:­. . . A - . L ­ 1. I - - . ­ .- than oue.,equidly ais,,goctl withoue 71, ion. 1___-=_-1 _ -- ' " I I � . . I'�. I . I .­­ �_ .- ­­ ­ . df ­ _, _11V _ftjepljug� alto, _Aj*ay�rL , I . BUIU_ . d a 114iluillat - - I I - . . pv( I I I . . . ' ­ ,: � _­ , ' I . All Inattfutioli that requires About poill Is made, Uospital. work cannot 160=ne tbab,wa,s ,Oyer-Ilkyelopw " "11i`diJ!1,11:1.tI(*r4_v'o` YOU CAN- CURE YOURSELF -AT ROME`3�:` coot. , : 434iOGO A yeArfor jn�alntonauce, an In- becarried on wi I tlioltt.m I cosy. tnterest I wltpi,,�.aallk 1�vas deficient. , I . D ' -- - - INT OUTLBRY AND SILVERWARD. L 1: __ -'-. ­ ittlititUdn- tU%t dep,dads 1,011 auPpOrt­9Ij­ �Qlt mortgages has, tqbepald, - An -00y, �, ­­ d, ,,,, _, - th,, _ ,, , _09 FPIATI11�10 AURAL GLINIG, 696 LA $ALLE AVFL. 111110AGO, ILL. . . the Awd0sa of the genprous V.eopli? or , of Vorkers'liss to'llv�, Nutses"40raes Imspeaking-It file, isensvo I o r' -on every platage ei. . _"�ftf I - I I I _� __ _ I- �ST AMPORTATIONS of - � tile -province of Ontario, 'must needs tics, oMelMs ar . e . all Ullman, . They, stoislit6oftih or. the'Dr. Aid it 4643C I . __ I . __ . . . 11 11-1 - �.. I PIAASE NOTE THIS PACT. I P McDevitt, of Lucknow, It We'liave on order one of tfie LARGE � have ,conslderable� fAlth )a the IOW, -,W31 their WU$�O,wbether theY live ID (roil) tiating turnip topo clover, ft,. -be. L. '" GENUINE .ENGLI�li CUTLERY and SILVERWARE ever brought 1. - bought a two-year'ol pacing mitre In . came bloided, in t4a.abseri,tie orn, voter. � -0 Mount Voiest. a gmild to Goderich, and We expect It to arrive about December ioth, and - . . aftettiorkaltd generosity of the people. or ouf of t1io Uospital. I . . Grip I , -daug ter of . While the Institution 1% located in L joary 4on't hesitate W Qlako an 4VPeo- Qidnilze That we are fully prepared to supplv A Imildred And twenty children pqr' . I � I � voureverywaritasiaras puts drugs Vlaggle arouith, the us r Wit we can.advisck all purchasers of Xmas. Cutlery to wait and see I - ,day -yes, in. some, mq4ths a hundred Ing with A kulfe M,611ow the gas to 4vo- nerned. Clavqful Blare which Mr. 0 vt t 6 I four the values We offer. . b e u Ih e 'ed � d "i " Ore er- h he""'a" e no ` c" New I L V " 4 11 or, It" I r 4 en on ace c y or * V 11r, 11 I y hc� M'e ao 3 a ' "' , I Id u r 0"' , I '� I en 4 Y4 u "' g Ob dil- .." "Ic".1-c" I 4 0 4 used it only . few do � 'I it to �r U . 11 I � it, - .my h . J_ .-' . v .,� " . " a, -ec I I , 1�'h� I.."'d _� h.. cla e. le y rest. � ' h ' '� W * nijt! ft.'I I .y 2 liortil y and be to __.I. - ,ruI v-" '. , - - I 0 O', t, a "I A. V LnMAX .3. a. U-11w.y. ti-Ith.- -a$ , eat "'it 'I'.. ,Wt i"t ; �"., l'itl" 7�6 "'. ,,'aat -'o"I"a, L . � . famo I 11 Toronto- its work is e$�entlajly pro . escape, Admidister it purgative. Jt jablets triA medicines are co , a t I vin0al, rt ,Adraits got only alldrou, and torty--ouge It *as A hundred 0,44 (,ff fev,4` and mouth dty, is � suffolping - � I I .1 . %nd accurate family dispensing is our years ago to Mr, icks, of Is wet, � . I ' . : frdla the city of Torouto',but from Afty-all' these to, 'look .After $tile, 'TILO ,396-d CUX-400 forte. We coutinuallv aim to please who shipped her tothe Old ntr I =� ev�ery city, town, v1page fivol Impaction of 8tomAcb, give a,do4e tuat I - r,- 7- ---'J I and liamlet, ,care for, Thirty nurses coatinua][13 otsalts and.procure medical assistance. I,__-- I . � . lop patrons in t%ro great essentials- there she won the five mile re or of . 