HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1901-12-06, Page 511, ,
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I I ,—.--Siwii$qqlmm dalik W - '. -w "A�- ,%- � . ___ - . -,
, . . ft"ft*4",c4 "41asio. iW8 Valaes
%11..' ,r ot I UWatittl ta so
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W'' .- -, "" eson 00n,41 1W
lilth1=804 .,ista"
I xel,f w * �1%1`* " it to to Perfamed
I , 9X$A , 01:111, Tt =M% = = to, ,
. SPEI I - L= =:4 Wo"10N. T�b* tot*- V#vvr 164 fire did we havit suvii 06
CIAL OFFERI NaS IN , t#4 14 visit Owil~k -"
. I I I �"~ io " =tsd �hat Z*wGt oburetv. OYA tho WIDN VARIXTY, XQ4 *a I ' ��-
�, 1, %tit tit Uw Oratatwotik� p(mxt*9k- C SALLUNT (111OWN, or all It
, I
�tll FURS AND FUR ,COATS. -loo. 1144 tmwil outtsuilor tbvV#I*0t IMUKING VAILVEK in 11A\J).
tit* VmIll)"00k W*90`11, Ould that rfxa' HOUN J)1,'Uj'lJU& PAVXAOL46, ,sil
I llw aahtittttl sels�wl isorylicotei And 4 ,
� we ci,uete' this week some extraordinary valnes in oovs.okmal. prsitte-hip tyi(** will be we 111svis .just '�pmka Out. for 046
(.()Ilatict*d 4,40ro. V1. J. Ja^xwoil obriotwito "*do.
Lw. h4s, ana Men's Fur Coats from ottr loxge stock, We par- uipagne4laactim-pr* of North Kiqloso% All Prices from xw, to $5,
1. xcluh Isit ,*;I owitig to Ili health. His repipcita ,_-�,
autee the qualify,of all our ftir garinents and sell e . ivitly. t IL wpx 4wropwi, *lid Mr. Malcolm,
here fur garments manufactw;d by the oldest and most Tooswator, wpA,impoilitta suoderator Doult mi" W4 our exalu5iVis
of tile vamicy. ,k deputittlon eon line# 0 -
relia,bleFurriers in Canada. stating of Mosors. Porry. Woat *04 ,35c, $oc, 6.oc and 75C.
Win. Diavr*on, was xPPOIntod to visit - I . I
11 Ladies' Astrachan Lamb Coats, jo Ladies" Arkrachan Limb C*pes, 28 Durigantion on D"embill: Oth, at 5t P. Flue Stiabou *44 Toilet W*toro,
Inches long, good strie with high inches long. and full sweep, hand- Ill., ,in Maid to A, r*401"ttakelAiAt Florida woors. MO.'
� d made of fine finmicla), ir"oon4ibiliti". It was 4* -_
� cut collar, f9riners satin lined, somely litied an elded that the Moderator of,p
special ......... k - - -,� �. $:2.3..". skins, special * ...... # � $11,3�SO terv, 41ho old 1w tip pol u I od b eregtle"r iy; *
. slimplo�electioll'i"ovisdolby TotAtion
.k Cape$, 26 according toloduction. Tho Pr"by- I
Ladies', Astrachan Limb Coats, 36 Mountain Bear. Blac , �� E I RICK, Chemist
11 t,ory urgod ministers w hold special
11 ipches long, fine curl and gloss� , inches long, full sWeep, lieAVII�, niottingelat,beircftgre;tittiontidtiritist
heavy farmers' satin Jimd, and -lined -and quilted and commended. tho toloing winter, with w view ii.0 G."Iwal Drun St4rt;-"04611.
q4llt�d, ind wear guaranteed, at for great wear,special, price resthing the onco"overted, quickening _ -,-!,-V - " ., __._____ _ _�
. . ,,7,q the opirituAl life or thei members, aod The Qra.verlhurs.�`Rae aospftl
I I special ........ � ........ $2,5tool . 1 $61. d"'Pe"Illit lbo interest in the progreiiii �
., . of the 4iiwitom. of chtlat. Mr. John for oonaumpl;lvea .
� . I I 11ottoll *lio zpecorli,tneoded to tht RAUtor Ot TO* 0%1AX.- .
I . INSMOTION INVITEM � Rome u3soloovoolulitteo forworkas I
I .. � I I . . I & cAtochist. It was sgreod to 43 Ist I nag Sir, 444 login building of tile
I . I Otskyelthpi4t Froe 110.ppitaot tilt Can-
. Ille f0ruiatlofi,ilf4bi Weii'minliter . ft - 1. ...,%,I .mvd.1.0,1. anti
" 1, , . .,
Quild- tvrro-eltlership4 the Sablmth only a ti,plilt Aniouill
8vil,tKil FiqhliworKer-, lho pr000ttlon heen It.celved for f
.Wo A C H E 15 AMO)3',N & 50-A-0 'Of reproentittlon in, the Assembly, tile rate Appeals Ave
. I . - otc,,, at tboL next ppettrig of 1,`ell,,v* must Increase the V
I tery'. to IW beld In WIriStloo), 01) jon,
S, � .oAi� Witt, 10 TOOK- M- � . WAthoilt delay, Cel.
".0 CHARITY OF ALL CHARITIE __,;1'%.(ir - - 11 � hwipit4flo.til"Ountr)
TIE, . . - , . - __ , AvI)EN4010. I
- __ _ , - , I 000d. NeAlIv evel'y.
I I I . I 1:- i, . . I � I I � , I I .1. .1liesbyterrelork, troosioK requests tor b
. I I I I . � I ' I ,, _r, � men, wia�lorl wor4er
THe CARE OF T"E 61CK CHILDREN. . _ unneceSsory to' Surrar from consumptive poo.ri .
I . I . 11. .� .. -11 . I I � wants tobe cured tot
I I I ., I % I . I , Astbwa4 , , littlo'boy; a littioreeis
I - ',This distroslog comphtfuti, too %. her young daughter, I
wbat Tue "OsIpItAl for Kok "Ohildrep on Collogo Street, UrOliti), parfectly: cured by luba 1pir 04wrrbo, two vear old
11W Dono.'spit Is. 09ing 11or the:tAttle 810rotera . zoue,�* vegetable antl9eptIc tha t1hil. I 41t1tl fe, "I
. -.1 � . I I , � �, trove tho I large fallilly of
I I , � 0 `�Ni6 rr�vllleo ot oa,tarlo. , germs which �caulio tile be cur*4 for his' to
� I I � . - 'A - ilittUIT111OZOrls, 10 % 161441 ' At,l - - - , - _ -
I I . I dileikff
�A, 1.