4 yes, from every spot In the -Province at, *ork. A hliLlf-dozeu , malds wlth . I I the world und when -last sold brought (]IVe , " of Ontario, . � I � I brooms and dusters; cooks and tablf It.choking, don't tty to push U01ya L - - %lity and low prices, , . 9 $75.000. L Us a Call. Our Prlce$�-are Right, and We'll .. . So vbft yOu give­-be'your givIlug malds- to J)repare the food and sdivc wit!) Whipstalk ,or- ftlt-Uharldlo, locate Sold by S. 9, Riok,�Goiicrlcb, ' � Our, stock of - Toilet preparation . I largo -or small -It gofig for the benefit It. klerks In the.office *ho,wqrk IIXE . the obstacle au(j Move ittirirg-nd down . . I rvill Interest you. . The Alos ( Tr6at You Right. 0-- - � , � - . . " beavers, typewriters who tapthe-ke�e lit possible, pejur to little oil very L ' 1. PAINE'S CELERY COUPOUND. t Populnr PUL -The f pill In L_ I ,. of every child Of the Province that Is � carefully or take piece ot"ga:rden hose t Unjor Woodside, now at Ottaw;t. the mostpopular of all formso medi- admitted and treated. ,' L . .peaking cine, and of 119 tile most r �_= I .of their mathinea forhours a day, an of the Yukon, says .- "As Painclo CeIery Compound is -the 10pular ave � made, because, swering slidaves of letters, Proil"I" and try to push,doft very g6n try, If � toroartculture, my,jilvestigatlons this Vegetable Pi Is,' because This, statement , lif It9till stlas call in's veterinary at med=.yov should use when you - eceasioudl-refervoce Is made to the accounts, watching ,every doing III the once" L I I I . .summer show me that many small lack energy, when the body is theydowhat Ith asserted they can 110pital ;is s� Toronto Institution tot Inimense building on College street Prof -114 Reed,"dimph., on -The fruits, many kinds of vegetables. Goorly nourished. when vou are weai, do, rind are not put forward Oil any ALLAN & McIVER . Ttij6nto pidlerits, whereas every slek thatnover closes night or ilay-All the pl%rhcularly cablaige and ttirillps, .is ,�undown.. despondent or sleepless: flet4tlotls claims to excellence. They � I child , In - Outarl . o hag"the,sallIff rights year Tound-a hive of. two hundred education i2ith. home,"sold he did not well as potatood, cats, etc.. can be pa;nols Celery Compnund braces the are cainpact and portable, they are The Leadinx Itard%yaro Mon. 'PlIONn 57. Honant (iocda at Iloneat Fricou and. prIvIleges' as, those who, live people, small and laro; A little to ' believe in,the�breaklnK'of It horse ttnv =,guj,!ces,§fuIIy in the Yukon, - easily taken. they do not nauseate Vor .. . wil 4 id ,nerves, strengthens the liver and kid wit1du the shado* of the great red , fferlrl� tnore- than lie did Ili leaVing a child till farma are springing tip ,tevs. and cleanses the blood. gripe, and they give relief Ili the most _pIle doing whnt It can for God's su . on Colleke ptreet. I ." little ones , , ' L . , I _ , - -, ' - he arld-expect him to, know, alt around 1)awiion and on the Stewar t stubborn caaAg. _______________________ L � ' - =9=131,1. brother who had been W. 0. Goatin, Druggist, Goderi;h It costs About $34,000 per $eat, or. -a True, It Is; that some have tA pay , ',- River. gay grows rankly and 19 well dollar per patient, ly6r dliy� to mgliti� . �00, till, whocau attepil It Are expedtod trained- or educa" or cAttle and hors . Out- , Iftm childhood. - suited I so. We have CondnctoO Sam Han, who ran so ' a great co, � I "Phe -Fr " and Pickling Season talli the Hospital. - The"Gavernmout to'Day-but those who cannot pay Arid Stnft tbi'idocatl6n'j�f a horse when it untry there in every way.' long on tile Goderich branch of the -& Uit Of, tfiaL province gives about $7,000 A call produce the certificote of 4 clergy, few days old.- leall'bluji. tie him up,get ., Slips of Authorsi - . 0. T. R., has been given a pnpsengpr - I , year, or nosirly eighteen cents .per. man or known ratQpayer of the pro the colt -accustomed 6 you'and to � ItYour friend. Atria, —, is looking run between Stratl�rd and TA)n On. I Yen .typq. 6 riters sometimes 1k is again here, and we can sell you everything . heag, In other words, per patiefit'Ver, Anbe to� thb'Offftt thitt they, tire tot' him. When a Yeal Or &'Year 'Ind It Much Improved in health." � bb is Even experience& w do astounding and fila place oil the morningZU'll, � it %I halfold get'lom accustomid to bArness & differant'wom^n. We persuaded bell =Ak6 their characters hits been taken ny Conductor urney. you want at close prices. Ili making np yonr . day, This timount Is all dipended In ,poor, ,to �plty, can bliVe mainte a er and bridle, let him lrumin stAll or Ijad- to try Millet"i Compound Iron Pillo, fthing.s. When Anthony Trollope 'plo- - . maintenance. Thor oorvot4tiou. of the and treatment free of -charge., dock with them on. *In speaking to, _%vith the result you obaeyve," Borne tured Andy Scott as "oomins whistling list, renieniber that STURDY - & CO. carry City of Toronto does oven more. It It all could bar thero.would be 'no hill, use &ill tow wotdo.as possible. ()tit% When your buoutega becomeb irlt- . given $7,500 per yowbi eighteen cents need ,to appeal for money, but eighty othera way be good, but without up the street with a clirar in bin only the Cleanest,, Newest and l'-reshest in all L tell hio*hat )roll -mean and ex -'p Compound Iron 1`1119 inouth" be proved that he had nover sense and distasteful. You are not � per head per day, And, this too goes per cent, of the worIg Is free work for hill, to doit. Tt!1jcb bit" to, go, Pee doubt Millet I c 0 are the I �ents. Fot Wade persionil experiment at the double well. Milleea Compoond Iron 111118 r lines of Goods Irept in a. first-class Grocery. . towards the malutenaned; Bot only, of the children of t1ibse who cannot at. )est. 50 do4es 205 will inako it a pleasure to attend to . , � '. atop, go steat , *to,, is ore A tebing, t side. by fill 4ruggis I tacit of smoking a clear and whistling , L Toronto patients, but for every patient ford to PAY. Iwitys lit It to something Strong. L , - t.�- I hosiness, and greater proft will result. In the HoSpital, to WAtter-from, what Valley a greAt family of u6arly one I a tune. Itobinson Crusoe also per - L fifty slok tldldrbn. YOU handle gent y. and %viten Ones hittelied -_ p,,,t,milars of the estate of the late formed a Tnoit . w4onderful feat. When Thev stiniqlate and strengthen. 25 Yet, and, thl8L Colfftfibli. d cents for 50 doeca. For oale by all part of'the province the littlo-olto may hundred- And tip ecp�at it, but not too tnuch at ir- STURli—Y & - eome from wbo have had perhap!