31kJ11111*401-4PV1=11= -,.
e I -0 "No N - N _1 is - i i . I . I 1.
Happy I
I ,
4va Wu su*ft for tiotltrtt
tooka sind the calreful Iloust,wift
'111110 uIre
stad 'W"et" the, Vs't 'Tt"07ts'�T1
11 I
Axpv2p Thought X*#Ts am not e%petimetts. Theyllavel*ell
Ustle in 150, , C4u.a ion homes and heLY4 bttu iiaitated, I)y
Inom otovo 34sAufgctuxtxa tUik4 silly atIllor Rswgt. *k ; .*
, , Ztiy 4 V4*.P;r ThoosIxt, 701MI11 gem
. � �Oalt,y .
tuilt !Emjl_� sk a V.1mr, it you do* .
*jssiis�kCbis"4,4hr �-', - �! 1_4 R. , I
Tho wra. A" . X01k Stove' Co.,, Lill,Ittod. B%,*U,t(Qr4
� voto w4*14watto" MW 44 IfultittlatVI, 0.144140VIN
. .
a* -"UX3X*Xz^.3%3M
'Thai Touchos the sj�ot , 0-0 . . . � :
� —.Volt----, I ,
Mac-Leod'$ . Weak. & I m pu" re _W�64 - - -
6V5ten, , ILIver & Kidney. Diseases
enoyator FpInal , e Complaints, U, ,
.. r . I . 1r; I . -
Aik Druggist, or w6to. 4iroot to 1. U. MooLU01Y, goaerioll, Ont',
- 1. L . . � . � .. , LLL
__ ___ ___ 11 ill,
. r . . . ; , I !Ill % 100 V= W= mom"
RoordbIloil sold IAlior&tot,rXew"to Stnoi,, the 014 Stand. in rosm of Knox 0butplio
. . . I
� _"rT"1F!RR"Wlv _1�
" 1, 11 TI.P.-
01171 �.1_111-11.
. . . ,
!!=� !1-104-11'.11 .1 ..... . .__-.1.___- - .-
---1-1-- 111-1 _004AMON %)�X�-,,��
DEC 6, 19M,
. I
vr*,b. A T T ", I
ItSARNul 1,o�� -- - .
I �.;
Ou" Wit '$You ullik humbug the piio?�* to do W012004 I" M
so,osillod busitleas, Penile evidently isgroii With this i4a, juall tr`o"Z I
%k* qv4lity of CLUTHINO thoy'palm vo on RU vastwPookot P%0_11-1 � ...
I .
.MaDy Pe'rsoas Hue Been Gught '
Alvoitay by mice, stuoilth 44vorrisomento for ell#gp Clotbing, but, �oq ' I
. ,
*ill 110tL be CAU011k here. I 11sVe detidel to &COrd1roAg lthop,�ihet_ __ �
---Air Oil 001, 1j4- , �
(I - 4 1_- _j,11__J1'jjj,Vj r , I *1' tj _1 . ...... I- _. ', I 11
, " 2(11 ,
ib aco 9 Ifte 0 f . I. a MIS . _ __ -1
botorp The rublic sit inieca POWI;r Osu 11to "011esp a,)IAU�l storgis esill !
ilall their shoddy. I I
I 11 1�)
UADE CVAUM�VINTS, to %, holisollold wota iu Goderiph. I It
. L I
I . I 1,
rVIE. , � I . 41
HAVE AN F. I ,", Its set, -. . � It
I . I �
. I .
. ii
Ave will a" on our toles s, linoor 00040 tbat for,VATAUZ asonot i ,
I , bO sPilrosioiNla"You-tartli. SUITINO ot every description, TAOUS. � .
, .
VMINGS In ondlcHs variety, 0VLH00X111NQS of floost qo4lillo all � �,
� up-to-date, %.ua of nowcat pattorna. '� 11 � . . . � I
i , __ , $xr------ � .1
� Suits worth $16, $-r8,*1, . - 0
1 OW $J2,__$13X0 $15--------
' � �
Trousers and Overcoats at the 841ne 1)1,g, tempting
. ,
. I I
I reductions, . �
. .
"YOU'LIA 1104 TO 111JART" 11 to got I first all I oice. . Call aud see 11te . . I � .
, I I .
, , .
Goods-*ffalu do the rest. I , - .
. I
� . I . � � . L I ;
ftecial-.Ladies Look Iff''ere 11"Wel"Arlial . I
ANI , 11 I � I., . � . . I 0 I -fue !b I I, It nW WAI" aus wuny I � I �, _. - 1i.lFrolo iip! . 71 . -.r I . I
. ,� , ,. .11 - . . _ I the mouth from AVOT11tilleat ' aket, -C an 0 1111 I I ;
j I � 11. L, & . IN Jhbalej, 4,04 After er leAtIll the consuniptIveli And, unless help comes - , . . . I . .
I I I , I I , (P WeVill itleci place, on our tsibles 100 pleces of S(j()T0H ST11TINGS : .
1� . I . I;_ I 1. . I /_-1 I , I ."I, a. it I I h I t h soon, six clikId.ren will , Ile orphans N . .
"I hu. AI .a P, R .X A -11 ana homeless -. a joltrIf 'heroic _19ITNI � fir . I . . I . � . f I �
- , I '1� Ir 12.0, . I . Ili lengths suitable for LADIruS' SUMTS, in endloss viirlaty of now* !
the. wntrIts. It attips the 001:10j, struorgling, to varrij iii I, vivit tor last, 0 _. . �,� fift I
makes breatthig rogular, anit eirvAl. I � �
-mother -and hometf, xv. now a con- , *_ , elst pikt4rus. Tb� Prices will be OUT'IN TWO. Don't iMiss this :
. . elites the astob"in so thoroughly front I . !