� one of two ta k . � " Y. Clarke, Wallace, filed at tile Bill-. he decided to abandon the wreck an CO. Telephone 9t own home e. . I ingate Court. Toronto. show thatbp try to swim ashore he took the precau- 11111991stil. tion. of ,the emotoLtiod, is Increased by sick little ones at. your . J. T' tion to remove all his clothes, and yet _____ -_- from $4,000 t* KOO donated by Ott. thekeforo'know tomethino of the. work. Ron . Garrow oil what he called left at) estate vailued at $34.000. Of I ________­ ­ � - _.. - ---------- the .mttltitolance but vben you visit Toronto dropAn ..FamiliarlaWin connection wtththe $15,WO wits in real estate in by some otranue magle, of which th A Great Man and a Child. . , , ,.Ide�ltlf 0, hotoe," sAldif a man Save he �lillllltdbridgp., Ottawa. and Manitoba. secret has been lost, the author malt'.16. of all pstionts, to Eiy Aothing ot the and see what they, are doing to wir will give voii $100 for year horse and with small holdinva In Montreal. him, when in this condition of Nature, 1 $4-,006 eantributed yearly, by To back little ones from the gr&ve� FURNITURE. UNDERTAKING. people, the foilhilers. of main Ined it -would only weary the retWerto go . will tokd him liway next Week. your. Tokirorito Jiuicl,fop. Vaughan township. fill his -pockets with bWult,s. N hit; roultrilocancoa of 11araco and named cots In tilt- building. . horse Is n6v said. Must vivo i oney, etc, The , rsonal property Is $10.000, The great Shakespeare had a trick of Greeley In tho "Youth'd Compan- on with more story. . This year a giant ,, " .lintes. dahts. lonlip" series of Rpeolloctionst. of __ - ff`.N�161iik-z406 't-b-cre it mutrAct Or folk eArticle delLymmiL. -atid-Ust4cM mnr!tgl ' - Introducing -the MOB!, Arlitrina kr I -- r - rii- � -h uryorr ._ _ 'ftring'Itz Itteiiiiiei'l�46-ndtDlUt-li-a-!�' eff6r � I kainditis , d1to , isrCia handled 11,000 lodoor patients And of e its to be kept, etc. The w dew Is petitioning tot niants. For Instgrice, be inaken i - debt. Every dollar of thla dout hundt. after #old it is at the buyer's risk. administratiolt(.. strike in ancient Rome at a time, more oays that Groeloy could bear a* J. Brophey& Son, I these -4,000 were cured, limi!11,700- were caps the Trustees. Every dollar sent Priee hits nothing. to 06 with warrant- .,.,.- - than a thousand yeara -before clocks great .norrov., or cL groat disappoint- Impr6yod. Of these-sud please note In belpt to lighten thd load that Is ry, To avoid trouble after, Always put . I tAtIP-4.761 came" from 1,205 places Ili . vrare, Invented, whan such an event ment with the fortitude of a atolo. but being -carried. .. conteiici;, in wsiting, using vour own VIPALTH, 9APPITiESS, HEALTO, would certainly have -been the elulath triffine annoyance %yould provolto Are tile ploneer F urnihire Dealers and Undertakern of this cection. and as nxitstrio. and outside the city, of it every readef would setId but 'a words. Speakinggenetally anyt.bin wonder of the world. Toronto� ) . I . tint to an outburst of wrath that Wan during tile, par4t quarter century will rontinue. to Nu ry tile best gmdn at ttin dollar what a grand futid ,iduld - be i.fint Ititerferex with a horse's usetuf i A pwon may have wealth and Quite regardless of the evidence of simply childlah. The death of big Uttlo njoat, reasobable priceg. Just unw we have annie ,qpeeial values,in Leon Ten �-ilzrx ago the Hospital eattled it raised In w few Weeks of time. Let nem or look* Is atruttsoundnes Wisdom, yetteel 3nost aejeotealle. ffe0gralilly, he transporto Bohentla'to boy, bla only and idolized son. V.ras to Rockero. and Diniiiq Furniture. Wi, earry fiat n I tiro for overy bou.1M111111d heavy burden of debt,! ­The bUlldItig ,avtry Ono who can Apate a dollar, send J. N, MeRenzie spoke at St.8'Heleng 0c so pav vou to call and aeo our atock