I the _ SVistpoi that 'SumptIV4 and destitoO -; A youliv trials , �. I �
. it neyer ,returns. !�. 11 L obetteQ, latl'efl�ouqti 'a 14 1'rethne- I
giving bilk'Jibsto Oil rL All InvAlld ..... . . . " �
Don't sufXer from Asthma. use oat- P You I , 11 " HEAD
. urrhoz60eAV*III�))peediIr 1 mother and sister ARM 41trivelf & vie. , . .. ... i�, I I
- , core vou, -trm;ot oisleviriblel vcourge,� Theia I L I..,., 11 -.1
I I , �
[Arge outrit $1.00. Small size 24 cents I ,..,. ...
. � , .. . v 14 TA -, ,
j; are qn1ya, fewvt the hear breaking . . I . 1. 1, . � A 11116
. I
� , from Poison 'AEpeals'. fop. help, We are =nd-ent .. -I' ill ". .1 I N I P R I DH- -AM lidt6r.
DrugglKor br mail, . . � DEAF I , � . , 11. . 01SES0 � I
I Coo 41"gatoo" Out.- it ... solotely upon tne, generosit� Of. , I . . . . .
. � , , , . �t � . barievolent'lleoplo to provide for lbeoe I I I AI*L CASES OP . I _4 � 40 A - "..-WO.-L. I .
i � WEST',a,D'J�. I
�Olq 'rAUXERtSl� IN-� suffeltits. Wti ask tile iubstATILIAl'
STI I Ullkld. . I -, � of ypur roaders, In this boor DEAFNESS OR HARD ,HEARING 6, ..
.. . I .
. �Voplca. "Yj�clussed. T0110114alxlleol sincerelyi I . I ARE NOW CURABLE .
I . . — . � 1. . I14A1LWR,JAXvs13RowN by our new invention, Only those born dft(-'ar� lucuratile. Ot YOOF. 8kat68 00 ., �. . I
� -
. I -Below is. a. summary,of the addresses Secret . : .. I . =_ _ .
� Natlozi4i sanitarium a." tlation, � � . .
attho recent meotip oftlie a �� EAD NOISESAEASE IMMEDIATELY,
. Weil� Horon'Pasinere' Institute I- JEW, IVY V.4 -14 -, I F. A. WERMAN, QF BALTIMORK, 6AVes . we always Lead In . . .
� . , IV, B, -Subsel4ritions, money orders, �. � I)ALTIA101W, Md., March 3o, 1901. . .
I � Dr. A, 0. URI of aeorgotown, on - this urgent chailty .
. "Horse Apreedingtorptofit'%.said in lilt. cheques., etc., tot Gopelkwen: -Being entirely cured of &�ruess. thanks to your treatment, 1will now give you �
. � may be sent to The National Trost atiAllbistop'lolmycas4�,toj34i�sed&4tLyour tserction. 4�v 19 ,
renjarko that be bad always heard About Ywo para ago tn.,� right tar began to slog, and this.kept on getting worse, until I lost
I pron con W, I 06wpituvo Limited, Tteasuper. �� King My heativir in t is ear c tl"E I - 1. _ "., - %k 1'r `1'2"r -v of ,all .kinds.
oizesr. " Tbare -4�.7matvz
, St., East, Toronto; to .Mr., NV%Iter lundorwesitatreatrn ed -6
spoke of A4,b.#Lvjpg good [lent Lro; catarrb, for three months, without onvouceek-% copsult ftnuiu-
. I 11 Was A time when any' James Browa, tip to the Editor of this b�r of physicians. among, others, the roost ontintut ear specialist of this city, who told me thaU
, t Ing would sell, now, quall�y. w^s"all gica Would I I
L . . . � � L . . I . I " I I I t at, .brought';& pripe..'.111 breeditig paper.. - . 10 I I I I and have 'the Largest and Best Assortment of
. . I I ourtreat.
. L _ � I . I . I I - I Ok[L� msk'j VlkjAt2jjt crosses. If YOU ' ' I I - Asco. and
I I - I . I ve a el I , re maps breed lault roll .
I I r .. 11 �. I In ber I - . I 11 $1 SKATES, in Town.
. . L 11 . I , line. -A dato witti � a. ptillgree hits a - L I .. .. .. , Md. . I � I I
I'll, ,� -1-1 - _ I better, chance Of having good oOsOring . 4 . I
��.-_��:. . . A - . L 1. I - - . .- than oue.,equidly ais,,goctl withoue 71, ion. 1___-=_-1
-- ' "
I I � . . I'�. I . I . �_ .- . df _, _11V _ftjepljug� alto, _Aj*ay�rL , I . BUIU_ . d a 114iluillat - - I I - .
. pv( I I I . . . ' ,: � _ , ' I
. All Inattfutioli that requires About poill Is made, Uospital. work cannot 160=ne tbab,wa,s ,Oyer-Ilkyelopw " "11i`diJ!1,11:1.tI(*r4_v'o` YOU CAN- CURE YOURSELF -AT ROME`3�:` coot.
: 434iOGO A yeArfor jn�alntonauce, an In- becarried on wi I tlioltt.m I cosy. tnterest I wltpi,,�.aallk 1�vas deficient. , I . D ' -- - - INT OUTLBRY AND SILVERWARD.
1: __ -'-. ittlititUdn- tU%t dep,dads 1,011 auPpOrt9Ij �Qlt mortgages has, tqbepald, - An -00y, �, d, ,,,, _, - th,, _ ,, , _09 FPIATI11�10 AURAL GLINIG, 696 LA $ALLE AVFL. 111110AGO, ILL.
. .
the Awd0sa of the genprous V.eopli? or , of Vorkers'liss to'llv�, Nutses"40raes Imspeaking-It file, isensvo I o r' -on every platage ei. . _"�ftf I - I I I _� __ _ I- �ST AMPORTATIONS of
- �
tile -province of Ontario, 'must needs tics, oMelMs ar . e . all Ullman, . They, stoislit6oftih or. the'Dr. Aid it 4643C I . __ I . __ . . . 11 11-1 - �.. I PIAASE NOTE THIS PACT. I P McDevitt, of Lucknow, It We'liave on order one of tfie LARGE �
have ,conslderable� fAlth )a the IOW, -,W31 their WU$�O,wbether theY live ID (roil) tiating turnip topo clover, ft,. -be. L. '" GENUINE .ENGLI�li CUTLERY and SILVERWARE ever brought
1. - bought a two-year'ol pacing mitre In
. came bloided, in t4a.abseri,tie orn, voter. � -0 Mount Voiest. a gmild to Goderich, and We expect It to arrive about December ioth, and -
. . aftettiorkaltd generosity of the people. or ouf of t1io Uospital. I . . Grip I , -daug ter of .