before buying. . and Itstfurr.lablugs cost $156.000 *,nd of it to nougles ritividson, the Sboretary� on "Leaks oil the farm." Farming cause ofAn tomis, orgottertil debuity. the seaside; and he Introduces a print- bim an 4,,vful blQw. No man Qan knoNv n e ity, mild It, will 4 thq U5 A00 Wit(I Paid by, the rorporg� , Treasurer of the Hospital, or, to J. ,,O�d%v V Health 4na liappinem are assured Ing-prew Ions before the 4ays of Gut- what agony the stricken fa%hor ollently I � ftse, buigneas. Ventured to enberlf. He calmly Introduces a bit- tndure4, his grlof coining the 4ropli of , tloq 0.1 Toronto and $90,000 by W tit[- lloss Robertson the ChaIrman. of the not thirty farmers in At.lifleld by using "Climai" Iron Tonic Pillst Hard table into Cleopatra's palaod, and b1s heqrtla blood. put a typographical zenp. Y4pxr bv,yoar tho debt bag beon Truat. Anil plekso rend, it Ili at once, 11%1-ld tell what they made every vi'Lar. whichme.kenew rich blood, elasnia makes cannon familiar to King John, blUniler, espeelally if it -aoro In onts of . rodileoill Arid It In now down to $13,000. tor,even. the best of Us Art prone to Not aliviLVA tile 16an that - ::-�_. Undertaking and 'ro Oftw ih- ItIdAttldnet,01 tltfq :ill -1 'eirqvt otir b0t. Int,eliflong, -tho 41st M �Aua �ne up the. norvos. ' -*lid his Varons. 140 own writings, drovo him Into 0 ....."-w , - __., - nAidesb does the best, as fitriliels Akre B "Ji CIX 6oritalus ten 44ys, treat- a Thackemy was no mean rival to spasms; then his maledictiona on the -0 . _____.... - ,tit too Jealous of exch, other. Perhaps hakospedre In vAgarles of this kind, offending typenotter and prootre-ailer - 1. . Titere are eases tit consumptloti, so A Liniment for the- Logiret.-mg, we PtLy too, 'ibuch taxes, Not tit# wo* - -Prioq 2$ conts, at ial drug., .but In his case they appear to have were something bloo4-curdlin* to lie" 0 . � . far advaiwod that Bickle's AfitiiCotr- gers lead a 11M which oxoosot them cotioells; probably. hot [be system is * I in . or M%064 on VabAlpt of prift been the result of pure c4releasnesia anit Ono morning he wont swiftly down I multIplive Hythp will not, vore. bob to many perils, Wounds, CUt4 slid tAult. Stitt oto be--_-�o is a gr6t, leak l'n ' r forgetfultiens, The most fl[tirrant cana, to the "Tribune" office to flnd the cool- voi(o so bad That I.'-, Vrill not give4blief. bralses cannot W Alb)gether, Avoided the fit ria. * Mt. MeXpuzie vald that, Ill drokil.0 Thd D9, JW UadWe . perhaps, Is xyhert, aft4ar bil ing Lady pooltor who lidd mado a bad error In I 1 Embalming.' For c(oughs. rolds and all riftetttons of In preparing timber tot, the drive a nil ill$ e4erlence III Yhe council- lloth " F0,1.111(ilIgltid�, 011it. I Xew and effectively d1sin't.sing her settiriir t,ho types for Ono of hin editor - the thioat.1ungs and chest. Itis a in 'river worle, Where wet and ettle ujunicipal anti countjt., that; tho day of -, I from the story, ba brings her to life I&I articlo3 in tho Vapor. laoundtnr We live It-adera in Undertaking and 13nitialiring ,every requirement iq specific Willett hastievirlwoft k6bMi entribined are of daily experionce- 4(atotelaboecould ritsve beentloqefor - � s(galn to help him out with his Plot: upitalra Into tho contDosing-room, with kept It, vtOrtc-thn aervirp we ,tive cannot ho Purpanged. atid the pticen ate ' 50c, stud In some lobt,anceto lWivag 41V . . . . . � and In othar Orissa his capacity for blue fire in hin e7ers and shaking the