While the Institution 1% located in L joary 4on't hesitate W Qlako an 4VPeo- Qidnilze That we are fully prepared to supplv
A Imildred And twenty children pqr' . I � I � voureverywaritasiaras puts drugs Vlaggle arouith, the us r Wit we can.advisck all purchasers of Xmas. Cutlery to wait and see
I - ,day -yes, in. some, mq4ths a hundred Ing with A kulfe M,611ow the gas to 4vo- nerned. Clavqful Blare which Mr. 0 vt t 6 I four the values We offer. .
b e u Ih e 'ed � d "i " Ore er-
h he""'a" e no ` c" New I L V " 4 11 or, It" I
r 4 en on ace c y or * V 11r, 11 I y
hc� M'e ao 3 a ' "' , I Id u r 0"' , I '�
I en 4 Y4 u "' g Ob dil- .." "Ic".1-c"
4 0 4 used it only . few do � 'I it to �r
U . 11 I � it,
- .my h . J_ .-' . v
" . " a, -ec I I , 1�'h� I.."'d _� h.. cla e. le y rest. �
' h ' '�
* nijt! ft.'I
I .y 2
liortil y and be to __.I. - ,ruI v-" '. , - -
I 0 O', t, a "I A. V LnMAX .3. a. U-11w.y. ti-Ith.-
-a$ , eat "'it 'I'.. ,Wt i"t ; �"., l'itl" 7�6 "'. ,,'aat -'o"I"a,
. famo
I 11 Toronto- its work is e$�entlajly pro . escape, Admidister it purgative. Jt jablets triA medicines are co , a t I
vin0al, rt ,Adraits got only alldrou, and torty--ouge It *as A hundred 0,44 (,ff fev,4` and mouth dty, is � suffolping - � I I .1 . %nd accurate family dispensing is our years ago to Mr, icks, of Is wet, � . I
' .
: frdla the city of Torouto',but from Afty-all' these to, 'look .After $tile, 'TILO ,396-d CUX-400 forte. We coutinuallv aim to please who shipped her tothe Old ntr I =�
ev�ery city, town, v1page fivol Impaction of 8tomAcb, give a,do4e tuat I - r,- 7- ---'J
I and liamlet, ,care for, Thirty nurses coatinua][13 otsalts and.procure medical assistance. I,__-- I . � . lop patrons in t%ro great essentials- there she won the five mile re or of .
4 yes, from every spot In the -Province at, *ork. A hliLlf-dozeu , malds wlth . I I the world und when -last sold brought (]IVe
, " of Ontario, . � I � I brooms and dusters; cooks and tablf It.choking, don't tty to push U01ya L - - %lity and low prices, , . 9 $75.000. L Us a Call. Our Prlce$�-are Right, and We'll
.. . So vbft yOu give-be'your givIlug malds- to J)repare the food and sdivc wit!) Whipstalk ,or- ftlt-Uharldlo, locate Sold by S. 9, Riok,�Goiicrlcb, ' � Our, stock of - Toilet preparation . I
largo -or small -It gofig for the benefit It. klerks In the.office *ho,wqrk IIXE . the obstacle au(j Move ittirirg-nd down . . I rvill Interest you. . The Alos ( Tr6at You Right. 0-- - �
� -
. . " beavers, typewriters who tapthe-ke�e lit possible, pejur to little oil very L ' 1. PAINE'S CELERY COUPOUND. t Populnr PUL -The f pill In L_ I
,. of every child Of the Province that Is � carefully or take piece ot"ga:rden hose t Unjor Woodside, now at Ottaw;t. the mostpopular of all formso medi-
admitted and treated. ,' L . .peaking cine, and of 119 tile most r �_=
I .of their mathinea forhours a day, an of the Yukon, says .- "As Painclo CeIery Compound is -the 10pular ave �
made, because, swering slidaves of letters, Proil"I" and try to push,doft very g6n try, If � toroartculture, my,jilvestigatlons this Vegetable Pi Is,' because
This, statement , lif It9till stlas call in's veterinary at med=.yov should use when you -
eceasioudl-refervoce Is made to the accounts, watching ,every doing III the once" L I I I . .summer show me that many small lack energy, when the body is theydowhat Ith asserted they can
110pital ;is s� Toronto Institution tot Inimense building on College street Prof -114 Reed,"dimph., on -The fruits, many kinds of vegetables. Goorly nourished. when vou are weai, do, rind are not put forward Oil any ALLAN & McIVER
. Ttij6nto pidlerits, whereas every slek thatnover closes night or ilay-All the pl%rhcularly cablaige and ttirillps, .is ,�undown.. despondent or sleepless: flet4tlotls claims to excellence. They
� I child , In - Outarl . o hag"the,sallIff rights year Tound-a hive of. two hundred education i2ith. home,"sold he did not well as potatood, cats, etc.. can be pa;nols Celery Compnund braces the are cainpact and portable, they are The Leadinx Itard%yaro Mon. 'PlIONn 57. Honant (iocda at Iloneat Fricou
and. prIvIleges' as, those who, live people, small and laro; A little to ' believe in,the�breaklnK'of It horse ttnv =,guj,!ces,§fuIIy in the Yukon, - easily taken. they do not nauseate Vor ..
. wil 4 id ,nerves, strengthens the liver and kid
wit1du the shado* of the great red , fferlrl� tnore- than lie did Ili leaVing a child till farma are springing tip ,tevs. and cleanses the blood. gripe, and they give relief Ili the most
_pIle doing whnt It can for God's su
. on Colleke ptreet. I ." little ones , , ' L . , I _ , - -, ' - he arld-expect him to, know, alt around 1)awiion and on the Stewar t stubborn caaAg. _______________________
� ' - =9=131,1. brother who had been W. 0. Goatin, Druggist, Goderi;h
It costs About $34,000 per $eat, or. -a True, It Is; that some have tA pay , ',- River. gay grows rankly and 19 well
dollar per patient, ly6r dliy� to mgliti� . �00, till, whocau attepil It Are expedtod trained- or educa" or cAttle and hors . Out-
, Iftm childhood. - suited I so. We have CondnctoO Sam Han, who ran so
a great co, � I "Phe -Fr " and Pickling Season
talli the Hospital. - The"Gavernmout to'Day-but those who cannot pay Arid Stnft tbi'idocatl6n'j�f a horse when it untry there in every way.' long on tile Goderich branch of the -& Uit
Of, tfiaL province gives about $7,000 A call produce the certificote of 4 clergy, few days old.- leall'bluji. tie him up,get ., Slips of Authorsi - . 0. T. R., has been given a pnpsengpr - I
year, or nosirly eighteen cents .per. man or known ratQpayer of the pro the colt -accustomed 6 you'and to � ItYour friend. Atria, —, is looking run between Stratl�rd and TA)n On.