alwayarennonable. Night and day ealig receive everyattontion. to fall. It protootes'afr6e 464 ea*y coughA And toldA had muscular paillp ,�'Lvt. ,toriatlloa, ttlerefiy� removinFr the e b but britue, Dr. ThoujW iti was vrorth., All bridges of, 20 00 . r mixing up the ilamos of his Characters vapor folded across the patro to show e%p#L I , L fg confusing, eonalderin$ %he number the offence, he shriekod, "Ghow me the ptilegm, and gives this diiiioaged partli st, W,',nl.,n',,'t'.1,011.b,,,,,,Ii,,I to the Injurtmi 'tud over sho."41 Ile built, fly tbn cn, t1tv The a * chanco to beat. . . � or &dmhrfK*i*d . tile afflug"arotki., iod a good praicticoll mat's appollpfed to . lie Introduces. maul Show me the men that did thinl" J. Brophey & Son. 11 � L - L �� 'wooders. . over"d thism.k " tv . Loildon Oally Miallis U46 In spite of his careful- The error had alroady been made a ' I � L - ovitire bf brood tomrs ltmtl,�Pffi (oil). I nesit, makes the WorIL"hing statpritent topic of 41scusalon In the offlee, and the __ - - - __ � � - . Ajer. 1&mh,r"1ra oftlollett. hits Miss Tena, 8prunr. who TK At pre'seril -hv, Dr- 14- 3- We ,p6d to her L .-.----- Ifi,one of his z0vels ("Lourdes") that culprit, a very old man who had been I ,-"- __ , �__ - , me -a Somas, 1011111mi" bought thri farin on tort. 1, knovr* tit teachinKIlt the'Kile, MbQof, halt bor" during 010L wirttv$ : light extir IIIIII-W the deALf and dumb recovered their With Mr. Greele7 on the "Now Yorker" the old Milannoti, farm, fri , r I IF, lion. 'hearing and eight. an evont WhIeb aa� and on the "Tribune" ever exter. came PXX.VV_k*_-X*- v�e5e-. �)ev. 5e5r.)�ry<nene 4 [Ito tit" IN1116 engaged br. soh6ol *L-eti6il No,, % ch4e 10 jifr"� "'Vi exer - of, $M; AbOVOL )&It thlriga do ,e estate. 16 W691sts of 10 acres,but fitilleft, forli)(12. atg salary lot oite barsh 1. � ur. 1: vots Very much of the trilraculottz Out from behind his easo and trenig.. - _ there Ar6 no buildings lot tiny Account, She is Well tpok6ft of. M ,, r. G. W. 11011tt;ierit, It ImssiilYe Jet ,toare stud L — lonely pleaded sulltV. The e4itcw. _ I - r I psono , *_� , __ FLQC�-01-nL18I!:- �Iw-. 11 , on the, place-. the priety pald wits *ZAD- Shore, the pt' 'printipal. bas tell, "lit' three Or f(J)" 91""th" lit open sess"is" 'R 1: ' Teacher -If you can irat a bun for a atanding thoro in the full halatkil and 0 choppoiloit,ta,mo Ingandevi,ning,,and n _071_% which iss2MIt-sittian wh&tW",pdld ,keei,pied, at, ,on agelovilt with the _,.Iurp After ,ftp:1111firr feed well otrength of hin manhood, looltod (low 1, m halfixenny, what can you get for a 1,,n. -DAtle. . Var-pai, board. a agboen lecolving � for it by Mr. t � upon the little old man with a startled . - .-----.O--- � I , a salary of I 4hole vats lks nllwt. Train to, hAter P L 88 I . . sy? jolinny (eagurly)-.& tija-calio7- air. dnd then, turning a=7. iuvlte4 � I I I "-a._,-. before wpatilov , Never lot bills kna %1, . "Plok-ma-Up.­ anybody, In thq office to *lc% ttm 11 I . Iry to refid the tfttl- Motbev drayise �Vorju gstermlopttor I t, will y1n, ft n Plot. Iteed Paid a Two O'Clock'Witlon, A it it, "Ir 1:1110""t . lbanials to, Iw vonvine0a 1110 A4116- 1144 the ,largest 0416' ot any SIM110 fe"I'va 4*10rd', ort, the transportation of . L intri .(Greeley) 4otmistalra. , . np'c %varth 19 Gure to I ' e Itedwayn road Ito ,� Into Catioda, The- class & AoftL IlMed iii oiler or lati-r. Thin% ln,',,,� Of h1a educatko.n. Mr. Greeley sal(j it �,."t'.'