I Yen .typq. 6 riters sometimes 1k is again here, and we can sell you everything
. heag, In other words, per patiefit'Ver, Anbe to� thb'Offftt thitt they, tire tot' him. When a Yeal Or &'Year 'Ind It Much Improved in health." � bb is Even experience& w do astounding and fila place oil the morningZU'll,
� it %I halfold get'lom accustomid to bArness & differant'wom^n. We persuaded bell =Ak6 their characters hits been taken ny Conductor urney. you want at close prices. Ili making np yonr
. day, This timount Is all dipended In ,poor, ,to �plty, can bliVe mainte a er and bridle, let him lrumin stAll or Ijad- to try Millet"i Compound Iron Pillo, fthing.s. When Anthony Trollope 'plo- - .
maintenance. Thor oorvot4tiou. of the and treatment free of -charge., dock with them on. *In speaking to, _%vith the result you obaeyve," Borne tured Andy Scott as "oomins whistling list, renieniber that STURDY - & CO. carry
City of Toronto does oven more. It It all could bar thero.would be 'no hill, use &ill tow wotdo.as possible. ()tit% When your buoutega becomeb irlt-
. given $7,500 per yowbi eighteen cents need ,to appeal for money, but eighty othera way be good, but without up the street with a clirar in bin only the Cleanest,, Newest and l'-reshest in all
L tell hio*hat )roll -mean and ex -'p Compound Iron 1`1119 inouth" be proved that he had nover sense and distasteful. You are not
per head per day, And, this too goes per cent, of the worIg Is free work for hill, to doit. Tt!1jcb bit" to, go, Pee doubt Millet
I c 0 are the I �ents. Fot Wade persionil experiment at the double well. Milleea Compoond Iron 111118 r lines of Goods Irept in a. first-class Grocery.
. towards the malutenaned; Bot only, of the children of t1ibse who cannot at. )est. 50 do4es 205 will inako it a pleasure to attend to .
, � '. atop, go steat , *to,, is ore A tebing, t side. by fill 4ruggis I tacit of smoking a clear and whistling , L
Toronto patients, but for every patient ford to PAY. Iwitys lit It to something Strong. L , - t.�- I hosiness, and greater proft will result.
In the HoSpital, to WAtter-from, what Valley a greAt family of u6arly one I a tune. Itobinson Crusoe also per -
L fifty slok tldldrbn. YOU handle gent y. and %viten Ones hittelied -_ p,,,t,milars of the estate of the late formed a Tnoit . w4onderful feat. When Thev stiniqlate and strengthen. 25
Yet, and, thl8L Colfftfibli. d cents for 50 doeca. For oale by all
part of'the province the littlo-olto may hundred- And tip ecp�at it, but not too tnuch at ir- STURli—Y &
- eome from wbo have had perhap!� one of two ta k . � " Y. Clarke, Wallace, filed at tile Bill-. he decided to abandon the wreck an CO. Telephone 9t
own home e. . I ingate Court. Toronto. show thatbp try to swim ashore he took the precau- 11111991stil.
tion. of ,the emotoLtiod, is Increased by sick little ones at. your . J. T' tion to remove all his clothes, and yet _____ -_-
from $4,000 t* KOO donated by Ott. thekeforo'know tomethino of the. work. Ron . Garrow oil what he called left at) estate vailued at $34.000. Of I ________ � - _.. - ----------
the .mttltitolance but vben you visit Toronto dropAn ..FamiliarlaWin connection wtththe $15,WO wits in real estate in by some otranue magle, of which th A Great Man and a Child.
. , , ,.Ide�ltlf 0, hotoe," sAldif a man Save he �lillllltdbridgp., Ottawa. and Manitoba. secret has been lost, the author malt'.16.
of all pstionts, to Eiy Aothing ot the and see what they, are doing to wir will give voii $100 for year horse and with small holdinva In Montreal. him, when in this condition of Nature, 1
$4-,006 eantributed yearly, by To back little ones from the gr&ve� FURNITURE. UNDERTAKING.
people, the foilhilers. of main Ined it -would only weary the retWerto go . will tokd him liway next Week. your. Tokirorito Jiuicl,fop. Vaughan township. fill his -pockets with bWult,s. N hit; roultrilocancoa of 11araco
and named cots In tilt- building. . horse Is n6v said. Must vivo i oney, etc, The , rsonal property Is $10.000, The great Shakespeare had a trick of Greeley In tho "Youth'd Compan-
on with more story. . This year a giant ,, " .lintes. dahts. lonlip" series of Rpeolloctionst. of
__ - ff`.N�161iik-z406 't-b-cre it mutrAct Or folk eArticle delLymmiL. -atid-Ust4cM mnr!tgl ' - Introducing -the MOB!, Arlitrina kr I -- r - rii- � -h uryorr ._ _
'ftring'Itz Itteiiiiiei'l�46-ndtDlUt-li-a-!�' eff6r � I kainditis , d1to , isrCia
handled 11,000 lodoor patients And of e its to be kept, etc. The w dew Is petitioning tot niants. For Instgrice, be inaken i -
debt. Every dollar of thla dout hundt. after #old it is at the buyer's risk. administratiolt(.. strike in ancient Rome at a time, more oays that Groeloy could bear a* J. Brophey& Son,
I these -4,000 were cured, limi!11,700- were caps the Trustees. Every dollar sent Priee hits nothing. to 06 with warrant- .,.,.- - than a thousand yeara -before clocks great .norrov., or cL groat disappoint-
Impr6yod. Of these-sud please note In belpt to lighten thd load that Is ry, To avoid trouble after, Always put . I
tAtIP-4.761 came" from 1,205 places Ili . vrare, Invented, whan such an event ment with the fortitude of a atolo. but
being -carried. .. conteiici;, in wsiting, using vour own VIPALTH, 9APPITiESS, HEALTO, would certainly have -been the elulath triffine annoyance %yould provolto Are tile ploneer F urnihire Dealers and Undertakern of this cection. and as
nxitstrio. and outside the city, of it every readef would setId but 'a words. Speakinggenetally anyt.bin wonder of the world.