. WAVItt CNon; oura Is onotialtildd for the, prerints tion sold. to CanadA. $�E '�waa pickod up by the way." It Z3 us. �','.�.*, ) I ramovitt0fdomit, witilts. tte. It to 0" giveN satlAffietloft by refitotl6l;r heiii1w was I erfoll. We elldwt, want, thellit, 6OAlk advortimpg . .-.*"%�� ... 4 - I I ".. .. 01.' - I � U ' I"R Iteen "ll"XtritVaga"t 11tral that ono wbo know b(m kh6uld ­ . . ..., fint)[1 cointgote extingubibe. �i ib the, little folks, The fly to slop It, Wits to sitip huy OR. 17 W."..". -W OfAIIII01'14 04)II11)(11111d 114111 I'llin. till , .." ,-,. . I- �. �� .1 I I I I , . q'i- A-0 110 orolilablo Too 14111all ;? A __J ilarlaw hesiMinvo followed liv I.X14U. or- WoDdeir what %*Lrol�,r Of Wan be migut � .l."10 I 'I. Ajs.� - . I 0 UaVo Won If he 444 beon tralnod and Ni*!� , ..� . .. .%.. I atediluirt-Illents"blit )(1twillinlarldrig, I , . �1�10ilk rot. Reed ttp(,ske on "Peeditig "RyfAP , . . !, �W_)W��*"_1311 ' . ' craft" Ilemaidthat lJoibesof sanio ­ . itilopearilto tip pl,.'t(,v well hilit-In, Iplineil in q14 Iriatitution of learn- . �1,1 "' ' " , to'. Ile Might havo been a vory much 9 , w�"e I �gh it do, not alWaVd eat the Sallie ' r le ethe f � . ;I 1 R, I / �8,gbt ,is published creator man, thintra Mr. nroolco; and , .- I '�o - �60* ,We)gbtofhAy, Ilousefiftorlight,*ork Thl4 01044 11"U"I'lldling lit) Ilia ovatf-m and CIIII'llig t'.1 Pn"o'o . , I � 0 4 * �IA' EX610SIVO X" tspi�elftlly for towns# villaget; Bljisilaers..�*�, MMWA�� or 4ritingdo hett,et 611 bay twive it diseakied ieAtilling from poo � ."'r an I I 4,nil ri;ral 414tr r blood. than. too, his.raw rocoAlrect; miglit not "I . 114A to W.9storn 23 voltm Air ZO dojea, For tusle isy all I have bomi ro nl,ong and abundant .n* � �/ ,"If, arid their only Whitt will eleall"Il' - ,�#� , WORKMAN. 0 i� 13ftoilles 9 pleasure ", I , blitgria, j,jill gn fixtosinion Dvskl AlloltAys tho Pot, oftAswtilti ,Ohp t in till hour stid a Imif. Clenn, out it, 4tves all the" uavus up to drugalatp. der a iolloiasile rule. . I fjot Its volip Onlee. ;�, his b"a romarked many tlmes�abll t out 4,6oget 11 MAng6j'aftor enting. 011jilt keep Ilay on* OvAWIN each 44y, . —.4--- Wbon he Wan a lad of nino yearn Ito I I _ , , Y� Stott., 41*aysi betotv, file Iss,voo. the digootive TelujIng . tortl li, 0=1411n, I Was oftered froo tuition in the acadovay � .1 " 1110410. I a full Swint dive orSistit, At the DIViGIOn (11111ft M 131"1090's T, at Exeter, New 11ampahlro. lits Dar. ­_ _­ ;; ! it Ittiolat i1sts, We- -Are I , �yt; It K out orgas,r ortisr#of, AboutllbiDtbily � loor pan, Lattfat Ucal Atfid @Kvt* runnis, eft-li.. tmom Goods. -tind yoft stris JnV pxedytO c0ftle to #voryr,100 firtot horseld genefaliv I 9 rarthig. Ill. Mesituglitorl. Illediml Health onto dedined'the oiler, partly thraT.tga . , � , In Arid seft them- It* Ill HOV W tIt1!ftf4sftv coniodered CoNeet. PlefOr chollf)(4i It to'Ate"s 0101; to twOlV6 0 -$7 Otir Tools and every hich of our 11ardware, valit able tittle. . Illeer, ig going I -lie town im -'MAj for, prido, Mr. Groeloy 4botif4tit. althoultu . Tho &11 TdWioml (30 to purchase eithor, but If yqd with. %va will opits, If wovicivp. vnry hatil would vax�,* Ave days & week. "d Itte'lleal attendatien (is Alex. Vor-ylh norninally bovango lits T30tilov W068 on - Geo. POrt( . put Itaide Anything YOU Ab*Y 010t until t-ather givotant, te stlm,i the four awwon vages on gettorday, 3%ritt (alolly wlikki ill Wall typhoid willing to ]part with him at that tendor so far ar, we can coinniand