Toronto� ) . I . tint to an outburst of wrath that Wan during tile, par4t quarter century will rontinue. to Nu ry tile best gmdn at ttin
dollar what a grand futid ,iduld - be i.fint Ititerferex with a horse's usetuf i A pwon may have wealth and Quite regardless of the evidence of simply childlah. The death of big Uttlo njoat, reasobable priceg. Just unw we have annie ,qpeeial values,in Leon
Ten �-ilzrx ago the Hospital eattled it raised In w few Weeks of time. Let nem or look* Is atruttsoundnes Wisdom, yetteel 3nost aejeotealle. ffe0gralilly, he transporto Bohentla'to boy, bla only and idolized son. V.ras to Rockero. and Diniiiq Furniture. Wi, earry fiat n I tiro for overy bou.1M111111d
heavy burden of debt,! The bUlldItig ,avtry Ono who can Apate a dollar, send J. N, MeRenzie spoke at St.8'Heleng 0c so pav vou to call and aeo our atock before buying.
. and Itstfurr.lablugs cost $156.000 *,nd of it to nougles ritividson, the Sboretary� on "Leaks oil the farm." Farming cause ofAn tomis, orgottertil debuity. the seaside; and he Introduces a print- bim an 4,,vful blQw. No man Qan knoNv n e ity, mild It, will
4 thq U5 A00 Wit(I Paid by, the rorporg� , Treasurer of the Hospital, or, to J. ,,O�d%v V Health 4na liappinem are assured Ing-prew Ions before the 4ays of Gut- what agony the stricken fa%hor ollently I
� ftse, buigneas. Ventured to enberlf. He calmly Introduces a bit- tndure4, his grlof coining the 4ropli of
tloq 0.1 Toronto and $90,000 by W tit[- lloss Robertson the ChaIrman. of the not thirty farmers in At.lifleld by using "Climai" Iron Tonic Pillst Hard table into Cleopatra's palaod, and b1s heqrtla blood. put a typographical
zenp. Y4pxr bv,yoar tho debt bag beon Truat. Anil plekso rend, it Ili at once, 11%1-ld tell what they made every vi'Lar. whichme.kenew rich blood, elasnia makes cannon familiar to King John, blUniler, espeelally if it -aoro In onts of
. rodileoill Arid It In now down to $13,000. tor,even. the best of Us Art prone to Not aliviLVA tile 16an that - ::-�_. Undertaking and
'ro Oftw ih- ItIdAttldnet,01 tltfq :ill -1 'eirqvt otir b0t. Int,eliflong, -tho 41st M �Aua �ne up the. norvos. ' -*lid his Varons. 140 own writings, drovo him Into 0
....."-w , - __., - nAidesb does the best, as fitriliels Akre B "Ji CIX 6oritalus ten 44ys, treat- a Thackemy was no mean rival to spasms; then his maledictiona on the -0 .
_____.... - ,tit too Jealous of exch, other. Perhaps hakospedre In vAgarles of this kind, offending typenotter and prootre-ailer -
1. .
Titere are eases tit consumptloti, so A Liniment for the- Logiret.-mg, we PtLy too, 'ibuch taxes, Not tit# wo* - -Prioq 2$ conts, at ial drug., .but In his case they appear to have were something bloo4-curdlin* to lie" 0
. � .
far advaiwod that Bickle's AfitiiCotr- gers lead a 11M which oxoosot them cotioells; probably. hot [be system is * I in . or M%064 on VabAlpt of prift been the result of pure c4releasnesia anit Ono morning he wont swiftly down I
multIplive Hythp will not, vore. bob to many perils, Wounds, CUt4 slid tAult. Stitt oto be--_-�o is a gr6t, leak l'n ' r forgetfultiens, The most fl[tirrant cana, to the "Tribune" office to flnd the cool-
voi(o so bad That I.'-, Vrill not give4blief. bralses cannot W Alb)gether, Avoided the fit ria. * Mt. MeXpuzie vald that, Ill drokil.0 Thd D9, JW UadWe . perhaps, Is xyhert, aft4ar bil ing Lady pooltor who lidd mado a bad error In I 1 Embalming.'
For c(oughs. rolds and all riftetttons of In preparing timber tot, the drive a nil ill$ e4erlence III Yhe council- lloth " F0,1.111(ilIgltid�, 011it. I Xew and effectively d1sin't.sing her settiriir t,ho types for Ono of hin editor -
the thioat.1ungs and chest. Itis a in 'river worle, Where wet and ettle ujunicipal anti countjt., that; tho day of -, I from the story, ba brings her to life I&I articlo3 in tho Vapor. laoundtnr We live It-adera in Undertaking and 13nitialiring ,every requirement iq
specific Willett hastievirlwoft k6bMi entribined are of daily experionce- 4(atotelaboecould ritsve beentloqefor - � s(galn to help him out with his Plot: upitalra Into tho contDosing-room, with kept It, vtOrtc-thn aervirp we ,tive cannot ho Purpanged. atid the pticen ate
' 50c, stud In some lobt,anceto lWivag 41V . . . . . � and In othar Orissa his capacity for blue fire in hin e7ers and shaking the alwayarennonable. Night and day ealig receive everyattontion.
to fall. It protootes'afr6e 464 ea*y coughA And toldA had muscular paillp ,�'Lvt.
,toriatlloa, ttlerefiy� removinFr the e b but britue, Dr. ThoujW iti was vrorth., All bridges of, 20 00 . r mixing up the ilamos of his Characters vapor folded across the patro to show
e%p#L I , L fg confusing, eonalderin$ %he number the offence, he shriekod, "Ghow me the
ptilegm, and gives this diiiioaged partli st, W,',nl.,n',,'t'.1,011.b,,,,,,Ii,,I to the Injurtmi 'tud over sho."41 Ile built, fly tbn cn, t1tv The a *
chanco to beat. . . � or &dmhrfK*i*d . tile afflug"arotki., iod a good praicticoll mat's appollpfed to . lie Introduces. maul Show me the men that did thinl" J. Brophey & Son.
� L - L �� 'wooders. . over"d thism.k " tv . Loildon Oally Miallis U46 In spite of his careful- The error had alroady been made a '
I � L - ovitire bf brood tomrs ltmtl,�Pffi (oil). I nesit, makes the WorIL"hing statpritent topic of 41scusalon In the offlee, and the __ - - - __ � � -
. Ajer. 1&mh,r"1ra oftlollett. hits Miss Tena, 8prunr. who TK At pre'seril -hv, Dr- 14- 3- We ,p6d to her L .-.----- Ifi,one of his z0vels ("Lourdes") that culprit, a very old man who had been I ,-"- __ , �__ -
, me -a Somas, 1011111mi"
bought thri farin on tort. 1, knovr* tit teachinKIlt the'Kile, MbQof, halt bor" during 010L wirttv$ : light extir IIIIII-W the deALf and dumb recovered their With Mr. Greele7 on the "Now Yorker"
the old Milannoti, farm, fri , r I IF, lion. 'hearing and eight. an evont WhIeb aa� and on the "Tribune" ever exter. came PXX.VV_k*_-X*- v�e5e-. �)ev. 5e5r.)�ry<nene 4
[Ito tit" IN1116 engaged br. soh6ol *L-eti6il No,, % ch4e 10 jifr"� "'Vi exer -
of, $M; AbOVOL )&It thlriga do ,e
estate. 16 W691sts of 10 acres,but fitilleft, forli)(12. atg salary lot oite barsh 1. � ur. 1: vots Very much of the trilraculottz Out from behind his easo and trenig.. -
there Ar6 no buildings lot tiny Account, She is Well tpok6ft of. M ,, r. G. W. 11011tt;ierit, It ImssiilYe Jet ,toare stud L — lonely pleaded sulltV. The e4itcw. _ I
- r I
psono , *_� , __
FLQC�-01-nL18I!:- �Iw-.
11 ,
on the, place-. the priety pald wits *ZAD- Shore, the pt' 'printipal. bas tell, "lit' three Or f(J)" 91""th" lit open sess"is" 'R 1: ' Teacher -If you can irat a bun for a atanding thoro in the full halatkil and 0
choppoiloit,ta,mo Ingandevi,ning,,and n _071_%
which iss2MIt-sittian wh&tW",pdld ,keei,pied, at, ,on agelovilt with the _,.Iurp After ,ftp:1111firr feed well otrength of hin manhood, looltod (low
1, m halfixenny, what can you get for a 1,,n.
-DAtle. . Var-pai, board. a agboen lecolving �
for it by Mr. t � upon the little old man with a startled .
- .-----.O--- � I , a salary of I 4hole vats lks nllwt. Train to, hAter P L 88 I . . sy? jolinny (eagurly)-.& tija-calio7- air. dnd then, turning a=7. iuvlte4 � I I
I "-a._,-. before wpatilov , Never lot bills kna %1, . "Plok-ma-Up. anybody, In thq office to *lc% ttm 11 I .
Iry to refid the tfttl- Motbev drayise �Vorju gstermlopttor I t, will y1n, ft n Plot. Iteed Paid a Two O'Clock'Witlon, A
it it, "Ir 1:1110""t .
lbanials to, Iw vonvine0a 1110 A4116- 1144 the ,largest 0416' ot any SIM110 fe"I'va 4*10rd', ort, the transportation of . L intri .(Greeley) 4otmistalra.
. np'c %varth 19 Gure to I ' e
Itedwayn road Ito ,� Into Catioda, The- class & AoftL IlMed iii oiler or lati-r. Thin% ln,',,,� Of h1a educatko.n. Mr. Greeley sal(j it �,."t'.'.
WAVItt CNon; oura Is onotialtildd for the, prerints tion sold. to CanadA. $�E '�waa pickod up by the way." It Z3 us. �','.�.*, ) I
ramovitt0fdomit, witilts. tte. It to 0" giveN satlAffietloft by refitotl6l;r heiii1w was I erfoll. We elldwt, want, thellit, 6OAlk advortimpg . .-.*"%�� ... 4
- I I ".. .. 01.' -
I � U ' I"R Iteen "ll"XtritVaga"t 11tral that ono wbo know b(m kh6uld . . ..., fint)[1
cointgote extingubibe. �i ib the, little folks, The fly to slop It, Wits to sitip huy OR. 17 W."..". -W OfAIIII01'14 04)II11)(11111d 114111 I'llin. till , .." ,-,. . I- �. ��
.1 I I I I , . q'i- A-0 110 orolilablo Too 14111all ;? A __J ilarlaw hesiMinvo followed liv I.X14U. or- WoDdeir what %*Lrol�,r Of Wan be migut � .l."10
I 'I. Ajs.� - . I 0 UaVo Won If he 444 beon tralnod and Ni*!� , ..� . .. .%.. I
atediluirt-Illents"blit )(1twillinlarldrig, I , .
�1�10ilk rot. Reed ttp(,ske on "Peeditig "RyfAP , . . !,
�W_)W��*"_1311 ' . ' craft" Ilemaidthat lJoibesof sanio . itilopearilto tip pl,.'t(,v well hilit-In, Iplineil in q14 Iriatitution of learn- . �1,1
"' ' "
, to'. Ile Might havo been a vory much 9
, w�"e I �gh it do, not alWaVd eat the Sallie ' r le ethe f � . ;I 1 R,
I / �8,gbt ,is published creator man, thintra Mr. nroolco; and ,
I '�o - �60* ,We)gbtofhAy, Ilousefiftorlight,*ork Thl4 01044 11"U"I'lldling lit) Ilia ovatf-m and CIIII'llig t'.1 Pn"o'o . , I
� 0 4 *
�IA' EX610SIVO X" tspi�elftlly for towns# villaget;
Bljisilaers..�*�, MMWA�� or 4ritingdo hett,et 611 bay twive it diseakied ieAtilling from poo �
."'r an I I 4,nil ri;ral 414tr r blood. than. too, his.raw rocoAlrect; miglit not "I
. 114A to W.9storn 23 voltm Air ZO dojea, For tusle isy all I have bomi ro nl,ong and abundant .n* �
�/ ,"If, arid their only Whitt will eleall"Il' - ,�#� , WORKMAN.