it, are of the t)est _ , lAftt No'? aver. G Ili you do roiltil". galiong lit three fcodo, . Sitaw and Italf-tollo and othor 11100tra. fbVep. __*_ 0,jo. Z,,atpr ill life.. opoaldnir ot this materials onlv, and, in the bands of a good 104'b Our Art CAlan4a &i1a ftipike goNt tatioua fA)t Idle littises. pe ear evpry L - " ,,Ary vttrltur"over.' Nothi ��ott will go into , flonit of important dolnffs and 'ng. ta luro to ONTO ain academic courto of worlctnan, *00 *4('W**-- to tutpot" 014,10 Note Ito tit (tied an idlo hotgo, aiiig- 31ky. LiMping. Limp. I Instruction, ho Daid: "I suppose I . icog ranat. from SO to 8ZIA. (at i5ils 06" only. , I aut I an - IT" ii� . rr , food of XtAirt berilro's hfkr4 dav's work. T116 Maturday, taltlarl 41pua Is Front rornnp. Xa live"'Iltv for oftht to h8 ftovrr, T , ,not,cauch.# . . 11 I (1wrif I I It Vott warit 4a lie 'goild tor him wait *Grth the prIC6, thttt. Ptjtt)jjhea 1111111leta (!c.ru V,,%-' Mr. Oredosr afteebod eontompt too � A llkl�`,;Ilre!a' M11131'es Mmpaninv. .1pirsiZe rilk Is, 4,1110+ though 8"Itscriotions recolvoil itt atar T V4( � 'YIELD THE BEST RESULTS, . I f the 0 tilt the dwplk w, _t(;r jVjjjjjVVq 1111 r j,(,ejlq'jtjj�j,0 or'� Colltea.(AU(,at"d 1110n, and %Vda A4�cus� ,_ _ orA In 4 nx* ii't-11 never feed a *11010 WPM lor % vell "10. Add"09-�p 'MA110 lit ofifflit twority-faill, ImIlrd, tomod to Gay. witil cob'It awph=ls, "Of � �' itliwa ti apectal , oustot Christmas, slid t4t tired I I 1,04 As a toile, Wnfiet VOlon Ik I'llia 1; 1,0;ahle 11401 11"Al iort� , 'Ydlllv cil Catticl, tho M6.1t U501CV-3 M a jlowr. We aim to have abqoLmt4-, fairnesq"characterj2o out " , 1I:( blzTh! 14"i4d rm orm lsill� lad ir natill, dealings, and you'41 find our goodo, roliable whea / the her Is thillitiv. tho"Ril not boat drIlpt$(4t Will 1111h f(IntilItL' It, if vi 1A I'll 0 rj= I'll ft colicuo'briAl r Ama V011mo-i to, 1140"Iftfront. ,W hfrA, Ili C4nAd*, CA", Von x0t ,tit wat,or heavy after big fe-ed of ou's I , LONDON, ONT, ok blin, 33or-Ilrerj%nd get Ilti(nitio', $1,10 to to all afloc-tation In. reliabilkfy i;� tord to find. t u,h. vro, thi,q fat ^ t#oj fkjok Atot* and tlOb & vhOXAS 641A or julso(,diately I)Prqte going to wm k. � � t callueg Ito rin III. � tolidod to jactlir Ilia Own lacir of ni'llol- , S.w** rit'id 11voln Dooks, for all Chutth*11- � IIL%Avt% 060" rttuskil Ly ovirt, loltdit)K �, . I X001("aftlo -_�_­ + - �_ .- ,,, atallip, an it 110 woro tho 0111AIng oi- � I tho 9 -ow Hvitin Book tot AU G#o%%0!6 Church, rAnXIII9 tit tho sit"Illitell. i'Aiserintly it food If% tkot � l, PjDtv. Thettwtoog; ofrl, V.Nn, ro, &Jorria ampla ot wliat a areat oaltor couI4 ibo . ' I Aah to A"� tl*rm I �,, - � vlesin. tk"- a his ieotli once a Te -,W. j . , known Ito ulogj? riviDool, at It lifle. lla%e Wittlout irpodal tralolgic. An a r"'Atior 10" L L give restillar O'stol,64e. � onszagrdltort Pagwoorro.,now aften. Ot �att. ad4a Me. 71va,510, dwlny,L-,.� No 06 ROUGVIE ^^IT � �w - � 'I �, I GoDeR. no ­ _' _­ - (�Iri� the, 0041006 m(rdol t1ellon), (1,2 Urra of corvicd an tho 'Vrtbuh (I & . " WS Buum BTORE41, Tax (00VAIeft ftAlt hoks thti largest . i1tv or k'alt �0,lr At amlsky of mtlo;-fty 02 tl�o szaa Q�x tilt'aaa wtva � ltl*� � , j3" . I OA",�tcd nub% . I *k KAI 5 ttittooft tri this*k0111110 I I AIAIWIA"A ikkk _Aligrl I *_�_AAIV � I � I . -:, 0 a L W14%. I I I F ­­ " � � �, I - ) (. � I � f - , i-- . — � - � - - - - . 1� � A) I I � , - I , .1 . L 1hAh*.%^ % - . , _­,"Aft"No. _ __ 1*__ 1� i e . I . A