13ftoilles 9 pleasure ", I , blitgria,
j,jill gn fixtosinion Dvskl AlloltAys tho Pot, oftAswtilti ,Ohp t in till hour stid a Imif. Clenn, out it, 4tves all the" uavus up to drugalatp. der a iolloiasile rule. . I
fjot Its volip Onlee. ;�, his b"a romarked many tlmes�abll t out 4,6oget 11
MAng6j'aftor enting. 011jilt keep Ilay on* OvAWIN each 44y, . —.4--- Wbon he Wan a lad of nino yearn Ito I I
, ,
Y� Stott., 41*aysi betotv, file Iss,voo. the digootive TelujIng . tortl li, 0=1411n, I Was oftered froo tuition in the acadovay � .1 "
1110410. I a full Swint dive orSistit, At the DIViGIOn (11111ft M 131"1090's T, at Exeter, New 11ampahlro. lits Dar. _ _ ;; !
it Ittiolat i1sts, We- -Are I , �yt; It K out orgas,r ortisr#of, AboutllbiDtbily � loor pan, Lattfat Ucal Atfid
@Kvt* runnis, eft-li.. tmom Goods. -tind yoft stris JnV pxedytO c0ftle to #voryr,100 firtot horseld genefaliv I 9 rarthig. Ill. Mesituglitorl. Illediml Health onto dedined'the oiler, partly thraT.tga .
� , In Arid seft them- It* Ill HOV W tIt1!ftf4sftv coniodered CoNeet. PlefOr chollf)(4i It to'Ate"s 0101; to twOlV6 0 -$7 Otir Tools and every hich of our 11ardware,
valit able tittle. . Illeer, ig going I -lie town im -'MAj for, prido, Mr. Groeloy 4botif4tit. althoultu
. Tho &11 TdWioml (30 to purchase eithor, but If yqd with. %va will opits, If wovicivp. vnry hatil would vax�,* Ave days & week. "d Itte'lleal attendatien (is Alex. Vor-ylh norninally bovango lits T30tilov W068 on -
Geo. POrt( . put Itaide Anything YOU Ab*Y 010t until t-ather givotant, te stlm,i the four awwon vages on gettorday, 3%ritt (alolly wlikki ill Wall typhoid willing to ]part with him at that tendor so far ar, we can coinniand it, are of the t)est
_ ,
lAftt No'? aver. G Ili you do roiltil". galiong lit three fcodo, . Sitaw and Italf-tollo and othor 11100tra. fbVep. __*_ 0,jo. Z,,atpr ill life.. opoaldnir ot this materials onlv, and, in the bands of a good
104'b Our Art CAlan4a &i1a ftipike goNt tatioua fA)t Idle littises. pe ear evpry L -
" ,,Ary vttrltur"over.' Nothi ��ott will go into , flonit of important dolnffs and 'ng. ta luro to ONTO ain academic courto of worlctnan,
*00 *4('W**-- to tutpot" 014,10 Note Ito tit (tied an idlo hotgo, aiiig- 31ky. LiMping. Limp. I Instruction, ho Daid: "I suppose I
icog ranat. from SO to 8ZIA. (at i5ils 06" only. , I aut I an -
IT" ii� . rr , food of XtAirt berilro's hfkr4 dav's work. T116 Maturday, taltlarl 41pua Is Front rornnp. Xa live"'Iltv for oftht to h8 ftovrr, T , ,not,cauch.# . .
11 I (1wrif I I It Vott warit 4a lie 'goild tor him wait *Grth the prIC6, thttt. Ptjtt)jjhea 1111111leta (!c.ru V,,%-' Mr. Oredosr afteebod eontompt too
� A llkl�`,;Ilre!a' M11131'es Mmpaninv. .1pirsiZe rilk Is, 4,1110+ though 8"Itscriotions recolvoil itt atar T V4( � 'YIELD THE BEST RESULTS,
. I f the 0 tilt the dwplk w, _t(;r jVjjjjjVVq 1111 r j,(,ejlq'jtjj�j,0 or'� Colltea.(AU(,at"d 1110n, and %Vda A4�cus�
,_ _
orA In 4 nx* ii't-11 never feed a *11010 WPM lor % vell "10. Add"09-�p 'MA110 lit ofifflit twority-faill, ImIlrd, tomod to Gay. witil cob'It awph=ls, "Of �
�' itliwa ti
apectal , oustot Christmas, slid t4t tired I I 1,04 As a toile, Wnfiet VOlon Ik I'llia 1; 1,0;ahle 11401 11"Al iort� , 'Ydlllv cil Catticl, tho M6.1t U501CV-3 M a jlowr. We aim to have abqoLmt4-, fairnesq"characterj2o out
" , 1I:( blzTh! 14"i4d rm orm lsill� lad ir natill, dealings, and you'41 find our goodo, roliable whea
/ the her Is thillitiv. tho"Ril not boat drIlpt$(4t Will 1111h f(IntilItL' It, if vi 1A I'll 0 rj= I'll ft colicuo'briAl r
Ama V011mo-i to, 1140"Iftfront. ,W hfrA, Ili C4nAd*, CA", Von x0t ,tit wat,or heavy after big fe-ed of ou's I , LONDON, ONT, ok blin, 33or-Ilrerj%nd get Ilti(nitio', $1,10 to to all afloc-tation In. reliabilkfy i;� tord to find.
t u,h. vro, thi,q fat ^ t#oj fkjok Atot* and tlOb & vhOXAS 641A or julso(,diately I)Prqte going to wm k. � � t callueg Ito rin III. � tolidod to jactlir Ilia Own lacir of ni'llol-
S.w** rit'id 11voln Dooks, for all Chutth*11- � IIL%Avt% 060" rttuskil Ly ovirt, loltdit)K �, . I X001("aftlo -_�_ + - �_ .- ,,, atallip, an it 110 woro tho 0111AIng oi- � I
tho 9 -ow Hvitin Book tot AU G#o%%0!6 Church, rAnXIII9 tit tho sit"Illitell. i'Aiserintly it food If% tkot � l, PjDtv. Thettwtoog; ofrl, V.Nn, ro, &Jorria ampla ot wliat a areat oaltor couI4 ibo . ' I
Aah to A"� tl*rm I �,, - � vlesin. tk"- a his ieotli once a Te -,W. j . , known Ito ulogj? riviDool, at It lifle. lla%e Wittlout irpodal tralolgic. An a r"'Atior 10" L L
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